Vaccines & Financial Assistance Are on the Way - Black Car ...
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“Serving The For-Hire Vehicle Industry” Vaccines & Financial Vol. 36 No. 1 JANUARY 2021 Assistance Are on the Way 2020 is now behind us and we are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe, stay well… and Best Wishes for a Better Year Ahead! Questions and Most NYers Back TLC’s Honor Roll Ira’s Insights: Answers About the Transportation, Recognizes Jan. COVID-19 Vaccines Climate Initiatives Drivers, Bases 2021
EDITORIAL 4 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 Neil Weiss Editor/Publisher VACCINES AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ARE ON THE WAY, OFFERING HOPE THAT 2021 WILL BE A BETTER YEAR THAN THE LAST ONE For many of us, 2020 was the most difficult will go out to individuals who earn less than PPP loan forgiven, businesses that borrowed year our industry has ever faced – and that’s say- $75,000 per year, or $1,200 for married couples $150,000 or less will simply need to submit ing a lot, considering the massive disruptions, sui- earning below $150,000. Those earning between a one-page certification that includes the cides, and financial instability of the past decade. $75,000 and $99,000 may still be entitled to a re- number of employees the business retained I would, in fact, say it was one of the most devas- duced payment. as a result of the loan, an estimate of how tating years our nation has ever faced… and cer- Additionally, “If you are receiving New York much of the loan was spent on payroll and tainly the worst in generations on many levels. State unemployment benefits, either as an em- the total loan amount. Although hoping for a year that’s better than ployee or independent contractor, you may receive • The tax break on business expenses is signif- 2020 is a disturbingly low bar to meet, there are an additional $300 weekly federal unemployment icant. The latest COVID relief package clar- reasons to be cautiously optimistic about 2021. insurance payment, beginning in early 2021 and ifies that if the loan is forgiven, payroll and First and foremost, Covid-19 vaccinations through March 2021,” the TLC Tweeted in late operating expenses will be treated as tax-free began being administered in mid-December to December. to the business. staffers at New York City’s public hospitals, and The following websites can offer more details: Gov. Andrew Cuomo has called on the state’s De- • If you want to apply for unemployment ben- Relief for Traditional Bases partment of Financial Services to require plans efits or see if you are eligible, visit On December 2, the TLC voted to approve a to cover the entire cost – so they will be free to all. • If you need info on financial assistance, un- couple of corrections to what were initially mis- The Black Car Assistance Corporation (BCAC) employment benefits, resolving housing is- takes in the rulemaking when the category of and the International Association of Transporta- sues, health care, or medical insurance, visit High-Volume For-Hire Vehicle (HVFHV) bases tion Regulators (IATR) have been among the or- was established. Since HVFHV bases were ini- ganizations advocating for drivers in our industry • NY State will also make additional Rent Re- tially categorized as cooperatives, some tradi- to be prioritized for the vaccine, and I lief Program payments. If you lost income tional cooperative bases were being lumped in STRONGLY URGE everyone to get their vaccine due to Covid-19 between March and July with them and forced to follow rules that would as soon as they are able. Vaccines will initially be 2020, you can apply for a one-month rent have crushed them. in short supply, so don’t wait. subsidy from the State Rent Relief Program According to Goldstein, “A specific section of According to the BCAC’s Executive Director, if you apply by Feb. 1, 2021. Funds for rental the miscellaneous cleanup rules initially brought Ira Goldstein, “We strongly supported including relief are limited and awarded on a first- a serious concern to the Black Car Assistance passenger ground transportation workers among come, first-served basis, and made directly to Corporation. We wanted to make sure traditional those given high vaccine priority because they are landlords. Information on the program can black car bases could continue their previously both in industries essential to the functioning of be found here: agreed-upon pay schedules, as well as the stan- society and at high risk of exposure.” • If you are a small business, including a base dard practice of passing along summonses to driv- The Advisory Committee on Immunization or medallion owner, you may be eligible for ers. HVFHV bases were meant to be excluded Practices (ACIP), which develops recommenda- a no-interest PPP loan to help you make pay- from these practices because their business mod- tions on how to use vaccines to control disease in roll and cover rent, utilities, mortgage, or els are very different.” the United States, proposed that workers in es- other business expenses. Learn more at SBA Traditional black car bases generally work sential and critical industries – like education, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) | Em- with corporate accounts that pay on terms, while food, transportation, and law enforcement – be pire State Development ( HVFHV bases receive payment electronically and part of Phase 1b, just behind health care workers instantly. Because of this, Black Car bases re- and residents of long-term care facilities (nursing Windels Marx has been closely following the quire a little leeway in the amount of time they homes). Adults with high-risk medical conditions progress of the new federal benefits package and get to ensure all drivers are paid. It’s how it has and those over the age of 65 will be part of Phase the specifics relating to the transportation indus- always been done. 1c. After that comes Phases 2 and then 3. try. Matthew W. Daus, Esq., Partner and Chair- “While most traditional bases are franchises, There has been much disinformation man of the firm’s Transportation Practice Group, the language of the original cleanup rules sought about the vaccine, so please read our article noted that “The new COVID-19 relief package… to exclude ALL cooperative bases from the prac- about its safety and efficacy on page 15. allocates an additional $284.45 billion in lending tices mentioned above,” explained Goldstein. We still have a long road ahead, but the vac- to eligible businesses.” The following are some of “This would have unfairly targeted some tradi- cinations are a big step toward normalcy, and we the key changes that will be made to the PPP loan tional bases and created an unfair playing field all could use a little of that. program: within this industry. This was not the TLC’s in- • Businesses may now take a second PPP loan. tent, so the BCAC drafted legislative language to Stimulus Package Businesses that received a PPP loan when ensure that both franchise and cooperative model After significant negotiations and a great the program first went into effect now may traditional bases would be on equal footing. When deal of unfortunate politicization during the apply for a “second draw,” so long as they are the rules were passed earlier this month, they in- process, the new economic stimulus package was not public companies, do not employ more cluded our updated language.” finally signed in late December, and checks/direct than 300 people, and can show at least a 25% Kudos to the BCAC for standing up for tradi- deposits are due to go out ASAP. Currently, the drop in gross receipts in the first, second or tional Black Car bases that would otherwise have legislation calls for $600 per adult from the fed- third quarters of 2020, compared to the same been shuttered, due to rules that were never eral government – although there have been ad- quarter in 2019. No loan may exceed $2 mil- meant to involve them. ditional negotiations asking that the number be lion, down from the $10 million original PPP With 2020 behind us, we are finally seeing a raised to $2,000. loan amount cap. light at the end of the tunnel. Please continue to According to the NYC Taxi & Limousine • The forgiveness process for loans under follow all Covid-19 protocols, stay safe and well… Commission (TLC), one-time payments of $600 $150,000 has been streamlined. To have a and Best Wishes to all for a Better Year Ahead! Editorial ........................................................................4 BLACK CAR NEWS IN THIS ISSUE Ira’s Insights — By Ira Goldstein ................................6 714 Crestbrook Avenue • Cherry Hill, N.J. 08003 News ............................................................................8 Tel: 800-723-9119 • Local: 856-751-0656 • Fax: 856-751-0657 Email: • Web: Features......................................................................17 Editor/Publisher: Copyright JANUARY 2021 © From the Desk of Diana Clemente ..........................20 Neil Weiss The Black Car News is published monthly Street Stories — By RH Stovall, Jr . ..........................22 Adv. Sales Mgr./Art & Design: on the first Tuesday of each month except Michele Norton holidays. All inquires should be directed Attorney’s Corner — By Laurence I. Cohen..............23 Direct line: 856.262.2368 by mail to the above address. The Black Car News is not liable for any typograph- Defensive Driving ....................................................24 ical errors in its advertisements. The Contributing Writers: Industry Update — By Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk 25 Diana Clemente views expressed in the articles of con- Matthew W. Daus, Esq. tributing columnists are solely those of the IATR Outlook — By Matthew W. Daus ......................26 Ira Goldstein author and not necessarily those of the Aloysee Heredia Jarmoszuk Black Car News. Industry News ............................................................30 Bertram Merling RH Stovall, Jr. Classifieds..................................................................35
2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 5 As Always, a Chauffeur’s #1 Profitable Company DECEMBER JANUARY 2020 ALPINE LIMOUSINE SERVICE The The leading leading choice choice in in the the corporate corporate world world 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS SECURE SECURE YOUR YOUR CHAUFFEUR’S CHAUFFEUR’S ALWAYS ON TIME AFFILIATIONS AFFILIATIONS HERE, HERE, LIMITED LIMITED SLOTS SLOTS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Take Your Driving Skills To The Next Level Make Money Here For For more more information information contact contact our our Fleet Fleet Department Department at: at: 646-558-2055 646-558-2055 Ext Ext 800 800 Or Or email email You You can can do do our our trips trips or or we we can can help help you you do do yours! yours! Your Your vehicle vehicle must must be be 2015 2015 oror newer, newer, black black on on black, black, with with TLC. TLC. Sedans, Sedans, Hybrids Hybrids & & SUVs SUVs Welcome Welcome NO DRIVER Scan this QR Code follow us: DUES B01871
6 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 IRA’S INSIGHTS BY IRA J. GOLDSTEIN Hello, and Happy New Year to all! to increase the direct cash payments try. This was not the TLC’s intent, so 2020 was certainly a year that none of to Americans to $2,000 from $600. At the BCAC drafted legislative language us will ever forget, and I’m excited to the time I’m writing this, the bill is to ensure that both franchise and co- start 2021 with the hope that this will still in limbo. House Democrats operative model traditional bases be a year when things start to get bet- quickly introduced legislation to in- would be on equal footing. When the ter. However, it does seem that before crease the payments to $2,000, but it rules were passed earlier this month, that can happen, we will have to con- was rejected by Republicans. Ulti- they included our updated language. tinue through a rough patch. The mately, if Trump were to veto the re- Had it not been for the BCAC, some of COVID-19 numbers throughout New lief package, there will likely still be the larger traditional black car bases York keep getting worse, and both enough support in Congress to over- would have been upended. Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio ride the veto, but it remains to be seen Also this month, the MTA issued a have floated the idea that another how this plays out. financial disclosure form that revealed shutdown of some type is on the hori- Moving onto news in New York that the City’s congestion pricing plan zon. As of now, indoor dining in New City, the first topic I’d like to cover are was likely to be delayed until at least York City has again been suspended, the rules changes that the TLC passed 2023, due to inaction by the Federal and it’s possible that by the time early this month. The TLC passed Government. While the MTA did, you’re reading this, even more restric- rules changes to summary suspension, however, express hope that the plan tions may be in place. which you can read here, as well as would move forward with the Biden The newly approved Pfizer and several miscellaneous cleanup rules Administration, it seems likely that Moderna vaccines are certainly a sign which you can read here. I believe the the current delays would still push the of hope in these times. The biggest summary suspension rules changes start of the plan to 2023 at the earli- question with the vaccines though, is will ultimately help prevent cases est. how long it will take before you can where a driver is left in limbo regard- The MTA has still not yet set the get access to it. With regard to that, ing their summary suspension and price of the tolls and the infrastruc- the Black Car Assistance Corporation will also make things better for driv- ture required to automatically charge (BCAC) worked with the International ers whose summary suspensions are tolls has not even begun to be in- Association of Transportation Regula- lifted after being reviewed. I encour- stalled. The COVID-19 pandemic has tors (IATR) to submit commentary to age you to read them. already placed great strain upon the the Advisory Committee on Immu- A specific section of the miscella- MTA’s finances and the delay of con- nization Practices (ACIP), strongly neous cleanup rules initially brought gestion pricing will only make it supporting including passenger a serious concern to the Black Car As- worse. As this process continues, my- ground transportation workers among sistance Corporation. The intent of self and the BCAC will continue work- those given high vaccine priority. this section was to ensure that tradi- ing with the Port Authority to ensure The drivers in the ground trans- tional black car bases could continue that the black car industry is treated portation industry have been unques- their previously agreed upon pay equitably! After all, we already suc- tionably essential to the continued schedules and the practice of passing ceeded in getting them to lower the functioning of society, and they are along summonses, while excluding the initially proposed fee from $4 to $2.50. also among those with the highest risk High-Volume FHVs (HVFHVs) from On a final note, the City is of exposure. The ACIP’s recommenda- these practices because the business strongly pushing the State to change tions, which the Centers for Disease models for these companies are very laws so that speed cameras in New Control (CDC) has adopted, included different. For example, traditional York City could operate 24 hours a transportation workers in Phase 1c of black car bases generally work with day, seven days a week. Under the vaccine distribution, which means corporate accounts, while the current law, which was passed in 2019 that you will likely be able to get ac- HVFHVs receive payment electroni- and started an explosion in the num- cess to the vaccine sooner than later. cally and instantly. ber of speed cameras throughout the Make sure to keep an eye out for news However, one similarity between City, they are only allowed to operate on this and stay connected with The the HVFHVs and some traditional between 6:00am and 10:00pm on Black Car Fund, as we will be quickly black car bases is that they are both weekdays. Over the next year, the De- notifying drivers when the vaccine be- organized as cooperatives. While most partment of Transportation (DOT), comes available to them. traditional bases are franchises, the will continue installing cameras at the The biggest news this month was language of the original cleanup rules rate of 60 per month, aiming to have likely the agreement reached by Con- sought to exclude all cooperative bases over 2,000 total cameras by the end of gress on a new, $900 billion stimulus from the practices mentioned above. 2021. This will be important to keep package. It seemed poised to be This would have unfairly targeted an eye on and I’ll be sure to update quickly passed, but at the last minute, some traditional bases and created an you all on any new developments. In President Trump called on Congress unfair playing field within this indus- the meantime, drive safe! Ira J. Goldstein is the Executive Director of the New York Black Car Fund, Chief Operating Officer of the Black Car Assistance Corp. (BCAC), and Treasurer of the Coalition of Transportation Associations (COTA).
JANUARY 2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 7 Welcome To CHOOSE THE COMPANY THAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU All these well-known B00013 BO1197 and successful companies B00280 under one roof B00014 GOLD SEAL LUXURY LIMOUSINES CORP. B00608 B02566 • The Largest Consortium of B01875 Black Car Bases in the Industry NJ • Branches in Brooklyn, LIC, B00888 B00411 Bronx and Jersey City B00381 • The Most Line Work in the Industry B00277 B01877 • 5000 Corporate Clients B00296 • Franchises, Co-Op Shares B02003 VITAL or Leasing Available B00053 B00789 Call 718-438-1100 For An Appointment Come to Randy Eng At Ext.3201 or Scott Harwood At Ext.3219 our Corporate Headquarters & The Executive Transportation Group One Stop Shop for Driver Services Office the Base That’s 1751 Bath Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11214 Right For You! This advertisement is not an offering. An offering can only be made by prospectus filed first with the Department of Law of New York State. Such filing does not constitute approval by the Department of Law of New York State.
8 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 NEWS STUDY SHOWS SAFEST WAY TO RIDE TO PREVENT COVID SPREAD A new study examined best practices sion spikes. The safest way to drive is with two specific windows down: The rear for riding in a car without spreading all the windows down. driver’s side and front passenger. COVID-19. In Dec., CBS2 reported that However, in the cold of winter, “If the air comes in behind the driver since COVID-19 began, many transporta- you can be almost as safe with just and kind of sweeps across the back of the tion companies suspended “car- car, and then goes past the pooling”. Parents stopped passenger and out through the picking up neighborhood kids front window… this generates and commuters stopped shar- this predominant airflow that ing rides. Taxi drivers were ad- kind of clears the air,” said vised not to allow passengers to University of Massachusetts sit next to them in the front scientist, Kenny Breuer. seat. Partitions can also help To help those forced to stop the spread of the virus – “ride-share,” scientists at the but you should still always University of Massachusetts crack a window, experts say. studied airflow inside vehicles The CDC recommends travel- using a smoke visualization. ing with people from the same Scientists confirmed what household, with all windows many already assumed: When down and masks up. the heat is on and windows Source: CBS New York closed, the risk for transmis- DUTY OF CARE WILL BE FOCUS AHEAD OF BUSINESS TRAVEL REVIVAL Business travel came to a screech- planning for a post-COVID world. employees to go. They may have to ing halt in March 2020, when the full Regardless of employer and em- favor certain travel providers, airlines, weight of the global pandemic struck, ployee comfort levels, travel patterns and hotels that are known to have amid concerns over health risks and po- will likely be dictated by “where infec- stricter or better controls in place. They tential exposure to COVID-19. Many tion prevalence is the lowest, where might also consider private services, as employers canceled trips to keep em- travel is the most available, where bor- opposed to mass transit, and it almost ployees safe – while governments ders are open, where there are no quar- certainly will mean a restriction of en- around the world closed borders, im- antine orders, and where offices are tertainment activities, including dining posed quarantines, issued isolation or- open for meetings and that kind of out.” ders, and limited group gathering sizes, thing,” explains John Thompson, divi- According to Thompson, COVID-19 making in-person business travel meet- sion president, International Accident has placed even greater emphasis on an ings almost impossible. & Health at Chubb. “As individuals and employer’s duty of care to its employees. While the short-term situation re- employers start to think about business Employers must ensure employees are mains fluid and uncertain, pandemics travel, prevention will continue to be of safely treated if they get sick while of the past suggest things will eventu- the utmost importance. Individuals traveling for work, and that they re- ally return to normal – and, when they must do everything possible to mini- ceive continuing education on safety, se- do, business travel will pick back up. mize their exposure to the virus. Em- curity, evacuation, and medical Most forecasters think “the return” ployers need to continue to properly assistance for individuals that are trav- won’t happen until well into 2021 or monitor… infection rates by geography, eling overseas. 2022, but it’s never too soon to start knowing where they can safely allow Source: Insurance Business 4 Bring us your car and we will furnish it with a TLC plate. Rent-A-Plate 4 All plates already on Uber and Lyft platforms 4 If you need a car, we can help you finance one (no credit, no problem) TLC (FHV) Diamond Plates for Rent 4 We can also manage your FHV plates for you Call or text us today! 516-425-3355 for more information 4 We also buy and sell FHV Permits
JANUARY 2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 9 NEWS 75% OF NEW YORK VOTERS SUPPORT TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE INITIATIVE “AS PART OF THE RECOVERY FROM THE PANDEMIC” Three-quarters of Eastern U.S. voters of color, which are underserved by the program, Ceres, said: “Voters are well support a “multi-state Transportation & current transportation system while aligned with more than 100 businesses in Climate Initiative (TCI),” to help jump- being burdened with a disproportion- their support for TCI and the urgent need start the struggling economy in the wake ate share of its pollution, should be pri- for states to work together to decarbonize of COVID-19, according to a poll of 3,800 oritized in transportation investments. transportation. Now is the time for Gover- voters surveyed just after the Nov. elec- nors to show leadership in moving this tion by Climate Nexus and the Yale Pro- Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the program forward.” gram on Climate Change Communication Yale Program on Climate Change Com- (YPCCC) on behalf of the Our Transporta- munication, said: “Large majorities of vot- Other key survey findings included: tion Future (OTF) coalition. TCI is a re- ers want their state to join the • Fewer than a third of voters think gional collaboration of Northeast and Transportation and Climate Initiative to states are investing enough in repair- Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Co- kickstart the regional economy, modernize ing existing roads and bridges. More lumbia that seeks to improve transporta- transportation, reduce climate change, than half say states aren’t investing tion, develop a “cleaner energy economy” and expand the use of electric vehicles enough. and reduce carbon emissions from the while prioritizing communities of color • Majorities support TCI “as part of the transportation sector. disproportionally affected by pollution.” recovery from the pandemic” in every Lauren Bailey, director of climate pol- surveyed state – from 56% in Maine to Among the survey’s key findings: icy, Tri-State Transportation Campaign 75% in New York and Maryland. • 8 in 10 voters support their governor (covering NY, NJ, and Conn.), said: • 73% – including 56% of Republicans, working with other governors in the “Throughout the pandemic, the tri-state 67% of independents, and 86% of De- region, in a nod to the success of re- region has not stopped moving: Essential mocrats – say that if the federal gov- gional cooperation to “address issues workers need buses and trains to get to ernment doesn’t work to reduce beyond the pandemic, such as expand- work and do their jobs. Voters want to see pollution, state governments should ing transportation.” our states work together to save transit, step in. • 94% say it is important to ensure es- reduce emissions and prioritize under- • 83% of voters – including 69% of Re- sential workers can get to work safely served, overburdened communities. Sign- publicans, 80% of independents, and and on time, followed by 88% of voters ing onto the TCI policy is a key first step 91% of Democrats – say it’s important who say reducing both pollution and to investing in a clean, new transportation for their state to reduce carbon pollu- traffic congestion are key concerns. landscape.” tion. • Two-thirds of voters say communities Alli Gold Roberts, director, state policy Source: Our Transportation Future NYC TAXI DIVIDER #1 COVID DIVIDER NYC TLC APPROVED ONE PRICE FOR ALL LIGHTWEIGHT 92.54$ INSTALL + PARTITION TAX INCLUDED DURABLE DESIGN FOR YOUR NON-DAMAGING CAR INSTALLED IN 2 MINS* CONTACTS: 347-859-8112 / SCAN ME WWW.NYCTAXIDIVIDER.COM
10 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 NEWS ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY LESSONS FOR SAFE TRAVEL IN A PANDEMIC Safe travel for those in the en- and crew “hole up” in a house or tertainment industry has meant hotel, in addition to rigorous testing the introduction of some extraordi- and post-quarantine protocols. The nary measures, some of which company said in Nov. that protocols might serve to inform other indus- in the U.S. are still “too wonky and tries as travel and events return on disorganized,” so they hadn’t yet a wider scale. According to Business begun shooting here. Travel News (BTN), filmmaker Experts estimate that the nec- Tyler Perry, for instance, set up a essary health and safety protocols system that became known as can drive up costs by up to 30% and “camp quarantine.” As cast and can include everything from Covid- crew have needed to travel from Los 19 maintenance and safety to a Angeles to Atlanta, an intricate concierge service that guides trav- testing process has become a re- elers throughout their airport expe- quirement. Perry has used a combi- rience. Those returning to travel nation of negotiated travel with have focused heavily on communi- United and some private charter cation, such as reminding travelers service to move groups. All passen- of itineraries, about the need to gers must test negative for Covid- bring plenty of masks and detailed 19 at a private facility in Los instructions for getting through air- Angeles International Airport ports and staying in hotels. They within a few days before travel. also work more closely with suppli- Upon arrival in Atlanta, they must ers, blocking off space in hotels for get another negative test result be- production bubbles, and working fore being allowed into the “produc- with transportation suppliers for tion bubble.” Rigorous testing is driver testing. conducted throughout a given pro- Next Generation Esports presi- duction and includes “curb-to-curb” dent Jason Woo likened getting health solutions. travelers back on airplanes to a trip For the Motion Picture Corpora- to the dentist, meaning travel man- tion of America, this has meant ar- agers need to prepare to assuage rivals in Canada are subject to a the fear of the unknown. two-week quarantine, where actors Source: BTN NYC CONGESTION PRICING MAY BE DELAYED TWO YEARS A plan to toll cars driving in Man- absence of FHWA approval… the CBD order allows the MTA to redistribute hattan south of 61st St. could be de- Tolling Program could be delayed until money to plug deficits caused by the layed for two years, Metropolitan 2023,” officials stated. pandemic, but the MTA asked Con- Transportation Authority (MTA) offi- MTA chief development officer gress for $12 billion in additional pan- cials recently revealed in a financial Janno Lieber said in July a congestion demic relief after getting $4 billion disclosure form. Central Business Dis- pricing launch was already delayed to through the CARES Act passed in trict Tolling – better known as “conges- 2022 due to the lack of guidance. Tran- March. tion pricing” – will be run by the MTA sit officials hope the incoming Biden ad- MTA officials said they need $1 bil- to fund billions in construction for im- ministration will fast-track the lion just to make up for the delays in provements in the city’s dilapidated guidance and approval. congestion pricing. Transit officials mass transit networks. The MTA has yet to set toll rates or warned of 40% cuts in subway service State legislation passed in April appoint the Traffic Mobility Review and more than 9,300 layoffs if Congress 2019 scheduled the program start date Board, which would advise on costs. doesn’t come through with more money. at the beginning of 2021. But MTA of- The program, which would exempt cars The MTA is pushing for $12 billion in ficials are still waiting for guidance from driving on the FDR and West Side additional emergency federal funding from the Federal Highway Administra- Highway, is required by state law to to avoid draconian service and em- tion on what kind of environmental re- generate enough money for the MTA to ployee cuts, toll/fare hikes, and the con- view process has to be completed to issue $15 billion worth of bonds over tinued freeze of the city’s capital plan. launch the new tolls. five years (to pay for construction proj- “In light of the delays caused by the ects). Gov. Cuomo’s 2020 executive Source: New York Daily News
JANUARY 2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 11 NEWS CABBIES CARAVAN TO D.C. SEEKING COVID RELIEF A caravan of Yellow Taxi drivers said cabbie, Dorothy Leconte. “The tril- home from work through most of the headed to Washington, D.C. to demand lionaires, the billionaires, the million- spring and summer, that benefit expired Congress pass a COVID relief package at aires – they look at little people… and at the end of July. Since then, she’s had 6:00am on Dec. 10. The cabbies assem- say, ‘You are from a Third World country, to go back to driving – and has yet to bled at New York’s City Hall in Manhat- you don’t deserve more than $60 a day to make near enough money to pay her bills. tan, where they met up with drivers from survive.’” “I have to come to work and risk all of the Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance problems,” she said of the risk of contract- They said they, and millions of other was meant to cover freelancers, gig work- ing COVID-19 while driving. Leconte’s workers, are facing a financial cliff with ers, and other types of self-employed peo- ex-husband, who was also a cab driver, COVID unemployment as- died from COVID-19 in sistance about to expire. late March. The multi-state cara- Groups like the New van rallied outside the York Taxi Workers Al- U.S. Capitol for an exten- liance are calling for a sion of the Pandemic Un- “people’s stimulus” from employment Assistance the federal government program – a federal unem- that would extend Pan- ployment benefits pro- demic Unemployment As- gram for self-employed sistance, reinstate the workers and independent extra $600 in weekly un- contractors. The program, employment benefits, and which assisted more than approve another round of 1.5 million people in the stimulus checks, along tri-state area, was set to with other measures. Driv- expire at the end of Dec. ple not covered by traditional ers, who say they also need debt forgive- Struggling to pay rent, insurance, and unemployment insurance. Leconte said ness to address crippling medallion loan loan payments – and, in some cases, even she made around $220 a week after taxes payments, have organized other caravans food – drivers have been forced to compete under the Pandemic Unemployment As- during the pandemic to rally for medal- for hard-to-find fares just to make a frac- sistance program. While an extra federal lion debt relief – a separate, though not tion of what they brought in pre-pandemic. unemployment assistance benefit provid- unrelated crisis facing the industry. “I get frustrated with this country,” ing another $600 a week helped her stay Sources: CBS New York, City & State The Center New York NYC SOCIAL Business Apts NETWORK Property Car GATHERING Buy-Sell-Rental: Barbecue Saturdays & Workshops: Car Rentals 3pm-9pm start at $48/Daily (Free English, Arabic, Turkish Classes) – No CC Req. Special Rate Walk-Ins Welcome 24/7 Service Rooms & Shares ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING NOW Hiring! Daily Share $25 Rami Yazar Please e-mail Private: $45 Weekly: $148 CENTER Guesthouse & Resume First. Business Complex Private: $275 8618 58th Avenue Queens, NY 11373 Translation Monthly: $585 Ph: 212 470 8410 • 646-717-6769 Notary Private: $875 & up +whatsApp Multiservice
12 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 NEWS BIDEN BID TO REJOIN PARIS AGREEMENT COULD AFFECT TRAVEL President-elect Joe Biden has sig- naled he intends to rejoin the Paris said it is on track to meet the 2020 car- bon reduction target it set in 2016 and Hitting Targets According to Perolls, one of the sim- Agreement, a global climate pact nego- is now setting its next target to 2030, in plest ways to reduce carbon dioxide tiated by 196 countries during a United line with the aims of the Paris Agree- emissions on air travel is by switching Nations conference in Paris in Decem- ment. Other companies – like Rolls away from business class. Meanwhile, ber 2015. The agreement went into ef- Royce, Ford, Tetrapak, and Paypal – are more rigorous travel policies and au- fect on Nov. 4, 2016. also applying targets within their corpo- thorization processes, prompted by the The decision to re-enter the land- rate strategy to be consistent with lim- coronavirus, could remain in place even mark agreement – which calls on partic- iting global warming to the agreement’s after a vaccine is found, with travelers ipating countries to undertake objectives. required to provide a statement of value ambitious efforts to combat climate before booking international travel. change – is expected to affect the wider travel industry, which is currently con- sidered a major contributor to global warming. The Paris Agreement seeks to limit global warming to below 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 C) above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the increase to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 C), to help reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. In 2017, President Donald Trump said the U.S. would exit the agreement at the earliest effective date, which was Nov. 4, 2020. Trump called the agree- ment “an unfair burden on the U.S.,” saying it did little to halt climate change-causing emissions from other countries. Hanging in the Balance Companies that rely on carbon off- Tightening Down on Policies The U.S.’s return to the agreement setting may need to re-think their pro- Aviation is regarded as harmful to sends a message to other countries, and grams since a flight emits carbon the environment. “Premium cabins,” in organizations, that climate action must dioxide immediately into the atmos- particular, have been under fire due to be a priority. phere while planting a tree can take the amount of space they take up on “Without the U.S.’s involvement, it many years to absorb an equivalent planes. would have given cover to big fossil fuel amount. “If global aviation was a country, it producers, such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia, While the Paris Agreement is a would rank in the top 10 for greenhouse and Australia, to do nothing,” said An- high-profile, internationally-backed ini- gas emissions,” the European Union drew Perolls, CEO of consultancy tiative that is underpinning the growing noted. Greengage Solutions. “It would have momentum at a corporate level to travel In recent years, the Paris Agreement given others, such as India, a reason not sustainably, there are other catalysts for has spurred many organizations to be- to do more. More pressure would have change. come greener, with its science-based tar- been placed onto Europe to shoulder “All our global prospects and cus- gets providing a tangible way for them diplomatic leadership.” tomers have asked us about corporate to gauge how quickly they need to re- The U.S. accounts for 13% of global social responsibility, and our responsi- duce their carbon dioxide and green- greenhouse gas emissions, behind only ble business commitments, in recent house gas emissions. China, with 26% of emissions. China RFPs,” explained Richard Johnson, sen- “This is the only sensible way that has pledged to be carbon neutral by ior director of CWT’s Solutions Group. businesses can align their reduction tar- 2060. The UK has also set a similar tar- The amount of travel an organiza- gets, across all of their emissions report- get for 2050. tion does, “will likely be influenced by a ing, including business travel, if we are Emerging from the pandemic, many few factors, such as the extent to which to limit global warming,” said Helen organizations are expected to find that business travel is fundamental to an or- Hodgkinson of corporate travel consul- alignment more attainable, considering ganization’s ability to conduct its busi- tancy, Festive Road. “Unless it links the pandemic-induced reductions in ness, the opportunity to travel using back to the Paris Agreement, and sci- travel we are already seeing. As part of equivalent, lower-carbon alternatives – ence-based targets, then while it may be supply chain management, companies which wouldn’t necessarily mean vol- an admirable reduction target it may are increasingly requiring their suppli- umes need to reduce, but rather evolve not be enough. The challenge is getting ers to provide evidence of “green” cre- – and the desire to balance employee everyone to commit to this.” dentials, processes, and accreditation – well-being and productivity with climate Many organizations already bench- and sustainability practice is an increas- protection and the influence this may mark their travel programs against the ingly significant requirement of corpo- have on travel policies.” agreement. The Bank of England has rate travel. Source: Skift
JANUARY 2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 13 NEWS MTA STIMULUS HELPS AGENCY AVOID DOOMSDAY CUTS… FOR NOW Congress agreed to a federal stimu- Lisa Daglian, head of the Permanent ward transportation nationwide – of lus package in December that will spare Citizens Advisory Committee to the which $14 billion will go to public transit, the Metropolitan Transportation Author- MTA, said the federal aid should be seen $16 billion to airlines, $10 billion to state ity (MTA) from catastrophic cuts – for as a “down payment” ahead of additional highways, $2 billion to buses, $2 billion the immediate future, anyway. The $908 relief that could be forthcoming under to airports and $1 billion to Amtrak. billion agreement includes more than $4 Joe Biden’s administration. Transit advocates have said the $4 billion for the MTA, Senate Minority Transit officials don’t expect rider- billion in MTA relief should be seen as Leader Chuck Schumer announced. ship to rebound to pre-pandemic levels welcome news, not just for subway and MTA Chairman Pat Foye called the until 2024, under a “best-case scenario.” bus riders, but for New York City as a deal a “promising first step,” that would Meanwhile, the MTA was forced to bor- whole. Without the federal aid, the dras- allow the agency to balance its 2021 row more than $3 billion from the federal tic cuts to mass transit would have fur- budget while dodging mass layoffs or reserve to meet its 2020 budget – money ther crippled the region’s economy, dramatic reductions in service until at that will begin accumulating interest in erasing over $65 billion in economic out- least next year. The agency had asked 2023. put and costing 450,000 jobs by 2022, ac- for $12 billion in federal aid and now According to a breakdown published cording to an analysis by the NYU Rudin faces an $8 billion budget shortfall in the by the Washington Post, the deal is ex- Center. coming years. pected to include a total of $45 billion to- Source: Gothamist 250,000 E-ZPASS DRIVERS TO RECEIVE DISCOUNT AT CUOMO BRIDGE The New York State Thruway Author- Regular E-ZPass drivers will pay $5.25. quired. If fewer than 20 trips are taken ity announced in December that approxi- Meanwhile, Rockland and Westch- per month, drivers will be charged for mately 250,000 qualified residents of ester E-ZPass NY customers enrolled in each trip not taken. Approximately 25,000 Rockland and Westchester counties will the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge customers currently take advantage of the have their E-ZPass tags automatically en- Commuter Plan will pay $3.15 per trip commuter plan. rolled in the new Governor Mario M. starting Jan. 1 – or $1.60 less per trip Qualified residents who have an email Cuomo Bridge Resident Discount Plan be- than those in the resident discount plan. listed on their E-ZPass NY account will re- fore new rates take effect on January 1, Intended for those who frequently cross ceive an email before January 1, with de- 2021. Those in the program will see their the bridge, the commuter plan provides a tails regarding the discount plan. bridge toll remain at its current level – 40% discount on 20 trips taken in 30 days. $4.75 per trip – through the end of 2022. A minimum of 20 trips per month are re- Source: The Hudson Independent WE WON NYC is the first city to set a minimum wage for App-Based Drivers We won the fair pay campaign for FHV drivers in New York City. Effective mid-January of 2019 over 77,000 drivers will benefit from the pay floor rule which is a 44.7 percent increase in take-home pay. We've also won tipping in the app! For More Info Text DRIVE to 64336 message and data rates may apply Unlock full benefits. Become a dues-paying member today!
14 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 NEWS WAYS THE $325B PPP DEAL COULD HELP NYC SMALL BUSINESSES The bipartisan $900 billion Covid-19 Per federal Small Business Adminis- guardrails to prevent such abuses. The federal relief package, passed in Decem- tration guidance, the law will also allow money is limited to businesses with 300 or ber, includes multiple measures aimed at deferments on payments of principal, in- fewer employees, and publicly traded com- helping small-business owners. The ex- terest, and fees associated with PPP loans panies are ineligible. There is a $2 million tension and refinement of the Paycheck to the date the SBA remits the loan to the limit, and expenses paid for with previous Protection Program (PPP) are seen as the bank. PPP funds are now tax-deductible. To be biggest boosts for the small-business com- During the spring business owners se- eligible, applicants must demonstrate a munity. Roughly $285 billion in additional cured more than $669 billion of PPP 25% revenue decline in any one quarter in PPP money will be made available, as money once state and local governments 2020 compared with 2019. A small change part of $325 billion in small-business re- announced Covid-19 restrictions. But the in the law could also make it easier to ac- lief. program was marred by problems, as the cess a PPP loan at a local bank. The PPP funds are expected to be dis- initial round of $349 billion ran out in a Congress boosted the loan origination bursed through low-interest loans that few days, leaving many business owners fee to banks for PPP loans of less than could be forgiven if a business can demon- out in the cold. Corporations and other $350,000 to 5%. For PPP loans of more strate it spent 60% of the loan on payroll. large businesses took large parcels of PPP than $350,000, the origination fee to The other expenses that may be funded money, which had been designed to serve banks is 3%. The previous version of the from the remaining 40% of the loan money struggling mom-and-pop shops. There legislation had lowered those amounts to and still be forgiven are rent, mortgage were also allegations of fraud. 3% and 1%, respectively. payments, utilities, and interest on loans. The new PPP round includes Source: Crain’s New York Business PETE BUTTIGIEG CHOSEN TO BE BIDEN’S TRANSPORTATION SECRETARY President-elect Joe Biden has chosen infrastructure plan that focused on oppor- Trust Fund, the nation’s primary Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South tunity, equity, and empowerment. Key source for transportation funding, sol- Bend, Indiana, to be his Secretary of takeaways from the transportation por- vent. Transportation. Buttigieg, who was an tion of the Buttigieg plan included: opponent of Biden’s during the 2020 pri- • Investing $150 billion in public trans- “South Bend was once called one of mary elections, is expected to play a cen- portation, including $12 billion fo- America’s ‘dying cities.’ Today, it’s a hub tral role in the incoming president’s plans cused on rural communities, and of innovation and job growth. Mayor Pete to restore and repair roads and bridges improving the national rail network. Buttigieg led that resurgence and has across the U.S. Biden has said smart, cli- • A $3 billion grant program would help been nominated by the President-elect to mate-friendly infrastructure projects fund programs that cross state lines continue that work as Transportation could help the U.S. emerge from the coro- (Gateway Tunnel, perhaps?). Secretary,” the Biden-Harris Presidential navirus recession stronger and help sup- • Federal transportation projects would Transition team said. port thousands of jobs. be evaluated on how effectively they “This is a moment of tremendous op- As mayor of South Bend, Buttigieg – connect people to jobs and services – portunity – to create jobs, meet the cli- a military veteran – embarked on exten- a metric that could help connect hous- mate challenge, and enhance equity for sive urban development and economic re- ing to opportunity by linking low-in- all,” Buttigieg tweeted. “I’m honored that vitalization projects similar to those come areas with employment centers. the President-elect has asked me to serve championed by Biden in promises to revi- • Buttigieg proposed spending $6 billion our nation as Secretary of Transporta- talize American infrastructure. As a pres- on electric vehicle charging infra- tion.” idential candidate, he proposed $1 trillion structure and make the Highway Source: CNBC “LIKE” FOR BREAKING BLACK CAR NEWS NEWS!
16 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 NEWS DE BLASIO PUSHES FOR 24-HOUR TRAFFIC SPEED CAMERAS Mayor Bill de Blasio pressed state lawmakers in December to allow speed cameras to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He said it would help slow down traffic on New York City streets during the coronavirus pandemic and drive down the spike in mo- torist deaths. The current state law only allows the cameras to run weekdays between 6:00am and 10:00pm in 750 school zones. De Blasio acknowledged speed cameras are unpopular but said they are important for changing driver behavior. “They get people to start slowing down; they get people to obey the law,” he added. “We need more because we need to save lives.” A recent study found traffic speeds increased between April and July. Fatality rates hit the highest point since 2006, even though total traffic collisions dropped. De Blasio said speed cam- eras increase safety by making drivers slow down. Roughly 75% of traffic fatalities in 2020 were in places not enforced by speed cameras. This year, 36% of all traffic deaths not on highways occurred within school speed zones with permanent cameras but unfolded on nights and weekends when the cameras were not legally al- lowed to issue tickets, officials said. Multiple New York City state lawmakers backed the proposal to extend traffic camera hours. Source: Patch New York City
JANUARY 2021 • BLACK CAR NEWS • 17 FEATURES SAFETY TIPS FOR DRIVING IN THE DARK Dark conditions and reduced visibility seconds behind the car in front of you. more sharply this way than by looking can make for unsafe driving conditions. • Keep your eyes moving. Do not focus directly at them. Now that Winter has brought shorter on the middle of the area illuminated • Avoid being blinded by oncoming high days, it’s a good time to check the illumi- by your headlights. Watch for sudden beams. If the driver of an oncoming ve- nation of your headlights and follow these flashes of light at hilltops, around hicle fails to dim the lights, look down safety tips for nighttime driving: curves, or at intersections. These may toward the right side of the road. You • 50% of crashes occur at night, so driv- indicate the presence of oncoming ve- should be able to see the edge of the ers should frequently check their hicles. lane or the white-painted edge line headlights for signs of deterioration. • Look at the sides of objects. In the dim and stay on course until the vehicle Restore or replace damaged head- light, focus on the edges or outlines of passes. lights. objects. Your eyes can pick up images Source: AAA • Headlights can show signs of deterio- ration after just three years, but most commonly by year five. • Check headlights for changes in ap- pearance, such as yellowing or cloud- ing. If the bulb is difficult to see, have the lens replaced or restored ASAP. • Replacement and restoration services are available at most repair shops. • Do-it-yourself restoration offers some savings for consumers. It is relatively simple and provides a sufficient im- provement in light output. • Make sure headlights are correctly re- aimed to maximize forward lighting performance and minimize glare to on- coming and preceding drivers. • Compensate for reduced visibility by decreasing your speed and increasing your following distance to four or more WHEN NEWS BREAKS, WE ARE ON IT FOR YOU MORE CUSTOMERS PREFER COMMUNICATING THROUGH TEXTS Text messages allow you to send tailored messages to the right person, at the right time, with little to no human inter- vention. According to recent a recent study: • 64% of consumers think businesses should contact them via text messages more often • 75% of consumers are comfortable receiving SMS messages from brands as long as they opt-in to messaging • 56% of people surveyed would rather message a business than call customer service • 77% of consumers are likely to have a positive perception of a company that offers SMS Source: Vonage
18 • BLACK CAR NEWS • JANUARY 2021 FEATURES COMMON QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE COVID-19 VACCINE The first two of what are anticipated cines undergo a rigorous review of labo- Yes, you still need to adhere to the to be several available COVID-19 vac- ratory and clinical data to ensure the safety standards that have been set dur- cines has been authorized for emergency safety and effectiveness of these prod- ing this pandemic. Though the current use by the Food and Drug Administra- ucts.” This normally happens after sev- COVID-19 vaccines have been deter- tion (FDA). This is great news. Vaccines eral years of observation following mined in clinical trials to be more than have proven to protect against dangerous completion of phase 3 clinical trials. In 95% effective in preventing you from get- viruses and diseases like COVID-19. this case, however, the FDA made its de- ting sick from the virus, there is still a Vaccines work by helping the body to cre- termination through an Emergency Use chance you could get the virus, not have ate antibodies and activate T-cells which Authorization, based upon laboratory symptoms, and transmit it to others. are our natural defense mechanisms to and clinical trial data reported to date. A Until a substantial number of people fight disease. vaccine is deemed safe and effective by have been vaccinated and potential herd Once the body develops these de- the FDA when it is approved for use. immunity has been developed, you will fenses to a particular virus from a vacci- still need to wear a mask and follow nation and the body is then exposed to Could I have an adverse reaction other precautions such as physical dis- that virus , the body’s antibodies and T- or side effect from the vaccine? tancing and frequent hand washing to cells are immediately ready to destroy it, There is a possibility that you could reduce the risk of transmitting the virus. thus preventing illness. Vaccines prevent have a reaction to the vaccine. As with This may change after enough people millions of people from getting poten- every vaccine or medicine, there is a risk have received the vaccine and the virus tially deadly diseases like diphtheria, of side effects, though that risk is gener- is no longer being transmitted on large tetanus, pertussis, measles, and in- ally low with vaccines. We do know that scale. Together, COVID-19 vaccination fluenza – and now, COVID-19. there were some side effects to the vac- and following safety guidelines (mask- Following are six commonly asked cines in the COVID-19 vaccine clinical ing, physically distancing, and washing questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. trials. As with most vaccines, there is a your hands) are the best ways to protect potential for injection-site reactions (red- yourself and others and help stop the Why should I get the ness, swelling, and pain) as well as fever, pandemic. COVID-19 vaccine? fatigue, headache, chills, vomiting, diar- COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2 rhea, muscle pain, and/or joint pain. If I already had COVID-19, virus) can be deadly and there is no cure. There may be other reactions that are do I still need the vaccine? Therefore, a vaccine is an important tool not currently known. Due to limited amount of vaccines in reducing the chance you will become We learned that two health care initially, the CDC is recommending that infected by the virus and that you will providers in England who received the you wait to receive the vaccine if you spread the virus to others. COVID-19 can vaccine had a severe allergic reaction to have had COVID-19 within the previous be a mild illness in some individuals or the vaccine. However, they also had a 90 days. can lead to severe disease, disability, or history of severe allergic reactions to Initially, the supply of the vaccine death even in previously healthy people. other vaccines in the past. The FDA will be limited. Guidance on who will get Although a number of treatments therefore recommends that people who it first, and in what order is still being and medications have been developed have had severe allergic reactions to ironed out – but it will be based on avail- and are being used for people who are other vaccines not receive the COVID-19 able quantities, high-risk locations of hospitalized with COVID-19, there is vaccine until more is known about what work and certain other risk factors, and still no cure. Getting the vaccine helps caused the reaction. recommendations and guidance from protect you from infection and also helps If you have an adverse reaction, you public health agencies. The goal is to vac- with creating herd immunity in the should report it to your health care cinate at least 70% of the adult popula- larger community. Herd immunity oc- provider. The CDC has also developed a tion, which could create herd immunity. curs when a large portion of a community smartphone-based reporting platform, Once herd immunity is achieved, it could (herd) becomes immune to a disease called V-SAFE, to report any adverse re- substantially reduce the spread of (from prior infection or vaccination), action after COVID-19 vaccination. V- COVID-19. making the spread of the disease un- SAFE will use text messaging and web If you have questions or concerns likely. surveys from the CDC to check in with about the COVID-19 vaccine or about Once herd immunity is achieved, it vaccine recipients for health problems whether or not you should take the vac- could signal the end of the COVID-19 following COVID-19 vaccination. The cine, you should contact your primary pandemic. Read more about herd immu- system also will provide telephone follow care physician to discuss your concerns. nity here. up to anyone who reports medically sig- For more information, including the nificant adverse events. CDC’s Frequently Asked Questions Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe? about COVID-19 Vaccination, visit: Cen- Yes, the COVID-19 vaccine is safe. If I get the vaccine, do I still need to ters for Disease Control Vaccines are approved and regulated by wear a mask and/or practice physi- the FDA. According to the FDA, “vac- cal distancing? Source: Cooper University Healthcare FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WWW.BLACKCARNEWS.COM OUR AD RATES
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