Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide

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Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House
Coordination Program 2012–2015
Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House
Coordination Program 2012–2015
Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
iv   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  If you would like to receive this publication in another format,
                  please phone 1300 650 172, using the National Relay Service 13 36 77
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                  This document is also available on the Internet at

                  Published by Community Participation Branch, Victorian Government Department of Human Services,
                  50 Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria Australia
                  © Copyright State of Victoria, Department of Human Services, 2012.
                  This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance
                  with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
                  For further information contact Disability Services, Department of Human Services,
                  50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000 telephone 1300 650 172
                  ISBN 978-0-7311-6503-2 (print version), 978-0-7311-6504-9 (online PDF version)
                  Authorised and published by the Victorian Government, 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
                  June 2012 (0360512)
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide

Message from the Minister for Community Services                          1
How to use these guidelines 					                                         3
Section 1: The Neighbourhood House Coordination Program                   3
Section 2: The neighbourhood house sector guide                           3
Section 3: Relationships and support				                                  3
Appendices														                                                  3

Section 1: The Neighbourhood House Coordination Program                   4
What is the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program?                     4
Program aims													                                                 4
Program requirements										                                            5
     Neighbourhood houses 							                                         5
     Neighbourhood house networks				                                     6
     The Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres         7
Funding requirements										                                            8
    General requirements								                                          8
    Alternative governance requirements and auspice bodies                8
Insurance															                                                 10
Funding – provision, accountability and transparency                     10
    Funding agreements									                                          10
    Funding													                                                 10
    Reporting requirements								                                       11
Failure to meet accountability requirements		                            13
Roles and responsibilities									                                      13
Further information and contacts						                                   13

Section 2: The neighbourhood house sector guide                          14
Neighbourhood houses										                                           14
Neighbourhood houses – strengthening the community through a community
development process										                                            15
     Neighbourhood house community development practice                  15
     The neighbourhood house community development model                 16
     Community strengthening – planning and development                  17
Neighbourhood house networks						                                       24
Association of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres                 25
Committees of management								                                         26
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
vi   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Alternative governance arrangements 				                                      27
                        Voluntary clustering of houses for specific purposes                    27
                        Cross-agency committees of management                                   27
                        Voluntary amalgamation of houses			                                     27
                  Neighbourhood house coordinators					                                         28
                  Volunteers															                                                     29

                  Section 3: Relationships and support		                                        30
                  Local government												                                                  30
                  Adult Community and Further Education (ACFE)                                  31
                  Department of Human Services, Department of Health, Department of Education
                  and Early Childhood Development						                                         32

                  Appendices													                                                       33
                  Appendix 1: ANHLC neighbourhood house sector principles                       33
                  Appendix 2: The governance role of committees of management                   34
                  Appendix 3: Further information and contacts                                  38
                      Neighbourhood house networks				                                          38
                      Peak and industry bodies							                                           40
                      Useful government websites						                                          40
                  Appendix 4: Glossary of terms							                                          41
                      Abbreviations											                                                  41
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide

Message from the Minister for Community Services
Neighbourhood houses are at the heart of local communities, providing a diverse range
of services that are driven by the needs of local people. As a result, neighbourhood
houses are a universal service that support people at all stages of life.
Neighbourhood houses are central to the Victorian Government’s reform of community
services. We are increasing our focus on supporting Victorians earlier and building the
capacity of people to develop and connect with their community.
This approach to providing community services is proving successful because people
can build their skills, find pathways to education and employment and be included in        Mary Wooldridge MP
the local community.                                                                        Minister for Community
Neighbourhood houses are well placed to strengthen community development and
participation, giving people a role in governance and a voice in shaping the services
that their community needs.
These guidelines provide advice on the management and operation of neighbourhood
houses as part of the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program and I encourage
people involved to use them to continue to deliver high quality programs and activities.
I look forward to continuing this important partnership with neighbourhood houses
in Victoria and thank everyone involved for their valuable contribution to our community.

Hon Mary Wooldridge MP
Minister for Community Services
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide
2   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015
Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015 - Program guidelines and neighbourhood house sector information guide

How to use these guidelines
The document is divided into four sections.

Section 1: The Neighbourhood House Coordination Program
These guidelines are an essential part of understanding the processes that both regulate
(through funding agreements) and manage the Neighbourhood House Coordination Program
(NHCP) (through accountability and reporting processes) for the Department of Human Services.
They are also a practical guide to the ‘how, what, when, where, why and who’ of the NHCP.
If you are new to the sector, on the committee of management or an employee
of a neighbourhood house or auspice body, or simply seeking to increase your knowledge,
Section 1 is an essential reference and source of information to better understand the
NHCP and the neighbourhood house sector itself.

Section 2: The neighbourhood house sector guide
This section provides an overview of the neighbourhood house sector, including a guide to the
delivery of community-strengthening programs and activities, and the community development
practice of neighbourhood houses.
Further information about the neighbourhood house sector is available through the Association
of Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres (ANHLC).

Section 3: Relationships and support
This section covers the way relationships with (and resources from other sources within)
the Department of Human Services and other state and Commonwealth government
departments and local government complement NHCP funding and increase the capacity
of neighbourhood houses to provide services in their communities.

Additional information including the neighbourhood house sector principles, notes on
governance for committees of management, useful contacts, references and websites.
A glossary of terms and list of abbreviations are also provided.
4   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                 Section 1: The Neighbourhood House
                 Coordination Program
                 What is the Neighbourhood                     Program aims
                 House Coordination Program?                   The NHCP provides funding to
                 Through the NHCP, the Victorian Government    neighbourhood houses, neighbourhood
                 provides recurrent funding to eligible        house networks and the ANHLC to:
                 neighbourhood houses, neighbourhood           –– support the provision of community
                 house networks and the peak body, the            development programs and activities
                 Association of Neighbourhood Houses              that lead to community-strengthening
                 and Learning Centres (ANHLC) to support          outcomes by
                 the coordination of a service that provides      –– supporting diversity and promoting
                 community development activities consistent         community participation and inclusion
                 with the NHCP aims.                              –– facilitating community development and
                 Recurrent funding allocations are made              capacity building in support of individuals
                 to eligible organisations in accordance             and groups within communities
                 with Victorian Government priorities.            –– supporting lifelong learning opportunities
                 NHCP funding is managed under individual            for people to improve their training
                 funding agreements between government               and employment pathways and
                 and these organisations.                            community participation
                                                               –– supporting community development
                                                                  processes to address locally identified
                                                                  priorities and needs through:
                                                                  –– community consultation
                                                                  –– development of agreed community
                                                                     responses to identified priorities
                                                                     and needs
                                                                  –– identification of partners and
                                                                     funding sources
                                                                  –– facilitating and evaluating responses
                                                                     to identified needs and priorities.

Program requirements                                     All neighbourhood houses funded through
                                                         the NHCP form the membership of a regional
Neighbourhood houses                                     or sub-regional neighbourhood house network
Funding to neighbourhood houses is allocated             according to their location and should
on the basis of hours of coordination                    participate in the management and activities
(as identified in each funding agreement).               of that neighbourhood house network.
Funding assists with employing a coordinator             Participation can include:
and related costs to:
                                                         –– representation on the committee
–– provide a balanced mix of community                      of management
   development planning and activity hours1
                                                         –– attendance at network events and
–– promote participation in the neighbourhood               professional development opportunities
   house program and activities by diverse
                                                         –– engagement with the network for
   community groups and individuals
                                                            management and governance support,
–– be open for at least as many hours as the                program development and strengthening
   NHCP provides coordination funding                       regional linkages.
–– provide at least twice as many activity
   hours (which may be provided concurrently)            The Neighbourhood house good practice
   as the NHCP-funded coordination hours.                guide is a sector-developed guide to
                                                         support quality standards in neighbourhood
It is expected that the planning,                        houses. The guide is available from the
development and delivery of these                        ANHLC website.
program requirements will be based
on a documented annual plan.

1. Activity hours reported comprise community development planning and the delivery of community development
   programs and activities.
6      Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                      Neighbourhood house networks                   –– an annual plan showing
                      Neighbourhood house networks are funded           –– evidence of consultation and collaboration
                      to provide services and support to all               with all houses in the network
                      neighbourhood houses funded through               –– activities consistent with the program
                      the NHCP.                                            requirements
                                                                        –– details of how network members will be
                      Funding is provided towards the employment
                                                                           involved in the monitoring and evaluation
                      of a networker and related costs to deliver
                                                                           of the plan
                      services and supports to members of
                                                                        –– lines of accountability.
                      the network. A committee drawn from
                      the membership in each network directs         The Neighbourhood house quality
                      the activities of the network to meet the      enhancement and risk management matrix
                      requirements of their funding agreement with   is a guide designed to outline roles and
                      the Department of Human Services and their     responsibilities when a neighbourhood
                      obligations as an employer.                    house is experiencing difficulty. The matrix
                                                                     was developed in partnership between the
Neighbourhood house networks play an                                 Department of Human Services regional
                                                                     teams, regional networks and the ANHLC.
important role in supporting neighbourhood
                                                                     The guide can be accessed on the
houses experiencing difficulty. Their role includes                  ANHLC website.
identifying houses at risk and providing support
                                                                     The Neighbourhood house networks
at the earliest possible opportunity.                                good practice guide, developed by the
                                                                     combined networks in consultation with
                      Networks are funded in accordance with         network members, is a guide to support
                      these agreements to provide the following      quality standards in neighbourhood house
                      services to neighbourhood houses within        networking. Once completed, the guide
                      their network:                                 can be accessed through the networks
                      –– governance and management support           or on the ANHLC website.
                         to committees and staff                     Funding to networks is determined by the
                      –– advice on neighbourhood houses programs     number of NHCP funded houses within
                         and activity development                    each particular network’s area.
                      –– training and training resources
                                                                     Membership of any network is determined
                      –– capacity building and links, with and       by location according to the department’s
                         between neighbourhood houses and other      provisional boundaries, with exceptions
                         community organisations at the local and    being approved by the department only on
                         regional level                              a demonstrated geographical or community
                                                                     relationship basis and agreed to by the
                                                                     networks involved.

To avoid real or perceived conflict           The Association of Neighbourhood
of interest, it is recommended that           Houses and Learning Centres
paid employees of a network are               The Victorian Government provides funding
                                              to the ANHLC as the peak body for the
not also paid employees of any
                                              neighbourhood house sector to:
neighbourhood house belonging
                                              –– support program delivery and activity
to that network.
                                                 development in neighbourhood houses
In exceptional circumstances where a          –– promote and develop sector linkages
networker is an employee of a neighbourhood      and coordination
house, staff and committee of management      –– facilitate the implementation of improved
members of that house should not                 strategies in the neighbourhood house
be members of the network committee              sector
of management.                                –– provide or facilitate training for the sector
See Section 2 for further information         –– identify sector management issues.
on neighbourhood house networks.
                                              It is expected that these outcomes will be
                                              planned and documented in an annual plan.
                                              For more information on the role of the peak
                                              body, refer to Section 2, the Neigbourhood
                                              House Sector Guide.
8   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                 Funding requirements                               Alternative governance requirements
                                                                    and auspice bodies
                 General requirements
                                                                    Neighbourhood houses or neighbourhood
                 Neighbourhood houses, neighbourhood                house networks can have alternative
                 house networks and the peak body in receipt        governance arrangements outside of an
                 of NHCP funding must:                              incorporated committee of management.
                 –– be an incorporated entity, for example,
                                                                    These can include:
                    under the Associations Incorporation
                    Act 1981, or operate under the auspice          –– being under the auspice of a legally
                    of local government or another                     constituted body that is an incorporated,
                    incorporated non-profit, non-government            not-for-profit, non-government organisation
                    organisation (if auspiced or managed under         or local government authority, or
                    an alternative committee arrangement see        –– an alternative committee structure such
                    the section adjacent)                              as that in a co-located setting.
                 –– be able to demonstrate provision of activity    This can occur where it is not viable for
                    hours that are consistent with the NHCP         an incorporated locally based committee
                    program aims and requirements                   of management to be formed or when an
                 –– have an annual plan for coordinating and        existing committee of management dissolves
                    delivering programs and activities that are     or ceases to be incorporated.
                    consistent with the NHCP aims
                                                                    It is preferred that this be an interim
                 –– have an independent committee of
                                                                    or short term arrangement, or it may be an
                    management (or other similar governance
                                                                    ongoing one, in exceptional circumstances,
                    structure such as a collective or cooperative
                                                                    that supports the functioning of the
                    that is agreed with the department) that
                                                                    neighbourhood house. An auspice agency,
                    –– is accountable and responsive to its         in signing a funding agreement for the NHCP
                       community                                    on behalf of a neighbourhood house:
                    –– includes representation from its
                                                                    –– takes on the legal and financial
                                                                       responsibility of the neighbourhood house
                 –– not operate for the financial gain of the       –– supports the program aims of the NHCP
                    management, participants, employees or          –– supports and recognises a neighbourhood
                    volunteers – this excludes wage payments,          house community-based committee
                    cost reimbursements and the generation of          or reference group, ensuring that
                    funds for the house within the rules of the
                                                                       –– a community-based committee or
                    Act under which the house is incorporated
                                                                          reference group independent of
                    (refer to Section 2 and Appendix 2 for more
                                                                          the auspice body is responsible for
                    information about roles and responsibilities
                                                                          overseeing the neighbourhood house
                    of committees of management)
                                                                          program and the functions of the house
                 –– have a clear understanding of, and
                                                                       –– the neighbourhood house program
                    commitment to, the goals and aims of
                                                                          maintains its integrity, identity and
                    the NHCP as outlined in the NHCP guide
                                                                          autonomy separate from the
                    (Section 1).
                                                                          auspice body

  –– professional support and training is       –– guarantees transparency of funding,
     available for the coordinator of the          that the funds received through the
     neighbourhood house                           NHCP are able to be discretely identified,
  –– mechanisms and procedures are in              accounted and reported as prescribed in
     place that allow the dissolution of the       Schedule 1 of the funding agreement.
     arrangement by either party.
                                                Funding agreements for neighbourhood
The funded agency must also provide to the      houses or neighbourhood house networks
department a copy of a memorandum of            that operate under an auspice arrangement
understanding (MoU) or deed of delegation       will be made between the department and the
between the auspicing body or alternative       auspicing body in accordance with the funding
committee structure and the auspiced            agreement terms and conditions. Please see
neighbourhood house or neighbourhood            Schedule 1 of the funding agreement for
house network that:                             specific references to auspicing arrangements.
–– demonstrates that the community-based
   committee of management or advisory          Prior to adopting an alternative committee structure,
   group of the neighbourhood house             or to being auspiced, organisations must advise the
   or neighbourhood house network is            Department of Human Services’ Community and
   responsible for overseeing the business
                                                Economic Participation Branch and receive approval.
   and functions of the neighbourhood house
   or network
–– specifies responsibility for managing
   programs and services and acquitting
   funds and deliverables
–– acknowledges the auspicing body’s
   or alternative committee structure’s legal
   and financial responsibility (including
   employer responsibilities) for the
   neighbourhood house or neighbourhood
   house network
–– specifies the roles and responsibilities
   of the auspicing body or alternative
   committee structure and the
   neighbourhood house or neighbourhood
   house network, including timely reporting
   against contracted outcomes and lines
   of reporting between the neighbourhood
   house or neighbourhood house network
   committee of management, neighbourhood
   house coordinator or networker and
   the auspice organisation or alternative
   committee structure
10   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Insurance                                             Funding – provision,
                  Agencies funded through the NHCP are                  accountability and transparency
                  eligible to receive insurance coverage under
                                                                        Funding agreements
                  the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority’s
                  (VMIA) Insurance Program for Community                Agencies receiving funding under the NHCP
                  Service Organisations.                                must enter into a funding agreement with
                                                                        the department prior to receiving funding.
                  This scheme provides a range of general               The agreement identifies the responsibilities
                  coverages including public liability, directors’      of the relevant neighbourhood house,
                  and officers’ liability, professional indemnity and   neighbourhood house network or the
                  personal accident (injury) cover for volunteers.      ANHLC and the department.
                  It is the funded agency’s responsibility              Funding agreements are for up to three
                  to ensure insurance coverage is suitable for          years and reporting requirements contained
                  their operational activities. Further information     within schedules are reviewed annually.
                  regarding the policy can be found at                  Reporting is the main mechanism for ensuring
                         accountability for the expenditure of NHCP
                  Policies-and-Manuals/Community-Service-               funds and compliance with eligibility criteria.
                  Organisations with alternative governance
                  arrangements, as defined in these guidelines,         Funding is provided by the department
                  should note the following:                            on a financial year basis (1 July to 30 June)
                                                                        through grants paid quarterly in advance
                  –– Insurance coverage may extend to
                                                                        at the commencement of each quarter,
                     the activities of community advisory
                                                                        preferably through electronic funds transfer
                     committees or like groups. Organisations
                                                                        (EFT). Funding for houses and networks is
                     should check the insurance section in
                                                                        based on the hours of coordination per week
                     the Department’s Service Agreement
                                                                        for a 52-week period.
                     Kit for Funded Agencies and/or VMIA’s
                     Community Service Organisations’                   Funding is recurrent, subject to satisfactory
                     Insurance Guide on the above website for           performance against the funding agreement.
                     advice and if further clarification is required    The provision of funds is subject to annual
                     contact the department or VMIA.                    budgetary appropriation from the Victorian
                  –– Under auspice arrangements VMIA                    state government budget. Where funding
                     insurance coverage does not extend to              levels are affected by appropriation,
                     operational activities undertaken by an            the amount paid by the department may
                     auspiced group which is incorporated.              be adjusted accordingly.

Reporting requirements                             1. All funding for the financial year reporting
                                                      period was spent for the purposes of
There will be new reporting requirements
                                                      the activity (as defined under NHCP
for neighbourhood houses, neighbourhood
                                                      requirements) and in accordance with
house networks and the ANHLC in the
                                                      the funding agreement, and that ‘we’
2012–2015 guidelines.
                                                      (the committee of management or
All reporting requirements must be signed             auspice body) have complied with the
off by the committee of management or an              funding agreement.
authorised delegate. There will be four areas      2. Salaries and allowances paid to those
of reporting.                                         involved in the Activity are in accordance
1. Annual reports                                     with any applicable award or agreement
                                                      in force under any relevant law on
–– Within 20 business days of the annual
                                                      industrial or workplace relations.
   general meeting, neighbourhood houses,
   neighbourhood house networks and the            3. Unless the activity period has expired
   ANHLC are required to provide their annual         or the funding agreement has been
   reports to the department’s Community              terminated, the unspent portion of the
   and Economic Participation Branch, their           funds (if any) is available for use within
   relevant Local Connections team and their          the next reporting period.
   neighbourhood house network.                    4. The financial information is presented
–– The report must include a financial statement      in accordance with any other financial
   that has been approved by the committee of         reporting requirements the department
   management and submitted in accordance             may notify to the neighbourhood house,
   with the Associations Incorporation Act,           neighbourhood house network or the
   as well as the requirements of the                 ANHLC.
   department’s funding agreement.                 5. At the time the report or financial
–– It is recommended that funded                      statement is provided, the
   organisations make use of the standard             neighbourhood house, neighbourhood
   charter of accounts developed by the               house network or the ANHLC is ‘able
   Office of the Community Sector to prepare          to pay all debts as and when they fall
   financial statements (         due and have sufficient resources to
   communitydevelopment/community-sector/             discharge all debts at the end of the
   regulatory-and-legislative-reforms/national-       current financial year’.
   standard-chart-of-accounts).                    6. They fully comply with the funding
                                                      requirements of the NHCP as per the
2. Funding, program and reporting                     2012–2015 program guidelines.
   declaration                                     7. They fully comply with the program aims
–– Neighbourhood houses, neighbourhood                and program requirements of the NHCP
   house networks and the ANHLC are also              as outlined in Section 1 of the 2012–
   required to provide a signed declaration           2015 guidelines.
   form that certifies:                            8. An annual plan has been developed that
                                                      encompasses the reporting period.
12   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  3. Program and activity outcomes reporting        4. Participant data
                  Neighbourhood houses are required to              Neighbourhood houses will be required to
                  collect data that demonstrates their outputs      conduct an annual participant census. This
                  and also the outcomes they facilitate for their   will require neighbourhood houses to collect
                  communities.                                      information about their participants for one
                                                                    week in every year.
                  The new data reporting requirements have
                  been developed through a joint project            Data collected through this process is
                  between the department and the ANHLC              designed to provide a sophisticated
                  in consultation with neighbourhood houses         understanding of who the participants of
                  throughout the state.                             neighbourhood houses are. It will not be
                                                                    used to establish minimum participation
                  Data reporting requirements relate primarily
                  to program and activity delivery, partnerships
                  and the place-making role neighbourhood           A sample of the reporting tool will be provided
                  house play in creating stronger communities.      as part of Schedule 1 of the department’s
                                                                    funding agreement.
                  Data will be reported through an annual
                  online survey. A sample of the reporting tool     5. Neighbourhood house networks
                  will be provided as part of Schedule 1 of the        and ANHLC progress reports
                  department’s funding agreement.
                                                                    In addition to requirements 1 and 2
                  The department will utilise this data to:         neighbourhood house networks and the
                  –– articulate the achievements and challenges     ANHLC are also required to provide reporting
                     of the neighbourhood house sector              that documents their activities, challenges
                                                                    and achievements.
                  –– develop an evidence base to support
                     investment in the sector                       In both cases feedback will be sought from
                  –– monitor and track progress to identify         organisations’ membership about their role
                     neighbourhood houses that may be               and contribution.
                     experiencing difficulty and need assistance.   A reporting template will be provided for
                  Data collected through this process will          this purpose as part of Schedule 1 of the
                  not be used to establish minimum service          department’s funding agreement.
                  standards for neighbourhood houses.
                  In addition it will not be used to establish
                  a hierarchy of programs and activities.
                  The department will provide a user guide
                  to assist in completing this reporting
                  Notification of any changes to reporting will
                  be made prior to the commencement of the
                  period in which they apply.

Failure to meet accountability                      Further information and contacts
requirements                                        Further information regarding departmental
If funded neighbourhood houses,                     contacts can be found on the department’s
neighbourhood house networks or the                 website.
ANHLC are identified as failing to meet   
funding, program or reporting requirements,
they will be contacted by the department
to negotiate a plan and process for meeting
these requirements.
The plan will include an agreed timeframe
of up to 12 months for meeting the
If after this process organisations fail to meet
the requirements, funding may be suspended or
withdrawn as outlined in the funding agreement.
In addition, if an organisation fails to meet its
statutory and legal obligations, funding under
the NHCP may be suspended immediately.

Roles and responsibilities
The department works in partnership with the
neighbourhood house sector to create strong
and resilient communities through the NHCP.
The department’s Community and Economic
Participation Branch has responsibility for
program development, strategic planning and
future program directions.
For each of the 17 DHS areas, there will
be a Local Connections team who are
responsible for managing local relationships,
supporting program implementation and
building community networks. A list of the
17 Local Connections teams and their
geographical boundaries can be found
The department is responsible for ensuring
that funds are paid accurately and on time,
subject to financial and program requirements
being met.
14   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Section 2: The neighbourhood house
                  sector guide
                  Neighbourhood houses                              community. Each house or centre is a legal
                                                                    entity in its own right, or auspiced by a legal
                  Neighbourhood houses and learning centres
                                                                    entity, and has a formal (and, in some cases,
                  were first established in Victoria in the early
                                                                    financial) membership base. The community
                  1970s. The movement arose out of local
                                                                    is defined primarily, but not exclusively, by
                  community need, particularly the isolation of
                                                                    the geographical neighbourhood in which the
                  women in the community, with a vision to bring
                                                                    houses are located.
                  people together and enhance the opportunities
                  for people and communities. Another initial       Neighbourhood houses and learning centres are
                  emphasis was to provide an informal,              community-owned generalist services; they are
                  non-threatening and nurturing environment         unequalled in their ability to provide a continuity
                  that supported individualised learning.           of service to people through their changing life
                                                                    stages. The activities and programs provided
                  The organisations are called by a variety
                                                                    have developed in response to the needs of the
                  of terms, reflecting their varied historical
                                                                    neighbourhood, other community infrastructure
                  beginnings, including community houses,
                                                                    and resource constraints.
                  community centres, living and learning
                  centres, neighbourhood centres and                The neighbourhood house sector in Australia
                  learning centres.                                 includes more than 1,000 organisations.
                                                                    Its continued success is assured as
                  The common thread is that they are all not-
                                                                    individuals and communities discover the
                  for-profit organisations where available funds
                                                                    potential to connect and bring together
                  are combined with strong volunteer input
                                                                    divergent parts of each community.
                  to ensure maximum benefit to each diverse

Neighbourhood houses –                             Developmental
strengthening the community                        The neighbourhood house style of practice
through a community                                is developmental at a number of levels within
                                                   the house and the community.
development process
                                                   First, it is developmental for individuals
Community strengthening is a sustained
                                                   because it emphasises participation and
effort to increase involvement and partnership
                                                   provides opportunities for individuals to learn
among members of a community to achieve
                                                   from the experience of being part of a group
common objectives. It is a direct outcome
                                                   and collaboratively addressing community
of community development processes.
                                                   needs, issues or initiatives. People can
These processes, embraced by the
                                                   also learn by being involved in programs
neighbourhood house sector, involve a style
                                                   or services developed to address needs;
of practice that is facilitative, developmental
                                                   such involvement can be a pathway to wider
and relies on strong and inclusive relationships
                                                   involvement in house activities, operations
within the house and with the wider
                                                   or governance.
community. It involves local people, community
organisations, government, business and            Second, it is developmental for the
philanthropic organisations working together       organisation itself. The style of practice
to achieve agreed social, economic and             has the potential to strengthen relationships,
environmental objectives. The principles           build or enhance trust and strengthen internal
underpinning these community-strengthening         organisational processes.
processes are outlined in the neighbourhood        Third, it is developmental for the community.
house sector principles (see Appendix 1).          Responses developed by houses to particular
As a result of this ‘practice’, the activities     issues, needs or initiatives can transform the
associated with neighbourhood houses are           nature of the need or the issue within the
very dynamic, leading to a diverse and evolving    community, leading to further initiatives being
range of community-strengthening outcomes.         developed. They can also change community
Neighbourhood house community                      attitudes or even community behaviour.
development practice                               Inclusive
Facilitative                                       A facilitative and developmental style of
The neighbourhood house style of practice          practice in a neighbourhood house is
is facilitative; it involves constant listening,   impossible without fundamentally strong and
linking and making connections not only            inclusive relationships – between participants,
between people but also between the issues,        volunteers, paid staff and the committee
needs and ideas or initiatives that community      of management. Indeed, effective practice
members express. The facilitation role is          is influenced, driven and directed by these
the practical underpinning of effective            relationships.
program delivery.
16   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Dynamic                                             The neighbourhood house community
                  The facilitative and developmental style,           development model
                  combined with strong and inclusive                  The model of neighbourhood house
                  relationships, means that practice in               community development practice can
                  neighbourhood houses is dynamic: it is              be described in six simple and generic steps.
                  open and is responsive to people and their          These steps enable houses to have a key role
                  changing needs. Neighbourhood house                 in local area planning to meet the needs
                  outcomes should not be expected to be               of their local communities. They are:
                  static but to be constantly changing and
                                                                      1. involving the community and encouraging
                  moving forward as the community changes
                                                                         participation and inclusion, and valuing
                  and evolves.
                                                                         diversity and difference at all levels of
                  To achieve this dynamic style of practice              neighbourhood house operation
                  requires a mix of:                                  2. identifying community needs and
                  –– people in the community who participate in          aspirations
                     or who are interested in the house, including    3. determining appropriate community
                     voluntary committees of management                  programs, activities and services in
                  –– professional staff who have knowledge               response to those needs, ensuring that
                     and skills in community, social and                 diversity and difference are valued
                     political structures                             4. partnering with community organisations,
                  –– a complex web of connections and                    businesses, government and philanthropic
                     interactions with individuals and groups            organisations to secure appropriate funding
                     in the community                                    and support
                  –– involvement by different levels of government.   5. delivering quality programs, activities
                                                                         and services
                  The neighbourhood house community
                                                                      6. evaluating the effectiveness of all
                  development style of practice is effective
                                                                         aspects of neighbourhood house
                  when it is practised consistently: with all
                                                                         operations, including programs,
                  individuals and groups within the organisation;
                                                                         practice and governance.
                  in the administration, operation and
                  governance of the house; in the delivery of
                  programs and services; and when house
                  staff or volunteers interact with the wider
                  community, government and funding bodies.
                  Neighbourhood houses contribute in
                  a number of ways to strengthening their
                  local communities, with the nature and
                  type of activities they undertake varying
                  according to local needs. They provide
                  an important contribution to achieving the
                  government’s objective of building stronger
                  communities through delivering community-
                  strengthening programs and activities,
                  planning and development.

Community strengthening – planning                 All planning and development work is directed
and development                                    and guided by governance undertaken
                                                   by a volunteer committee of management,
Community strengthening (planning and
                                                   collective or board made up of elected
development) work comprises steps 1– 4 and
                                                   members who live, work or participate in the
step 6 of the neighbourhood house community
                                                   local community.
development model. The cumulative outcome
of this developmental work can be seen in          Administration and management of the
step 5 – the delivery of programs and activities   neighbourhood house is not separately
by neighbourhood houses that provide               described in this guide. Every aspect of the
community-strengthening outcomes.                  community development model needs to
                                                   be underpinned by strong management and
The work involved in community strengthening
                                                   administrative systems. These management
will vary from place to place and from time to
                                                   and administrative systems are assumed
time, with different approaches being preferred
                                                   to be developed and implemented by the
by and suited to different communities.
                                                   coordinator in response to the annual and
                                                   strategic plan of the neighbourhood house
                                                   in partnership with other paid staff and
                                                   volunteers as part of the work described.
18   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  1. Involving the community and encouraging       –– developing a sense of belonging
                     participation and inclusion, and valuing         to the house through membership and
                     diversity and difference at all levels of        membership activities, and encouraging
                     neighbourhood house operation.                   participants from the local community
                     Neighbourhood houses support the                 to become members
                     participation and inclusion of the diverse    –– encouraging community members
                     individuals and groups that make up their        and members of the house to join the
                     local community.                                 committee of management
                                                                   –– working with the committee of
                     Participants in programs and activities
                                                                      management to develop skills, knowledge
                     and other community members should
                                                                      and leadership capacity – neighbourhood
                     be involved in planning, providing and
                                                                      houses provide opportunities for people
                     evaluating services (such as planning
                                                                      to participate and develop leadership roles
                     workshops and committee of management
                                                                      in the operation of the house
                                                                   –– working with the committee of
                     Neighbourhood houses can demonstrate             management to develop and refine
                     value and respect in the community               strategic or organisational plans
                     by ensuring programs are responsive,
                                                                   –– promoting the house and its activities
                     culturally sensitive and accessible to all
                                                                      in public forums to encourage
                     community members. They may also have
                     an active role in establishing links with,
                     and across, diverse cultural and Aboriginal
                     groups in their local community. Houses
                     achieve these by:

2. Identifying community needs                     3. Determining appropriate community
   and aspirations.                                   programs, activities and services in
  Neighbourhood houses use a range of                 response to community needs, ensuring
  formal and informal methods to identify             that diversity and difference are valued.
  the needs of the local community. These            To determine the response to a specific
  involve constant listening, linking and making     community issue or need, the coordinator/
  connections – not only between people but          manager facilitates a range of processes
  also between the issues, needs and ideas or        within the neighbourhood house to
  initiatives that community members express.        establish how the identified need might be
  It may also include processes such as:             addressed and what support the house
  ––   formal surveys                                may offer. These processes will consider:
  ––   interviews                                    –– how other individuals or organisations
  ––   demographic research                             might have responded to similar issues
  ––   meetings with other community                 –– what way(s) their particular organisation
       organisations and with various levels            could respond
       of government.                                –– what resources might be needed
                                                     –– who needs to be involved
  In identifying community need,
                                                     –– what partnerships might be possible,
  neighbourhood houses also take into
                                                        necessary and beneficial
  account the potential needs of specific
  groups in the community including:                 –– how adequate resources might
                                                        be harnessed
  –– people from culturally and linguistically
                                                     –– issues of access and equity.
     diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  –– people on low incomes
  –– single parents
  –– young people
  –– children
  –– women
  –– men
  –– people who are unemployed
  –– people who are socially or geographically
  –– Aboriginal people
  –– people with disabilities
  –– senior Victorians
  –– other groups.
20   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                     The process within the neighbourhood          4. Partnering with community organisations,
                     house and with the wider community               businesses, government and philanthropic
                     is based on both formal and informal             organisations to secure appropriate funding
                     interactions. The process enables                and support.
                     connections to be made that might               With other community organisations
                     not necessarily be immediately obvious          and the various levels of government,
                     and that often rely on the strength of          local businesses and philanthropic
                     relationships. The process is dynamic,          organisations, neighbourhood houses
                     needing time for discussion, reflection and     explore how identified community needs
                     development. It also requires a positive,       might be addressed and whether this is
                     solutions-oriented outlook that asks,           a unique local issue or part of a wider
                     ‘How might we…?’                                emerging need.
                     Members of the committee of management          Neighbourhood houses are a focal point
                     (who are volunteers) play a crucial role        for community activities. They work in
                     in providing a local community filter that      partnership with other sectors to respond to
                     tests the perceived needs or issue and          the needs of the community. Neighbourhood
                     its relationship to the value base of the       houses support and maintain relationships
                     neighbourhood house, its significance and       (for example, with other service providers)
                     priority for the community. This process        and may also be involved in getting
                     enables the house to bring together all the     partnerships off the ground to develop
                     information gathered and the connections        new initiatives. The following are some
                     made as the basis for developing a              examples of activities that would involve
                     planned response that may then be               the house entering a range of partnership
                     implemented, if resources are available.        arrangements to secure the resources,

equipment and facilities to address           –– Linking neighbourhood houses through
community need.                                  the use of information communications
–– Collaborating with government,                technology (ICT): neighbourhood houses
   local agencies and businesses:                have the ICT infrastructure to support
   neighbourhood houses may establish            communication across neighbourhood
   or develop partnerships to respond            houses and with other services,
   to particular issues that emerge in the       particularly those in isolated and rural
   local community.                              areas, and to access information to
                                                 support their activities.
–– Using networks effectively:
   neighbourhood houses are involved
   in existing network models that link
   houses, such as neighbourhood house
   networks, clusters and local government
   networks. They provide opportunities
   to share expertise and management,
   coordination and service delivery.
–– Securing funding to deliver services/
   programs and activities: Where unmet
   community needs are identified,
   neighbourhood houses have an active
   role in accessing and securing funding
   from a range of sources. This may
   involve preparing funding submissions,
   meeting with potential funding bodies
   and so on.
–– Providing community infrastructure and
   resources: neighbourhood houses may
   help other community groups by providing
   resources such as skills, technology,
   information and use of facilities.
–– Mobilising high-level support from
   community leaders: neighbourhood
   houses may be involved in seeking the
   support of a range of leaders in the
   local community (such as in relation to
   activities and resources). These leaders
   may be from government, Aboriginal
   and ethnic communities, or from
   community agencies.
22   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  5. Delivering quality programs, activities           –– pathways for clients – through
                     and services.                                        education and training programs
                     Neighbourhood houses provide universal               and lifelong learning opportunities
                     services that are available to all community         providing improved community
                     members and reflect the needs of the local           participation and community
                     community. Service activities also provide           involvement.
                     opportunities for members of the community     –– Childcare includes hours provided for
                     to contribute time and skills to support or       –– casual childcare
                     provide activities within the house.              –– long day care
                     Neighbourhood houses deliver programs             –– out-of-school hours care
                     and activities that are based on identified       –– specialist childcare.
                     needs of the local community and inclusive
                                                                    Children’s activities include activities
                     of community members. The programs
                                                                    specifically for children aged 0–12
                     and activities they offer are determined
                                                                    years that are not ‘childcare’ (such as
                     and evaluated through the community
                                                                    playgroups, three-year-old activity groups,
                     development practice model (steps 1–4
                                                                    movement and music, art classes and
                     and 6). The programs and activities that
                                                                    homework groups).
                     may be delivered (step 5) include:
                                                                    –– Health promotion includes activities
                     –– self-help/mutual support/social support
                                                                       promoting health and wellbeing,
                        such as:
                                                                       which may be
                        –– groups or activities that are
                                                                       –– delivered on behalf of, or in conjunction
                           conducted/managed by members
                                                                          with other organisations or promoting/
                           of the group themselves (without a
                                                                          supporting such services
                           formal, paid tutor/facilitator)
                                                                       –– largely recreational in nature, such
                        –– groups or activities including social
                                                                          as tennis/golf lessons
                           support and social support-like
                                                                       –– aimed at delivering health and
                           recreational activities (such as
                                                                          wellbeing benefits, such as tai chi
                           community lunches and outings) that
                                                                          or exercise classes, or
                           are conducted/managed by someone
                           other than a group member.                  –– related to improvement/knowledge
                                                                          of a particular health or wellbeing
                     –– skills development such as:                       issue, such as asthma, arthritis,
                        –– programs or classes with a skills              depression or addiction.
                           or learning focus (such as general
                           community education not funded
                           by Adult Community and Further
                           Education) that are designed to
                           increase the personal skills of
                           participants including life skills,
                           personal interest skills and work-
                           related skills

–– Providing support, information and                  –– using opportunities for marketing
   referral services: neighbourhood houses                such as Neighbourhood House Week
   are a key access point for people,                     and other appropriate activities such
   particularly those who have difficulty                 as Volunteer, Adult Learners and
   accessing mainstream services. A very                  Community Safety weeks.
   important aspect of neighbourhood
                                                    –– Contracted programs, for example
   houses is that they are accessible,
                                                       –– Adult Community and Further
   provide a welcoming and informal
                                                          Education (ACFE)
   atmosphere and respond to community
   diversity. Activities can include                   –– the Language, Literacy and Numeracy
                                                          Program (LLNP)
   –– providing a contact point for
      communities to obtain information                –– the No Interest Loans Scheme
      and advice                                       –– the Australian Migrant Education
   –– offering non-threatening, supportive                Program.
      information and informal referral           6. Evaluating the effectiveness of all aspects of
      services                                       neighbourhood house operations, including
   –– supporting the use of ICT to access            programs, practice and governance.
      information and to communicate.
                                                    Neighbourhood houses review the
–– Special activities and programs:                 effectiveness of their programs and
   neighbourhood houses may actively                activities to ensure planned outcomes
   support and foster a range of                    are met and that they meet community
   locally driven community projects.               need (such as planning activities, user
   Neighbourhood houses may be involved             satisfaction feedback and data collection).
   in promoting their role at local, regional
   and state levels. These activities typically
   involve bringing together individuals,
   interested groups in the community and
   other services. They may include
   –– hours of activities or programs
      that are ‘one-off’ or a short series
      of activities/programs focused on
      community building/strengthening
      and do not fit the above categories
      such as open days, ‘come and
      try’ days, community festivals,
      leadership programs, art/craft
      exhibitions, partnership activities and
      Neighbourhood House Week activities
24   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Neighbourhood house networks                      Neighbourhood house networks draw
                                                                    their membership from the NHCP-funded
                  Neighbourhood house networks link houses
                                                                    houses and other relevant organisations
                  and local communities to other houses
                                                                    within their regional boundary. Neighbourhood
                  and communities at a regional level, to the
                                                                    house networks are community managed
                  ANHLC, and to local and state governments.
                                                                    organisations governed by an elected
                  The neighbourhood house networks provide
                                                                    committee of management. They receive
                  management and operational support, as
                                                                    funding from the NHCP to facilitate the
                  well as resources, to their member houses
                                                                    network activities and seek grants and
                  and learning centres. In addition, they provide
                                                                    project funding for collaborative work
                  direct support to committees of management,
                                                                    that is undertaken by the neighbourhood
                  staff and volunteers.
                                                                    house network.
                  Neighbourhood house networks also play
                                                                    Neighbourhood house networks are the
                  a strategic consultative role. As a result of
                                                                    central link within the neighbourhood houses
                  their extensive knowledge of houses in their
                                                                    and learning centres sector structure;
                  regions, the neighbourhood house networks
                                                                    their practice is underpinned by the sector
                  are able to come together with the ANHLC
                                                                    principles and is facilitative, developmental
                  to work collaboratively on developmental
                                                                    and relies on strong inclusive relationships
                  strategies for the whole sector.
                                                                    with its member houses and with the wider
                                                                    local and regional communities.

Neighbourhood house networks facilitate:         Association of Neighbourhood
–– individual support and resourcing             Houses and Learning Centres
   to the membership
                                                 The ANHLC is the peak body of the
–– early identification and support of           neighbourhood house and learning centre
   neighbourhood houses experiencing             sector, and is managed by a board that
   difficulty                                    is elected by the full membership of
–– regional collaboration on issues, needs and   neighbourhood houses and neighbourhood
   projects among the membership                 house networks.
–– representation and advocacy on regional
                                                 The ANHLC plays five important roles by:
   issues and needs to the ANHLC, and local
   and state governments.                        –– representing the sector and community
                                                    views to federal, state and local government
The range and priority of services undertaken       departments, relevant statutory and
by the neighbourhood house network is               regulatory bodies and other community
directed by the membership and includes:            organisations – this advocacy and
–– service and program planning and                 networking role is achieved through
   development                                      ANHLC’s participation in various government
–– community development practice                   strategic planning committees and reference
–– governance and management                        groups, most notably those organised by the
–– resources and training                           Department of Human Services
–– community education.                          –– providing support to houses/centres and
                                                    neighbourhood house networks for service
                                                    delivery and development, including advice
                                                    on relevant government policy and programs
                                                 –– promoting the development of sector
                                                    linkages, with members of the ANHLC
                                                    automatically receiving membership to
                                                    the national collective of neighbourhood
                                                    houses and community learning centres,
                                                    the Australian Neighbourhood Houses and
                                                    Centres Association (ANHCA)
                                                 –– coordinating and responding to issues
                                                    raised by the various neighbourhood house
                                                    networks that exist at the community and
                                                    municipal levels
                                                 –– providing training relevant to
                                                    neighbourhood houses/centres and
                                                    neighbourhood house networks.
26   Neighbourhood House Coordination Program 2012-2015

                  Committees of management                         –– ensure the neighbourhood house meets its
                                                                      legal obligations under any applicable Acts,
                  Neighbourhood houses are governed
                                                                      such as the Associations Incorporation
                  by community-based committees of
                                                                      Act the Occupational Health and Safety
                  management. They are autonomous and take
                                                                      Act 2004 and the Information Privacy Act
                  responsibility for their own good governance.
                                                                      2000 (refer to the department’s funding
                  Developing good committee of management
                                                                      agreement terms and conditions for
                  skills is a central community-strengthening
                                                                      further information)
                  activity of neighbourhood houses.
                                                                   –– ensure the neighbourhood house
                  The committee of management (or other               meets the accountability requirements
                  similar management structure, such as a             of funding bodies
                  collective or cooperative) is:                   –– ensure appropriate policies and practices
                  –– responsible for good governance                  are in place for complaints, grievances and
                  –– responsible for strategic planning               dispute resolution
                  –– accountable for funds received.               –– ensure the neighbourhood house has
                                                                      appropriate insurance.
                  The role of the committee of management is to:
                                                                   A guide to the roles and responsibilities
                  –– determine direction and policies for
                                                                   for committees of management of
                     the house
                                                                   neighbourhood houses is provided as
                  –– determine programs, practices and
                                                                   Appendix 2.
                     processes that encourage participation
                     by a wide range of individuals from the
                  –– develop and implement policy regarding
                     the selection and management of all
                     paid staff
                  –– enter into an employment contract with
                     all staff paid by the neighbourhood house
                     and ensure the legal and commonly
                     accepted responsibilities of an employer
                     are carried out
                  –– determine clear arrangements for the
                     accountability, management and support
                     of staff and volunteers

Alternative governance                              Cross-agency committees
arrangements                                        of management
Where appropriate, the exploration of alternative   If an existing house committee dissolves
management structures and/or service                (as do other local agency/provider
integration for houses can be considered.           committees) a new committee may
This may be for reasons including:                  be incorporated to govern the operations
                                                    of all the agencies involved.
–– a house experiencing ongoing difficulties
   in attracting committee of management            Contracts and MoUs are used to ensure
   members, or                                      all the agencies are treated equitably and
–– the existing committee feels a larger            can dissolve the new arrangements at any
   organisation or auspice could attract more       time, program integrity is maintained, and
   funds to meet local community needs.             a process for the resolution of grievances
                                                    is identified and documented. Each agency
Any change to management structures                 maintains its existing coordinator/manager,
is more likely to be successful where:              who reports to the new committee.
–– the decision to pursue an alternative            This type of management structure
   structure is initiated at a local level          is particularly useful in rural areas where
–– the services operate with similar missions       community members often participate
   and service philosophies                         in a number of committees or in some
–– the services involved are located in the         management models in collocated situations
   same geographic area.                            where a number of different agencies operate.

Prior to any agreement to adopt an alternative      Voluntary amalgamation of houses
committee structure, house staff should
                                                    This occurs in the case that existing house
consult with the department’s Community
                                                    committees dissolve and a new committee
and Economic Participation Branch.
                                                    is incorporated to govern the operations
Voluntary clustering of houses for                  of the houses involved. Contracts or MoUs
specific purposes                                   are used to ensure the houses involved are
                                                    treated equitably and can dissolve the new
Houses maintain existing committees and
                                                    arrangements at any time, and a process
coordinators but develop agreements (either
                                                    for the resolution of grievances is identified
formal or informal) to work together for
                                                    and documented. Each house maintains
specific purposes. These could include:
                                                    its coordinator/manager, who reports to the
–– purchasing legal and financial expertise         new committee.
–– joint submission/tendering for funding
   initiatives (where a larger auspice is more
   likely to be successful in the process)
–– purchasing administrative support to help
   meet accountability requirements.
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