Vienna International Dance Festival - 8:tension Astrit Ismaili Netherlands / Kosovo

Page created by Willie Wood
Vienna International Dance Festival - 8:tension Astrit Ismaili Netherlands / Kosovo
Vienna International Dance Festival


          Astrit Ismaili
      Netherlands / Kosovo

Vienna International Dance Festival - 8:tension Astrit Ismaili Netherlands / Kosovo

Price includes shipping. Place an order on our website Reductions for students!

        Astrit Ismaili

     23. Juli 2021, 23:00
     25. Juli 2021, 23:00

Kasino am Schwarzenbergplatz
Österreichische Erstaufführung
Astrit Ismaili © Guillame Baeriswy

Libretto, Komposition, Regie Astrit Ismaili   MISS wird unterstützt von Mondriaan Fonds
Performance Ivan Cheng, Magdalena
Mitterhofer, Astrit Ismaili                   Mit Dank an Matthijs Maria M Walhout,
                                              Blerta Ismaili, Flaka Jahaj, Arnisa Zeqo, Zhana
Musikproduktion Vincent Arp, Zgjim Elshani,   Ivanova, Sara Gianini, Merhraneh Atashi,
Golin                                         Moving Art Projects, Tim Franje, Tait Mandler,
Weitere Musik Political Woman, Baby Love,     Blerta Ismaili, Les Urbaines, Centrale Fies,
Russians von Illona Staller aka Cicciolina    Qtopia, Annick Kleizen, Isobel Dryburgh,
Styling Flaka Jahaj, Duran Lantik,            Arif Kornweitz, Billie Katwijk
                                              Im Juli ist Astrit Ismaili als
Flower-Kopfschmuck Enrique Arce Gutierres     Q21 Artist-in-Residence zu Gast
Glockenspiele Loden Rietveld                  im MuseumsQuartier Wien.

                                              Dauer 60 Min.

Ivan Cheng © Guillame Baeriswy

MISS ist eine Pop-Oper für drei Performer*in-             MISS is a pop opera for three performers
nen, komponiert und inszeniert von Astrit              composed and directed by Astrit Ismaili.
Ismaili. Die Performer*innen repräsentieren            The performers represent three historical
drei historische Referenzen. Obwohl diese              references. Although the three references are
Referenzen geschichtlich nicht unbedingt               not directly historically related, they are born
miteinander verwandt sind, wurden sie in               from a similar circumstance – one in which
ähnliche Umstände hineingeboren – solche,              creativity is used as a method of dealing with
in denen Kreativität als Methode zur Bewäl-            restriction and limitation.
tigung von Einschränkungen und Begrenzun-
gen eingesetzt wird.                                      The first character is “The First Flower”,
                                                       and refers to the evolution of plants into flow-
Die erste Figur ist „Die erste Blume” und              ering plants and the consequent transition to
bezieht sich auf die Evolution der Pflanzen zu         sexual reproduction processes.
Blütenträger*innen und den damit verbunde-                The second character is inspired by Cic-
nen Übergang zu sexuellen Fortpflanzungs-              ciolina, an iconic public figure of the 1980s,
prozessen.                                             whose unconventional career evolved from
Die zweite Figur ist inspiriert von Cicciolina,        being a pornstar to a career as a politician
einer öffentlichen Ikone der 1980er Jahre,             and member of the Italian parliament over
deren unkonventionelle Karrierelaufbahn sie            an incursion in pop music.
vom Pornostar über einen Ausflug in die Pop-              The third character is Miss Kosovo, a fic-
musik als Politikerin ins italienische Parlament       tional figure inspired by Kosovo’s endeavours
führte.                                                to be recognised as an independent state.
Die dritte Figur ist Miss Kosovo, eine fiktive
Figur, die von den Bestrebungen des Kosovo,              Focusing on creativity when limited,
als unabhängiger Staat anerkannt zu werden,            MISS explores the commodification of nature
inspiriert ist.                                        and power relations in connection to war
                                                       and gender identity issues.
Mit dem Fokus auf Kreativität, die von außen
begrenzt wird, untersucht MISS die Kommo-
difizierung von Natur und Machtverhältnissen
im Zusammenhang mit Krieg und Fragen der


THE FIRST FLOWER                                 Something pretty, beautiful
Music and lyrics: Astrit Ismaili
Performance: Ivan Cheng                          Don’t know if it‘s going to work out
                                                 But I have to try it
Darling this started                             How will I know if it‘s going to work out
Hundred million years ago                        I’m gonna make it right
I know you weren’t here but
There was something wrong with me                Give me a sign now babe
Rooted fully into the ground                     Give me a sign
I could never travel far                         But I don‘t know
Sunwatersoil was not enough                      What’s on your mind
To make me bright to make me
                                                 Suddenly I found it
Loved                                            The idea is splendid
Love                                             The vision is clear
Loved                                            You you you’re the one for me
Love                                             you you you’re the one for me, oh
Love                                             (…)
I wanna give you love
                                                 Long ago all I could be was green
(…)                                              There was no any other color that I could
                                                 have been
Is there anything creative I could do            And nature showed me the sharp teeth oh
To enhance the beauty of living                  thats so mean
Something that could make the others fall        I needed to find a way to strive, survive
for me
Let’s just upgrade my sexuality                  I felt alone
                                                 I tried to find reasons for it
What if something grows right on top of me       I looked in the mirror and
Something glamourous something breathta-         Needed a change
king                                             I changed my appearance
Something that would smell and taste and
get and give                                     (…)

I became the first advertiser                CICCIOLINA – POLITICAL
The advertiser of my love                    WOMAN
I wrapped myself with a pretty package       Writer: Ilona Staler aka Cicciolina
To seduce you                                Music production: Vincent Arp
So you come to me                            Performance: Magdalena Mitterhofer

Before, I wasn’t beautiful                   I work in the parliament
I was only functional                        Im over the nation
Now that I bloom as a flower                 Im over the world
Everyone wants a piece of me                 and so many bricks
                                             I put together
Come and mess around with me                 make up the nation my demand
My baby baby bee bee                         just imagine if
Baby bee                                     I could have them
baby bee                                     for myself
baby bee                                     and then i walk
                                             around these big bricks
Pick the pollen up from my body              with my ass
Baby bee bee bee
And then just fly to another flower          po - political woman
                                             po - political babe
(…)                                          po - political woman
                                             I am coming now in parliament

                                             po po po
                                             po po po
                                             po po political woman

                                             io vengo per voi
                                             in parlamento
                                             parla piu piano
                                             onorevole che
                                             oggi mi va
                                             di cambiare citta
                                             di godere la vita
                                             di cambiare realta

                                             fino al fondo
                                             tra i parlemanti
                                             io viaggieró
                                             ma tanti membri sparsi del mondo
                                             non non li ho visti mai

                                             po - political woman
                                             po - political babe
                                             po - political woman
                                             I am coming now in parliament
Music and lyrics: Astrit Ismaili
Music production: Vincent Arp
Performance: Ivan Cheng

Happiness                               Faithfulness
Innocence                               Protection
Purity                                  Wisdom
Positivity                              Charm
Hospitality                             Delicateness
Abundance                               Graciousness
Wealth                                  Strength
Faith                                   Fame
Hope                                    Love
Loyalty                                 These qualities
Devotion                                The way humans
Magnificence                            Connect to us
                                        I guess that’s why
Admiration                              We’re still around
Fortune                                 Although it’s hard
Patience                                Really hard

Enthusiasm                              They traded us, made us travel ‘round
Optimism                                The globe globe globe
                                        I thought that‘s dope dope dope
                                        really dope dope dope, i thought
Pride                                   I did not expect that they will tie me in a box
Eternity                                They will spray me with a drug
Rebirth                                 They will cut me they will sell me kill me

Thoughtfulness                          I did not expect they will put me in the shade
Lightness                               They will take away the sun
Fun                                     They will freeze me tease me squeeze me
Sweetness                               ease me

I did not expect no i did not expect
This is happening to us
This is happening to us

From china to japan
Holland to Iran
United States to England
They trade us hand by hand
From India to Sweden
Chile to Switzerland
This is the prize
We’re paying for dreaming way too big

We’ve seen it all
We’ve seen it all
We’ve touched it all
We sacrificed
We’ve smelled it all
We felt it all
For the future of our kind

Cut me
Sell me
Kill me
Freeze me
Tease me
Squeeze me
Eat me
Touch me
Guide me
Save me
Show me
Poke me
Like me
Tag me
Swipe me
Share me
Post me


Astrit Ismaili (*Prishtina, 1991), ist ein*e in           Astrit Ismaili (*Prishtina, 1991), is a per-
Amsterdam lebende*r Performance-Künst-                 formance artist from Kosovo based in
ler*in aus dem Kosovo. Astrits Arbeiten stel-          Amsterdam. Their work proposes bodies
len Körper vor, die sich aus imaginären und            that consist of both imaginary and material
materiellen Wirklichkeiten zusammensetzen.             realities, using alter egos, body extensions
Astrit verwendet Alter Egos, Körpererweite-            and wearable music instruments to embody
rungen und tragbare Musikinstrumente, um               different possibilities for becoming. Within
verschiedene Möglichkeiten des Werdens zu              their practice, the act of singing is used to
verkörpern. In Astrits Praxis wird der Akt des         explore the role of voice in pop culture and
Singens genutzt, um die Rolle der Stimme in            identity politics. Astrit Ismaili graduated
Popkultur und Identitätspolitik zu untersuchen.        from the MA in Performance at DasArts in
Astrit Ismaili ist Absolvent*in des MA in Per-         Amsterdam. They have shown work at ISCP,
formance bei DasArts in Amsterdam. Astrits             New York, S.A.L.T.S., Basel, KW Institute
Arbeiten wurden unter anderem im ISCP                  for Contemporary Art, Berlin, The Stedelijk
New York, S.A.L.T.S. Basel, KW Institute for           Museum, Amsterdam, Kunstverein, Amsterdam,
Contemporary Art Berlin, Stedelijk Museum              Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, Robert
Amsterdam, Kunstverein Amsterdam, Salzbur-             Grunenberg Gallery, Berlin, Juliette Jongma
ger Kunstverein, Robert Grunenberg Galerie             Gallery, Amsterdam, Frascati Theater, Am-
Berlin, Juliette Jongma Galerie Amsterdam,             sterdam, Corzo Theater, Den Hague,
Frascati Theater Amsterdam, Corzo Theater              Spielart Festival, Munich, Kaserne Basel etc.
Den Haag, Spielart Festival München, Kaserne           They are recipient of the Mondriaan Fund
Basel und anderen gezeigt. Astrit wurde aus-           Project Investment Grant 2018-2019 and the
gezeichnet mit der Mondriaan Fund Project              Young Visual Artists Award 2011 and were
Investment Grant 2018-2019 und dem Young               a resident at ISCP in New York. They co-or-
Visual Artists Award 2011 und war Resident             ganised the performance project Prishtine
Artist am ISCP in New York. Astrit ko-organi-          Mon Amour in 2012 in Pristina and co-curated
sierte das Performance-Projekt Prishtine               of a number of Lost & Found events in
Mon Amour im Jahr 2012 in Pristina und                 2018–2019 in Amsterdam.
ko-kuratierte eine Reihe von Lost & Found-
Events 2018–2019 in Amsterdam.

ZGJIM ELSHANI                                       Er arbeitet auch als Performer, Klarinettist,
                                                    Dramaturg und hat 2017 den Projektraum
Zgjim Elshani ist ein Designer, Forscher,  in Amsterdam initiiert.
Musiker und selbsternannter Emo aus dem
Kosovo, der stark beeinflusst ist von Trash-TV,     The performances of Ivan Cheng are incom-
Online-Gossip und obskurem Trivialwissen.           plete, failing, desperate, and riddled with
Seine Arbeiten sind Versuche, die Politiken         absence. They use his variously trained per-
von Technologie und Unterhaltungsmedien zu          forming body, incanting texts that foreground
erkunden und die Effekte, die sie auf unsere        subjectivity in monologues and dialogues.
zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen haben,             Identities of other interlocutors become
im Angesicht dystopischer Zukünfte.                 embedded through rehearsal, dialogue, and
                                                    entrustment. Without deluded presupposi-
   Zgjim Elshani is a designer, researcher, mu-     tion of being for everyone, Cheng’s practice
sician, and self-proclaimed emo from Kosovo         is invested in questions around publics and
who is heavily influenced by trash tv, online       accessibility. He holds an MFA in Critical
gossip and obscure trivia.                          Studies (Sandberg Instituut), having previ-
   His work attempts to explore the politics of     ously studied at the Royal Academy of Music
technology and entertainment media, as well         and Sydney Conservatorium of Music. Past
as its effects on interpersonal relationships in    presentations of his texts have occurred at
the face of dystopian futures.                      Les Urbaines (Lausanne), Volksbühne Roter
                                                    Salon (Berlin), Oude Kerk (Amsterdam), Bel-
                                                    vedere21 (Vienna), MuHKA (Antwerp), Na-
IVAN CHENG                                          cionalinė dailės galerija (Vilnius), Unsound
                                                    Festival (Krakow), Carriageworks (Sydney),
Die Performances von Ivan Cheng sind                Federation Square (Melbourne). He also
unvollständig, scheiternd, verzweifelt und          works as a performer, clarinettist, dramaturg,
von Abwesenheit durchsetzt. Sie verwenden           and since 2017 has initiated project space
seinen vielfältig trainierten Körper, der in in Amsterdam.
Monologen und Dialogen Texte beschwört,
die die Subjektivität in den Vordergrund
stellen. Identitäten anderer Gesprächspart-
ner*innen werden durch Einstudierung,
Dialog und Anvertrauen eingebettet. Ohne
die trügerische Annahme, für jedermann zu
sein, beschäftigt sich Cheng in seiner Praxis
mit Fragen rund um Öffentlichkeiten und
Zugänglichkeit. Er erwarb einen MFA in Crit-
ical Studies (Sandberg Instituut), nachdem er
zuvor an der Royal Academy of Music und am
Sydney Conservatorium of Music studiert hat.
Frühere Präsentationen seiner Texte fanden
bei Les Urbaines (Lausanne), Volksbühne
Roter Salon (Berlin), Oude Kerk (Amsterdam),
Belvedere21 (Wien), MuHKA (Antwerpen),
Nacionalinė dailės galerija (Vilnius), Unsound
Festival (Krakau), Carriageworks (Sydney)
undFederation Square (Melbourne) statt.

        DO, 15. JULI           Alexandra Bachzetsis           Meg Stuart /
                               Private Song                   Damaged Goods
Dieter Blum                    22:00, Odeon, Kat E            CASCADE
Erinnerungen an Ismael Ivo                                    21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
Vernissage                             SO, 18. JULI
19:00, Odeon Foyer, Kat Z                                     [8:tension]
Geöffnet an allen Spieltagen   Workshop                       Petar Sarjanović
im Odeon, 16:30 – 18:30        Opening Lecture                Everything I don’t know,
                               «impressions’21»               I’ve stolen
Alexandra Bachzetsis           16:00, Arsenal, Kat Z          21:00, Kasino am
Private Song                                                  Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L
20:00, Odeon, Kat E            Trajal Harrell
                               Maggie The Cat                 Trajal Harrell
        FR, 16. JULI           19:30, Akademietheater         Dancer of the Year
                               Kat B                          22:00, Odeon, Kat H
Sophia Rodríguez               Trajal Harrell                         DI, 20. JULI
Ostentation Project            Friend of a Friend
19:00, Schauspielhaus          21:00, mumok kino              Alias Cie /
Kat L                          Film                           Guilherme Botelho
                                                              Sideways Rain
Trajal Harrell                 [8:tension]                    21:00, Akademietheater
Maggie The Cat                 Sophia Rodríguez               Kat B
21:00, Akademietheater         Ostentation Project
Kat B                          23:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L           MI, 21. JULI

        SA, 17. JULI                   MO, 19. JULI           Alias Cie /
                                                              Guilherme Botelho
Ian Kaler                      Trajal Harrell                 Normal.
POINTS OF DEPARTURE            Dancer of the Year             19:30, Akademietheater
Hyphen                         19:00, Odeon, Kat H            Kat B
20:00, WUK, Kat J
                               Ian Kaler                      Voetvolk /
Meg Stuart / Damaged           POINTS OF DEPARTURE            Lisbeth Gruwez &
Goods                          Hyphen                         Claire Chevallier
CASCADE                        19:00, WUK, Kat J              Piano Works Debussy
21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A                                    21:00, MuTh, Kat C
[8:tension]                    Voetvolk /                   Neopost Foofwa -
Petar Sarjanović               Lisbeth Gruwez &             Foofwa d’Imobilité
Everything I don’t know,       Claire Chevallier            Dancewalk –
I’ve stolen                    Piano Works Debussy          Retroperspectives
21:00, Kasino am               21:00, MuTh, Kat C           23:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat H
Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L
                               [8:tension]                  [8:tension]
Frédéric Gies &                Astrit Ismaili               Astrit Ismaili
Weld Company                   MISS                         MISS
Tribute                        23:00, Kasino am             23:00, Kasino am
22:30, Odeon, Kat D            Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L    Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L

Raja Feather Kelly                     SA, 24. JULI                MO, 26. JULI
UGLY (Black Queer Zoo)
23:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat H   Peter Jarolin im KURIER-     Performance Situation
                               Gespräch mit Maguy Marin     Room: Showing
        DO, 22. JULI           19:00, Volkstheater, Kat Z   On the Road to Nowhere
                                                            19:00, Leopold Museum
Alias Cie /                                                 Kat N
Guilherme Botelho              Performance Situation
Sideways Rain                  Room: Showing                Meg Stuart /
19:00, Akademietheater         On the Road to Nowhere       Damaged Goods
Kat B                          19:30, Leopold Museum        VIOLET
                               Kat N                        21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
Frédéric Gies &
Weld Company                   [ImPulsTanz Classic]                 DI, 27. JULI
Tribute                        Compagnie Maguy Marin
21:00, Odeon, Kat D            Umwelt                       Maria Tembe &
                               21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A   Panaibra Gabriel Canda
[ImPulsTanz Classic]                                        Solo for Maria
Compagnie Maguy Marin                  SO, 25. JULI         19:00, Odeon, Kat E
21:00, Volkstheater, Kat B     Deen, Haager, Illnar,        Neopost Foofwa -
                               Kartmann, Kraft, Omer,       Foofwa d’Imobilité
        FR, 23. JULI           Schaller, Senk               Dancewalk –
                               Kosmos Wiener Tanzmoderne    Retroperspectives
Raja Feather Kelly             19:00, MuTh, Kat C           19:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat H
UGLY (Black Queer Zoo)
19:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat H   Maria Tembe &                ZOO / Thomas Hauert
                               Panaibra Gabriel Canda       How to proceed
Frédéric Gies &                Solo for Maria               21:00, Akademietheater
Weld Company                   21:00, Odeon, Kat E          Kat B
21:00, Odeon, Kat D            ZOO / Thomas Hauert          [8:tension]
                               How to proceed               Lau Lukkarila
                               21:00, Akademietheater       NYXXX
                               Kat B                        23:00, Kasino am
                                                            Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L
MI, 28 . JULI                  FR, 30. JULI                Dada Masilo /
                                                                   The Dance Factory
Jérôme Bel                     Klangforum Wien                     THE SACRIFICE
Isadora Duncan                 Stanislaw Lem 2021 Concert          21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
19:00, MuTh, Kat F             100 Years Science of Fiction
                               20:00, Odeon, Kat G                 Louise Lecavalier
Dada Masilo /                                                      Stations
The Dance Factory              Dada Masilo /                       21:00, Akademietheater
THE SACRIFICE                  The Dance Factory                   Kat B
21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A     THE SACRIFICE
                               21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A          [8:tension]
        DO, 29. JULI                                               Idio Chichava, Converge+
                               The matter lab                      Sentido Unico
[8:tension]                    a project initiated by Meg Stuart   21:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L
Idio Chichava, Converge+       in conversation with Moriah
Sentido Unico                  Evans, Mieko Suzuki, Varinia        Raja Feather Kelly
19:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   Canto Vila, Edna Jaime & Guests     Hysteria (Ugly Part 2)
                               showing I                           21:00, Kasino am
Malika Fankha / Karol          23:00, WUK, Kat N                   Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H
Tyminski / Klangforum Wien
Stanislaw Lem Turns 100:               SA, 31. JULI                The matter lab
Performance and Music                                              a project initiated by Meg Stuart
move Outerspace.               Malika Fankha / Karol      in conversation with Moriah
19:00, Ehemaliges Gustinus-    Tyminski / Klangforum Wien Evans, Mieko Suzuki, Varinia
Ambrosi-Museum, Kat G          Stanislaw Lem Turns 100:            Canto Vila, Edna Jaime & Guests
                               Performance and Music               showing II
Louise Lecavalier              move Outerspace.                    23:00, WUK, Kat N
Stations                       14:00, Ehemaliges Gustinus-
21:00, Akademietheater         Ambrosi-Museum, Kat G               Ivo Dimchev
Kat B                                                              Halal
                               Anna Huber                          Solo-Konzert
ZOO / Thomas Hauert            unsichtbarst²                       23:00, Odeon, Kat H
(sweet) (bitter)               17:00, Leopold Museum
21:00, Odeon, Kat L            Kat K                                       SO, 1. AUGUST

[8:tension]                    Eva-Maria Schaller                  In Memoriam Ismael Ivo
Lau Lukkarila                  Recalling Her Dance                 20:00, Volkstheater, Kat Z
NYXXX                          a choreographic encounter
21:00, Kasino am               with Hanna Berger                           MO, 2. AUGUST
Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L      19:00, MuTh, Kat I
                                                          Anna Huber
Cristina Caprioli / ccap       Malika Fankha / Karol      unsichtbarst²
Scary solo                     Tyminski / Klangforum Wien 17:00, Leopold Museum
22:00, Odeon, Kat L            Stanislaw Lem Turns 100:            Kat K
                               Performance and Music
                               move Outerspace.
                               19:00, Ehemaliges Gustinus-
                               Ambrosi-Museum, Kat G
[ImPulsTanz Classic]           [ImPulsTanz Classic]           MONUMENT
*Melk Prod. /                  *Melk Prod. /                  16:00, mumok kino, Kat M
Marco Berrettini               Marco Berrettini               Leja Jurišić, Bara Kolenc,
No Paraderan                   No Paraderan                   Peter Kutin, Patrik Lechner,
21:00, Akademietheater         21:00, Akademietheater         Mathias Lenz
Kat B                          Kat B                          BRINA – A KINAESTHETIC
Raja Feather Kelly             [8:tension]                    18:00, mumok kino, Kat M
Hysteria (Ugly Part 2)         Madeleine Fournier /
23:00, Kasino am               O D ETTA                       Willi Dorner
Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H      Labourer                       figure
                               21:00, Kasino am               19:30, WUK, Kat J
      DI, 3. AUGUST            Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L
                                                              PLASTIC PARTY VIENNA
Kaori Ito & Théo Touvet /            DO, 5. AUGUST            Happy Birthday Mr. Beuys!
Himé Company                                                  20:00, MQ Libelle, Kat G
Fire me up -–Spoken and        Lenio Kaklea
danced confidences             Ballad                         [8:tension]
19:00, Odeon, Kat E            19:00, MuTh, Kat F             Madeleine Fournier /
                                                              O D ETTA
Ultima Vez /                   Deborah Hazler / Angry         Labourer
Wim Vandekeybus                Agnes Productions              21:00, Kasino am
TRACES                         The Rant and Rave              Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat L
21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A     19:30, Schauspielhaus, Kat L
                                                                    SA, 7. AUGUST
Deborah Hazler / Angry         Marc Oosterhoff –
Agnes Productions              Cie Moost                      [ImPulsTanz Classic]
The Rant and Rave              Take Care Of Yourself          Frank Van Laecke, Alain
21:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   20:30, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   Platel, Steven Prengels -
                                                              NTGent & les ballets C
Marc Oosterhoff –              Ultima Vez /                   de la B
Cie Moost                      Wim Vandekeybus                Gardenia - 10 years later
Take Care Of Yourself          TRACES                         21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
22:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
                                                                    SO, 8. AUGUST
      MI, 4. AUGUST            Kaori Ito & Théo Touvet /
                               Himé Company                   Leja Jurišić, Bara Kolenc,
Willi Dorner                   Fire me up -– Spoken and       Peter Kutin, Patrik Lechner,
figure                         danced confidences             Mathias Lenz
19:00, WUK, Kat J              23:00, Odeon, Kat E            BRINA – A KINAESTHETIC
PLASTIC PARTY VIENNA                 FR, 6. AUGUST            15:30, mumok kino, Kat M
Happy Birthday Mr. Beuys!
20:00, MQ Libelle, Kat G       Leja Jurišić, Bara Kolenc,
                               Peter Kutin, Patrik Lechner,
                               Mathias Lenz
                               BRINA – A KINAESTHETIC
Leja Jurišić, Bara Kolenc,     [ImPulsTanz Classic]                  MI, 11. AUGUST
Peter Kutin, Patrik Lechner,   Frank Van Laecke, Alain
Mathias Lenz                   Platel, Steven Prengels -       [8:tension]
BRINA – A KINAESTHETIC         NTGent & les ballets C          Tamara Alegre, Lydia
MONUMENT                       de la B                         Östberg Diakité, Nunu
17:30, mumok kino, Kat M       Gardenia - 10 years later       Flashdem, Marie Ursin,
Guy Cools in conversation      21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A      Célia Lutangu
with Alain Platel                                              FIEBRE
Book Launch: Performing              DI, 10. AUGUST            19:30, mumok Hofstallung
Mourning, Laments                                              Kat M
in Contemporary Art.           Saskia Hölbling /
18:00, Volkstheater, Kat Z     DANS.KIAS                       PLASTIC PARTY VIENNA
                               Through Touches                 Happy Birthday Mr. Beuys!
[8:tension]                    19:00, WUK, Kat J               20:00, MQ Libelle, Kat G
Emmilou Rößling
FLUFF                          PLASTIC PARTY VIENNA            Akram Khan Company
19:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   Happy Birthday Mr. Beuys!       Outwitting the Devil
                               20:00, MQ Libelle, Kat G        21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A
Saskia Hölbling /
DANS.KIAS                      Georg Blaschke / Christian            DO, 12. AUGUST
Through Touches                Kosmas Mayer / Christian
19:00, WUK, Kat J              Schröder (AT)                   Sergiu Matis
                               Verwilderung – Ein Seestadt-    Extinction Room (Hopeless.)
PRICE                          projekt                         18:30, Ehemaliges Gustinus-
Melodies are so far            21:00, Seestadt Aspern (U2-     Ambrosi-Museum, Kat K
my best friend                 Endstation Seestadt, Wangari-
21:00, Kasino am               Maathai-Platz, 1220 Wien)       Liquid Loft
Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H      Kat Z                           Still / Stranger Than Paradise
                                                               (live / on screen)
Platform-K /                   PRICE                           19:30, MuTh, Kat C
Michiel Vandevelde /           Melodies are so far
Philippe Thuriot               my best friend                  [8:tension]
The Goldberg Variations        21:00, Kasino am                Ruth Childs / Scarlett’s
21:00, Odeon, Kat D            Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H       fantasia
                                                               21:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L
      MO, 9. AUGUST            Platform-K /
                               Michiel Vandevelde /            Michael Laub / Remote
Ruth Childs / Lucinda          Philippe Thuriot                Control Productions
Childs - Scarlett’s            The Goldberg Variations         ADAPTATIONS – a video
Pastime / Carnation /          21:00, Odeon, Kat D             retrospective remix / talk
Museum Piece                                                   by Michael Laub
19:00, MuTh, Kat I             [8:tension]                     21:00, Odeon, Kat H
                               Emmilou Rößling
                               23:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L
FR, 13. AUGUST           Akram Khan Company               Mermaid & Seafruit
                               Outwitting the Devil             Screens Are My New
Michael Laub in                21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A       Clothes. Extended Album
conversation with                                               Release Show
Michael Stolhofer              Michael Laub / Remote            21:00, WUK, Kat J
Rewind Song                    Control Productions
Book launch                    ADAPTATIONS                      Raja Feather Kelly
19:30, Odeon, Kat Z            a video retrospective remix /    UGLY Part 3: BLUE
                               talk by Michael Laub             21:00, Kasino am
[8:tension]                    21:00, Odeon, Kat H              Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H
Tamara Alegre, Lydia
Östberg Diakité, Nunu          Liquid Loft
Flashdem, Marie Ursin,         Still / Stranger Than Paradise
Célia Lutangu                  (live / on screen)
FIEBRE                         21:00, MuTh, Kat C
19:30, mumok Hofstallung
Kat M
Akram Khan Company             Georg Blaschke / Christian
Outwitting the Devil           Kosmas Mayer / Christian
21:00, Volkstheater, Kat A     Schröder (AT)
                               Verwilderung – Ein Seestadt-
Mermaid & Seafruit             projekt
Screens Are My New Clothes.    21:30, Seestadt Aspern (U2-
Extended Album Release Show    Endstation Seestadt, Wangari-
21:00, WUK, Kat J              Maathai-Platz, 1220 Wien)
                               Kat Z
Raja Feather Kelly
UGLY Part 3: BLUE                   SO, 15. AUGUST
21:00, Kasino am
Schwarzenbergplatz, Kat H      Sergiu Matis
                               Extinction Room (Hopeless.)
      SA, 14. AUGUST           18:30, Ehemaliges
Final Workshop                 Kat K
«expressions’21»               Georg Blaschke / Christian
16:00, Arsenal, Kat Z          Kosmas Mayer / Christian
                               Schröder (AT)
[8:tension]                    Verwilderung – Ein Seestadt-
Ruth Childs / Scarlett’s       projekt
fantasia                       19:30, Seestadt Aspern (U2-
19:00, Schauspielhaus, Kat L   Endstation Seestadt, Wangari-
                               Maathai-Platz, 1220 Wien)
Sergiu Matis                   Kat Z
Extinction Room (Hopeless.)
19:00, Ehemaliges
Kat K
      AUSSTELLUNG               Musikvideoprogramm                Michael Laub in conversa-
                                International                     tion with Michael Stolhofer
Dieter Blum                     I Like                            Rewind Song
Erinnerungen an Ismael Ivo      22. Juli, 13:00 + 23. Juli,       13. August, 19:30, Odeon
Vernissage                      16:00 + 24. Juli, 16:30 + 28.     Kat Z
15. Juli, 19:00, Odeon Foyer    Juli, 13:00 + 30. Juli, 16:30 +
Geöffnet an allen Spieltagen    31. Juli, 16:00 + 12. August,           & RESEARCH
im Odeon, 16:30 – 18:30         13:00 + 13. August, 16:30 +
                                14. August, 16:00, mumok          [Workshop Opening Lecture]
   SYMPOSIUM & TALK             kino                              «impressions’21»
                                                                  18. Juli, 16:00, Arsenal
Peter Jarolin im KURIER         Musikvideoprogramm mit            Kat Z
Gespräch mit Maguy Marin        Fokus auf Enjoy im mumok
24. Juli, 19:00, Volkstheater   Pop Art                           [Final Workshop Showing]
– Rote Bar                      22. Juli, 14:30 + 23. Juli,       «expressions’21»
                                14:30 + 24. Juli, 15:00 + 28.     14. August, 16:00, Arsenal
IDOCDE Symposium 2021           Juli, 14:30 + 30. Juli, 15:00 +   Kat Z
per/mutation                    31. Juli, 14:30 + 12. August,
practical and tactical applica- 14:30 + 13. August, 15:00 +                SOÇIAL
tions in taking care of mortal  14. August, 14:30, mumok
dancing                         kino                              ImPulsTanz Festival Lounge
31. Juli, 9:00 – 20:00 + 1.                                       Extended: A-Side
August, 9:00 – 20:00, Arsenal Studios Kabako / Virginie           GNUČČI live, Dalia Ahmed,
                                Dupray, Faustin Linyekula         DJ Phekt
      FILM & VIDEOS             Letters from the Continent        30. Juli, 22:00, Kursalon
                                22. Juli, 16:00 + 23. Juli,       Wien
Trajal Harrell                  13:00 + 24. Juli, 18:00 + 28.
Friend of a Friend              Juli, 16:00 + 30. Juli, 18:00 +   ImPulsTanz Festival Lounge
18. Juli, 21:00, mumok kino     31. Juli, 13:00 + 12. August,     Extended: B-Side
                                16:00 + 13. August, 18:00 +       FVLCRVM live, Kristian Davi-
                                14. August, 13:00,                dek, Moska
                                mumok kino                        13. August, 22:00, Kursalon
                                Österreichische Erstaufführung    Wien


                                Guy Cools in conversation
                                with Alain Platel
                                Performing Mourning, La-
                                ments in Contemporary Art.
                                8. August, 18:00, Volkstheater
                                Kat Z

Magdalena Mitterhofer © Guillame Baeriswy
Astrit Asmaili MISS © Blue Art

Medieninhaber und Herausgeber:                                                                                          Änderungen Vorbehalten
ImPulsTanz – Vienna International Dance Festival; Museumstraße 5/21, 1070 Wien, Austria                                             Preis: 2,80
T +43.1.523 55 58/F +43.1.523 55 58-9;

Redaktion Abendprogramme: Christine Standfest & Victor Schlothauer; Satz (Kern): David Hampel; Art Direction: CIN CIN, – Stephan
Göschl, Gerhard Jordan, Tobias Raschbacher & Jasmin Roth; Print: Druckerei Walla; Bild am Cover: Astrit Asmaili MISS © Alwin Poiana

Intendant: Karl Regensburger; Geschäftsführung: Gabriel Schmidinger; Künstlerische Beratung: Ismael Ivo (†), Rio Rutzinger, Christine Standfest,
Michael Stolhofer, Andrée Valentin; Künstlerische Leitung [8:tension] Young Choreographers’ Series: Christine Standfest, Michael Stolhofer; Dram-
aturgie & Programm mumok-Kooperation: Christine Standfest Special Projects: Michael Stolhofer; Soçial-Programm: Hanna Bauer; Musikvideopro-
gramme: Christoph Etzlsdorfer (Vienna Shorts), Theresa Pointner; Künstlerische Leitung Workshops & Research: Rio Rutzinger, Marina (Fio) Losin;
Presse & PR: Theresa Pointner, Marlene Rosenthal, Sonja Kuzmics; New Media: Maja Preckel; Online Redaktion: Maja Preckel, Marina (Fio) Losin
Marketing: Theresa Pointner; Sponsoring: Andreas Barth, Hanna Bauer, Wolfgang Mayr – mayr & more; Förderungen & Kooperationen: Hanna
Bauer; Finanzen: Gabriele Parapatits, Katharina Binder; Kaufmännische Beratung: Andreas Barth – Castellio Consulting GmbH; Festivalorganisation
& Publikumsdienst: Gabriel Schmidinger, Alissa Horngacher, Timothy Gundacker, Johanna Sares & Team; Ticketing: Gabriel Schmidinger,
Andreas Marinello, Laura Fischer & Patrizia V. Stiegler, Laura Angerer;; EU Project Life Long Burning & danceWEB Scholarship Programme: Hanna
Bauer, Katharina Binder, Rio Rutzinger; Koordination danceWEB & ATLAS: Sara Lanner, Lina Lev; Technische Leitung Performances: Michael May-
erhofer & Michael Steinkellner; Künstlerisches Betriebsbüro: Yasamin Nikseresht, Laura Fischer, Selin Baran, Zorah Zellinger; Produktionsleitung:
Johannes Maile; Koordination der Künstler*innenwohnungen: Joseph Rudolf; Shake-the-Break-Programm: Marina (Fio) Losin, Corinne Eckenstein
(Dschungel Wien); Leitung Workshop Office: Stefanie Tschom (Leitung), Carine Carvalho Barbosa (in Karenz); Technische Leitung Workshops:
Hannes Zellinger; ImPulsBringer – Freunde des ImPulsTanz Festival: Josef Ostermayer (Präsident), Laura Fischer (Organisation); IT: Hannes
Zellinger, Zimmel + Partner Website Creation & Supervision: Bernhard Nemec –; Art Direction, Kampagne & Design: CIN CIN, – Stephan Göschl, Gerhard Jordan, Jasmin Roth Fotografie: / Karolina Miernik & Emilia Milewska; Video: Maximilian
Pramatarov; Spielstättengestaltung: Maximilian Pramatarov, Maritta Halb & Olga Gawlowska; ImPulsTanz Maître de Plaisir: francophil
     Festival Lounge
Kursalon Wien at Stadtpark
 15 July  – 15 August 2021
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