Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

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Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time
Strategies for the Introduction of Neuroscience

Using Google Earth to Teach
the Magnitude of Deep Time
By Joel D. Parker

Most timeline analogies of                        eaching deep time (the time      talks to mature audiences, receiving
geologic and evolutionary time are                scale of evolutionary, geo-      excellent feedback in all cases.
fundamentally flawed. They trade off              logic, and cosmological              The key difficulty with perceiving
the problem of grasping very long                 events) is one of the great      the magnitude of time is that a student
times for the problem of grasping        classroom challenges because the          cannot meaningfully relate an expe-
very short distances. The result is      lengths of time involved are outside      rienced length of time to any of the
an understanding of relative time        of human experience (Tretter et al.       commonly used timeline analogies
with little comprehension of absolute    2006; Hillis 2007; Catley and Novick      (clock face, calendar year, interior
time. Earlier work has shown that        2009; Jones and Taylor 2009). How-        building distances, toilet paper roll,
the distances most easily understood     ever, this extreme magnitude is one       playing fields, human body, etc.). In
by teachers and students are those       of the key learning objectives when       these spatial analogies, the length of
most people can experience directly.     teaching biological evolution be-         a student’s life, and sometimes all of
Thus most timeline analogies are         cause it is essential for Darwin’s        human written history, maps onto a
flawed by either overcompressing an      theory to work. Indeed, one of the        microscopic distance that cannot be
experienceable time or relying on an     main arguments used against evolu-        directly experienced. When the analo-
unexperienceable distance. Under         tion is that the Earth is not as old as   gous distances become microscopic,
the constraint of experienceability,     science says it is, and this remains      the perception problem is only shifted
the best timeline to distance scale      one of the primary misconceptions         from the very big to the very small.
must be at least 75 miles and            for not accepting Darwin’s theory         Perception at both ends of the spec-
no more than about 500 miles             (Cotner, Brooks, and Moore 2010).         trum is difficult, and students tend to
long. Using Google Earth, one            Traditionally, the problem with deep      lump events and sizes at either end
can construct such ideal timeline        time has been divided into two parts:     into a very big and a very small cate-
analogies relative to a point in the     teaching the relative order of events     gory, losing the differentiations within
classroom with locally adaptable         (relative time) and the comprehen-        these extreme categories (Tretter
markers for important events in          sion of the magnitude of deep time        et al. 2006). Indeed, precipitous drops
geologic time. I have used these         (absolute time). Most timeline analo-     in the accuracy of scale perception
analogies for several years in           gies work very well for relative time,    have been observed for scales below
university and public lectures to        but finding appropriate analogies for     the visible (micrometers) and those
great effect.                            absolute time remains a great prob-       beyond a million meters (about 600
                                         lem (Hillis 2007; Cotner, Brooks,         mi.; Tretter et al. 2006; Jones et al.
                                         and Moore 2010). Here, I describe a       2008). These results suggest that the
                                         locally adaptable analogy that works      widest distance scale that at least
   Copyright © 2011, National Science
      Teachers Association (NSTA).       to teach both relative and absolute       half of teachers and students can be
     Reprinted with permission from      time. The analogy consists of a lo-       expected to easily comprehend will
  Journal of College Science Teaching,
          Vol. 40, No. 5, 2011.          cal and culturally specific timeline      extend from just under a millimeter
                                         bounded at the both extremes by           to hundreds of kilometers.
                                         distances that can be physically ex-          If we construct a timeline analogy
                                         perienced. Such custom timelines          under the above constraints of human
                                         are easily made with Google Earth         experience on both the recent and
                                         (a free program downloadable from         distant ends of our timeline, then an
                                I have         appropriate range of distance can be
                                         used this analogy in both first-year      determined. The smallest distance
                                         undergraduate lectures and in public      that a student might be able to ap-

                                                                                                   Vol. 40, No. 5, 2011       23
Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time
prehend by visualization without a         Figure 1
     microscope is about 0.5 mm (1/50th
     of an inch). The maximum range an          Step-by-step tips for using Google Earth to plot the analogy route.
     average student might experience           1. To start, open Google Earth and go to your presentation location, zoom in to the
     in the industrialized world is a driv-        highest magnification and place a marker on the building, then zoom out and
     able distance, which is the suggested         place a marker on your chosen landmark.
     reason for the 600 mi. (about 1,000
                                                   •   To get the initial route and distance right, click on your presentation location
     km) limit (Tretter et al. 2006). On the           marker, select “Directions to here,” then enter the location of your landmark
     time side, if we consider the longest             under the “Directions from” tab on the left. Click on the magnifying glass on the
     length of time experienced by a stu-              left window and a route will appear on the map.
     dent as his or her lifetime (about 18         •   The distance to enter in the yellow cell of the spreadsheet is found under the
                                                       Directions tab all the way at the bottom of the open route under Route.
     years), then for a college freshman           •   Clean up the route by removing the directions and associated markers (yellow
     we set 0.5 mm = 18 years. This gives              boxes with two black lines), untick all of the boxes in the tab except for the
     a scale of around 59 million years per            Route box.
     mile or about 37 million years per
                                                2. If you do not like the route chosen, then add markers at key positions on your
     kilometer. On this scale, the origin          preferred route by clicking on the thumbtack symbol and dropping the markers at
     of the Earth (4.6 billion years ago)          the correct location. You can then map routes sequentially from the presentation
     maps to about 75 mi. (121 km) away,           position by right clicking the destination side and choosing “Directions to here”
     well within our maximum limit. The            and right clicking the landmark side and clicking “Directions from here,” then click-
                                                   ing on the magnifying glass to show the route.
     analogy is then constructed from a
     specific point in the lecture hall (a         •   The various elements can be hidden or shown by unticking or ticking the ap-
     taped line) to some local landmark                propriate boxes under the Route tab to get one continuous marked route.
     at least 75 mi. away but less than a          •   The format of the line or lines can be modified by right clicking on the line and
                                                       choosing Properties. In Figure 1, the route color is changed to red, and the line
     day’s journey by car or train.                    thickness is increased.
         The freely available program
     Google Earth is ideally designed for       3. To get a distance on the route from the presentation location, click on the ruler
     creating these properly scaled local          symbol on the top menu and open the Path tab. The scale units can be adjusted
                                                   here. Once this tab is open, the cursor will change and you click once over your
     analogies. The program already has            exact position in the building. Then click along the path noting the cumulative
     a track record of being used for many         distances displayed in the Ruler tab.
     educational purposes (http://earth.            •   Left clicking and holding down on the last position allows you to drag the
                                                       place holder while dynamically displaying the distance. This allows you to ex-
     html). The program can be used to plot            actly map evolutionary events from the spreadsheet. The distance units can be
     routes between chosen points and to               changed as you get further away (e.g., from feet to miles) from the presentation
     calculate distances between specific              location.
     points in different distance units. One       •   Right clicking removes the last position.
                                                   •   Pointing to an existing position and holding down the left mouse button al-
     can map any landmark that is the cor-             lows you to move that position.
     rect distance from a specific lecture/
     presentation location and create a         4. When the distance is exactly correct for some event on the spreadsheet, click on the
     locally ideal distance analogy. Thus,         thumbtack on the top menu bar and place a marker on the route at that point.
     Google Earth makes it practical to set        •   The title and style can all be entered and adjusted by right clicking on the
     up a rationally designed custom anal-             marker and selecting properties or in the box that appears when placing the
     ogy from almost any major university              marker.
     lecture hall in the world.                    •   To go back to the path mode, reclick on the Ruler tab on the menu bar.

     Methods and example                        5. All of the markers added to the map can be hidden from the Places tab. This allows you
                                                   to sequentially add or remove markers for use at different times in the presentation.
     Some initial time must be invested in      6. PowerPoint images can then be made with screen grabs or selecting Copy Pic-
                                                   ture under the File menu in Google Earth, followed by editing in your preferred
     customizing the exercise to go from           image program.
     the chosen landmark all the way to
     the interior of the building where the     7. To save your work, right click on the Route in the Places tab and select Save to My
     presentation is being given. In order         Places. Individual Place markers can be saved the same way. The route and markers
                                                   should then reappear next time you use Google Earth.
     to relate this to students’ real experi-
     ence, the instructor needs to select
     a landmark more than 75 mi. away

24   Journal of College Science Teaching
Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

along a route that students are likely         spreadsheet. The best estimates of the      away and makes a good landmark
to have taken by car or train. The             dates for critical events in geologic       for this exercise location (see Table
teacher (or perhaps the student as an          time are topics of great interest and ac-   1). I then put up a map of south-
assignment) first uses Google Earth            tive research. Hence, it is a good idea     ern England and ask students to
to generate the route and determines           to recheck the literature periodically      raise their hands. I trace the path
the distances for the chosen events            to make sure that one is up-to-date         from Big Ben to our location and
in time (see Figure 1). The route              with the current sequence and timing        ask students to lower their hand
can be adjusted as described in Fig-           of events. I have provided a spread-        when they think I have arrived at
ure 1, step 2. The total distance is           sheet to convert time to distance with      the stated event. The class’s guess
then put into an Excel spreadsheet             some key dates that I have accumu-          is when half the students have low-
to calculate the distances from a              lated (           ered their hands. This forces all of
line of tape placed on the floor in            Google Earth timeline.xls). I cannot        the students to participate, and af-
the lecture hall to the various events         guarantee that they will be accurate        ter a couple of guesses, the class
in geologic time along the chosen              at the time of publication.                 warms to the exercise with every-
route. The key evolutionary and/or                                                         one participating. Students usually
geologic events are then mapped                The presentation                            come close to the origin of life (the
on the Google Earth map by plac-               To introduce the analogy, I begin           M25 ring highway around London)
ing markers along this route using             by placing a piece of yellow tape           but almost always miss Eukaryotic
the Ruler function. Screen captures            on the floor in the front of the room       cells (Basingstoke), the Cambrian
of the maps can then be used to                and explain what I am doing. Here I         explosion (around Winchester), and
produce PowerPoint slides at key               give the rationale for why this anal-       the extinction of the dinosaurs (just
points along the way or the program            ogy is better than the traditional          outside of town). I move on to show
itself might be used actively if there         clock analogy. From a lecture hall          them a map with the key events
is an open fast internet connection.           at the University of Southampton            marked. Figure 2 shows some typi-
   One sometimes forgotten issue is            on England’s southern coast, Big            cal screen captures with labels at
the need to update the timeline in the         Ben in London is exactly 78.4 mi            various points from Table 1 along
                                                                                           the timeline. Events closer and on
                                                                                           campus include India uniting with
                                                                                           Asia at walking distance on the
 An example ideal scaled timeline.
                                                                                           edge of campus, and Hominids, our
  Date            Event                        Distance from line at presentation          first upright walking ancestors, oc-
  4.6 BYA         Earth formation              78.4 mi.                 126 km             curring across the street from the
  3.6 BYA         First life                   61.4 mi.                 98.7 km            local pub. Obviously, the analogy
  2.7 BYA         Oxygen atmosphere            46 mi.                   74 km              lends itself to many opportunities
  1.5 BYA         Eukaryotes arise             25.6 mi.                 41.1 km            for those who are comfortable with
  670 MYA         First Metazoan               11.4 mi.                 18.4 km            using humor in their teaching. The
  542 MYA         Begin Cambrian               9.2 mi.                  14.9 km            real lesson occurs inside the lecture
  488 MYA         End Cambrian                 8.3 mi.                  13.4 km            hall where humans arise only 18
  375 MYA         First tetrapod               6.4 mi.                  10.3 km
                                                                                           ft. (5.5 m) or so from the line and
  140 MYA         Angiosperms                  2.4 mi.                  3.8 km
                                                                                           Neanderthals continue until 3 ft.
  25 MYA          First apes                   2,223 ft.                678 m
                                                                                           (about 90 cm) from the line. I use
                                                                                           a tape measure as a visual aid in-
  10 MYA          India connects to Asia       890 ft.                  271 m
                                                                                           side the lecture theater. It is worth
  6 MYA           Earliest Hominid             534 ft.                  162 m
                                                                                           pointing out that Biblical creation-
  4.5 MYA         Ardipithecus                 400 ft.                  122 m
                                                                                           ists place the origin of the Earth at
  3 MYA           Lucy                         267 ft.                  81.3 m
                                                                                           about 6.5 in. (16 cm) from the line
  1 MYA           Migration from Africa        89 ft.                   27.1 m
                                                                                           as opposed to the 78.4 mi. (126 km)
  200,000 yrs     Homo sapiens arise           17.8 ft.                 5.4 m
                                                                                           to Big Ben. This emphasizes the
  34,000 yrs      Neanderthals go extinct      3 ft.                    92 cm
                                                                                           difference between the view of cre-
  6,000 yrs       Biblical age of Earth        6.4 in.                  16.3 cm
                                                                                           ationists and science. The time of
  2,000 yrs       Christ                       2.1 in.                  5.4 cm
                                                                                           Christ occurs about 2 in. (5.4 cm)
  18 yrs          Student age                  1/50th of an inch        0.5 mm
                                                                                           from the line. I end with the student
 Note: BYA = billion years ago; MYA = million years ago; yrs = years.                      life span being about 1/50th of an
                                                                                           inch (0.5 mm) from the line and re-

                                                                                                          Vol. 40, No. 5, 2011     25
mind them to think about that when       landmarks to correctly perceive dis-   did show that we tend to use physi-
     driving at 70 mph on the highway         tances. At least one study on scale    cal movement and anchor points to
     to London for 30 minutes through         perception and teaching omitted        understand scale (Jones and Taylor
     the prokaryotic world between Bas-       this evolutionary explanation but      2009). Thus, using local geographi-
     ingstoke and the M25.
        The presentation length and level     FIGURE 2
     can be varied depending on the
     amount of detail the instructor           Three screen captures of the example timeline at various scales.
     wishes to cover. I have used this as
     a 10- to 25-minute section of larger
     lectures on evolution and have re-
     ceived outstanding feedback in com-
     ments from students and older adult
     public groups.

     There are very good reasons as to
     why this geographic analogy has
     proven so popular and effective.
     First and foremost, it avoids the pit-
     fall of trading off the incomprehen-
     sibly large for the incomprehensibly
     small. By shortening geologic time
     too much, we lose the perspective
     of real experienced time by over
     compressing recent time. Getting it
     right requires aligning the length of
     time students can understand with
     a distance that students can reason-
     ably see and experience. The result
     is a seamless linear scale from in-
     side the room, to campus, through
     to the highway distances. This is
     not achievable in any other timeline
     analogy scale. Hence, this scale may
     be the only fit-for-purpose timeline
     scale for teaching both relative and
     absolute deep time.
        The second reason the Google
     Earth analogy works is because
     humans are evolutionarily adapted
     to think in terms of geography. We
     are descended from hunter-gatherers
     and tend to have very good geo-
     graphical awareness. Indeed, some
     memory competitors take advan-
     tage of this trait by using a spatial
     map (the journey method) to help
     remember playing card orders dur-
     ing competitive recall competitions
     (O’Brien 1993). Cars and trains
     have altered our perception of our
     modern territory and foraging areas,
     but we are still adapted to using

26   Journal of College Science Teaching
Using Google Earth to Teach the Magnitude of Deep Time

cal landmarks takes advantage of              • Really put the timescale into             themselves is an obvious extension
this natural innate predisposition              perspective, was enjoyable and I          of this method that is likely to im-
to achieve the learning objectives.             was amazed.                               prove student understanding of this
This can also be highlighted in the                                                       essential concept. n
introduction of the analogy if the                The first time that I used this time-
topic is evolution.                           line based on Google Earth, a specific      References
    Finally, by choosing a well-traveled      question was included in the end of         Catley, K.M., and L.R. Novick. 2009.
route and relating the events to lo-          the course survey asking students to           Digging deep: Exploring college
cal landmarks, students can review            score this particular lecture on a scale       students’ knowledge of macroevo-
and reexperience the analogy over             of 1 to 5 (very poor to very good). It         lutionary time. Journal of Re-
and over throughout their time at             was scored at 4.5 with 59% giving              search in Science Teaching 46 (3):
university and beyond. This allows            the presentation a very good rating            311–332.
for constant reinforcement of the             (61 students responding). I have            Cotner, S., D.C. Brooks, and R.
exercise. Walking to class or going           only received one negative comment             Moore. 2010. Is the age of the
home for break literally turns into a         suggesting that I “was making fun              earth one of our “sorest troubles?”
study exercise.                               of creationists” and was “too hard             Students’ perceptions about deep
    The customization of the analogy          on them” during a discussion of                time affect their acceptance of
means that it can be used across cul-         the Biblical age of the Earth. Since           evolutionary theory. Evolution 64
tures and continents. The example is          then, I am very careful to emphasize           (3): 858–864.
given in southern England, but I can          that creationists find science just as      Hillis, D.M. 2007. Making evolution
imagine that an upper limit of 100 to         outlandish to suggest that the world’s         relevant and exciting to biology stu-
even 500 mi. might be used in parts           age maps to 75 mi. away from the               dents. Evolution 61 (6): 1261–1264.
of the United States and possibly even        line instead of 6 in. The Biblical          Jones, M.G., and A.R. Taylor. 2009. De-
500 to 1,000 mi. in Canada. In contrast,      creation date and the contrast with            veloping a sense of scale: Looking
train-travel distances might be a more        the distance to the chosen landmark            backward. Journal of Research in
appropriate standard for India and            is a particularly important point to           Science Teaching 46 (4): 460–475.
European nations. Truly meaningful            make as the scale problem has been          Jones, M.G., T. Tretter, A. Taylor, and
cultural and geographic- specific             identified as one of the great prob-           T. Oppewal. 2008. Experienced and
analogies can be constructed anywhere         lems with convincing students of the           novice teachers’ concepts of spatial
that is covered by Google Earth and           validity of evolution (Hillis 2007;            scale. International Journal of Sci-
where students are likely to have trav-       Cotner, Brooks, and Moore 2010).               ence Education 30 (3): 409–429.
eled more than 75 mi. (120 km).               On such a timeline, the diversity of        O’Brien, D. 1993. How to develop the
    It is important to note that percep-      life simply could not have evolved             perfect memory. Cambridge, MA:
tion of deep time is a conceptual form        within the times corresponding to              Pavilion Books.
of learning (Sinatra, Brem, and Evans         inside the lecture hall. Evolution can      Sinatra, G., S. Brem, and E. Evans.
2008). Meeting the learning objective         only be intellectually accepted with a         2008. Changing minds? Implica-
of understanding deep time is not             time scale extending nearly 100 mi.            tions of conceptual change for
really quantifiable, but a matter of a        outside the lecture hall.                      teaching and learning about biolog-
Gestalt perception or feeling. Indeed,            The concept of the great magni-            ical evolution. Evolution: Educa-
the first time I felt like I truly appreci-   tude of geologic time is an absolutely         tion and Outreach 1 (2): 189–195.
ated deep time was when constructing          critical component to understanding         Tretter, T.R., M.G. Jones, T. An-
this timeline. The feedback from this         how Darwin’s theory can explain the            dre, A. Negishi, and J. Minogue.
analogy indicates that this objective         origin of species. The magnitude can           2006. Conceptual boundaries and
is being met with many students and           be grasped by analogy, but only if the         distances: Students’ and experts’
members of the public telling me they         analogy is on a human experience-              concepts of the scale of scientific
were “blown away” or indicating that          able scale. Teachers of evolution              phenomena. Journal of Research in
this was the first time they really got       should therefore opt for such scales           Science Teaching 43 (3): 282–319.
the magnitude of time. Other com-             when using analogies of deep time
ments received from course evalua-            (fractions of inches to hundreds of
tions include the following:                  miles). As a lecturer, I found using        Joel D. Parker (
                                              Google Earth to make the slides a           is a lecturer in biology in the School of
• Particularly liked the last lecture         revelation for my own understand-           Biological Science at the University of
  with the visualisation of the time-         ing of the magnitude of deep time.          Southampton, Highfield Campus, in the
  line it made it a lot clearer to me.        Having students make such timelines         United Kingdom.

                                                                                                          Vol. 40, No. 5, 2011        27
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