STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group

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STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
I am delighted to welcome you to NPTC Group of Colleges and
pleased that you have chosen to continue your education with us at
                                                                        USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS
one of our many colleges in Wales. I am sure that your time will be
enjoyable, successful and that you will achieve your personal goals.    NPTC Group of Colleges Main Switchboards
                                                                        01639 648000 - Afan, Llandarcy, Neath, Pontardawe,
We find ourselves in a very strange and different environment                          Swansea
globally with the Covid-19 pandemic and it is our key focus that        01686 614200 - Brecon Beacons & Newtown
our students are safe while undertaking their education with us.
Therefore, until half term we will be delivering our education using    Admissions
a blend of face-to-face and online learning. We will be publishing a    01639 648154 - Neath, Swansea, Llandarcy, Pontardawe
review timetable to show students and their parents or guardians,       01639 648246 - Afan
when we may be changing the focus and using more face-to-face           01686 614205 - Brecon Beacons & Newtown
teaching, although only when the advice says it is safe to do so. The
first review date will be half term in October. We will be expanding    Reception
the face-to-face as the term moves on and as the impact of the          01639 648103 - Neath
virus reduces. There is a major benefit to this because as you come     01639 648200 - Afan
closer to your assessments and examinations you will probably           01686 614400 - Brecon Beacons
be having more face-to-face than you would as part of the normal        01686 614200 - Newtown
timetable. This means that you could not be better prepared for
any examinations or assessments, which in turn should have a very       Student Support
positive impact on your performance and of course, on your job          01639 648705 - Neath, Swansea, Llandarcy, Pontardawe
prospects or your university offers. So, a silver lining to the cloud   01639 648231 - Afan
that has been cast by this global virus!                                01686 614400 - Brecon Beacons
For most of you, college will be a new experience. College isn’t just
                                                                        01686 614200 - Newtown
about studying, although that should be your main reason for being      EMA/WGLG Advice
here, it is also a major step on the road to independence and your      01639 648711 - Afan, Neath, Swansea, Llandarcy,
passage to university or employment. We have outstanding and                           Pontardawe
committed staff who will give you all the support and guidance you
                                                                        01686 614599 - Brecon Beacons & Newtown
need, whilst at the same time offering you the opportunity to work
and study in a mature environment.
We also have outstanding results and great Estyn reports therefore,     TERM DATES
you could not have made a better choice!
                                                                        AUTUMN TERM            02/09/2020 – 18/12/2020
I look forward to meeting you and wish you well in your studies at
college and in your future career.
                                                                        HALF-TERM              26/10/2020 – 30/10/2020
                                                                        SPRING TERM            05/01/2021 – 26/03/2021
                                                                        HALF-TERM              15/02/2021 – 19/02/2021
                                                                        SUMMER TERM            12/04/2021 – 02/07/2021

                                                                        HALF-TERM              31/05/2021 – 04/06/2021
				                        Mark Dacey
 				                       Principal/Chief Executive Officer
				                        NPTC Group of Colleges

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
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                                  VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK   2
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
                                                                  Access to a suitable device at home will be important.
                                                                  A suitable device is a wireless enabled laptop, netbook, iPad
                                                                  or tablet. NPTC Group of Colleges has improved Wi-Fi at all
College life will seem very different to school. The campus
                                                                  sites and will still provide specialist IT resources.
is probably bigger than your school site, you do not have
to wear a uniform (unless your course requires you to do
                                                                  Once enrolled all students are provided with an OFFICE 365
so) and there are no bells or buzzers. There may be gaps
                                                                  account. OFFICE 365 is cloud based service which includes
in your timetable and you could start and finish at different
                                                                  WORD, EXCEL. PowerPoint, OneDrive, OneNote and Teams.
times on different days of the week. Wherever possible, it
                                                                  Students can download, install and use Office on their
is recommended that you use any spare time to complete
                                                                  personal device. Students log into OFFICE 365 using their
homework/revision for your courses during this time. It is also
                                                                  College username and password.
not advisable to book any holiday during term-time to ensure
successful completion of your course of study.
                                                                  Student will have access to their college work and saved files
                                                                  from anywhere with an internet connection using Office 365
                                                                  and Moodle – the Colleges Virtual Learning Environment -
INDUCTION PROGRAMME                                               VLE.

Once you have enrolled at college, you will be expected to        Good news - if you need to get a device for September -
attend an Induction Programme. Induction begins on                the College has made arrangements for students to be able
Wednesday 2 September at Afan College, Brecon                     to purchase a suitable device at competitive prices through
Beacons College, Neath College, Newtown College, Llandarcy        an educational supplier. Details of this service will be sent
Academy of Sport, Pontardawe College and Swansea                  out to you later in the summer.
Construction Centre.
                                                                  Don’t worry - the College can also support students who
The Induction Programme will help you to settle in and            meet the eligibility criteria for financial support with the
understand the way the College operates and how you can           provision of suitable IT equipment on a loan basis.
make full use of the opportunities and facilities on offer.

HAVE YOUR OWN DEVICE (HYOD)                                       PERSONAL TUTORS AND
                                                                  COURSE COORDINATORS
NPTC Group of Colleges will be introducing Have Your Own
Device (HYOD) for all students from September 2020.               Your personal tutor or course coordinator will be the first
                                                                  point of contact for you to discuss any issues or concerns. It
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic your course in 2020-             is essential that you attend tutorial every week.
2021 will be a mix of face-to-face sessions in college and
online learning. The online bit will sometimes be tutor lead      The friendly Student Zone team, as well as your personal
and sometimes you will be set tasks to get on with yourself       tutor/course coordinator, are also available to support
as independent study. The College has been busy creating a        you with any concerns or worries that may arise. They will
seamless and exciting learning environment between college        endeavour to ensure you enjoy a happy and successful time
and home.                                                         whilst you are studying.

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group

The College has put together some helpful advice for students to
support them to work at home. The Government is now telling all of             #Ca raeg
us to Stay at Home, to Keep Safe. This will mean that the way                  Cym
we learn will be different for a while. We are now learning by working
online and not attending college. To help and support you during this
time please see our student area on our website, where you can find                                                     #Lo h
answers to many of your questions.                                                                                      Wel
Our message for students is – keep studying and producing
work. All your work will be important for your grades
and your course. Remember to also enjoy this learning

Study at Home Tips
                                                                              Welsh at the College
Stay Organised
If you need to share computers with the people in your home,
                                                                              Welsh language and culture is an important
agree a timetable that works for everyone in the house.
                                                                              part of the ethos of NPTC Group of Colleges.
Have a Timetable                                                              The College is aware of how being bilingual can
Try to stick to your normal college timetable. Don’t forget to take breaks!   benefit you in education, the workplace and in
                                                                              everyday life. Provision is expanding across many
Have a Routine
                                                                              of our subject areas, giving you the opportunity
Get dressed every morning (no PJ’s on Skype!) You should get
                                                                              and choice to study through the medium of Welsh
ready in the morning like every morning for college.
                                                                              or bilingually in the classroom or on your work
A Place to Work                                                               placement.
Set up a comfortable and quiet space in your home. You will need
your notes, files, notebooks and pens. Find time to work alone.               We are here to support you should you wish to
                                                                              have a Welsh speaking personal tutor, study in
Stay Focused                                                                  Welsh, complete your assignments in Welsh,
Set time for study and limit Social media. This will help you to              sit your exams in Welsh or receive your course
make the best of your study time.                                             materials and resources in Welsh whilst studying
Organise Breaks                                                               with us at the College... the choice is yours. We
Agree time out to chat with family and friends. Agree times                   will also encourage you as a non-Welsh speaker
together and stick to them. 10 to 15 minutes every hour and 45                or Welsh learner to develop your Welsh language
minutes for lunch (during the day) will help you to stay focused.             skills, giving you better employment opportunities
                                                                              in the future.
Stretch and Move
You should get up, move and stretch through the day. This will help           If you don’t wish to study through the medium
your energy levels and keep you motivated.                                    of Welsh but want to maintain your Welsh
Online Chat Group                                                             language skills, don’t worry; we have lots of fun
Set up a class chat group. This will help students who find learning          activities throughout the year that will give you
from home difficult. A class chat will help and support everyone.             the opportunity to use your Welsh whatever your
Remember to include all your class and to always follow the                   language level... Don’t be shy – siarad Cymraeg!
student code of conduct when online:                                    This symbol on course pages
                                                                                          indicates that some courses, modules
Remember Deadlines                                                                        or aspects of courses can be
You must stick to deadlines and complete work set by your tutors.                         undertaken through the medium of
Your tutor will mark and give feedback on your work. Your work will                       Welsh – Please contact
be used towards your final grade. You must keep working from home,                        01639 648409 for information
so you can get the best grade possible. Always put your name,
date and ‘This is my work’ at the end of your work.                           For more information, contact:
If you need any support with your learning and feel you cannot talk with
your tutor, please contact:
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
Every student at NPTC Group of Colleges is important to us         The Wellbeing team draw on relationships with partner
and we go the extra mile to ensure that the time you spend         agencies to support those most at risk, a close working
at college is both productive and pleasurable.                     relationship is also established with the College academic
The Student Zone is a place where all students can receive help,   schools and the Study Support Coaches. Contact the team
advice and support. Staff in the Student Zone provide many         through your tutor, calling into the Student Zone or e-mail:
support services that underpin your learning journey, including;
 The application and admission process
 Enrolment and induction                                          COUNSELLING SERVICE
 Student Finance – FCF, EMA, WGLG for FE students and
   Student Finance Wales for HE students                           The College has a professional Counselling Service.
 Guidance and careers                                             Counsellors are based in Student Zones and provide a
 Study support                                                    confidential service for students across all sites. Counsellors
 Additional learning needs (ALN) and disability support           are professionally qualified, adhere to the BACP Code of Ethics
 Transition Support                                               and have extensive experience in a wide variety of areas.
 Counselling and safeguarding                                     Access to the service is via a referral process, you can self-refer or
 Mentoring and UCAS                                               be referred by your tutors. Counselling is provided on a six session
                                                                   model and the team link closely with specialist external partners.
Plus lots more! Call in to see us or e-mail student
                                                                   To contact the counselling team, you can pick up a referral
support at:
                                                                   form from the Student Zone, visit Student Moodle/Student
                                                                   Support/Counselling to complete an online referral form and
ADMISSIONS                                                         email to or phone:
                                                                   Counselling Services: Afan, Llandarcy, Neath, Pontardawe
The recruitment and selection of students is an important
                                                                   Swansea – 01639 648411 & 01639 648405
task that is supported by the staff within the Student Zone.
                                                                   Counselling Service: Brecon 01686 614400,
For any questions or queries regarding your application
                                                                   Newtown: 01686 614200
please contact:
Afan, Llandarcy, Neath, Pontardawe & Swansea:
Tel: 01639 648154                                                  CAREERS WALES
                                                                   Careers Wales Advisors can be contacted to provide
Brecon Beacons & Newtown Colleges:
                                                                   independent advice and guidance to students in relation to
Tel: 01686 614205
                                                                   careers and progression.
                                                                   E-mail: or telephone
                                                                   0800 028 4844. Advisors will also be present at the
ADVICE AND GUIDANCE                                                College during the enrolment period.
Working in the Student Zones are skilled teams who draw
together the key aspects of activities. The teams are spread       SUPPORT FOR YOUNG ADULT CARERS,
across the College sites which mean that students are looked       LOOKED AFTER YOUNG PEOPLE
after at all the main points of entry into the College.
If you need extra help and guidance or have concerns that are      AND CARE LEAVERS
troubling you, the professional and friendly team are there to     The College has a Designated Person who acts as an advocate
help and support. They are able to offer advice, advocate and      and provides support to our young adult carers, looked after
signpost you to staff and partner organisations that can help.     children and young people leaving the care system. If you would
                                                                   like to find out more contact Mandy Mellor: 01639 648033.
Our team of Wellbeing Co-ordinators are spread across the          SUPPORTED LEARNERS
College. They provide a service which supports the positive        Additional confidential support is available to students who
transition of applicants into the college and for current          fall under the supported learners category:
students between programmes and levels and onward                   Young people living in care, care leavers, estranged students
progression beyond NPTC Group of Colleges. The team also            Carers and young adult carers
provide support for at risk learners whilst on programme.
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
 Army Veterans and young people with parents serving in           LIBRARY SERVICES
  the armed forces
                                                                   The College provides well-equipped libraries giving you
If you would like to know more about the financial                 access to the support and resources that you need for your
and specialist support available please e-mail:                    studies. As well as extensive collections of books that may be or call to the                      borrowed for use at home, you can also access high quality
Student Zone                                                       online information and e-books 24/7 via the electronic
                                                                   library. Each library is equipped to help you to make the
STUDY SUPPORT                                                      most of your time on campus with PCs and laptops for IT
                                                                   based tasks and a variety of spaces in which you can study:
The Study Support team offer a wide range of support to help       you can choose between the quiet study rooms or the busier
students reach their full potential and access and participate     group study areas, whichever suits your needs. Photocopiers,
fully in their chosen learning programme. All students can         binding and laminating equipment are provided for you to
receive help from the Study Support Team, with specialist          prepare your assignments. All of our libraries have a small
support, advice and guidance available for students with           stationery shop for those classroom essentials.
additional learning needs and/or disabilities.
Study support is available to students on all sites and the        Our libraries are staffed by experienced advisers who
team includes:                                                     will support you. If you need help with your projects
 SpLD Lecturer - assesses students with Specific Learning         and assignments, ‘Ask a Librarian’. We can help you to
    Difficulties and other Additional Learning Needs, plans        find information online and in books, understand your
    Individual Learning Programmes and provides support to         assignments and choose topics to investigate for projects.
    learners and staff to facilitate success                       Library staff are able to give advice about research skills,
 Essential Skills & SpLD Coordinator - takes one-to-one           presenting your information and referencing your work. They
    tutorials with students who have specific learning             can also provide assistance when you are using PCs and will
    difficulties such as Dyslexia and ASD following an             help you to develop your digital skills.
    individualised programme to support them through
                                                                   College libraries are located in Afan, Brecon Beacons, Neath
    college. The SpLD Lecturer also tests students in order
                                                                   and Newtown Colleges.
    to diagnose learning difficulties and to provide exam
    arrangements and support
 Sensory & Assistive Technology Coordinator - provides            ABSENCE REPORTING
    support and strategies for students with sensory needs.
                                                                    STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND ALL SESSIONS
    Identifies and provides any technical resources or
                                                                    For EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) /FCF
    assistive technology required for learning, e.g. specialist
                                                                     (Financial Contingency Fund)/WGLG (Welsh Government
    software and laptops/iPads
                                                                     Learning Grant) you are allowed one authorised absence
 Study Skills Coaches - will deliver workshops on all
                                                                     per half-term without affecting your payments
    campuses to respond to students’ learning needs –
                                                                    Absences require evidence to be considered as authorised
    develop academic skills, learning strategies and personal
                                                                    You must book an Authorised Absence in advance with your
    skills to facilitate success
                                                                     tutor and bring the necessary evidence to the Student Zone
 Study Skills Assistants - will provide general support to
                                                                    If you are off sick, you must ring in every day between
    enable access to learning
                                                                     8am and 9.30am on the Absence Line: 01639 648640.
 Format Adaptation - of material/resources to support
                                                                     If you do not phone in by 9.30am on each day of your illness,
    learning needs.
                                                                     your EMA will not be paid. Make sure you always have credit
                                                                     on your mobile or that you have access to a landline
DISABILITY STATEMENT                                                If your period of absence is more than five college
                                                                     days, you will need to provide a Doctor’s certificate
NPTC Group of Colleges takes seriously the need to make
                                                                     on your return.
the College accessible and welcoming to students with
disabilities of all kinds. We will discuss the needs of every
potential student and help if we can. If we cannot, we will say
so and try to offer advice on alternative solutions. For further
advice, guidance and support, contact:
Neath, Afan, Llandarcy, Pontardawe, Swansea -
01639 648075
Brecon, Newtown 01686 614295

                                                                                  VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK          6
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
                                                                  HAVE YOUR SAY!
                                                                  We are committed to making sure students are involved in all
                                                                  aspects of college life. This includes asking students for your
                                                                  views on our:
                                                                   Teaching and learning
                                                                   Resources, facilities and venues
                                                                   Support services (e.g. student counselling)
                                                                   Extracurricular activities (e.g. sport)
STUDENTS’ UNION                                                    College strategy (the main goals the college is focused on).
As a student at NPTC Group of Colleges, you automatically         We put students at the centre of the college’s day-to-day
become a member of the Student Union. The Student                 running and long-term planning, making sure that all
Union is run by students for students, and is designed            students have an equal voice, and using your feedback
to represent the voices of the students, and to engage            to make improvements if needed. You will have plenty of
students across all the campuses in socialising and creating      opportunities to share your views while at college, including:
a community feeling. We hold events and campaigns to              events, classroom evaluations, focus groups, online voting,
bring students together and make an atmosphere – more             and course meetings.
than just an education, a lifestyle. In September you’ll have
the opportunity to run for a Student Union Officer position,
whether you’re a new or returning student, on any campus or       ENRICHMENT, CITIZENSHIP, SPORTING
course. For more information, call into your Student Zone.        AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES
                                                                  NPTC Group of Colleges offers students more than just an
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES                                           education. Students are encouraged to get involved in a
                                                                  range of enrichment activities. There is a wide choice of
At the beginning of the academic year, each class elects          clubs, societies and teams available ranging from sport to
at least 1 Student Representative. They are responsible for       cultural activities.
listening to the views, concerns, and experiences of their
class on issues including learning and teaching. The Student
Representatives share these at course meetings, academic          BURSARY, SCHOLARSHIP AND
school forums, and termly ‘Senedd’ meetings with other            AMBASSADOR PROGRAMMES
student reps. Student reps will be invited to attend training
                                                                  The College provides a range of programmes that aim
events, conferences, and annual celebration events featuring
                                                                  to develop students’ talents to maximise potential and
freebies and prize giveaways. If you’d like to become a Student
Representative, get in touch with one of your course tutors.
                                                                  Students engaged with the Bursary, Scholarship and Student
                                                                  Ambassador Programmes are expected to be advocates for the
                                                                  College and will receive a financial reward to recognise their
                                                                  commitment and endeavour.

STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
The aim of the NPTC Group scholarship scheme is to assist
students of high academic, sporting or cultural ability to        If you have an idea for a business or fancy the idea of
develop these talents to their fullest potential. Scholarship     working for yourself but are not quite sure where to go next –
applicants can be following any course at college. They           we can help!
must demonstrate exceptional talent and must be prepared
to represent the College in relevant activities, e.g. sporting    Centerprise is student enterprise and business incubation
events/tournaments or cultural shows/performances.                centre based at the Neath College.
                                                                  It provides a professional environment for new office-based
Scholarship winners are offered a supportive environment          businesses as an exciting alternative to working from home
in which to access help and guidance to facilitate the co-        or paying for a rented office space. Support is available to
development of their academic, sporting or cultural skills        current or former NPTC Group students regardless of where
and their main college studies.                                   you are based or what you are studying.

Any students wishing to apply for a scholarship can obtain        If you would like help to move your ideas forwards, please
an application form from the Student Zones at all college         contact us at: to find out more.

The College bases its choice of winners on how well the
students from each school have achieved at GCSE and these
choices are ratified by the schools following selection. Whilst
at college, bursary winners must demonstrate a continued
high level of commitment to their studies and must be
prepared to represent the College in relevant activities, e.g.
schools’ visits and open days.
Bursaries may also be awarded to other students from our
schools whilst studying at the College to reflect academic
progress and contributions to college life.

All students aged 16 to 21 should apply for                        Termly ticket for travel to and from college till 8pm £100
My Travel Pass (MTP) - a free pass which gives up to                (without MTP £150)
1/3rd off travel costs on all buses in Wales (except National      Flexi5 ticket allows all day travel on 5 individual days £13
Express and Megabus). Apply, free of charge, by visiting:                                Students studying at Brecon and Newtown who are
                                                                  16, 17 or 18 may be given a free Powys County Council bus
Students studying at Afan, Llandarcy, Neath,                      pass at enrolment. We will organise this for you.
Pontardawe and Swansea need to buy mtickets to                    Queries? 01686 614205
travel to college. You can buy the mticket by downloading the
First Bus phone app. The mticket will remain on your phone        Students from other counties:
and must be shown to the driver each time you travel.             If you live outside Neath Port Talbot/Swansea/Powys you
                                                                  must apply to your local County Council for help with
Using your mytravelpass (MTP) to get the discount, the cost       transport costs in the first instance. Please call Student
of mtickets are:                                                  Support on 01686 614202 for further information.
 Annual pass for unlimited travel in Neath/Swansea area
   £307 (without MTP £460)

                                                                                VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK           8
STUDENT HANDBOOK 2020/21 - Your College Your Choice - NPTC Group
                                                                   EMA is paid fortnightly. WGLG is paid termly (3 times a year)
                                                                   usually at least 2 weeks after the start of each term.
Payments can be made by card or contactless by mobile
phone at the Finance Office located in the main foyer A/B block.   FINANCIAL CONTINGENCY FUND (FCF)
 At Afan College payments should be made at the
   Student Zone                                                    The FCF is a fund that may provide financial help to make
 At the Brecon Beacons and Newtown Colleges, payments             it easier/affordable for you to attend college. The College is
   should be made at Reception                                     given an amount of money every year to help those students
 At the Llandarcy and Pontardawe sites payments can be            in financial hardship (amount variable year to year). Once the
   made at Reception.                                              money in the fund has gone, it’s gone. So application forms
*Students studying at the Swansea site can pay at Neath.           need to be handed in as early as possible.
Our refectory services will not be accepting cash.
                                                                   What can the FCF help pay for?
                                                                   FCF can help contribute towards:
EDUCATION MAINTENANCE                                              		Childcare
ALLOWANCE (EMA)                                                    		Meals in College
                                                                   		Transport costs
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is a fund which              		College lodgings
assists eligible 16-18 year old students to attend college,        		Course-related uniforms and equipment.
who would otherwise find it financially difficult to do so.
Payments are made fortnightly.
                                                                   WHO CAN APPLY?
WELSH GOVERNMENT LEARNING                                          You can apply to receive financial help from the FCF
GRANT (WGLG)                                                       providing you are a student enrolled at the College for the
                                                                   academic year (full-time or part-time, studying a minimum of
Welsh Government Learning Grant (WGLG) is a fund which             275 hours per year). However, before you apply for FCF, you
assists eligible 19+ year old students to attend college, who      will need to apply for either an EMA or WGLG as these are
would otherwise find it financially difficult to do so.            your main source for funding.
Payments are made termly and usually at least 2 weeks after
the start of each term.                                            Application forms will be available from your Student Zone at
For application forms and further information on EMA and           enrolment. Completed forms will need to be returned to your
WGLG, please access the Student Finance Wales website on           Student Zone. For any further information, please contact:                                      01639 648711 - Afan, Llandarcy, Neath Pontardawe,
Application forms are also available from your Student Zone        Swansea students.
                                                                   01686 614599 - Brecon, Newtown students
If you would like to speak to a member of staff call:              where we will be more than happy to help.
01639 648711 - Afan, Llandarcy, Neath Pontardawe,
Swansea students.
01686 614599 - Brecon, Newtown students
The table below shows when EMA payments can be expected for specific periods of attendance.
Payments will only start once you have signed your Learning Agreement (available from your Student Zone).
You will not be paid for any period that you are not attending your course.

 ATTEND DURING WEEK(S) ENDING                                                    YOU’LL BE PAID ON
 4 SEPTEMBER 2020                                                                14 SEPTEMBER 2020

 11 SEPTEMBER & 18 SEPTEMBER 2020                                                28 SEPTEMBER 2020

 25 SEPTEMBER & 2 OCTOBER 2020                                                   12 OCTOBER 2020

 9 OCTOBER & 16 OCTOBER 2020                                                     26 OCTOBER 2020

 23 OCTOBER & 30 OCTOBER 2020                                                    9 NOVEMBER 2020

 6 NOVEMBER & 13 NOVEMBER 2020                                                   23 NOVEMBER 2020

 20 NOVEMBER & 27 NOVEMBER 2020                                                  7 DECEMBER 2020

 4 DECEMBER & 11 DECEMBER 2020                                                   21 DECEMBER 2020

 18 DECEMBER 2020 & 25 DECEMBER 2020                                             4 JANUARY 2021

 1 JANUARY & 8 JANUARY 2021                                                      18 JANUARY 2021

 15 JANUARY & 22 JANUARY 2021                                                    1 FEBRUARY 2021

 29 JANUARY & 5 FEBRUARY 2021                                                    15 FEBRUARY 2021

 12 FEBRUARY & 19 FEBRUARY 2021                                                  1 MARCH 2021

 26 FEBRUARY & 5 MARCH 2021                                                      15 MARCH 2021

 12 MARCH & 19 MARCH 2021                                                        29 MARCH 2021

 26 MARCH & 2 APRIL 2021                                                         12 APRIL 2021

 9 APRIL & 16 APRIL 2021                                                         26 APRIL 2021

 23 APRIL & 30 APRIL 2021                                                        10 MAY 2021

 7 MAY & 14 MAY 2021                                                             24 MAY 2021

 21 MAY & 28 MAY 2021                                                            7 JUNE 2021

 4 JUNE & 11 JUNE 2021                                                           21 JUNE 2021

 18 JUNE & 25 JUNE 2021                                                          5 JULY 2021

 2 JULY 2021                                                                     19 JULY 2021
                                                                              VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK   10
                                                                  2. Identify and reporting a suspicious item - A suspicious
                                                                     item is any object that makes a person feel worried or
The internet is a great way to connect with your friends and         anxious. If you see anything that you think is suspicious,
learn new things. But it’s also important to stay safe. There        report it right away.
are a few ways you can help make sure you’re not in danger
                                                                  You can report anything you are concerned about to the
when you use the internet.
                                                                  Safeguarding Team, a college Manager or the Student
Be careful what you share online                                  Support Team.
 When you choose a profile picture for a social networking
    website like Facebook or Twitter, avoid photos that could                  RUN
    give strangers clues about where you live                                   If you are caught up in a gun or knife attack,
 Check your privacy settings regularly                                          RUN to safety
 Think about what should be shared in public and                               Don’t waste time taking photos or videos
    what shouldn’t                                                              Tell others to go with you
 Check your location settings – some sites and apps like                       Don’t let anyone or anything slow you down
    Snapchat let you share your location with other users                       Just RUN to safety, this is your best option.
 Learn about how you can take care of your digital
    footprint.                                                                 HIDE
                                                                                If you can’t run, HIDE
THINK BEFORE YOU POST                                                           Lock yourself in a room, with solid walls
Don’t upload or share anything you wouldn’t want your parents,                    IF possible
teaching staff or friends seeing. Once you press send, it is no                 Keep away from windows and doors
longer private. You can’t be sure who will end up seeing it.                    Be very quiet, silence your phone
                                                                                Stay hidden until you are rescued, this may
                                                                                  take some time
Use strong passwords that are hard for others to guess, using
a mix of letters and numbers. Keep passwords to yourself
and change them regularly.
                                                                                Only when you are safe, phone 999 and ask
BE CAREFUL WHO YOU CHAT TO                                                       for the police
If somebody you don’t know adds you as a friend, ignore                         Tell them what has happened, who you are
them and delete their request. Don’t share personal                              and where you are
information like your address or phone number with                              Answer all their questions as best you can
somebody you don’t know and learn about the signs that
someone is trying to groom you online.

If you have any concerns we have staff that are Child             SAFEGUARDING
Exploitation and Online Protection trained and they will be       All students have the right to feel safe, and not be hurt or
able to advise you what to do. They can be contacted on           abused by others. The welfare of students is of paramount                                      importance. If someone is hurting/abusing you, you
The College is working with other FE Colleges across               feel embarrassed or alone
Wales and with the Welsh Government to create a learning           feel that it is your fault or that you are to blame
environment in which all students feel safe and are able to        keep it a secret
study and reach their full potential.                              feel afraid, people are there to help you.

To help us in this task we ask that you help us by:               If you are worried or concerned about yourself or someone
1. Reporting suspicious behaviour - Suspicious behaviour          you know, please talk to your tutor, or call staff from the
    means any action that makes someone feel worried or           Student Zone 01639 648705 - Neath, Llandarcy,
    anxious Remember to focus on a person’s behaviour, not        Pontardawe, Swansea, 01639 648246 - Afan, 01686
    their appearance                                              614400 Brecon, 01686 614202 - Newtown.

The College has a dedicated Safeguarding Team, members         You can complain in person, by phone, in writing, by e-mail or
of the team wear yellow safeguarding lanyards and you can      by using our complaints form available from all our reception
approach them at any time if you are concerned or worried      desks. You can also give someone consent to complain on
about your wellbeing or safety.                                your behalf. If you need support completing the form, staff at
                                                               your Student Zone can help.
Designated contacts for safeguarding:
Assistant Manager Safeguarding and Resilience                  Details of the College Complaints Procedure can be found
e-mail:                           in the guide, ‘Making a complaint to NPTC Group’ which is
Tel: 01639 648033 / 07788 310436                               available on our website, and our reception desks.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT                                      ID CARDS
Confidentiality in dealing with student issues is respected    STUDENTS AND STAFF ARE REQUIRED TO WEAR
at NPTC Group of Colleges. However, there are certain          ID CARDS AT ALL TIMES.
circumstances in which confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
                                                               As a student at NPTC Group of Colleges, you will be given a
These are:                                                     Photo Identity Card and you must wear this ID at all times.
 if you are under 18 or a ‘vulnerable adult’ and the issue    Lost, damaged, or stolen ID cards cost £10 to replace.
   discussed involves any form of abuse
 you are over 18 and the issue discussed involves abuse
   and there are younger siblings in contact with the abuser   EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY
   who may be at risk                                          We aim to provide an inclusive and supportive learning
 if you disclose an intent to harm others or yourself         environment that enables everyone to reach their personal
                                                               potential. We welcome students from all backgrounds and
                                                               abilities, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, gender
                                                               identity, religion and belief, disability, or age. For advice,
NPTC Group of Colleges has a zero tolerance approach to        guidance or support, contact
harassment and bullying.

If at any time you are being bullied and/or harassed or you
know of anyone being treated in this way by other students
or members of staff, you MUST inform your personal tutor/
course coordinator/or a member of staff from the Student
Zone immediately. Information on what to do if you are
being bullied or harassed can be found in the ‘Bullying and
Harassment’ policy on Moodle.

Please ensure that you act in a mature and responsible way
and treat each other with respect and dignity.

Our aim is to get things right first time, so we value our
students’ comments and suggestions. Although we have a
range of stakeholder consultation and feedback mechanisms
to help inform and improve our services, sometimes our
service may fall short of expectations. Therefore we value
any complaints that we receive and take them seriously.
This includes anonymous ones, providing we have sufficient
information for us to make further enquiries.

                                                                              VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK          12
                                                                                                              I N G T E A                                                       M
                                                                                                     FEGUAR D
                      G E L U • SA
        A U T Î M DIO

                                                 Governor with Responsibility                                    Designated Person for Safeguarding
                                                 for Safeguarding
                                                                                                                 Siân Jones
                                                 Jill Harding                                                    Assistant Principal: Student Support and Inclusion
                                                                                                                 NPT: 01639 648060
                                                                                                                 Powys: 01686 614404

                                                 Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding                       Assistant Manager: Safeguarding & Resilience

                                                 Mari Shufflebotham                                              Mandy Mellor
                                                 Head of Student Support                                         Neath College
                                                 NPT: 01639 648376                                               01639 648033
                                                 Powys: 07788 310434                                             07788 310436

                                       Powys Campuses                                  Neath Port Talbot Campuses
                                               Rosemary Denham                               David Rush                                       Jo Mather
                                               Brecon Beacons College                        Afan College                                     Neath College
                                               Newtown College                               07585 403302                                     01639 648601
                                               07717 511510                                  01639 648205                           
                                               01686 614202                        
                                               Steve Cass                                    Phil Jones                                       Kayleigh Davies
                                               Newtown College                               Afan College                                     Neath College
                                               07825 340188                                  07825 055562                                     07771 940278
                                               01686 614223                                  01639 648530                                     01639 648384

                                               Kevin Morris                                  Eve Matthews
                                               Brecon Beacons College                                                                         Lynne Evans
                                                                                             Afan College                                     Neath College
                                               07585 889267                                  07901 537770
                                               01686 614250                                                                                   01639 648611

                                               Helen Summers
                                               Newtown College                               Lindsay Piper                                    Edward Jones
                                               01686 614516                                  Llandarcy Academy of Sport                       Neath College
                                                      07990 555293                                     07825 340200
                                                                                             01639 648728                                     01639 648130

                                                                                             Sali-Ann Millward                                Simon Dickerson
                                                                                             Llandarcy Academy of Sport                       Neath College
                                                                                             07901 115845
                                       Child Exploitation                                    01639 648684
                                                                                                                                              01639 648540
                                       & Online Protection
                                               Clare Cluer                                   Andrea Houlihan                                  Rhian Morgan
                                                                                             Neath College                                    Neath College
                                               Brecon Beacons College
                                                                                             07775 824696                                     01639 648091
                                               01686 614419
                                                                                             01639 648076                                     07795 684875

                                                                                             Natalie Joseph                                   Rachel Richards
                                               Emma Price-Estevens                           Neath College
                                               Neath College                                                                                  Maesteg Construction Centre
                                                                                             07786 025251                                     01639 648268
                                               01639 648335                                  01639 648075
                                                                                                 07747 535704

                                                                                             Rebecca White                                    Arthur Thomas
                                                                                             Neath College                                    Afan & Neath College
                                                                                             07468 716227                                     01639 648632
                                                                                             01639 648069                           

                                                                                             Alex Herriott
                                                                                             Neath College
                                                                                             07768 777274
                                                                                             01639 648128
                                         Search NPTC Group

PLACES TO EAT                                                    NEWTOWN COLLEGE:
                                                                 Refectory: Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 2pm
Payment can only be made by card or contactless with your        Starbucks: Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 3.30pm
mobile phone. Cash will not be accepted.
                                                                 Themes Restaurant at Newtown College is a working
NEATH COLLEGE:                                                   restaurant staffed solely by students who train in all aspects
The Brook in D Block, Neath College: Monday - Friday:            of the hospitality industry, from food preparation and
8.30am - 3pm                                                     professional cookery to hospitality and supervision.
Café '73: Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 1.30pm
                                                                 The restaurant is open on Tuesday nights, as well as Tuesday
Starbucks in A/B Block: Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 3.30pm
                                                                 and Thursday lunchtimes, with the students often catering for
Blasus training restaurant, coffee shop and bakery, is a         up to sixty people at a time.
unique business that has been training students and serving      Weekly themed evenings take place offering opportunities to
the community for more than 40 years.                            try out menus from all over the world.
Hidden away at Neath College, you can enjoy an afternoon
                                                                 Early reservation is advisable to avoid disappointment. To
or evening of fine dining at our traditional, yet contemporary
                                                                 make a lunch reservation please call in to the restaurant
award-winning restaurant. We provide our students and
                                                                 or telephone 01686 614215; to make an evening
guests with high standards of professional hospitality.
                                                                 reservation or request a brochure please telephone 01686
Our informal coffee lounge offers a warm and friendly            614555.
welcome where you can sit back and relax. The lounge menu
                                                                 Themes Coffee Shop is open every Wednesday during term
offers a range of hot drinks, cakes, snacks and dishes from
                                                                 time from 11am-1:30pm. No booking necessary. Just drop
our “specials board”.
                                                                 in and enjoy a coffee and choose from a selection of freshly
                                                                 made sandwiches/paninis, daily specials and home-made

                                                                 SPECIALIST COLLEGE SERVICES

                                                                 Payment can only be made by card or contactless with your
                                                                 mobile phone. Cash will not be accepted.

                                                                 In order to create realistic working environments for students,
                                                                 several vocational courses are provided with specialist units
AFAN COLLEGE:                                                    that all students can benefit from. These include:
Refectory: Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 1.30pm
Café '53: Monday - Friday: 8:30-3:30 pm

                                                                 LEE STAFFORD ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING,
                                                                 BARBERING AND APPLIED THERAPIES
                                                                 Award-winning celebrity hairdresser, Lee Stafford, wowed
                                                                 local stylists with his enthusiasm and talent at an exclusive
BRECON BEACONS COLLEGE:                                          show to celebrate the launch of the brand new Lee Stafford
Refectory: Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 1pm                        Academy of Hairdressing, Barbering and Applied Therapies.

                                                                                VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK            14
                                                                     Lilliput Day Nursery is a purpose built building located
                                                                     on-site. We are registered with, and inspected by the Care
                                                                     Inspectorate Wales (C.I.W), under the Children Act 1989, to
                                                                     provide full or part day care for children, aged 12 weeks to 7
                                                                     years and 11 months.

                                                                     All staff are fully qualified and experienced Nursery Nurses.
                                                                     The Nursery is open Monday to Friday, from 7.30am to 6pm
                                                                     and offer childcare places for children of students, College
                                                                     staff and the wider community.

                                                                     The College Financial Contingency Fund (FCF) may be
                                                                     available to students who meet the criteria. Students in
The Lee Stafford Academy is available at Afan College,               Powys have different Childcare arrangements - please ring
Brecon Beacons College and Newtown College,                          01686 614202.
and is the only one of its kind in Wales, offering budding
hairdressers unique training and exceptional masterclasses           At Lilliput Day Nursery, we aim to provide high quality day
that they can’t get anywhere else.                                   care that enhances the development, care and
                                                                     education of children in a safe, stimulating and caring
The aim of the Academy is to ensure that students from NPTC          environment, where they learn through play in partnership
Group of Colleges are the most employable in the country; as         with parents/carers.
stylists, colourists or in any hairdressing field of their choice.
The College’s hairdressing and beauty salons are open to             Lilliput Day Nursery follows Welsh Government initiatives by
College students and the public. They offer a wide range of          implementing the Foundation Phase, Design to Smile and
hair and beauty treatments with free consultations. Students         Healthy Sustainable Pre-School Scheme. The Nursery is a
are offered reduced prices.                                          member of Early Years Wales.

THE BAKERY SHOP                                                      For further information please contact Lilliput Day Nursery
Students following the bakery courses at Neath College bake          on 01639 648039 or e-mail:
bread, cakes and pastries that are sold daily at the College’s
Bakery Shop. Many students take advantage of the high
quality, reasonably priced produce on sale. We have a range
of freshly made sandwiches, snacks and meal deals. Student
free meals card is accepted.

The College has extensive sports facilities at the Llandarcy
Academy of Sport which offers an additional indoor sports
hall with climbing wall, warm-up area and bounding track,
multiuse games area (MUGA) and 3G pitch. These facilities
will not only be used by students following Sports and
Public Services programmes, but also by Sports Clubs and
Academies within the College as part of the extension studies
                                                                     CAREER READY
                                                                     If you are looking for part-time work to help you through your
                                                                     studies at NPTC Group of Colleges, we can support you by
                                                                     providing help with writing or updating your CV, preparing for
                                                                     interviews and by providing you with regular updates and
                                                                     information about job opportunities.

                                                                     To register or to find out more, contact:
                                                                     01639 648657

                                                                    NPTC Group of Colleges has a duty under Health and Safety
                                                                    law to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health,
                                                                    safety and welfare of students whilst at college. Health and
                                                                    safety is about ensuring that you do not get hurt or get ill
                                                                    whilst at college. You can find the Health and Safety Policy for
                                                                    the College on Moodle.
                                                                    The College has guidelines and regulations about safety.
                                                                    Some areas of college house dangerous equipment and
                                                                    hazardous substances. Please observe all notices and
   TOTUM CARD                                                       codes of practice.
   TOTUM is a student discount card giving you great
   deals all year round. 10% off ASOS, 12% off 1-year               REPORTING ACCIDENTS
   16-25 railcards, 20% off with National Express, 10%              Please report ALL accidents and complete the student form
   off at Jack Wills, load of Apple discounts and 2 for             with help from your tutor.
   1 on your first two driving lessons with RED Driving
   School. Download the TOTUM app today for free and                FIRST AID
   then to unlock a full year’s worth of discounts, it’s just       The College has a team of qualified First-Aiders who are
   £12 - a great idea if someone’s stuck what to get you            available should you need treatment for minor ailments and
   for a present! It’s not just for University students –           injuries. They can be contacted through your personal
   anyone over 16 and studying more than 10 hours per
   week can get it. Download the app at               ENVIRONMENTAL/SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES
   today and see what you think…                                     the College is committed to saving energy and protecting
                                                                      the environment
                                                                     all staff and students should be ‘Energy Aware’ and help
                                                                      the College to be environmentally friendly
                                                                     there are recycling bins on all campuses for staff and
 All areas of the College have emergency and fire
                                                                      students to recycle paper, plastic, cans and cardboard.
  evacuation procedures
 Information on what to do in the event of a fire can be
                                                                    NO SMOKING POLICY
  found in all classrooms.
                                                                    There is a no smoking policy in place for each campus.
 By law, fire drills are carried out on a regular basis.
                                                                    Please contact your course tutor or campus manager if you
                                                                    require more information. This policy also applies to vapour
                                                                    and electronic cigarettes.
If you discover a fire, break the glass of the nearest break
glass box
 alert a member of staff to dial 999 immediately, If you            There is limited parking on college sites
    hear the Fire Alarms or see the flashing beacons:                Park considerately in designated spaces
 Leave the room immediately, do not collect belongings              Do not block fire exits or access routes for emergency
 Do not attempt to use the lifts, use the stairs                     vehicles
 Proceed to the nearest fire exit                                   Use main entrances only
 Wheelchair users – go to the REFUGE area by the stairs             Observe the 10mph speed limit
 If necessary, trained staff will help you to leave the building    Be aware of other vehicles and people with disabilities.
 Go to your Assembly Point and Stay there
 Lecturers will take a register/check students                     LOST AND FOUND PROPERTY
 Do not leave the Assembly Point                                   Never leave valuables unattended. Any enquiries concerning
 Do not attempt to drive any vehicle from the car parks            lost or found property should be made at the College
    during fire alarms                                              reception desks.
 Do not re-enter the building until instructed by Fire Marshal
 Wait for instructions from a Fire Marshal if you have a           DISCLAIMER
    Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEPS)                      NPTC Group of Colleges will not accept responsibility for any
If you are likely to have difficulty leaving the building in an     damage to or loss of student’s personal belongings on any
emergency, please ensure your course tutor is informed, so          college premises. You can insure your personal belongings
that a personalised plan can be put in place.                       against loss/ damage yourself if you wish to.

                                                                                   VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.NPTCGROUP.AC.UK          16
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