Tracing Origins: Coref-aware Machine Reading Comprehension

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Tracing Origins: Coref-aware Machine Reading Comprehension
Tracing Origins: Coref-aware Machine Reading Comprehension
                                                             Baorong Huang1,# , Zhuosheng Zhang2,3,4,# , Hai Zhao2,3,4,
                                               Institute of Corpus Studies and Applications, Shanghai International Studies University
                                                   Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
                                                      Key Laboratory of Shanghai Education Commission for Intelligent Interaction
                                                              and Cognitive Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
                                                  MoE Key Lab of Artificial Intelligence, AI Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

                                                                  Abstract                          Context: Frankie Bono, a mentally disturbed hit-
                                                                                                    man from Cleveland, comes back to his hometown
                                               Machine reading comprehension is a heavily-          in New York City during Christmas week to kill
                                               studied research and test field for evaluating
                                                                                                    a middle-management mobster, Troiano. ...First
                                               new pre-trained models and fine-tuning strate-
arXiv:2110.07961v1 [cs.CL] 15 Oct 2021

                                               gies, and recent studies have enriched the
                                                                                                    he follows his target to select the best possible
                                               pre-trained models with syntactic, semantic          location, but opts to wait until Troiano isn’t being
                                               and other linguistic information to improve          accompanied by his bodyguards. ... Losing his
                                               the performance of the model. In this pa-            nerve, Frankie calls up his employers to tell them
                                               per, we imitated the human’s reading process         he wants to quit the job. Unsympathetic, the su-
                                               in connecting the anaphoric expressions and          pervisor tells him he has until New Year’s Eve to
                                               explicitly leverage the coreference informa-         perform the hit.
                                               tion to enhance the word embeddings from
                                               the pre-trained model, in order to highlight
                                                                                                    Question:What is the first name of the person
                                               the coreference mentions that must be iden-          who has until New Year’s Eve to perform a hit?
                                               tified for coreference-intensive question an-        Answer: he ->Frankie
                                               swering in QUOREF, a relatively new dataset          Question:What is the first name of the person
                                               that is specifically designed to evaluate the        who follows their target to select the best possible
                                               coreference-related performance of a model.          location? Answer: he ->Frankie
                                               We used an additional BERT layer to focus
                                               on the coreference mentions, and a Relational       Table 1: Sample from Quoref: coreference resolution
                                               Graph Convolutional Network to model the            is required to extract the correct answer.
                                               coreference relations. We demonstrated that
                                               the explicit incorporation of the coreference in-
                                               formation in fine-tuning stage performed bet-       et al., 2019) or the ensemble fined models outper-
                                               ter than the incorporation of the coreference       forming the human, in particular SQuAD (Lan
                                               information in training a pre-trained language
                                                                                                   et al., 2020; Yamada et al., 2020; Zhang et al.,
                                           1   Introduction                                           Human texts, especially long texts, are abound
                                                                                                   in deictic and anaphoric expressions that refer to
                                           Machine reading comprehension (MRC), a task             the entities in the same text. These deictic and
                                           that automatically identifies the candidate answer-     anaphoric expressions, in particular, constrains the
                                           ing from some context for the given questions,          generalization of the models trained without ex-
                                           is widely used in information retrieving, search        plicit awareness of the coreference. QUOREF
                                           engines, etc. Several datasets on MRC that lim-         dataset (Dasigi et al., 2019) is specifically designed
                                           ited the answer to one single word or phrase are        to validate the performance of the models in coref-
                                           compiled, including TREC (Voorhees and Harman,          erential reasoning, in that “78% of the manually
                                           2003), SQuAD (Rajpurkar et al., 2018), NewsQA           analyzed questions cannot be answered without
                                           (Trischler et al., 2017), SearchQA (Dunn et al.,        coreference” (Dasigi et al., 2019). The example in
                                           2017), and QuAC (Choi et al., 2018), and intensive      Table 1 shows that the answers to the two questions
                                           efforts were made to surpass the human perfor-          cannot be directly retrieved from the sentences due
                                           mance on these datasets, including the pre-trained      to the anaphoric pronoun he that refers to the an-
                                           models (Devlin et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Yang     tecedent Frankie. This coreference resolution is re-
                                               * Corresponding author. # Equal contribution.       quired to achieve the task in machine reading com-
prehension in the SQuAD-style QUOREF dataset.            solve the coreference resolution to complete the
   Pre-trained models, including BERT QA,                anaphoric resolution process in the reading com-
RoBERTa QA and XLNet QA, that were pre-                  prehension. We proposed a fine-tuned coref-aware
trained through self-supervised language model-          that directly instructed the model to learn the coref-
ing objectives like masked language modeling, per-       erence information by connecting the anaphoric
form rather poorly in the QUOREF dataset. We             expression clusters. Our model can be roughly di-
argue that the pre-trained models did learn the back-    vided into four major components: 1) pre-trained
ground knowledge for coreference resolution but          model component. We used the contextualized
didn’t learn adequately the coreference informa-         representations from the pre-trained models as the
tion required for the coreference-intensive reading      token embeddings for the downstream reading com-
comprehension tasks because in the human read-           prehension tasks. 2) coreference resolution compo-
ing process, “anaphoric resolution requires a reader     nent. NeuralCoref, an extension to the Spacy, was
to perform a text-connecting task across textual         applied here to extract the mention cluster from the
units by successfully linking an appropriate an-         passage. 3) relation-enhanced graph-attention net-
tecedent (among several prior antecedents) with a        work. We used a graph neural network to obtain the
specific anaphoric referent (Pretorius, 2005)” and       graph representation of the context that enhanced
the direct instruction on anaphoric resolution ele-      the relations among the coreference clusters. 4) fus-
vated the readers’ comprehension of the text (Bau-       ing layers. We applied three methods in incorporat-
mann, 1986), and the pre-trained language models         ing the conreference knowledge: additive attention
only captured the semantic representations of the        (Britz et al., 2017), dot product attention and GNN
words and sentences, and didn’t explicitly perform       (Graph Neural Network)+auto-regressive layer.
such text-connecting in the specific coreference-           In this paper, we demonstrated that by simulating
intensive reading comprehension task, thus they          the human behavior in explicitly connecting the
didn’t learn enough knowledge to solve the prob-         anaphoric expressions to the antecedent entities and
lems based on the simple self-supervised language        fusing the coreference knowledge into the model,
modeling tasks during pre-training.                      our performance surpassed that of the pre-trained
   Explicitly injecting external knowledge such as       coref-models on the QUOREF dataset.
linguistics and knowledge graph entities, has been
shown effective to broaden the scope of the pre-         2   Background and related work
trained models’ capacity, which are often known as       Recent studies on machine reading comprehension
X-aware pre-trained models (Zhang et al., 2020a;         mainly relies on the neural network approaches.
Liu et al., 2020; Kumar et al., 2021). It is plausible   Before the prevalence of the pre-trained models,
that we may imitate the anaphoric resolution pro-        the main focus was to guide and fuse the atten-
cess in human’s anaphoric resolution and explicitly      tions between questions and paragraphs in their
made the text-connecting task in our fine-tuning         own models, in order to gain better global and at-
stage.                                                   tended representation (Huang et al., 2018; Hu et al.,
   As an important medium to reflect the relation-       2018; Wang et al., 2018).
ship between words or phrases, coreference reso-            After the advent of the BERT (Devlin et al.,
lution that clusters the mentions of the same en-        2019), there were two trends in solving the ma-
tity within a given text is an active field in NLP       chine reading comprehension. The first trend was
(Kirstain et al., 2021; Joshi et al., 2020), with neu-   to develop better pre-trained models that captured
ral networks taking the lead in the coreference res-     the representation of contexts and questions (Liu
olution challenges. The incorporation of the coref-      et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019; Lewis et al., 2020),
erence resolution results in the pre-training to ob-     and more datasets on question answering were com-
tain the coref-informed pre-trained models, such as      piled, including NewsQA (Trischler et al., 2017),
CorefBERT and CorefRoBERTa (Ye et al., 2020),            SearchQA (Dunn et al., 2017), and QuAC (Choi
had shown positive improvements on the QUOREF            et al., 2018) to increase the difficulty in this task.
dataset, a dataset that is specially designed for mea-   Efforts had also been made on enriching the pre-
suring the models’ coreference capability, but were      trained models with specific syntactic/semantic in-
still considerably below the human performance.          formation (Ye et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020b). An-
  In this paper, we made a different attempt to          other trend was to fine-tune the pre-trained model
Figure 1: Coref-aware Machine Reading Comprehension Model

and added additional layers to incorporate task-        cates their start positions. For example, after coref-
specific information to gain better representation,     erence resolution for the text "Losing his nerve,
in particular the coreference information (Ouyang       Frankie calls up his employers to tell them he wants
et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2021).                        to quit the job.", we obtained two mention clusters
                                                        [Frankie: [his, Frankie, his, he], his employers:
3     Coref-aware Machine Reading                       [his employers, them]], as shown in Figure 2.
      Comprehension                                        As pre-trained models use subwords in their tok-
Our model consists of four parts, namely, pre-          enization, for the input sequence X = {x1 , ...xm }
trained models, coreference resolution, graph en-       of length n, the words W = {w1 , ..., wn }
coder and fusing layer, as shown in Figure 1. Con-      obtained from the coreference tokenization are
text in the machine reading comprehension task          mapped to the corresponding subwords (tokens)
is first processed by coreference resolution model      T = {t1 , ..., tk } from the tokenizer in the pre-
to explicitly identify the underlying coreference       trained models, with one word contains one or
clusters. Then the clusters are processed into a        more than one subwords. Then we constructed
coreference matrix that labels the individual clus-     a coreference array with the following rule:
ter. Meanwhile, the context are tokenized by the
                                                                                 0 if tokens[i] ∈ Sm ,
tokenizer defined in the pre-trained model to re-               coref (i) =                               (1)
                                                                                n if tokens[i] ∈/ Sm ,
trieve the embeddings for each token. Our model
used the coreference matrix to construct a graph        where i is the position of the token, Sm is a set
neural network with the edges corresponding to the      of all tokens in the coreference mentions, n is the
coreference relations. The graph representation in      order number of the mention cluster and n ≥ 1.
the graph neural network then concatenated with         Tokens in the same mention cluster have the same
the embeddings of the context, and finally fed into     order number n in the coreference array.
the classifier to calculate the start/end span of the
question.                                               3.2   Graph Neural Network
                                                        We used the standard relational graph convolu-
3.1    Coreference Resolution                           tional network (RGCN) (Sejr Schlichtkrull et al.,
Coreference resolution is the process that identifies   2018) to obtain the graph representation of the
the expressions that refers to the same entity, clus-   context enriched with coreference information.
ters them together as coreference clusters, and lo-     We used the coreference matrix and the word
Figure 2: Coreference Resolution

embeddings to construct a directed and labeled              from the pre-trained model: additive attention
graph G = (V, E, R), with nodes(word) vi ∈ V,               fusing and dot product attention fusing (multi-
edges(relations) (vi , r, vj )) ∈ E, where r ∈ R is         plication). Given the coreference array A =
one of the two relation types (1 indicates corefer-         {m1 , 0, m1 , m2 , 0, m2 , m3 , 0, m3 , m1 ...}, where
ence relation; 2 indicates global relation), as shown       mn denotes the nth mention cluster, and 0 denotes
in Figure 3 .                                               no mentions, the enriched attention for additive
                                                            attention fusing is formulated as:

                                                                                           QK T
                                                            Attention(Q, K, V ) = Sof tmax( √ ||A)V,
                                                            headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , V WiV ),
                                                           where Q, K, V are the query, key and value respec-
                                                           tively, dk is the dimension of the keys, and Wi is
                                                           trainable parameter. For dot product (multiplica-
             Figure 3: Coreference Graph
                                                           tion) fusing, it is formulated as:
   The constructed graph is then fed into the RGCN,                                        QK T
with the differentiable message passing and the             Attention(Q, K, V ) = Sof tmax( √                A)V,
basis decomposition to reduce model parameter
size and prevent overfitting:                               headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , V WiV ),
               (l) (l)
                          X X 1                                                                     QK T
  hl+1                                  Wr(l) h(l) ,       where we calculate the dot product of    √      and the
    i  = σ W 0 hi +                                                                                   dk
                                  r i,r                    coreference array A.
                               r∈R j∈Ni
            X      (l)   (l)                                3.4   Integration
  Wr(l) =         arb Vb ,
            b=1                                            A machine reading comprehension task expects the
                                                  (2)      model to output the start and end positions of the
where Ni denotes the set of neighbor indices of            answer. We fuse the hidden state of nodes vi in
node i under the relation r ∈ R, ci,r is the normal-       the last layer of RCGN and the embeddings from
ization constant, and Wr is a linear combination           the pre-trained models and calculate the start/end
                           (l)                  (l)
of basis transformation Vb with coefficient arb .          positions of the answer.
3.3   Coreference-enhanced Attention                                E = F C(EprLM ||Egnn ),
In addition to the Graph Neural Network (GNN)                       Ps = argmax(sof tmax(Ws S)),
method, we also explored the possibility of using
the self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017)        where EprLM denotes the embeddings from the
to explicitly add a BERT layer, incorporate the            pre-trained language model, Egnn denotes the em-
coreference information into the attention heads           beddings from the graph encoder, Ps denotes the
and guide the model to identify the mentions in the        predicted start positions, Ws denotes the weight
cluster as the same entity.                                matrix and S denotes the text feature. Following
   We used two methods to fuse the corefer-                the practice of Ye et al. (2020) in handling multiple
ence information and the original embeddings               answers for the same question, we use the cross
entropy to calculate the losses for each answer if                     Model              Dev              Test
the question has multiple answers:                                                   EM         F1   EM           F1
                                                            QANet                   34.41   38.26    34.17    38.90
       Ln = F C(EprLM , n),                                 QANet + BERT∗BASE       43.09   47.38    42.41    47.20
             n                                              BERT+ BASE              61.29   67.25    61.37    68.56
            X                                               CorefBERT+ BASE         66.87   72.27    66.22    72.96
       Ls =    H(ps i, qs i),
               i                                            BERT+ LARGE             67.91   73.82    67.24    74.00
               n                                    (6)     CorefBERT+LARGE         70.89   76.56    70.67    76.89
       Le =        H(pe i, qe i),                           RoBERTa+LARGE           74.15   81.05    75.56    82.11
               i                                            CorefRoBERTa+
                                                                        LARGE       74.94   81.71    75.80    82.81
       Ltotal = avg(Ls + Le + H(Ln , n)),                   CorefGNN                79.32   85.93      -          -
                                                            CorefConcatAtt          79.65   85.84      -          -
                                                            CorefMultiAtt           80.06   86.09      -          -
where n denotes the answer count, Ln denotes the
loss in predicting the answer count, Ls denotes the
                                                           Table 2: Exact Match and F1 scores of baselines and
total loss of start positions, Le denotes the total loss   our proposed models. Results with *, + are from Dasigi
of end positions and Ltotal denotes the combined           et al. (2019) and Ye et al. (2020) respectively.
total loss.

4     Experiments                                          scores. All experiments were run on two TITAN
                                                           RTX GPU, each with 24GB memory.
4.1    Model Settings
We developed three models based on the sequence-           4.3    Tasks and Datasets
to-sequence Transformer architecture. The pre-             Our evaluation was performed on the QUOREF
trained RoBERTa-large was used as the base model           dataset (Dasigi et al., 2019). The dataset contains
and then we used the following three methods to            a train set with 3,771 paragraphs and 19,399 ques-
fine-tuned it: 1) Coref-GNN: feeding the corefer-          tions, and a validation set with 454 paragraphs and
ence information into a GNN and then fuse the              2,418 questions. The test set is not publicly avail-
representations; 2) Coref-ConcatAtt: concatenate           able for evaluation.
the coreference information with the self-attention;
3) Coref-MultiAtt: calculate the dot product of the        4.4    Results
coreference information with the self-attention. We        We quantitatively evaluated the three methods and
used the results for CorefRoBERTa (Ye et al., 2020)        reported the standard metrics: exact match score
as our base lines.                                         (EM) and word-level F1-score (F1) (Rajpurkar
                                                           et al., 2016).
4.2    Setup
                                                              As shown in Table 2, compared with the base
Our coreference resolution was implemented in              model CorefRoBERTa, the performance of our
Spacy (Honnibal and Montani, 2017) and Neural-             models improved significantly. In particular,
Coref. NeuralCoref is an extension for Spacy that          CorefMultiAtt performed best with 5.12%, 4.38%
is trained on the OntoNotes coreference resolution         improvements in Exact Match and F1 score respec-
dataset, which identifies the coreference clusters         tively. CorefGNN and CorefConcatAtt also showed
in the text as mentions, and locates their start posi-     consistent improvements.
   The neural network implementation was imple-            5     Analysis
mented in PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019) and Hug-
ging Face Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020). We             5.1    Ablation Study
used the embeddings of the pre-trained language            As shown in Table 2, compared with
models, with the relational graph convolutional net-       RoBERTaLARGE , our methods added only
work implemented in Deep Graph Library (DGL)               a component that explicitly incorporated the
(Wang et al., 2020). We used Adam (Kingma and              coreference information, and the three methods we
Ba, 2015) as our optimizer, and the learning-rate          used all exhibited considerable improvements over
was {1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5}. We trained each model for          the base lines. Compared with RoBERTaLARGE ,
{4, 6} epochs and selected the best checkpoints on         CorefConcatAtt and the CorefMultiAtt added a
the development dataset with Exact match and F1            BERT layer, which added over 12M parameters.
Context (Abbreviated)            Coref-resolved Context (Abbrevi-        Question       Prediction Prediction Golden
                                  ated)                                                  (RoBERTa) (RoBERTaGNN )
 Ross is the child of Trish and   Ross is the child of Trish and Heroin   What is the    Penny          Crash       Crash
 Heroin Bob... he also be-        Bob...Ross also begrudgingly goes       name of
 grudgingly goes on a road        on a road trip to a punk rock concert   the friend
 trip to a punk rock concert      with Ross only friend, Crash, as well   of Heroin
 with his only friend, Crash,     as Crash’s friend Penny.                Bob’s son?
 as well as Crash’s friend
 After the song was com-          After the song was completed, the       Who liked      Blanco         Rihanna     Rihanna
 pleted, they wanted to play it   keyboards wanted to play the song       a song?
 to Rihanna, but Blanco was       to Rihanna, but Benny Blanco was
 skeptical about the reaction     skeptical about the reaction towards
 towards the song because of      the song because of the song slow
 its slow sound. After Star-      sound. After StarGate played it
 Gate played it to her, they      to Rihanna, the keyboards called
 called Blanco from London        Benny Blanco from London and
 and told him that she liked      told Benny Blanco that Rihanna
 the song: S̈he’s flippin’ out.   liked the song: "Rihanna’s flippin’

                       Table 3: Comparison of the Predictions for Two Questions in QUOREF

 Context (Abbreviated)                      Coref-resolved Context (Abbreviated)         Question        Prediction Golden
 West Point cadet Rockwell "Rocky"          West Point cadet Rockwell "Rocky"            Who’s honor     West      the
 Gilman is called before a hearing          Gilman is called before a hearing brought    code system     Point     academy
 brought after an influential cadet,        after an influential cadet, Raymond          does Proctor
 Raymond Denmore, Jr., is forced            Denmore, Jr., is forced to leave the         attack?
 to leave the academy...Denmore’s at-       academy...Denmore’s attorney, Lew Proc-
 torney, Lew Proctor, attacking the         tor, attacking the academy and its Honor
 academy and its Honor Code system,         Code system, declares that Rockwell
 declares that Gilman is unfit and pos-     "Rocky" Gilman is unfit and possibly
 sibly criminally liable.                   criminally liable.
 Following a career hiatus that             Following a career hiatus that reignited     What is the     Beyoncé   Knowles
 reignited her creativity, Beyoncé was      her creativity, American singer Beyoncé      last name of
 inspired to create a record with a basis   was inspired to create a record with a ba-   the person
 in traditional rhythm and blues that       sis in traditional rhythm and blues that     who went
 stood apart from contemporary popu-        stood apart from contemporary popular        on a career
 lar music...Severing professional ties     music...Severing professional ties with      hiatus?
 with father and manager Mathew             father and manager Mathew Knowles,
 Knowles, Beyoncé eschewed the mu-          American singer Beyoncé eschewed the
 sic of her previous releases               music of her previous releases

                             Table 4: Errors in Predictions for Two Questions in QUOREF

For the CorefGNN method, we added one hidden                        5.2    Case studies
layer in GNN and two linear layers to convert the
feature dimensions, with around 68.7K params                        To understand the model’s performance beyond
in total. Our predictions are that intuitively with                 the automated metrics, we analyse our predicted
more focuses on the coreference clues, the models                   answers qualitatively. Table 3 compares the rep-
performs better on the task that requires intensive                 resentative answers predicted by our models and
coreference resolution, as we had explicitly                        RoBERTa. These examples demonstrate that,
increased the attention weights to connect the                      enhancing with the coreference information by
words in the same coreference mention clusters.                     connecting the anaphoric expression with its an-
However, the overall performance of the models is                   tecedents, such as the connection from his to Ross
also limited by the performance of the coreference                  in the first example and the connection from she
component we use.                                                   to Rihanna in the second example, our model ac-
                                                                    curately predicts the entity name among several
                                                                    names in the context, which the RoBERTa model
                                                                    fails to uncover.
5.3    Error analysis                                      pages 2174–2184, Brussels, Belgium. Association
                                                           for Computational Linguistics.
To understand why the model fails to predict the
correct answer, we analyse several error cases. Ta-      Pradeep Dasigi, Nelson F. Liu, Ana Marasović,
ble 4 shows two types of errors. The first one is          Noah A. Smith, and Matt Gardner. 2019. Quoref:
                                                           A reading comprehension dataset with questions re-
caused because the coreference resolution model            quiring coreferential reasoning. In Proceedings of
fails to connect its with the antecedents, despite         the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Nat-
that the second Gilman is correctly connected to           ural Language Processing and the 9th International
Rockwell "Rocky" Gilman and resolved accord-               Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing
                                                           (EMNLP-IJCNLP), pages 5925–5932, Hong Kong,
ingly. The second one is more complicated, which
                                                           China. Association for Computational Linguistics.
shows that our models fails to perform relatively
long-chained reasoning. To correctly answer the          Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and
second question, it requires that the model should          Kristina Toutanova. 2019. BERT: Pre-training of
                                                            deep bidirectional transformers for language under-
understand the fact that Mathew Knowles is the              standing. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference
father of Beyoncé and Beyoncé’s last name is the            of the North American Chapter of the Association
same as her father’s.                                       for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
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                                                            ation for Computational Linguistics.
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