Item 15 - City of Scottsdale
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Item 15 Meeting Date: August 24, 2021 General Plan Element: Land Use General Plan Goal: Create a sense of community through land uses ACTION McLaren Scottsdale 2-ZN-2021 Request to consider the following: Adopt Ordinance No. 4513 for a Zoning District Map Amendment from Industrial Park (I-1) and Industrial Park Conditional (I-1 (C)) to General Commercial (C-4) zoning on a +/-3.4-acre site located at 7881 East Gray Road. Goal/Purpose of Request The applicant’s request is to rezone the property to allow for a vehicle sales use within the existing building. Key Items for Consideration • Conformance with General Plan • Proposed C-4 zoning will expand permitted uses and allow for vehicle sales • Employment land uses fit into context of Airpark area • Site upgrades to pedestrian connections and landscaping • Existing site wall and 60-foot landscape and drainage buffer along southern boundary abutting residential • Multiple signed support petitions for project from nearby property owners • C-4 zoning district would be a more isolated occurrence within Airpark area • Approval could lead to more requests to rezone from I-1 to Commercial districts • Planning Commission heard this case on June 23, 2021 and recommended approval with a vote of 6-0. Action Taken ___________________________________________________________
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale OWNER BA Elk Grove LLC APPLICANT CONTACT John Berry 480-385-2727 LOCATION 7881 East Gray Road BACKGROUND General Plan The 2001 General Plan Conceptual Land Use Map designates the property as Employment within the Greater Airpark Character Area, a designated Growth Area. The Employment category permits a range of employment uses from light manufacturing to light industrial and office uses. The Growth Areas Element approaches growth management from a perspective of identifying those areas of the community that are most appropriate for development focus. Character Area Plan The General Plan establishes character area planning as a means of ensuring that quality of development and consistency of character drive Scottsdale’s vision within the context of community- wide goals. The subject property is located within the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan (GACAP) boundary and is designated as Employment (EMP). The GACAP describes EMP as an area that includes an array of office, commercial, warehousing, and light industrial land uses that provide opportunities for business enterprises, as well as regional and local jobs. These areas should have access to regional multi-modal transportation systems, including access for truck traffic and transit facilities. Residential is not appropriate in employment areas. Employment is appropriate adjacent to the Aviation Land Use area. Zoning The site is zoned Industrial Park, I-1, and Industrial Park Conditional (I-1 (C)). The subject site was annexed into the City of Scottsdale in 1962 under Ordinance No. 165 with Single-family Residential, R1-35 zoning. In 1964 and 1975, the subject area was rezoned to Industrial Park, I-1, and Industrial Park Conditional (I-1 (C)) to allow for light manufacturing, aeronautical, light industrial, office and supportive uses to sustain and enhance major employment opportunities. Conditional zoning was a term used in the past to identify that the zoning case was approved with conditions, or what we refer to as stipulations today. Including conditions was not a typical practice in the past, so the Conditional C was an identifier that the zoning approval wasn’t a blanket approval and had stipulations to adhere to. Now all zoning cases include staff recommended stipulations. As a part of this proposed rezoning case, staff has included past stipulations from the 1975 case that protect building and landscape setbacks. Page 2 of 7
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale Context The subject property is located slightly west of the northwest corner of East Thunderbird Road and North Hayden Road. The site is currently home to an office/warehouse building with associated parking and landscaping improvements. Please refer to context graphics attached. Adjacent Uses and Zoning • North Office/Warehouse Building, zoned Industrial Park, I-1 • South East Thunderbird Road and Residential Subdivision, zoned Single-family Residential, R1-35 • East Multi-tenant Office Building, zoned Industrial Park, I-1 • West Vehicle Storage and Service, zoned Industrial Park, I-1 Other Related Policies, References: Scottsdale General Plan 2001, as amended Greater Airpark Character Area Plan Zoning Ordinance Land Use Table 11.201.A APPLICANT’S PROPOSAL Development Information The development proposal includes a zoning district map amendment from I-1 and I-1 (C) to C-4 to allow for a vehicle sales and repair use within an existing building. The proposed user is McLaren Scottsdale, a boutique luxury car dealership. The applicant is proposing an interior remodel of the existing building to include a showroom, storage, and associated vehicle service. Minor site and façade improvements include new hardscape, additional landscaping, sidewalk upgrades, repaint, and roll up garage doors. The property adheres to the existing I-1 and proposed C-4 zoning development standards. • Existing Use: Office/Warehouse • Proposed Use: Vehicle Sales • Parcel Size: +/- 124,045 square feet / 2.8 acres (net) +/- 143,748 square feet / 3.4 acres (gross) • Floor Area Allowed: 0.8 • Floor Area Existing: 0.26 • Building Height Allowed: 36 feet • Building Height Existing: 26 feet • Parking Required: 88 spaces • Parking Provided: 97 spaces • Open Space Required: 13,903 square feet • Open Space Provided: 34,823 square feet Page 3 of 7
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale IMPACT ANALYSIS General Plan, Character Area, and Land Use The request conforms to the General Plan description of Employment. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from the current Industrial Park, I-1 and I-1 (C), zoning district to the General Commercial, C-4, zoning district to expand the list of allowed uses. The C-4 District is intended to provide space for the heaviest type of commercial activities found in the City, including light manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling and vehicle leasing, rental, sales, and repair. This district provides opportunities for light industrial uses to sustain and enhance the community's economic viability. The subject site is located within the boundary of the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan (GACAP) which was adopted in October 2010. One of the overarching themes of the plan is to support and expand business diversity through land use flexibility. This request is supported where the GACAP had expected commercial to exist within the EMP land use designation to provide opportunities for business enterprises and jobs. The proposed rezoning to the General Commercial, C-4, zoning district will complement the EMP land use designation and allow for additional land uses beyond those limited within the Industrial Park, I-1, zoning district; predominantly for vehicle sales and automotive related uses to allow for the relocation of McLaren Scottsdale. The GACAP Conceptual Development Type Map designates the property as “Type A – Medium Scale” within the southern Sensitive Edge of the Greater Airpark. Type A are locations appropriate for medium-scale developments. The Sensitive Edge denotes areas appropriate for transitions of land use, development scale, and development types between the Greater Airpark Character Area and lower-scale residential areas along the Greater Airpark boundary. Transitions may include, building height stepbacks, increased setbacks, vegetated buffers, open space buffers, and/or other sensitive solutions. The applicant is not proposing any site changes or building modifications that would change the character or orientation of the lower-scale warehouse building that exists on the subject property today, thus conforming to the Type A Development Type. Furthermore, the existing required 60-foot drainage and landscape easement along the subject site’s Thunderbird Road frontage will remain. The applicant proposes to provide additional new trees within landscape islands to increase the existing vegetative buffer between the subject site and existing residential neighborhoods to the south of Thunderbird Road. The General Plan Land Use (Goals 1 & 4) and Economic Vitality (Goals 3, 4, and 5) Elements and the GACAP Land Use (Goal LU 1) and Economic Vitality (Goals EV 1 and EV 2) Chapters encourage a balance of diverse land uses that preserve a high quality of life and defines a sense of place within the region while ensuring neighborhoods are adequately protected from major commercial development through design sensitivity, buffering, and traffic management. In the instance of this proposal, the applicant is requesting a rezoning from I-1 and I-1 (C) to the C-4 zoning district which will provide a wider range of land uses to the Airpark Employment Core, thus allowing for the relocation of McLaren, an established Airpark business. Airport Vicinity The subject property is located within the Airport's AC-2 Influence area and is approximately 2,200 feet southeast of the runway. The subject site is completely outside the 55 DNL noise contours. Employment uses are encouraged, and a fair disclosure statement, avigation easement dedication, and FAA height analysis approval are required prior to permit issuance. Page 4 of 7
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale Transportation The proposed McLaren user will utilize the site’s existing main driveway entrance off East Gray Road to the north. There is no access to East Thunderbird Road to the south. The subject site will continue to have vehicular cross access with the office complex to the east to assist in circulation. There are 88 parking spaces required for the new vehicle sales use and 97 parking spaces provided on site. Traffic impact summary has been accepted by Transportation staff. Water and Sewer The developer is responsible for providing all water and wastewater infrastructure improvements to serve the development. No impacts are anticipated. The water and sewer reports have been accepted by Water Resources staff. Public Safety The nearest fire station, No. 609, is located at 14970 North 78th Way, less than one mile north of the site. The subject site is served by Police District 4, Beat 15. No impacts are anticipated. Community Involvement The applicant and staff have notified all property owners, HOAs, and interested parties within 750 feet of the subject property of the proposed rezoning application. The applicant held a virtual open house meeting on February 3, 2021 which had 57 views. In addition, the site has been posted with a hearing sign. The applicant has been in contact with the neighborhood to the south who is supportive of the rezoning request but asked for the following: the rear yard site wall be repaired, the drainage area be refreshed and removed of weeds, and additional trees be included to buffer the subdivision further. The requests will be stipulations of the subsequent development review case for the exterior site and façade changes. The applicant has submitted signed petitions in support of the rezoning request from numerous nearby property owners, see attachment #14. Policy Implications From an economic development standpoint, the rezoning will allow McLaren, an established Airpark business, to maintain an Airpark location and stay within the City of Scottsdale. However, the rezoning to the C-4 district will be a more isolated occurrence within the overall area which is mostly I-1 zoning and has the potential to encourage owners in the area to pursue rezoning to allow automotive sales or other commercial uses. It is important to note that both the C-4 and I-1 zoning districts focus on land uses relating to employment, like manufacturing and warehousing, but the rezoning to C-4 would allow for the proposed vehicle sales use which is not currently permitted in the I-1 district. In 2014, a text amendment was proposed that would allow vehicle sales in I-1, but the text amendment was not approved by City Council. OTHER BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Planning Commission: Planning Commission heard this case on June 23, 2021 and recommended approval with a vote of 6- 0. Page 5 of 7
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale Staff’s Recommendation to Planning Commission: Staff recommended that the Planning Commission find that the Zoning District criteria have been met, and determine that the proposed zoning district map amendment is consistent and conforms with the adopted General Plan, and make a recommendation to City Council for approval, per the attached stipulations. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Ordinance No. 4513 for a Zoning District Map Amendment from Industrial Park (I-1) and Industrial Park Conditional (I-1 (C)) to General Commercial (C-4) zoning on a +/-3.4-acre site located at 7881 East Gray Road. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENTS STAFF CONTACTS Community & Economic Development Katie Posler Current Planning Services Senior Planner 480-312-2703 Email: Community & Economic Development Taylor Reynolds Long Range Planning Project Coordination Liaison 480-312-7924 Email: Community & Economic Development Eliana Hayes Plan Review Development Engineering Manager 480-312-2757 Email: Public Works Phil Kercher Traffic Engineering Traffic Engineer and Operations Manager 480-312-7645 Community & Economic Development Richard Anderson Stormwater Management Stormwater Engineering Manager 480-312-2729 Public Safety Scott Stanek Fire and Life Safety Services Senior Plans Examiner 480-312-7061 Engineering Services Richard Sacks Engineering – Water Reclamation Senior Water Resources Engineer 480-312-5673 Email: Page 6 of 7
City Council Report | McLaren Scottsdale APPROVED BY 7/30/21 Katie Posler, Senior Planner, Report Author Date 8/2/2021 Tim Curtis, AICP, Current Planning Director Date Planning Commission Liaison Phone: 480-312-4210 Email: 8/4/2021 Randy Grant, Executive Director Date Planning, Economic Development, and Tourism Phone: 480-312-2664 Email: ATTACHMENTS 1. Context Aerial 1A. Aerial Close Up 2. Ordinance No. 4513 Exhibit 1: Stipulations Exhibit A to Exhibit 1: Site Plan Exhibit 2: Proposed Zoning Map 3. Applicant’s Narrative 4. Site Plan 5. Floor Plan 6. Building Elevations 7. Existing Zoning Map 8. Proposed Zoning Map 9. General Plan Land Use Map 10. Greater Airpark Character Area Map 11. Traffic Impact Summary 12. Applicant’s email regarding neighborhood requests 13. Citizen Review Report 14. Public Comments 15. City Notification Map 16. June 23, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7
Case 2-ZN-2021 Stipulations for the Zoning Application: McLaren Scottsdale Case Number: 2-ZN-2021 These stipulations are in order to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and the City of Scottsdale. SITE DESIGN 1. CONFORMANCE TO CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN. Development shall conform with the conceptual site plan submitted by Berry Riddel and with the city staff date of 6/8/21, attached as Exhibit A to Exhibit 1. Any proposed significant change to the conceptual site plan, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, shall be subject to additional action and public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. 2. MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT. No building on the site shall exceed 36 feet in height measured as provided in the applicable section of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. OUTDOOR LIGHTING. The maximum height of any outdoor lighting source shall be 20 feet above the adjacent finished grade. 4. PROTECTION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Any development on the property is subject to the requirements of Scottsdale Revised Code, Chapter 46, Article VI, Protection of Archaeological Resources, Section 46-134 - Discoveries of archaeological resources during construction. 5. BUILDING SETBACK. Building setback from East Thunderbird Road shall be a minimum of 100 feet. 6. LANDSCAPE SETBACK. A minimum 60-foot landscape buffer and easement shall be maintained from East Thunderbird Road. 7. SCREEN WALLS. A minimum 6-foot-tall screen wall shall be maintained at the 60 foot landscape setback along East Thunderbird Road to conceal parking and service activities. DEDICATIONS 8. AVIGATION EASEMENT. Prior to the issuance of any permit for the development project, the property owner shall dedicate an Avigation Easement to the City of Scottsdale, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, or designee. 9. CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT. Prior to permit issuance, provide a cross access agreement onto the east property. INFRASTRUCTURE 10. CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy or Certification of Shell Building, whichever is first, for the development project, the property owner shall complete all the infrastructure and improvements required by the Scottsdale Revised Code and these stipulations. 11. STANDARDS OF IMPROVEMENTS. All improvements (curb, gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, driveways, pavement, concrete, water, wastewater, etc.) shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable City of Scottsdale Supplements to the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Uniform Version 7- 17 Ordinance No. 4513 Ordinance No. 4513 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 2
Case 2-ZN-2021 Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction, Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG) Uniform Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction, the Design Standards and Policies Manual (DSPM), and all other applicable city codes and policies. 12. FIRE HYDRANT. Prior to permit issuance for the site, demonstrate Hydrant spacing, existing and proposed in accordance with Fire Ord. 4283, 507.5.1.2. REPORTS AND STUDIES 13. FAA DETERMINATION. With the Development Review Board Application, the property owner shall submit a copy of the FAA Determination letter on the FAA FORM 7460-1 for any proposed structures and/or appurtenances that penetrate the 100:1 slope. The elevation of the highest point of those structures, including the appurtenances, must be detailed in the FAA form 7460-1 submittal. 14. AIRCRAFT NOISE AND OVERFLIGHT DISCLOSURE. With the Development Review Board Application submittal, the property owner shall provide a copy of the noise disclosure notice that will be provided to occupants, potential homeowners, employees and/or students that will be located at the development project in a form acceptable to the Scottsdale Aviation Director. Version 7- 17 Ordinance No. 4513 Ordinance No. 4513 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 1 Page 2 of 2
City staff date: 6/8/21 Ordinance 4513 Exhibit A to Exhibit 1 Page 1 of 1
Q.S. 33-46 Zoning Graphic Proposed Zoning Ordinance No. 4513 2-ZN-2021 Exhibit 2 Page 1 of 1
Project Narrative Rezoning Application 7881 E. Gray Road Case: 2-ZN-2021 Prepared by: Berry Riddell, LLC John V. Berry, Esq. Michele Hammond, Principal Planner 6750 E. Camelback Road, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 480-385-2727 Revised: April 2, 2021 ATTACHMENT #3 1 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Property Details & Request ……………………………………………………………..…3 II. Site Context …………………………………………………………………….……………….…4 III. 2001 General Plan ……………………………………………………………………………….6 IV. Greater Airpark Character Area Plan …………………………………………………11 V. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….…...18 Revised: April 2, 2021 2 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
I. Property Details & Request Property Location: 7881 E. Gray Road Property Size: ±3.02 acres (net); ±3.40 acres (gross) Current GP: Employment Current Zoning: I-1 (Industrial Park) Requested Zoning: C-4 (General Commercial) This request is for a zoning district map amendment for a parcel of industrial zoned land located just west of the northwest corner of Hayden Road and Thunderbird Road (APN: 215-56-208), the “Property”. The request is a rezoning from the current I-1 and I-1(C) zoning districts to the C-4 zoning district to expand the list of allowed uses – specifically, vehicle sales and related automotive uses. This will allow for the relocation of McLaren Scottsdale, a boutique luxury car dealership currently located at the southeast corner of Raintree Drive and 83rd Place. The Property is currently being used by HydroGro, an agriculture and turf company, which intends to vacate the building in the next few months. The Property is within the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan (“GACAP”) with a land use designation of Employment as shown in the graphic below. 2001 General Plan Land Use Map Site Owner/operator Mike Ward has been in the car business for nearly four decades and has developed extensive expertise in the luxury car industry. In addition to McLaren Scottsdale, he owns Mike Ward Automotive in Highlands Ranch, Colorado which also carries a selection of luxury car brands such as McLaren, Lamborghini, and Aston Martin. He has a passion for community involvement that includes supporting veterans, education, underprivileged youth, and healthcare. Revised: April 2, 2021 3 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Context Aerial Hayden Rd. Thunderbird Rd. II. Site Context The ±3.40-acre site is located on the northwest corner of Hayden and Thunderbird Roads. The current building footprint will be maintained with upgrades that include minor site improvements, cosmetic improvements to the exterior building façade, and interior improvements. The surrounding context includes a two-story multi-tenant building with fitness/gymnastics, building supply, and retail uses directly to the east (I-1), Rolling Art Motorsport, a luxury automotive storage and service facility, directly to the west (I-1 & I-1 (C)), and to the north are a range of service and retail uses (I-1), including Lavish Interiors and Staging Furniture, Boars Head Provisioning, Twin Eagle Distributing, and Arizona Window & Door Store. To the south is single- family residential (R1-35). Along Hayden Road further to the north are several commercial and employment related uses, including Outlaw Jeep and Truck Accessories, Marline Pools Service, Big D Floor Covering Supplies, and the Closet Factory. To the northwest is the Scottsdale Airport. All the above-mentioned uses are within the existing Employment land use designation of the GACAP and have predominately I-1 zoning. Revised: April 2, 2021 4 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
City of Scottsdale Zoning Map Surrounding Zoning / Context Aerial Hayden Rd. Thunderbird Rd. Revised: April 2, 2021 5 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
III. 2001 General Plan The General Plan sets forth a collection of goals and approaches intended to integrate the Guiding Principles into the planning process and provide a framework for proposed development and the built environment. Per the City’s 2001 General Plan, the six Guiding Principles articulate how the appropriateness of a land use change to the General Plan is to be qualified. These six Guiding Principles are as follows: 1. Value Scottsdale’s Unique Lifestyle & Character (Character & Design, Land Use) 2. Support Economic Vitality 3. Enhance Neighborhoods (Housing, Neighborhoods) 4. Preserve Meaningful Open Space 5. Seek Sustainability 6. Advance Transportation (Mobility) The Six Guiding Principles are further broken down into specific goals and policies within the various elements of the General Plan. Below is a discussion of the goals and polices that are applicable to this rezoning request, which is in conformance with both the General Plan and the Greater Airpark Character Area Plan. CHARACTER & DESIGN Goal 1 Determine the appropriateness of all development in terms of community goals, surrounding area character, and the specific context of the surrounding neighborhood. Bullet 1: Respond to regional and citywide contexts with new and revitalized development in terms of: - Scottsdale as a part of a larger metropolitan area with a unique reputation, image, character and identity within a regional setting. - Relationship to surrounding land forms, land uses and transportation corridors. - Consistently high community quality expectations. Bullet 2: Enrich the lives of all Scottsdale citizens by promoting safe, attractive, and context compatible development. Bullet 4: Ensure that all development is part of and contributes to the established or planned character of the area of the proposed location. Character can cross land uses and zoning to include community regions containing a mixture of housing, employment, cultural, educational, commercial, and recreational uses. The overall type of character type that these uses are a part of describes the pattern and intensity of how these uses fit together. Revised: April 2, 2021 6 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Urban Character Types contain higher-density residential, non-residential, and mixed-use neighborhoods. The districts include apartments, high-density townhouses, commercial and employment centers, and resorts. Urban districts should have a pedestrian orientation with shade, activity nodes and small intimate developed open spaces that encourage interaction among people. Some examples of Urban Districts include: • Employment Cores are primary employment centers for the city. These cores support a wide range of activities and regional and community level employment uses. Response: The Property is bound by established commercial businesses and employment uses to the west, north and directly east. South of the Property is a single-family residential neighborhood. The Airpark has evolved into a true mixed-use regional center with the integration of residential and retail in key activity locations. Rezoning this Property to C-4 will allow for vehicle sales and related automotive uses to allow for the relocation of McLaren Scottsdale. This rezoning is compatible with the surrounding land uses and will be an asset to residents in the Airpark and beyond. Further, this proposal is consistent with the Employment land use designation and will be a continuation of the development pattern that has emerged in this area of the Airpark. In terms on land use context, the surrounding area includes a two-story multi-tenant building with fitness/gymnastics, building supply, and retail uses directly to the east, Rolling Art Motorsport (a luxury automotive storage and service facility) directly to the west and to the north are a range of service and retail uses, including Lavish Interiors and Staging Furniture, Boars Head Provisioning, Twin Eagle Distributing, and Arizona Window & Door Store. To the south is single- family residential (R1-35). Along Hayden Road further to the north are several commercial and employment related uses, including Outlaw Jeep and Truck Accessories, Marline Pools Service, Big D Floor Covering Supplies, and the Closet Factory. To the northwest is the Scottsdale Airport. All the above-mentioned retail uses are within the existing Employment land use designation of the GACAP. The proposed use is not an isolated land use given the surrounding context and variety of established retail uses that bring diversity to the Scottsdale Airpark. The C-4 rezoning request will allow McLaren Scottsdale to maintain an Airpark location and continue to contribute to Scottsdale’s tax base. Further, the request will improve the long-term economic viability of the Airpark as a mixed-use employment core. Revised: April 2, 2021 7 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Site Plan LAND USE Goal 1 Recognize Scottsdale’s role as a major regional economic and cultural center, featuring business, tourism, and cultural activities. Bullet 1: Strengthen the identity of Scottsdale by encouraging land uses that contribute to the character of the community and sustain a viable economic base. Bullet 2: Encourage land uses that preserve a high quality of life and define Scottsdale’s sense of place within the region. Response: Scottsdale is renowned for luxury car enthusiasts and is recognized around the world for their car auctions. Decades of local and national car auctions and car shows has left an imprint on Scottsdale’s identity, and it is not uncommon to see exotic luxury cars traveling the streets of Scottsdale on any given day of the week. The McLaren Dealership, in its new location, is consistent with this unique identity and will continue to serve the high-income clientele that live in and visit Scottsdale. Revised: April 2, 2021 8 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Goal 9 Provide a broad variety of land uses that create a high level of synergy within mixed-use neighborhoods. Bullet 1: Incorporate a diverse range of residential and non-residential uses and densities within mixed-use neighborhoods. Bullet 3: Encourage redevelopment that invigorates an area while also respecting the character of adjacent neighborhoods. Response: The Airpark has developed into a regional, mixed-use center with a combination of business and commercial integrated with residential uses. This proposal is compatible with the mixed-use land use pattern that has developed in the Airpark, which includes other automotive sales facilities. The rezoning request will expand upon the permitted uses with the current in the I-1 district, to include vehicle sales and automotive uses, to maintain a luxury boutique dealership in Scottsdale and continue to diversify the Airpark’s offerings to residents and visitors. Recognizing the establish single-family neighborhood to the south, McLaren’s deliveries and service entrance will be designated on the west side of the building away from the residential neighbors. The new bay doors will have high-speed technology installed to quickly open and close. The single existing bay door along the south will be for secondary access only and is not the predominate service access point (this door will also be replaced with high-speed technology). Further, the existing building is currently located approximately 300 feet north of the single-family homes to the south with an established 60-foot wide landscape and retention basin buffer along the southern property boundary. The building will maintain the 1-story configuration with no windows on the back of the structure facing south. New vehicles will be stored predominately inside the building and repairs will occur internally with all service doors remaining closed. Vehicle test drives will be directed north and east of the site via Raintree to the Loop 101, away from the neighborhood. Unobtrusive existing lighting fixtures will be maintained, and no exterior speakers will be utilized. ECONOMIC VITALITY Goal 2 Encourage and maintain a high level of diverse, quality retail and entertainment activity in Scottsdale that supports the needs of Scottsdale’s residents and visitors. Bullet 1: Encourage the location of new, high quality, regionally oriented retail activities in Scottsdale. New retail activity should focus on unique and diverse retail adventures. Bullet 3: Diversify Scottsdale’s business and retail community so it includes a variety of business types as well as a variety of business scales and sizes. Bullet 5: Develop existing and attract new high value/low impact businesses. Response: This proposal will allow for the relocation of the boutique luxury McLaren Dealership currently located at the southeast corner of Raintree Drive and 83rd Place, providing three-times Revised: April 2, 2021 9 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
the floor space for McLaren allowing more vehicles under roof and responding to increase sales demand. McLaren estimates approximately 20 employees on site day-to-day. This proposal will ensure that the diverse mix of dealerships within the Airpark will be maintained in keeping with Scottsdale’s unique identity. With vehicle MSRPs ranging from $190,000 to over $300,000, this proposal will serve the higher income demographic of Scottsdale and beyond. McLaren Scottsdale is a high-value business, but with much less fewer customers than a typical dealership, it will be a low-impact land use compatible with the surrounding context. On a typical day, only 5 service vehicles and 5 customers will visit the dealership. Average sales are estimated at 3-5 sales per week. Outdoor vehicle display will be minimal (one or two cars) due to the value of the McLaren vehicles and most of the cars will be keep indoors. Vehicle test drives will be directed north and east of the site via Raintree to the Loop 101, away from the neighborhood. Goal 4 Foster new and existing economic activities and employment opportunities that are compatible with Scottsdale’s lifestyle. Bullet 1: Strive to grow and expand the economic base on pace and in harmony with the population and supporting built and natural environment. Bullet 3: Target specific economic sectors for expansion or relocation in Scottsdale that will provide for the greatest positive impact and the fewest negative impacts. Bullet 4: Strongly pursue economic opportunities that enhance the quality of life of the community as well as have a positive economic impact. This would include those businesses that provide medical, educational, cultural or recreational amenities for the community. Bullet 6: Emphasize the retention and expansion of businesses in Scottsdale and provide support mechanisms for small businesses in Scottsdale. Response: The proposed C-4 zoning will allow the property owner to relocate the existing McLaren Scottsdale to a new location within the Airpark; retaining a valued business and allowing McLaren to expand to a larger building. It will also allow for additional uses that are compatible with the established Airpark character and in harmony with the Employment land use. As such, the Property will continue to offer services to the residents and visitors of Scottsdale. Further, allowing C-4 zoning on this site will improve the long-term economic viability of the Airpark, which provides a range or services and employment land uses. Goal 5 Locate and integrate non-residential development to improve access and visibility and to protect the integrity of neighborhoods. Bullet 5: Ensure neighborhoods are adequately protected from major commercial development through design sensitivity, buffering and traffic management, etc. Response: Protection of the existing residential neighborhood is paramount. Sensitive buffering will occur though the existing site configuration and previously approved zoning stipulations Revised: April 2, 2021 10 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
which require a 100-ft building setback from Thunderbird and 60-ft wide landscape buffer within the setback area. On-site screen walls will be maintained, and landscaping will be enhanced to improve the visual buffer to the R1-35 zoning to the south. Vehicle test drives will be directed north and east of the site via Raintree to the Loop 101, away from the neighborhood. The service bay doors will be located along western side of the building away from the neighborhood. Goal 7 Sustain the long-term economic well-being of the city and its citizens through redevelopment and revitalization efforts. Bullet 1: Encourage quality redevelopment in employment areas to provide new jobs, new retail, and new entertainment opportunities in the Scottsdale market. Bullet 2: Encourage and support the renovation and reuse of underutilized or vacant parcels/buildings/shopping centers. Response: This proposal will maintain the current footprint of the existing building with upgrades that include minor site improvements, cosmetic improvements to the exterior building façade, and interior improvements. Previously used as a manufacturing plant, the Property is currently being used by HydroGro, a turf and agriculture facility, which intends to vacate the building in the next few months. The rezoning to C-4 will expand the list of allowed uses on the Property, meet the demand for this product, and better serve the community’s needs. IV. Greater Airpark Character Area Plan The Greater Airpark Character Area Plan was adopted in October 2010 by Scottsdale's City Council. The purpose of the GACAP is to establish "the vision for the Greater Scottsdale Airpark and provide the basis for Greater Airpark decision-making over a twenty-year timeframe." To achieve this, the City established a series of goals and polices to provide a framework for future development. The GACAP is divided into eight chapters each with its own focus and vision: Land Use, Neighborhood & Housing, Aviation, Community Mobility, Economic Vitality, Environmental Planning, Character & Design, and Public Service & Facilities. The following paragraphs ("responses") will highlight how this application meets the goals and policies of the GACAP and is consistent with the Employment designation. GACAP Definition: Employment includes an array of office, commercial, warehousing, and light industrial land uses that provide opportunities for business enterprises, as well as regional and local jobs. These areas should have access to regional multi-modal transportation systems, including access for truck traffic and transit facilities. Residential is not appropriate in employment areas. Employment is appropriate adjacent to the Aviation Land Use area and within the Airport’s 55 DNL areas or higher. Revised: April 2, 2021 11 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
The Conceptual Development Type Map designates the Property as "Type A – Medium Scale" which is defined in the GACAP as follows: Type A development denotes areas appropriate for medium-scale development. Type A may represent lower-scale residential development existing in the area north of the Central Arizona Project Aqueduct and south of the Loop 101 Freeway. In other areas of the Greater Airpark, Type A may represent developments that are of a higher-scale than uses on the outside of the Greater Airpark boundary but of a lower-scale than in Type B or C areas. The subject building already conforms to the Type A Development Type, which includes existing buildings found adjacent to the Property and along Hayden Road. The rezoning will maintain the Type A Development Type. The request is consistent with the existing GACAP land use designation of Employment in numerous ways, which are outlined below. The Property is located on the northwest corner of Hayden Road (a major arterial), which is classified as a Signature Corridor in the GACAP, and Thunderbird Road (a collector street). Additionally, the Property is located outside the boundaries of designated airport noise contours and is thus appropriate for Employment land uses and C-4 zoning. LAND USE Goal LU 1 Maintain and expand the Greater Airpark’s role as a national and international economic destination through appropriate land uses, development, and revitalization. Policy LU 1.1 Maintain and expand the diversity of land uses in the Greater Airpark. Policy LU 1.2 Support a mix of uses within the Greater Airpark that promote a sense of community and economic efficiency, such as clustering similar/supportive uses and incorporating residential intended for the area’s workforce, where appropriate. Policy LU 1.3 Promote development intensities supportive of existing and future market needs. Policy LU 1.7 Encourage adaptive reuse of buildings. Policy LU 1.8 Prevent erosion of Greater Airpark Employment land uses through land use regulations, such as limiting retail and restaurants in areas designated for employment. Response: Characteristics of successful Employment Cores include a range of land uses. According to the GACAP definition of Employment, these areas should include an “array of office, commercial, warehousing, and light industrial land uses that provide opportunities for business enterprises, as well as regional and local jobs.” The proposed C-4 zoning will complement the surrounding context of home improvement stores, vehicle sales and service, office, light industrial, warehouse, and retail development. This rezoning request will allow for the relocation of McLaren Scottsdale, a luxury boutique car dealership that is currently located at the southeast Revised: April 2, 2021 12 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
corner of Raintree Drive and 83rd Place, providing three-times the floor space for McLaren allowing more vehicles under roof to meet inventory demand. This proposal will allow the integration of vehicle sales and automotive related uses into the existing range of a permitted uses on the Property. Additionally, the existing (soon to be vacated) building at 7881 E. Gray will be adaptively reused to house the McLaren dealership. Greater Airpark Future Land Use Map (GACAP Page 11) Site Revised: April 2, 2021 13 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Goal LU 6 Promote the Greater Airpark as a mixed-use economic and aviation-based employment center that is complementary to Downtown Scottsdale, the city’s premier cultural, civic, and residential mixed-use core. Policy LU 6.1: Prioritize employment uses over residential uses in the Greater Airpark. Policy LU 6.3: Retail and service uses in Airpark Mixed Use and Regional Tourism Land Use Areas should serve local, as well as regional, markets. Response: The proposed C-4 zoning is consistent with the GACAP’s Employment land use designation and will provide services for the Airpark’s Employment Core including area businesses and the surrounding automotive related uses further prioritizing employment uses in the area. Goal LU 7 Develop an interconnected network of Signature Corridors to support the Greater Airpark as a place for meeting, creating, shopping, learning, as well as working. Policy LU 7.2 Promote a greater mix of uses along identified Signature Corridors, which complement and are compatible with each respective land use designation. Response: Signature Corridors are designated on the Greater Airpark Future Land Use Plan and include Hayden Road, which creates suitable conditions for providing “a greater mix of uses” in the Employment Core on the subject Property. Integrating C-4 zoning in this location broadens the current range of land uses in the area and supports the economic viability of existing Airpark developments and area businesses. ECONOMIC VITALITY Goal EV 1 Sustain the long-term economic prosperity of the Greater Airpark. Policy EV 1.1 Develop and implement long-term economic development strategies that maintain and enhance city revenue streams in order to balance the area's revenue generation with the cost of services and ensure financial stability now in the future. Policy EV 1.2: Promote Scottsdale’s exceptional quality of life as a key factor for business attraction, retention, and expansion. Policy EV 1.5: Develop existing and attract new high value business to the Greater Airpark. Policy EV 1.8 Attract a diversified business base to help insulate the city during economic downturns. Response: A primary objective of the GACAP is to develop and implement long-term economic development strategies that position the Greater Airpark as an economic leader. Over the last few decades Hayden Road has evolved with the market demand in terms of tenant mix and land Revised: April 2, 2021 14 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
uses but still remains a strong economic corridor for the Airpark with a range of automotive, office and retail uses. The purpose of this proposal is to integrate vehicle sales and related automotive uses on the Property to allow for the relocation and expansion of an existing boutique luxury car dealership expanding the tax base generated from this use. Overall, the proposed C-4 zoning will provide a wider range of land uses to the Airpark Employment Core, which will help foster a strong and diverse economic environment. Goal EV 5 Enhance existing and develop new partnerships that support quality employment, business opportunities, and workforce development. Policy EV 5.1 Encourage partnerships and/or development incentives to renovate underutilized or vacant parcels in the Greater Airpark. Response: The Property is soon to be vacated by the current tenant HydroGro who planned to move outside of Scottsdale long before McLaren’s interest in the Property. McLaren has been looking for a new site to better serve the community’s needs for over a year, wanting to maintain their Scottsdale Airpark presence and not relocate to a different city of to the Salt River Pima - Maricopa Indian Community. Rezoning this Property will allow McLaren to relocate their current luxury dealership, repurpose and revitalize an aging building, and increase the economic impact generated by the dealership in Scottsdale. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING Policy EP 1.3 Promote landscape design and irrigation methods that contribute to water and energy conservation. Response: The on-site landscaping is well established and includes low-water use indigenous plants and trees that blend with the Airpark context and nearby developments. Any newly proposed landscape enhancements will be submitted with the Development Review Board application consistent with City requirements. Revised: April 2, 2021 15 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Current Site Condition CHARACTER & DESIGN Goal CD 1 Enhance and strengthen the design character of Greater Airpark Future Land Use Areas. Policy CD 1.1 Promote innovative, high quality design using specific design criteria associated with each Future Land Use Area in the Greater Airpark: Employment Future Land Use Areas – These areas consist of multi-functional buildings with form following function, contemporary architecture, technological and corporate/executive character, campuses and unique expressions of corporate identity. Multi-modal connections between developments are encouraged. Building materials that are utilized in the area should reflect emerging technologies and sustainable practices. Landscape materials should provide vibrant colors that are contextually-sensitive to adjacent developments. Response: The proposal achieves this policy in several ways. It provides a wider range of uses to support the Airpark Employment Core and positively transforms the long-term economic viability of the site while retaining an existing asset in the Scottsdale Airpark. Further, new exterior finishes, signage, and minor site improvements will update the existing condition of the Property. Revised: April 2, 2021 16 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Greater Airpark Signature Corridors (GACAP Page 58) Site Revised: April 2, 2021 17 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Goal CD 2 Create vibrant Signature Corridors in the Greater Airpark to provide a distinct identity and design theme in the area. Policy CD 2.1 Establish a unified streetscape for identified Signature Corridors with unique imagery for each corridor. Policy CD 2.1.6 Hayden-South Signature Corridor The Hayden-South Signature Corridor, south of Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard to Raintree Drive, is a buffered roadway with urban characteristics. Buildings along this corridor should orient toward the street and incorporate landscaped open spaces and tree cover. Response: The proposed rezoning will highlight this Signature Corridor and the site currently provides design elements that cater to the pedestrian and provide an urban character through the use of building design, signage, landscaping, hardscape and lighting. Exterior site upgrades and cosmetic improvements to the exterior of the building are proposed in this rezoning request, which will further enhance the visual appeal of the building. COMMUNITY MOBILITY Goal CM 4 Minimize the impacts of Greater Airpark vehicular traffic on adjacent residential neighborhoods. Policy CD 4.3 Preserve Thunderbird Road, west of Loop 101, and other neighborhood streets immediately south of the Greater Airpark, as neighborhood-serving streets. Response: The existing condition along Thunderbird Road will not change with this proposed rezone. Additional trees will be provided along the southern landscape buffer to densify the vegetive condition. As noted previously, McLaren Scottsdale is not a typical dealership and is generally a quiet use given the surrounding Airpark context. On a typical day, only 5 service vehicles and 5 customers will visit the dealership. Average sales are estimated at 3-5 sales per week. Outdoor vehicle display will be minimal (one or two cars) due to the value of the McLaren vehicles and most of the cars will be keep indoors. Vehicle test drives will be directed north and east of the site via Raintree to the Loop 101, away from the neighborhood. V. Conclusion In summary, this request to rezone and existing, soon to be vacant, industrial building from I-1/I- 1 (C) to C-4 will allow for the relocation and expansion of McLaren Scottsdale within the Scottsdale Airpark and ensure it does not relocate to a different city or the Salt River Pima – Maricopa Indian Community. It will provide a wider range of permitted uses on this soon to be vacated Property and will strengthen the Employment Core and provide long term economic stability of the area by maintaining jobs and tax revenue in the Scottsdale Airpark, which currently Revised: April 2, 2021 18 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
has 3,800 businesses and approximately 55,000 employees. Allowing additional permitted land uses that are compatible with the surrounding context will be beneficial to the evolving Airpark character and its long-term economic viability consistent with the goals and polices set forth in the General Plan and GACAP. Revised: April 2, 2021 19 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Q.S. 33-46 Zoning Graphic Existing Zoning 2-ZN-2021 ATTACHMENT #7
Q.S. 33-46 Zoning Graphic Proposed Zoning 2-ZN-2021 ATTACHMENT #8
Q.S. 33-46 2001 General Plan General Plan Land Use 2-ZN-2021 Employment ATTACHMENT #9
Q.S. 33-46 2001 General Plan Greater Airpark 2-ZN-2021 Character Area ATTACHMENT #10
To: Mike Ward Date: April 1, 2021 McLaren Scottsdale From: Shelly Sorensen, PE, PTOE Job Number: 20.5148.001 RE: McLaren Scottsdale /01/2 1 04 Traffic Statement INTR ODUCTION Lōkahi, LLC (Lōkahi) has prepared a Traffic Statement for the proposed McLaren Scottsdale automotive sales dealership, located on the south side of the intersection of Gray Road and 79th Street, in Scottsdale, Arizona. See Figure 1 for the vicinity map. The proposed development will repurpose an existing approximate 35,138 square foot industrial building for a boutique luxury automotive use with limited services. See Attachment A and Figure 2 for the site plan. The objective of this Traffic Statement is to analyze the proposed development’s traffic related impacts to the adjacent roadway network. Figure 1 - Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT #11 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Mike Ward Automotive McLaren Scottsdale EXISTING COND ITIONS The approximate 131,155 square foot site is comprised of one (1) parcel and is currently developed with an approximate 35,138 square foot industrial building. The current tenant of the building is HydroGro, which is primarily responsible for suppling fertilizer and micronutrients solutions for plants and turf. The site is currently zoned as Industrial Park (I-1). This zoning is intended to accommodate light manufacturing, light industrial, and office land uses. See Attachment B for Maricopa County Assessor’s parcel information. The proposed development is bordered by Gray Road to the north, with industrial and offices surrounding the development to the east and west, and on the north side of Gray Road. Thunderbird Road borders the site to the south, with single-family residences located south of this roadway. Redfield Road is located one-tenth of a mile north of the site, and Hayden Road is located less than one-tenth of a mile to the east of the site. Hayden Road is a north-south roadway that provides two (2) through lanes in each direction of travel, with a center raise median, within the vicinity area. There is a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour (mph). The City of Scottsdale classifies Hayden Road as a minor arterial, according to the City of Scottsdale Transportation Master Plan, dated July 5, 2016. The City of Scottsdale’s 2018 Average Daily Segment Traffic (ADT) Volumes map reports an ADT of 20,900 vehicles per day (vpd) along Hayden Road, south of Redfield Road, and an ADT of 11,600 vpd north of Raintree Drive. Redfield Road is generally an east-west roadway that provides two (2) through lanes in the westbound direction of travel, and one (1) through lane in the eastbound direction of travel, with a center two-way left turn lane (TWLTL), within the vicinity area. West of Airport Taxiway, Redfield Road becomes Thunderbird Road. There is a posted speed limit of 35 mph. According to the City of Scottsdale Transportation Master Plan, dated July 5, 2016, the City of Scottsdale classifies Redfield Road as a minor collector, between Hayden Road and 76th Place, and as a major collector west of 76th Place. The City of Scottsdale’s 2018 Average Daily Segment Traffic (ADT) Volumes map reports an ADT of 18,400 vpd along Redfield Road, west of Hayden Road. 79th Street is a north-south roadway that provides one (1) through lane in each direction of travel. There is an unposted speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph). Approximately one-tenth of a mile south of Redfield Road, 79th Street becomes the east-west roadway Grey Road. A local data collection firm, Field Data Services of Arizona, Inc., was utilized to collect traffic counts. On Thursday, March 25, 2021, bi-directional tube counts for 24-hours in 15-minute intervals were collected along 79th Street north of Gray Street. Utilizing the Scottsdale seasonal adjustment factor for March of 0.93, and ADT of 1,614 vpd was counted along 79th Street north of Gray Street. See Attachment E for collected traffic count data. 2 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
Mike Ward Automotive McLaren Scottsdale Gray Road is an east-west roadway that provides one (1) through lane in each direction of travel. There is an unposted speed limit of 25 miles per hour (mph). Within the vicinity area, approximately one-half of a mile west of 79th Street, Gray Road terminates at a cul-de-sac. COLLISION HISTOR Y The City of Scottsdale’s 2018 Traffic Volume and Collision Rate Data report provides collision rate and traffic volume information on major roadway segments and at major intersections within the City. Segment collisions are collisions that occur on a major street more than 100 feet from the segment’s termini intersections, including those that occur at minor intersections within the segment. Intersection collisions are collisions that occur at or within 100 feet of the intersection. The collision rate and city-wide ranking for study roadway segments and intersections are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Table 1 – Collision Rates - Study Roadway Segment Segment From To Collision Rate Rank Hayden Road Sweetwater Avenue Redfield Road 0.28 269 Hayden Road Redfield Road Raintree Drive 1.49 125 Redfield Road 76th Place Hayden Road 1.98 92 2018 City of Scottsdale Average Segment Collision Rate 1.53 Table 2 – Collision Rates - Study Intersections Intersection Collision Rate Rank Hayden Road & Redfield Road 0.16 185 Redfield Road & 76th Place 0.68 71 2018 City of Scottsdale Average Intersection Collision Rate 0.58 3 2-ZN-2021 4/6/2021
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