Ultra-Low Emission Zone - How Siemens Mobility Limited is helping London take a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.

Page created by Theodore Deleon
Ultra-Low Emission Zone - How Siemens Mobility Limited is helping London take a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.
    Emission Zone
                                                                                   A central IT in-station service
    How Siemens Mobility Limited is helping                                        management centre is operated on a
                                                                                   24/7, 365 days a year basis by a
    London take a step towards a healthier,                                        dedicated Siemens Mobility team with
    more sustainable future.                                                       our maintenance engineers providing
                                                                                   local 1st and 2nd line support. Third
                                                                                   line support is provided by technical
                                                                                   experts at Siemens Mobility in Poole,

Background                                 From October 2021, the ULEZ area will   The system is integrated with the
                                           be expanded to include the whole of     roadside sensors and ANPR cameras
Cities and urban areas around the                                                  which form part of TfL’s existing
                                           inner London, bounded by the city’s
world are experiencing ever-growing                                                Congestion Charging scheme.
                                           North and South Circular roads.
volumes of traffic and congestion. As a
result, air quality levels are a major     The technology behind ULEZ              ANPR cameras identify and register
concern, with national governments                                                 every vehicle that enters the ULEZ - 24
                                           Siemens Mobility provided the           hours a day, 365 days a year. This
and local authorities increasingly
                                           Transport for London (TfL) ULEZ         information is then transmitted to a
taking measures to improve them.
                                           enforcement system in London on a       dedicated and secure Siemens Mobility
How does London’s ULEZ operate?            Design, Build, Operate and Maintain
                                           basis, covering both the roadside
On 8 April 2019 the Mayor of London
                                           equipment and central IT in-station.
launched the world’s first Ultra Low
Emission Zone (ULEZ) in the existing
Central London Congestion Charge
The purpose of the ULEZ is to improve
air quality in and around central
London by reducing the number of
older more polluting vehicles that
enter the central zone.
ULEZ operates 24 hours a day, every
day of the year. Vehicles must meet
strict emission standards to drive in
the ULEZ area. The system uses a
network of Automatic Number Plate
Recognition (ANPR) cameras to
enforce compliance with older, more
polluting non-compliant vehicles that
do not meet the strict ULEZ emissions
standards being required to pay a daily   Image courtesy of TfL.
charge or incur a penalty charge.

Siemens Mobility Limited 2020                                                                       siemens.co.uk/traffic
Ultra-Low Emission Zone - How Siemens Mobility Limited is helping London take a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.
data centre, where our ULEZ in-station    This has translated into real               In addition to Siemens Mobility’s ULEZ
software determines the compliance of     improvements in air quality, including      work, the company also has a suite of
the vehicle.                              a reduction of nitrogen dioxide             solutions that are helping highway
                                          concentrations levels by 36% at             planners, engineers and managers to
The system is capable of processing an
                                          roadside monitoring sites in the zone       better understand and manage the
immense volume of data, which has to
                                          since 2017. Nitrogen oxide emissions        city’s traffic efficiently and to make a
be processed and stored in such a way
                                          have been reduced by 200 tonnes, and        positive impact on air quality. The
it can be used as a basis for
                                          carbon dioxide emissions by 9,800           company is also supporting the
notifications of charges and penalties.
                                          tonnes.                                     increasing use of Electric Vehicles by
The information the system has to
                                                                                      providing reliable, rapid chargers, all of
constitute a strong basis of evidence.    Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, said:
                                                                                      which underpins Siemens Mobility’s
                                          “This shows how bold action reaps
                                                                                      commitment to delivering a more
                                          rewards – just one month after
                                                                                      efficient transport network and a
                                          launching the world’s first ULEZ,
                                                                                      cleaner, healthier, more sustainable
                                          leading the way for cities around the
                                                                                      and more attractive environment.
                                          globe, we have already seen a
                                          significant impact on the types of
                                                                                      The Siemens Mobility ULEZ solution:
                                          vehicles driving in the centre of our
                                                                                      •   Automatic Number Plate
                                          capital and polluting our air.
                                                                                          Recognition (ANPR) cameras
                                          “Nearly three-quarters of the vehicles      •   Low Emission Zone Enforcement
                                          driving into central London each day            instation software and Evidential
ULEZ and Congestion Charging signage in
                                          now meeting the standards required              Record capture
Central London.
                                          to turn around this public health crisis.   •   Secure hosting of IT infrastructure
Vehicle data from the ANPR camera         It’s vital this compliance is sustained     •   Operation and maintenance of
network is also used by TfL for scheme    to truly make a difference to our air           complete ULEZ solution
analysis and reporting, and to assist     quality.”                                   •   Performance dashboards for pro-
with their traffic management             Alex Williams, Transport for London’s           active operational support and KPI
operations.                               director of city planning, said:                reporting
                                          “Everyone benefits from clean air,          •   Consultancy Services for modelling
                                          which is why it is great to see that so         and data analysis
Six-month results
                                          many people have responded to the
After six months of operation, research   Ultra-Low Emission Zone, which has
by the Mayor of London's Office found     resulted in a reduction in the number        Siemens Mobility Limited
that on an average day, 13,500 fewer      of polluting vehicles in the capital.        Sopers Lane
‘non-compliant vehicles’ were driven in
the zone since the scheme was             “ULEZ will nearly halve road-based           Poole
introduced in April 2019, compared to     NOx emissions in central London, and
                                          in addition to our work to green up          Dorset
the previous month, with 74% of
vehicles driving into the zone being      the bus fleet and encourage the taxi         BH17 7ER
compliant with the new standards.         industry to switch to cleaner vehicles,
                                          together we will help to tackle this
                                          public health crisis.”                       Contact: info.mobility.gb@siemens.com

Siemens Mobility Limited 2020                                                                           siemens.co.uk/traffic
Ultra-Low Emission Zone - How Siemens Mobility Limited is helping London take a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.
Siemens Mobility Limited 2020
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