TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab

Page created by Gregory Salinas
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab

                 How Covid changed
                 the transfer market

                  FOOTBALL POW E R ED B Y DATA

TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
Salvador Carmona
    A : Paseo Imperial 6 - Madrid, Spain
    W :
    P :                                                                            October 15th, 2020

Dear all,

I wrote back in April on the Driblab website that we were not going through easy times and the sad reality is that this
pandemic has affected many industries if not all of them. Football, and particularly professional football, is not and will not
be inmune to it until a vaccine is discovered and distributed worldwide.

The financial crisis across Europe has resulted in a steep drop in the value of footballers as clubs prepared to cut transfer
spending this year. Clubs incomes were heavily affected and rolled over to the now 2020-21 season. The top 3 main revenue
streams were TV broadcasting, Game tickets and commercial revenues (Sponsors, ads, merchandise etc) and they were all
affected one way or another. Right now TV rights are basically the main source of income for the majority of clubs due to the
pandemic de-facto killing in-game activation, museum and stadium tours, merchandising offline and many other sources
of revenue.

With a solid €5bn transfers value in 2019, according to TransferMarkt, the market was on an average increase trend of 10-15%
annually between 2016 and 2019 in the top 5 European Leagues. This year, the market has faced a remarkable hit as the
number of players signings in the summer market was decreased by -33% compared to the previous year. In terms of value,
transfers had a massive decrease of -40% after a remarkable growth of 20% between 2018 and 2019. Also the average value
per signing was down -12% compared to the year prior. These numbers show the depths of the transfer’s recession. 2020 will
be remembered for many things football-wise, but it will also be the first summer with no -official- signings of over €100m
since 2015.

This big decline in volume of player movement is going to affect the transfer market for at least the next 12-24
months, and thus should drive clubs to be keen on efficient spending more than ever before. At Driblab we believe
that evaluating players through a data analysis lens have a higher success rate than those only made based on instinct and
intuition. In 2019, Driblab participated in more than €560m in player transfers and these players had a surplus-value of
+29% a year later.

As I mentioned in the original letter published in April, this isn't business as usual. This report shows with figures that the
market has been disrupted and those who adapt to it the fastest will enjoy a severe competitive advantage.

Feel free to reach out to us anytime and be safe during these dark times

    Salvador Carmona

                      Salvador Carmona                               Paseo Imperial, 6
                      Driblab                               Madrid, Spain
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab

       Trans fer Ma rket E voluti on
Th e football t ra nsfe r ma rke t showed a r em ar kabl e g r owth in th e l as t de ca d e ,
esp eci ally i n t he l ast five ye a rs. B oth th e num ber of trans fer s and th e ave ra g e
va lu e p er p laye r we re o n a growing incr eas e. U ntil th e COV I D year ar r ive d a n d
t h e m arket c hange d .

      Transfer Market Evolution - Five best leagues
I n th i s year’s t ransfe r wind ow, te am s ins ide th e five bes t l eagues bough t 3 3 %
l ess p layers than a ye ar ago . A tough r eal ity for footbal l indus tr y th at ca n b e
su mmed u p in o ne fac t : 40% dec rea s e with a total buys of 3 . 3 bn € comp a r e d
to last year 's 5 . 5 bn € .

      Last five seasons - Five best leagues

           Transfers OUT           Change in
                                  2019 - 2020        -44%           -40%
           Transfers IN
           Net Spend
                                                   -1,746M €       -2,172M €

                                            -853 M
                                                       -1,080 M
                                                        -1,186 M
                                                                   -1,407 M       Top Expenses
2019/20                                                                           5.4 Billions €
                                          -981 M

           Nº of movements                              Average fee (in euros)
              Transfers IN                               2019          2020
             948           704                                                             11.2 M
                    -26%                                                                11.2
            2019           2020
                                                        Type of transfer (%)
             Transfers OUT                                                              51%
            1,415          895                                                        46.3%

                                        transfers                         27.5%
            2019           2020
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab

                      D i f fe re n t r e a l i ti e s fo r t h e P r e m i e r Le a g u e
                                  a n d th e re s t of b i g l e a g u e s
          Th e b reakd ow n shows how e ach l eag ue inves ted dur ing th e COV I D tran s fe r
          wi n dow. Wit h t he Bund e sl iga al m os t at a draw l evel of net s pend in t hi s
          t ran sfer w i nd ow, Pre mie r Le ague widens its gap with th e r es t of th e l ea g u e s
          an d L a L i ga st and s o ut a t t he oppos ite end.

                       Ne t s pe n d i n l a s t t ran sfer w i n dow 20 20 /2 1

                                      Pr emier Lea g ue - 9 4 1.5 m i lli o ns €

                                              La Li g a +6 4 m i lli o ns €

                                            Ser i e A - 53.8 m i lli o ns €

                                          Bund esli g a +5.3 m i lli o ns €

                                             Ligue 1 - 55.5 m i lli o ns €

                Tren d s i n n e t s pe n d - L ast five seaso n s - B i g l eag ues
ba la nce
P o sit ive

                                                                                                 La L i g a
                                                                                                 B un de s l i g a

                                                                                                 Li g u e 1

                                                                                                 Serie A
Ne gatib e
b al ance

                                                                                                 Le a g u e

              16/17             17 / 18            1 8/1 9              1 9/20               2 0/21
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
P r em i e r L e a g u e                    DRIBLAB REPORT

                                                                      Top 25 tra n s fe r s

P r e mi er L eague to ps t he big l e a gues as             PL
t he bi ggest spe nd e r in to t a l t rans fer              17
va l ues made wit h 1. 4Bn € of to t a l trans -
fer s . Makes th e highe st ave rage val ue per
p l aye r w i th a s t a gge ring 18. 3M € per each          3
s ig n i n g.                                                SA
The En gli sh le ague wa s t he l e a st h it as
t hey on ly dr o ppe d 9 % t han l a st year ’s              BU
s p e ndi n g. E i ght Engl ish c l ubs in th e top           1
1 2 sp en ders i n t he five be st l e a gues and             L1
a l s o si gn i n g 1 7 out of the top 25 tra n s fers        1
of t h i s tran sfer wind ow.

Ave rag e fee                    PL non s top s p en di n g - M a n C i ty ca se
  per buy                        Wit h t he s igning of R uben D ias , Man City h ave s i g n e d 5 of
                                 t he 10 m os t ex pens ive defender s ever ( D ias , C a n ce l o ,
                                 Lapo rte , Mendy and Stones ) .

           1 8.3                         R . Días - Performance 19/ 20
         M il l . €




                                 Ma n Cit y s ig ned th e two h ig h es t fee
                                 d efe nd e r s of th is s um m er . R uben D ías
                                 fro m Be nfica for 68 m € and N ath an
                                 A ké fro m B our nem outh for 4 5 m € .
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
La Li ga        DRIBLAB REPORT

                         Spanish football looks for other ways

La L i ga recei ve d t he bigge st hit in th e pos t-COV I D trans fer
window. Th e Spa nish l e a gue showed a m as s ive dr op in th e pl a-                          -52%
ye r s’ brou gh t in. A f te r a 1. 3bn € wor th of s ig ning s done in 2 019 ,                incomes
t his year sh owe d t he e co no mical ef fect on th e countr y m os t h it
by t he pan demic in Euro pe wit h 4 12 m € s ig ning s , t he hi ghes t
dr o p a mong the top five leagues, wi t h 6 9% l es s s p en di n g th an                     -69.1%
l a s t year an d 48% l e ss pl aye rs arriv ing to Spain.                                   expenses

         Champ i o n s L e a gu e c l u b s p er l eag ue - B a l a n ce

        N e ga t i ve
        b a l a n ce

        P o s i t i ve                               32          6 2.5            7 2.1              +4
        b a l a n ce          -3 6 0M €

 Inc reased i n fl u e n ce o u ts i d e t h e b i g five l ea g ues
                                                          L a L i ga % of ex p en di t u re i n p laye r s
                                                          ou t of top five l ea gu es .
                                                          B ar cel ona m ay be th e m os t r e co g n i -
    3 2%                                                  zabl e exam pl e inves ting in Tr i n ca o
                                                          and D es t but m or e and m ore c l u b s
                                                          ar e ex panding th eir f r ontier s l i ke R e a l
                                                          Val l adol id with S. Weis s m an o r
                                                          E ibar with D. K adzior .
  2017              2018      2019          20 20

 C h am pi ons hip                   P or t ug a l                      S e g u n da D i v i si on
                                                                        (top tra n sfe rs)
 P. Estu p i ñ án (16M € )           Trincao ( 3 1M € )
 L uis S u árez ( 7M € )             M. Ac u ña ( 10,5 M € )            L. Mil l a ( 5 M € )

 Á. Gi m én ez ( 2 . 8M € )                                             R . Guti ( 5 M € )

                                     Chin a                             Pedr i ( 5 M € )
 E r edi vi s i e
                                                                        B ono ( 4 M € )
 S e r g. Dest ( 28M € )             Y. Ca rras co ( 2 7M € )
                                                                        A . Lozano ( 2 ,5 M € )
 Ou s. Idr i ssi ( 1 2M € )          Cr oa t ia                         B . Gar cía ( 2 ,1M € )
 Au s tri a                          Ivo Grbic ( 7M € )                 J. P om bo ( 1,2 M € )
 S . Wei ssm an (4M € )              D. K a dzior ( 2 M € )             D. Siovas ( 1M € )
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
Serie A                  DRIBLAB REPORT

                    Serie A relies even more on the local market

S e r ie A h ad th e highe st numbe r of pl ayer s s ol d with 5 team s in th e top 6 c l u b s of
m ost tran sfers o ut (Na po l i, Inte r, S as s uol o, Genoa and Atal anta) . N apol i ha d t he
h ig hest n u m b e r of pl aye rs l e aving th e team , s el l ing ten pl ayer s and l oan i n g o u t
ot h e r ten n ame s, ma ke s t he te am o n top th e l is t of s el l ing pl ayer s and th e s e co n d
in valu es af ter Barce l o na .
Th e Itali an L ea gue was t he big com petition with th e m os t inter nal tra n s fe r s
h av ing 8 8 si gnings be t we e n Se rie A cl ubs wh ich m ar ks 4 4 . 7% of al l th e s i g n i n g s
don e du r i n g the t ransfe r wind ow.

                      Ow n l e a g u e           Re s t b i g l e a g u e s    Other leagues

                      24%                   29.8%                             46.3%

                    24. 8%                18. 4%                              5 6.7%

                            44. 7%                       16.8%                38.6%

                     28. 6%                 22.9%                             48.6 %

                    22. 1%               20. 7%                               5 7.1%

                                    L o a n + B uy : t h e I t al i an Jo b
                       During t his window Trans fer m ar k t r eg is ter ed onl y
                       39 pa id l o ans in five big l eag ues : 2 3 of th os e l oans
                        ha ppe ne d in Se r ie A . A dif fer ent ty pe of s ignings
                                           for I tal ian cl ubs .

                                           F. Chi es a ( 1 0 M € + 4 4 M € )
                                               Á . M orat a ( 1 0M + 35 M )
                                           W. M cK e nnie ( 2M + 1 8 .5 M )

                                    S. Tonal i ( 5M + 3 0 M )

                                             M . K umb ul l a ( 3 M + 30M )
                                             B . M ayoral ( 2M l oa n fee)

                                  T. Bakayoko ( 2M l oa n fee)
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
B u n d es l i g a              DRIBLAB REPORT

                                                      Compound Annual Growth Rate
                                                      in average sell fee ( 20 16 -20 20 )
This year’s transfe r wind ow wa s t h e fir s t
s ince 201 5 that we d o n’t se e a € 100m
t ra n sfer du ri ng t he summe r but K ai Ha-                  P re mi e r L.    + 7.9 %
ve r t z was th e c l o se st to t his mark with a
80 m € m ove fro m Baye r Leve rk us en to                      La Li g a         -0 .7%
C helsea.
I n r e cen t years Ge rman fo o t bal l h as con-
fir med i tself as t he l e a gue wit h t h e m os t             Se ri e A        + 6 .4%
a t t racti ve young t al e nt o n t he m ar ket.
A f te r th e sales of Timo We rne r and K ai
H avertz i t se e ms c l e ar t ha t H aal and,                 Bund e sli g a   + 7.7%
Sa n ch o, Rey n a , Diaby o r Thuram ar e s om e
of t h e most pro mising na me s to go out to                   Li g ue 1         + 3.6%
a b ig clu b i n next t ra nsfe r wind ows .

                       B i g g e s t U 2 4 t ra n sfer s in 20 2 0 /21

                       K . H ave r t z                     80M€

                       Arthur                              7 2 M€

                       V. O s h i m e n                    7 0M€

                       R. Di a s                           68M€

                       T. We r n e r                       53M€

                 B es t lea g u e fo r yo ung a tta ck ing ta lent?
       Ou r beeswa rm gra phic shows al l th eU2 3 for war ds , attack ing m id-
       fi elder s o r winge r wit h mo re th an 75 0 m inutes pl ayed in l eag ue in
       th e 2019 /20. A s we se e be l ow both Haver tz and Wer ner wer e am ong
       th e bes t pl aye rs in xG and x A per 9 0 m inutes .
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab
Li gu e 1              DRIBLAB REPORT

                                                                          2 0 20 F r ee S i g n i ngs
D e s p i te th e eco no mic pro bl e ms in F r ench                           U 2 0 p l ayer s
fo o t ball, th e o nl y majo r l e ague t h at did not
en d post- Covi d, t he be t re ma ins cl ear : young
a n d ch eap talent . This can be se e n in th e per -                             23.1%
cen tage of fre e t ra nsfe rs of U2 0 pl ayer s .
B u y in g ch eap a nd se l l ing expe ns ive is s til l                          13.6 %
t h e goal of L i gue 1.

Fr e nch footbal l is t he big l e a gue with th e                                    32.4 %
l owest average fe e pe r t ransfe r (6 . 2 m il l ion) ,
som eth i n g u sua l ye ars a go , but t h e s um m er
of 2 020 h as af fe c te d t he inco me s f r om s al es ,                             33.3%
esp e ci ally i n transfe rs to t he Pre mier League.


 Ligue 1 p laye rs s o l d to Pre m i er L eag ue
       2019          20 20                        L igue 1 p l aye rs to P re mie r L e ague
                                                       9                                        10
                                                                    Ave rage fe e
                                                     31 . 7 M €                             15.1M €

Th is latest transfe r wind ow has ma r ked a neg ative tr end for Lig ue 1 in ter m s of s a l e s
to t h e Pr em i er Le ague . Mo re pl aye r s but a m uch l ower average fee. E ng l is h fo o t b a l l
h a s preferred to buy fro m t he Bu ndes l ig a and th is h as been noticed in t he s a l e s
p r ices com p ar e d to l ast se a so n.

        Top 5 Li g u e 1 pl aye rs s o l d to P r em i er L ea g ue 20 1 9 an d 20 20

                                        Y. T i el em a n s      T. N dom b el e                 N. Pe p e
                                                   ( L EI )             ( TOT )                   ( ARS )
                       W. Saliba I. Sarr
   1                       ( A RS) ( WAT)
   9                 18            30
                15          24             35              45                 60                           80
   2                  18         30
     I . Dia l l o                                                                         M il l ions €
   0                         E. Mendy W. Fofa n a
         (SO U)
                             ( CHE)   ( L EI )
         R a ph inha B. Traore
   0             (LEE) ( AV)
TRANSFER REPORT 2020/21 - How Covid changed the transfer market FOOTBALL POWERED BY DATA - Driblab

       A quick look at efˎ ƺȈ ent s i gn in gs ·                                    Prem ier L .
From West Ham to WBA
Transfer fee: 13.5M €
Diangana's magniˎcent per -
formance last season at the
Championship pushed West
Brom to try his signing. Now
they will again enjoy a player
with a great capacity to
generate imbalances in the
opposite half. He f requently
carried the ball into the ˎȶal
metres of the ˎljld, in part
because of his ability to
surpass rivals in one-on-one
situations. He averaged 3.37
successful dribbles, 5.49 tou -
ches in the box and was able
to create many chances for
his teammates in open play
situations. Furthermore, the
goal probability of goal f rom
his key passes was high.

            Telles’ Key Passes Map at Porto in 2019/20                    ALEX TELLES (1992)
    (including set pieces situations) · 0,16 xA per 90 minutes
                                                                          From Porto to Man. United
                                                                          Transfer fee: 15M €
                                                                          United took the opportunity
                                                                          to sign one of the most pro -
                                                                          ductive full-backs in Euro -
                                                                          pean leagues at a low price.
                                                                          Telles is a player who contri -
                                                                          butes both in the defensive
                                                                          phase - with 4.31 ball retrie -
                                                                          vals for 90 minutes - and in
                                                                          the offensive one. In 2019/20
                                                                          he generated a total of 8.6
                                                                          expected assists, generating
                                                                          a lot of danger through set
                                                                          piece situations. In addition
                                                                          to that, he has a virtue that
                                                                          is diǹˎƺʍlt to see in this posi -
                                                                          tion: is really strong in aerial
                                                                          disputes (65,1%).

Expec ted Assists (xA): A metric that measures the probability of a key pass (a pass that ends with a shot)
of becoming a goal.

KENNY TETE (1995)                    JOËL VELTMAN (1992)                  DALE STEPHENS (1989)
From O. Lyon to Fulham               From Ajax to Brighton                From Brighton to Burnley
Transfer fee: 3.2M €                 Transfer fee: 1M €                   Transfer fee: 1.10M €

       A quick look a t efˎ ƺȈ en t s i gn in gs ·                                    L a L i ga
From Mirandés to Levante
Free transfer
After conceding its oppo -
nents 1.56 expected goals
per game in 2019/20, Levan -
te should improve defensi -
vely this season. And this
French ‘stopper’ could solve
some problems. Malsa has
excelled in the last two sea -
sons in recovery tasks, with
almost 3 successful tackles
and 1,91 interceptions per 90
minutes. In addition to that
he’s quite productive in the
aerial disputes and does not
take risks with the ball, with
very few steals suffered. Des -
pite he completes 3,78 long-
range passes, his percenta -
ge of completion is slightly
below average.

               Suárez’s Finishing Map at R. Zaragoza                        LUIS J. SUÁREZ (1997)
           (2019/20) · 2.57 shots, 0.35 xG per 90 minutes
                                                                            From Watford to Granada
                                                                            Transfer fee: 7M €
                                                                            Granada surprised by acqui -
                                                                            ring a forward who is expec -
                                                                            ted to make a lot of noise
                                                                            this year. At Zaragoza, Suárez
                                                                            registered 4.94 touches in
                                                                            the opposite box in a league
                                                                            (Segunda Division) in which
                                                                            the average is signiˎƺantly
                                                                            lower and showed an aweso -
                                                                            me accuracy in the ˎȶishing.
                                                                            He got 15 goals with shoo -
                                                                            ting situations that amoun -
                                                                            ted to 12.1 xG, scoring several
                                                                            quite dȈǹˎƺʍlt attempts. In
                                                                            addition to that, he showed
                                                                            ability to dribble or to gene -
                                                                            rate chances for others.
*Expec ted Goals: A metric that measures the goal probability of each shot . The probability is determined
by fac tors such as the place of the shot , the distance to the target , the angle, the par t of the body with
which the shooter contac ts the ball, etc .

JAWAD EL YAMIQ (1992)                JEISON LUCUMÍ (1995)                   OUSSAMA IDRISSI (1996)
From Genoa to Valladolid             From Tigres UANL to Elche              From AZ Alkmaar to Sevilla
Transfer fee: 1.25M €                Free transfer                          Transfer fee: 12M €

        A quick look a t efˎ ƺȈ ent s i gn in gs ·                                                Seri e A
From Red Star to Crotone
Transfer fee: 800k €
Interesting wager by Croto -
ne for a midˎljlder that we
consider ready to support an
adaptation to Italian footba -
ll. As we can see on the radar
on the right, Vuliƻ was able
to handle a lot of different
aspects in his last year in
Serbia, being above average
of the rest of the midˎljlders
within his league in almost
every parameter we take
into account. He is a player
with an excellent ball hand -
ling, who makes few mis -
takes in passing and who
makes many plays progress
throughout the games. Besi -
des he created 1.88 chances
per 90 minutes.

           Centre-backs with at least 700 minutes played                              L. MARTÍNEZ QUARTA (1996)
          at CONMEBOL leagues · 2020 or 19/20 (Argentina)
                                                                                      From R. Plate to Fiorentina
                                                                                      Transfer fee: €6mill.
                                                                                      Fiorentina probably got the
                                                                                      centre-back with the most
                                                                                      projection in South America.
                                                                                      Quarta excells for his solid
                                                                                      performance with the ball
                                                                                      (he participated in the build
                                                                                      up of 0.34 xG per 90 minutes
                                                                                      and got numerous ball pro -
                                                                                      gressions in 19/20) and espe -
                                                                                      cially for her volume of suc -
                                                                                      cessful defensive actions. He
                                                                                      averages 2.82 interceptions,
                                                                                      has shown a high effective -
                                                                                      ness rate in tackling actions
                                                                                      (81.4%) and has registered an
                                                                                      extraordinarily high ˎǼʍre of
                                                                                      clearances (5.88).

Ball Pro gression: Adva n ce o f 1 0 m et res o r m o re a ch ieve d t h rou g h a pass or a c arr y.

ADRIEN SILVA (1989)                        ARDIAN ISMAJLI (1996)                      JENS PETTER HAUGE (1999)
From Leicest. to Sampdoria                 From Hajduk S. to Spezia                   From Bodø Glimt to Milan
Free transfer                              Transfer fee: 2.50M €                      Transfer fee: 5M €

        A quick looȟ ƃ ɽ ljǹ ˎ ƺȈ ljȶ ɽɰ Ȉ Ǽ ȶ Ȉ ȶ Ǽ ɰ ӏ                                         Buȶ ǁljɰ liǼa
From Milan to Eintracht F.
Transfer fee: 9M €
It's really ǁȈǹˎƺʍlt to ˎnd and
sign an U-25 forward with
metrȈƺɰ like the ones André
Silva has. In the radar on the
right we ƺƃȶ see that he is a
player who ƺombines a great
presenƺe in the ˎȶȈɰȃȈng
zones with ɧʍȈte good ˎǼʍ -
res in the ƺreative phase. He
ƺƃȶ retain the ball, ƃɰɰɁƺȈƃte
or generate ƺhanƺes for his
team-mates. Anyways, what
stands Ɂʍɽ most in his per -
formanƺe is his ƺold blood in
the ǁljƺȈɰȈve metres, sƺoring
13 goals in 2019/20 with shoo-
ting ɰȈɽʍƃɽȈɁȶɰ of whiƺh 12.66
xG were estimated. In spite
of losing Ante Rebiƻ, it seems
a good move Eintraƺht.

     Full-backs & wing-backs with at least 700 minutes played                          PASCAL STENZEL (1996)
             in Bundesliga and Bundesliga 2 · 2019/20
                                                                                       From Freiburg to Sttutgart
                                                                                       Transfer fee: 1.30M €
                                                                                       After a qʍite prodʍƺtive loan
                                                                                       period both for the ƺlʍƹ and
                                                                                       the player, Stɽʍtgart signed
                                                                                       Stenzel permanently. Althoʍ -
                                                                                       gh his impaƺt in the ˎȶal
                                                                                       metres of the ˎljld ƺɁʍȢǁ be
                                                                                       better, this yɁʍng right-baƺk
                                                                                       had very ƺomplete level the
                                                                                       last season in 9ʍndesliga 2.
                                                                                       He ƺompleted almost 91% of
                                                                                       his passes and did it genera -
                                                                                       ting that the plays ʍsʍally
                                                                                       progressed. In addition to
                                                                                       this, his defensive ƺontribʍ -
                                                                                       tion was important for Stɽʍt -
                                                                                       gart, with 5.28 ball reƺoveries
                                                                                       per 90 miȶʍtes of play.

Ball Pro gressio n: Ad van ƺe o f 1 0 m et res o r m ore a ƺh i eve d t h roʍ Ǽ ȃ a pass or a ƺ arr y.

KEVIN STÖGER (1993)                        DEYOVAISIO ZEEFUIK (1998)                   MIKE VAN DER HORN (1992)
From F. Düsseldorf to Mainz                From Groningen to H. Berlin                 From Swansea to A. Bielefeld
Free transfer                              Transfer fee: 4M €                          Free transfer

       A quick look a t efˎ ƺȈ en t s i gn in gs ·                                  L i gue 1
From Dijon to Rennes
Transfer fee: 4M €
The last season this Moroc -
can centre-back was one of
the Ligue 1's most proliˎƺ
players in individual dispu -
tes, with a top success rate in
aerial duels (77.2%). His effec -
tiveness in tackling actions
(76.5%) was also considerably
above average. But beyond
that, he showed a lot of assu -
rance to his team in the deci -
sion-making with the ball. In
fact, in his ˎrst 500 minutes
at Rennes Aguerd is comple -
ting 91% of his passes, even
though he does not use
long-range displacement as
much as he did at Dijon. His
iȶːʍljnce in the build up of
xG could be better.

              Players with at least 300 minutes played                    ISAAC LIHADJI (2002)
                      U-17 FIFA World Cup 2019
                                                                          From O. Marseille to Lille
                                                                          Transfer fee: €300k
                                                                          With an eye to the future,
                                                                          Lille signed one of the most
                                                                          prominent talents f rom the
                                                                          last U-17 World Cup. In addi -
                                                                          tion to ˎȶishing the tourna -
                                                                          ment with 3 goals, Lihadji
                                                                          was one of the most produc -
                                                                          tive dribblers, with over 3.29
                                                                          successful take ons per 90
                                                                          minutes. In addition to that,
                                                                          he generated a lot of danger
                                                                          with his key passes, genera -
                                                                          ting 0.26 expected assists, a
                                                                          siǼȶȈˎƺantly higher average
                                                                          than players like Pedri Gon -
                                                                          zalez (SPA), Eugenio Pizzuto
                                                                          (MEX) or Gabriel Verón (BRA).

Expec ted Assists (xA): A metric that measures the probability of a key pass (a pass that ends with a shot)
of becoming a goal.

JONATHAN CLAUSS (1992)               M. SCHNEIDERLIN (1989)               CENK ÖZKAÇAR (2000)
From Arminia Biel. to Lens           From Everton to Nice                 From Altay to O. Lyon
Transfer fee: 1.20M €                Transfer fee: 2.23M €                Transfer fee: 1.50M €
Salvador Carmona

Cristian Coré Ramiro

‘This report shows with figures that
the market has been disrupted and
those who adapt to it the fastest will
enjoy a severe competitive advantage’

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