5G - Open Learning Campus

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5G - Open Learning Campus
5G - Open Learning Campus
00      01     02      03     04     05        06   07   08   09   10   11   12   5G, Robots and Transportation                          Watch Closely                  Informs Strategy                  Act Now


                                                            KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                     DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                                   5G advances today’s networks using a         Monetizing 5G remains a challenge            • National Spectrum Consortium
                                                            5G is the fifth genera-                more responsive kind of radio technol-       for mobile network operators (such as
                                                                                                                                                                                             • 5G Fund for Rural America
                                                            tion mobile network and                ogy that not only moves data faster but      Verizon, Vodafone, and Telefónica),
                                                                                                   also requires less power to do so. It will   which must gradually make network im-        • Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN)
                                                            a global wireless stan-                                                             provements while continuing to provide
                                                                                                   shorten transmission latency from 30                                                      • Spectrum Forward Other Transaction
                                                            dard. Since the first 5G               milliseconds to just a single millisecond,   service for previous 3G and 4G standards.      Agreement
                                                                                                                                                This last mile of the telecom ecosystem
                                                            mobile networks began                  allowing essentially instantaneous con-
                                                                                                                                                is the most complex and costly to main-      • U.S. Department of Defense’s Research
                                                                                                   nectivity between devices on a network.
                                                            launching in 2019, this                This means big opportunities for tele-       tain, and earns revenue mainly through         and Engineering Division

                                                            new standard has rolled                                                             customer plans. South Korea launched
                                                                                                   medicine and robotic-assisted surgery,
                                                                                                                                                high-value, premium 5G plans to increase
                                                            out slowly around the                  autonomous vehicles, gaming, and
                                                                                                                                                revenue alongside new products and
                                                                                                   streaming. Unlike Wi-Fi, a 5G network
                                                            world. Eventually, 5G                  can be built to prioritize certain data
                                                                                                                                                services to entice adoption. VR cloud
                                                                                                                                                gaming, augmented reality shopping,
                                                            will offer higher speeds,              transmissions over others. For example,
                                                                                                                                                and live sports streaming are bundled
                                                                                                   heavy manufacturing companies and
                                                            low or even no latency                 utilities will be able to automate more of
                                                                                                                                                in new premium plans. South Korea
                                                                                                                                                notwithstanding, most 5G launches still
                                                            in data transfer, and                  their core processes using advanced ro-      lack the use cases needed to convert users
                                                            the ability for billions of            botics systems, which will in turn create    and justify the investment in network
                                                                                                   a new market for all the components,         upgrades. In the U.S., the Federal Com-
5G is the fifth generation of wireless connectivity.
                                                            devices to connect with                devices, and consulting services necessary   munications Commission created two
                                                            one another.                           for operating such a network.                Innovation Zones, city-scale test beds in
                                                                                                                                                Salt Lake City and in New York City’s
                                                                                                                                                West Harlem, for advanced wireless
                                                                                                                                                communications and network research,
                                                                                                                                                including 5G networks.
08                                                                                                                                                                                                            © 2021 Future Today Institute
5G - Open Learning Campus
00     01    02     03     04    05    06   07   08   09   10   11   12   5G, Robots and Transportation                          Watch Closely                 Informs Strategy                    Act Now


                                                    KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                     DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                           EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                           The Trump administration tightened           New entrants are circumventing politics.    • Semiconductor Industry Association
                                                    There’s a geopolitical                 the screws on China when it banned           Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten           • Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN)
                                                    fight underway, pitting                Chinese companies ZTE and Huawei             launched a virtual network running on
                                                                                           from supplying gear to American net-         cloud native and open radio access net-     • Rakuten Mobile
                                                    the U.S. against China
                                                                                           work operators in the U.S. Chipmaker         work (O-RAN) technology. The network        • Starlink
                                                    in a race to deploy the                Qualcomm, meanwhile, is one of a scant       architecture costs far less to build and
                                                    telecom equipment                      few U.S. companies making components         operate, and doesn’t rely as much on
                                                                                           necessary for a widescale 5G rollout.        equipment from traditional suppliers.
                                                    and systems required to                Trump revoked licenses to Huawei sup-        Elon Musk’s Starlink is developing a
                                                    build 5G networks.                     pliers, which included Intel, and there-     low-latency broadband internet system
                                                                                           by weakened the Chinese tech giant’s         with speeds of 300Mbps—fast enough
                                                                                           position in the global market. American      to manage Wi-Fi calling and just about
                                                                                           security experts are urging the Biden ad-    anything else consumers might stream,
                                                                                           ministration to build a 5G network with      play, operate, or build.
                                                                                           and for geopolitical allies and to exclude
                                                                                           Chinese equipment. As of this writing,
Huawei is a major supplier of network compo-
                                                                                           only Ericsson, Nokia, and Samsung are
                                                                                           allowed to build 5G networks in the U.S.
                                                                                           Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping
                                                                                           has made it clear that he intends to wean
                                                                                           China and its allies off of Western-made
                                                                                           technology entirely.

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5G - Open Learning Campus
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Expert Insight

                                                                   5G Will Transform                     pivoted the needs of our customers
                                                                                                         and forced transformation across
                                                                   Transportation,                       all industries.

                                                                   Entertainment,                        What can we accomplish in the
                                                                                                         next five, 10 or 25 years? Innovation
                                                                   Retail and More                       is happening at the speed of 5G,
                                                                                                         and the next wave of bold predic-
                                                                                                         tions is well on its way.
                                                                   Igal Elbaz
                                                                                                         5G will ultimately be a paradigm
                                                                   SVP of Wireless and Access            shift from prior networks. The in-
                                                                   Technology, AT&T                      creased speeds, lower latency and
                                                                                                         higher reliability will create the
                                                                                                         ideal foundation for transforma-
                                                                                                         tional use cases. The ecosystem
                                                                   A little more than 25 years ago,
                                                                                                         is developing capabilities never
                                                                   AT&T debuted a bold advertising
                                                                                                         before imagined with LTE. There’s
                                                                   campaign predicting a future
                                                                                                         no better time than now to take a
                                                                   world enabled by emerging tech-
                                                                                                         visionary approach to the possi-
                                                                   nologies. At the time, the ads mim-
                                                                                                         bilities. We’re collaborating with
                                                                   icked science fiction—video calls
                                                                                                         customers and allies to identify
                                                                   from a payphone, sending a fax on
                                                                                                         how technology can create a safer,
                                                                   the beach and talking to a friend
                                                                                                         more connected world.
                                                                   on a watch. While the experiences
                                                                   look different than our predeces-     Take the healthcare industry, for
                                                                   sors imagined, they are now reali-    example. The combination of 5G,
                                                                   ties and even necessities, as 2020

                                                                                                                              © 2021 Future Today Institute
00   01   02   03   04    05   06     07   08   09    10   11   12    5G, Robots and Transportation

                                                           5G is also paving the way for the                and the clothes could be on a cus-     ing to deliver a live 3-D augmented
                                                           future of transportation. At the                 tomer’s doorstep in 48 hours. This     reality interactive concert for a
                                                           AT&T 5G Innovation Studio in Pla-                will become a widespread reality       select group of fans. Entertainment
     There’s no better time                                no, Texas, we’re working with col-               that many retailers are expected to    will become more immersive with
     than now to take a                                    laborators to showcase how 5G                    embrace.                               the advancement of AI and edge
                                                           and edge computing can enable                                                           computing, and we’ll eventually
     visionary approach to                                 autonomous drones. And, as the
                                                                                                            Another exciting area of opportu-
                                                                                                                                                   blur the divide between the physi-
     the possibilities.                                    edge expands, self-driving cars
                                                                                                            nity is the entertainment industry.
                                                                                                                                                   cal and digital world.
                                                                                                            5G is already re-imagining how we
                                                           will eventually become ubiquitous,
                                                                                                            create and consume media in this       5G is triggering the next wave of
                                                           creating safer roadways. Flash
     edge computing, artificial intelli-                                                                    new world. Holographic commu-          business transformation and indus-
                                                           forward even further, and you
     gence (AI), and Internet of Things                                                                     nication proved useful during last     trial revolution, and these use cases
                                                           could be looking toward the sky for
     unlocks a new realm of possibilities                                                                   year’s NBA playoffs when reporters     are only a glimpse of what’s on the
                                                           a flying taxi.
     for medical professionals. Last                                                                        were able to perform holographic       horizon.
     year, 2020, triggered the rise of                     Today’s technology will also trans-              interviews with players from hun-
     telehealth, and this momentum will                                                                                                            **
                                                           form the retail world, because                   dreds of miles away, a necessity
     only continue. Faster speeds, lower                   2020 shifted how we shop. There                  given restrictions around in-person    Igal Elbaz is senior vice president
     latency, and massive connectivity                     could be “magic mirrors,” or con-                interviews.                            of Wireless and Access Technol-
     will enable more real-time remote                     nected displays, that use 4K sen-
                                                                                                            Now, imagine holographic commu-        ogy. He is responsible for wireless
     consultations, crucial data trans-                    sors and digital displays to repli-
                                                                                                            nication for the masses. In the not-   and wireline access network ar-
     fers, and connected ambulances.                       cate the experience of standing in
                                                                                                            so-distant future, we could enjoy      chitecture, design and technology
     As 5G matures, we’ll see the ad-                      front of a mirror. Instead of having
     vancement from today’s telemed-                                                                        live, immersive concerts from the      roadmap, including radio access
                                                           to physically try on clothes, con-
     icine and remote consultations                                                                         comfort of our couch. And, we’ve       network, 5G and LTE mobility, voice
                                                           sumers could swipe left and right
     during surgery to robotic-assisted                                                                     taken the initial steps toward this    core network functions, network AI
                                                           to try on outfits and accessories.
     surgeries and development of                                                                           reality. AT&T recently used 5G, ma-    and driving industry standards.
                                                           Then, using a connected tablet, an
     life-saving wearables.                                                                                 chine learning, and edge comput-
                                                           employee could place the order,

11                                                                                                                                                                      © 2021 Future Today Institute
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                                                   KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                      DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                            EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                          Project Hexa-X, the European Commis-          6G should support data rates of 1 terabyte   • Hexa-X
                                                   6G will be the sixth gen-              sion’s early 6G research initiative, kicked   per second, making latency and capacity      • Nokia
                                                   eration of wide-area                   off in January 2021 in preparation for        balancing a thing of the past. This new
                                                                                          the global standard that comes after 5G.      standard will support technologies that      • Next G Alliance
                                                   wireless technology,
                                                                                          The current global transition from 4G         demand real-time awareness—which             • University of Oulu
                                                   following the transition               to 5G is a tricky one: There are lots of      are likely to include human-machine          • University of Padova
                                                   to 5G. Planning for this               variables over which no one entity has        interfaces that intuitively understand
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Beijing University of Posts
                                                                                          control. Core components—licensed and         our intentions. Combined with artificial
                                                   new standard is already                unlicensed spectrum bands, shared spec-       intelligence, the new infrastructure of 6G     and Telecommunications
                                                   happening.                             trum, antennas, and network architec-         will make networks capable of making         • NTT DoCoMo
Hexa-X is developing standards for 6G.                                                    tures—aren’t necessarily uniform. Experts     decisions autonomously for things like
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Samsung
                                                                                          believe that what they learn building 5G      data storage, processing, and sharing.
                                                                                          networks will make the transition to 6G                                                    • Ericsson
                                                                                          easier. Researchers at the University of                                                   • Huawei
                                                                                          California, Santa Barbara, are already
                                                                                                                                                                                     • ZTE
                                                                                          working on component upgrades: They
                                                                                          built a device that could push 6G’s tera-
                                                                                          hertz frequency signals out of antennas
                                                                                          using what’s known as an N-polar gallium
                                                                                          nitride high-electron-mobility transistor
                                                                                          (HEMT). Nokia is leading the 6G joint
                                                                                          research initiative, and Nokia Bell Labs
                                                                                          is already researching the fundamental
                                                                                          technologies that will comprise 6G.

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Breaking the Millisecond Barrier
                                                        KEY INSIGHT                            EXAMPLES                                    DISRUPTIVE IMPACT                             EMERGING PLAYERS

                                                                                               Latency causes problems in gaming,          A new 1 millisecond standard is being         • NYU Wireless
                                                        The amount of laten-                   videoconferencing, and VR. A typical 4G     developed at New York University’s NYU
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Internet Engineering Task Force’s L4S
                                                        cy in mobile networks                  network incurs 50 milliseconds of lag,      Wireless research center. It will require a
                                                                                               and with more devices and people con-       new approach to encoding, transmitting,       • U.S. Department of Defense
                                                        differs, based on how                                                              and routing data—but it also promises a
                                                                                               necting to networks, systems can quickly
                                                        far a signal must travel,              become glitchy. As people worked and        wild new frontier in communications. If
                                                                                                                                           signals transmit fast enough that humans
                                                        the number of routers                  learned from home during the pandemic,
                                                                                                                                           can’t perceive any lag at all, teleoperated
                                                                                               signals weakened, causing interruptions
                                                        it passes through, and                 or crashes. The coming swarm of sig-        surgical robots could go into widescale
                                                        a variety of other fac-                                                            use. Haptic devices that map sight and
                                                                                               nal-hungry consumer devices will put
                                                                                                                                           sound could convince us that a digital
                                                        tors. A new standard for               added strain on networks, unless current
                                                                                                                                           environment is real, not virtual.
                                                                                               latency barriers can be broken. Reducing
                                                        latency is in the works                latency from 4G’s 50 milliseconds to 5G’s
                                                        that could result in just 1            10 milliseconds and below will be crucial
                                                                                               to support applications such as autono-
                                                        millisecond of lag.                    mous vehicles and multiplayer games.

A new 1 millisecond standard is being developed.

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