Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'

Page created by Ruby Moore
Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'
Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association 3A Girls’
 Volleyball Provincial Championships
               November 21-24

        Hosted by Beaverlodge Regional High School
                    Updated: 2018.11.21 9:00 am
Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'
ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials Information Page
Welcome to the 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincial Championships. Congratulations on the
great season that got you here! We hope you enjoy your weekend, and we are pleased to be
hosting you.


Beaverlodge Regional High School
1034 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge AB
Website: www.pwsd76.ab.ca/schools/brhs
Phone: 780.354.2189

St. Mary School
100 13th Street, Beaverlodge AB
Website: www.stmarybv.gpcsd.ca/
Phone: 780.354.2944

Tournament Contacts:
Tournament Chair: Erin Martin                      BRHS Principal: Anna Nelson
erinmartin@pwpsd.ca                                annanelson@pwsd76.ab.ca

Host Website:
The tournament draw will updated with results, and the live streaming link will be posted and
updated through the host website.

Registration Fees:

Entry Fee: $520.00
Banquet fee: $25.00 per ticket (maximum 15 tickets per team)

Please bring one cheque for all of your fees made payable to Beaverlodge Regional High School.
Cheque can be delivered at Coaches’ meeting.

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Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'
Tournament at a Glance:

Monday November 19

Registration Deadline (host school website)                12:00 pm
Breakfast Banquet Ticket Purchase Deadline                 12:00 pm

Wednesday November 21

Teams Arrive                                           3:30-8:00 pm
Practice Times at BRHS and St. Mary                    4:00-8:00 pm
(45 minute time slots)
Team Pictures (taken prior to practice) at BRHS
Coaches’/Captains’ Meetings The Pomeroy Hotel               9:00 pm

Thursday November 22

Breakfast Banquet                                           9:00 am
Opening Ceremonies                                          1:00 pm
Round Robin Game Play @ BRHS and St. Mary                   2:30 pm

Friday November 23

Round Robin Game Play @ BRHS and St. Mary          9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Saturday November 24

Round Robin Game Play @ BRHS and St. Mary         8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Tiebreaker Games (in necessary)                             12:15 pm
Playoff Round                                                1:00 pm
Gold Medal Match and Awards Presentations                    5:30 pm

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Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'
Detailed Tournament Event Schedule:

Wednesday November 21

  •   Teams Arrive
  •   Pick up Registration Package at BRHS
  •   Practice @ BRHS and St. Mary Beaverlodge
             Practice Times 3:30 - 8:00 (45 minute slots, see schedule)
  •   Team photos (as teams arrive for practice) at BRHS
  •   9:00 pm Coaches’ and Captains’ Meetings at Pomeroy Hotel

Thursday November 22

  •   9:00 am Breakfast Banquet at Pomeroy Inn (teams uniforms/track suits)
         o Photo booth/Music/Games for meals
         o Welcome address - Ryan Pomeroy
         o Speakers and Video Presentation
  •   12:00 pm Begin meeting at BRHS
  •   1:00 Opening Ceremonies at BRHS
         o Speakers: Anna Nelson, Principal and Gary Rycroft, Mayor of Beaverlodge
         o Musical Presentations
  •   2:30pm Round Robin Matches begin at BRHS and St. Mary

Friday November 23

  •   Round Robin Matches at both schools continue all day 9 am -7 pm

Saturday November 24

  •   8:30 am -12 pm Round Robin Play Continues
  •   12:15 pm Tiebreaker Matches (if necessary)
  •   1:00 pm Playoff Round
  •   4:00 pm Bronze Medal Match and Medal Presentation
  •   5:30 pm Gold Medal Match and Medal Presentation

2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                            3
Volleyball Provincial Championships - Alberta Schools' Athletic Association 3A Girls'
Gym Locations in Beaverlodge:

                                                    St. Mary Catholic School
                                                    100 13th Street, Beaverlodge AB

                                                    Beaverlodge Regional High School
                                            H       1034 2nd Avenue, Beaverlodge AB

            1                                                 Grocery/Convenience
                   5                                          1: IGA Grocery Store
                                                              2: TGP Grocery Store
                                                              3: Circle K Convenience
                                                              4: Esso Convenience

                         7 6                                  First Aid/Equipment
                                                              5: Rexal Drug Store
                                                              6: Mint Pharmacy
                                       2                      7: Ace Hardware
                                 3                            H: Hospital

                                                              Gas/Service Stations
                                        5                     3: FasGas
                                                              4: Esso
                                                              8: Petro Canada

                                                9             9: Giant Beaver


2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                               4

Pomeroy Hotel & Conference Centre
                      11633 100th Street
                      Grande Prairie, AB
                      T8V 3Y4

                      P. 780.532.5221
                      F. 780.532.5441
                      D. 780.832.2437

Rate                              $139.00
GST                     5%         $6.95
DMF                     3%         $4.17
GST on DMF              5%         $0.21
HST                     4%         $5.56
HST on DMF              4%         $0.17
# Rooms                  1        $156.06

Holiday Inn Express
                                            10226 117th Avenue
                                            Grande Prairie, AB
                                            T8V 7S5
                                            P. 1.877.660.8550
                                            D. 780.814.9446
                                            E. fd@hixpgp.com

Rate                            $129.00
GST                   5%         $6.45
DMF                   3%         $3.87
GST on DMF            5%         $0.19
HST                   4%         $5.16
HST on DMF            4%         $0.15
# Rooms                1        $144.83

2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                        5
Coaches’ and Captains’ Meetings:
The Coaches’ meetings will be held at the Pomeroy Hotel at 9 pm on Wednesday.
Items to be discussed will include:
    1. ASAA Regulations and Officials
    2. Tournament Draw and Format
    3. Facilities (Parking, Change rooms, Washrooms)
    4. Opening Ceremonies
    5. Banquet
    6. Officials, score keepers and lines people
    7. Grievance Committee and Appeal Procedures
    8. Coaches’/Officials’ Lounge
    9. Questions

Breakfast Banquet:
Thursday will begin with the Breakfast Banquet at the Pomeroy Hotel, beginning at 9:00 am.
Please have your team dress in team uniforms or track suits.
The cost is $25.00 per ticket, with a maximum of 15 tickets per team.
During the banquet, teams will be taking part in various bonding exercises, and a photo booth
and DJ will be present.
Former team Canada volleyball player Ryan Pomeroy will provide the welcoming address.

Opening Ceremonies:
After the conclusion of the Breakfast Banquet, please have your teams move from Grande Prairie
to Beaverlodge Regional High School for the Opening Ceremonies. Note that it is approximately
a ½ hour drive from The Pomeroy Hotel to BRHS, and teams should begin to arrive at
approximately noon.

Beginning at 1:00 pm, the teams will be introduced and local dignitaries will make brief
welcoming statements.

Teams will be dismissed by 2:00.

Practice Schedule:
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
     TIME                      BRHS                            ST. MARY
 3:30 - 4:15                                                     BRHS
 4:15 - 5:00                  Camrose
 5:00 - 5:45              Crescent Heights                     St. Joe’s
 5:45 - 6:30                 Morinville                         Brooks
 6:30 – 7:15                    PWA                        Calgary Christian
 7:15 – 8:00                Eagle Butte                   Edmonton Christian

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                      6
2018 ASAA 3A Girls’ Volleyball Provincial Championships Tournament Draw
Black Pool                      Red Pool
 Peace Wapiti Academy          Cochrane High School
 Eagle Butte                   Edmonton Christian
 Cold Lake                     Camrose Composite High
 Calgary Christian             Morinville Community High
 Brooks Composite High         St. Joseph Catholic High
 Beaverlodge Regional          Crescent Heights High

Thursday, November 22

Time           BRHS                                           St. Mary’s
 2:30 pm      Eagle Butte vs Beaverlodge         Cochrane vs Edmonton Christian
 3:45 pm      Crescent Heights vs Camrose        Peace Wapiti vs Calgary Christian
 5:00 pm      St. Joseph vs Morinville           Cold Lake vs Brooks

Friday, November 23

Time           BRHS                                            St. Mary’s
 9:00 am      Peace Wapiti vs Beaverlodge       Eagle Butte vs Brooks
 10:15 am     Cochrane vs Crescent Heights      Cold Lake vs Calgary Christian
 11:30 am     Camrose vs Morinville             Edmonton Christian vs St. Joseph
 12:45 pm     Peace Wapiti vs Brooks            Beaverlodge vs Calgary Christian
 2:00 pm      Cochrane vs Camrose               Crescent Heights vs St. Joseph
 3:15 pm      Eagle Butte vs Cold Lake          Morinville vs Edmonton Christian
 4:30 pm      Brooks vs Beaverlodge             St. Joseph vs Camrose
 5:45 pm      Crescent Heights vs Edmonton      Calgary Christian vs Eagle Butte
 7:00 pm      Cochrane vs Morinville            Peace Wapiti vs Cold Lake

Saturday, November 24

Time            BRHS                                             St. Mary’s
 8:30 am      Calgary Christian vs Brooks        Edmonton Christian vs Camrose
 9:45 am      Crescent Heights vs Morinville     Cochrane vs St. Joseph
 11:00 am     Peace Wapiti vs Eagle Butte        Beaverlodge vs Cold Lake
 12:15 pm     Tiebreaker matches
 1:00 pm      PO1: 2nd in Black vs 3rd in Red   PO2: 3rd in Black vs 2nd in Red
 2:30 pm      PO4: 1 Red vs Winner PO1
                                                PO3: 1st in Black vs Winner PO2
 4:00 pm      Bronze Medal: Loser PO3 vs Loser PO4
              Bronze Medal Presentation
 5:30 pm      Gold Medal: Winner PO3 vs Winner PO4
              Gold Medal Presentation

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                           7

Beaverlodge Regional High School (BRHS)

Main Entrance:                 Bus Parking:   (drop players at Main Entrance)
Gymnasium:                     Car Parking:   (observe school bus zones during school hours)

2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                      8

St. Mary Catholic School

Main Entrance:                  Bus Route:
Player Drop:                    Bus Parking:   (busses may park in bus route on Friday/Saturday)

Gymnasium:                      Car Parking:   (observe school bus zones during school hours)

Please note that St. Mary is newly constructed and therefore will not show up on
most computer mapping software and navigation aids.

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                      9
Change Rooms:
There will be change rooms provided for teams before and after matches at both schools. These
change rooms are shared with students at each school. Athletes are cautioned not to leave
anything in the change rooms. Peace Wapiti School Division will not be responsible for lost or
stolen items left in the change rooms. Athletes will not be allowed to change in public, please do
so in the change rooms.

Coaches and Official Hospitality Rooms:
Hospitality rooms for coaches and officials will be provided at both venues. Many of the items in
these rooms have been donated by local business and parents/staff. Please take the time to go
in and have a rest. If you see one of the organizers please let them know if you need anything.

Athletes and coaches will all be given an official ID bracelet to allow entry to all gymnasiums.
All spectators will need to purchase a pass to watch the competition and must present their pass
at the gate each time they enter a venue. Passes are good for all facilities for the duration of the
provincial tournament.

                                       Adult            Student/Senior

 Tournament Pass:                     $20.00                 $15.00
 Day Entry                            $10.00                 $8.00
 Children 10 and Under are Free

Tournament Programs will be available for purchase at each school for a price of $5.00.

Team Photos: Team photos will be taken following registration, prior to team practices on
Wednesday November 21st at the BRHS Library. Please ensure your team is dressed and
prepared for the photo prior to your scheduled practice time.
Action Shots: Action shots will be available from the tournament website as they throughout and
after the tournament.

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Elite Promotional Marketing will be providing preprinted tournament apparel. Tournament
merchandise will be available at BRHS only. Please note that merchandise sales will be CASH
ONLY sales.

First Aid:
Please ensure you bring an individual medical kit for your team. We encourage teams to tape,
wrap and attend to your own athletes. If you require additional assistance we will have trained
High School First Responders on site to assist you. They can also provide ice and additional first
aid supplies.

Emergency Action Plan:
In the event of an emergency the facilities manager will contact 9-1-1, stay on the phone with
EMS and greet Emergency Responders at the front doors of either school.

High School First Responders can assist the team’s medical personnel by:
1. Exercising universal precautions related to blood and bodily fluids.
2. Not moving an injured student athlete, if a student athlete cannot move by him/herself, do
    not move the body part for him/her.
3. Instructing any bystanders to leave the injured student alone.
4. Not removing the student athlete’s equipment unless emergency treatment is required e.g.
    CPR or artificial respiration
5. Assess the injury; evaluating the severity of the injury and decide if further assistance is
6. If an ambulance is not needed, then decide what action is to be taken to remove the injured
    student athlete from the playing surface
7. If an ambulance is required: request assistance from the facility manager by having this
    person call an ambulance with the all relevant information (nature of emergency, precise
    location, telephone number of location) and have them report back to you with estimated
    time of arrival, then send them to the access entrance to wait for the ambulance.
8. Once the call has been placed, observe the injured student athlete carefully for any change
    in condition and try to reassure the injured student until professional help arrives
9. Do not provide the injured student athlete with food or drink, unless otherwise indicated by
    situation e.g. diabetes, hydration…

Responsibilities of the Site Managers / High School First Responders:
   •   Ensure the perimeter of the gym is free of any tripping hazards (including bags, jackets,
   •   Ensure there is adequate parking for emergency vehicles at the front of the school.
   •   Ensure the playing surface is free of debris (dust/dirt) and liquids which could
       compromise the players’ footing.
   •   Ensure there is an ice and plastic bag supply for all teams to treat acute injuries.

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                         11
•   Ensure the teams have access to any first-aid supplies which they may need.
   •   Ensure evacuation maps with fire extinguisher and fire alarms are posted in highly visible
   •   Ensure that fans are not are not impeding the safety of players with their
       seating/standing location.
   •   Know when to contact Emergency Medical Services.
   •   Provide an EAD for any emergency medical situation
Beaverlodge Regional High School Site Manager: Rob Sorochan robsorochan@pwpsd.ca
St. Mary Beaverlodge Site Manager: Michael Rourke michaelrourke@pwpsd.ca

Grievance Committee:
A committee has been organized to deal with discipline and grievance issues that may arise.
There are two functions of this committee at provincials:
 1. To deal with matters that may occur during competition, which may include hearing appeals
    of coach or athlete ejections (ejection from a match is an automatic suspension from the
    next match)
 2. To handle any other matters, associated with the tournament, outside the game, that may
    require dispute resolution. The grievance committee will consist of a minimum of three
    members (which may include but not be limited to (coaches, site managers, tournament
    chair and the head official).

Scorekeepers and Linespeople:
BRHS students will be scheduled to fill these needs. Please treat these individuals with respect. If
you have a concern with the scorekeeping or lines people address it through the Officials and/or
Facility Managers.
Do not direct comments to the minor officials.

Criteria for team/individual sportsmanship awards will be included in coach’s packages as well as
given to the committee at the beginning of Provincials. Coaches are asked to fill out nomination
papers prior to the end of the Championship. Individual Awards (only) will be announced
throughout the tournament and Team Awards winners will be notified by the ASAA within one
week of event.

Award Presentations:
Awards ceremonies will occur immediately following the Gold and Bronze medal matches at
BRHS. Teams are asked to line up on the sidelines facing the crowd in front of their benches after
the handshake.

School Rules:
During Thursday and Friday competition and activities, please be advised that classes will be in
session during class time and other events will be going on in the school. Please be courteous

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                         12
and respectful during this time and for the duration of the tournament. Please be sure to only
use your gym footwear and practice balls when in the gymnasium(s).
ABSOLUTELY NO warming up or playing with balls in the commons area or hallways of any of the
ABSOLUTELY NO changing of uniforms/warm up tops at courtside.
Code of Conduct of Players:
Players should:
Conduct themselves in a positive nature/manner during, before and after the game
Offer positive feedback to opponents during the game
Shake hands before and after the game
Be courteous, polite and friendly
Show good sportsmanship during the game
Show concern, respect or empathy for an opponent

Code of Conduct of Spectators:
Teams are responsible for their own spectators. Any spectators not acting accordingly will be
asked to leave the facility. Air horns and other artificial noise-makers will not be allowed.
Spectators should show good sportsmanship and consistently give positive feedback to players,
coaches, etc.

Discipline and Misconduct:
The following is the ASAA statement on discipline:
   1) The head coach, as a representative of the school is responsible for the conduct of all
        persons comprising the school’s team including assistant coaches, players and bench
   2) For a coach to address, or permit anyone on his/her bench to address uncomplimentary
        remarks to any official during the progress of a provincial championship, or to indulge in
        conduct that might incite players or spectators against the officials, is a violation of the
        rules of the game and must likewise be considered conduct unworthy of a coach.
   3) Behavior by any member of a team, including all bench personnel, deemed objectionable
        conduct as defined in the rulebook shall be immediately subject to the penalty prescribed
        in the rulebook for such an offense.

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                       13
Alberta Schools Athletic Association Code of Ethics:
Adults who work with students in interscholastic activities should present a positive role model
for them to emulate. Students who represent a school in interscholastic activities must be
creditable school citizens.
The Association recognizes that the school administration is responsible for all athletic programs
and the conduct of all school representatives, whatever the level and location of the
competition. In recognition of this authority and responsibility, the Association presents the
following general guidelines.

Fair Play and Sportsmanship: All competitions must be conducted with a high standard of
courtesy, fair play and sportsmanship. All those involved share this responsibility.

   A. Coaches - The coaches must demonstrate qualities of courtesy and good sportsmanship.
      These are evidenced by proper acceptance of officials’ judgment, positive
      encouragement of player performance and bench behavior.
   B. Athletes - Athletes must demonstrate qualities of courtesy and good sportsmanship by
      proper acceptance of officials’ judgment and by showing proper respect for opposing
      athletes as well as for teammates.
   C. Cheerleaders - Cheerleaders must demonstrate courtesy and good sportsmanship by the
      appropriateness and timeliness of the cheers they lead, respect for the other
      cheerleaders and athletes, and their attempts at effective crowd control.
   D. Spectators - Spectators, both student and adult, must demonstrate courtesy and good
      sportsmanship by positive cheers of encouragement for their team, not against the
      opposing team. This is evidenced by the absence of booing and vulgarities. Spectators
      must also show proper acceptance of officials’ judgment. Artificial noisemakers are not
      permitted during provincial championship tournaments/events. These noisemakers may
      include but are not limited to: air horns, cowbells, plastic tube horns, garbage can lids,
      etc. The provincial championship host shall have the authority to eject from the
      competition facility individuals who, following a warning, refuse to comply with this
   E. Administrators and Teachers - Administrators and teachers must demonstrate courtesy
      and good sportsmanship by their positive examples.

 2018 ASAA 3A Girls Volleyball Provincials                                                      14
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