Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:

Page created by Guy Lynch
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
Vol. 26 No. 9
                                                                       PO Box 118,
                                                                  Sioux City, Iowa 51102

                                                                     August 2021

   Tri-state governors
      Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem

            Combat vet,                      Chamber golf
            Paralympian to                   classic draws
            keynote dinner                   sell-out crowd
                        PAGE 4                           PAGE 5
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
2   Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021       

                               We Welcome Our
                           New 2021 Field Personnel To
                            The L & L Builder’s Team!

    From left to right; Allen Mead, Jacob Murphy, Micah Gorsett, Chris
    Littlebeaver, Austin Mead, Curtis Wickey, Chris Mead, Josh Kleider.
    Missing from the picture are both Alberto Ledesma & Casey Chester.

Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:                                                                                                                                                                  Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021               3

Chad Pauling, publisher                                                Editorial copy should be sent to:
Dave Dreeszen, editor                                                  Dave Dreeszen
                                                                       Siouxland Business Journal editor
Siouxland Business Journal is published monthly by                     Box 118
Sioux City Newspapers Inc., in cooperation with the                    Sioux City, Iowa 51102
Siouxland Chamber of Commerce.                               

Requests for a free subscription                                       For more information:
or address changes should be sent to:                                  Editorial: (712) 293-4211
Tad Kelson                                                              or 800-397-9820, ext. 4211
Siouxland Business Journal                                             Advertising: (712) 293-4317
Box 118                                                                 or 800-397-3530
Sioux City, Iowa 51102                                                 Circulation: (712) 293-4258
                                                                        or 800-397-2213, ext. 4257
                                                                       On the web:

Index                                                                                                                                         6                                                                 Jesse Brothers, Siouxland Business Journal
Chamber anniversaries 4      Rush Hour Connect 8    ON THE                Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts and South Dakota
                                                                                                                                                                    Gov. Kristi Noem listen to presentations during the Tri-State Governors’
Chamber 4   Ribbon cuttings .....................................pages 8, 10, 11   COVER                 Conference at the South Sioux City Marriott Riverfront on July 12.

                  FOR SALE                                                         FOR SALE                                                        FOR LEASE

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                                                                                                                                                                                            SALES - LEASING - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT - INVESTMENTS
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                2451 Expedition Court                                          2910 Hamilton Boulevard                                                                                        701 Pierce Street Suite #100, Sioux City, IA
      Over 2.7 Acres of Industrial Development Ground                  Attractive brick office building investment
      in the Bridgeport Addition. Ground is shovel ready                                                                                      2912 Hamilton Blvd. Suite 103
                                                                       property for sale in the Plaza Professional                        Plaza Professional Center, a signature property
      with rail on the back of the parcel & brand new road
      in the front. Close to the new Seaboard Triumph                  Center. Directly across the street from Market
                                                                       Place Shopping Center. All spaces have parking
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      facility. Can be combined with TBD 1 Expedition Ct                                                                                  is offering tenant improvements with long term
                                                                                                                                                                                                            SIOR, CCIM
      & TBD 2 Expedition Ct for a total of over 7.2 Acres.             at the door. Contact Lister for financials.                        lease of the 1,994 sf. Front door parking.
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                FOR SALE                                                           FOR LEASE                                                   NEW FOR SALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Karla Hertz
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    3.547 acre site on busy Gordon Drive between
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                                                                                                                                         popular Lakeport Commons Power Center in                          Commercial &
    D’Leon’s Taco Rio Restaurant. Ideal for all types                  3 offices, reception area, storage & restroom.
                                                                                                                                         Sioux City, IA. Includes inventory, furniture,
    of retail & office. Owner will also Build-to- Suite.               Neighboring spaces are Cut Above, Heritage
                                                                                                                                         equipment, signs and business. Income starts
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Residential Specialist
    Close to WIT Community College, restaurants &                      Bank & more. On-site maintenance staff &
    offices. 17,200 VPD. Will subdivide.                               security. Utilities included.                                     the day you close!                                            712.899.6369
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
4     Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                                                                                                           

Paralympian to headline Chamber dinner                                                                                      If you go                              New
          MASON DOCKTER                  In addition to Stockwell, the pro-   the armed services to lose a limb
                                                                                                                            What: Siouxland Chamber of
                                                                                                                            Commerce annual dinner                 Chamber
      Business Journal staff writer
Stockwell, a decorated combat vet-
                                       gram will feature Ret. Navy Petty
                                       Officer 1st Class Generald Wilson,
                                       who will sing the National Anthem.
                                                                              in active combat, she was awarded
                                                                              the Bronze Star and the Purple
                                                                                                                            When: Sept. 30, social hour at 5:15
                                                                                                                            p.m., dinner and program begin
                                                                                                                            around 6:15 p.m.
eran who lost a leg in the Iraq War,   Wilson, of St. Louis, Missouri, has      After undergoing multiple sur-              Where: Sioux City Convention           Saturday in the      Athletico
and won a bronze medal in the 2016     performed the Anthem at major          geries, Stockwell became the first            Center, 801 Fourth St., Sioux City     Park, Inc/Dave         Isaac Tubbesing
Paralympics Games, will deliver the    sporting events, including the 2014    Iraq War veteran to qualify for the           Tickets: Dinner reservations are       Bernstein              Dakota Dunes,
keynote address at the Siouxland          World Series and NFC and AFC        Paralympics. She competed in                  $90 per person for Chamber mem-          David Bernstein      S.D.
Chamber of Chamber’s annual               championship games in 2018          three swimming events at the 2008             bers and $110 for non-Chamber            Sioux City         Bayou
dinner on Sept. 30.                       and 2020, respectively.             games in China and carried the U.S.           members. Visit siouxlandchamber.       Siouxland            Seatweaver
  Chamber officials in July                   “Generald Wilson’s per-         flag at the closing ceremonies that           com to register.                       Community              Temple
announced this year’s din-                       formance of our National     year.                                                                                Health of            Fontenot
ner will commemorate                               Anthem is a thing to         She later competed in paratri-           morning of Oct. 1 at the Orpheum          Nebraska               Sioux City
                                                                                                                                                                     Ranee Ehrich       RP Contractors
the 20th anniversary of                              behold,” Chamber         athlon events, becoming a world            Theatre.
                                                                                                                                                                     South Sioux City     Ryan Callaghan
the Sept. 11, 2001 ter-                               President Chris Mc-     champion three times. She won a               This year’s dinner is returning to
                                                                                                                                                                   Morningside            North Sioux City
rorist attacks on New                                 Gowan said.             bronze at the inaugural paratriath-        its longtime venue, the Sioux City        Audiology, LLC       Bacara, LLC
York and Washington                                    Commissioned as        lon event at the 2016 Paralympics          Convention Center, after two years.         Martha Bennett       Al Batschelet
and rural Pennsylvania.                         a second lieutenant in the    Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.           Due to remodeling at the conven-            Sioux City           Sioux City
  “We will be saluting our                     U.S. Army, Stockwell was         Along with being a world-class           tion center, the 2019 annual meet-        Financial            Sweetwater
veterans and the service-                      deployed to Iraq in March      athlete, Stockwell is a certified          ing was moved to the Orpheum, but         Recovery             Cafe/South
members who so coura-                          2004. Three weeks into her     prosthetist, triathlon coach and           there was no dinner, due to space         Services             Sioux
geously defend freedom                        deployment, she lost her        published author of “The Power of          limitations.                                Brian Bowers         Danielle
around the globe,” Cham-                     left leg above the knee af-      Choice: My Journey from Wounded               Last year’s annual meeting was           Dakota Dunes,        Gutierrez
ber board chair Joe Kruse                     ter a roadside bomb struck      Warrior to World Champion.”                turned into a virtual event due to          S.D.                 South Sioux City
said. “This year’s event is                   her Humvee when she was           Chamber officials said they ar-          the pandemic.                             Wilmes               Lifestyle Design
designed to say, ‘thank                        leading a convoy in Bagh-      ranged to have Stockwell and                  “We’re excited to be meeting           Hardware             & Consign
you’ to those who so self-                      dad. The first woman in       Wilson remain in town the day              back in person,” Kruse said during          Mike Wilmes          Amy
lessly sacrifice to protect                                                   after the dinner so they can speak         the announcement at the Siouxland           Sioux City         Macfarlane
our liberties.”                                   Melissa Stockwell           to local high school students the          Freedom Park in South Sioux City.                                Sioux City

ChamberAnniversaries                                                                                                                         Expanding your
  The following businesses and                                           5 YEARS
organizations are celebrating
milestone anniversaries as Fareway Stores Inc. - Indian        Heritage Pork International     Stateline Electric &                          Starting a new
                                                                                               Automation, Inc.                                                                     Small
Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Hills Drive                        Robert Hwang                                                               business in Union                      Business
members.                          Chris Beeck                    Sergeant Bluff                  Russ Spearman
                                  Sioux City                   Midwest Medical Transport         South Sioux City                               County?                         Administration
          35 YEARS              Fareway Stores Inc. -            Matt Travers                                                                                                    (SBA) Loans
                                                                                               Wagner Kuntz &
Gateway Inc. – North Sioux City Sergeant Bluff                   Sioux City                    Grabouski-Morningside                                         Seasonal
  John King                       Mike Hammell                 St. Luke’s College –              James Grabouski
  Irvine, California              Sergeant Bluff               UnityPoint Health
                                                                                                 Sioux City
South Sioux City Area Chamber Fareway Stores Inc. -              Kendra Ericson                                                            Operating
of Commerce                     Sergeant Road                    Sioux City                                                              Lines of Credit
  Kristi Quinn                    Tony Melvin
  South Sioux City                Sioux City                                                                                               Equipment
                                                                                   The Home Builders Association                                &
                                Fareway Stores Inc. - War                                                                                  Real Estate
          30 YEARS              Eagle Drive                                        of Greater Siouxland consists of                          Loans
First Financial Bank USA/Credit   Jeff Youngstrom
Card Center                                                                        quality builders, subcontractors,
                                  Sioux City
  Albert Hegyi                  Green Gables Building                              and suppliers. If you are thinking                   Give us a
  Dakota Dunes, S.D.            Company                                            of building a new home or have
                                  Robert Seff
                                                                                                                                        call today at
          20 YEARS                                                                 a remodeling project, please
                                  Sioux City                                                                                            605.232.9310
Hawkeye Adjustment                                                                 contact the association for a list
                                Hanger Clinic – Sioux City
  Wayne Carter
                                  Jeff Boonstra                                    of reputable contractors.
  Sioux City
                                  Sioux City
                                                                                                                                        1st Financial Bank USA
                                                                                                          Visit us online at
          10 YEARS              0Hayloft Property                                           for
Chicoine-Peterson Chiropractic Management /Sterling Green                                            a complete list of members
                                                                                                           or email us at
an Nutrition Clinic             Estates
  Lin Chicoine-Peterson           Stephanie Gormally
                                                                                                     3900 Stadium Dr., Sioux City, IA
                                                                                                                                        331 Dakota Dunes Blvd., Dakota Dunes
  Sioux City                      Dakota Dunes, S.D.                                                        712-255-3852                            605.232.9310
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:                                                                                                                                 Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                5

Chamber golf classic attracts sell-out crowd
  The 29th annual Chamber Golf Classic,                               EYE ON THE BALL
presented by Hard Rock Hotel & Casino                  Heritage Bank; Hilton Garden Inn; Kalins Indoor                  Don Claeys, Mike Schmidt, Brad Frost, and Scott Sachnoff enjoyed a day playing
Sioux City, was proof positive that Sioux-          Comfort; Sparklight                                                                                          the beautiful Sioux City Country Club.
landers are ready to be out and about and                               HOLE IN ONE
active again.                                          Jensen Dealerships; Knoepfler Chevrolet; Sioux
  With a sell-out in hours of both the Da-          City Ford Lincoln; Woodhouse Auto Family
kota Dunes Country Club and Sioux City                                     EAGLE
Country Club, 288 golfers took to the links            empirical foods; Jebro Inc.; Jimmy John’s; L &
on June 28 for a day filled with fun and            L Builders Co.; Northwestern Mutual; Sergeant
                                                    Bluff Eyecare; Siouxland Community Health Cen-
                                                    ter; Siouxland Federal Credit Union
  Players were treated to lunch and a com-
plimentary fitted golf glove before teeing             1st Financial Bank USA / Credit Card Center; Aven-
off thanks to the generosity of the Caddy           ture Staffing & Professional Service; C W Suter Ser-
Shack sponsors.                                     vices; Great West Casualty Company; Great West-
  Following play, the Networking Awards             ern Bank; Ho-Chunk Inc.; HR Green; Interstates;
Dinner was held at the Tyson Events Cen-            JEO Consulting Group; Knife River Midwest; Lib-
ter where sponsors and players enjoyed              erty National Bank; MBW Construction; MercyOne
a fried chicken and brisket meal. Over              Siouxland Medical Center; Nelson Commercial Con-                                              GOLF CLASSIC RESULTS
$20,000 in awards and prizes were given             struction; Overhead Door Co. of Sioux City; River-              DDCC Flag Prizes                 2nd Place: Sioux Rubber & Ure-       3rd Place: Plumbing & Heating
to team winners in 3 flights at each course,        view Surgical Center; Royal Canin USA, Inc.; Sim-          #4 – Closest to the pin – Cory     thane - Wren, DeGroot, Wren,         Wholesale - Jager, Gerber, Ras-
along with pin prize and raffle drawing             ple Life, Inc.; Thompson; Tyson Fresh Meats; Wells      Albers, F&M Bank                      Church                               mussen, Lems
winners.                                            Enterprises; Wilson Trailer Company                        #9 – Long Putt – Aaron Geh-           3rd Place: Nor-Am Cold Storage    Second Flight - $200
  The Chamber extends a huge thank-                                         PAR                             ling, F&M Bank                        – Thomas, Thomas, Hill, Stultze         1st Place: King Reinsch Prosser
you to the Siouxland Chamber Ambassa-                  Aggies; Arthur J. Gallagher & Company; Baird;           #13 – Long Drive Ladies – Dawn        Good Effort Team Award: Bass      & Co. – Anderson, Gilbertson,
dors who plan and host the event and to             Care Initiatives Hospice; Central Bank; Christy-Smith   Zahn, HR Green                        Advertising – Bass, McArthur,        Mohrhauser, George
all sponsors and donors of this year’s golf         Funeral Homes; Connections Area Agency on Ag-                  DDCC Team Awards               West, Morten                            2nd Place: NAI United – Bogen-
classic.                                            ing; empirical foods; F&M Bank; Live Well Home          First Flight                                  SCCC Flag Prizes             rief, Braunger, Madsen, Callahan
            PRESENTING SPONSOR                      Care; Northwest Bank; Silverstar Car Wash; Sioux-          1st Place: Ho-Chunk, Inc.- Al-        #11 – Long Drive Men – Riggins       3rd Place: Liberty National
  Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sioux City               land Hearing Healthcare; Sterk Financial Services;      drich, LaPointe, Earth, Blackhawk     Hopper, Woodhouse Sioux City         Bank – Patrick, Knepper, Wan-
                   19TH HOLE                        Telco Triad Community Credit Union; Visiting Angels        2nd Place: Goodin Insurance –         # 6 – Closest to the pin – Del    kum, Kerian
  Family Healthcare of Siouxland, SSC; Gunder-                         PRIZE DONORS                         Goodin, Topf, Girres, Thompson        Mandl, MercyONE Siouxland Med-       Third Flight - $100
son’s Jewelers; Kruse Financial; University of         Bob Roe’s Point After; Crave; Dakota Dunes Coun-        3rd Place: Interstates: Vis, Mo-   ical Center                             1st Place: Siouxland Commu-
South Dakota                                        try Club; Divvy; Famous Dave’s BBQ; Green Valley        erman, Weaver, Robinson                  #18 – Long Putt – Brendyn         nity Health Center – Lee, Reyes,
                     DINNER                         Golf Course; Greenberg’s Jewelers; Hard Rock Ho-        Second Flight                         Richards, Siouxland Community        Faldmo, Henshaw
  Gerkin Windows & Doors                            tel & Casino; Hilton Garden Inn; Kahill’s Chophouse;       1st Place: HR Green - Zahn,        Health Center                           2nd Place: EFS Group Wealth
                 CADDY SHACK                        Marriott South Sioux City Riverfront; North Sioux       Smith, Byrnes, Vlahoulis                 # 8 – Long Drive Ladies – Julie   Management - Geels, Oines, Bal-
  CF Industries; Wireless World                     Dental Clinic; Northern Plains Meat Co.; Powell            2nd Place: Sioux City Ford Lin-    Suhr, Nelson Industrial Commer-      dridge, Kellen
                        ACE                         Broadcasting; Ray’s Midbell Music; Sioux City Coun-     coln - Brooks, Murray, Crawford,      cial Engineering                        3rd Place: Westrock – Howard,
  CMBA Architects; Peoples Bank                     try Club; Stoney Creek Hotel & Conference Center;       Connor                                       SCCC Team Awards              Zant, Croston, Neumann
                DOUBLE EAGLE                        The Warrior Hotel; Two Rivers Golf Course; West-           3rd Place: Family Healthcare of    First Flight                            Good Effort Team Award: Sim-
  Bass Advertising; FiberComm; Great Southern       ern Iowa Tech Community College                         Sxld SSC – Lewis, Moran, Schultz,        1st Place: Christy-Smith Fu-      ple Life – Porter, Porter, Carlson,
Bank; WinnaVegas Casino Resort                                        IN KIND DONORS                        Haltli                                neral Homes – Eckhoff, Nichols,      Carlson
                  PICK A PUTT                          Avery Brothers Sign Company; Chesterman Com-         Third Flight                          Van Diemen, Hovey
  CFO Next, Inc.; Charter Senior Living of North-   pany; Divvy; June E. Nylen Cancer Center; Pepsi            1st Place: Heritage Bank -            2nd Place: Central Bank - Say-
park Place; Divvy; Elite Staffing                   Cola of Siouxland                                       Brown, Brown, Berenstein, Owens       lor, Nurse, Krueger, Nelson

                                                                                                                                                           Kohler Kitchens
                                                                                                                                             Renovating your kitchen or
                                                                                                                                  bathroom is one of the smartest ways
                                                                                                                          to increase the value of your home, as well
                                                                                                                          as your day-to-day enjoyment of it. Visit our
                                                                                                                          online gallery today to explore the possibilities
                                                                                                                          for yourself, and chat with a design expert
                                                                                                              about the right remodeling fit for your needs and budget.
                                                                                  322 West 7th Street • Sioux City, IA • 712-258-3388 •
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
6     Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                                                                                                         

Governors stress workforce issues
                                                                                                                                                       Leaders of Iowa,
                                                                                                                                                       Nebraska, SD gather
                                                                                                                                                       in South Sioux City
                                                                                                                                                                        NICK HYTREK

                                                                                                                                                                 Business Journal staff writer
                                                                                                                                                                   OUTH SIOUX CITY – The tri-
                                                                                                                                                                   state region’s governors touted
                                                                                                                                                                   programs and initiatives their
                                                                                                                                                                   respective states have launched
                                                                                                                                                                   in an effort to train, attract and
                                                                                                                                                                   develop skilled labor while ac-
                                                                                                                                                       knowledging that more can be done to help
                                                                                                                                                       businesses find qualified workers to fill va-
                                                                                                                                                       cant jobs.
                                                                                                                                                          Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Nebraska Gov.
                                                                                                                                                       Pete Ricketts and South Dakota Gov. Kristi
                                                                                                                                                       Noem all said that workforce development
                                                                                                                                                       is a top issue in the three states, which all
                                                                                                                                                       have unemployment rates among the low-
                                                                                                                                                       est in the nation and have more available
                                                                                                                                                       jobs than unemployed workers.
                                                                                                                                                          “We want to partner with you. We are
                                                                                                                                                       taking a look at all the programs we have in
                                                                                                                                                       place. We are re-evaluating them,” Reyn-
                                                                                                                                                       olds told Siouxland business leaders during
                                                                                                                                                       the 17th Tri-State Governors’ Conference
                                                                                                                                                       at the South Sioux City Marriott Riverfront
                                                                                                                                                       on July 12.
                                                                                                                                                          The governors of the three adjoining
                                                                                                   Jesse Brothers photos, Siouxland Business Journal
                                                                                                                                                       states have met almost every other year
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts react to a comment from South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem during the Tri-State                      since 1988 to address and hear of topics
Governors’ Conference in South Sioux City on July 12.                                                                                                  of regional importance during the event,
                                                                                                                                                       coordinated by the Siouxland Chamber of
                                                                                                                                                       Commerce. This year, as in years past, the
                                                                                                                                                       main topic was jobs and how companies
                                                                                                                                                       can find workers to fill them.
                                                                                                                                                          Mike Wells, president and CEO of Wells
                                                                                                                                                       Enterprises in Le Mars, Iowa, and chairman
                                                                                                                                                       of The Siouxland Initiative, told the three
                                                                                                                                                       Republican governors that the ebbing CO-
                                                                                                                                                       VID-19 pandemic is not entirely to blame
                                                                                                                                                       for the difficulties companies are having
                                                                                                                                                       finding workers.
                                                                                                                                                          “This isn’t a pandemic problem, this is a
                                                                                                                                                       systemic problem, and we’re going to need
                                                                                                                                                       your help,” Wells said.
                                                                                                                                                          Wells said the aging baby boomer popu-
                                                                                                                                                       lation has begun to retire in large numbers,
                                                                                                                                                       a lower percentage of working-age people
                                                                                                                                                       are participating in the workforce, and
                                                                                                                                                       fewer children are being born to replace
                                                                                                                                                       retiring workers.
                                                                                                                                                          “We have too few working-age people for
From left: Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem addresses the audience during the Tri-                all the work that needs to be done,” Wells
State Governors’ Conference on July 12.                                                                                                                said.
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:                                                                                                                     Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021   7

                                                                                                   Data Networking
Wells Enterprises President and CEO Mike Wells speaks during the Tri-State Governors’
Conference in South Sioux City on July 12. Wells told Govs. Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and
Kristi Noem the ebbing COVID-19 pandemic is not entirely to blame for the difficulties Wells
Enterprises and other companies are having finding workers.

  As a result, companies are offering bo-        Noem said all three states have become
nuses, flexible work schedules, higher
wages and other enticements to attract
                                               more attractive to workers nationwide
                                               because they did not enforce the extensive              712-224-2020                            
workers.                                       business shutdowns seen in other states
  Ricketts listed a number of scholar-         during the pandemic, enabling many resi-
ship and job training programs his state       dents to continue working. South Dakota

                                                                                                                                                                 Sit, Sip,
has implemented to help young people           has become a destination for workers who
graduate from college and obtain work          Noem said value the hands-off govern-
experience. He said lifting the pandemic-      ment approach.
related added unemployment benefits, a
move also made by Iowa and South Da-
kota, would give more people an incen-
                                                 “South Dakota, Nebraska and Iowa
                                               led the nation in being responsive to its
                                               people,” Noem said. “Recruitment is key.
                                                                                                                                                                   Find the perfect place
tive to look for work. Ricketts said 45% of    Telling our story and getting those work-                                                                             to meet clients and
Nebraskans who were getting the added          ers from elsewhere is incredibly impor-                                                                            prospects. Engage with a
benefit were making more money being           tant.”                                                                                                            cup of coffee and start the
unemployed than by working.                      To recruit those workers, each governor                                                                                conversation!
  “I think we all believe that was a disin-    said it’s important to continue to develop
centive for people to go back to work,” he     programs to increase availability of af-
said. “We’ve got to get people back in-        fordable housing and child care. With
volved in the workforce.”                      more people working from home during
  The governors agreed that government         the pandemic, the necessity of being able
should not be involved in raising wages,       to hook up to high-speed internet, espe-
which they said is a private-market issue.     cially in rural areas, is obvious. All three
  “We want to help Iowans retrain and          states addressed expansion of broadband         Sip Local at:
reskill, that’s the role government should     networks during this year’s legislative
be playing,” Reynolds said.                    sessions, the governors said.                    Hawks Coffee Shop
                                                                                                We Serve:
The governors of the three adjoining states                                                     • Specialty Coffee Drinks
                                                                                                • Smoothies
                                                                                                                            • Fresh Baked Goods
                                                                                                                            • Delicious Desserts
                                                                                                • Frappucinos               • Lunch Wraps
have met almost every other year since 1988                                                     • Wine/Beer                 • Panini/Soup specials

to address and hear of topics of regional
importance during the event, coordinated
                                                                                                                            110 Gaul Drive, Sergeant Bluff, IA
by the Siouxland Chamber of Commerce.                                                                                               712-271-2007
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
8                               Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                                                                                                        

  RushHourConnect                                                                                                       RibbonCutting

                                                                                                                        BEER ON FLOYD
                                 Quality and Triview Telecommunications celebrated 30 years in Siouxland by hosting
                                 June’s Siouxland Chamber Rush Hour Connect. The family-owned business, located                         New Siouxland Chamber member, Beer On Floyd, boasts a large walk-in cooler
                                 at 203 Sergeant Square Drive in Sergeant Bluff, provides telephone systems by Avaya                    containing one of Sioux City’s largest beer selections. Wine and spirits are also
                                 and Mitel and also installs network security cameras and door access. And, thanks to                   available at the store. Pictured cutting the ribbon are owners Tom Hudson, Chad
                                 their customer’s support through the years, they recently added an IT division.                        Lerfald and Tracie Lerfald.

                                                TOP FIVE SIGNS YOU’RE READY TO PURCHASE A HOME

                                  One of the biggest purchases                            You Built Up Your Savings                                             You’ve Paid Down Your Debts
                Mike Clausen      an individual will make in their                        During the pandemic, many Americans spent less                        Not only have Americans saved money during the
                HBA President                                                             money on discretionary items, such as travel expenses                 pandemic, many took the opportunity to pay down
              Contractors Supply  lifetime is a home. Preparing
                                  to buy a new home involves                              and dining at restaurants. With an ample amount                       debts which can lower your debt-to-income ratio
                                                                                          of savings, you could have the funds for a down                       (DTI). Your DTI is what lenders use to evaluate how
          research, planning and a commitment to own.
                                                                                          payment and closing costs towards a new home. While                   much of your monthly income is devoted to debt
          The home-buying process can be exhilarating and
                                                                                          the conventional wisdom is to save 20 percent for                     payments. As a borrower, lenders want to know if you
          daunting, especially for first-time buyers. If you’re                           a mortgage down payment, there are other options                      can pay back a loan and prefer to offer mortgages to
          financially fit, it may be one of the many signs that you                       available. The amount needed for a down payment                       individuals with a low DTI.
          are ready to buy a home.                                                        can depend on the type of loan and a lender’s
                                                                                          requirements. You’ll need to do some research to find                 You Know What You Can Afford
          You’re Seeking Out a Solid Investment                                                                                                                 If you have crunched the numbers and know how
                                                                                          out what option works best for you.
          If you’re looking for a good investment for your                                                                                                      much you can afford monthly, you’re in a position to
          future other than the stock market, you’re not alone.                           You Know Your Credit Score
                                                                                                                                                                start thinking about purchasing a home. In addition to
                                                                                          Your credit score will impact your mortgage terms.
          A recent study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New                                                                                                     your monthly mortgage payment, make sure to factor
                                                                                          The higher the score, the more financing options and
          York found that most households view housing as a                                                                                                     in additional costs such as property taxes, insurance or
                                                                                          lower interest rates will be available to you. Borrowers
          good investment in comparison to the stock market.                                                                                                    a homeowners’ or condominium fee.
                                                                                          with scores in the low 600s and even high 500s can still
          Many home owners count on their home equity to                                  find lenders who will qualify them, but as a borrower,                The Home Builders Association of Greater
          fund retirement, their children’s education and other                           you should strive for scores in the mid- to upper-700s                Siouxland is a great resource for all things building
          important needs.                                                                to land the best rate.                                                and remodeling. Visit us at
                                                                                            712-255-3852 |
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:                                                   Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021   9

                                                                                  CERTIFIED TESTING
                                                                                   SERVICES, INC.
                                                                           • Geotechnical • Construction QC
    Walkway Canopy   Shelter Canopy   Frame Tent   Machine Covers                 • Materials Testing
   Customized orders for specialty custom design!                             • Construction Observation
       Call with your ideas: 402-635-2591 or
              Toll Free: 800-397-1159                                          Sioux City          Storm Lake
      P.O. Box 100, 105 E. 2nd St., Allen, NE 68710
                                                                             712-252-5132        712-213-8378

                         Call Ethan Lear to have your business card featured here: 712-293-4324
Tri-state governors Kim Reynolds, Pete Ricketts and Kristi Noem - INSIDE THIS MONTH'S ISSUE:
10                          Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                                                                                                               


                                                                                                                    SOOLAND BOBCAT
                              New Siouxland Chamber member, REFER Networking & Referral, shared its mission                                Sooland Bobcat, 3109 N. Hwy 75, recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. Owners
                              with Ambassadors and guests at a recent ribbon cutting. REFER is a local non-profit                          Deb and Doug Muilenburg are pictured with their family and staff. Family owned
                              networking and referral group looking to introduce entrepreneurs, business owners                            since 1986, the business carries a large selection of new and used skid-steers, all-
                              and managers for referrals. They meet every Wednesday morning from 8-9 a.m. at the                           wheel steer, compact track loaders, mini track loaders, excavators, utility vehicles,
                              Marriott - South Sioux City Riverfront. Contact Heidi Reinking with the Chamber for                          VersaHANDLER telescopic tool carriers and Bobcat attachments, as well as offer
                              more information.                                                                                            rentals, parts and service.

                                                                                                                    MORNINGSIDE PLUMBING
                      OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT

                                      Stand Alone Office Space and Business
                              Suites Available Immediately 350 sq. ft. to 10,000 sq. ft.

                                                                                                                                           Serving Siouxland for over 25 years, Morningside Plumbing recently changed
                                                                                                                                           ownership and purchased new commercial plumbing and drain cleaning equipment.
                                                                                                                                           Pictured are owners Jon Corbin, Troy Pelchat and Alex Corbin. The business is now
                                                                                                                                           able to provide end to end solutions for all things plumbing and drain cleaning;
                              600 Stevens Port Drive, Suite 100                                                                            everything from servicing the lines that provide water to you, everything inside
                                                                                                                                           your home & business, and all the various ways waters and other “things” leave your
                                  Dakota Dunes, SD 57049                                                                                   home & business.

                                       605-217-6000                                                                                                                                     Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021       11


                                                                                                                  MARY TREGLIA
                           Hope Street of Siouxland, 406 12th St., Sioux City, recently held a ribbon cutting                      Mary J. Treglia Community House recently dedicated their lobby in memory of the
                           where guests heard powerful recovery stories and learned how to help the sober                          late Nguyen Thi Hong Cuc, a Siouxland leader and supporter of Mary J. Treglia.
                           living home for males. Pictured is Program Director, Sara Johnson along with several                    Nguyen was a compassionate role model, dedicated mentor, and active advocate to
                           of the Hope Street board members. Guests at the home are given a compassionate                          the Asian community. Pictured are Jetske Wauran-Castor, board president, Peggy
                           and supportive environment to establish needed stability that helps them                                La, Becky Carlson, executive director and Mary J. Treglia Community House board
                           reintegrate into the community.                                                                         members and staff.

                                                                                                                  LAMB INSURANCE

                           Michael and Chelle TenHaken cut the ribbon on their new Your CBD Store at 3417                          Shannon Lamb of Lamb Insurance Agency cuts the ribbon to celebrate her new
                           Singing Hills Blvd. Your CBD Store provides natural, hemp-derived products that                         Dakota Dunes location. The independent, full-service insurance agency, which serves
                           come in various forms and levels to meet each customer’s needs and preferences.                         Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kansas and Colorado, offers home, auto, business,
                           Choose from water-solubles, edibles, tinctures, soft gels and topical applications.                     farm/ranch, livestock, life, retirement, long term care, health insurance, Medicare
                                                                                                                                   and more. The agency’s primary duty is to their customers and it’s dedicated to
                                                                                                                                   providing quality customer service to every client.
12   Siouxland Business Journal, August 2021                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                           SIOUXLAND’S #1
                                                                                                                                                            Source: Northwest Iowa Regional Board of Realtors – 2020 Production

                Nathan Connelly
                                                  CONGRATULATIONS                                                                                  NEW                                                NEW
                712 203 1620                                                                              519 Village Green Dr SW,
                                                                                                          Mason City
                                                                                                          Congratulations to
                                                                                                          J & M Smith Family
                Beau Braunger                                                                             Trust on the purchase
                CCIM                                                                                                                               3240 31st St, SC                                   307 N Walnut, Elk Point
                712 251 8276                                                                              of Big O Tires. Beau
                                                                                                                                                   Northside Siouxland Industrial park now            Former fertilizer supply on 2.4 acres for
                                                                                                          Braunger represented                     has multiple buildings available for lease         sale. 1,848 SF office building w/truck scale
                                                                                                          the seller in this                       with ample land for exterior, fenced in            & 4 steel, clear span buildings: a 9,600 SF
                                                                                                                                                   storage. 18120 SF in 3 warehouse &                 warehouse, 3,220 sf shop, 1,500 SF pole
                 Nic                                                                                      transaction.
                                                                                                                                                   office buildings.                                  shed and 780 SF dock building.
                 NAI United Management            NEW                                               NEW                                            NEW                                                REDUCED
                 712 540 6562

                Erin Hoekstra
                712 898 8372

                                                  201 E 4th St, SSC                                 Hwy 77 & 35, DC                                712 Market St, SC                                  1640 Riverside Blvd, SC
                                                  Class A+ Medical Space for lease in newly                                                        Approximately 7,500 SF of
                 Colonel Krage                    constructed, beautifully designed medical         3.57 acres with great visibility
                                                                                                                                                   warehouse available for lease, just
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Affordable warehouse for lease. East
                                                  complex. Join existing tenants such as                                                                                                              9,496 SF section is 22’ clear
                 712 251 1451                                                                       located at the corner of Hwy 77                minutes away from I-29 and great
                                                  the ASC (Ancillary Surgery Center) with its                                                                                                         w/ 2 drive-in doors; 8’x12’ and 10’x14’.
                                                  remarkable team of health professionals, as                                                      visibility from Wesley Parkway. Space
                                                                                                    and Broadway St. Currently zoned               features 2 docks, an overhead door,                West 7,840 SF section is 20’ clear
                                                  well as Vance Thompson Vision.
                                                  4,800 & 8,840 SF Suites available.                single family.                                 & 12’-16’ clear.                                   w/ a 10’x16’ drive-in door.

                Chris Bogenrief                   REDUCED                                           REDUCED                                        Land                                               Retail
                SIOR, CCIM, MBA
                712 204 6261

              ALL AGENTS
              LICENSED IN                         308 Iowa St, SC                                   Sherlock Homes Inspectors                      711 Gordon Dr, SC                                  6001 Gordon Dr, SC
               IA, NE & SD                        Ripe for conversion to lofts using historic       The business of Sherlock Home Inspectors       I-29 is finally done and the time is ripe          For Lease - 1,470 SF retail/office space
                                                  tax credits. Three 11,200 SF floors w/dock        is being offered for sale. This 25+ year       for drive-through retail! This 18,000 SF           located in 103,462 SF retail center
     Individual Members:                          & working freight elevator. Basement could
                                                                                                    old home inspection business has a solid
                                                                                                                                                   morning drive side, shovel ready retail            housing Planet Fitness, KCAU, and
                                                  potentially be converted to underground                                                          site sits in front of the Holiday Inn at the       United Rentals. This property is located
                                                  parking. Includes parking lot fronting Historic   reputation in Siouxland and is ready to turn   entrance to downtown just off the I-29             at the corner of US75/20 interchange and
      Society of Industrial and Office Realtors   4th. Federal Opportunity Zone.                    over the reins to new owners.                  Virginia Street exit.                              sees 12,000 VPD.

     Certified Commercial Investment Member
                                                        Buying • Selling • Leasing
     International Council of Shopping Centers
                                                         Property Management                                                                                                                                           Tune into KSCJ 1360 Talk Radio

     International Business Brokers Association
                                                          Business Brokerage                                                                                     Gold
                                                                                                                                                             400 G    Circle,
                                                                                                                                                                   ld Ci  l D Dakota
                                                                                                                                                                                k t DDunes, SD 57049
                                                                                                                                                            712 224 2727
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