Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon
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Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all VALUE HEALTH AFRICA ACTIVITY/MISSION REPORT VAHA MARCH MONTLY REPORT SUBMITTED BY: North west, South west,Littoral regions DATE: 05/03/2021 MONTH: January Activities MISSION TEAM: Mbatu Nessa, Majoni Humphrey, Ziagh Elizabeth Nji Emmanuel, Bame Sixtus Paul Mbanyi Mbianke Livanclif, Verdzeka Nafisatu Bifin ACTIVITY TITLE: Monthly report for March North West – Littoral – South West Report Control by: Diane and Mercy OVERALL PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES OF MISSION: - Online sensitization on the importance of water and how to make water portable for drinking - Increase the availability of portable water to over 168 children who seek refuge in this orphanage. - Vaccine hesitancy international conference - Organisation de la conference internationale, - sensibilisation en ligne sur la journée mondiale de l’eau, - journée international de la femme soutient aux femmes en situation de handicape, - Webinair avec AWDF sur la soumission des grants. - Reception des Dons remit par WACSI - Journée Mondiale du Rein I- NORTH WEST MARCH ACTIVITIES BACKGROUND: Clean portable water is vital to the survival of virtually all living species but most at times it is available in forms which are not healthy for consumption. According to research studies, 844 million people lack access to clean water. Without clean, easily accessible water, families and communities are locked in poverty for generations. It is therefore important to educate the population on how to make water good for drinking Value Health Africa with its mission to improve health and wellbeing in communities and with one of its main pillars of work being to improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, we have been carrying out several activities such as sensitization on hygiene with respect to this pillar. In commemoration of the World Water Day which is the 22nd of March 2021, Value Health Africa had as planned activities visit to an orphanage in order to sensitize the children on how to make water portable for drinking as well as donate a home water purifier to them. The aim of this activity was to increase availability of portable water to over 168 underprivileged children Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all KEY ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Activity Achievements Organised online sensitization on water. Increased knowledge on the importance of water and how to make it portable for drinking Organised a sensitization activity at Luc Menorah - Increase awareness on how to make water good for orphanage drinking - Increase availability of portable water for the children - Decrease spread of water borne diseases Handing over of the home water purifier The Regional Coordinator carrying out sensitization The matron of Luc Menorah giving words of appreciation for the gesture APPRECIATION REMARKS From the matron of Luc Menorah Orphanage “I want to thank Value Health Africa for remembering us especially in a time like this. Luc Menorah is a place which harbors light bearers and especially with the disabilities which most of them suffer from, we try our best to make them happy and satisfied. Giving a helping hand to this is a great blessing and we promise to utilize what has been given to us judiciously” Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all KEY PERSONS MET: Organisation Name Contact Luc Menorah Madam Gladys ( Matron) 675001203 BUDGET / Expenses LINE ITEMS UNIT COST FREQUENCY TOTAL Home water purifier 20,000 1 20,000 Transportation 5000 1 5000 Stipends 5000 1 5000 Stationeries 2000 1 2000 TOTAL 32,000 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: Conclusion - Over 50,000 social media users benefitted from information on different ways to make water good for drinking - Over 168 children benefitted from sensitization and subsequent increase in the availability of portable water. Recommendations -More permanent staffs needed to ease work load Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all II- VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VACCINE HESITANCY BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 Pandemic has greatly affected the world economy and has resulted to untold damage to lives and communities. With over 100 million COVID-19 cases worldwide and over 2 million deaths and a continuous wide spread and resurgence in many countries, the battle against this virus is far from being over. The resurgence of COVID-19 in many countries has been linked to the non- respect for barrier measures by individuals largely fueled by the misinformation and conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine. The entire world received a sigh of relieve after significant milestones of vaccine development was announced by the World Health Organization. However instead of this great scientific progress being celebrated, the speed of vaccine development has further strengthen certain conspiracy theories thereby increasing hesitancy to the vaccine by most people. With misinformation about COVID-19 vaccine trending all over social media and the drama surrounding the origin of the virus, most public health experts have warned of a stiff vaccine resistance especially among African states. Throughout 2020, Value Health Africa carried out series of research on” perceptions, attitudes and believes of Africans on COVID-19 and a possible COVID-19 vaccine in 4 African countries. Analysis of the research showed that only 5% of respondents had moderate knowledge of COVID-19. 33% of respondents did not even believe in the existence of the virus while a large 76% believed COVID-19 is not of natural origin. Among the respondents, only 7% agree of taken a covid-19 vaccine if it is being developed. The arrival of COVID-19 vaccine in some African countries was received with mixed feelings increasing tensions and assault on health care workers. Parents have boycotted their children from school and women have stopped routine vaccination of their children for fear of them being injected with the COVID-19 Vaccine. Health care workers have been objects of assault as they are accused to siding with the government to administer COVID-19 vaccine to people without their knowledge. There is therefore a need to for the scientific community to put ideas together, share ideas and design the way forward. Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all - ZOOM MEETING DAY1 The meeting commenced on the 29th of March at 1pm GMT, with introduction of speakers by the moderator. Participants were then drilled on the house rules. Participants were the schooled on the science of vaccine development by Dr.Judwin followed by an a workout on the different vaccines and their efficacy and GAVI’s procurement/distribution and equity plan by Dr Naveen Thacker from GAVI steering committee. Conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines were discussed and illustrated by Mbianke Livancliff. Dr Lisa Menning from WHO international closed the day by discussing on vaccine hesitancy and how WHO is responding to it. Several questions were posed to the panelist by participants from different background involving media persons, public health experts, community leaders and civil society actors.The day was rounded up with much excitement and expectation for the second day. - ZOOM MEETING DAY2 The second session began same time at 1PM GMT. After an introductory statement from the moderator and speakers, Prof.Dr Pramod Jog engaged the participants on how to manage misinformation in COVID-19. Right after this, Mr Tah kenneth later explained the CSOs engagement in managing misinformation surrounding COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccine. Participants later had the chance to get the vaccine case scenarios for India and for cameroon presented by Dr Naveen and Dr Bernard respectively. The day was rounded up by a discussion forum to chart the way forward. Interractions from speakers and participants provided a road map for the way forward. The conference ended at around 5:05 with a closing remark from the moderator and the host organization-Value Health Africa. KEY ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Activity Number of people impacted/participated Slides présentations 500 persons Participante questions debats Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all Name Organization Contact Dr.Naveen Thacker GAVI steering committee Prof.Pramod Jog WHO/UNICEF Dr.Lisa Menning WHO Dr SAH Bernard DMO-Cameroon Dr Judwin NDZO Pediatric UK Tan Kenneth CCMN CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: Conclusion - It was a wonderful and much needed conference. Impactful and the beginning of collaborations and research works. - Over 10 country around the world was connected to that meeting Recommendations Frequent zoom meetings on important subjects should be organized. Planning and preparation should be done well ahead of time. Extensive publicity of the event should be done Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all III- LITTORAL MARCH ACTIVITIES. Durant le mois de Mars VAHA littoral à conduit et supervise plusieurs activités a) Renforcement des Capacités sur la soumission des demandes de subventions AWDF.- 05/03/2021 L’atelier de renfoncement des capacités c’est déroulé les 4 et 5 Mars sur la plateforme zoom et a vue la participation des plusieurs organizations feminist venue de partout dans le monde. La reunion a débuté à 14h:00 et présenté par Mme….. qui a fait la presentation de toute son equipe et a fait la presentation de l’agenda. Durant l’atelier les points suivant ont été devélopé: Les critères d’éligibilités, l’inscription sur la plateform AWDF,les diveferentes subventions et les periode de soublissions, les différentes methods de soumissions - Critère d’éligibilité: devéloppé par Mme Beatrice Boakye sont les suivante l’association doit etre à 70% dirigé par les femmes et etre localisé en afrique ou au moyen orient. Avoir une existence legale de 3 ans - La plateforme: afin de beneficié des subventions AWDF l’association souhaitant participle doit s’inscrire sur la plateforme et dispose d’un relevé de compte bancaire. Un etat financier Claire. - Les subventions (grants): il en exite 3 Main grant qui va de 100 000$ à plus – le LFS (only for advocacy program) qui va de 50 000$ et le Small grant 5000$ (Novembre-decembre). Les subventions annuelle sont soumise en Avril-Juillet-Septembre - Methods de demande de subventions: le montant de la demande doit etre de 50% de ton revenue annuelle les charges indirectes doivent etre de 40%. Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all b) International Woman Day: soutient aux femmes en situation de handicape - 07/03/2021 Aucun frein face au handicap est une association à but non lucratif qui a pour but l’autonomisation des personnes et parents vivant en situation de handicape. Dans le but de célèbre la femme AFH a organisé une journée de formation sur l’utilisation du cacao et du soja. Le but etant à longterme d’en faire une activité generatrice de revenue. Value health Africa a été invité à participé dans le cadre de la sensibilisation contre la COVID-19. En effet, selon les personnes en situation de handicap. L’OMS n’a pas tenue compte d’eux dans l’élaboration des différentes mésures barrières mise en place.l’association AFH à ainsi mis en place quelque mésures qui tiennent compte de leur situation. Il s’agit: - Nettoyage de la canne des personnes malvoyantes - Nettoyage du vélo d’un handicapé moteur - Le port du gang de l’accompagnateur de la personne aveugle ou malvoyante Pour ne citer que ceux là. En ce qui concerne l’autonomisation, les personnes handicapé ont appri à travailler les produits derive du cacao et du soja. Et nous avont optenue les produits telques: - le lait de Soja - le paté de soja - le chocolat - le yaourt de soja - les brochettes de soja (TOFU) - l’huile de cacao À la fin de la formation, chaque personne en situation de handicap etaient à mesure de se lance avec un simple budget de 5000 frs. La formation c’est terniné au alentour de 21h. c) Journée Mondiale du Rein: Thème : Mieux Vivre avec une maladie rénale 11/03/2021 Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all L'insuffisance rénale est une Maladie caractérisée par l'incapacité des reins à éliminer les déchets et à équilibrer les liquides de l'organisme. Les types les plus courants sont ; Insuffisance rénale chronique et insuffisance rénale rénale aiguë. La maladie rénale chronique affecte plus de 850 millions de personnes dans le monde, soit un adulte sur dix et provoque au moins 2,4 millions de décès par an. Elle est en est la 6ème cause de mortalité dont la croissance est la plus rapide. L'insuffisance rénale peut également amener à devoir subir une greffe de rein. A l’occasion de cette journée VAHA est allée à la rencontre Madeleine Fernande Tiba Notre invité Camerounaise vivant aux USA et qui souffre d’insuffisance rénale depuis 4 ans. Elle s’est prêtée au jeux de questions réponses afin de partager son expérience avec nos followers. Une femme de courage qui fait un avec le thème de cette année "Mieux Vivre avec une Maladie rénal" d) Reception des Dons remit par WACSI – 17/03/2021 Value health Africa à reçu un don de deux (02) ordinateur portable de marque HP d’installation windows 10 dans le cadre du projet de WACSI – TECSOUP qui soutient les organizations dans le besoin. La ceremonie a eu lieu dans la ville de yaoundé et représenté par Francis Fando coordonateur regional du centre. Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all e) sensibilisation en ligne sur la journée mondiale de l’eau - 22/03/2021 VAHA à conduit une serie de sensibilisation en ligne conduit par Nessa et Diane. f) Organisation de la conference internationale - 29/03/2021 – 30/03/2021 Value Health Africa à mené pendant deux jours la Conférence International virtuelle sûre la polémique observé autour du Vaccin de la COVID19 et quel solution pour y remédier. Le panel était composé d’experrt internationaux lesque: Dr Lisa Mennig - WHO-GENEVA Dr Judwin Ndzo - Pediatric register United Kingdom Prof,Dr Pramod Jog- Senior Consultant UNICEF- INDIA Dr Naveen Thacker - exécutive Director IPA - INDIA. Dr Bernard Sah- , MD, MPH, MSc,DMO- Cameroon Mr Tah Kenneth- member of CCMN Mbianke Livancliff - VAHA Immunization Focale point les participants connectés venaient de plusieurs pays de tous les horizons. - Nigeria- Zambie- Kénya- Congo- Burkina Faso- Angleterre- USA- Cameroun Tout c’est déroulé sous la moderation de Obah Rosaline, Journalist. Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all KEY ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED Activité Resultats 1 Atelier sur les subventions de AWDF - Methodes de soumission en ligne - Condition d’éligibilité - 40 associations feministes ont participés journée international de la femme soutient aux femmes - Capacity buiding on COVID-19 en situation de handicape, - Capacipty building on self dignity - Faire du chocolat et de l’huile de Caca- du lait de soja Journée Mondiale du rein - Sensibilisation video en ligne - sensibilisation en ligne sur la journée mondiale de l’eau, - methode de purification d’eau Organisation de la conference internationale, - Animation luve facebook - Moderation application zoom - Animation page zoom Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
Value Health Africa (VAHA)Cameroon Entrance to SIMBOCK P.O Box 212, Yaoundé Center Region, Cameroon Tél (237) 651249158/ (237) 694256096/(237) 676356262 Website: Promoting good health & wellbeing for all KEY PERSONS MET: Organisation Name Contact AWDF Alexandra A. Asamoah AFH Carine Melela 690409524 Privée Fernande Tiba 001-(682)320-4361 GAVI steering committee Dr.Naveen Thacker WHO/UNICEF Prof.Pramod Jog WHO Dr.Lisa Menning VAHA Mbianke LivanCliff CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS: Conclusion - Plus 200,000 personnes ont été touché via les réseau sociaux Durant nos multiples campagnes de sensibilisation en ligne - conference internationale plus de 50 organisations on pris par venant de 10 pays different. - journée internationale de la femme 30 femmes en situations de handicap ont repondu présente.. Recommendations -More permanent staffs needed to ease work load BUDGET/ expenses lines ITEMS UNIT COST FREQUENCY TOTAL Network for VIC 1,000 2 2,000 Web Flyers VIC 12000 1 12000 Transport IWD 5000 1 5000 TOTAL 19,000 Forward all reports to copying Value Healh Africa Cameroun .National cordination.yaounde Cameroun Tél Tel: (237) 651249158/694256096/676356262 , REG No: 52/E.29/1111/VOL.8/ALPAS
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