Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...

Page created by Tina Ball
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Tracker mechanics
          for the Pilot Run
                     Marco Incagli – INFN Pisa
          Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI)
                      Giovanni Cantatore (TS)

                                   18 September 2020

1   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Pilot run Fall 2021
• Muone has been allocated 20 days beam time (possibly) Q4
• We have ~1 year to build and integrate the tracker system

2   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Tracking system
• 3 tracking stations; first one with no target

3   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Tracker station mechanical design

                                                              Beryllium (?) target

                 (u,v) layer

                                     • The “tilt angle” helps in improving the hit
                                       resolution, but it may create problems in
                                       the fitting stage
                                     • A final decision has not yet been taken; it
                                       has an impact on the details of the
                                       mechanics, but not on the general layout
                                     • I’ll show the version with the maximum
                  (x,y) tilted modules
                                       tilt of 268 mrad
4   18/09/2020      Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
The MACRO tilt
• By rotating the modules, the hit finding precision improves by
  ~20%, as the “shower” inside the Silicon sensor is partly
  shared among two adjacent strips
                                             • resolution of a 2S sensor
                                               measured at test beam
                                             • it improves from ~27 µm
                                               to ~22 µm for a sensor
                                               rotation of ~15o
                                             • (information provided by
                                               Duccio Abbaneo)

5   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
The MICRO tilt
•   The strips of the two sensors of a Pt2S module are aligned, between
    the sensors, and have a pitch of 90 µm
•   If one could “stagger” them by half a pitch, then resolution would
    (theoretical!) improve by a factor 2
•   This Effective Staggering (ES) can be obtained by rotating the module
        2S sensor
        1       2
                             25 mrad

                    Dy = 90 µm
                                                             ES = 2.5
                                       ES = 0.5   ES = 1.5
      Dz = 1800 µm

                       Drawing NOT to scale!
6    18/09/2020      Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Layers 1 and 3
• Modules in layers 1 and 3 are tilted by 268 mrad (layer 2 is
  NOT tilted)
• Each module has to be tilted around an axis parallel to the
  strip direction in order to get the “effective staggering”

    TOP                                              SIDE
    VIEW                                             VIEW
        x                                            y

7           18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Aluminum mock-up
• All parts have been designed
• Two Al mockups will be constructed in Pisa and Trieste

8   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Tracker station mechanical design

                                                            Beryllium (?) target

                 (u,v) layer

                                                hydraulic for cooling system

                  (x,y) tilted modules
9   18/09/2020      Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Tracker mechanics for the Pilot Run - Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa Carlo Ferrari, Maurizio Massa, Andrea Moggi (PI) Giovanni Cantatore (TS) 18 ...
Stations for experiment in INVAR
• the request on the module stability on the z direction (along
  the beam) is dz
Support table and alignment system
• Each tracker station is mounted on an optical table through a
  system of actuators to center the beam (~130cm) and allow
  for the precise positioning (details on this later on)
• Three points of support
• Linear stages:
     – XY upstream
     – XY and X downstream

          Max axial load 700 N

11   18/09/2020     Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
HAM : Holographic Alignment Module

12   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
HAM : Holographic Alignment Module

13   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
HAM : Holographic Alignment Module

14   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
The box, or “tracker enclosure”
• The tracker structure is inserted into an enclosure which
  provides the connections to the services, the light tightness
  and it thermally isolates the tracker
                                              • Two patch panels per
                                                module with eletrical
                                                and optical
                                                connections (top
                                                one) and with
                                                feedthroughs (bottom

15   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
The tracker with the box on the table
• side and top panels can be removed to access the modules
  and for the general survey

16   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Temperature stability
• the temperature, in the hall, varies from 10 to 30 degrees,
  with daily variations of 6 degrees





     Jul       Aug      Sep      Oct         Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May
17     18/09/2020    Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Cooling system and dry air flow
• The modules are cooled with a water-glycole liquid flowing at
• The support structure is also cooled by the same liquid
     – the module position has to be “stable within 10 µm”
     – this requires a temperature stability of ±2C (the goal is ±1C)

• Under discussion with Cern (visit to the site on Thursday Sep,
  24) is the possibility of having a “tent” mounted around the
  detector with a simple (and cheap) A/C system to be used as
  thermal buffer

• In current design, the possibility of flowing dry air at T=18C,
  to keep air density constant, is also foreseen
18   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Sistema di controllo della T
§ La temperatura della struttura in Invar deve essere mantenuta in un range
    di ± 2 °C se si vuole contenere la dilatazione termica entro 10 mm.
§ I moduli tracker Pt2s dissipano 5 W ciascuno
§ Ogni stazione prevede inoltre un ingresso di aria secca, per mantenere la
    sovrappressione ed eliminare l’umidità dal percorso del fascio. Tale flusso
    deve essere termalizzato a 18°C.
Il controllo della T avviene mediante un chiller Julabo, mod. CP-1001F (10 kE
Gamma temperatura di lavoro: -38 ... +100 °C
Stabilità temperatura: ±0.03 °C
Capacità refrigerante a 20 °C: 1 kW
Capacità pompa portata: 8 ... 27 l/min
Capacità pompa flusso pressione: 0.1 ... 0.7 bar
Apertura vasca utilizzabile (LxLxA): 35 x 41 / 30 cm

19   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Sistema di controllo della T
Il flusso di acqua termostatata del chiller (< 27 l/min) viene diviso tra i
seguenti circuiti di raffreddamento:
§ Calorimetro
§ Strutture stazioni tracker (condotto in rame in contatto termico con
    base e spalle di ogni stazione)
§ Circuiti di raffreddamento dei moduli Pt2s (18 moduli, 90 W in totale)
§ Scambiatore di calore (per termostatare il flusso di aria secca)

Scambiatore di calore (600 Euro + IVA):
Dimensioni: 309.6 x 112 x 24.1 mm
Flusso: < 50 l/sec
Superficie di scambio: 30 m² , Pressioni max: 30 bar
Da aggiungere:
Tubazioni aria/acqua, derivazioni, tubi isolante in neoprene, sensori: T,
P (200 Euro) e flusso (600 Euro)
20   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Custom alignment system
     • Based on linear
     • Simple design
     • Motorized control
     • Software provided
       (interface to the slow
       control needed)

                                             Max axial load 700 N

21    24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Custom alignment system
 • 5 attuatori per stazione
 • Offerta IGUS: 3600 Euro +
   IVA / stazione (actuators+step
   motor NEMA 23)
 • Da aggiungere:                           y
     • Staffe di supporto
     • Giunti sferici (v. oltre)                x

     • Cavi per motori e sensori
       fine corsa
     • Feedthroughs per Patch

22   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Kinematic aligment
Different thermal

23   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Upstream support
 XY linear stages upstream

                                            The sphere allows rotation
     Spherical joint                        The translation is prevented

24   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Downstream supports

25   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Station aligment
1) Raw alignment to the beam
2) Leveling the station w/o beam
3) Beam ON: data acquisition & analysis
4) Center of the layer upstream:
Module X and Y of upstream layer will
guide linear stages X and Y respectively
5) Center of the layer downstream as
above                                                            y
6) Rotation: move the whole station along
X (and Y) and adjust the X stage
downsteam accordingly
                                            Single motor step is 5 µm
7) Repeat from 3)
8) Position survey from CERN
(temperature issue)

26   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
Pt2s: alignment and curvature
• The fine alignement of the 6 modules (12 sensors) within
  the station is done with straight muons
• The maximum shift of the linear actuators can be chosen
  at will, whithin limits. Current default value is 30 mm
• The maximum tilt angle (X and Y axes) will be:
   (travel distance [mm])*2 mRad
                                            30 mm
     = 60mrad in current config.
• The step angle will be 5 µRad
                                                             30 mm

• La settimana prossima (mercoledi’ 23/09) abbiamo un
  incontro con Marco Musich, esperto di allineamento in
  CMS, per perfezionare la procedura
27   24/06/2020   Muone tracker mechanics
• Tracker design is ready
• Need to finalize configuration (very soon!)
• Two Al mock-ups built next two months
• Order of INVAR possibly before the end of the year
• Thermal environment (=”tent”) to be defined at Cern
• Other details have to be finalized, but the general scheme of
  the tracker mechanics, thermal and alignment system is in an
  advanced state
• Funding request for 2021: next slide!

28   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
Richieste 2021


29   18/09/2020   Marco Incagli - INFN Pisa
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