TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner

Page created by Katie Brady
TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
Celebrating our links with the farming community

Spring 2022

TV star shines at
Staffordshire Dinner
Also in this issue:
• Volunteer conference preview
• Helping farming people
• Dates for the diary
• Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee
• Regional news highlights

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TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
Chair’s welcome                                                         Alicia Chivers’ big picture - Extending
                                        “At this time of year I am thankful for the                             support for farming people
                                        longer days; this year, more than ever. It’s                            “In the previous winter edition of RABI News, I wrote about looking forward to
                                        been a tough time for farming and it takes no                           opportunities to meet face-to-face once lockdown restrictions had eased. Sadly, our
                                        stretch of the imagination to perceive that the                         newly regained freedoms have been entirely overshadowed by the devastating conflict
                                                                                                                in Ukraine.
                                        prevailing view from society is that farming is
                                                                                                                “As a fellow farming nation, the        inquiry into rural mental health.       facing, raising awareness of our
    Jeanette Dawson, RABI Chair         to blame for the world’s woes.                                          profound effects of the conflict        I was invited in April to provide       services and generally having
                                                                                                                are being felt on many levels.          further evidence on the specific        a good catch-up and a chat.
                                                                                                                The devastating humanitarian            factors influencing poor levels
“Of course, we know better              community network.                                                                                                                                      “If you’re attending events over
                                                                                                                impact and long-term political          of mental wellbeing in farming
and there’s solace in living and        I struggle to think of any other part     Contents                      consequences continue to                communities and consider possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                the coming months, I encourage
working on the land, observing the      of society that can rival their spirit,                                                                                                                 you to visit RABI’s stand to talk
                                                                                                                unfold, while the economic              solutions at the second Committee
emerging crops and the growing          resilience and ‘can do’ attitude.         P2     Chair’s welcome                                                                                        to a member of the team or
                                                                                                                implications are already hitting        session. It is important that we use
boldness of the spring lambs.                                                                                                                                                                   some of our fantastic volunteers
                                        “Just look at the farmer-led              P3     Alicia Chivers’        the UK farming sector with rising       these invaluable opportunities to
Witnessing first hand, the ‘circle                                                                                                                                                              and find out more about our
                                        reaction to Storm Arwen. I was                   big picture            fuel, feed and fertiliser prices.       both inform the conversation and
of life’ and all the positive aspects                                                                                                                                                           support and services. Thank
                                        in Northumbria at the time                                              These additional financial burdens      to champion our community.
that a livelihood from the land can                                               P4     National news                                                                                          you for continuing to support
                                        and witnessed the magnificent                                           only add to the pressures
bring. But the anxieties are real.                                                       highlights                                                     “By the time you read this, we          RABI and please continue to
                                        effort from farmers who were                                            already felt by our community.
                                                                                                                                                        will have hosted our volunteer          be part of the conversation.”
“Community, is, however, one of         out from the early hours                  P5     Volunteer conference
                                                                                                                “During this period of profound         conference on 25 May and
our greatest individual defences        clearing the A1, opening-up the
                                                                                  P6/7   Helping farming        change, RABI remains focused on         undertaken a number of events to
and its importance has really           road network to all. Farmers
                                                                                         people                 providing accessible, professional      coincide with national volunteers’         “On behalf of the
hit home to me during the time          are the first responders and
I’ve had the honour to serve as         don’t wait to be asked.                   P8     Dates for the diary
                                                                                                                support and services. Not just help     week, celebrating the continued            Council of Trustees
Chair of our cherished charity.
                                                                                                                at a critical time, but everyday        commitment and enthusiasm of               and everyone at RABI,
                                        “Yet, we’re a community                   P9     Regional shows         support as well, be that practical      RABI’s network of volunteers.              I would like to thank
“I always knew about the                that’s not invincible.
                                                                                  P10/11 Platinum Jubilee
                                                                                                                expert advice or a trained
                                                                                                                                                        “I am very much looking forward
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jeanette Dawson for
volunteers and the critical role
                                        “There is change ahead and
                                                                                                                counselling professional to talk to.
                                                                                                                                                        to attending events around
                                                                                                                                                                                                   her dedication and
played by those who give up                                                       P12/17 Regional news                                                                                             hard work as Chair
                                        while daunting, our farming                                             “Working closely with a range of        the country and meeting many
their time from their already busy
                                        communities have always                   P18/19 Meet the team          partners, RABI continues to respond     more of RABI’s volunteers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   of Trustees. We
lives. But I have learnt that the
                                        faced change and adapted.                                               to the poor experiences that too        supporters. RABI will be at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   all wish Jeanette
full extent of the volunteers role                                                P20    Signposting services                                                                                      every success
                                                                                                                many farming people tell us about.      shows all over England and Wales
extends far beyond fundraising.         “RABI is here to help in the face
                                                                                                                By talking openly about the issues      and we’re looking forward to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in her future
And of course, the funds raised         of that change and is responding
                                                                                                                and their impacts, we believe the       hearing directly from farming
are immensely important,                to the evolving challenges. In
                                                                                                                charity is instrumental in supporting   people about the issues that are
but actually, it’s what is less         my last welcome as chair, I wish
                                                                                                                positive changes that will result
obvious that also makes such            you all well and look forward to
                                                                                                                in increased farmer wellbeing.
an important difference.                seeing RABI continue to go from
                                        strength to strength in offering                                        ”It’s encouraging that consideration
“I’m talking about the communities
                                        the best possible level of support,                                     of poor levels of mental health
nurtured by volunteer local
                                        ensuring no one in farming                                              in rural communities is gaining
committees – and thank goodness
                                        ever faces adversity alone.”                                            recognition as a topic of concern
we finally have the opportunity
                                                                                                                for government. Our research
to reconnect in ‘real life’. They are
                                                                                                                partners, the University of Exeter,
at the heart of the charity and an
                                                                                                                recently presented evidence from
essential part of the wider farming
                                                                                                                our Big Farming Survey at the first
                                                                                                                                                         Alicia Chivers, RABI Chief Executive
                                                                                                                session of the EFRA Committee

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TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
National news highlights                                                                                           Volunteers, conference spotlight
Shaping the future of farming support                                                                              Together again, at last!
                                                                                                                   It has been such a joy to be able to organise this year’s
                                                                                                                   volunteers’, conference. Guests from across RABI’s                               Introducing The
Mental health                       manager, Helen Sisk. “The               Farmer wellbeing                       regional network of county committees came together                              Black Farmer
                                    unpredictability of extreme weather
awareness                           events is always a worry. RABI’s
                                                                            At January’s Oxford Farming            for a day of celebration at the stunning Stapleford Park                         Wilfred is, in his own words,
                                                                            Conference (OFC), RABI and             near Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire, this May.
Much like the weather, our          response has helped to relieve                                                                                                                                  ‘a poor boy, done good’. Born
                                                                            RSABI presented a video featuring
mental state is changeable; there   some of the financial worries and                                              RABI’s volunteering team planned        During the afternoon the national        in Jamaica, he came to the
                                                                            farmers Will Evans and Ffion
are good days and sometimes         get farmers back on track.”                                                    a full programme to thank county        volunteer awards were held. This         UK in the 1950s as part of
                                                                            Hooson. This year’s conference
bad days. With the Big Farming                                                                                     committee members for all their         was a chance to celebrate RABI’s         the Windrush generation.
                                                                            theme was ‘Routes to Resilience’
Survey revealing that farming                                                                                      remarkable efforts. Guests were         most dedicated, creative and
                                                                            and the collaborative video                                                                                             He worked as a chef before
people have worryingly low                                                                                         welcomed by RABI chair, Jeanette        inspiring volunteers. This year, there
                                                                            highlighted just how important it is                                                                                    pursuing a career in television.
levels of wellbeing, RABI has                                                                                      Dawson, before chief executive,         were several new categories with
                                                                            that farming people feel confident                                                                                      As a producer/director for
launched in-person counselling                                                                                     Alicia Chivers, gave an overview of     a total of 14 awards presented.
                                                                            reaching out for support. The                                                                                           the BBC, Wilfred brought
and mental health training.                                                                                        the charity’s plans during this time
                                                                            video can be seen on                                              The conference was a fantastic           many of the top UK chefs to
                                                                                                                   of unparalleled change in farming.
Face-to-face counselling is                                                                                                                                showcase of all that is good             the small screen including
a fast, free and confidential                                                                                      Head of partnerships, Suzy Deeley       about volunteering and provided          Gordon Ramsay, Antony
service which provides support                                                                                     and director of services, Caron         an opportunity for the regions           Worrall-Thompson, Brian
to anyone wanting to talk to a      Energy costs support                                                           Whaley, introduced the charity’s        to come together, catch up,              Turner and James Martin.
farming-trained professional.                                                                                      latest services, giving volunteers      have fun and learn about all the
                                    Energy costs have risen                                                                                                                                         In 1994 he founded a food
                                                                                                                   insight into the progress being         important things happening at
To give people greater              dramatically, putting extra pressure                                                                                                                            and drink marketing agency
                                                                                                                   made. Several recently appointed        RABI. After the difficulties of
confidence when talking about       on already stretched households.                                                                                                                                in London before fulfilling a
                                                                                                                   regional managers also talked           the pandemic, many people
wellbeing issues, RABI’s farmer-    Research from National Energy                                                                                                                                   lifelong ambition of owning
                                                                                                                   about their role in the organisation,   haven’t seen each other for some
focused mental health training      Action (NEA) estimates that             Great British Beef                     supporting volunteers.                  considerable time and getting
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a small farm in Devon in
comes with a unique aftercare       6.5 million family homes across
                                                                            Week is heavenly                                                               together is always beneficial.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2000. This inspired him to
service so no one shoulders         the UK are in fuel poverty.                                                    During the conference, Exmoor                                                    develop and launch his own
the burden of support alone.                                                RABI’s longstanding relationship       hill farmer and RABI beneficiary,       Look out for highlights from the         food brand, The Black Farmer.
                                    “People facing financial hardship
Organisations interested in                                                 with Ladies in Beef continues, as      Oliver Edwards, kindly shared           event including the volunteers           Wilfred was awarded an MBE
                                    through cost increases can apply
accredited training can email                                               the chosen charity partner for         his farming life experiences; a         recognised during the special            for services to farming in the
                                    for grants of up to £1,500 towards                                           Great British Beef Week in April.      big thank you to Pam Wills for          awards ceremony in the                   2020 New Year’s Honours List.
                                    bill payments or making homes
                                                                            During the celebrations, people        suggesting Oliver and making            next issue of RABI News.
Repairing storm                     more energy efficient,” says RABI
                                                                            were encouraged to support the         this happen. The day’s keynote
                                    director of services, Caron Whaley.
damage                                                                      industry and share their beef          speaker was also a farmer with a
                                    Energy efficiency improvements          heaven and hell dishes. Read           national presence, the charismatic
February 2022 will be remembered
                                    include boiler servicing, installing    more about RABI’s regional GBBW        businessman and author, Wilfred
for its barrage of storms;
                                    water tank jackets, lagging for         fundraising events on page 17.         Emmanuel-Jones MBE, also
Dudley, Eunice and Franklin
                                    pipes, or installing loft insulation.                                          known as ‘The Black Farmer’.
caused widespread disruption.
                                                                                                                                                            Stapleford Hall
Farming people affected by          To better understand fuel
the extreme weather were            poverty’s impacts, RABI’s regional
able to apply for emergency         support officers have received                                                   “Volunteering is all about people. So much of RABI’s
grants of £1,000 from RABI.         specialist training from the NEA.                                                work is dependent on the backbone of support that our
“We have received applications
                                                                                                                     county committee network provides. We thank everyone
from numerous people who’ve                                                                                          for their incredible support.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones
been badly impacted by storm                                                                                         Izzy Shaw, head of volunteering
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ‘The Black Farmer’
damage,” says RABI services

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TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
Helping farming people                                                                                           Welsh farmers use WhatsApp to stay in touch
                                                                                                                 Many of the famers that applied          team found out they had set up          officer, Gemma Raia said, “What
                                                                                                                 for emergency storm grants are           a WhatsApp group where they             an amazing use of technology to
For the everyday and the unexpected                                                                              from Camarthenshire. When                share regular farming updates           bring the community together
Life in farming doesn’t always go to plan, even when we really want it to! In response                           speaking to famers from the              including information about the         and stay connected!”
RABI’s traditional charitable support is expanding to meet an ever-broader range of                              area, RABI’s service delivery            storm grants. Regional welfare
The farming community is made of diverse people, with diverse backgrounds. Here we
showcase just some examples of how RABI supports our farming community.                                            Taking the first step to get support
                                                                                                                   “It is always good to talk,” says       the first step and registering
                                                                                                                   Thistle*, a sheep farmer and RABI       with RABI’s online wellbeing
    Support throughout the ongoing pig crisis                                                                      beneficiary from Gloucestershire.       platform, Qwell, to start some
                                                                                                                                                           virtual counselling sessions with
    As the pig industry crisis continues, uncertainty is a huge cause of concern for many farmers in               “It is all too easy to say, ‘I’m
                                                                                                                                                           a qualified therapist. It meant I
    the sector. RABI responded by making its in-person counselling service available three months                  fine’, when sometimes the
    ahead of schedule to support those affected.                                                                                                           could take my time composing
                                                                                                                   opposite is true. Talking about
                                                                                                                                                           my thoughts and chat without
                                                                                                                   your negative feelings can be
    Nigel Lloyd, a pig producer in       “You may not have any pig                                                                                         the rest of the household
                                                                                                                   a real challenge, particularly if
    Shropshire, says that speaking       farmers nearby who can relate to                                                                                  knowing. I definitely felt so much
                                                                                                                   you’ve been working alone all
    to somebody who is impartial         the issues you’re faced with, and                                                                                 better once I had gone ahead and
                                                                                                                   day, with the same worries going
    but familiar with the situation      even if you talk to family, they                                                                                  done it.”
                                                                                                                   round and round in your head.
    has been a big help.                 might not understand. Although
                                                                                                                                                                                                  *Thistle is a pseudonym.
                                         there’s no quick solution to solve                                        “For me, it was such a relief taking
    “I’ve found RABI’s new
                                         all your problems, talking helps
    counselling service invaluable for
                                         to get things straight in your
    support. It’s very straightforward
                                         mind, and it’s helped us find that
    - once you call up the helpline,
                                         we have options for the future.”
                                                                                                                 Meet the team: Chloe Rigler – services manager
    you’re recommended somebody
    to talk to for advice on your
                                                                                                                 Chloe works within the service delivery team, which
                                                                              Nigel Lloyd, pig farmer
    specific circumstances.                                                                                      is frequently RABI’s first point of contact with farming
                                                                                                                 people that need support. Chloe has recently been
                                                                                                                 promoted to services manager after five years covering
                                                                                                                 Devon and Cornwall as a regional welfare officer (RWO).
    Congratulations to RABI heroes Scott and Milo
    It was fantastic to see RABI beneficiary, Scott Bailey and his guide dog Milo reach the ‘Hero                What made you want                       Is there a beneficiary that’s
    Dog’ finals at Crufts in March.                                                                              to join RABI?                            had a real impact on you?
    Father of two, Scott, has been       Scott says he initially thought                                         RABI offered the chance to               That’s a really difficult question as
    on a remarkable journey since        that he was too young for RABI                                                                                                                             Chloe Rigler, services manager
                                                                                                                 make a positive difference by            they’re all so unique. There was
    losing his eyesight, which left      to help but now he realises that                                        going into people’s lives, helping       one chap who continued to work
    him unable to continue working       the charity supports people
                                                                                                                 get to the root of the issue and         through very ill health. It got to      What excites you about
    as a herdsman in Cheshire.           of all ages and encourages
                                                                                                                 supporting to put it right.              the point where his doctors were        your new role?
                                         others to call the helpline.
    RABI gave Scott a grant to                                                                                                                            saying he should be bedridden,
                                         “RABI has made a massive                                                What gives you job satisfaction?                                                 For me, it’s all about building
    buy a laptop with software                                                                                                                            but he continued to get up every
                                         difference to me. Having the                                                                                                                             trust and working together to
    developed for people with                                                                                    When you manage to make a                day and keep going.
                                         right support has helped me                                                                                                                              make positive changes. The
    impaired vision, and specialist                                                                              positive change or somebody              He was totally inspiring in
                                         get on with life and regain some                                                                                                                         day-to-day life of many farmers
    lighting, to help him perform                                             Scott Bailey with Milo             says, ‘you don’t know how                terms of prioritising the care of
                                         independence,” says Scott.                                                                                                                               is relentless and we all want
    everyday tasks at home.
                                                                                                                 much you’ve done for me’. That           his animals because that was            to do the very best we can
                                                                                                                 feedback makes it all worthwhile.        what was important to him.              for the farming community.

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TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
Dates for the diary                                                                                            Find RABI at your local regional show
                                                                                                               Agricultural and county shows are often the pinnacle in the rural calendar. Packed full of
Making up for lost time                                                                                        farm machinery, livestock, food and family fun, there’s always plenty to do and see. This
After two very quiet years, the social calendar is finally starting to fill up. RABI will be                   summer RABI will be at over 50 events, is there one near you?
attending numerous shows over the summer. These events are a friendly place for                                 June                                  July                                    August
visitors to find out more about the support services that are available to farming people
                                                                                                                 • Suffolk Show                        • Hanbury Show                         • North Devon Show
and how you can get involved.                                                                                    • Staffordshire Show                  • Liskeard Show                        • Honiton Show
                                                                                                                 • Royal Bath & West Show              • Stithians Show                       • Shearwell Sheep Fair

    Who’s heading to Cereals?                                               Get involved                         • Northumberland County Show          • Fruit Focus                          • Brecon County Show
                                                                                                                 • Royal Cornwall Show                 • Great Yorkshire Show                 • Anglesey Show
                                                                                                                 • Open Farm Sunday                    • Camborne Show                        • Burwarton Show
    8-9 June 2022, Duxford,                                                                                      • South of England Show               • Royal Welsh Show                     • Vale of Glamorgan Show
                                                                                                                 • Aberystwyth & Ceredigion County     • Driffield Show                       • Eglwysbach Show
    Cambridgeshire                                                                                                 Show                                • Royal Lancashire Agricultural Show   • Ellingham Show
                                                                                                                 • Three Counties Show                 • Mid Devon Show                       • Pembrokeshire County Show
    Look out for the RABI marquee                                                                                • Blaston Show                        • Ryedale Show                         • Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show
    again at the biggest arable                                                                                  • Royal Norfolk Show                  • Yealmpton Show                       • Denbigh & Flint Show
    event in farming and be sure to                                                                              • Devon County Show                   • New Forest & Hampshire Show          • Chagford Show
    stop by to say hello to the team.                                                                            • Lincolnshire Show                   • Totnes & District Show               • Dunster Show
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Ashbourne Show
                                                                            To say ‘thank you’ for all
    This year, RABI is one of the                                                                                                                                                             • Minsterley Show
                                                                            the volunteer’s hard work,
    event’s three charity partners      Suzy Deeley, head of partnerships                                                                                                                     • Yesterday’s Farming Show
                                        and Izzy Shaw, head of              they’re being invited to join                                                                                     • Merionethshire County Show
    with 50% from each ticket           volunteering at Cereals 2021
                                                                            an exclusive three course                                                                                         • Melplash Show
    sale being donated to the
                                                                            meal cook-along with multi-                                                                                       • Talybont Show
    purchaser’s chosen charity.                                                                                                                                                               • Child Okeford Fair
                                                                            award-winning chef, Chris
    Big thanks to Compexposium                                                                                                                                                                • Aylsham Show
                                                                            Wheeler. Other planned
    for their ongoing support                                                                                                                                                                 • Glendale Show
                                                                            activities for the week include:
    and for promoting RABI in
    their regular newsletter.                                               • Encouraging agricultural         Get ready for the volunteer roadshow
                                                                              colleges and Young Farmer        This autumn/winter, members of the RABI team from central office will be undertaking
    Tickets can be booked
                                                                              Clubs to pledge volunteering     regional roadshows with visits planned to locations in the north, south, east and west of
    through the website:
                                        Cereals: The Arable Event             hours to RABI                    England and Wales. The roadshows will be piloted this year and if successful, more will
                                                                            • Volunteering time to phone       be held next year, so your input and feedback is important.
                                                                              a friend
                                                                                                               Each roadshow will allow volunteers    “I recognise that not all our           might not have engaged with before,
                                                                            • Making the HM Queen’s
                                                                                                               to find out more about the             volunteers have the chance to           to network with other regions who
                                                                              Platinum Jubilee Beacon Tart
                                                                                                               charity’s work and how it operates.    attend central RABI events such         are close to them and to understand
    “Following two difficult                                                  (see page 11) To take part in
                                                                                                               Importantly it will mean that county   as the conference and AGM,” says        a bit more about how RABI operates.
    years, it’s really great that                                             the cook-along, email Sally.
                                                                                                               committees can meet members of         Izzy Shaw, head of volunteering.
    events are resuming at                                           or Lauren.                                                                                   “The roadshows will be a two-way
                                                                                                               the central team to talk about any     “I think it’s important that we
    pace. We’ve a lot to look                                                                                                                                    engagement to build a greater
                                                                                                               issues or queries that might arise.    build good, solid relationships
    forward to and events are                                                                                                                                                                 understanding of how we can
                                        Ahead of Volunteers’                                                                                          with the volunteers that do so
    a fabulous way to catch-                                                                                   It also gives the central team the                                             all work together,” says Izzy.
                                        Week, remember to                                                      opportunity to meet volunteers
                                                                                                                                                      much positive work for RABI.”
    up with friends whilst              share your personal
    supporting our cause.”                                                                                     face to face and to better             “By coming to different regional
                                        stories about                                                          understand what happens                locations it gives us the opportunity
                                        volunteering with your                                                 regionally. The volunteering team      for those one-to-one conversations
               Linda Jones,             regional manager so                                                    will be organising this with support   with all the RABI teams who are
               RABI regional
                                        these can be shared far                                                from regional managers; dates          there to support you. We hope the
               manager, Wales.
                                        and wide.                            Chris Wheeler, Chef               will follow later in the summer.       roadshows will allow everyone who
                                                                                                                                                                                               Izzy Shaw, head of volunteering
                                                                                                                                                      attends the day to meet people they

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TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
The Queen’s Platinum
Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee                                                                                  Jubilee Beacon Tart
In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a                                                                                           Method
                                                                                                                  Made with ingredients representing the four
Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. It is an extraordinary achievement and one                                                                                        1. Make the pastry and leave to chill for 30 minutes.
                                                                                                                  nations of the UK, every mouthful is both
that will be marked over the Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend, which takes place from                                                                                         2. Preheat oven to 200°C fan (gas 7).
                                                                                                                  patriotic and delicious. Serves ten people.
2 to 5 June.                                                                                                                                                                  3. Line the greased flan tin with pastry and prick the
                                                                                                                  Pastry (or use ready-made shortcrust pastry)
RABI’s royal connections date            Many public events are taking       The Jubilee coincides with start                                                                    bottom with a fork before lining with baking paper
back to Queen Victoria who               place, including Trooping the       of National Volunteer’s Week (1-7      •   140g (5 oz) plain flour                                  and baking beans. Bake for 10 minutes, remove foil /
became the charity’s first patron        Colour, the Platinum Jubilee        June). RABI volunteers who send        •   35g (1 ¼ oz) margarine                                   beans, bake for a further 10 minutes.
and succeeding monarchs have             Pageant at Buckingham Palace,       in pictures of their homemade          •   35g (1 ¼ oz) vegetable fat                            4. Reduce oven to 160°C Fan (Gas 4).
followed suit. This includes             and not forgetting numerous         tart will receive a certificate of     •   About 1 ½ tablespoons cold water                      5. Mix cream, eggs, parsley and pepper together.
George V, who granted a Royal            local street parties. You can       recognition produced especially        •   20cm (8”) loose-bottom flan tin                       6. Layer filling in the pastry case; smoked salmon first,
Charter in 1935 to mark the              also get involved at home           for the Platinum Jubilee. The          •   Baking beads                                             followed by leeks and then 50g (2 oz) of cheese.
charity’s 75th anniversary. Queen        by baking a special Platinum        best pictures will also be shared                                                                   Top with potatoes. Sprinkle remaining cheese over
Elizabeth II is RABI’s sixth royal       Jubilee Beacon Tart (see the        on RABI’s website and social                                                                        the top then gently pour cream and egg mixture
patron and the longest serving           recipe on the next page).           media channels. Send pictures                                                                       into the tart.
by an incredible 50 years!                                                   to Kim Claxton specifically,           • Scotland: 100g (4 oz) smoked salmon (trimmings          7. Bake for 30 - 35 minutes until filling is set and
                                                                                     or chopped small)                                          golden. Serve cold. Enjoy!
                                                                                                                    • Wales: 50g (2 oz) finely sliced and gently fried
                                                                                                                      leeks soft but not coloured
     Royal recollections - RABI volunteers commemorate 70 years                                                     • Northern Ireland: 100g (4 oz) peeled and cooked
     During Queen Elizabeth II’s reign, there have been many momentous occasions                                      potatoes, thinly sliced when cold
     that have been enjoyed by RABI volunteers. Some of RABI’s longest-serving county                               • England: 70g (2 ¾ oz) Cheddar cheese (grated)
     committee members share their favourite royal moments:                                                         • 200ml (7 fl oz) single cream
                                                                                                                    • 2 large eggs (beaten)
     Stuart Bish, volunteer                               Mike Shelley, volunteer
                                                                                                                    • 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley
     “In regards to the Platinum Jubilee, our committee   “My fondest memory of the Queen was in                    • Black pepper
     is encouraging the registration and lighting         2011. After being county chairman for the
     of beacons along with promoting the special          Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural
     Platinum Jubilee Tart to be made and eaten           Society, we were invited to one of the Queen’s                Gerard Poulter, volunteer                             Chris Downes, volunteer
     around the beacons. I had the privilege of           Garden Parties. It was a wonderful day and
     being one of the first taste testers due to my       to see her in person was just great.”                         “In November 2002, Princess Anne attended             “We had a Diamond Jubilee Beacon in 2012
     wife Christine’s involvement in the recipe!”                                                                       the RABI AGM in London, where she gave a very         on our field for people from local villages.
                                                                                                                        informative address regarding the problems facing     The field is highest in locality, with views, and
                                                                                                                        the industry. She also voiced her encouragement       wonderful to see all the surrounding hills lit
                                                                                                                        for us to help the next generation of farmers,        up with Beacons. There was a hog roast, and
                                                                                                                        something all the Royal Family are well known for.”   it was an excellent evening to celebrate.”

10                                                                                                                                                                                     11
TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
NEWS FROM                                                                                                                                      NEWS FROM
                                       AROUND THE REGIONS                                                                                                                     AROUND THE REGIONS

                Northwest                                                      own mental health during such                  North Wales                          Wales
                                                                               a worrying time. The mental
                (Lauren Codling)                                                                                              (Dewi Parry)                         (Linda Jones)
                                                                               health training I received as
     It’s been a busy couple of            Singing their praises               part of my role helped me            Cilcain YFC Fundraising Ball         North to South Charity                 Huge thanks goes to everyone
     months in the North West              In March, I met with the            to talk about the support            It’s been an exciting time in        Challenge                              involved and to Wynnstay for
     since joining RABI, with lots         wonderful team at Gisburn           available and the signs to look      North Wales lately. In February,     The Wynnstay Group held a              their continued support. The very
     of networking, relationship           Auction Mart, Lancashire, to        out for if you feel somebody         we were honoured to receive          fantastic fundraiser for RABI          generous donation will help us
     building and getting to know the      receive a cheque for £3,549.50.     may need some help.                  a cheque for £1,196 from             with their North to South Charity      to reach more farming people.
     wonderful volunteers who do so        This money was raised at their                                           proceeds of a fundraising ball       Challenge. The challenge for
                                                                               Machinery shows                                                                                                  Moody Cow fundraiser
     much to support RABI. I’d like to     annual Christmas carol concert                                           held by Cilcain YFC. It was          every staff member, along with
                                                                               We have had a couple of                                                                                          Chris and Geraint Thomas of
     specifically thank the Northwest      in December and through their                                            a true story of resilience as        their family and friends, was
                                                                               machinery shows in the                                                                                           The Moody Cow Farm Shop
     volunteers for making me feel         charity sheep sales. Gisburn                                             this ball had to be rearranged       to walk, run, swim, or cycle the
                                                                               Northeast, one run by Ripon                                                                                      and Bargoed Caravan Site,
     so welcome and making my first        Auction Mart has been a huge                                             twice, but the club took it as       distance from Wynnstay’s most
                                                                               Farm Services at Harrogate and                                                                                   Llwyncelyn, Ceredigion raised
     few months so enjoyable. It’s         supporter of RABI over the years,                                        an opportunity to sell more          northern office in Montrose to
                                                                               one run by York Auction Mart                                                                                     £5,291.26 as a thank you to RABI.
     great to see so many supporters       and we are very grateful for                                             tickets each time! It was great      their most southern store in
                                                                               on their site. Both shows were                                                                                   They hosted a day of fundraising
     in the region and I am looking        everything they do to support                                            to give a talk about RABI to 35      Helston – a total of 644 miles.
                                                                               really busy, with farmers loving                                                                                 activities, including a tractor
     forward to meeting more of            our farming communities.                                                 members of the club when I
                                                                               the opportunity to meet and                                               201 Wynnstay staff members             run, cawl and entertainment,
     you in the coming months.                                                                                      went to receive the cheque.
                                                                               chat with each other again. I                                             from 27 teams took part and            auction, and buffet held at their
     UK Dairy Expo                                                             was humbled by the support           Change of treasurer                  they collectively travelled over       new “Ysgubor” function room.
     Our committee in Cumbria                                                  we were shown, and the               March saw Montgomeryshire’s          29,239 miles, covering the
                                                                                                                                                                                                The couple has made no secret
     attended the first show of                                                encouragement to continue            AGM where Susan Jones                challenge distance over 45 times!
                                                                                                                                                                                                of the fact that RABI helped
     2022 in early March at H&H                                                with our necessary work.             handed over the reins of being
                                                                                                                                                         A cheque for £6,000 was                them through a difficult time
     Borderway Mart, Carlisle for the                                                                               treasurer to Tricia after twenty
                                                                               Further fun                                                               recently presented to Linda            when they lost their farm near
     UK Dairy Expo. The expo was                                                                                    years in the role. RABI is full of
                                                                               Spring rounded off with several                                           Jones, RABI’s regional manager         Brecon. Chris, Geraint, and their
     a great opportunity to raise                                                                                   heroes like Susan who selflessly
                                                                               great fundraising events.                                                 in Wales by Gareth Davies,             family have successfully rebuilt
     awareness within the farming           John Prickett and Tom Greenow                                           give so much of themselves
                                                                               East Yorkshire hosted a Beef                                              Wynnstay Group CEO.                    their lives and were awarded a
     community, make connections            presenting a cheque to regional                                         and for so long – we can’t
                                            manager, Lauren Codling at         Dinner Evening to celebrate                                                                                      2021 Rural Business Award for
     with agricultural companies            Gisburn Auction Mart
                                                                                                                    thank any of them enough.            “We are thrilled to have been
                                                                               Great British Beef Week, North                                                                                   Best Rural Diversification Project.
     and they even held a raffle.                                                                                                                        able to undertake this challenge
                                                                               Yorkshire participated in a Call     April events                                                                They have never forgotten
     A huge thank you to Gillian                                                                                                                         to raise funds for RABI. The work
                                                                               My Bluff Wine Evening, and           April was exciting as it saw our                                            the support that RABI gave to
     and Alison for their support.                                                                                                                       that RABI do is so fundamentally
                                                                               County Durham is running a           first Clwyd event of the year                                               them and are planning to host
                                                                                                                                                         important to the farming
                                                        Northeast              Golf Day! There was also much        with a very successful bingo
                                                                                                                                                         community. As a business
                                                                                                                                                                                                a Summer Ball on Saturday 13
                                                        (Sally Conner)         celebrating in the East Yorkshire    night in Pentre Halkyn. The                                                 August as a follow-up fundraiser.
                                                                                                                                                         working within this sector, we
                                                                               Committee, as the secretary          hall was packed with people
                                                                                                                                                         feel it is vitally important to
                                             Pig World podcast                 got married and the chair and        old and new, all enthused to
                                                                                                                                                         support the fantastic work
                                             The North East counties           his wife welcomed their third        support RABI.. It was great
                                                                                                                                                         they do,” says Gareth.
                                             have had a great start to the     child within the same month.         to do something that felt
                                             year, with lots of committee                                           so normal once more.
                                             meetings to plan our year
                                             ahead as well as attending
                                             many events and meeting lots
                                             of new people. One thing that I
                                             have never done before, though,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Gareth Jones (Ceredigion RABI chair),
                                             is a podcast. I was invited by                                                                                                                     Catrin Griffiths (Ceredigion RABI
                                             ‘Pig World’ to talk about how                                                                                Linda Jones, Wales regional manager   treasurer), Geraint Thomas and Henry
     Gillian Potts and Alison Wilson         our pig farmers cope with their                                                                              receiving a cheque from Gareth        Thomas (The Moody Cow), Euros
                                                                               Sally Conner Pigs Today podcast
     at the UK Dairy Expo                                                                                            Montgomeryshire RABI volunteers      Davies, Wynnstay Group CEO            Davies (Ceredigion RABI member)

12                                                                                                                                                                                       13
TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
NEWS FROM                                                                                                                                             NEWS FROM
                                      AROUND THE REGIONS                                                                                                                            AROUND THE REGIONS

              Central                                                             Durrants charity clay shoot                     West Midlands
                                                                                  cheque presentation
              (Bekah Anstey)                                                                                                      (Kate Jones)
                                                                                  Earlier this year, RABI were
     2022 already looks set to be                                                 presented with a cheque by            It’s already been a busy             Staffordshire Dinner with the Yorkshire Shepherdess
     an extremely busy year. It’s                                                 Durrants Estate Agents from           year for the West Midlands,
     clear that our volunteers work                                               their annual fundraiser.              with several great events
     extremely hard to organise                                                                                         taking place and many more
                                                                                  Dominic Parravani, Durrants
     events, often under challenging                                                                                    planned for the summer.
                                                                                  Managing Director said, “Our
     circumstances. We’re looking
                                                                                  annual charity clay shoot             Shropshire quiz
     forward to seeing their efforts
                                                                                  has become a firm fixture
     pay off in a successful 2022.
                                                                                  in our fundraising calendar.
     Annual Working Weekend                                                       Our recent event, raised an
     The NVTEC Midlands Group                                                     outstanding £1,053.94!”
     held a collection at their Annual
                                                                                  Mrs Thorogood said, “On behalf
     Working Weekend where
                                                                                  of Suffolk RABI, we would                                                   Staffordshire RABI committee and supporters with the
     activities included ploughing,
                                                                                  like to say thank you so very                                               Yorkshire Shepherdess, Amanda Owen
     milling, saw benches, stationary/
                                                                                  much indeed for choosing our
     barn engines, and static
                                                                                  charity to donate this amazing                                             On Thursday 17 March,                       Amanda’s straight-talking
     displays. The weekend was             Derbyshire RABI chair, Bill Dilks
                                           attending a tour of Thornbridge Hall   sum. We really do appreciate                                               Staffordshire committee and                 nature, humour and connection
     held at Lyndon Farm, Fleckney,
                                                                                  receiving this money, which will                                           supporters were welcomed                    with all the guests resulted in a
     Leicestershire by kind
                                                                                  go straight to our beneficiaries.”                                         to the Staffordshire County                 particularly successful evening.
     permission of the Smith family.                                                                                     The Shropshire quiz prize winners
                                                                                                                         Pat and Jim Davies and Ann Stokes   Showground for the annual dinner.           Staffordshire YFC ran a raffle,
                                                                                  Cheque presentation
     Visit to Thornbridge Hall                                                                                                                               With over 400 guests, there was             raising over £1,300, and guest
     One of the highlights over
                                                       East                       to Essex RABI
                                                                                                                        On 11 March, over 50 people took     wonderful support for RABI.                 auctioneer, Mike Williams, added
                                                       (Kim Claxton)              Essex secretary Peter Hickling
     the past few months has to                                                                                         part in the annual quiz arranged                                                 a further £2,100 to the funds
                                                                                  received a cheque from Rob                                                 Amanda Owen, known better
     be attending Thornbridge               I am thrilled to be the interim                                             by Shropshire committee                                                          as he auctioned off 14 lots.
                                                                                  Morrell chairman of Greenstead                                             by many as the Yorkshire
     Hall with our Derbyshire               RM for the East of England                                                  member Mervin Mullard to raise
                                                                                  Green Agricultural Club for                                                Shepherdess, delivered an                   The overall donation was
     Committee Chair, Bill Dilks. We        and to be working alongside                                                 funds and awareness for RABI.
                                                                                  £300. Charlie Flindt had                                                   inspirational speech, with                  £14,220, so a special
     had the opportunity to have a          our fabulous committees in
                                                                                  spoken at the Club’s annual           After a delicious two course         guests hanging on her every                 thanks to the Staffordshire
     tour and meet with the owners,         Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge,
                                                                                  dinner and he requested               meal prepared and served by          word. Amanda spoke of her                   committee for this amazing
     who have agreed to host a              Hertfordshire, and Essex. Our
                                                                                  a donation to be made                 the Shropshire committee, six        incredible journey, tales of the            post pandemic comeback.
     wonderful celebration event            volunteers are very excited to
                                                                                  to RABI in lieu of a fee.             rounds of testing questions and      family farm and her passion
     for us on the 23rd of August.          be able to host events again. The
                                                                                                                        two table rounds were put to the     for British agriculture.
     Thank you Thornbridge!                 response from our friends who
                                                                                                                        thirteen teams. The winning team
                                            support these events has been
     Lent talk                                                                                                          consisted of Jim and Pat Davies
                                            enormous, with everyone looking
     Another highlight was a Lent                                                                                       and Ann Stokes, and a fantastic
                                            forward to socialising again
     talk at St. Peter and St. Paul                                                                                     total of £877 was raised for RABI.
                                            with neighbours and friends.
     Church in Hathern. We were
                                                                                                                        Shropshire NFU county
     invited to talk about RABI’s           There are 20 upcoming events
                                                                                                                        chairman’s lunch
     work. After the talk and               and shows planned throughout
     lots of wonderful questions            the region ranging from                                                     On 8 May 150 RABI supporters
     and discussions, they very             Cereals and several county                                                  attended a two course lunch
     generously donated £165 that           shows, to lunches, BBQs, and                                                and raffle at Minsterley
                                                                                  Richard Prentice of Durrants,
     we are so very grateful for.           afternoon teas, to clay shoots,       presenting a cheque to David          Parish Hall, raising £3,000.
                                            golf days, and open farm days.        Locke, of RABI and Thelma
                                                                                                                                                              The Yorkshire Shepherdess                    Thank you from Yorkshire
                                                                                  Thorogood Suffolk Chair for RABI
                                            It’s a full calendar for sure.                                                                                    with Kate Jones                              Shepherdess, Amanda Owen

14                                                                                                                                                                                             15
TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
NEWS FROM                                                                                                                                               NEWS FROM
                                    AROUND THE REGIONS                                                                                                                              AROUND THE REGIONS

               Southwest                                                                    Southeast                            South Central
               (Pam Wills)                                                                  (Andy James)                         (Laura Ractliffe)

     Cornwall review                                                             Since joining RABI in February,        The first half of the year has
     In January, outgoing Cornwall       Overall, over £3,000 was raised         there has been much to do              kicked off with several great         Celebrating Great British Beef Week (GBBW).
     chairman John Perry reviewed        during a very enjoyable evening         in support of the five South           events throughout the South
                                                                                                                                                              It’s one of the highlights in the culinary calendar and three of
     the past two years before           expertly organised by John and          East county committees                 Central region, with many more
                                                                                                                                                              our county committees made the most of RABI’s long standing
     handing over to new chair,          Jan Yeoman and their team.              and their exciting plans               planned for the summer. Well
                                                                                                                                                              partnership with Ladies in Beef with special fundraising events.
     Edward Buckland. Despite the                                                for 2022 and beyond!                   done to the committees for their
                                         Dorset quiz
     pandemic, the committee                                                                                            hard work and enthusiasm.
                                         Following a successful Christmas        In the lead up to Easter, the                                                Bucks RABI Pie &                       Gloucestershire GBBW supper
     had raised an incredible £20k
                                         quiz, the Dorset Committee held         Kent county committee                  Warwickshire Farmhouse                Pudding night                          Gloucestershire RABI
     through online quizzes and
                                         a Jubilee quiz in April to celebrate    had already run a number               Breakfast                             Bucks RABI held their Pie &            committee and Tanya Robbins,
     auctions. Being online meant the
                                         our Patron Her Majesty’s Platinum       of great fundraising events,                                                 Pudding Night at The Bell,             Ladies in Beef member, held
     evenings could go global, with                                                                                     In February, the Warwickshire
                                         Jubilee. As always, the Pengelly        including a RABI Raceday                                                     Winslow after a 2-year break           a beef supper and raffle
     people joining from as far afield                                                                                  RABI county committee hosted
                                         family at Gorwell Farm were             at Plumpton racecourse                                                       due to Covid. 50 people joined         fundraiser at The Star, Ashton
     as Australia. A very entertaining                                                                                  a farmhouse breakfast at
                                         excellent hosts. Knowledge of all       and five well-attended                                                       the committee to celebrate.            Under Hill. It was a sell-out
     online presentation was                                                                                            Wethele Manor by generous
                                         things royal and related to the         Farmhouse Breakfasts. Kent                                                   Beef pie was on the menu               event with 46 attending taking,
     produced by committee member                                                                                       permission of the Moreton family.
                                         past 70 years were tested by the        also organised and facilitated                                               with a delicious selection of          over the whole restaurant!
     Sam Oatey of Oatey Media –                                                                                         The committee sourced local
                                         very competitive teams, with the        a hugely successful Clay                                                     desserts, followed by a raffle.        The event raised £574.
     he even managed to persuade                                                                                        ingredients all kindly donated,
                                         victors being local team Norfolk        Shoot Day, which raised                                                      The evening raised £547.
     Father Christmas to call in!                                                                                       the team at Wethele Manor                                                    Wiltshire RABI GBBW dinner
                                         & Chance, narrowly beating off          an amazing £4000 for
                                                                                                                        kindly cooked the breakfasts          Berkshire RABI St George’s             55 guests joined the Wiltshire
     Devon spring bash                   the Corgis from Weymouth.               RABI on the day alone.
                                                                                                                        for the guests, the committee         Day Beef dinner                        RABI committee at The Bear
     A great evening bash was held
                                                                                 In addition to our programme           served and cleared the                Berkshire RABI held a St               Hotel, Devizes. There was
     in February at Langstone Cliffs
                                                                                 of established and highly              breakfasts. Attended by around        George’s Day beef dinner               slow cooked blade of beef
     Hotel, Dawlish Warren. 120 guests
                                                                                 enjoyable local farm and rural         100 guests, the breakfast raised      at The Queens Lodge, East              followed by a selection of
     including local farmers, agri
                                                                                 community events, we will              a fantastic £2,772 in total.          Garston to celebrate. 60               desserts. The raffle included
     businesses, and Young Farmers
                                                                                 be working to develop new                                                    people attended, filling the           a lovely hamper donated
     enjoyed a sumptuous meal
                                                                                 projects to encourage young                                                  venue! A lovely 3 course               by NFU Mutual Marlborough
     before being well entertained
                                                                                 people and members of the              Gloucestershire breakfast             dinner was served, with the            and other goodies.
     by Devon comedian Tank
                                                                                 non-farming community to                                                     roast beef donated by the
     Sherman. The auction that                                                                                          The Gloucestershire RABI county
                                                                                 raise funds and promote                                                      local Rooksnest Estate – just
     followed attracted some lively                                                                                     committee held their Farmhouse
                                                                                 awareness of RABI and the                                                    down the road from the venue.
     bidding and amateur auctioneer,      Cornwall county committee at                                                  Breakfast event at Stowell Park,
                                          their review event with RABI trustee
                                                                                 important work we do.                                                        The evening was successly
     committee member John Smith,                                                                                       Yanworth for the second time in
                                          John Hoskin                                                                                                         topped off with a raffle.
     raised £820 through sales.                                                                                         March. It included a full English
                                                                                                                        breakfast cooked by Marianne
                                                                                                                        Combe and helpers. A prize draw
                                                                                                                        took place with plenty of lovely
                                                                                                                        prizes, including a beef box,
                                                                                                                        clay pigeon shooting vouchers,
                                                                                                                        and some bottles. David Barton
                                                                                                                        auctioned a wheelbarrow full
                                                                                                                        of booze for £260! 80 guests
                                                                                                                        attended the breakfast and
                                                                                 Essex RABI Secretary Peter Hickling    raised a terrific £1,700 for RABI.
                                                                                 receiving a cheque from Rob
                                                                                 Morrell, chairman of Greenstead                                             Warwickshire RABI farmhouse breakfast   Gloucestershire RABI farmhouse breakfast
      Devon Spring Bash                                                          Green Agricultural Club

16                                                                                                                                                                                             17
TV star shines at Staffordshire Dinner
Regional managers                                                                                                                   Service delivery team
 RABI’s team of regional managers are your local point of contact and work closely with                                                       Jackie Attfield                                                 Mel Jones
 our county committee network and volunteers to organise fundraising events and raise                                                         Regional welfare officer                                        Regional welfare officer
 awareness of the charity’s support for farming communities.                                                                                 Regions covered: Bedfordshire,                                  Regions covered: Regions covered:
 For fundraising enquiries email                                                                            Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire,                Anglesey, Caernarfon, Conwy, Clwyd, Merionethshire,
                                                                                                                                    Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire                                  Montgomeryshire, Shropshire

           Lauren Codling – Northwest                                         Kate Jones – West Midlands                            I started my role in February 2022 covering Central East       I have enjoyed 16 years working to support the farming
                                                                                                                                    and bring many years of casework experience with me.           community at RABI.
           Regions covered: Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire,                    Regions covered: Herefordshire, Shropshire,
           Merseyside, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire.                       Staffordshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire
Email:                                  Email:
                                                                                                                                              Gillian Carr                                                    Laura Parrott
                                                                                                                                              Regional welfare officer                                        Regional welfare officer
Phone: 07525 323450                                                Phone: 07876 492839
                                                                                                                                            Regions covered: County Durham, East Yorkshire,                 Regions covered: Berkshire, East Sussex,
I recently joined RABI and I am loving getting to know the         I joined RABI in 2009 and am passionate about supporting         Northumberland, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire               Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, London, Surrey, West Sussex
farming community better to ensure I can raise awareness           British agriculture and farmers, but also get a lot of
                                                                                                                                    I joined RABI in January and am keen to support the            I joined RABI in January 2022, and am enjoying learning a new role
and ensure everyone who needs us can access support.               satisfaction from fundraising and arranging events.
                                                                                                                                    community facing a diverse range of challenges.                in a new sector whilst working alongside some wonderful people.
           Sally Conner – Northeast                                           Kim Claxton – East                                              Zoe Cauter-Clarke
           Regions covered: Co Durham, East Yorkshire,                        Maternity cover for Lucy Bellefontaine                          Regional welfare officer
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Gemma Raia
           Northumberland, North Yorkshire,                                                                                                                                                                   Regional welfare officer
                                                                             Regions covered: : Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire,                 Remote support
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Remote support
Email:                                    Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Suffolk                           I have been with RABI for four months, and I love working to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   I’ve been a remote welfare officer for four months, it’s is
Phone: 07818 093506                                                Email:                                   make a difference in the farming community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   a new role within the RABI as we look at further ways to
I am a farmer’s daughter, sister, and wife, and have worked        Phone: 07841 053244                                                                                                             support our farming community.
for RABI for over ten years.                                       I have been involved in fundraising for most of my working                 Jackie Clegg
                                                                   life and am delighted to be the interim RM during Lucy’s                   Regional welfare officer
                                                                                                                                             Regions covered: Cheshire, Cumbria, Lancashire,                  Elonwy Williams
           Dewi Parry – North Wales                                maternity leave.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Regional welfare officer
                                                                                                                                    Merseyside, West Yorkshire
        Regions covered: Anglesey, Caernarfon
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Regions covered: Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion,
        (Gwynedd), Conwy, Clwyd (Flint/Denbighshire),                         Pam Wills – Southwest                                 In covering the Northwest for some 23 years now, I’ve had
                                                                                                                                    the pleasure of meeting many wonderful people over the         Glamorgan, Pembrokeshire
Montgomeryshire                                                               Regions covered: Cornwall, Devon, Dorset,
                                                                                                                                    years and assisted many in various ways.                       Shwd mae! Elonwy Williams ydw i a fi yw’r Swyddog Lles ar
Email:                                                 Somerset
                                                                                                                                                                                                   gyfer Ceredigion, Penfro, Sir Gâr a Morgannwg. Rwy wedi
Phone: 07912 054677                                                Email:                                                                                                    bod yn y swydd ers chwe mlynedd.
                                                                                                                                              Claire Crichard
I’m a farmer’s son from Clwyd, now living on Anglesey.             Phone: 07825 336224                                                        Regional welfare officer                             Hello! I’m Elonwy Williams and I am the welfare officer
Before joining RABI I was YFC National Chairman in 2020.           I’ve been with RABI for over ten years, working in the                    Regions covered: Brecon & Radnor,                     for Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and
                                                                   farming community and making a difference to rural lives.        Gloucestershire (North and South), Herefordshire,              Glamorgan. I have been in post for six years.

           Linda Jones – Wales                                                                                                      Monmouthshire.
                                                                              Laura Ractliffe – South Central                       I have been working for RABI for 21 years, and no two days                Louise Wilkinson
         Regions covered: Brecon & Radnor,
                                                                              Regions covered: Berkshire, Buckinghamshire,          are ever the same!                                                        Regional welfare officer
         Camarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire,
                                                                              Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Warwickshire,                                                                                     Regions covered: Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire
Glamorgan, Merionethshire, Monmouthshire
                                                                              Wiltshire                                                       Caroline Harrison                                    I’m a Lincolnshire lass and have been with RABI for five years.
                                                                   Email:                                         Regional welfare officer
Phone: 07557 363016
                                                                   Phone: 07919 478518                                                        Regions covered: Derbyshire, Leicestershire,                    Lindsay Derbyshire
I live on a sheep and beef farm and have proudly worked for                                                                         Staffordshire, Rutland, Telford (Shropshire), Warwickshire,
                                                                   Raised on a dairy and beef farm in Gloucestershire, I have a                                                                               Regional welfare officer
RABI for over eight years.                                                                                                          West Midlands, Worcestershire
                                                                   passion for the agricultural sector, and know first-hand the                                                                               Regions covered: Devon and Cornwall
                                                                   issues that we face.                                             As part of the service delivery team, I work with people       I started with RABI in March and am getting stuck in with
           Bekah Anstey – Central                                                                                                   from the communities of my region who require assistance       the great work the service delivery team carries out.
           Regions covered: Derbyshire, Leicestershire,                       Andy James – Southeast                                and guidance in many different areas.
           Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire,                   Regions covered: East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of                                                                                Nikki Cochran
           Rutland                                                            Wight, Kent, Surrey, West Sussex                                Del Hicks                                                       Regional welfare officer
                                                                                                                                              Regional welfare officer
Email:                                                                                                                                                                               Remote support
                                                                                                                                              Regions covered: Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire
Phone: 07730 765377                                                Phone: 07395 792942                                                                                                             I recently joined RABI from the Armed Forces charity sector
                                                                                                                                    I have worked for RABI for 12 months supporting working
Though a new team member, I bring a wealth of knowledge from       I’ve had a diverse career prior to joining RABI, and live with                                                                  and am really looking forward to supporting our wonderful
                                                                                                                                    and retired members of the farming community. My role
the voluntary sector and look forward to a busy events calendar.   my family on a small dairy farm.                                                                                                farming community.
                                                                                                                                    has highlighted the various difficulties they face.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
Farming can be tough.
                                                            Talking to someone who
                                                            understands can help.

                                                              • Referral to a professional counsellor
                                                                within 24 hours of a call
                                                              • Fast, free, and confidential
                                                              • Face-to-face, by telephone or
                                                                video call

              Contacting RABI
              Please direct any enquiries regarding our service provision,   24/7 confidential
              including referrals, to                       helpline:
              For fundraising enquiries email
                                                                             0800 188 4444
              For any other enquiries, please email

Call our free, confidential 24/7 helpline
 20    188 4444 |                                          
Registered charity number: 208858
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