Integrated land use options for the Aotearoa - Core

Page created by Vivian Smith
Paul Blaschke

Integrated land
use options for
the Aotearoa
New Zealand low-emissions
‘careful revolution’
Abstract                                                                     sum attempt to address the land use-related low-
The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon)                                    emissions challenge in a coherent way. The analysis
Amendment Act 2019 is a welcome start on the                                 is built around seven key integrative themes: an
path towards a low-emissions future for Aotearoa                             Aotearoa New Zealand world view and identity;
New Zealand, but it is not much more than a set                              sustainable low-emissions dietary and nutrition
of targets and some tools. There are also so many                            policy; integrated lower-emissions farming, forestry
potential alternative tools and processes now on                             and freight transport; natural capital’s contribution
offer that we face the additional significant risk of                        to wellbeing; integrated catchment approaches;
an unsystematic effort, without enough focus to                              resilient cities; and meta-integration. Without
secure an optimal pathway. Most of the needed tools                          significant effort on the integration of these and
and processes involve decisions about land use. This                         many other components of the required ‘careful
article outlines various options for well-integrated                         revolution’, the revolution will be neither careful
land use policies for Aotearoa New Zealand that in                           nor successful.
                                                                             Keywords land use, New Zealand, environmental
Paul Blaschke is an independent environmental consultant and Honorary
Research Fellow at Victoria University of Wellington and the University of               integration, catchment scale, just
Otago, Wellington. He has broad interests in ecosystem services, landscape
ecology and land use/biodiversity policy and policy implementation.                      transition, carbon emissions reduction

Page 26 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 16, Issue 2 – May 2020
             ith the passage of the Climate of the components of the required ‘careful operate within planetary boundaries.
             Change Response (Zero revolution’, the revolution cannot be Perley uses a landscape systems framework
             Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 considered careful, nor will it be successful. to illustrate his assertion that ‘if we want
(the Zero Carbon Act), Aotearoa New An additional reason for a land use focus to understand and act wisely, we need to
Zealand is now hopefully on a pathway is that this sector (especially agriculture, synthesise as much as we analyse’.
towards a low-emissions future. But the act forestry and nature conservation) is among          The background to this commentary is
does not provide a map for the journey; the most politicised in Aotearoa New the legacy of colonial and post-colonial
it is not much more than a set of targets Zealand and most vulnerable to interest changes in land use that have led to the
and some tools. The recent book A Careful group lobbying. There is a real need, current land use pattern. Although our per
Revolution: towards a low-emissions future therefore, to take a carefully integrated capita fossil fuel emissions are somewhat
(Hall, 2019) offers much useful guidance approach which anticipates the likely kinds lower than those of comparable OECD
on aspects of the changes required, of social pushback to transition policies.              countries,2 our total per capita emissions
coming from a refreshingly wide range of                                                    are much higher than the global average
contributors and perspectives. Principles                                                   because of unusually high biogenic
of intersectoral and intergenerational
justice permeate the contents, especially
                                                 The background                             emissions (Ministry for the Environment,
                                                                                            2019), as discussed below. The recent
the concept of a ‘just transition’,1 as does
an appreciation of the many types of risk
                                               to this commentary                           pattern is of agricultural intensification but
                                                                                            continued dependence on commodity
and disruption that must be addressed.              is the legacy                           production, leading to a desperately
Partly because of this welcome diversity                                                    concerning failure to reduce greenhouse
of approach, however, its messages are             of colonial and                          gas emissions. We are also experiencing

not comprehensive and not always clearly                                                    persistent biodiversity losses in all types of
coherent.                                                                                   environments, and high levels of freshwater
    A plethora of government and private
initiatives, including several national policy    changes in land                           pollution, soil loss and sedimentation.3
                                                                                                As this article was being finalised, the
statements under the Resource
Management Act (RMA), reform of the
                                                 use that have led                          Covid-19 pandemic was still rapidly
                                                                                            expanding worldwide, and Aotearoa New
RMA itself, the One Billion Trees
programme, the Emissions Trading Scheme
                                                to the current land                         Zealand was in the early stage of its Level
                                                                                            4 lockdown. Comment was beginning to
(ETS), the ‘Action for healthy waterways’           use pattern.                            emerge on the recovery phase,4 including
plan, post-Treaty of Waitangi settlement                                                    the need for the economic recovery to be
programmes, a new national Biodiversity                                                     planned and supported in a way that builds
Strategy and more, offer a superabundance                                                   in less carbon-intensive growth, and at the
of potential policy and implementation                                                      same time is equitable and offers support
vehicles to assist the journey. The current       A need for integration in land use policy to people in declining sectors. The needs
government’s wellbeing agenda and the has been long recognised, but is not of ‘just transition’ mentioned above will be
Treasury’s Living Standards Framework handled well in the RMA despite it being equally critical for the required Covid-19
represent further approaches to a more specifically required under several sections recovery. In the conclusion I offer a brief
sustainable and resilient future. In fact, (Bührs, 2009; Resource Management postscript highlighting some aspects of a
there are so many potential vehicles and Review Panel, 2019). Given that the RMA low-carbon Covid-19 recovery phase in the
guidance systems now on offer (many of is our main statute for planning land use, land use sector.
them untested and seemingly not this is a serious obstacle to better integration.
integrated) that we face an additional            The theme of environmental integration What could constitute a ‘careful land use
significant risk on this critical journey: a related to land use has been discussed by revolution’ in Aotearoa New Zealand? Seven
scattering of effort, without enough Bührs (2009) and Perley (2018). Bührs calls strands of integration
focused intellectual, political or financial this type of integration ‘green planning’, Aotearoa New Zealand world view and
resource available to ensure an optimal which he regards as an overarching, mainly identity
pathway.                                       national-scale policy framework to guide Any appropriate integrated response to
     Most of the initiatives mentioned the development of all kinds of policies that the low-emissions challenge requires an
involve decisions about land use. I offer may have a significant impact on the integrated and evidence-informed world
here a personal commentary on some environment. Bührs’ focus helps to view, outward-looking but shaped to the
options for land use policies for Aotearoa promote a systems approach to history and environment of Aotearoa
New Zealand that in sum attempt to environmental policy applied to wicked New Zealand in the 21st century. An
address our critical low-emissions problems such as the climate crisis. It also excellent basis for this is provided by the
challenge in a consciously integrated way. reflects the realisation that humans and seminal Waitangi Tribunal Wai262 report
Without significant effort on the integration human institutions are a part of nature and concerning ownership of and rights to

                                                                                        Policy Quarterly – Volume 16, Issue 2 – May 2020 – Page 27
Integrated Land Use Options for the Aotearoa New Zealand Low-emissions ‘Careful Revolution’

mätauranga Mäori (Mäori knowledge
systems) (Harmsworth and Awatere,
                                                                  A large and              Sustainable low-emissions diet and
                                                                                           nutrition policy
2013), in respect of indigenous flora and                      increasing body             A very large reduction in Aotearoa New
fauna (Waitangi Tribunal, 2011). Over a                                                    Zealand agriculture-related emissions
protracted hearing period, the Tribunal’s                         of research              is needed. This must be achieved while
inquiry widened from the traditional
resource management and conservation
                                                             indicates important           people’s dietary and health needs are
                                                                                           equitably met and there is food security
sectors into many intersecting sectors such                     human health               (IPCC, 2019). It is a critical component of
as health, education, intellectual property                                                a just transition towards a low-emissions
and commerce. It thereby became the                            co-benefits from            future (Huggard, 2019).
Tribunal’s first whole-of-government
report, recommending wide-ranging
                                                                 a diet that is                A large and increasing body of research
                                                                                           indicates important human health co-
reforms to laws and policies affecting                          richer in foods            benefits from a diet that is richer in foods
Mäori culture and identity and calling for                                                 produced with a lower fossil fuel input
the Crown–Mäori relationship to move                            produced with              (such as most fruits, vegetables and pulses),
beyond grievance to a new era based on
                                                                 a lower fossil            compared with foods produced with a
                                                                                           higher fossil fuel input (such as meat and
    Essential concepts traversed included                        fuel input ...            dairy products). From both an
the interpretation of land and sea ‘resources’                                             environmental and a health perspective,
as taonga, and the viewing of humans as                         compared with              these principles imply that New Zealanders
integrally bound to and part of the
environment, as vividly expressed by the
                                                               foods produced              should eat much less meat than we do
                                                                                           currently on average, but not necessarily
whakatauki ‘Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au’                   with a higher fossil          no meat. Meat products are not the only
(‘I am the river, the river is me’).5 This                                                 high climate-impact foods, and not all
report and its recommendations provide a                         fuel input ...            meats have a high climate impact (e.g.
vivid, integrated and sustainable view of                                                  poultry) (Drew et al., 2020). Food
how our land and water taonga could best                                                   production systems that require high levels
be used.                                                                                   of water input (mainly through irrigation)
    Notably, there has been no government research programmes such as the New              can also have a large climate impact and in
response to the report in the years since it Zealand Biological Heritage National          turn become highly vulnerable to climate
was issued.6 The report has been hugely Science Challenge, Ngä Koiora Tukuiho.             change impacts.
influential nevertheless, its ideas and           An example of where integrated                How closely should food exports mirror
recommendations permeating landmark Aotearoa-specific knowledge is particularly            domestic food production and
partnership settlements such as for Te relevant is within the new forestry agency          consumption? Thinking about Aotearoa
Urewera and Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui), Te Uru Räkau. Te Uru Räkau is positioned             New Zealand’s international trading
both incorporating the concept and legal within the Ministry for Primary Industries,       position as a significant food exporter, as
right of personhood conferred on elements so that forest policy is developed within a      well as global food security and equitable
of the environment.                            broader land use framework. Aotearoa-       global nutrition considerations, there is a
                                               specific technical knowledge is required,   continuing requirement for animal-based
Aotearoa New Zealand-appropriate               for example, for feasible wood processing   and dairy-based protein; and in some cases
technology and knowledge                       options, end uses of tree products and      it is environmentally, as well as culturally
Appropriate knowledge is required in order responses to invasive species, including soil   and/or nutritionally, appropriate for this
to develop the means of expressing the pathogens. Technical knowledge must be              to be meat protein.
world view referred to above and shaping integrated with social and economic                    From a climate response perspective, if
it towards the low-emissions challenge. research to ensure effective outcomes. Such        there is a role for food exports these must
Mätauranga is an integral part of such integrated knowledge is necessary for               be high-value and relatively low climate-
knowledge and can be used productively developing forestry-related emissions               impact (Saunders and Barber, 2008). The
in conjunction with Western, Aotearoa- offsets with a high degree of permanence,           higher emissions of our long-distance
adapted scientific knowledge. For example, including possible end uses of timber. All      transport costs must be offset by lower
mätauranga incorporates ecosystems and this requires innovation in both knowledge          climate-impact production systems.
ecosystem service concepts (Harmsworth acquisition and implementation into land            Exports to countries closer rather than
and Awatere, 2013), as well as intimate use systems. The whole journey from                further away should be favoured: for
knowledge of taonga species not expressed know ledge to technolog y to                     example, Asian Pacific Rim countries. It is
within Linnean nomenclature. These implementation is an iterative social                   hard to see a large future role for air-
productive relationships are increasingly process of engagement and knowledge              transported food exports.
underpinning recent environmental transfer.

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Technology and knowledge have a
critical role in achieving low-emissions
                                                    ... an adequate                  numbers; distance from markets or ports;
                                                                                     labour and infrastructure requirements
diets and food production. Aotearoa New           price on emissions                 for each potential land use; and social and
Zealand has been a significant exporter of                                           cultural factors. Landowners in specific
innovation for many agricultural sectors,           is fundamental                   localities remain the best placed to take
and its role in researching greenhouse gas
reductions in pastoral agriculture has also
                                                       not only to                   all these considerations into account, but
                                                                                     need to face an environmentally realistic
been significant,7 with potential for further        enable a low-                   price on emissions.
large reductions. Integrated reduction of                                                The parliamentary commissioner for
food waste at points of production and           emissions transition,               the environment also considered the
consumption, for both domestic and
export agricultural produce, is also an
                                                       but also to                   potential roles of carbon offsets,
                                                                                     recommending that access to forest sinks
important component of reducing                    maintain natural                  as offsets be allowed ‘only for biological
agriculture-related greenhouse gas                                                   emissions’. In his view they should be used
emissions (Drew et al., 2020), closely tied       capital in the low-                as a temporary last resort measure to offset
to reductions in the transport sector (see
                                                   emissions future.                 fossil emissions, and only those sinks with
                                                                                     a high degree of permanence, including
                                                                                     timber end uses, should be counted.
Farming, forestry and freight transport in the                                       Essentially, however, all offsets in the sector
low-emissions economy                         and even flat land (Meurk and Swaffield,
                                                                                     are trade-offs and not in themselves
Agriculture, forestry and associated freight 2006).                                  problematic as a means to an end if they
transport should be considered together          Contributory measures would include result in an overall reduction in net
because transport emissions associated the provision of efficient renewable energy   emissions in a well-integrated manner – for
with agricultural and forest production for all possible agriculture and transport   example, to take account of regional social
and processing are large but not uses, both road and rail (through greater use       needs and avoid inappropriate whole-farm
incorporated into those sectors in Aotearoa of electric vehicles, including for freight,10
                                                                                     conversions. Overall, by considering the
New Zealand’s emissions inventory system and rail electrification); and reduced overall
                                                                                     purposes of split targets, the appropriate
(Ministry for the Environment, 2019).         sector transport demand, initially and uses of offsets and the importance of scale
    Some form of meaningful price for all urgently to no net growth. The objective   considerations, the commissioner’s report
primary production greenhouse gas should be that fossil fuels are reserved for       achieves a rare degree of integrated systems
emissions is fundamental to lowering those heavy freight transport and essential     thinking for this sector.12 His conclusions
emissions, as now recognised in the Zero infrastructure needs during the transition  reinforce the ‘right tree, right place, right
Carbon Act and the ETS.8 The bottom line period.                                     purpose’ principle again. The principle
in these sectors is that, overall, many more                                         makes a direct contribution to sustainability
trees are needed, both native and Farming and forestry: carbon targets               and resilience in its immediate land use
introduced, because of their potential for A feature of the Zero Carbon Act is the split
                                                                                     context, as well as contributing to carbon
greenhouse gas storage and erosion in the emissions target between biogenic          sequestration. Landscape-integrated
reduction, and the need to halt native methane and other greenhouse gas (mainly      woody vegetation serves many purposes.
biodiversity decline. To achieve these fossil fuel-derived) emissions targets.11
higher-level aims, the One Billion Trees Although the split target appeared to be Natural capital’s contribution to wellbeing
programme and Te Uru Räkau slogan ‘the largely a political response in order to Protecting natural capital as the basis
right tree in the right place for the right gain greater consensus for the act, there for economic and societal resilience is
purpose’ are complementary.                   are also valid environmental reasons to a fundamental tenet of an integrated
    Commercial forests, including those support a split target, as discussed by sustainability framework, and this must
using native species, have a role in the ETS. the parliamentary commissioner for the be maintained during and beyond the
Exotic tree plantations9 can have a valuable environment (2019). The commissioner’s transition to a low-emissions future.
role for employment, trade, building and discussion takes account of necessary scale The focus here is not just on the land
erosion control, subject to adequate and considerations for an integrated landscape component of natural capital, but on all
well-enforced environmental controls, approach. For example, the ‘ideal’ balance the components of the environment: land,
especially in the harvesting phase. An between farming and forestry for equitably water, soil, plants, animals and microbes,
integrated production landscape will reducing emissions would range in scale mineral and energy resources.
include various types of longer-term from the local to the national depending              Economists have long grappled with
continuous and discontinuous canopy, on many factors, including: the nature how to express and make real the values of
including conservation areas, farm of the land resource (see next section); ecosystem services.13 Markets do not
woodlots, shelter belts and agroforestry projected economic returns on different adequately provide for these values, so
systems, covering steep as well as rolling land use options; proportions of animal there is a case for statutory approaches,

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Integrated Land Use Options for the Aotearoa New Zealand Low-emissions ‘Careful Revolution’

such as land or water management
standards, or a zoning approach that
                                                               The concept of                            climate adaptation will include more
                                                                                                         attention to and preparedness for increased
enables recognising and protecting diverse                   ‘just transition’ ...                       fire hazards. The catchment scale is also
ecosystem services.                                                                                      appropriate for recognising the inclusion of
    As noted earlier, an adequate price on                         is in itself                          nature conservation as a land use: managing
emissions is fundamental not only to
enable a low-emissions transition, but also
                                                                integrative by                           threatened ecosystems and species and
                                                                                                         integrating many local or regional
to maintain natural capital in the low-                        involving many                            biodiversity programmes and projects with
emissions future. This economic tool could                                                               land management in a catchment, all
lead to a revival of ‘old’ land uses that                    sectors, including                          planned with a view to a low-emissions
generate lower emissions while providing
high-value or niche products, such as wool,
                                                                 the land use                            future. All these aspects can powerfully
                                                                                                         come together in an integrated catchment
manuka and honey bee crops, and                                      sectors                             management plan methodology (Marshall,
plantation trees for timber construction as                                                              Blackstock and Dunglinson, 2010).16
opposed to log exports.                                                                                      Catchment-based soil conservation,
     Incentives for development, such as the                                                             which has a relatively long history in
Provincial Growth Fund, must be shaped                  and purpose (including spiritual and             Aotearoa New Zealand, is a key
to value natural capital and enable                     cultural components).                            implementation methodology for
appropriate capital investment.                                                                          matching land use to land use capability
Disincentives for unproductive capital                  Integrated catchment approaches: ki uta ki       (Roche, 1994). Maintenance of intact soils
investment, such as a capital gains tax, may            tai (mountains to sea)                           and soil quality is essential to maintaining
be necessary even if unpopular. The                    A catchment-based approach to land use            farming use and food-producing potential
insurance and investment sectors have a                planning and management is a logical              in the face of variable and changing climate.
vital role to play to channel investment,              basis for integrated management because it        Soil conservation during forest
providing low-cost capital to enable                   recognises the principle that all landscape       establishment and harvesting is also a key
landowners to invest in new assets and                 processes occur in natural catchment              requirement of any wood production
management systems, and informed                       systems (Perley, 2018), and that human            system. Generally, production management
market signals of emissions-related risk               management that recognises this physical          on our very widespread mountain and hill
(Whineray, 2019).14                                    setting is more likely to achieve integration.    lands is sustainable under only very light
    We must also consider how tourism                      In Aotearoa New Zealand our often             and conservative land uses everywhere.
will be positioned in the transition, as it            steep catchments are visible and intuitive            Avoidance of soil erosion and
is a land use driver in its own right as well          units of land management. This realisation        sedimentation is also the key to mitigating
as a key economic sector. To continue this             makes easier the objective of matching land       many water quality problems currently
role in a low-emissions future, tourism                use and land management to land                   experienced in Aotearoa New Zealand, as
must be at appropriate scale, and may                  capability while adapting land use to a           sediment is among the worst and most
contract under the Zero Carbon Act.                    lower-emissions framework. Farming                pervasive pollutants in waterways.
International tourism, in particular, may              according to land capability is a further         Freshwater quality and availability are
move to become a niche high-value                      expression of the ‘right tree in the right        intimately linked to land management. In
product for those who can afford the                   place’ approach, which should be extended         spite of some initiatives under the National
carbon charges of international travel                 to the notion of ‘right crop and animal in        Policy Statement for Freshwater
when aviation fuels eventually attract a               the right place’. Aspects of integrated           Management, systematic problems for
charge or levy (Parliamentar y                         catchment-based management still exist in         freshwater remain, including a lack of clear
Commissioner for the Environment,                      local government organisations; these can         goals and the need to integrate potentially
2020). This is true also for the outward               be built on and extended to current or            conflicting goals.
tourism of New Zealanders, so the                      future developments to enable low-                    A suite of methods under the rubric of
counterpart of less international tourism              emissions land management to be widely           ‘regenerative agriculture’ offer conservative,
is likely to be more domestic tourism,                 adopted. For example, in the Wellington           low-input methods for maintenance of soil
with lower net emissions.                              region, Whaitua implementation                    quantity and quality, as well as retaining
     Overall, a wellbeing approach is highly           programmes15 are being developed by               the ability of intact soils to sequester
integrative and implies a quadruple bottom             catchment-based community groups in               carbon. A regenerative agriculture
line: recognition of natural, cultural and             order to implement water management               approach is also essentially integrative in
social capital and performance alongside               objectives in regional plans.                     character in requiring soils, vegetation and
economic capital and performance. To                       A catchment-based approach and the            animals to be managed within a land
expand on a conventional triple bottom                 matching of land use and land capability is       systems framework. Relatively low-input
line approach, value is derived for all the            the key to adapting to climate variability,       farming was the norm in Aotearoa New
components of people, planet, prosperity               now and into the future. In many regions,         Zealand farming systems until recent

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decades, and elements of regenerative
farming are still common,17 but an increase
                                                     Novel or enriched                           significant areas of land within or adjacent
                                                                                                 to our cities. For this potential to be realised,
in intensity and accompanying fossil fuel            ecosystems within                           the functional relationships between urban,
dependence has been evident for some                                                             peri-urban and rural areas are critical, and
time (Parliamentary Commissioner for the             extensive areas of                          some significant land use changes would
Environment, 2004). As the parliamentary
commissioner for the environment pointed
                                                    production, ‘fallow’                         need to be accepted by urban residents.

out in 2004, low-input farming is not               or stewardship land                          Conclusion: meta-integration at the core of a
necessarily inefficient or unprofitable.                                                         low-emissions wellbeing economy
Nevertheless, in an era of high land values         can be habitats for                          The last strand briefly addresses land
and capital servicing costs, more explicit
valuation of natural capital and the
                                                     native biodiversity                         use components of meaningful whole-
                                                                                                 of-government and whole-of-society
environmental cost of high-emissions                   recovery ... as                           integration towards a low-emissions
farming may be required in order for its                                                         future (Waitangi Tribunal, 2011; IPCC,
efficiency to be profitable.                             well as for                             2019). This will obviously involve many

Resilient cities
                                                    climate responses.                           sectors; all those referred to above and
                                                                                                 more. ‘Whole-of-government’ refers to an
Why should urban areas, with less than                                                           integrated and holistic systems-oriented,
1% of Aotearoa New Zealand’s total area,                                                         cross-agency approach (Boston, 2017),
be a focus of integration? Urban areas           added benefit of proximity and fewer            but also includes an integral partnership
and their more extensive peri-urban              travel-related emissions for the urban-         approach as embodied in Ko Aotearoa
surrounds provide the habitat and most           based recreation and nature seekers who         Te-nei (Waitangi Tribunal, 2011). The
of the food, ecosystem and wellbeing             visit. The use of these green and blue spaces   governmental approach currently being
benefits for nearly 90% of the national          for recreation offers important health and      developed towards an integrated response
population; most of our gross national           wellbeing benefits to large numbers of          to that report could turn out to be
domestic product is produced in cities;          urban dwellers (Roberts et al., 2015).          highly relevant to whole-of-government
and they are growing rapidly in extent.              Cities function best if there are limits    approaches to the climate crisis, not just
Denser urban populations offer generally         to spatial growth (i.e. sprawl), which are      to bicultural governance issues.
easier low-adaptation opportunities and          also necessary for low-emissions outcomes.          Land use is a vital part of our economy
more resources available to implement            Total urban emissions footprints of urban       and society. A fully integrated land use
these opportunities. Urban land uses must        areas are much higher than their land area      response will need to embrace all aspects
therefore be included among the integrated       share,18 so emissions transitions need to       of carbon farming and low-emissions
land use mosaic for a low-emissions future.      take place in cities even more so than in       initiatives discussed above, including
    Extensive rural areas occur around and       rural areas. Urban transport emissions          native and exotic trees, animals and urban
even within the boundaries of many               (including from transport between outer         land use. As well as government policy and
Aotearoa New Zealand city council                suburbs, city centres and employment            regulatory initiatives, it will build on
administrative areas and provide rural uses      hubs) need to reduce urgently; there is         diverse current examples of best practice
and services. Peri-urban areas offer critical    emerging evidence that intensification of       ranging from farm environmental award
transitions between urban and rural              cities can play a useful part over time in      winners to innovative multi-sector
environments; they are also an important         reducing these transport emissions              production sector NGOs and stakeholder
focus area for horticulture, currently           (Chapman et al., 2017). Alongside this,         organisations. It must also include large
around 1.5% of total land area. This land,       some policy measures to achieve urban           corporate farming organisations (Carden
if not lost to urban expansion, offers           emissions reductions are relatively             and McKenzie, 2018). It must see
potential to maintain or expand                  straightforward technically, but require        biodiversity conservation in its widest
horticulture, including products with high       political will to implement (Hasan et al.,      sense as an integral part of our land use
value and relatively low volume, and thus        2019). Integration of urban and rural land      responses, making full use of nature-based
potential export priorities in a low-            uses also require efficient low-emissions       solutions (Cohen-Sacham et al., 2016;
emissions future. But development of this        city/hinterland connections, both public        Roberts et al., 2015). A well-integrated,
potential must be linked to the retention        and private.                                    nature-based solution recognises that as
of the high-value soils on which growth of           In short, there is much potential for the   well as our precious native biodiversity,
these crops depends.                             careful revolution to occur in and around       introduced species within plantations,
    Some of these rural and peri-urban           our cities as well as rural areas, through      agro-ecosystems, and all kinds of novel
areas also contain significant natural ‘areas,   decarbonised transport systems, energy          ecosystems and mixtures of native and
e.g. regional parks’. Hence, they offer          efficiency and conservation, building and       introduced species can provide elements
spatially close opportunities for integration    manufacturing technology, waste                 of nature-based solutions to climate
of production and natural values, with the       management, etc. Many of these sectors use      change and biodiversity decline. Novel or

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Integrated Land Use Options for the Aotearoa New Zealand Low-emissions ‘Careful Revolution’

enriched ecosystems within extensive areas
of production, ‘fallow’ or stewardship land
                                                               Climate change                                      help low-emissions resilience and can
                                                                                                                   also help in managing demand peaks
can be habitats for native biodiversity                        adaptation is of                                    if well designed and integrated
recovery (Parliamentary Commissioner for                                                                           (Transpower New Zealand, 2020).
the Environment, 2002; Forbes et al., 2020),                  course a critical                                    Development of such sources would
as well as for climate responses.
    Some of the social and economic
                                                               part of the low-                                    require the development of smart grids
                                                                                                                   and local energy distribution networks.
parameters for land use transitions are in                   emissions transition                        •         Policy and implementation tools are
themselves whole-of-society integrative                                                                            needed for the continued development
responses. The concept of ‘just transition’                           ...                                          of low-emissions, resilient urban and
(Huggard 2019)19 is in itself integrative by
involving many sectors, including the land
                                                                and provides                                       peri-urban forms during the recovery
                                                                                                                   phase, as well as continued housing
use sectors. So is the notion that carrots as                 opportunities for                                    growth. This will be critical for halting
well as sticks will be needed to change                                                                            urban transport emissions growth and
behaviours, with at best fiscal neutrality                       integration.                                      protecting high-quality soils while
being achieved from the financial                                                                                  maintaining good access for rural and
mechanisms used. For example, the                                                                                  urban populations.
Provincial Growth Fund is being used for                                                                 •         Sustainable land use projects for
many social and economic development                    examples of sustainable and integrated land                recovery workforce opportunities
projects as well as the One Billion Trees               use management for Aotearoa New Zealand.                   could include (among many others):
programme and other environmental                       Better and more equitable human wellbeing                  urban and rural infrastructure projects,
sustainability and resilience projects.                 outcomes are needed, as well as averting the               especially water quality improvements;
Emissions charge revenues can be used in                worst impacts of the climate crisis. For both              renewable energy development (as
the same redistributive way.                            sets of outcomes to be achieved, more                      above); rail and electric vehicle
    Climate change adaptation is of course              focused thinking on the role of land use in                infrastructure to service more primary
a critical part of the low-emissions                    the integration of the two linked sets will be             producers (e.g. recharging facilities to
transition (Lawrence, 2019) and provides                essential.                                                 enable more light commercial e-vehicle
opportunities for integration. The Zero                                                                            deliveries); pest-free and other
Carbon Act provides for systematic risk                 Postscript: aspects of a low-carbon Covid-19               biodiversity initiatives in and off the
assessment across sectors to be a key input             recovery phase in the land use sector                      conservation estate, including in
to an integrated multi-sector national                  As mentioned in the introduction, a                        freshwater habitats.
adaptation plan spanning central and local              brief recap of aspects of the previous
                                                                                                         1        Defined by the International Trade Union Confederation as an
government. Many adaptation responses                   commentary relevant to economic                          ‘economy-wide process that produces the plans, policies and
will be short-term, but need to be framed               and social recovery after the Covid-19                    investments that lead to a future where all jobs are green
                                                                                                                  and decent, emissions are at net zero, poverty is eradicated,
in the context of longer-term mitigation                pandemic is relevant.                                     and communities are thriving and resilient’. Its two key
                                                                                                                  components are planned economic diversification away from
goals.                                                 • Tourism may be very restricted for                       fossil fuel industries, and integrated planning of workforce
    Examining potential integrative                        some time, and in a low-emissions                      change. It also requires anticipating and compensating for
                                                                                                                  injustices that are a consequence of taking action.
planning and policy vehicles for the low-                  future cannot recover its former high-        2        Largely because of our generous endowment of renewable
                                                                                                                  energy sources, rather than from planned emissions
emissions wellbeing economy is beyond                      growth characteristics. As discussed                   management.
the scope of this article.20 The Climate                   earlier, domestic and limited short-haul      3        See various chapters in Ministry for the Environment and
                                                                                                                  Statistics New Zealand, 2019. In 2017, emissions from
Change Commission has some key roles                       international tourism would be more                    the agriculture sector decreased slightly (by 0.1%) from
that can clearly be integrative. Some of                   appropriate than long-distance tourism.                2016. This decrease was due to a small fall in the sheep
                                                                                                                  and dairy cattle populations (0.4% and 1.5% respectively).
these, such as the provisions for national             • Continuation of agriculture and                          It was mostly offset by a 2.1% increase in the population of
                                                                                                                  non-dairy cattle. See default/
adaptation planning, have already been set                 production forestry for domestic and                   files/media/Climate%20Change/snapshot-nzs-greenhouse-
down in the Zero Carbon Act. There are                     export markets will be critical for                    gas-inventory-1990-2017.pdf.
                                                                                                         4        For example, see commentary from Williams, 2020, and
many potential but underused vehicles                      economic recovery, but more local food                 report from Greenpeace New Zealand, 2020.
                                                                                                         5        This concept is not uniquely Mäori. It was articulated for
within the Resource Management Act                         production (especially plant-based and                 example by the Canadian-Japanese environmentalist David
which could receive consideration under                    in peri-urban areas) would provide                     Suzuki as: ‘There is no environment “out there” separate
                                                                                                                  from us. The environment is embedded in us. We are as
the current reform of that act.                            lower-carbon food alternatives.                        much a part of our surroundings as the trees and birds and
    Taken together, it is hoped that these                 Continued tree planting and the early                  fish, the sky, water and rocks’ (Suzuki, 2014).
                                                                                                         6        A response is now being slowly developed, led by the
land use themes as discussed here will                     achievement or exceedance of the One                   Minister for Mäori Development, with promising signs of an
                                                                                                                  integrated whole-of-government approach being adopted.
provide some useful options and suggestions                Billion Tree targets would provide                     See
for the integrated low-emissions transition                short-term employment and longer-                      te-pae-tawhiti#head2.
                                                                                                         7        Largely through the Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research
so vital in the years and decades to come.                 term low-emission opportunities.                       Centre allied with the Global Research Alliance on
                                                                                                                  Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.
Most of the principles mentioned are not               • More local renewable energy sources                 8    A charge on methane and nitrous oxide is still not recognised
new, and there are many past and current                   for rural and peri-urban areas would                   within the ETS and will not be until 2025.

Page 32 – Policy Quarterly – Volume 16, Issue 2 – May 2020
9 Including Pinus radiata stands which currently account for           first projects was an interim report from its Sustainable          cited; especially those of Bargh concerning a ‘tika’ revolution
   a very high proportion of forest production. Diversification        Finance Forum setting out principles and characteristics of a      (that which is right or just) that addresses Treaty obligations
   away from this dependency on one species is necessary               sustainable economy and financial system for Aotearoa New          and Mäori world views, Nissen concerning intergenerational
   but cannot be expected to be achieved any faster than on a          Zealand.                                                           equity, and Frame concerning the political and democratic
   decadal scale.                                                 15   See                    requirements for accepted change.
10 The capacity for higher power delivery and greater capacity    16   The integrated catchment management plan approach               20 Some options for integrated planning within the RMA regime
   of vehicle batteries is improving rapidly and could be              in Aotearoa New Zealand is best exemplified by work in             have been presented recently by the Resource Management
   expected to enable a much greater use of renewable energy           the 2,170km2 Motueka catchment west of Nelson. This                Review Panel (2019), with a strong focus on spatial
   within the next decade.                                             was a multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder research               planning options.
11 Aotearoa New Zealand’s national emissions profile is unusual        programme which provided valuable information and
   among OECD countries because of its very high proportion            knowledge to improve the management of land, freshwater
   of biogenic emissions, principally methane from our large           and near-coastal environments in catchments with                Acknowledgements
   national herd of ruminant animals (especially cows and              multiple, interacting and potentially conflicting land
   sheep). The national cow herd’s total greenhouse emissions          uses. The understanding and knowledge gained from the           I have drawn on discussions on topics
   (approx. 600 Mt C02-e) currently total nearly three times           programme is impressive, especially its integrative approach
   that of the national sheep herd (approx. 218 Mt C02-e), and         linking community resilience and ecosystem resilience.
                                                                                                                                       traversed here with many colleagues and
   is trending upward while greenhouse gas emissions from              However, nine years after the programme ended, specific         friends over many years. Specifically in the
   sheep are trending downward.                                        implementation outcomes are elusive, perhaps showing
12 For example, one of the commissioner’s recommendations              the length of time required to acquire and implement the        drafting of this article, however, comments
   is to ‘Develop the tools needed to manage biological sources        understandings gained (Phillips et al., 2010; Fenemor et al.,
   and sinks in the context of a landscape-based approach that         2011).
                                                                                                                                       from Ralph Chapman, Clive Anstey,
   embraces water, soil and biodiversity objectives’.             17   Including outdoor grass-based pastoral production systems       Jonathan Boston, Ralph Chapman, Chris
13 A comprehensive analysis of ecosystem services in Aotearoa          and low-tillage practices.These are relatively low-input
   New Zealand, including their valuation, is provided in              compared to very mechanised industrial farming systems          Livesey, Norman Smith and an anonymous
   Dymond, 2013.                                                       practiced in much of the Northern Hemisphere.                   reviewer have greatly improved the final
14 The Aotearoa Circle (see    18   Even though per capita urban footprints are generally lower
   is a recent partnership of public and private sector leaders        than rural ones (Newman, 2006; Ombler et al., 2017).            manuscript.
   which aims to pursue sustainable prosperity and reverse        19   Huggard’s chapter is among a number of relevant chapters in
   the decline of New Zealand’s natural resources. One of its          A Careful Revolution (Hall, 2019) along with those already

Boston, J. (2017) Safeguarding the Future: governing in an uncertain world,                                Services in New Zealand: conditions and trends, Lincoln: Manaaki
    Wellington: Bridget Williams Books                                                                     Whenua Press
Bührs, T. (2009) Environmental Integration: our common challenge, Albany:                            Hasan, M.A., D.J. Frame, R. Chapman and K.M. Archie (2019) ‘Emissions
    SUNY Press                                                                                             from the road transport sector of New Zealand: key drivers and
Carden, S. and P. McKenzie (2018) ‘Pamu: a new future of food’, in M.K.                                    challenges’, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26 (23),
    Joy (ed.), Mountains to Sea: solving New Zealand’s freshwater crisis,                                  pp.23937–57
    Wellington: Bridget Williams Books                                                               Huggard, S. (2019) ‘A just transition’, in D. Hall (ed.), A Careful
Chapman, R., N. Dodge, K. Whitwell et al. (2017) ‘Why and how New                                          Revolution: towards a low-emissions future, Wellington: Bridget
    Zealand cities could become more compact and sustainable’, in P.                                       Williams Books
    Howden-Chapman, L. Early and J. Ombler (eds), Cities in New                                      IPCC (2019) Climate Change and Land: special report on climate change,
    Zealand: preferences, patterns and possibilities, Wellington: Steele                                   desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food
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    context’, Environmental Health Perspectives, 128 (1)                                             Marshall, K., K.L. Blackstock and J. Dunglinson (2010) ‘A contextual
Dymond, J.R. (2013) Ecosystem Services in New Zealand: conditions and                                      framework for understanding good practice in integrated catchment
    trends, Lincoln: Manaaki Whenua Press                                                                  management’, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 53
Fenemor, A., C. Phillips, W. Allen, R.G. Young, G. Harmsworth, B. Bowden                                   (1), pp.63–89
    and L. Basher (2011) ‘Integrated catchment management:                                           Meurk, C.D. S.R. Swaffield (2000) ‘A landscape ecological framework for
    interweaving social process and science knowledge’, New Zealand                                        indigenous regeneration in rural New Zealand-Aotearoa, Landscape
    Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45, pp.313–31                                               and Urban Planning, 50, pp.129-144
Forbes, A.S., K.J. Wallace, H.L. Buckley, B.S. Case, B.D. Clarkson and                               Ministry for the Environment (2019) New Zealand Greenhouse Gas
    D.A. Norton (2020) ‘Restoring mature-phase forest tree species                                         inventory 1880–2017, Wellington: Ministry for the Environment
    through enrichment planting in New Zealand’s lowland                                             Ministry for the Environment and Statistics New Zealand (2019)
    landscapes’, New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 44, pp.1–9                                                Environment Aotearoa, Wellington: Ministry for the Environment
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    cleaner, resilient and equitable Aotearoa NZ in response to the                                        Urbanization, 18 (2), pp.275–95
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                                                                                                                                 Policy Quarterly – Volume 16, Issue 2 – May 2020 – Page 33
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    ‘Integrated catchment management research: lessons for                        identity, summary volume, Wellington: Legislation Direct
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