Trans, Inside and Out - By Tessa Vikander

Trans, Inside and Out - By Tessa Vikander
Trans, Inside and Out

  By Tessa Vikander
Trans, Inside and Out - By Tessa Vikander
One woman’s story
                                  reveals how BC
                            discriminates against
                                    trans people.

                                     t’s a late May evening at Surrey Pre-
                                     trial Services Centre—a men’s jail in
                                     the suburbs of Vancouver, BC—and
                                     Haedyn-Khris Beaumann has had
                                     enough. A fellow inmate has spent
                            the past week taunting her with bigoted re-
                            marks, and she’s ready to fight back.
                               “I’m sick and tired of what you’re saying,”
                            she tells him.
                               The man had been “dropping the
                            F-bomb” (f*g) and insisting that racial
                            and sexual minorities shouldn’t get “spe-
                            cial privileges.” He also told her he doesn’t
                            think it’s “right” to be gay.
                               Beaumann, a pansexual trans woman,
                            had been at Surrey Pretrial since August
                            2019. She was involuntarily transferred
                            there from the nearby Alouette Correc-
                            tional Centre for Women, in Maple Ridge.
                            She has filed a human rights complaint
                            against BC Corrections, saying the system
                            discriminated against her as a trans woman
                            by keeping her in a men’s jail.
                               Since arriving at the men’s institution,
                            she’d faced both sexual harassment and
                            sexual assault. “I just started crying and
                            left. I just couldn’t take it,” said 27-year-old
                            Beaumann of the inmate’s taunts. She went
                            to see her case manager and was placed in a
                            different unit, away from that inmate. But
                            her new unit was under tighter controls;
                            inmates were alone more, with less time out
                            of their cells.
                               “I’m there until they can figure out what
                            else to do with me,” she said the day after
                            the incident.
                               Beaumann, who was awaiting extradition
                            to the US on murder and theft charges, said
                 Story by   she hoped to be “housed” in a women’s fa-
                            cility south of the border. She and a friend,
           Tessa Vikander   Christopher Shade, are accused of beating
                            a man to death with a shovel, then stealing
Illustrations by Bug Cru                  Summer/Fall 2020               37
Trans, Inside and Out - By Tessa Vikander
pleas for long hair, ballet lessons, and
                                                                                                      nail polish.
                                                                                                         Her parents kicked her out when
                                                                                                      she was 15 or 16, leading to periods
                                                                                                      of homelessness. By 19, she’d realized
                                                                                                      she was trans, and came out to a group
                                                                                                      of trans people on Facebook. But she
                                                                                                      didn’t feel safe enough to live as a
                                                                                                      woman. “I kept it to myself, because I
                                                                                                      felt that who I was was wrong.”
                                                                                                         In 2013, she met Richard Bergesen
                                                                                                      —the man she’s charged with killing—
                                                                                                      through her church, and he gave her
                                                                                                      a place to live. At the time, she was
                                                                                                      living as a man, with the last name of
                                                                                                      Patterson. Beaumann alleges Bergesen
                                                                                                      made unwanted sexual advances to-
                                                                                                      ward her shortly before he was killed.
                                                                                                      Court documents say when Bergesen
                                                                                                      was found dead in his Sammamish,
                                                                                                      WA, home in September 2014, he’d
                                                                                                      been “brutally bludgeoned.”
                                                                                                         Court records allege that after
                                                                                                      Bergesen was killed, Beaumann and
                                                                                                      Shade stole his car and wallet, and
his credit cards and vehicle, and fleeing to       Under BC human rights law, prisons are      escaped to Canada by driving through a
Canada on a back road.                          “services” with a duty to protect inmates      barbed-wire fence. They were arrested in
  When she was arrested, she was living as a    against harassment and discrimination          Abbotsford, BC, later that day.
man. Since then, she’s come out as a trans      based on their gender. “They not only have        According to court documents, Beau-
woman, and joined a long line of transgender    an obligation to protect you from system-      mann has said she’s innocent, and that her
people fighting for fair treatment within       ic discrimination within the prison, but       friend killed Bergesen. Yet extradition doc-
Canadian prison systems since the 1970s.        they also have an obligation to protect        uments say she called two friends shortly
  Trans people face higher levels of sex-       you from other prisoners,” says paralegal      after Bergesen was killed and told one, “I
ual violence behind bars than cisgender         Shelly Bazuik of Prisoners’ Legal Services,    fucked up,” and the other, "I hit him over the
people. According to US data collected in       a legal clinic that advocates for incarcera-   head with a shovel." Shade was extradited
2011-2012, trans prisoners are up to ten        ted people. “It’s their obligation to create   and found guilty of second degree murder,
times more likely to be sexually harassed or    an environment where a prisoner doesn’t        identity theft, and burglary after pleading
assaulted than cis prisoners. In the world at   experience discrimination and harass-          guilty in May 2016, and was sentenced to
large, they also face higher rates of suicide   ment.” BC Corrections refused requests         14 years and 9 months in prison.
and suicide attempts. Research from 2013        for an interview.                                 When Beaumann was arrested and
showed that 45% of trans people surveyed           Bazuik represented Beaumann for five        placed among men at Surrey Pretrial, she
in Ontario had attempted suicide, and 77%       years, and she’s frustrated by the pro-        says she “sealed” her trans identity. Two
had seriously considered it.                    vince’s treatment of trans inmates. “If a      years on, she tried to come out as trans,
  Beaumann—who is Canadian but grew             person's being sexually harassed a lot, of-    but says corrections authorities didn’t
up in the US—fought her extradition for         ten they'll end up in a different unit,” she   believe her. A year later, she met Bianca
five years, during which she submitted          explains. “The solution always seems to be     Bailey Lovado, another trans woman
eight separate legal challenges through the     restricting the liberties of the transgender   at Surrey Pretrial. “She was really tel-
Canadian courts. Her objections to being        person rather than the person enaged in        ling me to be myself and to be open,”
sent to the US for trial included concerns      the discrimination.”                           said Beaumann.
she might face the death penalty, and fears                                                       With Lovado’s support, Beaumann tried
she wouldn’t be safe as a pansexual trans       Coming out behind bars                         a second time to come out to the prison
woman in a US prison. She ultimately lost,        “I’ve known that I was different from a      administration. This time they took her se-
and was extradited mid-June. She has been       really young age,” Beaumann said over the      riously, and she was able to start hormones
placed in a women’s facility in Washington      phone from the men’s jail in Surrey. As        to begin her physical transition. But, she
state while awaiting trial.                     she grew up, her conservative Christian        says, she didn’t feel there was room to have
  Still pending is Beaumann’s human rights      parents weren’t open to Beaumann being         doubts. “There was nobody here [in a pro-
complaint against BC Corrections.               anything but a boy. Her dad refused her        fessional capacity] that I could talk to to
38     Asparagus Magazine
Trans, Inside and Out - By Tessa Vikander
figure out who I was... I felt nobody wanted          Beaumann says that when she “broke,”          men’s jail was discriminatory. In the filing,
to support me.”                                    she got into an expletive-laden argument         she also asked for financial compensation
   “[The warden] said I had to pick if I was       with a guard. A court document describes         and to be returned to the women’s prison.
[trans]. If they were going to support me,         the incident as “violent.”                          “My dignity, feelings and self-respect
they needed to know who I was.”                       That argument landed her in segregation,      have all been damaged as a result of the trans-
   After she began transitioning with the          where she stayed for several months before       fer,” it reads. “I have been assaulted regularly
help of a doctor, she requested and was            being involuntarily transferred from Alou-       by officers and inmates since my transfer to
granted a transfer to Alouette Correction-         ette back to the men’s prison after anoth-       male population.” It continues: “Since my
al Centre for Women. She stayed there for          er incident in August 2019. A December           transfer, I have attempted suicide.”
almost a year. Some aspects of her stay were       2019 court ruling says prison staff had “ur-        Although Beaumann was not transferred
“amazing,” she said: “Everyone accepted            gent and legitimate concerns about their         back to the women’s facility in Canada
me. I was able to connect with a lot of peo-       inability to protect Alouette’s inmates, its     before her extradition, the American sys-
ple who were able to show me respect and           staff, and Ms. [Beaumann] herself after her      tem placed her in a women’s jail when
kindness for who I am.”                            violent episode.” The judge said because         she arrived. Her lawyer in Washington
   “A lot of the inmates helped me braid my        the transfer was an “on the spot” decision,      state, Danny Waxwing, says her history of
hair, helped me learn how to put on make-          Beaumann wasn’t entitled to advance no-          being held at a women’s facility and ha-
up properly,” she said. “They cared about          tice, leaving her with no right to contest       ving received gender-affirming health care
me as a person.”                                   the transfer before it happened.                 through BC Corrections doctors will help
   But, Bazuik confirms, Beaumann was                 While in segregation, she says she            her be placed in another women’s institu-
under high surveillance at the women’s             attempted both suicide and genital self-         tion if she’s found guilty and sentenced.
prison. She felt she went from being seen          mutilation. In the days before the transfer,        “She has been very consistent over time
as a high-risk victim at the men’s jail, to a      Beaumann says she attempted suicide al-          that being placed in a women’s prison is
high-risk predator at Alouette. An officer         most daily, and that resisting being put into    what would be safest for her physically,
was assigned to watch her whenever she             an anti-suicide smock is what prompted           mentally and emotionally,” Waxwing said.
was out of her cell.                               her transfer.                                       Back in Canada, Bazuik says the Sur-
   Trans women who haven’t had gender-                That fall, Beaumann challenged the way        rey jail is “not at all close to creating a
affirming surgery, like Beaumann, are              the transfer decision was made. A BC             harassment-free environment.” She ac-
                                                                       judge ruled it was fair      knowledges, though, that the institution

Trans prisoners are
                                                                       for Alouette to make an      has “evolved” in the time she has worked
                                                                       “on the spot” decision to    with Beaumann. “There’s been five, may-
                                                                       transfer her back to the     be six [trans] women who’ve stayed at the
up to ten times more                                                   men’s jail, but also ruled
                                                                       it was unfair not to
                                                                                                    prison… There’s a core of staff now at Sur-
                                                                                                    rey Pretrial who understand what some of

likely to be sexually
                                                                       provide her with the do-     the important issues are.”
                                                                       cumented reasons for            The current policy does entitle trans
                                                                       the transfer until al-       people to private showers and bathrooms,
harassed or assaulted                                                  most three months later.
                                                                       However, the judge did
                                                                                                    and the right to be called by their chosen
                                                                                                    names. They also have access to gender-

than cis prisoners.
                                                                       not rule on whether          affirming health care, though Bazuik says
                                                                       Beaumann had been dis-       one of her clients once had to wait three
                                                                       criminated against.          months to see the doctor specializing in
                                                                                                    health care for trans people.
subjected to more scrutiny than trans              Back where she didn’t belong                        Guards could do more to stop harass-
women who’ve had surgery, said Bazuik.                Other inmates at the Surrey jail didn’t       ment by other inmates, says Bazuik: “The
“An officer [is] following them everywhere         understand what it means to be trans-            officers still for the most part don’t in-
they go in the prison as if their genitalia was    gender, Beaumann said. They groped her           tervene.” This makes the trans inmate
a weapon... And then, of course, any people        breasts and teased her for being trans.          responsible for “ratting” on the person
who are subject to extra scrutiny end up in        “They think it’s a joke,” she said. “They        who’s harassing them.
extra trouble, just like with racial profiling.”   think that because I’m transgender I’d like         “There's a whole subculture in prisons
Bazuik says it can also cause fellow prison-       to perform oral sex on them.”                    about ratting. If you rat on a person, you're
ers to believe the inmate is being supervised         Beaumann’s human rights complaint,            setting yourself up for extra assault and
because they’re a sexual predator, regardless      filed November 2019, is against BC’s             violence,” says Bazuik. “Prison officials are
of their actual history.                           Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor          very aware of [this], yet they still put the
  “I dealt with sexual abuse as a child,”          General, the provincial bodies that oversee      onus on transgender prisoners to name
Beaumann said. “I would never want to put          BC’s prison system. She wants the BC Hu-         the people who are harassing them, when
that on someone... To be labelled as that is       man Rights Tribunal to declare that BC           sometimes [officials have] been witness to
so hard, and I eventually broke.”                  Corrections’ decision to move her back to the    it in the first place.”

                                                                                                                  Summer/Fall 2020              39
Challenging the system                          less. According to the province, the average   said. Bianca Lovado, the trans woman who
    Bazuik wants to challenge BC’s policies      length of stay is 41 to 61 days in custody,    encouraged Beaumann to come out, was
 on trans prisoners—which don’t auto-            meaning the average trans prisoner will have   transferred to the women’s jail and then
 matically give trans people the right to be     served all or most of their time before the    released, Bazuik said. She ended up in jail
 placed at an institution based on the gen-      initial decision is made on their transfer.    several times after that, but was always
 der they identify with—in court. What              Beaumann tried to challenge the policy      placed back in the men’s centre. Lovado
 trans people have the right to is a transfer    in court a couple years back with a judicial   died in November.
 request, which is reviewed by a team made       review, Bazuik said, but right before the         While still in Canada, Beaumann conti-
 up of medical personnel from Correctional       case would have been heard, the prison         nued to fight to get back into the women’s
 Health Services and deputy wardens from         transferred her to the women’s jail.           jail. When another round of requests were
 the inmate’s current and requested jails,          One way to change the policy is for an      refused this spring due to behavioural con-
 and may include representatives from BC         inmate to file a human rights complaint,       cerns, she was so upset she could hardly speak.
 Corrections headquarters.                       Bazuik said. This process can take any-           “I woke up crying this morning,” she said.
    The policy gives this team up to 60 days     where from six to 20 months. During the           Within days, she was extradited, and
 to make a decision. If the transfer request     human rights hearing, the inmate’s lawyer      placed in general population among
 is denied, the process for reconsideration      could ask the tribunal judge whether the       women at the King County Correctional
 gets arduous. First, the inmate can submit      timeline for making the decision around        Facility. She awaits trial.
 a complaint to BC Corrections and have          a transfer is fair, and the judge could rule
 the request reconsidered, Bazuik says, add-     that BC Corrections has discriminated
                                                 and must pay damages to the inmate. This            Tessa Vikander is a queer, settler, freelance
 ing another seven to 30 days to the process.
                                                                                                 journalist. She writes and reports on LGBTQ2
 And if BC Corrections still says no, the        would set a precedent for future trans in-
                                                                                                  rights, feminism, the justice system, and race,
 inmate can ask for a judicial review, which     mates requesting transfer.                                                  among other things.
 includes getting approved for a legal aid          But for inmates who cycle in and out
 lawyer and having a court hearing sche-         of custody, neither a court challenge nor      Bug Cru is a third-generation Dutch settler and
 duled, which can take three more months.        a human rights complaint can guarantee         Kanienkehaka artist, illustrator and tattooist.
    This is an issue, Bazuik says, because the   placement in a gender-appropriate institu-      Their work is informed by their perspectives as
 typical stay at a BC jail is two months or      tion. The timing just doesn’t work, Bazuik      a mad, chronically ill, queer, and trans person.

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