Vehicles Commercial Special Edition 2021 - IAV
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Commercial Vehicles | Content 3 Dear reader, Commercial vehicle drives are already the benchmark nication will make the transport task more efficient 16 in terms of efficiency and emissions. Powered by overall, increase availability and make the driver’s Virtual trucking with IAV 15 extremely challenging CO2 legislation worldwide, workplace more attractive. fleet consumption values must be further signifi- Trucks of the future 16 cantly reduced. So we are now at the beginning of With more than 35 years of engineering excellence the next era. Whether electric drive, highly efficient for commercial vehicles, a global setup and our Trucks of “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 internal combustion engine, alternative fuel or fuel strong international network, IAV is the ideal partner the future cell – the development of new solutions ready for for bringing new technologies reliably and safely to “OEMs need to achieve optimal series production and at the same time high mar- market – while adhering to all processes and safety end-user value when selecting ket attractiveness (Total Cost of Ownership) poses aspects. technologies” 20 great challenges for us all. IAV considers itself well positioned to make a contribution to the long-term We support you from the business idea, through Innovative truck infotainment 22 “Vision Zero CO2” in commercial applications. initial demos, to the series product. Our development processes already rely on innovative methods such E-test bench to go 23 Future commercial vehicles will be fully connected. as the use of artificial intelligence to develop your 22 Intelligent route planning, prediction and condi- product efficiently and robustly. Test management à la carte 25 tion-based maintenance, highly automated and au- tonomous driving functions as well as Car2X commu- Enjoy reading! Putting a stop to hackers 26 Innovative Ready for all powertrains truck & energy types 29 infotainment “Seamless testing is the key” 29 Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 New momentum for hydrogen mobility 32 32 “Similar mindset in Gifhorn and in Karlsruhe” 35 Matthias Kratzsch Carsten Rinka Dr Jörn Seebode IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency New President, CTO Executive Vice President Senior Vice President for testing and appraisal 36 momentum Global Sales Commercial Vehicles Looking for hydrogen ahead: cost break-even mobility for new technologies 37 Content Mature battery system for special tasks Minimizing sooting of exhaust 40 gas recirculation 41 Content 2 10 37 “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 Our Mission 4 A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 “Trucks are leading technology” 6 Technology Looking ahead: paths towards a IAV products: the easy way into cost break- “In these disruptive times, what we new commercial vehicle mobility 46 need above all are pioneers” 8 CO2-compliant even for new fleet in 2030 One more thing… 48 technologies echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Let’s meet! 50
4 Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles 5 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Virtual trucking with IAV 15 Trucks of the future 16 “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 Our Mission “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting technologies” 20 Innovative truck infotainment 22 We need to re-think the trucking industry! Global CO2 & emission regulations, total cost E-test bench to go 23 of ownership pressure – all this will bring up Test management à la carte 25 new powertrains, but also connected and Putting a stop to hackers 26 automated vehicles. Ready for all powertrains & energy types 29 IAV is your sustainable partner Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 to make your way even more New momentum for hydrogen mobility 32 successful. “Similar mindset in Gifhorn and in Karlsruhe” 35 IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency for testing and appraisal 36 Looking ahead: cost break-even for new technologies 37 Mature battery system for special tasks 40 Minimizing sooting of exhaust gas recirculation 41 “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 IAV products: the easy way into new commercial vehicle mobility 46 One more thing… 48 Let’s meet! 50
6 Market | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | Market 7 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T “Trucks a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Virtual trucking with IAV 15 are leading Trucks of the future “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 16 19 technology” “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting technologies” 20 Innovative truck infotainment 22 D evelopments for commercial vehicles have E-test bench to go 23 been a key pillar for IAV for many years. In an interview, Dr Jörn Seebode (Senior Vice Pres- Test management à la carte 25 ident Commercial Vehicles) and Tom George (Director Business Development Commercial Vehicles) explain Putting a stop to hackers 26 why projects in this field are particularly exciting and what unique selling points distinguish IAV. Ready for all powertrains & energy types 29 Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 What challenges is the commercial vehicle sector currently facing? Why is this market so interesting for IAV? outstanding expertise in commercial vehicles and mobile many start-ups that are now entering the commercial New momentum for hydrogen machinery. And we have a truly unique selling proposi- vehicle market. Many of them have exciting ideas but do mobility 32 Seebode: The European Unionʼs ambitious CO2 targets George: Because the impending technological upheaval tion: We have all the trades under one roof and can offer not know how to turn them into a product. This is where are certainly the biggest challenge. By 2025, carbon offers an engineering partner like IAV many opportuni- our customers a one-stop service. Developments for our service starts with the definition of requirements and “Similar mindset in Gifhorn dioxide emissions must be cut by 15 percent compared ties. We are dealing with highly interesting challenges commercial vehicles are now a firm pillar at IAV and a then extends through development to the transition to and in Karlsruhe” 35 to 2019, and then by a further 15 percent by 2030. And in many different areas. In the field of drive systems, for significant business for us. series production. Thanks to our professional project we see comparable pictures nearly worldwide. Thatʼs instance, we will see a variety based on use cases and management and process reliability, we can trustfully lead IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency why manufacturers must now make great efforts to avoid existing platforms – in addition to highly efficient diesel In the commercial vehicle sector, IAV such complete packages to success – for established for testing and appraisal 36 the threat of fines that would otherwise be imposed. An engines, CNG drives, hydrogen combustion engines, pursues a three-pillar strategy. OEMs as well as for new players. important element here is the drive combination – but fuel cells, and battery electric solutions will play a role in What does that mean? Looking ahead: cost break-even this alone will not be enough. In order to reduce carbon future commercial vehicles. In addition, optimized aero- How have you positioned yourself internally for new technologies 37 dioxide emissions as required, possible solution scenarios dynamics will make an important contribution towards George: The first pillar is our aforementioned expertise for this? must be considered as a whole, taking into account the lower CO2 emissions. that covers the entire vehicle. The second pillar has to Mature battery system for specific fleet combination. do with the international market in which we operate: Our Seebode: We have established a cross-functional organi- special tasks 40 Seebode: And there will be other developments with high customers are global corporations. They need solutions zation and Centers of Excellence for commercial vehicle- George: This is why a holistic approach is particularly technological demands, such as highly automated driving, that are tailored to the different needs of their customers specific topics, for example “TCO & CO2 Efficiency” and Minimizing sooting of exhaust important for commercial vehicles. The manufacturers digitalization or the connectivity that is so important for and local conditions, for example in terms of fuel qualities, “E-Mobility.” Our colleagues here deal exclusively with gas recirculation 41 evaluate their portfolios and determine which vehicles fleet management. These projects will also be parti user behavior, goods traffic or TCO. Because buyers know special solutions for our commercial vehicle. They know with which technology package can contribute what cularly challenging due to the large number of variants exactly what they need and whether a commercial vehicle the markets and requirements and are therefore able to “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 proportion towards reducing fleet emissions. Application in the commercial vehicle sector, which makes virtual meets their requirements. Different technology packages combine the best technologies with the requirements of scenarios and load profiles are particularly important model-based development particularly important. This must therefore be put together depending on the market. our customers. As a global key account manager for the A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 here. Only vehicles that have been sold are evaluated makes future projects extremely exciting for engineers. IAV is represented worldwide and knows the respective commercial vehicle sector, I am responsible for the sales in the balance sheet. Therefore, in addition to the CO2 markets very well thanks to our local commercial vehicle interface with our customers. This gives them a central IAV products: the easy way into contribution, customer benefit is extremely important Why should a customer come to IAV experts. We are where our customers are and work with contact person who takes care of their concerns. new commercial vehicle mobility 46 in the choice of technology. This is the only way to put with his project? them to find optimum solutions. together a successful package consisting of drivetrain, Contact: One more thing… 48 auxiliaries, aerodynamics, axles or, for example, a pre- Seebode: Because we have been operating in this field for Seebode: The third pillar concerns project design. We dictive navigation system. In other words: The products many years and have demonstrated in numerous projects assume greater responsibility and can take on develop- Let’s meet! 50 must be optimized as a whole, taking into account the that we can make a significant contribution for our clients! ment packages on our own responsibility – this is very fleet, legislation and the usage profile of the end user. Our experts have proven time and again that they have interesting not only for established OEMs but also for
8 Market | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | Market 9 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T “In these a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Virtual trucking with IAV 15 disruptive Trucks of the future 16 What do these disruptive forces do? “Disruption means that “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 times, what Disruption means that there is a sudden rather than a smooth transition – for example, when new technologies emerge that allow things to be done more efficiently or there is a sudden rather than a smooth transition – “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting technologies” 20 we need more safely. This releases an enormous potential for change. In the case of commercial vehicles, for example, for example, when new Innovative truck infotainment 22 existing pain points could be converted into good points. technologies emerge that E-test bench to go 23 above all are This calls for innovative providers who see new business opportunities. For example, they could establish a com- pletely new service at the very top of the value chain, allow things to be done Test management à la carte 25 and thus, capture the largest share of the margin. Todayʼs more efficiently or more pioneers” commercial vehicle OEMs and logistics providers could Putting a stop to hackers 26 thus become mere suppliers. A good example of this is Uber Freight: The company arranges unused space safely.” Ready for all powertrains on trucks, and thus, optimizes their capacity utilization. & energy types 29 Customers donʼt care which logistics provider or truck is Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 used to transport the goods. Truck brands and designs being in an unknown country. No one really knows their are therefore becoming less and less important. And the way around there. Thatʼs why in these disruptive times we New momentum for hydrogen service provider has the bulk of the margin. need pioneers above all else – and thatʼs exactly what the mobility 32 established companies used to be themselves, otherwise, How can established OEMs still hold their they would never have become so successful in the first “Similar mindset in Gifhorn own in this world? place. They have to revive this pioneering spirit, which is and in Karlsruhe” 35 M arkus Petzl is a strategy consultant specialized also being attempted through start-up purchases and the in disruption. In an interview, he describes the They may have to move up one step in the value chain various innovation labs and accelerators. Unfortunately, IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency disruptive forces that are important for the themselves and offer their customers more than just these initiatives often involved relatively unimportant ar- for testing and appraisal 36 commercial vehicle industry and how OEMs can adapt vehicles. And many companies are trying to do just that: eas, which meant that the whole thing could be dismissed to the new world. They are giving a lot of thought, especially in their “labs”, out of hand and quickly ended. But it does not have to be Looking ahead: cost break-even to how to respond to the disruptive forces. However, they this way: Even large and successful companies can be for new technologies 37 have one disadvantage: Many initiatives fail because pioneers; not just start-ups. Mr Petzl, which disruptive forces are rele- they jeopardize existing business and are therefore not Mature battery system for vant for the commercial vehicle industry? supported by sales, for example. The OEMs are in a How can this be achieved? special tasks 40 prison of sorts. Start-ups, on the other hand, have no There are three fields that offer starting points for disrup- such persistent forces and also have much more time: Through bipolar management that drives existing and Minimizing sooting of exhaust tive developments: technology, legislation and mindset. They are financed by venture capital and do not have to new business models in parallel. Instead of delegating gas recirculation 41 Technologically, the new drives are worth mentioning, but make a profit at first. In an established company, on the new initiatives to fringe areas, they must be returned to so too are topics such as autonomous driving, artificial other hand, the change agents always have controlling the company core and become a matter for management. “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 intelligence, connectivity, and Big Data for fleet ma and the banks breathing down their necks. New ideas are This is only possible with a cultural change that must be nagement. Legislators are promoting disruption primarily often buried there far too quickly. And because they have supported by the board of directors. This can take years, A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 through strict CO2 limits, but in the future perhaps also supposedly been burned at the hot stove, innovations but it also promises potentially big profits. After all, there through new regulations for noise in cities. The mindset are better left alone altogether. will always be a need for freight transport – the question is IAV products: the easy way into brings together several developments: For example, who can secure the bulk of the profits. IAV itself is a per- new commercial vehicle mobility 46 there are new business models based on sharing rather It sounds as though the established manu- fect example of this: The company has been successfully than ownership – keyword: Transport as a Service. But facturers have no chance against their new putting innovations on the road for decades, reinventing One more thing… 48 we also see a change in drivers, because there are fewer competitors… itself time and again in the process. This makes IAV the Markus Petzl, CEO and fewer people who want to do this job. And because perfect partner in these disruptive times. Let’s meet! 50 at disruptive of autonomous driving, the last human driver has already But this is not the case! Because the good news is: Right been born anyway. at the front, at the forefront of development, it is like Contact:
10 CO2 & Vehicle | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | CO2 & Vehicle 11 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T the one hand, CO2 legislation is expected to become a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 stricter after 2030 (“EU Green Deal”) – this means that a technological lead will still pay off after 2030, and that Virtual trucking with IAV 15 it will become more difficult for manufacturers with a technological gap to achieve their targets. On the other Trucks of the future 16 hand, it can also secure a market segment that would otherwise be occupied by new competitors. “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 CO2 savings through optimized aerodynamics “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting A lot of new vehicle technologies can be brought into technologies” 20 series production largely independently of the powertrain and at comparatively low cost (Figure 2). Particularly in Innovative truck infotainment 22 long-distance traffic, the optimization of aerodynamics opens up high CO2 saving potentials. If tractors and E-test bench to go 23 trailers are aerodynamically matched to each other, fuel savings in the double-digit percentage range are possible. Test management à la carte 25 However, legislation currently only takes the tractor unit into account. Changes to this could be brought about by Putting a stop to hackers 26 the review of the CO2 target values scheduled for 2022. Ready for all powertrains In the VECTO methodology, the determination of aero- & energy types 29 dynamic parameters is mandatory. Active systems such Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 as radiator blinds are only permitted to a limited extent echnology T The legal requirements of the European Union envisage gy Consumption Calculation Tool). The TCO calculator when carrying out measurements (constant speed tests). New momentum for hydrogen a gradual reduction in CO2 emissions, and thus, fuel con- provides a holistic cost consideration, including fuel and However, the exact knowledge of the aerodynamic potential mobility 32 sumption in the transport sector by 2030. Whereas fuel energy cost scenarios. that becomes visible with the specified test procedure is paths to- consumption was previously primarily relevant for end decisive for optimization. This is why IAV has conducted “Similar mindset in Gifhorn customers (Total Cost of Ownership, TCO), this is now For the following consideration, Figure 2 provides an intensive test series: In addition to the aerodynamic and in Karlsruhe” 35 changing: The vehicle manufacturer is moving into focus overview of possible technology packages. Figure 3 potential, additional potential can be seen in the tires through penalty payments. In addition, the perspective shows possible CO2 benefits for a synthetic fleet com- as well as in the regulation of the speed trajectory. If all IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency wards a CO2- is broadening – away from the combustion engine and position. As Figure 3 illustrates, a high proportion of the potentials that can be credited to VECTO are taken for testing and appraisal 36 away from individual vehicles, towards a fleet-based view Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) is required to achieve the together, IAV believes there is a possible benefit of eight of the entire vehicle. targets. In addition, two percent ZEV must be available to ten percent less CO2. Looking ahead: cost break-even compliant in the fleet annually from 2025. Otherwise, the specific for new technologies 37 Commercial vehicle fleets are generally characterized by a CO2 fleet value will increase. high degree of heterogeneity. There are different configu- Mature battery system for rations, weight classes and superstructures (Figure 1). This In the area of ZEV, a relevant market penetration with Bat- special tasks 40 fleet in 2030 Axle Chassis Gross vehicle weight Vehicle requires a holistic view. That’s why there is no g enerally tery Electric Vehicles (BEV) in urban areas or in hub-to-hub type configuration (tonnes) group valid answer to the question of the CO2-optimized ve- traffic is possible in the short term. Up to a daily mileage Minimizing sooting of exhaust Rigid (or tractor) 7.5 – 10 1 hicle fleet. Specific framework conditions of the vehicle of a few hundred kilometers, a BEV has advantages in gas recirculation 41 manufacturers as well as particularities in the usage terms of local emissions and driving noise. It also meets Rigid (or tractor) > 10 – 12 2 profiles, performance requirements and infrastructure with high public and political acceptance. Class 4 and 5 4x2 Rigid (or tractor) > 12 – 16 3 “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 must be reconciled. vehicles are particularly interesting for electrification 4 A Rigid > 16 4 further reduction in carbon dioxide emissions because of their high market shares. BEVs with todayʼs 5 A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 Tractor > 16 5 cannot come from the powertrain alone. Rather, Fleet and TCO calculator for scenario technology are unsuitable for heavy transport tasks over 9 Rigid all weights 9 a combined approach consisting of a CO2- comparison long distances – because of their short range, disadvan- 6x2 IAV products: the easy way into optimized combustion engine, complete vehicle mea- tages in payload due to heavy batteries and the currently 10 Tractor all weights 10 new commercial vehicle mobility 46 sures and an adapted fleet and zero-emission strategy is This is why IAV has developed a CO2 technology roadmap. insufficient charging infrastructure. This is why IAV is Rigid all weights 11 required. This is why IAV has developed a roadmap with It enables technology paths to be defined for vehicle and assuming a 50 percent share of BEVs in Class 4 and 10 6x4 One more thing… 48 Tractor all weights 12 which the savings potential of individual technologies powertrain technologies using a fleet and a TCO calculator. to 20 percent in Class 5 by 2030. 8x4 Rigid all weights 16 Let’s meet! 50 can be assessed. The fleet calculator allows synthetic fleet compositions to be generated, with the savings potential of vehicle and From IAVʼs point of view, it must be of great interest to the powertrain technologies being calculated on the basis established vehicle manufacturers to enter the market of the CO2 emissions simulation VECTO (Vehicle Ener- for alternative drive systems quickly and decisively. On VECTO-relevant vehicle configurations
12 CO2 & Vehicle | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | CO2 & Vehicle 13 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Virtual trucking with IAV 15 Increases in efficiency are also possible with todayʼs Euro VI engines, but they involve comparatively high costs. Trucks of the future 16 From IAVʼs point of view, one scenario could therefore be the development of a high-efficiency diesel engine “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 (HED). The HED is designed by way of example as an In- line 6 engine in the 12 l class. A reduction in internal engine “OEMs need to achieve optimal friction ensures low CO2 values for the base engine. The end-user value when selecting consistent design of the combustion process for low fuel technologies” 20 consumption further reduces carbon dioxide emissions. The drive system also features waste heat recovery from Innovative truck infotainment 22 the exhaust gas, supplemented by phase change cooling. From IAVʼs point of view, the HED engine concept has a E-test bench to go 23 possible CO2 potential of seven to ten percent. Test management à la carte 25 It could also be used as a development basis for a H2 combustion concept that could then achieve ZEV status. Putting a stop to hackers 26 This requires the implementation of a direct injection system with adjustments of the air and exhaust gas path. Ready for all powertrains & energy types 29 Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 Specific scenarios for a synthetic vehicle class 30 % New momentum for hydrogen Powertrain ADAS Aerodynamics composition mobility 32 Variable air intakes Radar / Lidar Integrated steps Advanced trailer Vehicle fleets, and thus, the basis for achieving the CO2 tar- aerodynamics “Similar mindset in Gifhorn gets are manufacturer-specific. For the following scenarios Engine -7 to -10 % necessary Small grill area due Mirror cams Aero wheels and in Karlsruhe” 35 (Figures 4 and 5), a synthetic fleet composition of a typical CO2 potential to engine phase Wheel covers European OEM is used as a basis. A high proportion of BEV 18 % change cooling Tractor and trailer Vehicle -8 to -10 % possible IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency vehicles is important, as they contribute most towards CO2 as an aero union for testing and appraisal 36 reduction. These are considered with 50 percent in Class 4 12 % High efficiency and 10 percent in Class 5 in both scenarios. Based on this, Looking ahead: cost break-even combustion engine the decision is made as to which vehicle and powertrain for new technologies 37 (Diesel, H₂, eFuels) technologies must be brought into the fleets. Due to the improved cost-benefit ratio, the vehicle technologies must BEV Class 4 Vehicles 50 % ZEV BEV Class 5 Vehicles 10 – 20 % Mature battery system for be prioritized. These are included in both scenarios with special tasks 40 an eight percent reduction in CO2 emissions. CO2 saving potentials on the basis of a synthetic Minimizing sooting of exhaust From IAVʼs point of view, the fuel cell is an important vehicle fleet gas recirculation 41 component of mobility in the long term. For robust oper- ation, however, it currently requires high-purity hydrogen “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 (H2). A H2 engine, on the other hand, also operates with a less pure and less expensive quality, and thus, plays off relevant for VECTO, and thus, for fleet considerations and A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 further advantages when considering the TCO. It can be must first be considered by the legislator. In scenario 1, developed relatively quickly to standard eries production the development of H2-ZEV technologies therefore plays IAV products: the easy way into readiness and can act as a pioneer of the fuel cell in the the central role in achieving the goals. This includes the new commercial vehicle mobility 46 development of the infrastructure. risk of missing these targets in case of low market pen- etration (especially in 2025). One more thing… 48 In the long term, it is expected that fuel cell systems will become more powerful, cheaper and more robust. They Through the parallel development of the H2 engine and Let’s meet! 50 will therefore become the preferred solution for innova- the high-efficiency diesel, scenario 2 additionally uses the tive drive concepts. Fuel cells can already be optimal for margin of the HED with a 10 percent CO2 advantage. As Efficiency measures and technology packages niche applications today. However, they are currently not a result, the 2025 targets appear to be safely attainable. Figure 2: Efficiency measures and technology packages
14 CO2 & Vehicle | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | CO2 & Vehicle 15 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 Flottenszenario Fleet scenario 11 Flottenszenario -0 %1 CO₂ -15 % CO₂ -30 % CO₂ echnology paths towards T Virtual 100% -0 % CO₂ -15 % CO₂ -30 % CO₂ a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Scenario 1: ZEV 100% 80% Virtual trucking with IAV 15 trucking 80% Composition Trucks of the future 16 Composition • Development of H2 combustion 60% engines and fuel cell systems 60% “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 FleetFleet 40% with IAV • Retention of the current diesel engine generation (no CO2 40% “OEMs need to achieve optimal benefit) 20% end-user value when selecting • Achievement of the 2030 goals 20% Diesel E-Fuel technologies” 20 primarily through ZEV 0% Diesel E-Fuel 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 0% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 Innovative truck infotainment 22 Flottenszenario 2 Flottenszenario 22 CO₂ Scenario 2: HED Fleet -0 % scenario 100% -15 % CO₂ -30 % CO₂ E-test bench to go 23 F -0 % CO₂ -15 % CO₂ -30 % CO₂ and H2 engine 100% ast and high-quality overall system simulations of commercial vehicles Test management à la carte 25 80% and mobile work machines – also 80% Putting a stop to hackers 26 Composition in combination with cosimulations and • Development of the HED Composition 60% commercially available tools: This is what (10 percent CO2 benefit) 60% our model-based development toolchain Ready for all powertrains and long market use & energy types 29 FleetFleet 40% offers. By using Matlab/Simulink and IAV’s • Slow replacement of the diesel 40% own libraries, as well as GT-Suite, customer- engine by the H2 engine and Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 20% specific models can be created in a short fuel cell systems 20% Diesel E-Fuel time and with high precision. IAV ZEYA is New momentum for hydrogen • Achievement of the 2030 goals 0% Diesel E-Fuel used throughout the development process mobility 32 by HED and ZEV 0% 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 and is based on more than 15 years of 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Current Diesel (-0 % CO₂) 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 High-end Diesel (-10 % CO₂) 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 experience in the field of complete vehicle “Similar mindset in Gifhorn Current Diesel (-0 % CO₂) ZEV H₂ Combustion ZEV Fuel High-end Cell Diesel (-10ZEV % CO₂) BEV simulation. and in Karlsruhe” 35 ZEV H₂ Combustion ZEV Fuel Cell ZEV BEV IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency There are many typical questions at the IAV has created basic models for entire tools, which presupposes error-free signal for testing and appraisal 36 The scenario is thus less dependent on a rapid and high the combined use of vehicle measures (aerodynamics), beginning of a development project in the commercial vehicles using state-of-the-art transmission.” Typically, IAV ZEYA is connect- market penetration with alternative drives. At the same powertrain technologies (development of HED) and the commercial vehicle sector: What does a technology, for example for trucks or agri- ed with models for fuel cells, for hydrogen Looking ahead: cost break-even time, the HED can be used in the long term and is avail- targeted development of ZEVs. However, the real use of powertrain that fulfills both customer re- cultural tractors. They can be adapted to the combustion (co-simulation with GT-Power) for new technologies 37 able as a basic engine for markets with less stringent all available potentials requires consideration by the leg- quirements and legal specifications look specific requirements of a customer project or battery electric drives. CO2 regulations. The costs associated with the system islator. Hydrogen and e-fuels as drop-in fuels are of great like? How can the operating strategy be without major modifications, meaning the Mature battery system for complexity of the HED should be mentioned as a risk. importance. In addition, it is essential that the solutions optimized? What specifications, for example, preparatory work carried out by IAV results “Fast and high-quality simulations are in- special tasks 40 implemented are accepted by customers – because only must the electrical components have? The in significant time savings. dispensable today in light of the complex Continuing the development of combustion engines vehicles that are actually sold contribute to the balance large number of application scenarios and powertrains”, summarizes Jünemann. “We Minimizing sooting of exhaust has a decisive advantage: In the long term, the introduc- sheet. One thing is clear: A “diesel-only” strategy will not the multitude of future drive options make it Simple combination with domain- developed IAV ZEYA because there are no gas recirculation 41 tion of CO2 targets based on well-to-wheel or life cycle lead to success! even more difficult to find reliable answers specific simulation tools commercial tools on the market for this pur- considerations can be expected. This would enable the to these questions early in the development pose. Thanks to the integrated interfaces, we “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 use of e-fuels, which can form a closed CO2 cycle in the Contact: process. IAV ZEYA supplies this information The tool has been intensively enhanced over can work with it across domains and answer powerful and efficient HED engine. and is used at IAV from the concept to the the past months: On the one hand, its opti- all new questions very well with simulations. A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 start of production. “The tool specializes in mized bus structure allows the sub-models By collaborating with our colleagues from Adapted fleet strategy required the overall energy simulation of commercial to be connected even better with each other. the synthesis & testing department, we are IAV products: the easy way into vehicles”, explains Dr Dennis Jünemann, On the other hand, the simulation experts also able to make use of synergies and to new commercial vehicle mobility 46 In order to achieve the CO2 reduction targets for com- simulation engineer and expert for overall have improved the signal management to validate our models optimally.” mercial vehicles in the EU, an adapted fleet strategy is vehicle simulation at IAV. “We use our own ensure low-error modeling. “This is essential One more thing… 48 required, which depends on the technology portfolio of For more information libraries with commercial-vehicle-specific for the complex models in the commercial Contact: the manufacturers. More than ever before, holistic sys- watch our video on subsystems such as vehicle longitudinal vehicle sector and an important prerequisite Let’s meet! 50 tem approaches will be required to limit the costs of an dynamics with trailer or a twelve-speed for cooperation between different teams”, YouTube! increasing number of technology variants. The achieve- switching logic.” From the submodels for the explains Jünemann. “Especially with the ment of the 2030 targets will depend to a large extent on individual commercial-vehicle subsystems, new powertrains, we must combine different
16 CO2 & Vehicle | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | CO2 & Vehicle 17 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Virtual trucking with IAV 15 Trucks of Trucks of the future 16 “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 the future “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting technologies” 20 Innovative truck infotainment 22 Stricter CO2 limits and changed legal requirements for E-test bench to go 23 vehicle registration: These are the main drivers of current Test management à la carte 25 truck development. IAV is looking to the future with its Putting a stop to hackers 26 own truck design and has developed two variants for the US and European markets. Ready for all powertrains & energy types 29 Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 New momentum for hydrogen mobility 32 “Similar mindset in Gifhorn For European truck drivers, the new nose at the front is optimize the airflow around the vehicle. Here, however, it and in Karlsruhe” 35 probably the most striking innovation. Thanks to changes was important to avoid undesirable side effects: The new in legal regulations, it can now be 80 to 90 centimeters design should neither lead to a lens effect when looking IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency long, which means that future trucks on European roads outwards nor to excessive heating of the driverʼs cab – for testing and appraisal 36 will be more reminiscent of their US counterparts. Never- and the associated additional load on the air conditioning theless, differences remain: “As before, the front axle of system. Movable flaps on the radiator grille open when Looking ahead: cost break-even the European model is at the height of the driver further required and also contribute towards improved aerodynam- for new technologies 37 back,” says Olaf Jacob, project engineer for commercial ics. Finally, the elimination of the classic exterior mirrors vehicles at IAV. “In addition, the wheelbase of the EU also leads to lower driving resistance – their function is Mature battery system for version is shorter than that of the US truck. Whatʼs more, now taken over by cameras that protrude from both sides special tasks 40 the latter is only available with two rear axles in a 6x4 of the truck and hardly obstruct the air flow. Additionaly, configuration as is customary in the USA.” camera-based systems offer increased safety due to a Minimizing sooting of exhaust wider field of view. gas recirculation 41 IAVʼs experts and designer Nils Poschwatta were guided by the big drivers in truck development: the desire for lower The windscreens, which are pulled down further, and the “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 CO2 emissions and the new specifications for vehicle lower parapet line, lead to better visibility. In addition, the dimensions. “Many manufacturers are currently on the Future Truck is to be fitted with sensors for pedestrian A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 lookout for solutions that will reduce fuel consumption,” detection to increase traffic safety. Other assistance says Jacob. “This is where the Future Truck comes up systems such as a distance radar and an emergency IAV products: the easy way into with numerous innovations.” braking system are integrated. Optimum night vision is new commercial vehicle mobility 46 another element in preventing accidents – this is what Measures for better aerodynamics the LED matrix headlights in the Future Truck promise. One more thing… 48 And even the tractorʼs light band has more than just an For example, the nose and the stem of the EU version aesthetic function: It surrounds the entire driverʼs cab Let’s meet! 50 provides significantly better aerodynamics compared to and also serves as daytime running light, turn signal and the previously common front designs. In both versions, position indicator. the windshields have also been tilted and curved to
18 CO2 & Vehicle | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | CO2 & Vehicle 19 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 Open for different powertrains innovative and, on the other hand, suitable for everyday use and already designed for standard production. We “Don’t be afraid Virtual trucking with IAV Trucks of the future 15 16 of unusual The Future Truck can be operated with different power- had the great advantage of being able to work free from trains, which makes it future-proof. “This could be a highly the constraints of existing designs,” summarizes Jacob. “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 efficient diesel engine that is likely to dominate long-haul “We are currently using the Future Truck as a basis for “OEMs need to achieve optimal solutions!” transport for years to come,” says Jacob. “But, of course, discussion with OEMs and suppliers. It shows that IAV is the layout is also prepared for alternatives such as fuel capable of developing complete commercial vehicles – end-user value when selecting cells, hydrogen engines or battery electric drives.” To fur- while also taking into account the various usage scenarios technologies” 20 ther increase efficiency, the trucks are ready to fit a waste in the logistics process.” heat recovery system and phase change cooling, which Innovative truck infotainment 22 allows to reduce the number of air intakes in the front. Contact: E-test bench to go 23 For IAV, the Future Truck provides a basis for talking to potential customers. “On the one hand, the design is highly Test management à la carte 25 Nils Poschwatta T ogether with IAV exper ts, Nils Poschwatta has designed the IAV Putting a stop to hackers 26 Future Truck. In an interview, he After studying industrial design at the explains what was particularly important How does the new design differ Ready for all powertrains Muthesius University of Applied in terms of design and what trucks will be from existing trucks? & energy types 29 Sciences in Kiel, Nils Poschwatta making the difference in the future. worked for Volkswagen Design in Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 In the EU variant, the nose on the front end Wolfsburg for eight years. During this is certainly the most striking new feature. It time, he created the interiors of several New momentum for hydrogen You usually design cars and mo- ensures better crash behavior, its radial base concept and production vehicles, mobility 32 torcycles. What was it like for you also optimizes aerodynamics and gives the including the “IROC,” “Scirocco” and to develop the design for a truck? vehicle a new look. Up to now, trucks in the “the Beetle.” Since 2009, he has been “Similar mindset in Gifhorn EU have tended to be “rolling shelves”. The Managing Director of Modus GmbH and in Karlsruhe” 35 Commercial vehicles are not a new topic for US version is also more aerodynamic. For and in charge of the Poschwatta me, although up to now I have developed this reason, we have tilted the windshields Automotive division. IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency light trucks as a whole and only designed of both models more and added a stronger for testing and appraisal 36 interior concepts for heavy trucks. So the base to make the greenhouses and stem IAV trucks were my first project where I was more closely resemble one unit. A visual as Looking ahead: cost break-even able to design the exterior of a heavy truck. well as functional highlight is the light band Could such a truck also be built for new technologies 37 This gave me the opportunity to design that extends over the front and around the and marketed? the appearance of a future European truck grille, continues along the sides and closes Mature battery system for rather than “just” formally editing existing again around the rear. It serves as a daytime Yes, certainly. Everything is designed in special tasks 40 packages. As many innovations as possible running light in the front area and forms such a way that it can also be registered. were to be embedded in the new form and the characteristic face of the truck, which I deliberately did not want to build design Minimizing sooting of exhaust new functional concepts integrated. I had is normally defined by the main headlights. locks and I wanted to follow the criteria for gas recirculation 41 to comply with current legislation as well as In addition, it takes over various functions approval. And the result shows: You can the requirements of aerodynamics. And there pertaining to the truck and can be used to comply with the legal requirements and still “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 were to be two variants for the EU and the communicate with the surroundings through break new ground. This is also my wish for USA. During the project, I worked together the freely programmable RGB LEDs. Another all truck manufacturers: Try to meet conven- A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 with many colleagues from IAVʼs specialist innovative concept is the entry level. We use tions with innovations and donʼt be afraid of departments. And although IAV is a large a sliding door, which is not yet available in unusual solutions! IAV products: the easy way into company, we always had very short lines of trucks in this form. In this way, we improve new commercial vehicle mobility 46 communication and were able to implement the staircase or entrance clearance, but also Contact: everything quickly. It was very precise work! the accessibility between parked trucks. One more thing… 48 Let’s meet! 50
20 Market | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | Market 21 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 “OEMs need to echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 achieve optimal Virtual trucking with IAV 15 Trucks of the future 16 end-user value “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 “OEMs need to achieve optimal end-user value when selecting when selecting technologies” Innovative truck infotainment 20 22 Robert Dolan, Director of technologies” E-test bench to go Test management à la carte 23 25 Commercial Vehicles and Government Programs at IAV Putting a stop to hackers 26 Are customers in the USA prepared to pay positioned at the component, sub-system and full system more money for environmentally friendly development levels to meet customer needs. Another Ready for all powertrains solutions? example is fleet simulation, where individual and combined & energy types 29 I n the USA, future regulatory requirements are putting What role does proposed legislation play for technologies can be studied on application-specific Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 commercial vehicle manufacturers under pressure. your customers? Outstanding and relevant question! Short answer: rarely. drive cycles to identify the mix of technologies needed In an interview, Bob Dolan (Director of Commercial Unlike the passenger car sector, CV customers simply to achieve a sales weighted fleet solution to regulatory New momentum for hydrogen Vehicles and Government Programs) reports on what A major role. And a lot is happening here at the moment do not make impulse or emotional purchase decisions. requirements. Aside from the direct engineering support, mobility 32 makes the market there so special and how IAV Inc. because many individual measures are positioned to have a Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is the main driver for the IAV Inc. Northville, MI facility is equipped with four and IAV in Germany support their customers in making compounding impact on our customersʼ development pro- fleet managers when specifying their equipment. To medium duty and heavy duty sophisticated transient “Similar mindset in Gifhorn technology decisions and developing products. grams. For example, the EPA is poised to enact demanding illustrate the market challenge, consider the 24-month emission test cells, where our highly talented staff sup- and in Karlsruhe” 35 particulate matter (PM) reductions, from 0.01 grams per leasing model that is prevalent for US Class 8 long haul ports US customer product development activities with brake horsepower hour (g/bhp-hr) to 0.005 in 2024. At the trucks; TCO considerations dictate that add-on costs engine and aftertreatment system calibration activities, IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency What does the US market for commercial same time, it is also considering significantly extending the for CO2 reduction equipment pay for themselves within OBD development and compliance testing. for testing and appraisal 36 vehicles (CVs) currently look like? “Useful Engine Life” from 10 years or 435,000 miles, to 18 24 months or 200,000 miles. Very challenging where years or 850,000 miles, and emissions-relevant warranty $2.50/gallon Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel is concerned. As a What is the cooperation between IAV Inc. Looking ahead: cost break-even It can be divided into four principle areas: Heavy-duty periods from 5 years or 350,000 miles to 14 years or result, major changes in technology adoption are typically in the USA and IAV GmbH in Germany? for new technologies 37 and medium-duty on-highway products are the most 800,000 miles. Keep in mind, Green House Gas Phase 2 only driven by new regulatory requirements. Considering recognized and subject to the most demanding r egulatory is still in implementation phase to realize CO2 reductions. the competitive landscape, this underscores the need for In terms of CV activities, the level of cooperation is out- Mature battery system for requirements. Off-highway products range from adapted And in the background, the current voluntary CARB Ultra vehicle manufacturers to achieve optimal end-user value standing. Many CV customers are in fact global players and special tasks 40 on-highway products, to real industrial engines with more Low NOx program is under consideration by the EPA as when selecting technologies for meeting future regulatory we are able to present one IAV Team to them, independent than 19 liters displacement, and are applied into incred- a 50-state mandate. Individually, each of these initiatives requirements. Innovation companies like Nikola, pursue of geographic location. The IAV Global CV team is driven Minimizing sooting of exhaust ibly diverse, specialized applications, e.g., stationary, drives significant development activities for our customers, novel approaches to the New Tech – TCO challenge, by by a robust and well aligned customer strategy plan, we gas recirculation 41 wheeled, tracked and marine. The US Government is a CV and combined, they underscore the need for companies combining vehicle lease, H2 fuel and all maintenance costs are in frequent and regular communication, we effectively market sub-sector, including the Department of Energy, like IAV to provide guidance on technology selection and into a single lease payment equal to the national average leverage same working methods, acquisition materials, “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 the National Labs and Department of Defense. And the application, as well as expert engineering support to enable of clean-diesel truck operating costs of $0.95/mile. deep technology exchange, marketing, and social media, start-up companies (aka, Innovation Companies) consti- customers to meet their objectives. and we operate inside same project management tools. A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 tute an increasingly relevant CV sub-sector, with CO2- How do you support your customers in the There are over 8,000 globally placed employees at IAV, efficent and zero emissions solutions being fast-tracked transition to new technologies? across all portfolios, and we are fortunate to have more IAV products: the easy way into to demonstration phases. This sector is characterized by rapid capital infusion from the investment community, into “We have many building We have many building blocks that will make future com- than 300 CV experts interspersed among them. As a result, we have options in terms of meeting customer new commercial vehicle mobility 46 high clock-speed teams that lack the internal resources needed to fulfil their objectives. IAV Inc. is active in all four blocks that will make future mercial vehicles more environmentally friendly. Take, for example, our footprint in fuel cell development: IAV oper- requirements globally. Support is provided bilaterally and the working relationships are very good. One more thing… 48 of these CV market sub-sectors here in the US. commercial vehicles more ates a state-of-the-art test facility for stack development. Let’s meet! 50 Now couple that block with the many that comprise IAVʼs Contact: environmentally friendly.” electrified powertrain capabilities and you see how we are
22 Electronics | Commercial Vehicles Commercial Vehicles | Validation 23 Our Mission “Trucks are leading technology” 4 6 “In these disruptive times, what we need above all are pioneers” 8 E-test bench echnology paths towards T a CO2-compliant fleet in 2030 10 to go Virtual trucking with IAV Trucks of the future 15 16 Flexible, effective and econom “Don’t be afraid of unusual solutions!” 19 ical: With IAV Auros, we offer Innovative truck “OEMs need to achieve optimal mobile test bench automation for end-user value when selecting technologies” 20 electric drives and auxiliary units. infotainment Electric mobility is picking up speed. Nearly all manufac- turers will launch new models on the market in the next Innovative truck infotainment E-test bench to go 22 23 few years. And the trend is rising. For developers, this means a growing need for suitable test benches to put Test management à la carte 25 high-voltage components and electric drives through their paces. Conventional test benches are suitable for Putting a stop to hackers 26 this purpose, but the test bench times are rare and rela- tively expensive. In order to resolve this area of conflict, Ready for all powertrains F uture commercial vehicle infotain- This does not always meet the requirements we have developed IAV Auros, a mobile test system for & energy types 29 ment systems must reconcile the of customers such as freight forwarders. electric drives that is easy to transport and yet contains Digitized from scratch to delivery 30 requirements of OEMs, commercial “They often have several brands in their all the features required for high-voltage testing. With vehicle owners and drivers. While many fleets, for which the manufacturers each offer our system, all rooms with a voltage supply of 63 amps New momentum for hydrogen cockpits are still improvised today, the their own fleet solutions,” says Herrmann. become potential high-voltage test benches. mobility 32 future belongs to sensibly integrated solu- “But this does not help users who would tions. IAV advises vehicle manufacturers rather use a uniform system on all vehicles Despite its compact size, the mobile test bench does “Similar mindset in Gifhorn on architecture issues as well as on testing in their fleet. It would therefore be better to not compromise on performance. It can control and and in Karlsruhe” 35 and integration and user interfaces. have a connectivity interface from the OEM, monitor a single motor or two electric motors in so- to which any third-party solutions can be called back-to-back operation. Drive motors with up to IAV Teslin: Maximum efficiency Radio, navigation system, computer for logis- docked as an open platform.” 150 kW mechanical power – such as traction drives for for testing and appraisal 36 tics software: Many truck cockpits contain a hybrid or electric vehicles – can thus be tested without variety of different devices, some of which any problems. An expensive test bench, for example for Looking ahead: cost break-even originate from passenger cars. “But that’s not endurance tests, is not required. IAV Auros can be booked for new technologies 37 an ideal situation, because commercial ve- “IAV offers support as a customized service package for specific projects hicles require their own solutions – for order or purchased as a fully functional test bench solution. Mature battery system for management on the road, for instance,” says along the entire special tasks 40 Torsten Herrmann, Senior System Architect Contact: at IAV. “It would be better not to improvise development chain Minimizing sooting of exhaust and instead to integrate everything in a sensible way.” – from initial s tudies, gas recirculation 41 However, the different requirements of prototypes, tests “E-fuels would be ideal for us” 42 OEMs, logistics companies and drivers must with the target A deeper look inside your vehicle 44 be reconciled. OEMs, for example, want a recognizable design and a wide range of group, HMI specifi IAV products: the easy way into variants – from a simple radio to an info- new commercial vehicle mobility 46 tainment system for coaches. In addition, cation through to a flexible architecture is required to enable One more thing… 48 the integration of modules from external HMI series develop- Let’s meet! 50 suppliers. This is important, for example, in order to log compliance with the cold chain ment and testing.” in refrigerated trucks or to be able to control structures from the cockpit.
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