Year 7 Handbook 2018 Carrum Downs Campus - Flinders Christian Community College
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Table of Contents Our College Purpose, Vision, Core Values, Philosophy & Goals 3 A Message from the Head of Middle School 4 A Message from the Year 7 Coordinator 5 College Expectations of Behaviour 6 An Introduction to the Year 7 Program 7 Subject Terminology 7 The Compass Award 8 Moodle – An Explanation for Parents 9 Homework and Devices 10 Middle School Policies 11-14 Year 7 Core Subjects 15 English 17 Mathematics 19 Science 21 F.L.I.P. 22 Geography 23 History 24 LOTE Chinese 25 LOTE German 26 Physical Education 27 Health Education 28 Year 7 Electives 29 Art 30 Design and Technology-Textiles 31 Music 32 Robotics 33 1
Purpose, Vision, Core Values, Philosophy and Goals PURPOSE STATEMENT We bring hope and purpose to our community through Christian Education. OUR CORE VALUES LO V E FAIT H ch person is un hat ea rm t ique affi eat ed in the image ly a e ycr of G nd Love W lovi ngl dh as in estimab le valu e. od an Faith HU Y We form M RIT st- tra hri up ILIT ur ns Integrity aC I N TE G hol of o Bib d th Y er v ty and others, through lica or the benefit mind p. at Christian education a l Chr We bring hope and hi Humility s and inspire ho ns purpose to our istian Worldvie a ti o community through e l Grace r m b ly f Christian Education tre d cen p e hu w. e ni EXC , Excellence u thro m ims m ug ELL co s ha E e to AC W Perseverance EN We GR via com a CE ble mit to maintaining en t futu rud ste wa re thro al andp ugh eth ic rdsh es. ip ove ovi d r all that God pr PERSEVERANCE VISION STATEMENT To be a transformative Christian Learning community. PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Flinders Christian Community College seeks to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ as its first priority in all aspects of school life. The College therefore, attempts to create and sustain an innovative learning environment that deals holistically with the educational, relational, spiritual and physical needs of students from a Biblical perspective. Flinders Christian Community College acknowledges God’s grace as the source of all gifts of humankind and the resources of creation, and accepts the Bible as God’s Truth. The College seeks to encourage students and staff to serve the local and global community. Flinders Christian Community College supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy in accordance with Australian law, which includes: respect for the authority of the elected government; the rule of law; equal rights for all; freedom of religion; freedom of speech and association. Flinders Christian Community College aims to bring honour to God in all aspects of life. 3
A Message from the Head of Middle School Welcome to Middle At Flinders Christian Community College, we School at Flinders Christian strive to encourage success in the full breadth Community College. In and meaning of the word. To this end, students Year 7 we begin a journey may expect encouragement but they must and a partnership. The also expect to be challenged in all areas. journey is one that a Success without challenge makes something student embarks upon as of a mockery of the very concept of success; they transition from Junior depriving a child of one of the greatest skills of School towards Senior life; that of resilience. There will be times when School. It is a journey that, concepts won’t be easy to grasp. There will be for some, can be a source times of disappointment and times of uncertainty. of trepidation. However, We should not pretend otherwise. For this reason, we anticipate that it will in fact be a journey that the Middle School program is designed to build students can look back on with pride and a sense capacity, to instill resilience and set students up of achievement. for their senior years with the skills, knowledge and attitudes essential to success. The partnership between the family and the college is crucial to this outcome. We strongly Yet even after all of this, there is still one final believe that a loving and nurturing environment element of success that is central to the Middle both at home and at school provides a School program, as it is to Flinders Christian foundation for success. However, success can Community College as a whole, for “What good be an ambiguous concept. To some people it will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet equates to sporting excellence and victory in forfeit their soul?” (Matthew 16:26). We know that competition. To others, it means a string of A God has a plan for each of our students. “…plans grade results in a semester’s report. Others might to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to turn to the Arts and see success measured in give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11). accomplishments in the theatre or the concert Exploring what this means may prove to be the hall. Yet another group might equate success most exciting part of the journey through Middle with convictions of the heart and a yearning to School. live a life of meaning that cannot be measured on a numerical scale, the number of trophies on I look forward to welcoming you this year and the mantelpiece or the size of a bank account. sharing in the journey, the partnership and joy that comes from success. God bless, Mr Michael McLean Head of Middle School - Carrum Downs Campus 4
A Message from the Year 7 Coordinator Year 7 is an important integrated curriculum. Home Group teachers year as students also communicate constantly with each other develop in maturity and regarding the pastoral needs of all Year Sevens. transition from Primary Parents are encouraged to attend our ‘meet and into Secondary school. greet’ session in Term 1 to help us establish good The Year 7 Program is lines of communication. We also use a Diary that designed to provide has to be signed by a parent nightly. students with supportive pastoral care, engaging Curriculum in Year 7 is rigorous and engaging. and exciting curriculum All core subjects are taught in accordance and a flexible and with the Australian Curriculum, with assessment stimulating learning tasks often having ‘real world’ applications to environment that promotes both collaborative inspire young minds. At the conclusion of Terms and individual learning. 2, 3 and 4, parents and families are invited to attend a ‘Learning Showcase Afternoon’ where Moving from Primary school into Secondary students display the culmination of their term’s school involves many changes, and can be a work to an audience. The theme for Term 2 is ‘An daunting time for students. To help Year Sevens Environmental Perspective’. Students take on the adjust to their new school environment, students role of a journalist and present a folio of their work participate in our Term 1 ‘Getting Organised’ in the form of a newspaper or interactive website. program where they are guided through the The Term 3 theme is Ancient China which involves essentials for being organised and succeeding in the entire Year 7 Centre being converted into a Secondary school. Topics covered include: An Chinese History Museum! The final theme in Term introduction to the ourFlinders (Moodle) online 4 is ‘Watch this Space’ and involves students learning system, responsible use of devices and creating their own movies and animations related cyber safety, navigating the Year 7 Homepage, to Astronomy. Prior to this, students work in teams uploading and submitting work tasks, homework to design and create their own solid fuel rockets expectations, Inquiry/Independent Learning Tasks which are launched from the soccer field in the and more. Year 7 is a new experience for many final week of term. parents too, and we endeavour to keep parents well informed so they can assist their children It is always a joy to watch Year Sevens as they transition through the changes of Year 7. develop both academically and in maturity throughout this exciting and formative first year of From the beginning of the year, students Secondary school. The Year 7 teacher team and establish a close connection with their Home I look forward to partnering with you in the year Group teacher who oversees all aspects of ahead. their learning, development and Christian instruction. Home Group teachers are committed God bless, to teaching only Year Sevens and work as a Ms Chaneen Vorster unified team to plan and deliver an innovative Year 7 Coordinator - Carrum Downs Campus 5
College Expectations of Behavior STANDARDS OF CONDUCT It is expected that each student’s word, actions and behaviour will work towards ensuring a safe, cooperative and unified College environment and surrounding community that is maintained by honestly endeavouring to follow the school’s core values, policies and agreeing to: • Be respectful, courteous and polite towards other students, staff and visitors, Act with a sense of responsibility and cooperation, • Maintain appropriate, respectful and acceptable level of relationships, Respect others personal space, identity and property, • Conduct themselves with dignity, integrity and modesty. If a student breaks the school’s core values, policies or agreements, parents will be contacted and a conference will be conducted to determine an appropriate resolution and course of action which may result in some form of consequence and the student will be required to work towards restoring the agreements. In the case of serious misdemeanour suspension and/or expulsion remain an option. 6
An Introduction to the Year 7 Program CURRICULUM Subject Curriculum across all Flinders Christian English Community College campuses is designed according to the Australian National Curriculum Mathematics and planned using the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework (Wiggins and McTighe). In Year Science 7, students are introduced to a wide range of Humanities subjects detailed in the table. LOTE (Chinese or German) Physical Education Health/Sport Electives F.L.I.P. Pastoral Care Subject Terminology CORE SUBJECTS Core subjects represent the subjects considered essential for the satisfactory completion of a year of study at Year 7. These subjects are in line with the guidelines of the Australian Curriculum and taught from a Christian Worldview perspective. ELECTIVES Electives Over the course of the year, Year 7 students Art rotate through four different elective subjects designed to diversify their educational Textiles experience and develop a range of important Music life skills. Robotics 7
The Compass Award This exciting program is designed to challenge you and extend your confidence and skills. It’s an internationally recognized Award that can lead into the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award for those who want to continue their involvement beyond Year 8. The Compass Award recognizes student initiative in Hobbies, Volunteering, Physical Recreation and Exploration. You select an activity for each area and build your Growth Mindset while putting in the necessary hours. It’s a fantastic way to develop personal qualities that will benefit you throughout your life. There are four levels of The Compass Award so it is important to select the level that is right for your age. A Year 7 student would normally start at Level 3 but you can commence at Levels 1 or 2 as well, if you have time. You should aim to complete Level 4 of The Compass Award by the time you turn 14. The levels are set out in the table below. The Compass Award: Award Levels and Requirements Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Physical Recreation 3 hours 6 hours 10 hours 15 hours Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Hobbies/Skill 3 hours 6 hours 10 hours 15 hours Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Volunteering 3 hours 6 hours 10 hours 15 hours Minimum Minimum Minimum Minimum Exploration 3 hours 6 hours 10 hours 15 hours If you need more information about The Compass Award, please speak to the College Coordinator, Mr McLean. You can also get answers to FAQ at: Compass%20docs/2013%20Compass_FAQ. 8
ourFlinders (Moodle) - An Explanation for Parents Staff, students and parents of the Flinders community have access to the ourFlinders website. Logging onto ourFlinders will give you access to Moodle, the college’s learning management system. Teachers use ourFlinders to provide teaching resources to students and to set assignments and tests. We encourage parents to log into ourFlinders to access online reports and to monitor the progress of their children over the course of the year. Parents and students can also contact their teachers at school and afterhours using the ‘My Messages’ messaging system on ourFlinders. HOW TO LOG IN TO ourFlinders Your username for ourFlinders is your email address. That is, the address you provided to the college when your child was enrolled, or the address you have subsequently provided to the college. Your initial password will have been sent to you via email, with an instruction to change it on your first visit to ourFlinders. To log into ourFlinders, go to: Enter your username and password in the appropriate spaces, then click “Login”. If you have forgotten or lost your password, you can reset it yourself. If you still cannot access ourFlinders, contact Moodle Support. (Students are assigned a network username and password, and should use those login details to access ourFlinders, on or off campus.) Parents are invited to attend the ourFlinders (Moodle) Parent Information session at the beginning of the year if they would like to find out more. An information sheet detailing ourFlinders is also available on request from the Administrative Assistant to Middle School. YEAR 7 HOME PAGE We recommend that parents regularly visit the Year 7 Home Page (accessed through ourFlinders) to view weekly homework and important links that pertain to the whole year level. 9
Homework Year 7 students are required to complete a maximum of 70 minutes of homework per night (Monday - Thursday). The homework for the week is listed on the Year 7 Home Page at the beginning of each week and includes regular Mathematics, reading and subject homework. Students should refer to this each night and we encourage parents to regularly check the homework on the Year 7 Home Page to assist their child in developing good study habits. In reality we understand students may be out after school, involved in sports, music or other activities, thus homework may sometimes be difficult to complete. However, students should always endeavor to be good 'time managers' and still try to accomplish the required hours set per week. To assist with recording weekly homework and upcoming tasks, Year 7 students are required to use the school diary. The diary has to be signed by a parent every night until the Year 7 staff are sure that students have settled in. This will be judged on an individual level. Plagiarism When you are researching for essays, projects and assignments, the sources of information are plentiful – encyclopedia, reference books, journals, magazines, newspapers and of course, the internet. It is important that you understand the correct way to use and to acknowledge the sources of information. Basically, the rules, accepted by schools and universities world-wide, are these: If you include in your piece of work any words and phrases directly taken from the work of someone else, you must put such phrases in quotation marks and clearly acknowledge their source. You should also include with your piece a bibliography, giving full publication details (title, author, publisher and date) of any work you have used. If you paraphrase someone else’s work (rewrite it in your own words), you should acknowledge the source of the ideas, and include the work in your bibliography. Not to do this is plagiarism, or passing off as your own words or ideas of someone else, which is a form of cheating, and heavy penalties apply. Device Devices play a key role in equipping students with the tools to engage in inquiry based learning. Year 7 students use their devices across all core subjects and Inquiry Tasks for research and completing and submitting work. Students are provided with a locker and key and are required to take full responsibility for the appropriate and safe use of their iPad. Students need to make sure they have downloaded all the Apps on the Year 7 App List by the beginning of the Term 1. 10
Middle School Policies PROCESS REGARDING SIGNIFICANT ASSESSMENT TASKS Unsatisfactory Grade - Failing to submit Original* Grade
Middle School Policies continued MIDDLE SCHOOL PROCESS WHEN STUDENTS ARE ABSENT FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS Absent for Assessment A - Student is absent for a reportable assessment task, or when such a task is due. B - Evidence of a valid reason (e.g. medical certificate, medical appointment, school excursion, school sporting event, family crisis, NA pre-notified family holiday) is provided to the subject teacher on day of return to school. C - Student sits task under subject teacher supervision or submits it to a new deadline as determined by the subject teacher. D - Assess and grade the task as normal, without penalty. E - If reason for absence was deemed ‘Not Acceptable’ by the YLC. F - Record a score of zero/UG grade (if a test) in Gradebook. Put a reason in comments section and refer to the Process regarding Significant Reportable Assessment Task. G - If assessment is not practicable and reasons for non-submission are valid, record NA for task in Moodle and comment on reason. H - Require student to submit satisfactory work to qualify for satisfactory course completion. 12
Task Completion Policy Note: Application of the Academic Progression policy is subject to individual student needs and circumstances and is at the discretion of Year Level Coordinators, Head of Teaching and Learning and/or the Head of Middle School. It is expected that by the conclusion of the school year students will achieve a satisfactory overall understanding, level of academic achievement and aptitude within each subject. The College reserves the right to review the academic progress of students who are not achieving satisfactory results, as outlined within the academic progression policy. Should a student’s record indicate that they qualify in this category, the College will assess the suitability of them progressing to the next year level for the following school year and make recommendations based on the context and capability of each individual student. Promotion Policy Progression from one year level to the next is not automatic. The primary determinant of whether a student should progress to the next year level is the Observations report of all their teachers. The secondary determinant shall be the academic results obtained by the student across a range of subjects. Initial consideration of a student’s likely promotion is undertaken at the end of Term 1. Families of ‘flagged’ students will be invited to the college with their child to discuss options for achieving better outcomes. Further considerations of a student’s likely promotion will be undertaken at the end of Terms 2 and 3. Options for students who have not met college expectations will be considered and determined by mid Term 4. Policy regarding family contact with the college From time to time, families may contact the college to express concerns. Parents should first express those concerns to the subject or Home Group teacher involved. Unless the matter is particularly serious, the Year Level Coordinator will politely decline direct inquiries to them unless families remain concerned after taking this first step. Should the Year Level Coordinator decide that the matter requires further attention, they may invite the Head of Middle School to take an active role in its resolution. 13
Middle School Policies continued All students are expected to use digital devices in an appropriate and productive manner and are required to be familiar with the Use of Digital Devices and Cybersafety Agreement located on Moodle. It is expected that all students use digital devices as a tool to enhance their learning experience and depth of understanding of curriculum. Students are to ensure that their digital device is stored, cared for and used in an appropriate manner. In particular, mobile phones must not be used in class without specific teacher permission. In the interests of healthy interaction and recreation, students are encouraged not to use phones, ipads and laptops at recess or lunchtime in Middle School. Any ipad with a SIM card must not be brought to school or the SIM card must be left at home. Misuse of digital devices involving inappropriate content will be dealt with as follows: Games or Non-classwork: Offence Device withdrawal period Communication 1st One Day Year 7: Phone call Year 8-9: No communication to family 2nd One Week Phone call & Letter 3rd Two Weeks Phone call & Letter 4 th Remainder of Term Phone call, Letter & Parent meeting Significant Download of non-offensive content in a Day: Offence Device withdrawal period Communication 1st One Week Courtesy phone call 2nd One Term Phone call & letter Note: If devices have been withdrawn, students are responsible to bring alternative equipment/ materials to do school work. Possession of inappropriate/offensive content It is the responsibility of students to ensure that all content contained on their digital device is deemed appropriate and acceptable according to the expectations of FCCC. Consequences (on top of device withdrawal) are up to the discretion of the Head of Middle School but may include detention, suspension or ceased enrolment. Please note, if an iPad is confiscated, the student is not allowed to use another student’s iPad. 14
Year 7 Core Subjects • English • Mathematics • Science • F.L.I.P. • Geography • History • LOTE (Chinese or German) • Physical Education • Health Education 15
English Course Description Over the course of Year 7, students explore a range of texts while focussing on developing their skills in grammar, punctuation, listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing, creating and spelling. The curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of Language, Literature and Literacy. Students will interpret, create, evaluate, discuss and perform a wide range of literary texts including poetry, newspapers, film and at least two novels. Students will create a range of imaginative, informative and persuasive types of texts including narratives, performances, reports, discussions and literary analyses. Students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect. They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors. Students evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own interpretations. They select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and conventions are used. Students understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of meaning. They understand how interpretations can vary by comparing their responses to texts to the responses of others. In creating texts, students demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create innovative texts. Students create texts that respond to issues, interpreting and integrating ideas from other texts. They create presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, comparing and evaluating responses to ideas and issues. They edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts and using accurate spelling and punctuation. Enduring Understandings • Skilful expression is at the core of persuasion. • Texts come in many forms and each may be equally valid. • Creativity is a skill that can be learnt. • There is often complexity in texts that require deep analysis to discern meaning. • Reading can be a life-long pleasure. Topics • Point of View • Novels • Film and Animation • Narrative writing • Poetry • Persuasive Writing • Identity and Heritage • Spelling and Grammar • Advertising and Newspapers Assessment Assessment Tasks may include Essays, creative interpretations, Oral Presentations, Debates, Persuasive Writing Tasks and Performances. 17
Mathematics Course Description The Year 7 Mathematics course includes content and activities that enhance the development of the Year 7 Mathematics Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum within the three strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. The content is presented through a range of contexts to engage students and assist them to make connections between Mathematics and their lives. Learning Outcomes • Students learn to solve routine mathematical problems using key knowledge and definitions from the course content. • Students learn to apply mathematical processes in non-routine contexts that involve real world problem solving, application and analysis tasks. • Students learn to set their workbook out neatly, showing clear ‘working out’ in step-by-step processes. • Students become familiar with the features of scientific calculators. • Students demonstrate the development of skills, concepts, applications and processes, which allow meaningful participation in society. • Students develop the ability to think clearly and to solve problems of varying complexity. Enduring Understandings Mathematics is a universal language that can be used to describe the order and pattern in God’s creation. Mathematics has a history and philosophy and the development of the subject has occurred over many centuries, in a myriad of contexts, by a range of interesting people. Mathematics is important in solving problems encountered in everyday life. Topics • Whole numbers • Decimals • Geometry • Negative numbers • Number properties and patterns • Statistics and probability • Fractions and percentages • Polygons, solids and transformations • Algebra • Measurement • Equations Assessment Assessment Tasks may include Topic Tests, Maths Inquiry Tasks and Problem Solving Tasks. 19
Science Course Description The Year 7 Science course includes content and activities that promote the development of the Year 7 Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum within the three interrelated strands of Science Inquiry Skills, Science as a Human Endeavour and Science Understanding. The content is presented through a range of contexts to engage students and help them realise the many ways that Science impacts our lives. Learning Outcomes • Students demonstrate a sound understanding the content of the course. • Students demonstrate that they have acquired the skills relevant to the course. • Students appreciate that Science is relevant to themselves and society. Enduring Understandings • Science can be used to explain the many aspects of God’s creation. • God, an intelligent designer, created everything with order and perfection and continues to sustain it by His word. • An understanding of Science can help us to be responsible stewards of God’s creation. • A violation of God's laws can result in serious consequences for ourselves and the environment. Topics An Introduction to Science: what do Scientists do? • Fair Tests • Ecosystems • Classification • Mixtures and Solutions • Forces in Action • Simple Machines • The Earth in Space • Precious Resources Assessment • Unit Tests • Practical Work • Projects 21
F.L.I.P. Course Description F.L.I.P. is an acronym for Faith, Life, Inspiration and Positivity. This subject, which runs from Year Seven to Nine, is an essential part of our well-being program. As a Christian College, we aim to educate students on the important elements of the Christian faith for them to make informed decisions on their worldview and ethical framework. This subject equips students with the essential skills to develop emotional and psychological resiliency. The College utilises the principles of Positive Psychology to ensure we develop young people who are thriving both at home and school. Learning Outcomes • An understanding an appreciation of the history and relevance of the Christian faith. • Develop skills to manage emotions and faulty thinking. • Gain an understanding of what truly makes people happy as successful. • Inspiring students to be optimistic and passionate about making a positive difference in the world. • The development of a worldview shaped by the Christian tradition. Assessment Reflections, assignments and test. 22
Geography Course Description The Year 7 Geography course includes content and activities that enhance the development of the Year 7 Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum. The content is presented through a range of engaging contexts to engage students and help them understand the relevance of Geography in our lives. Learning Outcomes • To demonstrate an understanding of the content of the course. • To appreciate Geography as relevant to themselves and society. • To demonstrate appropriate practical skills. Enduring Understandings • Environmental resources are made by God and entrusted to our care and management. Topics • Why People Live Where They Do • Water Assessment • Unit Tests • Practical Reports • Projects 23
History Course Description The Year 7 curriculum provides a study of history from the time of the earliest human communities to the end of the ancient period (approximately 60 000 BCE – c.650 CE). The content is presented through a variety of contexts to instil in students an interest in the history of civilisations throughout the world. Learning Outcomes • To demonstrate that students have understood the skills and content of the course. • To appreciate History as relevant to themselves and society. • To demonstrate appropriate practical skills. Enduring Understandings • All students will demonstrate knowledge of World History in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and the future. Topics • Why study History? • Ancient China • Ancient Rome Assessment • Unit Tests • Projects 24
LOTE - Chinese Course Description The Australian Curriculum provides three pathways for LOTE (Languages other than English) learning. Students studying Year 7 LOTE Chinese do the Second Language Pathway which caters for English native learners who have limited or no exposure to the language. The learning of Chinese language is supported by a combination of learning tools including the innovative use of ICT, online language programs, classroom activities, assessments and classwork tasks. A range of teaching methods and learning tools assist students in acquiring the unique Chinese in its written and spoken form language system. Learning Outcomes • To demonstrate that students have understood the language system and the cultural aspects embedded within. • To become confident participants of the language and able to apply the language in real life situations. • To demonstrate appropriate practical learning and effective thinking skills to advance them in their learning. Enduring Understandings • The study of Chinese language provides an awareness and understanding about our own world and the diversity within it. • God’s creation, Jesus and God’s salvation plan are revealed in the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world; Chinese characters. • The study of Chinese enables a reflective and positive attitude towards acquiring new knowledge and experiences in life. • The study of Chinese increases the capacity of students to become effective communicators in a diverse society. Topics • Everyday expressions • Countries and nationalities • Self- introduction and extension • What do you do? • Reading the time • How much is it? Assessment • Speaking skills • Classwork and homework participation • Understanding by reading • Intercultural study 25
LOTE - German Course Description The Year 7 German course includes content and activities that enhance the development of the Year 7 Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum within the four areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Students are introduced to the German language system given a range of opportunities to practise and use what they learn. Along with learning the German language, students discover what it is like to be a teenager living in German speaking countries. Learning Outcomes • To demonstrate understanding of the course content. • To demonstrate language acquisition skills. • To use the German language to exchange simple personal information on topics such as self, family, friends, pets and pastimes. • To appreciate German and develop an understanding of how parts of the system work. Enduring Understandings • Studying other languages and cultures offers insight into our own language. • Studying German helps students understand that cultural diversity exists and that customs and traditions vary within countries and over time. • When translating between languages there is often not an exact word for word equivalent. • German nouns have gender; German word order is different from English word order. Topics • Greetings, meeting people, likes and dislikes • Your personal world: feelings, ages, numbers up to 100 • Family, countries, colours • Animals, continents Assessment • Unit Written Work: vocabulary and grammar tasks, reading and responding tasks. • Listening Tests. • Oral Presentations: role play tasks, individual and group work. • Book work and participation. 26
Physical Education Course Description The Physical Education curriculum covers a broad range of sports and physical activities with a major focus on developing student’s motor skills, movement concepts/strategies and personal behaviour and social relationships to improve individual and team performance. Emphasis is placed on students learning the position of readiness, how to effectively send and receive objects, maximize their use of personal space and maintain body control/posture and link controlled movements to generate appropriate momentum. Students measure their own fitness and identify areas of strengths and areas for growth. They maintain regular participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity and analyse and evaluate their level of fitness in a variety of fitness assessments compared with population norms. Learning Outcomes Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Measure their own fitness, participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity and analyse and evaluate their level of fitness compared with normative data of children of similar age. Exhibit responsible personal and social behaviour that respects self and others in physical activity settings. Enduring Understandings God’s love is inclusive Positioning your body effectively leads to success Using space effectively leads to success Accuracy leads to success Topics • Fitness • Soccer • Basketball • Athletics • Badminton • Dance • Netball • Project Adventure • Swimming/Water safety. Assessment • Practical tasks 27
Health Education Course Description Health Education focuses on development of the whole person. It contributes to the physical, social and mental well-being of students and emphasizes the importance of living an active, healthy life. The Health program explores physical, social, emotional and mental health and personal development relevant to young adolescences. It focuses on safety and the identification of strategies to minimise harms associated with particular situations or behaviours. Students examine the promotion of health of individuals and the community through the use of specific strategies and the provision of health resources, services and products. They examine the factors that influence food selection and the role of nutrition on health growth and development. Learning Outcomes • Understand the changes associated with puberty and the changing roles and responsibilities during these stages. • Identify health risks and strategies to minimize these risks and for improving their personal health. • Analysis of what it means to be physically, socially and emotionally healthy. • Appreciate factors that affect their own and others’ ability to access and effectively use health information, products and services. • Investigate different food-selection models and reflect on how they can be used to assist in decisions about food choices. Enduring Understandings • God created us uniquely • Health status is impacted by our choices • Change is inevitable and a natural part of life • Choices we make may have negative and positive consequences • Family and media shape our personal identity and values • Dimensions of health are interrelated and dynamic Topics • Physical, mental and social health • Transition and change • Puberty • Personal Identity & values • Nutrition • Healthy Relationships Assessment • Projects 28
Year 7 Elective Subjects • Art • Textiles • Music • Robotics 29
Art Course Description The Year 7 Art course aims to develop competence in art-based theoretical knowledge as well as the practical application of artistic skills. The unit is centred on the five elements of Art; line, colour, tone, texture and shape. Students learn what these elements are, how they have been used in famous artworks throughout history and how to apply them in their own art. Students complete a theory- based task and a practical piece for each of the five art elements. Learning Outcomes • Demonstrate that they have understood the skills and content of the course. • Demonstrate appropriate practical skills in drawing, painting, collage and clay work. • Use appropriate art vocabulary. • Create artworks with detail and expression. • Use materials creatively and purposefully. Enduring Understandings • The five Art Elements have various influences in art. • Art comes in many different forms and has changed over time. • Recognising and understanding how the art elements are used in a variety of artworks make artworks interesting. Topics • Line • Colour • Tone • Texture • Shape 30
Design and Technology - Textiles Course Description In Year 7 Textiles, students are introduced to skills, equipment and theoretical understanding to enable them to create textiles related products. Through completing a variety of practical tasks, students learn how to read patterns and use a number of hand stitching techniques. Students look at which natural fibres are produced in Australia, how they are produced, how the environment is effected and managed and how these processes can be made more sustainable. Learning Outcomes • Effectively and safely use a broad range of materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to make designed solutions. • Students independently and safely produce effective designed solutions for the intended purpose. • Analyse how food and fibre are produced when designing managed environments and how these can become more sustainable. • Use project management processes when working individually and collaboratively to coordinate production of designed solutions. Enduring Understandings • God has designed us with unique and creative abilities that can be expressed through textiles to produce a quality product I would normally buy from a shop. • God is faithful and His creation shows us expressions of his loving character. Topics • What is Textiles? Where is Textiles used? • Textiles as Art • Safe practices in the textiles classroom • Threading needles • Straight stitch, cross stitch, blanket stitch, chain stitch etc. • Weaving and how to attach various buttons and embellishments. • Soft Sculptures Assessment • Practical Tasks - The Faithful Dog, The Book of Stitches, The Self Portrait • Investigative Fibre Assignment 31
Music Course Description The Year 7 Music course includes content and activities that enhance the development of the Year 7 Achievement Standards of the Australian Curriculum. The study of Music is presented through a variety of engaging strategies to assist students in exploring the world of music. The Year 7 music is also designed to encourage students to develop practical playing skills on an instrument, to enrich their lives. Learning Outcomes • Develop basic playing and performance skills on an instrument or voice, even if they have never done so before. • Demonstrate competency with digital technology and virtual instrumentation (GarageBand App on iPad). • Develop practical understanding of the language of music. Enduring Understandings • Music can be used to explore the expression of wonderment and awe of a God enriched life. • Practical playing and performance skills greatly enhance this expression. • Digital technology and virtual music are an integral part of every student’s world. Topics • Practical Instrumental Skills. • Understanding the power of and using GarageBand and other iPad Apps. • Understanding how to play and performing with virtual instruments. Assessment • Comprehension Quizzes • Creative Response and Composition Assessments • Practical Ensemble Assessments Additional Music Activities There is a wide range of extra-curricular instrumental and ensemble options for music students including: regular lessons, performance and touring opportunities. For full details please visit the instrumental music page on Moodle. 32
Robotics Course Description In Year 7 Robotics, students are introduced to the concepts of computational thinking and in developing coding solutions to achieve certain goals. Students will also investigate the nature of digital systems, the roles these systems play in society, and how humans interact with them. Learning Outcomes • Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language. • Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors. • Plan and manage projects, including tasks, time and other resources required, considering safety and sustainability. • Investigate how digital systems represent text, image and audio data in binary. Enduring Understandings • Technology is a God-given tool that mankind can use to better the world and improve the quality of life for all people. • Life has logical processes that can be harnessed in order to achieve certain aims. Topics • Constructing a robot using Lego Mindstorms • Programming using Mindstorms software • What is a Robot? • Solving problems effectively using the Problem Solving Methodology • Algorithms • Binary numbers Assessment • Folio of Programming Challenges • Major Programming Task • Poster/Presentation - Robots in Society • Writing an Algorithm • Decoding Binary Numbers 33
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