Guide to the management of effects on noise sensitive land use near to the state highway network
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Guide to the management of effects on noise sensitive land use near to the state highway network Noise sensitive activities such as a new residential building near to an existing state highway can potentially be affected by road-traffic noise. This could cause annoyance and sleep disturbance potentially resulting in adverse health effects. In turn, this can cause reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway network. This guide describes how the NZ Transport Agency, working together with local authorities and landowners/developers, manages reverse sensitivity effects from noise and vibration sensitive activities. Appropriate setback distances and criteria for acoustically treating buildings are provided, together with model district plan rules and resource consent conditions. September 2015, Version 1.0
b | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Introduction A shared Performance Noise barriers responsibility standards 5 6 7 8 Building design Regional and Resource consents Plan provisions district plans and plan changes 9 10 Consent Glossary conditions NZ Transport Agency If you have further queries, call our contact Published September 2015 centre on 0800 699 000 or write to us: ISBN xxxx-xxxx (print) NZ Transport Agency ISBN 978-0-478-44518-3 (online) Private Bag 6995 Copyright: September 2015 Wellington 6141 NZ Transport Agency 15-052 This publication is also available on NZ Transport Agency’s website at The NZ Transport Agency is part of, and contributes to, the Safer Journeys programme. Safer Journeys is the government’s strategy to guide improvements in road safety over the period 2010–2020. The strategy’s vision is a safe road system increasingly free of death and serious injury. It is a coordinated effort across partner agencies to improve each aspect of road safety – better behaviours, a safer road environment, safer speeds and higher vehicle standards. For more information visit
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | c DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. PURPOSE This management plan outlines the updating procedures and contact points for the document. 2. DOCUMENT INFORMATION document name Guide to the management of reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway network document number SP/M/023 This document is located in electronic form on the NZ Transport Agency’s website at documentavailability document owner Aaron Hudson document sponsor Rob Hannaby 3. AMENDMENTS AND REVIEW STRATEGY All corrective action/improvement requests (CAIRs) suggesting changes will be acknowledged by the document owner. activity comments frequency Amendments (minor revisions) Updates incorporated soon as practicable. As required Amendments fundamentally changing the content or structure of Review (major revisions) the document will be incorporated as soon as practicable. They may At least biennially require coordinating with the review team timetable. All users that have subscribed to HNO Technical Advice Notes Notification ( will be advised by email of Immediately amendments and updates. RECORD OF AMENDMENT amendment number description of change effective date updated by
1 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT The purpose of this guide is to promote good This guide includes detailed technical information practice for the management of noise sensitive relating to noise and vibration, and planners will land use near to state highways. This guide require specialist support when implementing provides information that can be applied to some aspects. For queries relating to the state avoid or manage adverse effects, such as sleep highway network, please contact disturbance, for people in buildings located near to state highways. This guide is consistent with the For the general public, particularly private house levels of service (noise criteria) outlined in builders or those undertaking alterations, this guide NZS 6806:2010 Acoustics – road traffic noise – explains the noise and vibration effects that should 01 Building a house near a state new and altered roads. be considered. Further information on the process highway The good practice this guide promotes recognises required for building works near to state highways the social, economic and health benefits of can be found at the Transport Agency website01 managing interior working and living environments and in an information brochure02. 02 NZ Transport Agency state located near to state highways and other land For the Transport Agency, this guide presents a highways – development and transport networks. Relieving stress related illness consistent approach and performance criteria to access and other sleep deprivation related health effects, implement when: reduces both individual and collective expenditure 1. determining the appropriate footprint of new on health care. Careful and considered planning state highway designations also balances the aspirations and wellbeing of landowners with New Zealanders’ desire to have 2. submitting on council plan reviews/changes access to a safe and efficient road transport under the Resource Management Act 1991 network. (RMA) Contained within this document is information 3. submitting or giving affected party approval to about: plan changes and resource consent applications under the RMA. 03 NZ Transport Agency (2011) • the nature of reverse sensitivity issues Guide to assessing road-traffic • the roles and responsibilities of the Transport The Transport Agency has prepared various other noise using NZS 6806 for state Agency, local councils and landowners guides, which are also relevant, including: highway asset improvement • Guide to assessing road-traffic noise using projects. • information on regional and district plans; and resource consents and plan changes NZS 6806 for state highway asset improvement • performance standards projects03 • noise mitigation options • State highway noise barrier design guide04 • model plan provisions and consent conditions. • State highway guide to acoustic treatment of buildings05 Transport Agency and council planners are the primary audience for this guide, but the information This guide replaces the information previously is also relevant to other staff in the Transport contained in Appendix 5D to the NZ Transport Agency; local councils; developers; acoustics Agency Planning policy manual06. specialists and the general public. 04 NZ Transport Agency (2010) State highway noise barrier guide. 05 NZ Transport Agency (2015) State highway guide to acoustic treatment of buildings. 06 T ransit NZ (2007) Planning policy manual, SP/M/001, Appendix 5D reverse sensitivity.
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 2 WHAT IS REVERSE SENSITIVITY? Reverse sensitivity is the legal vulnerability of an Vehicles on state highways can produce adverse established activity to complaint from a new land effects that extend beyond the state highway use07. This can occur in situations where different boundary, such as: 07 N Z Journal of Environmental land uses/activities are located in close proximity to • noise and vibration Law (1999) Volume 3, Pardy, each other, resulting in conflict between the activities. B. and Kerr, J. Reverse • vehicle generated emissions, especially to air sensitivity – the common law The term ‘reverse sensitivity’ generally relates to the effects of the development of a sensitive activity in an • lighting/glare giveth, and the RMA taketh away. www.nzcel.auckland. area that is already affected by established activities08. • dust For land transport network operators, including the • non-point source pollution e.g. stormwater run-off, spray-drift and litter. 08 J udge Sheppard Transport Agency, there is a risk that new activities (RMA 10/97) confirmed: (such as houses and schools) that choose to locate Sensitive receivers, which are susceptible to the effects ‘the term reverse sensitivity is near to established roads or railways may object to the of roads, can include houses, schools and childcare used to refer to the effects of the existence of sensitive effects of the land transport network (such as noise facilities, hospitals, offices and hotels/motels. While activities on other activities in and vibration) and take action against the operator. there are a range of issues, the most widespread their vicinity, particularly by The same issues arise around ports, airports and other effects generally relate to noise. Methods in this guide leading to restraints in the infrastructure. The focus of this guide is on managing have been devised initially for the management of carrying on of those other reverse sensitivity effects on the state highway noise. Other effects are generally addressed indirectly activities.’ network, but the information may also be relevant by the buffer areas required for noise. when managing effects on railways and regionally This guide addresses effects from existing state significant local roads. highways, and also from confirmed designations for future state highways. The Transport Agency also develops new state highways, and section 2 summarises how noise effects are addressed in those cases. FIGURE 1: NOISE MODELLING WHY IS REVERSE SENSITIVITY AN ISSUE? Tension can arise between the Transport Agency’s highway network, as recorded in its Customer requirement to operate and maintain the state Relationship Management System (2014). Complaints highway network and the desire of neighbouring predominantly relate to noise experienced by residents landowners to develop their land as they wish, or living near to a state highway. to enjoy their property free from unreasonable Modelling undertaken by the Transport Agency (2011) interference or nuisance. While the Transport Agency showed that noise levels adjacent to the state highway aims to manage interference or nuisance through network throughout the Auckland region could careful planning, complaints from sensitive receivers cause disturbance for new sensitive activities, if they still arise. locate close to state highways. Similar patterns occur For the 10-year period between 2002 and 2012, the adjacent to state highways throughout New Zealand. Transport Agency received over 250 complaints This guide sets out a nationally consistent approach about noise from the operation and maintenance that the Transport Agency applies to encourage of the Auckland state highway network. Nationally, appropriate planning for and treatment of sensitive the Transport Agency receives in the order of ten environments near state highways. complaints each month about noise from the state
3 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL TRANSPORT AGENCY’S APPROACH TO RESPONSIBILITY POLICY PLANNING PROCESSES The NZ Transport Agency has a strong regard for The Transport Agency is committed to influencing the natural, built and social environment, which is regional and local planning processes to ensure: demonstrated through its Environmental and Social • the long-term needs of state highways are 09 N Z Transport Agency (2014) Responsibility Policy09. The Transport Agency aims to recognised and provided for Environmental and Social continuously improve performance in the management • the delivery of an effective, efficient, safe, and Responsibility Policy. of environmental and social impacts; improve the affordable transport system that supports knowledge and understanding of the extent and prosperity and economic growth, vibrant 10 M inistry of Transport conditions of New Zealand’s environment; and identify communities and a healthy environment Government policy statement and comply with all relevant environmental legislation on land transport (updated • recognition of the economic and social function and regulation. every 3 years). of state highways and the diverse range of This policy, together with the Government Policy transport functions performed by high volume, Statement10 are consistent with the Land Transport regional arterial, collector and access roads 11 NZ Transport Agency Management Act 2003 and the RMA. • new developments near state highways address HNO Environmental and Social Responsibility Manual. To implement the Environmental and Social potential adverse effects for future occupants and Responsibility Policy, the Environmental and Social also the consequent reverse sensitivity effects on Responsibility Manual11 contains standards, guidelines, the transport network. tools and references applicable to all capital works and maintenance operations. This guide forms part of that manual. FIGURE 2: RELATIONSHIP OF THIS GUIDE TO KEY POLICY AND STRATEGY DOCUMENTS Government Policy Statement 03 20 Re t s Ac ou NZ Transport Environmental t rce en Agency and Social em M Strategy Set Responsibility Policy an ag ag an em M rt en po Act s an t State Highway Environmental and Social Responsibility Manual Tr 19 91 nd La Specialist guides (including this one) Other statutes
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 4 Ruby Bay Bypass CASE STUDY – EXAMPLE OF POOR OUTCOMES WHEN REVERSE SENSITIVITY NOISE EFFECTS ARE NOT FULLY ADDRESSED This case study provides an route, and to provide discretion for road in it at the time); the owners example of the outcomes that can the application of building noise were then affected by road-traffic eventuate if reverse sensitivity control measures for locations noise and complained about the noise effects are not fully exposed to traffic noise from the operation of the state highway, addressed on the state highway Ruby Bay Bypass. requesting significant expenditure network. In this example the The project enjoyed positive on new road surfacing. residents remain unhappy with the community support during the While the designation itself noise effects they are experiencing. construction phase and once could be found in the district The State Highway 60 Ruby Bay opened no complaints were raised plan, the plan does not include Bypass (completed 2010) links due to road-traffic noise. However, reverse sensitivity noise buffer Richmond and Motueka in the following the application of a and effects areas. In addition, Tasman District. The 10.7 km road second coat seal in 2012, a number the district plan did not identify consists of single lane carriageways of noise complaints were received. noise mitigation performance in both directions with a number These complaints were primarily standards for new construction of passing lanes and connections from residents whose houses were or alterations. Including these to local roads. The road carries consented after the approval of the provisions in district plans helps approximately 5,000 vehicles per bypass designation. alert future residents of the traffic day and bypasses the townships of To assess these complaints the noise environment and encourages Mapua and Ruby Bay. Transport Agency commissioned acoustic treatment of dwellings. The investigation phase for the an independent consultant to This outcome highlights the bypass was completed in 1999 conduct noise monitoring of both importance of land use planning and a Notice of Requirement noise levels at houses and also of provisions to control the location was lodged with Tasman District the road surface. The investigation and design of new houses near Council (TDC) and approved in concluded that the second coat existing and designated state 2000. Designation conditions seal had slightly changed the highways. It also highlights the required the Transport Agency to road-traffic noise but that the noise need to make information widely mitigate noise from the bypass levels remained as expected and in available to councils and the at houses that had already been compliance with the designation general public to inform them of built at the time of the designation conditions. Some residents did potential current and future noise (2000), resulting in noise barriers not agree with these findings and effects when developing properties being constructed as part of the remain dissatisfied with the noise adjacent to existing or designated project to protect those houses. effects they experience. state highways. With appropriate In 2005 TDC adopted controls This situation is an example of a controls, houses could be built within the district plan to assess reverse sensitivity effect whereby to achieve acceptable indoor the location of subdivisions relative new houses were built adjacent to environments. to the proposed State Highway 60 an existing designation (without a
5 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 2 A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY There is a shared responsibility for managing vibration management plans to determine the controls reverse sensitivity noise effects because it is neither necessary to minimise any adverse effects. practical nor reasonable for any one party to Existing state highways were designed and assume sole responsibility. The Transport Agency, constructed to the relevant standards of their time, councils and landowners/developers must all and there are often limited practicable opportunities assume responsibilities. For new and altered state to further mitigate adverse road-traffic noise and highways the onus falls on the Transport Agency to vibration effects. address noise effects, whereas for new and altered Separation is often the most effective method of noise sensitive activities near state highways the mitigating adverse effects such as noise, vibration, responsibility lies with councils to include appropriate vehicle emissions, lighting/glare and dust on adjoining land-use controls in district plans and on landowners/ land uses. New state highway designations are wider developers to implement them. Careful and considered than the vehicle carriageways and can incorporate planning is pivotal to protect the environment and buffer areas between the road and existing or enhance the quality of life for New Zealanders. anticipated adjoining land uses. However, there is a tension between separating/isolating state TRANSPORT AGENCY’S ROLE highways for control of health and amenity effects, The Transport Agency recognises that constructing, and maintaining connectivity and compact urban operating and maintaining state highways can impose form, as well as a safe environment for all modes of adverse effects on communities and the environment, transport. This can be partly addressed through other and takes reasonable steps to manage noise and non-sensitive land uses providing a buffer in some vibration emissions, and other adverse effects. areas. Alternative approaches may be required as a For new or altered state highways, a good opportunity compromise in some constrained urban areas. exists to integrate the highway with existing or Section 3 provides an appropriate buffer area anticipated adjacent land uses. The Transport Agency to control the most significant noise effects. For 12 S tandards New Zealand adopts NZS 680612 as best practice guidance for motorways and expressways this typically results in (2010) NZS 6806:2010 mitigating road-traffic noise during the planning, a 40m buffer area due to their relatively high traffic Acoustics – road-traffic noise – design and construction phases of new or altered state volumes and vehicle speeds (figure 4). This buffer new and altered roads. highway projects03. may be achieved either through encumbrances on the On new and altered state highways the Transport Agency routinely uses low-noise road surfaces and FIGURE 3: BUFFER AREA WIDTH noise barriers to reduce noise levels. In cases where there is unavoidable high noise exposure the Transport 50 Width of Buffer Area (m) Agency acoustically treats individual buildings. On existing state highways the Transport Agency 40 adopts good practice measures to manage road 13 NZ Transport Agency (2014) surface noise and vibration13. It also investigates noise 30 Guide to state highway road and vibration complaints and addresses issues where surface noise. practicable, such as following up with truck operators 20 using noisy engine brakes. Surface = Grade 3/5 For maintenance works on existing state highways, the 10 Speed = 100 km/h %HV = 8 Transport Agency adopts good practice environmental management processes. This includes using noise and 0 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 AADT (vpd) FIGURE 4: TYPICAL BUFFER AREA FOR A NEW MOTORWAY OR EXPRESSWAY Edge of nearest lane Other uses Highway features New expressway No controls Effects area Buffer area or motorway
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 6 land preventing future noise sensitive development, corridors, cycle and foot paths and other non noise or by including the land within the designation. sensitive activities. In many cases, the outer Buffer Encumbrances may be put in place when surplus Area may be available for other activities, such as land owned by the Crown is disposed of or through grazing, that do not compromise highway operations. separate agreements made with the landowner. In Vibration and air quality effects also reduce with urban areas noise sensitive activities are generally distance from a road, so a buffer from state highways accepted in the buffer area subject to additional and expressways would provide some protection from controls. those potential adverse effects. The buffer area is created to promote separation between sensitive land use activities and the state COUNCILS’ ROLE highway, and is measured from the edge of the nearest traffic lane. The buffer typically incorporates shoulder The Transport Agency and local authorities have a areas, stormwater drains, stormwater treatment, utility collective duty to balance the operation of an effective, efficient and safe land transport system with the desire of landowners to develop their land as they FIGURE 5: EXAMPLE VIBRATION LEVELS14 wish, or to enjoy their property free from unreasonable 14 NZ Transport Agency (2011) Acoustics Assessment, interference and nuisance. Transmission Gully Project. 0.6 Velocity vw,95 (mm/s) As the effects of a state highway usually extend Technical report 12. Measured vibration from a road 0.5 surface in very good condition. beyond the road designation, it is appropriate to Vibration levels are generally control the establishment of new activities close 0.4 higher due to surface condition and may also differ according to to state highways to reduce potential conflicts and 0.3 ground conditions. manage reverse sensitivity effects. Land in rural areas can be zoned so that new sensitive 0.2 activities are not permitted near to existing and/or designated state highways, or rules can be imposed 0.1 requiring sensitive activities near state highways to 0.0 manage effects from the highway. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Distance from road (m) LANDOWNERS’ ROLE Reverse sensitivity is an adverse environmental FIGURE 6: EXAMPLE AIR QUALITY LEVELS15 15 NZ Transport Agency effect16. Landowners, therefore, have a duty to mitigate Air quality screening model 12 the effects of their activities on the state highway v2.0. network. This is particularly relevant for parts of the Pollutant concentration (μg/m3) NO2 16 Judge Thompson PM10 existing state highway network, which were designed (W055/04) stated: 9 Speed = 100 km/h and constructed to the relevant standards of the time, ‘In a number of previous HV = 8% where opportunities for further mitigation of effects decisions this Court has held AADT = 25,000 vpd 6 are limited. that reverse sensitivity is itself an adverse effect in terms of s3 Buildings for new sensitive activities can be set back RMA [e.g. A049/02 and or orientated with sensitive spaces located away from A103/03]. That has a 3 the state highways. Screening or acoustic treatment of significant consequence. If new and altered buildings can also be used to reduce reverse sensitivity is an adverse effect, then there is a duty, 0 internal noise levels. subject to other statutory 0 10 20 30 40 50 directions to avoid, remedy or Distance from road (m) mitigate it, so as to achieve the Act’s purpose of sustainable FIGURE 7: AREAS OF RESPONSIBILTY management.’ nearest lane Designation boundary Edge of State highway Landowner/council responsibility Transport Agency responsibility
7 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS BUFFER AND EFFECTS AREAS The Transport Agency has developed a stepped The Transport Agency will seek to have the buffer and approach to protect sensitive activities as shown effects areas overlaid on individual district plan maps. below. The approach is based around buffer and While the district planning review process is on a 10- effects areas, which are determined in the same year cycle the Transport Agency will update the buffer way for both rural and urban state highways, but the and effect areas every two years in order to reflect 17 NZ Transport Agency applicable reverse sensitivity controls within each any changes to the state highway network17. However, Buffer and effects areas maps. area vary depending on the environment. To achieve a the versions of the overlays in each district plan must reasonable level of acoustic amenity, all noise sensitive be used when applying the controls in the district activities in rural areas should be located outside of a plan. The Transport Agency will generally not seek for buffer area, providing a setback from state highways. updated overlays to be included in the district plan The buffer area will be partly or sometimes fully within until the next plan review. In some cases, especially for the state highway designation, particularly for more significant changes in the state highway network, the recent designations. However, in other cases where Transport Agency may seek a specific plan change to an existing state highway has a narrow designation, include updates to the revised buffer and effect maps. the buffer will need to be accommodated outside the For example, this may occur in parallel with a Notice of designation, and for example might take the form of Requirement for a new state highway. local roading, stormwater treatment or reserve land The buffer and effects areas discussed here are within a new residential development, or may be those proposed by the Transport Agency. However, accommodated by building setbacks within larger the appropriate district plan should be consulted to sections. Beyond the buffer area buildings containing determine the actual areas that apply as district plan new noise sensitive activities within a wider ‘effects provisions may differ. area’ may be allowed but need to be designed and constructed to achieve reasonable indoor acoustic amenity. In urban areas noise sensitive activities may be allowed in the buffer area, subject to additional vibration controls. FIGURE 8: BUFFER AND EFFECTS AREAS nearest lane Designation boundary Edge of No controls Effects area Buffer area State highway (up to 100 meters from traffic lane) (up to 40 meters)
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 8 FIGURE 9: WEB BASED MAP SHOWING BUFFER AND EFFECTS AREAS Buffer area Effects area Buffer Area Effects Area EXISTING ROAD EXISTING ROAD DESIGNATION FOR FUTURE ROAD
9 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 CALCULATION OF DISTANCES The buffer area and effects area for the entire state below is a simplified version of the CRTN calculation highway network have been determined and are that can be used to determine the approximate shown on a web based map17. extent of the buffer area and effects area, based on The Transport Agency will provide digital exports from achieving the NZS 6806 new road noise criteria these maps if required to be inserted into district plan of 64 dB LAeq,24h (buffer) and 57 dB (effects). The maps (contact simplified equation does not consider potential noise mitigation provided by existing topography or existing The maps will be updated nationwide biennially. solid and continuous barriers (eg, a wall or another Additional updates will be made for localised areas if building). Where there is no line of sight between the required to reflect altered designations or significant road and the location of the proposed development changes to traffic volumes, road surfaces or speed (noise sensitive activity) then mitigation may not be limits. required. The rules proposed in section 8 address such The extent of the buffer area and the effects area situations. depend on the noise level from the highway, with Recognising the limitations of the simplified the dominant factors being the traffic flow, vehicle calculation, the distances for the Buffer area and speed and percentage of heavy vehicles. Noise levels effects area have been grouped into categories and can be calculated using a road traffic noise model, capped as described below. 18 Department of Transport, such as the calculation of road-traffic noise18 (CRTN, Welsh Office (1988) Calculation the most commonly used road noise model in New For completeness this equation has been presented of road traffic noise, published by Zealand). However, detailed modelling for the entire in this guide but in most situations the maps provided HMSO, London. by the Transport Agency can be used to determine the state highway network is not practicable. The equation buffer and effects areas19. 19 NZ Transport Agency State highway traffic volumes. EQUATION 1: CALCULATION OF EXTENT OF BUFFER AND EFFECTS AREAS ( ) [( ) ( )+ ( ) ( ) ] Rc Rt 500 3.3 p p 5p d = K x AADT x V + 40 + x 1- x 10 10 + x 10 10 V 100 100 V Traffic speed Road surface (and traffic speed and composition) Where: d Distance (m) K Constant factor related to noise level (1.82 x 10-10 for buffer area, 9.13 x 10-10 for effects area) 20 Auckland Motorway AADT Annual average daily traffic (vpd)19, 20 Alliance Mobile Road. V Traffic speed (km/h) p Percentage of heavy vehicles (percentage points, eg for 12 %HV, p = 12)19, 20 Rc Surface correction13 for cars (dB) Rt Surface correction13 for trucks (dB) Buffer area distances DB 10, 20, 30 or 40 m Effects area distances DE 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100 m The distances (d) calculated using the equation opposite are rounded and capped as follows: Buffer area Effects area d < 15 then DB = 10 m d < 45 then DE = 40 m 15
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 10 NOISE AND VIBRATION DESIGN LEVELS New or altered buildings containing noise sensitive NZS 6806 defines protected premises and activities within the effects area should be designed, facilities (PPFs) as spaces in buildings used for constructed and maintained to meet the internal noise residential activities; marae; overnight medical levels set out in table 1. care; teaching and sleeping in educational These noise limits are based on NZS 6806 and facilities; and playgrounds that are part of AS/NZ 2107:200021. In AS/NZS 2107 there is a educational facilities that are within 20m of 21 Standards Australia/ satisfactory and maximum value given for each type Standards New Zealand (2000) buildings used for teaching purposes. Other AS/NZ 2107:2000 Recommended of space. In the table below, the maximum values have noise standards define ‘noise sensitive activities/ design sound levels and generally been selected in recognition of reasonable locations’ and although there is some variability in reverberation times for building expectations for the environment in close proximity the definitions, these are essentially PPFs. All PPFs interiors. to a state highway. The noise levels relate to the in NZS 6806 are included in table 1. In this guide sensitivity of each activity, for example activities the term noise sensitive activity will be used. requiring active listening are more sensitive to noise than sleeping. TABLE 1: INTERNAL NOISE LEVELS FOR BUILDINGS IN BUFFER AND EFFECTS AREAS building type occupancy/activity maximumindoordesign noise level lAeq(24h) Living spaces, sleeping spaces (including visitor accommodation and Residential retirement accommodation) 40 dB Assembly halls 35 dB Conference rooms, drama studios 40 dB Lecture rooms and theatres, music studios 35 dB Education Libraries 45 dB Sleeping areas in educational facilities 40 dB Teaching areas 40 dB Overnight medical care, wards 40 dB Health Clinics, consulting rooms, theatres, nurses’ stations 45 dB Cultural Buildings Places of worship, marae 35 dB In urban areas, and on occasion in other situations, it Road-traffic noise levels fluctuate over time: there can be impractical to restrict noise sensitive activities are short-term changes over seconds as individual from a buffer area around state highways. Should vehicles pass; variations over minutes due to sensitive activities be required to locate within the the changing mixture of cars and trucks; and buffer area, additional controls need to be applied. daily oscillations due to peak and off-peak traffic As well as the internal noise level controls set out in flows. A number of different noise measurement table 1, controls are required to manage the adverse parameters are available. For road-traffic noise in effects of vibration and to manage noise in the main New Zealand, the LAeq(24h) is used, with the units outdoor living space for residential activities in rural of decibels (dB). This is an A-weighted, time- areas. Where development occurs within the buffer averaged noise level over 24 hours. area, the criteria in table 2 should be applied, in addition to the criteria in table 1. No differentiation has been made between living and sleeping spaces as the 40 dB design noise Internal noise levels have been specified rather than level is measured over a 24 hour period and is a façade reduction in order to obtain an effects based broadly equivalent to 35 dB during the night period approach, which takes into account the actual road- combined with 40 dB during the day. traffic noise level outside a building. This approach is consistent with NZS 6806 for noise.
11 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 22 Norwegian Standard (2005) NS 817622 has been used as the basis for the NS 8176:2005 Vibration and shock For vibration, NS 8176 uses the statistical recommended vibration level, with class C - Measurement of vibration in maximum weighted velocity vw,95 (units of mm/s), buildings from landbased transport corresponding to the ‘value for vibration in new which is the maximum weighted velocity that can and guidance to evaluation of its residential buildings’. A statistical maximum value for be expected with 95% probability. The ‘combined effects on human beings. weighted vibration is used to quantify the vibration frequency weighting’ Wmv from ISO 8041:2005 is and class C has an upper limit of 0.3 mm/s vw,95. used to reduce to vibration influence outside the frequency range to which humans are sensitive. TABLE 2: NOISE AND VIBRATION LEVELS FOR BUILDINGS IN BUFFER AREA building type maximumexternaldesignnoiselevel Internal design vibration level (rural areas) (urban and rural areas) Residential 57 dB LAeq(24h) NS 8176 Class C ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGIES When there is a requirement to assess noise and/or The vibration levels will correspond to the road vibration as set out in the model plan rules/conditions surface condition at the time of the measurements (sections 8 and 9), an acoustics expert is typically and should be used to assess vibration effects on required. the proposed development. However, if there is a For noise, the assessment determines the existing temporary defect in the road surface at the time of road-traffic noise by measurement, prediction or a the measurements causing elevated vibration levels combination of both. To take into account the future then an adjustment should be made to the measured permitted use of state highway 3 dB should be added values. No adjustment should be made if elevated to existing measured or predicted noise levels. The levels are caused by permanent features of the surface noise levels inside and outside the new sensitive land such as seal joins, completed repairs such as patches, use are then predicted and any mitigation specified or issues with the underlying pavement. for the building design, barriers or bunds in order to Where adopted, the draft plan rules and consent achieve compliance with the required levels in table 1 conditions in sections 8 and 9 make landowners/ or table 2. The Transport Agency provides a number of developers responsible for providing design solutions tools and data sources for this assessment: that achieve the specified performance standards. As • a guide to road surface noise13 specified in these rules/conditions, landowners have • a road-traffic noise calculator www.acoustics. to supply an assessment from a suitably qualified acoustics specialist stating that each building in the effects area will achieve the prescribed design noise • traffic flow and percentage heavy vehicle data19, 20 levels (and vibration level if a building is within the • a guide to the acoustic treatment of buildings05 buffer area). For some parts of the state highway network (such Noise and vibration assessments are estimated to as in Auckland) the Transport Agency may also have cost $1,000 (2015) with additional costs for any noise contours available on request (environment@ measurements. Advice on both of these assessment methodologies can be sought from the Environment Due to the influence of local ground conditions and Urban Design Team ( and the condition of the road surface, site-specific measurements are recommended for a vibration assessment. These measurements should be carried out in accordance with NS 8176 on the ground surface, (‘free-field’) using a statistical maximum velocity or acceleration from a characteristic sample of road 23 NZ Transport Agency (2013) traffic. Empirical relationships can then be used23 to State highway construction and determine the vibration inside a building. maintenance noise and vibration guide.
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 12 VENTILATION PROVISIONS Where compliance with specified internal noise levels Where mechanical ventilation or cooling is provided is required and building relocation/reorientation or as an alternative to opening windows it should be noise barriers are not practicable, acoustic treatment a genuine alternative such that occupants are not of the building will be necessary. The overall acoustic forced to choose between excess noise or hot/stuffy performance of a building envelope is determined conditions. Prior to 2014, to achieve this outcome the mainly by its weakest elements. In most cases, the Transport Agency generally sought either a high air weakest elements are ventilation openings such as flow rate or cooling, when ventilation systems were windows through which natural ventilation is provided. required as part of reverse sensitivity controls. On the Mechanical ventilation/cooling can allow windows to basis of this review, the following specifications are be kept closed, which can significantly reduce road- now recommended. traffic noise and, in the majority of cases, is the only measure required. SPECIFICATION FOR VENTILATION AND Ventilation and cooling systems are often specified COOLING SYSTEMS in district plans as part of reverse sensitivity controls • Ventilation must be provided to meet clause for houses near airports, ports, roads and railways. G4 of the New Zealand Building Code. At However, there is substantial variation between the same time as meeting this minimum specifications, despite the systems all serving the provision, the sound of the system shall not same basic purpose in each case. The range of exceed 30 dB LAeq(30s) when measured 1 m different specifications commonly found in district away from any grille or diffuser. plans was reflected in the proposed Auckland Unitary • The occupant must be able to control the Plan in 2013, where houses near airports, ports, road ventilation rate in increments up to a high and rail had varying ventilation provisions. A review24 air flow setting that provides at least 6 air 24 Beca Ltd (2014) Ventilation systems installed for of these found that: changes per hour (more than is specified in road-traffic noise mitigation. • Clause G4 of the Building Code (Schedule 1 of clause G4). At the same time the sound of the Building Regulations 1992) is not designed the system shall not exceed 35 dB LAeq(30s) to provide thermal comfort. District plans that when measured 1 m away from any grille or specify compliance with Clause G4 for ventilation diffuser. systems as part of reverse sensitivity controls • The system must provide cooling that are unlikely to achieve the intended outcome. is controllable by the occupant and can Occupants would be likely to experience hot/ maintain the temperature at no greater than stuffy conditions at least in summer, and would 25°C. At the same time, the sound of the probably open the windows, which should remain system must not exceed 35 dB LAeq(30s) when closed to achieve appropriate indoor noise levels. measured 1 m away from any grille or diffuser. • Systems that seek to simulate cooling through (The last item can be omitted for cooler regions provision of high air flow rates (up to 15 air such as the lower North Island and coastal and changes per hour), have a number of drawbacks southern parts of the South Island.) and will not always achieve the desired cooling effect. Issues with a high air flow rate ventilation To achieve this specification it is likely that the most only system include relatively high capital and common solution would be an in-ceiling ducted maintenance costs, larger components, and system with a reverse-cycle heat pump providing higher levels of system noise to control. cooling (figure 13). • Provision of a ventilation system including Note that in addition to the specification detailed cooling, such as from a reverse cycle heat pump, above, any ventilation and cooling system must is likely to be the most effective way of achieving comply with district plan provisions for noise reasonable thermal comfort, commensurate with emissions to neighbouring property. This may the effect that would be obtained by opening constrain the location of external equipment and air windows. However, in cooler regions such as grilles, and/or require screening and attenuation. the lower North Island and coastal and southern The specification is considered a minimum for parts of the South Island, mechanical ventilation ventilation and cooling systems implemented to alone would be sufficient. address reverse sensitivity noise effects. Heating and additional cooling may be an overall design objective for these systems. The noise limits for ventilation systems are lower than the 40 dB road-traffic noise limit, to avoid a cumulative effect. Ideally the ventilation systems would be 10 dB below the road-traffic noise but this is not practicable at higher duties so the ventilation specification is only 5 dB below the road-traffic noise limit in those instances.
13 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 4 NOISE BARRIERS In some instances the noise criteria in section 3 can be that will be transferred to the local council for ongoing achieved by screening the land use from the road by a maintenance. barrier. Effective barriers can be formed with walls or For most types of barrier, access is required to both bunds and advice can be found in the barrier guide04 sides for maintenance, and therefore locating a 25 NZ Transport Agency (2013) and urban design guidelines25. The natural terrain and barrier on a cadastral boundary can be problematic. Bridging the gap: NZTA urban other buildings can also act as noise barriers. Consideration is also needed to avoid gaps between design guidelines. Noise barriers erected close to the road often provide barriers and boundary fences, which can become litter the best acoustic performance. However, in addition traps and unsafe places. to potential urban design issues, structures within If a noise barrier for an individual development does the state highway road reserve must be maintained not join up with other noise barriers, or otherwise by the Transport Agency. Therefore, noise barriers extend wider than the area to be protected, then it provided by developers for reverse sensitivity may be necessary to include return sections at each control should be located either where they will be end of the barrier perpendicular to the state highway04 maintained by the landowner, or preferably on land (figure 10). FIGURE 10: NOISE BARRIER RETURN barrier barrier returns returns FIGURE 11: PLANTED BUNDS BESIDE SH1 IN ROLLESTON INSTALLED BY COUNCIL/DEVELOPER
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 14 Noise barriers on individual sections and council land in NZ Transport Agency land Christchurch Council land Noise barrier Cadastral boundary STAGE 1: BARRIER ON INDIVIDUAL SECTIONS STATE HIGHWAY 1 STAGE 2: BARRIER ON COUNCIL LAND CASE STUDY - MAINTENANCE IMPLICATIONS FROM BARRIER LOCATION This case study highlights is located wholly within individual result in an unsightly barrier viewed difficulties that can arise with the private sections of land. However, from the state highway. Fortunately, ongoing maintenance of noise for the second stage (shown on the at this particular location the barriers depending on who owns the bottom half of the figure) the barrier planting of appropriate vegetation land on which they are located. is located wholly within a specific by the developer has meant minimal The figure above is an aerial council reserve. maintenance is required; although photograph showing two stages The council is responsible for both issues may arise in future. This is of a subdivision adjacent to State sides of the barrier within the a good example of the importance Highway 1 in Christchurch. For both council reserve. However, where the of landscape design for noise stages a continuous noise barrier barrier is located within individual bunds. However, in general it is has been constructed adjacent to private sections of land (first stage), recommended that noise barriers the state highway. The noise barrier it is not obvious who will maintain for reverse sensitivity control comprises an earth bund with a the state highway side of the adjacent to state highways should timber fence on top. In the first barrier. While it is the landowners’ not be within individual sections, stage of the subdivision (shown on responsibility, the lack of direct but should be within a council the top half of the figure) the barrier access and varying ownership could reserve.
15 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 5 BUILDING DESIGN Section 3 describes how installing mechanical effective seals is usually more important than the ventilation/cooling is a common treatment to reduce glazing configuration. Thin thermal double-glazing road-traffic noise in buildings by allowing windows to has relatively poor acoustic performance due to be kept closed. Example systems and specific advice resonance. More efficient means of noise reduction on the acoustic treatment of buildings is provided in across windows can be achieved by using thicker the Transport Agency guide03. glazing, secondary glazing or laminated glass. Typically For higher noise exposures (closer to a road) it only those rooms facing the state highway will require may be necessary to upgrade windows as well as treatment, so the measures do not need to extend to providing mechanical ventilation/cooling. A common the whole house. Additionally, within a certain room, misconception is that ‘double-glazing’ is the primary the treatment might not be required for all elevations. means of noise control. However, if a significant noise For alterations to existing buildings, acoustic treatment reduction across a window is required, achieving should only be required for those parts of the building that are being altered. FIGURE 12: GLAZING TYPES Standard glazing Laminated glazing Double glazing Secondary glazing Interlayer FIGURE 13: DUCTED AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM Fan Cooling coils Air intake Refrigeration supply and return pipes Return Supply Supply Supply air air air air Outdoor condenser unit Condenser fan
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 16 A study has been undertaken to assess the typical would be similar to a location next to a road with costs of treating buildings to achieve the criteria in a chip seal surface and 9,000 vehicles per day, or section 326. Figure 16 shows the additional acoustic next to a road with a porous asphalt surface and 26 Beca Ltd (2013) New Zealand treatment costs calculated for a typical new build 30,000 vehicles per day. There would also be design, Transport Agency building acoustic mitigation case study. single storey home (three bedroom, 175 m2) and consenting and operation and maintenance costs double storey home (four bedroom, 225 m2), with associated with the acoustic treatments. Many new base prices of $235,000 and $332,000, respectively houses include these acoustic treatments. (2013). This study considers traffic noise levels that FIGURE 14: TYPICAL SINGLE STOREY HOME FIGURE 15: TYPICAL DOUBLE STOREY HOME Image from A1 Homes Image from A1 Homes FIGURE 16: ACOUSTIC TREATMENT COSTS (EXCLUDING GST) - 201326
17 | NZ Transport Agency Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 v1.0 6 REGIONAL AND DISTRICT PLANS The Transport Agency advocates for statutory The Transport Agency participates in review processes planning documents to recognise the effects of nearby of statutory planning documents to advocate for development on transport infrastructure, including the reverse sensitivity provisions that are consistent with national state highway network. the good practice set out in this guide. Using the Specifically, the Transport Agency will seek that formal review processes is favoured over initiating reverse sensitivity is efficiently managed by local private plan change processes. This approach has authorities through: been adopted because of the significant resource and expense required to prepare and lodge plan • imposing separation and setback distances changes on numerous statutory planning documents between sensitive activities and the road edge throughout New Zealand. Model plan provisions are (see section 3) provided in section 8 of this guide. • encouraging non-sensitive land use to separate residential or other sensitive activities from major The Transport Agency has collated information about transport corridors existing reverse sensitivity rules within district plans 27 NZ Transport Agency and displays this material on a web based map27. For District plan provisions. • adopting effective urban design principles (see current information and provisions it is recommended page 13) and acoustic treatment performance that the individual district plans are referenced. standards within district plans • requiring design and construction standards to Reverse sensitivity controls have the potential to achieve appropriate internal noise and vibration encourage poor urban design outcomes. For example, levels within effects areas. if solid and tall fences were built to reduce noise in all houses adjacent to an urban arterial, then the vibrancy of the environment could be compromised, potentially affecting the local economy and creating safety issues for pedestrians and cyclists in the road corridor. It is therefore recommended that when implementing reverse sensitivity controls within a district plan, consideration should also be given towards applying good urban design practices. FIGURE 17: WEB BASED MAP OF DISTRICT PLAN REVERSE SENSITIVITY PROVISIONS
v1.0 Effects on noise sensitive land use September 2015 NZ Transport Agency | 18 7 RESOURCE CONSENTS AND PLAN CHANGES The Transport Agency seeks to proactively manage Overall the Transport Agency considers the district reverse sensitivity effects through adoption of plan process as a proactive mechanism to encourage appropriate district-wide controls and standards developers to locate and/or treat their sensitive within district plans. Where these controls have not activity to mitigate reverse sensitivity effects. By yet been included in district plans, the Transport including both appropriate permitted and restricted Agency also manages reverse sensitivity through discretionary activity pathways and encouraging buffer participating in the consenting process, primarily and effects areas within district plans, ambiguity in through providing submissions on subdivision or the consenting process is reduced and developers are land use resource consent applications, and less informed of the potential reverse sensitivity effects. frequently on discharge consent applications. The When an applicant approaches the Transport Agency Transport Agency can also be a submitter on district prior to lodging an application, a review of the location plan changes for specific areas. For complicated of the development along with the sensitivity of the or significant projects in particular, the Transport activity and the proposed controls is undertaken. Agency seeks to be consulted by applicants prior to Based on the outcome of this review, the following lodging a consent application or plan change request. mechanisms may typically be sought to address the The district planning and consenting process can potential effects of reverse sensitivity: be used to effectively protect sensitive activities, • modifications to the location of the sensitive such as residential development, from undesirable activity, and environmental effects of the state highway by identifying and imposing performance standards as • the building standards as set out in section 9 of conditions on resource consents. this guide. The Transport Agency has developed an effects If a proposal satisfies the Transport Agency’s area, in which it seeks the management of reverse mechanisms for managing reverse sensitivity and sensitivity effects through the district planning other effects, the Transport Agency will provide its process, and in which it considers proposed affected party approval for consent applications. The developments may cause an effect on the Transport Transport Agency may however decline to provide Agency. As described in section 3, the effects area affected party approval where changes sought to may be up to 100 metres from a state highway, and is a consent application do not satisfy the Transport not dependent on whether the development directly Agency’s concerns. accesses the state highway. For notified consent applications, the Transport While the Transport Agency prefers that new noise Agency may lodge a submission if the reverse and vibration sensitive activities are not developed sensitivity effects on the state highway network have within the buffer area (section 3), in urban areas this not been addressed. Lodging a submission secures the may not be a practical outcome, and urban design Transport Agency’s ability to participate in the consent considerations may lead to development within the process, including appeal if necessary. buffer area. In these cases the Transport Agency will The Transport Agency generally will not seek ‘no seek to have appropriate noise and vibration controls complaints’ covenants as a method to manage reverse included in the district plan or consent conditions. sensitivity effects. While such covenants can forewarn prospective tenants of road-traffic noise exposure, it does not mitigate the potential effects. URBAN DESIGN There are a wide range of factors that should be considered, with respect to a state highway corridor and surrounding land uses, to achieve good urban design outcomes. The use of buffers and noise barriers for managing reverse sensitivity effects both require careful integration in urban areas to avoid causing other adverse effects. The Transport Agency urban design guidelines Bridging the gap, provide examples of compatible land uses adjacent to urban arterials such as local roads/ public transport, cycleways, commercial buildings and public spaces. These land uses form the necessary buffer to manage reverse sensitivity effects.
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