COMMUNITY UPDATE United States Army Garrison Stuttgart January 2018 - Stuttgart Citizen

Page created by Luis Pierce
COMMUNITY UPDATE United States Army Garrison Stuttgart January 2018 - Stuttgart Citizen
United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart
            January 2018

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Table of Contents
  Facility Updates .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3-4
    All Installations ............................................................................................................................................................................
    Panzer Kaserne ........................................................................................................................................................................... .
    Patch Barracks ..............................................................................................................................................................................
    Kelley Barracks .............................................................................................................................................................................
    Robinson Barracks ......................................................................................................................................................................
  Support Service Updates ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-6
    Garrison App Available for All ................................................................................................................................................................... .
    RSO Hiring ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
    FMWR Hiring .................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
    What's up with my Service Order? .......................................................................................................................................................... .
    Housing Resident Handbook, On/Off-Post Recycling Guides........................................................................................................ .
    iReport Europe ................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
    ATHOC Emergency Notification Signup ................................................................................................................................................. .
    Stay Informed On-Post .................................................................................................................................................................................. .
  Deadlines .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  Training ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
  Monthly Themes & Highlights............................................................................................................................................... 6-7
    Polar Bear Club ................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
    Patch Arts & Crafts V-Day Specials ........................................................................................................................................................... .
    ACS Programs .................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
    Fitness Center Orientations ......................................................................................................................................................................... .
    Patch Library Programs ............................................................................................................................................................................... .
    RB Zentrum Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................................... .
    USO Events Schedule ...................................................................................................................................................................................... .
    DODEA School Calendar................................................................................................................................................................................ .
    Approved HBB’s ............................................................................................................................................................................................... .
  Monthly Calendar ....................................................................................................................................................................8-14

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Facility Updates

All Installations

Holiday Mailing Hours
All Community Mail Rooms (CMRs) are open Saturdays through Jan. 6.

Holiday Closures
View a list here. Check the garrison web page at or call the office before arrival.

Free Wi-Fi at Fitness Centers
    Wi-Fi is now installed in the Kelley Barracks Fitness Center. Kelley Barracks also opened 24/7 in December
      with unmanned enrollment access. Stop by the fitness center to complete sign up. Other locations to follow.
    Patch Fitness Center install to be completed by Dec. 31. The side of the building which houses the spin
      room and the upstairs aerobics room will require a separate router that will be installed at a later date.
    Panzer Fitness Center begins install in mid-January. Completion date to be determined.

The Heat Is On in Housing & Facilities
Contact the Service Order desk to report if on-post heat is not functioning at 0711-729-6200.

Panzer Kaserne

VAT Office Closed Jan 19
    All VAT Offices in Europe will be closed Jan. 19 in order to roll-out/switch-over to new hardware and
      software systems.
    Jan. 26 is designated as an alternate switch-over date in case issues cannot be resolved by 2 p.m. Jan. 19 as

Retiree Services Office Closed, Volunteers Needed
    Building 2915, Rm. 122, Panzer Kaserne
    The office is temporarily closed until volunteer positions can be filled to run the retiree council. Retiree
       actions will still be processed by the garrison Retirement Services program manager. If you’re a community
       member interested in volunteering to run the Retiree Services Office or to be on the council, or if you need
       assistance with a retiree action, call DSN 431-2010 or 07031-15-2130.

Panzer Back Gate Hours
    The back gate is open with the school schedule:
          o Inbound Mon-Fri 6:30-9:30 a.m.
          o Outbound Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri: 2:30-3 p.m. and 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs: 1:30 – 2 p.m. & 4:30- 6 p.m.

Panzer Housing Heating Line Project
    The Directorate of Public Works Engineering Division contractor has begun a multiple-phase project that
      will ultimately connect Panzer Housing to the district heat lines from the City of Böblingen. Plans will be
      communicated to any residents impacted 2 weeks out. Projected through 2018.
    Parking Spaces are gradually being returned or re-designated in alternate areas while the project proceeds.
    Building 3100-3105: Excavation continues between 3102 and 3013 (crossing the road). Workers are filling
      the excavated sites in front of 3100 and between 3100 and 3102. Pipe work is in progress at 3102-3104.
    Building 3106-3110: Removal of the old boiler system and electrical work in the basements of 3106 and
      3107. Workers are filling the excavated areas from 3110-3100.

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

      Building 3111-3165: Removal of the old boiler system continues in 3113-3115 and 31118. The sidewalk
       will be completed between 3112-3113.

Patch Barracks

Stuttgart Health Clinic Hours

Patch Heating Project
    Work will continue on Patch Barracks through 2018. Subscribe to email updates on for
       notifications of construction. Contact DSN: 421-6234.
    Excavation work begins Jan. 16 for Bldgs. 2340 and 2341
    Excavation work for Bldgs. 2300, 2347, 2339 and 2350 is scheduled to continue Feb. 19.
    Excavation work for Bldg. 2343 will follow in addition to boiler room work.

Construction Around Patch Middle School
    Construction on Illinois Straße has changed the drop off and pick up zones to Montana Straße. Parents will
      have to drop their Middle School-aged children off at other locations on Patch Barracks such as Washington
      Square, Bankers Row, the AAFES Food Court, the Commissary, the Community Center or the Patch Gym.
      The students will then need to walk to school from there. The students will also need to be picked up at any
      of those locations after school.
    Montanan Straße and parts of New York Straße is closed to all traffic except school buses starting at 7:25
      a.m. until all buses have left the area, and again in the afternoon starting at 2 p.m. On early release
      Thursdays, the afternoon closure will occur at 1 p.m.
    Contact the school principal directly at

Kelley Barracks

Kelley Pedestrian Gate Open
All pedestrian gates are back in service, Dec. 21. Contact the MP Desk to report gate issues at 0711-680-5262.

Kelley Sewer Project
    Detours and blocking signage will be marked as needed during the 3-year sewer project, through 2019.
       Subscribe to email updates on for notifications of construction.
    New phase begins Jan. 15 – 26: Residents of Vesta Strasse will have access from Pine Street or Spruce
    From Jan. 29- Feb. 9 the Kelley Wash-Ruck is closed.

JAMII Room Closure
The Kelley Barracks community room closed for construction in the building through Feb. 2018.

Robinson Barracks

RBZ Events Schedule – Activities, and events at the new RBZ community club.

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Support Service Updates

Garrison App Available for Android & Apple Users
    USAG Stuttgart launched an informational mobile app including one-touch emergency contacts, quick
       appointment links, the bus schedule, things to do and more.
    Download the app in Google Play or iTunes, search “USAG Stuttgart”

RSO is Hiring
    The Stuttgart Religious Support Office is currently seeking applicants for:
    Music Leader: Direct choir, lead congregation in Worship Service.
    Worship Instrumentalist: Select all musical selections for Religious Services, and coordinate choir
    Childcare Provider: Multiple providers for chapel Watch Care services. Individuals must have experience
       working with infants and toddlers. Applicants must be willing to work weekdays/end and Holidays.
       Flexible hours. Background check is required.
    Positions are open for all Religious Services on Panzer, Patch and Robinson Barracks. Send resumes to Sgt.
       1st Class Tameka Dixon at

FMWR is Hiring
   Child and Youth Program Assistants and Family Child Care (FCC) Home-Based Providers Needed -
     Positions are open to all qualified candidates eligible for appointment under U.S. employment conditions.
     Visit the USAJOBS link or Contact Parent Central Services at DSN: 430-7480/7488/civ. 0711-680-748.
   Sports Officials & Adult Fitness Instructors Needed, Paid & Volunteer Opportunities - DSN 431-2616 /
     CIV 07031-15-2616 or DSN 430-5606 / CIV 0711-680-5606 Attend the CYS sports officials’ hiring/training
         o Wrestling: Jan. 9-11
         o Volleyball: Feb. 6-8
         o Baseball/Softball: Feb. 13-15
         o Soccer: Feb. 20-22
   Youth SKIES Unlimited Instructors Needed - Seeking instructors for piano, voice, dance, art, swimming,
     martial arts, speech therapy, foreign languages or other child/youth specialized programs. Must be 18
     years old or older. Call DSN: 430-6281 / CIV 0711-680-6281 or email

What’s up with my Service Order?
   Email your Service Order Number to the Directorate of Public Works (DPW) directly to receive an update
       on your maintenance request within one business day. Email: usarmy.stuttgart.imcom-
   To make a maintenance request, contact the Service Order Help Desk, DSN 421-6200/CIV 0711-729-6200.

Housing Resident Handbooks/Recycling Guides
    Resident Handbook updated by the Housing Office.
    Recycling Guides for on and Off-Post in Stuttgart, updated by the Directorate of Public Works.

iReport/Watch Europe
   • Report suspicious behavior to authorities online or via mobile app at
   • To report an imminent threat or crime in progress, immediately contact the MP’s or reach host-nation law
      enforcement by dialing 112.

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

ATHOC Emergency Notification Signup
  • Self-service sign-up available with Common Access Cards (CAC) online.
  • AtHoc alerts users by computers pop-ups, voice calls to landline and mobile phones, emails, text messages.
  • Emergency Management Protection Branch DSN: 431-2031/civ. 0703-115-2031. Follow directions here.

Stay Informed On-Post
    • Winter Weather: Only On-Post road conditions are assessed by the MPs and posted to the garrison
        Facebook page daily by 6 a.m. Personnel are responsible to assess the areas they live off-post and
        communicate with their commands if they feel unsafe to commute due to weather.
    • Subscribe to receive an email recap of new announcements and information.
    • Listen to AFN: Command Update, Wednesday at 7-8 a.m. Download AFN 360 internet radio
    • Follow garrison Facebook page.
    • All CAC cardholders can view the Master Activities Calendar (MAC) located on the garrison SharePoint
        at Select your email
    • Pick up the print newspaper Stuttgart Citizen on stands the first Thursday of each month at central
        locations on-post. Community members can submit news to the Public Affairs Office via email.
    • The Welcome Edition and PCS Out print editions are available at hotels and in processing.


Jan 12: Combined Federal Campaign Overseas (CFC-O)
CFC-O is the official workplace giving campaign of the Federal government held annually, Oct. through Jan.
Personnel of all branches of service can donate to a cause important to them monetarily or by pledging volunteer
hours. Visit or contact DSN: 431-2865 to pledge.


      Suicide Prevention ASIST Training
      Required Annual Training (RAT) for Workforce (CAC access only)
      Sponsorship Training - First Wednesday of every month at Army Community Service (ACS) Building
       2915, Panzer Kaserne, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
      Family Readiness Group (FRG) Training - Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer
       Kaserne, DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.
          o Jan. 10 – Foundation Training, 9-11 a.m. Pre-requisite for all other FRG training. Gain an
              understanding about the role of the FRG. FRGs play a vital role in Family Readiness and assisting
              units with preparing Family members for military life. Regardless of a unit’s deployment status, the
              FRG assists in ensuring that members have the resources they need to be self-reliant in an ever
              changing military environment.
          o Jan. 17 - Leader Training, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Discuss the role, the responsibilities of the commander
              and how you can best assist the commander in establishing and maintaining his or her Family
              Readiness Program.

Monthly Themes

      Cervical Health Awareness Month
      Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
      National Blood Donor Month
      National Mentoring Month
      Religious Freedom Day
United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Monthly Highlights

Polar Bear Club
    Through Feb. 28, Stuttgart Sports and Fitness Centers
    Join the free incentive program designed to keep you motivated and active. Do 30 workouts at any garrison
       fitness center, participate in 3 fitness classes, and utilize 1 community recreation program.
    Register at Patch Fitness Center or email

Patch Arts and Crafts Valentine’s Day Special
    Jan. 26 – Feb. 13: Special order balloon bouquets available. Order 10 or more latex balloons and receive
       free high float that makes the balloons last longer. Spend more than $25 on Valentine’s Day balloons to be
       entered for a drawing, Feb. 13 at noon. The winner will receive a Valentine’s treat and craft basket and does
       not need to be present to win. The center will be open at 8 a.m. Feb. 14 for balloon pick-ups.
    DSN 430-5270 / CIV 0711-680-5270.

Army Community Service Programs – Ongoing
    ACS, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, free, open to all ID cardholders
    English as a Second Language, Every Monday and Thursday, 9 - 11 a.m.
    German Immersion, Every Monday, 6 – 7:30 p.m.
    Support Groups: Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
      (ADHD), Exceptional Family Member Program bowling nights

Fitness Center Orientations - Ongoing
     Patch Fitness Center, Patch Barracks, 2nd Tuesday of each month, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
     Quick introduction to the equipment, overview of fitness and sport programs and gym etiquette
     Registration required, call DSN 430-7136 / CIV 0711-680-7136
Patch Library, Building 2343, Patch Barracks - Ongoing
     Preschool Storytime, Every Wednesday, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Ages 0 - 4
     Lego Club, 1st Wednesday of each month, 4 - 5 p.m. Ages 6 - 12.

RBZ Events Schedule – Activities, and events at the new RB Zentrum community club.

USO Stuttgart Events Schedule – Activities, events and trips from the USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne
   o Free Weekly Hot Dogs - Every Wednesday, 11 a.m.
   o Birthday Celebrations – Have a Birthday this month? Come for cake/singing, First Thursday, Noon –
      12:30 p.m.

DODEA School Calendar - Note: The Panzer Kaserne back gate is open during specific times on days when the
schools are in session.

HBB’s - Approved On-Post Home Based Businesses

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Monthly Calendar

January 1 – German & US Holiday

January 3

Baby Bumps Pregnancy Group (Purple Cry)
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    For pregnant women at any stage; focuses on education and support related to pregnancy and encourages
      socializing and bonding. Guest speakers and topics vary month to month.
    Registration is not required. DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

January 9

Tummy Time Playgroup
   Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
   For parents with babies ages newborn to 1 year.
   Registration is not required. DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

Managing Conflict in an Ever Changing World
   Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
   Explore principles of change and how it relates to stress and conflict in their personal and professional
      lives. Also, practice hands on techniques for dealing with the stress.
   Registration is not required. DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.

Employment Readiness Lunchtime Series – Resume Writing for Private Sector
   Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
   Open to all US ID cardholders. No registration required. DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.

Pre-School Story and Craft
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 10 a.m.
    Parents and children (up to kindergarten age) are welcome to join in story time. Read at least one
       children's book and create an accompanying craft.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

USO Discover Germany: Photography Class – Basics
       USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6 p.m.
       Get the grasp on some basic photography principles using a DSLR (DSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex)
          camera. Bring your own camera and see what it can do in full manual operation and grasp some basic
          photography principles.
       Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

January 10

Installation Staff Meeting
Panzer Fire House, 9 a.m.
Monthly installation meeting for unit representatives, family readiness leaders and organizations.
Topic this month: Visioning Session Panzer Kaserne

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Lactation and Lattes
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
    Bring your baby and your coffee and join us in our private offices. Breastfeed in a comfortable and
       welcoming environment, connect with other nursing moms, and receive support from a certified lactation
       counselor. Meet again Jan. 24.
    DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

Lunch and Learn Financial Readiness Classes - Financial Blue's After the Holidays?
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
    Explore tips and techniques to help recover financially and plan for upcoming celebrations.
    DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.

Unit Level Bowling League Coaches/Team Captains Meeting
    Galaxy Bowling & Entertainment Center, Panzer Kaserne, 2 p.m.
    A completed memorandum should be turned in prior to the meeting to ensure your unit placement in the
       league. Bring your Letter of Intent (LOI) with you to this meeting. The league will take place from Jan. 17-
       Apr. 11 every Wednesday, from 7 – 9:30 p.m. The champion will be determined by total pins for all games
       bowled during the league play from the start of the league to the finish. Cost is $2.50/person, $1.25/shoes,
       $7.50 league price/person.
    DSN 430-2886 / CIV 0711-680-2886.

Stuttgart Boxing Team Recruitment
    Panzer Fitness Center, Panzer Kaserne, 6 p.m.
    The Stuttgart Sports Office is looking to put the Stuttgart Boxing Team back on the European Map. Looking
       for any interested service members, experienced or not, to be a part of the team. The first team competition
       is in Vilseck, Germany, Mar. 17.
    DSN 430-5404 or 431-3754 / CIV 0711-680-5404 or 07031-15-3754.

January 11

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
    Kelley Barracks Theater, Noon – 1 p.m.
    Theme: "Remember! Celebrate! Act! A day on, Not a Day off!"
    Guest speaker and more information to follow.
    DSN: 431-3756/civ. 07031-15-3756.

Berlin, Potsdam, and Tropical Island Jan. 11 – 15
    MWR Tours, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne.
    Trip includes round trip transportation, free water and coffee on bus, breakfast in route to Berlin, 3
        overnight stay in Central Berlin, 3 breakfast buffets, entrance to Castle of Sanssouri, and English guided
        walking tours of Belin and Erfurt. Cost: $649 for adult 12 and older, $400 for children 3 -11 years old, $75
        for children 0 -3 years of old.
    DSN 431-2104 / CIV 07031-152104.

January 12

National Rubber Ducky Day
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 3-4:30 p.m.
United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

      Rubber ducky race and craft.
      Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

Cool Vibes Open Mic Night
    Kelley Club, Kelley Barracks, 8 p.m.
    Every 1st Friday of the month bring your poetic and musical talents and enjoy free finger foods, good
       company, and amazing talent.
    Open to US ID cardholders 18 and older and their guests. Sign-up at the event. DSN 430-5433 / CIV 0711-

January 15 – US Holiday

January 16

USO Discover Germany: Photography Class – Basics
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6 p.m.
    Get the grasp on some basic photography principles using a DSLR (DSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex)
      camera. Bring your own camera and see what it can do in full manual operation and grasp some basic
      photography principles.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

January 17

Spades Tournament
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6:30 p.m.
    Beginner level to pro, this game is easy to learn and fun to play. Teams of 2 will compete bracket-style.
      Come already as a team, or sign up to be matched up with a team.
    Sign up through the Eventbrite link on the USO Facebook page or website.

Basic Clipper and Haircutting Class
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
    Volunteer instructor Annette will teach you the basics on using clippers and scissors to perform a simple
       haircut or trim for your children, friends, or family members. Annette is a licensed hairdresser from North
       Carolina with over 25 years’ experience in cutting hair of all kinds. This class will be offered monthly. Class
       offered for both participants and those who want to watch and learn.
    Sign up through the Eventbrite link on the USO Facebook page or website.

January 18

Tiny Tots Lunch & Play
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
    For toddlers and young children ages 1 to 4. Discuss toddler related topics along with opportunity for your
       child to learn through play. Lunch is not provided but feel free to bring your own.
    Registration is not required. DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

Patch Middle School Spelling Bee
    PMS, Patch Barracks, 6-8 p.m.
    The winner will represent Patch MS at the European PTA Spelling Bee, March 10 in Ramstein,
    Germany.
United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

USO New Volunteer Orientation
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 9:30 a.m.
    Register at to begin the volunteer onboarding process, then attend an orientation
      to learn more about how to become part of the USO family.

January 19

USO Friday Fill-Up
    Kelley Barracks (tent near SOCAF), 7:30 – 9 a.m.
    Grab a free coffee and a muffin to “fill up” your day.

RBES Family Fitness Night
    Robinson Barracks Elementary School Gym, 5-7 p.m.
    Kick off 2018 emphasizing healthy habits, activities, and changes that we can all make. Rotate through
      multiple fitness and activity stations to learn something new about health and fitness.
    To participate as an instructor or volunteer, contact

Robinson Barracks Youth Center Poker Tournament
    RB Youth Center, Robinson Barracks, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
    There will be refreshments for everyone to enjoy and prizes for the winners. Child/ren must be registered
      with Parent Central Services.
    DSN 420-7189 / CIV 0711-819-7189.

January 20

Dachau Concentration Camp Trip
    MWR Tours, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    Trip includes round trip transportation, a guided English walking tour, time to explore the facility for
      yourself, and a late lunch at the Stadtkeller (on your own). Participants must be 14 years or older. Cost: $74
      per person.
    DSN 431-2104 / CIV 07031-15-2104.

Stuttgart Walking Tour
    Time and location available at the USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne
    Sarah Dealy, founder and owner of Stuttgart Steps, will lead the tour and cover a myriad of interesting
       historical and cultural facts.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

January 22

Infant Massage
     Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
     Bonding is an ongoing process. Infant massage encourages a good relationship by supporting verbal and
       non-verbal communication and prolonged eye contact.
     Registration is not required. DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

January 23

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Pre-School Story and Craft
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 10 a.m.
    Parents and children (up to kindergarten age) are welcome to join in story time. Read at least one
       children's book and create an accompanying craft.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

Enhancing Personal Relationships through Communication
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
    This class will teach you how to maintain healthy personal and professional relationships, identify the
      impact of self-esteem on building healthy relationships, and how communication affects the process of
      building and maintaining healthy relationships.
    DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.

Employment Readiness Lunchtime Series – Build Federal Resume USAJOBS
   Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
   Open to all US ID cardholders. No registration required. DSN 431-3362 / CIV 07031-15-3362.

USO Discover Germany: Photography Class – Basics
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6 p.m.
    Get the grasp on some basic photography principles using a DSLR (DSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex)
      camera. Bring your own camera and see what it can do in full manual operation and grasp some basic
      photography principles.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

SCSC/Kelley Theater Present an American Style Cabaret
    Swabian Special Events Center, Patch Barracks, 5:30 p.m.
    The Stuttgart Community Spouses Club and Kelley Theater are hosting a gala themed, “Connecting the
      Small Stage to Bright Lights.” Theater performers will present an American Style Cabaret. All DOD ID
      cardholders may attend. Cocktails begin at 5:30 p.m. with dinner to follow at 6:15 p.m. Tickets cost $20 per
    Visit the SCSC website for details:

January 24

Lactation and Lattes
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 12:30 – 2 p.m.
    Bring your baby and your coffee and join us in our private offices. Breastfeed in a comfortable and
       welcoming environment, connect with other nursing moms, and receive support from a certified lactation
    DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV07031-15-3518/3362.

January 26

Baby Boot Camp
    Army Community Service (ACS), Building 2915Panzer Kaserne, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
    We combined Bringing Home Baby, Comfort Measures, and Breastfeeding Basics into one class. Bring your
      partner and learn useful relaxation and breathing techniques. Also learn the importance of breastfeeding
      and effective techniques to help you make your first weeks with new baby easier.
    Registration is required. DSN 431-3518/3362 CIV 07031-15-3518/3362.
United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

Shopping on the Economy
    Time and location available at the USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne
    A German instructor takes you to several local shops in Vaihingen to purchase goods like a local would.
      You’ll stop by a flower shop, grocery store, and other shops in and near the Schwaben Galerie, and conclude
      at a local bakery/café.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

January 27

Express Trip to St. Anton, Austria
    Outdoor Recreation (ODR), Panzer Kaserne.
    Go skiing, snowboarding or in some cases snowshoeing and ice skating. Trip includes round trip
      transportation and ODR guide. Cost is $99 for adults, $89 for youth (17 and under), and $49 for
      SWPC/ASAP (limited spaces available). Equipment rental, lift tickets, meals and other recreational
      expenses are the responsibility of the participant. Trip participants can be fitted for equipment the week of
      the trip. Must register one (1) week prior. Snowboard lessons with a certified instructor are available at
      $45 per person in addition to trip price.
    Call to register DSN 431-2774/CIV 07031-15-2774.

USO Knitting Class
    USO Center, Building 2915, room 222, Panzer Kaserne, 10 a.m. – Noon
    Bring your own needles and yarn, or supplies are available onsite for those who need them. For ages 12
      and up only.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

A Day of Castles: Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau
    MWR Tours, Panzer Kaserne, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    Trip includes entry and guided tour to both castles and round trip transportation. Plenty of time will be
       available for dining and shopping opportunities. Cost is $84 per person. Note: It is a 45-minute uphill walk
       to reach the Neuschwanstein Castle entrance. Alternative transportation includes a horse-drawn carriage
       ride for an additional fee. Also, there are more than 300 stairs within the castle.
    DSN 431-2104 / CIV 07031-15-2104.

January 29

National Puzzle Day
    USO Center, Building 2915, room 222, Panzer Kaserne, 8 a.m.
    Help finish 3 puzzles depicting some of our favorite National Days while enjoying themed snacks. Puzzles
      will be out starting at 8 a.m., snacks served at 11:30 a.m.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

January 30

A Day of Shopping in Soufflenheim
    MWR Tours, Panzer Kaserne, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
    Experience this charming French village with local world renowned pottery. Have lunch at Au Boeuf and
       visit Cora Hypermarket for discount wine and French skin care products, along with many other goodies.
       Cost: $39 per person, includes round trip transportation only.

United States Army Garrison Stuttgart – Community Update – January 2018

      DSN 431-2104 / CIV 07031-15-2104.

USO Movie Night – Toy Story
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6:30 p.m.
    Crafts, games, popcorn and drinks provided, and some lucky viewers will go home with a copy of the DVD.
      Guests should bring pillows, blankets and any other comfy-cozies that would make the night great.
    Registration required through the Eventbrite link found on USO’s Facebook or website

USO Discover Germany: Photography Class – Basics
    USO Center, Building 2915, Panzer Kaserne, 6 p.m.
    Get the grasp on some basic photography principles using a DSLR (DSLR = Digital Single Lens Reflex)
      camera. Bring your own camera and see what it can do in full manual operation and grasp some basic
      photography principles.
    Sign-up call 07031-201-9018 or email

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