Page created by Kathleen Harrison
JUNE 2019

2019 REUNION November 7 thru the 11,            Holiday Inn Resort on the gulf. Address -
                                                1299 Miracle Strip Pkwy SE. Fort Walton
2019. Holiday Inn Resort on the gulf.
                                                Beach Fl. 32548. November 7 thru the 11,
As you know, we are going to FT WALTON
BEACH this year. The hotel is a beautiful
                                                There are two rates for 2019. Standard
brand-new facility with lots of amenities,
                                                rooms are $115.40 inclusive. Beachfront
                                                rooms are as follows; 2 queen beds or a
24-hour fitness center
                                                king are $135.96. Reservation number is
gulf front pool with cascading waterfall and
                                                850-301-9000. Call the hotel and ask for
lazy river
                                                Brittany Patterson in group sales. Give her
on-site restaurant, riptides grill, serving
                                                your information and she will make your
breakfast, lunch and dinner
                                                reservation. Brittany works Tuesday thru
video game arcade
                                                Saturday. If she is not immediately
indoor bar
                                                available, leave your name, telephone
giant outdoor tiki bar
                                                number and mention the USS MILLS block.
walkover from pool deck to beach
                                                She will return your call ASAP and make
beach chairs available for a fee (march-sept)
                                                the reservation. Venues for 2019 are
sundry and gift shop
                                                $280.00 per couple including Meals,
free parking
                                                venues and all expenses.
free fast wi-fi

As well as the following accessible
amenities …
accessible parking in front of the building
accessible wheelchair routes to all
accessible front desk
accessible lobby restroom
accessible chair lift for pool
accessible bar

All you have to do is show up.
THOUGHTS                                           live another 40+ years! We have never had any
                                                   experience with “open air birds”. Itchy is a
“Yes is Better than No.”                           Citroen Cockatoo and Dina is a Rose-Breasted
                                                   Cockatoo. They came to us months apart and
Getting older is a good thing – much better than   from different homes that could no longer keep
the alternative! With age comes wisdom             them. It took some education and adjustment,
(sometimes) – that knowledge we gain from          but Gigi and I feel so blessed to have our
making mistakes earlier in life or better yet –    expanded family. In the past 90 days, we also
learning from others! I am certain that every      said “Yes” to housing a young 28 year old
one of us has stories we can tell about the        woman, who was working part time for our
“wisdom that we have gained” the hard way.         church, but came upon circumstances wherein
                                                   she needed temporary housing. Again, we said
Happiness and wisdom can also come from
                                                   yes and it was another good decision and
opportunities to serve. We are often prone to
                                                   experience. She is now on her way to another
shy away from these “opportunities” because
                                                   chapter in her life and we pray that all will go
they may be intimidating, too time consuming,
                                                   well with her.
out of our wheel-house or maybe just plain too
much work. I am writing to encourage you to        So it is easy especially as we get older to just say
embrace these opportunities when they come         “No”, stay in our “comfort zone” and turn down
along. They can be so rewarding and life-          opportunities to serve others. I encourage you
changing in a positive way. For me, my first       to enrich your life, embrace these opportunities
“opportunity” came in “A” School, following        and just say “YES”!.
boot camp. I was approached by a salty, first-
class boatswain mate who asked me if I wanted       I am reminded of a verse from Jeremiah, one of
my hitch to be “good times” or “bad times”? I      the Prophets from the Old Testament:
replied “good times” of course, to which he
responded: “then volunteer for everything”. I      Jeremiah 29 11-13: For I know the plans I have
did and I never regretted the advice. In fact,     for you, declares the LORD, plans for
that’s how I had the good fortune of meeting       welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future
and getting to know you guys - I volunteered for   and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and
“Operation Deep Freeze”! Not that long ago, I      come and pray to me, and I will hear you. 13 You
was asked by my fellow shipmates on the USS        will seek me and find me, when you seek
Hugh Purvis to be the “chaplain” for their         me with all your heart.
reunion organization. While I have been a
                                                   God bless,
worship leader for our church for over a
                                                   BRIAN GOODE
decade, I found the request to be intimidating.
However, after some discussion with my pastor,
I accepted the assignment and it has been an
enriching experience. A few years past, my wife,
Gigi, and I have become “foster parents” or
shelter home to two parrots, Itchy and Dina –
they are both about 19 years old and will likely
WEDDING                                                   GARY’S CORNER
Judy Duran and Bill Hardy June 15, 2019                         As I listened and watched TV, saw e-
                                                          mails, photos etc about "Our greatest
                                                          generation" and their actions at D Day, I
                                                          think about the bonds those servicemen
                                                          had! They loved The United States of
                                                          America and their buddies! We are all
                                                          special to each other because of our service
                                                          together on the USS Mills and our bonding
                                                          after we served. People that don't serve just
                                                          don't understand this friendship and bond.
                                                          As we age, I believe it gets stronger!
                                                                Watching old World War II and D-Day
                                                          films and events it helps me understand the
SICKBAY                                                   bonds and bravery the "Greatest Generation"
Felicia Roberts-DeRocher                                  achieved. Those servicemen and women
If everyone could keep my dad Edwin Griffith              faced overwhelming odds at D-Day, on air
and my mom Patty Griffith in their prayers. My            attacks and other "against all odds" events
dad started having seizures Friday evening. My            and yet they fought and won. Listened to a
mom's in hospital by his side while doctors are           Medal of Honor presentation today and this
doing what they can. Thank you.                           Staff Sergeant killed the enemy to save his
Please keep praying hard for Ed Griffith. He is in ICU    platoon.....i.e his friends! He had
at a hospital in Charleston as Doctors attempt to find    unbelievable courage because he loved his
medicine combination to stop a 6 day long series of       friends and country! This is why he did the
seizures.                                                 near impossible....saved his platoon
                                                          members and ravaged the enemy!
MILLS Family - Please keep John Martin in prayer for
                                                                This is the friendship that we developed
healing. He is suffering from Lymphoma, Parkinson's
                                                          on board a ship named the USS Mills! We
and is hospitalized while recovering from a recent        had several heroes that we looked up to on
fall at the funeral of his sister. John served on MILLS   the ship! The first one I think of is "Mother:
for about 3 years and was with us on DFII 66/67. He       i.e Joel Hagan. He was a leader that was the
was a cook.                                               head of the pack. He was respected and
Please keep Jean and Dennis Loof in prayer. Dennis        looked up to by all.
is scheduled for invasive internal surgery on April            My around -about statement is hey folks
30th. Jean has undergone the first of 5 years of          we aren't getting any younger! Don't let the
periodic MRI'S to head off brain cancer should it         bond go away by not attending the reunion at
show signs of returning. Please keep them in mind         Fort Waldon Beach,Florida November 7 to
                                                          11.....I hope this is not my last reunion, but that
and in your prayers as time passes.
                                                          information is way above my pay grade!
Please pray for John Reed who has Parkinson’s             Hope to see you all soon
                                                          Gary Bridgford and family
SHIPMATES AND FAMILY MEMBERS THAT                 Stephen Kovac to USS Mills DE-DER 383 Family
HAVE MADE THEIR FINAL VOYAGE                      To all my Shipmates and families, thank you for
                                                  your prayers for my Wife's brother Bob Haff ,
                                                  his wife Melissa and Lee and the family, he has
                                                  passed on peacefully 9pm Ctrl time April 5th. We
MYRON DRINKWATER WAS INTERRED IN                  know that he is at peace in Heaven with our
ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETARY                       Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and now with
                                                  family and friends and waiting for us when God
                                                  calls us home one day with open arms, and
                                                  every tear shall be dried and we to will dwell in
                                                  the house of the Lord forever. God has given us
                                                  this special gift of Salvation but also has given
                                                  us this special gift of Life here and now and
                                                  wants us all to live life and do the best we can
                                                  and enjoy it. One day when the Good Lord calls
                                                  us my shipmates, we will meet again in Heaven
                                                  the Lord will be waiting for us to muster on the
                                                  Quarter deck. I'm sorry but i cannot say more
                                                  my emotions are kicking in. God Bless you All.

                                                  Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
                                                  "Crossing the Bar"
Birth Date: 01/01/1938
Death Date: 03/26/2018                            "Twilight and evening bell,
Interment Date: 09/05/2018
                                                  And after that the dark!
Branch of Service: US NAVY
Section: 57                                       And may there be no sadness of
Grave: 1147                                       farewell,
                                                  When I embark;
George W Shetterly II. left this message on the
                                                  For though from out our bourne of
ships Guest Book.                                 Time and Place
Margaret Shetterly wife of George Shetterly who   The flood may bear me far,
was a plank owner on the USS Mills passed         I hope to see my Pilot face to face
away from natural causes on March 22, 2019.
She goes on to be with George Shetterly who       When I have crossed the bar."
has been sailing Heaven's seas since
September 22,, 1990 Thanks to all of his
                                                     JUNE Peggy Marlow, Diane Sonefeld , Claude
                                                     Scarbrough, Bev Haizel,
                                                     JULY Gary Hlavka, Ginny Halvka, Brian Goode,
                                                     Paula Link, Bobby Herren, Nancy Tomes, Cathy
                                                     AUGUST Lynn Hagan Gentry, Judy Duran,
                                                     Loertta Johnson Ranck, Felder Frederick, Bob
Summer Bolognese
1 lb. thin spaghetti                                 ANNIVERSARIES
Kosher salt                                          JUNE Claude & Debbie Scarbrough
 ⁄4 cup olive oil                                    Gary & Ginny Hlavka
1 lb. ground beef                                    JULY Joyce & Felder Fredrick
2 tsp. chile flakes, or 3 red Thai chiles, minced    AUGUST Bob & Robin Stafford, Bobby and Mary
2 tbsp. minced thyme                                 Lou Herren, Bob & Lynn Gentry, Harold & Judy
3 garlic cloves                                      Dyer, Jim & Nancy Tomes, Bob & Mary Ann
2 tbsp. tomato paste                                 Foust
2 tsp. granulated sugar
Freshly ground black pepper                          DUES
 ⁄2 cup dry white wine                               Dues remain $20.00 a year.
2 tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 lemon, zested and juiced                           FACEBOOK
1 lb. mixed cherry tomatoes                          As of this writing, we have 182 family members
 ⁄2 cup Ligurian or kalamata olives                  Bon Gaboury monitors it closely and keeps our
Torn basil leaves, for garnish                       site safe.
Grated parmesan cheese, to serve
                                                     THERE WILL NOT BE A SILENT AUCTION THIS
Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil.    YEAR.
Cook pasta until al dente, about 7 minutes.
Drain pasta, reserving ½ cup water; toss pasta
with 3 tablespoons oil and keep warm.                               The late Tommy Nichols
Meanwhile, heat remaining oil in a 12-inch                          Founder and Skipper forever
skillet over medium-high; cook beef, chile,                         Reunion Planner: Ben Laurens
thyme, and garlic until beef is browned, about 5                    192 Hwy 70 East Bette,
minutes. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt, and                         Beaufort, NC 28516 Ph 252-504-
pepper and cook 2 minutes more. Add wine and                        3733
cook until it has almost evaporated, about 2                        Admin Secretary: Pat Bridgford
minutes. Add in pasta, vinegar, and lemon zest                      14321 S Locust St, Olathe, Ks
and juice and toss to combine. Add in reserved                      66062 Ph. 913-707-8266
pasta water, tomatoes, and olives and cook 2              
minutes more.                                                       Chaplain Gary Hlavka 1688
                                                                    West Center Rd, Kingsley MI
Transfer to a serving platter and serve with basil
                                                                    49649 Ph 231-263-3369
leaves and parmesan cheese.

Ben has commissioned 6 bottles of            PHONE_____________
Woodford reserve again this year. I don’t
have a pic of this year’s bottle yet, so I
used an old one.
Alan Izatt is creating 2                     ADDRESS___________
original painting for the                    __________________
raffle as well.
                                             We will ship to the winner at
NAME______________                           no extra cost to you if not
ADDRESS___________                           attending the reunion.
PHONE_____________                           $5.00 each or 5/$20.
                                             Please mail to:
                                             Gary Bridgford
NAME______________                           14321 s Locust St
ADDRESS___________                           Olathe, Ks 66062
PHONE_____________                           tickets will be available at the
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