Briefing paper 2021 - the largest global study to understand, measure and increase

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Briefing paper 2021 - the largest global study to understand, measure and increase
the largest global study
to understand, measure and increase

   Briefing paper 2021
                + ERANOS
Briefing paper 2021 - the largest global study to understand, measure and increase
Table of contents
Women’s confidence is                                      American confidence���������������24
relational and a collective                                Australian confidence��������������25
matter����������������������������������������������� 6
                                                           British confidence���������������������26
Methodology������������������������������� 10
                                                           Chinese confidence������������������27
Confidence is the awareness
that exists between the self                               French confidence��������������������28
and your actions������������������������ 14               German confidence������������������29
Linking numbers to feelings�22                            Hong Kong confidence���������� 30
                                                           Japanese confidence����������������31
                                                           Korean confidence��������������������32
                                                           Mexican confidence������������������33
                                                           Russian confidence������������������ 34
                                                           What drives and compromises
                                                           confidence globally������������������36

IT Cosmetics commissioned               Eranos led this survey. Since    To all the people who have
this survey. Since launch               2005, our strategic consulting   contributed to this mission
in 2008, IT Cosmetics has               firm has been committed          in one way or another, to
been committed to helping               to reconciling companies         all the women who have
women around the world                  and societies. We bridge         opened their homes to us
look beautiful and feel self-           humanities and businesses        and shared their stories, to
confident. Through this study           to help global corporations      all the academic experts
and a corresponding brand               fulfill their mission of         who shared their work and
campaign, IT Cosmetics                  actors of civilization.          research with us, to all the
is asserting itself as a                                                 great witnesses who shared
cultural actor and agent of                                              their experiences with us, we
positive societal change.                                                would like to say: thank you.

Authors: Morgane Beyrend, Julia Colussi-Corte, Camille Jacquey, Salomé
Kennedy. Mission Manager: Emma Monsaingeon. Under the direction of: Michaël
V. Dandrieux, Ph.D. & Anthony Mahé, Ph.D. Illustrations: Florence Bieth, Marion
Thomas-Mauro. Photos: Eranos. See the full-length White Paper for full credits.
Briefing paper 2021 - the largest global study to understand, measure and increase
Why does women’s confidence matter?
Because the more confident a woman is,
the easier it is for her to act. Confidence
empowers women to talk, write, raise their
hands, raise their fists, get into politics
or start a business. A lack of confidence
can just as easily prevent women from
thriving on a personal level as it can
inhibit them from contributing to their
communities in a meaningful way. And
that’s a problem for everyone, because
when women thrive, societies prosper.
This briefing paper is the short version
of a much richer White Paper. We
would like to provide extensive data
to world actors of civil society, as well
as public and private sectors in order
to reach businesses, organizations,
academics, committed feminists
and all curious readers who want to
increase women’s confidence. We wish
to help them skip the trial and error
process, and immediately address what
drives confidence, what compromises
it and where it’s most needed.
“It’s only when people are self confident
of their own identity that they can be
accepting of others. But people have
become so entrenched in their tribal
thinking. In America, it’s America first.
How do we break away from this
tribalism? How do we change people’s
mindset from tribalism to universalism?
Because only then we will have a
peaceful world.”
Ani Zonneveld, Los Angeles, USA

Confidence is                               Your confidence
relational, you                             comes from 14
can’t increase it                           different sources
on your own                                 Confidence is not binary, the world is
                                            not made of people who are confident
Contrary to popular belief, confidence
                                            and people who aren’t. Confidence
is not a personal matter or an individual
                                            stems from 14 different sources, with
possession. It’s something that you
                                            each a different role to play in helping
receive, give and grow with others. There
                                            you navigate the everyday world.
is strength in joining forces: increasing
confidence is something collective.         Ì "14 sources of confidence!" p.16

Ì "Women’s confidence is relational and a
collective matter" p.6

Global women’s                              The roads to
confidence is                               confidence are
rather low                                  pretty much the
Few women around the world actually         same everywhere
feel extremely confident. The confidence
                                            Women around the world build their
that we often wish for, is really nothing
                                            confidence in very similar ways. In spite
more than an ideal. There is rarely
                                            of culture, life experience and personality
any truth to the fact that others are
                                            some confidence sources are more
exceedingly more confident than we are.
                                            sought out than others. This is because
Ì "Linking numbers to feelings" p.22        confidence always serves the same
                                            purpose: facilitating social-assimilation.
                                            Ì "What drives and compromises
                                            confidence globally" p.36
Women’s confidence
                        is relational and a
                        collective matter
                        If this 3year long study teaches us one thing, it’s that contrary to
                        popular belief, women’s confidence is not a personal matter. The
                        study’s results led us to formulate a sociological position: confidence
                        is relational and a collective issue. This is why we decided that the
                        study’s goal was to better understand confidence in order to act on it.

                        T     here is an undeniable difference
                              between female and male
                         experiences with confidence1.
                                                                              Since 2010, International Women’s
                                                                              rights Day is celebrated annually
                                                                              throughout the world. What do
                         Ongoing political, economic,                         these social phenomena tell us
                         social and technological changes                     about women’s confidence?
                         in our contemporary societies
                         have reshaped the roles played                       Women often face obstacles when
                              by women, as well as the                        trying to achieve their personal and
           Why confidence?    conditions of their existences.                 professional goals. While society
                                                                              is more inclined to let women
      Women often face        Many events in the last decade                  rise to higher ranks in theory,
                              have shed light on women’s                      many conscious and unconscious
obstacles when trying to
                              experiences confidence. In 2019,                practices in the workplace and
     achieve their goals,     Germany declared Women’s                        in daily life continue to favor
                              Day a national holiday in order                 their discrimination. Wage gaps,
   which invite them to
                              to let women protest violence                   maternity leave, access to education,
   question the validity      and champion equality. In 2018,                 infantilization, unequal chore
                              the French movement “Nous                       distribution and sexual objectification
   of their requests and
                              toutes” organized a protest                     are only some of the obstacles that
      feasibility of their    against conjugal violence and                   prohibit women from breaking the
                              murders of women. In 2018, the                  glass ceiling. The common barriers
                              Women’s March celebrated its                    that women face often invite them
                              first anniversary in more than                  to question the validity of their
                         30 countries (including Australia,                   requests and feasibility of their
                         France, Great Britain, Mexico, United                dreams. These self-assessments
                         States of America). Since launching                  are not without consequence on
                         in 2016, The Wing (a female-focused                  women’s sense of confidence, as
                         and co-working space collective)                     their everyday experiences influence
                         has continued to grow dramatically.                  their perception of themselves.

                        1Please note that our subject is self-confidence,
                        even when we use women’s confidence, we
                        talk about self-confidence, and never about
                        confidence in other persons, things, neither trust.

6 • WOCO
“Others’ opinions are very important to
 Korean people. How others think about
     them, how others look at them. But
  these days one’s own value, one’s own
    personality are being considered as
 important too. I think society has been
                   김현 (Kim Hyun), Seoul, Korea

      A relational and collective matter • 7
“When I started having short hair,
someone said, ‘You should have long
hair’, then I asked myself, ‘Should I
have longer hair? For what? I should be
myself. I trust myself.’ I am confident
enough to say ‘No, I love
my hair.’”
Maiko, Tokyo, Japan
Our position:                      life, the laws and rules of the       the variety of confidence-
                                   society we live in, its collective    contributing-experiences
confidence                         narratives and myths.                 available to women.
is an issue to
                                   Understanding confidence              We were able to illustrate these
be improved                        as a collective phenomenon            impacts through the confidence
collectively                       also implies the way we act in        index we developed, as well
                                   order to increase confidence.         as through the testimony
Confidence is not only             Empowerment grows                     of the 11,176 women we
individual, it is a collective     through collective actions.           solicited. The WOCO scores
phenomenon and it is                                                     helped us understand the
built collectively.                                                      workings of their personal
In a time when we are mostly       Our goal is to                        confidence, as well as that
and primarily defined by our       understand,                           of their gender, within their
individuality, confidence                                                country of residence.
                                   measure, and
appears, in the first place, as                                          As a consequence, confidence
an individual quality. It is a     increase women’s
                                                                         will vary depending on
personality trait, experienced     confidence on a                       women’s ability to balance
differently by each and every      global scale.                         collective standards, personal
one of us. We thought we                                                 values and aspirations.
could “have” it, “own” it,         The Women’s Confidence
“grow” it by ourselves.            index (WOCO) measures what            ...In order to act
                                   matters: it tells us not only         on confidence.
On the contrary, the Women’s       how confident women are,
Confidence study makes it          but also what compromises             Through our index, we wanted
clear that confidence is mostly    their confidence and what             to shed light on levers of
a collective phenomenon.           drives it. Its goal is to identify    action to increase women’s
Confidence is entangled            levers of action to increase          confidence on both a macro
in our interactions with           women’s confidence.                   and micro level. Indeed, we
others. The way we speak,                                                are able to identify entry
act, interact and build our        Understanding &                       points to act on women’s living
relationships all ultimately       Measuring confidence…                 environments by concentrating
shape our confidence. It                                                 on the experiences that inhibits
must be shared, inspired           Because confidence is a
                                                                         their confidence. We hope to
and cultivated with others.        multifaceted phenomenon,
                                                                         inspire a network of actions
                                   we felt the need to break down
                                                                         that support the development
Confidence-building                the complexity of women’s
                                                                         of women’s confidence.
is a process linked to             confidence into different
socialization, as well as the      sources of confidence.
influence of an environment        Each source is like a bit of
(relationships, material           experience, a feeling you’d
                                                                         Understanding confidence
environment, culture, lifestyle)   have in everyday life. Mostly,
on a person’s existence.           sources of confidence would           We thought we could
Consequently, confidence           come combined; you’d draw
should be understood as a          from two or three at the same         have confidence, own it,
phenomenon that is both            time. The different sources           grow it by ourselves,
social and individual.             of experiences don’t have the
                                   same impact on every woman’s          when in fact it must be
We draw our confidence from        confidence. Some of them              shared, inspired and
many different sources: our        drive women’s confidence,
personal history, our daily        some of them compromise               grown with others.
                                   it. By identifying those
                                   sources, we intend to render

                                                                 A relational and collective matter • 9
                         We have attempted to grasp the multifaceted phenomenon of
                         confidence by examining the fields of philosophy, sociology,
                         psychology, psychoanalysis and practical psychology. We
                         identified 14 different sources of confidence, led qualitative
                         interviews, and launched a quantitative survey in 11 countries.

                         B    ased on a preliminary study,
                              we identified not one but 14
                         sources at play in the building of
                                                                    The WOCO index makes it
                                                                    possible to circumscribe women’s
                                                                    confidence to sources, places and
                         confidence. After testing these            age groups on a global scale. While
                         sources, we needed to adapt them for       some components of confidence
                         local variations, and measure how          are international, others may be
                         each one would drive or compromise         dependent on their country of origin,
                         the building of confidence.                culture and individual experiences.

                         A confidence                               Cultural differences:
                         Index: drivers and                         incorporating
                         compromisers                               women’s realities
                         around the world                           Our database consists of qualitative
                            To measure the role of each source of   and quantitative data. We conducted
                                 confidence, Eranos decided to      live interviews with 176 women and
                                 build a confidence index. This     gathered the results of 11,000 online
        Classifying confidence   confidence index is designed       surveys completed by American,
                                 to inform three variables:         French, German, Mexican, British,
      If some components                                            Chinese, Hong Kong regional1,
                                 the source of confidence, the
    of self-confidence are       intensity level of confidence      Japanese, Korean, Russian and
                                 experience, and the region         Australian women. We defined
     international, others                                          one score per country, to draw a
                                 where those experiences
       can depend on their       occurred. At the end of the        comparison between women’s
                                 day, this index enables us to      confidence experiences in countries
          country of origin,                                        with vastly different cultures.
                                 answer 3 key questions: how
   their culture and their       self-confident are the women       With no less than 11,176 data
                                 living in the same country?        points around the globe, this is the
 individual experiences.
                                 What drives and compromises        widest-ranging report of its kind.
                                 their confidence? Where would
                            an action be most impactful? With
                            these inquiries, our mission is to
                            better identify and understand the
                            drivers of confidence everywhere.

                                                                    1Our study’s specific approach to confidence
                                                                    led us to differentiate the Hong Kong special
                                                                    administrative region from China in the analysis of
                                                                    both our field investigations and our quantitative

10 • WOCO
We investigated confidence                                                                                   Debiasing confidence

in 11 countries and retrieved                                                                                 In order to get the
sentiments from…                                                                                             fullest picture of a
                                                                                                              complex cultural
55-69 years old          24%
                                                                                                                phenomena, we
45-54 years old         21%
                                                                                                        mixed qualitative and
35-44 years old         20%
                                                                                                       quantitative data, and
25-34 years old         22%
                                                                                                           asked local experts
18-24 years old   13%

                                                                                                            to help us navigate
                                                                                                               that complexity.
                                                             WOMEN TOTAL

                   RESPONDENTS                                                          RESPONDENTS
                                                                                        We mobilized teams in 11
                   Our team sent out an online survey
                                                                                        countries and interviewed 176
                   to 1000 women in each country to
                                                                                        women on the meaning of self-
                   measure individual and national
                                                                                        confidence. To assure viewpoint
                   levels of self-confidence. The
                                                                                        diversity we chose to interview
                   respondents were of various cities,
                                                                                        women from both larger and
                   ages (18-69) and social-economic
                                                                                        smaller cities in each country.

                                                         152                                             24
                                                         INTERVIEWEES                                    In addition to our female panel we
                                                         Panelists (of various age,                      retrieved expert testimony from
                                                         origins, backgrounds, and                       women we considered to be wellversed
                                                         professions) shared their                       on the subject of self-confidence.
                                                         understanding of their own                      Within our expert group we made a

                                                         sense of self-confidence. These                 distinction between Academic experts
                                                         women helped us calibrate our                   and great witnesses.

                  TYPES                                  surveys to regional specifics and
                                                         decipher our quantitative data
                                                                                                         Ì "Expert Sources" p.122 in the White

                  OF DATA                                accordingly.

       Ì "Methods paper" p.158
       in the White Paper
                                                                     EXPERTS                              WITNESSES
                                                                     Academic experts are women           Great witnesses are women
                                                                     who directly or indirectly           whose professional or personal
                                                                     study/publish women’s self-          achievements can be attributed to
                                                                     confidence. They were able           the expression of a great deal of
                                                                     to provide us with reference         confidence in the face of adversity
                                                                     material and scientific              and institutionalized misogyny.
                                                                     perspective.                         These women provided us with data
                                                                                                          on the mechanics of confidence in
                                                                                                          high stress/intense situations.

                                                                                                                Methodology • 11
      in a few                                               ©

            Overviewing confidence

                 An overview of
                                          of British women think that
                                          they would not find a better
                                                                                  of German women, or more
                                                                                  than 2 out of 3 German women,
                                          job if they were to lose the one        believe that the people they
                  that influence          they already have. Contrary             meet are not kind to them
                                          to common belief that finding           and will not tell them the
         women’s confidence               a job is easier in a liberal            truth. Meanwhile, 43% of them
              around the world.           culture, it reflects the fact           say that they cannot count
                                          that 1 out of 5 British women           on their intuition to figure
                                          live below the poverty line.            out people’s intentions.
                                          Ì "British confidence" p.26             Ì "German confidence" p.29




of Mexican women consider
themselves to be resilient, as
                                          of French women still do not
                                          believe that their actual job
                                                                                  of American women, or 2 out
                                                                                  of 3 American women, do not
they don’t get discouraged even           is their vocation. In a society         feel like they have a lucky star
when they experience injustice.           where intellectual abilities and        watching over them when they
As many Mexican women                     diplomas are highly valued,             have an important decision
take part in female networks              finding the right job is so             to make. This number is very
and support groups, they                  important that it can create            high considering that 56%
may find the strength to fight            a deceptive counter-effect.             of American women consider
back by gathering together.               When they find an actual job,           religious practice to be
                                          women do not feel like it is            important in their daily lives.
Ì "Mexican confidence" p.33
                                          the right one either because
                                                                                  Ì "American confidence" p.24
                                          it is not as fulfilling as it could
                                          be or because it doesn’t
                                          reflect their hard work.

                                          Ì "French confidence" p.28

12 • WOCO
©                       ©


of Australian women, or almost
1 out of 3 Australian women,
                                        of Hong Kong women, or nearly
                                        2 out of 3 women, say that they
                                                                           of Chinese women, or more
                                                                           than 1 out of 3 Chinese women,
affirm that in a professional           would hesitate to break the        believe they are viewed as
context they have special               rules even if they deemed them     strange in their everyday lives.
skills as women, which give             unwarranted. Respecting the        This underlines how the cultural
them an advantage over men.             rules is still a strong cultural   and community standards are
This echoes the idea that               standard and contesting them       so strong that they make it hard
womanhood gives them an edge            openly is not welcomed.            for you to be yourself, even
over their male counterparts.                                              when you conform to them.
                                        Ì "Hong Kong confidence" p.30
Ì "Australian confidence" p.25                                             Ì "Chinese confidence" p.27



40%                                     71%                                34%

of Korean women tend to                 of Russian women, or almost        of Japanese women, or more
think that when people try to           3 out of 4 Russian women,          than 1 out of 3 Japanese
discourage them, it makes them          believe that in a professional     women, think that all bad
want to succeed even more. This         context they know how to           things happen for a reason,
number is very high compared            behave suitably in order to        and we have to accept that,
to other countries because              be well perceived by their         even if it is hard. Indeed,
validation and support is often         colleagues and superiors.          contrary to Europe, Australia
highly valued in Korean cultures.       In Russia, knowing the rules       and the USA, the ability to
                                        is a way to master them            accept fate is valued in Japan.
Ì "Korean confidence" p.32
                                        and give you confidence.
                                                                           Ì "Japanese confidence" p.31
                                        Ì "Russian confidence" p.34

                                                                                         Methodology • 13
Confidence is the awareness
that exists between the
self and your actions
What does self-confidence mean? It’s the merger of two components: that of
the self and that of confidence. Self-confidence = confidence + self.

W      e questioned these
       notions using four
main sources: philosophy,
                                        “Self ” is a blurry concept
                                                                                        Self-confidence is an
                                                                                        “expectation of expectations”:
                                                                                        when you have it, it feels like
sociology, anthropology, and            behind which we can find many                   you know what the world
psychology. Through the                 different ways to qualify our                   expects from you—and
synthesis of these disciplines,         personal experiences. The self                  your next move becomes
we isolated the theoretical             is at the same time personal and                obvious! This entails that
frameworks of self-confidence.          social. The self is inconceivable               one’s conception of self is
                                        without society, and society                    not endangered by one’s
                                        is inconceivable without the                    social experiences.
Confidence                              self. This means two things:
                                        first, that the self cannot be                  Self-confident people have the
The term “confidence”                   defined without others (we                      ability to take a step back, as
is derived from the latin               see ourselves through others’                   there lies a relative continuity
“confidere” (con- “with” +‎             eyes); second, that our self is                 between what society requires
fīdō “trust”), which literally          shaped by our environment                       of them and their ability to meet
means “with faith’, “to trust”          (symbols, language, political                   those demands. Through their
or “to confide”. At the heart of        and social norms etc.). What                    way of being, they can reduce
confidence, there is a strong           does it mean to be me? If we                    the uncertainty of the world
dynamic, a relationship or              display a series of masks to                    they live in allowing themselves
exchange symbolized by                  others, there is no “true self ”                to act rather than react3.
the act of trusting another             behind the roles we perform2.
person or a thing.                                                                      In a nutshell, Self-confidence
                                                                                        is the awareness that exists
Thus, confidence designates,                                                            between the self and your
first and foremost, a form              Self-confidence                                 actions. The more confident
of social interaction or an             Self-confidence is confidence                   you are, the easier it is to act.
exchange rite. The immaterial           applied to self, meaning that it
object that is “trust” can be           expresses one’s ability to trust
placed in a group of individuals,       in oneself and act accordingly                  Ì "Self-Confidence" p.29 in
a company or an institution             within the bounds of society.
                                                                                        the White Paper
(“i trust them”), but it can
also be given to oneself, a
god, a person, a product
or a technical device1.                 Simmel, Olivetti Dictionary
                                        2 Sources: G. Simmel, J.L. Borges, D.
                                        Hume, P. Ricoeur, J-P. Sartre, C. Leguil, J.    3 Sources: F. Fanget, E. Erikson, G.
1 Sources: A. Giddens, N. Luhman, G.    Lacan, E. Goffman                               Durand, S. de Beauvoir, J. Butler

14 • WOCO
“Every single time I
initiated something
new, that made me feel
stronger and it made me
know more who I am. So
like in a way building, a
mix out of building and
finding out who I am.”
Debbie, Munich, Germany
14 sources of
confidence! Confidence can not
            be defined by one
            thing, it stems from
            14 different sources.
            The way we draw
            on them depends
            on our personalities,
            the hour of the day,
            the stage our lives
            are in... These 14
            sources of confidence
            range in kind, from
            the most exterior to
            the most interior.
Sources of
                                                                                                               confidence are
                                                                                                               the most exterior
                                                                                                               kind. Greater
                                                                                                               and remote ideas
                                                                                                               inspire us.

                                            womanhood                        Spirituality

       Sources of
       Normative              Utopias                                                         Transgression
confidence come
    from society.
      our cultural
     environment                                          Support-system
makes it easier to
          act in it.

                       Resemblance                                                                appearance
                                                             resilience                                        Sources
                                                                                                               of Interior
                                            intuition                             intellect                    confidence
                                                                                                               are embeded
                                                                                                               within us. They
                                                                                                               are familiar and
                                                                                                               make us feel

                                improving                                                     vocation

                                               routine                         certainties

               Sources of
    confidence are at the
     core of what we do.
    They allow us to trust
       that there's a floor
          under our feet.

                                                  There is a space between our will to
                                                act and the actual action. We navigate
                                               this space everyday, even in small things
                                                 like riding a bike or jumping a step. So
                                                  we draw from 14 different sources of
                                                 confidence to shorten that space, and
                                                           make it easier to act.
The 4 sources of
                                    Mythical confidence
                                    The mythical register of confidence refers to all the
                                    myths, representations and collective narratives
                                    that people use to guide their actions.

                                    A person draws self confidence from mythical sources
                                    when they are inspired or when they find legitimacy
                                    in heroes (fictional or real), ideals and/or faith.

                    Utopias                                            Transgression
   Form of confidence drawn                                               Form of confidence
    from a capacity to have a                                           drawn from a form of
   positive outlook on life or                                      transgression, a hijacking
idealize it, even in dire straits                                    of established standards

   “I draw confidence                                               “I draw confidence
   from the fact that if
                                              Womanhood               from the fact that
      I lost my job, I am             Form of confidence drawn          I do what I want
                                           from a subconscious
  convinced that I will               reference to an archetype    even if it contradicts                   Spirituality
     find a better one.”                   or a collective image          standards and
                                                                                                   Form of confidence drawn
                                                                         creates chaos.”
                                       “I draw confidence                                         from the certainty of being
                                                                                                    protected or guided by a
                                           from my ability                                       metaphysical presence (God,
                                               to challenge                                            destiny, a lucky star…)

                                      expectations others                                           “I draw confidence
                                        can impose on my                                           from my natal chart
                                              femininity .”                                        when I pass exams.”

18 • WOCO
The 3 sources
of Normative                                                                               Resemblance

                                                                                          Form of confidence
                                                                                    drawn from subconscious
                                                                                     integration of standards,
                                                                                          values and society’s
                                                                                        coercitive power over
                                                                                            individual actions
The normative register refers to all norms
or rules (whether implicit or explicit) that an                                     “I draw confidence
individual acknowledges and feels protected by.                                    from the knowledge
                                                                                      that my behavior
A person draws confidence from normative                                                will not be seen
sources when they find comfort in the                                             as crazy when I walk
fact that they are doing things the “right”            Support-system                    around town.”
way (respecting the status quo).                    Form of confidence drawn
                                                       from others’ validation,
                                                  approval and encouragement

                                                     “I draw confidence
                                                       from the fact that
                                                     my manager values
                                                        and endorses my
                                                     actions when I take
                                                      initiative at work.”

                                                                                            Form of confidence
                                                                                        drawn from embracing
                                                                                   standardized tangible signs
                                                                                     of differentiation, such as
                                                                                  clothing or makeup choices.

                                                                                    “I draw confidence
                                                                                   from my knowledge
                                                                                    of the proper dress-
                                                                                          codes for each
                                                                                  situation, it helps me
                                                                                      to feel and appear
                                                                                           like I belong.”

                                                                        14 sources of confidence • 19
The 5 sources
 of Interior
 The interior register refers to all the aspects of
 one's past, baggage, beliefs, and convictions
 that legitimize their identity and give
 them purpose in a social environment.

 A person draws confidence from the interior
 register when their actions or aspirations find
 meaning within their personal journeys.
                                                                Form of confidence drawn
                                                                  from feeling certainty in
                                                                one’s path or ability. Being
                                                                    where one needs to be

                                                                  “I draw confidence
                                                                   from my ability to
                                                                  rise to the occasion
                                                                        when I’m told
                                                                      to reconsider or
                                                                       rewrite an idea
                                                                            at my job.”

                                            Resilience                                                       Intellect
                                                                                                Form of confidence drawn
                                        Form of confidence                                          from certainty in one’s
                                 drawn from a capacity of                                         intellectual background:
              Improving         resilience, and acceptance
                                            of one’s destiny
                                                                                                       culture, knowledge,
                                                                                                        expertise, diplomas
   Form of confidence drawn
   from the tension between
                                 “I draw confidence                                              “I draw confidence
       guilt or shame, and a          from my belief                                               from the fact that
     necessity to take action
                                     in destiny, even                                             I know my subject
    “I draw confidence             when something                                                     material. This
  from the permanent                 bad happens to                                                   makes me feel
      fight between my                 me, because I                                               legitimate when I
  desire to get on stage,            know it doesn’t                           Intuition            speak in public.”
   and my fear of being              depend on me.”              Form of confidence drawn
                                                               from a experiential certainty
  paralyzed by stress.”                                           and one’s intuitive ability

                                                                  “I draw confidence
                                                                     from my instinct
                                                                         to be able to
                                                                     make important

20 • WOCO
The 2 sources
of Established
The established register refers to all
stable elements of one’s life, those they                                             Certainties
believe will not and cannot change.                                         Form of confidence drawn
                                                                                   from a subconscious
A person draws confidence from the                                                    integration of the
                                                                               existence of my material
established register when they’re reassured                               environment and operational
by the routine they are following.                                                      motor functions

                                                           Routine           “I draw confidence
                                                                              from my ability to
                                                   Form of confidence
                                                    drawn from habits,     adapt my route when
                                                   integrated common        there’s a table in the
                                                sense and everyday life
                                                                           middle of the room.”
                                               “I draw confidence
                                                 from the fact that
                                                  nothing has ever
                                                  happened to me,
                                              because that makes
                                                   me feel secure.”

                                                                    14 sources of confidence • 21
Linking numbers
to feelings
T    he scores showcased on
     the map represent the
average confidence scores of
the 11,000 women (1,000/
country) who answered our
online survey in each region.

Based on the distribution of
global averages, we can say that
a confidence score between 0
and 3.9 is considered extremely
low, a confidence score between
4 and 5.9 is considered low, a
confidence score between 6
and 7.9 is considered moderate
and a confidence score between
8 and 10 is considered high.

The average scores attributed
to Korean, Hongkongese,

Chinese, Russian, Japanese,
American, Mexican, French,
British, German and Australian
women on the map indicate                                                    USA
that globally, women’s sense of
confidence is rather moderate.

                    Extremely low and low
                                                                   confidence level
                    confidence level global                        global average:
                       average: 66,14%                                 31,44%


                                                                  20.1%                                     6.7 6.8 6.6 6.8      6.7

                                                                              11.3%        High
                                                                                       level global

 0.3%    0.4%

 [0-1]   [1-2]   [2-3]      [3-4]       [4-5]   [5-6]   [6-6,9]   [7-8]      [8-8,9]     [9-10]
                                                                                                            West East North South USA   MX

22 • WOCO
Measuring confidence

                                                                         Since 6/10 is considered a
                                                                                low score, globally,
                                                                                 women's sense of
                                                                              confidence is rather




6.1                                                    7.1
FR                                                     CN


              6.5                                            6.6
  6.1   6.1         6.2                                6.3
                                5.7 5.9         5.9



  FR    GB    DE    EU    JP    KR   HK   CN    ASIA   AU    RU

                                                                                  Local Results • 23

                                     American confidence
 While confidence in the USA is often considered to be a personal and individual matter, women
find that receiving support and recognition from others helps to make them feel more confident.

                                                                                         7.4  ROUTINE

                   6.1
                   5.9
                                                   6.7  US
                                                                                         7.3  SUPPORT-SYSTEM
                                                                                         7.1  INTUITION

                   What compromises                          What drives American
                  American confidence                        confidence
 UTOPIAS • Dealing with dystopian                                         ROUTINE • Believing in the power
 beliefs. The majority of American                                        of local regency. Because they
 women find themselves disengaged                                         focus on their own separate realities,
     and afflicted by a fear of “acts of                                  individuals struggle to find common
      God” that make them doubtful about what                ground in a greater good. Indeed, legitimacy
        lies ahead. Nonetheless, the security that           given to the independence of the different states
   stems from a sense of community encourages                mirrors individuals’ belief in the validity of
     projection and optimism in women. Latinas               their local community’s experience. Moreover,
              and African Americans perhaps best             attachment to surroundings and habits conveys a
      exemplify this statistic, as they achieve top                       profoundly American confidence in
            ranking scores in utopian confidence.                         known situations and experiences.

               RESILIENCE • Experiencing                                  SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Seeking
          discouragement & failure                                        validation from others.
  refusal. In a society where victory                                     Seeking external validation, even
          is worshiped, and exceeding                                     though it may be contrary to
      one’s own limitations is viewed                        individualistic values, leads some American
        as equally important, all forms of regret or         women to voluntarily modify their social
   discouragement become irrelevant. Everyone                circle to obtain the approval they seek.
    is responsible for their own failures and must
            find ways to avoid them at any cost. The                      INTUITION • Thriving from an
         cult of meritocracy and equal opportunity                        instinct-survivalist culture.
        that has nourished the “American Dream”                           Across the USA, an imbalance of
           isn’t compatible with the idea of destiny.                     access to information and technology
                                                             has raised a society that has survived by relying
                                                             primarily on their instinct. Those privileged
                                                             enough to exist within safer environments
                                                             have developed more trusting behaviours.
                                                             Today, the heirs of this intuitive mindset
                                                             have formed their own distinctive opinions,
                                                             ultimately making for a more divided society.

24 • WOCO

                                   Australian confidence
           Australian women believe that whatever issue you’re dealing with, you can
           benefit from the help of others. The mateship ideal, a legacy inherited from
              the first settlers, is a major value of Australian women’s confidence.

                                                                                        7.2  ROUTINE

                    5.5
                    5.6
                                                6.3   AU
                                                                                      6.7  INTUITION
                                                                                      6.7  SUPPORT-SYSTEM

                 What compromises                          What drives
               Australian confidence                       Australian confidence
         RESILIENCE • Never sit back.                                   ROUTINE • Life experiences as a
Australian women’s ability to accept                                    strength. Routine is a strong source
their fate is hindered by their strong                                  of confidence for Australian women,
  sense of unfairness, coupled with                                     mostly because they feel that they
    the inability to accept failure. They prefer to        are able to demonstrate good judgement in their
      react to bad things, rather than accept fate.        everyday life. This ability can be based on life
                                                           experiences; the older you become, the more
   UTOPIAS • Being an unfailing self-                      self-confident in your judgement you are.
   made woman. In a society where
everyone is responsible for their own                                   INTUITION • Cautiousness inherited
     achievements, Australian women                                     from pioneer spirit. Australian
feel that they must avoid failure at any cost, even                     intuition can be interpreted
 if it means not trying. The myth of the self-made                      as “cautious”; if they feel that
   man leaves little compassion for those who fail.        something is going to turn wrong, it will
                                                           often deter them from going on. It can also
                                                           be interpreted as a “pioneer intuition”, or a
                                                                        reaction to the hostility of their
                                                                        country and its isolation.

                                                                        SUPPORT-SYSTEM • The mateship
                                                                        ideal. The ideal value of
                                                                        “mateship” - a notion coming
                                                                        from the first settlers - is based
                                                           on the belief that any situation should be able
                                                           to be sorted out thanks to the help of others.
                                                           In a society where individualistic values are
                                                           prevalent, mateship strengthens confidence.

                                                                                           Local Results • 25

                                          British confidence
   Influenced by a liberal and cosmopolitan culture, British women believe that diversity is a
 source of strength; however, their economic instability makes it difficult to envision the future.

                                                                                        7.0  ROUTINE

                      5.4
                      5.3
                                                    6.1 GB
                                                                                       6.7  SUPPORT-SYSTEM
                                                                                      6.5  INTUITION

         What compromises British                            What drives
               confidence                                    British confidence
           UTOPIAS • When tomorrow                                        ROUTINE • Finding strength in
         rhymes with uncertainty.                                         everyday life. When you grow up in
        When one British woman out                                        cosmopolitan societies, intercultural
        of five lives under the poverty                                   relations are part of your day-to-day
     line, envisioning a bright future might prove           life. Common sense, practical intelligence and
        difficult. Indeed, the possibility of poverty        respect are needed to forge social bonds between
         in post-industrial economies contributes                         people of other backgrounds,
       to women’s uncertainties and makes them                            cultures, ideas and life choices.
    doubtful about their ability to face challenges.
                                                                          SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Getting support
        RESILIENCE • Keep control over                                    from micro-communities. In
   your future. Resilient confidence                                      a liberal country where working
   relies on the ability to accept future                                 communities are characterized
  uncertainties. This is precisely what                      by changes and instability, getting support
 Great Britain decided not to do. By being the first         or validation from your closest relatives and
 country to exit the EU, Great Britain is playing its        being part of a micro-community is a strong
     last hand to take back control over its destiny.        way to enhance your confidence. Family
                                                             is an important structure that may help to
                                                             provide validation for your choices and paths.
                                                             British women have high expectations tied
                                                             to receiving support from their relatives.

                                                                         INTUITION • Improving your self-
                                                                         made mind. In traditional
                                                                         protestant cultures, salvation
                                                                         mostly depends on the individual,
                                                             which favours the myth of the self-made,
                                                             self-examined mind. For the responsive and
                                                             proactive woman, intuition may be a good ally.
                                                             This chain of consequences and its pragmatic
                                                             orientations brings to light why British women
                                                             count on their intuition to build confidence.

26 • WOCO

                                         Chinese confidence
                 Chinese women feel torn between traditional cultural values and
                     their desire to thrive independently and be themselves.


                  6.2
                  6.1
                                                   7.1 CN
                                                                                        7.3       IMPROVING

                    What compromises                        What drives
                    Chinese confidence                      Chinese confidence
               RESEMBLANCE • Existing in                                 IMPROVING • Best by comparison.
             a community. Although                                       From childhood to adulthood,
   individualism has grown stronger                                      comparisons are highly valued and
    over generations, social relations                                   play a crucial part in confidence
    continue to be ruled by communal standards.             building. Women struggle to be themselves,
  Parents' influence over their children’s choices          when they have to be better than others and
   in life is criticized, but remains very powerful.        can’t be too different from others. When
  To accept oneself means to accept one’s family.           they succeed, they feel self-confident, but
   Women are torn between two roles to play: the            it also makes them feel highly pressured.
good wife-mother, discreet, beautiful and strong,
and the successful, independent working woman.

       RESILIENCE • Facing destiny in
      the biggest country in the
     world. The will to choose one’s
  path often faces social barriers and
   creates a feeling of inescapable destiny. At the
    same time, the Chinese society is undergoing
       so many changes that it creates feelings of
   unpredictability. Both feelings shape women’s
  confidence. In the biggest country in the world,
           resilience can be a question of survival.

                                                                                          Local Results • 27
©   French confidence
Influenced by strong feminist figures, French women are perceived as free-minded, self-assured
 and at ease when speaking publicly. But it turns out that they feel doubtful about their life path.

                                                                                       6.8         SUPPORT-SYSTEM
        VOCATION      5.3
                   UTOPIAS  3.3
                                                  6.1  FR
                                                                                       6.6        CERTAINTIES

                                                                                       6.6        INTUITION

                    What compromises                                    What drives
                    French confidence                                   French confidence
       UTOPIAS • Today is better than                                     SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Demanding
    tomorrow. Utopias rely on grand                                       recognition. Family, friends and
myths, such as progress: tomorrow will                                    peers can play an immense part
always be better than today. This myth                                    in confidence building. In France,
     is balanced by an urge to live in the moment,          the need for approval and recognition from
   as it is becoming more and more difficult to be          others is particularly high in work situations.
  able to look to the future in a country where the         However, it is a need for gratitude rather
      economic situation is not bright and a world          than a need for validation. Nonetheless,
          where natural resources are not limitless.        the more qualified you are, the less you
                                                            will feel the need for others’ approval.
VOCATION • Get lost to find yourself.
      Feeling that you have a vocation                                   CERTAINTIES • Finding stability in
       implies that your intimate voice                                  bodily experiences. As France
      is stronger than the surrounding                                   was the pioneer country in child
  noises. But for French women, who are exposed                          psychology studies in the 60’s,
         to daily contradictory injunctions and role        motor and intellectual skills became a crucial
         models, all coming from multiple sources,          part of children’s education and development.
             finding your own path can be difficult.        Consciousness is both psychological and
                                                            linked to bodily experiences. It is the core of
                                                            individual identity. This is why it is an important
                                                            source of French women’s confidence.

                                                                        INTUITION • Experiencing
                                                                        spontaneity. Intuition doesn’t
                                                                        need to be proven right. It is
                                                                        proof by itself. But this ability
                                                            to understand oneself is grounded in past
                                                            experiences. The French women who value
                                                            their experiences, are quick to follow their
                                                            spontaneous instincts before making a decision.

28 • WOCO
German confidence
                  In Germany, women oscillate between strong-willed behaviour
                        and doubt of both the short and long-term future.

                                                                                          7.2  SUPPORT-SYSTEM

                   5.7
                   5.5
                                                 6.5   DE
                                                                                         7.0  ROUTINE
                                                                                        6.8  INTUITION

                   What compromises                                     What drives
                   German confidence                                    German confidence
  UTOPIAS • What about tomorrow.                                        SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Becoming the
   German women are characterized                                       One. German women seek
        by their social agility, i.e. their                             validation for their efforts at
        ability to change easily, which                                 irreproachability - though they may
      may be seen as a strength. But adaptability           seek more internal validation than external.
         can make it more difficult to envision the         This would explain their desire to depend less
        future clearly and give you peace of mind.          on people in order to feel self-confident.

       RESILIENCE • Feeling in control                                   ROUTINE • Being strong every
     to escape destiny. The lack of                                      day. German women often
resilient confidence is a consequence                                    demonstrate a mindset of
       of the will to control their lives,                               strong confidence, especially at
   and a capacity to deal with failure. Rationality         work. Their disciplined actions give them a
    and desire to be in control are still important,        disciplined mindset. This protestant way of
        even though German women tend to lose               thinking allows German women to trust in their
 confidence in grand myths driven by rationality.           common sense and practical intelligence.

                                                                         INTUITION • Intuition as a
                                                                         philosophical inheritance.
                                                                         German women’s intuition is
                                                                         tempered by their intellect, where
                                                            they find arguments to justify their life choices.
                                                            We need to remember that “Intuitionism”,
                                                            a way of thinking based on subjectivity, is a
                                                            theory developed by German philosophers.

                                                                                             Local Results • 29

                                    Hong Kong confidence
Women in Hong Kong experience confidence building as an internal fight. This fight represents
    the difficult path between respecting the rules of society and forging one’s destiny.

                                                                                    6.5  SUPPORT-SYSTEM
      CERTAINTIES 5.4
                                                5.9   HK
                                                                                  6.2  ROUTINE
                                                                                  6.1  IMPROVING

            What compromises Hong                                      What drives Hong
                   Kong confidence                                     Kong confidence
               TRANSGRESSION • Passive-                                 SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Seeking Expertise.
       aggressiveness. Hong Kong                                        Still concerned with others’ approval,
    citizens have no problem voicing                                    Hong Kong women minimize their
      their political views and ideals,                                 scrutiny by leaving only parts of
 though this transgressive trait does not extend to        their lives up for debate. It is not uncommon for
  every aspect of their lives. In fact, while women        them to seek professional advice or tutoring tips.
   of Hong Kong sometimes go against the grain,            It is much less likely that they will discuss their
       it’s only rarely voiced out loud.                   personal friendships, marriages or finances.

    CERTAINTIES • Burns Out. In Hong                                    IMPROVING • Aiming higher and
    Kong, physical self-awareness is                                    never settling. In Hong Kong,
      highly impaired by fatigue and                                    competition is an important
stress. While this isn’t uncommon in large cities,                      component of success, whether
 the commonly prescribed remedies are ignored              this means getting into the right school,
 because of a strong female avoidance of doctors           the right college, finding the right job, or
due to consultation waits and high medical rates.          overcoming financial trouble. The relentless
                                                           competition between citizens pushes
                                                           women to constantly strive for loftier goals
                                                           in order to maintain their place in society.

                                                                        ROUTINE • Being over-prepared.
                                                                        As a major part of housework
                                                                        weighs on women’s shoulders,
                                                                        handling demanding jobs,
                                                           housework and raising children can prove
                                                           difficult. Many women hire maids to manage
                                                           their domestic responsibilities which allows
                                                           them to focus guilt-free on their other work.

30 • WOCO
Japanese confidence

 Japanese women’s ability to keep face can make them appear cold or distant. However, this
 is done in an effort to establish homogeneity, as showing confidence is not valued in Japan.

                                                                              5.4        IMPROVING

             UTOPIAS     4.4                   4.9   JP
                                                                              5.2       RESILIENCE

                                                                              5.3       ROUTINE

                 What compromises                          What drives Japanese
                Japanese confidence                        confidence
  UTOPIAS • Traditions vs Personal                                      IMPROVING • Keeping face.
  ambition. Japanese women tend                                         Although they are significantly
     to abide by traditions and social                                  more independent today than in
         standards and disapprove of                                    previous years, keeping face is still
    complaining. While this does enable them to            an integral part of womanhood. These seemingly
    find acceptance in dire situations, it can also        constraining standards are more protective
   prevent them from imagining and striving for            and empowering than one would think. While
    greater possibilities. This ultimately inhibits        others perceive you to be complacent, you
the confidence and creativity they would obtain            are free to be and think whatever you want.
     by dreaming or imagining a different world.
                                                                        RESILIENCE • Seeking advice from
                                                                        Shintoite and Buddhist culture.
                                                                        As Japanese culture encompasses
                                                                        many teachings of both Shintoite
                                                           and Buddhist beliefs, many women have strong
                                                           attachment to the idea of destiny as something
                                                           you accept. Instead of having regrets, they
                                                           often prefer to seek advice from a “spiritual”
                                                           type guide or fortune teller—helping them
                                                           understand where life might lead them.

                                                                       ROUTINE • Finding balance in
                                                                       organization. As many Japanese
                                                                       women hold part-time jobs in order
                                                                       to support their families, they lead
                                                           very organized lives. Every little detail needs
                                                           to be planned down to the minute, so that
                                                           women can be consistent and present for their
                                                           husband, children, bosses, friends and families.
                                                           This system allows them to be sufficient, but
                                                           also provides them with a sense of security.

                                                                                           Local Results • 31
                                          Korean confidence
      Amidst an ever-changing and competitive society, Korean women feel the need to be
       supported and surrounded by their loved ones who give them a sense of stability.

                                                                                 6.2        SUPPORT-SYSTEM

                       5.0
                       5.2
                                                 5.7  KR
                                                                                  6.1      IMPROVING

                                                                                 6.0       ROUTINE

                     What compromises                                  What drives
                     Korean confidence                                 Korean confidence
      RESILIENCE • Being responsible                                    SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Being backed
         today and tomorrow. In a                                       up. Validation, approbation
  success-oriented society, failure is                                  and encouragement from
 particularly difficult to admit. As an                                 others is apparent in daily
individual, you feel responsible for not achieving         interactions, as Korean language is
your goals in both your professional and personal          extremely hierarchic. Appearances matter
        life. This difficulty is further compounded        a lot. Women frequently emphasize how it
        as the current future feels more uncertain         matters to them that their parents—mothers
       than during the years of economic growth.           especially—be supportive of their choices.

       CERTAINTIES • Dealing with an                                   IMPROVING • Losing face and
        adverse reality together.                                      finding it again. The ability
       The “we” is more common in                                      to fight back is highly valued in
      Korea than the “I”. “I” will be                                  a society where losing face is
  employed only to differentiate oneself from the          probably the biggest confidence compromiser.
    group. Because ever-changing reality can be            The capacity to challenge social norms
    threatening, it is important to stick together.        can be externalized, or on the contrary
                                                           internalized for the sake of appearances.

                                                                        ROUTINE • Cultivating daily
                                                                        wisdom. In Korea, habits, common
                                                                        sense and everyday life provide
                                                                        a feeling of stability that strongly
                                                           correlates with the support received from
                                                           family and loved ones. You draw confidence
                                                           from the people you know you can trust.
                                                           “To believe” and “to trust” are generally
                                                           translated as the same word in Korean.

32 • WOCO

                                     Mexican confidence
Raised in a country where feminicidios are numerous, Mexican women nonetheless feel very
 self-confident. They find strength in their education and the support of their loved ones.

                                                                                            8.5        INTELLECT

 RESILIENCE     6.6                             7.7 MX
                                                                                           8.4         SUPPORT-SYSTEM

                                                                                           8.2        ROUTINE

                 What compromises                         What drives
                 Mexican confidence                       Mexican confidence
       RESILIENCE • Accepting one’s                                     INTELLECT • Being educated and
     fate. While Mexican women’s                                        skilled to face everyday life.
     resilient confidence is not that                                   Being educated and skilled is very
      low, it ranks lower than many                                     important to Mexican women
others. It is particularly low for younger women          who feel like it’s an advantage in their daily life
   and women without children or alone with a             (especially older women, who place it above 9
     child. It might be due to the social pressure        on a ten point scale). They never doubt their
   experienced by young Mexican women, who                skills and intellectual abilities. In a country
 are pressured to get married and start a family.                      where 57% of a generation never
                                                                       graduates high school, being
                                                                       educated makes a difference.

                                                                       SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Being valued
                                                                       and supported by others. It is
                                                                       important for Mexican women to
                                                                       be complimented and feel external
                                                          validation. The more surrounded they are
                                                          by their loved ones, the better they feel. This
                                                          plays a huge part in confidence building.

                                                                       ROUTINE • Finding strength in
                                                                       your well-known environment.
                                                                       Demonstrating good judgement
                                                                       in their daily decisions is not only
                                                          important for Mexican women, it is also a
                                                          survival strategy. It helps them in scenarios when
                                                          they feel threatened, like walking alone by night.

                                                                                           Local Results • 33

                                        Russian confidence
            Emancipated by work and economic prosperity, Russian women feel that they
             are experiencing political changes in their very core. Nonetheless, everyday
                    life, and traditional family ties offer them a feeling of stability.


                     5.7
                     5.8
                                                  6.6  RU
                                                                                          7.6 
                                                                                         7.3 


                    What compromises                                    What drives
                    Russian confidence                                  Russian confidence
           RESILIENCE • Pattern-driven                                   SUPPORT-SYSTEM • Feeling strong
         behavior. Because past and                                      blood-ties. In every family across
      present Russian institutions are                                   the world there are ups and downs,
     rather procedural, citizens often                                   moments of disagreements, tensions,
    know or are told, by a teacher, a superior or an        and feelings of distance. In Russia, the bonds
 administrator, the proper steps to follow in most          that link family members are especially strong
 situations. As these patterns make it hard to fail,        as family was a significant pillar of the soviet
     this can be reassuring. Nonetheless, cultural          ideology. Because these values transcended
        automatism leaves little room for Russian           the era, Russian women draw confidence
        women to envision the many possibilities            from the fact that they can count on the
               and outcomes of difficult situations.        support of their families even in dire times.

       CERTAINTIES • Trusting stability.                                 ROUTINE • Clinging to slavic lore.
         In an era of prosperity, recent                                 Despite being some of the most
      historical events remain vivid in                                  emancipated women in history,
        Russian people’s minds. Many                                     Russian women remain very
     women clearly remember transitioning from              traditional. Traditions provide a sense of stability
 very government-organized lives, to a new world            and reassurance. Women draw their confidence
     in which their economy and political systems           from habits, integrated common sense and
 underwent drastic transformations. In the midst            everyday life. This is why Russian folklore and
  of these unstable circumstances, women’s faith            history remain crucial in order to understand
          in the future of their country was shaken.        the inhabitants’ cultural and social habits.

34 • WOCO
“Self confidence is a process. It’s not
 something that you’re born with, of
 course. But if you are born to a family
where everybody tells you that you
are smart and beautiful and all sorts
of things, then I think that you can be
confident from the very beginning.”
Lilit, Moscow, Russia
What drives and
        confidence globally
   On a global scale, the construction
 of women’s confidence is driven by 6
  sources (Support-systems, Routine,
  Certainties, Intuition, Resemblance
 and Improving) that allow women to
facilitate their social integration. Yet, it
is compromised by 5 sources (Utopias,
Womanhood, Resilience, Vocation and
  Transgression) which are less useful
skills for social integration. What drives
 and compromises confidence globally
     is a thirst for social integration.

      Analyzing the mechanisms of women’s confidence has allowed us
     to better understand the system on which it is founded. Confidence
   sources are developed in different capacities, according to the functions
     they must serve. To use a metaphor, our self-confidence mimics the
     mechanisms of a train: it is powered by an engine (driving sources of
   confidence), burdened by a load (compromising sources of confidence)
       and stabilized by a wagon (intermediary sources of confidence).
    Overall, the key learning is that sources allowing women to integrate
       themselves better in society are stronger sources of confidence.
Compromisers:                       Useful sources:                     Drivers: the
the load                            the wagon                           power engine
Compromisers are sources            Other useful sources of self-       Drivers are sources that
that pull women’s confidence        confidence may be less valued       increase women’s confidence
scores down. When a person          for their ability to build actual   scores. When a person
recognizes that a source is         confidence. While they still        recognizes that a source is
key to their confidence, and        have an impact, they do it          key to their confidence, and
declares that this source is dry,   in a less consequential way.        declares that this source is
it becomes a compromiser.           These less significant factors      strong, it becomes a driver.
When a source of confidence         constitute what we refer to         When a source of confidence
becomes a compromiser,              as “the wagon”. Yet, even           becomes a driver, improving
improving it can also drastically   though Intellect, Appearance        it can drastically improve
improve confidence. The             and Spirituality sources are        confidence. Support-system,
“load” gathers experiences          considered less important,          Routine, Certainties, Intuition,
that hinder confidence levels,      they are generally well-            Resemblance and Improving
which are consequently called       graded. Since these types are       sources are all driving forces of
“compromisers”: Utopias,            navigational and goal-oriented      confidence. This is especially
Womanhood, Resilience,              tools, women tend to build          alarming because those sources
Vocation and Transgression. To      self-confidence by asserting        are restricted in essence.
put it in a nutshell, they create   themselves (showcasing or
an opposing force that partially    giving more importance to their
counters the positive effects of    social and academic success,
the power engine and drivers.       for instance). These experience
                                    types are more individual and
                                    generally contribute less to
                                    confidence levels than their
                                    collective-based counterparts.

   COMPROMISERS                                                                     DRIVERS      
      THE LOAD                                THE WAGON                     THE POWER ENGINE
  Utopias, Womanhood,                     Intellect, Apearance,             Support-System, Routine,
  Resilience, Vocation                    Spirituality. The most                Certainties, Intuition,
  and Transgression.They                    individual sources                      Resemblance and
  create a counterforce                    generally contribute                 Improving. The most
  that partially negates                less to confidence levels                collective (normative
  the effects of the power                 than their collective-                     and established)
  engine and its drivers.                  based counterparts.                     sources are driving
                                                                                 forces of confidence.

                                                                                 Global Mechanics • 37
                                                            Ì "Global Mechanics" p.82 of the White Paper
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