Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training

Page created by Cynthia Pratt
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Virtual ISPOR 2021
Speaker Technical Training
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training

    This training is designed to help prepare Moderators, Speakers, and Discussion Leaders who are
    participating in LIVE sessions at Virtual ISPOR 2021.

    Throughout the training, the ISPOR Team will address details specific to:
    • Issue Panels
    • Workshops
    • Forums
    • Group Discussions
2   • Educational Symposia
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
In this Speaker Training Guide, we will cover

                       Virtual Conference Overview
                                                                     This training
              What to Expect: Before and During the Virtual       guide is filled with
                              Conference                             a multitude of
                                                                   information and
                      Pro Tips for Participating in an            tips to aid in your
                             Online Session                       role as a program
                                                                    participant for

           Preparing to Participate: Technical Requirements and
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Virtual Meeting
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Virtual Conference Overview
    o   This is a blended learning experience designed to connect thought leaders and attendees in a
        virtual environment accessible from anywhere in the world through an online platform.

    o   The Virtual ISPOR 2021 conference will be comprised of LIVE and Prerelease (On-Demand)
        session access. All sessions (playback from LIVE and On-Demand) will be available within the
        platform until June 30.

    o   The Virtual ISPOR 2021 Meeting is scheduled for May 17-20, 2021.

Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
How it All Works: LIVE Sessions – High Level

                                                    VIRTUAL ISPOR 2021!!
             Install Zoom on your                     May 17 – 20, 2021
                                                  Moderators and Speakers will
            (refer to slide #22 for the link)     sign in to present their session
                                                   and participate in a live Q&A

         Prior to the conference, test            Prior to Virtual ISPOR 2021,
            your audio and video                   practice signing into virtual
                                                    platform and finding your
          (refer to slide #23 for instructions)

Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Together we
 adapt and
move forward

               Best Practices for
                Preparing and
               Participating in a
                Virtual Meeting
Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Pro Tips for Moderators, Speakers, and Panelists
               The same strategy that applies to face-to-face meetings,
                             applies to virtual meetings

                                             - Understand the overall objective of your

                                             - Work with fellow speakers/panelists to
                                               ensure everyone’s respective content
                                               aligns with one another’s and supports
                                               the objectives for the session

                                             - The content of each presentation should
                                               compliment and, preferably, builds on
                                               each other

Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
General Pro Tips
    •       Moderators/Speakers Should Meet Up in Advance of the conference
             – Try to schedule a call to review content and slides for each
               presentation or discuss via email
    •       Nothing derails a great session more than having one (or more!)
            speaker(s) speak much longer than had been planned…
             – A good rule of thumb is no more that 1 slide per minute of
                presentation time

    •       Sign into the Live Virtual Meeting on–time

Virtual ISPOR 2021 Speaker Technical Training
Pro Tips for Q&A: Issue Panels | Workshops | Forums | Educational Symposia

      •      Prepare several questions for the Q&A portion in case there are no
             immediate questions from the audience.
              – This is also an opportunity to punctuate key points from your
              – Share your questions, with the Moderator and fellow
                 speakers/panelists, during the Warm-Up Session.
      •      During the live Q&A portion of the session, the goal for
             speakers/panelists, is not to simply answer questions, but to draw links
             between the questions and their content.
          During your session, questions will be submitted by attendees via the Q&A Feature. In addition to
                    submitting questions, attendees can upvote questions from other attendees.
                       How to manage session Q&A is covered on slides 38-39 in this guide.
Tips for Q&A Success: As the Session Moderators and Discussion Leaders

 o   Announce the Q&A session timing at the beginning of the session:
     This accomplishes two things:
         1. Your audience is reassured that they will get to ask their questions
         2. Your audience is encouraged to start thinking of questions.

 o   As the Q&A session begins, let your audience know how much time you have: “We have about
     fifteen minutes for your questions.”

 o   Don’t end the Q&A session abruptly. Let the audience know: “We have time for two or three
     more questions.”

 o   When your speakers have finished answering questions, repeat the main theme or key
     messages of your session, or repeat the call to action if applicable. This technique will
     bring closure to the process and reinforce your messages.

Pro Tips for Q&A: Group Discussions

      •     Prepare a few questions to start the discussion
      •     Share your questions, in advance, with fellow Discussion Leaders
            to allow them to prepare

          During your discussion group, attendees can ask questions out loud and/or via the Chat Feature.
                             How to manage Chat is covered on slide 40 in this guide.

                                                                                          Page 12
Group Discussion: Sample Engagement Formula

                 5       • Frame Your Session: What
                           is the group going to do
              Minutes      over the next 60 minutes?

                        40 - 45         • Group

                                         10-15         • Wrap up

Slide Deck Development Tips and ISPOR Requirements
      •   16:9 widescreen format is required for all presentations
      •   You may use your own template, no standard template is required
      •   First slide: provide a conflict-of-interest statement
      •   Second slide: provide the presentation title, your name and affiliation(s)
               – Last slide: include presenter contact information so that attendees may           If you are
                  reach out should they have additional questions                                 using slides

      • Use easy-to-read fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman
      • Use a font size of 20 or bigger
           – Avoid excessive detail and limit text to the essentials (6-8 lines per slide, no more than 30 words per slide)
      • Don’t use full sentence; use keywords and bulleted lists

      •   Avoid unusual colors and busy backgrounds
      •   Always have high contrast between colors (e.g., background and text)
      •   Balance text and images
Pro tips: Beyond the Slide Deck, DOs
                    Sessions are much more engaging when we can see our experts speak
                                         Camera Positioning and Lighting
Be sure that your camera is properly positioned on the main monitor you will be using for the virtual meeting. Make sure it’s in a stable position
 and focused at your eye level. Doing so allows for more direct engagement with the other meeting participants. Also, be sure you have good
                                               lighting; natural side lighting is usually the best.

                                                                              Check out these pro tips from Articulate

When attending a virtual conference with video, the rule is to dress as if you were in the office. Remember, that appearance is not limited just
to you. Be aware of the condition of your surroundings. Messy piles of paper on your desk? Piles of laundry? Stack of dirty dishes? Anything
                                            else distracting behind you or in view of the camera?

Eliminate distractions and focus on the meeting. Turn off notifications, close or minimize running applications and mute cell phones, streaming
                                                                 radio, etc., are
Let’s see how

The Virtual Platform works with Zoom Polling
Virtual events, just like face-to-face events, should be about engagement,
participation, and discussion as a means to learn beyond passive

Zoom polling allows you to create single choice or multiple-choice
polling questions for your presentation. These polling questions
will be launched during your presentation for attendees to respond
to in real-time.

Developing Your Polling Questions
     • Questions must be submitted in multiple choice format. This includes
       true/false and yes/no.

     • Make questions short and simple. Limit answer choices to 5 total.

     • Allow time for discussion of the response results. Build in approximately 1-
       2 minutes for presenting and polling and 2-3 minutes for discussion of
       each question.

     • A maximum number of 5 total questions may be submitted to ISPOR.
       Use questions sparingly to highlight the points you want to emphasize most.
Submitting Your Polling Questions

 Submit your questions to
      Jess Warner at
                                         ISPOR staff will create              ISPOR Staff will open each
                                          your polling questions                 poll during your live
   Questions must be                           within Zoom                          presentation.
submitted in the order in
     which they will
 presented. All questions              Note: In your slide deck, be           Note: the polling questions
   must be in a multiple                 sure to include prompt                  will not be added to
choice format and include              slides for cueing the polls.              presentation decks.
  no more than 5 answer

               Polling questions submission deadline has been extended to by Friday, May 7.
Preparing to
 and Set-Up
What Technology is Needed to Participate in Virtual ISPOR 2021?

 •     A computer with:
        – a hard line (wired ethernet) to the internet (preferred for best quality)
        – Zoom software downloaded (refer to next page)
        – Speakers
        – a built in Microphone, USB microphone, or an inline
           microphone on headphones.
              •   Note: if you do not have a microphone hook up, we suggest using the dial-in number option to ensure better
                  sound quality

                                                        Pro Tip
                                                Use a head set with
                                                built in microphone
ZOOM: Set Up
     •      ISPOR uses the ZOOM Webinar platform for virtual meetings.
                                             NEW to Zoom Meetings?

                                   No Problem                   Download this link


         Unsure if you have Zoom already on your computer? That’s OK. Go ahead and click the link above to open a
         Zoom test. If you have Zoom already, your computer will simply upgrade to the latest version and if you’re new,
         Zoom will be added to your computer.

Overview: Testing Your Audio & Video Before the Virtual Meeting

      •   Test your speakers and mic to ensure your audio is working correctly with Zoom.
           –   Prerequisite: To test the audio you must have Zoom installed on your computer.
           –   NOTE: There are two ways to join meeting audio, joining via computer or joining via telephone.
               ISPOR recommends joining by computer

                      Log in once and test your audio AND video as well as upload a profile picture. Join a
          PRO Tips    test meeting to test your audio and familiarize yourself with meeting controls ahead of
                      the Practice Run.

      •   On Windows or Mac:
           –   Testing your audio before a meeting
             1. Log in to Zoom
             2. On the first screen, select Test speaker and microphone.

Testing Your Audio: After Signing into Zoom

                                                                                 To begin testing audio, select

     The meeting will display a pop-up window to test your speakers. If you don't hear the ringtone, use the drop-down
     menu or click No to switch speakers until you hear the ringtone. Click Yes to continue to the microphone test.
Setting the Stage: ISPOR Virtual Zoom Backgrounds
ISPOR has created 4 virtual meeting backgrounds for program participants to choose from. Using an ISPOR background
is optional.

You may use a virtual background even if you do not have a green screen. It is best to use a blank backdrop when using one
of the virtual backgrounds. ISPOR has provided several options for your use. To download, click on link below. The Image
will open in new window. Right click on image and choose "Save As".

                       Background #1       Background #2       Background #3      Background #4

                               To change your background, you will need to:
                               •   Save the background of your choice to your computer
                               •   Once in Zoom, click on the up arrow next to the camera
                               •   Select “choose a virtual background”
                               •   Select the saved background file from the prompt window.
Zoom Terms

      •   Host: That’s ISPOR

      •   Panelist: No matter your role in the conference, all
          Moderators and Speakers are known as “Panelists”
          in Zoom.

Conference Time!
 What You Need
    to Know.
Day of the Live Virtual Meeting, What to Expect:
Issue Panel | Workshop | Forum | Educational Symposia

       Step 1             Step 2                 Step 3                Step 4
                                           Say hello to
                                           your fellow
 Sign into the          Find your            session                LIVE will
    virtual          session, then         participants            present in
   platform.         select the join       and ISPOR                real-time
                          webinar           host (staff).
                                                                   Following the
                      button. Zoom          Note: The first 30          LIVE
                                             minutes of the
                       Webinar will       session is dedicated     presentation,
                      open and you           to ensuring all      speakers will be
                     will be joined as    session participants    able to address
                         a Panelist
                                         can log in followed by      attendee
                                           a brief run through      questions.
                                           before we invite the
                                         live audience into the
Day of the Live Virtual Meeting, What to Expect: Group Discussions

      Step 1              Step 2                  Step 3                Step 4
                                            Say hello to
                                            your fellow
 Sign into the          Find your             session
    virtual           session, then         participants             Hold your
   platform.         select the join        and ISPOR               discussion
                         meeting             host (staff).          in real-time
                     button. A Zoom          Note: The first 30        Discussion
                                              minutes of the
                       meeting will        session is dedicated       leaders can
                      open and you            to ensuring all      engage attendees
                       will join as a      session participants    and encourage a
                                          can log in followed by     conversation.
                                            a brief run through
                                            before we invite the
                                          live audience into the
How to Join Your Virtual ISPOR Session:
  1. Sign into the virtual platform
       •   ACCESS LINK for Virtual ISPOR 2021
       •   Remember to visit the Virtual ISPOR 2021 virtual platform one week prior
           to the conference start date to confirm you have access

  2. Click on Program then select Live Sessions and you will be directed to login

  3. Find and select your session

  4. Then select the JOIN button. The Zoom Webinar will open you will enter the
      session as a Panelist. Note: 30 minutes before your session, you will be able to
      gain access
                                                         Please Note:
       If you are having an issue logging into platform and/or accessing your session, please use the Live Chat and
      you will be given a direct link to your session. Be sure to double check that you are using the email address
 30                           that is associated with previous information received from ISPOR.
If you find yourself in a Zoom Waiting Room

The Waiting Room is enabled to prevent non speakers from accessing the
“meeting room” as panelists.

To trouble shoot: please use the Live Chat and you will be given a direct link to
your session.

                                                                   Be sure to double
                                                                   check that you are
                                                                    using the email
                                                                     address that is
                                                                  associated with your
                                                                     participation in
                                                                      ISPOR 2021.
Finding Live Chat: Quick Assistance/Trouble Shooting

       Look at the bottom right to find the
       blue “Live Chat” widget for technical
       support during the live conference

Session Warm-Up
Prior to the start of the session, the ISPOR staff will review important steps with panelists:

 •     Confirming video and audio
 •     Confirm Polling
 •     Review Q&A
 •     Review mute/video on/off
 •     Share Screen Instructions – Set up slideshow
 •     Attendees will enter in listen-only mode (muted and no video)
 •     To interact with attendees, we will use Q&A and Chat feature

Note: Only when warm-up is complete will the staff member “broadcast the webinar”. This starts the
recording and allows attendees to join. The ISPOR Tech will remain on the entirety of your session.

Audio and Camera: Final Check

     Pro Tip   Be sure to check your audio (speakers and mic) and video camera
               AFTER you the join the conference.

                                                                         Page 34
Screen Sharing
To share your screen first make sure
the slides that you want to share are
open and ready for presentation. No
other windows should be open at
this time (email, chrome, etc.)

In Zoom select “Share Screen”

Screen Sharing Continued
•   A new window will open
•   Select your power point presentation and click “Share“
•   You are now sharing your screen
•   You do not need to select any of the check boxes below

When Your Presentation is Complete
 To stop sharing, select “Stop Share” from the top of your screen

 Please note: you might need to hover your cursor over the screen you are sharing for the
 Zoom controls menu to appear. If you are having trouble with “Stop Share” please let the
 ISPOR staff know, and they stop the share for you. This will be reviewed in the warmup

Working with the Q&A Feature: Issue Panels | Workshops | Forums | Educational Symposia

  1. Select the Q&A icon from the Zoom controls menu

  2. A Pop-Up window will appear for the attendee to type in a

        Attendees can ask questions by clicking on the Q & A icon. During the warm-up
        session speakers should designate one person to monitor the Q&A during
        the session. A number will appear over the Q&A icon as questions come in.

   38        Please note: the chat feature will also be available during your session
Working with Q&A Continued
When you click in the Q&A icon, a window
with the question will open on your screen
and different choices will appear under each

Answer live – this will cue the question to be
answered live on air.

Type answer: panelists can type in an
answer that will not be discussed live on air.

Dismiss answer: In case question or a
question not pertaining to the subject
appears, the ISPOR staff will dismiss the

Session Chat
•    Attendees will be able to use to Zoom chat feature to interact with other
•    An ISPOR staff will serve as a chat moderator and will be present in every
     session to monitor the chat interactions
•    Any questions directed to panelists in the chat will be redirected to the
•    Speakers are welcome to participate in chat but are not required to

         Note for Group Discussions: A separate guide for navigating verbal chat will be sent
                       to you under separate cover. #AttendeeGroundRules

 If you have any technical and/or program
questions, please contact the ISPOR team at

Before concluding today’s speaker training
session, we have a few more resources and
reminders for you:

     Speaker Registration

     Uploading Your Presentation PDF

     Speaker Resource Page

     ISPOR 2021 Community

     ISPOR 2021 Attendee Guide
Registration Reminder
•    Don’t forget to complete your registration – you will not be able to access your session
     without being registered for the conference.

•    Speakers receive a 35% discount off their applicable registration rate.
      – Click here to register for Virtual ISPOR 2021.
      – Enter the promo code Speaker in the source code box to receive the discount.
          • Please note that the promo code is case sensitive.
      – All speakers must be registered before May 10.

•    Government speakers entitled to complimentary registration will automatically
     be registered for Virtual ISPOR 2021. No further action is required.

Uploading Your Presentation PDF
To advance our mission of promoting HEOR excellence to improve decision making for
health globally, ISPOR requests that speakers upload a PDF of their slide presentation.

These PDF presentations will be displayed within the ISPOR Presentation Database
and on the ISPOR website. Only presenters who have provided consent through Speaker
Center will have their PDF presentation displayed.

           Deadline to Submit the Presentation PDF: Thursday, May 13

               Click here to access our PDF Uploading Quick Instruction Guide.

Speaker Resources
     •   Be sure to visit the Speaker Resource page within the Virtual ISPOR 2021
         website for Speaker Guidelines, PDF upload instructions, polling
         information and more.

     •   NEW Resource to be shared soon – virtual Speaker Badges!

ISPOR 2021 Community – NEW this Year!
     o   Connect with attendees well before the live conference begins via the ISPOR Community
         platform. All registered speakers and attendees have access to the Virtual ISPOR 2021 community.

     o   Stop in to view and add to discussion threads, promote your session(s), post questions to gauge
         our audience, find other attendees, gain virtual “travel” tips, and much more.

Attendee Guide
     •   This quick guide addresses accessing and navigating the virtual
         platform for Virtual ISPOR 2021.

     •   Guide highlights include:
          –   an overview of networking activities
          –   finding sessions within the program agenda
          –   visiting exhibits
          –   viewing posters and participating in poster discussions

          Look for the Attendee Guide in an upcoming issue of the Attendee Newsletter and on the
                                 Virtual ISPOR 2021 Conference website.
We cannot say this enough

You can also read