Page created by April Lloyd
                   STATE OF CALIFORNIA

                      ZOOM PLATFORM

                  MONDAY, APRIL 19, 2021
                        10:05 A.M.


          J&K COURT REPORTING, LLC    916.476.3171

David Miller, Chairperson
Theresa Taylor, Vice Chairperson
Henry Jones
Fiona Ma, represented by Frank Ruffino
Stacie Olivares
Jason Perez
Ramon Rubalcava

Margaret Brown
Rob Feckner
Lisa Middleton
Eraina Ortega
Shawnda Westly
Betty Yee, represented by Lynn Paquin

Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer
Dan Bienvenue, Interim Chief Investment Officer
Michael Cohen, Chief Financial Officer
Matthew Jacobs, General Counsel
Scott Terando, Chief Actuary
Kelly Fox, Chief, Stakeholder Relations

          J&K COURT REPORTING, LLC   916.476.3171

Jennifer Harris, Chief, Financial Planning, Policy and
Budgeting Division
Justin Heeb, Assistant Chief, Operations Support Services
Pam Hopper, Committee Secretary
Nina Ramsey, Associate Pension Actuary
Dallas Stone, Chief, Operations Support Services Division
Paul Tschida, Senior Pension Actuary

J.J. Jelincic
Mr. David Soares, Retired Public Employees Association

          J&K COURT REPORTING, LLC     916.476.3171
1.   Call to Order and Roll Call                           1
2.   Approval of the April 19, 2021 Finance and
     Administration Committee Timed Agenda                 2
3.   Executive Report – Michael Cohen                      3
4.   Action Consent Items – Michael Cohen                  5
     a.   Approval of the February 17, 2021 Finance
          and Administration Committee Meeting Minutes
     b.   Semi-Annual Contracting Prospective Report       6
     c.   Valuation Report for the 1959 Survivor
          Benefit Program
     d.   California Actuarial Advisory Panel
5.   Information Consent Items – Michael Cohen            17
     a.   Annual Calendar Review
     b.   Draft Agenda for the September 14, 2021
          Finance and Administration Committee
     c.   Semi-Annual Financial Report (PERF)
     d.   Semi-Annual Health Plan Financial Report
     e.   Pension Contracts Management Program Report
6.   Action Agenda Items
     a.   2021-22 Annual Budget Proposal – Michael
          Cohen, Jennifer Harris                          17
     b.   Annual Review of Board Member Employer
          Reimbursements – Michael Cohen, Michele Nix     45
     c.   State Valuation and Employer/Employee
          Contribution Rates – Scott Terando,
          Nina Ramsey                                     46
     d.   Schools Valuation and Employer/Employee
          Contribution Rates – Scott Terando, Paul
          Tschida                                         58
7.   Information Agenda Items
     a.   Summary of Committee Direction – Michael
          Cohen                                           66
     b.   Public Comment                                  66
Adjournment                                               66
Reporter's Certificate                                    67

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 1                              PROCEEDINGS

 2               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   It's 10:05 by my clock, so

 3   I'll call the Finance and Administration Committee open

 4   session to order.

 5               And the first order of business is the roll call.

 6               Ms. Hopper, please

 7               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      David Miller?

 8               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Here.

 9               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Henry Jones?

10               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:    Here.

11               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Frank Ruffino for

12   Fiona Ma?

13               ACTING COMMITTEE MEMBER RUFFINO:         Present.

14               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Stacie Olivares?

15               Jason Perez?

16               COMMITTEE MEMBER PEREZ:    Here.

17               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Ramon Rubalcava?

18               Theresa Taylor?

19               VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:      Here.

20               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Ramon Rubalcava?

21               COMMITTEE MEMBER RUBALCAVA:      Here.

22               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:      Mr. Chair, I have

23   everyone in attendance with the exception of Stacie

24   Olivares.     I do not show that she's connected yet as of

25   right now.

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 1             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Yeah, I do not see her

 2   either.   Let me see if I've got anything in the chat.

 3             No, I do not see anything.        I think if we'll take

 4   a moment or two, if someone could -- staff could reach out

 5   and see if we can see what's happening with Ms. Olivares

 6   whether she's going to be -- whether she's having

 7   technical problems or anything.

 8             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        I see her now.

 9             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     There she is.

10             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Stacie Olivares?

11             COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:        Here.

12             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Thank you.

13             Mr. Chair, all is in attendance.

14             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Thank you, Ms. Hopper.

15             Okay.     Our first item to take up now is Item

16   number 2, approval of the April 19th, 2021 Finance and

17   Administration Committee timed agenda.         What's the

18   pleasure of the Committee?

19             VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:        Move approval.

20             COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Move approval.

21             Second.

22             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     Moved by Ms. Taylor,

23   seconded by Mr. Jones.

24             Any discussion on the matter?

25             I'll call for the question.        Ms. Hopper, would

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 1   you please call the roll.

 2               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Henry Jones?

 3               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:    Aye.

 4               Henry Jones?

 5               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:    Aye.

 6               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Frank Ruffino for

 7   Fiona Ma?

 8               ACTING COMMITTEE MEMBER RUFFINO:         Aye.

 9               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Stacie Olivares?

10               COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:      Aye.

11               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Jason Perez?

12               COMMITTEE MEMBER PEREZ:    Aye.

13               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Ramon Rubalcava?

14               COMMITTEE MEMBER RUBALCAVA:       Aye.

15               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Theresa Taylor?

16               VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:      Aye.

17               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Mr. Chair, I have

18   the motion being made by Theresa Taylor, seconded by Henry

19   Jones with all ayes.

20               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Okay.     The ayes have it.

21               On to Item 3, the Executive Report, and I will

22   call on Mr. Cohen for the executive report.

23               CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:         Thank you, Mr.

24   Chair.   Good morning, Board members.         Michael Cohen with

25   the CalPERS team.     I have two items to report this morning

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 1   as part of the executive report.

 2              The first one is a reminder to those who are

 3   watching that next week, Tuesday, April 27th, we'll have

 4   our second quarterly asset liability management webinar.

 5   This, as you'll recall, is designed to keep our

 6   stakeholders up to date on what's going on with the ALM

 7   process as it heats up through the rest of the calendar

 8   year.

 9              And the second note is more unfortunate.     And

10   that one is that CalPERS filed a lawsuit on Friday against

11   one of our former long-term employees, given that she had

12   illegal accessed ten dormant retiree accounts and diverted

13   funds from those accounts.     These dormant accounts

14   represent a very small portion of the overall portfolio of

15   CalPERS member accounts, but we will make all of the

16   accounts whole.     And as part of our investigation, we are

17   conducting a forensic audit.

18              We have added additional security protocols to

19   lock those dormant accounts down as this investigation

20   continues.     This employee is no longer here.   And as I

21   mentioned, we did file the lawsuit in an effort to recover

22   all of the stolen funds.     We are working with law

23   enforcement and we have sent notification to all of our

24   team members, stakeholders, and so forth in the last few

25   minutes.     There's additional information that I would

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 1   point anyone who's interested to on our website, including

 2   a copy of that lawsuit.

 3               And so with that, I'll turn it back to you, Mr.

 4   Chair.

 5               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Thank you, Mr. Cohen.        Does

 6   anyone have any questions or comments for Mr. Cohen at

 7   this point?

 8               Seeing none.

 9               We'll move on to Action Consent items.         And I do

10   have a request to pull Action Consent Item 4b.            So this

11   will be for 4a, c, and d.      So what's the pleasure of the

12   Committee?

13               VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:    Move approval.

14               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Moved by Ms. Taylor.

15               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:    Second.

16               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Seconded by Mr. Jones.

17               Okay.   I'll -- any discussion?

18               I'll call for the question.

19               Ms. Hopper.

20               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Henry Jones?

21               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:    Aye.

22               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Frank Ruffino for

23   Fiona Ma?

24               ACTING COMMITTEE MEMBER RUFFINO:       Aye.

25               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Stacie Olivares?

                  J&K COURT REPORTING, LLC     916.476.3171

 1             COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:        Aye.

 2             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Jason Perez?

 3             COMMITTEE MEMBER PEREZ:     Aye.

 4             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Ramon Rubalcava?

 5             COMMITTEE MEMBER RUBALCAVA:        Aye.

 6             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Theresa Taylor?

 7             VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:        Aye.

 8             COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Mr. Chair, I have a

 9   motion being made by Theresa Taylor, seconded by Henry

10   Jones for items 4a, 4c and 4d.

11             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     All right.        Thank you, Ms.

12   Hopper.   The ayes have it.     The motion carries.

13             And so we'll now turn back to Item 4b on the

14   action consent items.    And I'll come back to Mr. Cohen to

15   present this one.

16             CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:           Sure.   So this

17   one is an annual contracting prospective report to notify

18   the Board of upcoming contract amounts.            If there's any

19   questions, I'll probably need some help in pulling some

20   folks into the meeting to answer those.            But given that

21   this was a consent item and a routine report and I don't

22   have a prepared presentation for you.

23             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     Thank you.

24             Questions from any of the Board?

25             Okay.   It looks like Ms. Brown has a question.

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 1               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:     Yes.   Thank you.     I thought

 2   you were going to skip me.

 3               (Laughter.)

 4               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:     Mr. Cohen, I have some just

 5   general questions and then a few specific ones.            And so

 6   I'm looking right now at page 12 where it talks about

 7   the -- what the prospective report includes.            And a lot of

 8   these are -- we talk about contracts of a million dollars

 9   or more.    And, you know, I'm feeling like I want to see

10   this number lowered to $500,000 or more, especially when

11   you look at these bullet points that say any amendments or

12   items previously reported by the Committee when the amount

13   is increased by a million or more.         So that means if that

14   contract is increase by $900,000, the Board doesn't see

15   it.   I just think a million dollars is a pretty big

16   threshold for us and I'd like to see that number lowered.

17   I don't know -- I don't think it really increases the

18   workload.     It's just a few more pages in the report.

19               And So I'd like to see that for more oversight

20   and accountability.       A lot of these we don't see.       We also

21   don't see purchase orders.        I've asked at the last meeting

22   or maybe two meetings ago, if I could see the purchase

23   order listing, because I did want to see some of those.

24   But -- so let me -- so can I have your comment about

25   lowering it to 500,000?

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 1               CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:    Sure.   I mean, I

 2   think if I recall correctly - and why don't we go ahead

 3   and have Dallas Stone brought into the meeting, given he

 4   oversees the Contracting Unit of CalPERS.       But I -- my

 5   understanding is that this report the threshold is set by,

 6   you know, Committee policy, so obviously a Committee vote

 7   to lower the threshold we'll happily comply with that.

 8   But there is, I will say, from my experience on the sort

 9   of providing information for this reports, it does take a

10   fair bit of work to, you know, pull it together.         It's not

11   sort of an automated report.      So it's -- there is some

12   workload associated with putting it together each time.

13   But obviously, we'll comply with the desires of the Board

14   regarding any information and --

15               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Well, let me ask you a

16   question.     We prepare this report twice a year?

17               CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:    That's correct.

18               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Okay.   And I assume it's a

19   query we run to get the -- to get the dollar amounts over

20   a million?     It would be the same query, except you'd lower

21   the amount to 500,000.     I don't know our systems.      Maybe

22   Dallas can tell us how easy that would be, but I -- that's

23   one of my asks.     And then let me give you the two other

24   ones, so we can grab them as well.

25               CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:    Sure.

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 1               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:     Moving to page 15, BlackRock

 2   Financial Management, Inc.        And it says contract amendment

 3   to add services, fees to be negotiated.        And so I want to

 4   know what those services are we're getting from BlackRock.

 5   And I know you'll need to bring somebody on to answer that

 6   question.

 7               And then my next question, and this is more

 8   generic for you, Mr. Cohen.        As I look on page 17 and when

 9   we talk about these new contracts, what's interesting is

10   typically when a public agency has contracts, usually they

11   have not to exceed, not to exceed two million, not to

12   exceed four million.     Except when we look at the details

13   of these contracts, I'm looking specifically at items 4

14   for Jeffries LLC, and then one and two, Berman Tabacco and

15   Orrick Herrington.     These say what they're expected to

16   exceed.     And typically, when we give a contract for

17   services, we -- or even things, we say what it shall not

18   exceed.     And so I'm wondering why we do it this way.

19               CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:     Sure.   Let me

20   pass it over to Dallas.     But on that specific question, I

21   think I can answer it.     Talking about the over a million

22   dollars is because it's hitting the threshold to be

23   included in the report.     But let me turn it to Dallas and

24   also see if we can get Dan from the Investment Office to

25   pop in on the BlackRock question.

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 2               Thank you, Michael.   And can we also promote

 3   Justin Heeb.     He's our Assistant Chief over our contracts

 4   and procurement area.

 5               So Ms. Brown, just to answer your question with

 6   regard to the amount of work or the work that goes into

 7   putting this agenda item together twice a year.        So what

 8   we do is we reach out to each program area, because again

 9   you need a prior approval before these contracts can be

10   executed.     So we reach out to each program area asking

11   them if they have any contract solicitation services that

12   they will be trying to execute that would exceed the

13   million dollar threshold.

14               We collect all of those requests.   We compile

15   them in that report and then we send it to you through the

16   Board for prior approval before those are executed.         So by

17   lowering the threshold, that would just require us again

18   to reach out to each program area with that $500,000

19   threshold and asking them to provide that information,

20   which would be added to that report.

21               Would it add additional workload?   It would most

22   likely turn into additional items being placed on that

23   report, but the process would remain the same.

24               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Thank you.


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 1            You're welcome.

 2            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:      Do you want to answer the

 3   other part of the question -- Michael, did you want him --

 4   sorry, Mr. Cohen, did you want him to answer the other

 5   part of the question as to why the contracts say exceed

 6   two million as opposed to the contract term, which is not

 7   to exceed two million?

 8            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:      Sure.     Go ahead

 9   Dallas, if you've got something to add to what I --


11            Yes.     So if a contract was previously approved by

12   the Board, let's say it had a $2 million threshold, and we

13   know that it could possibly exceed a $3 million threshold

14   or it goes over that hundred -- that $1 million mark, it

15   needs to go back to the Board for additional approval, if

16   it was to exceed that million dollar threshold.         I don't

17   Know, Justin, if you want to add anything to that with

18   regards to why we have the exceeding language on there.


20   CHIEF HEEB:     Yeah.   Dallas, that is correct.     So anything

21   that may exceed that next million dollar mark to give us

22   the ability to contract out, we would put that in the

23   report as "may exceed" to allow us to have -- if the Board

24   approves, to allow us to have the option to enter into a

25   contract for those services that may exceed that amount.

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 1   That's why you see the language as the way it is listed in

 2   this report.

 3               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   So, Mr. Heeb, if we look on

 4   page 16, the second box, number two, Orrick, Herrington

 5   and Sutcliffe, and it says that the estimated contract

 6   amount is expected to exceed one million.        So does that

 7   mean it will not exceed two million, is that what that

 8   means?


10   CHIEF HEEB:     Correct, Ms. Brown.     If the contract were to

11   get close to the $2 million mark or possibly exceed, we

12   would need to come back to the Board and receive that

13   approval.     So with the approval of the way that that

14   contract is written into this report, that contract may go

15   up to, if approved, $1.9 million as currently written

16   without coming for approval.      You are correct.

17               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Yeah.    That's backwards the

18   way that's written, in my opinion.        Maybe other members of

19   the Committee could say.     But typically, if a contract is

20   not going to exceed two million, that's what it would say,

21   because it gives the impression that this contract is a

22   million, but this contract is really a million 999999.

23   All right.     Those are my comments.     I don't know if any of

24   the other Board members have comments about this, but

25   it's -- you know, it's (inaudible)--

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 1            GENERAL COUNSEL JACOBS:    Ms. Brown.   I have

 2   something to add on that, Ms. Brown.     I think you're

 3   getting -- there's a distinction to be drawn here between

 4   what the contract itself says and the process that we're

 5   engaged in for the purpose of this report.

 6            The contracts typically have a not-to-exceed

 7   amount in them.    What we're talking about here is just

 8   because it may exceed, which is what Mr. Heeb and Mr.

 9   Stone are putting in here, a threshold that was determined

10   by the Board, they're reporting it.     But that's different

11   from the contract itself having a not-to-exceed number in

12   it, which I believe most of these or all of them do.

13            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:    Thank you, Mr. Jacobs, for

14   explaining that to us.    I'm just saying that this report

15   is misleading, because you look at that one million and

16   you think they're getting a million dollar contract, but

17   really they could be getting up to a two million -- well,

18   a million nine hundred thousand dollar contract.       That's

19   all I'm saying that this report is a bit misleading.

20            Thank you.

21            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:     And, Board Member

22   Brown, did you have a specific question on BlackRock?        I

23   see Dan has joined us.

24            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:    Yeah.   So the question on

25   BlackRock.    This is on page 15, number 3, it says contract

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 1   amendment to add services, fees to be negotiated.         And I'm

 2   just wondering if you can tell us in open session what

 3   those services are that we're going to be adding to the

 4   contract?


 6               Sure, Ms. Brown.   Happy to.    We were exploring

 7   use of BlackRock's Total Fund Risk System.        So, you know,

 8   we've spent quite a bit of time looking at how we manage

 9   our risks and our risk technologies.        We're exploring the

10   Aladdin system for total fund risk.        So that's what the

11   additional services are.

12               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   I'm sorry.    Do we have an

13   idea of how much that is expected to cost?        It does --

14   because this doesn't say will exceed ten million or will

15   exceed five million.     It doesn't have a number on here.


17   know, we're in negotiations frankly, so I would be a

18   little bit hesitant to talk too much --

19               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Okay.


21               -- about what we expect it to cost, but you know,

22   we -- I know we've talked about also the other risk

23   systems, so we would expect that depending on where we

24   end, it will be something like flat, but we'll certainly

25   have full transparency as we -- as we conclude those

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 1   negotiations.

 2            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:     All right.      Thank you.

 3            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     I have a question or

 4   comment from Ms. Taylor.

 5            VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:        Yes.   Sorry about that.

 6   So I just want to remind everybody that the Board oversees

 7   the strategy.    We voted on this.   And it is unusual for

 8   Board members to ask for purchasing orders.         And then the

 9   other information, which I thought was interesting,

10   because these are fees that we normally pay for

11   investments.    And I think we're going to go into that

12   later in the budget as well.     So I just want to remind

13   everybody that we oversee the strategy.         And things like

14   purchasing orders aren't something -- that's why we have

15   staff just to remind everyone.

16            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     Thank you.     I'm not

17   seeing any other questions or comments from Board members.

18   So does that pretty much cover that, Mr. Cohen?

19            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:         This was an

20   action item, so --

21            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     So -- okay.     So

22   unless there -- seeing no further questions or comments.

23            Ms. Hopper, I'll call for the question.

24            COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Okay.   Can    get who

25   did the motion and who seconded on this particular item?

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 1               VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:        I think I made the

 2   original motion and Henry seconded it.

 3               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Okay.

 4               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Yeah.

 5               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     That was on the other

 6   three items.

 7               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Oh, okay.

 8               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     That was not this item

 9               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     So do I --

10               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     So you need a motion.

11               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     So we'll need a motion on

12   this one then.

13               VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:        I make the motion.

14               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.

15               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Second.

16               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     We have a motion from

17   Ms. Taylor, seconded by President Jones.           So now I'll call

18   for the -- any further discussion?

19               No.   Seeing none.    I'll call for the question.

20   Ms. Hopper, please call the roll.

21               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Henry Jones?

22               COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Aye.

23               COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:        Frank Ruffino for

24   Fiona Ma?

25               ACTING COMMITTEE MEMBER RUFFINO:           Aye.

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 1              COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Stacie Olivares?

 2              COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:     Aye.

 3              COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Jason Perez?

 4              COMMITTEE MEMBER PEREZ:    Aye.

 5              COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Ramon Rubalcava?

 6              COMMITTEE MEMBER RUBALCAVA:       Aye.

 7              COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Theresa Taylor?

 8              VICE CHAIRPERSON TAYLOR:     Aye.

 9              COMMITTEE SECRETARY HOPPER:       Mr. Chair, I have a

10   motion being made by Theresa Taylor, seconded by Henry

11   Jones for Item 4b, Semiannual Contracting Prospective

12   Report.

13              CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Thank you, Ms. Hopper.         The

14   ayes have it.    The motion passes.

15              So that takes us to information consent items.

16   And I'm not seeing any requests to discuss or pull any of

17   those.

18              So that will bring us to action agenda items.

19   And our first action agenda item is the 21 -- 2021 to '22

20   annual budget proposal.     And so I'll go to Mr. Cohen.

21              (Thereupon a slide presentation.)

22              CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:        Thank you, Mr.

23   Chair.    And if we can bring Jennifer Harris in to present

24   the budget.     And as she's coming in and we're getting the

25   PowerPoint queued up, I did want to just make an

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 1   introductory comment.     When you look at the overall

 2   percentage increase of the budget, it is quite large.        But

 3   you do need to keep in mind that we had sort of

 4   artificially reduced the current year budget dramatically,

 5   based on our mid-year budget cuts that the Board approved

 6   in November.     That combined with the current PLPs, the

 7   sort of furlough program for State employees, are bringing

 8   down our expenses in the current year before they pop back

 9   up in the budget year, as well as Ms. Harris will go into

10   the investment external fees, which are also driving the

11   increase.

12               And with that, let me turn it over to Jennifer to

13   walk you through the details of the budget.


15   CHIEF HARRIS:     Good morning, Mr. Chair and members of the

16   Committee.     Jennifer Harris with CalPERS Financial Office.

17               It's my pleasure to present the 2021-22 annual

18   budget.     This is an action item and your approval today

19   will set the funding levels for the new fiscal year

20   beginning on July 1st.     As I typically do, I'll begin with

21   a brief update on where we are with current year spending.

22               Next slide, please.

23                               --o0o--


25   CHIEF HARRIS:     CalPERS total 2020-21 budget is 1.621

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 1   billion.    This does include the 72.3 million budget

 2   reduction that we took at mid-year to achieve savings.

 3              As detailed on page five of the budget, which is

 4   Attachment 1 to this agenda item, you'll see that as of

 5   December 31st, we've spent 722.8 million, or nearly 45

 6   percent of the budget.       Based on our projections, we do

 7   estimate that we'll end the fiscal year with about 15.7

 8   million in savings.       This includes 11.9 million in

 9   unexpended administrative operating costs, 1.7 million for

10   headquarters building costs, and 3.8 million in unexpended

11   third party administrator fees.

12              The current year update that's in the budget also

13   includes some information on our Social Security program

14   fees.   Based on our collections, we anticipate that the

15   fund balance will be about 2.6 million.       This is a pretty

16   high fund balance for the program.       And we are proposing

17   to suspend collection of those fees for the 21-22 fiscal

18   year.   We do need Department of Finance approval on that

19   fee modification as required by State law.

20              Next slide, please.

21                                 --o0o--


23   CHIEF HARRIS:    Moving onto the proposed budget.

24              Can you move the slide?

25              There we go.     Our total 2021-22 proposed budget

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 1   is 1,888,000,000.    This a 267.1 million increase compared

 2   to the authorized budget.    This is including both

 3   operating costs and external fees.

 4              Need to go back one budget -- or one slide

 5   please, back to slide 3.

 6              Well, our operating cost increases are primarily

 7   due to the anticipated cancellation of those personal

 8   leave program days, the furloughs that we were taking, as

 9   well as the restoration of funding for some one-time

10   reductions that we took in the current year to achieve

11   savings.    A large majority of our increase is with the

12   external investment manager fees.      And this is due to

13   increased assets under management, or AUM, revised asset

14   allocations and expected continued portfolio performance.

15              There are funding for 2,843 authorized positions.

16   This number does reflect the 32 positions that we

17   eliminated at mid-year.     There are no funds included for

18   permanent positions in the blanket or seasonal clerks

19   performing non-seasonal workload.

20              Next slide, please.

21                               --o0o--


23   CHIEF HARRIS:    The next slide does detail the overall

24   budget.    It shows you what our authorized budget was.

25   Beginning in 2020-21, this was the annual budget approved

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 1   by the Board last April.      It shows what the authorized

 2   budget is currently, based on those mid-year reductions

 3   that we took, and then the proposed amount for fiscal year

 4   to 2021-22.

 5             We do need to be on slide 4.

 6             Great.     Thank you.   Oh, my apologies.     It looks

 7   like I'm being delayed seeing it, but you all are seeing

 8   it.   Great.

 9             So here's that overall chart and you can see the

10   increases for each of the budget categories.          On the next

11   slides, I'll walk you through the major changes for each

12   of these components.

13             Next slide, please.

14                                --o0o--


16   CHIEF HARRIS:      Within operating costs, we have a large

17   increase for administrative operating costs.          This is

18   detailed on page ten of the budget.       And this is

19   increasing 59 million, or 12 and a half percent.          This

20   category does include both personal services expenses as

21   well as OE&E.      The biggest driver of our increase in this

22   category is the anticipated cancellation of the statewide

23   compensation reductions or the personal leave program.

24             While we won't know the outcome of this issue

25   until after the State releases the May revision, the

                J&K COURT REPORTING, LLC      916.476.3171

 1   Legislature has its legislative budgets hearings, as well

 2   as the outcome of collective bargaining.      But even though

 3   we won't know the outcome of that, we are including an

 4   estimated amount here, given the timing of our budget

 5   cycle compared to the State's.

 6               The personal services increase does reflect as

 7   well a 9.3 million increase.      This is a restoration of

 8   funding for some of those one-time cuts that we took in

 9   the current year.     And there is a decrease of 3.8 million

10   for reduced temporary help and over time, and some revised

11   health benefit calculations.

12               Pages 13 and 14 of your budget show that over the

13   past five to six years, CalPERS has reduced temporary help

14   and overtime costs by nine and a half million.

15               Next slide, please.

16                               --o0o--


18   CHIEF HARRIS:     Within OE&E we are seeing a 20.9 million

19   increase.     This is driven by software and data processing

20   expenses, the allocation of our facilities expenses to

21   Affiliate Funds, an increase for statewide pro rata costs

22   that are determined by the Department of Finance, and

23   external vendor costs that we're anticipating for the

24   upcoming Board elections.

25               Although our administrative costs are increasing

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 1   compared to the mid-year budget - this is what Michael was

 2   talking about that we are seeing kind of the snapback

 3   effect - overall our administrative budget is 9.7 million

 4   less than it was a year ago today.

 5             With the reductions that we took at mid-year as

 6   well as continued reductions that were ongoing, CalPERS

 7   will achieve 40 million in savings in its admin budget

 8   over a two-year period.   This is over and above the

 9   reductions that we saw for those personal save -- personal

10   savings reductions for the furloughs.

11             Additionally, it's far exceeding the $5 million

12   target cut that the Governor's administration asked

13   CalPERS to make for 21-22 alone.

14             Next slide, please.

15                             --o0o--


17   CHIEF HARRIS:   Two other operating cost categories include

18   investment operating costs and the headquarters building

19   budget.   Within investment operating costs, we are

20   proposing a $4.2 million increase.     This includes an

21   increase for usage-based master custodian fees, as well as

22   some technology expenses to continue investment data

23   strategies within the Investment Office.

24             Headquarters building costs are going down four

25   and a half million dollars.     Now, the headquarters

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 1   building budget that you see, this represents the amount

 2   of the headquarters costs that are paid for by the Pension

 3   Fund, by the PERF.     So the net reduction that we're seeing

 4   here not only includes a decrease in both operating and

 5   non-operating costs, but as well as the allocation of some

 6   of the headquarters expenses to Affiliate Funds.

 7              Additionally, there's some truing up going on,

 8   because of continued decreases in parking revenue, given

 9   that our buildings are closed.

10              Next slide, please.

11                               --o0o--


13   CHIEF HARRIS:     So moving on to fees.    Within fees, we have

14   both investment external manager fees, as well as

15   Third-party administrator fees.       Both of these categories

16   of expenses are significantly affected by external

17   conditions.     So, for example, investment external manager

18   fees are impacted by portfolio performance and market

19   conditions.     In contrast, third-party administrator fees

20   are largely influenced by the migration of members to

21   different health plans.

22              So within this budget -- and we should be on

23   slide 8.   There we go.    So within the external fees

24   portion of our budget, we are seeing a 207.5 million

25   increase in external investment manager fees.       These fees

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 1   again are based on assets under management, which have

 2   increased, portfolio performance, and some strategies that

 3   we're employing.

 4            The drivers include base fees for global equity,

 5   private equity, and opportunistic strategies, and

 6   performance fees for real assets.        Details by asset class

 7   are shown in the budget on page 19.

 8            Finally, we do increase -- expect a small

 9   increase, a 0.9 million increase in third-party

10   administrator fees.     We are seeing some migration again of

11   members to plans with higher costs, administrative

12   expenses, but there are some decreases offsetting that for

13   the pharmacy benefit manager costs, as well as continued

14   enrollment declines in the Long-Term Care Program.

15            That is the end of the slides.

16            In summary, the 2021-22 proposed budget is

17   1,888,000,000.     This does reflect increases that are

18   either mandated or that are necessary for CalPERS to meet

19   its core mission and its strategic goals.        We recommend

20   approval of the budget as proposed and welcome your

21   questions.

22            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.     Thank you for that

23   presentation.    Very helpful.   And I have a question

24   starting off with questions from President Jones.

25            COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Thank you, Mr. Miller.

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 1   And thank you for the presentation.     Just a couple of

 2   questions just to -- so that I can understand and not

 3   substantive questions, but as -- I have three.

 4            The first one is Social Security.     As I

 5   understand, this is a service we provide to the State to

 6   respond to federal government requirements.     Could you

 7   kind of explain to me how that works?     I know it's a small

 8   amount of money, but I'm just interested in how -- is this

 9   a service we're providing to the State and how does it

10   work?


12   CHIEF HARRIS:   Sure.   So since the early 1950s, CalPERS

13   has been the State's designated program administrator for

14   the Social Security program.    So we act on behalf of the

15   State of California in overseeing the collection and

16   contracting for employers statewide who choose to offer

17   Social Security benefits to their employees and the social

18   security administration.    And so these are public

19   employers, so cities, counties, local districts, and the

20   State.

21            So anybody or anyone of these employers who

22   decides to provide Social Security benefits, they have to

23   enter into an agreement and we oversee the Administration

24   of that program.

25            For many years, there was residual interest

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 1   sitting in the old age security fund that we used to cover

 2   the administrative costs.   Two years ago, we did bring an

 3   item to the Board letting you know that per State law, we

 4   have the ability to charge the administrative fee to

 5   employers to cover the costs of this program.      So we

 6   started collecting this fee for two years.      We're doing

 7   really well with collections.   We were unsure how

 8   collections would rollout, given that a fair number of

 9   those employers are not CalPERS-covered employers, but the

10   majority of all employers are paying.    And so per statute

11   and regulations, when the fund balance exceeds more than

12   100 percent of administrative costs, we will revise the

13   fee.

14            COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:   Excellent.     Thank you.

15            The next question is -- it deals with the

16   vacation accruals.   Because of the reduction in time days

17   off that were required to save money during the budget

18   crisis, and individuals were compensated for that

19   reduction by adding -- taking additional vacation days.

20   So my question is if those employees don't take that --

21   those vacation days, isn't that increasing our long-term

22   liabilities for a statewide impact?


24   CHIEF HARRIS:   Yes, that is the case.   And under the

25   collective bargaining agreements, although employees do

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 1   receive two additional days off a month, they are not

 2   required to take them.     We encourage them to and offer the

 3   time if somebody asks, but they are able to bank that

 4   time.

 5            COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     So do you believe that's

 6   significant and -- because it is statewide in terms of

 7   those individuals electing not to take it off and being

 8   part of their vacation they can use in their calculations

 9   for retirement.


11   CHIEF HARRIS:     Unfortunately, I have not done the

12   calculation and worked with HR to identify what that

13   long-term liability might be.     But certainly, I think that

14   it could be.

15            COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Okay.


17   CHIEF HARRIS:     That's always a trade-off that the State

18   considers when it's making these fiscal decisions.

19            COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:     Okay.   Okay.   And then

20   the last thing I'd just like to comment that the -- I

21   recognize that the fees that you show have increased, but

22   it should be -- should not be taken in isolation, because

23   that's based on improved returns that those fees were

24   increase, is that correct?


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 1   CHIEF HARRIS:     Oh, yes, absolutely.      Yeah.

 2             COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:       Okay.


 4   CHIEF HARRIS:     A large driver of the increases in the

 5   external management fees really does reflect that we've

 6   had some excellent portfolio performance.

 7             COMMITTEE MEMBER JONES:       Okay.   Okay.    Thank you.


 9   CHIEF HARRIS:     Um-hmm.

10             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:       Okay.   Thank you.

11             I have -- it looks like I have a question from

12   Director Brown.

13             BOARD MEMBER BROWN:       Thank you, Chair Miller.

14             I have a question.       I'm on -- let's see, what

15   page?   Page 15 of 24 of Agenda Item 6a, the -- I'm looking

16   at the investment operating costs.


18   CHIEF HARRIS:     Um-hmm.

19             BOARD MEMBER BROWN:       And I'm just curious as to

20   what is part of the business operations tool going up 25

21   percent this year.        And it looked like it went up 25

22   percent the previous year.        So can you explain to me

23   what's going on with that?


25   CHIEF HARRIS:     Sure.     And if we can bring in Dan Bienvenue

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 1   as well to talk on this.    Within our Investment Office, we

 2   have a number of data strategies reflected around the

 3   total fund performance strategy.     And so we are

 4   implementing various tools for the Investment staff to not

 5   only take on additional investments internally -- and

 6   you've seen that, that we have more of our investments are

 7   being managed internally, but as well as data tools, so

 8   that they can identify when a decision and investments are

 9   made in one particular area, what's the impact to the

10   other asset classes.

11             And, Dan, I don't know if you have any additional

12   comments that you'd like to make on those specific

13   strategies?

14             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Yeah.     I'm not seeing Dan

15   here at the moment.

16             BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   You want me to move on to my

17   next question?

18             CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:      He just popped

19   in.

20             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:   Oh, there he is.


22   Hi.   Yep, apologies.   I'm here.

23             No, Jennifer is spot on.      Basically, it has to do

24   with our migration to, first of all, enhancing our

25   performance platform, and then secondly really just the

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 1   data and the total fund analytical work.

 2              BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   Okay.   So do we expect that

 3   to continue to go up or do you think it's going to stay at

 4   about where that is?


 6              Candidly, I would -- I probably would expect it

 7   to continue to go up, probably not at the pace that it's

 8   gone up.    But as we have migrated towards really focusing

 9   on the total fund, and internalizing assets, and managing,

10   you know, risk, and the like, at the total fund level,

11   there are costs that are associated with that.      We think

12   those are costs that are well worth the expense, because

13   of the, you know, improvements that we've made around

14   managing our liquidity, our leverage, and all of those

15   things.

16              But improving our technology, and our data, and

17   our total fund management does have costs associated with

18   it, but we think those are costs that are well justified

19   in terms of performance.

20              BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   All right.   Thank you.    My

21   next question is on page 157.     And this one -- I mean,

22   there's some large increases there in global equity, I

23   see, but -- and this is for Dan.     I see that the global

24   equity fee is going up a hundred percent, is doubling, and

25   then real assets is going up even greater.      And I'm

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 1   curious, since, you know, a lot of our -- well, why don't

 2   you tell me why that -- why that -- why those are.


 4   sorry, Ms. Brown, can you remind which page you're looking

 5   at on the attachment.

 6               BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   I'm sorry.   I'm on page --

 7   yeah, page 19 -- my apologies.      Page 19 of 24 in that

 8   table that talks about investment external management fees

 9   going up.     So I look at global equity doubling to a

10   hundred percent.     These are performance fees, so -- so

11   basically we're -- so performance fees are paid when we

12   sell the asset, is that correct?


14   the case of Global equity, the assets are moving

15   constantly.     So performance fees are -- are based on just

16   basically excess performance relative to the benchmark

17   with some hurdles in place.

18               It is probably worth commenting and -- you know,

19   and Jennifer spoke to this briefly also.       We certainly

20   think that it is good governance to include asset

21   management fees, both basis and performance, in the

22   budgeting process.     But I will say that to some degree

23   and, you know, I know -- I know Jennifer wrestles with

24   this topic also.     They defy budgeting, in some sense,

25   right?   If the market goes way down and the assets under

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 1   management drops, the fees will go down.    But I don't

 2   think anybody is going to be very happy with that answer,

 3   even though we have lower fees.   And vice versa, as the

 4   market goes up, the base fees will go up.    Probably a good

 5   problem to have.   And we really have very little control.

 6            What we have control over is the terms of our --

 7   of our contracts, which is where we focused.     And that's

 8   where you've seen our total basis points at the total fund

 9   level, you know, over the past say ten years go from, you

10   know, over 50 basis points to call it 23 basis points in

11   the total fund level, and even over the last five years go

12   from, you know, mid-thirties to, as I say, sort of 23, 24

13   bass points.

14            But as far as global equity's performance fee,

15   that is very forecast based, the performance of the -- you

16   know, of the global equity portfolio has been very strong,

17   specifically external managers has been very strong.

18   That's very much accretive to the bottom line.     But we do

19   expect to -- you know, we do have performance fees in

20   place for those contracts, and we -- we expect to pay.

21   And frankly, we're -- those are places where our interests

22   are aligned and we're happy to pay.

23            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:   And is that the same answer

24   for real assets as well?


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 1   a very similar answer.     I would say with real assets, it's

 2   probably even harder to predict in some ways.            And I would

 3   because, because there's a timing on when it -- on when it

 4   actually crystallizes.     I would say that thinks

 5   historically we have only seen the actuals paid be, you

 6   know, less than what we forecast every year.         Again, we

 7   kind of tend to be conservative when we forecast.               But,

 8   yes, it's a very similar answer, in that we expect both on

 9   the real estate and on the infrastructure side.            We have

10   seen good performance.     We've seen it both accrued, but

11   then also some crystallized, and we expect to be paying

12   those fees in in 21-22.

13            BOARD MEMBER BROWN:        Okay.   All right.     So

14   basically, these are -- if everything goes well, we're

15   going to pay these fees.        And if they don't, then we save.

16            Okay.     All right.     Thank you.   Those are my two

17   questions.    Thank you.

18            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:        Okay.   Thank you.

19            Next, I have Director Olivares.

20            COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:         Thank you.     I wanted

21   to understand how we're getting some of these estimates

22   for some of the subscriptions services for analyzing

23   investment data.     I know there's a lot of value in these

24   services, but I'm not sure if we're doing this on a per

25   person or organization-wide basis.

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 2   know, it really depends on the vendor, Ms. Olivares.       In

 3   some cases, they are per person.    We certainly pursue

 4   site-wide licenses, if the site license we think is a more

 5   cost effective way to do it, if there are -- is broad use

 6   of it.   In the case of some services, it's a much more,

 7   you know, narrow set of users.     So we'll negotiate on the

 8   per person basis, but this is something that we are

 9   spending quite a bit of time on right now.

10             We certainly have a business plan initiative for

11   this year and will again for next year on cost

12   effectiveness.   And it will be looking at those and

13   consolidating services where we can, you know, making sure

14   that we're getting value for services that we're use --

15   that we're -- that we are getting and using, and then to

16   your point, you know, trying to make sure that we -- we're

17   getting, you know, bulk savings and just getting our --

18   you know, the best contract terms that we can.

19             COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:    Thank you.    Yeah, I

20   was looking at some of Bloomberg fees in particular,

21   which, you know, is a bit of change.     It's quite a bit of

22   money.   And it looks like its far beyond the Bloomy,

23   right, on a per person Bloomy for each person in INVO,

24   so -- or it exceeds the Bloomberg terminal cost for each

25   person in the Investment Office.    Let me phrase it that

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 1   way.

 2              So I imagine it's not -- is that site-wide or are

 3   there additional services baked within the Bloomberg

 4   contracts, so that way CalPERS is getting additional

 5   analytics.


 7   a little of both.     There are some places where we're

 8   using -- I'm not -- I'm not exactly sure what the per user

 9   is, so I would have to -- I would have to check those

10   numbers.     I will say that not everybody in INVO has

11   Bloomberg, but in some cases we're getting real-time

12   services, in some cases we're actually using other

13   analytics of Bloomberg on some of their, you know, sort of

14   trade routing technology.     And so as a result of all of

15   those things, it comes together.     But your point is spot

16   on and it's certainly an area that we are looking at.

17   There are a handful of vendors that really dominate those

18   subscription services.     And it's pricey.   Again, we do

19   think there's value there, in that we operate in the

20   market every day, but it -- but it is -- it is a pricey

21   service.

22              COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:   And how do we

23   determine who in the Investment Office needs access to

24   those services?     It's obviously not going to be everybody

25   that needs access to these.     Can you walk me through that

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 1   please?


 3             Sure.   You know, it's really determined on an

 4   ongoing basis, really by -- you know, by manage -- by

 5   management.   And it's determined based on job function.

 6   So certainly, the trader, certainly the portfolio

 7   managers, you know, do need it.     As I say, there's more

 8   expense for real time.    So say for myself, I do have a

 9   Bloomberg license, but mine is not real time, because I

10   don't believe I need real time, you know, pricing and the

11   like, but really it's in that way.

12             And then we have some places where we have, you

13   know, a terminal sitting that can be used to, you know,

14   sort of drag data out of, but they don't belong to any one

15   individual.   So there's -- there's all of those, you know,

16   varying levels of sort of service and use by different

17   members of the staff.

18             COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:     So we have processes

19   in place by management reviews the need for access based

20   upon an individual's portfolio or job requirements, and

21   then we're doing what we can to mitigate costs.


23             Correct and correct.    Yes.

24             COMMITTEE MEMBER OLIVARES:     Okay.   Great.   I

25   think that's wonderful.    Thank you.

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 1            CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.   Thank you.

 2            And next, we have Controller Yee, a question.

 3            BOARD MEMBER YEE:     Thank you, Mr. Chair.      I just

 4   had a question for Mr. Cohen, if I could.      Really

 5   appreciate the -- I guess, the clarification or the

 6   clearer depiction of our position situation, so -- but I

 7   wanted to ask with respect to the position pool, I just

 8   wanted to get clarification about the types of positions

 9   that comprise that pool.     And I know we've been trying to

10   set this up as an efficiency measure.      And is that pool

11   really to service the entire enterprise, including the

12   Investment Office?

13            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:      Sure.    Yes, it

14   absolutely serves the entire enterprise.      And the

15   Investment Office has been sort of shrinking over the last

16   couple of years as they give positions to the pool.         And

17   one of the areas where that really came in handy this past

18   year is when the customer service center, our call center,

19   was experiencing sort of a spike in volume.      So the

20   Investment Office sort of had some positions that they

21   transferred to the pool.

22            And basically, Anthony Suine came to the

23   executive team and, you know, provided information to

24   document the increase in call volume, and then ten

25   positions were transferred over there.      So that's sort of

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 1   a good example of how it was used to maximum benefit.             And

 2   as you'll recall in November, we basically had 32

 3   positions that were in the pool that the Executive team

 4   felt weren't going to be needed any -- for any foreseeable

 5   future, so that's where we eliminated them.

 6            So it's sort of, I would call it, kind of a

 7   holding tank for positions, as we evaluate demands.          So

 8   there are a handful of positions in this budget that are

 9   in the pool, since we don't know really as we come back to

10   the office later in the year.    You know, if there's going

11   to be new demands on positions, there will be a handful

12   that are available for the highest use.       And twice a year,

13   the Executive team goes through a process by which we sort

14   of review all of the vacant positions that have been open

15   for a while, as well as any that sort of management has

16   identified as they come open that aren't needed to be

17   filled, that come into the pool and sort of make a

18   judgment as to, you know, how big the pool should be, and

19   where, if any, they should be redirected at a point in

20   time.

21            BOARD MEMBER YEE:   Okay.   Great.     No, I

22   appreciate the mechanism.    And is it fair to say then that

23   most of the positions are really more of support in

24   nature, that are -- that comprise the pool?

25            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER COHEN:       You know, it

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 1   really, I think, depends on the situation.          There's

 2   nothing inherent, why they're -- they're more support

 3   oriented versus, you know, some other function.             It

 4   happened -- my example, happened to be that way.             And I

 5   think over the last couple of cycles, that's been the

 6   trend where we've put more positions into sort of a -- the

 7   actuarial Office, the customer service side of things.

 8   That's obviously where, you know, we want to make sure

 9   we're providing customer service, is always going to be

10   kind of our top evaluation need, but, you know, other --

11   otherwise, wherever sort of we need within the

12   organization the Executive team has worked really well to

13   sort of trust each other's judgment and expect people to

14   come forward when they have a true need, but not come

15   forward when, you know, it's just sort of a want.

16               BOARD MEMBER YEE:     Okay.   Great.   Great.        Thank

17   you.     Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

18               CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Thank you.

19               I don't see any more questions from Committee

20   members or the rest of the Board, but I believe we do have

21   a couple public commenters queued up.         So, Mr. Fox, if you

22   would.

23               Mr. Fox or someone, do we have public comments to

24   take now on this item?

25               STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS CHIEF FOX:       Yes.     I'll

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 1   introduce David Soares to the -- to the public comment.

 2              MR. SOARES:   Thank you, Mr. Fox and Board

 3   members.    My name s David Soares.    I'm with the Retired

 4   Public Employees Association of California, where I'm an

 5   Assistant Area Director after retiring, serving 32 years

 6   as a prosecutor in Silicon Valley.      My comment pertains to

 7   Agenda Item 6a.

 8              The 21-22 percentage increase for investment

 9   internal managers at 30 percent isn't stated on the slide

10   like every other category.      Our issue here is that the

11   entire proposed 21-22 salary and operating overhead,

12   excluding external management fees, is projected to be

13   about $700 million.      But the projected 21-22 external

14   management fees just for real estate and private equity,

15   adding private equity performance to these extrapolated

16   from the 2020 CAFR, which is not in the -- shown in the

17   budget, are actually going to be at least $1.25 billion,

18   for asset classes to which CalPERS is still struggling to

19   deploy just 17 percent of assets under management due to

20   too much money chasing too few deals.

21              The Philadelphia Inquirer is recently reporting

22   that the Pennsylvania Teachers Retirement Fund is actually

23   under FBI investigation for conflicts of interest

24   involving that sector.      My question is shouldn't sound

25   fiduciary exercise the duty of inquiry to ask why such a

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 1   high amount of fees -- 1.25 billion is the equivalent to

 2   150 percent of all other operating overhead, are being

 3   paid on such a relatively small share of capital deployed.

 4             Something needs to be done to ratchet down these

 5   potentially corrupt fees and to get this money back to

 6   work for the members and beneficiaries.       California

 7   Constitution, Article 16, Section 17A and B limit the

 8   Board to defraying reasonable expenses of administering

 9   the system.    Their seems to be no evidence offered that

10   these fee increases are reasonable in any way, shape, or

11   form.

12             And I'd like the Board to respond what are they

13   doing to inquire about the reasonableness of this 30

14   percent increase in external management fees and

15   especially looking at real estate and private equity.

16             Thank you.

17             CHAIRPERSON MILLER:     Okay.   Thank you, Mr.

18   Soares.

19             Mr. Fox, do we have an addition -- another

20   commenter?

21             STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS CHIEF FOX:      Yes, Mr. Chair.

22   We have one more caller.     J.J. Jelincic from the Retired

23   Public Employees Association.

24             MR. JELINCIC:    Hi.   This is J.J. Jelincic.      And I

25   would like to reinforce Dave Soares comments.       But my

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