Page created by Keith Haynes
Q2 2021
Software Q2 2021
» In Q2 2021, M&A deal activity and private financing activity continued to grow whilst software performance in the public markets grew steadily
        – IGV tech-software index is up 34.9% over the last 12 months, underperforming the S&P 500 by 3.0%
        – Business Intelligence & Analytics has outperformed the other software segments, achieving 79.5% LTM growth as of Q2 2021
» Q2 ’21 saw ~$55Bn in financing deal value and ~$96Bn in M&A deal value
        - 577 financings, 146.6% higher than Q2 ‘20
        - 488 M&A transactions, 54.9% higher than Q2 ’20
» Significant M&A activity in Q2 includes acquisitions in the Financial Applications sector:’s $2.5Bn acquisition of Divvy and Visa’s $2.1Bn acquisition
    of Tink
» Sales & Marketing software had some of the largest financing deals in Q2 ‘21 led by the $1.0Bn financing of MessageBird, the $775MM financing of Perch,
    and the $550MM financing of Kajabi
» Overall outlook in software growth remains healthy, particularly in the private markets

                          Select Q2 Active Investors                                                      Select Q2 Active Acquirers

                           Sources: PitchBook, 451 Research, Capital IQ.
The GCA Software Team
                               Sector Coverage                                                  GCA US Team
                              VERTICAL SOFTWARE
             Automotive                          E-commerce & Retail
                                                                                 Josh Wepman                       Chris Gough
             Education                            Food & Agriculture             Managing Director               Managing Director
              Industrial                               Insurance
     Media & Communications                           Real Estate
     Transportation & Logistics                   Travel & Hospitality
                            HORIZONTAL SOFTWARE
           BI & Analytics                       Collaboration Software             Kevin Walsh                     Glen Kruger
                                                                                 Managing Director               Managing Director
                CRM                        Enterprise Resource Planning  

   Governance, Risk & Compliance           Human Capital Management
             Marketing                      Supply Chain Management
                           INFRASTRUCTURE SOFTWARE
           Cybersecurity                   Data Management & Analytics
                                                                                  Rupert Sadler                     Saif Malik
     SaaS / Cloud-Enablement                     Workflow Automation             Managing Director                    Director
                                Key GCA Stats

        24     Offices Globally                     Software Transactions in
                                                                                           GCA Executive Team
                                         140+       the Last Three Years
               Senior Bankers                                                      Todd Carter                   Geoff Baldwin
        33     Covering Software                                                     Co-CEO,                         Co-CEO,
                                                    Technology-Related           Managing Director               Managing Director
                                         330+       Deals in the Last 3 Years            Head of M&A
               Senior Bankers
       70+     Covering Technology

Deep Software Sector Expertise with Demonstrated Success Advising Large-cap Public and Private Companies on Complex Assignments

                       sold to

               Advisor to ShowingTime

                                  The above transactions represent a compilation of past and current deals that GCA entities, including GCA Advisors, LLC, GCA Advisors Corporation and GCA Altium, have advised on.
                                  Generally, GCA Advisors Corporation advises Asian-based transactions, while GCA Advisors, LLC advises U.S.-based transactions and GCA Altium advises UK/European-based transactions. At   4
                                  times, multiple GCA entities may be retained to advise on the same transaction.
Software Q2 2021

                $95.2 Billion                                                        1001                                                                      946                                                    $182.3 Billion
   2021 YTD Financing Deal Value (1)(2)                         2021 YTD Financing Transactions (1)(2)                                           2021 YTD M&A Transactions                                      2021 YTD M&A Deal Value
         Select Financing Transactions                           Quarterly Financing Deal Value (1)(2)                                           Quarterly M&A Deal Value                                      Select M&A Transactions (3)
             Company            Amount ($MM)             $Bn                                                                      $Bn
                                                                                                                                                                                            $96            Acquirer      Target            EV ($MM)
                                   $1,000                                                                          $55                                                                                                                     $19,700
                                   $1,000                                                                                                                $28                                                                               $12,300
                                                            $15 $17 $18 $14 $16 $18                                                            $22 $19
                                   $1,000                                                                                                                                                                                                   $5,600
                                                           Q2'19 Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21                   Q2'19 Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21
                                    $900                                                                                                                                                                                                    $5,300
                                                                Quarterly Financing Deal Count (1)(2)                                           Quarterly M&A Deal Count

                                    $806                                                                           577                                                                                                                      $4,000
                                                                                                                                                                       469                  488
                                    $775                                                                                            359 384 349                                                                                             $2,500
                                                                    227 211 234 215
                                                            198 222
                                    $601                                                                                                                                                                                                    $2,220

                                    $550                                                                                                                                                                                                    $2,144
                                                           Q2'19 Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21                   Q2'19 Q3'19 Q4'19 Q1'20 Q2'20 Q3'20 Q4'20 Q1'21 Q2'21

                                                                                   LTM as of Q2 2021 Software Price Performance vs. S&P 500 (4)
                                                                                                                          SPX            IGV
35%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      34.9%
    Jul-20             Aug-20          Sep-20                  Oct-20              Nov-20                Dec-20                 Jan-21               Feb-21              Mar-21                   Apr-21       May-21             Jun-21

                                    Sources: Capital IQ, PitchBook, 451 Research and Dow Jones VentureSource. Market data as of 6/30/2021.
                                    1)   Criteria based on software series A and subsequent rounds of global financings greater than or equal to $20MM.
                                    2)   Financings include software venture and private equity growth / expansion activity.                                                                                                                         5
                                    3)   Software M&A transactions reflect select transactions in Q2 2021. M&A metrics are based on closed and announced transactions.
                                    4)   iShares North American Tech-Software ETF (IGV), used as proxy for software landscape. Top holdings in the ETF include ADBE, MSFT, ORCL, CRM and INTU.
        Index Performance

                                                                                                                        Last 12 Months





           80.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      79.5%
           60.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      40.4%
           40.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      35.1%
           20.0%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      21.2%


                Jun-20           Jul-20          Aug-20                Sep-20                 Oct-20                Nov-20                Dec-20                 Jan-21          Feb-21            Mar-21            Apr-21         May-21       Jun-21

                BI & Analytics    S&M            Security           Technical             Content              SaaS(1)                ERP               Vertical          Development     Platform      Financial      Infrastructure   Nasdaq        S&P 500

    Low            (1.1%)        (3.3%)           0.0%                (0.3%)               (0.6%)              (1.4%)               (1.7%)                0.0%              (3.8%)        (4.3%)            (1.1%)        (4.3%)         0.0%          0.0%

Uptick from
                   80.5%         48.7%           43.2%                40.7%                40.5%               40.4%                37.6%                35.1%              36.9%         34.7%             24.9%         25.4%         44.2%         38.6%
                   79.5%         45.4%           43.2%                40.4%                39.9%               39.1%                35.9%                35.1%              33.1%         30.4%             23.7%         21.2%         44.2%         38.6%
 since Jul-20
                                          Sources: Capital IQ. Market data as of 6/30/21.
                                          List of companies in each sector can be found in the public comparable tables.                                                                                                                          6
                                          1)         SaaS bucket is a subset of the other buckets and includes companies that operate a software-as-a-service platform.
Subsector Top Players and Key Operating Stats
                 Platform                                                                                 Infrastructure                                                                                        Security

       Combined Market Cap: $2,891Bn                                                       Combined Market Cap: $310Bn                                                                         Combined Market Cap: $416Bn
         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 6.3%                                                          21E/20A Rev. Growth: 18.4%                                                                          21E/20A Rev. Growth: 15.9%
         21E EBITDA Margin: 30.9%                                                            21E EBITDA Margin: 16.6%                                                                            21E EBITDA Margin: 19.6%

       Content & Storage Management                                                                       BI & Analytics                                                                               Financial Applications

        Combined Market Cap: $405Bn                                                         Combined Market Cap: $115Bn                                                                        Combined Market Cap: $594Bn
         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 15.1%                                                          21E/20A Rev. Growth: 21.0%                                                                         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 39.6%
          21E EBITDA Margin: 20.9%                                                            21E EBITDA Margin: 12.4%                                                                           21E EBITDA Margin: 19.0%
                       Sources: Capital IQ. Market data as of 6/30/21.                                                                                                                                                          7
                       Logos shown represent largest players in each sub sector by enterprise value. Operating statistics for each sector represent full list of companies shown in public comparable tables.
Subsector Top Players and Key Operating Stats
            Technical Applications                                                                               Vertical                                                                             ERP & General Business

        Combined Market Cap: $318Bn                                                          Combined Market Cap: $428Bn                                                                        Combined Market Cap: $662Bn
         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 12.8%                                                           21E/20A Rev. Growth: 24.4%                                                                         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 18.4%
          21E EBITDA Margin: 30.8%                                                             21E EBITDA Margin: 14.2%                                                                           21E EBITDA Margin: 19.3%

         Development & Operations                                                                       Sales & Marketing                                                                                        SaaS

        Combined Market Cap: $497Bn                                                          Combined Market Cap: $168Bn                                                                      Combined Market Cap: $2,100Bn
         21E/20A Rev. Growth: 26.8%                                                           21E/20A Rev. Growth: 29.2%                                                                        21E/20A Rev. Growth: 29.0%
          21E EBITDA Margin: 14.0%                                                             21E EBITDA Margin: 12.2%                                                                          21E EBITDA Margin: 14.1%
                        Sources: Capital IQ. Market data as of 6/30/21.                                                                                                                                                        8
                        Logos shown represent largest players in each sub sector by enterprise value. Operating statistics for each sector represent full list of companies shown in public comparable tables.
Top and Bottom 20 Stock Price Performers in Q2 2021

                                                                                  Top 20 Performers

                                                                                                                                          69.0%     70.8%

                                                                                                               53.1%    53.4%     56.8%
                                                                                       44.3%   47.4%   47.6%
                                                      40.2%    40.4%   41.7%   42.2%
  33.2%   34.4%   35.1%   35.5%        35.8%

                                                                                Bottom 20 Performers

 (10.5%) (11.1%) (11.2%) (11.6%)
                                 (12.5%) (13.4%) (13.6%)
                                                         (13.8%) (14.3%)
                                                                         (15.2%) (16.0%)
                                                                                         (16.4%) (16.9%)
                                                                                                                                 (19.6%) (19.6%)


                                                                                                                                                                       (32.6%) (32.6%)

                          Sources: Capital IQ as of 6/30/21.
Valuation and Operational Metrics

                                     EV / 2020A Revenue                                                                                                     EV / 2021E Revenue

           17.4x   17.0x                                                                                                    17.2x
                            15.1x      15.0x                                               Median: 12.8x                                    14.7x
                                                            11.7x                                                                                                                                       Median: 11.3x
                                                                                                                                                    12.1x   11.6x   11.5x   11.2x   11.2x   10.4x
                                                                       10.9x      10.6x      10.4x      10.0x
                                                                                                                                                                                                      8.5x    8.4x

                                                                                                                     4.8x                                                                                             4.5x

                           2020A / 2019A Revenue Growth                                                                                             2021E / 2020A Revenue Growth

  39.1%                                                                                                                     39.6%
                           28.4%                                                                                                    29.2%   29.0%
                                      26.2%                                                                                                         26.8%
                                                                                            Median: 19.4%                                                   24.4%                                   Median: 19.7%
                                                 19.5%                                                                                                              21.0%
                                                            19.2%      18.2%      16.2%                                                                                     18.4%   18.4%
                                                                                             12.4%                                                                                          15.9%     15.1%
                                                                                                        12.1%                                                                                                 12.8%

                                    Sources: Capital IQ. Market data as of 6/30/21.
                                    Figures represent mean values of respective comp groups.                                                                                                                                 10
                                    List of companies in each sector can be found in the public comparable tables.
Valuation and Operational Metrics

                                    EV / 2020A EBITDA                                                                                                     EV / 2021E EBITDA

    33.6x                                                                                                                33.7x

            27.0x   27.0x   26.2x                                                                                                26.6x   26.2x   25.6x
                                     24.7x     24.5x                                   Median: 23.5x                                                      24.0x   23.6x                           Median: 21.9x
                                                          22.5x      22.1x                                                                                                20.2x
                                                                               21.4x                                                                                              20.2x
                                                                                          16.3x                                                                                           18.2x     16.0x
                                                                                                    15.8x                                                                                                   14.9x
                                                                                                                 13.6x                                                                                              12.6x

                                2020A EBITDA Margin                                                                                                      2021E EBITDA Margin

    31.7%   30.7%                                                                                                        30.9%   30.8%

                                                                                Median: 18.7%                                                                                             Median: 17.8%
                    20.9%                                                                                                                20.9%
                            19.8%    19.4%                                                                                                       19.6%   19.3%    19.0%
                                               18.7%      18.6%     17.6%                                                                                                 16.6%
                                                                               15.9%      14.4%                                                                                   14.2%   14.1%     14.0%   12.4%   12.2%

                                Sources: Capital IQ. Market data as of 6/30/21.
                                Figures represent mean values of respective comp groups.                                                                                                                                    11
                                List of companies in each sector can be found in the public comparable tables.
                                      Valuation Correlation to Growth %

                                                       Low Growth Software(1)            Medium Growth Software (2)                   High Growth Software(3)

Enterprise Value / CY 2021E Revenue


                                                                                                                                                                                       R = 0.59



                                               0%                  5%                         10%                           15%                     20%                 25%     30%     35%         40%

                                                                                                                                 CY 2021E Revenue Growth %
                                                                                                       Low Growth                                               Medium Growth         High Growth

                                           Median Rev. Growth %                                             11.1%                                                   22.2%               40.9%

                                                Median EV / Rev.                                              5.8x                                                  12.8x                25.6x

                                                                   Sources: Capital IQ as of 6/30/21.
                                                                          Defined as companies with annual revenue growth 15% and 30%.
                                      Valuation Correlation to Growth % & Free Cash Flow Margin %

                                                       Low Performance Software(1)               Medium Performance Software (2)                       High Performance Software(3)
Enterprise Value / CY 2021E Revenue


                                                                                                                                                                                                        R = 0.52


                                               0%          5%             10%                 15%                 20%                 25%                 30%            35%          40%   45%   50%            55%   60%

                                                                                                           CY 2021E Revenue Growth % + CY 2021E FCF Margin %
                                                                                                   Low Performance                                               Medium Performance               High Performance

                                      Median Growth % + FCF Margin %                                        15.4%                                                          30.0%                         48.0%

                                                Median EV / Rev.                                              7.2x                                                         12.0x                         21.0x

                                                                   Sources: Capital IQ as of 6/30/21.
                                                                          Defined as companies with revenue growth % + FCF margin % 20% and 40%.
                                      Valuation Correlation to Returns on S&M Expense Efficiency

                                                        Low Efficiency Software(1)             Medium Efficiency Software (2)                     High Efficiency Software(3)

Enterprise Value / CY 2021E Revenue


                                                                                                                                                                                                            R = 0.51



                                              0.0x           0.2x                  0.4x                     0.6x                      0.8x                  1.0x                1.2x       1.4x   1.6x           1.8x      2.0x

                                                                                                            CY 2021E Incremental Revenue / CY 2020A S&M Expense
                                                                                                         Low Efficiency                                                Medium Efficiency                 High Efficiency

                                       Median Inc. Rev. / S&M Expense                                             0.4x                                                          0.7x                          1.6x

                                                 Median EV / Rev.                                                 7.3x                                                          18.4x                        26.1x

                                                                     Sources: Capital IQ as of 6/30/21.
                                                                            Defined as companies with S&M expense efficiency 0.6x and 1.0x.
Q2 2021 Dashboard

 Quarterly M&A Activity                                                                     Select Q2 2021 M&A Transactions
($Bn)                    Number of Deals                   M&A Deal Value                   ($MM)
                                                                                               Ann.                             Enterprise
                                                                                                         Acquirer      Target                EV/ LTM Rev.
                                                                                               Date                               Value

                                                                                               6/28                              $2,000         5.9x
                                                                                               6/25                              $2,220          NA

                                                                                               6/24                              $2,144         58.2x
          384                389
                  349                                                                          6/24                              $1,050         2.2x
                                                                    $76                        6/3                               $1,200         2.2x

                                                                                               6/1                               $5,300         6.4x
                                                                                               5/6                               $2,500          NA
                                                                                               5/2                               $4,000          NA
                 $19                                                                           4/26                             $12,300         11.3x

                                             $5                                                4/23                              $5,600         8.5x

 Q2'19   Q3'19   Q4'19     Q1'20          Q2'20          Q3'20     Q4'20    Q1'21   Q2'21      4/12                             $19,700         13.6x

                         Sources: Capital IQ and 451 Research.
Q2 2021 Dashboard

 Quarterly Financing Activity                                                                Select Q2 2021 Financing Transactions
($Bn)                    Number of Deals              Financing Deal Value                   ($MM)
                                                                                                Deal                  Lead/Selected   Amount     Funding
                                                                                                          Company                                           Money
                                                                                      577       Date                     Investor     Invested   to Date

                                                                                                6/22                                   $806      $940      $6,543
                                                                                                6/22                                   $543      $583      $2,200

                                                                                                6/2                                   $1,000     $1,364    $11,000

                                                                                                5/26                                   $775      $915        NA

                                                                 284                            5/20                                   $900      $992      $5,300

                  227                          234
          222                                         215                                       5/4                                    $550      $550      $2,000
                             211                                $22
                 $18                                 $18
         $17                               $16                                                  5/3                                    $601      $876      $4,004
  $15                       $14

                                                                                                4/28                                  $1,000     $1,100    $3,800

                                                                                                4/13                                  $1,000     $4,360    $28,700

 Q2'19   Q3'19   Q4'19     Q1'20          Q2'20      Q3'20     Q4'20         Q1'21   Q2'21      4/7                                    $642      $1,028    $1,200

                         Sources: PitchBook.
Select Recent Software IPO Pricings

                                     Market Cap @ IPO
  Offer Date (1)   Name                                             Amount Raised                 Pre IPO Filing Range                Offer Price   Last Close Price             % Change Current / Offer Price

  6/30/2021                                  $9,348                       $1,225                       31.00 - 32.00                    $35.00          $42.50                         21.4%

  6/30/2021                                  $1,646                         $273                       25.00 - 28.00                    $26.00          $28.00                         7.7%

  6/24/2021                                  $11,361                        $828                       29.00 - 33.00                    $36.00          $47.50                           31.9%

  6/23/2021                                  $4,074                         $266                       18.00 - 20.00                    $16.00          $20.59                          28.7%

  6/16/2021                                  $2,381                         $287                       29.00 - 32.00                    $31.00          $29.26          (5.6%)

  6/10/2021                                    $330                         $215                       10.00 - 12.00                    $10.00           $8.40         (16.0%)

  6/10/2021                                  $7,792                         $574                     125.00 - 140.00                    $155.00        $223.59                             44.3%          Median: 22.9%

   6/9/2021                                  $16,183                      $1,227                       20.00 - 24.00                    $27.00          $28.07                         4.0%

  5/26/2021                                  $3,315                         $210                       19.00 - 21.00                    $21.00          $35.50                                   69.0%

  5/26/2021                                  $3,564                         $251                       22.00 - 24.00                    $24.00          $36.74                                53.1%

  5/20/2021                                  $11,276                        $634                       60.00 - 65.00                    $67.00          $94.95                             41.7%

  5/19/2021                                  $5,940                       $2,030                       49.00 - 51.00                    $50.00          $59.41                         18.8%

  5/12/2021                                  $1,625                         $176                       19.00 - 21.00                    $22.00          $19.70         (10.5%)

  4/22/2021                                  $4,037                         $152                       16.00 - 18.00                    $16.00          $31.27                                        95.4%

                       Sources: Capital IQ and company filings. Market data as of 6/30/21. IPO pricings include public registrations only.
                       1)     First Trading Day listed as Offer Date.                                                                                                                                                     17
Select Recent Software IPO Pricings (Cont’d.)

                                     Market Cap @ IPO
  Offer Date (1)   Name                                             Amount Raised                 Pre IPO Filing Range                Offer Price   Last Close Price                % Change Current / Offer Price

  4/21/2021                                  $35,822                      $1,338                       52.00 - 54.00                    $56.00          $67.93                           21.3%

  4/21/2021                                  $5,594                         $360                       24.00 - 27.00                    $27.00          $42.34                                  56.8%

  4/15/2021                                  $23,339                      $2,000                       75.00 - 85.00                    $80.00          $75.17             (6.0%)

  4/14/2021                                  $3,575                         $180                       26.00 - 28.00                    $30.00          $35.67                           18.9%

  4/14/2021                                  $65,393                      $2,203                   200.00 - 375.01.00                   $250.00        $253.30                           1.3%

   4/1/2021                                    $727                         $29                        27.00 - 29.00                    $28.00          $36.75                             31.3%

  3/25/2021                                  $1,512                         $140                       14.00 - 16.00                    $14.00          $23.02                                   64.4%       Median: 22.9%

  3/24/2021                                  $4,475                         $776                       44.00 - 47.00                    $47.00          $55.59                           18.3%

  3/18/2021                                  $13,994                        $915                       17.00 - 20.00                    $21.00          $24.50                           16.7%

  3/17/2021                                  $4,935                         $450                       20.00 - 22.00                    $25.00          $37.39                                  49.6%

   2/3/2021                                  $3,150                         $428                       45.00 - 50.00                    $50.00          $35.48         (29.0%)

   2/3/2021                                  $8,211                         $925                       23.00 - 25.00                    $25.00          $31.11                             24.4%

  1/28/2021                                  $22,877                      $1,551                       27.00 - 29.00                    $30.00          $38.25                             27.5%

  12/16/2020                                 $2,135                         $240                       20.00 - 22.00                    $20.00         $124.90                                                       524.5%

                                                                                                                                                                                 MEDIAN:                 22.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                 MEAN:                   43.0%
                       Sources: Capital IQ and company filings. Market data as of 6/30/21. IPO pricings include public registrations only.
                       1)     First Trading Day listed as Offer Date.                                                                                                                                                         18

Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                      Trading Metrics                                                                   Operating Metrics
                                      Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                         EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                      Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                               6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A        CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E    CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Microsoft Corporation                      $270.90     $2,040,304    $125,013     $81,260      $1,996,551     13.0x        11.3x       10.2x      27.7x         23.3x      19.8x       14%        15%        11%       67%         67%         67%      47%          49%         51%
Oracle Corporation                           $77.84      $217,329     $46,557     $87,027        $258,513      6.6x         6.3x        6.0x      13.1x         12.8x      12.7x       (0%)        5%         4%       80%         80%         80%      50%          49%         47%
Cisco Systems                                $53.00      $223,353     $23,579     $12,538        $212,312      4.4x         4.1x        4.0x      11.8x         11.4x      11.4x       (7%)        7%         3%       63%         63%         63%      37%          36%         35%
International Business Machines Corporation $146.59      $130,982      $7,950     $59,789        $182,946      2.5x         2.5x        2.4x      11.9x          9.6x       9.6x       (4%)        3%         1%       49%         50%         49%      21%          26%         25%
SAP SE                                     $140.91       $166,210     $13,926     $20,113        $172,397      5.2x         5.3x        5.1x      13.9x         15.5x      15.1x        8%        (3%)        4%       73%         73%         71%      37%          34%         34%
Dell Technologies Inc.                       $99.67       $76,665     $14,244     $48,914        $116,434      1.2x         1.1x        1.1x        9.1x         8.8x       8.4x        2%         8%         2%       33%         32%         31%      14%          13%         13%
HP Inc.                                      $30.19       $36,266      $3,438      $7,323         $40,151      0.7x         0.6x        0.6x        7.8x         6.8x       6.9x       (2%)       10%        (1%)      19%         19%         19%      9%            9%          9%

Mean                                                                                                           4.8x         4.5x        4.2x      13.6x         12.6x      12.0x        2%         6%         4%       55%         55%         54%      31%          31%         31%
Median                                                                                                         4.4x         4.1x        4.0x      11.9x         11.4x      11.4x       (0%)        7%         3%       63%         63%         63%      37%          34%         34%

Zoom Video Communications                  $387.03       $114,933      $4,690       $103         $110,346     41.6x        27.6x       23.1x        NM           NM         NM        326%        51%        20%       69%         73%         75%      38%          39%         37%
Snowflake Inc.                             $241.80        $71,604      $3,930       $201          $67,874      NM            NM        37.1x        NM           NM         NM        124%        88%        64%       64%         68%         59%      NM          (14%)        (9%)
RingCentral                                $290.58        $26,406        $463      $1,441         $27,383     25.2x        18.2x       14.7x        NM           NM         NM         33%        39%        24%       76%         77%         78%      15%          14%         14%
Akamai Technologies                        $116.60        $19,005      $1,288      $2,814         $20,531      6.4x         6.0x        5.6x      14.7x         13.5x      12.4x       11%         7%         8%       64%         65%         65%      44%          44%         45%
Citrix Systems                             $117.27        $14,561        $498      $3,669         $17,732      5.5x         5.3x        4.8x      15.2x         15.6x      14.1x        8%         4%         9%       86%         84%         85%      36%          34%         34%
Five9                                      $183.39        $12,413        $643       $833          $12,602     29.0x        22.9x       19.5x        NM           NM         NM         33%        27%        17%       64%         63%         61%      20%          16%         18%
Amdocs Limited                               $77.36        $9,875      $1,164      $1,012          $9,766      2.3x         2.2x        2.2x      11.5x          9.9x       9.8x        2%         4%         3%       34%         34%         34%      20%          23%         22%
Juniper Networks                             $27.35        $8,964      $1,293      $1,851          $9,521      2.1x         2.0x        2.0x      10.6x         10.0x       9.4x       (0%)        5%         3%       59%         60%         59%      20%          20%         21%
Rackspace Technology                         $19.61        $4,073        $212      $4,190          $8,052      3.0x         2.7x        2.4x      10.6x         10.6x       9.8x       11%        12%        11%       38%         34%         38%      28%          25%         25%
Fastly                                       $59.60        $6,894      $1,097      $1,022          $6,819     23.4x        17.8x       14.1x        NM           NM         NM         45%        31%        26%       60%         61%         58%      1%           (5%)         1%
Everbridge                                 $136.08         $5,200        $735       $656           $5,121     18.9x        14.3x       11.4x        NM           NM         NM         35%        32%        25%       72%         73%         70%      3%            2%          5%
Jamf Holding Corp.                           $33.57        $3,964        $196        $28           $3,796     14.1x        11.2x        9.3x        NM           NM         NM         32%        26%        20%       81%         82%         79%      13%          10%         11%
Verint Systems Inc.                          $45.07        $2,930        $360       $859           $3,430      2.7x         4.0x        3.7x      10.1x         14.9x      13.2x       (2%)      (32%)        6%       70%         69%         68%      27%          27%         28%
Software Aktiengesellschaft                  $44.98        $3,328        $662       $367           $3,034      3.0x         3.1x        2.9x      12.9x         16.5x      13.3x        2%        (5%)        8%       76%         77%         77%      23%          19%         22%
Extreme Networks                             $11.16        $1,407        $203       $402           $1,605      1.8x         1.5x        1.5x      22.4x         10.9x       9.7x      (12%)       15%         5%       57%         57%         57%      8%           14%         15%
ON24                                         $35.48        $1,645        $392             $6       $1,259      8.0x         6.0x        5.0x        NM           NM         NM         76%        33%        21%       79%         75%         75%      16%           2%          3%
Radware Ltd.                                 $30.78        $1,402        $315        $28           $1,115      4.5x         4.1x        3.7x      33.1x         27.5x      22.3x       (1%)        9%         9%       83%         83%         82%      13%          15%         17%
A10 Networks                                 $11.26         $871         $161        $27             $737      3.3x         3.1x        2.9x      16.2x         13.4x      11.8x        6%         7%         7%       77%         79%         78%      20%          23%         24%
Limelight Networks                            $3.15         $396         $117       $134             $413      1.8x         1.9x        1.7x      16.9x         21.7x      12.8x       15%        (4%)        9%       45%         39%         47%      11%           9%         13%

Mean                                                                                                          10.9x         8.5x        8.8x      15.8x         15.0x      12.6x       39%        18%        16%       66%         66%         66%      20%          17%         18%
Median                                                                                                         5.0x         4.7x        4.8x      14.7x         13.5x      12.4x       11%        12%         9%       69%         69%         68%      20%          16%         18%

                                              Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                       Trading Metrics                                                                    Operating Metrics
                                     Stock Price        Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                     Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                                  6/30/2021        Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

CrowdStrike Holdings                         $251.31       $56,748      $1,685       $779          $55,847      NM          41.0x       30.1x        NM             NM         NM         82%        56%        36%      75%         77%         72%      12%          13%         16%
Fortinet                                     $238.19       $38,901      $2,937     $1,043          $37,007     14.3x        11.9x       10.3x      48.3x           41.5x      35.4x       20%        20%        16%      79%         79%         78%      30%          29%         29%
Okta                                         $244.68       $37,431      $2,690     $1,970          $36,711     43.9x        30.0x       21.8x        NM             NM         NM         43%        46%        38%      78%         77%         75%      5%          (12%)        (5%)
Palo Alto Networks                           $371.05       $36,137      $2,945     $3,508          $36,700      9.7x         8.0x        6.8x        NM            34.0x      28.7x       21%        22%        18%      71%         71%         71%      1%           23%         24%
Cloudflare                                   $105.84       $32,877      $1,035       $436          $32,277      NM            NM        39.5x        NM             NM         NM         50%        43%        33%      77%         78%         77%      4%            7%         11%
Zscaler                                      $216.06       $29,597      $1,468       $957          $29,087      NM          37.5x       28.7x        NM             NM         NM         49%        45%        31%      79%         79%         79%      14%          14%         16%
VeriSign                                     $227.69       $25,642      $1,181     $1,791          $26,252     20.8x        19.8x       18.2x      28.6x           28.3x      25.6x        3%         5%         9%      86%         86%         85%      73%          70%         71%
Splunk Inc.                                  $144.58       $23,699      $1,865     $2,555          $24,389     10.9x         9.6x        7.9x        NM             NM         NM         (5%)       14%        21%      79%         77%         79%      NM            2%          4%
NortonLifeLock Inc.                           $27.22       $15,822        $951     $3,693          $18,564      7.3x         6.8x        6.3x      13.7x           12.9x      12.2x        2%         8%         7%      81%         83%         83%      53%          52%         52%
Citrix Systems                               $117.27       $14,561        $498     $3,669          $17,732      5.5x         5.3x        4.8x      15.2x           15.6x      14.1x        8%         4%         9%      86%         84%         85%      36%          34%         34%
McAfee Corp.                                  $28.02        $4,632        $346     $4,080          $14,543      5.0x         7.2x        6.7x      13.8x           20.1x      16.7x       10%       (30%)        7%      79%         79%         72%      36%          36%         40%
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.       $116.13       $15,422      $1,876        $31          $13,577      6.6x         6.3x        6.2x      12.8x           13.0x      12.6x        4%         4%         3%      90%         89%         89%      51%          49%         49%
F5 Networks                                  $186.66       $11,128        $643       $748          $11,232      4.7x         4.3x        4.0x      13.5x           12.1x      11.1x        6%         8%         8%      83%         83%         83%      35%          36%         36%
SentinelOne                                   $42.50       $11,119        $363        $46          $10,803      NM            NA          NA         NM              NA         NA       100%         NA         NA      58%          NM         NM       NM           NA          NA
Varonis Systems                               $57.62        $6,116        $824       $288           $5,580     19.1x        15.1x       12.3x        NM             NM         NM         15%        27%        22%      86%         87%         87%      2%            5%         10%
Rapid7                                        $94.63        $5,217        $606       $938           $5,550     13.5x        11.0x        9.2x        NM             NM         NM         26%        23%        19%      74%         74%         72%      4%            6%          8%
Trend Micro Incorporated                      $52.44        $7,309      $1,963             $0       $5,352      3.2x         3.3x        3.1x        8.9x          10.5x      10.0x       11%        (2%)        4%      79%         80%         79%      36%          31%         31%
KnowBe4                                       $31.27        $5,306         $95        $12           $5,223     29.9x        22.6x       18.1x            NA         NM         NM         45%        32%        25%      84%         85%         84%      0%            8%         11%
SailPoint Technologies Holdings               $51.07        $4,715        $416       $421           $4,719     12.9x        11.5x       10.0x        NM             NM         NM         27%        12%        16%      81%         78%         78%      22%          (1%)         1%
CyberArk Software Ltd.                       $130.27        $5,179        $978       $507           $4,708     10.1x         9.6x        8.5x      44.0x            NM         NM          7%         6%        13%      85%         83%         84%      23%           8%          7%
FireEye                                       $20.22        $4,785      $1,301     $1,041           $4,526      4.8x         4.4x        4.1x      26.0x           27.5x      25.6x        6%         9%         8%      70%         72%         68%      19%          16%         16%
Tenable Holdings                              $41.35        $4,366        $340        $57           $4,083      9.3x         7.8x        6.6x        NM             NM         NM         24%        19%        18%      83%         83%         83%      8%           10%         12%
Qualys                                       $100.69        $3,941        $357        $55           $3,639     10.0x         9.0x        8.1x      21.5x           21.9x      20.1x       13%        11%        11%      81%         80%         79%      47%          41%         40%
Mimecast Limited                              $53.05        $3,457        $293       $250           $3,414      7.1x         6.1x        5.4x      29.0x           23.5x      20.2x       19%        16%        13%      74%         74%         74%      24%          26%         27%
Telos Corporation                             $34.01        $2,270         $94        $17           $2,193     12.2x         7.6x        5.4x        NM             NM        30.2x       13%        61%        41%      33%         37%         35%      6%           12%         18%
Sumo Logic                                    $20.65        $2,205        $291        $10           $1,925      9.5x         8.2x        6.8x        NM             NM         NM         31%        16%        20%      75%         75%         73%     (11%)         NM         (16%)
Ping Identity Holding Corp.                   $22.90        $1,880         $55        $59           $1,884      7.7x         7.0x        6.2x        NM             NM         NM          0%        11%        13%      81%         80%         82%      12%           9%         10%
SecureWorks Corp.                             $18.53        $1,555        $181        $28           $1,403      2.5x         2.6x        2.5x      42.3x            NM         NM          1%        (3%)        3%      60%         62%         57%      6%            0%          0%
OneSpan Inc.                                  $25.54        $1,027        $115        $14             $926      4.3x         4.2x        3.8x        NM             NM         NM        (15%)        2%        10%      70%         71%         70%      7%           (0%)         6%
F-Secure Oyj                                   $4.77         $756          $53        $38             $741      2.8x         2.7x        2.5x      17.0x           17.0x      15.1x       10%         4%         7%      78%         78%         78%      16%          16%         16%
A10 Networks                                  $11.26         $871         $161        $27             $737      3.3x         3.1x        2.9x      16.2x           13.4x      11.8x        6%         7%         7%      77%         79%         78%      20%          23%         24%
Absolute Software Corporation                 $14.47         $716         $133        $12             $595      5.3x         4.7x        4.2x      19.7x           20.5x      18.0x       10%        13%        13%      87%         87%         87%      27%          23%         23%
Zix Corporation                                $7.05         $391          $24       $226             $594      2.7x         2.4x        2.1x      11.7x           10.8x       9.5x       26%        14%        14%      54%         50%         57%      23%          22%         22%
Tufin Software Technologies Ltd.               $9.12         $335          $87        $22             $270      2.7x         2.5x        2.2x        NM             NM         NM         (2%)        7%        13%      81%         81%         81%     (17%)         NM          NM

Mean                                                                                                           10.0x        10.4x        9.6x      22.5x           20.2x      18.6x       20%        16%        16%      76%         77%         76%      19%          20%         20%
Median                                                                                                          7.5x         7.4x        6.6x      17.0x           18.6x      16.7x       12%        12%        13%      79%         79%         78%      17%          16%         16%

                                               Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                               Trading Metrics                                                                Operating Metrics
                               Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                        EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                    Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                        6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A       CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A   22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Content & Storage Management
Adobe Inc.                          $585.64       $278,999      $5,768     $4,693         $277,924     21.6x        17.7x       15.5x      44.3x        35.5x      31.1x       15%        22%       15%      88%         90%         87%      49%          50%         50%
DocuSign                            $279.57        $54,470        $781       $947          $54,636     37.6x        26.7x       20.7x        NM          NM         NM         49%        41%       29%      78%         80%         77%      16%          20%         21%
NetApp                                $81.82       $18,264      $4,604     $2,752          $16,412      2.9x         2.7x        2.6x      12.4x        11.0x       9.5x       (0%)        8%        5%      65%         65%         65%      24%          25%         27%
Open Text Corporation                 $50.80       $13,804      $1,476     $3,864          $16,193      4.9x         4.8x        4.8x      12.7x        12.9x      12.0x       12%         2%        1%      74%         74%         74%      39%          37%         40%
Dropbox                               $30.31       $11,756      $1,916     $2,470          $12,310      6.4x         5.8x        5.3x      21.7x        16.6x      15.4x       15%        11%        9%      79%         80%         77%      30%          35%         34%
Nutanix                               $38.22        $8,086      $1,255     $1,177           $8,008      6.1x         5.5x        4.8x        NM          NM         NM          5%        12%       13%      76%         76%         76%      NM          (14%)        (1%)
Varonis Systems                       $57.62        $6,116        $824       $288           $5,580     19.1x        15.1x       12.3x        NM          NM         NM         15%        27%       22%      86%         87%         87%      2%            5%         10%
Pure Storage                          $19.53        $5,532      $1,234       $911           $5,209      3.1x         2.7x        2.3x      44.9x        28.4x      20.8x        2%        16%       15%      70%         70%         69%      7%            9%         11%
Box                                   $25.55        $3,953        $611       $689           $4,031      5.2x         4.7x        4.3x      20.7x        17.5x      15.8x       11%        10%       11%      73%         74%         72%      25%          27%         27%
Commvault Systems                     $78.17        $3,602        $397        $23           $3,228      4.6x         4.3x        4.0x        NM         19.7x      16.0x        1%         9%        7%      84%         84%         84%      8%           22%         25%
Brightcove Inc.                       $14.35         $579          $35             $8         $552      2.8x         2.6x        2.3x      26.9x        20.1x      16.2x        7%         9%       11%      62%         65%         62%      10%          13%         14%

Mean                                                                                                   10.4x         8.4x        7.2x      26.2x        20.2x      17.1x       12%        15%       13%      76%         77%         75%      21%          21%         23%
Median                                                                                                  5.2x         4.8x        4.8x      21.7x        18.6x      15.9x       11%        11%       11%      76%         76%         76%      20%          22%         25%

                                       Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                    Trading Metrics                                                                   Operating Metrics
                                    Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                    Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                             6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A   22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Business Intelligence & Analytics
Palantir Technologies Inc.                 $26.36       $49,559      $2,339       $453          $47,672     43.6x        32.2x       24.9x        NM             NM         NM         47%        36%       29%      77%         80%         73%      19%          26%         27%
NICE Ltd.                                $244.29        $15,420      $1,561       $794          $14,677      8.9x         8.1x        7.3x      25.4x           24.0x      22.2x        5%        10%       11%      71%         72%         68%      35%          34%         33%
Elastic N.V.                             $145.76        $13,337        $403        $28          $12,962     23.4x        17.5x       13.7x        NM             NM         NM         44%        34%       28%      72%         72%         72%      (2%)         (2%)         2%
MicroStrategy Incorporated               $664.50         $6,477         $83     $1,754           $8,148     17.0x        16.2x       15.3x        NM             NM         NM         (1%)        5%        5%      81%         81%         80%      15%          18%         19%
Inovalon Holdings                          $34.08        $5,313        $129     $1,018           $6,202      9.3x         8.1x        7.2x      26.9x           22.9x      19.9x        4%        14%       12%      75%         75%         74%      35%          35%         36%
Alteryx                                    $86.02        $5,774        $839       $803           $5,738     11.6x        10.0x        8.3x        NM             NM         NM         19%        15%       21%      92%         92%         91%      17%           3%         12%
Teradata Corporation                       $49.97        $5,477        $538       $688           $5,627      3.1x         2.9x        2.9x      14.0x           12.1x      11.1x       (3%)        4%        3%      58%         60%         55%      22%          24%         26%
Medallia                                   $33.75        $5,352        $541       $626           $5,438     11.4x         9.6x        8.0x        NM             NM         NM         19%        19%       20%      69%         69%         66%      8%            1%          7%
Domo                                       $80.83        $2,561         $85       $105           $2,581     12.3x        10.3x        8.7x        NM             NM         NM         21%        19%       18%      78%         80%         73%     (17%)        (11%)        (6%)
Talend S.A.                                $65.60        $2,146        $173       $179           $2,152      7.5x         6.5x        5.6x        NM             NM         NM         16%        15%       16%      80%         80%         78%      (5%)         (6%)         3%
Similarweb Ltd.                            $19.70        $1,463         $58        $30           $1,435     15.4x        11.4x        8.9x            NA         NM         NM         32%        35%       29%      76%         78%         76%      0%           NM          NM
Karooooo Ltd.                              $36.75        $1,137         $40             $9       $1,108      7.8x         6.2x        5.2x            NA        13.6x      11.5x       NA         27%       18%      70%         70%         70%      0%           45%         46%
Veritone                                   $19.71         $644         $127             $7         $524      9.1x         6.5x        5.1x        NM             NM         NM         16%        40%       27%      71%         74%         73%      NM          (19%)       (11%)

Mean                                                                                                        13.9x        11.2x        9.3x      22.1x           18.2x      16.2x       18%        21%       18%      75%         76%         73%      10%          12%         16%
Median                                                                                                      11.4x         9.6x        8.0x      25.4x           18.3x      15.7x       17%        19%       18%      75%         75%         73%      11%          11%         15%

Technical Applications
Autodesk                                 $291.90        $64,222        $923     $2,091          $65,390     17.9x        15.0x       12.6x        NM            45.1x      32.8x       17%        19%       19%      92%         92%         92%      32%          33%         39%
Dassault Systèmes SE                       $48.49       $63,494      $3,186     $4,925          $65,289     12.0x        11.5x       10.6x      34.9x           32.6x      29.6x       21%         4%        9%      83%         84%         84%      34%          35%         36%
Synopsys                                 $275.79        $42,079      $1,458       $692          $41,317     10.8x         9.9x        9.1x      33.0x           30.8x      25.9x       13%         9%        9%      80%         80%         80%      33%          32%         35%
Cadence Design Systems                   $136.82        $38,072        $743       $347          $37,676     14.0x        12.8x       12.0x      34.6x           33.1x      30.0x       15%        10%        7%      90%         90%         89%      41%          39%         40%
ANSYS                                    $347.06        $30,247        $988       $931          $30,190     18.0x        16.2x       14.7x      39.9x           37.9x      32.9x       11%        11%       11%      90%         89%         90%      45%          43%         45%
Unity Software Inc.                      $109.83        $30,688      $1,647       $135          $29,177     37.8x        28.8x       22.7x        NM             NM         NM         43%        31%       27%      79%         79%         78%      (3%)         (5%)         1%
Bentley Systems                            $64.78       $17,926        $570       $717          $18,073     22.5x        19.7x       17.8x        NM             NM         NM          9%        14%       11%      81%         79%         80%      33%          32%         33%
PTC Inc.                                 $141.26        $16,507        $326     $1,715          $17,896     11.7x        10.2x        9.1x      35.2x           31.5x      25.7x       20%        15%       12%      76%         76%         76%      33%          32%         35%
Aspen Technology                         $137.54         $9,355        $317       $333           $9,371     13.8x        13.2x       13.1x      24.2x           24.8x      24.4x       12%         4%        1%      91%         91%         91%      57%          53%         54%
Altair Engineering Inc.                    $68.97        $5,183        $243       $227           $5,166     11.2x        10.1x        9.2x        NM             NM         NM          3%        10%       10%      74%         76%         74%      12%          13%         15%

Mean                                                                                                        17.0x        14.7x       13.1x      33.6x           33.7x      28.8x       16%        13%       12%      83%         83%         83%      32%          31%         33%
Median                                                                                                      13.9x        13.0x       12.3x      34.7x           32.6x      29.6x       14%        10%       10%      82%         82%         82%      33%          33%         35%

                                            Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                         Trading Metrics                                                                     Operating Metrics
                                         Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                      Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                                  6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E    CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Financial Applications
Intuit Inc.                                   $490.17       $133,943      $4,116      $2,472        $132,299     17.1x        12.5x       11.6x      45.7x           35.0x      31.0x        8%        37%         7%       83%         83%         83%      37%          36%         38%
Fidelity National Information Services        $141.67        $87,853      $1,039     $19,439        $106,442      8.5x         7.8x        7.2x      20.2x           17.3x      15.5x       21%         9%         8%       34%         36%         35%      42%          45%         46%
Fiserv                                        $106.89        $71,271        $831     $21,204         $92,638      6.2x         5.8x        5.4x      17.0x           14.6x      13.2x       46%         7%         8%       44%         50%         48%      37%          40%         41%
Coinbase Global                               $253.30        $52,854      $1,983       $662          $51,533     45.2x         8.0x        8.8x            NA        16.5x      22.3x      136%       462%        (9%)      89%         89%         89%      0%           49%         40%
MSCI Inc.                                     $533.08        $43,938      $1,747      $4,038         $46,228     27.3x        23.4x       21.2x      47.6x           39.8x      35.7x        9%        17%        10%       83%         83%         82%      57%          59%         59%
SS&C Technologies Holdings                      $72.06       $18,424        $254      $6,828         $24,999      5.4x         5.1x        4.9x      13.5x           12.6x      11.9x        1%         5%         4%       57%         56%         49%      40%          40%         41%
Coupa Software Incorporated                   $262.11        $19,272        $600      $1,572         $20,246     37.4x        29.5x       23.7x        NM             NM         NM         39%        27%        25%       71%         67%         65%      23%          17%         19% Holdings                             $183.18        $17,254      $1,736       $958          $16,475      NM            NM        28.9x        NM             NM         NM         57%        81%        84%       83%         83%         83%      (5%)         (1%)         2%
Fair Isaac Corporation                        $502.68        $14,466        $198      $1,024         $15,292     11.7x        11.3x       10.2x      30.7x           27.8x      24.7x        9%         4%        10%       71%         71%         71%      38%          40%         41%
Xero Limited                                  $102.79        $15,233        $776       $665          $15,121     20.2x        16.1x       13.1x        NM             NM         NM         69%        25%        22%       85%         52%         54%      8%           16%         22%
Marqeta                                         $28.07       $15,075        $388        $18          $14,705      NM          32.1x       20.4x            NA         NM         NM        103%        58%        58%       44%         46%         44%      0%            2%          3%
Avalara                                       $161.80        $13,910        $642        $65          $13,333     26.6x        20.4x       16.6x        NM             NM         NM         31%        30%        23%       73%         73%         72%      3%            1%          6%
Temenos AG                                    $160.73        $11,691         $66       $930          $12,555     14.1x        12.7x       11.6x      26.7x           28.1x      25.5x       (9%)       11%        10%       82%         84%         75%      53%          45%         45%
Jack Henry & Associates                       $163.51        $12,130         $70       $264          $12,324      7.2x         6.8x        6.3x      22.2x           20.9x      19.4x        5%         6%         7%       41%         41%         41%      32%          32%         33%
Upstart Holdings                              $124.90         $9,605        $257        $61           $9,409     41.2x        15.7x       12.0x        NM             NM         NM         43%       163%        30%       84%         86%         85%      14%          11%         11%
BlackLine                                     $111.27         $6,459      $1,157      $1,078          $6,397     18.2x        15.3x       12.6x        NM             NM         NM         22%        19%        21%       82%         80%         80%      16%          12%         15%
Q2 Holdings                                   $102.58         $5,776        $529       $608           $5,855     14.5x        11.8x        9.8x        NM             NM         NM         28%        23%        21%       54%         52%         50%      6%            7%          9%
Shift4 Payments                                 $93.72        $5,227        $845      $1,116          $5,697      7.4x         4.4x        3.3x        NM            34.0x      24.6x        5%        67%        35%       55%         64%         38%      11%          13%         13%
nCino                                           $59.92        $5,718        $387        $28           $5,363     26.3x        20.7x       16.8x        NM             NM         NM         48%        27%        23%       60%         61%         56%      (5%)         (6%)        (1%)
SimCorp A/S                                   $125.52         $4,972         $61        $50           $4,961      8.9x         8.5x        7.7x      28.9x           28.4x      25.3x        9%         5%         9%       63%         63%         63%      31%          30%         30%
Envestnet                                       $75.86        $4,128        $372       $968           $4,724      4.7x         4.1x        3.7x      19.4x           19.6x      17.6x       11%        15%        11%       69%         66%         44%      24%          21%         21%
Paymentus Holdings                              $35.50        $4,166         $49             $9       $4,126     13.7x        11.1x        9.0x            NA         NM         NM         28%        24%        23%       31%         30%         31%      0%            7%          6%
Flywire Corporation                             $36.74        $3,731        $146        $24           $3,609     27.4x        23.6x       18.2x            NA         NM         NM         39%        16%        30%       65%         70%         65%      0%           (3%)        (7%)
Vertex                                          $21.94        $3,238        $278        $32           $2,992      8.0x         7.3x        6.5x      38.2x           43.9x      37.5x       17%        10%        12%       71%         70%         66%      21%          17%         17%
Alkami Technology                               $35.67        $3,065        $162        $25           $2,928     26.1x        20.1x       15.9x            NA         NM         NM         52%        30%        26%       50%         55%         50%      0%          (17%)        (8%)
Asseco Poland S.A.                              $20.25        $1,680        $689       $740           $2,507      0.8x         0.7x        0.7x        4.9x           4.7x       4.8x       16%         9%         3%       22%         22%         22%      16%          15%         14%
Iress Limited                                    $9.68        $1,850         $50       $211           $2,011      4.8x         4.4x        4.2x      20.8x           19.0x      17.6x       17%         8%         6%       21%         21%         27%      23%          23%         24%
Zuora                                           $17.25        $2,110        $197        $69           $1,982      6.5x         5.9x        5.1x        NM             NM         NM         11%        11%        14%       62%         65%         57%      1%            1%          4%
Bottomline Technologies (de)                    $37.08        $1,683        $138       $168           $1,712      3.8x         3.5x        3.1x      17.4x           17.0x      15.1x        4%        11%        11%       58%         58%         58%      22%          20%         21%
Ebix                                            $33.90        $1,049        $122       $714           $1,687      2.7x         2.0x        2.9x      11.8x             NA         NA         8%        32%       (29%)      45%         41%         49%      23%          NA          NA
Model N                                         $34.27        $1,219        $148       $134           $1,205      7.3x         6.1x        5.5x        NM             NM        44.3x       14%        19%        12%       56%         56%         56%      15%           6%         12%
Basware Oyj                                     $47.13         $681          $48       $102             $735      4.0x         4.0x        3.5x      29.5x           29.3x      21.1x       11%        (0%)       12%       56%         58%         55%      13%          14%         17%

Mean                                                                                                             15.1x        11.6x       10.3x      24.7x           24.0x      22.6x       28%        40%        17%       61%         60%         58%      19%          19%         21%
Median                                                                                                           10.3x         8.5x        8.9x      21.5x           20.9x      21.7x       17%        18%        12%       61%         62%         56%      16%          16%         17%

                                                 Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                  Trading Metrics                                                                    Operating Metrics
                                  Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                     Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                           6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Vertical Applications
Danaher Corporation                    $268.36       $191,416      $6,330     $21,255        $206,352      9.3x         7.4x        7.1x      34.4x           22.2x      21.7x       24%        25%         5%      56%         60%         57%      27%          33%         33%
Roper Technologies                     $470.20        $49,483        $331      $9,074         $58,226     10.5x         9.1x        8.7x      29.4x           25.6x      23.9x        3%        16%         4%      64%         64%         64%      36%          36%         37%
Veeva Systems Inc.                     $310.95        $47,550      $2,150        $60          $45,460     31.0x        24.9x       21.0x        NM             NM         NM         33%        24%        19%      74%         74%         73%      42%          40%         40%
Amadeus IT Group                         $70.33       $31,669      $3,331      $7,082         $35,420     13.3x         9.6x        6.6x        NM            35.6x      18.0x      (57%)       38%        46%      82%         77%         63%      10%          27%         37%
Cerner Corporation                       $78.16       $23,551      $1,474      $1,867         $23,944      4.3x         4.1x        3.9x      13.8x           12.8x      12.0x       (3%)        5%         6%      83%         83%         83%      32%          32%         33%
Tyler Technologies                     $452.37        $18,429      $1,310       $614          $17,733     15.9x        11.6x        9.8x        NM            41.8x      35.4x        3%        36%        19%      52%         50%         49%      29%          28%         28%
Procore Technologies                     $94.95       $12,256        $414        $93          $11,935     29.8x        24.4x       19.9x            NA         NM         NM         38%        22%        23%      82%         82%         82%      0%           (6%)        (4%)
Guidewire Software                     $112.72         $9,373      $1,101       $471           $8,743     11.5x        11.7x       10.8x        NM             NM         NM          9%        (2%)        8%      53%         53%         53%      14%           0%          4%
Sabre Corporation                        $12.48        $3,987      $1,285      $4,880          $7,589      5.7x         4.1x        2.6x        NM             NM        18.2x      (66%)       40%        57%      63%         57%         58%      NM           (7%)        14%
Lemonade                               $109.41         $6,719      $1,174             $0       $5,544      NM          46.6x       29.1x        NM             NM         NM         17%        51%        60%      30%         33%         34%      NM           NM          NM
Duck Creek Technologies                  $43.51        $5,731        $372        $21           $5,380     24.0x        20.5x       17.5x            NA         NM         NM         24%        17%        17%      57%         57%         57%      0%            2%          4%
Olo Inc.                                 $37.39        $5,516        $587             $0       $4,929      NM          34.9x       27.4x        NM             NM         NM         94%        44%        27%      74%         80%         82%      17%          11%         10%
AppFolio                               $141.20         $4,872        $148        $41           $4,765     15.4x        13.6x       11.4x        NM             NM         NM         21%        13%        19%      62%         60%         61%      15%          13%         15%
Blackbaud                                $76.57        $3,640         $28       $575           $4,188      4.6x         4.6x        4.5x      17.0x           18.3x      17.4x        1%        (1%)        2%      59%         59%         56%      27%          25%         26%
2U                                       $41.67        $3,100        $487       $371           $2,985      3.9x         3.2x        2.7x        NM            48.7x      34.0x       35%        22%        15%      71%         71%         72%      2%            6%          8%
Allscripts Healthcare Solutions          $18.51        $2,613        $513       $280           $2,379      1.6x         1.6x        1.5x        7.6x           9.3x       8.7x       (8%)        1%         2%      41%         41%         44%      21%          17%         18%
PROS Holdings                            $45.57        $2,017        $324       $336           $2,028      8.0x         8.0x        7.2x        NM             NM         NM          1%        (0%)       12%      61%         60%         60%     (11%)        (14%)        (6%)
Intapp                                   $28.00        $1,646         $71       $275           $1,850      9.5x          NA          NA             NA          NA         NA        21%         NA         NA      65%          NM         NM       NA           NA          NA
Root                                     $10.82        $2,687      $1,109       $208           $1,786      5.2x         6.3x        3.9x        NM             NM         NM         19%       (18%)       59%      4%          23%         14%      NM           NM          NM
HealthStream                             $27.94         $881          $56        $28             $853      3.5x         3.4x        3.2x      18.6x           19.8x      18.7x       (4%)        3%         7%      63%         65%         62%      19%          17%         17%
Castlight Health                          $2.63         $415          $57        $13             $372      2.5x         2.7x        2.6x      29.0x            NM        28.4x        2%        (6%)        4%      67%         66%         64%      9%            5%          9%
Boxlight Corporation                      $2.41         $137          $10        $21             $147      2.7x         1.0x        0.9x        NM            21.6x      14.8x       66%       181%        10%      21%         27%         25%      (2%)          4%          6%

Mean                                                                                                      10.6x        12.1x        9.6x      21.4x           25.6x      20.9x       12%        24%        20%      58%         59%         58%      16%          14%         17%
Median                                                                                                     8.6x         8.0x        7.1x      18.6x           21.9x      18.5x       13%        17%        15%      63%         60%         60%      16%          13%         15%

                                          Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                  Trading Metrics                                                                    Operating Metrics
                                  Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                     Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                           6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

ERP & General Business                         $244.27       $226,194     $15,023     $6,283         $217,454     10.2x         8.4x        7.0x      32.9x           29.6x      24.9x       24%        22%        19%      78%         79%         76%      31%          28%         28%
Shopify Inc.                          $1,460.98      $182,260      $7,872     $1,079         $175,467      NM          39.6x       29.7x        NM             NM         NM         86%        51%        33%      53%         54%         54%      17%          11%         10%
Workday                                $238.74        $58,998      $2,995     $2,160          $58,163     13.5x        11.6x        9.8x        NM            45.1x      38.4x       19%        17%        18%      77%         76%         73%      27%          26%         25%
Constellation Software Inc.           $1,515.35       $32,113        $942     $1,245          $32,431      8.2x         6.5x        5.6x      26.3x           21.6x      19.4x       14%        26%        15%      37%         37%         37%      31%          30%         29%
Paycom Software                        $363.47        $21,006        $215        $47          $20,838     24.8x        20.5x       16.4x        NM             NM        41.1x       14%        21%        25%      86%         86%         87%      39%          39%         40%
Zendesk                                $144.34        $17,126        $954     $1,183          $17,355     16.9x        13.2x       10.5x        NM             NM         NM         26%        28%        25%      78%         81%         75%      11%          11%         12%
Ceridian HCM Holding Inc.                $95.92       $14,315        $340     $1,179          $15,155     18.0x        15.1x       12.9x        NM             NM         NM          2%        19%        17%      42%         41%         45%      19%          15%         18%
Paylocity Holding Corporation          $190.80        $10,395        $182        $76          $10,289     17.8x        14.8x       12.1x        NM             NM        44.2x       16%        21%        22%      67%         67%         67%      29%          26%         27%
The Sage Group plc                        $9.45       $10,032        $955     $1,112          $10,189      3.8x         4.0x        3.8x      15.0x           17.7x      16.3x        4%        (5%)        6%      92%         93%         93%      25%          23%         23% Ltd.                        $223.59         $9,866        $134        $21           $9,753      NM          34.6x       21.9x            NA         NM         NM        106%        75%        58%      85%         85%         85%      0%           NM         (14%)
Manhattan Associates                   $144.84         $9,214        $197        $32           $9,050     15.4x        14.3x       13.1x        NM             NM         NM         (5%)        8%         9%      55%         54%         55%      27%          23%         23%
Smartsheet Inc.                          $72.32        $9,048        $440        $86           $8,695     22.6x        16.9x       13.1x        NM             NM         NM         42%        33%        29%      80%         80%         80%      (6%)         (6%)        (0%)
J2 Global                              $137.55         $6,209        $373     $1,698           $7,535      5.1x         4.4x        4.2x      12.2x           11.1x      10.4x        9%        14%         7%      84%         84%         84%      41%          40%         40%
Anaplan                                  $53.30        $7,714        $328        $56           $7,442     16.6x        13.3x       10.6x        NM             NM         NM         29%        25%        26%      77%         77%         75%      (3%)         (4%)        (1%)
The Descartes Systems Group Inc          $69.20        $5,855        $138        $13           $5,730     16.4x        14.1x       12.6x      40.4x           34.0x      29.9x        7%        17%        12%      74%         75%         74%      41%          41%         42%                                    $62.53        $6,467      $1,093             $6       $5,379     31.2x        23.8x       17.6x            NA         NM         NM         NA         31%        35%      76%         76%         76%      0%           NM          NM
Workiva Inc.                           $111.33         $5,566        $541       $332           $5,357     15.2x        12.8x       11.0x        NM             NM         NM         18%        19%        16%      75%         76%         74%      3%           (0%)         1%
Cornerstone OnDemand                     $51.58        $3,415        $129     $1,162           $4,448      6.0x         5.2x        4.8x      15.9x           13.1x      12.1x       29%        16%         8%      74%         76%         73%      38%          40%         40%
Datto Holding Corp.                      $27.84        $4,490        $148        $44           $4,386      8.5x         7.3x        6.4x      29.1x           32.3x      28.3x       13%        15%        15%      73%         74%         72%      29%          23%         22%
BigCommerce Holdings                     $64.92        $4,564        $208        $15           $4,371     28.7x        22.1x       18.0x        NM             NM         NM         36%        30%        23%      78%         78%         77%     (16%)        (15%)        (9%)
SPS Commerce                             $99.85        $3,581        $208        $22           $3,395     10.9x         9.1x        8.2x      39.0x           32.7x      28.0x       12%        19%        11%      69%         68%         68%      28%          28%         29%
Enghouse Systems Limited                 $44.55        $2,472        $138        $27           $2,362      5.9x         5.9x        5.2x      16.2x           17.3x      15.3x       29%        (0%)       15%      70%         70%         70%      36%          34%         34%
WalkMe Ltd.                              $29.26        $2,418        $112             $0       $2,326     15.7x        12.5x        9.8x        NM             NM         NM         41%        26%        27%      72%         75%         78%      NM           NM         (16%)
Technology One Limited                    $6.98        $2,245         $76        $22           $2,191      9.1x         9.2x        8.3x      26.8x           23.8x      20.2x       18%        (1%)       11%      44%         44%         44%      34%          39%         41%
QAD Inc.                                 $87.02        $1,828        $153        $36           $1,711      5.6x         5.1x        4.8x        NM            48.3x      38.8x       (1%)        8%         8%      58%         60%         57%      10%          11%         12%
Upland Software                          $41.17        $1,239        $187       $548           $1,600      5.5x         5.2x        4.9x      16.0x           16.3x      14.3x       31%         5%         6%      67%         67%         67%      34%          32%         35%
Opera Limited                            $10.25        $1,180        $143             $9       $1,046      6.3x         4.4x        3.7x      41.5x           49.4x      22.3x       (7%)       44%        20%      92%         94%         94%      15%           9%         17%
American Software                        $21.96         $730         $105             $2         $627      5.6x         5.4x        5.0x        NM            45.7x      30.0x       (0%)        4%         8%      54%         54%         54%      5%           12%         17%
Benefitfocus                             $14.10         $468         $189       $272             $551      2.1x         2.1x        2.1x      12.5x           11.6x      11.4x       (9%)       (4%)        3%      52%         55%         52%      16%          18%         18%
Synchronoss Technologies                  $3.59         $307          $30        $61             $351      1.2x         1.3x        1.2x      12.6x           10.6x       7.7x       (6%)       (4%)        5%      58%         59%         56%      10%          12%         16%
ServiceSource International               $1.41         $137          $34        $50             $153      0.8x         0.8x         NA         NM             NM          NA       (10%)       (3%)        NA      30%         28%         NM       (5%)         (6%)        NA
Park City Group                           $5.51         $107          $23             $7          $91      4.4x         3.9x        3.5x      30.9x           18.6x      13.6x        8%        13%        12%      66%         66%         66%      14%          21%         25%

Mean                                                                                                      11.7x        11.5x        9.6x      24.5x           26.6x      23.3x       19%        18%        18%      68%         68%         69%      19%          19%         20%
Median                                                                                                     9.7x         9.2x        8.3x      26.3x           22.7x      21.3x       14%        18%        15%      73%         74%         73%      19%          23%         23%

                                          Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                  Trading Metrics                                                                     Operating Metrics
                                  Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                      Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                           6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E    CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Development & Operations Management
ServiceNow                             $549.55       $108,508      $3,456     $2,108         $107,160     23.7x        18.7x       15.0x        NM             NM        47.1x       31%        27%        25%       82%         81%         79%      32%          31%         32%
VMware                                 $159.97        $67,016      $5,714     $6,048          $67,350      5.7x         5.2x        4.8x      14.0x           14.7x      13.5x        9%         9%         8%       85%         85%         84%      41%          36%         36%
Atlassian Corporation Plc              $256.86        $64,519      $1,564       $787          $63,742     38.0x        28.8x       24.8x        NM             NM         NM         28%        32%        16%       87%         87%         87%      27%          25%         26%
Twilio Inc.                            $394.16        $67,500      $5,707     $1,508          $63,301     35.9x        24.9x       19.0x        NM             NM         NM         55%        45%        31%       55%         55%         54%      11%           9%         10%
UiPath Inc.                              $67.93       $34,565      $1,880        $19          $32,705      NM          38.1x       28.7x            NA         NM         NM         81%        41%        33%       85%         88%         85%      0%           (2%)        (2%)
Datadog                                $104.08        $32,097      $1,548       $796          $31,345      NM          35.3x       26.3x        NM             NM         NM         66%        47%        34%       79%         78%         77%      13%           8%         11%
MongoDB                                $361.52        $23,369        $935     $1,302          $23,736     40.2x        30.2x       23.3x        NM             NM         NM         40%        33%        30%       72%         72%         71%      (6%)         (7%)        (3%)
Dynatrace                                $58.42       $16,604        $325       $440          $16,719     25.4x        19.7x       15.8x        NM             NM         NM         29%        29%        25%       81%         81%         81%      31%          26%         26%
Tuya Inc.                                $24.50       $13,714      $1,223        $11          $12,502      NM          37.0x       22.9x        NM             NM         NM         70%        88%        61%       34%         42%         46%      NM           NM          NM
Confluent                                $47.50       $11,987        $280        $48          $11,756     49.7x        36.6x       27.3x        NM             NM         NM         58%        36%        34%       68%         68%         67%      NM           NM          NM
Asana                                    $62.03       $11,205        $386       $613          $11,432      NM          33.8x       26.2x        NM             NM         NM         59%        49%        29%       87%         89%         86%      NM           NM          NM
Appian Corporation                     $137.75         $9,759        $233        $58           $9,585     31.5x        27.0x       22.8x        NM             NM         NM         17%        16%        18%       70%         73%         68%      (6%)        (10%)        (7%)
SolarWinds Corporation                   $16.89        $5,341        $374     $2,029           $6,996      6.9x         6.6x        6.1x      14.3x           15.3x      13.6x        9%         4%         9%       91%         91%         91%      48%          43%         45%
Micro Focus International plc             $7.55        $2,535        $698     $4,874           $6,710      2.3x         2.3x        2.4x        5.7x           6.4x       6.5x       (9%)       (3%)       (4%)      76%         76%         76%      40%          36%         37%
DigitalOcean Holdings                    $55.59        $5,924        $560             $0       $5,364     16.8x        13.1x       10.3x        NM            42.4x      31.7x       25%        28%        28%       59%         75%         76%      15%          31%         32%
New Relic                                $66.97        $4,315        $816       $517           $4,020      6.1x         5.8x        5.3x      48.3x            NM         NM         14%         7%         9%       80%         80%         80%      13%           1%          6%
JFrog Ltd.                               $45.52        $4,345        $606        $21           $3,760     24.9x        18.6x       14.3x        NM             NM         NM         44%        34%        31%       82%         82%         82%      11%           5%          6%
Bandwidth Inc.                         $137.92         $3,461        $330       $486           $3,618     12.1x         7.6x        6.4x        NM             NM         NM         51%        59%        19%       49%         50%         51%      9%            9%          8%
PagerDuty                                $42.58        $3,561        $557       $310           $3,315     15.5x        12.3x        9.9x        NM             NM         NM         28%        27%        24%       87%         85%         85%      (7%)         (9%)        (1%)
Progress Software Corporation            $46.25        $2,024        $363       $604           $2,265      5.1x         4.2x        4.2x      14.8x             NA         NA         7%        21%         1%       88%         88%         88%      35%           0%         NA
NetScout Systems                         $28.54        $2,105        $476       $424           $2,052      2.4x         2.4x        2.3x      14.3x             NA         NA        (6%)       (0%)        4%       73%         73%         73%      17%          NA          NA
Axway Software SA                        $33.55         $723          $20        $95             $798      2.2x         2.2x        2.1x      15.4x           14.1x      12.2x        8%         0%         6%       71%         71%         39%      14%          16%         17%
Magic Software Enterprises Ltd.          $16.23         $796          $99        $47             $777      2.1x         1.8x        1.7x      14.0x           13.0x        NA        14%        17%         8%       31%         29%         31%      15%          14%         NA
Comarch S.A.                             $66.13         $538         $147        $69             $464      1.1x         1.1x        1.1x        6.4x           6.4x       6.8x        8%        (2%)        8%       28%         28%         28%      18%          18%         16%

Mean                                                                                                      17.4x        17.2x       13.5x      16.3x           16.0x      18.8x       31%        27%        20%       71%         72%         70%      18%          14%         16%
Median                                                                                                    13.8x        15.9x       12.3x      14.3x           14.1x      13.5x       28%        27%        22%       77%         77%         77%      15%          11%         13%

                                          Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                 Trading Metrics                                                                     Operating Metrics
                                 Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                      Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                          6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E    CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Sales & Marketing Applications
AppLovin Corporation                    $75.17       $27,412        $766     $2,252          $28,898     19.9x        10.8x        8.9x            NA        41.8x      31.1x       46%        84%        21%       74%         72%         74%      0%           26%         29%
HubSpot                               $582.72        $27,228      $1,180       $741          $26,789     30.3x        21.5x       16.9x        NM             NM         NM         31%        41%        27%       82%         82%         81%      12%          12%         13%
Qualtrics International Inc.            $38.25       $19,668        $635       $742          $19,776     25.9x        20.1x       16.7x        NM             NM         NM         29%        29%        20%       76%         77%         74%      (1%)          1%          3% Ltd.                          $290.28        $16,422      $1,124     $1,011          $16,308     16.5x        12.6x       10.1x        NM             NM         NM         30%        30%        25%       70%         62%         70%      9%            6%         12%
Pegasystems Inc.                      $139.19        $11,312        $442       $639          $11,508     11.3x         9.3x        7.7x        NM             NM         NM         12%        22%        21%       71%         73%         69%      (2%)          7%         10%
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc.              $52.17        $9,675        $354       $787          $10,501     22.1x        15.6x       12.1x      44.7x           33.9x      26.1x       62%        42%        29%       88%         88%         85%      49%          46%         46%
TELUS International (Cda) Inc.          $31.11        $8,260        $117     $1,236           $9,379      5.9x         4.3x        3.7x      28.1x           17.7x      14.7x       55%        37%        17%       26%         41%         26%      21%          24%         25%
Squarespace                             $59.41        $8,084        $215       $536           $8,406     13.5x        10.9x        8.9x            NA         NM         NM         28%        25%        22%       84%         84%         84%      0%           12%         15%
DoubleVerify Holdings                   $42.34        $6,656         $50        $28           $6,634     27.2x        20.4x       15.6x            NA         NM        48.9x       34%        33%        31%       84%         84%         84%      0%           32%         32%
Sprinklr                                $20.59        $5,108        $275        $81           $4,914     12.7x        10.8x        8.9x        NM             NM         NM         19%        18%        21%       66%         69%         70%      (7%)        (19%)       (14%)
Sprout Social                           $89.42        $4,792        $168        $26           $4,650     35.0x        26.3x       20.8x        NM             NM         NM         29%        33%        26%       74%         76%         74%     (13%)         (8%)        (3%)
LivePerson                              $63.24        $4,361        $668       $567           $4,260     11.6x         9.1x        7.4x        NM             NM         NM         26%        27%        23%       72%         71%         72%      10%           8%         11%
Cardlytics                            $126.93         $4,173        $614       $191           $3,750     20.1x        13.4x       10.0x        NM             NM         NM        (11%)       50%        34%       34%         39%         36%      (4%)         (2%)         4%
Momentive Global Inc.                   $21.07        $3,069        $247       $296           $3,118      8.3x         7.0x        5.9x        NM             NM        46.0x       22%        18%        20%       80%         82%         77%      12%          11%         13%
SEMrush Holdings                        $23.02        $3,118        $172             $0       $2,947     23.6x        16.7x       13.2x        NM             NM         NM         36%        41%        27%       77%         77%         78%      (4%)         (4%)        (1%)
Thryv Holdings                          $35.77        $1,205         $30       $775           $1,950      1.8x         1.9x        2.2x        5.2x           5.5x       7.2x      (22%)       (5%)      (16%)      67%         65%         66%      34%          33%         31%
PubMatic                                $39.07        $1,929        $110             $0       $1,819     12.2x         9.2x        7.6x      36.1x           31.7x      25.6x       31%        33%        21%       70%         70%         70%      34%          29%         30%
Zeta Global Holdings Corp.               $8.40        $1,602         $52       $197           $1,747      4.7x         4.2x        3.6x        NM            32.7x      24.6x       20%        14%        16%       62%         61%         61%      5%           13%         15%
MediaAlpha                              $42.10        $1,626         $13       $183           $1,738      3.0x         2.5x        1.9x      29.9x           26.2x      18.4x       43%        20%        30%       15%         15%         15%      10%           9%         10%
Yext                                    $14.29        $1,804        $272       $135           $1,667      4.7x         4.3x        3.7x        NM             NM         NM         19%         9%        15%       77%         77%         76%      (3%)         (2%)         3%
ChannelAdvisor Corporation              $24.51         $729          $82        $10             $656      4.5x         4.1x        3.8x      18.1x           19.7x      14.9x       12%        10%         8%       80%         79%         79%      25%          21%         25%

Mean                                                                                                     15.0x        11.2x        9.0x      27.0x           26.2x      25.8x       26%        29%        21%       68%         69%         68%      9%           12%         15%
Median                                                                                                   12.7x        10.8x        8.9x      29.0x           29.0x      25.1x       29%        29%        21%       74%         73%         74%      5%           11%         13%

                                         Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                              Trading Metrics                                                                    Operating Metrics
                               Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total    Enterprise                EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                     Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                        6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt     Value (EV)     CY20A         CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

Adobe Inc.                          $585.64       $278,999      $5,768     $4,693      $277,924       21.6x        17.7x       15.5x      44.3x           35.5x      31.1x       15%        22%        15%      88%         90%         87%      49%          50%         50%                      $244.27       $226,194     $15,023     $6,283      $217,454       10.2x         8.4x        7.0x      32.9x           29.6x      24.9x       24%        22%        19%      78%         79%         76%      31%          28%         28%
Shopify Inc.                       $1,460.98      $182,260      $7,872     $1,079      $175,467        NM          39.6x       29.7x        NM             NM         NM         86%        51%        33%      53%         54%         54%      17%          11%         10%
Zoom Video Communications           $387.03       $114,933      $4,690       $103      $110,346       41.6x        27.6x       23.1x        NM             NM         NM        326%        51%        20%      69%         73%         75%      38%          39%         37%
ServiceNow                          $549.55       $108,508      $3,456     $2,108      $107,160       23.7x        18.7x       15.0x        NM             NM        47.1x       31%        27%        25%      82%         81%         79%      32%          31%         32%
Snowflake Inc.                      $241.80        $71,604      $3,930       $201       $67,874        NM            NM        37.1x        NM             NM         NM        124%        88%        64%      64%         68%         59%      NM          (14%)        (9%)
Atlassian Corporation Plc           $256.86        $64,519      $1,564       $787       $63,742       38.0x        28.8x       24.8x        NM             NM         NM         28%        32%        16%      87%         87%         87%      27%          25%         26%
Twilio Inc.                         $394.16        $67,500      $5,707     $1,508       $63,301       35.9x        24.9x       19.0x        NM             NM         NM         55%        45%        31%      55%         55%         54%      11%           9%         10%
Workday                             $238.74        $58,998      $2,995     $2,160       $58,163       13.5x        11.6x        9.8x        NM            45.1x      38.4x       19%        17%        18%      77%         76%         73%      27%          26%         25%
DocuSign                            $279.57        $54,470        $781       $947       $54,636       37.6x        26.7x       20.7x        NM             NM         NM         49%        41%        29%      78%         80%         77%      16%          20%         21%
Palantir Technologies Inc.            $26.36       $49,559      $2,339       $453       $47,672       43.6x        32.2x       24.9x        NM             NM         NM         47%        36%        29%      77%         80%         73%      19%          26%         27%
Veeva Systems Inc.                  $310.95        $47,550      $2,150        $60       $45,460       31.0x        24.9x       21.0x        NM             NM         NM         33%        24%        19%      74%         74%         73%      42%          40%         40%
Okta                                $244.68        $37,431      $2,690     $1,970       $36,711       43.9x        30.0x       21.8x        NM             NM         NM         43%        46%        38%      78%         77%         75%      5%          (12%)        (5%)
UiPath Inc.                           $67.93       $34,565      $1,880        $19       $32,705        NM          38.1x       28.7x            NA         NM         NM         81%        41%        33%      85%         88%         85%      0%           (2%)        (2%)
Cloudflare                          $105.84        $32,877      $1,035       $436       $32,277        NM            NM        39.5x        NM             NM         NM         50%        43%        33%      77%         78%         77%      4%            7%         11%
Datadog                             $104.08        $32,097      $1,548       $796       $31,345        NM          35.3x       26.3x        NM             NM         NM         66%        47%        34%      79%         78%         77%      13%           8%         11%
Unity Software Inc.                 $109.83        $30,688      $1,647       $135       $29,177       37.8x        28.8x       22.7x        NM             NM         NM         43%        31%        27%      79%         79%         78%      (3%)         (5%)         1%
Zscaler                             $216.06        $29,597      $1,468       $957       $29,087        NM          37.5x       28.7x        NM             NM         NM         49%        45%        31%      79%         79%         79%      14%          14%         16%
RingCentral                         $290.58        $26,406        $463     $1,441       $27,383       25.2x        18.2x       14.7x        NM             NM         NM         33%        39%        24%      76%         77%         78%      15%          14%         14%
HubSpot                             $582.72        $27,228      $1,180       $741       $26,789       30.3x        21.5x       16.9x        NM             NM         NM         31%        41%        27%      82%         82%         81%      12%          12%         13%
Splunk Inc.                         $144.58        $23,699      $1,865     $2,555       $24,389       10.9x         9.6x        7.9x        NM             NM         NM         (5%)       14%        21%      79%         77%         79%      NM            2%          4%
Paycom Software                     $363.47        $21,006        $215        $47       $20,838       24.8x        20.5x       16.4x        NM             NM        41.1x       14%        21%        25%      86%         86%         87%      39%          39%         40%
Coupa Software Incorporated         $262.11        $19,272        $600     $1,572       $20,246       37.4x        29.5x       23.7x        NM             NM         NM         39%        27%        25%      71%         67%         65%      23%          17%         19%
Qualtrics International Inc.          $38.25       $19,668        $635       $742       $19,776       25.9x        20.1x       16.7x        NM             NM         NM         29%        29%        20%      76%         77%         74%      (1%)          1%          3%
Bentley Systems                       $64.78       $17,926        $570       $717       $18,073       22.5x        19.7x       17.8x        NM             NM         NM          9%        14%        11%      81%         79%         80%      33%          32%         33%
Zendesk                             $144.34        $17,126        $954     $1,183       $17,355       16.9x        13.2x       10.5x        NM             NM         NM         26%        28%        25%      78%         81%         75%      11%          11%         12%
Dynatrace                             $58.42       $16,604        $325       $440       $16,719       25.4x        19.7x       15.8x        NM             NM         NM         29%        29%        25%      81%         81%         81%      31%          26%         26% Holdings                   $183.18        $17,254      $1,736       $958       $16,475        NM            NM        28.9x        NM             NM         NM         57%        81%        84%      83%         83%         83%      (5%)         (1%)         2%
NetApp                                $81.82       $18,264      $4,604     $2,752       $16,412        2.9x         2.7x        2.6x      12.4x           11.0x       9.5x       (0%)        8%         5%      65%         65%         65%      24%          25%         27% Ltd.                        $290.28        $16,422      $1,124     $1,011       $16,308       16.5x        12.6x       10.1x        NM             NM         NM         30%        30%        25%      70%         62%         70%      9%            6%         12%
McAfee Corp.                          $28.02        $4,632        $346     $4,080       $14,543        5.0x         7.2x        6.7x      13.8x           20.1x      16.7x       10%       (30%)        7%      79%         79%         72%      36%          36%         40%
Five9                               $183.39        $12,413        $643       $833       $12,602       29.0x        22.9x       19.5x        NM             NM         NM         33%        27%        17%      64%         63%         61%      20%          16%         18%
Tuya Inc.                             $24.50       $13,714      $1,223        $11       $12,502        NM          37.0x       22.9x        NM             NM         NM         70%        88%        61%      34%         42%         46%      NM           NM          NM
Dropbox                               $30.31       $11,756      $1,916     $2,470       $12,310        6.4x         5.8x        5.3x      21.7x           16.6x      15.4x       15%        11%         9%      79%         80%         77%      30%          35%         34%
Procore Technologies                  $94.95       $12,256        $414        $93       $11,935       29.8x        24.4x       19.9x            NA         NM         NM         38%        22%        23%      82%         82%         82%      0%           (6%)        (4%)
Confluent                             $47.50       $11,987        $280        $48       $11,756       49.7x        36.6x       27.3x        NM             NM         NM         58%        36%        34%      68%         68%         67%      NM           NM          NM
Asana                                 $62.03       $11,205        $386       $613       $11,432        NM          33.8x       26.2x        NM             NM         NM         59%        49%        29%      87%         89%         86%      NM           NM          NM
SentinelOne                           $42.50       $11,119        $363        $46       $10,803        NM            NA          NA         NM              NA         NA       100%         NA         NA      58%          NM         NM       NM           NA          NA
ZoomInfo Technologies Inc.            $52.17        $9,675        $354       $787       $10,501       22.4x        15.6x       12.1x      44.7x           33.9x      26.1x       60%        44%        29%      88%         88%         85%      50%          46%         46%

                                       Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                                Trading Metrics                                                                  Operating Metrics
                                Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                   Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                         6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A   21E/20A   22E/21E   CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

SaaS (Cont.)
Paylocity Holding Corporation        $190.80        $10,395        $182        $76          $10,289     17.8x        14.8x       12.1x        NM             NM        44.2x       16%       21%       22%      67%         67%         67%      29%          26%         27% Ltd.                      $223.59         $9,866        $134        $21           $9,753      NM          34.6x       21.9x            NA         NM         NM        106%       75%       58%      85%         85%         85%      0%           NM         (14%)
Upstart Holdings                     $124.90         $9,605        $257        $61           $9,409     41.2x        15.7x       12.0x        NM             NM         NM         43%      163%       30%      84%         86%         85%      14%          11%         11%
Smartsheet Inc.                        $72.32        $9,048        $440        $86           $8,695     22.6x        16.9x       13.1x        NM             NM         NM         42%       33%       29%      80%         80%         80%      6%            1%          1%
Squarespace                            $59.41        $8,084        $215       $536           $8,406     13.5x        10.9x        8.9x            NA         NM         NM         28%       25%       22%      84%         84%         84%      0%           12%         15%
J2 Global                            $137.55         $6,209        $373     $1,698           $7,535      5.1x         4.4x        4.2x      12.2x           11.1x      10.4x        9%       14%        7%      84%         84%         84%      41%          40%         40%
DoubleVerify Holdings                  $42.34        $6,656         $50        $28           $6,634     27.2x        20.4x       15.6x            NA         NM        48.9x       34%       33%       31%      84%         84%         84%      0%           32%         32%
BlackLine                            $111.27         $6,459      $1,157     $1,078           $6,397     18.2x        15.3x       12.6x        NM             NM         NM         22%       19%       21%      82%         80%         80%      16%          12%         15%
Q2 Holdings                          $102.58         $5,776        $529       $608           $5,855     14.5x        11.8x        9.8x        NM             NM         NM         28%       23%       21%      54%         52%         50%      6%            7%          9%
Varonis Systems                        $57.62        $6,116        $824       $288           $5,580     19.1x        15.1x       12.3x        NM             NM         NM         15%       27%       22%      86%         87%         87%      2%            5%         10%
Medallia                               $33.75        $5,352        $541       $626           $5,438     11.4x         9.6x        8.0x        NM             NM         NM         19%       19%       20%      69%         69%         66%      8%            1%          7%
Duck Creek Technologies                $43.51        $5,731        $372        $21           $5,380     24.0x        20.5x       17.5x            NA         NM         NM         24%       17%       17%      57%         57%         57%      0%            2%          4%                                  $62.53        $6,467      $1,093             $6       $5,379     31.2x        23.8x       17.6x            NA         NM         NM         NA        31%       35%      76%         76%         76%      0%           NM          NM
DigitalOcean Holdings                  $55.59        $5,924        $560             $0       $5,364     16.8x        13.1x       10.3x        NM            42.4x      31.7x       25%       28%       28%      59%         75%         76%      15%          31%         32%
nCino                                  $59.92        $5,718        $387        $28           $5,363     26.3x        20.7x       16.8x        NM             NM         NM         48%       27%       23%      60%         61%         56%      (5%)         (6%)        (1%)
Workiva Inc.                         $111.33         $5,566        $541       $332           $5,357     15.2x        12.8x       11.0x        NM             NM         NM         18%       19%       16%      75%         76%         74%      3%           (0%)         1%
KnowBe4                                $31.27        $5,306         $95        $12           $5,223     29.9x        22.6x       18.1x            NA         NM         NM         45%       32%       25%      84%         85%         84%      0%            8%         11%
Pure Storage                           $19.53        $5,532      $1,234       $911           $5,209      3.1x         2.7x        2.3x      44.9x           28.4x      20.8x        2%       16%       15%      70%         70%         69%      7%            9%         11%
Everbridge                           $136.08         $5,200        $735       $656           $5,121     18.9x        14.3x       11.4x        NM             NM         NM         35%       32%       25%      72%         73%         70%      3%            2%          5%
Olo Inc.                               $37.39        $5,516        $587             $0       $4,929      NM          34.9x       27.4x        NM             NM         NM         94%       44%       27%      74%         80%         82%      17%          11%         10%
Sprinklr                               $20.59        $5,108        $275        $81           $4,914     12.7x        10.8x        8.9x        NM             NM         NM         19%       18%       21%      66%         69%         70%      (7%)        (19%)       (14%)
AppFolio                             $141.20         $4,872        $148        $41           $4,765     15.4x        13.6x       11.4x        NM             NM         NM         21%       13%       19%      62%         60%         61%      15%          13%         15%
Envestnet                              $75.86        $4,128        $372       $968           $4,724      4.7x         4.1x        3.7x      19.4x           19.6x      17.6x       11%       15%       11%      69%         66%         44%      24%          21%         21%
Sprout Social                          $89.42        $4,792        $168        $26           $4,650     35.0x        26.3x       20.8x        NM             NM         NM         29%       33%       26%      74%         76%         74%     (13%)         (8%)        (3%)
Cornerstone OnDemand                   $51.58        $3,415        $129     $1,162           $4,448      6.0x         5.2x        4.8x      15.9x           13.1x      12.1x       29%       16%        8%      74%         76%         73%      38%          40%         40%
Datto Holding Corp.                    $27.84        $4,490        $148        $44           $4,386      8.5x         7.3x        6.4x      29.1x           32.3x      28.3x       13%       15%       15%      73%         74%         72%      29%          23%         22%
BigCommerce Holdings                   $64.92        $4,564        $208        $15           $4,371     28.7x        22.1x       18.0x        NM             NM         NM         36%       30%       23%      78%         78%         77%     (16%)        (15%)        (9%)
LivePerson                             $63.24        $4,361        $668       $567           $4,260     11.6x         9.1x        7.4x        NM             NM         NM         26%       27%       23%      72%         71%         72%      10%           8%         11%
Paymentus Holdings                     $35.50        $4,166         $49             $9       $4,126     13.7x        11.1x        9.0x            NA         NM         NM         28%       24%       23%      31%         30%         31%      0%            7%          6%
Box                                    $25.55        $3,953        $611       $689           $4,031      5.2x         4.7x        4.3x      20.7x           17.5x      15.8x       11%       10%       11%      73%         74%         72%      25%          27%         27%
New Relic                              $66.97        $4,315        $816       $517           $4,020      6.1x         5.8x        5.3x      48.3x            NM         NM         14%        7%        9%      80%         80%         80%      13%           1%          6%
Jamf Holding Corp.                     $33.57        $3,964        $196        $28           $3,796     14.1x        11.2x        9.3x        NM             NM         NM         32%       26%       20%      81%         82%         79%      13%          10%         11%
JFrog Ltd.                             $45.52        $4,345        $606        $21           $3,760     24.9x        18.6x       14.3x        NM             NM         NM         44%       34%       31%      82%         82%         82%      11%           5%          6%
Qualys                               $100.69         $3,941        $357        $55           $3,639     10.0x         9.0x        8.1x      21.5x           21.9x      20.1x       13%       11%       11%      81%         80%         79%      47%          41%         40%
Flywire Corporation                    $36.74        $3,731        $146        $24           $3,609     27.4x        23.6x       18.2x            NA         NM         NM         39%       16%       30%      65%         70%         65%      0%           (3%)        (7%)
Mimecast Limited                       $53.05        $3,457        $293       $250           $3,414      7.1x         6.1x        5.4x      29.0x           23.5x      20.2x       19%       16%       13%      74%         74%         74%      24%          26%         27%
SPS Commerce                           $99.85        $3,581        $208        $22           $3,395     10.9x         9.1x        8.2x      39.0x           32.7x      28.0x       12%       19%       11%      69%         68%         68%      28%          28%         29%
PagerDuty                              $42.58        $3,561        $557       $310           $3,315     15.5x        12.3x        9.9x        NM             NM         NM         28%       27%       24%      87%         85%         85%      (7%)         (9%)        (1%)
Vertex                                 $21.94        $3,238        $278        $32           $2,992      8.0x         7.3x        6.5x      38.2x           43.9x      37.5x       17%       10%       12%      71%         70%         66%      21%          17%         17%

                                        Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Software Trading Statistics
                                                                                                                              Trading Metrics                                                                     Operating Metrics
                              Stock Price      Market        Cash &       Total        Enterprise             EV / Revenue                           EV / EBITDA                   Revenue Growth                      Gross Margin                     EBITDA Margin
Company                       6/30/2021          Cap        ST. Invest.   Debt         Value (EV)   CY20A        CY21E       CY22E      CY20A          CY21E       CY22E     20A/19A    21E/20A    22E/21E    CY20A       CY21E       CY22E    CY20A       CY21E        CY22E

SaaS (Cont.)
SEMrush Holdings                     $23.02        $3,118        $172             $0       $2,947     23.6x        16.7x       13.2x        NM             NM         NM         36%        41%        27%       77%         77%         78%      (4%)         (4%)        (1%)
WalkMe Ltd.                          $29.26        $2,418        $112             $0       $2,326     15.7x        12.5x        9.8x        NM             NM         NM         41%        26%        27%       72%         75%         78%      NM           NM         (16%)
Talend S.A.                          $65.60        $2,146        $173       $179           $2,152      7.5x         6.5x        5.6x        NM             NM         NM         16%        15%        16%       80%         80%         78%      (5%)         (6%)         3%
Zuora                                $17.25        $2,110        $197        $69           $1,982      6.5x         5.9x        5.1x        NM             NM         NM         11%        11%        14%       62%         65%         57%      1%            1%          4%
Thryv Holdings                       $35.77        $1,205         $30       $775           $1,950      1.8x         1.9x        2.2x        5.2x           5.5x       7.2x      (22%)       (5%)      (16%)      67%         65%         66%      34%          33%         31%
Sumo Logic                           $20.65        $2,205        $291        $10           $1,925      9.5x         8.2x        6.8x        NM             NM         NM         31%        16%        20%       75%         75%         73%     (11%)         NM         (16%)
Ping Identity Holding Corp.          $22.90        $1,880         $55        $59           $1,884      7.7x         7.0x        6.2x        NM             NM         NM          0%        11%        13%       81%         80%         82%      12%           9%         10%
Intapp                               $28.00        $1,646         $71       $275           $1,850      9.5x          NA          NA             NA          NA         NA        21%         NA         NA       65%          NM         NM       NA           NA          NA
PubMatic                             $39.07        $1,929        $110             $0       $1,819     12.2x         9.2x        7.6x      36.1x           31.7x      25.6x       31%        33%        21%       70%         70%         70%      34%          29%         30%
Similarweb Ltd.                      $19.70        $1,463         $58        $30           $1,435     15.4x        11.4x        8.9x            NA         NM         NM         32%        35%        29%       76%         78%         76%      0%           NM          NM
ON24                                 $35.48        $1,645        $392             $6       $1,259      8.0x         6.0x        5.0x      45.4x            NM         NM         76%        33%        21%       79%         75%         75%      18%           2%          3%
Karooooo Ltd.                        $36.75        $1,137         $40             $9       $1,108      7.8x         6.2x        5.2x            NA        13.6x      11.5x       NA         27%        18%       70%         70%         70%      0%           45%         46%
ChannelAdvisor Corporation           $24.51         $729          $82        $10             $656      4.5x         4.1x        3.8x      18.1x           19.7x      14.9x       12%        10%         8%       80%         79%         79%      25%          21%         25%
Zix Corporation                       $7.05         $391          $24       $226             $594      2.7x         2.4x        2.1x      11.7x           10.8x       9.5x       26%        14%        14%       54%         50%         57%      23%          22%         22%
Benefitfocus                         $14.10         $468         $189       $272             $551      2.1x         2.1x        2.1x      12.5x           11.6x      11.4x       (9%)       (4%)        3%       52%         55%         52%      16%          18%         18%
Veritone                             $19.71         $644         $127             $7         $524      9.1x         6.5x        5.1x        NM             NM         NM         16%        40%        27%       71%         74%         73%      NM          (19%)       (11%)
Park City Group                       $5.51         $107          $23             $7          $91      4.4x         3.9x        3.5x      30.9x           18.6x      13.6x        8%        13%        12%       66%         66%         66%      14%          21%         25%

Mean                                                                                                  18.4x        16.3x       13.7x      27.0x           23.6x      23.4x       36%        29%        23%       73%         74%         73%      14%          14%         15%
Median                                                                                                15.5x        13.9x       12.0x      25.3x           20.1x      20.2x       29%        27%        22%       76%         77%         75%      13%          12%         12%

                                      Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Market data as of 6/30/21.
Select Software M&A Transactions
 Announced                                           Enterprise            EV / Revenue                   EV / EBITDA
    Date        Acquirer             Target          Value (EV)         LTM            NTM            LTM            NTM                                                                  Target Description

                                                                                                                                Provides connected device application security testing SaaS for businesses globally. Software provides features to identify
                                 Vdoo Connected
   6/29/21        JFrog                                 $300             NA             NA             NA             NA        vulnerabilities before deployment and post-deployment by using detection and prevention methods, security analysis, gap resolution,
                                                                                                                                embedded protection, operations monitoring, compliance validation, and actionable insights.

                                                                                                                                Provides a range of ERP, SCM and CRM software, SaaS, and related services for businesses in a range of sectors globally. Offerings
   6/28/21    Thoma Bravo             QAD              $2,000           5.9x            NA            NM              NA
                                                                                                                                enable adaptive manufacturing and supply chain capabilities.

                Rockwell                                                                                                        Provides enterprise manufacturing ERP SaaS for businesses. Software enables operations management, supply chain management,
   6/25/21                        Plex Systems         $2,220            NA           14.8x            NA             NA
               Automation                                                                                                       quality management, accounting and business intelligence capabilities.

                                                                                                                                Provides financial management SaaS and mobile applications for banks and businesses to develop data-driven financial services in
   6/24/21         Visa               Tink             $2,144           NM              NA             NA             NA
                                                                                                                                Europe. Software enables users to accessgregated financial data, initiate payments, and monitor transactions.

                                                                                                                                Provides video advertising delivery SaaS for businesses. Software enables advertisers to display video-oriented advertising on PCs,
   6/24/21   ION Acq. Corp. II       Innovid           $1,310          22.1x          13.8x            NA             NA
                                                                                                                                tablets, mobile phones, smart TVs, outdoor media, and streaming devices.

                Brunswick                                                                                                       Provides location-based marine navigation GIS software and related marine mapping systems for maritime and shipping businesses,
   6/24/21                          Navico AS          $1,050           2.2x            NA             NA             NA
               Corporation                                                                                                      governmentencies and boating and fishing enthusiasts worldwide.

                                                                                                                                Provides self-driving trucking vehicle SaaS for carrier businesses in the trucking industry. Subscription-based offering enables machine
   6/23/21    Genesis Acq.       Embark Trucks         $5,158            NA            5.9x            NA            NM
                                                                                                                                learning for auto-piloting navigation.
                Corp. II

                                                                                                                                Provides marketing automation SaaS, including email and social media marketing and related analytics, for SMBs. SharpSpring was
   6/22/21   Constant Contact      SharpSpring          $240           13.3x            NA            NM              NA
                                                                                                                                acquired by SMTP in 2014. In 2015, SMTP rebranded to SharpSpring, and in 2016 the SMTP assets were sold off to J2 Global.

                                                                                                                                Provides whistleblowing management SaaS for businesses in Europe. Software provides features for benchmarking and reporting, key
   6/11/21      EQS Group        Business Keeper        $115             NA             NA             NA             NA
                                                                                                                                account management, case management, translation, and regulatory compliance.

             Khosla Ventures                                                                                                    Provides an AI-enabled drug discovery and development software for pharmaceutical companies. Software enables data analysis for
   6/9/21                          Valo Health         $2,811            NA             NA             NA             NA
                Acq. Co.                                                                                                        improved success rates in discovery, development and approval of new pharmaceuticals.

              Bain Capital /                                                                                                    Provides cloud and on-premises network security detection and response analytics and operations management SaaS. Software
   6/8/21      Crosspoint                               $900            9.0x           7.2x            NA             NA        enables secure IT operations and enterprise security by transforming unstructured network packet data into structured wire data,
                 Capital                                                                                                        presenting that information in real time for troubleshooting, optimization, and business analytics.

                                       Sources: Capital IQ and Wall Street Estimates. Reflects M&A activity through 6/30/21, where Enterprise Value is >$100MM.
                                       Transactions highlighted in light blue denote private equity transactions.                                                                                                                                                     32
                                       Multiples 50 considered NM.
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