Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries

Page created by Kevin Richards
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries

                R. Owen Williams
                inaugurated as
                25th president
                Commencement sees
                record 263 graduates
                Henry Clay event
                draws luminaries
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Left, enjoying a chat at the celebration
                                                          luncheon are, from left, Ellen Bebb,
                                                          Finbarr Saunders ’66, President R.
                                                          Owen Williams, Glen Bagby ’66, and
                                                          Terri Bagby.

                                                          Below left, Suzanne Romano Keen ’71,
                                                          left, and Jan Schick Roby ’71 attend
                                                          the celebration luncheon.

                                    Approximately 600 alumni and guests were in Lexington April 28-May 1
                                    for Alumni Weekend 2011. For a wrap-up of President R. Owen
                                    Williams’s first address to the alumni, plus more stories and photos,
                                    see coverage beginning on page 25. Photos by Joseph Rey Au.

Near right, shown at the class
of 1961 reunion at the home
of Bill ’61 and Anne Arvin are,
from left, Volindah Johnson
Costabell ’61, Bill Stroker ’60,
Tom Marshall ’61, Stan Rullman
’61, and Jim Stephens ’60.

Far right, Michael and Barbara
Oney Garvey ’71 enjoy the
celebration luncheon.

Below, pictured at their class
of 1991 reunion reception are
Chris Watkins, left, and James

                                   Enjoying the
                                   reunion reception
                                   are, from left,
                                   Annette Souder
                                   Rizzo ’91, Melissa
                                   Young ’91, and Lisa
                                   Meek Mallory ’88.
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Transylvania                                                        UNIVERSITY                               MAGAZINE

                                                       14 A PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION / R. Owen Williams installed
                                                          as 25th president of Transylvania in ceremony on Old Morrison steps
                                                       22 RECORD-BREAKING GRADUATION / Commencement 2011
                                                          showcases 263 seniors in Transylvania’s largest graduation in history
                                                       25 SWEET HOME TRANSYLVANIA / Alumni return to their alma
                                                          mater for four days of remembering and celebrating their Transylvania

                                                       Around Campus
                                                       2    Henry Clay tribute draws political luminaries
                                                       4    McEuen authors Making War, Making Women
                                                       5    John Marshall Harlan Lecture Series created
                                                       6    Canadian Brass to perform at Smith Concert

                                                       9 Transylvania will add lacrosse in 2012
                                                       9 Pioneers win HCAC Commissioner’s Cup
                                                       12 Men’s basketball will play the
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear presents
President R. Owen Williams with a certificate             University of Kentucky in Rupp Arena
making him a member of the Honorable Order
of Kentucky Colonels. Beshear was among the
seven official greeters who brought good wishes
                                                       Alumni News and Notes
on behalf of their constituencies to Williams          28   Class Notes
upon his inauguration as Transylvania’s 25th           29   Alumna in Japan writes of earthquake
president. See story on page 14.
Photo by Joseph Rey Au                                 32   Marriages, Births, Obituaries
                                                       34   Distinguished Service Awards
                                                       35   Distinguished Achievement Awards

Associate Vice President of Communications
and Public Relations: Sarah A. Emmons
Director of Publications: Martha S. Baker
Publications Writer/Editor: William A. Bowden                                             On the cover:
Editorial Assistant: Tyler Young                                                          R. Owen Williams was installed as the
Publications Designer: Barbara Grinnell                                                   25th president of Transylvania University
                                                                                          in an impressive and colorful ceremony
Transylvania is published three times a year. Volume                                      from the steps of Old Morrison on April 29.
28, No. 3, Summer 2011. Produced by the Office of                                         See story on page 14.
Publications, Transylvania University, Lexington, KY
40508-1797. Send address changes and alumni news                                          Photos by Joseph Rey Au
to Alumni Office, Transylvania University, 300 North
Broadway, Lexington, KY 40508-1797, fax to (859)
233-8797, or e-mail to
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Present and former House Speakers honor Henry Clay                                                             You have to keep this in mind.”
                                                                                                                  At the conclusion of the pre-
with discussion on history, role of Speaker of the House                                                       sentations, Richard Decamp,
                                                                                                               chairman of the Henry Clay
   Current Speaker of the            university’s seminal law depart-      the political life of the country   Memorial Foundation, awarded
United States House of Repre-        ment as a professor in 1805 and       and under different presidents.     Boehner, Pelosi, and Hastert the
sentatives John Boehner,             was elected a trustee in 1807.           Pointing to Clay’s enormous      Henry Clay Medallion in recog-
R-Ohio, joined with                                Although Clay left      influence on the national politi-   nition of their life’s work that
former Speaker and                              Kentucky to become         cal scene from the 1820s to the     reflects Henry Clay’s ideals.
current House Demo- “Henry Clay                 nationally prominent       late 1840s when forces were at         The event was sponsored by
cratic Leader Nancy       was committed as a statesman, he                 work that eventually led to civil   the Henry Clay Memorial Foun-
Pelosi, D-Calif., and                           maintained a home in       war, Boehner said, “No one per-     dation and the Henry Clay Cen-
                          to education.                                    son in the United States was
former Speaker,                                 Lexington at beautiful                                         ter for Statesmanship. Among
Republican Dennis         Just think how        Ashland and always         more responsible for holding        the audience members were
Hastert from Illinois,    proud he would kept Transylvania in his          the Union together during that      51 college students from all
in a moderated dis-                             thoughts, remaining a      time than Henry Clay. He has        50 states and the District of
cussion on the history
                          be to see             trustee and friend of      been a role model for me.”          Columbia who were in Lexing-
and nature of the         Transylvania          the university until his      Pelosi noted that Clay was       ton to attend the Henry Clay
Speaker position that     University as it death in 1852.                  a bridge from the nation’s          Center for Statesmanship’s
drew a capacity audi-                              “Henry Clay was         founders, such as James             fourth annual Student Congress
ence to Transylvania      is today.”            committed to educa-        Madison, to Abraham Lincoln         at Transylvania and the
University’s Haggin                             tion,” Pelosi noted.       in his early political career. He   University of Kentucky.
Auditorium Friday, June 24.          “Just think how proud he              also benefitted from the peo-
   The forum, titled “The Role       would be to see Transylvania          ple’s aversion to too much
                                                                                                               KET special airdates
of the Speaker of the House: A       University as it is today.”           presidential power.
Tribute to Henry Clay,” was the         “This evening’s forum was a           “Clay was able to build up          Kentucky Educational
culminating event in Lexington’s     penetrating and enlightening          not only the Speaker’s role, but    Television will air a special on
first Henry Clay Week and was        look at the importance of the         a strong legislative establish-     “The Role of the Speaker of
an observance of the 200th           Speaker’s role in the House of        ment overall because Americans      the House: A Tribute to Henry
anniversary of Clay becoming         Representatives and how much          at that time feared a strong        Clay,” produced by Michael
Speaker of the House in 1811.        we owe to Henry Clay for being        executive,” she said. “They did     Breeding Media, on these dates
Historians have said it was Clay,    the first to realize how influen-     not want a king.”                   (all times EDT):
Kentucky’s leading politician in     tial this key position could             All of the panelists touched     Tuesday, August 16, 9 p.m.
the early 1800s, who made the        become,” said Transylvania            on the delicate balancing act           (KET)
Speakership the powerful posi-       President R. Owen Williams.           that a House Speaker must cre-      Wednesday, August 17, 11 a.m.
tion it is today.                       In a discussion that was           ate between the interests of his        (KETKY)
                                                                                                               Thursday, August 18, 11 p.m.
   In his introductory remarks       moderated by CNBC Chief               or her own party and the overall
to the evening, Robert Clay, co-     Washington Correspondent              interests of the House.
                                                                                                               Friday, August 19, 4 a.m. (KET),
chair of the Henry Clay Center       John Harwood, each of the                “As Speaker, you represent           8 p.m. (KETKY)
for Statesmanship, pointed out       panelists paid tribute to the         and lead your party, but you        Saturday, August 20, 9 a.m.
the close relationship that Tran-    legacy of Clay and discussed his      are also Speaker for the entire         (KETKY)
sylvania enjoyed with Clay in its    or her experiences as Speaker         House,” Hastert said. “The issue    Sunday, August 21, 7 p.m.
formative years. Clay joined the     during sharply differing eras of      of fairness is an overriding one.       (KETKY), 9 p.m. (KET2)

                                                                                                                                                  Helena Hau

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner (second from left) makes a point during the Henry Clay tribute while,
from left, CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood, who moderated the discussion; former Speaker and current House
Leader Nancy Pelosi; and former Speaker Dennis Hastert look on.

Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Shakespeare troupe will bring exciting change to fall Kenan Lecture
                   The Kenan Lecture Series will                                                                      “I’ve seen their work, and it is
                offer something different this fall. For                                                           high caliber, exciting, and outra-
                the first time in its 26-year history,                                                             geously fun,” said theater professor
                the series will feature a theater per-                                                             Sully White. “While the troupe has
                formance.                                                                                          traveled to Kentucky, they have
                   The American Shakespeare Center                                                                 never been to Lexington.”
                on Tour will present ’Tis Pity She’s a                                                                ASC on Tour has honed its art
                Whore on Monday, November 7, and                                                                   since 1988, performing in 47 states
                A Midsummer Night’s Dream on                                                                       and five foreign countries. The
                Tuesday, November 8. Both perform-                                                                 Washington Post called its offerings
                ances will be in Carrick Theater at                                                                “shamelessly entertaining,” and Bob
                7:30 p.m. and are free and open to                                                                 Mondello of National Public Radio
                the public.                                                                                        commented that the company is
                   “This is an opportunity to broaden                                                              “blowing the cobwebs out of
                the scope of the Kenan series to               “High caliber, exciting,                            Elizabethan drama.”
                include non-lecture events that are                                                                   Transylvania’s Kenan Lecture series
                intellectually stimulating and have a
                                                               and outrageously fun”                               is funded by a grant from the William
                high likelihood of drawing communi-                         Sully White                            R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust. Past
                ty interest,” said psychology profes-                                                              lecturers have included former presi-
                sor Meg Upchurch, who coordinates                                                                  dent of Ireland and U.N. commission-
                the program.                                                                                       er for human rights Mary Robinson,
                   ASC on Tour is the touring arm of                                                               presidential historian Richard Norton
                the American Shakespeare Center.                                                                   Smith, vocalist and Paralympic athlete
                Their home stage in Staunton, Vir-                                                                 Ronan Tynan, Civil War historian
                ginia, is a replica of Shakespeare’s                                                               Shelby Foote, and historian and
                original indoor theater, the Blackfriars                                                           author Doris Kearns Goodwin.
                Playhouse, and they bring that
                atmosphere alive on other stages.
                                                                                                                   American Shakespeare Center actors,
                They perform with the house lights
                                                                                                                   shown in scenes from As You Like It,
                on, and the actors speak directly to                                                               will bring ’Tis Pity She’s A Whore
                the audience and include audience                                                                  and A Midsummer Night’s Dream to
                members in the world of the play.                                                                  Transylvania in November.

                   Three Transylvania students had their musical compositions         Transylvania has been named one of the Top 100 Social

                selected for compilations by Vox Novus, a contemporary music       Media Colleges in the country, a list that includes more than
                organization. Sophomore Joey Perkins and senior Nadia              6,000 colleges and universities, by, a Wash-
                Smith had their pieces chosen for the Vox Novus 2011 Interna-      ington Post company. Schools are judged on how effectively they
                tional Mix, which is comprised of 60 electronic compositions,      use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, iTunes, and other social media
                each 60 seconds long, by 60 composers. Sophomore Molly             tools. “Transylvania has tactfully mastered the art of the retweet
                Crain’s piece was accepted for the international Vox Novus         by sharing stories about student life, academics and athletics
                60x60 Athena Mix, which is comprised of 60 electronic composi-     under the school’s main Twitter account,” the report said.
                tions, 60 seconds long, by 60 women.                                                                 •••
                                                                                      Transylvania was named a Gold level Fit-Friendly Company
                                                                                   by the American Heart Association. Fit-Friendly companies are
                                                                                   recognized as employers who go above and beyond when it
                                                                                   comes to their employees’ health. The wellness program at Tran-
                                                                                   sylvania encourages healthy living decisions by faculty and staff.
                                                                                      Music professor Timothy Polashek’s “Micro-Coastings,”
                                                                                   electro-acoustic music and video, was performed in New York
                                                                                   City by the New York University New Music Ensemble, led by
                                                                                   artistic director and clarinetist Esther Lamneck.

                                                                            Music technology students, shown in the Fine Arts Technology
Joseph Rey Au

                                                                            Lab, from left, Nadia Smith, Molly Crain, and Joey Perkins. Inset,
                                                                            music technology professor Tim Polashek.

                                                                                                                                  SUMMER 2011           3
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Experience Transylvania events online                                                                              What’s that weird box?
    The spring saw many great events on Transylvania’s campus, including the inauguration of                          Launching further into the
President R. Owen Williams, commencement, and a tribute to Henry Clay. If you missed seeing them                   age of social media, Transylva-
in person, here are online links for each event.                                                                   nia is beginning to use the QR
Inauguration                                                                                                       code in publications to direct
                                                                                                                   people to our Facebook page,
   Go to to see a huge collection of photos and videos
                                                                                                                   Twitter, and main website (top
from inauguration events ranging from the inauguration ceremony to the symposium on the Civil
                                                                                                                   to bottom at right).
War in the Border States. There you can hear President Williams’s inauguration speech that outlines
                                                                                                                      Short for Quick
his vision for Transylvania’s future.
                                                                                                                   Response, the QR code
Commencement                                                                                                       is easily read by smart
  This year marked the largest commencement in the history of Transylvania and the first under                     phone cameras and can
President Williams. Watch highlights from the ceremony and hear comments from Williams, speaker                    store data such as web-
Aris Candris ’73, and student speaker Virginia Hamilton ’11 by visiting                        site URLs.
mencement/video.asp.                                                                                                  To use the QR code,
                                                                                                                   download a QR code or
Tribute to Henry Clay                                                                                              barcode reader to your
   Transylvania attracted attention from all over the country when it hosted “The Role of the Speak-               smartphone. Launch the
er of the House: A Tribute to Henry Clay,” which featured three of the six living Speakers of the U.S.             application, and point
House of Representatives in a forum discussing the Speaker position, which Transylvania trustee and                the camera to the code.
former law professor Henry Clay first held in 1811. See a roundup of photos, videos—including an                   Your phone’s web
interview with President Williams by CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood—and                          browser will be automat-
articles from news organizations like The New York Times, Lexington Herald-Leader, and The Couri-                  ically directed to the link.
er-Journal (Louisville) by going to

McEuen authors Making War, Making Women
   In the opening lines of            the nation’s, morale in a time of     national morale.”
her latest book, Making War,          great stress.                            McEuen also shows
Making Women: Femininity and              Making War, Making Women          that the wartime rhetoric
                                                                                                        Tim Meko

Duty on the American Home             examines how women’s bodies           of freedom, democracy,
Front, 1941-1945, history pro-        and minds became “battle-             and postwar opportunity
fessor Melissa McEuen relates a       grounds” in America’s fight for       coexisted uneasily with
newspaper account about the           victory in the war. Drawing on        the realities of a racially strati-
positive effects of free cosmetics    war propaganda, popular adver-        fied society. She explores how
on a particular group of women        tising, government records, and       African Americans grappled
who had been drawn into the           personal accounts written by          with the idea of whiteness
work force during World War II.       women in the 1940s, McEuen            representing the true American
   She writes, “It recounted a        explains how women were told          identity.
Vogue magazine feature about          that their faces, clothes, and           McEuen spent considerable
a New York factory that had           comportment indicated how             time doing research at the
recently installed large mirrors      seriously they took their respon-     National Archives and the                 That May term
in its women’s restrooms and          sibilities as citizens.               Library of Congress in Washing-        course also gave McEuen an
offered employees free cosmet-            “For women, it meant not          ton, D.C., and at Duke Universi-       unexpected satisfaction when
ics—changes linked to favorable       letting themselves go physical-       ty, which has an extensive             she found that her students
results on the factory floor.”        ly,” McEuen said. “It was their       collection of materials relating       used her book as a jumping off
   That passage sets the tone         patriotic duty to remain fashion-     to business marketing and sales.       point for further research.
for the primary theme of her          able, to buy the right lipstick, to   She was able to bring some of             “Based on questions the stu-
book, which is how a notion of        adorn themselves in ways that         this material into her classroom       dents asked and on the research
ideal womanhood was promot-           would be acceptable to the            this past May term when she            projects they did—which were
ed to American women as a             men who would come home to            taught a course entitled Ameri-        not assignments, but things
vital force in achieving victory in   them, and to the community at         can Women in World War II.             they just did on their own—I
the war effort. It also introduces    large. In this way, they could be        “My research feeds my teach-        found that the book stimulated
the idea of the visual images         a stabilizing force to keep Amer-     ing, and vice-versa,” she said.        a lot of follow-up investiga-
that are referred to and depict-      ica the way it always was. The        “They are inextricably linked. I       tions.”
ed throughout the book, many          message was that the home             brought copies of documents               McEuen is also the author of
of which stressed to women            front will not change, even           and images to this class that          Seeing America: Women Pho-
their duty to maintain their          though the world around them          are not readily available to our       tographers between the Wars.
physical appearance and there-        was changing. This was seen as        students otherwise, since they            The book is available at
by help sustain their own, and        a key factor in keeping up            have not been digitized.”    

Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
U.S. Supreme Court Justice
               John Marshall Harlan Lecture Series created                                                                              John Marshall Harlan
                                                                                                                                        graduated from Transylvania’s
                                                                                                                                        law department in 1852.
                  The newly created John            highly regarded as an early             because of
               Marshall Harlan Lecture Series       champion of civil rights. Harlan        his Yale Uni-
               at Transylvania University, honor-   was the lone dissenter in two           versity disser-                              School. His B.A. is from
               ing one of the most distin-          important cases that were set-          tation entitled                              Yale and his J.D. from Yale
               guished graduates of                 backs for the cause of civil            “Unequal Jus-                                Law School, where he was
               Transylvania’s nineteenth-centu-     rights: the Civil Rights Cases          tice Under                                   an editor of The Yale Law
               ry law department, will bring to     (1883), which struck down as            Law: The Supreme Court and             Journal. After clerking for Judge
               campus prominent figures in          unconstitutional federal anti-dis-      the First Civil Rights Movement,       Stephen Breyer, U.S. Court of
               law for free public lectures in      crimination legislation, and            1857-1883.”                            Appeals, 1st Circuit, Amar
               the fall and spring.                 Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), which           “John Marshall Harlan is my         joined the Yale faculty in 1985.
                  The series will launch Sep-       upheld Southern segregation             hero and the central figure in         He is the co-editor of a leading
               tember 26 with William Wiecek,       statutes.                               my dissertation,” Williams said.       constitutional law casebook,
               legal and constitutional histori-       Harlan’s ringing dissent in          “So I felt as if there were a spiri-   Processes of Constitutional Deci-
               an and professor of public law       Plessy v. Ferguson is his most          tual connection between Tran-          sionmaking, and the author of
               at Syracuse University. The          famous and is often sourced for         sylvania and me even before            several books, including The
               spring lecture will be delivered     quotes, as in: “Our Constitution        coming here.”                          Constitution and Criminal Proce-
               by Akhil Reed Amar, professor        is color-blind....In respect of civil      Wiecek, the first speaker, is       dure: First Principles, The Bill of
               of law and political science at      rights, all citizens are equal          currently the Lassiter Distin-         Rights: Creation and Recon-
               Yale University.                     before the law.” This coura-            guished Visiting Professor at          struction, and, most recently,
                  “We created this lecture          geous dissent was referenced a          the University of Kentucky Law         America’s Constitution: A
               series to showcase highly            half-century later by Thurgood          School and is the author of            Biography.
               esteemed legal figures of            Marshall, an attorney arguing           numerous books. His most                  “We are very grateful to our
               national or international promi-     for the plaintiffs before the           recent, The Birth of the Modern        friends at McBrayer, McGinnis,
               nence who have distinguished         Supreme Court in the 1954               Constitution: The United States        Leslie & Kirkland, PLLC, for
               themselves in constitutional law     Brown v. Board of Education of          Supreme Court, 1941-1953 (vol-         making the John Marshall Har-
               or history,” said President R.       Topeka case, which overturned           ume 12 of the Holmes Devise            lan Lecture Series at Transylvania
               Owen Williams. “We are               Plessy v. Ferguson and struck           History of the Supreme Court of        possible,” Williams said. “Their
               delighted to have William            down the separate-but-equal             the United States), won the            generosity reaches beyond the
               Wiecek and Akhil Amar as our         principle in the case of public         John Phillip Reid Prize awarded        Transylvania campus. We know
               first two speakers.”                 education. Marshall went on to          by the American Society for            that many people in the Lexing-
                  John Marshall Harlan earned       become a Supreme Court jus-             Legal History for the best book        ton community and surrounding
               his law degree from Transylvania     tice, serving from 1967-91.             in legal history published in          areas will be interested in hear-
               in 1852 and served as an associ-        Williams was familiar with           2006.                                  ing some of the country’s
               ate justice on the U.S. Supreme      Harlan before becoming presi-              Amar teaches constitutional         brightest constitutional law his-
               Court from 1877-1911. He is          dent of Transylvania in 2010            law at both Yale and Yale Law          torians, authors, and scholars.”

               Portrait of beloved professor given to university
                  Ben Lewis ’43, the late professor of philosophy and religion,             memory by giving Transylvania an oil portrait of Ben to hang in the
               loved Transylvania and was very proud of teaching there for 29               university library. The portrait depicts Lewis in his black and crimson
               years. So his wife, Glenva Starcher Lewis, decided to honor his              academic regalia and was formally installed in May.
                                                                                                Lewis was a popular professor, and hanging the portrait seems a
                                                                                            fitting tribute to a man who gave so many years to the university.
                                                                                            He retired in 1983 and was honored with Transylvania’s Morrison
                                                                                            Medallion in 1985.
                                                                                                “He was clearly one of the most talented teachers I ever had, and
                                                                                            I think he caused thousands of students to think in new ways, to be
                                                                                            more reflective, and to enjoy the exciting history of ideas so central
                                                                                            to the liberal arts curriculum,” psychology professor Mike Nichols
                                                                                            ’68, a former student of Lewis’s, said. “I still feel the influence today
                                                                                            of classes I took with him.”
                                                                                                Lewis graduated from Transylvania with a degree in philosophy
                                                                                            and religion. He earned a bachelor of divinity degree from the
Mike Nichols

                                                                                            College of the Bible, now Lexington Theological Seminary, in 1946,
                                                                                            a master’s degree in theological sciences from Harvard University in
                                                                                            1950, and a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Cincin-
               The portrait of Ben Lewis hangs in the library. Pictured from left,          nati in 1961.
               president emeritus Charles L. Shearer, friend John Campbell,
                                                                                                In addition to his Transylvania work, Lewis was a pastor in West
               religion professor emeritus Phillip Points, Glenva Starcher Lewis,
               psychology professor Mike Nichols, and history professor                     Virginia and Kentucky. He was minister of New Union Christian
               emeritus Joseph Binford.                                                     Church in Woodford County, Ky., for 28 years until his death.

                                                                                                                                             SUMMER 2011            5
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Canadian Brass will perform Smith Concert                                                              Senior Challenge
                      The internationally acclaimed Canadi-         with their unbeatable blend of virtuosity,            award goes to
                   an Brass will perform a concert in Haggin
                   Auditorium on Wednesday, September 21,
                                                                    spontaneity and humor, they brighten the
                                                                    rosters of concert halls, international festivals
                                                                                                                          Lexington student
                   at 7:30 p.m. in the Dorothy J. and Fred K.       and orchestra series throughout the world,”             Briana McIntosh has been chosen
                   Smith Concert Series at Transylvania.            wrote a reviewer in The Washington Post.                                       by the class of
                      With a discography of over 90 albums             Canadian Brass was the first brass group                                    2011 to receive
                   and an extensive worldwide touring sched-        from the West to play in China and the first                                   this year’s Senior
                   ule, Canadian Brass is a pioneer in bringing     to take the stage in Carnegie Hall. They have                                  Challenge scholar-
                   brass music to audiences everywhere. The         also performed in Australia, the Middle East,                                  ship. The incom-
                   five members of the group, who first came        the former Soviet Union, and South America.                                    ing first-year
                   together in 1970, helped to transform a             Millions of television viewers have seen                                    student is a gradu-
                   previously undervalued group of instruments      the group on The Tonight Show, Today,                                          ate of Bryan Sta-
                   with a limited repertoire into a versatile       Entertainment Tonight, and Sesame Street.                                      tion High School
                   ensemble proficient in everything from           They have appeared as guest artists with the                                   in Lexington and
                   Gabrieli to Gershwin. They have sold well        Boston Pops, Beverly Sills’ Music Around the          has been active in the National Honor
                   over two million albums worldwide.               World, and numerous PBS specials.                     Society, the Spanish Honor Society, and
                      The group’s repertoire includes renaissance      Members of Canadian Brass are Chuck                theater productions. She plans to follow
                   and baroque masters, classical works, march-     Daellenbach (tuba), Christopher Coletti               a pre-med curriculum at Transylvania.
                   es, holiday favorites, ragtime, Dixieland,       and Brandon Ridenour (trumpets), Achilles                 The 2011 Senior Challenge committee
                   Latin, jazz, big band, Broadway, and Chris-      Liarmakopoulos (trombone), and Eric Reed              co-chairs were Julia Blankenship, Rebec-
                   tian music, as well as popular songs and         (horn). They are known for their engaging             ca Pasco, and Sarah Zembrodt. Through
                   standards. They are especially known for         stage presence punctuated by lively dialogue          promotions that included a kick-off
                   their holiday concerts at Christmastime and      and theatrical effects.                               event, Facebook and e-mail campaigns,
                   for helping reestablish Scott Joplin with           In addition to their concert, the group’s          an iPad give-away, and a Senior Week
                   modern audiences through their research,         members will present a workshop for Tran-             barbecue, they helped raise $10,100 in
                   arrangements, and recordings of his rags         sylvania students. They are committed to              pledges from 78 classmates.
                   and other works.                                 educating the next generation of players                  “This year we added GEM (Giving
                                       “These are the men who       and often offer master classes on their trav-         Electronically Monthly) to our giving
                                     put brass music on the map;    els around the world.                                 options,” said Rikki Starich, assistant
                                                                                                                          director of annual giving and Senior
                                                                                                                          Challenge coordinator. “We were
                                                                                                                          pleased that several of the students who
                                                                                                                          chose that option started giving last fall.
                                                                                                                          It’s a great way to get into the habit of
                                                                                                                          giving back to your alma mater.”
                                                                                                                              Senior Challenge was established by
                                                                                                                          the class of 1990 as an expression of
                                                                                                                          gratitude for their Transylvania educa-
                                                                                                                          tion. The scholarship is awarded annual-
                                                                                                                          ly to a student with high potential and
                                                                                                                          financial need. It is renewable for four

                   Cook retires after 11 years; Muravchick named public safety director
                                              During his first week as Transylvania’s director of         busiest time is 8 p.m.–1 a.m.
                                           public safety in June 2000, Richard Cook took a call              “Transylvania is my last hoorah after more than 25
                                           from someone who needed access to a room in Poole              years in law enforcement,” said Cook, who retired in
                                           Hall.                                                          June after 11 years at Transylvania. “It’s a great place to
                                              “I hadn’t made it over to the Poole Residence Hall          work and I’ll miss it tremendously—especially the peo-
                                           yet, but I knew there was a pool table in the Campus           ple—but I’m looking forward to having some time off
                                           Center Canteen,” Cook recalls. “I was puzzled about            and taking a few motorcycle trips.”
                                           what the caller was asking. Did they call the room with           Succeeding Cook is Gregg Muravchick, who brings
                                           the pool table the ‘pool hall’? It took a few minutes to       experience with the Kentucky State Police, the Kentucky
                                           figure it out.”                                                Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, the Franklin County
                                              Cook soon became familiar with all the nooks and            (Ky.) Sheriff’s Office, and Franklin County Schools.
Tyler Young

                                           crannies of campus. He and his staff of 12 officers,              “I’m very familiar with student life, and I’m anxious
                                           three dispatchers, and two security guards work around         to gain the trust and confidence of the Transylvania DPS
                                           the clock, 365 days a year, to keep the area safe. Their       staff members as well as the students, faculty, and
              Richard Cook                 most common calls are noise complaints, and their              staff,” said Muravchick.

                   6    TRANSYLVANIA
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks chosen as First Engagements text
  Rebecca Skloot’s riveting         sions that take place during the        breakthroughs, beginning with           In a related event, Harriet A.
book about cancer, racism, and      first week of classes in Septem-        the polio vaccine and leading to     Washington, author of Medical
science ethics, The Immortal Life   ber.                                    gene mapping and cloning. Her        Apartheid: The Dark History of
of Henrietta Lacks, has been           The Immortal Life of Henriet-        cells eventually lived on in thou-   Medical Experimentation on
selected as this year’s text for    ta Lacks, a New York Times              sands of labs and in giant facto-    Black Americans from Colonial
First Engagements: A Communi-       bestseller, tells the story of a        ries churning out polio vaccines     Times to the Present, was cho-
ty Book Project at Transylvania.    poor African American woman             and have become essential to         sen as this year’s speaker for
   First Engagements is designed    who died from cervical cancer           modern medicine.                     convocation, set for Sunday,
to give first-year students an      at age 30 in 1951. A sample of             Skloot, a science journalist,     September 11, at 5 p.m. in
introduction to the lib-                        her cancerous tissue,       creates a moving work of non-        Haggin Auditorium. She is a
eral arts and                                   taken without her           fiction narrative that looks at      journalist and bioethicist who
the high                                         knowledge or con-          the story from various perspec-      has worked at Harvard Medical
academic                                          sent, spawned the         tives, including the fundamental     School and Tuskegee University.
standards at                                       first viable human       questions of ethics, racism, and        Washington’s groundbreaking
Transylvania                                        cell line, known as     intellectual property in the         study shows that the infamous
through small-                                       HeLa, that could       world of scientific research. She    Tuskegee experiment of the
group discussion                                     grow and survive       also writes of the effects on        1930s, in which black syphilitic
and analysis of a                                     indefinitely in a     Lacks’s family, especially her       men were studied but not treat-
text. Many upper-                                      laboratory.          daughter, Deborah.                   ed, was only the most publi-
class students,                                            HeLa gave sci-      Alumni, parents, and friends      cized in a long and continuing
faculty, and staff                                      entists a build-    are encouraged to read the           history of the American medical
also read the book                                       ing block for      book and watch Transylvania’s        community using African Ameri-
and join the discus-                                      countless         Facebook page for discussion.        cans as human guinea pigs.

Transylvania, Carnegie Center agree to explore partnership
  Transylvania and the Carnegie Center                  together to better enhance our dedication to life-
for Literacy and Learning have signed an                time learning.”
agreement to explore the possibility of a signifi-         Transylvania has a long history of its students
cant partnership that could lead to new programs        volunteering in various capacities at the center,
and more Transylvania student participation in          including as tutors. “We believe we can do more
volunteer activities at the center.                     than what we’ve been doing and are excited
   The year-long commitment began July 1. It calls      about the possibility of making the Carnegie
for the Carnegie Center and Transylvania to share       Center even stronger,” Williams added. “This is
space for programs, concerts, lectures, receptions,     a wonderful agreement.”
and similar events; to expand or modify current            The Carnegie Center is housed in a three-story,
programs at the center; and to formalize and            1905 neoclassical building at the south end of
expand service learning and volunteer support           Gratz Park, which is just across Third Street from
opportunities.                                          the Transylvania campus. The facility was original-      The Carnegie Center building dates
                                                                                                                 from 1905 and is home to literacy
   “We are excited to have this collaborative           ly funded by industrialist and philanthropist            and learning opportunities for all
effort with Transylvania formally acknowledged,”        Andrew Carnegie as the Lexington Public Library.         citizens, young and old.
said Eileen M. O’Brien, president of the board of       When the library moved to a new location in
directors of the Carnegie Center. “Both organiza-       1989, the building was extensively renovated and
tions have demonstrated a tremendous commit-            reopened in 1992 as the Carnegie Center.
ment to lifetime learning and the literary arts,           Because of its proximity to the Transylvania
which bodes well for our future.”                       campus, Gratz Park has long been a favorite des-
   President R. Owen Williams stated, “Our goal is      tination for students, faculty, and staff. The park
for Transylvania and the Carnegie Center to work        is home to the oldest surviving former Transylva-
                                                        nia structure, the 1819 East Dependency. This
                                                        low brick building supported the university’s first
                                                        administration building, which burned to the
                                                        ground in 1829, to be replaced by Old Morrison
                                                        in 1833. The land now known as Gratz Park was
                                                        Transylvania’s original Lexington campus.

                                                        Eileen M. O’Brien, president of the Carnegie
                                                        Center board of directors, joins President
                                                        R. Owen Williams in signing an agreement
                                                        to explore partnership opportunities.

                                                                                                                           SUMMER 2011          7
Transylvania R. Owen Williams inaugurated as 25th president - Commencement sees record 263 graduates Henry Clay event draws luminaries
Four professors honored with Bingham Awards                                                                 Kirk Purdom is new
   Four Transylvania professors have                 tation theory and number theory. He has been           vice president for
been recognized for their outstanding work
in the classroom with Bingham Awards for
                                                     working for two years in p-adic numbers, the
                                                     Collatz conjecture, continued fractions, and
Excellence in Teaching. The award comes              transcendental numbers.                                  Kirk Purdom, 41, joined Transylva-
with annual salary supplements for five years.          “My ultimate goal is to have students                                        nia April 18 as
A committee of outside educators selects the         working with the course material in a hands-                                    vice president for
award winners based on classroom visits,             on fashion and arriving at their own under-                                     advancement. He
essays from the candidates, and student              standing of the concepts rather than rote                                       comes to Transyl-
evaluations.                                         memorization,” he said. “To achieve this, I                                     vania from Ken-
   Assistant professor of biology Sarah              believe that an environment in which discus-                                    tucky Wesleyan
Bray has been at Transylvania since 2007. She        sion and curiosity are valued is a necessity.”                                  College in
                         came to Transylvania           Assistant professor of education Tiffany                                     Owensboro, Ky.,
                         from Midland Lutheran       Wheeler ’90 joined the faculty in 2002. She                                     where he served
                         College, now Midland                                  earned her Ed.D. in          in that same position for three years. He
                         University, in Fremont,                               curriculum and instruc-      has worked in higher education since
                         Neb. She earned a                                     tion with a focus on         1993, including 16 years in alumni and
                         Ph.D. in botany from                                  literacy from the Uni-       development at the University of Missis-
                         the University of Florida                             versity of Kentucky in       sippi, the University of Tennessee, and
                         in 2005. Her research                                 2007. Her research           Middle Tennessee State University, in
                         interests include native                              interests include literacy   addition to KWC. He holds a bachelor
ecosystems, and most recently she has been                                     and language learning,       of science in history from the University
working at the University of Kentucky to                                       multicultural education,     of Mississippi.
examine how bush honeysuckle is impacting            and culturally responsive instruction.                    Purdom comes to Transylvania at an
microbial communities and ecosystem                     “I try to create a classroom atmosphere             exciting time with a new president who
processes.                                           where a variety of perspectives are encour-            has a new vision of the university.
   “I challenge students to devise ways to           aged and valued and where students feel                   “It’s been a whirlwind,” Purdom said.
examine and test real hypotheses and analyze         comfortable challenging each other and me in           “We’ve had inauguration, alumni week-
data both in the classroom and laboratory,”          respectful ways,” she said. “I collaborate with        end, graduation, a lot of events going
she said.                                            the students to set ground rules for discussion        on, and it’s been fun. There’s been a lot
   Assistant professor of English Elizabeth          in my courses, especially ones that address            of excitement around the university. I
Corsun came to Transylvania in 2007 from             contentious issues such as race, ethnicity, and        think (President) Owen (Williams) is
                         the University of Iowa,     social inequalities. I have found that when the        bringing a unique perspective to the
                         where she was a visiting    students help to create the tone of the class-         institution from his background. It’s
                         assistant professor. She    room environment, they feel a great deal of            something we want to continue to
                         earned her Ph.D. in         ownership and connection to their classmates,          grow on and enhance.”
                         English from the Univer-    which promotes thoughtful, engaging, and                  Purdom said he has been impressed
                         sity of Iowa in 2005.       respectful discussion during the course.”              with the fund-raising efforts he saw
                         Corsun’s research inter-                                                           when he arrived at Transylvania, and in
                         ests include nineteenth-
                         and twentieth-century       Promotions                                             his first year he is focusing on enhanc-
                                                                                                            ing major gifts to help fund some of the
British literature, popular fiction, Victorian          Computer science professor Kenny                    big plans that are in the works for the
theater, and the British novel tradition.            Moorman ’91 was promoted to full profes-               university.
   “To make reading literature a lifelong habit      sor. He came to Transylvania in 1997 from the             “We have a great annual fund staff
is an invaluable accomplishment, and the             Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was          and a great alumni association, and
most gratifying reading experiences are often        a computer science instructor. He holds a              they’ve done a really good job with
the most exacting,” Corsun said. “Therefore,         Ph.D. in computer science with a focus on              getting the word out there and having
as a teacher, I help students who are already        artificial intelligence from the Georgia Institute     pretty high participation levels,” he said.
readers to hone their analytical skills and to       of Technology.                                         “But now we have to really go out and
deepen their understanding of historical                English professor Kremena Todorova                  target some major gifts for changes that
context and literary tradition.”                     was granted tenure and promoted to associ-             President Williams wants to implement
   Assistant professor of mathematics                ate professor. Todorova joined the Transylvania        at Transylvania. We’re going to have
Ryan Stuffelbeam came to Transylvania in             faculty in 2005 after spending time at the             more people out on the road. It’s that
                         2007 from The Ohio          University of Notre Dame as a visiting scholar.        personal contact, that face-to-face culti-
                         State University, where     She earned a Ph.D. in English from Notre               vation, solicitation, and stewardship that
                         he was a postdoctoral       Dame.                                                  we want to build with our alumni and
                         fellow. He earned a            Chemistry professor Robert Rosenberg                friends.”
                         Ph.D. in mathematics        was granted tenure. He came to Transylvania               Associate Vice President for Develop-
                         from the University of      in 2007 as an associate professor from Salem           ment Mark Blankenship ’81 had been
                         Iowa in 2004. Stuffel-      State College, where he was an assistant pro-          serving as interim vice president for
                         beam’s research inter-      fessor for six years. He holds a Ph.D. in chem-        alumni and development.
                         ests are in represen-       istry from Yale University.

             Baseball makes run at HCAC regular season title
                The baseball team made a run at the
             Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference regu-
                                                                   College on the road and rallied for two runs in
                                                                   the top of the ninth inning to defeat the Saints    Pioneers win first
             lar season crown, leading the league late in the
             season, but fell on hard times in the final five
                                                                   8-6. The Pioneers were on a six-game winning
                                                                   streak and had an 8-3 record. Five of those
                                                                                                                       Commissioner’s Cup
                                                                   wins came during a spring break trip to
                                                                                                                          For the first time since becom-
             games and finished just out of the running for
                                                                                                                       ing eligible to compete for tourna-
             the conference tournament.                            Auburndale, Fla., to play in the Russ Matt
                                                                                                                       ment championships in the Heartland
                After sweeping a doubleheader from Earl-           Invitational.
                                                                                                                       Collegiate Athletic Conference in
             ham College, the Pioneers stood atop the                 Senior outfielder/designated hitter Ben Kueb-
                                                                                                                       2004, Transylvania won the Commis-
             HCAC with a 12-4 record. But the next five            bing and senior catcher Drew Zuckerman were
                                                                                                                       sioner’s Cup by leading the league in
             games, all on the road, eluded Transylvania.          named to the All-HCAC first team. Kuebbing
                                                                                                                       combined points for both men’s and
             The final league record of 12-9 caused the            led the team with a .453 batting average and
                                                                                                                       women’s teams.
             Pioneers to just miss the four-team tournament        added six home runs and 33 runs batted in to
                                                                                                                          Transylvania’s point total of 107.66
             field as Anderson University took the last spot       go with a .670 slugging percentage. Zucker-
                                                                                                                       outdistanced Rose-Hulman Institute
             with a 14-8 mark. Under head coach Chris              man was second in batting with a .387 average
                                                                                                                       of Technology (103.33), Franklin Col-
             Campbell ’00, Transylvania’s overall season           and had a team-best eight homers and 38 RBI.
                                                                                                                       lege (99.66), and Hanover College
             record was 21-12.
                                                                                                                       (93.83). The Pioneers’ total is the
                An early season highlight occurred when            Senior catcher Drew Zuckerman was an
                                                                                                                       highest for any school since the
             Transylvania took on No. 18 Thomas More               All-HCAC first team selection.
                                                                                                                       award was created in 2005.
                                                                                                                          The Pioneers also won the All-
                                                                                                                       Sports trophy for women’s athletics
                                                                                                                       for the second year in a row, garner-
                                                                                                                       ing 63.33 points and winning cham-
                                                                                                                       pionships in soccer, volleyball, and
                                                                                                                       softball. The men were fifth in All-
                                                                                                                       Sports competition, amassing 44.33
                                                                                                                       points with championships in soccer,
                                                                                                                       golf, and tennis.
                                                                                                                          It marks the first time a team out-
                                                                                                                       side of Indiana has won the Com-
                                                                                                                       missioner’s Cup. The HCAC has six
                                                                                                                       member schools in Indiana, three in
                                                                                                                       Ohio, and one in Kentucky.
                                                                                                                          “This is a great accomplishment
                                                                                                                       for our student-athletes and coach-
                                                                                                                       ing staff,” said Transylvania athletics
                                                                                                                       director Jack Ebel ’77. “It shows we
                                                                                                                       are very competitive in all our pro-
Helena Hau

                                                                                                                       grams and that we are achieving at a
                                                                                                                       very high level.”

             Transylvania will add lacrosse to intercollegiate sports in 2012
                Men’s and women’s lacrosse will                 bers of the Heartland Collegiate Athletic          Terry Justice, head boys’ lacrosse coach
             become the latest additions to Transylvania’s      Conference with Transylvania.                   at Lexington Catholic High School, has been
             lineup of intercollegiate sports teams begin-         “Lacrosse, a spring sport, has become one    named Transylvania’s men’s lacrosse head
             ning with the 2012-13 season.                      of the most popular sports at every school      coach.
                “Lacrosse is growing in popularity in           that has added it,” said athletics director        Justice has been head coach at Catholic
             Kentucky and around the country,” said             Jack Ebel ’77. “I believe prospective players   since 2004 and was Kentucky High School
             President R. Owen Williams in making the           will find Transylvania to be an attractive      Coach of the Year in 2004 and 2005. He led
             announcement. “We want to give student-            option and that our students will enjoy         the Knights to second place in the KHSAA
             athletes who play lacrosse and who are also        watching the games. Lacrosse could easily       State Tournament in 2006 and 2008.
             seeking a top-level liberal arts education the     become another HCAC-sponsored sport in              Justice helped form the first lacrosse
             opportunity to consider Transylvania.”             the near future.”                               team at the University of Kentucky as a
                A number of colleges and universities in           The 2011-12 season will be used for          player from 1979-83 and coached at UK
             the region play lacrosse, including Hanover        recruiting and club play. Various venues in     from 1984-93.
             College, Defiance College, and the College         the Lexington area are being considered as         The women’s coach had not been named
             of Mount St. Joseph, all of whom are mem-          playing fields.                                 at press time.

                                                                                                                                    SUMMER 2011           9
Men’s basketball wins first Don Lane Classic
                                                              The championship of the inaugural                Transylvania was inconsistent during
                                                           Don Lane Classic was a highlight of men’s        league play, sporting a 6-1 streak at one
                                                           basketball as the Pioneers finished with an      point before losing to Manchester College
                                                           18-9 record after ending their season in the     79-62 in the HCAC regular-season finale.
                                                           semi-final game of the Heartland Collegiate      That left the Pioneers with an 11-7 league
                                                           Athletic Conference tournament.                  record, good for fourth place.
                                                              Named for Transylvania’s all-time win-           “Injuries made this year one of the most
                                                           ningest men’s basketball coach, the Don          unusual since I’ve been coaching,” said
                                                           Lane Classic honors the father of head           Lane. “Only four players appeared in all 27
                                                           coach Brian Lane ‘90. When he retired from       games. Our starting point guard, first-year
                                                           coaching in 2001, Hall of Fame coach Don         student Tate Cox, missed half the season
                                                           Lane had compiled 509 victories during his       with a broken hand.”
                                                           26 seasons at Transylvania.                         Transylvania got by Rose-Hulman Institute
                                                              At the end of the 2010-11 season, Brian       of Technology 54-49 in the opener of the
                                                           Lane’s win total of 168 moved him ahead of       conference tournament, held at Manchester,
                                                           Lee Rose ’58 (160 wins) and into third place     then fell again to the host team in the
                                                           among Transylvania coaches, behind his           semi-finals by 68-65. The Pioneers held an
                                                           father and C. M. Newton, in second place         11-point lead in the first half against the
                                                           with 176 victories.                              Spartans, but lost in the final moments as
                                                              The Pioneers dispatched Millikin University   Manchester hit key free throws. Finally
                                                           82-37 in the opening game of the Classic,        rounding into form after his injury, Cox had
                                                           then defeated Westminster College 70-57          a brilliant night with 24 points, including
                                                           for the title. Sophomore guard Brandon           seven of nine from three-point range, and
                                                           Rash was tournament Most Valuable Player         was named to the All-HCAC tournament
                                                           after a nine-for-13 shooting night and 21        team.
                                                           points in the final.                                Rash finished the season as Transylvania’s
                                                              Transylvania sported a 9-2 record in early    leading scorer with an 11.9 average, was
                                              Helena Hau

                                                           January after knocking off then-No. 24           second in rebounding with 4.7 a game, and
                                                           Carthage University 75-66 in the final non-      shot 52 percent from the field, including
                                                           conference game of the season. Earlier, the      42 percent from the three-point line. His
Sophomore guard Brandon Rash was                           Pioneers got a good road win over Centre         exploits earned him a place on the All-HCAC
named to the All-HCAC first team.                          College 56-51.                                   first team.

Student-athletes receive honors
   Baseball standout Ben             George H. Stopp Award as the                      DeArk, a senior from Jeffer-      category.
Keubbing, softball record-setter     student-athlete with the highest              sonville, Ind., is a right-handed        Zembrodt, a senior from
Kendra DeArk, and soccer star        grade-point average for a four-               pitcher who led the Pioneer           Edgewood, Ky., helped the
Sarah Zembrodt were named            year career. A business adminis-              softball team to a 20-win sea-        women’s soccer team to its sec-
male and co-female Pioneer           tration and economics double                  son and a third straight HCAC         ond straight HCAC title this
Athletes of the Year during the      major, he was named to the                    championship. She is a two-           past season and into the NCAA
annual awards ceremony in            Dean’s List seven times, gradu-               time HCAC Pitcher of the Year         Division III championships for
May. An academic and a leader-       ated magna cum laude with                     and a four-time All-HCAC first        the second year in a row. This
ship award were also presented.      honors in both his majors, and                team member. She ranks second         past season she was the HCAC
   Keubbing, a senior designat-      won the Rara-Avis Award for                   on the Transylvania career wins       Defensive Player of the Year and
ed hitter, outfielder, and pitcher                outstanding scholar-             list with 50 and is in the top five   was named to the All-Great
from Burlington, Ky., helped                       ship in economics.              of every major pitching               Lakes Region team and a sec-
lead the baseball team to a                                                                                              ond-team All-American by the
20-win season. He is a two-time                                                                                          National Soccer Coaches Associ-
All-Heartland Collegiate Ath-                                                                                            ation of America. She is a two-
letic Conference performer,                                                                                              time All-HCAC performer.
and his career-high .453 bat-                                                                                                Rebecca Pasco won the Stu-
ting average this past year                                                                                                dent Athlete Advisory Commit-
was the second best sea-                                                                                                    tee Leadership Award.
son ever for a Transylvania
   Keubbing was also                                                                                                       From left, Ben Kuebbing, Kendra
named the winner of the                                                                                                    DeArk, Rebecca Pasco, and
                                                                                                                           Sarah Zembrodt.

Swimming, diving
              teams win seven meets
                The women’s swimming and
              diving team won five meets during the
              regular season while the men’s team won
              twice. In the season-ending Bluegrass
              Mountain Conference championship, the
              women took sixth place and the men fin-
              ished in 12th position. The Pioneers were
              led by new head coach Kyle Dunaway.
                 The women won home meets against
              Union College and Rose-Hulman Institute
              of Technology and went on the road to
              defeat Baldwin-Wallace College and
              Franklin College. They outswam Wilming-
              ton College at a neutral site. On the men’s
              side, the Pioneers won against Wilming-
              ton at a neutral site and at Franklin.
                 The Bluegrass Mountain meet was held
                                                               Joseph Rey Au

              at the Mecklenburg County Aquatics Cen-
              ter in Charlotte, N.C., and included both
              NCAA Division III and II schools. For the
              men, junior Brent Vorst turned in a 100-
              yard freestyle time of 48.18 while junior
              Yunan Yang had a time of 2:11.55 in the                          Softball has its best
              200-yard breaststroke. The women were
              led by first-year swimmer Chelsea Dia-
                                                                               Heartland record ever
              mond’s seventh-place performance in the                             The softball team compiled its best
              200-yard backstroke in 2:11, first-year                          record ever in regular season Heartland Col-
              swimmer Carly Hubbard’s eighth-place fin-                        legiate Athletic Conference play with a 15-1
              ish in the 200-yard butterfly in 2:11.87,                        mark, good enough for the Pioneers’ third
              and junior Allison Cahill’s sixth-place finish                   straight regular season league crown and the
              in the 200-yard freestyle in 1:56.26.                            opportunity to host the HCAC tournament
                 For the season, the teams broke eight                         on Hall Field. Under head coach Michelle
              school records (12 record-breaking per-                          Manning, Transylvania was 23-13-1 overall.
              formances) and dropped a combined 596                               Transylvania’s only HCAC regular season
              seconds.                                                         loss came at the hands of Rose-Hulman
                                                                               Institute of Technology by 7-6. The Pioneers
                                                                               then reeled off 14 straight wins to head
                                                                               into the conference tournament with great
                                                                                  The Pioneers lost to Defiance College 3-2

                                                                                                                                                                            Helena Hau
                                                                               in the opener of the double-elimination
                                                                               event, then easily handled Bluffton Universi-
                                                                               ty 10-2 in the second round. Anderson            Senior Kendra DeArk was Pitcher of
                                                                               University brought Transylvania’s season         the Year in the HCAC.
                                                                               to an end with a 2-0 win that ended the
                                                                               Pioneers’ tourney hopes.
                                                                                  Earlier, the Pioneers spent spring break
                                                                               in Clermont, Fla., taking part in the NTC       opponents with a 0.78 earned run average.
                                                                               Spring Games. A 4-6 record for the week         Overall, she was 8-7 with a 2.13 ERA and
                                                                               included wins over Wesleyan University          110 strikeouts in 95 innings.
                                                                               (Conn.) by 15-7 and the University of              Mitchell had 17 home runs, tying her
                                                                               Wisconsin-Superior by 6-5.                      own school single-season record. She set
                                                                                  Transylvania players won two of the most     HCAC marks with a .629 batting average,
                                                                               valuable player awards in the HCAC when         27 runs scored, and 11 homers. She led the
David Coyle

                                                                               senior Kendra DeArk was named Pitcher of        league in runs-batted-in with 28, slugging
                                                                               the Year and sophomore infielder Megan          percentage at 1.629, on-base percentage at
                                                                               Mitchell was selected as Hitter of the Year.    .722, and walks with 21. She was also the
              Sophomore Amanda Skinner broke school                            Both were also named to the All-HCAC first      National Fastpitch Coaches Association
              records for the 100-yard breaststroke and                        team.                                           NCAA Division III National Player of the
              the 400-yard individual medley.                                     DeArk posted a 7-1 record against league     Week for the April 25-May 1 period.

                                                                                                                                                    SPRING 2011       11
Track and field shows
                                                                                                                             well at St. Joseph meet
                                                                                                                                In their second year of modern-era
                                                                                                                             competition, the men’s and women’s
                                                                                                                             track and field teams made a good
                                                                                                                             showing at the College of Mount St.
                                                                                                                             Joseph Invitational and gained more
                                                                                                                             valuable experience while taking part in
                                                                                                                             both the indoor and outdoor meets of
                                                                                                                             the Heartland Collegiate Athletic Confer-
 1911 Crimson

                                                                                                                             ence. Both teams are led by head coach
                                                                                                                             Jason Moncer.
                                                                                                                                At the Mount St. Joseph meet, the
                The 1910-11 Transylvania men’s basketball team was the last Pioneer men’s team                               women’s team finished third behind the
                to play the University of Kentucky.
                                                                                                                             host school and Georgetown College,
                                                                                                                             and ahead of Northern Kentucky Univer-
                Pioneers will play UK in Rupp Arena in November                                                              sity, Indiana East University, Thomas
                                                                                                                             More College, and St. Catharine Col-
                   For the first time in a century, the Transylvania Pioneers and the University of                          lege. Among the top individual perform-
                Kentucky Wildcats will meet in a men’s basketball game when the two teams take the                           ers for the Pioneers were junior Lucy
                floor in Rupp Arena on November 2 in a pre-season exhibition game.                                           Wright, who won the shot put and ham-
                   “We are realistic about our chances to be competitive,” said Transylvania head                            mer throw and was third in the discus,
                coach Brian Lane ’90. “We want to use the game to get ready for our season and                               and sophomore Ria Keegan, who took
                give UK a disciplined opponent to contend with. It’s a great opportunity for our pro-                        second in the 800-meter run.
                gram. Not many NCAA Division III teams get to play in Rupp Arena, especially against                            On the men’s side, junior Aaron Car-
                what will probably be the nation’s No. 1 or No. 2 ranked team.”                                              rithers won the javelin, and sophomore
                   Transylvania last played the Wildcats in 1911 in a game won by UK 30-24. The two                          Ryan Stockdill was sixth in the 800-
                teams helped inaugurate intercollegiate basketball in Kentucky eight years earlier in a                      meter run.
                1903 game won by Transylvania 42-2. During those years the schools played 14 times,                             Transylvania took part in the first
                with each winning seven games. Transylvania has outscored the Wildcats 303-182 in                            HCAC indoor meet, held at Anderson
                the series.                                                                                                  University, where both men’s and
                   Lane said he expects his players to be sky-high for the UK game.                                          women’s teams finished ninth. Wright
                   “I’m sure they’ll be excited,” he said. “It’s something they’ll remember for a very                       captured second place in the women’s
                long time. I think they will want to come back to campus this fall in the best shape of                      shot put. The outdoor meet was held at
                their lives.”                                                                                                Hanover College, and both teams came
                                                                                                                             in 10th.

                                                         Men’s golf wins HCAC, goes to NCAA tourney
                                                            For the fifth straight year, the men’s golf            Grandover Resort in Greensboro, N.C., Transylvania
                                                         team captured the Heartland Collegiate Athletic           just missed qualifying for the final two rounds of
                                                         Conference tournament and competed in the                 the four-day meet after finishing the first two days
                                                         NCAA Division III championship.                           in a three-way tie with La Verne College and Red-
                                                            The Pioneers cruised to a 28-shot victory in the       lands College for the 15th and final spot. Leading
                                                         HCAC meet, which was played for the first two             the way for the Pioneers were Tereshko with a 145
                                                         rounds at the University of Kentucky Club in Lexing-      (71-74) and Latham (76-73) and Dawson (75-74),
                                                         ton and at the Anderson Country Club in Anderson,         both at 149.
                                                         Ind., for the final two rounds. Transylvania’s four-day      Highlights from fall and spring regular season play
                                                         total of 1,255 bested the College of Mount St.            include a second-place finish in the Anderson Invita-
                                                         Joseph (1,283) and Franklin College (1,291).              tional, hosted by Anderson University, and a victory
                                                            Junior Justin Tereshko led the way for Transylva-      in the Hanover Invitational, hosted by Hanover
                                                         nia with a total of 308, just three shots back of         College. At Hanover, Transylvania’s 604 total outdis-
                                                         medalist Eric Whitaker of Franklin. Other Pioneers        tanced runner-up Mount St. Joseph (614), Defiance
                                                         were first-year golfers Clay Hinton at 310 and            College (634), Thomas More College (652),
                                                         Jantzen Latham at 317, sophomore Hunter Frazier           Manchester College (652), and Anderson (653).
                                                         with a 322, and junior James Dawson at 337.               Transylvania’s Hinton was medalist (148: 79-69).
                                                            In the NCAA championship, played at the                   Hinton and Tereshko won All-HCAC honors, and
                                                                                                                   Hinton was also named HCAC Freshman of the
                                         Joseph Rey Au

                                                                                                                   Year. Transylvania head coach Brian Lane ’90 was
                                                         Head coach Brian Lane ’90 looks at a putt
                                                         with junior Justin Tereshko during the first              named HCAC Coach of the Year for the fifth
                                                         round of the HCAC tournament.                             straight season.

12               TRANSYLVANIA
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