Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas June 2021 - The Reformed Church in America

Page created by Scott Robbins
Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas June 2021 - The Reformed Church in America
Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas
                                               June 2021

Dear friends,

Greetings from the Amazon, Brazil, South America.

In our last Dear Friends Letter, we shared the burdens of the Pandemic. Thank God for you who prayed,
message, called, supported, and showed up. Paraphrasing First Thessalonians 1:3-4, we ought always to thank
God for you, brothers and sisters, because our faith is growing more and more, and the love we have for one
another is increasing. We boast about your perseverance and faith in all the trials we faced and endured. We’re
standing because we have God, and we have one another.

Updates on COVID-19
The situation in Manaus has been improving since March. Now,
we’re facing different challenges, such as unemployment. Many
people are depending on the help of the government, non-profits,
and especially of the church.

The Presbyterian Church of Manaus continues with the Barn
Project, helping those in need with family food packs in the cities,
villages, and tribes.

Mission trips
The government is loosening COVID-19 precaution restrictions and boats are now allowed to navigate with a 60
percent capacity. In June, four mission trips were taken with American teams—partners of the Presbyterian
Church of Manaus—and many others were taken in the first semester only with Brazilians.
As usual, each trip visits from four to six communities, offering medical and dental assistance, VBS, evangelism,
discipleship, and a church service at the end of the day. We say church, but it can be under a tree, and that’s
great. God saves people in different settings and we praise Him for that!

Missionary Training Center (CTM)
2020 was challenging for the students in the CTM. They all had COVID-19, some with symptoms and some
without. But they all went through.

In 2021, some of them faced challenges to return to school. Marcos Tonoman, an indigenous first-year student,
couldn’t return. His tribe and family prohibited him to leave, and if he would, they wouldn’t let him take his wife
and daughter with him (and his wife is pregnant). So, he stayed, of course. But God knew that before we did and
that was not out of God’s control. Tonoman is helping us plant a church among his people.
     Would you like to receive these updates digitally? Please email Kelli at kgilmore@rca.org to be added to the email
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Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas June 2021 - The Reformed Church in America
Severo Matsés, also an indigenous first-year student, took some time to return for his second year in 2021. His
tribe was holding him back, too, but he decided to come back and finish the training. Severo speaks seven
different languages, including Portuguese and Spanish, and five indigenous dialects. He feels called and gifted by
God to preach to unreached indigenous groups in the Amazon. Pray for him.

This year, the CTM received two more indigenous families from the Wai-Wai and Macuxi ethnicity. The language
is a great challenge for them, so pray for them, too. One of the families, the Wai-Wai, left two children in the
care of grandparents. They pray the Lord will send provision for them to bring the children next year.

The students continue doing ministry during the weekends. Now, on four different fronts. In the Park of Tribes
and the Waikiru (two indigenous churches outside Manaus). And in two other churches in the city.

The school is expanding its activities, and it plans to host a Training for Indigenous Church Leaders next July 5th-
9th of 2021. About 15 church leaders will come from the tribes to the school to receive training and medical and
dental assistance.

It will be a strategic time, too, for the training will hold together the approved projects of the RCA-IPM
partnership: missionary training scholarships (CTM), doctor’s salary (medical team), and unreached people
groups (leaders). Pray for this, especially for the challenge of hosting and training different cultures.

Interpreter’s training & fellowship
Last May, we hosted a missionary training event at the CTM. This training was focused on short-term mission
trip interpreters but was also offered for our CTM’s students. The theme of the training was Life with God, and
two sentences highlight the event: “Don’t do just the English language translation. You are a part of a heavenly
translation, conveying a message from God.” We thank pastor Alcedir Sentalin for this light.

Family update
We are happy and grateful for what God has done, even during pain and grief. His love has been faithful and
present every day. Lia continues to face chronic pain and we ask for God’s sufficient grace. His goodness allows
her to keep the mission work, serving the Lord and his people.

Thiago is finishing the semester in the Presbyterian seminary and will make good use of July vacations to rest. By
the way, if you didn’t know, he’s doing seminary in Brazil because the Presbyterian Church of Brazil requires so
for the ordination process.
      RCA Global Mission does not receive denominational assessments or covenant shares. We depend on the
                                  faithful generosity of churches and individuals.
Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas June 2021 - The Reformed Church in America
There is an optimistic prevision that by the next couple of months
    Thiago will receive his COVID-19 vaccine. Manaus is offering now
    for people above 37 years (and he’s 30 now). Lia already had two
    doses due to her health condition. We thank God for that.

    Join us in prayer for:
   The next mission trips as we share the love of Jesus and offer
    health assistance
   The CTM students, especially those who are struggling to learn
    Brazilian Portuguese
   Lia’s health and Thiago’s seminary
   For the Wai-Wai family in the CTM and the reunion of the family planned for the next year

    And join us in gratitude, for Jesus has raised up true prayer partners. People who walk with us and pray for our
    ministry. We pray for you, too, and you are always in our hearts and minds.

    “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy,
    for you have been spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.” Philippians

    Thiago and Lia

          RCA Global Mission does not receive denominational assessments or covenant shares. We depend on the
                                      faithful generosity of churches and individuals.
Update from Thiago and Lia Dantas June 2021 - The Reformed Church in America
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