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TOWN OF CLAREMONT FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Liz Ledger Chief Executive Officer Date ___________________
DISCLAIMER Persons present at this meeting are cautioned against taking any action as a result of any Committee recommendations until such time as those recommendations have been considered by Council and the minutes of that Council meeting confirmed.
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS............. 2 2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES ................................................ 2 3 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS ................................................................... 2 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS ..................... 2 5 BUSINESS NOT DEALT WITH FROM A PREVIOUS MEETING ................ 2 6 REPORTS OF THE CEO ............................................................................. 3 6.1 PROGRESS UPDATE ON FORESHORE PROJECTS ............................... 3 7 COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ MOTIONS OF WHICH PREVIOUS NOTICE HAS BEEN GIVEN ...................................................................... 13 8 FUTURE MEETINGS OF COMMITTEE ..................................................... 13 9 DECLARATION OF CLOSURE OF MEETING .......................................... 13 Page (i)
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS Cr Mews welcomed all in attendance and declared the meeting open at 4.05pm. 2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES Cr Chris Mews South Ward Cr Alastair Tulloch East Ward Ms Claire Brittain Community Representative Mr Robert Brereton Community Representative Mr Saba Kirupananther (Director Infrastructure) Mr Andrew Head (Manager Parks and Environment) Mr Nick Bakker (Senior Planner) APOLOGY Mr Ian Hunter Community Representative 3 DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS NIL 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Moved Ms Brittain, seconded Mr Brereton. That the Minutes of the Foreshore Advisory Committee Meeting, held on 21 February 2018 be confirmed. CARRIED(5/18) (NO DISSENT) 5 BUSINESS NOT DEALT WITH FROM A PREVIOUS MEETING NIL Page 2
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 6 REPORTS OF THE CEO 6.1 PROGRESS UPDATE ON FORESHORE PROJECTS File No: GOV/00049 Attachments: CCGS 2018 28 Landscape Revegetation Plan (Attachment 1) Ramp Option One (Attachment 2) Ramp Option Two (Attachment 3) Responsible Officer: Saba Kirupananther Director Infrastructure Author: Andrew Head Manager Parks and Environment Proposed Meeting Date: 15 August 2018 Purpose For the Committee to receive an update about projects that have occurred at the Foreshore and other projects, which are being planned or proposed. Background There are a number of items that the Committee has requested updates on, which include: Claremont Yacht Club issues Christchurch Grammar School works Bethesda foreshore carpark drainage Foreshore tree planting landscape plan. Other items previously discussed are: Ramp at Jetty Road for improved accessibility, and Sand Management Plan progress. Discussion Claremont Yacht Club The Claremont Yacht Club (‘CYC’) have removed the retained area, as per DA2015.00161.This now provides a natural slope, and will assist in reducing the build-up of material such as weed and litter that was previously occurring. The items of additional trees and improved drainage within the carpark have not been actioned by the CYC. Christ Church Grammar School Boat Ramp and Landscaping Progress A site visit inspecting progress of works was undertaken on the 19 July 2018. The ramp and deck construction is progressing, with over 90% of the works completed. Outstanding work includes is the top half flights of stairs. Page 3
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 The progress of works can be seen in the image below: Tuart trees on site have been carefully protected during the construction of the stairs. The photo below indicates how the construction has avoided damage to root systems: In section 3 (Implementation Schedule) of Attachment 1 it states that once construction of the stairs is completed, stabilisation of the areas should occur and that revegetation be undertaken in areas immediately adjacent to the stairs. Page 4
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Currently, planting is completed as per map 3 (page 24) of Attachment 1. As can be seen in the photo below the beach access at low tide has been achieved as a result of these works: Future stages to occur soon after stair construction include the revegetation works stage 2 and 3, which run along either side of the built stairs, and stage 5 works. Many of these areas are quite steep; therefore, geo-fabric will be used, which degrades over time to assist with stabilisation while the new plantings establish. It is expected that all works shown as part of stages 1, 2 and 3 will be completed by end of August 2018 as scheduled. Page 5
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Bethesda Foreshore Carpark The Committee has raised concerns around re-construction of a retaining wall, which failed in 2017. Below are images of the failed and rebuilt limestone retained area on the riverside of the Foreshore carpark: The ‘bubble up pit’ is designed to allow any overflow from the building (1:5yr) and carpark (1:100yr) once first passing through a series of soak wells located within the carpark area. This is consistent with the Western Australian Planning Commission (‘WAPC’) approval 02-50003-3, given to the development on 17 December 2014. Page 6
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Following the 31mm of rainfall on the 27 June 2018 and the 18.8mm on 28 June 2018, the drainage overflow created the washout shown below: Since this incident, the beach erosion has been repaired and he Town has approached Bethesda to do some minor reshaping to the beach grades to reduce chances of further erosion events. Foreshore Tree Planting and Landscape Plan A report on the public consultation for Foreshore tree planting was presented to Council on the 5 June 2018. Only 15.4% of residents supported the proposed tree planting and 61.5% of residents did not support any tree planting at all. Letters were sent out to all residents advising of the outcome of the Council report. No further action is proposed to be taken on this project. There was no expenditure, except the staff time. Improved access at Jetty Road steps As per the Committee’s request at the last meeting, Attachment 2 and Attachment 3 are two designs for a proposed ramp to improve access for all beach users. Option 1 involves the installation of a plastic mesh ramp perpendicular to the beach running off the existing concrete steps. Unfortunately, this alignment then impacts useability of the existing Jetty timber steps. This is due to the last step being lower than the ramp, which would create a tripping hazard. Option 2 provides an appropriate clearance from these steps by putting 45 degree bend in the alignment of the ramp. This would also have the added advantage of providing a more direct route along the beach for residents with lower mobility and allow the ramp to finish higher on the shoreline. Therefore Option 2 is recommended for easy and safe ramp access to the foreshore without causing obstruction to the existing steps from the Jetty. The designer does not believe there is an advantage to installing a second path along the wall of the toilet block. The cost of design by a consultant is $1,100 (ex GST). Page 7
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Sand Management Plan The Swan River Trust grant application was submitted for funding the development of a Sand Management Plan on 13 April 2018. The Riverbank Officer in the Rivers and Estuaries Branch of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has advised that they are currently going through the approval process and expecting the Minister to announce the successful projects in late August 2018. If the Town is successful with the application, additional budgetary items will be requested from Council to co-fund the development of the Plan. Subject to budget approval from Council, the Plan will be completed between February and May 2019. Past Resolutions Ordinary Council Meeting 5 June 2018, Resolution No. 88/18: That Council: 1. Not proceed with the tree planting of the Foreshore between Chester Road and Mrs Herbert’s Park 2. Inform the owners and residents along the above section of the Foreshore. CARRIED Ordinary Council Meeting 17 April 2018, Resolution No. 47/18: That Council: 1. Prepare a concept landscape plan to improve the Foreshore between Chester Road and Mrs Herbert’s Park, which includes the planting of shade trees that are native to the area. 2. Approves the public consultation for the proposed foreshore tree planting, as detailed in Attachment 1. 3. Includes $5,000 allocation for tree planting in the draft 2018-19 Budget for further consideration. 4. Receives a further report on outcomes of the community consultation. CARRIED Foreshore Advisory Committee Meeting 21 February 2018, Resolution No. 02/18: That Committee: 1. Note the progress of the various projects on the Foreshore 2. Support development of the Sand Management Plan for Freshwater Bay 3. Receive a design of a pedestrian ramp for access to the beach at Jetty Road at its next meeting. CARRIED Page 8
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting [1 November 2016], Resolution 177/16: THAT Council: A. Advise the Western Australian Planning Commission that it supports the granting of a planning approval for proposed remedial and upgrade works to foreshore access path and boat ramp at Lots 718, 803, 810 and 811 (19) Queenslea Drive, Claremont subject to the following conditions and advice notes: 1. The stairway be deviated by one metre to the south of the existing Tuart Trees proposed to be removed by the application in order to save these trees and their associated root structures and mitigate against soil erosion on the escarpment. 2. Removal of redundant stairs previously providing access to foreshore by Christ Church Grammar School and re-establish local native vegetation along the former stairway alignments. 3. Set ramp back to align with High Water Mark by cutting back failing wall on dinghy store to provide adequate room along beach and improve hydraulic smoothness of shoreline. 4. Redesign revetment in front of ramps and boat shed to re-establish a natural beach shoreline by removing redundant ramp to a point two meters north of High Water Mark and densely plant remaining revetment areas with Melaleuca and Saltbush as per the species nominated on the plan to improve sediment transport. 5. Provide new cantilever steps from the western landing to the foreshore to the satisfaction of the Town of Claremont to improve pedestrian access to the foreshore. 6. Remove all redundant building materials including but not limited to failed rock wall, ramp and revetment materials. 7. Creation and implementation of a ten year revegetation plan to remove exotic plants and revegetate with provenance seed grown plants to slow erosion across the embankment to the satisfaction of the Town of Claremont. 8. Application is to be made to and a Section 18 approval is to be granted by Department of Indigenous Affairs. 9. Site and Construction Management Plan is required for the construction of the proposed development including details on delivery and service vehicles/craft prior to issue of a Building Permit and implemented for the duration of construction to ensure the adjacent foreshore and vegetation is not damaged during construction works and removal of redundant infrastructure. Advice Notes: (i) A Building Permit must be obtained from the local government prior to the commencement of any building works. Permits for non- residential development must be certified prior to submission. Page 9
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 (ii) It is noted that the existing dingy store is in poor repair. It is advisable for the structural stability of the store to be verified by a structural engineer and that rectification works be undertaken if required. (iii) The applicant/owner is advised of the following health requirements from the Town’s Health Services. Should any advice be unclear, please contact the Town’s Health Services on 9285 4300: a) Works that are to be undertaken on site are to comply with the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997; b) Under the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997, no work is to be permitted or suffered to be carried out: i. Before 7:00am or after 6:00pm between Monday and Saturday inclusive; or ii. On a Sunday or public holiday; c) The applicant is to remove any hazardous materials contained within the building including the portion of the building to remain, at their own expense and in accordance with the Code of Practice on Safe Removal of Asbestos (NOHSC:2002(1988)) as stipulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 1996, and disposed of in accordance with the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992 and the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004. B. Manager Parks and Environment to liaise with Methodist Ladies College with a view to secure removal of any redundant infrastructure and fencing along the foreshore area. CARRIED Ordinary Council Meeting 19 July 2016, Resolution 111/16: That Council approves; 1. The WESROC Foreshore Management Plan Report. 2. The section Appendix E, relating to Town of Claremont. 3. The use of remaining budgets being for Foreshore Stage 1 Management Plan and River Foreshore Erosion control, to be used for the development of detailed plans for: a) Chester Road car park modification design. b) Alex Prior drain outfall. c) Sand accretion and erosion management. CARRIED Financial and Staff Implications The money spent for the Jetty Road Foreshore access design was $1,100 (excl GST) and is in accordance with existing budgetary allocation. The cost estimate for the construction of the ramp would be $12,500. The Council could consider $12,500 in the midyear review. Page 10
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 Swan River Trust grant funding applied for the Sand Management plan is $11,360, of the total cost of $23,220. If the funding is successful, the Town’s cost would be $11,860 and the Council could consider this in the midyear review. Policy and Statutory Implications Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 WESROC Foreshore Management Plan Communication / Consultation The Town will send a letter to Claremont Yacht Club, thanking them for the removal of the retained area on the ramp and remind them of the need to resolve the stormwater within the car park. The Town will send a letter of acknowledgement to Christ Church Grammar School the progress of works in the foreshore including revegetation works. Strategic Community Plan Environmental Sustainability We are a leader in responsibly managing the built and natural environment for the enjoyment of the community and continue to demonstrate diligent environmental practices. Protect and conserve the natural flora and fauna of Lake Claremont and the Foreshore. Urgency Providing an update of projects occurring. Voting Requirements Simple majority decision of Council required. OFFICER RECOMMENDATION Moved Cr Tulloch, seconded Mr Brereton. That the Committee: 1. Requests the Town write to the Claremont Yacht Club to thank them for removal of the retained area on the ramp and remind them of the need to resolve the drainage of stormwater within the carpark 2. Acknowledges the progress of work undertaken by Christ Church Grammar School, which includes the revegetation works 3. Notes the stormwater bubble up structure at Bethesda meets the development approval given by Western Australian Planning Commission 4. Supports the design (Option 2) for Jetty Road ramp access to the Foreshore Page 11
FORESHORE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES 15 AUGUST, 2018 5. Supports the requests for budget allocation as part of mid-year 2018-19 budget review for: a) Jetty ramp Option 2 - $12.500, and b) Sand Management Plan (Town’s component), subject to grant approval - $ 11,860. Mr Bakker left the meeting at 4.29pm. Mr Kirupananther left the meeting at 4.30pm. AMENDMENT Moved Cr Tulloch, seconded Mr Brereton. That Point 3 be amended to read: ‘Notes stormwater is not being retained on site and requests Bethesda rectify the problem’. Reason: The stormwater may not be retained to the satisfaction of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) development approval. CARRIED (6/18) (NO DISSENT) AMENDMENT Moved Cr Tulloch, seconded Ms Brittain. That Point 4 be removed, and Point 5 a) be removed and amended accordingly. Reason: The ramp is not necessary as there is good access at Chester Road boat ramp for kayaks. CARRIED (7/18) (NO DISSENT) THE AMENDED PRIMARY MOTION WAS PUT That the Committee: 1. Requests the Town write to the Claremont Yacht Club to thank them for removal of the retained area on the ramp and remind them of the need to resolve the drainage of stormwater within the carpark 2. Acknowledges the progress of work undertaken by Christ Church Grammar School, which includes the revegetation works 3. Notes stormwater is not being retained on site and requests Bethesda rectify the problem, and 4. Supports the requests for budget allocation as part of mid-year 2018-19 budget review for Sand Management Plan (Town’s component), subject to grant approval - $ 11,860. CARRIED (8/18) (NO DISSENT) Page 12
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