TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

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TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

(Approved by Government of Maharashtra &    Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus,
Affiliated to University of Mumbai)         S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai - 400 068.
(Hindi Linguistic Minority Institute)                         ISO 9001:2015 Certified
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.
                                               & QUALITY POLICY

                           To be a leading
                           institution of higher
                           contributing to
                           through holistic
                           approach towards

                                              QUALITY POLICY
     To nurture and
                                              We are committed to
     sustain academic
                                              deliver quality education
     excellence by
                                              by providing
     imparting quality
                                              infrastructure and facilities
     education to
                                              to create a conducive
     develop a
                                              environment. We shall
     community of
                                              work to achieve our
     intellectuals with
                                              institutional quality
     professional skills
                                              objectives by satisfying all
     and ethical values
                                              academic and statutory
                                              requirements through
                                              continual improvement of
                                              our Quality Management

01                                                          TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-2021
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

   Management Insight                                                03

   About the Institute                                               04

   Infrastructure                                                    05-06

   Admission Guidelines: F.Y.J.C. Programmes                         07

   Scheme of Examination: F.Y.J.C. Programmes                        08

   Admission Guidelines: Degree College Programmes                   09

   Refund of Fees: Degree College Programmes                         10

   Degree College Programmes

      Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)                                        11-12

      B.A. in Multimedia & Mass Communication (B.A.M.M.C.)           13

      Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.)                        14-15

      Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.)                                  16

      Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) [B.Com. (A&F)]   17

      Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) [B.Sc. (I.T.)]    18

      Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) [B.Sc. (C.S.)]          19

   Scheme of Examination: Degree College Programmes                  20

   C0-Curricular Activities                                          21-25

   Extra- Curricular Activities                                      26

   Extension Activities                                              27-28

   Important Ordinance / General Rules & Regulations                 29

   Institutes Managed by Thakur Educational Group                    30

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                     02
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

 - Shri. V. K. Singh                                  - Shri. Jitendra R. Singh
 CHAIRMAN                                             SECRETARY

 We assure dynamic changes in society by               “Don't limit your challenges, challenge your
 imparting quality oriented education with the         limits.”
 best of the infra structural facilities, nurturing
 environment and the right academic ambience.          We are committed to provide unique platform to
                                                       the students of diverse backgrounds, enabling
                                                       them to become value based leaders and
                                                       responsible citizens in a global dimension.

                                                      “Without continual growth and progress, words
                                                      such as improvement, achievement and success
                                                      have no meaning.”

                                                      We are committed to imparting quality
                                                      education, thereby making Maharashtra a
                                                      competitive state and transforming India into a
                                                      contemporary nation.

 -Shri. Ramesh R. Singh

                                                      “If we have a necessary will to do a particular
                                                      thing, no impediment however big and thorny, can
                                                      prevent us from achieving our goal”

                                                      It is the untiring effort of determination, dedication
                                                      and devotion for achieving any cherished dream.
                                                      One of my dream is to see TRCAC at the pinnacle
                                                      of success by ensuring harmonious growth of the
                                                      institution and all those associated with the

 Dr. Ravish R. Singh
 B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D. Tech.

03                                                                                TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

T h a k u r E d u c a t i o n a l Tr u s t h a s p rove n i t s     practices such as assignments, tutorials, group
commitment towards the noble cause of                               d i s c u s s i o n s, s e m i n a rs, m ov i e s h owca s i n g,
education for the last two decades. In 2016, the                    brainstorming sessions and Industrial Visits. As an
visionary Trust established Thakur Ramnarayan                       integral part of the overall development of
College of Arts and Commerce (TRCAC) at                             students, a Gymkhana is provided to them where
Dahisar East with the prime motive of providing                     participation in sports and outdoor activities are
excellent education opportunities to the students                   actively encouraged. Different cultural activities
in the vicinit y. TRCAC has state-of-the-art                        are organised throughout the year to bring out the
infrastructural facilities. It has a rich and spacious              best of the talents among students.
library up-to-date with the latest educational
journals. It is well-equipped with computer                         Thakur Ramnarayan College of Arts & Commerce
laboratories to aid in language learning,                           laid its first stone in the year 2016 with Junior
programming, testing, database management                           College. Within a very short period of time I. e. in
a n d te ch n o l o g y- b a s e d l e a r n i n g fo r t h e       year 2018, Degree College was started with seven
a p p l i ca t i o n o f s u b j e c t s l i ke p sych o l o g y,   programmes in faculty of arts, science and
management, economics and mass media.                               commerce. We hope to realize our goals by
                                                                    p rov i d i n g qu a l i t y e d u c a t i o n by o f fe r i n g
In 2018, TRCAC Degree College was established                       professional programs with special focus on skill
with an affiliation of Mumbai University. Besides the               development. By keeping pace with the changing
B.A and B.Com courses, the college offers need-                     times, we hope to bring about a positive social
based self-financing courses, in the Under-                         change through the hard work and sincerity of the
Graduate level, like BMS, BMM and B.Com(A&F).                       students as well as our worthy staff and
For the intellectual upliftment of students, the                    experienced faculty members. Our key core values
method of instruction has shifted from the                          of excellence in education, integrity and prosperity
traditional theory oriented one to experimental                     in all aspects of life are, thus, highlighted in all our

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                          04
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

     TRCAC takes care of core infrastucture and services that are essential for
                                student’s growth

                                                     Conference Room

        Administration Office


             Seminar Hall


             Class Room

05                                                                TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

                                  Computer Laboratory

          Language Laboratory

                                  Vidhi Chhatra Sansad

           Vidhi Chhatra Sansad

                                   Health Care Center


TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                 06
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.
                                                             F.Y.J.C. PROGRAMMES
 Arts-F.Y.J.C. and S.Y.J.C. (Std. XI and XII)
     1. English                               1. Hindi                   1. Economics
     2. Environment Education                 2. Information Technology  2. Political Science
     3. Health and Physical Education                                    3. Psychology
                                                                         4. Sociology
  Commerce-F.Y.J.C. and S.Y.J.C. (Std. XI and XII)
      1. English                       1. Hindi                  1. Economics
      2. Environment Education         2. Information Technology 2. Book-Keeping and Accountancy
      3. Health and Physical Education                           3. Organisation of Commerce and Management
                                                                 4. Mathematics and Statistics /
                                                                    Secretarial Practice (Any one)
                                                     Servicemen /          Arts and                         Physically
 Hindi Linguistic       In-House      Management                                         Sports
                                                     Ex-servicemen          Cultural                       Handicapped
 Minority Quota           Quota         Quota                                            Quota
                                                         Quota               Quota                            Quota
     50% of seats      10% of seats   5% of seats         5% of seats      2% of seats 3% of seats          4% of seats

Eligibility Criteria                                              • Student’s self declaration form (for Hindi
Students passed S.S.C. examination (Std X) by                       linguistic minority)
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education or                 • Fees by demand draft drawn in favour of
Examination considered equivalent to S.S.C.                         “Thakur Ramnarayan College of Arts and
Examination of the Maharashtra State Board of                       Commerce”.
Secondary Education.
                                                               B) Students coming from Board other than
Admission Guidelines                                              0Maharashtra State Board for Provisional Eligibility
1) Admission to Hindi Linguistic Minority and In-house
students will be done at the College Level before the          • Application in the prescribed form which is
online admission on the basis of merit. Students must            obtained from the Maharashtra State Board of
submit the following documents:                                  Secondary and Higher Secondary Education,
                                                                 Mumbai Division, Navi Mumbai, Vashi-400703
     • Pre admission form (Available at Office counter)
                                                               • O r i g i n a l S ta te m e n t o f m a r k s a n d t h re e
     • Attested Photocopy of Mark sheet
                                                                 photocopies of the same
     • Attested Photocopy of School Leaving
                                                               • Original Leaving Certificate (Counter signed by
       Certificate along with Original
                                                                 Educational Inspector) and three photocopies of
2) All other category admissions will be done online.            the same
3) Admission to the F.Y.J.C. will be as per the online         • Original Migration Certificate
   system introduced by the Government of
                                                               • Passing Certificate
   Maharashtra / Deputy Director of Education,
   Greater Mumbai.                                             • Proforma of Deed of undertaking available with
                                                                 eligibility form
4) The schedule will be announced on the college
   website, after the S.S.C. result           • Transcript of Syllabus of the subjects passed
   declaration.                                                  (Convertible Marksheet) and One Photocopy of
                                                                 the same.
5) Students failing to secure admission by paying fees
   on the day, date, and time specified will lose their        C) Students seeking admission under sports and
   claim for admission. No claim in this respect will be          cultural category must attach true copy of
   entertained later for any reason what so ever.                 relevant documents.
6) All admissions are provisional and will only be             Documents Required for Direct Admission to S.Y.J.C.
   confirmed after verification of documents                   • Admission Form
                                                               • No Objection Certificate from the Junior College
Documents Required                                               which he/she last attended
A) Hindi Linguistic Minority and In-house students             • School Leaving Certificate of the college last
   • Completely filled college admission form                    attended
     • Attested photocopy of Std. X mark sheet                 • Original and attested photocopy of mark sheet of
                                                                 F.Y.J.C. showing promotion to S.Y.J.C. class
     • Original School Leaving Certificate

07                                                                                               TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.

    Sr. No.        Name of the Examamination                             Month                     Marks

      1.                    Unit Test 1                           August / September                 25

      2.           First Terminal Examination                     October / November                 50

      3.                    Unit Test 2                                 January                      25

      4.        Second Terminal Examination                           March / April                  100

      5.                Re-examination                        After First Term / Second Term      50 / 100

Re-examination                                                    level shall be eligible to get 25 marks in the
Re-examination will be conducted only for those                   college examination, as well as in H.S.C. Board
students who inform the Principal in writing of their             examination either for passing or for improving
inabilit y to appear for first/second terminal                    their percentage.
examination because of ill health or reason beyond
control and to the satisfaction of the Principal.                 Malpractice during examination
                                                                  As per Maharashtra State Board of Secondary
Note: Performance in every test/examinations is taken             and Higher Secondary Education vide booklet
into consideration while promoting to next higher                 no. C-2/BRC, F-6/E student is not supposed to
class.                                                            carry any written material, mobile phones or any
                                                                  information, scribbled objects, Under such
Students suffering from Dyslexia, Disgraphia or                   circumstances, the examination committee of
Discalculia or any other learning disability should               the college can confiscate the material and
submit a copy of relevant document to the office.                 scrutinize it. If found objectionable the
                                                                  examination committee can declare the result
Standards of Passing (F.Y.J.C.)                                   of said subject of the respective examination,
Result will be calculated based on the average of the             null and void.
marks obtained in each subject in the above
examinations i.e. (25+50+25+100)/2=200/2=100.                     Gracing Rule
A t te n d a n c e a n d p e r fo r m a n c e i n Pro j e c t /   If a candidate appears in all the subjects and
Assignments will be given due weightage.                          fails in one or more subjects, the deficiency of
                                                                  marks in maximum 3 subjects to a maximum of
Additional Benefits for Sports Students                           15 marks but not exceeding 10 marks in any one
As per Board circular dated 8th June 2007, students               subject, shall be condoned for the purpose of
who participate at State, National and International              passing the examination.

Attendance Requirement
As per the MSBSHSE Board’s regulation No. 88(1), a student is required to have 75% of attendance in each
term. On Medical ground, supported by time bound Medical Certificate, a deficiency upto 15% would be
considered. Further 10% deficiency for exceptional cases, as per the recommendation of the Principal
would be considered.

Photocopy of Aadhar card is compulsory for all admissions.

Students should note that before submitting the original School Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate to
the college which will be kept by the college permanently, students should keep sufficient photocopies of
Leaving Certificate or Transfer Certificate with them.

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                       08
TRCAC PROFILE 2020-21 - Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road, Dahisar (East), Mumbai 400 068.
                                     DEGREE COLLEGE PROGRAMMES
01 Admission to the First Year Undergraduate Degree               appear for the examination and their names will
   Programmes are conducted as per the guidelines                 be struck off from the College Roll.
   and schedule announced by the University of
   Mumbai.                                                    11 No student will be deemed as admitted to the
                                                                 college unless he/she submits the duly filled form
02 The schedule of admission will be displayed on the            and has paid the necessary fees and deposits
   Notice Board as it is received from the University of         and obtained approval from the University of
   Mumbai.                                                       Mumbai.
03 It is mandatory for students from affiliated colleges      12 Applicants from other than Maharashtra State
   of the University of Mumbai that they should do               Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary
   online registration on the website:                           Education / University of Mumbai must support before taking                 their statements of the last examination passed
   admission for any of the Programmes. Pre                      by attaching the certificates of passing and
   admission online registration process is open to              must also attach a photocopy of the fee receipt
   multi colleges and multi programmes.                          of the provisional eligibility certificate at the time
                                                                 of admission. Students should submit the other
04 It is mandatory to complete the Pre-Admission                 necessary documents within one week of the
   Online Registration within stipulated time. E-mail ID         commencement of the semester in the college
   and Mobile No. of student is required for online              o f f i ce fo r co n f i rm a t i o n o f t h e e l i g i b i l i t y
   registration.                                                 certificate. If the eligibility is not confirmed by the
05 For pre admission online registration, a student              University, the terms kept for the academic year
   should have a soft copy of his / her photograph,              will be treated as "Null and Void".
   signature and 10th and 12th marksheets along               13 A student once admitted in the first semester will
   with him / her.                                               be considered as duly enrolled for the second
06 For pre admission to any programmes in the                    semester also unless he/she informs in writing
   college, students have to purchase prospectus                 his/her intention to leave the college before the
   and admission form the college Administration                 commencement of the second semester.
   Office.                                                    14 The students are expected to attend all lectures,
07 The students should take out the print out of online          practicals and tutorials regularly. Employed
   registration form as per the registration of                  students are advised to seek admission in the
   educational courses and submit it to the college              Institute of Distance Education, University of
   along with the required documents.                            Mumbai since they cannot fulfill the obligations
                                                                 of attending all lectures, practicals and tutorials
08 The college will not accept the application form              as prescribed by the University. If any student
   without the print out copy of pre admission online            takes up employment after securing admission,
   registration.                                                 the college authorities will not be responsible for
                                                                 inadequate attendance and consequences
09 All admissions are provisional, subject to the
                                                                 arising there from.
   approval of the University of Mumbai.
                                                              15 Once a student passes from one faculty, he/she
10 At the time of admission to the First Year
                                                                 shall not be admitted to the other faculty.
   Undergraduate Degree Programmes, students are
                                                                 Subsequent change of faculty is not permitted.
   required to fill in the University enrolment form,
   without which the admission will not be approved           16 It should be noted that the Principal of the
   by the University of Mumbai. If they fail to fill in the      college will be the final authority to decide the
   enrolment form, they will not be allowed to                   subjects of the students’ courses. Management
                                                                 reserves the right of admission.

1. Print out of the Online Registration form
2. Admission form of the college
3. Four attested photocopies of HSC Marksheet (original to be shown at the time of actual admission)
4. H.S.C. leaving certificate with two attested photocopies (Original to be submitted at the time of actual
5. One attested photocopy of caste certificate, if applicable (Original to be shown at the time of actual
6. Payment of fees by Demand Draft in favour of “Thakur Ramnarayan College of Arts and Commerce -
7. One attested photocopy of Aadhar Card.

09                                                                                                    TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
Refund of Fees as per the Rules of University of Mumbai (Vide Circular No.UG /412 of 2008 dated 11th
September 2008) (Under ordinance 2859 for degree college).
The refund of fees as applicable shall be made on or before 30th day after the date of cancellation and
The percentage of fee for the course shall be refunded to the candidate after deducting charges as

                                   Period                                   Percentage of Deduction
    1.   Prior to commencement of academic term and instruction of      Rs. 500/-
         the course

   2.    Upto 20 days after the commencement of academics term          20% of the total amount of fees
         of the course
   3.    From 21st day upto next 50 days after commencement of the      30% of the total amount of fees
         academics term of the course
   4.    From 51st day upto 80 days after commencement of               50% of the total amount of fees
         academics term of the course or August 31st whichever is
   5.    From September 1st to September 30th                           60% of the total amount of fees

   6.    After September 30th                                           No refund of fees


The total amount considered for the refund of fees from the commencement of semester of the
courses includes the following:-

01 All the fee items chargeable for one year are as per relevant University circulars for different
   Faculties (excluding the courses for which the total amount is fixed by other competent

02 The fee charged towards group insurance and all fee components to be paid as University share
   (including Vice-Chancellor fund), University fee for sports and cultural activities, E-charge,
   disaster management (find exam fee and enrollment fee) are non refundable.

03 Fee collected for Identity card and Library card, admission form and prospectus enrolment and
   any other course specific fee are not refundable after the commencement of the academic

04 All refundable deposits (Laboratory, Caution Money and Library etc.) shall be fully returned at the
   time of cancellation.

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                              10
Eligibility Criteria : (O.2138)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three year integrated course leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Arts must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination conducted by
the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
with the following subjects :-
1. English
2. Any one of the Modern Indian Languages or Modern Foreign Languages or any classical Language or
    Information Technology.
3. Any four subjects carrying 100 marks each.
Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination with vocational subject
conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher
Secondary Education with the following subjects:-
1. English
2. Any one vocational subject carrying 200 marks prescribed by the Board from time to time.
3. Any three subjects carrying 100 marks each.
Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination with the Minimum
Competency based vocational courses conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State
Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education with the following subjects :-
1. English
2. Any one of the Modern Indian Languages or Modern Foreign Languages or Classical Language or Information
3. General Foundation Course.
4. Any one subject carrying 300 marks from among the Minimum Competency based vocational courses
    prescribed by the Higher Secondary School Certificate examination from time to time
Must have passed an examination of another University or Body Recognized as equivalent thereto.

F.Y.B.A. : Courses offered
     COURSE                                             COURSE
      CODE               SEMESTER - I                    CODE                  SEMESTER - II

               COMPULSORY GROUP                                      COMPULSORY GROUP

 UBA1.2       Communication Skills in English - I      UBA2.2         Communication Skills in English - II
 UBA1.4       Hindi                                    UBA2.4         Hindi
 UBAFSI.6.1   Foundation Course - I                    UBAFSII.6.1    Foundation Course - II
                 OPTIONAL GROUP                                       OPTIONAL GROUP
 UBA1.24      General Psychology Paper - I             UBA2.24        General Psychology Paper - I
 UBA1.28      History & Modern India (1857-1947)       UBA2.28        History & Modern India : Society and
              Paper - I                                               Economy Paper - I
 UBA1.35      Microeconomics - I                       UBA2.35        Microeconomics - II
 UBA1.41      Introduction to Literare                 UBA2.41        Introduction to Literare (Poetry and
              (Short Stories and Novel)                               Drama)

11                                                                                        TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
 S.Y.B.A. : Courses offered
   COURSE CODE                 SEMESTER - III             COURSE CODE                    SEMESTER - IV

               COMPULSORY GROUP                                         COMPULSORY GROUP
 UAFC301             Foundation Course - II              UAFC401              Foundation Course - II

 UAMASSCOM301        Mass Communication Paper - I       UAMASSCOM401          Mass Communication Paper - II
 UASM3A1             Stress Management Paper - I        UASM4A1               Stress Management Paper - II

                  OPTIONAL GROUP                                            OPTIONAL GROUP

    The student must continue with the same subjects      The student must continue with the same subjects
       chosen in F.Y.B.A. (TWO papers per subject)           chosen in F.Y.B.A. (TWO papers per subject)

 T.Y.B.A. : Courses offered
     COURSE                                               COURSE
      CODE                   SEMESTER - V                  CODE                      SEMESTER - VI

 ECOMIE501          Micro Economics - III               ECOMA601         Macro Economics - III
 ECODEV502          Growth and Development              ECOINT602        International Economics
 ECOILEC503         Industrial and Labour Economics     ECOILEC603       Industrial and Labour Economics

 ECOFEA503          Financial Economics                 ECOIFSA603       Financial Economics
 ECORMB504          Research Methodology                ECORMB604        Research Methodology
 ECOENVC505         Environmental Economics             ECOIETC604       Indian Economic Thought

   COURSE                                              COURSE
    CODE                   SEMESTER - V                 CODE                        SEMESTER - VI

  UAPSY501    Psychological Testing and Statistics:    UAPSY601      Psychological Testing and Statistics:
              Part I                                                 Part II
  UAPSY502    Abnormal Psychology Part I               UAPSY602      Abnormal Psychology Part II
  UAPSY503    Industrial and Organisational            UAPSY603      Industrial and Organisational Psychology
              Psychology Part I                                      Part II
  UAPSY504    Cognitive Psychology Part I              UAPSY604      Cognitive Psychology Part II
  UAPSY505    Practicals in Cognitive Processes and    UAPSY605      Practicals in Cognitive Processes and
              Psychological Testing Part I                           Psychological Testing Part II

  UAPSY506    Counseling Psychology Part I             UAPSY606      Counseling Psychology Part II

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                        12

Eligibility Criteria : (O.5206)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course in Bachelor of Mass Media shall have passed
XIIth Std. Examination of Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent from the Science,
Arts or Commerce Stream.
While drawing the merit list, weightage has to be given to students from Arts, Commerce and Science Stream at
12th Standard level. The stream wise weightage to be given is as under:

              STREAM                         ARTS             COMMERCE                          SCIENCE
         PERCENTAGE                            50 %                25 %                           25 %

F.Y.B.A.MM.C. : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                    COURSE
      CODE                        SEMESTER - I                  CODE                     SEMESTER - II
 BAMMEC.101          Effective Communicatioon - I            BAMMEC.201        Effective Communicatioon - II
 BAMMFC.102          Foundation Course - I                   BAMMFC.202        Foundation Course - II
 BAMMVC.103          Visual Communication                    BAMMCW.203        Content Writing
 BAMMFMC.104         Fundamentals and Mass Communication     BAMMIA.204        Introduction to Advertising
 BAMMCA.105          Current Affairs                         BAMMIJ.205        Introduction to Journalism
 BAMMHM.106          History of Media                        BAMMMGC.206       Media Gender and Culture

S.Y.B.A.MM.C. : Courses offered
        COURSE                                                 COURSE
         CODE                     SEMESTER - III                CODE                     SEMESTER - IV
 BAMMCEM.3011           Electronic Media - I               BAMMCEM.4011             Electronic Media - II
 BAMMCCCPR.302          Corporate Communication and P R    BAMMCWEM.402             Writing and Editing for Media
 BAMMCMS.303            Media Studies                      BAMMCMLE.403             Media Law and Ethics
 BAMMCIP.304            Introduction to Photography        BAMMCMMR.404             Mass Media Research
 BAMMCFCO.305           Film Communication - I             BAMMCFCO.405             Film Communication - II
 BAMMCCMM.306           Comupter and Multi Media - I       BAMMCCMM.406             Computer and Multi Media - II

T.Y.B.A.MM.C. : Courses offered
     COURSE                                              COURSE
      CODE                   SEMESTER - V                 CODE                       SEMESTER - VI
 UBMM.501        Advertising and Contemparory Society   UBMM.601    Financial Management for Marketing and
 UBMM.502        Brand Building                         UBMM.602    Principles and Practices of Direct Marketing
 UBMM.503        Copy Writing                           UBMM.603    Agency Management
 UBMM.504        Consumer Behavior                      UBMM.604    Advcertising and Marketing Research
 UBMM.505        Media Planning and Buying              UBMM.605    Legal Environment and Advertising Ethics
 UBMM.506        Advertising Design                     UBMM.606    Contemporary Issues
                                                        UBMM.607    Digital Media

13                                                                                         TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
Eligibility Criteria : (O.3941)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the B.M.S. Degree Course shall have passed H.S.C. Examination of
the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent examination or Diploma in any
Engineering branches with two years or three years duration after S.S.C. conducted by the Board of Technical
Education, Maharashtra State or its equivalent examination by securing minimum 45% marks for general category
(in one attempt) at the respective Examination and minimum 40% marks for the reserved category (in one
While drawing the merit list, weightage has to be given to students from Arts, Commerce and Science Stream at
12th standard level. The stream wise weightage to be given is as under :

      STREAM            COMMERCE             COMMERCE        ARTS           DIPLOMA IN ENGINEERING & OTHER
   PERCENTAGE                 45%              25 %       45% 25 %                              5%

F.Y.B.M.S. : Courses offered
  COURSE                                                  COURSE
   CODE                    SEMESTER - I                    CODE                          SEMESTER - II
  UBMSFSI.1     Introduction to Financial Accounts       UBMSFSII.1     Principles of Marketing
  UBMSFSI.2     Business Law                             UBMSFSII.2     Industrial Law
  UBMSFSI.3     Business Statistics                      UBMSFSII.3     Business Mathematics
  UBMSFSI.4     Business Communication - I               UBMSFSII.4     Business Communication - II
  UBMSFSI.5.1   Foundation Course - I                    UBMSFSII.5.1 Foundation Course - II
  UBMSFSI.6     Foundation of Human Skills               UBMSFSII.6     Business Environment
  UBMSFSI.7     Business Economics - I                   UBMSFSII.7     Principles of Management

S.Y.B.M.S. : Courses offered
    COURSE                                                  COURSE
     CODE                   SEMESTER - III                   CODE                        SEMESTER - IV
                 Group A: Finance Electives                             Group A: Finance Electives
 UBMSFSIII.1.03 Equity and Debt Market                  UBMSFSIV.1.02   Auditing
 UBMSFSIII.1.04 Corporate Finance                       UBMSFSIV.1.04   Corporate Restructuring
                 Group B: Marketing Electives                           Group B: Marketing Electives
 UBMSFSIII.1.05 Consumer Behavior                       UBMSFSIV.1.05   Integrated Marketing Communication
 UBMSFSIII.1.07 Advertising                             UBMSFSIV.1.06   Rural Marketing
                 Information Technology in                              Information Technology in
 UBMSFSIII.2                                            UBMSFSIV.2
                 Management - I                                         Management - II
 UBMSFSIII.3.01 Environmental Management                UBMSFSIV.3.01   Ethics and Governance
                 Business Planning and Entrepreneurial UBMSFSIV.4       Business Research Methods
 UBMSFSIII.5     Accounting for Managerial Decisions    UBMSFSIV.5      Business Economics - II
 UBMSFSIII.6     Strategic Management                   UBMSFSIV.6      Production and Total Quality Management

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                      14

T.Y.B.M.S. : Courses offered
     COURSE                                            COURSE
      CODE                   SEMESTER - V               CODE                      SEMESTER - VI
      46001   Logistics and Supply Chain Management       86001 Operations Research
      46002   Corporate Communication and Public      UBMSFSVI.5 Project Work
              Group A: Finance Electives                         Finance Electives
      46003   Investment Analysis and Portfolio          86002   IInternational Finance
      46009   Wealth Management                          86008   Project Management
      46012   Financial Accounting                       86011   Strategic Financial Management
      46018   Direct Taxes                               86017   Indirect Taxes
              Group B: Marketing Electives                       Marketing Electives
      46004   Services Marketing                         86003   Brand Management
      46007   E-Commerce                                 86006   Retail Management
      46010   Sales and Distribution Management          86009   International Marketing
      46013   Customer Relationship Management           86012   Media Planning and Management

15                                                                                     TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
Eligibility Criteria : (O.2152)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three year degree course leading to the Bachelor of
Commerce must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination conducted by the
different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination with vocational
subjects/minimum competency based vocational course conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the
Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
Must have passed an examination of another University or Body recognized as equivalent to Higher Secondary
School Certificate (Std. XII) Examination.

F.Y.B.Com. : Courses offered
   COURSE                                                    COURSE
    CODE                   SEMESTER - I                      CODE                        SEMESTER - II
 UBCOMFSI.1       Accountancy and Financial             UBCOMFSII.1          Accountancy and Financial
                  Management - I                                             Management - II
 UBCOMFSI.2       Commerce - I                          UBCOMFSII.2          Commerce - II
 UBCOMFSI.3       Business Economics - I                UBCOMFSII.3          Business Economics - II
 UBCOMFSI.4       Business Communication - I            UBCOMFSII.4          Business Communication - II
 UBCOMFSI.5       Environmental Studies - I             UBCOMFSII.5          Environmental Studies - II
 UBCOMFSI.6.1 Foundation Course - I                     UBCOMFSII.6.1        Foundation Course - II
 UBCOMFSI.7       Mathematical and Statistical          UBCOMFSII.7          Mathematical and Statistical
                  Techniques - I                                             Techniques - II

 S.Y.B.Com. : Courses offered
   COURSE                                                        COURSE
    CODE                   SEMESTER - III                        CODE                    SEMESTER - IV

 UBCOMFSIII.1      Accountancy and Financial                                    Accountancy and Financial
                   Management - III                                             Management - IV

 UBCOMFSIII.2.2    Financial Accounting and Auditing - V       UBCOMFSIV.2.1    Financial Accounting and Auditing - VI
                   Introduction to Management Accouting                         Introduction to Management Accouting
 UBCOMFSIII.3      Commerce - III                              UBCOMFSIV.3      Commerce - IV
 UBCOMFSIII.4      Business Economics - III                    UBCOMFSIV.4      Business Economics - IV
 UBCOMFSIII.5.01 Advertising - I                               UBCOMFSIV.5      Advertising - II
 UBCOMFSIII.6.1    Foundation Course - III                     UBCOMFSIV.6      Foundation Course - IV
                   (Contemporary Issues)                                        (Contemporary Issues)
 UBCOMFSIII.7      Business Law - I                            UBCOMFSIV.7      Business Law - II

 T.Y.B.Com. : Courses offered
   COURSE                                                       COURSE
    CODE                   SEMESTER - V                         CODE                     SEMESTER - VI

             Financial Accounting and Auditing - VII                      Financial Accounting and Auditing - IX
    23101                                                       83001
             Financial Accounting                                         Financial Accounting

    23107    Financial Accounting and Auditing - VIII                     Financial Accounting and Auditing - X
             Cost Accounting                                    83007
                                                                          Cost Accounting
    23114    Commerce - V                                      83014      Commerce - VI
    23113    Business Economics - V                            83013      Business Economics - VI
    23116    Export Marketing - I                              83016      Export Marketing - II
    23115    Direct and Indirect Tax - I                       83015      Direct and Indirect Tax - II

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                            16
                                                  B.Com (A & F)

Eligibility Criteria : (O.5204)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) degree
course shall have passed XII std. Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its
equivalent and secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate at first attempt (40% in case of reserved category).

F.Y.B.Com. (A & F) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                  COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - I                       CODE                   SEMESTER - II
     UA-FFSI .1   Financial Accounting - I                  UA-FFSII .1     Financial Accounting - II

     UA-FFSI .2   Cost Accounting - I                       UA-FFSII .2     Auditing - I

     UA-FFSI .3   Financial Management - I                                  Innovative Financial Services

     UA-FFSI .4   Business Communication - I                UA-FFSII .4     Business Communication - II

     UA-FFSI .5   Foundation Course - I                     UA-FFSII. 5.1   Foundation Course - II

     UA-FFSI .6   Business Environment                      UA-FFSII .6     Business Law - I

     UA-FFSI .7   Business Economics - I                    UA-FFSII .7     Business Mathematics

S.Y.B.Com. (A & F) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                  COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - III                     CODE                  SEMESTER - IV
 UA-FFSIII .1     Financial Accounting - III                UA-FFSIV .1     Financial Accounting - IV

 UA-FFSIII .2     Cost Accounting - II                      UA-FFSIV .2     Management Accounting - I

 UA-FFSIII .4     Taxation - I ( Direct Tax - Paper I)      UA-FFSIV .4     Taxation - II ( Direct Tax - Paper II)

 UA-FFSIII .6     Information Technology in                 UA-FFSIV .6     Information Technology in
                  Accountancy - I                                           Accountancy - II

 UA-FFSIII .7.1   Foundation Course - III                   UA-FFSIV .7.1   Foundation Course - IV
                  (Financial Market Operations)                             (Introduction to Management)

 UA-FFSIII .8     Business Law - II                         UA-FFSIV .8     Business Law - III

 UA-FFSIII .9     Business Economics - II                   UA-FFSIV .9     Research Methodology in Accounting
                                                                            & Finance

T.Y.B.Com. (A & F) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                  COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - V                       CODE                  SEMESTER - VI
 44801            Financial Accounting - V                  85601           Financial Accounting - VII

 44802            Financial Accounting - VI                 UA-FFSVI.8      Project Work

 44803            Cost Accounting - III                     85602           Cost Accounting - IV

 44804            Financial Management - II                 85603           Financial Management - III

 44806            Taxation - III (Indirect Tax - Paper I)   85604           Taxation - IV (Indirect Tax - Paper II)

 44809            Management - II                           85607           Business Economics - III
                  (Management Applications)

17                                                                                             TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
B.Sc. (I.T.)
Eligibility Criteria : (O.5204)
a) A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course of Bachelor of Science- Information
   Technology, shall have passed XII standard examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary
   Education or its equivalent with Mathematic and Statistics as one of the subject and should have secured not
   less than 45% marks in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of Reserved
   category candidates.

b) Candidate who have passed Diploma (Three years after S.S.C.-Xth Std.) in Information Technology/ Computer
   Technology/ Computer Engineering/Computer Science/ Electrical, Electronics and Video Engineering and
   Allied Branches/Mechanical and Alliedz Branches/ Civil and Allied branches are eligible for direct admission
   to the Second Year of the B.Sc. (I.T.) degree course.

F.Y.B.Sc. (I.T.): Courses offered
     COURSE                                           COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - I                CODE                       SEMESTER - II
    USIT101       Imperative Programming              USIT201        Object Oriental Programming
    USIT102       Digital Electronics                 USIT202        Microprocessor Architecture
    USIT103       Operating Systems                   USIT203        Web Programming
    USIT104       Discrete Mathematics                USIT204        Numerical and Statistical Methods
    USIT105       Communication Skills                USIT205        Green Computing

S.Y.B.Sc. (I.T.): Courses offered
     COURSE                                           COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - III              CODE                       SEMESTER - IV
    USIT301       Python Programming                  USIT401         Core Java
    USIT302       Data Structures                     USIT402         Introduction to Embedded Systems
    USIT303       Computer Networks                   USIT403         Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques
    USIT304       Database Management Systems         USIT404         Software Engineering
    USIT305       Applied Mathematics                 USIT405         Computer Graphics and Animation

T.Y.B.Sc. (I.T.): Courses offered
     COURSE                                          COURSE
      CODE                 SEMESTER - V               CODE                        SEMESTER - VI
    USIT501       Software Project Management       USIT601       Software Quality Assurance
    USIT502       Internet of Things                USIT602       Security in Computing
    USIT503       Advanced Web Programming          USIT603       Business Intelligence
    USIT504       Artificial Intelligence           USIT604       Principles of Geographic Information System
    USIT505       Enterprises Java                  USIT605       IT Service Management
                                                    USIT6P6       Advanced Mobile Programming Practical

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                        18
                                                       B.Sc. (C.S.)

Eligibility Criteria : (O.5719)
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three years integrated course leading to the degree of
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) must have passed Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Std. XII) in
Science stream conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
with Mathematics and Statistics as one of thesubject or its equivalent.

F.Y.B.Sc. (C.S.) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                               COURSE
      CODE               SEMESTER - I                     CODE                  SEMESTER - II
     USCS101    Computer Organization and Design         USCS201        Programming with C

     USCS102    Programming with Python - I              USCS202        Programming with Python - II

     USCS103    Free and Open Source Software            USCS203        Linux

     USCS104    Database Systems                         USCS204        Data Structures

     USCS105    Discrete Mathematics                     USCS205        Calculus

     USCS106    Descriptive Statistics &                 USCS206        Statistical Methods & Testing

                Introduction to Probability                             of Hypothesis

     USCS107    Soft Skills Development                  USCS207        Green Technologies

S.Y.B.Sc. (C.S.) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                   COURSE
      CODE               SEMESTER - III                       CODE              SEMESTER - IV
     USCS301    Theory of Computation                        USCS401      Fundamentals of Algorithms

     USCS302    Core Java                                    USCS402      Advance Java

     USCS303    Operating Systems                            USCS403      Computer Networks

     USCS304    Database Management Systems                  USCS404      Software Engineering

     USCS305    Combinatorics and Graph Theory               USCS405      Linear Algebra Using Python

     USCS306    Physical Computing and IOT Programming       USCS406      .Net Technologies

     USCS307    Web Programming                              USCS407      Android Developer Fundamentals

T.Y.B.Sc. (C.S.) : Courses offered
     COURSE                                                   COURSE
      CODE               SEMESTER - V                         CODE              SEMESTER - VI
     USCS501    Artificial Intelligence                      USCS601      Wireless Sensor Network and
                                                                          Mobile Communication

     USCS503    Software Testing and Quality Assurance       USCS602      Cloud Computing
     USCS504    Information and Network Security             USCS604      Information Retrival

     USCS506    Web Services                                 USCS606      Data Science

     USCS507    Game Programming                             USCS607      Ethical Hacking

     USCSP503   Project Implementaion                        USCSP603     Project Implementaion

19                                                                                      TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21

Faculty of Arts /                                       Self – Finance Courses:
Commerce: B.A., B.Com.                                  B.A.M.M.C., B.M.S., B.A.F., B.Sc.
Detailed information about examination is
                                                        (C.S.), B.Sc. (I.T.)
available on Mumbai Universit y Website:                                           Detailed information about examination is
                                                        available on Mumbai Universit y Website:
Credit Based Evaluation System                
The performance of learner shall be evaluated
through semester end examination having 100%            Credit Based Evaluaion System
weightage for all courses (Except Foundation            The performance of the learners shall be
Course). In Foundation Course, the performance of       evaluated in two components: Internal Assessment
the learner shall be evaluated in two components:       having 25% weightage and External Assessment
Internal Assessment having 25% weightage and            through Semester End examination having 75%
External Assessment through semester end                weightage. The allocation of marks are as shown
examination having 75% weightage.                       below:

Passing Standards                                       Passing Standards
The Learners should obtain minimum of 40% marks         The learners to pass a course shall have to obtain a
in the Internal Assessment / Practical examination      minimum of 40% marks in aggregate for each
and 40% marks in Semester End Examination               course where the course consists of Internal
separately, to pass the course and minimum of           Assessment and Semester End Examination. The
Grade in each project, wherever applicable to           learners shall obtain minimum of 40% marks (i.e 10
pass a particular semester. Marking, grading and        out of 25) in the Internal Assessment Practical
passing standards for Internal Assessment,              examination and 40% marks in Semester end
practicals and theory are subject to University rules   Examination (i.e 30 out of 75) separately, to pass the
and regulations.                                        course and minimum of Grade E, wherever
                                                        applicable, to pass a particular semester. A Learner
                                                        will be said to have passed the course if the learner
                                                        passess the Internal Assessment and Semester End
                                                        Examination together. Marking, grading and
                                                        passing standards for Internal Assessment,
                                                        practicals, theory are subject to University rules and

Performance Grading
The performance grading of the learners shall be on the TEN point ranking system as under:

              Marks               Grade Points          Grade                Performance

         80 and Above                    10               O                  Outstanding
           70 - 70.99                    9                A+                  Excellent
           60 - 69.99                    8                A                  Very Good
           55 - 59.99                    7                B+                   Good
           50 - 54.99                    6                 B                Above Average
           45 - 49.99                    5                C                   Average
           40 - 44.99                    4                D                     Pass
          Less than 40                   0                 F                     Fail

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                   20

Faculty Development Programme on Balancing Work Life by Dr. Farooqui M. Z. and
Stress Release using Dance and Movement Therapy by Ms. Pallabi Shimpu and
Srishti Malik, Dance and Movement Facilitators

International Women’s Day Celebrated on 9th March 2020,
Seminar on Work Life balance by Dhanashri Patkar, Counseling Psychologist.

Prabandhan - BMS Intra College Fest - DC

21                                                                TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21

Elocution and Debate Competition - DC

Film Screening for BMM - Muktiparva by Director Prof. Vijaya Nemlekar - DC

Industrial Visits - DC

Voice Personality and RJ Workshop - BMM - DC

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                     22

Awards and Certificates won by TRCAC Students - DC and JC

Comspire - BCom Intra College Fest - DC

Episteme - BAF Intercollegiate Fest - DC

Hindi Divas - DC and JC

23                                                          TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21

Visage - BMM Intercollegiate Fest - DC

Zettaabyte v 1.0 - First Intercollegiate Fest of TRCAC by BSc (IT) and BSc (CS) - DC

Induction Programme - First Year DC

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                               24

Prize Distribution - DC and JC

25                                     TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21

Fresher's Party - DC and JC

Cultural Events - JC

Teacher's Day - DC and JC

Annual Day 2019-20 - DC and JC

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21         26
International Yoga Day - DC and JC

Launch of Compost Machine - DC and JC

Plastic Collection Drive by NSS Students - DC

Nature Club's - Trekking - DC

National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) Camp - DC and JC

27                                                  TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
Organ Donation Drive - DC and JC

International Coastal Cleanup Day at Versova Beach - DC and JC

Suicide Prevention and Awareness Seminar by Ms. Ketki Doshi - DC

Tree Plantation by N.S.S. Unit - DC and JC

TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                           28

An Attendance Committee formulated at the college                curricular/ co-curricular activity/ competition/
level as per University guidelines will implement                camp/workshop/ convention/ symposium / seminar
ordinance O. 6086.                                               etc. where the said learner is officially representing the
                                                                 college/ University/ district/ state/ country with the
Every bonafide learner shall be allowed to keep terms            permission of the Principal.
for the given semester in a program of his enrolment
only if he fulfills at least seventy five percent (75%) of the   The Principal shall be the competent authority to
attendance taken as an average of the total number               condone the absenteeism of any learner further up to
of lectures, pra cticals, tutorials etc. wherein short           additional 25% if deemed fit wherein the Attendance
and/or long excursions/ field visits/ study tours                Committee shall do natural justice by giving personal
organised by the college and supervised by the                   hearing to every learner falling short of minimum
teachers as envisaged in the syllabus shall be credited          attendance of 75% for keeping terms having verified
to his attendance for the total number of periods which          the genuineness and gravity of the problem that
are otherwise delivered on the material day/s. It is             justifies the learner to remain absent, which generally
mandatory for every learner to have minimum 50%                  shall be limited to his sickness, sickness of his parent,
attendance for each course (subject) and overall                 death of his parent etc. supported by valid evidence
average attendance has to be 75%.                                documentary or otherwise.

The same ratio shall be applied for computing the
attendance of the learners participating in an extra

Important Note
Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college premises and outside. Students indulging in ragging will be punished as
per "UGC Regulation on Curbing the menace of ragging in higher educational institution, 2009". Such students will
also be expelled from the college and a F.I.R. will be lodged with the police against them. Moreover, it will be
mentioned in the college leaving certificate of such students

01 Students shall abide by the rules and regulations                However, students may make claim for lost property at
   enforced and those which may hereafter be made by                the office, if it is deposited in the college office.
   the authorities of the college. Notices informing the         09 No student shall communicate any information or
   enforcement of such rules are displayed on the college           write about the matters dealing with the college
   notice boards from time to time.                                 administration to the press.
02 Students shall not undertake or participate or associate      10 Students applying for certificates, testimonials, etc.
   with any activity, inside or outside the college that may        and those requiring the Principal's signature on any
   interfere with the orderly administration and smooth             kind of documents or application must first contact
   working of the college.                                          the college office only.
03 Students must carry valid identity card (with all proper      11 Use of filthy language or misconduct and or
   necessary entry and lamination) while in the college             intimidation seen in the campus is sufficient grounds
   campus and the same must be produced whenever                    for the suspension or expulsion.
   demanded by any member of the staff. A student
   without identity card will not be allowed to enter the        12 Students using unfair means at examinations will not
   college premises.                                                be readmitted to the college.
04 No society / association / forum will be formed without       13 Ragging is strictly prohibited. Students involved in
   the permission of the Principal. No person shall be              ragging will be punished as per the Provisions of UGC
   invited to address a meeting or a society / association /        Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in
   forum with out the permission of the Principal.                  Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 (under Section 26
                                                                    (I) (g) of the University Grants Commission Act 1956).
05 Students must maintain silence in the classrooms,
   laboratories and library. They should not loiter in the       14 It is the responsibility of students to read the notice-
   corridors when the classes are being conducted.                  boards regularly and also see the college website for
   Students are expected to spend their spare time in the           important announcements made by the College
   library.                                                         office from time to time and they will not be any
                                                                    concession or excuse on grounds of ignorance.
06 Smoking, chewing gums, pan masala, spitting or any
   other such acts are strictly prohibited in the premises of    15 Use of Cell phones in the Collage Building will not be
   the college. Any student found indulging in any such             permitted.
   act shall be severely punished.                               16 A ny p ra n k m e s s a g e c i rc u l a t i o n o n s o c i a l
07 Damage to college property will be recovered from the            networking site our print media related with the
   student if found guilty. Such students will face                 College is a legal offense and legal action will
   immediate rustication.                                           be taken against the Student.
08 The College is not responsible for the lost property.

29                                                                                                    TRCAC PROSPECTUS 2020-21
Tel.: +91 90290 26799 Fax : 022 2828 1300   Thakur Ramnarayan Educational Campus, S.V.Road,
Email :                                 Dahisar (East), Mumbai - 400 068.
website : www,                                          ISO 9001:2015 Certified
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