75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021

Page created by Clara Dunn
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Media Data 2021

75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
The Future needs a Past
Upheaval is everywhere. Dynamic sector developments like growing subsidiary networks,          You know the results:
verticalisation and digitalisation are shaking up or completely disrupting a lot of industry
traditions. And then, on top of all that, the pandemic arrived... DOZ has been reporting       •    Consistent focus on quality journalism (DOZ is the only specialist publisher with an
on and influencing changes in the industry for 75 years (originally as the Süddeutsche              academic advisory board)
Optikerzeitung [Southern German Opticians’ Journal]). DOZ combines tradition and               •    Constant willingness to implement and influence developments
innovation, following philosopher Odo Marquard’s axiom, ‘The future needs a past’.             •    Modern, reader-friendly layout of all publications
                                                                                               •    Comprehensive use of all communication channels, print and online

                                                                                               Use our communication channels for your company’s future. We’ll be happy to help you!

Your contacts:

Kerstin Fischer                                   Jochen Reinke                                    Margarethe Pidde                                 Angelika Miller

Head, large format ads                            Head, large format ads                           Kleinanzeiger                                    Online (Technical support)
Online                                            Online                                           Job market
Brille & Mode                                     Brille & Mode

Phone: +49 (0) 6221 905173                        Phone: +49 (0) 170 3810158                       Phone: +49 (0) 6221 905178                       Phone: +49 (0) 6221 905176
E-mail: fischer@doz-verlag.de                     E-mail: reinke@doz-verlag.de                     E-mail: pidde@doz-verlag.de                      E-mail: miller@doz-verlag.de

2           Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Your communication channels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kle in a n
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ze ig e r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Optometrie. Ästhetik. Business.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        t in der           ial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Großartiges icher zu denken         Augenoptik noch einmal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                vorber       so richtig
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             zu erreich         , um mit                                erweitern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Was du
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        dafür mitbrin en.                   neuem eiten kannst! Du                  und dich
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Willen,                                                 Wissen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mehr aus         gst? Den                               in Optom lernst innova         nach-
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in                                    als Geselli                             Management
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Für das       akadem           , neben                                    der
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bachelorstudischen Titel deinem Job, den dich in deinem Augenoptik
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bachelor              Abschluss         Engagement und den
                                                                                                                                                           ISSN 0170-8473 | HEFT 85 | HERBST WINTER 2020

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ium inkl.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wir erzähle                  Meisterausbil    of Scienc           als Augen            und
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         kademie-der-                Abitur!              etrie.
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lernen!                        lor

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            06 | 20

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      03 | 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Spezial: Wertige    EssiLux-GrandVision-   Qualifizierung: 5 Tipps   OCT-Bilder richtig                                                                                                                        14:03

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fassungs-Trends     Deal könnte platzen    für Arbeitgeber           interpretieren

                                                                                                                                                                                                           & EYEWEAR

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Inspirationen Herbst/Winter 20/21


                                                                                                                                                                                                           Color-Moods: Lust auf Farbe!

                                                                                                                                                                                                           FUTURE DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Der Zeit voraus: Avantgarde und Eco

                                                                                                                                                                                                           SUR REAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brillendesign künstlerisch inszeniert

                                                                                                                                                           Magazine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Magazine

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   VORBE REITU ERPRÜ FUNG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AUF DIE MEIST
   Inhalt                                                            Augenglas-                                                                                                                                                                    IN DER AUGEN
                                                     ers nimmt die
                                    des Augenoptik                es umso wichtiger,
                  Aufgabengebiet                   ein. Daher ist

   Im gesamten                        Stellenwert                            rzusetzen
                  einen sehr hohen                   Refraktion auseinande zu stützen,
   bestimmung                           subjektiven
                      und Praxis der                sich auf Messergeb
    sich mit Theorie                                                          sein, dass die

                                  Es genügt nicht,             Es muss klar                      ch
                   beherrschen.                                                       la Friedri
    und diese zu                            ermittelt wurden.            Michaeung
                     objektive Refraktion                oder Kontaktlin
     die durch eine                    für eine Brillen-               ist kein Buch
                   Korrektionswerte                       Dieses Buch unter Mitarbeit      von            Philipp Hessler,
     endgültigen                        werden müssen.                               ganz
                                                                       nicht immer Degle, Josefine Dolata, Constanze Wittich
                        Weg ermittelt
      dem subjektiven                        der Prismen-Korrektion        Stephanspiegelt          Seidel,
                        gerade im Bereich                          Der Buchtitel Hoffmann, Egbert
      Theorie – wobei                             werden konnte.           Kathrin
                                    n verzichtet              n wider: die
                       e Grundlage
       auf theoretisch                   wohl am deutlichste

                        kt des Inhaltes                            .
                                                                                                            Die Praxis der

       den Schwerpun                                   estimmung

                                   einer Augenglasb
                      der Abläufe

                                                                    Optometrie                                                                                                                                                                                      Screening,
                                   Zum Autor:
                                                                                      en im Zusamm
                                                                      Visuelle Störung anderen Teilsystemen                                 Die Praxis der                                                                                                          Funktionste
                                                                                  en in

                                                                      mit Störung            Mensch
                                   Jörg Tischer
                                                                       und          en fürsystem
                                                                            im Gesamt
                                                        , Schulleiter
                                                                             Karlsruhe und
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Andreas Berke
                                    Augenoptikermeister       bildungswerk
                                               am Berufsfort                       seit 1994,
                                    Augenoptik                  Meisterausbildung
                                                  Dozent in der            ger Augenopti
                                    Kassel (bfw),
                                                    Redakteur, selbständi
                                     Fachbuchautor,                     ie
                                     Dozent an der

                                                                                                                                            Jörg Tischer
                                                                                                                             Jörg Tischer

                                                                                                Book                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    www.doz-verlag.de

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Newsletter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Social Media

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56   3
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Subject schedule and deadlines, 1st half 2020                                                                             Contact to editorial office: redaktion@doz-verlag.de

    Month           Medium                   Focus                                                    Advertising   Deadline       Kleinanzeiger   Editorial     Publication date
                                                                                                      deadline      for print      advertising     deadline
                                                                                                                    documents      deadline
                                                                                                                                   (small ads)

    January         DOZ                      Digitalisation: digital-ready or analogue-obsolete?      08.12.20      10.12.20       14.12.20        02.12.20      28.12.20

                                             Spectacle lenses, frames & contact lenses:
    February        DOZ                                                                               12.01.21      14.01.21       18.01.21        05.01.21      29.01.21
                                             manufacturing, materials & methods

    March           DOZ                      Eye health: optometry & refraction                       09.02.21      11.02.21       15.02.21        02.02.21      26.02.21

    April           DOZ                      Replacement lenses – the crisis-proof source of income   11.03.21      15.03.21       17.03.21        05.03.21      30.03.21

                                             Summer trends in sunglasses, new frame designs,
    April           Brille + Mode                                                                     01.03.21      03.03.21           –           22.02.21      30.03.21
                                             water sports, UV light

    May             DOZ                      Good vision – varifocals                                 12.04.21      14.04.21       16.04.21        05.04.21      29.04.21

    June            DOZ                      Marketing: use good ideas right                          10.05.21      12.05.21       17.05.21        04.05.21      28.05.21

4              Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Subject schedule and deadlines, 2nd half 2020                                                               Contact to editorial office: redaktion@doz-verlag.de

Month       Medium          Focus                                                   Advertising   Deadline           Kleinanzeiger    Editorial                 Publication date
                                                                                    deadline      for print          advertising      deadline
                                                                                                  documents          deadline
                                                                                                                     (small ads)

July        DOZ             Find a gap in the market: success in a niche market     10.06.21      14.06.21           15.06.21         04.06.21                  29.06.21

August      DOZ             Point of sale - the site of success                     12.07.21      14.07.21           15.07.21         05.07.21                  29.07.21

September   DOZ             Strike a chord with consumers: target groups            11.08.21      13.08.21           16.08.21         06.08.21                  30.08.21

October     DOZ             Hearing acoustics news and trends                       08.09.21      10.09.21           15.09.21         02.09.21                  29.09.21

                            Frames and fashion, purist trends,
October     Brille + Mode                                                           03.09.21      06.09.21              –             19.08.21                  29.09.21
                            universal sports eyewear for autumn and winter

November    DOZ             Be seen: contact lens marketing                         11.10.21      13.10.21           13.10.21         05.10.21                  28.10.21

December    DOZ             Kids and teens: only the best for young eyewear users   11.11.21      15.11.21           15.11.21         05.11.21                  29.11.21

                                                                                                                                     Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56       5
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
DOZ – Optometrie. Ästhetik. Business.

                                                                                                            Eight editors with extensive industry experience, a multitude of freelance authors and
                                                                                                            an academic advisory board – this team delivers the unique quality journalism offered by
                                   Optometrie. Ästhetik. Business.                                          DOZ. That allows DOZ to offer its readers a comprehensive range of subjects, in-depth
                                                                                                            journalism and surprising insights again and again each month.

                                                                                                            DOZ’s layout has an impressive look with its clear, modern structure and high-impact
                                                                                                            visuals. The tactile pleasure of the premium paper makes the reading experience even
                                                                                                            more enjoyable.

                                                                                                            DOZ is published at least 12 times a year: one issue on the first of each month, and a special
                                                                                                            edition for any major industry events that take place.

                                                                                                            Quality journalism combined with a modern layout and premium paper – DOZ is the perfect
                                                                                                            way to position your company in this environment.

    07 | 2020

                                                 DENKEN & HANDELN
                Spezial: Wie           100 Tage Corona: So geht   Kontaktlinse: Neue   Materialauswahl:
                nachhaltig sind wir?   es den Augenoptikern       DOZ-Kampagne         Grüne Alternativen

6               Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Ad formats (prices excl. VAT)

                                     Formats in                                                      Formats in print space     Prices
                                     trim size                                                       Width x height in mm
                                     Width x height in mm
                                     + 3 mm bleed at the outer borders

 Cover                               160 x 214                                                                                      7.357,– €

                                                                                                                                  4.905,– €
 1/1 page                            215 x 304                                                       165 x 260                   + 1.226,– €         2nd and 4th cover *
                                                                                                                                 + 736,– €           3rd cover*

 1/2 page landscape/portrait         215 x 149 / 107 x 304                                           165 x 130 / 80 x 260          2.899,– €

 1/3 page landscape/portrait         215 x 100 / 70 x 304                                            165 x 85 / 52 x 260            1.942,– €

 1/4 page landscape/portrait         215 x 75 / 107 x 149                                            165 x 65 / 80 x 130           1.449,– €

 1/8 page landscape/portrait         107 x 75 / 65 x 149                                             808 x 65 / 38 x 130              748,– €

 1/16 page landscape/portrait        107 x 38 / 51 x 80                                              80 x 33 / 38 x 65                415,– €

Other formats available on request                       * No discounts or commission on positioning surcharges.

                                                                                                                              Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56          7
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
PR advertisements/advertorials (prices excl. VAT)                                                           Supplements (prices excl. VAT)

                                                                                                Price        Weight                                           Price per thousand

                        2 to 3 images + text                                                                 up to 30 g                                                 364,– €
    1/1 page                                                                                    2.437,– €
                        Approx. 3,500 characters incl. spaces - Positioning requests possible
                                                                                                             up to 40 g                                                 489,– €
    1/2 page            1 to 2 images + text
                                                                                                1.282,– €    up to 50 g                                                 614,– €
    Showcase            Approx. 1,800 characters incl. spaces

    1/3 page            1 image + text
                                                                                                 895,– €
    Showcase            Approx. 1,200 characters incl. spaces

    1/4 page                                                                                                Prices include postal delivery charges!
                        1 image + text       Approx. 600 characters incl. spaces                  675,– €
    Showcase                                                                                                Max. format 205 x 297 mm
                                                                                                            Partial delivery per postal code area possible

Spotlight (Produktnews Eyewear) (prices excl. VAT)                                                          Inserts (prices excl. VAT)

                                                                                                Price        Quantity                                        Price up to 200 g/m2

                                                                                                             1 sheet (2 pages)                                        3.445,– €
    1/4 Page            1 image + text, 300 characters incl. spaces                              300,– €
                                                                                                             2 sheets (4 pages)                                       5.362,– €
                        1 to 2 images + text,
    1/2 Page                                                                                     500,– €     3 sheets (6 pages)                                        7.272,– €
                        Approx. 500 characters incl. spaces

                        1 image + text, 300 characters incl. spaces;                                         4 sheets (8 pages)                                        9.189,– €
    1/4 Page                                                                                     500,– €
                        Bundle DOZ and Brille & Mode                                                         More pages on request
                        1 to 2 images + text, Approx. 500 characters;
    1/2 Page                                                                                     800,– €
                        Bundle DOZ and Brille & Mode

8              Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
Custom formats (prices excl. VAT)
                         Inside flap combined with cover

   Cover                  Price: 	                             9.490,– €
                         Inside flap combined with U2

                          Price:                               8.990,– €

                                                                             Gate fold on inner pages

                                                                             Price:                                                  9.990,– €
                         Outside flap
                         combined with cover

                          Price:                               9.390,– €

                                                                             Preis:                                         Preis: 3.990,– €

                         French Door
                         combined with cover
 Co     seite

                          Price:                               9.990,– €

                         Glued inserts combined with cover

                          Price:                               10.990,– €
                         Glued inserts combined with U2 or U4

                          Price:                               9.990,– €

                                                                                                    Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56       9
75 Years of DOZ - The Future needs a Past - Media Data 2021
DOZ photo shoots

DOZ ART shoots.                                                                                     DOZ photo shoots on social media
‘Everyone is an artist’ (Joseph Beuys). That’s the approach we take for the DOZ Art photo           We promote all of our photo shoots with videos and galleries on social media. A dedicated
shoots, where we work with photographers with an original, creative approach to imagery.            digital newsletter presents frames or sunglasses from the photo shoots in detail to our
The photographers are art or feature photographers, rather than advertising or fashion              readers.
photographers. The concept is visual storytelling, full of disruption, fascination and surprises.
A special feature of our approach is that we use authentic people as models – expressive            DOZ and ‘Brille & Mode’ (Eyewear and Fashion): a powerful combination
characters, personalities and faces. Their individual expressions, with their charisma showing      On request, we also publish the photo shoots in our B2C magazine ‘Brille & Mode’. All
through the eyewear, are what make them stand out.                                                  photo shoots are promoted in videos and image galleries both online and on social media.
                                     Publication date: DOZ January + October issue 2021            We showcase the frames to our readers in a separate newsletter.

DOZ sports eyewear photo shoots.                                                                    Contact:
Sport. Action. Performance. High-tech. Lifestyle. Fashion These worlds shape our modern             Angela Mrositzki, Art Direction, mrositzki@doz-verlag.de
lives, and are what DOZ sports photo shoots are all about.                                          IT: +39 (0) 34711 26088, D: +49 (0) 179 2058297
                                                 Publication date: DOZ April 2021 issue

DOZ kids’ and teens’ eyewear photo shoots
Kids take centre-stage. Their imagination and energy inspire us with new ideas and subjects
all the time.

                                                                                                      zzgl. MwSt.

 Art shoots                                                                                           1.500,– €

 Kids and sports eyewear photo shoots                                                                   750,– €

 DOZ and ‘Brille & Mode’ bundle prices                                                               2.250,– €

10          Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Aufbruch zu fernen Sternen und Galaxien.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Margherita weiß alles über die Apollo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mondlandungen. Modell Dimi ist die ideale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Korrektionsbrille für ihre Reise ins Weltall.

                                                                                                                                                                                                64                                                                                                                                     DOZ 12 | 2019

                                                        Marrakesch ist das Mekka einer jungen Künstlerszene. Dort entdeckten wir das Museum
                                                 für Zeitgenössische Afrikanische Kunst MACAAL. In einem Kooperationsprojekt mit dem MACAAL
                                                    stellen Künstler und Kulturschaffende im Skulpturenpark Al Maaden und in der Montresso* Art
                                                          Foundation für die DOZ neueste Fassungen- und Sonnenbrillen-Styles F/S 2020 vor.
56Janine Gaëlle Dieudji   DOZ 01 | 2020              Fotograf: Luigi Baldelli, Italien  Art Direction: Angela Mrositzki  Styling, Make-up: Giorgia de Angeli
                                          DOZ 01 | 2020                                                                                                          57
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Streben nach Perfektion. Das Bewährte behalten, das Notwendige erneuern: Nach diesem Motto präsentiert die neue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Generation X-KROSS 4.0 ein überarbeitetes Design. Die Passform des Rahmens garantiert optimalen Halt. Perfektio-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              niert wurden die Kompatibilität der Bügel mit verschiedenen Helmen, die Belüftungstechnologie sowie die Integration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              der optischen Verglasung. Die leicht zu wechselnde Funktionsscheibe verschmilzt quasi mit der Fassungsform. Das große
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Panoramadesign gibt den Augen Windschutz bei Geschwindigkeitssportarten, der Trägerclip mit optischen Gläsern ga-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              rantiert freie Sicht bis +/-15 Dioptrien.


                                                                                                                                                                                              Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56                                                                                         11
Brille & Mode

                                                                                                ‘Brille & Mode’ is the special interest magazine for contemporary frame design by Ger-
                                                                                                man and international fashion brands and designer labels. It is a traditional magazine that
                                                                                                transports readers into the world of spectacles. It reports on well-known brands and inde-
                                                                                                pendent labels in equal measure, and also profiles interesting personalities, creative minds
 ISSN 0170-8473 | HEFT 85 | HERBST WINTER 2020

                                                                                                and dedicated brand creators from the eyewear sector – interesting, multi-faceted and
                                                                                                entertaining. ‘Brille & Mode’s’ mission is to inspire and inform end consumers all about
                                                                                                eyewear. As a DOZ supplement, the magazine reaches its core readership, consumers and
                                                                                                eyewear users, via opticians.

                                                                                                Aesthetics. Culture Lifestyle. The range of topics is broken down into various editorial
                                                                                                formats. From the runways of the fashion capitals, we report on fashion and accessory
                                                                                                trends, presenting the latest frame designs and new eyewear trends. We watch designers
                                                                                                at work, especially eyewear designers, and report on aesthetic design concepts. This view of
                                                 FASHION                                        cosmopolitan lifestyle worlds, beauty and styling, and cultural highlights delivers fresh ideas
                                                 & EYEWEAR                                      and impetus as a source of inspiration. ‘Brille & Mode’ has a new feature: We stage our own
                                                 Inspirationen Herbst/Winter 20/21
                                                                                                aesthetic art photo shoots and showcase the beauty and fascination of prescription eyewear
                                                 FARBTRENDS                                     and sunglasses in special shoots that also present the season’s latest sports or kids’ eyewear.
                                                 Color-Moods: Lust auf Farbe!

                                                 FUTURE DESIGN                                  ‘Brille & Mode’ will focus even more on storytelling in 2021. Authentic. Surprising. Emo-
                                                 Der Zeit voraus: Avantgarde und Eco
                                                                                                tional. As a guide for eyewear users, we present curated highlights from the wide world of
                                                 SUR REAL                                       brands and products.
                                                 Brillendesign künstlerisch inszeniert

12                                                        Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Ad formats (prices excl. VAT)
                                                          Formats                                                                                 Price
                                                          Width x height in mm + 3 mm bleed at the outer borders

                                                          230 x 330
 Cover                                                                                                                                              6.709,– €
                                                          Please consider the logo „Brille & Mode“ at the head of the page!

                                                                                                                                                                            + 384,– €        2nd cover
 1/1 page                                                 230 x 330                                                                                 5.579,– €
                                                                                                                                                                            + 759,– €        4th cover

 1/2 page landscape / portrait                            230 x 162 / 112 x 330                                                                     2.789,– €

 1/3 page landscape / portrait                            230 x 108 / 78 x 330                                                                      1.849,– €

 1/4 page landscape / portrait
                                                          230 x 81 / 61 x 330 / 112 x 162                                                           1.394,– €

PR ads (prices excl. VAT)

 Spotlight (New Products Eyewear) image + text 1/2 or 1/4 Page                                                                                    see page 8

 PR ads present brand information with tailored topics and portraits                                                                                2.437 ,– €

 Cover rubric „Fashion & Eyewear“ (editorial page without logo + 300 characters text) 1/1 Page, 230 x 330                                            4.500,-€

Custom formats (prices excl. VAT)
                    Inside flap                                                                          Glued inserts
 Titelseite         combined with cover        Price:   9.290,– €                                       combined with cover         Price: 10.490,– €
                    combined with U2           Price:   8.790,– €                                       combined with U2 or U4      Price: 9.990,– €

                    Outside flap                                                         Co      ver     French Door                                                  Gatefold on inner pages
        Cover                                                                            Titel   seite
                    only combined with cover   Price:  8.990,– €                                        only combined with cover    Price: 9.490,– €                             Price: 9.490,– €

                                                                                                                                                                 Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56     13
DOZ X-tra

                                           As COVID-19 put paid to our planned new publication ‘X-tra’, we are going to try again
                                           in 2022.

                                           DOZ X-tra will always concentrate on a pressing issue for the industry, and report com-
                                           prehensively on it. The individual articles will be written by experts from the respective
                                           fields, giving users practical benefits and a wide variety of opinions.

                                           We will communicate the topics for X-tra in good time.

14   Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Ad formats (prices excl. VAT)                                                           Custom formats (prices excl. VAT)
                                   Formats                Price                                                  Inside flap combined with U2
                                   Width x height in mm
                                   + 3 mm bleed at the
                                   outer borders                                         Titelseite
                                                                                           Cover                  Price:                                                     5.990,– €

 1/1 Page                          170 x 245              3.500,– €   + 1.000,– €
                                                                      2nd + 4th cover
                                                                                                                 Outside flap
                                                                                              Titelseite          Price: 	                                                   2.990,– €
 1/2 Page                                                                                      Cover
                                   85 x 245
 landscape/                                               2.000,– €
                                   170 x 122


                                                                                                                  Price: 	                                                   3.990,– €

                                                                                                                 Glued inserts combined with U2 or U4

Inserts (prices excl. VAT)                                                                                        Price: 	                                               8.000,– €

 Quantity                       Price

 1 sheet (2 pages)              3.000,– €                                                                                                   Gatefold on inner pages
 2 sheets (4 pages)             5.000,– €                                                                                                    Price:                      8.000,– €
 3 sheets (6 pages)             6.500,– €

 4 sheets (8 pages)             7.500,– €

                                                                                                                                        Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56          15
Kleinanzeiger (KAZ)

                                                                                                                                        The eyewear sector did have full employment. Past tense, because the pandemic disrupted
                                                                                                                                        the employment market in the eyewear sector, though relatively little compared with other

                  Kleinanzeiger                                                                                                         industries. However, the industry is expected to return to full employment soon, triggering
                                                                                                                                        intense competition for employees again.

                                                                                                                                        The DOZ Stellenmarkt (job market) puts you in pole position in the race for staff. The
                                                                                                                                        monthly DOZ small ad supplement is one of, if not the, job market for the industry. And
                                                                                              wir wa
                                                                                                     c                                  the best thing is that every print job ad is also published on our online platform automati-
                                                                                            & such hsen
                                                                                                   en Sie
                                                                                                ozent /i  als                           cally and free of charge.
                                                                                               Infos on

                                                                                                                                        Use the DOZ ‘Kleinanzeiger’ to attract qualified specialists!

            Wir wissen wie du dein großes Potenzial noch einmal so richtig erweitern und dich nach-
            haltig auf die Zukunft in der Augenoptik vorbereiten kannst! Du lernst innovativer und
            wissenschaftlicher zu denken, um mit neuem Wissen in Optometrie und Management
            Großartiges zu erreichen.
            Was du dafür mitbringst? Den Abschluss als Gesellin/Geselle in der Augenoptik und den
            Willen, mehr aus dir zu machen. Wir unterstützen dich in deinem Engagement und du
            erlangst in nur vier Jahren, neben deinem Job, den Abschluss als Augenoptikermeister/in
            und den akademischen Titel Bachelor of Science Augenoptik und Optometrie.
            Für das Bachelorstudium inkl. Meisterausbildung benötigst du kein Abitur!
                 Wir erzählen dir mehr unter: www.akademie-der-augenoptik.de/bachelor
                                             Von den Besten lernen!

                                            06 | 2020

                                                                                                                       20.05.20 14:03

16   Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Prices (excl. VAT)                                           Ad formats
per millimetre of height and column

                                            Print + Online   1 column                     42 mm wide

 Jobs wanted                                1,13 €
                                                             2 columns                    88 mm wide
 All other ads                              2,67 €

                                                             3 columns                    134 mm wide

                                                             4 columns                    180 mm wide

                                                             Maximum height               256 mm high

                                                             1/1 page, trim size          203 x 295 mm + 3 mm bleed at the outer borders
 Cover (KAZ-Print)                          + 15 percent

                                                             2/1 double page, trim size   406 x 295 mm + 3 mm bleed at the outer borders
 Backcover (KAZ-Print)                      + 10 percent

 Top Job (online only)                      89,– €

                                                                                                                     All small ad
 30 days extension (online only)            125,– €
                                                                                                                  are automa
                                                                                                                   also publish
 Box no. fee for Germany                    16,– €                                                                     online!
                                                                                                                  (Basic pack
 Box no. fee for other European countries   25,– €

See page 24 ff. for online only ads

                                                                                                           Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56   17
DOZ Digital – Display Ads
              Find the right banner for your message!

                                                                                       W 728 px x H 90 px

                                                                                       W 1.200 px x H 250 px

                                                                                       B 300 px x H 600 px

                                                                                       Wide Skyscraper
                                                                                       B 160 px x H 600 px

                                                                        ▶              Medium Rectangle I
                                                                                       W 300 px x H 250 px

                                                                                    Roadblock consisting of:
                                                                            Superbanner, medium rectangle I,
                                                                                            wide skyscraper
Visits Ø month*:                      67.000
Unique User Ø month*:                 53.000

*elicited by the publishing house itself (Google Analytics),                           Medium Rectangle II
  01.01. – 18.10.2020                                                                  W 300 px x H 250 px

             18                   Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Technical details & price (excl. VAT)

  Form of advertising                                                    Positioning                     Mobile                Format in pixels         File type                                         Price/Month

  Billboard                                                              all pages                       x                     1.200 x 250 + 320 x 50   GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             799,– €

  Superbanner                                                            all pages                                             728 x 90                 GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             599,– €

  Wide Skyscraper                                                        all pages                                             160 x 600                GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             449,– €

  Halfpage                                                               all pages                                             300 x 600                GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             499,– €

  Medium Rectangle I 1. Position                                         News                            x                     300 x 250                GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             399,– €

  Medium Rectangle II 2. Position                                        News                            x                     300 x 250                GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                             299,– €

  Roadblock                                                                                                                    160 x 600 + 728 x 90 +
                                                                         all pages**                     (x)*                                           GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4                         1.149,– €
  Combination aus Medium rectangle, superbanner und wide skyscraper                                                            300 x 250

Maximum size: 150 KB

* Skyscraper and superbanner are not displayed on mobile.        ** Superbanner and wide skyscraper are displayed on all web pages.

                                                                                                                                                                            Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56             19
DOZ Digital – Native Advertising                                                                             Social Media
Advertorial (prices excl. VAT)                                                                                         4.089 Follower

 Price:                                    749,– € [can start at any time]                                             2.693 Follower

Additional options:                                                                                                    633 Follower
                                                                                                                                                                                      [As of 17th May 2021]
 Picture gallery:                          350,– €           Social Media Push: 	               299,– €

Bundle Small                                                                                                 Facebook (prices excl. VAT)
                                                                                                             Foto or link ad
 Advertorial + Facebook Promoted Post 	                                                          979,– €
                                                                                                             Showcase your brand as natively as possible with a Facebook photo or link ad in DOZ’s look
                                                                                                             and feel.
Bundle Medium                                                                                                Price:	                                                                           299,– €
 Advertorial, Newsletter + Facebook Promoted Post. 	                                            1.199,– €

Bundle Large                                                                                                 Instagram (prices excl. VAT)
 Advertorial, Image gallery, Newsletter + Facebook & Twitter Promoted Post  1.599,– €
                                                                                                                                          be your
Technical requirements                                                                                                                     ment.
Headline: 				                                                           max. 65 characters incl. spaces
Teaser text: 				                                                        max. 250 characters incl. spaces
                                                                                                             Story integration
Lead image: 				                                                         1.200 x 675 px
                                                                                                             Benefit from high-profile Instagram stories and use the advertising shown
Continuous text: 				                                                    no character limit
                                                                                                             between the editorial stories. The first story cannot be used to place ads.
Up to 5 more pictures in the running text*: 		                           1.200 x 675 px
                                                                                                             The stories are marked with #ad.
Image gallery: 				                                                      max. 10 images, 1.200 x 675 px
Target URL
                                                                                                             Price:                                                                            249,– €
* A video can also be embedded (YouTube link)

20              Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
High Impact Format: Content-Ad
Give your advertising message prime position in the middle of the content. That means
that your ad will attract more attention in every new news article published.

Price: 	749,- €

Display: 			Multiscreen
Format: 			      728 x 90 px & 300 x 250 px
File type: 		    GIF / JPG / PNG / HTML5 / MP4
Maximum size: 		 150 KB

                                                                                        Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56   21
DOZ Newsletter overview
                                                 The DOZ Newsletter pools the latest news                        Newsletter advertorial (prices excl. VAT)
                                                 and trends from the industry and informs our
                                                 subscribers on the latest market reports and                    The weekly newsletter presents the week’s most important items in compact form. You can
                                                 studies, regular job and career news and industry               place your message as an accompanying advertorial in the DOZ industry portal or image
                                                 events.                                                         + text banner (e.g. image or logo and a 500 character text with link).

                                                                                                                 Price:                        999,– €

                                                                                                                 Newsletter sponsorship (prices excl. VAT)
                                                  1x weekly
                                                                                                                 Draw attention to your brand message among subscribers as a
                                                  Every Monday                                                   sponsor of the editorial newsletter.

                                                  Subscribers: 4.439                   [as at 17th May 2021]
                                                                                                                 Price:                        299,– €
      Newsletter Sponsoring
         600 x 300 px                                                                                            Run:                          Sent once
                                                  Opening rate Ø month*:                               37%

                                                  Click rate Ø month*:                                 15%       Technical requirements
                                                 *elicited by the publishing house itself, 01.01. – 18.10.2020
                                                                                                                 Standard image size:          600 x 200 px
                                                 Our Newsletter distribution lists are updated
                                                                                                                 Format:                       JPG/GIF/PNG
                                                 via bounce management and inactive addresses
                                                 are removed on a continuous basis. That lets us                 Headline:                     max. 50 characters (incl. spaces)
                                                 guarantee active readership with high involvement
                                                 – and maximum impact for your campaign.                         Text:                         max. 500 characters (incl. spaces)
                                                 We offer one exclusive banner placement and an                  Target URL
                                                 advertorial article per issue. Advantages for your
           Image or logo,
                                                 ads: low wastage and a wide reach.
     as well as a 500 character
           text with a link

22         Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Business Newsletter (prices excl. VAT)
One of the most effective forms of advertising in online marketing: We send your
advertising message to the readers of our Newsletter. The exclusive setting and high
reader involvement guarantee maximum attention for your product and company.

Run:                                     Sent once
[Business Newsletters are marked with *Sponsored* in the subject line.]

Technical requirements
Text:                                       Text templates, subject line, one target URL
Images:                                     600 px wide
Format:                                     JPG/GIF/PNG
For finished HTML content:                  max. file size 500 kb, width 600 px
Max. resolution:                            150 dpi

HTML5 advertising
The HTML 5 advertising to be run must be run in a single HTML file. None of the HTML
files delivered may be called index.html.
 Price: 		 1.749,– €

                                                                                           Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56   23
DOZ digital job market
                                           DOZ’s job market is a professional partner for jobs, recruitment and career planning, both
                                           for companies and job seekers. The job market offers career opportunities for specialists in
                                           all areas, from opticians, sales representatives, contact lens fitters, right up to optometrists.

                                           Advantages for you:
                                           • Service and advice from one personal contact
                                           • Strong brand builds trust
                                           • Mobile recruitment: Job ads are also optimised for smartphones
                                           • Job market relaunched with search engine optimisation for Google for Jobs
                                           • Place your own ads, 24/7

                                           Google Recruiting – We put you in the search
                                           Google for Jobs is now also available in Germany – and the digital DOZ job market is prepared
                                           and optimised for it. Google for Jobs is not a dedicated job exchange where you can post
                                           job ads directly, it is an extension of Google Search. In future, when you search for a job
                                           on Google, a search box like the ones for hotel or flight search appears in the results. If a
                                           candidate enters the terms ‘Optician, Hamburg’, for example, a wide range of jobs will appear
                                           in Google’s search results – summarised in the search box.

24   Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Basic    Professional   Optimum     Top Job
                                                                       By adding the ‘Top Job’ flag to your job ad, your vacancy receives additional attention in
Runs: 30 days                       ✓            ✓            ✓        the job market list. That increases its visibility and highlights your job offer for qualified
Text display with own logo          ✓            ✓            ✓
                                                                       Refresh updates the date of your job ad after 15 days. That ensures that your ad remains
Optimised for Google job search     ✓            ✓            ✓
                                                                       highly visible in the job market list.

Refresh                              x           ✓            ✓        Extension
                                                                       You can extend the run of any ad variant by 30 days at a discounted rate immediately on
Top Job                              x           x            ✓        booking. The price includes two refreshes, on the first and 15th day of the additional run.
                                                                       After that, the ad can only be extended by placing a new ad at the respective ad price.
Newsletter Push                      x           x            ✓
Print ad in DOZ                      x           x            ✓        Reactivate your job ad (also possible after the run).

                                  199,– €    249,– €       499,– €     Newsletter Push
                                                                       Your job ad is integrated in the weekly DOZ Newsletter.
Additional options
                                                                       Social Media Push
Extension                            x       149,– €       350,– €     Use our reach on Facebook as a recruitment platform. Your job ad is also posted on our
                                                                       Facebook page.
Reactivation                         x        199,– €      399,– €

Social Media Push                    x        199,– €       199,– €

                                                                       Ads for interns and trainees (prices excl. VAT)
                                   Basic    Professional   Optimum     We offer lower rates for ads to help you find interns and trainees.
3er-Bundle                           x       649,– €       1.269,– €   Price:                            49,– €

6er-Bundle                           x       1.229,– €     2.399,– €

12er-Bundle                          x      2.299,– €      4.499,– €

                                                                                                                                Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56     25
Employer branding – Where employers become brands!
                                           In this time of specialist shortfall, it is particularly important for companies to present
                                           themselves as a compelling employer brand. Applicants often do not know what they are
                                           getting into: What is the company really like?

                                           We offer you tailor-made solutions and products to fill your vacancies successfully and
                                           develop your employer brand. High-reach employer branding with attention-grabbing
                                           campaigns on all DOZ channels and placement of job ads on doz-verlag.de/Stellenmarkt
                                           lets you communicate your own advantages ideally. That allows you to target job seekers or
                                           potentially interested persons specifically.

                                           Company portrait: Employer advertorial (prices excl. VAT)
                                           Use an online advertorial to showcase your company professionally: Enhance your employer
                                           brand and awareness specifically among your target groups and increase your application
                                           response rate for your job ads.

                                           Price:                          749,– €

                                           Make your presence felt – Banner advertising (prices excl. VAT)
                                           Employers can book high-profile banner ads on the DOZ industry portal. You can choose
                                           the best format for you from a wide range of advertising forms. The banners link directly to
                                           the homepage or the company’s careers page.

                                           Price:                          from 299,– €    (see p. 18)

26   Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56
Optometrie. Ästhetik. Business.

                                                                             For our General Terms and Conditions, please visit www.doz-verlag.de/AGB
           Trade journal with
           verified circulation

Circulation analysis per IVW                                                 Purchase prices (gross)
III. Quartal 2020                                                            Annual print subscription			                 84,00 €
                                                                             Pupils and students			                        32,00 €
Print circulation:                6.300                                      Plus € 16.90 for shipping in Germany in each case
Distributed circulation:          5.568                                      (Overseas shipping on request)
Sold circulation:                 3.903                                      Trial subscription (3 months)			              22,00 € (incl. shipping)
Subscriptions:                    3.878
    In Germany:                   3.499                                      Annual digital subscription			                                       79,00 €
    Other countries:                379                                      Pupils and students			                                               27,00 €
                                                                             Trial subscription (3 months) 			                                    17,00 €

Frequency                                                                    Annual print & digital subscription           89,00 €
DOZ: 		13x per annum, at the start of each month,                            Pupils and students			                         37,00 €
Brille & Mode: 		twice a year (April, October)                               Plus € 16.90 for shipping in Germany in each case
KAZ: 		12x per annum with DOZ at the start of the month                      (Overseas shipping on request)
DOZ X-tra: 		twice a year (May, November)                                    Trial subscription (3 months)			              24,00 € (incl. shipping)

                                                                             Digital upgrade
                                                                             (exclusively for print subscribers)                                    5,00 €
Publisher information
DOZ-Verlag Optische Fachveröffentlichung GmbH                                The publisher reserves the right to adjust subscription prices to changed circumstances (increased personnel, material costs or
Post office box 12 02 01, 69065 Heidelberg                                   increased costs for provision of services that the publishing house must pay to third parties).

Luisenstraße 14 (Marienhaus), 69115 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221/905170 | Fax: +49 6221/905171                                Photo credits::
Internet: www.doz-verlag.de | E-mail: doz@doz-verlag.de                      Adobe Stock / jesadaphorn; Photocase / cydonna; Shutterstock / Manfred Ruckszio; Adobe Stock / Wayhome Studio

                                                                                                                                                          Media Data 2021 | Price list no. 56              27
Optometrie. Ästhetik. Business.

                                                             DEUTSCHE OPTIKERZEITUNG
                                                                                                                                       O P TO M E T R I E & F A S H I O N                                                                           12-2004

                                                                                                                                                                  come . see . profit

                                                                                                                       !– Hörakustik –
                                                                                                                        Neu: Inklusive
                                                                    D 350 9 • I S S N 0 34 4 - 710 3
                                                                                                                                                     opti münchen 2005            8. int. optik-trendmesse

                                                                    1. D e z e m b e r 20 0 4 • J a h r g a n g 59

                                                                                                                                                           28. - 30. januar 2005
                                                                                                                                                                                         N EUE M ESSE M ÜNCHEN

                                                                                                                     Ergebnisse und

                                                                                                                     Entwicklungen aus dem
                                                                                                                     Betriebsvergleich 2003

                                                                    w w w. d o z - v e r l a g . d e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         07 | 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DENKEN & HANDELN
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                                                                                                                                                     Sie ist der bedeutendste Branchentreffpunkt im deutschsprachigen Raum und eine der Top-3-
                                                                                                                     wirtschaftlichen Risiko wird!
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                                                                                                                     49. Internationaler             Info: O.K. Messen GmbH • A-5020 Salzburg, Essergasse 12/2 • Tel. +43(0)662/82 61 39-0 • Fax +43(0)662/82 61 39 40
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spezial: Wie           100 Tage Corona: So geht   Kontaktlinse: Neue   Materialauswahl:
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                                                                                                                                                                              e-mail: office@opti-munich.com • Internet: www.opti-munich.com

1946 - 2021
 DOZ-Verlag Optische Fachveröffentlichung GmbH
 Post office box 12 02 01, 69065 Heidelberg | Luisenstraße 14 (Marienhaus), 69115 Heidelberg
 Phone: +49 6221/905170 | Fax: +49 6221/905171 | Internet: www.doz-verlag.de | E-mail: doz@doz-verlag.de
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