State Farm Homeowners Basic Policy - State Farm Lloyds, Inc. Home Office, Richardson, TX

Page created by Tim Payne
State Farm®

State Farm Lloyds, Inc.
Home Office, Richardson, TX


                                                                                                                                                        Begins on Page
AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................1
DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................................1
       COVERAGES ....................................................................................................................................................3
              Coverage A – Dwelling ...............................................................................................................................3
              Coverage B – Personal Property ...............................................................................................................3
              Coverage C – Loss of Use .........................................................................................................................5
              Additional Coverages .................................................................................................................................6
              Inflation Coverage ......................................................................................................................................8
       LOSSES INSURED............................................................................................................................................8
       LOSSES NOT INSURED .................................................................................................................................10
       LOSS SETTLEMENT .......................................................................................................................................12
       COVERAGES ..................................................................................................................................................18
              Coverage L – Personal Liability ...............................................................................................................18
              Coverage M – Medical Payments to Others ............................................................................................18
              Additional Coverages ...............................................................................................................................18
       EXCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................................19
SECTION I AND SECTION II – CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................23
OPTIONAL POLICY PROVISIONS .........................................................................................................................26

                                                   ©, Copyright, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, 2015
FP-7963                                                                                                                                                        Printed in U.S.A.
We agree to provide the insurance described in this                   2.   the statements in this agreement are your statements
policy:                                                                    and are true;
1.   based on your payment of premium for the coverages               3.   we insure you on the basis your statements are true;
     you chose;                                                            and

2.   based on your compliance with all applicable provi-              4.   this policy contains all of the agreements between you
                                                                           and us. No other agreements apply to this insurance.
     sions of this policy; and
                                                                      When you request changes to this policy, or the infor-
3.   in reliance on your statements in this agreement.                mation or factors used to calculate the premium for this
You agree, by acceptance of this policy, that:                        policy changes during the policy period, we may adjust the
                                                                      premium in accordance with the change during the policy
1.   you will pay premiums when due and comply with the               period and you must pay any additional premium due
     provisions of the policy;                                        within the time we specify.

“You” and “your” mean the “named insured” shown in the                4.   “communicable disease” means bacteria, parasite,
Declarations. Your spouse is included if a resident of your                virus or other organism transmissible from person to
household. “We”, “us” and “our” mean the Company                           person due to sexual contact with an affected person
shown in the Declarations.                                                 or that person’s discharges.
Certain words and phrases are defined as follows:                     5.   “Declarations” means the policy Declarations, any
                                                                           amended Declarations, the most recent renewal no-
1.   “bodily injury” means physical harm to a person, in-
                                                                           tice or certificate, an Evidence of Insurance form or
     cluding any resulting sickness or disease. This in-                   any endorsement changing any of these.
     cludes the required care, loss of services and death
     resulting therefrom.                                             6.   “fungus” means any type or form of fungus, includ-
     Bodily injury does not include:                                       ing mold, mildew, mycotoxins, spores, scents or by-
                                                                           products produced or released by fungi.
     a.   the transmission of a communicable disease
                                                                      7.   “insured” means you and, if residents of your house-
          by any insured to any other person;
     b.   the exposure to any communicable disease by                      a.   your relatives; and
          any insured to any other person; or
                                                                           b.   any other person under the age of 21 who is in
     c.   emotional distress, mental anguish, humiliation,
                                                                                the care of a person described above.
          mental injury, or similar injury unless it arises out
          of actual physical injury to some person.                        Under Section II, “insured” also means:
2.   “business” means a trade, profession or occupation.                   c.   with respect to animals or watercraft to which
     This includes farming.                                                     this policy applies, the person or organization le-
                                                                                gally responsible for them. However, the animal
3.   “business day” means a day other than a Saturday,                          or watercraft must be owned by you or a person
     Sunday or holiday recognized by the state of Texas.                        included in 7.a. or 7.b. A person or organization

                                                                  1                                                         FP-7963
using or having custody of these animals or wa-                     trailbike, minibike and personal assistive mo-
          tercraft in the course of a business, or without                    bility device. “Leased” does not include tempo-
          permission of the owner, is not an insured; and                     rary rental;
     d. with respect to any vehicle to which this policy                 d.   a “locomotive” while off an insured location.
          applies, any person while engaged in your em-                       “Locomotive” means a self-propelled vehicle for
          ployment or the employment of a person in-                          pulling or pushing freight or passenger cars on
          cluded in 7.a. or 7.b.                                              tracks that is large enough to carry a person and
8.   “insured location” means:                                                is owned or leased by an insured. “Leased”
                                                                              does not include temporary rental;
     a.   the residence premises;
                                                                         e.   a bulldozer, track loader, backhoe, high-hoe,
     b.   the part of any other premises, other structures                    trencher, grader, crane, self-propelled scraper,
          and grounds used by you as a residence. This                        excavator, pipe-layer, cherry picker, telehandler,
          includes premises, structures and grounds you                       logging vehicle, mining vehicle or road building
          acquire while this policy is in effect for your use                 vehicle that is owned or leased by an insured
          as a residence;                                                     while off an insured location. “Leased” does not
     c.   any premises used by you in connection with the                     include temporary rental; and
          premises included in 8.a. or 8.b.;
                                                                         f.   any vehicle while being towed or pushed by or
     d.   any part of a premises not owned by an insured                      carried on a vehicle included in a., b., c., d. or e.
          but where an insured is temporarily residing;
                                                                         The following are not motor vehicles:
     e.   land owned by or rented to an insured on which
          a one or two family dwelling is being constructed              a.  a boat, camp, home or utility trailer not being
          as a residence for an insured;                                     towed or pushed by or carried on a vehicle in-
                                                                             cluded in a., b., c., d. or e. above;
     f.   individual or family cemetery plots or burial
          vaults owned by an insured;                                    b. a motorized land vehicle in dead storage on an
                                                                             insured location;
     g.   any part of a premises occasionally rented to an
          insured for other than business purposes;                      c. a motorized golf cart while used for golfing pur-
     h.   vacant land owned by or rented to an insured.
          This does not include farm land; and                           d. a motorized vehicle or trailer designed to assist
                                                                             the handicapped that is not designed for travel
     i.   farm land (without buildings), rented or held for                  on public roads or subject to motor vehicle reg-
          rental to others, but not to exceed a total of 500                 istration; or
          acres, regardless of the number of locations.
                                                                         e. a commercially manufactured 2, 3 or 4 wheeled
9.   “motor vehicle”, when used in Section II of this pol-                   personal conveyance powered only by or as-
     icy, means:                                                             sisted by an unmodified motor or engine with a
     a.   a land motor vehicle designed for travel on pub-                   manufacturer’s power rating of no more than 1
          lic roads or subject to motor vehicle registration;                horsepower and capable of a top speed of no
     b.   a trailer or semi-trailer designed for travel on                   more than 20 miles per hour.
          public roads and subject to motor vehicle regis-           10. “occurrence”, when used in Section II of this policy,
          tration;                                                       means an accident, including exposure to conditions,
                                                                         which first results in:
     c.   a “recreational vehicle” while off an insured lo-
          cation. “Recreational vehicle” means a motor-                  a.   bodily injury; or
          ized vehicle designed for recreation principally               b.   property damage;
          off public roads that is owned or leased by an
          insured. This includes, but is not limited to, a mo-           during the policy period. All bodily injury and prop-
          torized all terrain vehicle, amphibious vehicle,               erty damage resulting from one accident, series of
          dune buggy, go-cart, golf cart, snowmobile,                    related accidents or from continuous and repeated

                                                                 2                                                          FP-7963
exposure to the same general conditions is consid-             13. “residence premises” means:
     ered to be one occurrence.                                          a.   the one, two, three or four-family dwelling, other
11. “property damage” means physical damage to or                             structures, and grounds; or
    destruction of tangible property, including loss of use              b.   that part of any other building;
    of this property. Theft or conversion of property by
    any insured is not property damage.                                  where you reside and which is shown in the Declara-
12. “residence employee” means an employee of an in-
    sured who performs duties, including household or               14. “State Farm Companies” means one or more of the
    domestic services, in connection with the mainte-                   following:
    nance or use of the residence premises. This in-                     a.   State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Com-
    cludes employees who perform similar duties                               pany;
    elsewhere for you. This does not include employees
                                                                         b.   State Farm Fire and Casualty Company; and
    while performing duties in connection with the busi-
    ness of an insured.                                                  c.   subsidiaries or affiliates of either a. or b. above.

                                          SECTION I — COVERAGES
COVERAGE A – DWELLING                                                         space for paperwork, computer work or use of a
1.   Dwelling. We cover the dwelling used principally as                      telephone, and consists solely of activities that
     a private residence on the residence premises
     shown in the Declarations.                                               (1) duties of the insured’s employment by an-
                                                                                  other; and
     Dwelling includes:
     a.   structures attached to the dwelling;                                (2) performed solely by the insured; or
                                                                         c.   rented or held for rental to a person not a tenant
     b.   materials and supplies located on or adjacent to
                                                                              of the dwelling, unless used solely as a private
          the residence premises for use in the construc-                     garage.
          tion, alteration or repair of the dwelling or other
          structures on the residence premises;                     3.   Property Not Covered. We do not cover:

     c.   foundation, floor slab and footings supporting                 a.   land, including the land necessary to support
                                                                              any Coverage A property;
          the dwelling; and
                                                                         b.   any costs required to replace, rebuild, stabilize,
     d.   wall-to-wall carpeting attached to the dwelling.                    or otherwise restore the land;
2.   Dwelling Extension. We cover other structures on                    c.   the costs of repair techniques designed to com-
     the residence premises, separated from the dwell-                        pensate for or prevent land instability to any
     ing by clear space. Structures connected to the dwell-                   property, whether or not insured under Cover-
     ing by only a fence, utility line, or similar connection                 age A; or
     are considered to be other structures.
                                                                         d.   trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, artificial grass or
     We do not cover other structures:                                        hardscape property.
     a.   not permanently attached to or otherwise form-            COVERAGE B – PERSONAL PROPERTY
          ing a part of the realty;
                                                                    1.   Property Covered. We cover personal property
     b.   used in whole or in part for business purposes;                owned or used by an insured while it is anywhere in
          unless such use consists solely of use of office               the world. This includes structures not permanently
                                                                3                                                          FP-7963
attached to or otherwise forming a part of the realty.                  d.   $1,500 on securities, checks, cashier’s checks,
At your request, we will cover personal property                             traveler’s checks, money orders, gift certificates,
owned by others while the property is on the part of                         gift cards, rechargeable debit cards, phone
the residence premises occupied exclusively by an                            cards and other negotiable instruments, ac-
insured. At your request, we will also cover per-                            counts, deeds, evidences of debt, letters of
sonal property owned by a guest or a residence
                                                                             credit, notes other than bank notes, manu-
employee, while the property is in any other resi-
dence occupied by an insured.                                                scripts, passports and tickets;

We cover personal property usually situated at an in-                   e.   $1,500 on watercraft of all types and outboard
sured’s residence, other than the residence prem-                            motors, including their trailers, furnishings and
ises, for up to $1,000 or 10% of the Coverage B limit,                       equipment;
whichever is greater. This limitation does not apply to                 f.   $1,500 on trailers not used with watercraft;
personal property in a newly acquired principal resi-
                                                                        g.   $250 on any one item and $2,500 in the aggre-
dence for the first 30 days after you start moving the
property there. If the residence premises is a newly                         gate on stamps, trading cards and comic books,
acquired principal residence, personal property in                           including any of these items that are a part of a
your immediate past principal residence is not subject
to this limitation for the first 30 days after the inception            h.   $2,500 for loss by theft of firearms;
of this policy.
                                                                        i.   $2,500 for loss by theft of silverware and
Special Limits of Liability. These limits do not in-                         goldware;
crease the Coverage B limit. The special limit for
                                                                        j.   $5,000 on any one article and $10,000 in the ag-
each of the following categories is the total limit for                      gregate for loss by theft of any rug, carpet (ex-
each loss for all property in that category:                                 cept wall-to-wall carpet), tapestry, wall-hanging
a.   $200 on money, coins and medals, including                              or other similar article;
     any of these that are a part of a collection, bank                 k.   $1,000 for loss by theft of jewelry, watches, fur
     notes, bullion, gold other than goldware, silver
                                                                             garments and garments trimmed with fur, pre-
     other than silverware, and platinum;                                    cious and semi-precious stones; and
b.   $10,000 on electronic data processing system                       l.   $5,000 for loss by theft of tools.
     equipment used or intended for use in a busi-
     ness, including but not limited to computers,                 2.   Property Not Covered. We do not cover:
     tablets, mobile personal communication equip-                      a.   articles separately described and specifically in-
     ment, global positioning systems, mobile per-                           sured in this or any other insurance;
     sonal electronic devices used for the                              b.   animals, birds or fish;
     reproduction of sound, and standard media or
     non-media equipment for use with the above                         c.   any engine or motor-propelled vehicle or ma-
                                                                             chine, including the parts, designed for move-
                                                                             ment on land. We do cover those not licensed
c.   $1,500 on property used or intended for use in a                        for use on public highways which are:
     business, including merchandise held as sam-
                                                                             (1) used solely to service the insured loca-
     ples or for sale or for delivery after sale, while on
     the residence premises. This coverage is lim-                               tion; or
     ited to $500 on such property away from the res-                        (2) designed for assisting the handicapped;
     idence premises.
                                                                        d.   devices or instruments for the recording or re-
     Electronic data processing system equipment or                          production of video or sound that are:
     the recording or storage media used with that
                                                                             (1) primarily designed for use in; and
     equipment is not included under this coverage,
     and is addressed in item b. above;                                      (2) while attached to or in;

                                                               4                                                         FP-7963
an engine or motor-propelled vehicle.                      COVERAGE C – LOSS OF USE
     We do not cover tapes, discs, wires, videos or             The most we will pay for the sum of all losses combined
     other media that may be used with these de-                under Additional Living Expense, Fair Rental Value,
     vices or instruments while in the vehicle;                 and Prohibited Use is the limit of liability shown in the
e.   aircraft and parts, except model or hobby aircraft         Declarations for Coverage C – Loss of Use.
     not used or designed to carry people or cargo;             1.   Additional Living Expense. When a Loss Insured
f.   property of roomers, boarders, tenants and                      causes the residence premises to become uninhab-
     other residents not related to an insured. We do                itable, we will cover the necessary increase in cost
                                                                     you incur to maintain your standard of living for up to
     cover property of roomers, boarders and other
     residents related to an insured;                                12 months. Our payment is limited to incurred costs
                                                                     for the shortest of:
g.   property regularly rented or held for rental to oth-
     ers by an insured. This exclusion does not ap-                  a.   the time required to repair or replace the prem-
     ply to property of an insured in a sleeping room                     ises;
     rented to others by an insured;                                 b.   the time required for your household to settle
h.   property rented or held for rental to others away                    elsewhere; or
     from the residence premises;                                    c.   12 months.
i.   any radio devices or transmitters, global posi-                 This period of time is not limited by the expiration of
     tioning systems, radar or laser detectors, anten-               this policy. At no time will we pay more than the limit
     nas and all other similar equipment permanently                 of liability shown in the Declarations for Coverage C
     attached to an engine or motor-propelled vehi-                  – Loss of Use. Any normal expenses that are re-
     cle;                                                            duced or discontinued due to a Loss Insured will be
j.   books or records of accounts receivable, ab-                    subtracted from any amount owed.
     stracts or other journals, architectural or tech-
     nical drawings, card index systems or other                2.   Fair Rental Value. When a Loss Insured causes that
     records. This exclusion does not apply to any re-               part of the residence premises rented to others or
                                                                     held for rental by you to become uninhabitable, we
     cording or storage media for electronic data pro-
     cessing. We will cover the cost of blank books,                 will cover its fair rental value. Payment shall be for the
     cards or other blank material plus the cost of la-              shortest time required to repair or replace the part of
                                                                     the premises rented or held for rental, but not to ex-
     bor you incur for transcribing or copying such
     records;                                                        ceed 6 months. This period of time is not limited by
                                                                     expiration of this policy. Fair rental value shall not in-
k.   recording or storage media for electronic data                  clude any expense that does not continue while that
     processing that cannot be replaced with other of                part of the residence premises rented or held for
     like kind and quality on the current retail market;             rental is uninhabitable.
l.   purchased or created data, sound or video that             3.   Prohibited Use. We cover Additional Living Expense
     cannot be replaced with like kind and quality on                and Fair Rental Value, for a continuous period not to
     the current retail market which is transferred or               exceed two weeks, beginning when a civil authority
     downloaded onto mobile communication                            issues an order of evacuation or prohibits your use of
     equipment, global positioning systems or
                                                                     the residence premises, provided that:
     electronic devices used for the reproduction of
     video or sound;                                                 a.   direct physical damage occurs to any property,
m. contraband, or any property used in the course                         other than covered property located on the res-
   of illegal consumption, possession, import, ex-                        idence premises, arising from a cause of loss
   port or trade; or                                                      that would be a Loss Insured under this policy if
                                                                          the damage had occurred to property on the res-
n.   hardscape property.                                                  idence premises;

                                                            5                                                           FP-7963
b.   the residence premises is within one mile of                                  and prevents access to or from the
          property damaged by a cause of loss identified                                dwelling.
          in 3.a. above; and                                       2.   Temporary Repairs. If damage is caused by a Loss
     c.   the action of the civil authority is taken in re-             Insured, we will pay the reasonable and necessary
          sponse to:                                                    cost you incur for temporary repairs to covered prop-
          (1) dangerous physical conditions resulting                   erty to protect the property from further immediate
                                                                        damage or loss. This coverage does not increase the
              from the continuation of the cause of loss
              identified in 3.a. above;                                 limit applying to the property being repaired.

          (2) dangerous physical conditions resulting              3.   Property Removed. Covered property, while being
              from the damage caused by the cause of                    removed from a premises endangered by a Loss In-
              loss identified in 3.a. above; or                         sured, is covered for any accidental direct physical
                                                                        loss. This coverage also applies to the property for up
          (3) the need to gain free access to property
                                                                        to 30 days while removed. We will also pay for rea-
              damaged by the cause of loss identified in
              3.a. above.                                               sonable expenses incurred by you for the removal
                                                                        and return of the covered property. This coverage
     We do not cover loss or expense due to cancellation                does not increase the limit applying to the property
     of a lease or agreement.                                           being removed.
                                                                   4.   Credit Card, Bank Fund Transfer Card, Forgery
The following Additional Coverages are subject to all the               and Counterfeit Money.
terms, provisions, exclusions and conditions of this policy:
                                                                        a.   We will pay up to $1,000 for:
1.   Debris Removal. We will pay the reasonable ex-                          (1) the legal obligation of an insured to pay
     penses you incur in the removal of debris of covered
                                                                                 because of the theft or unauthorized use of
     property damaged by a Loss Insured. This expense                            credit cards and bank fund transfer cards
     is included in the limit applying to the damaged prop-                      issued to or registered in an insured’s
     erty. The following coverages and limits also apply:
                                                                                 name. If an insured has not complied with
     a.   When the amount payable for the property dam-                          all terms and conditions under which the
          age plus the debris removal exceeds the limit for                      cards are issued, we do not cover use by
          damaged property, an additional 5% of that limit                       an insured or anyone else;
          is available for debris removal expense.                           (2) loss to an insured caused by forgery or al-
     b.   We will also pay up to $1,000 in the aggregate                         teration of any check or negotiable instru-
          for each loss to cover the reasonable expenses                         ment; and
          you incur in the removal of tree debris from the                   (3) loss to an insured through acceptance in
          residence premises, unless otherwise excluded.                         good faith of counterfeit United States or
          This coverage applies when:                                            Canadian paper currency.
          (1) the tree has caused a Loss Insured to Cov-                     No deductible applies to this coverage.
              erage A property; or
                                                                             We will not pay more than the limit stated above
          (2) the tree debris felled by windstorm, hail, or                  for forgery or alteration committed by any one
              weight of snow or ice blocks:                                  person. This limit applies when the forgery or al-
               (a) the driveway, on the residence prem-                      teration involves one or more instruments in the
                   ises, and prevents land motor vehicle                     same loss.
                   access to or from the dwelling; or                   b.   We do not cover loss arising out of business
               (b) a ramp designed to assist the handi-                      pursuits or dishonesty of an insured.
                   capped, on the residence premises,                   c.   Defense:

                                                               6                                                        FP-7963
(1) We may make any investigation and settle                    We will also pay for the removal of that ash, dust or
              any claim or suit that we decide is appropri-               particulate matter which has caused direct physical
              ate. Our obligation to defend claims or suits               loss to a covered building or covered property con-
              ends when the amount we pay for the loss                    tained in a building.
              equals our limit of liability.
                                                                          One or more volcanic eruptions that occur within a
          (2) If claim is made or a suit is brought against               72-hour period shall be considered one volcanic
              an insured for liability under the Credit                   eruption.
              Card or Bank Fund Transfer Card cover-                      This coverage does not increase the limit applying to
              age, we will provide a defense. This de-                    the damaged property.
              fense is at our expense by counsel of our
              choice.                                                8.   Collapse. We insure only for direct physical loss to
                                                                          covered property involving the sudden, entire col-
          (3) We have the option to defend at our ex-
                                                                          lapse of a building or any part of a building.
              pense an insured or an insured’s bank
              against any suit for the enforcement of pay-                Collapse means actually fallen down or fallen into
              ment under the Forgery coverage.                            pieces. It does not include settling, cracking, shrink-
                                                                          ing, bulging, expansion, sagging or bowing.
5.   Refrigerated Products. We will pay up to $1,000 un-
     der Coverage B to cover the contents of deep freeze                  The collapse must be directly and immediately
     or refrigerated units on the residence premises for                  caused only by one or more of the following:
     loss due to power failure or mechanical failure. If me-              a.   perils described in SECTION I – LOSSES IN-
     chanical failure or power failure is known to you, all                    SURED, COVERAGE A – DWELLING AND
     reasonable means must be used to protect the prop-                        COVERAGE B – PERSONAL PROPERTY.
     erty insured from further damage or this coverage is                      These perils apply to covered building and per-
     void. Power failure or mechanical failure shall not in-                   sonal property for loss insured by this Addi-
     clude:                                                                    tional Coverage;

     a.   removal of a plug from an electrical outlet; or                 b.   weight of contents, equipment, animals or peo-
     b.   turning off an electrical switch unless caused by
                                                                          c.   weight of ice, snow, sleet or rain which collects
          a Loss Insured.                                                      on a roof, porch or deck; or
     This coverage does not increase the limit applying to                d.   use of defective material or methods in the con-
     the damaged property.                                                     struction (includes remodeling or renovation)
6.   Arson Reward. We will pay $1,000 for information                          of the building, if the collapse occurs during
     which leads to an arson conviction in connection with                     the course of the construction of the building.
     a fire loss to property covered by this policy. This cov-            Loss to an awning, fence, patio, pavement, swimming
     erage may increase the limit otherwise applicable.                   pool, underground pipe, flue, drain, cesspool, septic
     However, the $1,000 limit shall not be increased re-                 tank, foundation, retaining wall, bulkhead, pier, wharf,
     gardless of the number of persons providing infor-                   dock, trellis or antenna or its supporting structure is
     mation.                                                              not included under items b., c., and d. unless the loss
7.   Volcanic Action. We cover direct physical loss to a                  is the direct and immediate cause of the collapse of
     covered building or covered property contained in a                  the building.
     building resulting from the eruption of a volcano when               This coverage does not increase the limit applying to
     the loss is directly and immediately caused by:                      the damaged property.
     a.   volcanic blast or airborne shock waves;                    9.   Locks. We will pay up to $1,000 to re-key locks on
     b.   ash, dust or particulate matter; or                             exterior doors of the dwelling located on the resi-
                                                                          dence premises, when the keys to those locks are a
     c.   lava flow.                                                      part of a covered theft loss.

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No deductible applies to this coverage.                            This coverage does not increase the limit applying to
10. Tear Out. If a Loss Insured to Coverage A property                  the damaged property.
    is caused by water or steam escaping from a system             INFLATION COVERAGE
    or appliance, we will also pay the reasonable cost
    you incur to tear out and replace only that particular         The limits of liability shown in the Declarations for Cover-
    part of the building owned by you necessary to gain            age A and Coverage B will be increased at the same rate
    access to the specific point of that system or appli-          as the increase in the Inflation Coverage Index shown in
    ance from which the water or steam escaped. We                 the Declarations.
    will not cover the cost of repairing or replacing the
    system or appliance itself. This coverage does not             To find the limits on a given date:
    increase the limit applying to Coverage A property.            1.   divide the Index on that date by the Index as of the
11. Subsurface Water. We will pay for accidental direct                 effective date of this Inflation Coverage provision;
    physical loss to Coverage A property as a result of                 then
    abrupt and accidental breakage or rupture of a water           2.   multiply the resulting factor by the limits of liability for
    supply line or domestic pipe. Coverage applies only
                                                                        Coverage A and Coverage B separately.
    if the water supply line or domestic pipe is located in
    or just beneath the concrete slab, and if below the            The limits of liability will not be reduced to less than the
    slab, must be located in fill, stone, or sand substrate.       amounts shown in the Declarations.
    We will not pay for:
                                                                   If during the term of this policy the Coverage A limit of lia-
     a.   the cost of repairing or replacing the water sup-        bility is changed at your request, the effective date of this
          ply line or domestic pipe; or                            Inflation Coverage provision is changed to coincide with
     b.   the cost of repairing or replacing the slab.             the effective date of such change.

                                     SECTION I — LOSSES INSURED
COVERAGE A – DWELLING AND COVERAGE B –                                  This peril includes loss to watercraft of all types and
PERSONAL PROPERTY                                                       their trailers, furnishings, equipment, and outboard
                                                                        motors, only while inside a fully enclosed building.
We insure for accidental direct physical loss to property
described in Coverage A and Coverage B caused by the               3.   Explosion.
following perils, except as provided in SECTION I –                4.   Riot or civil commotion.
LOSSES NOT INSURED:                                                5.   Aircraft, including self-propelled missiles and space-
1.   Fire or lightning.                                                 craft.
2.   Windstorm or hail. This peril does not include loss           6.   Vehicles, meaning impact by a vehicle. This peril
     to the interior of a building or the property contained            does not include loss caused by a vehicle owned or
     in a building caused by rain, snow, sleet, sand or                 operated by a resident of the residence premises.
     dust. This limitation does not apply when the direct
                                                                   7.   Smoke, meaning sudden and accidental damage
     force of wind or hail damages the building causing an
     opening in a roof or wall and the rain, snow, sleet,               from smoke.
     sand or dust enters through this opening.                          This peril does not include loss caused by smoke
     This peril does not include loss to outdoor antennas               from agricultural smudging or industrial operations.
     caused directly or indirectly by ice (other than hail),       8.   Vandalism or malicious mischief, meaning only
     snow or sleet, all whether driven by wind or not.                  willful and malicious damage to or destruction of

                                                               8                                                             FP-7963
property. This peril does not include loss if the dwell-                 (1) property while at any other residence
     ing has been vacant for more than 30 consecutive                             owned, rented to, or occupied by an in-
     days immediately before the loss. A dwelling being                           sured, except while an insured is tempo-
     constructed is not considered vacant.                                        rarily residing there. Property of a student
                                                                                  who is an insured is covered while at a res-
9.   Theft, including attempted theft and loss of property
     from a known location when it is probable that the                           idence away from home;
     property has been stolen.                                                (2) watercraft of all types, including their fur-
     This peril does not include:                                                 nishings, equipment and outboard motors;
     a.   loss of a precious or semi-precious stone from
          its setting;                                                        (3) trailers and campers designed to be pulled
                                                                                  by or carried on a vehicle.
     b.   loss caused by theft:
                                                                              If the residence premises is a newly acquired
          (1) committed by an insured or by any other                         principal residence, property in the immediate
              person regularly residing on the insured                        past principal residence shall not be considered
              location. Property of a student who is an                       property away from the residence premises for
              insured is covered while located at a resi-                     the first 30 days after the inception of this policy.
              dence away from home, if the theft is com-            10. Falling objects. This peril does not include loss to
              mitted by a person who is not an insured;                 the interior of a building or the property contained in
          (2) in or to a dwelling under construction or of              a building unless the roof or an exterior wall of the
              materials and supplies for use in the con-                building is first damaged by a falling object. Damage
              struction until the dwelling is completed and             to the falling object itself is not included.
              occupied; or                                          11. Weight of ice, snow or sleet which causes damage
                                                                        to a building or the property contained in a building.
          (3) from the part of a residence premises
              rented to others:                                         This peril does not include loss to a swimming pool,
                                                                        hot tub or spa, including their filtration and circulation
               (a) caused by a tenant, members of the                   systems, fence, pavement, patio, foundation, retain-
                   tenant’s household, or the tenant’s                  ing wall, bulkhead, pier, wharf, outdoor antenna or
                   employees;                                           dock.
               (b) of money, bank notes, bullion, gold,             12. Sudden and accidental discharge or overflow of
                   goldware, silver, silverware, pewter-                water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air
                   ware, platinum, coins and medals;                    conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler sys-
                                                                        tem, or from within a household appliance.
               (c) of securities, checks, cashier’s checks,
                                                                         This peril does not include loss:
                   traveler’s checks, money orders, gift cer-
                   tificates, gift cards, rechargeable debit             a.   to the system or appliance from which the water
                   cards, phone cards and other negotiable                    or steam escaped;
                   instruments, accounts, deeds, evi-                    b.   caused by or resulting from freezing, except as
                   dences of debt, letters of credit, notes                   specifically provided in SECTION I – LOSSES
                   other than bank notes, manuscripts,                        INSURED, Freezing;
                   passports and tickets; or                             c.   caused by or resulting from water or sewage from
               (d) of jewelry, watches, fur garments and                      outside the residence premises plumbing sys-
                   garments trimmed with fur, precious                        tem that enters through sewers or drains, or wa-
                                                                              ter which enters into and overflows from within a
                   and semi-precious stones;
                                                                              sump pump, sump pump well or any other sys-
     c.   loss caused by theft that occurs away from the                      tem designed to remove subsurface water
          residence premises of:                                              which is drained from the foundation area;
                                                                9                                                           FP-7963
d.   caused by or resulting from continuous or re-                  This peril does not include loss to a swimming pool,
          peated seepage or leakage of water or steam                    hot tub or spa, including their filtration and circulation
          which occurs over a period of time and results                 systems.
          in deterioration, corrosion, rust, or wet or dry               This peril does not include loss on the residence
          rot; or
                                                                         premises while the dwelling is vacant, unoccupied or
     e.   if the dwelling has been vacant for more than 30               being constructed, unless you have used reasonable
          consecutive days immediately before the loss. A                care to:
          dwelling being constructed is not considered va-               a.   maintain heat in the building; or
                                                                         b.   shut off the water supply and drain the system
13. Sudden and accidental tearing asunder, cracking,
                                                                              and appliances of water.
    burning or bulging of a steam or hot water heating
    system, an air conditioning or automatic fire protec-            15. Breakage of glass, meaning damage to property
    tive sprinkler system, or an appliance for heating wa-               caused by breakage of glass which is a part of a
    ter.                                                                 building on the residence premises. There is no
                                                                         coverage for loss or damage to the glass.
     This peril does not include loss:
                                                                         This peril does not include loss if the dwelling has
     a.   caused by or resulting from freezing, except as                been vacant for more than 30 consecutive days im-
          specifically provided in SECTION I – LOSSES                    mediately before the loss. A dwelling being con-
          INSURED, Freezing; or                                          structed is not considered vacant.
     b.   caused by or resulting from continuous or re-              16. Wild Bear or Deer, meaning damage to the interior
          peated seepage or leakage of water or steam                    of the dwelling on the residence premises and prop-
          which occurs over a period of time and results in              erty contained in that dwelling caused by the actions
          deterioration, corrosion, rust, or wet or dry rot.             of a wild bear or deer.
14. Freezing of a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or                 This includes damage to the entryway or window the
    automatic fire protective sprinkler system, or of a                  wild bear or deer used to gain access to the interior
    household appliance.                                                 of the dwelling.

                                  SECTION I — LOSSES NOT INSURED
1.   We do not insure under any coverage for any loss                    b.   Earth Movement, meaning the sinking, rising,
     which would not have occurred in the absence of one                      shifting, expanding, or contracting of earth, all
     or more of the following excluded events. We do not                      regardless of whether combined with water.
     insure for such loss regardless of: (a) the cause of the                 Earth movement includes but is not limited to:
     excluded event; or (b) other causes of the loss; or (c)
     whether other causes acted concurrently or in any se-                    (1) earthquake;
     quence with the excluded event to produce the loss; or
                                                                              (2) landslide, mudslide, or mudflow;
     (d) whether the event occurs suddenly or gradually, in-
     volves isolated or widespread damage, arises from                        (3) sinkhole or subsidence;
     natural or external forces, or occurs as a result of any
     combination of these:                                                    (4) erosion;

     a.   Ordinance or Law, meaning enforcement of                            (5) movement resulting from:
          any ordinance or law regulating the construc-                            (a) improper compaction;
          tion, repair or demolition of a building or other
          structure.                                                               (b) site selection;
                                                                10                                                          FP-7963
(c) natural resource extraction activities                    specifically provided in SECTION I – ADDI-
              occurring on or off the residence                         TIONAL COVERAGES, Subsurface Wa-
              premises; or                                              ter; or
          (d) any other external forces;                           (4) material carried or otherwise moved by any
     (6) pressure by surface or subsurface earth or                    of the water, as described in paragraphs (1)
         fill;                                                         through (3) above.

     (7) excavation collapse occurring on or off the               However, we do insure for any direct loss by fire,
         residence premises;                                       explosion or theft resulting from water, provided
                                                                   the resulting loss is itself a Loss Insured.
     (8) any volcanic activity, except as specifically
         provided in SECTION I – ADDITIONAL                   d.   Neglect, meaning neglect of the insured to use
                                                                   all reasonable means to save and preserve
         COVERAGES, Volcanic Action.
                                                                   property at and after the time of a loss, or when
     However, we do insure for any direct loss by fire             property is endangered.
     resulting from earth movement, provided the re-
     sulting fire loss is itself a Loss Insured.              e.   War, including any undeclared war, civil war, in-
                                                                   surrection, rebellion, revolution, warlike act by a
c.   Water, meaning:                                               military force or military personnel, destruction
     (1) flood, surface water, waves (including tidal              or seizure or use for a military purpose, and in-
         wave, tsunami, and seiche), tides, tidal wa-              cluding any consequence of any of these. Dis-
         ter, overflow of any body of water, or spray              charge of a nuclear weapon shall be deemed a
         or surge from any of these, all whether                   warlike act even if accidental.
         driven by wind or not.
                                                              f.   Nuclear Hazard, meaning any nuclear reaction,
          This includes any release, overflow, es-                 radiation, or radioactive contamination, all
          cape, or rising of any body of water, or any
                                                                   whether controlled or uncontrolled or however
          water held, contained, controlled, or di-
          verted by a dam, levee, dike, or any type of             caused, or any consequence of any of these.
          water containment, diversion, or flood con-              Loss caused by the nuclear hazard shall not be
          trol device.                                             considered loss caused by fire, explosion or
          Surface water does not include water solely
          caused by the release of water from a                    However, we do insure for any direct loss by fire
          swimming pool, spigot, sprinkler system,                 resulting from the nuclear hazard, provided the
          hose, or hydrant;                                        resulting fire loss is itself a Loss Insured.
     (2) water or sewage from outside the resi-               g.   Fungus. We also do not cover:
         dence premises plumbing system that en-                   (1) any loss of use or delay in rebuilding, re-
         ters through sewers or drains, or water that                  pairing or replacing covered property, in-
         enters into and overflows from within a                       cluding any associated cost or expense,
         sump pump, sump pump well, or any other                       due to interference at the residence prem-
         system designed to remove subsurface                          ises or location of the rebuilding, repair or
         water that is drained from the foundation                     replacement, by fungus;
                                                                   (2) any remediation of fungus, including the
     (3) water below the surface of the ground,                        cost to:
         including water that exerts pressure on,
         or seeps or leaks through a building,                          (a) remove the fungus from covered
         sidewalk, driveway, foundation, swim-                              property or to repair, restore, or re-
         ming pool, or other structure, except as                           place that property; or

                                                         11                                                    FP-7963
(b) tear out and replace any part of the               more of the following: (a) directly or indirectly cause,
                   building or other property as needed               contribute to or aggravate the loss; or (b) occur be-
                   to gain access to the fungus; or                   fore, at the same time, or after the loss or any other
          (3) the cost of any testing or monitoring of air            cause of the loss:
              or property to confirm the type, absence,               a.   conduct, act, failure to act, or decision of any
              presence or level of fungus, whether per-                    person, group, organization or governmental
              formed prior to, during or after removal, re-                body whether intentional, wrongful, negligent, or
              pair, restoration or replacement of covered                  without fault;
              property.                                               b.   defect, weakness, inadequacy, fault or un-
          However, the presence of fungus on covered                       soundness in:
          property does not negate coverage for that part                  (1) planning, zoning, development, surveying,
          of the covered property otherwise damaged by
          a covered loss under Section I of this policy.
                                                                           (2) design, specifications, workmanship, con-
     h.   Intentional Losses. If any insured intentionally
                                                                               struction, grading, compaction;
          causes or procures a loss to property covered
          under this policy, we will not pay any insured for               (3) materials used in construction or repair; or
          this loss. This applies regardless of whether the                (4) maintenance;
          insured is charged with or convicted of a crime.
                                                                           of any property (including land, structures, or im-
          This does not apply to an insured who did not                    provements of any kind) whether on or off the
          participate in, cooperate in, or contribute to caus-             residence premises; or
          ing or procuring the loss.
                                                                      c.   weather conditions.
2.   We do not insure under any coverage for any loss
     consisting of one or more of the items below. Further,           However, we do insure for any resulting loss from
     we do not insure for loss described in paragraph 1.              items a., b. and c. provided the resulting loss is itself
     immediately above regardless of whether one or                   a Loss Insured.

                                     SECTION I — LOSS SETTLEMENT
We will settle covered property losses according to the fol-               used by the building trades in standard new con-
lowing.                                                                    struction. We will not pay the cost to repair or
                                                                           replace obsolete, antique or custom construc-
                                                                           tion with like kind and quality;
Replacement Cost Loss Settlement – Common
                                                                      b.   until actual repair or replacement is completed,
                                                                           we will pay only the actual cash value at the time
1.   We will pay the cost to repair or replace with common                 of the loss of the damaged part of the property,
     construction and for the same use on the premises                     up to the applicable limit of liability shown in the
     shown in the Declarations, the damaged part of the                    Declarations, not to exceed the cost to repair or
     property covered under SECTION I – COVERAGES,                         replace the damaged part of the property as de-
     COVERAGE A – DWELLING, except for wood                                scribed in 1.a. above;
     fences, or damage to roof surfaces caused by wind-
     storm or hail, subject to the following:                         c.   when the repair or replacement is actually com-
                                                                           pleted as described in 1.a. above, we will pay
     a.   we will pay only for repair or replacement of the                the covered additional amount you actually and
          damaged part of the property with common con-                    necessarily spend to repair or replace the dam-
          struction techniques and materials commonly                      aged part of the property, or an amount up to the

                                                                 12                                                     FP-7963
applicable limit of liability shown in the Declara-          COVERAGE B – PERSONAL PROPERTY
          tions, whichever is less;
                                                                       Depreciated Loss Settlement.
     d.   to receive any additional payments on a replace-
                                                                       1.   We will pay the actual cash value of the damaged part
          ment cost basis, you must complete the actual                     of the property at the time of loss for property covered
          repair or replacement of the damaged part of the                  under SECTION I – COVERAGES, COVERAGE B –
          property within two years after the date of loss,                 PERSONAL PROPERTY, except for property listed
          and give prompt notice to us after the work has                   in item 2. below.
          been completed; and
                                                                       2.   We will pay market value at the time of loss for:
     e.   we will not pay for increased costs resulting from                a.   antiques, fine arts, paintings, statuary and simi-
          enforcement of any ordinance or law regulating                         lar articles which by their inherent nature cannot
          the construction, repair or demolition of a build-                     be replaced with new articles;
          ing or other structure.
                                                                            b.   articles whose age or history contribute substan-
2.   Wood Fences: We will pay the actual cash value at                           tially to their value including, but not limited to,
     the time of loss for loss or damage to wood fences,                         memorabilia, souvenirs and collectors items;
     not to exceed the limit of liability shown in the Decla-                    and
     rations for COVERAGE A – DWELLING EXTEN-                               c.   property not useful for its intended purpose.
     SION.                                                                  However, we will not pay an amount exceeding the
3.   Damage to Roof Surfaces caused by Windstorm or                         smallest of the following for items 1. and 2. above:
     Hail: We will pay the actual cash value at the time of                 a.   our cost to replace at the time of loss;
     loss for loss or damage to roof surfaces caused by
                                                                            b.   the full cost of repair;
     windstorm or hail, up to the applicable limit of liability
     shown in the Declarations, not to exceed the cost to                   c.   any special limit of liability described in the policy; or
     repair or replace the damaged roof.                                    d.   any applicable Coverage B limit of liability.

                                           SECTION I — CONDITIONS
1.   Insurable Interest and Limit of Liability. Even if                     a.   give prompt notice to us or our agent. Also notify
     more than one person has an insurable interest in the                       the police if the loss is caused by theft. Also no-
     property covered, we shall not be liable:                                   tify the credit card company or bank if the loss
     a.   to the insured for an amount greater than the                          involves a credit card or bank fund transfer card;
          insured’s interest; or                                            b.   protect the property from further damage or loss,
     b.   for more than the applicable limit of liability.                       make reasonable and necessary temporary re-
                                                                                 pairs required to protect the property, keep an
     Fire Insurance: Total Loss Of Real Property. A fire                         accurate record of repair expenditures;
     insurance policy, in case of a total loss by fire of prop-
     erty insured, shall be held and considered to be a liq-                c.   prepare an inventory of damaged or stolen per-
     uidated demand against the company for the full                             sonal property. Show in detail the quantity, de-
     amount of such policy. This subsection does not ap-                         scription, age, replacement cost and amount of
     ply to personal property.                                                   loss. Attach to the inventory all bills, receipts and
                                                                                 related documents that substantiate the figures
2.   Your Duties After Loss. After a loss to which this                          in the inventory;
     insurance may apply, you shall see that the following
     duties are performed:                                                  d.   as often as we reasonably require:
                                                                  13                                                               FP-7963
(1) exhibit the damaged property;                                    filing the claim within this time period, subject to
     (2) provide us with records and documents we                         the following conditions:
         request and permit us to make copies;
                                                                          (1) For the purpose of this provision, good
     (3) submit to and subscribe, while not in the                            cause means: objective facts beyond your
         presence of any other insured:
                                                                              control that reasonably caused you to fail
          (a) statements; and                                                 to file a claim under the policy within the
          (b) examinations under oath. A parent or                            one-year claim-filing deadline;
              legal guardian may be present when
                                                                          (2) If good cause is shown, we may extend the
              the insured being examined under
              oath is a minor; and                                            one-year claim-filing period. The extension
                                                                              is limited to the claim for which it is granted;
     (4) produce employees, members of the in-
         sured’s household or others for examination
         under oath to the extent it is within the in-                    (3) A request for an extension must:
         sured’s power to do so; and
                                                                               (a) be submitted to us in writing;
e.   submit to us, within 91 days after our request,
     your signed, sworn proof of loss which sets forth,                        (b) describe the good cause that caused
                                                                                   you to miss the one-year claim-filing
     to the best of your knowledge and belief:
                                                                                   deadline; and
     (1) the time and cause of loss;
                                                                               (c) be signed by you or your legal repre-
     (2) interest of the insured and all others in the                             sentative.
         property involved and all encumbrances
                                                                3.   Loss to a Pair or Set. In case of loss to a pair or set,
         on the property;
                                                                     we may elect to:
     (3) other insurance which may cover the loss;
                                                                     a.   repair or replace any part to restore the pair or
     (4) changes in title or occupancy of the prop-                       set to its value before the loss; or
         erty during the term of this policy;
                                                                     b.   pay the difference between the depreciated
     (5) specifications of any damaged building and                       value of the property before and after the loss.
         detailed estimates for repair of the damage;
                                                                4.   Appraisal. If you and we fail to agree on the amount
     (6) an inventory of damaged or stolen personal                  of loss, either party can demand that the amount of
         property described in 2.c.;                                 the loss be set by appraisal. Only you or we may de-
     (7) receipts for additional living expenses in-                 mand appraisal. A demand for appraisal must be in
         curred and records supporting the fair                      writing. You must comply with Your Duties After
         rental value loss; and                                      Loss before making a demand for appraisal. At least
                                                                     10 days before demanding appraisal, the party seek-
     (8) evidence or affidavit supporting a claim un-
                                                                     ing appraisal must provide the other party with writ-
         der the Credit Card, Bank Fund Transfer                     ten, itemized documentation of a specific dispute as
         Card, Forgery and Counterfeit Money cov-                    to the amount of the loss, identifying separately each
         erage, stating the amount and cause of
                                                                     item being disputed.
                                                                     a.   Each party will select a competent, disinter-
f.   you must file a claim with us not later than one                     ested appraiser and notify the other party of the
     year after the date of the loss that is the subject                  appraiser’s identity within 20 days of receipt of
     of the claim unless you show good cause for not                      the written demand for appraisal.

                                                           14                                                          FP-7963
b.   The appraisers shall then attempt to set the                       be licensed or certified as required by the appli-
     amount of the loss of each item in dispute as                      cable jurisdiction:
     specified by each party, and jointly submit to                     (1) an engineer or architect with experience
     each party a written report of agreement signed                        and training in building construction, repair,
     by them. In all instances the written report of                        estimating, or investigation of the type of
     agreement shall be itemized and state sepa-                            property damage in dispute;
     rately the actual cash value, replacement cost,
     and if applicable, the market value of each item                   (2) an adjuster or public adjuster with experi-
     in dispute.                                                            ence and training in estimating the type of
                                                                            property damage in dispute; or
     The written report of agreement shall set the
     amount of the loss of each item in dispute and                     (3) a contractor with experience and training in
     shall be binding upon you and us.                                      the construction, repair, and estimating of
                                                                            the type of property damage in dispute.
c.   If the two appraisers fail to agree upon the
     amount of the loss within 30 days, unless the                 e.   A person shall not serve as an appraiser or um-
     period of time is extended by mutual agreement,                    pire if that person, any employee of that person,
     they shall select a competent, disinterested um-                   that person’s employer, or any employee of their
     pire and shall submit their differences to the um-                 employer:
     pire. If the appraisers are unable to agree upon                   (1) has performed services for either party with
     an umpire within 15 days:                                              respect to the claim at issue in the ap-
     (1) you or we may make a written application                           praisal; or
         for a judge of a court of record in the same                   (2) has a financial interest in the outcome of
         state and county (or city if the city is not                       the claim at issue in the appraisal.
         within a county) where the residence
         premises is located to select an umpire;                  f.   Each party shall be responsible for the compen-
                                                                        sation of their selected appraiser. Reasonable
     (2) the party requesting the selection described                   expenses of the appraisal and the reasonable
         in item c.(1) must provide the other party:                    compensation of the umpire shall be paid
          (i)   written notice of the intent to file, iden-             equally by you and us.
                tifying the specific location and identity         g.   You and we do not waive any rights by demand-
                of the court, at least 10 days prior to                 ing or submitting to an appraisal, and retain all
                submission of the written application;
                                                                        contractual rights to determine if coverage ap-
                                                                        plies to each item in dispute.
          (ii) a copy of the written application; and
                                                                   h.   Appraisal is only available to determine the
     (3) a written report of agreement, as required                     amount of the loss of each item in dispute. The
         in item b., signed by any two (appraisers or                   appraisers and the umpire have no authority to
         appraiser and umpire) shall set the amount
         of the loss of each item in dispute and shall
         be binding upon you and us. In all in-                         (1) any other questions of fact;
         stances the written report of agreement shall
                                                                        (2) questions of law;
         be itemized and state separately the actual
         cash value, replacement cost, and if appli-                    (3) questions of coverage;
         cable, the market value of each item in dis-
         pute.                                                          (4) other contractual issues; or

d.   To qualify as an appraiser or umpire for a loss to                 (5) to conduct appraisal on a class-wide basis.
     property described in COVERAGE A – DWELL-                     i.   Appraisal is a non-judicial proceeding and does
     ING, a person must be one of the following and                     not provide for or require arbitration. Neither

                                                              15                                                   FP-7963
party will be awarded attorney fees. The ap-                b.   We will pay for any covered loss of or damage
          praisal award shall not be entered as a judgment                 to buildings or structures to the mortgagee
          in a court.                                                      shown in the Declarations as interests appear.
     j.   A party may not demand appraisal after that                 c.   The mortgagee has the right to receive loss
          party brings suit or action against the other party              payment even if the mortgagee has started
          relating to the amount of loss.                                  foreclosure or similar action on the building or
5.   Other Insurance. If a loss covered by this policy is
     also covered by other insurance, we will pay only our            d.   If we deny your claim because of your acts or
     share of the loss. Our share is the proportion of the                 because you have failed to comply with the
     loss that the applicable limit under this policy bears to             terms of this policy, the mortgagee has the right
     the total amount of insurance covering the loss.                      to receive loss payment if the mortgagee:
6.   Suit Against Us. No suit or action can be brought                     (1) at our request, pays any premiums due
     unless:                                                                   under this policy, if you have failed to do
     a.   there has been compliance with the policy pro-
          visions; and                                                     (2) submits a signed, sworn statement of loss
                                                                               within 91 days after receiving notice from
     b.   except as provided in item c. below, suit or ac-
          tion brought against us is started within two                        us of your failure to do so; and
          years and one day after the cause of action ac-                  (3) has notified us of any change in ownership,
          crues;                                                               occupancy or substantial change in risk
     c.   with respect to a loss caused by windstorm or                        known to the mortgagee.
          hail in the catastrophe area as defined under                    All of the terms of this policy will then apply di-
          Texas law, suit or action brought against us is                  rectly to the mortgagee.
          started within the earlier of:
                                                                           Failure of the mortgagee to comply with d.(1),
          (1) two years from the date we accept or reject                  d.(2) or d.(3) above shall void this policy as to
              the claim; or                                                the interest of the mortgagee.
          (2) three years from the date of the loss that is           e.   If we pay the mortgagee for any loss or damage
              the subject of the claim.                                    and deny payment to you because of your acts
7.   Our Option. We may repair or replace any part of the                  or because you have failed to comply with the
     property damaged or stolen with similar property. Any                 terms of this policy:
     property we pay for or replace becomes our property.                  (1) the mortgagee’s rights under the mortgage
8.   Loss Payment. We will adjust all losses with you. We                      will be transferred to us to the extent of the
     will pay you unless some other person is named in                         amount we pay; and
     the policy or is legally entitled to receive payment.                 (2) the mortgagee’s right to recover the full
     If we notify you that we will pay your claim, or part of                  amount of the mortgagee’s claim will not be
     your claim, we must pay within 5 business days after                      impaired.
     we notify you. If payment of your claim or part of your               At our option, we may pay to the mortgagee the
     claim requires the performance of an act by you, we
                                                                           whole principal on the mortgage plus any ac-
     must pay within 5 business days after the date you
     perform the act.                                                      crued interest. In this event, your mortgage and
                                                                           note will be transferred to us and you will pay
9.   Abandonment of Property. We need not accept any                       your remaining mortgage debt to us.
     property abandoned by an insured.
                                                                      f.   If this policy is cancelled, we will give the mort-
10. Mortgage Clause (without contribution).                                gagee specifically named in the Declarations
     a.   The word “mortgagee” includes trustee.                           written notice of cancellation.

                                                                 16                                                    FP-7963
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