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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 870661 Deliverable 5.1 REPORT ON THE DEVELOPED INDICATORS FOR NOWCASTING MIGRATION STOCKS BY TWITTER Alina Sirbu, Laura Pollacci, Jisu Kim & Giulio Rossetti July 2021
Abstract Given the gaps and limitations of traditional data for migration research, social big data have been proposed to complement existing analyses. Amongst various types of social media data, user-generated content from Twitter is considered a valuable resource in migration studies. As recent works have shown, Twitter can indeed be used to study various migration-related problems such as estimating migration flows or studying language mobility. However, it is still unclear up to which extent these data can be useful. Here we investigate three different approaches to understand migrant stocks based on Twitter. We show that, although data can be reduced, some information can be extracted, and further analyses beyond stocks can be performed. At the same time, we show that in some situations Twitter data is limited and cannot bring a lot of information. In this case complementary data is required. This report constitutes Deliverable 5.1, for Work Package 5 of the HumMingBird project. July 2021 © 2021 – HumMingBird, Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective, – project number 870661. General contact: p.a. HumMingBird HIVA - Research Institute for Work and Society Parkstraat 47 box 5300, 3000 LEUVEN, Belgium For more information Please refer to this publication as follows: Sirbu, A., Pollacci, L., Kim J., & Rossetti, G. (2021). Report on the developed indicators for nowcasting stock migration by Twitter data (Deliverable 5.1). Leuven: HumMingBird project 870661 – H2020. Information may be quoted provided the source is stated accurately and clearly. This publication is also available via This publication is part of the HumMingBird project, this project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 870661. Copyright © HumMingBird Consortium, 2019 All rights reserved. No part of the report may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, and may not be quoted or cited, without prior permission in writing from the project coordinator. The views expressed during the execution of the HumMingBird project, in whatever form and or by whatever medium, are the sole responsibility of the authors. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
VERSION CONTROL SHEET Deliverable number + title D5.1 Report on the developed indicators for nowcasting stock migration by Twitter data Prepared by Alina Sirbu & Laura Pollacci 12 – UNIPI Work package number 5 Work package leader 12 - UNIPI Dissemination level (PU, CO) PU Delivery date 29/07/2021 Submission date to EC 30/07/2021 Main authors Alina Sirbu, Laura Pollacci, Jisu Kim, Giulio Rossetti Reviewers Carlos Arcila Calderon, Haodong Qi REVISION HISTORY Version Date Summary of changes Initials Changes marked 1 23/06/2021 Top-down nowcasting of stocks LP 2 25/07/2021 Bottom-up nowcasting, Border Rush analysis, AS Introduction, Discussion and Conclusions, Abstract 3 29/07/2021 Implemented suggestions from reviewers AS
Contents 1. Introduction 5 2. Top-down approach: Nowcasting using language and sentiment on Twitter content 6 2.1 Data 6 2.2 Superdiversity Index 6 2.3 Nowcasting immigration rates 9 3. Bottom-up approach: from Twitter users to the study of migration 13 3.1 Data 13 3.2 Labelling strategy 13 3.2.1 Assigning residence 13 3.2.2 Assigning nationality 14 3.3 Migrant integration 16 3.3.1 Overall distribution of DA and HA values 17 3.3.2 Language as a key factor for integration 19 3.3.3 Country specific results 19 3.4 Analysis of migrant and native communities 21 3.4.1 Language and country location of Tweets 21 3.4.2 Homophily of social links 23 4. Case study: border rush at the Turkish border 25 4.1 Data 25 4.2 Analysis 26 5. Discussion and conclusion 28 References 31 4
1. Introduction Measuring migration stocks and flows over time in various countries is crucial but challenging. Migration-related information has important implications for effective policy design and for under- standing broader population trends. Researchers and policymakers mostly rely on official statistics and administrative data. However, these data typically show numerous drawbacks, e.g., low time and space resolution (i.e. the measurements are not frequent in time and are usually aggregated at high level geographical regions), inconsistency between different countries (different reporting standards, different definitions, varying data quality and collection methods) and delays. This explains why the current availability of data from social media, like Twitter, has offered new opportunities to attempt to obtain more updated information and estimates and to improve and integrate traditional data sources (Sirbu et al., 2020). Social media datasets contain several types of user information, cover large population groups, even across multiple nations, and are often available cheaply and on time. Both traditional and novel data are currently employed to study different aspects of migration, such as the economic and cultural effects connected with migrants, monitoring flows, and estimating stocks. Among the various types of social big data, user-generated content from Twitter can be a valuable resource in migration studies. This has been proven by recent works using Twitter data to study various migration-related problems (Zagheni et al., 2014; Mazzoli et al., 2020; Lenormand et al., 2015; Moise et al., 2016; Valle et al., 2017). However, data collection, pre-processing and analysis is far from straightforward and can result in biased data that might influence the final results. Bias comes from various sources. One is related to sampling bias introduced by the way individuals use Twitter: there is a selection bias in the general Twitter population, but also when restricting the analysis to certain subsets of data, such as geolocalised Tweets. Moreover, data, being user generated content, may be very noisy, impeding their use in certain areas of research, or resulting in limited knowledge after cleaning. It may also contain misleading or fake information (e.g. users using a nickname, or declaring the wrong profile location). Furthermore, ethical and privacy issues need to be considered carefully, as biased results and publication of sensitive information might harm migrants. One research question of interest is whether Twitter data can be useful to understand migrant stocks. The hypothesis is that this type of data can provide better time and space resolution, and provide more timely information compared to official statistics. Here we investigate these aspects, through various types of analyses. A first analysis, that we define as top-down, employs features extracted from the text of tweets generated by a community to estimate migration stocks, using machine learning techniques. The second approach, bottom up, labels individual users with a nation- ality and residence, using a data driven model, and estimates stocks from resulting labels. The two approaches are complementary and will be discussed in detail in the following sections. A different type of analysis based on Twitter is the study of a restricted period of time and geographical area, to analyse a specific event. We will show preliminary results for the analysis of border rush at the Turkish border in March 2021. Here we employ language as the main feature that determines nationality of users. The report will end with a discussion of challenges, limitations and advantages that arose during our analyses, and what we believe are the benefits of employing this type of data for migration studies. 5
2. Top-down approach: Nowcasting using language and sentiment on Twitter content In this section we aim to introduce a nowcasting model for immigration rates. Our method is based on applying machine learning to features extracted from Twitter data at different geographical reso- lutions. The main feature that we employ is our recent index that measures cultural diversity, i.e. the Superdiversity Index - SI (Pollacci, 2019). In the following we describe the data employed in the analysis, we define and validate the SI, and we present the nowcasting method and results. The analy- sis concentrates on seven European countries: France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United King- dom, The Netherlands. 2.1 Data To perform our work, we leverage two different kinds of resources, i.e., a geolocalised Twitter dataset and the Data Challenge on Integration of Migrants in Cities (D4I) dataset. The Twitter dataset is a subset of Coletto et al. (2017) composed of more than 73,175,500 geolo- calised tweets gathered for 3 months, from 1 August to 31 October 2015. From these, we select only tweets originating in our target countries by leveraging the metadata field ‘coordinates’. Thus, we extract only tweets containing geographical coordinates, excluding those containing only the field ‘place’, since this has no reliable information on the origin of a tweet. For each target country, we select only tweets in the National Language, e.g., French for France. Afterwards, we assign tweets to a city. This is required to match the D4I data to our results. For each tweet we identify the origin place by using its coordinates and the Geopy Python library. If the origin city is attested in D4I we assign the related NUTS codes to the tweet (we look at NUTS1, NUTS2 and NUTS3 levels). Other- wise, we perform a dedicated rule-based pipeline described in Pollacci (2019). This step is often required since in D4I locations are at the city level, while several tweet origins are at the district or town level. Finally, tweets are processed following both a rule-based and a general-purpose Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipeline (Pollacci, 2019). To obtain only significant words from the sen- timent and meaning point of view, we use part-of-speech tagging and select nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Following this procedure, we obtain a clean geolocated dataset made up of 4,295,287 tweets from the 7 countries. The D4I dataset 1 contains the concentration of migrants in regions of most leading European countries, i.e., Italy, Portugal Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and Ireland, plus the United Kingdom. Migrants are counted based on three different levels of aggregation: by country, continent and EU versus non-EU. Since all migrant types cause diversity, we select both EU, and non-EU immigrant counts to obtain total immigration levels. 2.2 Superdiversity Index To measure the cultural diversity of a certain community we have recently introduced the Super- diversity Index (Pollacci, 2019). This is based on sentiment of words, and measures the distance between the sentiment valences of a set of words used by a community and the standard sentiment 1 6
valences. The SI is based on the hypothesis that groups of people with different cultural backgrounds associate emotional values to words differently. Therefore, a multi-cultural community will display a use of the local language that is different in its emotional content compared to a standard expected use. We use the algorithm of Pollacci et al. (2017) to calculate emotional valences for words used in tweets in the national language version grouped by countries at different spatial resolutions (from NUTS1 to NUTS3). We calculate the SI using the average Pearson correlation coefficient (r) over ten runs between the emotional valences from a standard tagged lexicon, i.e., ANEW (Bradley & Lang, 1999), and the calculated valences. We correlate the distance between the SI with immigration rate at different spatial resolutions. Figure 1 shows the scatter plots of SI and immigration rates for all the selected European countries. Ireland has very few NUTs regions, hence the number of points in the plot is reduced. Nevertheless, we show the results, mentioning however that the statistical measure computed on it do not have a large enough sample size. All plots show how at all NUTS levels (triangles, squares, and circles, respectively), the SI tends to allineate with the first diagonal, despite the presence of sparse points. Tables in the next section also include Pearson correlation values for SI versus Immigration rates, showing that in general correlation are very good. This indicates that the higher the immigration rates, the higher our SI values. Also, we observe that correlations are in general larger than for other pos- sible indices of cultural diversity extracted from the same data. 7
Figure 1. Scatter plot of SI and immigration by country* * The SI was generated using data from 2015 (August-October). The immigration rates come from the D4I dataset, based on the 2011 census. 8
2.3 Nowcasting immigration rates The results above indicate that there is a direct relation between the SI and immigration rates in European countries and regions. Therefore we hypothesised that the SI could form a good basis for a predictive model for immigration rates. For a better prediction performance, we extracted from the same Twitter data a set of five other indices of diversity: the total number of tweets in the region (nTweet), the number of tweets per capita (twPc), the number of distinct languages in the dataset (nLang), the entropy of the use of languages (langS, measuring how flat is the distribution of the number of tweets in the different languages: a low entropy means most Tweets are in one language only, a large entropy means there are many languages and Tweets are equally distributed across the various languages), and the Type/Token Ratio (TTR, Templin et al., 1957), which is a measure of language richness. Tables 1 (UK) and 2 (Italy) show the correlation between immigration rates and all six indices (including SI), at different space resolutions. The tables also show results for the null model for SI, achieved by reshuffling tweets across geographical regions, maintaining fixed the number of tweets in each region. At the county level (NUTS3) we selected the top 40/20 regions based on the number of tweets available in the dataset. The two tables show that the SI provides the most correlation with immigration rates in Italy and the UK, however other indices also provide some information. The Null model SI does not correlate to immigration rates, validating thus the SI. Table 1. Correlation between different measures of diversity extracted from Twitter and the immigration rates, at various geographical levels in the UK, excluding London and Northeast England (which were considered outliers) Source Pollacci (2019) Table 2. Correlation between different measures of diversity extracted from Twitter and the immigration rates, at various geographical levels in Italy On this basis, we extend our approach also to other European countries, i.e., Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Ireland. Table 3 shows the correlations between SI, different measures of diversity, 9
and the immigration rates by country, over all NUTS levels together. Again, the Superdiversity Index tends to reach the highest correlations, although in some cases, i.e., Germany and the Netherlands, other indices may also correlate with immigration rates. Table 3. Correlations between different measures of diversity and the immigration rates by country Our results suggest that the combined use of various measures of diversity, including the Superdiver- sity Index, could be a potential predictor for immigration stocks. Thus, the SI and other measures are fed into a machine learning pipeline to model the immigration rates. To obtain the best predictions, we test various regression algorithms, i.e., Linear Regression, Lasso, Ridge, Decision Tree Regression, Gaussian Support Vector Regression (SVR), and polynomial SVR. Moreover, to maximise the prediction we study features' impact and finally optimise the parameters through Grid Search. We apply regression algorithms by country and at the European- level, i.e., grouping all the tweets posted by all countries in the dataset at all NUTS levels. Each regression model uses the six measures of diversity as features, both in the original range and normalised in the range [0,1]. The regression evaluation is carried out through Leave One Out Cross Validation (LOOCV), and by considering the Pearson Correlation Coefficient r between actual and predicted immigration rates and root-mean-square error (root_mse). We observe that different algorithms achieve different results with respect to different countries, as well as normalisation of features. We finally select the Polynomial SVR on normalised features as the nowcasting model, since it produces the best results. Since our goal consists of an European model and an optimised model for individual countries, we further analyse how features could differently affect the performances of algorithms. We train models that only employ subsets of features, exploring all possible subsets that include the SI. Table 1. Feature selection for individual countries and Europe 10
As summarised in Table 4 results seem to confirm our hypothesis on the different impact of features across countries. For Europe and Italy, the model benefits from the combination of almost all indices. Conversely, all the other countries achieve the best performance with different combinations of three indices, except Spain, which has only two features (Superdiversity Index and the number of tweets per capita). It is important to mention that the impact here is only based on the accuracy of the model on test data, i.e. based on an empirical analysis typical to the machine learning domain. We select the feature combination that gives the best prediction. However this approach does not evaluate the strength of the effect, and the correlations among the features themselves. After the feature selection phase, we perform the optimisation of parameters using Grid Search on the regularisation parameter (C), epsilon ( ), and degree. The optimisation, performed using feature selection and grid search, allows us to obtain slight improvements to performances, which are summarised in Table 5. Table 2. Result obtained after the optimisation phase for individual countries and Europe The European model, using all data available, obtains an r=0.66 and RMSE=5.52. National models achieve better performance, with r-values between 0.70 and 0.89 and RMSE between 1.47 and 6.28 depending on the country. Figure 2 shows predicted versus real immigration rates for Europe and European countries (triangles correspond to NUTS1 regions, squares to NUTS2, and circles to NUTS3). Despite some sparse points, predicted immigration rates tend to be coherent with actual ones for both Europe and individual countries. For countries, we note that predictions are more accurate when immigration is under 10-15%, while for the European model the threshold is 20%. All in all, we can conclude that the SI and other features do provide a good estimate of the immi- gration rate. With respect to traditional data, this approach could be useful to capture migration in a more timely manner, could include undocumented migration, and could be applied at various spatial resolutions, as we have shown above. In terms of limitations, the model does not distinguish stocks by nationality, it only attempts to estimate overall migration. Additionally, the estimates could be biased, due to the Twitter user selection bias, which does not cover the different demographic groups uniformly. In future work we will investigate means to estimate stocks by nationality, employing additional features extracted from the data. 11
Figure 2. Scatter plot of actual and predicted immigration rates for Europe and selected Euro- pean countries* * The SI was generated using data from 2015 (August-October). The Immigration rates come from the D4I dataset, based on the 2011 census. 12
3. Bottom-up approach: from Twitter users to the study of migration The bottom-up approach is based on labelling Twitter users with a nationality and residence, and then studying the stocks for specific countries. This approach also allows to analyse further aspects of migration, such as migrant integration, and also compare the social network activity of migrants with that of natives. 3.1 Data The starting point of our data collection strategy is a Twitter dataset collected by the Laboratory (Coletto et al. 2017). We extracted from this dataset all the geo-located tweets posted from Italy from August to October 2015. This allowed us to obtain a set of 34,160 individual users that were in Italy in that period, which we call the first layer users. For these users, we downloaded the friends, resulting in 258,455 users that we denominate as second layer users. For all of these users, we have also gathered their 200 most recent tweets. We further extended the dataset to obtain a larger number of migrants by extracting also the friends of the second layer users (i.e. the third layer), and their 200 most recent Tweets. After this process, the total number of users grew to 59,476,205. Our dataset, therefore, consists of three layers: the core first layer users, their friends (second layer users) and the friends of the friends (third layer users). Our analysis concentrates on a subset of these users for which we have information about their friends, resulting in a total of 200,354 users. These are users from the first and second layers (some overlap was present among the two layers). 3.2 Labelling strategy A migrant is a person that has the residence different from the nationality. We thus consider our core 200,354 Twitter users and assign a residence and nationality based on the information included in our dataset. The difference between the two labels will allow us to detect individuals who have migrated and are currently living in a place different from their home country. The methodology we propose is based on a series of hypotheses: a person that has moved away from their home country stays in contact with their friends back in the home country and may keep using their mother tongue. 3.2.1 Assigning residence In order for a place to be called residence, a person has to spend a considerable amount of time at the location. Our definition of residence is based on the amount of time in which a Twitter user is observed in a country for a given solar year. More precisely, a residence for each user is the country with the longest length of stay which is calculated by taking into account both the number of days in which a user tweets from a country but also the period between consecutive tweets in the same country. In this work we compute residences based on 2018 data. To compute the residence, we first compute the number of days in which we see tweets for each country for each user. If the top location is not ‘undefined’, then that is the location chosen as resi- dence. Otherwise, we check whether any tweet sent from ‘undefined’ country was sent on a same day 13
as tweets sent from the second top country. In case at least one date matched between the two loca- tions, we substitute second country as the user's place of residence. On average, 5 dates matched. This is done under the assumption that a user cannot tweet from two different countries in a day. Although this is not always the case if a user travels or uses a VPN that generates the location, in most of the days of the year this should be true. In case the top country remains ‘undefined’, we computed the length of stay in days by adding together the duration between consecutive tweets in the same country. We selected the country with the largest length of stay. In case the top country was `undefined’, we checked whether `undefined’ locations were in between segments of the second top country, in which case the second country was chosen. 3.2.2 Assigning nationality In order to estimate nationalities for Twitter users, we took into account two types of information included in our Twitter data. The first type relates to the users themselves and includes the countries from which tweets are sent and the languages in which users tweet. For each user u we define two dictionaries locu and langu where we include, for each country and language the proportion of user tweets in that country/language. The second type of information used is related to the user's friends. Again, we look at the languages spoken by friends, and locations from which friends tweet. Specifically, starting from the loc and lang dictionaries of all friends of a user, we define two further dictionaries floc and flang. The first stores all countries from where friends tweet, together with the average fraction of tweets in that country, computed over all friends: Similarly, the flang dictionary stores all languages spoken by friends, with the average fraction of tweets in each language l: The four dictionaries defined above are then used to assign a nationality score to each country C for each user u: where languages(C) are the set of languages spoken in country C, while wloc, wlang , wfloc, wflang , are para- meters of our model which need to be estimated from the data (one global value estimated for all users). Each of the w value gives a weight to the corresponding user attribute in the calculation of the nationality. To select the nationality for each user we simply select the country C with maximum NC. 14
In our experiments, maximum accuracy was obtained with the language weights set to null, meaning that language was not considered relevant. This was based on an internal validation dataset that con- siders the profile language to be an indication of nationality. More details can be found in Kim et al. (2020). With the approach described above, out of the total 200,354 users, we were able to identify nation- alities of 197,464 users. As for the residence, we were able to identify residences of 57,299 users. In total, we have identified both the residences and nationalities for 51,888 users. The rest of the users were ignored, as not enough geotagged data was available to compute a residence or nationality. Among 51,888 users, the total number of individual users that we have identified as migrants are 4,940 users. In Figure 3 we display the main migration links in our dataset: the number of migrants for countries that have at least 10 migrants, showing a total of 21 countries. However, overall, we have 128 countries of nationality and 163 countries of residence. From the plot, we see that in terms of nationality, the most present countries are the United States of America, Italy, Great Britain and Spain. This is due to the fact that our first level users were selected among those geo-localised in Italy. In terms of migration patterns, we note that Italy has mostly out-going links whereas countries like the USA and GB has a significant amount of both in and out-going links. France and Germany, on the other hand, have mostly in-coming links. Figure 3. Twitter migrant stocks after the identification procedure We chose to employ this methodology because it adopts a definition of a migrant that is close to the official definition: the Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1(p. 113). United Nations, 1998, defines a migrant as ‘a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of at least a year’. It also allows us to identify both immigrants and emigrants simply by comparing the nationality and residence labels. It is important to mention that the migration patterns we see here are specific to our dataset, and are not meant to represent a global 15
view of the world's migration. However, we do observe some correlation to official data when looking at individual countries. In Figure 4, we show Spearman correlation coefficients between our predicted data and ground truth data for Italian emigrants from AIRE (Anagrafe degli italiani residenti all'estero, the Italian register data) and Eurostat. We employ the Spearman coefficient because we want to under- stand whether the ranking of the countries with the most Italian immigrants corresponds between the various data sources. For European countries, the correlation with the AIRE data is 0.831 and 0.762 with the Eurostat data. For non-European countries, the correlation stays at 0.56. We note that for Germany and Switzerland the prediction seems to underestimate the migrant stocks, while for other EU countries the prediction overestimates migrants. As for non-EU countries, Brazil, Argen- tina, Venezuela (countries with large Italian expat communities) are underestimated. Figure 4. Percentage of Italian emigrants in various destination countries based on AIRE and Eurostat: predicted versus ground truth data* * The first two figures show the results for EU countries and the last figure shows the result for non-EU coun- tries. Predictions and official datasets correspond to the data for 2018. 3.3 Migrant integration The migrant dataset obtained through our labelling strategy can be employed to study several aspects of migration. One interesting question is how useful these data can be to study cultural integration. By integration, we mean an umbrella term for the process that migrants go through when moving to a different country. Cultural integration has been long studied by various research communities. These include interna- tional economic organisations, which have built indicators for integration at different levels, consid- ering socio-economic features such as labour market participation, living conditions, civic engage- ment and social integration (Eurostat, 2011; OECD, 2018; Huddleston et al., 2013). On the other hand, studies of integration have been mainly done by sociologists, by employing survey data such as World Values Survey, Eurobarometer, and European Social Survey. The main elements used in the studies are often inter-marriage, religion and language (Esser, 2006; Lochmann et al., 2019; Sirbu et al., 2020; Vigdor 2008). However, studying integration is very complex, as one is ‘not only attracted to the culture of host society but is also held back from his culture of origin’ (Park, 1928; Safi, 2008). The four-fold model reflects this complexity by dividing acculturation into four different classes: assimilation, integration, marginalisation and separation (Berry, 1997; Constant & Zimmermann, 2008; Penninx, 2003). Integration takes place when a migrant's and receiving society's characteristics mutually accommodate. Assimilation on the other hand takes place when a migrant perfectly absorbs 16
the characteristics of the receiving society, losing the connection to the home country. Marginalisation refers to a situation where migrants remain distinguishable from both the receiving and home society, whereas separation refers to complete rejection of host's culture. These theories typically consider two dimensions: preservation of links to the home country and cultural traits, which we call here home attachment, (HA), and formation of new links and adopting cultural traits from the country of migra- tion, that we define as destination attachment (DA). Based on these two concepts, we can summarise the four integration patterns from the literature, as displayed in Table 6. Table 3. Theories of integration and their relation to HA and DA Low HA High HA Low DA Marginalisation Separation High DA Assimilation Integration Through our work we provided a novel method to compute HA and DA from Twitter data, to answer the following questions: How much do migrants absorb the culture of their destination society? Do they lose connection with their home country? This is based on the topics that migrants and natives discuss on Twitter, through the analysis of hashtags. The HA index is defined as the fraction of tweets of a migrant that discuss topics related to their home country. Similarly, DA is the fraction of tweets discussing topics related to the destination country. We determine country-specific topics by assign- ing nationalities to hashtags. These definitions are based on the idea that the topics discussed provide indications on various aspects of attachment: the amount of information that a person holds about a specific country, the social links to people living in a certain country, the interest in political and public issues of a country, adoption of customs and ideas, all related to integration as a wider concept. In the rest of this section, we analyse the relationship between the two indices and compare them to a null model obtained by shuffling the hashtags in our dataset. Second, we study different country- specific cases, i.e., immigrants in the United States and the United Kingdom, and emigrants from Italy. More details can be found in our submitted article (Kim et al., 2021, a). 3.3.1 Overall distribution of DA and HA values The distributions of the home and destination attachment indices are shown in Figure 5. The HA index is 0.051 on average and the DA index is 0.034 on average for all the migrants we have in our dataset regardless of the nationality or the place of residence. We observe that some users have rela- tively high values for the two indices, however the majority are under 0.2 in both cases. In the same figure, we compare these values with a null model analysis where the hashtags of indi- vidual users were randomly re-distributed five times. The null model tells us what the DA and HA values would be if users chose their topics of discussion randomly, i.e. there was no influence from the country of residence or nationality. We observe that in general the null model DA0 and HA0 are smaller than the actual index values, with lower means for the null model distributions. To statistically validate the difference between the null model, and DA and HA, we also computed two non-parametric tests: Wilcoxon and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests. The results for the Wilcoxon test show that for both the DA and HA, their distributions are significantly different from the distribution of the DA0 and HA0 with p-values of 5.16e-07 and 0.014, respectively. We obtained similar results from the KS tests, with p-values of 1.18e-51 for DA and 2.98e-56 for HA. Although not reported here, the results for KS-tests for sub-populations split by country of residence and country of origin equally show that the null model and the actual index values have different distri- butions. 17
Figure 5. Distribution of HA and DA values, and comparison to null model DA0 and HA0 To understand the relationship between the DA and HA, we computed the Pearson correlation among them. Figure 6 displays the HA versus DA values for all users. A weak negative relation is found with r=-0.13, and p-value=6.937e-14, indicating that in general the more a migrant is attached to his country of origin, the less the migrant is attached to the host country and vice versa. However, we can observe various different patterns for individual users, leading to different acculturation types as mentioned in Table 6. In the same figure, the red curve provides an approximate indication of users' acculturation type. We underline the fact that we do not aim to provide a specific categorisation of acculturation types in this paper. Instead, we aim to provide a broad picture where the angle of each individual from the x/y-axis gives us an indication of the acculturation type. Thus, a migrant close to the x-axis is most probably going through an assimilation process, a migrant close to the y- axis is undergoing separation, while those in between are undergoing integration or marginalisation. The distinction between integration and marginalisation depends on the length of the distance of data point from the origin. In other words, marginalisation is when the data point is close to 0 and inte- gration is when the data point is point further away from 0. The data point circled in green would be a good example of an integrated migrant, who keeps good links with both home and destination country. Figure 6. HA versus DA for migrant Twitter users 18
3.3.2 Language as a key factor for integration One possible candidate factor to explain the DA and HA values observed is language. As previously studied, language is considered to be a key factor in integration and our indexes reflect this importance as well. In Figure 7 we display the distribution of the DA and HA for two user groups: a group that speaks the language of the host country (i.e. over 90% of their tweets are in that language) and a group that very rarely speaks the language of the host country (under 10% of their tweets are in that language). Here, we are looking at all the migrants we have in the dataset regardless of the country of origin or the country of residence. We observe that the group that speaks the language of the destination country shows in general higher DA compared to the non-speaking group, confirming the signifi- cance of the language for integration in the host country. In addition, we observe that users who do not speak the language of the destination country tend to be more attached to their home country compared to those speaking the destination language. Hence, interestingly, destination language pro- ficiency seems to correlate with both destination and home attachment levels. When comparing DA and HA within groups, the groups that speak the destination language have the two indices compa- rable, while for those who do not speak it, HA is much larger than DA, indicating a pattern of sepa- ration. However, we do not mean to generalise, what we observe are population level patterns. When looking at individual level, we do observe all four acculturation types discussed in Table 6. Figure 7. Box plots showing the HA and DA distributions for a group of migrants who speak the language of the host country on the left and a group of migrants who do not speak the language of the host country on the right* * The plot includes only the migrants identified through our method. Source 3.3.3 Country specific results In this section, we provide country-specific results. One of the advantage of using our methodology is that we can look at different countries simply by changing the labels. Hence, here we look at dif- ferent country cases to understand how immigrants in a specific country behave and to know how emigrants from a certain country of origin behave in different countries. We selected three study 19
cases which had the largest number of users in our data: immigrants in the US and UK, and emigrants from Italy. Here we consider only the migrant groups with at least 10 users. The square brackets in the figures below show the number of users we have for each country of origin. Immigrants in the US In Figure 8 on the left, we observe different destination and home attachment indices of 17 groups of immigrants from different countries of origin. Overall, we observe that for many groups of immi- grants in the United States DA is larger than HA. Immigrants from Canada have the highest DA followed by Colombian and English immigrants. On the other hand, immigrants from Turkey have the highest HA followed by Brazilian and Italian immigrants. In the right figure, we observe data points individually on a scatter plot of HA vs. DA. It tells us that immigrants in the US are integrated and assimilated in general. Figure 8. Left: box plots for the DA and HA index of immigrants in the United States. Right: scatter plot of HA vs. DA indicating approximate integration types for immigrants in the US Immigrants in the UK Figure 9 shows the indices for the immigrants residing in the United Kingdom. Only four groups are shown, corresponding to those that have at least 10 migrants. Overall, UK immigrants in our data are more attached to home than to the destination country. On average, the DA is 0.04 and the HA is 0.063. From the figure on the left, it is clear that immigrants from Italy have the highest HA index. On the other hand, we observe that immigrants from Australia that share long historical ties with the UK have the highest DA index. Looking at the figure on the right, we can observe that immigrants are mostly in the area of marginalisation/integration. Figure 9. Left: Box plots for the DA and HA index of immigrants in the United Kingdom. Right: Scatter plot of HA vs. DA indicating approximate integration types for immigrants in the UK 20 Emigrants from Italy Figure 10 displays the DA and HA indices for Italian emigrants across different countries of resi- dence. In general, we observe that Italians are more attached to their home country than to their destination country. Switzerland, Belgium and Netherlands are the three countries where Italian emigrants are most attached to home. On the other hand, Italians tend to show higher DA levels in English speaking countries: the US and in the UK. Among the higher DA levels we also observe Spain, probably due to the language similarity. In the figure on the right, we also observe that Italian emigrants have higher HA level compared to DA level. This data points indicate that they are in general close to the separation type of cultural integration. Figure 10. Left: Box plots for the DA and HA index of emigrants from Italy. Right: Scatter plot of HA vs. DA indicating approximate integration types for emigrants from Italy 3.4 Analysis of migrant and native communities A different type of analysis that our data allows is to study various characteristics of the migrant and native communities. In the following we compare the travelling and language usage patterns as extracted from social media, and the level of homophily of social links for each community. Other more detailed results can be found in our submitted article Kim et al. (2021,b). 3.4.1 Language and country location of Tweets Tweets provide useful information about user behaviour. We are interested in the locations (country level) and languages a user employs on Twitter. Hence, we look at the number of languages and locations that appear in the users’ 200 most recent tweets and computed also the KS statistics to compare the differences between the distributions of migrants and natives. As shown in Figure 11, we note that migrants tweet in a wider variety of languages and locations. The two distributions for migrants and natives are different from each other as the KS tests show low p-values; 2.36e-194 for location and 1.412e-38 for language. 21
Figure 11. Distribution of tweet locations and languages Since we possess network information, we also studied the tweet language and location information for a user's friends. In Figure 12, the two distributions show smaller differences among natives and migrants, compared to Figure 11. However, the p-value of the KS test tells us that the distributions are indeed different from one another, where the p-value for location and language distribution for migrants and natives are 3.246e-05 and 0.005 respectively. Although the differences are small, we observe that the friends of migrants tweet in more numerous locations than those of natives, with average of 29.6 for migrants and 27.4 for natives. However, although the two distributions are different from each other from the KS p-value, the actual difference between average values is very small in the case of the number of languages of friends. Figure 12. Distribution of tweet locations and languages of friends 22
These numbers indicate that the migrants have travelled in more various places and hence write in diverse languages than the natives. The friends of migrants tend to have travelled more also. How- ever, no large differences were observed for the number of languages that friends can write in for both migrants and natives. 3.4.2 Homophily of social links We measure homophily of social links by computing the assortativity of nodes by different attributes of individuals, i.e., migrants or natives, country of residence and country of nationality. We study the networks of 51,888 users, out of which 4,940 are migrants. Assortativity tells us whether the network connections correlate in any way with the given node attributes (Newman, 2002). In other words, it tells us whether the nodes in the network tend to connect with other similar nodes (e.g. migrants with other migrants, natives with other natives). It typically ranges between -1 and 1. A value of 1 means nodes always connect with nodes with the same attributes, i.e. full homophily, while -1 means nodes tend to connect with nodes with different attributes. In our case this analysis allows us to infer whether and in what measure the network topology follows the nationality or residence of the users, or whether the migrant/native status is relevant when building online social links. We begin with global assortativity measures, which give one assortativity score for the entire net- work. When looking at the coefficient by the country of residence, the score of 0.54 shows a very good homophily level. The score improves slightly when we examine the behaviour through the attributes of country of nationality (0.6). These values tell us that nodes tend to follow other nodes that share same country of residence and country of nationality, with a stronger effect for the latter. However, when looking at the coefficient by the migrant/native label, we observe no particular cor- relation (0.033). Figure 13. Node level conformity values for natives and migrants. The histograms are stacked 23
The global assortativity scores are susceptible to be influenced by the size of the data and the imbal- ance in labels, which is our case especially for the migrant/native labels. Therefore we continue to examine the assortativity at local level, allowing us to overcome the possible issues at global level. We thus compute the scores based on an extension of Newman's assortativity introduced by Rossetti et al. (2021) called conformity. In Figure 13 we show the distribution of node-level conformity of migrants and natives, for the three attributes (nationality, residence and migrant/native label). We observe different behaviour patterns for migrants and natives. Specifically, we see that migrants tend to dis- play lower homophily compared to natives, when looking at the conformity of nodes by country of residence. This tells us that migrant users tend to consider less the country of residence when follow- ing other users. Instead, most natives tend to connect with users residing in the same country. When looking at nationality, this effect is less pronounced. While natives continue to display generally high homophily, with a small proportion of users with low values, migrants show a flatter distribution compared to the nationality. Again, a large part of migrants show low homophily, however a con- sistent fraction of migrant users show higher nationality homophily, as opposed to what we saw for the residence. This confirms what we observed at global level: there is a stronger tendency to follow nationality labels when creating social links. As for the conformity of nodes by migrant/native labels, we observe that migrants and natives clearly have distinctive behaviours. While natives tend to form connections with other natives, migrants tend to connect with natives as well, resulting in negative conformity values for migrant users. The observed values could also be due to the fact that migrants are only about 10% of our users so naturally many friends will be natives (from either residence, nationality or other country). This result is different from what we observed at global level and confirms that the global assortativity score was influenced by the size of the data and the imbalance in labels. 24
4. Case study: border rush at the Turkish border On the 27 February 2020, after the death of 33 Turkish troops in airstrikes in Northern Syria, a Turkish government representative gave a briefing and stated that the refugees will no longer be stopped at the Turkish borders to Europe, and the doors are opened. 2 This was immediately followed by movements of thousands of people towards the regional hub of Edirne in northeast Turkey from where both the Bulgarian and Greek border crossings are easily accessible. In the following days several declarations have been made by political leaders and media stating that over 100,000 refugees left the border town Edirne. Despite these and other official declarations, 3 there is no clear picture of the movement patterns across borders in that period. In this section, we investigate the use of Twitter to gain knowledge on which migrant groups attempted to cross the border and where they went. This analysis was not initially planned in the project, but was undertaken as additional research due to the events in Turkey. The analysis will be integrated with mobile phone data for a joint publi- cation of work packages 5 and 6 of the project. 4.1 Data We have collected Twitter data from 25 February to 25 March 2020, using the Academic Track Twitter API. Specifically, we searched for geolocated tweets at the European Turkish border, using a set of bounding boxes shown in Figure 14. This resulted in a total of 11,187 tweets, posted by 1,375 users. For these users, we went on to download all their 2020 tweets, resulting in an additional 350,969 tweets. Figure 14. Area of collection of tweets in the period 25 February-25 March 2020 2 3 25
4.2 Analysis We first study the language of the Tweets published in the area of interest in the period 25 February- 25 March 2020. We see a total of 35 languages, demonstrating the cultural richness of the region. Figure 15 shows the number of Tweets in languages that have more than 10 tweets. We observe that Turkish, English and Greek are the most common, followed by Indonesian, Arabic and Tagalog (Philippines). The number of tweets in these 3 last languages are however rather reduced (under 100). Figure 15. Number of tweets in languages that are most present at the Turkish border Figure 16. Number of users tweeting in each language present at the border* * Only languages with at least 10 users are shown. Secondly, we look at the number of users for each language, in Figure 16. We observe that the ranking remains almost unchanged, except for the Arabic language which have less than 10 users present. This indicates that, even if a large amount of migrants that speak Arabic are present in Turkey, and were mentioned also by media, their presence is not visible on Twitter. This shows that, for this particular case study, Twitter may not be representative enough for a thorough analysis. We do, how- ever, manage to see these migrant groups at the border by using CDR data, which in this case is richer. 26
Another question of interest is the destination of the persons observed at the border. In principle, Twitter could allow for a fine-grained analysis of movements of different groups. However, for pri- vacy concerns, and given the small number of users present in our data, we simply look at the location of all users and only at a very coarse-grained spatial resolution. We thus consider all the users seen on the Turkish side of the border in the initial period (25/02/2020-25/03/2020), resulting in 1,314 users. We then compute the set of users who were seen in Turkey between May and December 2020. The intersection of the two sets counts 972 users, telling us that the majority of users remained in Turkey. The remaining 342 users were either seen at different locations (34 users in 31 different countries) or are not present in the data after May. Again, the analysis indicates that the data are not sufficient for this type of analysis. The number of users present is too small to observe general pat- terns, and privacy concerns reduce the resolution at which we can study the data. All in all, we conclude the Twitter data, for this case, did not provide significant information. The number of users is very reduced, and the migrant groups that were mentioned by official statements are weakly represented in the data. Here, CDR data provides an advantage, since some specific nationalities are better represented, as will be described in deliverables pertaining to WP6. 27
5. Discussion and conclusion We have presented two different approaches and one case study to estimate migration stocks through Twitter data. The first is a top-down approach, where overall immigration levels are estimated through machine learning applied to features extracted from the entire set of Tweets of a community. The second is a bottom-up approach that identifies migrant users and then studies the distribution of migrants of different nationalities in different countries. This type of analysis allows for further investigation on the communities of migrants and natives, such as integration or social network usage. The case study is an attempt to investigate border rush in Turkey using Twitter. The analysis uncov- ered one important challenge of these type of data: lack of representativity for some migrant groups, due probably to selection bias. In fact, our data includes very limited information on refugee groups present in Turkey. The approaches presented here complement the ones in the literature. In general, exiting works have looked at national and international flows, studying either residence of users (approximated through the geolocation similarly to our approach, Zagheni et al. 2014), or language used (Moise et al., 2016). Our top-down approach is the first, to our knowledge, that attempts to use machine learn- ing for nowcasting, employing various features extracted from the data. The bottom-up approach, on the other hand, is the only one that looks at residence and nationality at the same time. This allows to differentiate stocks by nationality, and therefore perform analyses on the different migrant groups. It is important to note that what we call nationality may be a concept also related to country of birth, or even country where a person belongs most to. What our data measures is the social connection to a specific location, therefore a foreign national fully integrated in a certain country would be indistin- guishable from a native by our method. Furthermore, the method will not identify those people with foreign nationality who lived all their lives in a different country (e.g. individuals born in the US, hence having US nationality, but having lived all their lives in a different country). However, our intention, is not to identify these cases, since they are already integrated, but migrants who actually spent a significant part of their life in a country and then moved to another one. For this, we expect that our method will identify most of the time the correct origin and destination country. The work we performed underlined a few challenges regarding these types of novel data sources. First of all, it became clear to us that the data collection step is not straightforward. While using the streaming API to download Tweets is simpler, we had to make large efforts to download the network of users, at a large scale. The difficulties came from the large amounts of requests to be done to the API, and large amounts of data to be stored. Therefore we found that the data collection step (in the sense of downloading the Twitter data for further analysis), and the initial pre-processing still requires specific computer science expertise, and a long time to complete. A different challenge that we came across, in the context of studying migration stocks, or migrant behaviour, is that even if we are in the field of big data, the relevant data resulting after the pre- processing step could still be reduced, due to filtering out of irrelevant or incomplete data in consecu- tive processing stages. For instance, the fact that we only work with geolocalised tweets, reduced the data a lot. The proportion of geo-tagged tweets typically range from 3.17% from the Streaming API and 1.45% from Firehose (Morstatter & Liu, 2017). This is due to the fact that not all users enable geolocation. In our case, this was visible in the bottom-up approach, where, even if we started with over 200,000 users in our core network, we were able to assign residence and nationality only to approximately 50,000 users, which is a quarter of the data. 28
One of the most notable challenges for Twitter is that the user population does not represent the offline population (Zagheni & Weber, 2015), i.e. there is a so called ‘selection bias’. This is partly due to different Internet and Twitter penetration and regulations in different countries. Also, according to a survey conducted by Pew research, Twitter population has characteristics that are different from other social media platforms (Wojcik & Hughes, 2019). In the United States, Twitter users tend to have more education and higher income than the general public. As for the genders, they are equally represented on Twitter. When it comes to ethnicity, white ethnicity is prominently present on Twitter. Although there are studies on demographics of general Twitter users using Twitter data (Mislove et al., 2011; Longley et al., 2015), studies that focus on migrants are missing in the literature. Therefore, it is difficult to understand socio-economic and demographic composition of migrants. We can how- ever understand from these works that young population, age 15 and above, and white ethnicity are over-represented on Twitter in the United States and in London. Furthermore, it is not clear how the demographics of those who use geolocation are different from the rest of the Twitter and offline population. We are therefore facing at least a double selection bias: one into using Twitter, and the second into enabling geolocation. In our second study, among 50,000 total users, only about 4,900 were labelled as migrants, which is, in the end a rather small sample. We might be undercounting some migrants groups and overcounting some others. An even larger effect was seen in the Turkish border analysis. Here, the main migrant and refugee groups were not visible at all, indicating that those groups do not use Twitter. In those cases, other data types such as CDR, may provide more information. The top-down approach is somewhat less affected by these issues: all tweets of a community are included, including migrants and natives, and that increases a lot the amount of data that we can base our analyses on. We expect that to be true also for other types of top-down studies, e.g. evaluation of sentiment towards migrants, where what we are most interested in the sentiment of natives. Even so, the native population under analysis still suffers from selection bias. A different aspect where there are a lot of open issues is that of privacy and ethics. The terms and conditions of the public APIs can be at times vague, and may not cover all ethics issues involved. There have been some attempts to produce ethics and privacy guidelines for using social media data in research (Townsend & Wallace, 2016; Williams et al., 2017), however they are general and do not consider the special case of migration research. In this field we are facing a very difficult problem. On one hand, sensitive personal information such as geolocation and demographics are key to developing suitable analyses and advancing the state of the art. On the other hand, we are studying possibly very sensitive groups, hence these pieces of personal information should be protected, both for the sake of the individual and group privacy. In these conditions, special guidelines are necessary, including issues on privacy, ethics and legality. Currently, most migration research using Twitter data do not publish the data they are based on, impeding thus replicability, which is one of the pillars of good quality research. We are also unable to publish our raw data, and we are considering new research directions to investigate anonymisation and privacy preserving methods for Twitter. Some works exist describing de-anonymising and reidentification for social graphs (Narayanan & Shmatikov, 2009), social network content (Henriksen-Bulmer & Jeary, 2016) and geolocations (Yoshiura, 2019; Monreale et al., 2010; Cecaj et al. 2016). However, a set of widely accepted guidelines and solutions to publishing such data do not exist. Privacy risk assessment is an ongoing topic (Pellungrini et al., 2017), and further results, espe- cially related to migration, are needed. Overall, the gaps and biases that exist in Twitter data make it difficult for researchers to generalise their findings to the general population. This also applies to the case of the bottom-up approach. However, we believe that our methodology could still be useful when limiting the scope to a certain type of migrants. It enables a rich analysis of the characteristics of the migrant population on Twitter, as we have exemplified with the home and destination attachment study. This due to the richness of Twitter data, which includes topics of interest, language and location information, etc. We have 29
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