Travelcover for Schools - Travel Insurance - Group Policy

Page created by Daniel Norris
Travelcover for
Travel Insurance

Group Policy
    Insurance agreement                 03   The Cover                             21
    Important Information               04   Section A. Injury                     22
      Contact Us                        05   Section B. Travel                     24
      Information for Travellers        05     Section B1 – Medical & other
      Eligibility                       06     expenses                            24

      Policy Definitions                06     Section B2 –Personal Belongings
                                               & Business Equipment                28
      Our Regulators                    06
                                               Section B3 – Money                  31
      Complaints Procedures             07
                                               Section B4 – Disruption             35
      Data Protection                   08
                                               Section B5 – Serious disruption     40
      The Personal Information You
      Provide                           08     Section B6 – Personal liability     45

      Financial Services Compensation          Section B7 – Winter Sports          47
      Scheme                            09     Section B8 – Passenger Protection   47
      General Policy definitions        09     Section B9 – Assistance             48
      Policy conditions                 13   Section C. Legal Expenses             51
      Policy Exclusions                 16   Section D. – Crisis Management        55
    Claims provisions                   18   About Chubb                           57
      Notification of a Claim           18
      Information Chubb may need
      about a Claim                     18
      Fraudulent Claims                 18
      Co-operation                      19
      Currency                          19
      Paying Claims                     19

Insurance agreement
Thank you for choosing this Policy         The Group Policyholder should
which is underwritten by Chubb             check over this Policy wording and
European Group SE.                         Group Policy Schedule carefully to
                                           ensure they are correct and meet the
This Policy pays benefits in accordance    Group Policyholder’s requirements,
with this Policy wording and has been      and notify Marsh immediately, if
made available to Insured Persons          anything is incorrect, as this could
and Policyholders through the              affect Policy cover in the event of a
Group Policyholder. The Group              Claim. The Group Policyholder
Policyholder (as specified in the          should keep these documents in a
Group Policy Schedule) and Chubb           safe place and should make them
agree that the Group Policyholder          available to the Insured Persons and
shall pay the Premium as agreed.           Policyholders, telling them where the
The Group Policy Schedule and this         documents can be viewed. The Group
Policy wording constitute the full terms   Policyholder must tell Chubb if either
and conditions of the insurance with       their insurance needs or any of the
Chubb. The Group Policyholder              information they have given Chubb
acknowledges that Chubb has                changes. A change in circumstances
offered this Policy and calculated the     may affect Policy cover, even if the
Premium using the information which        Group Policyholder does not think a
they have asked for and the Group          change is significant, and Chubb may
Policyholder has provided, and that        need to change this Policy. Chubb
any change to the responses provided       will update this Policy and issue a new
by the Group Policyholder may result       Group Policy Schedule each time a
in a change in the terms and conditions    change is agreed.
of this Policy and/or a change in the

Important Information

    Contact Us

    If you need details in       smartphone with a
    Large Print, Braille, or     compatible operating
    Audio please call us on      system, tablet, laptop
    0345 841 0056 for details.   or PC with an internet
    If you have a hearing
    or speech impairment         To use the Next
    and would like to speak      Generation Text service,
    to Chubb and have a          just dial 18001 and then
    textphone available, you     our number - once the
    can do so by using the       call is connected, a Text
    Action on Hearing Loss       Relay Operator will
    Next Generation Text         join the call to relay the
    service. This is available   message. Our responses
    24 hours a day, seven        will then appear as text
    days a week and allows       on your textphone,
    customers to contact         smartphone, tablet,
    us via a Text Relay          laptop or PC. For the
    Operator who will relay      Next Generation Text
    instructions and other       service, please call:
    requests verbally to us.     18001 0345 841 0056.

    To use the Next
    Generation Text service,
    you must have access to a
    textphone or a

Information for Travellers              Pre-Travel Information
                                        During the Period of Insurance you
Important Phone Numbers                 may call Chubb Assistance:
Please make a note of the following
phone numbers or add them to your       From outside the UK on
mobile; you may need them in an         +44 (0) 20 3282 0107
emergency or if you need to make
a claim. If during the Period of        From within the UK on
Insurance you require medical or        020 3282 0107
personal assistance or advice during
a Journey, you should in the first      For pre-travel information on:
instance call Chubb Assistance.         • Business and social customs
                                        • Political situations
Chubb Assistance                        • Medical advice and medical facilities
Medical Emergency and Referral            overseas
Services and Personal Assistance        • Health precautions, including
Services                                  vaccinations
                                        • Visa and entry permit requirements
From outside the UK on                  • Currency
+44 (0) 20 3282 0107                    • Banking hours
                                        • Time zones
From within the UK on                   • Climate
020 3282 0107                           • Driving restrictions

in respect of:                          Helpful hints for your insurance
• Medical Expenses;                     • Do take copies of your policy docs
• Medical advice, referral or             on your journey
   treatment;                           • Do report any loss or theft to the
• Emergency repatriation;                 hotel or local police and get a report
• Local payment of hospital bills; or     from them
• Replacement of essential              • Do keep valuables safe (e.g. in a
   maintenance medication or drugs        safety deposit box)
                                        • Don’t leave valuables lying around
Claims                                    or in view of other people
From outside the UK on                  • Do leave yourself enough time to get
+44 (0) 1444 335 170                      to the airport, park, and get through
From within the UK on                   • Remember to allow time for delays
01444 335 170                             in traffic or travel
                                        • Do contact us if you have a change in
                                          health that may lead to you having to
                                          cancel or alter your journey
                                        • Do contact us for advice before

incurring costs that you would seek       Foreign, Commonwealth &
       to subsequently claim for under this      Development Office (FCDO)
       policy.                                   If the FCDO issue advice against all
                                                 travel or all but essential travel to your
    Immunisations                                Journey’s destination after you have
    You may need extra immunisations             booked your trip, this insurance does
    when travelling abroad. Check whether        not cover any expenses which under
    you do before travelling by visiting         the terms of any relevant contract, law or see a         or regulation are recoverable (whether
    copy of the health advice for travellers     successful or not) from the tour
    information leaflet which is available at    operator, travel provider, airline, hotel
    your local Post Office.                      or other service provider, or otherwise
                                                 from a compensation scheme.
    If you intend to travel to Europe (all EU
    countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein,       Eligibility
    Norway and Switzerland) you should
    obtain a Global Health Insurance Card        The categories of Insured Persons are
    (GHIC) and take it with you when you         described in the Schedule of Benefits.
    travel. European Health insurance
    Cards (EHIC) will still be valid until the
    card expires at which point you should       Policy Definitions
    apply for the new GHIC replacement.
                                                 Certain words in this Policy have a
    Both the EHIC or GHIC will allow you         specific meaning. They have this
    to benefit from the reciprocal health        specific meaning wherever they
    arrangements, which exist with these         appear in this Policy and are shown
    countries and, if you have a valid Claim     by using bold text and capital letters.
    for Medical Expenses under this Policy,      All General Policy definitions are
    Chubb will not deduct the Excess             applicable to this Policy as a whole,
    where the cost of your Claim has been        and are detailed on pages 9 to 13 in this
    reduced by your using your EHIC or           Policy document. Definitions that are
    GHIC.                                        relevant only to individual Sections
                                                 are located and contained in the
    You can get more information about the       appropriate Section.
    EHIC and GHIC, and how to apply for
    Online at:                   Our Regulators
    By phone: 0300 330 1350
    By post: Forms available online              Chubb European Group SE (CEG) is a
                                                 Societas Europaea, a public company
                                                 registered in accordance with the
                                                 corporate law of the European Union.
                                                 Members’ liability is limited. CEG
is headquartered in France and             a. In the event of a complaint relating
governed by the provisions of the             to a sale:
French insurance code. Risks falling          Marsh Limited, Education Practice
within the European Economic Area
are underwritten by CEG, which is             Postal Address
authorised and regulated by the French        Marsh Limited
Prudential Supervision and Resolution         Education Practice
Authority (4 Place de Budapest, CS            4 Milton Road
92459, 75436 Paris Cedex 09, France).         Haywards Heath
Registered company number: 450 327            West Sussex
374 RCS Nanterre. Registered office: La       RH16 1AH
Tour Carpe Diem, 31 Place des Corolles,
Esplanade Nord, 92400 Courbevoie,             T +44 (0) 1444 458 144
France. Fully paid share capital of           E
                                           b. In the event of a complaint relating
CEG’s UK branch is registered in              to a claim:
England & Wales. Registered address:          The Customer Relations Manager,
100 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A            Chubb
3BP. Authorised by the Prudential
Regulation Authority and with deemed
variation of permission. Subject to           Postal Address
regulation by the Financial Conduct           Chubb European Group SE
Authority and limited regulation by           PO Box 682
the Prudential Regulation Authority.          Winchester
Details of the Temporary Permissions          SO23 5AG
Regime, which allows EEA-based firms
to operate in the UK for a limited            T 0800 519 8026 (calls are free
period while seeking full authorisation,        from a UK landline or mobile)
are available on the Financial Conduct        T +44 (0) 141 285 2999
Authority’s website (FS Register                (International)
number 820988).                               E

Complaints Procedures
                                           c. The Financial Ombudsman
Chubb is dedicated to providing a             Service (FOS) may be approached
high quality service and wants to             for assistance if there is still
maintain this at all times. If the Group      dissatisfaction with the final decision
Policyholder, a Policyholder or               from Marsh Limited or Chubb.
an Insured Person feels that a first          The FOS’s contact details are given
class service has not been offered or a       below. A leaflet explaining the
complaint must be made regarding this         procedure is available on request.
Policy please contact:

Postal Address:                            details of assets, claims history) where
       Financial Ombudsman Service                this is relevant to the risk Chubb is
       Exchange Tower                             insuring, services Chubb is providing
       London                                     or to a Claim the Policyholder or the
       E14 9SR                                    Insured Person is reporting.

       T +44 (0) 800 023 4567 (calls are          Chubb is part of a global group, and
         free from a UK landline or               Policyholders’ or Insured Persons’
         mobile)                                  personal information may be shared
       T +44 (0) 300 123 9 123 (calls             with its group companies in other
         charged at the same rate as 01 or        countries as required to provide
         02 numbers on a mobile)                  coverage under this policy or to store
       E                Policyholders’ or Insured Persons’                         information. Chubb also uses a             number of trusted service providers,
                                                  who will also have access to the
    The existence of these Complaints             Group Policyholder, Policyholders’
    Procedures does not reduce the                and Insured Persons’ information
    Insured Person's statutory rights             including personal information subject
    relating to this Policy and does not affect   to Chubb's instructions and control.
    the Insured Person's right to take legal
    action against Chubb.                         Policyholders and Insured Persons
                                                  have a number of rights in relation to
                                                  their personal information, including
    Data Protection                               rights of access and, in certain
                                                  circumstances, erasure.
    The Personal Information You
    Provide                                       This Section represents a condensed
    Chubb uses personal information               explanation of how we use personal
    which the Group Policyholder, the             information. For more information,
    Policyholders or the Insured Persons          Chubb strongly recommends the
    supply to Chubb or, where applicable,         Group Policyholder, Policyholders
    to the Group Policyholder's insurance         and Insured Persons read its user-
    broker, in order to write and administer      friendly Master Privacy Policy, available
    this Policy, including any Claims arising     here:
    from it.                                      footer/privacy-policy.aspx. The Group
                                                  Policyholder, Policyholders and
    This information will include basic           Insured Persons can ask us for a
    contact details such as Policyholders’        paper copy of the Privacy Policy at
    or Insured Persons’ names, addresses,         any time, by contacting Chubb at
    and policy number, but may also               mailto:dataprotectionoffice.europe@
    include more detailed information   
    about Policyholders or Insured
    Persons (for example, their age, health,
Financial Services Compensation             Air Sports
Scheme                                      Air sports including but not limited
                                            to: ballooning; bungee-jumping;
In the unlikely event of Chubb              gliding; hang-gliding; micro lighting;
being unable to meet our liabilities,       parachuting; paragliding (including
Policyholders who are located in the        beach paragliding); or parascending.
UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or
Gibraltar (or who have risks located        Aggregate Limit
in these jurisdictions) may be entitled     The maximum amount that Chubb
to compensation under the Financial         will pay for all Claims relating to cover
Services Compensation Scheme.               under each section where stated in the
Further information can be obtained         Group Policy Schedule.
from Chubb or from the Financial
Services Compensation Scheme at the         Associate Company
following address:                          A company or organisation of the
                                            Group Policyholder, the name of
Financial Services Compensation             which has been advised to and accepted
Scheme                                      by Chubb.
PO Box 300
Mitcheldean                                 Benefit Amount
GL 17 1DY                                   The maximum amount Chubb will pay
                                            based on the level of cover stated in the
Tel 0800 678 1100 or 020 7741 4100          Schedule of Benefits, and this Policy.
On-Line Form:      Bodily Injury
uk/                                         Injury to an Insured Person which
                                            happens while this Policy is in force;
                                            which is caused only by an Accident
General Policy Definitions                  and on its own leads to death or
                                            disablement, within 24 months of the
Certain words in this Policy have a         Accident.
specific meaning. They have this specific
meaning wherever they appear in this        Business
Policy, the Group Policy Schedule,          The business of the Group
Schedule of Benefits, endorsements or       Policyholder as declared to Chubb.
memoranda and are shown by using
bold text and capital letters.              Business Equipment
                                            Equipment used primarily for Business
Accident / Accidental                       purposes, which is the property of the
A sudden, external and identifiable         Group Policyholder, or for which the
event that happens by chance and            Insured Person is responsible and
could not be expected, or unavoidable       which is taken on or acquired during a
exposure to severe weather.                 Journey by them.

Child / Children                             Due to
     Any person under 18 years of age or          Directly or indirectly caused by, arising
     under 23 years of age if in Full Time        from or in connection with.
                                                  Effective Time
     Chubb                                        The time during a Period of Insurance
     Chubb European Group SE.                     when an Insured Person is covered,
                                                  as detailed in the Group Policy
     Chubb Assistance                             Schedule.
     The assistance services arranged by
     Chubb.                                       Employee(s)
                                                  Any person(s) under a contract of
     Claim                                        service or apprenticeship or under
     A single loss or a series of losses Due to   a work experience scheme with the
     one cause insured by this Policy.            Group Policyholder.

     Communicable Disease                         Excess
     Means an illness or disease that may         The first amount of a Claim, expressed
     be transmitted directly or indirectly by     as a monetary amount or a percentage
     one person to another due to a virus,        of the loss, which the Policyholder or
     bacteria or other microorganism.             Group Policyholder must bear.

     Director                                     Full Time Education
     Any person holding the position of           A programme of learning provided by
     director or company secretary with           a recognised educational body, which
     the Group Policyholder but not non-          leads to a qualification by examination
     executive director unless otherwise          or assessment which is either:
     agreed in writing with Chubb.                a. full-time study; or
                                                  b. a mixture of study and work
     Doctor                                          experience as long as at least two
     A doctor or specialist who is registered        thirds of the total time for the course
     or licensed to practice medicine or             is spent on study.
     dentistry under the laws of the country
     in which they practice other than:           Group Policy Schedule
     a. the Insured Person; or                    The document issued to the Group
     b. a Partner or member of the                Policyholder by Chubb, detailing the
        immediate family of the Insured           Insured Person's cover and other
        Person; or                                important information.
     c. an Employee or Director of the
        Group Policyholder;                       Group Policyholder
     unless approved by Chubb.                    The person, firm, company or
                                                  organisation named as the Group
                                                  Policyholder in the Group Policy
Group Journey                               Immediate Family Member
All Journeys organised for a common         An Insured Person’s Partner or
trip or purpose and authorised by the       fiancé(e) or the grandchild, child,
Group Policyholder or Participating         brother, sister, parent, grandparent,
School during the Period of                 grandchild, stepbrother, step-sister,
Insurance.                                  step-parent, parent-in-law, son-in-law,
                                            daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-
Hijack                                      in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, of
The unlawful seizure or taking control      an Insured Person, or anyone noted as
of an aircraft or conveyance in which       next of kin on any legal document and
the Insured Person is travelling.           not any Person Insured.

Hospital                                    In-patient
An establishment which:                     An Insured Person's Hospital Stay
a. exists primarily for the diagnosis,      as a resident bed patient, for which a
   medical care and treatment of sick or    clinical case record has been opened
   injured people on an In-patient basis    and which is necessary for the medical
   under the supervision of Doctor(s)       care, diagnosis and treatment of injury
   one or more of whom is available for     or illness covered by this Policy and
   consultation at all times; and           not merely for any form of nursing,
b. provides (where appropriate)             recovery, rehabilitation, rest, or
   facilities for major surgery within      extended-care.
   the confines of the establishment        Insured Person
   or in facilities controlled by the       Any person or category of persons
   establishment; or                        shown in the Group Policy Schedule.
c. provides full-time nursing service by
   and under the supervision of nursing     Journey
   staff;                                   Any trip (or in respect of individual trip
This does not include a special unit or a   travel, 'the declared trip'), other than a
place existing primarily:                   period of Secondment over 12 months
a. for the treatment of psychiatric         undertaken by an Insured Person with
   disease or sub-normality;                the authorisation of the Participating
b. for the care of the aged, drug addicts   School during the Period of Insurance
   or alcoholics; or                        and including:-
c. as a health hydro or nature cure         a. an additional period of up to 31 days
   clinic, a long-term nursing or long-        necessary to complete the trip in
   term convalescent home, extended            which the Insured Person is taking
   care facility, rest-home or hospice.        part (by return to the official place
                                               of dispersal of the trip or by return
Hospital Stay                                  to the Insured Person's United
Admission to a Hospital as an In-              Kingdom address) subject to the
patient on the advice of, and under            Insured Person being delayed in
the regular care and attendance of a           the course of the trip by unforeseen
Doctor.                                        circumstances beyond their control
and provided all reasonable action is       is the subject of a Claim under this
        taken to minimise delay; and                Policy.
     b. any trip undertaken by an Insured
        Person to travel directly from the       Participating School
        Insured Person's United Kingdom          A school within the jurisdiction of the
        home address to the place of official    Group Policyholder stated in the
        assembly at the commencement             Group Policy Schedule and which has
        of the trip and travel directly from     been declared to Chubb by the Group
        the official place of dispersal to the   Policyholder.
        Insured Person's United Kingdom
        home address upon completion of          Period of Insurance
        the trip.                                The period between and inclusive of
                                                 the dates shown From: and To: in the
     Kidnap                                      Group Policy Schedule commencing
     The illegal abduction and holding           at 00.01 hours on the earliest date
     hostage of the Insured Person for           shown and expiring at 24.00 hours on
     the purpose of demanding payment of         the latest date shown. Both dates and
     extortion/ransom monies as a condition      times refer to local standard time at the
     of release. A kidnap in which more than     address of the Group Policyholder as
     one Insured Person is abducted shall        shown in the Group Policy Schedule.
     be considered a single kidnap.
                                                 Personal Belongings
     Marsh                                       Personal articles which are the property
     Marsh Limited - Education Practice          of the Insured Person, or for which
     4 Milton Road, Haywards Heath               they are responsible and are taken on or
     West Sussex, RH16 1AH                       acquired during the Journey.

     Parent or Legal Guardian                    Policyholder
     A person with parental responsibility,      Any person or category of persons
     or a legal guardian, both being in          described as an Insured Person in the
     accordance with the Children Act            Group Policy Schedule or, in respect
     2004 and any statutory amendment            of Insured Persons under the age of 18
     modification or re-enactment of it.         years, the Parent or Legal Guardian
                                                 of such Insured Person.
     a. An Insured Person's spouse; or           Premium
     b. an Insured Person's civil Partner,       The amount stated in the Group Policy
        registered pursuant to the Civil         Schedule in respect of the specified
        Partnership Act 2004; or                 Period of Insurance or any amount
     c. someone of either sex with whom an       which subsequently becomes due as
        Insured Person is living as though       a result of alteration, adjustment or
        they are their spouse or civil partner   renewal of this Policy.
        at the time of the occurrence which

Pupil                                        sub-Sections of this Policy. These are
Any person in Full-Time Education            shown in the appropriate Sections or
who is enrolled to attend classes at a       sub-Sections.
Participating School.
Secondment                                   If during the Period of Insurance
A posting made by the Policyholder           the Group Policyholder acquires
that requires a Director or Employee         or creates a subsidiary or Associate
to live and work outside of the United       Company either directly or through
Kingdom for a temporary and specified        one of its own subsidiaries, cover
period not exceeding 12 months.              under this Policy automatically
                                             extends to include such subsidiary
United Kingdom                               or Associate Company from the
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern        date of its acquisition or creation,
Ireland, including the Isle of Man and       provided that the revised underwriting
the Channel Islands, for the purposes of     information does not vary by more
this insurance.                              than 20% from the information upon
                                             which the Premium at inception or last
War                                          renewal (whichever occurred last) was
Armed conflict between nations,              calculated. Underwriting information
invasion, act of foreign enemy, civil war,   for the purposes of this Condition shall
or taking power by organised military        mean the numbers of Insured Persons.
                                             If the revised underwriting information
Winter Sports                                varies by more than 20% Chubb
Skiing (including skiing outside the         agrees to provide cover from the date
area of the normal compacted snow            of creation or acquisition of such
or ski-slope, i.e. off-piste, but only       subsidiary or Associate Company,
whilst accompanied by a guide or ski         for a period of 30 days during which
instructor), tobogganing and snow-           time the Group Policyholder shall
boarding.                                    provide any additional information
                                             as Chubb may require and pay such
NOTE: Definitions relevant only to           additional Premium as may become
the individual Sections are located          due. Otherwise, Chubb agrees to
and contained in the appropriate             provide cover for such subsidiary or
Section.                                     Associate Company from the date that
                                             the revised underwriting information is
Policy Conditions
In addition to these Policy Conditions       If any difference arises as to the
there may be Specific Conditions             amount to be paid under this Policy
relevant to individual Sections and          (liability being otherwise admitted)

such difference shall be referred             30 days’ notice in writing and cover
     to an arbitrator to be appointed by           for all Insured Persons will cease
     the parties in accordance with the            from the end of the notice period. The
     relevant statutory provisions. Where          Group Policyholder is responsible
     any difference is to be referred to           for informing all Insured Persons
     arbitration in accordance with this           of cancellation. Provided no Claims
     Condition, the making of an award shall       have been made during the Period of
     be a condition to any right of action         Insurance a pro-rata return Premium
     against Chubb.                                will be paid.

     Assignment                                    Changing Cover
     Subject to the Policy Conditions headed       a. The Group Policyholder may,
     ‘Claims provisions’, the benefits                during the Period of Insurance,
     under this Policy may not be assigned            add or delete Insured Persons
     by the Group Policyholder or the                 from this Policy. The Group
     Policyholder and Chubb shall not                 Policyholder may not make any
     be bound to accept or be affected by             other changes to this Policy except
     any notice or any trust, charge, lien,           where specifically agreed in writing
     purported assignment or other dealing            by Chubb.
     with or relating to this Policy.              b. Chubb reserves the right to make
                                                      changes, add to the Policy terms
     Bank Charges                                     and/or to change the total amount
     Chubb shall not be liable for any                payable for this insurance for legal,
     charges applied by the receiving bank            regulatory or taxation reasons. If
     for any transactions made in relation to         this happens, Chubb will write
     a Claim.                                         to the Group Policyholder with
                                                      details of the changes at least 30
     Cancellation                                     days before they make them. It
     The Group Policyholder may cancel                is the responsibility of the Group
     this policy at any time.                         Policyholder to inform Insured
                                                      Persons of such changes. Any
     This Policy could be cancelled if the            changes Chubb make will be the
     Group Policyholder, a Policyholder,              same for all Insured Persons
     or an Insured Person if applicable,              under this Policy. Chubb will not
     have knowingly provided incomplete,              make changes that only apply to a
     false or misleading information that             particular Insured Person.
     Chubb has asked for during the Policy
     application process, at any time whilst       Choice of Law
     this Policy is in force, or in respect of a   Unless agreed otherwise in writing any
     Claim.                                        dispute concerning the interpretation
                                                   of this Policy shall be governed by and
     In respect of policies on a pre-paid          construed in accordance with the Law
     annual basis, the Group Policyholder          of England and Wales and the English
     may cancel this Policy by giving Chubb        Courts alone shall have jurisdiction
in any dispute unless the Group                 such certificates, information or
Policyholder is registered within               evidence; and
Scotland, Northern Ireland, or the           b. at the base rate established by the
Isle of Man, in which case the Law of           Bank of England on such date.
Scotland, Northern Ireland, or the Isle
of Man (as applicable) and the Scottish,     Disclosure
Northern Irish, or Isle of Man courts (as    In the event of a fraudulent breach of
applicable) alone shall have jurisdiction    the duty of fair presentation by the
in any dispute. Communication of and         Group Policyholder, an Insured
in connection with this Policy shall be      Person or a Policyholder;
in the English language.                     a. If the breach is before this Policy
                                                is entered into, Chubb may avoid
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)             this Policy and refuse all Claims,
Act                                             and need not return any of the
A person who is not a party to this             Premiums paid by the Group
Agreement including specifically any            Policyholder.
Insured Person or Policyholder has           b. If the breach is in relation to a
no right under the Contracts (Rights of         variation of this Policy, Chubb may
Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any          treat this Policy as if the variation
term of this Policy except where such           was never made and need not return
rights exist apart from the operation of        any of the Premiums paid in respect
the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)         of the variation, in respect of the
Act 1999.                                       Group Policyholder.

Hijack / Kidnap                              It is agreed that in the event of a breach
If an Insured Person is the victim           of the duty of fair presentation by the
of Hijack or Kidnap the insurance            Group Policyholder, an Insured
provided by this Policy for such             Person or a Policyholder, which is not
Insured Person shall continue for a          fraudulent, Chubb irrevocably waives
period not exceeding 12 months from          all and any rights and remedies it has/
the date of the Hijack or Kidnap until       may have as a result of the breach of
such time as the Insured Person has          the duty of fair presentation including,
returned to their place of residence.        for the avoidance of doubt, any remedy
                                             that would have been available under
Interest                                     the Insurance Act 2015. It is for Chubb
No sum payable by Chubb under                to show that a breach was fraudulent.
this Policy shall carry interest unless
payment has been unreasonably                For the purposes of this clause, the
delayed by Chubb following receipt of        phrase “duty of fair presentation” shall
all the required certificates, information   have the same meaning as given to it in
and evidence necessary to support            the Insurance Act 2015.
the Claim. Where interest becomes
payable by Chubb, it will be calculated:
a. From the date of final receipt of
Providing Information to Insured          4. Any expenses which are recoverable
     Persons                                       (whether successful or not) by an
     The Group Policyholder must provide           Insured Person, Policyholder,
     a copy of the Insurance Product               Group Policyholder or
     Information Document (IPID) to all            Participating School from:
     Insured Persons and must also make            a. any tour operator, travel provider,
     this Group Policy wording and Group              airline, hotel or other service
     Policy Schedule available too, stating           provider under the terms of any
     where the documents can be viewed.               contract or any relevant law or
                                                      regulation; or
     Other Taxes and Costs                         b. any compensation scheme;
     Chubb is required to notify Insured       5. Devaluation of currency or shortages
     Persons and the Group Policyholder            due to error or omission during
     that other taxes or costs may exist           monetary transactions;
     which are not imposed or charged by       6. Any illegal act of an Insured
     Chubb.                                        Person;
                                               7. Misuse of alcohol or solvents by an
     NOTE: Conditions relevant only to             Insured Person;
     the individual Sections are located       8. Drugs ingested by an Insured
     and contained in the appropriate              Person except for drugs that are
     Section.                                      properly prescribed;
                                               9. The Insured Person driving a
                                                   vehicle of any kind whilst the alcohol
     Policy Exclusions                             level in their blood exceeds the legal
                                                   limit of the country where they are
     Chubb will not be liable for payment of       driving;
     any benefit for Bodily Injury, loss or    10. Air travel, unless the Insured
     expense Due to:                               Person is travelling as a fare-paying
     1. The Insured Person's needless              passenger in a fixed wing aircraft,
        self-exposure to danger except in an       which is provided by a licensed
        attempt to save human life;                airline or air charter company;
     2. War, whether declared or not, in the   11. Participation in:
        United Kingdom;                            a. Air Sports; or
     3. Any actual or suspected                    b. motor cycling, other than in
        Communicable Disease which                    respect of mopeds or scooters
        results in restrictions impacting a           hired during a Journey; or
        Journey being introduced or made           c. quad biking; or
        by any travel or accommodation             d. go-karting; or
        provider or any government or              e. racing or speed or endurance
        governmental body. This Policy                tests of any kind, other than on
        Exclusion does not apply to Claims            foot, rowing or yachting in a boat
        under Section B1: Medical and other           up to 10 metres in length and
        Expenses                                      within coastal waters;
                                                   f. paid manual work.
12. Participation in:                         subject to United Nations resolutions
    a. mountaineering or rock climbing        or trade or economic sanctions or
       involving the use of ropes or          other laws of the European Union,
       guides; or                             United Kingdom, or United States
    b. hiking, trekking or                    of America.
       mountaineering above 4,000
       metres; or                             Applicable to US Persons only :
    c. pot-holing; or                         Policy cover for a Journey involving
    d. caving necessitating the use of        travel to/from/through Cuba will
       caving equipment; or                   only be effective if the US Person’s
    e. diving involving the use of            travel has been authorised by a
       external breathing equipment           general or specific licence from
       (e.g. scuba diving); or                OFAC (US Treasury’s Office of
    f. jet skiing, white water rafting,       Foreign Asset Control). For any
       snow mobiling or snow tubing;          Claim from a US Person relating
    (This Policy Exclusion does not           to Cuba travel, Chubb will require
    apply to any Journey undertaken           verification from the US Person of
    within the United Kingdom                 such OFAC licence to be submitted
    where the activity forms part of the      with the Claim. US Persons shall be
    Participating School’s organised          deemed to include any individual
    trip itinerary);                          wherever located who is a citizen
13. Participation in competitive Winter       or ordinarily resident in the United
    Sports (including, but not limited        States (including Green Card
    to ski or bob racing, mono skiing ski     Holders) as well as any corporation,
    jumping, ski boarding, ice hockey or      Partnership, association, or other
    the use of bobsleighs or skeletons);      organisation, wherever organised or
14. Participation in Winter Sports,           doing business, which is owned or
    other than skating or curling (this       controlled by such persons.
    Policy Exclusion does not apply if
    the Winter Sports Extension is          NOTE: Exclusions relevant only to the
    stated as ‘Included’ in the Group       individual Sections are located and
    Policy Schedule).                       contained in the appropriate Section.
15. Chubb will not pay any Claims
    which would result in them being in
    breach of United Nations resolutions
    or trade or economic sanctions or
    other laws of the European Union,
    United Kingdom, or United States
    of America. An Insured Person
    should contact Chubb Customer
    Services Team on 0800 519 8026
    for clarification of Policy cover for
    travel to countries which may be

Claims provisions
     Notification of a Claim                           Claim and any sums paid by
                                                       Chubb in respect of the Claim are
     On the happening of any occurrence                to be refunded; and
     likely to give rise to a Claim under this      b. in addition, Chubb may by notice
     Policy notice shall be given to Marsh             to the Group Policyholder
     Limited, Education Practice within 60             treat the Policy as having been
     days or as soon as reasonably possible            terminated with effect from the
     after the date of the occurrence. Please          time of the “fraudulent act”,
     quote the Policy Number.                          which means the behaviour that
                                                       makes a Claim fraudulent.
     Postal Address:                             2. If Chubb does treat this Policy as
     The Claims Section                             having been terminated:
     Marsh Limited                                  a. it may refuse all liability to the
     Education Practice                                Group Policyholder under the
     4 Milton Road                                     Policy in respect of a relevant
     Haywards Heath                                    event occurring after the time
     West Sussex                                       of the fraudulent act (“relevant
     RH16 1AH                                          event” refers to whatever triggers
                                                       Chubb's liability under the
     T +44 (0) 1444 335 170                            Policy);
     E                         b. it need not return any of the
                                                       Premiums paid under the Policy;
     Information Chubb may need about               c. such termination does not affect
     a Claim                                           the rights and obligations of the
                                                       parties to the Policy with respect
     The Group Policyholder, an Insured                to a relevant event occurring
     Person or a Policyholder shall at                 before the time of the fraudulent
     its own expense provide Chubb                     act.
     such certificates, information and          3. Where a Policyholder or an
     evidence as Chubb may from time to             Insured Person makes a fraudulent
     time reasonably require in the form            Claim under this Policy, paragraphs
     prescribed by Chubb in order to action         1 and 2 above apply to the Claim as if
     a relevant Claim. Chubb will need to           the cover provided for that Insured
     be sent any medical certificates or other      Person were provided under an
     documents, which they ask for. Chubb           individual contract between Chubb
     will not pay for these.                        and that Insured Person, such that:
                                                    a. Chubb's rights under paragraphs
                                                       1 and 2 above are exercisable only
     Fraudulent Claims                                 in relation to the cover provided
                                                       for that Insured Person; and
     1. If the Group Policyholder, makes a          b. the exercise of any of those
        fraudulent Claim under this Policy:            rights does not affect the cover
        a. Chubb is not liable to pay the              provided under the Policy for
anyone else.                         to meet with external third parties,
4. Accordingly:                            approved by Chubb, to substantiate
   a. where a Policyholder or an           their Claim.
      Insured Person makes a
      fraudulent Claim under this          Chubb may insist on a post-mortem
      Policy:                              examination if the law allows them to
      i. Chubb is not liable to pay        ask for one. Chubb will pay for this.
          the Claim and any sums paid
          by Chubb in respect of the
          Claim are to be refunded by      Currency
          the ultimate recipient of such
          sums;                            Claims involving foreign currency
      ii. in addition, Chubb may           will be converted into the currency
          by notice to the Group           in which the Premium and Benefit
          Policyholder and the relevant    Amounts /indemnity limits are
          Policyholder or Insured          stated, at the selling rate of exchange
          Person treat the Policy as       published in the Financial Times on the
          having been terminated           day nearest to the date of the incident
          in respect of that Insured       giving rise to the Claim.
          Person with effect from the
          time of the fraudulent act;
   b. if Chubb does treat the Policy       Paying Claims
      as having been terminated in
      respect of the relevant Insured      In the event of a Claim Chubb will
      Person, paragraph 2 shall apply      deal with it based on the cover details
      as if it referred to that Insured    shown in this Policy wording and
      Person instead of the Group          Group Policy Schedule sent to the
      Policyholder.                        Group Policyholder, which is in force
                                           at the time of the occurrence leading to
                                           the Claim.
                                           All benefit payments on valid Claims
The Insured Person shall as soon as        will be paid in GBP (£) and will be
possible after the occurrence of any       paid into the Insured Person's or the
Accidental Bodily Injury:                  Policyholder's bank account.
1. obtain and follow the advice of a
   Doctor; and                             Chubb will deal with all Claims as
2. the Insured Person must agree to        follows:
   a medical examination if Chubb          1. Chubb will pay the Benefit Amount
   ask for it. Chubb will pay for this         for Accidental death to the estate of
   and, where agreed, offer reasonable         the deceased Insured Person and
   transportation costs.                       the receipt given to Chubb by the
The Insured Person may be required             personal representatives shall be a

full discharge of liability by Chubb          Guardian’s receipt shall be a full
        in respect of the Claim for such              discharge of all liability by Chubb
        Benefit Amount.                               in respect of the Claim for such
     2. If the Insured Person is age 18               Benefit Amount or reimbursement.
        years or over Chubb will pay               4. Other than Sections and sub-
        the Benefit Amount or assessed                Sections of this Policy where the
        percentage or reimbursement to                Benefit Amount is payable to the
        the Insured Person and their                  Group Policyholder for the benefit
        receipt shall be a full discharge of all      of the Group Policyholder, any
        liability by Chubb in respect of the          Benefit Amount paid by Chubb
        Claim for such Benefit Amount,                to the Group Policyholder for the
        reimbursement or the assessed                 benefit of a Policyholder or other
        percentage.                                   specified person(s) must be paid by
     3. If the Insured Person is under age            the Group Policyholder to such
        18 years Chubb will pay the Benefit           Policyholder or specified person(s)
        Amount or assessed percentage or              to the extent that they have suffered
        reimbursement to the Parent or                Bodily Injury, loss or expenses
        Legal Guardian (Policyholder)                 or are otherwise entitled to benefit
        of such minor, for the benefit of             from this Policy.
        that minor. The Parent or Legal

The Cover

The cover provided by this Policy will apply only if a Benefit Amount
is stated in the relevant Section in the Group Policy Schedule.

Section A. Injury
     If during a Period of Insurance             the time of sustaining Bodily Injury
     and whilst on a Journey an Insured          will be taken into account by Chubb in
     Person has an Accident which                assessing the level of Benefit Amount
     causes Bodily Injury, Chubb will pay        payable for Permanent Disability.
     the Benefit Amounts stated in the
     Schedule of Benefits for Items 1, 2, 3, 4   Disappearance
     and 5 below.                                If an Insured Person disappears
                                                 and it is reasonable for the Police or
     1. Accidental death                         registration authorities to believe that
        Where Bodily Injury results in           the Insured Person has died as a result
        Accidental death Chubb will pay          of Bodily Injury, Chubb will pay the
        the Benefit Amount stated in the         death Benefit Amount. The payment
        Schedule of Benefits. This Benefit       will be subject to a signed undertaking
        Amount will only become payable          given by the Insured Person's Legal
        on production of the final death         Representatives that if the Insured
        certificate.                             Person is later found to be alive,
     2. Where Bodily Injury results in           the death Benefit Amount shall be
        permanent Loss of Sight in Both          refunded to Chubb.
        Eyes Chubb will pay the Benefit
        Amount stated in the Schedule of         Exposure
        Benefits.                                If an Insured Person suffers Bodily
     3. Where Bodily Injury results in           Injury as a result of unavoidable
        permanent Loss of Sight in One           exposure to severe weather conditions,
        Eye Chubb will pay the Benefit           Chubb will consider it as having been
        Amount stated in the Schedule of         caused by an Accident.
     4. Where Bodily Injury results in           Payment of Benefit under multiple
        permanent Loss of Limb (one or           Items
        more) Chubb will pay the Benefit         The total amount payable under Items
        Amount stated in the Schedule of         2, 3, 4 and 5 stated above will not
        Benefits.                                exceed the Maximum Benefit Amount
     5. Where Bodily Injury results in           stated in the Schedule of Benefits in
        Permanent Total Disablement              respect of any one Accident.
        Chubb will pay the Benefit Amount
        stated in the Schedule of Benefits.
                                                 Section A – Definitions

     Section A – Specific Provisos               Loss of Limb
                                                 a. In respect of a leg (lower limb):
     Known conditions                               i. physical severance or total loss of
     Any contributory degenerative                      functional use above the level of
     condition or disablement (as                       the ankle (talo-tibial joint); or
     determined by a Doctor) known by an            ii. the permanent total loss of use of
     Insured Person to be in existence at               an entire foot or leg.
b. In respect of an arm (upper limb):        training, education or experience.
   i. permanent physical severance        b. If the Insured Person was not in
       of the four fingers at or above       gainful employment at the date of
       the metacarpal phalangeal joints      the Accident:
       (where the fingers join the palm      A form of Permanent Disability
       of the hand); or                      calculated on a medical assessment
   ii. the permanent total loss of           by Chubb or an independent
       functional use of an entire hand      medical expert appointed by
       or arm.                               Chubb, which results in the Insured
                                             Person's inability to perform,
Loss of Sight in Both Eyes                   without assistance from another
Permanent blindness which, based on          person, at least 2 of the following
medical evidence, the Insured Person         activities of daily living:
will never recover from, and which           • eating;
results in their name being added (on        • getting in and out of bed;
the authority of a qualified ophthalmic      • dressing and undressing;
specialist) to the Register of Blind         • toileting;
Persons maintained by the Government         • walking 200 metres on level
of the United Kingdom.                           ground.

Loss of Sight in One Eye
Permanent blindness which, based on       Section A – Exclusions
medical evidence, the Insured Person
will never recover from, in an eye to     Chubb will not be liable for payment of
the degree that, after correction using   any benefit for Bodily Injury, loss or
spectacles, lenses or surgery, objects    expense Due to:
that should be clear from 60 feet away    1. Any illness or disease not directly
can only be seen from 3 feet away or         resulting from Bodily Injury;
less.                                     2. Suicide, attempted suicide or
                                             deliberate self-inflicted injury by the
Permanent Disability                         Insured Person regardless of the
Disablement which has lasted for at          state of their mental health;
least 24 months which, in the opinion     3. Repetitive stress (strain) injury or
of a Doctor, is beyond the hope of           syndrome or any gradually operating
recovery.                                    cause;
                                          4. Post-traumatic stress disorder
Permanent Total Disablement                  or a related syndrome or any
a. If the Insured Person was in gainful      psychological or psychiatric
   employment at the date of the             condition diagnosed before a
   Accident:                                 Journey begins.
   A Permanent Disability which
   stops the Insured Person from
   carrying out gainful employment
   for which they are fitted by way of
Section B. Travel
     Section B1 – Medical & other                   emergency that may potentially
     expenses                                       give rise to a Claim.
                                                 b. Where it is reasonable and
     Chubb Assistance is available                  practical to do so, the Group
     whenever an Insured Person is on a             Policyholder, the Policyholder
     Journey covered by this Section B1.            or the Insured Person must
                                                    make arrangements for In-
     The number to call in an emergency             patient treatment and/or
     is +44 (0) 20 3282 0107.                       day surgery only with the
                                                    involvement and/or agreement of
     If during the Period of Insurance an           Chubb Assistance.
     Insured Person becomes ill or sustains      c. Chubb shall cease to cover the
     injury during a Journey Chubb will             Insured Person if they elect
     pay the Group Policyholder or                  to remain in the country where
     the Policyholder up to the Benefit             Medical Expenses were first
     Amounts stated in the Schedule of              incurred after Chubb Assistance
     Benefits for any one Journey for the           has deemed it to be appropriate
     following:                                     to repatriate the Insured Person.

     1. Medical Expenses outside the           2. Coma outside of the United
        United Kingdom                            Kingdom
        Reasonable and necessary costs            If the Insured Person remains
        incurred outside of the United            in a Coma outside of the United
        Kingdom for immediate medical,            Kingdom up to a maximum of 730
        surgical or other remedial attention      days.
        or treatment given or prescribed
        by a Doctor, Hospital, or nursing      3. Hospital Confinement outside of
        home, ambulance charges, dental           the United Kingdom
        and optical expenses incurred in an       Admission to a Hospital outside the
        emergency or as a result of injury,       United Kingdom for a continuous
        suicide or attempted suicide. Dental      period of 24 hours or more on the
        expenses are restricted to those          advice of and under the constant
        incurred only for the immediate           supervision of a Doctor. The
        and direct relief of pain for the         amount payable will be doubled for
        duration of the Journey. Expenses         Hospital Confinement on a public
        associated with pregnancy are             or bank holiday in the country
        covered if incurred in an emergency       where the Insured Person has been
        as a result of complications (where       admitted.
        such complications are diagnosed
        by a Doctor who specialises in         4. Hotel Confinement outside of the
        obstetrics).                              United Kingdom
        a. Chubb Assistance must be               Following a payment for hospital
           informed immediately or as soon        confinement outside of the United
           as reasonably possible of any          Kingdom, a daily amount for which
the Insured Person is advised by the          ii. the Group Policyholder
   Doctor to remain in their hotel after             or the Policyholder will
   being discharged from Hospital.                   reimburse Chubb in respect of
                                                     all costs incurred in the event
5. Supplementary Travel, Childcare                   of repatriation services being
   and Accommodation Expenses                        provided by Chubb Assistance
   Reasonable additional costs                       in good faith to any person not
   necessarily incurred for:                         insured under this Policy.
   a. travel and accommodation of
      up to three relatives, friends or     7. On-going treatment as an In-
      close business associates who, on        patient following repatriation
      medical advice from a Doctor,            If in the 52 weeks immediately
      are advised to travel to or remain       following repatriation to the
      with the Insured Person whilst           United Kingdom, the Insured
      outside of the United Kingdom;           Person requires on- going medical
      and                                      treatment as an In-patient for the
   b. the care of Children as a result         same injury or illness, Chubb will
      of the Insured Person's Partner          pay the Policyholder in respect
      who, on the medical advice of a          of reasonable Medical Expenses
      Doctor, is required to travel to or      necessarily incurred and arranged
      remain with the Insured Person           by Chubb Assistance. The Insured
      as a result of the Insured Person        Person will normally be admitted to
      sustaining injury or becoming ill        a NHS hospital or local equivalent for
      during a Journey outside of the          treatment. Private treatment will be
      United Kingdom.                          considered only where it is deemed
                                               necessary e.g. where, in the opinion
6. Repatriation Expenses                       of Chubb Assistance, a NHS hospital
   Reasonable costs necessarily                or local equivalent cannot facilitate
   incurred in repatriating the Insured        the Insured Person or provide the
   Person to the most suitable Hospital        treatment within a reasonable period
   or to the Insured Person's normal           of time.
   residence in the United Kingdom
   at the earliest opportunity provided     8. Search and Rescue Expenses
   that such repatriation is:                  If an Insured Person is reported
   a. medically necessary; and                 as missing outside of the United
   b. organised by Chubb Assistance            Kingdom and it becomes necessary
       provided that:                          for the rescue or police authorities
       i. the Group Policyholder, the          to instigate a search and rescue
          Policyholder or the Insured          operation where:
          Person must not make or              a. it is known or believed that the
          attempt to make arrangements             Insured Person may have
          without the involvement                  sustained injury or suffered
          and/or agreement of Chubb                illness; or
          Assistance; and                      b. weather or safety conditions are
such that it becomes necessary             to Chubb in the event of a Claim.
        to do so in order to prevent the
        Insured Person from sustaining       9. Repatriation of Mortal Remains
        injury or suffering illness,            Reasonable additional costs in the
     Chubb will pay the Group                   event of death to repatriate the
     Policyholder or the Policyholder           Insured Person's body or ashes
     in respect of the necessary and            and Personal Belongings and/or
     reasonable costs incurred by               Business Equipment to the United
     Chubb Assistance and/or levied             Kingdom or their country of origin
     by recognised rescue or police             or domicile and for funeral expenses
     authorities in searching for such          incurred provided that such
     Insured Person and for bringing            repatriation is organised by Chubb
     them to a place of safety provided         Assistance.
     a. all reasonable local safety advice   10. Petcare as a result of
        and precautions have been                Hospitalisation
        obtained and followed;                   The costs incurred for additional
     b. Chubb Assistance is informed             domestic cattery and kennel fees for
        immediately or as soon as                pets owned by an Insured Person
        reasonably possible of any               whilst the Insured Person is on
        emergency that may potentially           a Journey outside of the United
        give rise to a Claim;                    Kingdom, if the Insured Person
     c. where it is reasonable and               is admitted to Hospital as an In-
        practical to do so, the Group            patient, which results in a delayed
        Policyholder, the Policyholder           return for more than 24 consecutive
        or the Insured Person makes              hours at the end of the original pre-
        arrangements for search and              booked Journey.
        rescue only with the involvement
        and/or agreement of Chubb            11. Medical Expenses in the United
        Assistance;                              Kingdom
     d. expenses are only payable for the        Reasonable and necessary costs
        Insured Person's proportion of           incurred in the United Kingdom
        the search and rescue operation;         for medical treatment deemed
     e. costs will only be covered up            necessary by a Doctor, if an
        to the point where the Insured           Insured Person has an Accident
        Person is recovered by search            which causes injury whilst on a
        and rescue or at the time where          Journey either within or outside the
        the search and rescue authorities        United Kingdom.
        advise that continuing the search
        is no longer viable;                 12. Funeral Expenses
     f. a written statement from the             Reasonable and necessary costs
        appropriate rescue authorities           approved by Chubb Assistance
        involved in the search and/or            for funeral expenses incurred
        rescue is obtained and provided          for the burial or cremation of an
Insured Person outside of the            15. Childcare expenses as a result of
   United Kingdom or their country              Hospital Stay or death
   of origin or domicile and the cost of        Chubb will pay up to the Benefit
   transporting the Insured Person's            Amount shown in the Schedule of
   Personal Belongings and/or                   Benefits for reasonable additional
   Business Equipment.                          costs necessarily incurred for
                                                childcare expenses as a direct result
13. Dental Expenses on return to the            of a Hospital Stay or death of an
    United Kingdom                              Insured Person during a Journey
    Chubb will pay up to the Benefit            outside of the United Kingdom.
    Amount shown in the Schedule                Chubb shall only be liable for
    of Benefits for reasonable and              expenses incurred during the first 14
    necessary costs incurred with the           days following the Hospital Stay or
    prior consent of Chubb in the               death.
    United Kingdom or the Insured
    Person's country of origin or
    domicile for dental treatment           Section B1 – Definition
    deemed necessary by a Doctor
    (this includes doctors/specialists      Coma
    in dentistry, see definition on page    An extended period of unconsciousness
    10 for full details), if an Insured     from which an Insured Person cannot
    Person has an Accident which            be aroused even with the most painful
    causes injury whilst on a Journey       stimuli and assessed by a Doctor as
    outside the United Kingdom or the       scoring less than 9 on the Glasgow
    Insured Person’s country of origin      Coma Scale (GCS).
    or domicile.

14. Emergency Dental Expenses in            Section B1 – Exclusions
    the United Kingdom
    Chubb will pay up to the Benefit        Journeys not covered:
    Amount shown in the Schedule            1. any Journey taken against the
    of Benefits for reasonable and             advice of a Doctor;
    necessary costs for unforeseeable       2. where the purpose of the Journey
    emergency dental expenses for              is to receive medical treatment or
    the relief of pain incurred within         advice; or
    the United Kingdom or the               3. where the purpose of the Journey
    Insured Person’s country of                is directly or indirectly related to
    origin or domicile and where the           a medical condition or situation
    Journey is more than 100 miles             known to exist by the Insured
    (160 kilometres) from their normal         Person.
    residence and is for a duration
    of more than 3 consecutive days         For Journeys that are covered, Chubb
    involving an overnight stay or an air   shall not be liable for:
    flight.                                 1. any expenses which are recovered
from any national insurance                the Schedule of Benefits for any one
        programme in connection with any           Journey.
     2. any expenses incurred 52 weeks           3. Personal Belongings Delay
        after the time of the incurring of the      If access is denied to all or part of
        first expense for the treatment of          the Insured Person's Personal
        psychiatric or mental disorders; or         Belongings Chubb will reimburse
     3. any expenses incurred 52 weeks              the Policyholder in respect of sums
        after:                                      paid for the purchase of reasonable
        a. emergency repatriation to the            and essential items of replacement
            United Kingdom in respect of            clothing or toilet requisites. Any
            expenses of on-going medical            Benefit Amount paid under this
            treatment as an In-patient; or          extension will be deducted from
        b. the time of the incurring of the         any subsequent Benefit Amount
            first expense in respect of other       payable under Personal Belongings
            expenses.                               in respect of the same loss.
     4. The Excess as stated in the Schedule
        of Benefits per Claim.                   4. Loss or Delay of Home Keys or
                                                    Car Keys
                                                    If access is denied to the Insured
     Section B2 –Personal Belongings &              Person's home keys (including
     Business Equipment                             safe and alarm keys) or car keys
                                                    (including leased or hired vehicles)
     1. Business Equipment                          for more than 4 hours after the
        If during the Period of Insurance           Insured Person's disembarkation
        the Group Policyholder sustains             inside the United Kingdom on
        loss of or damage to Business               completion of the final leg of their
        Equipment during a Journey                  Journey as a result of loss or theft
        undertaken by an Insured                    of such keys occurring outside of
        Person, Chubb will pay the Group            the United Kingdom, or delay of
        Policyholder in respect of such             Personal Belongings containing
        loss or damage up to the Benefit            such keys, Chubb will pay the
        Amount stated in the Schedule of            Policyholder up to the Benefit
        Benefits for any one Journey.               Amount stated in the Schedule
                                                    of Benefits for reasonable and
     2. Personal Belongings                         necessary costs incurred for:
        If during the Period of Insurance           a. having such keys or spare keys
        an Insured Person sustains loss                 couriered to the Insured Person;
        of or damage to their Personal                  or
        Belongings during a Journey,                b. reasonable costs of travel to
        Chubb will pay the Policyholder                 obtain spare keys; or
        in respect of such loss or damage           c. locksmiths charges in gaining
        up to the Benefit Amount stated in              access and/or replacing locks

damaged in gaining access to             destruction of any article of
      the Insured Person's home or             Personal Belongings the basis
      car and the reprogramming of             of settlement shall be the cost of
      remote control car keys.                 replacing the article as new provided
5. Repatriation of Personal                    a. the replacement article is
   Belongings                                     substantially the same but not
   Chubb will pay up to the Benefit               better than the original article
   Amount for reasonable and                      when new; and
   necessary costs approved by                 b. the receipt for the replacement
   Chubb Assistance of repatriating               item is provided.
   the Insured Person’s Personal            3. In the event of total loss or
   Belongings in the event that the            destruction of any article of
   Insured Person is required to be            Business Equipment the basis
   repatriated for medical reasons             of settlement shall be the market
   to the United Kingdom or their              value of the article at the date of loss
   country of origin or domicile.              taking into account wear, tear and
6. Repatriation of Business
   Chubb will pay up to the Benefit         Section B2 – Specific Proviso
   Amount for reasonable and
   necessary costs approved by              The Insured Person shall take all
   Chubb Assistance of repatriating         reasonable precautions for the safety
   the Insured Person’s Business            of their Personal Belongings and
   Equipment in the event that the          all reasonable steps to recover any
   Insured Person is required to be         property which is lost or stolen.
   repatriated for medical reasons
   to the United Kingdom or their
   country of origin or domicile.           Section B2 – Definition

Section B2 – Basis of settlement            Valuables means cameras and other
                                            photographic equipment, telescopes
1. On the happening of any loss or          and binoculars, Audio/Video
   damage Chubb shall be entitled:          equipment (including radios, cassette/
   a. to take and keep possession           compact disc players, ipods, mp3
      of any article and to deal with       and mp4 players, camcorders, DVD,
      salvage in a reasonable manner;       video, televisions, and other similar
      and/or                                audio and video equipment), mobile
   b. at its own option to repair or        phones, satellite navigation equipment,
      replace any article for which it is   computers and computer equipment
      liable.                               (including PDAs, personal organisers,
2. In the event of total loss or            laptops, notebooks, netbooks and
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