Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH

Page created by Alexander Jennings
Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH
Curly Kids

               Vacation Care
                Autumn 2021
t 0421 337 836
Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care Junior group (Kindy & Year 1) Autumn 2021
            Vacation Care hours – 7:00am open 6:00pm close. $75 per child Excursions $70 In centre days

  Public Holiday               Tuesday 6th April             Wednesday 7th April               Thursday 8th April                 Friday 9th April
                                  OOSHCHELLA                 Ultimate Family Centre          Kindy Farm Petting Zoo             “It’s time to Party”

                             Funky hair, colour braids,        Come with us to visit the         We have very special        We are having a party! Today
                            festival bonanza! Come on       largest indoor play Centre in      guests visiting Curly Kids     is all about having FUN! It’s
                             down to Curly Kids OOSH            AUSTRALIA! Foam pits,          OOSH today. They make         everyone’s birthday today so
                             and experience your first       trampolines, dodgem cars,        sounds like MOO, OINK &              we are having a big
                             ever festival. Today is jam                                        QUACK! Can you guess           celebration! Party Games,
                                                            jumping castles and climbing
                            packed with lots of glitter,                                     what they are? You will get       Party Food & lots of Party
                                                             structures! Release all your
                               prizes and dancing!!                                          to hold & feed all our little      Fun! Come down & let’s
                                                              energy here as we explore
                                                                                               friends visiting us today.                boogie!
                                                            what the Centre has to offer.

                                                              Signed online waiver
                                                            (details will be provided)
 IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO
Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a      afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink
      drink bottle.                    bottle.                          bottle.                         bottle.                          bottle.
                                                              Bus Departs: 9.30am
                                                              Arrives back: 2.30pm
Monday 12th April             Tuesday 13th April             Wednesday 14th April             Thursday 15th April                Friday 16th April
   Music Makers               Australian Museum                 OOEY GOOEY DAY                   Gymnastics PCYC                    PJ PARTY!
                            (Please note: Venue change)
 Do you have an inner                                       The day is very simple and is       We are off on another         We’re having a PJ Party day
  musician inside you       A place where you can take      always a big hit at Curly Kids    adventure today! All the        and you’re all invited! Wear
  screaming to come           a step back into time to      OOSH. One rule = TODAY WE          way to Woolloomooloo           your PJ’s to Curly Kids OOSH
out? Today we explore        explore and discover the         ARE GETTING MESSY! We            PCYC where we will be          so we can make face masks,
all things music. What         becoming of the ages.          are making slime, ooblek,       participating in a 2-hour         Chocolate Smores, bake
type of music can you          What will you learn on            science explosions,         gymnastics class. Jumping,      cupcakes and watch the latest
 make? Come down &            today’s excursion? Take        playdough, everything that      flipping and learning is on                 movies!
  experience the first         your time as you make        mum and dad say no to, we
 ever Curly Kids OOSH        your way through one of                                            the agenda for today!
                                                               are trialling here! Don’t
   Rock n Roll Show!              Sydney’s largest           forget to wear your messy

 IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO
Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a      afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink
      drink bottle.                    bottle.                          bottle.                         bottle.                          bottle.

                             Bus Departs: 10.00am                                              Bus Departs: 9.30am
                             Arrives back: 3.30pm                                              Arrives back: 2.00pm
Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care Junior group (Kindy & Year 1) Autumn 2021
            Vacation Care hours – 7:00am open 6:00pm close. $75 per child Excursions $70 In centre days

 Monday 19th April
       Time Zone

90 minutes of unlimited
fun with Arcade games
galore. After you finish
 putting your gaming
 skills to the test, you
 will be able to select
prizes from the value of
       200 tickets!

 Bring morning tea, lunch,
afternoon tea, hat & a drink
Bus Departs: 10.30am
Arrives back: 2.30pm
Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care Senior Group (Year 2 & 3) Autumn 2021
                  Vacation Care hours – 7:00am open 6:00pm close. $75 per child Excursions $70 In centre days

  Public Holiday               Tuesday 6th April             Wednesday 7th April               Thursday 8th April             Friday 9th April
                                  Blaxland Park                Around the World               Yum Cha & Karaoke                Arcade Gaming
                                                                                            and Cooking Club making                Truck
                             Today we are heading to           Hello, Bonjour, Kiaora.            Pancakes!
                               Blaxland Park, which is       Today we are diving into                                        6 screens all located
                             filled with a double flying       different cultures and        Yum Cha & Karaoke all in         within one truck? 4
                              fox, mega swing, tunnel         learning all about them.      one? Today we are heading
                                                                                                                            screens inside with the
                            slides, spinning play disks,       Different food, sports,        down to Brookvale Yum
                                                                                                                            most up to date games.
                                                                                              Cha to feast in beautiful
                             Viking swings and a mega           games. We will learn                                          We have Minecraft,
                                                                                            traditional Chinese food &
                            tree house! It doesn’t stop       through cooking, arts &                                       Nintendo Mario Cart &
                                                                                            sing our lungs out from old
                                there; we will also be        crafts & so much more.         school to new school. It’s     so much more! On the
                               having a yummy BBQ!          Strap in and get ready for a      going to be a fun day so       outside there is Just
                                                                 cultural adventure!                book in fast!                dance & VR!

                                                                                            Then we will finish off the
                                                                                            day with Cooking Club and
                                                                                            create our own pancakes.

 IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO
Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a      afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a
      drink bottle.                    bottle.                         bottle.                         bottle.                    drink bottle.

                             Bus Departs: 10.00am                                           Group departure 10am
                              Returning: 3.30pm                                             Returning: 3.30pm
Monday 12th April             Tuesday 13th April            Wednesday 14th April              Thursday 15th April             Friday 16th April
   Iplay & Frozen             PJ & Sleepover Day                      Ice Zoo                    Skates, Bikes or           Ian Potters Wild Play
       Yoghurt                                                                                      Scooters                       Garden
                            We’re having a PJ Party day       Shoes off, Ice skates on.
   Age has no limit for        and you’re all invited!       Today we are going on an         Get your helmet & safety         Wild play provides
arcade games! We have         Wear your PJ’s to Curly        icy adventure to Ice Zoo.      gear on. Grab your scooters         children with the
  2 hours of fun on the     Kids OOSH so we can make        We will have 2 hours on the      and bikes were going for a     chance to get lost in the
 arcade games then off        face masks, Chocolate           ice trying to master our      ride. Show us your skills and    wonder of nature with
  to Yoghurt Berry for      Smores, bake cupcakes and       winter skills. Come on down      tricks, but only if you have      dry creek beds, an
  some yummy frozen          watch the latest movies!             for a day of fun!          your licence. Finish the day      artesian water play
Yoghurt. Come and join                                                                            with a nice BBQ &          area, a bamboo forest,
     the fun today!                                                                                   Milkshakes.            banksia tunnels, turtle
                                                                                                                            mounds and Centennial
                                                                                                                             Park’s first treehouse.

 IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO                IMPORTANT INFO
Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,     Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a      afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a
      drink bottle.                    bottle.                         bottle.                         bottle.                    drink bottle.
                                                             Bus Departs: 11.00am                                               Bus Departs:
                                                              Returning: 3.00pm                                                   10.00am
                                                                                                                             Returning: 3.30pm
Vacation Care Autumn 2021 - OOSH Curly Kids - t 0421 337 836 - Curly Kids OOSH
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care Senior Group (Year 2 & 3) Autumn 2021
                   Vacation Care hours – 7:00am open 6:00pm close. $75 per child Excursions $70 In centre days

Monday 19th April
 Deluxe Chatswood
   Hoyts Cinema

Sit back and relax in the
Deluxe Hoyts located in
  Chatswood. Reclined
  seats, popcorn, juice
   box & ice cream all
  included. We will be
   watching the latest
    UpToDate family

Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a
      drink bottle.

    Bus Departs:
Arrives back: 2.00pm
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care Youth Group (Year 4, 5 & 6) Autumn 2021
             Vacation Care hours – 7:00am open 6:00pm close. $75 per child Excursions $70 In centre days
  Public Holiday               Tuesday 6th April              Wednesday 7th April                 Thursday 8th April               Friday 9th April
                                  Blaxland Park             “In the mind of Einstein”            Yum Cha & Karaoke              Arcade Gaming Truck
                            (Please note change of venue)                                      and Cooking Club making
                                                            BOOM, BANG, POP. Put your                Pancakes!                 6 screens all located within
                             Today we are heading to         science hat on and show us                                        one truck? 4 screens inside
                               Blaxland Park, which is       your skills. We will be doing      Yum Cha & Karaoke all in        with the most up to date
                             filled with a double flying       lots of experiments! But        one? Today we are heading       games. We have Minecraft,
                              fox, mega swing, tunnel       watch out for that lava! It just     down to Brookvale Yum          Nintendo Mario Cart & so
                            slides, spinning play disks,            might explode.               Cha to feast in beautiful     much more! On the outside
                             Viking swings and a mega                                          traditional Chinese food &
                                                                                                                                there is Just dance & VR!
                            tree house! It doesn’t stop                                        sing our lungs out from old
                                                                                                                               Come and experience “The
                                                                                                school to new school. It’s
                                there; we will also be                                                                                  FUTURE”.
                                                                                                 going to be a fun day so
                               having a yummy BBQ!
                                                                                                       book in fast!

                                                                                               Then we will finish off the
                                                                                               day with Cooking Club and
                                                                                               create our own pancakes.

IMPORTANT INFO                 IMPORTANT INFO                    IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO
   Bring morning tea,         Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,         Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,
lunch, afternoon tea, hat    afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink      afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink
    & a drink bottle.                  bottle.                          bottle.                           bottle.                         bottle.
                             Bus Departs: 10.00am
                             Arrives back: 3.30pm

   Monday 12th                Tuesday 13th April             Wednesday 14th April                Thursday 15th April              Friday 16th April
     April                    Curly Kids Scavenger          Barrenjoey Lighthouse &                  OOSHlympics                Ian Potters Wild Play
    Easter Show                       Hunt                    Home & Away Tour                                                         Garden
                                                                                               Ooshlympics is much more
Food, Animals, Rides,        Make sure you have had a       Enclosed shoes on as we hike        than a sports event. It’s an   Wild play provides children
 Lollie Bags! ROUND         good night’s sleep because         towards the Barrenjoey          event to show off your skills   with the chance to get lost
UP, ROUND UP, were            today we are going on a         Lighthouse exploring our         with your peers. Who is the       in the wonder of nature
 going to the Easter        Scavenger Hunt. We will be                                               fastest? Who is the          with dry creek beds, an
                                                               Local Northern Beaches
Show! We are taking          moving around in our local                                           strongest? Who has the       artesian water play area, a
                                                            views. After, we will visit the
a limited group to the           spaces figuring out                                                                             bamboo forest, banksia
                                                             Home & Away filming spots            best stamina? Who can
 show, exploring the           different challenges &                                                                          tunnels, turtle mounds and
                                                                with a yummy picnic!             jump the furthest? Come
venue with eyes wide          competing against your                                                                              Centennial Park’s first
                                                                                                 on down and secure your
         open.                         peers!                                                                                           treehouse.
                                                                    Bring a Mask!              own personal best records!
                                                            Today we will be travelling on
                                                            a public bus to Palm beach.

Please note we will
placing children into
     groups of 5
   (matching with
 friends of course)

IMPORTANT INFO                 IMPORTANT INFO                    IMPORTANT INFO                   IMPORTANT INFO                  IMPORTANT INFO
   Bring morning tea,         Bring morning tea, lunch,        Bring morning tea, lunch,         Bring morning tea, lunch,       Bring morning tea, lunch,
lunch, afternoon tea, hat    afternoon tea, hat & a drink     afternoon tea, hat & a drink      afternoon tea, hat & a drink    afternoon tea, hat & a drink
    & a drink bottle.                  bottle.                          bottle.                           bottle.                         bottle.
    Bus Departs:
      9.00am                                                Group departure at 10am                                             Bus Departs: 10.00am
    Arrives back:                                            Arriving back: 3.30pm                                              Arrives back: 3.30pm
Monday 19th April
     Umbrella 9

  Come and test your
 rock-climbing skills in
  our local bouldering
   centre. 2 hours of
 bouldering madness!
Umbrella 9 was such a
hit last holiday that our
      Youth children
     requested to go

Bring morning tea, lunch,
 afternoon tea, hat & a
      drink bottle.
–ƒ†ƒ”†‘ˆƒ”‡                          Prescription medication can only be        Šƒ––‘‡ƒ”
                                           administered by staff with written
Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care                                                         Please clearly label all items!
                                           permission from parents/guardians
operates in accordance with the            and be in the original packaging. Non-
requirements set forth by the                                                         Parents – please apply sunscreen to
                                           prescription medication is not
Australian Children's Education &                                                     your child every day before dropping
                                           permitted at Vacation Care. See
Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)                                                       them to Vacation Care. Sunscreen will
                                           centre staff for further details.
including the National Quality                                                        be available at the centre for children
Framework (NQF) and the framework                                                     to reapply throughout the day.
                                           PG rated movies may be shown at the
for school age care in Australia, My       centre, please see staff if you have
Time Our Place (MTOP).                                                                Clothing should be practical and sun
                                           any concerns about this.
                                                                                      smart. Singlet tops are not
                                                                                      appropriate as exposed shoulders are
  ‡‡”ƒŽ ˆ‘”ƒ–‹‘                      Every effort is made to provide the
                                                                                      prone to sunburn.
The vacation programme is split into a     activities exactly as advertised in this
Junior (K-1) programme, a Senior (2-3)     brochure, however sometimes, due to
                                                                                      Please note that centres often do
programme and a Youth (4-6)                circumstances out of our control, this
                                                                                      messy activities so be prepared for
programme. Each programme will             is not possible. If an activity is
                                                                                      dirty clothes at the end of the day!!
have a capacity of 30 children. The        cancelled, we will try to provide
                                                                                      The Centre does not provide
incursions and excursions have been        another activity and inform families
                                                                                      protective shirts for arts and crafts.
planned to be age appropriate for          as early as possible, usually on the
each programme. All the children will      morning of the scheduled activity via
spend time together at both the            signage at the centre.                      ‘‘†
beginning and end of each day.                                                        Help us be allergy friendly! Many
                                           Centre rules are established for the       children have allergies to various
While every effort will be made to         safety and well-being of all children.     foods.
complete the advertised activity,          Consistent disregard of rules may
there may be changes if enrolments         result in exclusion from the               Nut allergies are especially common.
are too low and we have to combine         programme following consultation
two age groups together.                   with staff and Parents/Guardians.          Please help us by not providing any
                                                                                      nuts or nut products (including
Vacation Care is for children up to 12     Šƒ––‘”‹‰                             peanut butter and hazelnut spread) in
years old attending a NSW public                                                      your children’s lunches and snacks.
                                           Children need to bring a hat, lunch,
primary school.                            snacks and a refillable drink bottle.
                                           We suggest you pack a frozen ice             ‘—”•‘ˆ’‡”ƒ–‹‘
Children must have completed their         brick with your child’s lunch to help      The programme runs from 7.00am to
first term of school to attend Vacation    prevent the growth of bacteria and         6.00pm each day.
Care unless they are attending our         keep it cool until lunch time. Cooking
January programme just prior to their      activities may be part of the day’s
first term in Kindy.                                                                   ‡–”‡ƒ›•
                                           programme but they are not meal
                                           substitutes.                               Activities vary throughout the day and
Staff are employed from 7:00am to                                                     allow for sessions of high and low
6:00pm and children are to be signed       Children should not bring any toys         activities.
in and out by a parent/guardian            (including mobile phones and MP3
between these times.                       players) or expensive jewellery to         Incursions scheduled for certain days
                                           Vacation Care as they may be lost.         will usually run for a one to two hour
Children will only be allowed to leave                                                period. The remainder of the day will
the Centre accompanied by an adult         Curly Kids OOSH will not be                include activities organised by the
nominated in your KidsXap                  responsible for lost valuable items.       Centre staff. Each day will have a
registration. Notice in writing is                                                    theme that will be incorporated into
required if the child is to be collected                                              some of the activities during the
by anyone not nominated in your                                                       programme for the day.
KidsXap registration.
š —”•‹‘ƒ›•                           Š‹Ž†ƒ”‡—„•‹†›ȋȌ                 Š‹Ž†”‡™‹–Š††‹–‹‘ƒŽ
On excursion days, all children           If you wish to claim Child Care Subsidy   ‡‡†•
booked in must attend the excursion.      (CCS) you will need to complete an
                                                                                    Curly Kids OOSH Vacation Care
Children and staff will travel by         online Child Care Subsidy assessment
                                                                                    Programs are additional needs and
charter bus to each excursion venue.      using your Centrelink online account
                                                                                    disability friendly. However, before
The bus will usually leave the centre     through
                                                                                    enrolment we do require detailed
at 9.30am and return to the centre by
                                                                                    information about your child’s
4.00pm.                                   You will also need to provide us with
                                                                                    individual needs. If your child has high
                                          the date of birth of the parent
                                                                                    support needs, additional support
Please ensure children are dropped        /guardian claiming the CCS, the date
                                                                                    may need to be accessed via the
off by 9.00am on excursion days.          of birth of the child being enrolled
                                                                                    Federal Government’s Inclusion
                                          and the Family Assistance Office
                                                                                    Support Subsidy (ISS).
There will be up to 30 children           Customer Reference Number (CRN)
attending each excursion, with one        for both the parent/guardian and the
                                                                                    The application process can take
educator for every eight children,        child.
                                                                                    some time as we consult with schools
except when they are going on a
                                                                                    and complete an assessment to
swimming excursion when there will        Once your booking has been entered
                                                                                    determine how to best meet your
be one educator for every five            into our system you will receive an
                                                                                    child’s needs at Vacation Care.
children attending.                       email from MyGov asking you to
                                                                                    Contact the Vacation Care Services
                                          confirm your enrolment. You will then
                                                                                    Coordinator on
A risk assessment with more details       need to login to your MyGov account
about each excursion can be viewed        and confirm your enrolment/s for our
                                                                                    0421 337 836 as early as possible to
on the Curly Kids OOSH website.           Vacation Care service/s. CCS will then
                                                                                    ensure that your child can access all
                                          be applied to the fee charged for your
                                                                                    aspects of the program.
Information on time of departure for      booking.
excursions, special requirements for
the day, or late changes to the           We will charge you the gap between         —‹•ƒ–‹‘
program, are displayed at the centre      our daily fee and your CCS                Children who are not immunised will
or are available by phoning the centre    entitlement.                              be excluded for the duration of an
during opening hours.                                                               outbreak of an immunisation
                                          Centrelink will withhold 5% of all        preventable disease.
Parents/guardians are responsible for     subsidy payments which is reconciled
ensuring they have all information        with families at the end of the
required. Children will not be            financial year.
permitted to purchase food on                                                       If you child is exhibiting cold or flu like
excursions, please do not send money      If you have any questions with regard     symptoms they will not be allowed to
with your child to Vacation Care.         to your eligibility for Child Care        attend and must show a negative
                                          Subsidy please call the Family            COVID test result before returning to
                                          Assistance Office on 13 61 50.            care.
 ‡‡•Ƭƒ›‡–•                                                                    If there is an outbreak of COVID-19
The daily fee is $75 per child per day                                              during the period of vacation care
for an excursion day and $70 for an                                                 which results in us being unable to
incursion day.                                                                      attend an excursion you will only be
                                                                                    charged an incursion fee.
Children who are collected after                                                    If there is government advice that
6.00pm will incur a Late Pick Up Fee                                                recommends you shield at home then
of $10.00 per five minutes late or part                                             you will not be charged for care but
thereof.                                                                            we will still operate as a service to
                                                                                    essential workers.
There is a strict 2-week cancellation
policy once your booking has been
processed unless a medical certificate
is supplied for the day/s missed
within one week of the missed day/s.
You can also read