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                                           URBAN WATER SCARCITY
                                              GUIDANCE NOTE
                                            PREVENTING DAY ZERO
© UNICEF/UN0314272/Madagascar

                                            GUIDANCE NOTE
                                            PREVENTING DAY ZERO

Published by

© United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
March 2021
ACRONYMS                                                            CONTENTS
C4D		          UNICEF’s ‘Communication for Development’ approach
CRWSP		        Climate-resilient water safety planning              SUMMARY                                                                6
DPR 		         Direct potable reuse
IDP		          Internally displaced people
JMP 		         Joint Monitoring Programme                           BACKGROUND                                                             9
L/capita/day   Litres per capita per day
                                                                    THE TRENDS IMPACTING ON URBAN WATER SCARCITY
ML		           Megalitre (1 million litres, or 1,000 m3 of water)
MLD 		         Megalitres (million litres) per day                  URBAN WATER SCARCITY – THE SAME CHALLENGE, DIFFERENT CITY RESPONSES
PBC		          Performance-based contracts
PPP 		         Public-private partnerships
NRW 		         Non-revenue water                                    INTRODUCTION                                                          19
SMQ		          Strategic Monitoring Questions (SMQs)
WASH 		        Water, sanitation and hygiene
WCWDM          Water conservation and water demand management
                                                                    1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                    25

                                                                    2. EXPERIENCES FROM OTHER WATER-SCARCE CITIES                         37

                                                                    3. WHAT CAN UNICEF DO? SUGGESTED                                      45
                                                                       INTERVENTIONS THROUGH WASH PROGRAMMES

                                                                    FURTHER RESOURCES                                                     58

                                                                    REFERENCES                                                            59
                                                                                                    Note is accompanied by the Water                on the most vulnerable children and their
                                                                                                    Scarcity Guidance Note: Programmatic            families.
                                                                                                    Approaches, which contains broader
                                                                                                    guidance on WASH programming and                In this context, UNICEF has many roles to
    Water shortages are a major risk in urban    and future available safe water against            water scarcity.                                 play. They include advocacy on the value
    areas – including secondary towns and        projected water demand. The Guidance                                                               of water, and the impacts of water scarcity
    cities – around the world. This Guidance     Note also explores the impact of water             Building on its long history of successful      on the most vulnerable children. They also
    Note was created in response to that         scarcity on the affordability, sustainability      rural WASH interventions, UNICEF is             include promoting and supporting water-
    risk and describes the implications on       and quality of urban WASH services. Water          increasingly supporting marginalised urban      and energy-efficient approaches, behaviour
    water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)         scarcity in a variety of different urban           populations towards the achievement of          change initiatives, and providing wider
    programming for UNICEF staff and partners,   contexts is illustrated in this note, with         the Sustainable Development Goals.1 The         support to the enabling environment. This
    with suggested programmatic interventions.   special attention given to Cape Town’s 2018        imperative for engaging on urban WASH           Guidance Note summarises three types of
    This Guidance Note highlights the dynamic    water crisis, including identifying what the       is rapidly strengthening; urban water           actions grounded in these various roles,      1 For example, see UNICEF’s
    threat of urban water scarcity and the       most effective initiatives were in practice        shortages are increasing in both frequency      which can take place at different times.        Strategy for WASH 2016-2030,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    available here, and its Global
    importance of assessing the resilience of    to reduce water demand and conserve                and severity, often due to rapid urbanisation   These are preparedness actions, immediate       Framework for Urban WASH,
    urban WASH services by considering current   available water resources. This Guidance           – and these have a disproportionate impact      actions and long-term actions.                  published in 2019, available here.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  © UNICEF/UN0119005/Nigeria

6                                         URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   BACKGROUND                                                                                                                     7
© UNICEF/UN046894/Syria

Urban areas2 around the world are facing extreme water shortages,                      Physical scarcity of water is not the only     less. Such urban water shortages have a
                                                                                                                              factor creating urban water shortages. Poor    knock-on effect on sanitation and hygiene;
                                       with one in four cities described as being ‘water stressed’.3 Cape
                                                                                                                              urban water governance and associated          sufficient and predictable water volumes
                                       Town’s ‘Day Zero’, or the day the city was predicted to run out                        limitations on service delivery are also key   are needed for the effective operation of
                                       of water, alerted the world to the stark threat posed by urban                         factors. Increasingly, urban services are      wastewater systems and to ensure basic
2 This Guidance Note includes          water scarcity. In the future, urban water shortages – seasonal,                       becoming more unreliable, providing water      hygiene practices, including handwashing.
  secondary and tertiary cities                                                                                               for only a few hours per day, week or even
  under the broad framing of ‘urban    intermittent or prolonged – are predicted to increasingly become
                                       the norm.4 In fact, the reality is that in many of the urban areas
3 McDonald, R., et al. (2014) –
  according to a survey of 500         where UNICEF works – from Karachi to Maputo to La Paz – water
                                       shortages are already happening. These shortages may not
4 McDonald, R., et al. (2011) states
  that seasonable water shortages
                                       make global headlines, but they all affect children and youth,
  are expected to affect 1.9 billion   impacting the services they need to survive and thrive, and their
  people in 2050 from close to 500
  million people in 2000.              future opportunities.                                                                      SUMMARY
                                                                                                                                  OF KEY TERMS
                                                                                                                                  Water scarcity is defined as the lack of available water resources
                                                                                                                                  to meet the demands of a specific population. Water scarcity
                                                                                                                                  can be experienced by a community, region or country and may
                                                                                                                                  be temporary (for example over several months of the year),
                                                                                                                                  or increase and decrease over time. Water scarcity can either
                                                                                                                                  be physical or economic. Physical water scarcity occurs where
                                                                                                                                  water resources can no longer meet the needs of the population.
                                                                                                                                  Such scarcity may be related to the mismanagement or poor
                                                                                                                                  governance of water services and/or limited recharge of surface
                                                                                                                                  or groundwater resources. Economic water scarcity may occur
                                                                                                                                  in countries with adequate water reserves, but where access
                                                                                                                                  remains poor. It can be due to poor governance, limited human
                                                                                                                                  capacity and limited investments. Whatever the cause, water
                                                                                                                                  scarcity is a major barrier towards the achievement of all
                                                                                                                                  aspects of SDG 6.

                                                                                                                                  Water stress is an outcome of water scarcity amongst other
                                                                                                                                  variables. Water stress occurs where water scarcity leads to
                                                                                                                                  poor accessibility and poor water quality. Water stress may
                                                                                                                                  manifest as conflict over water resources, over-extraction of
                                                                                                                                  aquifers, or poor health and disease.5

                                                                                                                                  Water shortages can result from a range of causes, and can be
                                                                                                                                  experienced as highly variable or intermittent water supply (i.e.
                                                                                                                                  water that is supplied less than 24 hours a day). Water shortages
                                                                                                                                  can occur frequently (e.g. every day) or for a prolonged period
                                                                                                                                  of time.

                                                                                                                                  Water scarce cities are cities that are facing challenges to supply      5 The Institute of Civil Engineers,
                                                                                                                                  adequate water to inhabitants.                                             Oxfam and WaterAid (2011).

                                                                                                                                                                             © UNICEF/UNI121921/Chad

10                                                                  URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   BACKGROUND                                                                                                         11
FIGURE 1: Proportion of global population using drinking water sources meeting SDG criteria for safely managed services                                FIGURE 2: Inequalities in the proportion of population with at least basic water services, between urban and rural areas
– rural and urban, 2015 (from Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. WHO/UNICEF, 2017)                                                    and richest and poorest wealth quintiles, 2017 (%) (from Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
                                                                                                                                                       2000-2017: Special Focus on Inequalities. WHO/UNICEF, 2019)

                                                                                                        In many countries,                                                                               Urban/Rural                                Wealth quintile
                                                                                                        disparities in basic drinking                                                                    Rural    Urban                    Poorest quintile   Richest quintile
                                                                                                        water services by residence                    Democratic Republic of the Congo
                                                                                                        and wealth persist                                                          Somalia
                                                                                                                                                                              Burkina Faso
                                                                                                        FIGURE 28         Inequalities in the                                   Cameroon
                                                                                                                          proportion of population                                  Uganda
                                                                                                                          with at least basic water          United Republic of Tanzania
                                                                                                                          services, between urban                                      Niger
                                                                                                                          and rural areas and                                           Togo
                                                                                                                          richest and poorest                                        Guinea
                                                                                                                          wealth quintiles, 2017 (%)                            Zimbabwe
                                                                                                                                                                              Sierra Leone
                               The scale of the challenge, and in particular,    The focus of UNICEF’s urban WASH                                                              Afghanistan
                                                                                                                                                                              Côte d'Ivoire
                               the exposure of the most vulnerable               programming is to ensure equitable                                                                    Benin
                               children and their families to water scarcity,    access to sustainable, affordable and safe                                                         Lesotho
                               requires new approaches and a sharpened           WASH services for the most vulnerable                                                              Gambia
                               focus. Even in areas not affected by water        households. In times of water crises,                                                               Ghana
                               scarcity, the poorest households often have       a common solution is the use of water                                                             Namibia
                               the lowest levels of service. This is due         tankers. While tankering does provide a                                                         Cambodia
                               to a variety of reasons, including the land       short-term emergency option, it is not a                              Lao People's Democratic Republic
                               tenure status of their home, as well as their     sustainable solution for the most vulnerable.                                                    Comoros
                                                                                                                                                                  Sao Tome and Principe
                               limited ability to pay for, and maintain, water   Drawbacks of tankering include the amount                                 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
                                                                                                                                                                              South Africa
© UNICEF/UNI325732/Kenya       network connections.                              of time required to collect the water, the                                                     Kyrgyzstan
                                                                                                                                                                     Republic of Moldova
                                                                                                                                                                      Dominican Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                  Viet Nam
                                                                                                                                                              West Bank and Gaza Strip
                                                                                                                                                                        North Macedonia
                                                                                                                                                                 Bosnia and Herzegovina
                                                                                                                                                                                Saint Lucia

                                                                                                                                                                                                0   20   40      60       80   100   0      20         40      60        80      100

12                                                                        URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO                      BACKGROUND                                                                                                                13
limitations in volume and quality, the higher      The reasons for unimproved and unreliable         of infectious diseases. The current JMP           unable to maintain a social distance while
                                   cost, and the challenges faced when trying        water services in urban areas are numerous,        data estimates that only 75 per cent of           queueing and filling – a particular challenge
                                   to phase tankering out, in order to move          complex and dynamic. What is certain               the world’s population (5.7 billion people)       in crowded urban contexts. An effective
                                   to a more sustainable solution. A recent          though, is that urban water scarcity is            use an improved drinking water source8            COVID-19 response for the long-term
                                   report6 indicated that households which           compounding already challenging situations         located on premises – indicating that             will fundamentally rely on improving such
                                   have to purchase water from water tankers         and threatening the progress made in               a staggering 1.9 billion people do not            access for urban populations – including
                                   to supplement the insufficient amounts            recent years to improve WASH services              have such access. The risk of COVID-19            through the optimum and sustainable use
                                   delivered through their piped system can          for households, communities, schools and           transmission increases when people have           of water (and energy) resources, and the
                                   pay up to 52 times more than the cost of          healthcare facilities. Water scarcity impedes      to leave the relative safety of their home to     efficient operation of utilities and systems.
                                   piped water. In addition, the same report         progress up the service ladder in terms of         collect water, especially as they are often                                                       8 Ibid.
                                   indicated that out of 15 cities analysed,         water, sanitation and hygiene, and threatens
                                   12     received     water     ‘intermittently’.   the progress made towards the SDG targets
                                   Clearly, while tankering can help provide         for 6.1 and 6.2. To ensure the continued
                                   emergency water supplies to communities           progression towards SDG 6.1 and 6.2, and
                                                                                                                                          TRENDS IMPACTING ON URBAN WATER SCARCITY
                                   in times of water scarcity crises, it cannot      the sustaining of these, progress towards
                                   be a long-term solution for urban WASH            the other SDG6 targets is also required.           Urban water shortages can be the result           use, and increasing competition for water
6 Mitlin, D., et al. (2019).
                                   programming.                                                                                         of major intersecting trends, including           between different sectors. A changing
7 Progress on household drinking                                                     The COVID-19 crisis has reminded the               population        growth,        unsustainable    climate with increasing temperatures and
  water, sanitation and hygiene
  2000-2017. Special focus on      In 2017, 151 million people were using            world that access to reliable WASH facilities      water management, poor governance,                unpredictable precipitation patterns adds
  inequalities. UNICEF/WHO, 2019   unimproved water sources in urban areas.7         and services are vital to stem transmission        deteriorating infrastructure, inefficient water   significantly to these trends, contributing

© UNICEF/UN0314269/Madagascar

14                                                                            URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   BACKGROUND                                                                                                  15
change and the needs of the most             and sanitation services in urban areas,
                                                                                                                                             vulnerable, developing service regulations   opportunities can be identified and positive
                                                                                                                                             and transparency, and creating a culture     change can be achieved. Increased water
                                                                                                                                             of continuous monitoring, data collection,   and energy efficiency, replacing carbon-
                                                                                                                                             analysis and planning.                       dependent systems with renewable energy,
                                                                                                                                                                                          developing longer-term water conservation
                                                                                                                                             Current global trends point to an alarming   strategies, and positive behaviour change
                                                                                                                                             outlook for urban water resources.           must all be used to help build the resilience
                                                                                                                                             However, by acknowledging these trends       of the world’s urban water resources in
                                                                                                                                             and assessing the resilience of water        what will be challenging years ahead.

                                                                                                                                                 WHAT IS
                                                                                                                                                 WATER DEMAND
© UNICEF/UN0314269/Madagascar           to more frequent and severe drought               better understand that previous patterns
                                                                                                                                                 Water demand management is the adoption of a strategy, policy
                                        periods, and increased water demand.              of water recharge cannot be relied upon
                                                                                                                                                 or programme that promotes a more efficient use of water,
                                        Climate change is also contributing to the        in the future, and that storage facility
                                                                                                                                                 either within the water supply system or by the end-user.
                                        deterioration of urban water quality; more        capacities are increasingly insufficient as
                                                                                                                                                 Typical water demand management activities may include:
                                        pollutants are flushed into water systems         precipitation patterns change. One of the
                                                                                                                                                 customer/water user efficiency behaviour change campaigns;
                                        during storm events, and reduced summer           key lessons from the Cape Town water
                                                                                                                                                 reducing physical losses, including leakage in networks;
                                        precipitation means more concentrated             crisis (explored in Section 2 below) was that
                                                                                                                                                 reducing illegal connections; improving tariff modalities (while
                                        and lower summer flows.9 Increasing               the assumption that there would be time to
                                                                                                                                                 balancing equity with a sense of resource valuation); water
                                        urbanisation, and the associated increase         adapt to the impacts of climate change was
                                                                                                                                                 reuse; and implementing water use restrictions. Water demand
                                        in paved surfaces, results in reduced levels      dangerously unfounded; in reality, the crisis
                                                                                                                                                 management approaches are more effective when targeted
                                        of recharge and increased runoff. For the         unfolded more suddenly and severely than
                                                                                                                                                 at specific populations and sectors that use large quantities of
                                        most vulnerable urban residents, who are          expected.12
                                                                                                                                                 water that can be reduced. Demand management approaches
                                        often living in informal settlements, water
                                                                                                                                                 are likely to be less effective when targeted at marginalised
                                        shortages are accentuated by a widespread         Building resilient and sustainable urban
                                                                                                                                                 populations with already limited access to water, sanitation and
                                        lack of access to piped water services.10         water services which can cope with current
                                                                                                                                                 hygiene services.
                                        Water scarcity in urban areas is often even       and future climate change, water scarcity
                                        more pronounced in fragile and conflict-          and increased demand, is a critical element
                                        affected situations, due to infrastructure        of any strategy for addressing urban water
                                        damage and the increased difficulties to          scarcity. The sustainability of services
                                        maintain functional services. Fragility and       relates not just to the infrastructure, but
                                        conflict also increase urban migration –          also to the mode of delivery and operation           URBAN WATER SCARCITY - THE SAME
                                        swelling the numbers already moving to            of the systems, as well as the enabling              CHALLENGE, DIFFERENT CITY RESPONSES
                                        urban settings to escape the impact of            environment for the sector and other, wider
9 Watts & Anderson (2016)               water scarcity on water-dependent rural           considerations such as tariff structures. This
                                        livelihoods adding additional pressure to         will require collaboration and coordination        Arguably, some of the most water-            growing cities which are limited in terms of
10 Mitlin, D., et al. (2019). Recent
   research in 15 major cities          over-burdened systems.                            with stakeholders across a range of                scarce cities are the most successful in     water availability, some of the cities have
   shows that almost half of urban                                                        sectors in order to address water scarcity         meeting water needs,13 especially where      demonstrated effective solutions to adapt
   residents lacked access to piped     The World Bank projects that in the next          successfully. Sustainable, resilient services      they have the financial resources and        to water stress. Singapore is typically hailed
   utility water. Access is lowest in
   Sub-Saharan Africa, where only       three decades, demand for water in cities         depend not just on physical systems and            technical capacity to develop solutions.     as an example of a city that is physically
   22% of households received piped     will increase by 50 to 70 per cent.11 The         their reliability, but on broader objectives.      Research has identified Tokyo as the         water scarce, but has overcome its water
                                        depletion of surface and groundwater              This means, for example, initiating policy         most water stressed city globally,14         scarcity through implementing a set of
11 World Bank (2018)                    resources have led water service providers        changes, strengthening WASH strategies             followed by New Delhi, Mexico City and       highly effective policies and initiatives (see   13 World Bank, 2018b.
                                        (typically referred to as ‘water utilities’) to   so they recognise the impact of climate            Shanghai. While all of these are fast-       Section 2 below for more details).               14 McDonald, R., et al. (2014)
12 Winter (2018)

16                                                                                 URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   BACKGROUND                                                                                                                     17
© UNICEF/UN0278889/India

Cities around the world face a growing threat of urban water
                          shortages. The complexities of urban water scarcity mean that
                          the affordability, sustainability, safety and quality of urban
                          WASH services are all likely to be impacted on a large scale
                          if nothing is done to mitigate the risks. The objective of this
                          Guidance Note is to highlight the importance of assessing the
                          current and future resilience of urban WASH systems, and to
                          consider actions which may help mitigate the impacts of water
                          scarcity on these. To avert potential crises in the years ahead,
                          every urban WASH programme will need to ensure it includes
                          a thorough understanding of its own context and associated
                          risks. This means building local and accessible knowledge on
                          the available and projected demand for safe water (from a range
                          of sectors); the different technologies/sources available to meet
                          that demand, and the range of current and future risks urban
© UNICEF/UN046879/Syria   WASH services will face.

                                                                                                                This Guidance Note complements UNICEF’s         lessons urban authorities, UNICEF, the        © UNICEF/UNI108283/Sierra Leone
                                                                                                                global Strategy for WASH (2016-2030) and        broader WASH sector, and other partners
                                                                                                                its Global Framework for Urban WASH,            may learn from them.
                                                                                                                which outlines UNICEF’s commitment to
                                                                                                                increase its focus on urban WASH in order       Not all elements of the Cape Town
                                                                                                                to reach the most vulnerable children. The      crisis response are applicable to the
                                                                                                                note accompanies a second Guidance              programming contexts of secondary and
                                                                                                                Note on water scarcity – Water Scarcity         tertiary cities where UNICEF’s urban
                                                                                                                Guidance Note: Programmatic Approaches,         programming primarily takes place, or to
                                                                                                                which contains broader guidance on WASH         densely populated camps for refugees or
                                                                                                                programming and water scarcity.                 internally displaced people (IDP). However,
                                                                                                                                                                there are many aspects of the Cape Town
                                                                                                                This note illustrates the experiences of        experience, such as the communication and
                                                                                                                different cities and contexts in Sections 1     behaviour change aspects of the response
                                                                                                                and 2 below, including the 2018 Cape Town       and the wider strategic approach, which can
                                                                                                                water crisis. It demonstrates some of the       provide inspiration for UNICEF urban WASH
                                                                                                                steps and initiatives taken to mitigate urban   programmes looking to tackle the effects of
                                                                                                                water scarcity crises – and suggests what       urban water scarcity.

20                                                    URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   INTRODUCTION                                                                                                             21
The Guidance Note builds on the                   note categorises these actions into three
                                 experiences of cities that have faced water       types of action: preparedness actions;
                                 scarcity crises to outline some specific          immediate actions; and long-term actions
                                 actions that can be considered to mitigate        (which includes mitigation), summarised
                                 the effects of urban water scarcity. The          briefly in Figure 3 below.
                                                                                                                                           UNICEF’S URBAN
                                                                                                                                           WASH RESULTS IN 2020
FIGURE 3: The three types of action to address water shortages
                                                                                                                                           In 2020, UNICEF implemented urban water programmes in
                                                                                                                                           42 countries15 and reached an estimated 21.9 million people,
PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS                       IMMEDIATE ACTIONS                            LONG-TERM ACTIONS
                                                                                                                                           according to data collected from UNICEF’s Strategic Monitoring
Risk management actions undertaken to      Simultaneous actions to drastically reduce   Including mitigation actions, to reduce            Questions (SMQs).
prepare for the risk of water shortages,   water usage in the city by, for example,     or eliminate long-term risk. Support to            Water programmes were implemented in 17 countries in
including protecting the most vulnerable   aggressive demand management and             supply augmentation, resilience-based              development contexts, 37 countries in humanitarian contexts,
                                           restrictions, while protecting access for    approaches which includes equitable and            and 12 countries implementing urban water programmes in
                                           the most vulnerable                          sustainable water resource management.             both development and humanitarian contexts. Over 88 per
                                                                                        Strategies to improve access to unserved           cent of the people reached by urban programmes were in
                                                                                        marginalised communities                           humanitarian contexts, with a significant proportion coming      15 As reported in the 2020 Strategic
                                                                                                                                           from conflict emergency settings.                                   Monitoring Questions (SMQs)

                                                                                                                                           FIGURE 4: Reported beneficiaries for water servcies in 202016    16 Taken from the 2019 UNICEF
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Global annual results report 2019:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Goal Area 4. Available here.

                                                                                                                                      < © UNICEF Mongolia

22                                                                          URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   INTRODUCTION                                                                                                  23
Wikimedia Commons/Cape Town
                                                                                                                                                                           1. THE CAPE TOWN
                                                                                                                                                                             ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS

24                                                                                 URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO                                 Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS   25
In 2018, severe drought conditions over three successive years led
                                      to a major water shortage in Cape Town, a city with a population
                                      of over four million people. At the start of the 2018 crisis, almost
                                      all of the water supplied to Cape Town was from surface water
                                      collected from six dams.17 In 2014, the six dams were full, but
                                      after successive years of lower than average rainfall, the water
                                      levels in the dams progressively declined, eventually to 20 per
                                      cent capacity in 2018. The combined inflow between 2015 and
                                      2017 was lower than any other consecutive three-year period
                                      in the 90-year record, resulting in an estimated 1-in-590 year
                                      event.18 In early 2018, it was predicted that if no changes were
                                      made, Cape Town would experience ‘Day Zero’ – the day when                                                                                       SOUTH AFRICA
                                      the city would run out of water – before the rainy season started.
17 A small proportion of the water
   is also sourced from small dams,
                                      This led to the initiation of Level 6 restrictions (see Box 5 below)                                                 CAPE TOWN
   groundwater and springs            to avoid the reservoirs running empty, prompting widespread
18 Cape Town Water Strategy, 2019.    efforts to reduce water use.

                                                                                                                                        As early as 1995, the City of Cape Town                   projects were implemented and some
                                      The scale and speed of the crisis was          and the development of a tariff structure          committed itself to a 10 per cent saving                  of the projects, such as the Khayelitsha
                                      unexpected, particularly because the City      requiring large water users to pay more for        on the historical demand growth of 4 per                  Pressure Management Project, were very
                                      of Cape Town had long recognised the           the larger quantities of water they consume.       cent per annum. An integrated water                       successful and received wide recognition.
                                      growing threat of water scarcity and, prior    Despite population growth of three per cent        resource planning (IWRP) study carried                    However, the implementation of the full
                                      to the crisis, had made great progress in      per year, Cape Town’s water demand in              out in 2001 also indicated that various                   strategy proved unsustainable; numerous
                                      reducing water consumption. Beginning in       2017, for example, was lower than it had           water conservation and water demand                       institutional challenges meant that the initial
                                      the 1990s, the city progressively introduced   been in the year 2000 (see Figure 5 below).        management (WCWDM) initiatives were                       commitment and resources to WCWDM
                                      a range of measures to reduce the amount       The City had won several international water       the most feasible water augmentation                      were significantly reduced during 2003,
                                      of water consumed and to promote water         management and conservation awards for             options to meet the growing water demand                  2004 and again during 2006. In 2007, a
                                      efficiency. These included public awareness    its extensive efforts, and it was confidently      of the city in the medium term.                           revised WCWDM strategy was approved
                                      campaigns, leakage reduction initiatives,      predicted at the start of the crisis that a                                                                  for inclusion in the existing ‘Raw water
                                      development       and     enforcement     of   well-managed city like Cape Town would             In 2001, the City developed a WCWDM                       supply agreement’ between the City and
                                      restriction levels, alternative water source   never run out of water.                            policy and strategy based on the outcome                  the national Department of Water and
                                      identification, the installation of meters,                                                       of the IWRP study. A number of WCWDM                      Sanitation, which had also finalised funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                  arrangements for the construction of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Berg River dam.20
19 Taken from Cape Town’s Water       FIGURE 5: Total water use in Cape Town since 1970. Water use as measured by the treated
   Strategy, 2019. Available here.
                                      water supplied, including losses, on average for each year in megalitres per day (MLD)19            WATER                                                   In the end ‘Day Zero’ never arrived for Cape
                                                                                                                                          CONSUMPTION                                             Town. But there are many lessons to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  learned from policy, engineering, behaviour
                                                                                                                                          IN CAPE TOWN
                                                                                                                                                                                                  change and communication perspectives
                                                                                                                                          Water consumption in 1998:                              about the factors that led to, and averted,
                                                                                                                                          330 L/person/day                                        the crisis.
                                                                                                                                          Water consumption in 2014:
                                                                                                                                          220 L/person/day                                        Despite the successes reducing the city’s
                                                                                                                                          Water consumption in 2018:                              water demand during the crisis (see Box
                                                                                                                                          120 L/person/day (with restrictions)                    4), many believed that restrictions were
                                                                                                                                          Water reduction between 2015 and                        implemented too late in the drought cycle
                                                                                                                                          2018: 50%                                               considering the city’s complete dependence
                                                                                                                                          Water use in informal settlements:                      on surface water (the restrictions were
                                                                                                                                          5% of total use in entire city                          introduced in the third year of drought), and     20 The Berg River dam, completed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in 2007, was the last dam to add
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that they should have been applied to all            capacity to the regional water
                                                                                                                                          (Source: Cape Town’s Water Strategy, 2020)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  sectors for greater effect.                          system.

26                                                                            URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                                                                                27
Outlined below are some of the more                     prepare for the risk of water shortages),          The plan outlined that the drought effort            usage (detailed in the following section).
     effective actions that were implemented                 Immediate (actions undertaken during the           would entail three overarching actions:
     in response to the ‘Day Zero’ water crisis              crisis to drastically reduce water usage in        ⋅⋅ Keep and manage as much water in the           The plan identified a critical principle that
     in Cape Town. They are organised into                   the city) and Long-term (actions taken to             dams as possible                               proved to be critical during the crisis: the
     the three types of action for mitigating                reduce or eliminate long-term risks of water                                                         importance of having publicly accessible
     urban water scarcity: Preparedness (risk                shortages, including mitigation actions).          ⋅⋅ Ensure that the public is aware of, and
                                                                                                                                                                  information. This was critical to building trust
     management actions undertaken to                                                                              follows, the measures (through the city’s
                                                                                                                                                                  with communities, and establishing public
                                                                                                                                                                  trust and confidence in the management
                                                                                                                ⋅⋅ Provide public access to information           of water resources is key to achieving
                                                                                                                   on dam levels, which coincided with            widespread cooperation in water-saving
       PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS                                                                                        implementing restrictions on water             behaviour.

     Leading up to the crisis, the City of Cape              three phases of the plan are summarised as
     Town developed a ‘Critical Water Shortages              follows:
     Disaster Plan’. The full plan was published             Phase 1
                                                                                                                  IMMEDIATE ACTIONS
     in October 2017 and comprised three                     PRESERVATION RESTRICTIONS - RATIONING:
     phases, with supporting sector operational              this outlines possible disruption to water         Opportunities to reduce the amount of             tap, and water use averages about 50 litres
     plans and protocols, and served as a guide              supply in some areas where demand                  water consumed are significantly larger           per person per day.21
     to City operations in the event of critical             remains excessive, while introducing               in inefficient systems, where relatively
     water shortages. The disaster plan adopted              pressure management and limiting supply.           moderate interventions can often create
     what it called a ‘pessimistic’ approach to                                                                 large impacts. Since Cape Town’s water
     ensure that the city was prepared for a                 Phase 2
                                                                                                                system was already relatively efficient,
     worst-case scenario, assuming very little               DISASTER RESTRICTIONS: this involves
                                                                                                                identifying     large-scale    improvements
     additional water would be available from                intensive water rationing through closing
                                                                                                                over short timeframes was increasingly
     either rainfall or augmentation measures,               off the reticulation network in suburban
                                                                                                                difficult. This meant that the city’s existing,
     such as desalination and groundwater                    areas at the final (or Level 6) restriction (the
                                                                                                                more moderate interventions needed to
     abstraction. It detailed the steps to be                different levels of restrictions under Phase
                                                                                                                be supplemented with some immediate
     taken, including partially shutting down the            2 are given in Table 1).                                                                             (from the City of Cape Town’s ‘Water Dashboard’)
                                                                                                                and drastic actions, in order to achieve the
     network and restriction levels, and outlined            Phase 3                                            levels of water savings the city needed to
     the responsibilities of various stakeholders            FULL-SCALE DISASTER IMPLEMENTATION: this           address the crisis.                               The City of Cape Town frequently
     in managing critical water shortages. The               outlines full-scale disaster implementation.                                                         released updated public information on
                                                                                                                The actions taken by the City of Cape Town        dam levels supplying the city on a ‘Water
                                                                                                                included a number of drastic measures             Dashboard’, which also outlined the water
                                                                                                                which built on previous efforts to improve        restrictions in effect, in addition to water
     TABLE 1: Cape Town’s water restriction levels                                                              water demand management. The City                 usage by sector, and actual weekly water
                                                                                                                worked with diverse stakeholders and              usage compared to targeted water use.
                                                                                                                across multiple sectors to implement the          Information was also freely available to
      Restriction levels refer to the saving required to reduce supplied water volumes to meet the              measures, enabling a reduction of 50 per          the public on the improvements relating to
      Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) restrictions in times of drought, targeted at all domestic       cent in net domestic water consumption            water augmentation. When improvements
      uses of water throughout the city. The City of Cape Town must meet DWS usage targets. To enable           rate by March 2018 (after 26 months               in dam levels were evident, the City
      these targets to be met, the city council has to approve tariffs and measures for the different           of restrictions), as shown in Figure 5.           reduced restrictions incrementally. Some
      restriction levels. Once approved, the City can move between restriction levels as long as they meet      Several existing demand management                of the immediate actions which were used
      the DWS target, and adhere to the approved restriction tariffs.                                           initiatives which were scaled-up during the       on demand management are summarised
                                                                                                                crisis primarily, but not entirely, targeted      below.
      LEVEL 1              Requires a saving of 10%
                                                                                                                domestic households. The measures did
      LEVEL 2              Requires a saving of 20%                                                             not impact informal settlements; the City         WATER RATIONING AND USE
      LEVEL 3              Requires a saving of 30%                                                             ensured that the half a million people living     OF COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS:
                                                                                                                in informal settlements continued to have         The water rationing measures introduced
      LEVEL 4              Allows for an urban demand of 600 MLD (megalitres per day) (aimed at 100 l/p/d,      access to water services, and the provision       during the crisis were enforced, with Level
                           and 87 l/p/d at Level 4B)                                                            of a free minimum volume of water per             6 restrictions and tariffs aimed at limiting
      LEVEL 5              Allows for an urban demand of 500 MLD                                                household per day was not affected. In            consumption to 50 L per person per day.
                                                                                                                informal settlements, water is supplied           Households using more than 10,000 L per
      LEVEL 6              Allows for an urban demand of 450 MLD (aimed at 50 l/p/d)                            for free through public taps at a ratio of        month were restricted through physical             21 Cape Town’s Water Strategy
                                                                                                                approximately 25 households or fewer per          installation of flow-restricting water meters.        (2019)
     (Source: City of Cape Town Water Outlook 2018)

28                                                    URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                                                                       29
A campaign targeted at the wider population       based on the number of people (Cape Town           FIGURE 6: Number of water pipe bursts per month in Cape Town26                                     26 Ibid.
                                     provided water conservation guidance on           has guidance on water use based on the
                                     how to reduce consumption, including how          number of occupants22). If a household
                                     to use 50 L per person per day, and this          continued to exceed its allocation after
                                     continues to be publicly available (see ‘A        a second warning, the City installed a
                                     social norms approach’ section below and          household flow restrictor (which was
                                     ‘Water-saving tips’).                             externally visible). In the first six months of
                                                                                       2018, the number of households consuming
                                     RESTRICTION TARIFFS:                              more than their allocation, reduced by 61
                                     Prior to the crisis, a stepped tariff model was   per cent. By 2019, approximately 220,000
                                     already based on the ‘more you use, the           household flow restrictors had been
                                     more you pay’ principle, with progressively       installed by the City.23
                                     more expensive tariffs at higher blocks                                                              A SOCIAL NORMS APPROACH27:                         report and the government, organisations
                                     to encourage water conservation while                                                                The City of Cape Town frequently published         and businesses promoted water-saving
                                     providing subsidised tariffs at low levels
                                                                                       PRESSURE MANAGEMENT:
                                                                                                                                          data to promote water saving by residents          techniques. Businesses made efforts
                                     of consumption. During the crisis,                While water pressure is used to ensure that
                                                                                                                                          through a drought awareness campaign.              to communicate such techniques to
                                     progressively more punitive tariffs (up to        all parts of a water network receive water
                                                                                                                                          The use of data helped to promote a wide           employees. People also shared tips on water
                                     ‘Level 6’ tariffs) were introduced so that        irrespective of the elevation or network
                                                                                                                                          discussion and a social norms approach             saving, including reuse of water, bucket
                                     higher rates of consumption (e.g. volumes         diameter, high water pressure can lead
                                                                                                                                          to water saving, where groups including            showers and restricted toilet flushing, on
                                     over 50 L per person per day or 10,000 L          to damaged water pipes, and as a result,
                                                                                                                                          communities, businesses and peers used             social media. Interestingly, techniques used
                                     per household per month) were priced at an        higher rates of leakage. Although pressure                                                            in the poorer informal settlements gained
                                                                                                                                          the urgent messages of the water crisis
                                     even higher rate. The rates were extremely        reduction initiatives had been introduced a                                                           traction in wealthier areas.28
                                                                                                                                          to influence others to save water. The                                                             27 Alexander (2019)
                                     punitive above 35,000 L per household per         decade earlier, and water losses, estimated
                                                                                                                                          media disseminated the weekly water                                                                28 Ibid.
                                     month, even for wealthier households.             at 15 per cent across the network,24 were
                                     The high tariffs were effective at reducing       low compared to similar cities, actions were
                                     household water consumption, and                  accelerated to further reduce the water
                                     volumes billed at the higher ‘blocks’ shrunk      pressure. Such actions included using smart
                                     considerably.                                     pressure controllers, proactive leak detection,      From the City of Cape Town’s                                       From the City of Cape Town’s
                                                                                       pipe and meter replacement. These                    website on suggestions                                             website on suggestions
                                     For a more detailed description of the
                                     tariffs implemented in Cape Town, it is
                                                                                       interventions were informed by a network-            ON WHAT HOUSEHOLDS                                                 WHAT THE CITY
                                                                                       wide asset management strategy, reducing
                                     recommended to read Section 4 of the city’s                                                            CAN DO TO SAVE WATER:                                              IS DOING TO SAVE WATER:
                                                                                       the amount of time between leak detection
                                     Water Outlook Report 2018, which contains
                                                                                       and repair, managing water pressure on a             ⋅⋅ Check and fix all leaks on your property                        ⋅⋅ Finding and repairing underground water leaks
                                     detailed tariff calculations at different usage
                                                                                       zone-by-zone basis, and retrofitting public          ⋅⋅ Use municipal drinking water to irrigate on                     ⋅⋅ Continuing with pressure reduction programmes
                                                                                       buildings with water-efficient fittings.25             Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays before 09:00 or                 to reduce the flow of water at one time, as well as
                                                                                       Importantly, leak detection initiatives                after 18:00 for a maximum of one hour per property                water losses through leakage in the pipework of the
                                     FLOW RESTRICTIONS:
                                                                                       were implemented at the household and                  and only if using a bucket or watering can                        distribution system
                                     Household flow restrictors had been
                                                                                       network scale; guidelines (for example,              ⋅⋅ Use of a dripper, drip line or soaker hose for                  ⋅⋅ Making more money available for our first line
                                     installed prior to the crisis, and once the
                                                                                       see the City’s Find and Fix Leaks leaflet)             irrigation on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays                   response teams to attend to reported water faults
                                     crisis hit, households which had been
                                                                                       were made publicly available to inform               ⋅⋅ Use of sprinklers or a hosepipe fitted with a self-             ⋅⋅ Improving response times for water complaints
                                     deemed not to have reduced consumption
                                                                                       households of how to identify leaks in their           closing spray nozzle on Saturdays                                ⋅⋅ Increasing staff numbers to deal with water
                                     sufficiently, and/or had not conducted
                                     leak safeguarding, were subjected to flow         property’s pipes. The restricted per capita          ⋅⋅ Use municipal drinking water to fill swimming pools              management device complaints and faults
                                                                                       water allocations encouraged households                if the pool is covered with a non-permeable solid                ⋅⋅ Promoting the use of treated effluent (recycled
                                     restrictions. Importantly, water allowances
                                                                                       to identify leaks and fix them. It has been            pool cover when not in use and the pool is topped up              water) or borehole water instead of drinking water
               22 Available here.    were applied to households, as well as to
                                                                                                                                              with rainwater where practically possible                         for irrigation purposes
23 Cape Town Water Strategy (2019)   schools and business. Larger households           estimated that pressure management and
                                                                                       leak detection measures led to savings of            ⋅⋅ Vehicles, trailers, caravans and boats can be washed            ⋅⋅ Offering plumbing repairs for indigent households
                          24 Ibid.   could apply for additional allocations per
                                                                                                                                              with municipal drinking water using a bucket                      free of charge
                          25 Ibid.   month as the household allowances were            70 MLD in Cape Town.
                                                                                                                                            ⋅⋅ Convert to water-wise landscaping. Use water-wise               ⋅⋅ Reducing water losses from our systems
                                                                                                                                              plant species, limit lawn areas and mulch flowerbeds
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ⋅⋅ Replacing ageing water mains
                                                                                                                                              to help retain moisture in the soil
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ⋅⋅ Creating awareness for water saving through school
                                      EXTERNAL RESOURCES                                                                                    ⋅⋅ Install water-efficient taps or fit existing taps with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                visits and communication
                                                                                                                                              aerators – these can reduce water flow from 20-30
                                      Think Water’ page                                Water Saving checklist (shot on p. 30)                 litres per minute to 6-10 litres per minute
                                      How to fix a leak page                           Water saving tips
                                                                                                                                            ⋅⋅ Install new water-saving toilets

30                                                                              URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                                                                31
From the City of Cape Town website:

                                      Water-saving tips:
                           The more you save, the less you pay – and more water remains in our dams.
                             SHARE THIS with others, and visit www.capetown.gov.za/thinkwater
                                                  for more information and guidelines.

                                               Toilet flushing and sanitation                                                               A NOTE ON THE SUSTAINABILITY                       The actions described above were
                                                                                                                                           AND CHALLENGES OF WATER SAVING:                    considered to be key initiatives contributing
                                                                                                                                           Following the crisis (i.e. when dam levels         to the reduction in water demand and
                                                                                     Place a full glass bottle in your cistern to
                                                               Let                                                                         were recharged by rains), water restrictions       consumption during the period of the
                        the ‘yellow mellow’ at home, work, school,                                                                                                                            immediate crisis. It is hoped the interventions
                                                                                     (if you have no choice but to use municipal           continued, although on a less stringent
                        gym, shops, etc. Don't use it as a dustbin.
                                                                                     drinking water).                                      basis, and focused on particular activities,       will also have longer-term impacts and
                                                                                                                                           including     watering     gardens.   Water        behaviour changes. The Cape Town crisis
                        Flush with greywater only (laundry, bath                     Use less toilet paper to minimise the risk            restrictions and guidelines on the amount of       (as well as other examples, including the
                        and shower water) or with rain, borehole                     of sewer blockages and do not use your                water use per household (depending on the          Melbourne case study set out later in this
                        or well-point water.                                         toilet as a dustbin.                                                                                     document) demonstrates the importance
                                                                                                                                           number of occupants) remain in effect as
                                                                                                                                           of 2020. The City of Cape Town continues           of sustaining intensive engagement and
                                                                                     Use bleach or disinfectant to regularly               to encourage residents to work together to         communication to drive a long-term water
                        Close toilet stopcock (angle valve).                         sanitise toilets and surrounding areas
                                                                                                                                           change the way water is consumed. Despite          saving culture, and promoting a sense of
                        You will save municipal drinking water.                      and keep hands sanitised to prevent
                                                                                     health risks.                                         this, the city’s daily water consumption has       individual responsibility and accountability.
                                                                                                                                           increased somewhat over the past year
                 Please note: The use of water from alternative sources has some health and hygiene risks you must avoid.                  with a summer peak of approximately 750            While ‘Day Zero’ was averted and the City
                  Keep hands and surface areas sanitised and disinfected. Don't keep greywater for longer than 24 hours.                   MLD (compared to 600 MLD in 2018) and              of Cape Town earned the trust of many
                                   Keep water containers in a safe place as children can drown in them.                                    winter peak around 650 MLD (compared               of its residents, many challenges were
                                                                                                                                           to 550 MLD in 2018).29 However, water              encountered to achieve overall water
                                                                                                                                           usage is significantly lower than before the       savings, including wealthier residents
                                                                                                                                           crisis, suggesting there may be longer-term        drilling boreholes on their properly to access
                                           Body washing and personal hygiene                                                               effects of demand reduction interventions          groundwater to bypass the municipal
                                                                                                                                           at household and business levels.                  volume restrictions.                              29 Alexander (2019)
                        Take short, stop-start showers.                              Don’t let taps run for too long or at full
                        Wet your body. Turn off the tap. Soap.                            Use a cup for shaving, brushing
                        Rinse quickly.                                               teeth, etc.

                                                                                                                                            LONG-TERM ACTIONS
                        No shower? Take a sponge bath.
                                                                                     Use waterless hand sanitiser instead
                        Use minimal water in a basin, bowl
                                                                                     of washing your hands.
                        or washtub (‘waskom’).                                                                                             For longer-term planning, water demand             May 2019, the City Council of Cape Town
                                                                                                                                           approaches in Cape Town moved from                 approved Cape Town’s Water Strategy,
                        Don’t let water run while you wait for                       Collect as much washing water as possible             focusing on disaster management to                 which outlines five commitments in the
                        it to heat. If possible, use cold water                                                   as a priority.           resilience, with the City continuing its efforts   context of a ‘whole-of-society’ approach.
                        or heat your water for a sponge bath,                        Excess greywater can be used for plants
                                                                                                                                           to reduce consumption across all sectors. In       The five commitments are set out below.
                        in a kettle or on the stove.                                 or washing vehicles.

City of Cape Town website: Water saving tips

32                                                                               URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                                                                 33
FIGURE 7: Cape Town’s five water commitments, from the City’s 2019 Water Strategy.

                                       As water resources in the Western Cape         per cent of the city’s water supply has been       governments with constitutional protection    population residing in informal settlements
                                       are shared with many other sectors, the        provided from alternative sources to the           for the human right to water. Despite this,   used 50 litres per person per day on average
                                       City of Cape Town is building on multi-        rain-fed dams, and the city has committed          high levels of inequality persist in Cape     both before and during the crisis.
                                       stakeholder collaboration with different       to increasing its available supply through         Town and there are still many marginalised    Prior to the crisis, households within
                                       groups, particularly in the agriculture        such alternative sources by 300 MLD by             communities living in informal settlements.   recognised informal settlement communities
                                       sector, to ensure that water efficiency        2029.31                                            This includes newly emerging settlements      were provided with 6,000 litres of free water
                                       continues to improve. This collaborative                                                          which are not officially recognised by the    per household per month (which equates to
                                       approach is essential as the city’s water      THE IMPACT OF THE WATER CRISIS                     City, which have an impact on access to       50 litres per person per day in a four-person
                                       catchment area is mostly from outside of       ON INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS:                           water and the City’s obligations to provide   household), delivered largely via public
                                       the city’s boundaries, where agriculture       The impact of the water crisis on informal         a water service34. Although the population    standpipes. Basic allocations continued
                                       is concentrated. During restrictions, the      settlements: The National Water Act (1998)         residing in informal settlements in Cape      with no physical restrictions imposed in
                                       agriculture sector had to reduce their water   recognised that water resources provide            Town represents an estimated 10 to 15         informal settlements. The free allocation
                                       consumption by 60 per cent30 and many          benefits for all people32, and the Water           per cent of the city’s overall population,    continued throughout the crisis; owing to
                                                                                                                                         the population uses only five per cent of     their already low levels of consumption, the    34 Water connections were not
                                       farmers are now considering permanent          Services Act (1997) established clear
30   Cape Town Water Outlook (2018)                                                                                                                                                                                                       provided to newly occupied
31   Cape Town Water Strategy (2019)   changes to their water use practices to        rights of access and the delivery of water         total city water consumption. Water use in    provision of water to informal settlements         (informal) but instead to existing
32   The National Water Act (1998)     ensure their operations are more efficient     as a service33 under a legal framework.            informal settlements is constrained by the    was not affected by water restrictions, even       service areas
33   The Water Services Act (1997)     in the future. In addition, since 2019, five   South Africa is one of the few national            volume of water that can be carried;35 the    at Level 6 restrictions.                        35 Cape Town Water Strategy (2019)

34                                                                             URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 1. THE CAPE TOWN ‘DAY ZERO’ CRISIS                                                                                    35
                                                                               2. EXPERIENCES FROM OTHER
                                                                                  WATER-SCARCE CITIES

Some water-scarce cities’ experiences, and how they have                                           capacities, water resource monitoring,                   enormous quantities of groundwater, will
                                                                                                                                         efficient water use (including improving                 need to be actively included in any such
                                      attempted to safeguard their water supplies, are set out below.
                                                                                                                                         leakages) and behaviour change. The                      reforms to ensure that water is used
                                                                                                                                         agriculture sector, currently abstracting                efficiently and appropriately.

                                                                                                                                         The Asian city state has long been hailed as a           ⋅⋅ Collect every drop of water (authorities
                                                                                                                                         success in terms of balancing its very limited              explore ways to collect every drop
                                                                                                                                         water availability against its water demand.                of water that falls on Singapore)
                                                                                                                                         This is despite the island country having one               which includes rainwater harvesting,
                                                                                                                                         of the highest population densities in the                  green infrastructure and storm water
                                                                                                                                         world, with numbers increasing every year.                  management;
ORANGE COUNTY                                                          AMMAN                                                             Due to concerted efforts at a number of                  ⋅⋅ Reuse water endlessly – including for
                                                                                                                                         levels, the city’s per capita household water               drinking water (reused water provides
                                                                                                                                         consumption reduced from 165 litres per                     40 per cent of demand through the
                                                                                        CHENNAI                                          day in 2003 to 143 litres per day in 2017.37 To             ‘NEWater’ programme);
                            BOGOTÀ                                                                                                       ensure the optimum management of water
                                                                                               SINGAPORE                                                                                          ⋅⋅ Desalinate seawater (aiming to provide
                                                                                                                                         resources38, there have been substantial
                                                                                                                                                                                                     30 per cent of water demand); and
                                                                                                                                         investments in research and technology to
                                 LA PAZ                                                                                                  conserve, treat, recycle and supply water                ⋅⋅ Import water from the Johor River               37 ‘Singapore Water Story’, www.
                                                            WINDHOEK                                                                                                                                                                                    pub.gov.sg/watersupply/
                                                                                                                                         (see Figure 8). Singapore’s water demand is                 in Malaysia through the 1962 Water                 singaporewaterstory. [accessed 1
                                                                                                                                         met through four main sources, outlined in                  Agreement which allows withdrawal                  September 2019]
                                                                                                             MELBOURNE                   the ‘Four National Taps’ programme:                         from the Johor River until 2061.                38 Ibid.

                                                                                                                                         FIGURE 8: Singapore’s holistic approach to water management 39                                              39 Ibid.


                                          CHENNAI, INDIA

                                                                                                                                         Stormwater management                    Rain                        Sea                                                 Treatment of used
                                      Following successive years of unsustainable     locations outside of the city, but as demand                                                                                                                                 water at 4 water
                                      groundwater extraction and poor water           increased, borehole owners were forced to
                                      management, many of India’s largest cities      drill deeper to find water. The government
                                      are facing continuous water shortages.          provided water through tankers, but                                                 Indirect potable use

                                      In June 2019, nearly 65 per cent of the         residents had to queue for long periods,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5 NEWater factories
                                      country’s reservoirs were almost empty.36       which greatly affected their time for other
                                                                                      livelihood opportunities. Residents who                                                                                                Direct non-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             potable use
                                      In Chennai, a city of nine million, there was   could afford it had to pay exorbitant sums                                                                                             through 515km
                                      no water available in the network during the    to private water providers for additional                                                                      3 Desalination plants   network                         Collection of used water in
                                                                                                                                         Collection of rainfall in
                                      summer of 2019 as the city faced heatwaves      water deliveries.                                                                                                                                                     3,500km of sewers and DTSS

                                      and severe drought. Public toilets were         India’s long-term planning for water supply
                                      closed and employees were forced to             augmentation has included investing in
                                      work from home due to insufficient water        desalination plants and transporting water
                                      to ensure functional hygiene facilities at      from distant watersheds. Such options
                                      workplaces.                                     are likely to relieve only a small part of the                                                                                                    Industries
                                      Shortages of water affected the surrounding     water shortage problem and are unlikely                                                                         Transmission and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      distribution network
                                      areas of Chennai, where communities were        to provide a sustainable water supply for
                                      already dependent on water tankers for their    everyone. Alleviating the crisis will require                                       Treatment of raw to
                                                                                                                                                                         potable water at 8 PUB
                                      drinking water supply. Tankers collected        solutions addressing many different factors,                                       water treatment plants
  36 NASA Earth Observatory (2019)    their water from wells and boreholes in         such as the enabling environment, technical                                                                                                     Households

  38                                                                           URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 2. EXPERIENCES FROM OTHER WATER-SCARCE CITIES                                                                                    39
                             In November 2016, the worst drought in           also been blamed for reducing the city’s
                             25 years combined with impacts from El-          valuable and limited water resources even
                             Nino to create water shortages throughout        further.42
                             Bolivia. An emergency was declared by the
                             national government and La Paz, the capital,     The immediate response in La Paz was for
                             was forced to enact strict water rationing       the city’s water service provider to halt the
                             measures in 94 neighbourhoods.40                 distribution of water through the network
                                                                              and instead use water trucks and communal
                             The reasons behind the city’s water crisis       water tanks, in addition to the introduction of
                             were multifaceted. The glaciers that once        a strict water rationing system. Community
                             fed the city’s reservoirs are disappearing       members lined up at the communal water
                             due to higher temperatures over the past 20      tanks and were limited to collecting two
                             years, as a result of climate change. Bolivian   containers of water. In other areas, water
                             cities are highly dependent on glaciers for      was available in the network for three hours
                             their water supply, especially during dry        every three days. Over the course of the
                             months. In addition to this, poor water          crisis, an estimated 400,000 people in 100
                             management was highlighted as a key factor       neighbourhoods in La Paz and neighbouring
                             contributing to the crisis. Bolivian water       El Alto were affected.43
                             infrastructure has been in decline for many
                             years; leaking pipes and illegal connections     While the city is launching several
                             have led to high rates of non-revenue water      infrastructure projects to enhance water
                             and water losses being reported, of up to        supply, including a new dam and reservoir
                             50 per cent.41 Inadequate investment in          to capture more rainwater, a broad range
                             new infrastructure or water sources has          of additional initiatives will be needed to
     Miranda (2018)
     Farthing (2016)         meant continued dependence on inefficient        address future water crises that the city will
                                                                                                                                   AMMAN, JORDAN
42   Martinez (2017)         water and energy infrastructure. Mining          inevitably face.
43   Kaufman (2017)          operations near La Paz’s reservoirs have                                                            Jordan is reported to be the fifth-most                 in Jordan, which include the rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                 water stressed country in the world.44                  or replacement of leaking sections of the
                                                                                                                                 Amman continues to struggle with drastic                network, alongside support for increased
© UNICEF/UNI189337/Bolivia                                                                                                       levels of water scarcity, which have seen               energy efficiency and the use of renewable
                                                                                                                                 the Government develop policies which                   energy.
                                                                                                                                 set clearly defined rules to better manage
                                                                                                                                 water resources efficiently and sustainably.            UNICEF has supported the Government of
                                                                                                                                 The ‘Water Substitution and Reuse Policy                Jordan to develop water and wastewater
                                                                                                                                 (2016)’45 recognises wastewater as a                    vulnerability maps at a sub-district level,
                                                                                                                                 potential water source, for example, and                as a planning tool to aid policy and
                                                                                                                                 sets out specific strategies to increase                prioritisation. The water vulnerability maps
                                                                                                                                 the amounts of wastewater treated. As                   were developed using a number of criteria,
                                                                                                                                 a result, Jordan has one of the highest                 including the age of the network, the
                                                                                                                                 rates of wastewater reuse in the region. In             amount of water consumed (compared to
                                                                                                                                 2014, 125 million cubic metres of treated               the planned amounts) and poverty, and as
                                                                                                                                 wastewater were reused after either being               flagged areas in most need of additional
                                                                                                                                 blended with fresh water for irrigation or              support, including network extension.
                                                                                                                                 used for other purposes without blending.               The wastewater vulnerability maps were              Wikimedia Commons/Amman
                                                                                                                                 Despite this progress, water leakage in                 developed using a range of criteria, including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          44 https://www.wri.org/
                                                                                                                                 the network is still a major challenge; non-            the sewage network coverage, data on                applications/aqueduct/country-
                                                                                                                                 revenue water is estimated at 52 per cent,              wastewater treatment plant assessments,             rankings/
                                                                                                                                 largely due to leakage in the distribution              the age of the sewage network, and levels        45 Government of Jordan,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ‘Wastewater substitution and
                                                                                                                                 system,46 as well as illegal network                    of poverty. The maps identified sub-districts       reuse policy (2016), Ministry of
                                                                                                                                 connections and boreholes. To address this,             most in need of additional treatment                Water and Irrigation, 2016.
                                                                                                                                 a range of projects targeted at promoting               infrastructure and capacity.
                                                                                                                                 water efficiency are being implemented                                                                   46 Ibid.

40                                                                     URBAN WATER SCARCITY GUIDANCE NOTE: PREVENTING DAY ZERO   Chapter 2. EXPERIENCES FROM OTHER WATER-SCARCE CITIES                                                                                    41
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