Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5:30 PM - ONLINE - Ruapehu ...

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Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5:30 PM - ONLINE - Ruapehu ...
Tuesday, 14
September 2021
     at 5:30 PM
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5:30 PM - ONLINE - Ruapehu ...

                      NOTICE OF MEETING

            ONLINE ON TUESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2021, AT 5:30PM


Chairperson          Peter Zimmer

Board Members        Mark Bolten
                     Clark McCarthy
                     Simon O’Neill

Councillors          Murray Wilson

Mayor (Non-voting)   Don Cameron

Clive Manley

                          FACEBOOK PAGE
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 5:30 PM - ONLINE - Ruapehu ...
Roles and Powers of Community Boards

The Community Board has already been delegated the task of co-ordinating rural reserves and hall
committees. It also has a major input into the development of Council’s Long Term Plan.

The Community Board’s prime objective is to be the interface between Council and the ratepayers
and public of the Ward.

Role of Community Boards
The role of a Community Board is to (Section 52 Local Government Act 2002 [LGA]):

(a)      Represent and act as an advocate for the interests of the community.
(b)      Consider and report on all matters referred to it by the territorial authority, or any other matter
         of interest or concern to the community board.
(c)      Maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial authority within the community.
(d)      Prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for expenditure within the
(e)      Communicate with community organisations and special interest groups within the
(f)      Undertake any other responsibilities that are delegated to it by the territorial authority.

Powers of Community Boards
A Community Board shall perform such functions and duties and exercise such powers as are
delegated to it by Council from time to time.

Powers of Community Boards (Section 53 – LGA):
1     A community board has the powers that are:
      (a) Delegated to it by the relevant territorial authority in accordance with Clause 32 of
           Schedule 7 of the LGA.
      (b) Prescribed by the Order in Council constituting its community.
2     The powers of a Community Board prescribed by Order in Council expire at the close of six
      years after the Order comes into force.
3     Despite subsection (1), a community board may not:
       (a) Acquire, hold or dispose of property.
       (b) Appoint, suspend or remove staff.

Powers Delegated to the Community Board by Council
• The co-ordination of rural reserves and hall committees.
•     To allocate the approved budget for the following activities in the area:
       Footpaths programme;
       Parks and Reserves discretionary spend;
       Public information signage.
•     To approve:
       Temporary road closures for events (subject to administrative imperatives);
       Street names;
       Parades, collections and special uses of the roads;
       Changes to speed restrictions on local roads (subject to NZTA rules);
       Road closures.
                                                    ORDER PAPER

               ONLINE ON TUESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 2021, AT 5:30PM
                             PUBLIC BUSINESS

1          Apologies

2          Declarations of Interest:
           Notification from Elected Members of:
           2.1 Any interests that may create a conflict with their role as an elected member relating
           to the items of business for this meeting; and
           2.2 Any interests in items in which they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest as
           provided for in the Local Authorities (Members’ Interests) Act 1968

3          Notification of Additional Items:
           Pursuant to Sections 46A(7) and 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information
           and Meetings Act 1987, to receive the Chairperson’s explanation that specified item(s),
           which do not appear on the Agenda of this meeting and/or the meeting to be held with
           the public excluded, will be discussed.
           Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7) must be approved by resolution with an
           explanation as to why they cannot be delayed until a future meeting.
           Any additions in accordance with Section 46A(7A) may be received or referred to a
           subsequent meeting for further discussion. No resolution, decision or recommendation
           can be made in respect of a minor item.

4          Confirmation of Order of Meeting

5          Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing                                                         5

6          Confirmation of Minutes: 3 August 2021                                                                                   6

7          COVID-19 Update (Verbal)

8          Progress Report: Possible Site for Control Line Flying                                                               12

9          National Park Community Board Action List                                                                            14

10         Capital Works and Members Request for Information                                                                    20


11         Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Board Business                                                 23

   Please Note: The Reports attached to this Order Paper set out suggested resolutions only. These suggested resolutions do not
represent Board policy until such time as they might be adopted by Board resolution. This Order Paper may be subject to amendment
                                      either by addition or withdrawal of items contained therein.

                             National Park Community Board – Public Business –14 September 2021
                                                           Page 4

Report to: National Park Community Board

Meeting Date:        14 September 2021

Subject:             Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement
                     of Standing Orders

Purpose of Report
1.1        The purpose of this Report is to enable the Board to temporarily suspend Standing Orders in
           their entirety to allow Members and the Public to address the Board.

Significance and Engagement, Social Impact

2.1   There is nothing in this Report that triggers the Significance and Engagement Policy.

Public Forum Guidelines
3.1        The Community Board has adopted the following Public Forum Guidelines:
           (a) Five minutes speaking time will apply to each speaker or group.
           (b) Members of the public wishing to speak must advise the Community Board of the
                reasons and subject he/she wishes to address the Board a minimum of two clear working
                days prior to the meeting.
           (c) The Chair may refuse applications which are repetitious or offensive and may terminate
                a speaker in progress where the subject matter is disrespectful or offensive.
           (d) There are not to be criticisms of individual Board members or individual staff members.
           (e) The Public Forums are designed for people to speak about matters of interest to them
                to the Community Board. It is not intended that people should be questioning Board
                members on these occasions. However, Board members may ask questions of
                speakers to clarify their statements.

Suggested Resolution(s)
1     That the Report on Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing
      Orders be received.

2     That, pursuant to Section 27(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board
      temporarily suspends Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and the public to
      address the Board.

      The Board received addresses as follows:


      That, pursuant to Section 27(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the Board
      reinstates Standing Orders in their entirety for consideration of the agenda.

Tasha Paladin
    UNCONFIRMED                                                                              UNCONFIRMED



                        ON TUESDAY 3 AUGUST 2021, AT 5:32PM

                                            PUBLIC BUSINESS


Board Members           Peter Zimmer           (Chair)
                        Simon O’Neill
                        Clark McCarthy

Councillor              Murray Wilson

Mayor (Non-voting)      Don Cameron

Staff                   Clive Manley           Chief Executive (via Zoom)
                        Pauline Welch          Executive Manager Community & Economic Development
                        Warren Furner          Executive Manager Infrastructure
                        Dean Hosking           Manager Solid Waste (via Zoom)
                        Tasha Paladin          Governance Officer

1       Apologies

        Moved:    Member Zimmer
        Seconded: Member O'Neill

        That the Apologies for Board Member Bolten be accepted.

2       Declarations of Interest

        No conflicts of interest were declared.

                           National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                      Page 1
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3      Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of Standing Orders

       The Board temporarily suspended Standing Orders in their entirety.
       Moved:      Cr Wilson
       Seconded: Member O'Neill

       1    That the Report on Public Forum: Temporary Suspension and Reinstatement of
            Standing Orders be received.

       2    That pursuant to section 27(4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the
            Board temporarily suspends Standing Orders in their entirety to allow Members and
            the public to address the Community Board.

       The Community Board received addresses as follows:
          Councillor Wilson gave a verbal update on recent events, meetings and issues including:
            The new food outlet in National Park.
            The Broadband Installation contractor whom had inadvertently run the cable through
              the sewer pipe caused a blocked sewer at Alpine Apartments. The incident has been
            Concerns and disappointment regarding the clearing of tracks following the 1080
              drop in Erua on Friday 30 July. The landowner received a verbal agreement the drop
              would be kept clear of the Marton Sash and Door Tramway; however, the agreement
              was not upheld and the drop took place whilst visitors were on the tramline. Cr
              Wilson was assured all the tracks had been cleared following the drop, but on
              checking the area himself, Cr Wilson found 64 baits.
              The street lighting at National Park Village had been intermittent over the school
              holiday period. The issue appears to be resolved.

          Member O’Neill expressed his disappointment with the 1080 drop clear up; he
           considered tracks should be checked on the day of the drop.

          Mayor Cameron gave a verbal update on topics covered at the LGNZ Conference held
           in Blenheim in July, including Three Waters and the Future of Local Government Review.
           The Mayor is scheduled to address the Accessing Central New Zealand Governance
           Group Meeting to present plans for the Regional Passenger Rail connector between
           Auckland and Wellington.

          Member Zimmer gave a verbal update on recent events, meetings and issues including:
             Commercial vehicles parking over footpaths.
             Disappointment at the lack of wide consultation over the 1080 drop in Owhango
              Water Catchment Area. He felt there were flaws with public notification of the drop.
              Member Zimmer declared his interest in the matter and his lobbying of the
              Department of Conservation (DOC), and Waikato DHB. Member Zimmer had
              requested a trickle feed over the area and for the drop to be kept away from the
              waterway. He has also submitted an RFS to Council and is awaiting a response.
            The tree at the swimming pool had been successfully removed.

                         National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                    Page 2
    UNCONFIRMED                                                                              UNCONFIRMED
               Disappointment with the lack of progress with the slip on the Ohinetonga Loop track.
                The matter was raised at the July meeting of the Tongariro Taupo Conservation
                Board, however there has been no further response from DOC.
               The community Board undertook to write to DOC to propose a solution to the matter.

       Moved:    Member Zimmer
       Seconded: Member O'Neill

       1       That, pursuant to Section 27 (4) Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002, the
               Board reinstates Standing Orders in their entirety for consideration of the Agenda.

4      Confirmation of Minutes: 22 June 2021

       Cr Wilson advised he recommended Shaun Suter (Deputation: Control Line Flying) to
       contact the Chateau Airfield. Officers continue to investigate the Lease Agreement with
       Taumarunui Aerodrome on behalf of Cr Wilson.

       Moved:    Cr Wilson
       Seconded: Member O'Neill

       That the Public-Business Minutes of the National Park Community Board meeting held 22
       June 2021, be confirmed as a true and correct record subject to the following amendment:

       Item 3 – Public Forum
            Amend the comments made by Member O’Neill to read: “Member O’Neill expressed
              his concerns with the signage for the look-out falsely indicating a parking area” and
              “Mardi Gras created significant issued for National Park. Member O’Neill expressed
              his concerns, and these were support by other members present”

5      Representation Review

       Members received a report presenting options for community boards for the 2022
       representation review for recommendation to Council. Council is required to undertake a
       review of current representation arrangements in Ruapehu District prior to the 2022 local
       elections as it is now six years from its last review. In any event, it would have been required
       to undertake a review for these elections given its recent decision to introduce Māori Wards.

       Council must consider whether there should be Community Boards in Ruapehu District as
       part of its representation review. Community Boards are a means of assisting the Council to
       meet the purpose of local government (i.e. enabling local decision-making and promoting
       community well-being) and also achieve certain principles (e.g. engaging with and taking
       account of the diversity of communities and community interests in its decision making).

       The Community Board has three opportunities to provide feedback and influence the Review:
           Now;
           During the consultation stage; and

                           National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                      Page 3
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                During any appeal process.

        Council’s Executive Manager Community and Economic Development spoke to the report
        and answered Members’ questions.

        Moved:    Member O'Neill
        Seconded: Member Zimmer

        1       That the report on Representation Review be received.

        2       [Amended] That the National Park Community Board recommends that Council adopts
                Community Board option 4 of four (4) Community Boards, with increased delegations,
                and the current configuration of members (with up to two (2) appointed Councillors) for
                its initial representation proposal for consultation with the community.

        Moved:    Member O'Neill
        Seconded: Member McCarthy

        3       That the Ruapehu District Council retain the National Park Ward even if it does not
                currently meet the plus or minus 10% criteria.

Member Zimmer requested his Abstention be recorded.

        Moved:    Member McCarthy
        Seconded: Member O'Neill

        4       That the Community Board with to review the name of the Community Board in
                consultation with the wider community

6       National Park Community Board Action List

        Members worked through the Action List for the Financial Year 2021/22.

        Council’s Manager Solid Waste spoke to the Hot Fire Ash issue and answered Members’
        questions. It was clarified Council Policy was not to accept hot ash due to health and safety
        risks, and it would continue to be advocated that ash is extinguished properly before being
        brought onto site.

        Member McCarthy suggested a large steel bin with isolation that could be accommodated by
        the contractor’s transport might be a viable solution.

        Council’s Manager Solid Waste undertook to address Members’ concerns with the Transfer
        Station Contractor and make further investigations before returning to a future meeting with
        a solution(s).

                            National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                       Page 4
    UNCONFIRMED                                                                            UNCONFIRMED
7      Capital Works and Other Items of Interest 2021/22 List

       Members were provided with an update on planned Capital Works and other Items of interest
       in the National Park Ward in the 2021/22 Financial Year.

       Key Items discussed:
       E2 National Park Water Treatment Plant: It was requested Council’s Environmental
             Manager update the Board on this item for the September Meeting.
       E3 Owhango Water Supply Resource Consent: It was requested Council’s Environmental
             Manager update the Board on progress of the engagement with Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o
             Whanganui, and timeframes for the test bores and the filtration unit for the September
       C2 Dog Exercise Area: Members noted the item of business still lay on the table pending
             an Officer report.
       O2 National Park Wi-Fi: Members requested an update on the matter. Officers undertook to
             investigate the options and advise what has been incorporated into the Long Term Plan.

       Moved:    Member O'Neill
       Seconded: Cr Wilson

       1    That the report on Capital Works and Other Items of Interest be received.

8      Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Committee Business

       Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 gives the
       Community Board the right by resolution to exclude the public from the whole or any part of
       the proceedings of any meeting only on one or more of the grounds contained within that

       Moved:    Member Zimmer
       Seconded: Member O'Neill

       1     That the report on Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Board
             Business be received.

       2     That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting
             listed in the table below.

       3     That the general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded,
             the reason for passing the resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific
             grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and
             Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

                         National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                    Page 5
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        General Subject of each matter Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each                 under S48(1) for
        to be considered               matter                                                                 passing this
        C1: Confirmation of Public-         The reason(s) for excluding the public is/are recorded in the 48(1)(a)
            Excluded Minutes: 22 June       Public Business Minutes of the meeting
        C2: Confidential Briefing           Enable any local authority holding the information to carry
                                            on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations
                                            (including commercial and industrial negotiations). To
                                            maintain the effective conduct of public affairs through the
                                            free and frank expressions of opinions by, or between, or to
                                            members of or officers or employees of any local authority,
                                            or any persons to whom Section 2(5) of the Local
                                            Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
                                            applies, in the course of their duty. To protect the privacy of
                                            natural persons.

        This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official
        Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section
        6 or Section 7 of that Act or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act
        1982 as the case may require which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the
        relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public as stated in the above table.

The Public Business part of the meeting concluded at 8:03PM.

Confirmed this 14th Day of September, 2021

Peter Zimmer

                               National Park Community Board – Public Business – 3 August 2021
                                                          Page 6

 Report to: National Park Community Board

 Meeting Date:      14 September 2021

 Subject:           Progress Report: Possible Site for Control Line Flying

Purpose of Report
1.1   The purpose of this report is to provide members with an update on a request by Mr Shaun
      Suter for approval to undertake control line flying on the Owhango Domain.

Significance and Engagement, Social Impact

2.1   This report does trigger the Engagement Policy. The activity on Control Line Flying has some
      safety and noise aspects to consider therefore consultation with the Owhango Community
      around this activity being undertaken on the Owhango Domain has been recommended.

2.2   This report does trigger the Social Policy. Sport and recreational activities enhance well-
      being in the community. Control Line Flying is a relatively unknown sport and would allow
      exposure of the community to a new activity, particularly to youths with an interest in
      motorised sport at a relatively low cost.

3.1   At its meeting 22nd June 2021, members considered a deputation report put forward by Mr
      Shaun Suter and resolved as follows:

       1. That the report on Deputation: Shaun Suter – Control Line Flying be received.

            Officers undertook to investigate the Lease Agreement with Taumarunui Aerodrome and
            provide outcomes to Cr Wilson.

            Cr Wilson undertook to liaise with the Taumarunui Aerodrome Committee and provide
            Mr. Suter with feedback.

4.1   Members will verbally provide any feedback received from community members about
      permitting the activity on the Owhango Domain.

4.2   Even if there were some in the community supportive of the activity, due to the close proximity
      of residents and the regular use of the domain by young children, Owhango Domain is
      considered unsuitable due to the health and safety issues associated with the sport.

4.3   Similar concerns apply to the Taumarunui Aerodrome which is a visual only fly in fly out
      aerodrome with a re-fuelling facility located at the Southern end of the runway. The
      Taumarunui Aero Club were not supportive of the activity because of the health and safety
      concerns associated with Control Line Flying.

4.4   Council does own several rural reserves which may be more suited to the control line flying
      activity, however all of these have vegetation control grazing activity which would result in
      some restrictions on when the open reserve area could be used for flying and access would
      need to be negotiated with those graziers who hold licences to occupy the land.

4.5   The possible options where a control line flying activity could take place away from urban
      residential development within the National Park Ward are:

          1.   Retaruke Domain – Oio Road, Retaruke
          2.   Kaitieke Domain – Kaitieke Road, Kaitieke
          3.   Kakahi Domain – Ako Street, Kakahi
          4.   Raurimu Reserve – Top Mill Road, Raurimu

4.6   If Mr Suter identifies any preference(s) from the above options, Council staff could liaise with
      holders of licence(s) to occupy to ascertain what might be possible in terms of access and
      conditions of access in order for Mr Suter to be able to undertake the proposed control line
      flying activity in the National Park Ward.

Next Actions
5.1   Mr Suter be provided with the possible options recommended by members to look at and
      advise which (if any) option(s) he would like to explore further.

Suggested Resolution(s)
That the National Park Community Board:

1     Receive the Progress Report: Possible Site for Control Line Flying.

2     Recommend the following options be made available for Mr Suter to explore further:

      Retaruke Domain – yes/no
      Kaitieke Domain – yes/no
      Kakahi Domain – yes/no
      Raurimu Reserve – yes/no

Warren Furner

Email address for point of contact: Warren.Furner@ruapehudc.govt.nz

                           Progress Report – Possible Site for Control Line Flying

National Park Community Board Action List FY2021/22: September 2021

Date:        Topic       Action/Query:                                   Status:    Notes:

18 Feb. 20   Ohinetonga Send letter to Damian Coutts (Department of Ongoing 05/03/20: Letter sent
             Loop Track Conservation) regarding the Ohinetonga
                                                                            20/03/20: Letter received from Connie Norgate
                        Loop Track. RDC to provide updates on
                        interactions with DoC.                              22/06/21: Members expressed their disappointment with the
                                                                            lack of progress. Council’s Chief Executive advised of his
                                                                            meeting with Damian Coutts (Whanganui Conservator,
23 Aug. 21              Letter sent to D. Coutts (DoC), and CC’d to         Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai) and undertook
                        I. McKelvie MP, Hon K. Allan (MP), K.               to raise the concern.
                        Rainbow and L. Sanson (Doc), M. Britton
                        (Tongariro Taupō Conservation Board)
                        seeking a collaborative resolution to the
                        Ohinetonga Reserve Northern Loop Track
                        [Appendix 1]
9 Jun. 20    Hot Ash     Staff to inform members on the process for Ongoing 07/07/20: We have a 2 cubic meter bin for hot ash available on
                         hot ash delivery at transfer station               request. Ash must not be bagged and staff will not provide
                         Owhango/National Park. Is there a                  assistance to place it in the bin provided. Only ash is to be
                         container?                                         placed in the bin.
21 Jul. 20               Staff to inform members on what happens to                 24/08/2020: We have a bin at our sites to receive this product
                         the ash after its dead.                                    but have yet to empty it, the process around the bin as written
                                                                                    is for a HIAB truck to swap the bin out with a different one, that
                                                                                    way the full bin can be wet down and left to sit for a period of 4
                                                                                    weeks prior to being landfilled.
3 Aug. 21                Action Required: Manager Solid Waste                       13/10/2020: Members requested this be re-added to Action List
                         undertook to address Members’ concerns
                         with the Transfer Station Contractor and                   16/02/2021: Report on NPCB Agenda.
                         make further investigations before returning               30/03/2021: Re-added to Action List.
                         to a future meeting with a solution(s)
                                                                                    22/06/21: Hot Fire Ash continues to be a problem. Members
                                                                                    expressed their concerns the problem is exacerbating and
                                                                                    requested that action be undertaken.

                             National Park Community Board Action List - Public Business - 14 September 2021
                                                                Page 1

National Park Community Board Action List FY2021/22: September 2021

Date:        Topic       Action/Query:                                    Status:    Notes:

9 Jun. 20    Halls       Halls to be removed from Capital Works Ongoing              02/07/2020: Owhango Hall: The kitchen upgrade is nearly
                         report and members updated as needed.                       complete and market days in the hall are scheduled to resume
                                                                                     on Sunday 5 July.
                                                                                     25/08/2020: Upgrades to Owhango Hall kitchen completed.

                                                                                     17/11/2020: Owhango Hall received $1,666 to assist in pre-
                                                                                     painting repairs.
                                                                                     02/07/2020: National Park Hall: Public Meeting to discuss use
                                                                                     of hall is to be included in Community Hui at Park Hotel at 6pm
                                                                                     on 11 August. Policy Team will include advertising with that of
                                                                                     meeting. At least one representative of hall committee or
                                                                                     NPVPA will be in attendance to answer questions.
                                                                                     25/08/2020: Public Meeting regarding National Park Hall held
                                                                                     on 11 August with good attendance. Interest from community
                                                                                     members present to assist with development of hall.
                                                                                     Application for MBIE Hall Grant to assist with upgrades
                                                                                     submitted and awaiting outcome.
                                                                                     18/11/2020: Application to upgrade National Park Hall
11 May. 21   1080 Drop   Tongariro Forest Pest Control                               A 1080 drop within the Tongariro Forest, Owhango, is planned
                                                                                     for winter and includes the water catchment area.
                                                                                     22/06/2021: Cr Wilson attended the meeting held 24 May 2021
                                                                                     in Owhango Hall. A date for the drop had not been confirmed
                                                                                     at the time of the meeting, and was anticipated to be July or
                                                                                     August. Cr Wilson and Council’s Environmental Manager
                                                                                     confirmed to the Community Board that well-formed plans were
                                                                                     in place, including provision for an exclusion zone around the
                                                                                     Owhango water supply.

                              National Park Community Board Action List - Public Business - 14 September 2021
                                                                 Page 2

National Park Community Board Action List FY2021/22: September 2021

Date:        Topic         Action/Query:                                    Status:    Notes:

                                                                                       03/08/21: Drop took place 30 July. Members expressed their
                                                                                       concerns and disappointment with the 1080 drop clear up

22 Jun. 21   Control       Members received a deputation from Shaun                    Officers undertook to investigate the Lease Agreement with
             Line Flying   Suter seeking guidance for options away                     Taumarunui Aerodrome and provide outcomes to Cr Wilson.
                           from built up areas to practice the sport.                  03/08/2021: Cr Wilson advised he recommended Shaun Suter
                                                                                       (Deputation: Control Line Flying) to contact the Chateau
                           Action Required: Officers to provide report at              Airfield. Officers continue to investigate the Lease Agreement
                           the meeting dated 14 September 2021                         with Taumarunui Aerodrome on behalf of Cr Wilson.
                                                                                       12/08/2021: Letter of complaint (dated 8 July 2021) received
                                                                                       from Owhango Residents and Ratepayers Soc. Inc. [Appendix

                                National Park Community Board Action List - Public Business - 14 September 2021
                                                                   Page 3
APPENDIX 1                                      17

                                                                                    13 August 2021

Damian Coutts
Central North Island Operations Director
Department of Conservation
27 Motutaiko Street

Dear Damian,

                           Ohinetonga Reserve Northern Loop Track

On behalf of the Owhango Community, I am following up with you to express our increasing concerns
about an ongoing lack of engagement from the Department of Conservation to meaningful interact
and work with the local community on a mutually acceptable solution of the slip on the Ohinetonga
Reserve Northern Loop Track.

The slip happened in May 2018 and the impact of the slip on the local community was stated in
earlier correspondence to you.

An engineering visit and an indicative costing for repairs was obtained in 2019.

DOC commissioned a Geotech report in 2020.

Ever since the slip happened a willing community workforce has been on standby.

DOC as the land manager needs to be involved so a win-win solution can be achieved.

The major concern that the National Park Community Board keeps hearing about is the lack of
meaningful engagement, timely follow up actions and no meaningful progress.

I like to reiterate to you that RDC has repeatedly offered support to you and the department to work
with the community towards a solution.

It is obvious to the National Park Community Board that DoC’s lack of interaction and engagement
with the local Owhango community won’t make the issue go away.

May I respectfully suggest that DOC step up to show leadership and start a meaningful collaborative
partnership with the local community to work towards a solution for the community and the
conservation effort in the area.

It is time now to enter into a mutually beneficial partnership to achieve the best possible outcome for
conservation and community well-being.

Support (time, expertise and network) and engagement from DOC are required and both are non-
negotiable necessary ingredients to achieve a win-win solution.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Zimmer


CC: RDC Mayor, RDC CE, MP Ian Mc Kelvie, Tongariro Taupo Conservation Board, DOC Director
General, Minister of Conservation

   8 July 2021

   Mr Pete Zimmer
   National Park Community Board

   Dear Pete.
   I write on behalf of the Owhango Residents and Ratepayers Soc. Inc.

   At our last meeting, we discussed the Flying Machine that has been operating on our Domain in
   We complained to the Council regarding this operating flying machine, and the spraying of the
   grass in early May 2021. We were informed that the person involved had not received
   permission to fly from there, and further emails received, informed us that he had been spoken
   to, and was told he was not to operate from the Domain any longer.
   This he did not take heed, as he was seen and heard again following our receiving this

   On watching your latest meeting on Zoom, 22 June, members observed him presenting his case
   to continue flying.
   We at Owhango Residents and Ratepayers, do not want this gentleman operating this noisy
   instrument from our Domain. It is against all the local conservation protocols. Period.
   We have Owhango Alive, who are doing a wonderful job trapping predators to encourage more
   bird life, and this noise is very disturbing.

   I wish you to inform your committee of our objection, and that we be party to any decision
   making on this matter should it involve the Owhango Domain.

   Thank you.

   Yours sincerely

   Brian Goodwin
   Acting Chairman

                     Postal Address: CMB 8, Owhango 3990    Email: owhangorris@yahoo.co.nz

 Report to: National Park Community Board

 Meeting Date:       14 September 2021

 Subject:            Capital Works and Other Items of Interest

 Purpose of Report
1.1     The purpose of this Report is to provide an update on the planned capital works and other items of
        interest in the National Park Community Board area in the 2021/22 Financial Year.

 Significance and Engagement, Social Impact
2.1     Significance and Engagement
        This report does not trigger the Significance and Engagement Policy 2018.

2.2     Social Impact
        This report does not trigger the Social Policy 2018.

3.1     WORKS
        The list is a combination of contracted items and other items that Members have displayed an
        interest in. Other items can be added to the list on request. Updates since the last report are

3.2     Key to Status:
        RED: Significant concerns regarding project progress to time and/or budget targets
        AMBER: Visibility of issues that might impact project time or budget targets
        GREEN: Project being managed within time and budget targets

 Suggested Resolution(s)
1.      That the Report on Capital Works and Other Items of Interest be received.

Clive Manley
Email address for point of contact: clive.manley@ruapehudc.govt.nz

    1. National Park Community Board Capital Works and Other Items of Interest

National Park Community Board Capital Works and Other Items of Interest:
14 September 2021

   3.3 ROADING                                                                  Updated by: A. Nicol
  Item Activity        Key Date(s)   Status   Commentary
  R1     Minor         June 2022     Green    Road widening works
         Improvement   Comments               • Oio Road at 28.4km (Malcolms)
         Sites                                • Pukeatua Road at 3 km
                                              • Pukeatua Road bridge approach (investigation only)

                                              The outcome of the funding request Council has made to Waka
                                              Kotahi NZ Transport Agency for Minor Improvement funding for
                                              2021/24 will not be advised until late August. Council requested a
                                              similar level to other years. Waka Kotahi indicated in July 2021
                                              that the fund is well oversubscribed between existing approved
                                              projects in New Zealand and new requests. Council’s Minor
                                              Improvement programme will be finalised once it has an indication
                                              of the approved budget request.

   3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL                                                            Updated by: S. Watson
  Item   Activity      Key Date(s)   Status   Commentary
  E1     National      September     Amber    Aquanet and Traverse Environmental have lodged a section 92
         Park          2021                   resource consent. Waveband needs to be replaced.
         Wastewater    ON HOLD                Discussions to be held with relevant Iwi in relation to outstanding
         Treatment                            resource consents

  E2     National      August 2021   Red      MBIE TIF funding has been disestablished due to Covid 19.
         Park Water    ON HOLD                Waters Team are looking at funding this under the Crown
         Treatment                            Infrastructure 3 Waters Reform Funding. Traverse
         Plant                                Environmental and Aquanet are undertaking investigations. This
                                              project is currently on hold.
  E3     Owhango       August 2021   Amber    Traverse Environmental have applied under present scheme.
         Water         ON HOLD                Investigations are underway to identify an alternative source of
         Supply                               supply. Investigative report to identify an alternative
         Resource                             groundwater source for Owhango was completed in October by
         Consent                              WGA Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec consultancy firm. The report has
                                              identified 3 potential sites for consideration of exploratory
                                              drilling. Engagement with Nga Tangata Tiaki o Whanganui
                                              identified as a priority. Relationship agreement with Nga
                                              Tangata Tiaki is being negotiated at present. WGA to meet with
                                              RDC staff end of March to discuss their reported findings.
                                              Following the recent boiled water notice, RDC will be installing
                                              a filtration unit as a temporary measure until the upgrade of this
                                              plant. An alternate source of supply is being sought. Access is
                                              restricted in the Tongariro National Park and falls under the
                                              management of the Department of Conservation Te Papa
                                              Atawhai. Time frames on the test bores are subject to contractor
                                              availability. Installation of a core screen and extra filtration unit
                                              will be in the Financial Year 2021/22. No update from the bore
                                              contractor due to workload under stimulus funding and now we
                                              have the delays associated with COVID lockdowns

 3.5 COMMUNITY PROPERTY                                                             Updated by:
Item Activity         Key Date(s)         Status     Commentary
C1      Pride of      December 2021       Amber      Application made by National Park Village Business
        Place         Comments                       Association to the fund. Application included: Shelter, tables
        Application                                  and chairs, gas BBQ, storyboards and framing. The applicant
                                                     is responsible for the timing of completion of the project.
                                                     National Park School BOT have provided written approval for
                                                     use of land. A picnic table and chairs have been donated.
                                                     Clarification sought by Council has provided update as follows:
                                                     donated picnic tables & chairs awaiting installation; storyboards
                                                     & framing has funding available but is still to be actioned;
                                                     funding secured for BBQ and shelter. Shelter & concrete
                                                     foundations have been installed, with the next focus to be on
                                                     installing donated seating. Seating being built by local builder.
                                                     Researching power BBQ. Committee meeting scheduled
                                                     beginning June to confirm next steps.
C2      Dog           September 2021      Amber      Two locations on road reserve (end of Ward St & end of Carroll
        Exercise      Comments                       St) to be considered. GHD to do preliminary designs. Iwi to be
        Area                                         consulted. Report tabled at meeting dated 22 June 2021. The
                                                     Dog Control Policy identifies an existing designated Dog
                                                     Exercise Area in National Park. No Decisions were made at the
                                                     meeting and Officers have been requested to review the report
                                                     and re-table once all the facts have been collated. Cr Wilson
                                                     and Council’s Executive Manager Infrastructure visited the site
                                                     and observed fly tipping. Officers exploring options for site
                                                     clearance, fence erection and ongoing mowing and
                                                     maintenance. Report deferred to 14 September meeting as not
                                                     all facts to hand at time of Agenda collation.

     3.6 OTHER ITEMS                                                                 Updated by:
 Item    Activity      Key Date(s)         Status      Commentary
 O1      Rural Wi-     December 2022       Amber       Crown Fibre Holding have engaged a consortium of
         Fi and        Comments                        Vodafone, 2 Degrees and Spark to deliver the Mobile Black
         Blackspots                                    Spot project. MBSF is targeting three sites in Ruapehu,
                                                       Raurimu,         Timber       Trail       and       Owhango.
                                                       https://www.crowninfrastructure.govt.nz/ Fibre installation
                                                       scheduled for National Park Ward is complete. Tourism
                                                       Sites still on Mobile Blackspot programme – Whakahoro
                                                       was scheduled for 2020, and Whanganui National Park
                                                       scheduled for 2022. The Community Engagement Officer
                                                       has taken over this project and is having on-going talks with
 O2      National      June 2022           Red         The first Public Wifi site has been installed and running at
         Park Wi-Fi    Comments                        the National Park Hall. The second site at the Park and
                                                       Ride was established at the end of 2019. The third site at
                                                       the park is awaiting confirmation of the location of a shelter
                                                       in the park and power to the site. Still awaiting confirmation
                                                       of location. 03/08/21: Members requested an update on the
                                                       matter. Officers undertook to investigate the options and
                                                       advise what has been incorporated into the Long Term

                                     Capital Works and Other Items of Interest

Report to: National Park Community Board

Meeting Date:      14 September 2021

Subject:           Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration for
                   Board Business

Purpose of Report
1.1    Section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 gives the Board
       the right by resolution to exclude the public from the whole or any part of the proceedings of any
       meeting on one or more of the grounds contained within that Section.

Significance and Engagement, Social Impact

2.1    Nothing in this report triggers the Significance and Engagement Policy 2018.

Suggested Resolutions
1      That the report on Resolution to Exclude the Public for Consideration of Board Business be
2      That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting listed in
       the table below.
3      That the general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason
       for passing the resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section
       48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this
       resolution are as follows:
        General Subject of each        Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each
                                                                                                         S48(1) for
        matter to be considered        matter
                                                                                                         passing this
        C1:   Confirmation of Public   The reason(s) for excluding the public is/are recorded in the       48(1)(a)
              Excluded Minutes: 3      Public Business Minutes of the meeting.
              August 2021
        C2:   Confidential Briefing    Enable any local authority holding the information to carry on,
                                       without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including
                                       commercial and industrial negotiations). To maintain the
                                       effective conduct of public affairs through the free and frank
                                       expressions of opinions by, or between, or to members of or
                                       officers or employees of any local authority, or any persons to
                                       whom Section 2(5) of the Local Government Official
                                       Information and Meetings Act 1987 applies, in the course of
                                       their duty. To protect the privacy of natural persons.

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and
Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or Section 7 of that Act
or Section 6 or Section 7 or Section 9 of the Official Information Act 1982 as the case may require which
would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting
in public as stated in the above table.

Tasha Paladin
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