Page created by Julio Carpenter
Amaze Active
                      Brisbane Central
               Vacation20       Care
                   Phone: 0429 197 248 Pack

This Pack contains:

  •   Parent information letter
  •   Program and activity list
  •   Booking and permission form
  •   Excursion and venue information
  •   What do I need to pack sheet!
  •   Daily Routine & Menu List
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                         December/January 2020-2021
                                                Vacation Care Pack

                                         Parent Information Letter
Dear Amaze families,

Thank you for your interest in our Christmas/New Year program for the upcoming school holidays. This pack
contains everything you need to know about vacation care here at Amaze so please take your time to have
a read through as this could answer some of the questions you may have.

Centre Info: We operate out of the school hall building here at Brisbane Central State School and during the School
Holidays are open from 7:00am – 6:00pm. Amaze is run by a team of dedicated staff members with varying
qualifications who are all extremely passionate about working with children. Our centre ratios are 1:15 and all staff have
current Blue Cards and Senior First Aid Certificates, including Asthma and Anaphylaxis.

Bookings & Cancellation: To book simply return the booking and permission form by Wednesday 2nd December. You
must return the form to secure your child’s place. This is essential as not only does this give Amaze permission to
transport your child to and from the service it also gives consent for your child to participate in programmed activities.
Cancellation is at the discretion of the Centre Director however in most cases a minimum of 7 days’ notice is required to
cancel a booking. If your child is absent and significant notice has not been given you will be charged for the session.
   Please note that everyday children MUST have hats, lunch unless stated otherwise, drink bottles, closed in shoes
  and sun smart clothing. No singlets, thongs or sandals. The centre will also provide them with sunscreen; if you do
           not wish for them to be given sunscreen then you must provide your own and/or sign a waiver.

Morning & Afternoon Tea: We provide Morning and Afternoon tea however, Lunch is required every day except those
listed below. If your child has allergies or dietary requirements, please speak to a staff member when booking. Please
ensure your child has a substantial amount of food and snacks as for some an Amaze day is longer than a normal school
day. Please note however, nothing that needs to be prepared as our ratios don’t allow for a staff member to be off the
floor preparing lunches. Your child must also have their own drink bottle (clearly labelled), especially on excursion days
as cold water may not always be available. If your child does not have a drink bottle the centre may provide them with
one at a cost to you. Please make sure your child has a HAT! We are outside a lot and in the interest of sun safety our
policy is ‘no hat no play’ and they will be restricted to the shaded areas. Children must also wear appropriate footwear
such as runners or closed in shoes, so please no thongs or sandals. As you will appreciate, you would not like your child
to contract any illness whilst in our care and children who attend must not be suffering from any contagious disease or
illness. Please refer to our copy of Staying Healthy in Childcare 5th Edition for further information. Any items brought
will be at the child’s own risk. DVD/USB movies are welcome but must be rated G/PG only. Mobile phones, DS’s,
Computer games and other media devices are banned unless stated on the program. Any devices brought will be
confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Finally, Amaze Education has a zero tolerance ‘No Bullying’ policy,
please refer to your behaviour agreement and our behaviour policy to review centre expectations, as restrictions and
refusal may result in severe cases.

Fees: Fees are listed against each activity on the program and vary due to transport and activity costs. Child Care
Subsidy may assist with the costs of Vacation care, If CCS is not active please contact the Family Assistance Office on
136150. Not registering for CCS for vacation care will result in full fees per child per day being charged. We charge one
week in advance, with fees due by the Friday of each week. Outstanding fees may result is care refusal or restrictions so
please ensure your account is up to date. Speak to your Centre Director if you have any questions or concerns.
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                           December/January 2020-2021
                                                   Vacation Care Pack
Monday 7/12/2020        Tuesday 8/12/2020          Wednesday 9/12/2020         Thursday 10/12/2020           Friday 11/12/2020
    School                   School                      School                    INCURSION                     INCURSION
                                                                                 Technology day                 Taste of India

                                                                                  Today is all about        Join us today to make
                                                                              technology – plug in for a   some yummy food and
 Vacation Care Tip      Vacation Care Tip #2        Vacation Care Tip #3       #funday with computers          celebrate India!
        #1                                                                      and engineering. Bring
                                                                                 your device – don’t               $59.50
Please pack a spare    ALWAYS bring a hat –          Please pack a bigger         forget the charger
pair of clothes each   We are in summer –             than normal lunch                $59.50
day! It is summer –      and children will        Amaze days are different
we will often put on   require a hat to play       to school days and we
 the sprinkler and        out in the sun!            are very active and
     keep cool!                                     require more fuel for

     Monday             Tuesday 15/12/2020        Wednesday 16/12/2020         Thursday 17/12/2020           Friday 18/12/2020
   14/12/2020               INCURSION                 INCURSION                    INCURSION                     EXCURSION
  Mini Olympics              Messy day                    Survivor                   Camp Day                   Albany creek

  Today we will be      Bring a spare pair of     Outplay, Outwit, Outlast    Pack your bags campers,       Come cool off with us
   channelling our     closthes and get ready     is the Survivor slogan we    because today is a day      at Albany Creek Leisure
inner Olympian and          to get messy!              will be following      you don’t want to miss.       Centre. Lots of fun for
  participating in a            $59.50             throughout the day in a     Getting ready to set up     all with the water slide
  range of Olympic                                   series of mental and      your tents and have an        and whirlpool. Don’t
 sports and games.                                 physical challenges that     awesome day at the           forget your togs and
       $59.50                                      will see one team win a          Amaze camp!               towel, lets go have
                                                             prize!                    $59.50                     some fun!

      Monday            Tuesday 22/12/2020        Wednesday 23/12/2020         Thursday 24/12/2020           Friday 25/12/2020
    21/12/2020              EXCURSION                 INCURSION                    INCURSION                      CLOSED
     Soap day             JC Slaughter falls            Disney Day                Christmas Feast

   Today we are           Today we will be        Do you have a favourite     Merry Christmas Amaze!
making Soap. We            travelling to JC       Disney character? Join us      Today we will be            Merry Christmas!
will make varieties    Slaughter falls to go on   here at Amaze for a day         channelling our
   of soaps with         bushwalks, play fun      filled with Disney games      Christmas spirit to          Wishing all of our
 varieties of nice     bush games and have a       and fun. The best part?     celebrate the holiday        Families a very safe
smells. Let’s have             picnic!                We get to dress up!        throughout a fun          and happy Christmas!
 fun on Soap Day                                                              peppermint and ginger
       today!                  $59.50                      $59.50                  scented day.
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                                December/January 2020-2021
                                                          Vacation Care Pack
 Monday 28/12/2020            Tuesday 29/12/2020          Wednesday 30/12/2020         Thursday 31/12/2020           Friday 01/01/2021
        CLOSED                    INCURSION                    EXCURSION                   INCURSION                      CLOSED
                                   Movie Day                 Southbank Pool              New Years Party

 Vacation Care Tip #4           Come join us for a         This week’s excursion is    Come in and celebrate         Happy New Year!
                            popcorn and movie day!         to the Southbank Pools.     the end of 2020 as we
                            All your favourite films in        Don’t forget your        head into an exciting        Wishing all of our
    Our Gate times are            one day. From                  swimmers!!                  New Year!             Families an Amaze-ing
   different in vacation    descendants to the new                                             $54.50                    new year!
 care – 7am to 9am our      Lion King we’ve got it all.            $59.50
driveway gates are open               $54.50
       – at 10am the
    pedestrian gate is
  locked until 3pm and
      the driveway is
 reopened at 4:30pm to

 Monday 04/01/2021            Tuesday 5/01/2021           Wednesday 06/01/2021         Thursday 07/01/2021           Friday 08/01/2021
    INCURSION                    INCURSION                    INCURSION                    INCURSION                     EXCURSION

     Crazy hair Day                 Laser tag                  Superhero day            Stem Challenge day             Suttons Beach

  Wear your hair in the     Today we will be playing        Ever wanted to be a       Prepare yourselves for a         Today we will be
 craziest way possible!       Laser tag! Are you a        hero? Today you can we        day of challenges and        travelling to Suttons
  Colourful! Mohawks!           sharpshooter?               will be creating your        experiments! Don’t       beach to have a fun day
   Ribbons! Flowers!                                        own hero & doing a        forget your thinking cap,   at the beach! We will be
 Anything you can think                                     superhero obstacle              you’ll need it!       playing beach games and
           of!                       $59.50                  course to test how                                     making sand castles!
                                                               heroic you are.
         $59.50                                                                               $59.50                       $80.00

  Monday 11/01/2021           Tuesday12/01/2021           Wednesday 13/01/2021         Thursday 14/01/2021           Friday 15/01/2021
       INCURSION                  INCURSION                   INCURSION                    EXCURSION                     INCURSION
        Space Day                Dinosaur day               Recycled arts day            Bellingham maze                 Petting Zoo
    Today we will be
   exploring the outer      Ever wanted to walk like          Today is all about       Today we are going to       Today we will be having
 reaches of space! We         a dinosaur? Today we              recycled art           Bellingham Maze! We        some animal visitors join
 have planned heaps of       will be making dinosaur       transforming everyday      are going to try and find   us at Amaze. Come along
 fun activities that will   cookies & making fossils.          things into art.          our way out of the        and pet, feed and have
 bring our solar system                                                                mazes! Get excited for     fun at the Amaze petting
 right to Amaze’s front              $59.50                        $59.50                 some fun times!                    zoo.
         $59.50                                                                               $80.00                       $59.50
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                              December/January 2020-2021
                                                        Vacation Care Pack
 Monday 18/01/2021           Tuesday 19/01/2021         Wednesday 20/01/2021        Thursday 21/01/2021          Friday 22/01/2021
     INCURSION                   EXCURSION                  INCURSION                   INCURSION                    INCURSION
 Winnie the Pooh Day             Ice Skating                Jump Rope                    Mr Magic                  Water Play Day

Today we will be taking a       Today we will be            Today we will be        You may remember Mr         Remember to bring in
  deep dive into Winnie     perfecting our balance at   practising our jump rope     Chadd from our disco       your swimmers, towel
  the Pooh!! We will be       the ice-skating rink!       skills. Are you able to   last vacation care! He is   and sunscream for the
    doing lots of things                                   master the double         back with a new Magic        wet and wild day!
   honey related! Pooh                                             dutch?                    Show!
loved some honey! Don’t              $80.00                                                                            $59.50
           you?                                                                             $59.50

 Monday 25/01/2021
 Back to School Party!

 Start the new school
year with our friends, a
 waterslide and snow


                              Venue, Transport and Departure Information
   The table below lists the venue information as well as approx. departure and arrival times for excursions.
  Please note that your first point of contact should always be with the centre on 0429 197 248, If you cannot
 get through we do have a messaging service and we will get back to you as soon as possible however, during
 transit periods you can appreciate that maintain child safety is our primary concern. During the holidays we
          use Brisbane Bus Lines for all of our transporting needs. Each coach is fitted with seatbelts.

   Please note our legal ratio of 1:15 will be covered each session however exact ratios will be determined
  daily based on attendance and communicated via the kiosk upon sign in for you to confirm. It will include
                        venue information, booked numbers, staffing and exact ratio.
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                     December/January 2020-2021
                                            Vacation Care Pack

Date          Venue &                   Address                       Phone             Depart          Arrive
18/12/2020 Albany Creek Leisure         Cnr Old Northern Rd and,      (07) 3264 9900    10am            3pm
           Centre                       Explorer Dr, Albany Creek
                                        QLD 4035
22/12/2020 JC Slaughter Falls           38 Sir Samuel Griffith Dr,    (07) 3403 8888    10am            3pm
                                        Mount Coot-Tha QLD 4066
30/12/2020 Southbank Pool * We          Stanley St Plaza, South       0429 197 248      10am            3pm
           are travelling by Train      Brisbane QLD 4101
           to Southbank station
08/01/2021 Suttons Beach                Suttons Beach Park,           0429 197 248      10am            3pm
                                        Marine Parade, Redcliffe
                                        QLD, Australia
14/01/2021 Bellingham Maze              274 Tanawha Tourist Dr,       (07) 5445 2979    9am             3pm
                                        Tanawha QLD 4556

19/01/2021 Ice World Boondall           2304 Sandgate Rd,             (07) 3865 1694    10am            3pm
           (ice skating)                Boondall QLD 4034

                           Wet Weather and Activity Cancellations
  In cases of severe weather, we may need to cancel an activity and find an alternative on the day. Please
   note that should this happen Amaze staff will notify you of the change as early as possible and that on
  drop off you will be asked to sign an emergency excursion permission form for the replacement activity.

                                      What do I need to pack!
The table below tells you what you need to pack for your child to participate in the planned activities. Please
note that without them your child will not be able to access the program fully. The list also notes days where
    food is provided (no need for lunch) so a reminder to notify staff if your child has any specific dietary
                             requirements so that alternatives can be sourced.

           Items that you need to bring along for programmed activities
          Activity                   Date                                  What to pack
       Technology Day             10/12/2020                                 Own Devices
         Messy Day                15/12/2020                             Spare pair of clothes
          Survivor                16/12/2020                             Spare pair of clothes
        Albany Creek              18/12/2020                Spare clothes, swimming costume, towel
      JC Slaughter Falls          22/12/2020                              ENCLOSED SHOES
       Southbank Pool             30/12/2020                Spare clothes, swimming costume, towel
       Suttons Beach              08/01/2020                       Spare pair of clothes just in case
      Bellingham Maze             14/01/2021                       Sun Safe Clothing, Water bottle
         Ice Skating              19/01/2021          Jumper, SOCKS, long pants and a change of clothes
         Water Play               22/01/2021                Spare clothes, swimming costume, towel
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                    December/January 2020-2021
                                           Vacation Care Pack

                              Amaze Daily Vacation Care Routine
Here we have our routine during the vacation period, and whilst some activity times may vary our mealtimes
 will be as close to these times as possible so please note when dropping off and picking up. We do like all
   children to arrive by 9am and ask that if they are going to be absent that you please notify the centre.

                                              Vacation Care Routine
   07:00 – 09:00            Arrive at Amaze, breakfast, stationed activities and team building games

   09:00 – 09:30                                          Morning tea

   09:30 – 10:00                  Meeting, activity prep, move off to buses or get into groups

   10:00 – 2:00                               Programmed activity as per program

   12:00 – 12:30                                             Lunch

    2:00 – 3:00                                             Free play

    3:00 – 3:30                                          Afternoon tea
    3:30 – 5:00         Stationed activities, team building games and free play both indoor and outdoor

    5:00 – 6:00                    Wind down pack up, playground, movie or quiet activities

                                          Amaze Menu Plan
Amaze provides morning and afternoon tea each session and have listed our prospective menu below. Please
 notify staff of your child’s dietary requirements and/or medical information should alternative food options
need to be sourced. We are more than happy to provide alternatives. All of our Menu is Vegetarian (no meat
products) We do provide as normal – a box of seasonal fruit and vegetables for the children to choose from.
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                      December/January 2020-2021
                                            Vacation Care Pack

                                              Vacation Care Menu
                             Monday           Tuesday        Wednesday          Thursday         Friday
                Morning                                                         Crackers &     Curry Puffs
                 Tea                                                              Spread

                Afternoon                                                       Coconut &      Vegetable
                   tea                                                          Date Balls      Korma

                Morning      Coconut &       Cruskits &      Ants on a log     Piklets & Jam   Crackers &
 14/12/2020 –

                 Tea         Date Balls       Spread                                             Cheese

                Afternoon   Corn Chips &    Dirt Cups (See Fruit Skewers         Damper        Sandwiches
                   tea         Salsa           recipe in                                        (selection)
                Morning     Piklets & Jam     Yoghurt &     Zoo Poo (See        Christmas
 21/12/2020 –

                 Tea                            Berries    recipe in folder)     feast !
                Afternoon    Cruskits &      Crackers &        Chocolate       Vegetables
                   tea        Spread           Cheese           Crackles       Snack foods
                Morning                     Corn Chips &       Cruskits &       Chocolate

                 Tea                           Salsa            Spread           Crackles

                Afternoon                     Popcorn         Sandwiches          Pizza
                   tea                                         (selection)     (homemade)

                Morning      Yoghurt &       Cruskits &       SuperHero         Crackers &      Popcorn
04/01/2021 –

                 Tea          Berries         Spread            Sticks            Cheese

                Afternoon    Honey Joys      Macaroni &       Vegemite &       Coconut Slice   Cruskits &
                   tea                        Cheese          Jam Scrolls                       Spread

                Morning     Fruit Rockets    Rice Bubble      Sandwiches        Crackers &     Mini Oreo
11/01/2021 –

                 Tea                          Dino Eggs        (selection)        Cheese       Brownies

                Afternoon   Coconut Slice   Dirt Cups (See    Vegemite &         Popcorn       Coconut &
                   tea                         recipe in      Jam Scrolls                      Date Balls
                Morning      Yoghurt &       Crackers &       Sandwiches          Cheese        Popcorn
                 Tea          Berries           Cheese         (selection)       Crackers

                Afternoon    Cruskits &      Honey Joys      Corn Chips &      Macaroni &      Frozen Fruit
                   tea        Spread                            Salsa           Cheese            Cups

                Morning       Popcorn
25/01/2021 –


                Afternoon    Chocolate
                   tea        Crackle
Amaze Active Brisbane Central
                                     December/January 2020-2021
                                             Vacation Care Pack

                                      Booking & Permission Form
  Please pencil your child/ren’s name in the dates you would like to book and return booking form to the centre

 Thursday 10/12/2020     Friday 11/12/2020     Monday 14/12/2020       Tuesday 15/12/2020        Wednesday

  Thursday 17/12/2020    Friday 18/12/2020     Monday 21/12/2020       Tuesday 22/12/2020        Wednesday

  Thursday 24/12/2020   Tuesday 29/12/2020    Wednesday 30/12/2020    Thursday 31/12/2020     Monday 4/01/2021

  Tuesday05/01/2021         Wednesday         Thursday 07/01/2021       Friday 08/01/2021     Monday 11/01/2021

  Tuesday 12/01/2021        Wednesday          Thursday 14/01/2021      Friday 15/01/2021     Monday 18/01/2021

  Tuesday 19/01/2021        Wednesday          Thursday 21/01/2021      Friday 22/01/2021     Monday 25/01/2021

  Please take care when booking your days during vacation care, particularly excursion days as maintaining
  staff to child ratios is essential. Please note absences will be charged if a minimum of 7 days’ notice is not
  given for cancellation. Children must have closed in shoes, hats, drink bottles, lunch & snacks each day as
                        well as any items required to participate in programmed activities.
Please complete permission slip below to confirm booking and consent to attending planned excursions on
                                              days booked.

I, (parent/guardian name) ………………………………………………………….......Give permission for my child/ren
(name of child/ren) ………………………………......…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
to travel to and from Amaze Active OSHC to a destination outlined in their December/January Vacation Care
Program and to participate in the planned activities. I also understand that by signing the form I am
confirming the dates I would like for my child/ren to attend and that I must give 7 days’ notice for
cancellations to avoid being charged. Signature……………………………………………………... Date…….../.…….../……...
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