User Involvement, Social Media, and Service Evolution: The Case of Habbo
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Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 User Involvement, Social Media, and Service Evolution: The Case of Habbo Mikael Johnson National Consumer Research Centre Abstract the service, and after the research project the author Understanding user needs and involving users are has informally followed the case. key success factors for service development. However, In this article, the focus is not on the minute details it is unclear how to apply old wisdoms from traditional of a particular user involvement method, but more on a product development settings in a social media context. strategic level. During ten years, Sulake developers This article analyses user involvement practices in a have explored various user involvement methods longitudinal case study of the virtual world and social ranging from informal observation, focus groups, networking service called Habbo. The focus is on how market surveys, and new social media possibilities. particular social media aspects, such as persistent The aim of the case study was to answer the question user-created content and developers’ easy access to of what practices social media developers have online user action, shaped user involvement and how it regarding user involvement. In this article, we focus on evolved over time. In line with previous research, the two aspects in more detail. First, how the social media findings indicate that user involvement becomes more context influences the possibilities for user involve- formal as the user community grows and the service- ment, considering especially persistent content created market combination matures. In addition, user involve- by users and developers’ easy access to online user ment regarding social media appears to be an issue of action. Second, how user involvement practices change timing, trans-nationality, and governance. The results as the service evolves, with particular interest in the suggest that the usability practitioner’s ‘toolbox’ needs tuning regarding social media. increased complexity, signified by the increasing numbers of both users and developers. 1. Introduction 2. User Involvement Approaches Involving users in service development is a key There are many arguments for user involvement: strategy to build better services and democratize the reducing risks of failure in technological innovations innovation process [1-3]. While there are mixed results [1], democratizing the innovation process [2], building on the cost-effectiveness of user involvement [4], there better products, etc. Despite a consensus that under- is an abundance of methods available to bridge the gap standing user needs is a key factor in commercial between developers and users [5-9]. Many user success [3], this is not easily translated into action in a involvement methods have been created and applied in particular innovation context. There is an abundance of contexts like commercial development for offices, methods to solve the ‘sticky information’ problem: government health care, but few consider the emerging information about users’ needs and developers’ capabi- social media. Is the standard textbook advice ‘study lities is highly contextual, tacit and difficult to transfer first, design second’ applicable in social media [2]. However, which user involvement approach is development, or is it the other way around [10]? applicable in which particular design situation is still This article gives an overview of user involvement an open question. practices from a longitudinal case study: the virtual In the same way as using a particular research world and social networking service called Habbo that method implies a particular role for a researcher, any was launched in 2000. The Habbo producer, Sulake user involvement approach imply a particular user- Corporation, was involved in a research project in developer relationship. A researcher can be anything 2003-2006, during which the author followed the user between a detached and uninvolved observer to a fully involvement approaches used. In retrospective inter- engaged participant in a group or organisation under views developers shed light on the first few years of investigation. Developers’ information about users 978-0-7695-3869-3/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 1
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 Table 1: Pros and cons of user involvement methods [12]. Approach to Pros Cons learning about end-users Surveys and Systematic approach to data collection May not always feed into programme design interviews Surveys provide the possibility to poll Surveys may be designed to confirm existing representative samples preconceptions, may fail to bring up new insights Conducting good research may be expensive and require specialized skills Prior research, Sound theoretical base can guide observations Strong commitment to prior findings or theories may particular theoretical and help to make sense of energy-related lead to overlooking contextual particularities perspectives behaviour Overly theoretical background can lead to complex and confusing designs Experience from prior Sound experience creates confidence and ‘Competence trap’: overconfidence and failure to projects and similar practical skills/solutions that are difficult to learn new skills in new contexts examples codify User-driven project End-users know about their needs and End-users may not be fully aware of their behaviour (or pilot project) circumstances and can contribute to context- and all the factors underlying it tailored and user-friendly designs ‘Upscaling’ from small user-driven pilots to broader End-users are motivated and engaged from the group of end-users can be difficult start, thus ‘less work’ is left for the programme manager. Familiarity and Informal interactions allow for a rich exchange It can take a lot of time and commitment to build up informal interaction of information (including non-verbal the level of familiarity needed to execute a with the target group communication) successful programme Familiarity creates trust and mutual confidence Contacts may be biased: some end-users are more familiar than others. originates in similar relations: statistics of user standing of the culture and practices of users [12-14]. practices can easily be detached from a particular However, while the initiatives recognise the complex- situation, aggregated and analysed from a distance, ity and diversity of user settings, they seem to have had where as participant observation of situated use implies modest influence over system design overall [15]. that actual developers and users meet. In the tradition Stewart & Williams [16] warn against a pitfall they call of designing for usability, developers refer to these the design fallacy: the assumption that from the diver- situations as usability evaluation with or without users, sity of user needs follows that extensive knowledge and methods have emerged that are tuned to diverse about user contexts must be built in the product. In design situations [11,5,6]. Table 1 lists pros and cons contrast, they report that generic products that can be of particular approaches to user involvement, taken customised and configured seem to have had more from experiences in energy demand-side programmes. impact on system design than user-centred design [15]. User involvement methods for established markets There is no consensus on why potential initiatives differ from the methods that are developed for new such as user-centred design have had little impact. markets. Leonard-Barton [3] found that traditional Recent debates suggest that standard methods such as market research methods (latent needs analysis, lead ethnographic field studies or usability evaluations can users, surveys, focus groups, mall studies) fit well with do more harm than good if not applied carefully an established market and a high maturity of [17,18]. This reflective debate can be interpreted as a technology design. For new markets, more used were sign of maturity in the human-computer interaction methods like market experimentation, future scenarios, field as it highlights specific problems that must be and trends exploration. In the grey area between these addressed when mixing particular research disciplines typical situations, Leonard-Burton argued for less with product development. Another suggestion is that traditional market research methods under the rubric of the boundary conditions of product development empathic design: studying actual observed customer projects have not been addressed thoroughly. Svanæs behaviour, direct interaction between developers and and Gulliksen [19] suggest that the design context users, and considering existing technological capabi- needs greater attention, that is, the internal structure of lities. the developer and the client organizations, contractual Empathic, participatory, and other user-centred and tender issues, software engineering tools, and design approaches emerged because user requirements stakeholder agendas and relations. engineering techniques at the time lacked an under- 2
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 2.1. Social Media the time of writing, there are Habbo hotels in more than thirty countries, and 13 million players visit New online web services often referred to as digital Habbo each month [23]. Instead of an entrance or a media, web 2.0, and social media have changed the monthly fee, the profit model is based on micro- possibilities for user involvement. On the one hand, payments in the hotel. Virtual furniture, mini-games, people discuss particular products and brands in online and membership in the Habbo club are bought with discussion forums and communities. Product deve- Habbo credits. These credits can be purchased lopers can more or less openly visit these forums to get (depending on the country) with pre-paid cards, bank customer feedback. On the other hand, when people transactions, credit cards, or special text messages that use web 2.0 services, they leave an electronic trail. add a specified amount of money to the customer’s What people click on, what they search for, what they mobile phone bill. select, and how they navigate on a web site can all be The social interaction in Habbo is truly diverse. In collected and aggregated. Service developers can use the design of Habbo, clear winning conditions and this log statistics to fine-tune the service. Furthermore, gameplay rules have been avoided, and instead, players in some services it is customary for users to openly are encouraged to create their own objectives beyond share their preferences, bookmarks, opinions, and other chatting, room decoration, and meeting friends. The content with other users. This participative web and provided environment for these activities is a hotel user-created content [20] sometimes plays a major role consisting of public and private rooms, where the in the service and can also be used by service virtual hotel visitors, called Habbos, chat, buy virtual developers as inspiration for new features. furniture, decorate rooms, and arrange social and game Social media is clearly not only win-win situations, events. Most of the teenage players log on after school, since many discussions on privacy, advertising, and according to Sulake, the developer company, on intellectual property rights, and other conflicts between average they spend around forty-five minutes per day commercial actors and consumers have emerged. in the hotel or on its related discussion forums. Lehmuskallio et al. [21] observed that these discus- sions relate to communicational changes in access to, 3.1. Data and Method scale, distribution, and persistence of computer- mediated communication. For instance, web 2.0 The Habbo producers, Sulake, was established in business models and privacy are often difficult to 2000 and focuses on virtual worlds and social network- combine, as private information can be used to target ing. Sulake’s strategy is to be a leader in community ads, be aggregated and sold to third parties, as well as based entertainment with a portfolio of properties get into unexpected hands when big commercial addressing a wide range of target audiences. During players buy web 2.0 start-up companies. 2003-2006, Sulake, together with ten other commercial As social media change user-producer relation- actors of the Finnish gaming industry, participated in a ships, new research questions related to user involve- research project coordinated by the Helsinki Institute ment emerge. Do the short release cycles frequently of Information Technology [24]. This research context associated with social media – the infamous ’forever made different design research studies and collabo- beta’ approach – give more or less room for user ration with Sulake’s product development possible. feedback? How do social media developers apply user The focus of the Habbo study was user involvement involvement methods as the service evolves over time? strategies in the design and management of social In a discussion of community building, Kim [22] media. Since its launch, the user communities have suggests that many online communities start with the participated actively in the shaping of Habbo [25,26]. developers as central figures in the community, but as Some as active playmakers [27] and others as equally the community grows, the developers’ roles and important participants and audience. influence decrease. Is such a change in the developer- The author had the opportunity to conduct both user relationship reflected in the use of user quantitative and qualitative research to understand the involvement methods? Finnish Habbo communities. The project started with participant observation in Habbo, pilot interviews, a 3. Case Habbo community manager survey (N=4), as well as an explorative survey (June 2004) on the visitor profiles Habbo is a virtual environment where children and (N=10000) as Sulake’s first global youth survey was teenagers meet, socialize, and play many types of published two years later. The author participated in games. It was first launched in August 2000 in Finland Habbo, explored the features and their affordances, as Hotelli Kultakala (‘Hotel Goldfish’) and it was analysed default values and users’ degrees of freedom based on the developers’ two earlier online services. At as a routine when new features were launched. The 3
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 visits to Habbo occurred on the average about twice The data analysis has proceeded in multiple waves per month throughout the first three years of research, over the years, including quantitative and qualitative and a visit every second month from 2007 onwards. clustering of Habbo user profiles [29], coding and Fansites became an important source of knowledge examining interviews with regard to participation and about the user communities. In 2004, Finnish Habbo development histories in Habbo, analysis of fansite fansites were analyzed in detail [28]. Whereas the contents and developer views to them [25,28], and survey findings provided background statistics, the here, constructing the changes in Habbo user-developer fansites and forum discussions allowed an insight into relations over time. active user groups, popular activities, and hotel history. Since its very beginning Habbo fans have kept several 3.2. Habbo Service Evolution sites devoted to documenting changes in the hotel, for instance in kinds and appearance of furniture, charac- Like many other digital startups, Habbo is a ters, mini-games, and bugs. moving target for many reasons. In 2003 there were In 2005, the author conducted ten thematic 2-3 hour four hotels and 1 million users, but at the time of interviews with ten Habbo developers, or about two writing, these numbers are more than tenfold. The thirds of the game development organization at the producer company has grown from a small group to a time. Six of the interviewed developers (graphical 300 people corporation, with local offices in many designers, and client and server developers) had been hotel countries. To aid the analysis process, a division in the organization since the beginnings, five years of Habbo service evolution into four stages will be earlier, while four developers had about one year of outlined below. Habbo experience. This was followed by 2-3 hour Habbo was based on two previous launches, individual, pair, and group interviews with 11-16 years Mobiles Disco (Oct 1999) and a snowball game called old users (N=6), and 30+ users (N=6) to focus on their Lumisota (Feb 2000). Mobiles Disco provided the participation histories, motivations, meanings they give basic hotel infrastructure in the pixelated retrostyle, to Habbo, and groups they participate in. whereas Lumisota featured payments through mobile Habbo has also been a topic of collaboration phone messages, which at the time was a practical between the author and other Habbo researchers. A solution for the Finnish market. Starting with the first Sulake employee’s master’s thesis on communication international step to UK, other payment systems were and action in Habbo provided important secondary implemented to suit markets with less wide use of sources to Habbo data, as did several youth work mobile phones among teens. Phone call systems, youth studies1. Usability research students at Helsinki cash cards made of paper, check systems came first, University of Technology also provided secondary but soon followed payment by credit cards, Paypal, and data, as part of to their efforts on both a usability test bank transfers. on new 10-12 year old Habbo users (N=8) in 2004, and With the UK hotel also followed the teen invasion a software engineering project in 2004-2005 to develop of Habbo [30]. Habbo was not designed for teens at a fansite starter kit for active Habbo users. first and the large number of teen visitors also meant a After these activities, the author had the large number of concerned parents. To keep all this opportunity to take part in an intervention study with together, the community management received a lot of Sulake. For release 9 of Habbo in 2006, a set of user attention. A set of guidelines for good behaviour was feedback methods were explored with different established, called Habbo Way, and tools for governing stakeholders inside Sulake. This included confidential it were developed. data sets: database statistics and surveys from two During 2002-2003 Sulake developed its business, countries on the use of a new feature. In addition to the hotel and the community simultaneously. Strategic these research activities, Sulake representants partnerships were made and brands like Mountain Dew participated in project partner seminars arranged every and Britney Spears entered Habbo. Later these brands 6 months, two workshops on virtual economy, and have disappeared as Sulake tried another approach with many project meetings arranged by the research Coca-Cola and Warner Cinema. The brands got project. These meetings made informal discussions and customised versions of the technical game engine a continuous dialogue with Sulake possible. behind Habbo, which helped fund the development of Taken together these bodies of data provide an the hotel. The hotel’s technical architecture was excellent view to the varying forms of dialogue stabilized and security improvements were made to between the users and developers of this virtual world. package the hotel into a product that could be more easily rolled out in new countries. 1 These are only available in Finnish, but noted here for further During 2004-2005 around ten new hotels and local inquiries: Pietiläinen 2004, Sihvola 2005, Koskinen 2006, Merikivi 2007. offices were established in different parts of the world. 4
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 Habbo actively wanted to become the largest teen avatars and their descriptions reveal what kind of brand in the world. The English-speaking UK hotel Habbo crowd is present. By studying the arrangement was split into separate hotels for the US, Canada, and of Habbo furniture and guidelines written on virtual Australia. Also game development recruited more post-it notes, the developer learns about how particular developers in 2004, and new features were packaged pieces of furniture are used in specific user activities. into simultaneous releases in all hotel countries. Developers as users. In the early stages of concept Sometimes during 2006 and 2007, the strategies development and beta testing, the developers were changed again as Sulake entered the social networking developing the service for themselves, their friends and market. Not only did Habbo get new social networking their new media colleagues. The first prototype was a features, but Sulake acquired IRC-Galleria, the most hobby project for a friend’s band. The original group popular social networking service in Finland. As IRC- of developers started out as insiders in the user Galleria users were a little bit older, average age community, but as the service become more popular, around 20, the strategy to concentrate on teens was other insider groups started to form. After a while, the opened up to a variety of age groups. developers became more distanced to the user Based on this information, the author has grouped community as it became more difficult for them to the service evolution into four stages. spend time in Habbo. Each time a Habbo developer’s avatar was online, it did not take long before Habbo Table 2. Habbo Service Evolution Stages newcomers gathered around and wanted to become Habbo friends, or even asked for freebies. Habbo Concept Beta Expansion Complexity developers soon invented their own tactics to partici- Development Testing Management pate in cognito: they created new avatars, whose real 1999-2000 2001-2003 2004-2005 2006- identity they only told trusted friends. Informal evaluations. Various informal evaluation Concept Design refers to the first prototypes in practices guided the design early on. In interviews, the 1999 and 2000: Mobiles Disco, Lumisota, and Hotelli developers talked about slogans such as ”easy access, Kultakala, while Beta Testing refers to the time period easy play” and ”where else”. A developer described the between 2001-2003, when much of the basic latter one as ”We won’t make obvious choices, but functionality was completed. Expansion refers to 2004- rather something personal that gives the Habbo world 2005 when the product was packaged so that it made a something odd and own, which creates an own roll out possible in more than 10 new countries during persona.” (Interview 19 Apr 2005). The “easy access, one year. Complexity Management refers to 2006 and easy play” slogan was not only a slogan, but among the onwards when the product was extended to a social developers it also had a visual form called the Habbo networking service. Ladder that showed the first steps a new user takes. The Habbo Ladder was made to contrast Habbo 4. Habbo User Involvement Methods with the comparably higher threshold to start playing massively multiplayer online games at the time. The The user involvement methods reported here idea was that during the first few minutes that anyone attempts to be an overview of the methods used by is willing to spend on a new web service, one should Sulake from 1999 to 2009. The criteria for what counts be able to login and create an avatar easily, learn the as a method is a more or less organized practice where basic navigation, and have a chat with someone else. developers learn about the users, which then shapes the Each step on the ladder makes more reasons to return service. The user involvement methods are organized to the service, as a developer explained: according to the service evolution stages. ”Especially if one gets the first friend on the list of friends, then that it is a reason to return, that you have 4.1. Concept Development really got to know someone with whom you might have had an interesting discussion or of whom an Avatar activities. Avatar activities refer to what interesting image has been conveyed. Then further on, users do online in the service. Developers have easy when you have your own room, well that is of course a access to users in the sense that the developers can log real investment, even the notion that you have on to Habbo and check what is going on. In the same something own going on there, then that is already a way as users find out what happens where in the hotel, good reason to return, especially if you have decorated developers can also use the list of most popular rooms the room, really purchased something.” (Interview 19 or tags to find the trends. In the room, a developer can Apr 2005). choose to participate in the ongoing activity and take E-mail feedback. During the first year or so, note of which users are present. The names of the user developers received a lot of e-mail feedback by users, 5
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 who suggested changes and new features. This e-mail homepages, and some created totally Habbo-themed feedback became a handy storage for design inspiration websites. Being a Habbo journalist was one way of for the developers, who used to return to it later and becoming famous, besides participating in various and browse for good ideas. As the user community grew in creating own online Habbo activities. Some fansites size, this direct e-mail feedback became impractical as featured discussion forums, which also were an the number of e-mails became too large. Users not only important source for developer inspiration [25,28]. sent feature suggestions per e-mail, but all kinds of Official Web Fanzine. For two years, Sulake support requests, which then as the organisation grew, published their own official Hotel Magazine in Finland became the responsibility of a small but growing (, but due to limited number of volunteer community moderators and resources they closed it down. It started out with customer service officers. writings from Habbo developers, and interviews with Volunteers. Already before Habbo, in Mobiles Habbo users, but soon enough some Habbo users Disco, there was a need to keep the shared meeting featured as guest authors. In 2004 Sulake launched places in order, in case a user did not follow the shared local competitions in each country to give a few conventions of appropriate online interaction — the elected large fansites the status of being official Habbo netiquette. Trusted friends of the developers or other fansites. While these fansites complemented Sulake’s insider users received special powers, for instance to community management, they also helped Sulake in remove (kick) a disturbing user avatar from a room, regulating sites that were out to scam the users. and the responsibility to keep the online place neat. Summer Meetings. With the responsibility for These volunteers followed along from the first proto- teenagers online, Sulake had to develop a policy that types to Hotelli Kultakala and Habbo. Later it became discouraged sharing of contact information online and possible to apply to become a volunteer, so called meetings in person. To support this policy, Sulake Hobba. However handy early on, and applicable in arranged summer meetings where users could meet many hotel countries, this arrangement involved more each other in person, as part of an organised event. In than 1500 volunteers during the expansion phase in the first meetings in Helsinki active users and 2005. Sulake changed the volunteering practice in volunteers got to meet the community manager and a 2005, as the special powers were given to paid few developers. Later on these meetings have been moderators only, and the notion of volunteer arranged by active users, without much involvement of moderators transformed into volunteer guides, who developers. could guide online newcomers. Sales Statistics. In contrast to other Habbo stake- holders, developers have an additional perspective to 4.2. Beta Testing the online activities in Habbo. They have a back-end service that keeps track of what pieces of furniture Volunteer forum. To share experiences and mode- have been sold and how many in which hotel. This ration policies, the volunteers created an online forum means that developers can compare Habbo features on for themselves. Along with the internationalisation and the basis of their economical behaviour, not only based more organised volunteer management, Sulake started on functional or aesthetic properties. Even though the hosting a local volunteer forum per hotel country. The use of Habbo is anonymous, the registration process volunteers soon got an important role as mediators of asks users to fill in age and gender, which can then be user opinions: the developers knew that as the connected to sales statistics on an aggregated level. volunteers spent the most time in the hotel, they were Customer service. The need for dedicated custo- always the first to know about the current user mer service emerged as the user communities grew and concerns, wishes and emergent activities. the developers could not find time to handle all support Weekly newsletter and polls. In an attempt to requests. Each hotel country got their own country organise user feedback and create a rhythm of new office, where a local manager managed the volunteer content, the hotel community management started moderators and customer service officers sorted out creating weekly polls and newsletters. The newsletter user requests. contained information about new features and events organised by the hotel manager (a Sulake employee). 4.3. Expansion With the newsletter was usually a gallup poll or a competition that the users could participate in. These Market survey. With the international expansion weekly polls were important to gather immediate user emerged a need to know whether the user communities feedback regarding new features. were similar or different in different hotel countries. Fansites. Right from the start, Habbo users started An outsourced market survey in 2004 generated writing about and debating Habbo on their own customer segments and their regional distribution. The 6
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 named customer segments and their demographics pilot country acted as beta-testers and could comment were important in the communication about Habbo. on the features in the release before they were Even though demographics seemed less important than finalized. The process of selecting the pilot country has user practices from a game development perspective, changed several times. In 2005, countries with a customer demographics played an important role in relatively small number of users acted as pilot business negotiations, regarding advertisement for countries. However, translation and language become instance. an issue, which is why piloting returned to Finland Focus groups. To prepare for the rapid inter- sometimes around 2007. However, at the time of national expansion that happened during 2004-2005, writing, UK is the pilot country. focus groups were conducted. The applicability of Habbo pixel style graphics and use of colours was eva- 4.4. Complexity Management luated for the Asian market. In addition to traditional market research focus groups, two variants of the focus Online user panel. In an effort to gather systematic group method from different research traditions were feedback before the implementation of new features, used, usability evaluation and playability testing. Sulake recruited 200 volunteers in one country to form Usability evaluation with users is more like a an online panel. The online panel was given a weekly controlled lab experiment in psychology, where users task consisting of a set of questions regarding design try out the software with the help of scenarios and sketches and an opportunity to share opinions evaluators measure issues like usefulness, ease-of-use, regarding the sketches in a forum. The online panel learnability, and memorability [31]. was popular among developers, who queued to be the Usability Evaluation. The first formal usability one who got to get design-time feedback from the evaluation in the fall of 2004 was targeted at checking users. the usability of service registration and those services Global youth survey. As both the users and in Habbo that were subject to a fee, from the viewpoint competitors change, in 2006 it was again time for a of 10-14 year olds. The evaluation was outsourced and new market survey (GHYS’06). This time the conducted by usability students at the local university customer segmentation resulted in certain Habbo of technology (TKK). After the first usability evalua- lifestyles: achievers, creatives, loners, rebels, and tion, Sulake established an in-house usability process traditionals. The report featured extensive country- through a pilot project. The pilot project was related to specific information on teenagers’ favourite brands and a product extension for the mobile phone market, and media usage patterns. was influenced by usability standards in the field, such User, group homepages, tags. In early 2007, as the J2ME guidelines made by Idean Research [32]. Sulake launched social networking features in Habbo Playability testing. While the usability evaluation as every Habbo avatar got an automatic and method was appropriate for features such as login, cha- customisable Habbo homepage. It was also possible to racter creation, furniture purchases, usability methods form Habbo groups, which meant a logo, a group in general are not tuned to assess playability. For these homepage and a discussion forum. In addition, users reasons, Sulake’s R&D lab used playability testing could ”tag” their avatars, which meant that users could methods developed at Tampere University’s Hyper- attach a set of clickable one-word descriptors to their media Lab [33] to assess various playability aspects, avatar. When a user clicks on a tag, the service such as gameplay, game mechanics, appearance, generates a dynamic index of all the users and groups sound, and social playability. with that particular tag. CRM system. As some hotel communities grew User experience testing. Following current larger, pressure emerged for customer service to research terminology, in 2008 Sulake talked about user automate their responses. For instance, in a country experience testing in addition to usability or playability with several hundreds of thousands of users, a new testing. While the usability testing has evolved from a feature might spawn several thousands of inquiries per more stand-alone practice, to a tight integration with day. In 2005, a new customer relationship management agile software development, Sulake conducts user system was introduced. It featured a set of standard experience evaluations with both new and old users, questions and responses, which reportedly reduced internally called ”live tests”, in one country for every inquiries with 90 percent. major release, which makes about once a year Release pilots. As the organic beta testing phase (Personal communication with User and Market changed into a more controlled release management Insight Director, 26 Nov 2008). process, Sulake started piloting the release for one Personas. As part of further developing user- month in one hotel country, before diffusing the release centred design processes, during Spring of 2009, to other hotel countries. This means that users in the Sulake applied the Persona method. Six user 7
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 Table 3. Overview of Habbo user involvement methods. Concept Development Beta Testing Expansion Complexity Management Avatar activities Volunteer Forum Market survey Online user panel Developers as users Weekly newsletter and polls Focus groups Global youth survey Informal evaluations Fansites Usability evaluation User and Group homepages, tags E-mail feedback Official Web Fanzine Playability testing User Experience Testing Volunteers Summer meetings CRM system Personas Sales statistics Release pilots Customer service archetypes have been constructed from data to knowledge, which was provided by the use of more represent the users. The idea is that developers have an formal methods. updated reference to the goals and needs of Habbo So far the results from this case study is much in users at hand, which can inform design solutions and line with previous research. However, the user evaluations. (Personal communication with User and involvement practices in this case study stands in Market Insight Specialist, 2 Jun 2009). contrast with the strategy of developing a method and then using it in the same repeatable way over and over. 5. Discussion In this case it has been evident that the history of method usage shapes the succeeding use of methods. For instance, as the service as a whole had been 5.1. User Involvement and Service Evolution usability evaluated, the usability specialists at Sulake found no sense in repeating the same evaluation again. Based on the Habbo case it seems evident that very Usability evaluations turned towards smaller details of few service characteristics relevant to user involvement the service after the overall evaluation. The same methods remain invariant over time. Some charac- finding was found in the market survey practices. After teristics remained stable: the service concept and the the first overall customer segmentation, the following profit model (after small experiments during the first surveys could fine-tune specific issues that remained few years), the technical access to online user open in the previous surveys. This practice can be activities, as well as the service domain and (life-) interpreted as a sensible ongoing tailoring of methods criticality of the interface. However, a lot has changed that becomes necessary when dealing with as complex over ten years: at least the number of users, the number and changing phenomena as in this case. of developers and resources available, the amount of money involved, competition on the market, the stage of design, the skills and experience of the developers. 5.2. User Involvement and Social Media As the maturity of the market changed, so did the relationship between developers and users, much like It seems that the developers have benefited from in previous research by Leonard-Barton [3] and Kim particular user involvement opportunities related to [22]. In the Habbo case, like with most social media social media. User created fansites have been an applications, the developers started developing the important source for developer inspiration, and the service for themselves and their friends. While starting online user panel is an interesting way of making out as insiders in the user community, with commercial prolonged contact with a particular user group, which success, the developers inevitably end up as excluded complemented both the more informal feedback that from the user community, if for no other reason, just developers get in the service itself and the more formal by the sheer number of users and their practices. surveys. The social networking features – user and The first usability study and succeeding studies group homepages as well as tagging – provided Habbo marked two changes in user-developer relations. First, users with new possibilities to express themselves as the number of users increased, the margins for errors within the service and find other interesting users and in the service were decreased, thus more formal groups. On the other hand, these social networking methods were valued. Second, developers’ gut feeling, features made it easier for Sulake to get an overview of that is, undocumented previous development expe- group activities in Habbo as well as search and rience and participation in the user community, carried aggregate data on users. less weight, as not everyone in the growing company Let us return to one question posed in the begin- could be involved in the user communities. Business ning. What happens with user feedback in a “forever and development decisions needed more documented beta” approach, is there more or less room for it compared to traditional product development? 8
Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2010 In the Habbo case, it seems that user feedback can 6. Conclusions shape the service most when the design space is open. How open the design space is, depends on what is In addition to the themes discussed in research going on in development. During concept development literature on user involvement, user involvement and early beta testing Habbo was fairly open for fea- regarding social media appears to be an issue of ture suggestions, but it did not take many months for timing, trans-nationality, and governance. It is a timing the developers to get more ideas than they could handle issue, because user feedback influences most the for the foreseeable future. Then the question was no features under development at a particular point in longer about getting good ideas, but rather about find- time. It is a question of trans-nationality, because user ing projects and funding to implement the ideas and feedback from different countries is influenced by both stabilize the service. And, until the service was stabi- language and market size. It is a question of lized and packaged enough for manageable duplication governance, because user feedback might also address in the expansion phase, the design space was fairly issues that are not considered open for discussion by closed. From a Finnish user point of view, the next the developers. window of opportunity to shape the service was Sulake’s user involvement practices reveal a bias in probably the implementation of the social networking common classifications of user involvement methods. features in early 2007, which again changed the rules Traditional formal methods and usability evaluations of the game. Then as the new features were tried out, are only one small part of the big picture regarding user feedback again helped fine-tune the service. learning about social media users. The 23 [!] different User feedback varies between Habbo hotel coun- modes of user involvement reported in this study tries. Like with any trans-national service, Habbo suggest that the usability practitioner’s ‘toolbox’ needs developers experience the dilemmas of language tuning regarding social media. regions and differently sized markets. On the one hand, This case also reveals how the nature of user one could argue that, because of Habbo’s Finnish involvement has changed with social media. Before origins, hotels with close linguistic ties to strong social media, ‘involving users’ has been a much more languages in Finland would shape the service most. explicit effort, as developers and researchers have had However, there are two factors counteracting this to go where the users are and ask permission to simple argument. First, language skills and effective observe and get feedback. While some ways of communication among Sulake employees can mediate involving social media users remain as indirect as remote user needs. Second, since some user needs are before, feedback from social media users is at the same readily communicated through sales statistics, the time genuinely direct. The very thing people do in and market size of a particular hotel country might be more return to the service for, can be interpreted as user significant than the language in that country. feedback. The users might not think that they are being In a broader perspective, ”what happens with user ‘involved’ or formally ‘invited’ – they will just not feedback in social media?” is also a question about return if the service does not meet their needs. governance, that is what users get to decide on and the However, previously it took longer before a decision form of their influence. Typically users have less by a user to stop using a product or service reached the influence on generic products and more influence on producers. customisable products. The impact of user feedback is This ‘direct feedback’ from social media users, in especially big if the users themselves take the initiative terms of frequent data points of user actions, has a to new development. In contrast, social media is not major consequence to user studies. The techniques usually developed as a contract between a developer commonly denoted as evaluation ‘with’ and ‘without’ and a client organisation, but rather on the initiative of users need to be supplemented with ‘evaluation with a handful of developers. Habbo users have had a big database access to users’. As both use and non-use is influence on early feature development and issues like logged in the server database, alarms can be set to community moderation (as volunteers), online discus- trigger if use practices change. These alarms can then sion about Habbo (as fansite authors), but have never be used as starting points for succeeding user studies to been invited to decide on pricing, advertisements, or explain the changes in use practices. How strange, or feature roadmapping. This is not to say that they perhaps disciplinary inconvenient, it may sound, the should be, it is just a fact that needs to be stated when experience from this case study suggests that outlining the Habbo user-developer relationship. E- acquisition and analysis of database logs should take democracy in Habbo has not yet reached the extent of place before embarking on either quantitative or the governance experiments in virtual worlds such as qualitative studies on social media use. EVE Online or A Tale in the Desert. 9
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