Trade Journal for House Technology - RAS-Online

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Trade Journal for House Technology - RAS-Online
                                                      Trade Journal for
                                                      House Technology
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I N T E R N AT I O N A L                                 W W W. R A S - O N L I N E . C O M

FEST Field Trip 2019, London
Corporate Courage Creates Success
                                                                                          Toolstation offers its customers
                                                                                          – such as professional installers
                                                                                          or experienced DIY-enthusiasts
                                                                                          – high-quality tools and all types
                                                                                          of building products. As one of
                                                                                          the fastest growing multi-chan-
                                                                                          nel companies in the construc-
                                                                                          tion and DIY-sector in Europe,
                                                                                          the choice on offer includes over
                                                                                          10,000 products. The product
                                                                                          range also includes professional
                                                                                          brands like Bosch, Makita, Heco,
                                                                                          Fischer, Wiha, Gardena, Uponor,
                                                                                          Spax and Stanley. In addition to
                                                                                          products from the sectors (elec-
                                                                                          tric-) power tools, ironmongery,
                                                                                          garden and patio as well as
                                                                                          workwear, customers at Toolbox
                                                                                          can also purchase a wide variety
                                                                                          of accessories for power tools,
                                                                                          fixing materials, car accessories
                                                                                          and other installation materials.
                                                                                          Within the overall UK market,
Every two years, General Director Sue Knight,                  An interested audience     the channel mix has changed,
                                                                     tours Toolstation.   as different models have
acting on behalf of FEST, joins forces with a                                             emerged and customer prefer-
member organization and the Association                                                   ences have changed away from
                                                  Approximately 30 participants           DIY to an increased willingness
Management Company Kellen, to organize a          from European wholesale com-            to use trade professionals or
field trip. This year’s trip – after the Czech    panies were not meant to an-            DIFM, ‘Do it for me’ solutions.
                                                  ticipate routine insights into          Toolstation, like its main com-
Republic and France – was to Great Britain, or
                                                  these companies’ strategies and         petitor Screwfix, has prospered
more precisely Greater London. The organizers     day-to-day trade. The group set         with its relatively new business
                                                  off on the tour of the companies        model by offering customers en-
had dreamed up something unique for this
                                                  from the Canary Riverside Plaza         hanced propositions, including
location: visits to companies that captured the   Hotel.                                  extended hours and extensive
market with innovative ideas and disruptive       We have summarised the key              ranges with high availability and
                                                  points of the firms’ strategies         competitive fixed pricing. In De-
approaches.                                       below.                                  cember 2018 Travis Perkins out-                                                                          12 2019 | RAS International   77
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Trade Journal for House Technology

                                                                          The FEST field group in London.

lined plans for its future direc-   station is now regarded as a ma-      the UK, the development of the        tion centre with capacity for 500
tion under two key themes: to       jority trade business with ap-        newer European businesses and         stores, plus they plan to open
focus on trade customers            proximately 70% of its sales go-      continuous improvement of the         up to 60 further stores in 2019.
through advantaged businesses       ing to trade customers. However,      proposition. It is committed to       They are also working to im-
and to simplify the Group. One      whether the purchase is for a         allocating capital to Toolstation’s   prove the proposition, increase
of the key drivers of this change   trade or private customer, there      bespoke IT platform that is cen-      the extended range available
in strategy was the consistent      is no price differential. Travis      tral to its successful model,         online and the number of trade
contribution delivered by the       Perkins sees digital as an un-        where customer needs are well         brands stocked in store. Multi-
Group’s contract merchanting        tapped opportunity in the trade       understood and are met by a           channel transactions increased
division and Toolstation. Histor-   markets: offering potential to        leading proposition based on          by over 30%, with strong
ically reported as part of Travis   differentiate. Given that Toolsta-    value and availability.               growth in click and collect. Tool-
Perkins Consumer Division, Tool-    tion is a business, which best fits                                         station Europe continued with
                                    the revised strategy and delivers     Focused on Europe                     12 stores opened in the Nether-
                                    attractive returns, Travis Perkins                                          lands, taking the total to 32, and
Photos of the various locations     will continue to invest in Tool-      In 2018, Toolstation UK opens         supported by a new distribution
on the whistle stop tour.           station’s network expansion in        its 335th store, a third distribu-    centre. Growth characteristics

78   RAS International | 12 2019                                                                                     
Trade Journal for House Technology - RAS-Online
for both stores and online are        bathroom retailer in terms of prof-
extremely encouraging. A further      it, turnover and service, a goal
5 stores were added to the net-       partly facilitated following the re-
work around Lyon in France,           cent demise of Bathstore, another
bringing the trial up to 8 in total   major competitor. The firm claims
and developing brand recogni-         that TV remains the most impor-
tion with the trade customers.        tant medium for brand awareness,
The Belgium website continues         with Victorian Plumbing adverts
to develop well and some trial        generating more than 400m
stores will be added in 2019, to      brand impressions. It has also ex-
be serviced from the Dutch dis-       panded marketing activity through
tribution centre. Toolstation is      various high-profile partnerships,
now also present in Germany           including exclusive collaborations
with a branch in Cologne.             with renowned fashion designers
                                      and a partnership with Fox Studios
Victorian Plumbing                    for the release of the film Dead-
                                      pool 2.
Victorian Plumbing was founded        The company also said running
by Mark Radcliffe in 2000, along      promotional campaigns on so-
with his brother Neil and mother      cial media for partners such as
Carole. It is now the UK’s most       Grohe and Mira boosted en-
dominant online retailer in the       gagement with its target mar-
bathroom sector, (not to be con-      ket.
fused with its main rival, Victoria   Marc Radcliffe’s story as a busi-
Plum which is backed by private       nessman is also exciting: he has
equity firm TPG). In 2018 sales       worked his way up to become a
turnover increased 12% to             successful entrepreneur, making
£118m with pre-tax profits of         his first million-pound selling
£3.5m, after paying a hefty           mobile phone accessories over          Established in 1937 by a South       needs that have not been ful-
£1.75m court settlement to Vic-       the internet from a shed in his        London builder, Charles Percival     filled in the bathroom industry.
toria Plum in a competitive bid-      parents’ back garden. During           Hart, and subsequently run by        Their success lies in offering ex-
ding battle over Google Ad-           the recession and the devalua-         his two sons through depres-         clusive items that no one else
words. In contrast, the latter re-    tion of the pound, Mark realised       sion, war, and post-war austerity,   has. To do this, they source prod-
ported a pre-tax profit of just       it was not viable to make a profit     C.P. Hart now has a turnover of      ucts directly from Europe and
£200K / £200,000 for the 12           from accessories so he moved           over £43m. With an unrivalled        adapt them in their own work-
months ending February 2018.          into bathrooms, opening a ware-        reputation for service and ex-       shop to make them compatible
Victorian Plumbing’s turnover in      house in Formby, near Liverpool.       pertise, Charles opened five         with UK standards. C.P. Hart has
2019 is expected to reach             He subsequently bought a larger        stores along the old London          a talent for recognising the
£145m for the year to Septem-         warehouse in Skelmersdale and          Road, intended for plumbers          same passion in companies
ber, representing double-digit        then Birmingham.                       and builders, but eventually         abroad that they possess them-
growth.                                                                      favoured by all kinds of profes-     selves – they only work with
Mark Radcliffe, owner and Man-        C.P. Hart                              sional and retail clients.           people who truly believe in what
aging Director, explained to the                                             Kevin Ohle, Chairman of C.P.         they create. C.P. Hart are experts
FEST Field Group that he is con-      The next stop was at the com-          Hart, describes the company’s        in challenging perceptions and
fident he can become the UK’s top     pany C.P. Hart.                        strategy: C.P. Hart identifies       creating new concepts for those                                                                                                  12 2019 | RAS International   79
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Trade Journal for House Technology

                                                                                     fore its demise earlier     site development, BOXT steers
                                                                                     this year. Founded in       consumers through the decision-
                                                                                     the late 1990s by           making process and also allows
                                                                                     Patrick Riley, Bathroom     them to select the boiler brand,
                                                                                     Brands has grown to         delivery and installation date.
                                                                                     become the market           BOXT’s business model does
                                                                                     leader in traditional       away with salesmen, surveyors
                                                                                     bathroom products in        and call centres. Orders taken
                                                                                     the UK, with sales of       via the website are dispatched
                                                                                     over £40m. Over the         via the merchant directly to the
                                                                                     years, Bathroom Brands      customer with everything the in-
                                                                                     developed a range of        staller needs boxed in one self-
                                                                                     other industry-recog-       contained package. “Our guys
                                                                                     nised brands, such as       are like Uber,” says Butler. “We
                                                                                     Britton for contempo-       have a database of about 250
                                                                                     rary sanitary ware, and     qualified engineers, who we’ve
                                                                                     Clearwater for free-        checked out. They can ‘put the
                                                                                     standing baths. It sub-     light on’ to say they are available
                                                                                     sequently acquired          to work and the customer can
willing to take a fresh look at      phisticated infrastructure, de-       Crosswater, one of the UK’s           then see what slots are available
bathroom design. In order to         signed around its customers’          leading brassware brands, taking      to them for installation.” The en-
demonstrate this to customers,       evolving needs. It has the most       the turnover in 2018 to £90m.         gineers are rated from Trustpilot
their unique showroom under          experienced, understanding and        Today the business operates pre-      reviews, so those with the high-
the arches in Waterloo has be-       highly-trained design and sales       dominantly in the retail show-        est reviews get the jobs first. As
come a compelling tool since         team in the industry, offering the    room sector and internet market,      the engineers don’t have to pick
1975.                                technical expertise to help plan      with some contract business in        up the boiler from the mer-
Their subsequent move to the         every aspect of a project. From       the London new-build and bou-         chant’s counter in the morning,
arches in Waterloo provided          water pressure and plumbing           tique hotel markets (Victorian        they can arrive earlier to install
them with the vast space they        through to understanding what         Plumbing and C.P. Hart are key        the boiler. “That’s one of the big
so badly needed. The brothers        materials work together and the       customers of Bathroom Brands).        wins for the customer, along
could now hold enough stock to       ultimate finishing touches, C.P.      In many ways, Bathroom Brands         with price,” Butler remarks.
make C.P. Hart a ‘one-stop shop’     Hart draws on over 75 years of        could be viewed as a market dis-      The company, which is currently
– builders could get everything      bathroom knowledge to assist          ruptor since their route to mar-      part owned by Bosch, fits 50 to
they needed in one trip, making      consumer and trade customers          ket is through regional distribu-     80 boilers a day and has big
it a convenient trade hub. One       alike.                                tor partners, rather than the na-     plans to expand its products and
arch was the plumbers’ mer-          Hence their appeal. Although          tional merchant chains, such as       services. Whilst a few people
chants, another provided stor-       C.P. Hart has since changed           Travis Perkins and Wolseley.          have tried to copy them nobody
age, and the rest was trans-         hands – most recently to Charco       At the end of the first day of the    else has invested so heavily in
formed into a consumer-focused       – Charles’ sons remain closely        Fest Field Trip the participants      the IT platform or built out the
showroom stocking unique             associated with the company.          enjoyed dinner at Watermen’s          back-office to make the cus-
products that simply couldn’t be     The variations of products de-        Hall.                                 tomer journey as smooth as pos-
bought anywhere else. This           signed by John and Tom are still                                            sible.
large, unique space has enabled      some of the best sellers to this      BOXT                                  Butler’s next game-changer tac-
them to indulge their passion for    day. The difference now is that                                             tic is to launch same-day delivery
design, giving them the room to      these items are displayed in 15       The day of departure began with       for customers who order before
collate their impressive portfolio   showrooms nationwide – a fact         another interesting appointment       10am. He also plans to increase
of products. From John Hart’s in-    that would have made the orig-        in the morning at BOXT.               the number of products on the
novative Waterloo shower valve       inal C.P. Hart extremely proud.       BOXT is an online boiler instal-      website and is already branching
in 1992, which went on to be-                                              lation business founded in            out into smart technology and
come the biggest selling valve       Bathroom Brands                       March 2017 delivering a               air-conditioning installations.
of the decade, through to our                                              turnover of £18m in its first trad-
most popular classic collection,     Patrick Riley was the original        ing year. Chief Executive, Mel        The next key date for FEST mem-
the London range, C.P. Hart un-      founder of Bathstore, along with      Butler, and his colleagues de-        bers is the congress in October
derstands the needs of the bath-     Nico De Beer. They subsequently       vised an online process aimed         2020. Vice President, Johan
room market like no other.           sold the successful chain of retail   at disrupting the traditional boil-   Stevens, will host the event
What’s more, C.P. Hart prides it-    bathroom shops to Wolseley,           er renewal market which had           scheduled for 01.–03. October
self on its high standard of ser-    who then went on to sell it to        been in existence for over 40         in Lisbon.
vice, which is supported by a so-    private equity firm Endless be-       years. By investing £4m in web-

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