UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032

Page created by Marilyn Barber
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032

     In November 2020 UK Athletics (UKA), Athletics Northern Ireland,
     England Athletics, Scottish Athletics and Welsh Athletics jointly
     launched ‘Athletics Unified’. For the first time we have a shared vision
     and an historic Framework Agreement which binds us together and
     defines our roles and responsibilities in delivering the sport.
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
3/             CEO Message                                                                                              UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                        Age of the Athlete

     I joined UKA in March 2020, succeeding Nic Coward who             We engaged with a wide range of stakeholders to develop
     had been in the role on an interim basis for a few months         this plan: athletes, coaches, officials, Sport England and
     and with who I have worked as chair. After a year that            UK Sport, partners and competition providers. The themes
     no-one could have predicted, we have a new leadership             which emerged from this national consultation exercise are
     team and we have embarked on an ambitious journey to              reflected in this document. The sport sees the need for and
     drive the organisation forward.                                   wants change.
     Athletics is a sport where everyone can see themselves            We take our responsibilities of this sport, in all its aspects,
     and we see everyone. From playground to podium our                seriously. We will focus on putting the athlete first and
     sport offers everybody, irrespective of size, shape, colour       create a discipline-specific approach to each part of
     or ability, the opportunity to achieve great things and to live   the sport, using data and insight. We will develop our
     a healthier and happier life. Race, gender, ability, background   superstructure, coordinating the UK-wide strategy on
     and culture should be no barrier to thriving in athletics.        coaching and officiating and leading on standards,
                                                                       including safeguarding and clean athletics. We will
     Following a year of planning and consultation, we have
                                                                       create and optimise commercial opportunities, developing
     published the UKA Operational Plan to support the delivery
                                                                       a digital strategy to become more financially sustainable.
     of Athletics Unified. It is the first ever unified plan for the
                                                                       All of this will be underpinned by robust organisational
     sport of athletics in the UK, representing a new era of
                                                                       health. Progress towards our ambitious aims will be
     collaboration and cultural change.
                                                                       shared annually with the athletics community.
     I am proud of the work we have delivered to date. 2020 was
                                                                       When I look to 2032, I believe our plan is ambitious,
     the culmination of a number of detailed reviews into how
                                                                       clear and achievable. We are committed to delivering
     the sport, and specifically UKA, was operating. The Mehrzad
                                                                       on our goals and, in doing so, we will drive a sustainable,
     Review, the Quinlan Review into safeguarding, and the UK
                                                                       aspirational future for our athletes and our sport.
     Sport review of UKA, as well as reviews of performance and
     coaching illustrated where change was needed. Ensuring
     we delivered against their recommendations has been a             Welcome to the Age of the Athlete
     significant part of my first year in post, but without that
     work we would not have laid the foundations whereby               Joanna Coates
     we could push forward with this new plan of our own.              Chief Executive Officer
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
4/                                 Executive Summary                                                                                UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                    Age of the Athlete

Our Operational Plan sets out an ambitious new future for athletics in the UK.
It is an integrated, inclusive plan for the whole sport, including Paralympic athletes.

Our Role and Responsibilities                          into how the sport and specifically UKA         aspiration to become the safest sport. All of
                                                       was operating.                                  the core recommendations from that review
Our UKA Board adopted, in agreement
                                                                                                       have been fulfilled across all five organisations,
with the Home Country Athletics Federations            The external reviews undertaken during the
                                                                                                       and we have recently launched our new
(HCAFs), the key principle set out in the UK           year share common themes, highlighting
                                                                                                       safeguarding processes which demonstrate
Sport Change Plan that “UKA should only do             the need for UKA to change its culture and
                                                                                                       a brand-new approach to this vital area of
what UKA can (most effectively) deliver.” Our          decision-making processes. Even before
Operational Plan therefore clearly sets out the        these reports, which have been of great
roles and responsibilities to which we will be         assistance in resetting the organisation,       The UK Sport review of UKA created the
held accountable as one of the five athletics          the themes they highlighted had been            Change Plan that led to the historic Framework
organisations working in close collaboration.          recognised and action begun. One of these       Agreement between UKA and the HCAFs,
                                                       culminated in the creation of our new           helping us to create Athletics Unified and truly
We are not a membership organisation and
                                                       Standards, Ethics and Rules Committee,          understand our respective parts in delivering
do not receive membership fees from clubs;
                                                       which is an example of how we want to           this sport across all home nations.
that is the role and responsibility of the HCAFs.
                                                       approach all matters: clear decision-making
Currently, 46% of our revenue is from UK Sport                                                         It also created a platform to reshape our
                                                       and accountability, involving a diverse group
to deliver the World Class Programme (WCP)                                                             Board. We have welcomed four new members,
                                                       of committed, independent experts in an
with 37% from delivering events and 17%                                                                nominated by each of the HCAFs. At the same
                                                       open and challenging way to help deliver
from other sponsorship and grant funding.                                                              time, we have acted to deliver on promises
                                                       the best outcome.
                                                                                                       we have made to the sport, and for the sport,
Progress to date
                                                       The Quinlan Review into safeguarding            through our Diversity Action Plan. Athletics is,
2020 was a period of significant change, with          highlighted what changes needed to be           and must be, open to all, and it is important to
new leadership in the organisation and the             made to the whole sport’s safeguarding          us that everyone can see that in our Board
culmination of a number of detailed reviews            and welfare processes to help us toward our     and leadership.
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
5/                                 Executive Summary                                                                                 UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                     Age of the Athlete

Strategic Themes
Throughout this plan are a series of core themes:

1/ Athlete First                                       2/ Superstructure                                 3/ Commercial Edge
We will put athletes at the heart of everything        Coaching, competition and officiating will be     Our ambition is to secure new, long-term
we do, building trust and confidence with them         aligned under the discipline-specific approach,   commercial partnerships, reducing our reliance
and in them. Taking each discipline individually,      at the most appropriate point on the athlete      on government funding. Underpinning this
at the most appropriate point on the athlete           pathway. We are committed to ethical decision-    will be a strong digital strategy that creates
pathway, we will build discipline-specific plans,      making and to transforming the culture of the     meaningful engagement through the power
using data and insight to achieve Athletics            sport. We will set standards and make sure        of the data held for the sport by UKA. We
Unified Goal 1 by 2032.                                everyone knows what they are and                  will develop a new commercial strategy for
                                                       what is expected of them by the sport,            non-Olympic and non-Paralympic sports for
A new Performance and Innovation Centre
                                                       ensuring compliance throughout the                the first time and identify additional funding
will be central to our performance strategy,
                                                       entirety of our system.                           to support our core activities such as
creating a problem-solving, high-performance
                                                                                                         safeguarding and coaching.
environment for our athletes. A network of
connected regional hubs in collaboration with                                                            We will build a long-term strategy with UK city
the HCAFs will ensure successful athlete and                                                             partners to provide the base for delivering high
coach pairings can stay together.                                                                        quality, commercially successful events which
                                                                                                         are financially viable. This will include attracting
                                                                                                         new audiences to our sport and maximising
                                                                                                         event revenue.
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
6/                                Executive Summary                                                                              UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                 Age of the Athlete

4/ Communication                                      5/ Digital and Data                            6/ Valuing People
Our new identity, the Age of the Athlete,             We will develop a plan to use data             We will reset our behaviours. Our people will
supported by athletes and the sport, will             throughout the organisation:                   decide what they want us all to be and be
be rolled out during 2021.                                                                           seen to be. We will ensure that everyone in the
                                                      ▼   To improve decision-making
                                                                                                     organisation and those with whom we work
Following high levels of engagement, we
                                                      ▼   To grow commercial revenue                 understands and lives our new behaviours.
will continue to communicate and consult
                                                                                                     We will champion an equality, diversity and
with the athletics community, using digital           ▼   To communicate more effectively
                                                                                                     inclusion mindset in everything we do, at every
channels more and more to reach as many
                                                      ▼   To improve performance                     level. Athletics is a truly diverse, inclusive and
people as possible through webinars, focus
                                                                                                     accessible sport. Our dream is that no matter
groups and other methods of conversation
                                                                                                     who you are you can find potential in this sport
and consultation.
                                                                                                     as part of an inclusive, physically active nation.
                                                                                                     We believe that every child should be able to
                                                                                                     see themselves succeeding in athletics, on the
                                                                                                     podium, or in a lifelong love of the sport and as
                                                                                                     part of the community.

                                                                                           Welcome to the Age of the Athlete
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
7/                           Athletics in the UK                                                                             UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                             Age of the Athlete
                             Governance Framework,
                             Roles and Responsibilities

                                                                                             UKA                                          HCAFs

                                                                                             Select GB & NI team selection                Clubs, facilities and schools
                                                                                             as the World Athletics Member                support
                                                                                             World Class Programme
                                                                                                                                          Commonwealth Games selection
                                                                                             Leadership and licensing of
                                           Athletics                                                                                      Volunteering support
                                                                                             coaching, competition/races,
                                           Unified –
                                           UK-Wide                                           officials, TrackMark                         Affiliation and membership body
                                                                                             Rules and regulations                        Coach, officials and leader
                                                                                                                                          education delivery
                                                                                             Clean Athletics
                                                                                                                                          Home country championship
                                   Framework Agreement                                                                                    delivery, calendar coordination
                                                                                             Bidding for and hosting of                   and domestic competition
                                                                                             international events                         provider support

                                                                                             International event delivery,
                                                                                             UK Championships delivery,
                                                                                             UK, national and cross-
                                         CEO Forum
                                                                                             border competition calendar

     Competition   Performance     Officials       Coaching       Commercial   Development
                    and Talent

                            Working Groups for 6 strategic priorities
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032

                  A new era has dawned that will
                  empower the present and redefine the
                  future. The time has come for athletes,
                  who have a powerful champion to take
                  them further and higher. To help them
                  onto the world stage so that everyone
                  can see and celebrate what they’re
                  really made of. To shatter limitations
                  and exceed expectations. We are
                  redefining the possible for athletes
                  and resetting standards of excellence
                  for sporting bodies around the world.
                  We lead by example.

                  Welcome to the
                  Age of the Athlete

Holly Mills
Combined Events
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
9/                                Athletics in the UK                                                                                         UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                              Age of the Athlete
                                  UKA Goals

Pillar /                          Pillar /                                                                                                    Pillar /                               Pillar /
Athlete First                     Superstructure                                                                                              Commercial Edge                        Organisational Health

Pillar Purpose                    Pillar Purpose                                                                                              Pillar Purpose                         Pillar Purpose
Athletes are our heart.           Our infrastructure spans our sport’s                                                                        We create and optimise commercial      It starts with us. We are committed
Their needs power our decision-   soaring ambition. It is a catalyst for                                                                      opportunities by inspiring the         to being the best that we can be. We
making. We serve their talent,    world-class excellence. It enables                                                                          world with athletics. We invest        lead by example, with a supportive
supporting their journey to       the athletics’ community to progress                                                                        and innovate with intelligence and     and innovative culture that fosters
performance, with respect and     in every aspect. We are guardians                                                                           focus, helping our sport shine today   exceptional relationships. This
safety at every point along the   of outstanding futures through                                                                              to strengthen tomorrow.                underpins our ability to attain our
way, fuelling their commitment    sustainable development across the                                                                                                                 goals for the benefit of the whole
to winning.                       sport we love, working hard, winning                                                                                                               athletics community.
                                  clean, together.

Led by                            Led by                                                                                                      Led by                                 Led by
Performance Director              Development Director                                                                                        Commercial Director                    Chief Executive Officer
                                  Competition & Events Director                                                                               Competition & Events Director          Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                                     Athlete First

Core Responsibilities             Core Responsibilities                                                                                       Core Responsibilities                  Core Responsibilities
▼   World Class Programme         ▼   Coaching                                                                                                ▼   Partnerships                       ▼   Equality, diversity and inclusion
▼   Performance Pathway           ▼   Officiating                                                                                             ▼   Media                              ▼   People
▼   Non-Olympic Events            ▼   Competitions                                                                                            ▼   Events and ticketing               ▼   Insight-led
▼   Selection                     ▼   Standards                                                                                               ▼   Communication                      ▼   Leadership and governance
                                                                                                                         Co                                                          ▼   Financial sustainability
                                                                                            re                                  er
                                                                                    ruc                                              lE
                                                                                rst                                                       e

                                                                                                 Organisational Health
UK Athletics Operational Plan 2021-2032
10 /

               Discipline-Specific Approach

Naomi Ogbeta
Triple Jump
11 /                                    Athletics in the UK                                                                                                     UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                                Age of the Athlete
                                        Discipline - Specific Approach

Goal 1 of Athletics United sets out our ambition for 2032.                           change in terms of how we work and will truly align the
                                                                                     organisation, while retaining our standards for performance
“GB & NI will have a representative in every discipline at all                                                                                                                                     Disciplines
                                                                                     at the highest level.
senior international events. 95% of the Paralympic team will
reach their final.”                                                                  We will need to prioritise, seek external funding and develop                                                 Track and Field
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Para athletics
                                                                                     partnerships to achieve our goals but, above all else, future                                                 Endurance
To achieve this goal, we have developed a discipline-specific
                                                                                     decisions and developments will be ATHLETE FIRST and                                                              Road Racing
plan. We value the diversity in our sport equally, we value all

                                                                                     INSIGHT-LED.                                                                                                      Cross Country
event disciplines and want each one to reach its potential.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ▼   Trail
This new approach means, at the most appropriate point                                                                                                                                             ▼   Mountain
                                                                                     A UK-wide, insight-led, discipline-specific plan to produce
on the athlete pathway, we will look at each discipline                                                                                                                                            ▼   Fell and Hill
                                                                                     world-class athletes in each discipline, aligned to Athletics                                                  Ultra
individually, using data and insight to understand the needs                                                                                                                                       ▼

                                                                                     Unified Goal 1.                                                                                               Masters
of each one.
‘What It Takes To Win’ (WITTW) is an integral approach in
                                                                                     Align coaching, officiating, competition, communications
performance sport, but this will extend beyond performance
                                                                                     and commercial strategies, governance, resources and
into an understanding of the coaching, commercial,
                                                                                     investment at all stages of the athletics performance
competitions and officiating requirements for each discipline.
                                                                                     development pathway.
Building a strategic picture across the sport will be a big

         Goal         Baseline data collected       Discipline strategy groups           Partnerships, commercial       Coach development        A priority competition            A facilities strategy,
                      to support KPI and target     established for endurance,           opportunities and a targeted   programmes aligned       strategy established, building    developed in collaboration
                      setting in each discipline,   sprints, field and multi-            communications strategy        across the pathway.      towards Paris 2024 and            with HCAFs, creates a
                      identifying the resource      events with clearly defined          developed to support                                    beyond.                           network of 7-9 regional hubs
                      requirements or gaps.         operational responsibility for       sustainability long-term.                                                                 across the UK.
                                                    each stage of the pathway.

          By When      2022                         2022                                  2024                          2024                     2024                              2028
12 /            Athletics in the UK                                                                                                     UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                        Age of the Athlete
                Discipline - Specific Approach

                                                                                   Athletics Unified

                                                                              n                           Co
                                                                          tio                                m
                                                                      ica                                     m
                                                                   un                                              cia
                                                                m                                                     l

       Growing participation in                                                                                                                         Greater appreciation of
           track and field clubs                                                                                                                        non-Olympic and
                                                                                                                                                        non-Paralympic disciplines

                                                                                  Discipline - Specific




                                            Data                                                                              Insight
13 /   Athletics in the UK                                                                                   UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                             Age of the Athlete
       Governance and Management Structure

                                                                                                         Discipline Strategy
                                                                                                         Group Membership

                                                                                                         Establish discipline strategy groups
                                                             UKA                                         with membership from across the sport,
                                                                                                         utilising best in class stakeholders,
                                                                                                         working with UKA to deliver.
                                                                                                         ▼   UKA Head of discipline-specific strategy
                                                                                                         ▼   UKA Performance Pathway Manager
                                              Olympic and
                                             Paralympic Games                                            ▼   UKA Head of Coach Development

                                                                           HCAF                          ▼   HCAF representation
                                        Championships                                                    ▼   Hub discipline-specific leads
                                                                                                         ▼   Important stakeholders and partners
                              European age group                 Games                      Discipline
                             championships                                                  Strategy
                                                         National Age Group

                                                   competition                   Responsible for
                                                   programme                   discipline-specific
14 /   Athletics in the UK                                                               UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                         Age of the Athlete
       Aligned Coaching Development Programme


                                                         World Class
                                                        Coaching team

                            Age Group/
                            Programme           Education and support programme
                                                  for personal coaches coaching
                                                   athletes moving through the

                  Hub                     National development programme alignment
               Structure                  Athlete competency framework across HCAFs
                                           National discipline group protocols aligned
                                                    Athlete services aligned
15 /

               Athlete First
                  Most people don’t understand sacrifice. But the truth is elite
                  athletes aren’t most people. The commitment it takes to
                  drive through pain, to overcome limits, to face yourself, and
                  to keep going in pursuit of better, is not ordinary. We get it.
                  We understand you from the inside out because we’re all
                  about athletes. We champion and support each individual
                  every step of the way to achieving more and fulfilling
                  physical and mental goals. We’ve built the foundations
                  and the structure to make that happen. They enable us to
                  change your today to help you seize your future. Your time
                  has come. Our time has come.

                  Welcome to the
                  Age of the Athlete

Thomas Young
T38 100m
16 /                               Athlete First                                                                       UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                       Age of the Athlete

Over the next few pages, the approach to performance       Performance in athletics is not just what takes place
will become clear. No longer the narrow focus that         within the traditional track and field programme.
leads to exclusion or disconnection. Performance in        Outside this sits a wealth of athletic endeavour,
the years ahead will truly be putting the Athlete First.   success and history in events such as cross country,
                                                           ultra running, hill and mountain running. All events
Performance is so much more than one programme
                                                           where athletes compete with pride for GB & NI, and
spanning the elite Olympic and Paralympic athletes.
                                                           these too will form part of our performance goals
Performance comprises the people, the places, the
                                                           moving forward.
pathway and the wide range of great disciplines
that athletics has to offer.                               Each and every athlete that pulls on the GB & NI
                                                           vest is a success story to be celebrated. Their pride
The World Class Programme will continue to focus on
                                                           and achievement at representing their country is
medals. That is its ultimate purpose and the goal for
                                                           something that we recognise is truly special and
athletes, and we have some ambitious and courageous
                                                           unique. There can be few greater honours than to
targets for the years ahead culminating in our main
                                                           be amongst the best in your country and to
goal by 2032. But, in order to get there, we need to
                                                           represent and compete for your country. Whether
ensure all parts pull together.
                                                           your competition terrain is mountain or mondo,
One such example is the UKA Performance and                sand or circle, the vest is the same as will be our pride
Innovation Centre where we see excellence, support,        and commitment in helping athletes achieve it.
technical and tactical input coming together under
                                                           Of course, none of this is possible without the clear
one roof to support athlete-coach pairings.
                                                           and demonstrable shift in culture, acknowledging
However, their journey will start long before – a result   medals are important but recognising that they
of great collaboration between us and the HCAFs            should not be delivered in isolation of these other
to ensure a joint talent pathway seamlessly connects       essential parts when putting the Athlete First.
athlete development, supported by a network of
regional hubs nurturing this talent across the UK.
17 /                             Athlete First                  UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                Age of the Athlete
                                 World Class Programme

We have a vision to create a sustainable, medal-winning
WCP and pathway for athletes, which is capable of evolving
with the sporting landscape to win more medals in more
events in 2021 and beyond to 2032. Winning in the right way
will underpin everything we do and will continue to inspire
and engage the nation via ethical success.
The purpose of the UKA Olympic and Paralympic WCP is to
support the UK’s most talented athletes to achieve their aim
of winning medals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games
and other global championships. Our ambition is great
athletes working with world-class coaches in great facilities
with quality integrated support services. There is one WCP
for Olympic and Paralympic athletes under the philosophy
of ‘integrated where possible, specialised and separate
where necessary’.
Winning 7-10 Olympic and 26-30 Paralympic medals in Paris
2024 and pushing on from there, being consistently top
four in the athletics medal tables, with up to 13 Olympic
medals and maintaining our Paralympic medals by 2032
is a courageous, yet achievable aspiration.
18 /                                    Athlete First                                                                                                                      UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                                           Age of the Athlete
                                        World Class Programme

       Strategic objectives, priorities and smart goals

       Performance                      INSPIRING THE NATION                                                                           WCP            To implement an athlete-centred, connected performance athletics system across
       Vision /                         THROUGH ETHICAL SUCCESS                                                                        Mission /      the UK, consistently producing athletes that medal at global championships.

       Performance                      1/ 7-10 Olympic medals in Paris 2024                                                           Strategic      WCP Podium Olympic & Paralympic
       Goals 2024 /                     2/ 26-30 Paralympic medals in Paris 2024*                                                      Objectives /
                                                                                                                                                      Target Olympic WCP to individual major championship finalists and athletes identified
                                        3/ Top 4 in Olympic and Paralympic medal tables
                                                                                                                                                      as contributing to relay teams, increasing the number of medal-winning performances.
                                                                                                                                                      Target Paralympic WCP to medal winners, increasing the number of repeat/multiple
                                        Olympic Programme/Global Championships
       Targets /                                                                                                                                      WCP Podium Potential & Confirmation Olympic & Paralympic
                                        1/ 7-10 Olympic medals in Tokyo 2021
                                                                                                                                                      Produce robust and resilient athletes capable of reaching major event finals and
                                        2/ 6-8 medals in World Championships 2022, increasing in 2023
                                                                                                                                                      winning major championship medals in the future, aligned across home countries.
                                        3/ 18-25 combined home countries medals at CWG 2022
                                        4/ 15-20 medals at European Championships 2022 and 2023
                                                                                                                                                      WCP Paralympic Specific
                                        Paralympic Programme/Global Championships
                                                                                                                                                      Deliver a flexible Paralympic pathway to targeted athletes which meets their
                                        1/   24-28 Paralympic medals in Tokyo 2021                                                                    specific, individual needs.
                                        2/   24-28 medals at World Para Athletics European Championships 2021
                                        3/   26-30 medals at World Para Athletics Championships 2022
                                        4/   24-28 medals at European Para Championships 2023

       *Due to increasing number of countries winning medals and the uncertainty around the event programme, a small reduction in
       medals is predicted, however this would not necessarily impact on our position in the medal table. There was no international
       competition in 2020 and previous years’ results have been influenced by anti-doping violations, therefore prediction of medal
       targets is challenging in this area.
19 /                                    Athlete First                                                                                               UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                    Age of the Athlete
                                        World Class Programme

Strategic      1/                           2/                      3/                       4/                      5/                      6/                         7/                        8/
Priorities /   Coaching                     Performance 		          Leadership               WCP                     Podium Support          Localised                  Paralympic                Paralympic
                                            Environment             and Culture              Engagement              & Innovation            Support System             & Classification          Talent ID
                                                                                                                                                                        Specific Expertise
               Identify, recruit and        Create optimal          Develop                  Athletes and            Podium level athletes   Build an aligned                                     Accelerated
               develop expert Talent        bespoke athlete         transformational         coaches fully           access integrated       HCAF local support         Developing expert         identification and
               and Performance              performance             leadership, to drive     engaged in the          multi-disciplinary      delivery infrastructure    coaches and               development of
               coaches to deliver           environments            a value driven           implementation          support, innovation     to provide local           support staff to          athletes.
               across the Performance       worldwide.              performance              of the WCP.             and performance         support to athletes        deliver specialist
               and Talent Pathway                                   culture.                                         expertise.              through a regional hub     Paralympic and
               and National Age                                                                                                              network.                   classification support.
               Group teams.

System         1.1/ Coherent Athlete        2.1/ A process in       3.1/ Performance         4.1/ Effective          5.1/ UKA Performance    6.1/ Quality               7.1/ Provide              8.1/ To develop the
Goals          Development Models           place to quality        SLT development          individual athlete      and Innovation Centre   assured system in          expert provision          Talent ID strategic
               aligned to consistent        assure all individual   - clear roles and        communication           fully operational       partnership with           of Paralympic and         aims including
for 2024       WITTW frameworks             athlete performance     responsibilities and     through an ‘Athlete     by 2024.                HCAFs operational          classification support    measures of athlete
Impact /       embedded across              environments            ways of working          Engagement Lead’                                with 7-9 hubs              through the UKA           numbers and
               Performance and              by 2024.                outlined to lead         process in place        5.2/ Capability –       by 2024.                   Performance and           progression by 2021.
               Talent Pathway                                       transformational         by 2024.                UKA with increased                                 Innovation Centre,
               across the UK                2.2/ 80% of Podium      change and                                       capability to           6.2/ Athlete retention     with enhanced             8.2/ Specialised
               by 2024.                     Potential athletes      drive systematic         4.2/ Athlete            capture, analyse and    and progression            Paralympic podium         Paralympic Talent
                                            and coaches capable     development              leadership group        feedback on critical    improved and positive      rated as excellent by     ID programmes
               1.2/ National                of building ‘personal   by 2024.                 in place by 2024.       determinants of         athlete experiences        2024.                     delivered nationally
               event coaches                performance                                                              WITTW to podium         rated as excellent                                   by 2024.
               leading technical            environments’           3.2/ Clear, culture      4.3/ Annual athlete     athletes and            by 2024.                   7.2/
               development of               by 2024.                and value driven         review process          coaches by 2024.                                   Classification system     8.3/ Improved
               coherent Performance                                 performance system       operational with                                6.3/ Enhanced Talent       operational and           intelligence on
               and Talent coaching                                  across the UK            athlete satisfaction                            ID and confirmation        maintaining world         athlete progression
               system by 2024.                                      delivering quality       at 80% by 2024.                                 programmes in              leading knowledge         in the Performance
                                                                    athlete experience                                                       partnership with           and expertise             matrix by 2024.
               1.3/ 100% podium                                                              4.4/ Annual induction                           HCAFs operational
                                                                    by 2024. (Positive       and information                                                            by 2024.                  8.4/
               athletes with a shared                               feedback on athlete                                                      by 2024.
               view of their plan,                                                           sharing opportunities                                                      7.3/ Develop coaches      Communication
                                                                    experience of culture    provided and rated as                           6.4/ Increased                                       campaign raised
               objectives, positive                                 and leadership in the                                                                               and support staff
               engagement with the                                                           excellent by athletes                           transfer of knowledge      with specific expertise   knowledge and
                                                                    programme.)              and coaches by 2024.                            dissemination and                                    understanding of
               WCP and clear WCP                                                                                                                                        and knowledge to
               responsibilities and                                 3.3/ Positive feedback                                                   connection through         deliver to the full       classification systems
                                                                                             4.5/ Staff training                             technical leadership                                 across National
               expectations.                                        on staff experience of   and development                                                            range of Paralympic
                                                                    culture and leadership                                                   and quality assurance      athletes competing        Disability Sports
                                                                                             focusing on                                     for all programme                                    Organisations,
                                                                    in the programme,        competences required                                                       in all events and
                                                                    succession plan                                                          athletes by 2024.          disciplines by 2024.      schools and clubs
                                                                                             for collaboration,                                                                                   by 2024.
                                                                    and risk mitigation      communication and
                                                                    strategy in place for    engagement in place
                                                                    key roles.               by 2022.
20 /                                Athlete First                                                                                              UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                               Age of the Athlete
                                    World Class Programme

              1/ Coaching                 2/ Performance           3/ Leadership            4 / WCP           5/ Podium Support         6/ Localised              7/ Paralympic & Classification   8/ Paralympic
                                          Environment              and Culture              Engagement        & Innovation              Support System            Specific Expertise               Talent ID

System        1.4/ 80% targeted           2.3/ All podium          3.4/ Design and                            5.3/ Engagement –         6.5/ Systemic shift in
              coaches with a              athletes have quality    implementation of                          100% podium athletes      alignment of HCAFs
Goals         development plan that       assured optimal          a novel recruitment                        and coaches engaged       to develop regional
for 2028      includes accessing          performance              process to identify,                       with UKA environment      hub infrastructure
Impact /      experiences at major        environment              attract and select the                     in bespoke facilitated    and performance
              events by 2028.             by 2026.                 right people in place                      performance               development system
                                                                   by 2024.                                   consultancy service       across a coherent
              1.5/ Annual bespoke                                                                             designed for their        quality assured
              elite and Talent                                                                                needs by 2026.            pathway by 2028.
              Coach Development                                                                               Measured by positive
              programme rated as                                                                              feedback on athlete
              excellent by Olympic                                                                            experience.
              and Paralympic
              coaches by 2028.                                                                                5.4/ Increased value
                                                                                                              – Evidence of UKA
              1.6/ A connected,                                                                               Performance and
              expert performance                                                                              Innovation Centre’s
              coaching                                                                                        role in co-creating
              infrastructure in                                                                               value towards
               place across the                                                                               decision-making, plans
              UK by 2028.                                                                                     or environment with
                                                                                                              80% of podium
                                                                                                              athletes by 2026.

System                                                                                                        5.5/ Learning – UKA                                                                  8.5/ Street to stadium
                                                                                                              Performance and                                                                      – schools recruitment
Goals                                                                                                         Innovation Centre                                                                    programme operation
for 2032                                                                                                      ensuring that                                                                        in 5 conurbations
Impact /                                                                                                      knowledge and                                                                        by 2028.
                                                                                                              learning is retained
                                                                                                              for the benefit of the
                                                                                                              future athlete and
                                                                                                              coach generations
                                                                                                              by 2028.

Athlete       New medallists by 2024 (individual/relay)            No. of graduates to podium level by 2024    No. of athletes confirmed at Podium Potential level by 2024
Progression   ▼ Olympic 10 -14                                     ▼   Olympic 14                              ▼ Olympic 16
Goals 2024    ▼ Paralympic 20                                      ▼   Paralympic 12                           ▼ Paralympic 12

Performance   2028                                                                                             2032
Goals         1/            8-11 Olympic medals in LA 2028                                                      1/         9-13 Olympic medals
              2/            26-30 Paralympic medals in LA 2028                                                  2/         26-30 Paralympic medals
              3/            Top 4 in Olympic and Paralympic medal tables                                        3/         Top 3 in Olympic and Paralympic medal tables
21 /                              Athlete First                                           UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                          Age of the Athlete
                                  Performance and Innovation Centre

                                                                                                     A space for
A new Performance and Innovation Centre is a fundamental                                             feedback, planning
part of the Athlete First pillar and our performance strategy.                                       and successful
The National Performance Institute, currently located in              A home for
Loughborough, will be transformed into the UK Athletics               athletes and
Performance and Innovation Centre in collaboration                    coaches to
with our partners.                                                    engage, learn and
                                                                      co-create value
This state-of-the-art facility will be the new home of the
WCP with a focus on bespoke and internationally renowned
problem-solving capabilities, providing specialist athlete
injury rehabilitation.
It will be the world’s first globally networked performance
athletics centre, incorporating the enhanced data and
analytics capabilities developed to date.
This ambitious new project will ensure successful athlete and                                                                World-class
coach pairings stay together, driving our medal success in                                                                   capability to
the Olympic and Paralympic Games.                                                                                            capture critical
                                                                                                                             determinants of
22 /                               Athlete First                   UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                   Age of the Athlete
                                   Performance Pathway

Our Performance Pathway will be aligned at policy, strategic
and operational levels, and fit seamlessly across the UK at all
levels. The guiding principle is collaboration and will be built
on a philosophy of trust, alignment, and autonomy. We will be
ambitious, bold and courageous to drive a collective vision
to implement a valued, athlete-centred, hyper-connected
performance system across the UK producing athletes that
medal at global championships in the future.
Policy alignment will be driven through the Framework
Agreement, signed by all HCAFs in 2020, with delivery
monitored and assured through the Performance and
Talent Working Group (PTWG).
We will secure investment into the HCAF talent pathway
to support the development of the regional hub structure
that feeds and supports the Futures programme and
WCP performance development system. This will include
the appointment of coaches and support staff with a remit
to capacity build within the HCAFs to deliver a devolved
pathway environment through the regional hubs.
A UK-wide Athlete Development Model (ADM) and
WITTW framework will provide the golden thread for the
development of each athlete across all disciplines. This will
provide the route map for each HCAF to deliver within their
devolved Performance and Talent Pathways. The ADM will
set out holistic development requirements, including the
required behaviour and performance characteristics for
athletes at each stage of the pathway. UKA and HCAFs will
hold each other accountable to deliver against the ADM.
23 /                              Athlete First                                                                    UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                   Age of the Athlete
                                  Performance Pathway

Regional Hubs
                                                                                                                                Goals         Goal                                   By when

In collaboration with the HCAFs, the Performance            A Balance Scorecard and Continuous Improvement                                    Quality assured system in              2024
Pathway will include the development of a network           process has been developed to review the delivery of                              partnership with HCAFs
of 7-9 regional hubs to support Confirmation and Podium     each partner against the Performance Pathway and                                  operational with 7-9 hubs.

Potential athletes’ individual training environments.       ADM. An independent annual Pathway Review Process                                 Athlete retention and progression      2024
This will enable us to provide more consistent support to   will be conducted with HCAF leads using the UK Sport                              improved and positive athlete
coaches and the developing athletes, whilst maintaining     Performance Pathway Review. Following the annual                                  experiences in the programme.
greater focus on bespoke value to podium athletes on        review, improvement plans will be agreed with HCAFs
                                                                                                                                              Enhanced talent identification,        2024
individual performance journeys. These regional hubs        and reported to the PTWG.                                                         development and confirmation
will, additionally, form part of the infrastructure to                                                                                        programmes in partnership with
                                                            Strategic Objectives                                                              HCAFs operational.
improve coach development across the system.
                                                            1/ Align, resources, programmes and strategies
Our Responsibilities and Guiding Principles                                                                                                   Increased transfer of knowledge        2024
                                                               across the talent pathway from club and school                                 dissemination and connection
1/ Lead: Leadership for the talent pathway,                    to WCP.                                                                        through technical leadership
                                                                                                                                              and quality assurance for all
   led by data and insight.
                                                            2/ Deliver an Athlete First approach and                                          programme athletes.

2/ Develop: Development of a discipline-specific               performance learning culture across the
                                                                                                                                              Systemic shift in alignment of         2028
   approach, in collaboration with the HCAFs.                  UK talent system.                                                              HCAFs to develop regional hub
                                                                                                                                              infrastructure and performance
3/ Support: Support HCAFs and key partners in               3/ Create high quality club, hub and performance                                  development system across a
   the delivery of talent systems.                             environments for athlete and coaches, including                                coherent quality assured pathway.
                                                               7-9 regional hubs.
4/ Deliver: Deliver transition programmes from                                                                                                        *A detailed Performance Pathway
   National Academies to the WCP.                           4/ Build a workforce of expert talent development                                         strategy will be developed, alongside
                                                                                                                                                      HCAF partners, to further define the
                                                               coaches at national and local level.
5/ Quality Assure: Establishing quality standards.                                                                                                    smart goals for the future.
24 /                                 Athlete First                    UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                      Age of the Athlete
                                     Non-Olympic and Non-Paralympic

                                                                                                         Tom Evans
For the first time, we will develop a collaborative long-term
strategy to elevate and advance endurance running for
athletes outside of the WCP.
Trail, mountain, ultra, fell and cross country are thriving.
These provide a diverse, and different route into the
sport for participants, and are a key part of the pathway
to podium for many athletes. We will take the same
integrated and inclusive approach across the whole talent
pathway in collaboration with the HCAFs and others.
Our goal here is simple. Without direct funding from
UK Sport, we need to develop and foster a plan that is
commercially sustainable and that tells a powerful story,
using data and digital to drive this forward.

Goals      Goal                         By when

           A detailed plan for the      2022
           engagement, growth
           and commercialisation
           of non-Olympic and non-
           Paralympic disciplines.
25 /   25 /                         Title here                                                        UKA Strategy 2021
                                                                                                      Age of the Athlete
                                    Header here

              Clean sport. Safe spaces. Happy faces. Cars parked. Sand raked. Clocks
              set. Goals met. Stats crunched. Flowers bunched. Viral tweets. Packed
              seats. Early starts. Full hearts. It doesn’t happen by magic. It happens
              because of the selfless, endless commitment of thousands of people
              from coaches, to officials, to organisers. They make the world sit up and
              take notice. They are the engine of our sport. They are the metal in the
              medals. They make athletics happen. Thank you for what you do.

              Welcome to the
              Age of the Athlete

   Laura Turner-Alleyne                                                                             Highlight pillar in a
   Coach                                                                                  graphic
26 /                                       Superstructure                                                                                                  UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                           Age of the Athlete

A respected, expert and athlete-centred coaching workforce               To achieve this requires diverse and expert coaches who                            We will build a regional hub network that supports coaches
is central to growing participation, improving retention,                are supported and celebrated at every stage of the athlete                         and athletes. We will identify, recruit and develop Talent
developing athletes and delivering ethical success at Olympic            pathway, embedding a culture that is aligned to the Athlete                        Identification and Performance Coaches to deliver across
and Paralympic Games and global championships.                           Development Model and Athlete First pillar.                                        the Performance and Talent Pathway and National Age
                                                                                                                                                            Group teams.
A critical part of the discipline-specific approach, it is only
through alignment of strategies and resources that we will
we build an inclusive coaching system for our athletes.

               Goal                             By when                          Strategy                 Tactics

               A clear UK-wide coaching        2022                              Creating an          ▼   Define and publish an        ▼   Analyse baseline coaching       ▼   Establish networks of
               strategy following consultation                                   Athlete First and        Athlete Development              data for each discipline            national discipline-specific
               with the athletics community.                                     coach-centred            Model with clear                 across the athlete pathway          coaches leading national
                                                                                 UK coaching              coaching roles.                  and use data and insight            discipline advisory groups.
               An Athlete Development           2022                             philosophy and       ▼   Publish a UK coaching            to create discipline-specific
               Model with coaching roles                                         strategy.                philosophy and strategy.         coaching action plans for
               clearly matched against each                                                                                                each discipline.
               stage of the pathway.
                                                                                 Supporting and       ▼   Provide regular and              connected coaching              ▼   Create a coaching                  clubs who pay coaches.
               A new coach role-based,          2024                             valuing coaches at       effective two-way                structures within clubs.            body with continuing           ▼   Create a system to
               flexible and modular                                              each stage of the        communication and            ▼   Work with HCAFs to                  professional development           recognise, value and
               learning and development                                          athlete pathway.         consultation with coaches.       improve access to                   and standards.                     reward coaches
               framework replacing                                                                    ▼   Work with HCAFs to               coaching and pathway            ▼   Ensure access to support           operating at the highest
               existing qualifications.                                                                   develop quality assured          opportunities for under-            and resources for self-            levels within the sport.
                                                                                                                                           represented groups.                 employed coaches, and
Smart          A coaching body with             2024              Action
Goals          continuing professional                            Plan           Introducing a        ▼   Launch a new role-based,     ▼   Establish a quality assured         and expertise in coaching
               development and standards.
                                                                                 new role-based           flexible and modular             network of expert coach             athletes with a disability
                                                                                 coaching, learning       learning and development         developers, coach mentors,          within a new learning and
               Discipline-specific coach        2024
                                                                                 and development          framework, replacing             coach managers and                  development framework.
               development plans and
                                                                                 framework.               existing qualifications.         coach educators.                ▼   Continue to evolve and
                                                                                                                                       ▼   Develop a clear pathway             develop online learning
               Talent and Performance           2024
               Coaches are aligned to                                            Developing           ▼   Identify, recruit and        ▼   Implement a bespoke                 programmes with HCAFs,
               regional hubs.                                                    expert talent and        develop expert coaches to        high-performance coach              including athlete to coach
                                                                                 performance              deliver across the talent        development programme.              transfer programmes.
               50% of all active coaches        2032                             coaches.                 pathway and National Age     ▼   Develop a talent                ▼   Create a specific coach
               have specific expertise in                                                                 Group teams, aligned to          identification programme            development programme
               coaching children, youth,                                                                  regional hubs.                   for coaches, in partnership         to support personal coaches
               discipline specialism, Para,                                                                                                with HCAFs, including               of athletes on the talent
               talent or high performance.                                                                                                 athlete to coach transfer           pathway.
27 /                                      Superstructure                                                                                                       UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                               Age of the Athlete

Without technical officials there is no competition.                 In line with the discipline-specific approach, we will develop a
                                                                     role-based, learning and development framework for officials.
The recruitment and retention of officials is an important
                                                                     We will strengthen the pathway, coordinating the selection
part of this plan. We want a diverse, skilled and connected
                                                                     process for officials at all levels of competition and supporting
officials’ workforce that is valued at each stage of the
                                                                     those officials capable of delivering the best events in the world.
competition pathway.

              Goal                             By when                        Strategy                  Tactics

              A new officials strategy         2022                           Improving the         ▼   Analyse baseline officials’        ▼   Set targets and develop        ▼   Develop toolkits, with             to ensure the system
              following consultation with                                     recruitment,              data for each discipline               projects, with HCAFs, to           HCAFs, that help clubs             supports clubs with
              the athletics community.                                        retention and             across the competition                 recruit from, and enable           across the UK recruit and          training and certification
                                                                              diversity of              pathway and use data and               access to, officiating             retain officials.                  of officials at entry level
              10% increase in the number       2024                           officials.                insight to create discipline-          opportunities and              ▼   Review the officials’              (see officials learning and
              of active officials.                                                                      specific officials action plans.       pathways for a more                education pathway                  development).
                                                                                                                                               diverse group.
              A quality assured network        2024
              of expert officials’                                            Modernising           ▼   Continue to review and             ▼   Establish a quality assured    ▼   Continue to evolve and
              developers, mentors and                                         the role-based            evolve a role-based,                   network of expert officials’       develop online learning
              educators across the UK.                                        officials, learning       flexible, work-based                   developers, mentors and            opportunities for officials.
                                                                              and development           modular learning and                   educators across the UK.
              A structured mentoring           2024                           framework.                development framework
              and support programme                                                                     for officials.
              that ensures succession
Smart         planning for world level                        Action
Goals         officials for all major events                  Plan            Developing            ▼   Create programmes that                 pathway who have the           ▼   Explore ways to better
              delivered in the UK.                                            skilled talent and        support officials as they              potential to progress              recognise, value and reward
                                                                              performance               move through the pathway               towards world-class levels.        officials operating at the
              An increase in the number        2032                           officials.                from club to national and          ▼   Implement programmes               highest levels within the sport.
              of active and qualified                                                                   international level.                   to support the                 ▼   Develop mentoring
              officials for effective                                                               ▼   Develop standards to                   development of UK                  programmes to ensure clear
              delivery of UK competition                                                                identify and support                   officials to European and          succession planning for expert
              and events at all levels.*                                                                officials within the                   World Championship level.          and specialised roles within the
                                                                                                                                                                                  officials’ network.

              *This KPI will evolve and be
              indicative of the market demand for
              competition delivery across the UK.
28 /                               Superstructure          UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                            Age of the Athlete

 A crucial part of our discipline-specific approach;
 athletes need high-quality competitions to achieve their
 personal performance goals and to retain their active
 participation in the sport. This is a competition action
 plan for the whole sport, including Para-athletics, in
 line with our philosophy of ‘integrated where possible,
 specialised and separate where necessary’.

Hannah Cockroft MBE T34 100m, 800m
29 /                                          Superstructure                                                                                                     UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                                 Age of the Athlete

We will modernise the competition structure to engage,          Action   Strategy              Tactics

excite and motivate athletes, coaches, officials,               Plan     Collaboration     ▼   Define and publish clear            beneficial partnerships              efficiencies on innovations        British Universities & Colleges
volunteers and fans, ultimately driving the growth of                    between UKA           roles and responsibilities          with all domestic                    and project delivery.              Sport (BUCS).
                                                                         and HCAFs.            between UKA and HCAF                competition providers.
athletics in the UK.                                                                                                                                                ▼   Agree common language          ▼   Agree a communication
                                                                                               via the Competition             ▼   Share and implement                  and terminology.                   strategy with event providers
                                                                                               Working Group.
A collaborative approach between us, HCAFs and                                                                                     best practice.                   ▼   Improve collaboration with         to improve co-operation and
                                                                                               Develop stronger mutually           Pool resources to achieve            schools associations and           collaboration.
competition providers will create alignment from
                                                                                           ▼                                   ▼

playground to podium so that all competitions are
                                                                         Evolving the          Agree key principles on             crowned, rankings absolute/          competition requirements       ▼   Plan transition and
purposefully aligned to the Athlete Development Model.

                                                                         competition           required outcomes, that             progression.                         for performance and in             implementation
                                                                         structure.            competition should support          Review alignment with                partnership with HCAFs for         to the evolved
We will deliver a competition framework that is easy                                           to deliver, for each stage of
                                                                                                                                                                        talent, national, regional,        structure; appointing/
                                                                                                                                   World Athletics’ age groups,
to navigate and optimum for each discipline at each                                            the Athlete Development             weights and heights.                 club and recreational              commissioning
level of the pathway across a season. This will combine                                        Model, to include                                                        competition.                       competition providers as
                                                                                                                               ▼   Define the ‘golden thread’
                                                                                               multi-event/discipline-                                                  Test, trial and evaluate new       required.
championships, leagues, opens, short format and                                                specific/specialisation,
                                                                                                                                   seasonal and four-year           ▼

                                                                                                                                   cycle, discipline-specific           competition formats.
discipline-specific competitions.                                                              national champions

A focus on calendar planning, prioritisation, hierarchy                  Calendar          ▼   Agree and implement a           ▼   Agree clear governance;          ▼   Introduce a single
and governance will deliver meaningful competition at                    planning and          hierarchy of date allocation        process, timelines, dispute          comprehensive integrated
                                                                         prioritisation.       through the Competition             resolution.                          competition calendar
the right time, at all levels on a rolling four-year basis to                                  Working Group.                  ▼   Link and manage supply               combining all track and
match Olympic and Paralympic cycles.                                                                                               to meet demand through               field and off-track/
                                                                                                                                   the licencing process.               endurance disciplines.

 Smart          Goal                               By when               Reviewing         ▼   Review and update               ▼   Formally link licencing to       ▼   Implement a quality
                                                                         licensing.            standards required for              the requirements of the              assurance process to drive
 Goals          A partner programme to work        2024                                        licences.                           competition structure                continuous improvement
                with existing competition                                                                                          and support calendar                 of competition delivery and
                                                                                           ▼   Review processes
                providers to deliver the                                                                                           management.                          participant experience, with
                                                                                               and procedures to
                discipline-specific plan.                                                                                                                               appropriate sanctions for
                                                                                               bring alignment and             ▼   Review and implement
                                                                                               consistency across UKA,             technology required                  non-compliance.
                A clear plan for an evolved        2024
                structure with ‘golden thread’                                                 HCAFs and all disciplines.          to improve licencing
                competition opportunities for                                                                                      management.
                each discipline clearly defined,
                with associated competition                              Using             ▼   Review charging structures.     ▼   Make the Power of 10                 supporting multi-event
                providers identified.                                    technology.       ▼   Maximise Power of 10                database an interactive              principles and maintaining
                                                                                               database to inform supply           and informative tool                 club rivalry through virtual
                The evolved structure and          2028                                        and demand of competition           for the sport including              competition/leagues.
                fully integrated calendar                                                      opportunities.                      reframing reward and             ▼   Review the event technology
                across all disciplines is fully                                                                                    recognise progression,               ecosystem.
30 /                                  Superstructure                                                                                                       UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                           Age of the Athlete

UKA leads on establishing and promoting clear and consistent           what is expected of them by the sport to ensure compliance                          an ethical sport where clean athletes compete on equal
standards of behaviour for all participants in athletics in the        throughout the entirety of our system.                                              terms and where spectators and fans have faith in the
UK, wherever they are, and at all levels.                                                                                                                  performances they witness.
                                                                       This section outlines our goals and action plans for Clean
Standards are important and need to be fully understood by             Athletics and safeguarding specifically.                                            We believe that the majority of athletes want to compete
the entire athletics community. We will set out what the sport                                                                                             clean and our focus is on supporting them with their Clean
                                                                       Clean Athletics
requires of everyone, and our role for the sport, in relation to                                                                                           Sport responsibilities.
anti-doping, safeguarding, anti-discrimination, anti-corruption        Clean Athletics is a core governance function of any
                                                                                                                                                           Where rules are broken, we will not shy away from working
and health and safety.                                                 National Federation but, for us, it is so much more than just
                                                                                                                                                           with our partners to take action against those who
                                                                       a tick in a box.
Disciplinary processes, licensing decisions and safeguarding                                                                                               transgress, fairly and openly.
cases will be subject to the highest standards of regulatory           At the heart of our Clean Athletics programme is supporting
                                                                                                                                                           We want successful athletes, confident in the knowledge
best practice. We will publish codes, rules, policies, procedures      and promoting an environment where those who engage
                                                                                                                                                           they did it clean.
and guidance so that everyone knows what our standards are,            in, and have passion for, athletics feel they are part of

Smart                                                           Action
Goals                                                           Plan
                                                                          Strategy             Tactics
          Goal                     By when

          Clean Sport              2022                                   Providing        ▼   Deliver an ongoing              support athletes to enable            that everyone in the athletics
          programmes are                                                  education,           national Clean Athletics        them to make informed                 community has a role to play.
          reviewed, and an                                                information          campaign to positively          and responsible decisions         ▼   Lead, support and
          updated strategy                                                and support.         influence current and           and comply with all Clean             collaborate with others
          published.                                                                           future athletes’ beliefs,       Athletics regulations.                (including UK Anti-Doping
                                                                                               attitudes and behaviours.   ▼   Promote a culture of                  and World Anti-Doping
          100% of all athletes     2023
                                                                                           ▼   Provide a national              drug-free sport within and            Agency) in the development
          and coaches have                                                                     education programme to          beyond the organisation               of evidence-based Clean
          access to relevant                                                                   athletes and those that         by reinforcing the message            Athletics initiatives.
          information, resources
          and education
                                                                          Communicating    ▼   Continue to ensure rules    ▼   Support athletes to take          ▼   Work with Clean Sport
          opportunities to
                                                                          compliance,          are clearly communicated        ownership for Clean                   officers to ensure they
          compete clean.
                                                                          accountability       and applied fairly,             Athletics through regular             can operate to their full
                                                                          and ethical          consistently and                communication and                     scope within athletics
                                                                          standards.           stringently.                    ongoing education.                    environments.
31 /                                       Superstructure                                                                                        UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                                 Age of the Athlete

In 2020 UKA and the HCAFs commissioned and welcomed           The focus now moves to delivery, with our new team working
the publication of the ‘Independent Review of UK Athletics    in collaboration with HCAFs and experts to embed good
Safeguarding’ by Christopher Quinlan QC. The outcome          practice and ensure a transparency of reporting every quarter.
is that all have clear roles, and UKA now has operational     We will create a culture where everyone is confident to
responsibility for safeguarding across athletics in the UK.   report any type of sexual or physical abuse, bullying or poor
                                                              behaviour. We will take a zero-tolerance stance and ask for the
Significant progress has been made over the last 12 months
                                                              maximum ban or other penalty available where there is power
and all six ‘core’ recommendations will have been delivered
                                                              to do so within the independent process.
by the July 2021 deadline.
                                                              Without direct funding to support this important strand of
                                                              work, we will also seek ways to ensure it is financially viable
                                                              in the longer-term.

Smart                                                                     Action
Goals                                                                     Plan
                                                                                   Strategy                     Tactics
         Goal                                By when
                                                                                    Leading                 ▼   Produce quarterly reports    ▼   Use a single case           ▼      Review safeguarding
         Quarterly safeguarding reports      Quarterly
                                                                                    responsibility for          to monitor progress across       management system                  policies and procedures
         demonstrate compliance with
                                                                                    safeguarding in the         the sport.                       to review and monitor              every two years or as
         the Christopher Quinlan review.
                                                                                    sport of athletics in   ▼   Continue to support              all cases from beginning           required by legislation
                                                                                    the UK.                     and share best practice          to completion.                     changes.
         100% of HCAF member clubs           2022
                                                                                                                with HCAFs.
         have access to education,
         training and support and
         demonstrate compliance with                                                Providing               ▼   Support HCAFs to ensure
         safeguarding standards.                                                    education,                  affiliated member clubs
                                                                                    information                 are compliant with all
         100% of licenced coaches            2024                                   and support.                safeguarding standards
         and officials have received                                                                            within agreed timescales.
         safeguarding training.
32 /    32 /

                        Commercial Edge
                            From today we build towards greater future strength. To take athletics further we
                            need allies, collaborators, and supporters. So we will foster productive partnerships
                            to boost our financial muscle, and invest in the path that leads from playground
                            to podium for tomorrow’s athletes. We will bring our sport to the world through
                            outstanding broadcast events and innovative media channels, cementing our place
                            in hearts and minds. We will engage and connect memorably and meaningfully with
                            supporters and stakeholders, sitting in stadiums or in boardrooms, with compelling
                            stories, achievements, and ambitions. We will create a thirst for athletics and a
                            demand for more. Our horizon is wide. Our ambition limitless.

                            Welcome to the
                            Age of the Athlete

       Columba Blango
       T20 400m
33 /                               Commercial Edge                                                        UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                          Age of the Athlete
                                   Commercial Strategy

We want to reduce our reliance on government grant
funding to drive more commercial revenue that supports
both our performance team and the organisation as a
whole. This, alongside careful management of costs, will
mean that we can reinvest back into the sport longer term.
Great partners are not just a source of finance, they are true
partners in bringing the sport to life for the greatest number
of people in a fast-changing society.
We will focus on creating a new commercial opportunity that
embraces the whole athletics pathway from playground to
podium, partnering with our HCAF colleagues. Our partners
will help us tell amazing stories about amazing people.
Aligned to the discipline-specific approach, we want to do                    Media
this for athletes and others in non-Olympic and Paralympic
disciplines, identifying products and events that will appeal
to athletes, to partners, to the media and to fans.
We believe data is one area where we can unlock value
and so building a new digital commercial strategy is a
priority. Digital communications will play a critical role
as we continue to tell more stories, build interest in the
sport and clarity in what athletics stands for.

                                                                            and Digital

                                                                 Events                    Partnerships
34 /   Commercial Edge                           UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                 Age of the Athlete
       Commercial Goals

                                           Baseline                      2031/2032 Projected
                                                      Revenue                                  Revenue

                                          £7.4M                                     £16.6M

                                     £0                                             £1.0m

                                  £3.2m                                      £8.0m

                             £1.3m                               £4.0m

                          £2.9m                       £3.6m
35 /                                     Commercial Edge                                                                                     UKA Operational Plan 2021 - 2032
                                                                                                                                             Age of the Athlete

The media remains a powerful voice and influencer for our        At the same time, we will tell athlete stories and highlight
sport. That world is changing fast but creating access to our    their performance through multiple channels. We want
great moments and the promotional support and storytelling       to build a powerful narrative that inspires our nation
power of great media partners remains of vital importance        and delivers value to partners. Televised domestic and
in increasing interest in the sport, and ultimately commercial   international events are a major opportunity to showcase our
revenue.                                                         sport and our athletes but we will also continue to develop
                                                                 content that bridges the gap between live events, to attract
For athletics, the changed media landscape means we
                                                                 new audiences and drive participation.
have to take a different approach. Yes, we will create events
and moments that will be of value to rights fee paying           In addition to events televised by mainstream media
broadcasters, but our firm view is that we need to look          broadcasters, we want to capitalise on the demand for live
differently at our content and commercial partnerships.          content across the sport, all year round. We will work with
Our discipline-specific approach will inform our competitions    competition providers to create a new, one-stop, digital
and events, and therefore our content.                           platform to aggregate and amplify their events.

Smart                                                                       Action
Goals                                                                       Plan
         Goal                              By when                                   Strategy               Tactics

         A new digital platform to         2022                                      Aligning events    ▼   Test new events.                   ▼   Take broadcast proposition
         distribute aggregated content                                               with broadcaster   ▼   Work with existing event               to market.
         across the sport.                                                           objectives.            providers to explore broadcast

         Broadcast revenue from            2028
         international and domestic                                                  Increasing         ▼   Improve and increase               ▼   Explore funded production
         events rebuilt to £1m.                                                      digital content        distribution of domestic               partner options.
                                                                                     distribution.          events to increase engagement      ▼   Build a rate card for content
                                                                                                            and grow audience in parallel          sharing and grow secondary
                                                                                                            with rebuilding broadcast              media spend targeting £50k.
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