Exploiting Document Structures and Cluster Consistencies for Event Coreference Resolution
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Exploiting Document Structures and Cluster Consistencies for Event Coreference Resolution Hieu Minh Tran1 , Duy Phung1 and Thien Huu Nguyen2 1 VinAI Research, Vietnam 2 Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403, USA {v.hieutm4,v.duypv1}@vinai.io, thien@cs.uoregon.edu Abstract event mentions and predict their coreference (Chen et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2016; Lu and Ng, 2017). We study the problem of event coreference To this end, an important step in ECR models is resolution (ECR) that seeks to group coref- to transform event mention pairs into representa- erent event mentions into the same clusters. tion vectors to encode discriminative features for Deep learning methods have recently been ap- plied for this task to deliver state-of-the-art coreference prediction. Early work on ECR has performance. However, existing deep learn- achieved feature representation via feature engi- ing models for ECR are limited in that they neering where multiple features are hand-designed cannot exploit important interactions between for input event mention pairs (Lu and Ng, 2017). A relevant objects for ECR, e.g., context words major problem with feature engineering is the spar- and entity mentions, to support the encoding sity of the features that limits the generalization of document-level context. In addition, con- to unseen data. Representation learning in deep sistency constraints between golden and pre- dicted clusters of event mentions have not been learning models has recently been introduced to considered to improve representation learning address this issue, leading to more robust methods in prior deep learning models for ECR. This with better performance for ECR (Nguyen et al., work addresses such limitations by introduc- 2016; Choubey and Huang, 2018; Huang et al., ing a novel deep learning model for ECR. At 2019; Barhom et al., 2019). As such, there are at the core of our model are document structures least two limitations in existing deep learning mod- to explicitly capture relevant objects for ECR. els for ECR that will be addressed in this work to Our document structures introduce diverse improve the performance. knowledge sources (discourse, syntax, seman- tics) to compute edges/interactions between First, as event mentions pairs for coreference structure nodes for document-level representa- prediction might belong to long-distance sentences tion learning. We also present novel regular- in documents, capturing document-level context be- ization techniques based on consistencies of tween the event mentions (i.e., beyond the two sen- golden and predicted clusters for event men- tences that host the event mentions) might present tions in documents. Extensive experiments useful information for ECR. As their first limita- show that our model achieve state-of-the-art tion, prior deep learning models for ECR has only performance on two benchmark datasets. attempted to encode document-level context via 1 Introduction hand-designed features (Kenyon-Dean et al., 2018; Barhom et al., 2019) that still suffer from the fea- Event coreference resolution (ECR) is the task of ture sparsity issue. In addition, such prior work is clustering event mentions (i.e., trigger words that unable to exploit ECR-related objects in documents evoke an event) in a document such that each clus- (e.g., entity mentions, context words) and their ter represents a unique real world event. For ex- connections/interactions (possibly beyond sentence ample, the three event mentions in Figure 1, i.e., boundary) to aid representation learning. An exam- “refuse to sign, “raised objections”, and “doesn’t ple for the importance of context words, entity men- sign”, should be grouped into the same cluster to tions, and their interactions for ECR can be seen in indicate their coreference to the same event. Figure 1. Here, to decisively determine the coref- A common component in prior ECR models in- erence of “raised objections” and “doesn’t sign”, volves a binary classifier that receives a pair of ECR systems should recognize “Trump” and “the 4840 Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, pages 4840–4850 August 1–6, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Coreferential event mentions Donald Trump continued to refuse to sign a relief package agreed in Congress and headed instead to the golf course…. Trump, who is spending the Christmas and New Year holiday at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, raised objections to the $900bn relief bill only after it was passed by Congress last week, having been negotiated by his own treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin… All these folks and their families will suffer if Trump doesn’t sign the damn bill. Coreferential entity mentions Figure 1: An example for event coreference resolution. $900bn relief bill” as the arguments of “raised ob- ters (provided by human) and predicted clusters jections”, and “Trump” and “the damn bill” as the (generated by models) to promote representation arguments of “doesn’t sign”. The systems should learning. In particular, it is intuitive that ECR mod- also be able to realize the coreference relation be- els can achieve better performance if their predicted tween the two entity mentions “Trump”, and be- event clusters are more similar to the golden event tween “the $900bn relief bill” and “the damn bill” clusters in the data. To this end, we propose to to conclude the same identity for the event men- obtain different inconsistency measures between tions (i.e., as they involve the same arguments). golden and predicted clusters that will be incorpo- As such, it is helpful to identify relevant entity rated into the overall loss function for minimization. mentions, context words and leverage their rela- As such, we expect that the consistency/similarity tions/interactions to improve representation vectors regularization between two types of clusters can for event mentions in ECR. Motivated by this issue, provide useful training signals to improve repre- we propose to form graphs for documents (called sentation vectors for event mentions in ECR. To document structures) to explicitly capture relevant our knowledge, this is also the first work to ex- objects and interactions for ECR that will be con- ploit cluster consistency-based regularization for sumed to learn representation vectors for event representation learning in ECR. Finally, we con- mentions. In particular, context words, entity men- duct extensive experiments for ECR on the KBP tions, and event mentions will serve as the nodes benchmark datasets. The experiments demonstrate in our document structures due to their intuitive the benefits of the proposed methods and lead to relevance to ECR. Different types of knowledge state-of-the-art performance for ECR. sources will then be exploited to connect the nodes for the document structures, featuring discourse in- 2 Related Work formation (e.g., to connect coreferring entity men- tions), syntactic information (e.g., to directly link Event coreference resolution is broadly related to event mentions and their arguments), and seman- works on entity coreference resolution that aim to tic similarity (e.g., to connect words/event men- resolve nouns phrases/mentions for entities (Raghu- tions with similar meanings). Such rich document nathan et al., 2010; Ng, 2010; Durrett and Klein, structures allows us to model the interactions of 2013; Lee et al., 2017a; Joshi et al., 2019b,a). How- relevant objects for ECR beyond sentence level ever, resolving event mentions has been considered for document-level context. Using graph convolu- as a more challenging task than entity coreference tional neural networks (GCN) (Kipf and Welling, resolution due to the more complex structures of 2017; Nguyen and Grishman, 2018) for represen- event mentions (Yang et al., 2015). tation learning, we expect enriched representation Our work focuses on the within-document set- vectors from the document structures can further ting for ECR where input event mentions are ex- improve the performance of ECR systems. To our pected to appear in the same input documents; knowledge, this is the first time that rich document however, we also note prior works on cross- structures are employed for ECR. document ECR (Lee et al., 2012a; Adrian Bejan and Harabagiu, 2014; Choubey and Huang, 2017; Second, prior deep learning models for ECR Kenyon-Dean et al., 2018; Barhom et al., 2019; fails to leverage consistencies between golden clus- Cattan et al., 2020). As such, for within-document 4841
ECR, previous methods have applied feature-based 3.2 Document Structure models for pairwise classifiers (Ahn, 2006; Chen This component aims to learn representation vec- et al., 2009; Cybulska and Vossen, 2015; Peng tors for the event mentions in E using an interaction et al., 2016), spectral graph clustering (Chen and Ji, graph G = {N , E} for D that facilitates the enrich- 2009), information propagation (Liu et al., 2014), ment of representation vectors for event mentions markov logic networks (Lu et al., 2016), joint mod- with relevant objects and interactions at document eling of ECR with event detection (Araki and Mi- level. As such, the nodes and edges in G for our tamura, 2015; Lu et al., 2016; Chen and Ng, 2016; ECR problem are constructed as follows: Lu and Ng, 2017), and recent deep learning models Nodes: The node set N for our interaction graph (Nguyen et al., 2016; Choubey and Huang, 2018; G should capture relevant objects for the corefer- Huang et al., 2019; Lu et al., 2020; Choubey et al., ence between event mentions in D. Toward this 2020). Compared to previous deep learning works goal, we consider all the context words (i.e., wi ), for ECR, our model presents a novel representation event mentions, and entity mentions in D as rel- learning framework based on document structures evant objects for our ECR problem. For conve- to explicitly encode important interactions between nience, let M = {m1 , m2 , . . . , m|M | } be the set relevant objects, and representation regularization of entity mentions in D. The node set N for G to exploit the cluster consistency between golden is thus created by the union of D, E, and M : and predicted clusters for event mentions. N = D ∪ E ∪ M = {n1 , n2 , . . . , n|N | }. To achieve a fair comparison, we use the predicted 3 Model event mentions that are provided by (Choubey and Huang, 2018) in the datasets for E. The Stanford Formally, in ECR, given an input document D = CoreNLP toolkit is employed to obtain the entity w1 , w2 , . . . , wN (of N words/tokens) with a set of mentions M . event mentions E = {e1 , e2 , . . . , e|E| }, the goal is Edges: The edges between the nodes in N to group the event mentions in E into clusters to for G will be represented by an adjacency matrix capture the coreference relation between mentions. A = {aij }i,j=|N | (aij ∈ R) in this work. As Our ECR model consists of four major components: A will be consumed by Graph Convolutional Net- (i) Document Encoder to words into representation works (GCN) to learn representation vectors for vectors, (ii) Document Structure to create graphs ECR, the value/score aij between two nodes ni for documents and learn rich representation vec- and nj in N is expected to estimate the importance tors for event mentions, (iii) End-to-end Resolu- (or the level of interaction) of nj for the represen- tion to simultaneously resolve the coreference for tation computation of ni . This structure allows ni the entity mentions in D, and (iv) Cluster Consis- and nj of N to directly interact and influence the tency Regularization to regularize representation representation computation of each other even if vectors based on consistency constraints between they are sequentially far away from each other in golden and predict event mention clusters. Figure D. As presented in the introduction, we explore 2 presents an overview of our model for ECR. three types of information to design the edges E (or compute the interaction scores aij ) for G in our 3.1 Document Encoder model, including discourse-based, syntax-based In the first step, we transform each word wi ∈ and semantic-based information. D into a representation vector xi by feeding D Discourse-based Edges: Due to multiple sen- into the pre-trained language model BERT (Devlin tences and event/entity mentions involved in the et al., 2019). In particular, as BERT might split wi input document D, we need to understand where into several word-pieces, we average the hidden such objects span and how they relate to each other vectors of the word-pieces of wi in the last layer of to effectively encode document context for ECR. BERT to obtain the representation vector xi for wi . To this end, we propose to exploit three types of dis- To handle long documents with BERT, we divide D course information to obtain the interaction graph into segments of 512 consecutive word-pieces that G, i.e., sentence boundary, coreference structure, will be encoded separately. The resulting sequence and mention span for event/entity mentions in D. X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xn for D is then sent to the next Sentence Boundary: Our motivation for this in- steps for further computation. formation is that event/entity mentions appearing 4842
Donald G1 G2 ... G5 Component Structures Trump continue refuse Structure Combination to sign Initial Word …. Representation raise objections BERT Initial Document Abstract End-to-End Cluster to Entity Mention Structure GCN Event Mention Coreference Consistency Representation Representation Resolution the .... Initial Event Mention doesn’t Representation sign …. Golden Cluster Figure 2: An overview of the proposed ECR model. in the same sentences tend to be more contextually only set to 1 (i.e., 0 otherwise) if ni is a word related to each other than those in different sen- (ni ∈ D) in the span of the entity/event mention nj tences. As such, event/entity mentions in the same (nj ∈ E ∪M ) or vice verse. aspan ij is important as it sentences might involve more helpful information helps ground representation vectors of event/entity for the representation computation of each other mentions to the contextual information in D. in our problem. To capture this intuition, we com- Syntax-based Edges: We expect the dependency pute the sentence boundary-based interaction score trees of the sentences in D to provide beneficial asent ij for the nodes ni and nj in N where asent ij =1 information to connect the nodes in N for effec- if ni and nj are the event/entity mentions of the tive representation learning in ECR. For example, same sentences in D (i.e., ni , nj ∈ E ∪ M ); and 0 dependency trees have been used to retrieve im- otherwise. We will use asentij as an input to compute portant context words between an event mentions the overall interaction score aij for G later. and their arguments in prior work (Li et al., 2013; Entity Coreference Structure: Instead of con- Veyseh et al., 2020a,b). To this end, we propose sidering within-sentence information as in asent ij , to employ the dependency relations/connections coreference structure focuses on the connection of between the words in D to obtain a syntax-based entity mentions across sentences to enrich their rep- interaction score adep ij for each pair of nodes ni and resentations with the contextual information of the nj in N , serving as an additional input for aij . In coreferring ones. As such, to enable the interaction particular, by inheriting the graph structures of the of representations for coreferring enity mentions, dependency trees of the sentences in D, we set we compute the conference-based score acoref ij for adep ij to 1 if ni and nj are two words in the same each pair of nodes ni and nj to contribute to the sentence (i.e., ni , nj ∈ D) and there is an edge be- overall score aij for representation learning. Here, tween them in the corresponding dependency tree1 , acoref ij is set to 1 if ni and nj are coreferring entity and 0 otherwise. mentions in D, and 0 otherwise. Note that we also Semantic-based Edges: This information lever- use the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit to determine the ages the semantic similarity of the nodes in N to coreference of entity mentions in this work. enrich the overall interaction scores aij for G. Our Mention Span: The sentence boundary and coref- motivation is that a node ni will contribute more erence structure scores model interactions of event to the representation computation of another node and entity mentions in D based on discourse struc- nj for ECR if ni is more semantically related to ture. To connect event and entity mentions to nj . In particular, as the representation vectors for context words wi for representation learning, we the nodes in N have captured the contextual se- employ the mention span-based interaction score mantics of the words in D, we propose to explore aspan ij as another input for aij . Here, aspan ij is 1 We use Stanford CoreNLP to parse sentences. 4843
a novel source of semantic information that relies where q is a learnable vector of size 5. on external knowledge for the words to compute Representation Learning: Given the combined interaction scores between the nodes N in our doc- interaction graph G with the adjacency matrix ument structures for ECR. We expect the external A = {aij }i,j=|N | , we use GCNs to induce rep- knowledge for the words to provide complemen- resentation vectors for the nodes in N for ECR. In tary information to the contextual information in particular, our GCN model takes the initial repre- D, thus further enriching the overall interaction sentation vectors vi of the nodes ni ∈ N as the scores aij for the nodes in N . To this end, we pro- input. Here, the initial representation vector vi for pose to utilize WordNet (Miller, 1995), a rich net- a word node ni ∈ D is directly obtained from the work of word meanings, to obtain external knowl- BERT-based representation vector xc ∈ X (i.e., edge for the words in D. The word meanings (i.e., vi = xc ) of the corresponding word wc for ni . In synsets) in WordNet are connected to each other contrast, for event and entity mentions, their initial via different semantic relations (e.g., synonyms, representation vectors are obtained by max-pooling hyponyms). In particular, our first step to generate the contextualized embedding vectors in X that knowledge-based similarity scores involves map- correspond to the words in the event/entity men- ping each word node ni ∈ D ∩ N to a synset tions’ spans. For convenience, we organize vi into node Mi in WordNet using a Word Sense Disam- rows of the input matrix H0 = [v1 , . . . , v|N | ]. The biguation (WSD) tool. In particular, we employ GCN model then involves G layers that generate WordNet 3.0 and the state-of-the-art BERT-based the matrix Hl at the l-th layer for the nodes in N WSD model in (Blevins and Zettlemoyer, 2020) to (1 ≤ l ≤ G) via: Hl = ReLU (AHl−1 Wl ) (Wl is perform the word-synset mapping in this work. Af- the weight matrix for the l-th layer). The output of terward, we compute a knowledge-based similarity the GCN model after G layers is HG whose rows score astruct ij for each pair of word nodes ni and nj are denoted by HG = [h1 , . . . , h|N | ], serving as in D ∩ N using the structure-based similarity of more abstract representation vectors for the nodes their linked synsets Mi and Mj in WordNet (i.e., ni in the coreference prediction for event mentions. astruct ij = 0 if either ni or nj is not a word node in Also, for convenience, let {re1 , . . . , re|E| } ⊂ HG D ∩ N ). Accordingly, the Lin similarity measure be the set of GCN-induced representation vectors (Lin et al., 1998) for synset nodes in WordNet is uti- for the event mention nodes in e1 , . . . , e|E| in E. 2∗IC(LCS(Mi ,Mj )) lized for this purpose: astructij = IC(Mi )+IC(M j) . Here, IC and LCS represent the information con- 3.3 End-to-end Coreference Resolution tent of synset nodes and the least common sub- sumer of two synsets in the WordNet hierarchy To facilitate the incorporation of the consistency (the most specific ancestor node) respectively2 . regularization between golden and predicted clus- Structure Combination: Up to now, five scores ters into the training process, we perform and end- have been generated to capture the level of inter- to-end procedure that seeks to simultaneously re- actions in representation learning for each pair of solve the coreference for the event mentions in nodes ni and nj in N according to different in- E in a single process. Motivated by the entity coref coreference resolution in (Lee et al., 2017b), we formation sources (i.e., asent ij , aij , aspan ij , adep ij implement the end-to-end resolution via a set of and astruct ij ). For convenience, we group the five antecedent assignments for the event mentions in scores for each node pair ni and nj into a vector coref E. In particular, we assume that the event mentions dij = [asentij , aij , aspan ij , adep struct ] of size 5. ij , aij in E are enumerated in their appearance order in D. To combine the scores in dij into an overall rich As such, our model aims to link each event mention interaction score aij for ni and nj in G, we use the ei ∈ E to one of its prior event mention in the set following normalization: Yi = {, e1 , . . . , ei−1 } ( is a dumpy antecedent). X Here, a link of ei to a non-dumpy antecedent ej in aij = exp(dij q T )/ exp(diu q T ) (1) Yi represents a coreference relation between ei and u=1..|N | ej . In contrast, a dumpy assignment for ei indicates 2 We use the nltk tool to obtain the Lin sim- that ei is not coreferent with any prior event men- ilarity: https://www.nltk.org/howto/wordnet. tion. By forming a coreference graph with ei as html. We tried other WordNet-based similarities available in nltk (e.g., Wu-Palmer similarity), but the Lin similarity the nodes, the non-dumpy antecedent assignments produced the best results in our experiments. for every event mention in E can be utitlized to 4844
connect coreference event mentions. Connected Intra-cluster Consistency: This constraint con- components from the coreference graph can then cerns the inner information of each cluster, char- be returned to serve as predicted event mention acterizing the structure of each individual event clusters in D. mention in its golden and predicted clusters in T In order to predict the coreferent antecedent and P. In particular, for each event mention ei ∈ E, yi ∈ Y for an event mention ei , we compute the we expect its distances to the centroid vectors of distribution over the possible antecedents in Yi the corresponding golden and predicted clusters for ei via: P (yi | ei , Yi ) = es(ei ,yi ) where Ti0 and Pi0 in T and P (respectively) to be similar, P s(ei ,y 0 ) y 0 ∈Y(i) e i.e., Ti0 ∈ T , Pi0 ∈ P, ei ∈ Ti0 , ei ∈ Pi0 . As such, s(ei , ej ) is a score function to determine the coref- we compute the distances between the representa- erence likelihood between ei and ej in D. To this tion vector rei of ei to the centroid vectors rTi0 and end, we set s(ei , ) = 0 for all ei ∈ E. Inspired rPi0 via the Euclidean distances krei − rTi0 k22 and by (Lee et al., 2017b), we obtain the score function krei − rPi0 k22 . Afterward, the differences Linner s(ei , ej ) for ei and ej by leveraging their GCN- between the two distances for golden and predicted induced representation vectors rei and rej via: clusters are aggregated over all event mentions and s(ei , ej ) = sm (ei ) + sm (ej ) + sc (ei , ej ) + sa (ei , ej ) added into the overall P|E| loss function for minimiza- sm (ei ) = w> m FFm (rei ) tion: Linner = i=1 |krei − rTi0 k22 − krei − rPi0 k22 |. sc (ei , ej ) = w> a FFc ([rei , rej , rei rej ]) Inter-cluster Consistency: In this constraint, we sa (ei , ej ) = re>i W c rej expect that the structure among the clusters Ti in the golden set T is consistent with those for where Fm and FFc are two-layer feed-forward net- the predicted event cluster set P (i.e., inter-cluster works, w> > m and w a are learnable vectors, W c regulation). To implement this idea, we encode is a weight matrix, and is the element-wise the structure of the clusters in a set via the av- multiplication. At the inference time, we em- erage of the pairwise distances between the cen- ploy the greedy decoding to predict the antecedent troid vectors of the clusters. In particular, the ŷi for ei : ŷi = argmaxP (yi |ei , Yi ). For train- inter-cluster structure scores for the golden and ing, we use the negative log-likelihood as the loss predicted clusters in T and P are computed via: function in our end-to-end framework: Lpred = P|T | P|T | P|E| sT = |T |(|T2 |−1) i=1 j=i+1 krTi − rTj k22 , and − i=0 log P (yi∗ |ei , Yi ) (yi∗ ∈ Yi is the golden P|P| P|P| 2 2 antecedent for ei ). sP = |P|(|P|−1) i=1 j=i+1 krPi − rPj k2 . The difference between the structure scores for golden 3.4 Cluster Consistency Regularization and predicted clusters T and P is then included To further improve representation learning for ECR, into the overall loss function for minimization: we propose to regularize the induced representa- Linter = |sT − sP |. tion vectors of the event mentions in E to explicitly Inter-set Similarity: This constraint aims to di- enforce the consistency/similarity between golden rectly promote the similarity between the golden and predicted event mention clusters in D. This clusters in T and the predicted clusters in P. As is based on our motivation that ECR models will such, for the golden and predicted cluster sets T perform better if they can produce more similar and P, we first obtain the overall centroid vec- event mention clusters to the golden ones. As such, tors uT and uP (respectively) by averaging the for convenience, let T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , T|T | } and centroid vectors of their member clusters: uT = P = {P1 , P2 , . . . , P|P| } be the golden and pre- averageT ∈T (rT ) and uP = averageP ∈P (rP ). The dicted sets of event mentions in E respectively, Euclidean distance Lsim is then integrated into the i.e., Ti , Pj ⊂ E, and T1 ∪ T2 ∪ . . . ∪ T|T | = overall loss for minimization: Lsim = kuT −uP k22 . P1 ∪P2 ∪. . .∪P|P| = E. Also, for each cluster C in Note that Linner , Linter , and Lsim will be zero if T or P, we compute a centroid vector rC for it by the predicted clusters in P are the same as those in averaging the representation vectors of the event the golden clusters in T . mention members: rC = averagee∈C (re ). This To summarize, the overall loss function L to leads to the centroid vectors {rT1 , rT2 , . . . , rT|T | } train our ECR model in this work is: L = and {rP1 , rP2 , . . . , rP|P| } for T and P respectively. Lpred + αinner Linner + αinter Linter + αsim Lsim We propose the following regularization terms for with αinner , αinter , and αsim as the trade-off pa- cluster consistency: rameters. 4845
4 Experiments approach in (Choubey and Huang, 2018), and the discourse structure profiling model in (Choubey 4.1 Dataset & Hyperparameters et al., 2020) (also the model with the best reported Following prior work (Choubey and Huang, 2018), performance in KBP datasets). In addition, we we train our ECR models on the KBP 2015 dataset examine the following baselines of StructECR to (Mitamura et al., 2015) and evaluate the models highlight the benefits of the proposed components: on the KBP 2016 and KBP 2017 datasets for ECR E2E-Only: This variant implements the end-to- (Mitamura et al., 2016, 2017). In particular, the end resolution model described in Section 3.3 KBP 2015 dataset includes 360 annotated docu- where all event mentions in a document are re- ments for ECR (181 documents from discussion solved simultaneously in a single process. How- forum and 179 documents from news articles). We ever, different from our full model StructECR, E2E- use the same 310 documents from KBP 2015 as in Only does not include the document structure com- (Choubey and Huang, 2018) for the training data ponent with GCN for representation learning, i.e., and the remaining 50 documents for the develop- it directly uses the initial representation vectors vi ment data. Also, similar to (Choubey and Huang, (induced from BERT) for the event mentions in the 2018), the news articles in KBP 2016 (85 docu- computation of the distribution P (yi |ei , Yi ). Also, ments) and KBP 2017 (83 documents) are lever- the cluster consistency regularization in Section 3.4 aged for test datasets. To ensure a fair comparison, is also not included in this model. we use the predicted event mentions provided by (Choubey and Huang, 2018) in all the datasets. Fi- Pairwise: This model is similar to E2E-Only in nally, we report the ECR performance based on that it does not applies the document structures and the official KBP 2017 scorer (version 1.8)3 . The regularization terms in StructECR. In addition, in- scorer employs four coreference scoring measures, stead of simultaneously resolving event mentions including MUC (Vilain et al., 1995), B 3 (Bagga in documents, Pairwise predicts the coreference for and Baldwin, 1998), CEAF-e (Luo, 2005), BLANC every pair of event mentions separately. In particu- (Lee et al., 2012b), and the unweighted average of lar, the representation vectors vei and vej for two their F1 scores (AVGF 1 ). event mentions ei and ej (included from BERT) Hyper-parameters for the models are fine-tuned are combined via [vei , vej , vei vej ]. This vector by the AVGF 1 scores over development data. The is then sent into a feed-forward network to pro- selected values from the tuning process include: 1e- duce a distribution over possible coreference labels 5 for the learning rate of the Adam optimizer (se- between ei and ej (i.e., two labels for being coref- lected from [1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5, 4e-5, 5e-5]); 8 for the erent or not). The coreference labels for every pair mini-batch size (selected from [8, 16, 32, 64]); 128 of event mentions are then gathered in a corefer- hidden units for all the feed-forward network and ence graphs among event mentions; the connected GCN layers (selected from [64, 128, 256, 512]); components will be returned for the event clusters. 2 layers for the GCN model, G = 2 (selected Table 1 reports the performance of the ECR mod- from [1, 2, 3, 4]), and αinner = 0.1, αinter = els on the KBP 2016 and KBP 2017 datasets. As 0.1, and αsim = 0.1 for the trade-off parame- can be seen from the table, E2E-Only performs ters in the overall loss function L (selected from comparably or better than prior state-of-the-art [0.1, 0, 2, . . . , 0.9]). Finally, we use the BERTbase models for ECR, e.g., (Choubey and Huang, 2018) model (of 768 dimensions) for the pre-trained word and (Choubey et al., 2020), that employ extensive embeddings (updated during the training). feature engineering. In addition, the better perfor- mance of E2E-Only over Pairwise (for both KBP 4.2 Performance Evaluation 2016 and KBP 2017) illustrates the benefits of end- We compare the proposed model for ECR with to-end coreference resolution for event mentions in document structures and cluster consistency regu- documents. Most importantly, the proposed model larization (called StructECR) with prior work ECR StructECR significantly outperforms all the base- models in the same evaluation setting, including line models for which the performance improve- the joint model between ECR and event detection ment over E2E-Only is 1.94% and 1.26% (i.e., (Lu and Ng, 2017), the integer linear programming AVGF 1 scores) over the KBP 2016 and KBP 2017 3 datasets respectively. This clearly demonstrates https://github.com/hunterhector/ EvmEval the benefits of the proposed ECR model with rich 4846
KBP 2016 KBP 2017 Model B3 CEAFe MUC BLANC AVGF 1 B3 CEAFe MUC BLANC AVGF 1 (Lu and Ng, 2017) 50.16 48.59 32.41 32.72 40.97 - - - - - (Choubey and Huang, 2018) 51.67 49.10 34.08 34.08 42.23 50.35 48.61 37.24 31.94 42.04 (Choubey et al., 2020) 52.78 49.70 34.62 34.49 42.90 51.68 50.57 37.8 33.39 43.36 Pairwise 52.16 49.84 30.79 32.21 41.25 50.97 48.80 36.92 31.86 42.14 E2E-Only 50.89 50.43 36.05 33.93 42.83 51.60 52.03 38.53 33.02 43.80 StructECR 52.77 52.29 38.37 35.66 44.77 51.93 52.82 40.73 34.75 45.06 Table 1: Models’ performance on the KBP 2016 and KBP 2017 datasets. The performance improvement of StructECR over E2E-Only is significant with p < 0.01. Model B3 CEAFe MUC BLANC AVGF 1 document structures and cluster consistency regu- StructECR (full) 76.86 69.99 66.40 69.02 70.57 larization for representation learning. StructECR - asent ij 75.37 69.73 62.42 69.49 69.25 StructECR - acoref ij 75.07 69.74 62.97 69.67 69.36 StructECR - aspan 75.32 70.32 63.44 66.97 69.01 4.3 Ablation Study ij StructECR - adep 74.66 69.76 62.72 69.14 69.07 ij StructECR - astruct 75.44 69.53 61.82 71.48 69.57 Two major components in the proposed model ij StructECR - Entity Nodes 74.67 69.71 63.01 67.35 68.69 StructECR involve the document structures and StructECR - GraphCombine 75.41 69.74 62.38 68.90 69.11 StructECR - Doc Structures 74.15 66.78 60.24 66.32 66.87 the cluster consistency regularization. This sec- StructECR - Linner 75.09 68.44 62.25 68.01 68.45 StructECR - Linter 74.80 67.98 61.92 67.71 68.10 tion performs an ablation study to reveal the con- StructECR - Lsim 75.13 68.12 62.03 68.95 68.56 tribution of such components for the full model. StructECR - Regularization 74.46 67.55 60.74 68.28 67.76 First, for the document structures, we examine the following ablated models: (i) “StructECR - Table 2: Performance on the KBP 2015 dev set. x”: where x is one of the five interaction scores KBP 2016 KBP 2017 used to compute the unified score aij for G (i.e., NW → DF DF → NW NW → DF DF → NW coref asent ij , aij , aspan ij , adep struct ). For exam- ij , and aij Pairwise 60.51 58.11 59.22 59.10 span E2E-Only 65.82 62.01 62.56 62.52 ple, “StructECR - aij ” implies a variant of StructECR 68.19 65.83 65.19 65.12 StructECR where the span-based interaction score aspan ij is not included in the compuation of the over- Table 3: Cross-domain performance (AVGF 1 ). NW all score aij ; (ii) “StructECR - Entity Nodes: this and DF represent news articles and discussion forum model excludes the entity mention nodes from the documents respectively. X → Y implies models trained interaction graph G in StructECR (i.e., N = D ∪ E on domain X and tested on domain Y. only); (iii) “StructECR - GraphCombine”: in- stead of unifying the five interaction scores in dij into an overall score aij in Equation 1, this model {Linner , Linter , Lsim }): these models exclude one considers each of the five generated interaction of the regularization terms for the consistency be- scores as forming a separate interaction graph, thus tween golden and predicted clusters from the over- producing six different graphs. The GCN model is all loss function L; and (vi) StructECR - Regular- then applied over those five graphs (using the same ization: this model completely ignores the consis- initial representation vectors vi for the nodes ni in tency regularization component from StructECR. N ). The outputs of the GCN model for the same Table 2 shows the performance of the models node ni (with different graphs) are then concate- on the development data of the KBP 2015 dataset. nated to compute the final representation vector hi As can be seen, the elimination of any component for ni ; and (iv) StructECR - Doc Structures: this from StructECR would significantly hurt the per- model removes the GCN model from StructECR. formance, thus clearly demonstrating the benefits As such, the interaction graph G is not used and of the designed document structures and cluster the GCN-induced representation vectors hi are re- consistency regularization in StructECR. placed by the initial BERT-induced representation vectors vi in the computation for end-to-end reso- 4.4 Cross-domain Evaluation lution and consistency regularization. To further demonstrate the benefits for the pro- Second, for the cluster consistency regular- posed model StructECR, we evaluate StructECR ization, we evaluate the following ablated mod- and the baseline models Pairwise and E2E-Only in els for StructECR: (v) StructECR - y (y ∈ the cross-domain setting. In this setting, we aim 4847
to train the models on one domain (the source do- ther expressed or implied, of ARO, ODNI, IARPA, main) and evaluate them on another domain (the the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Govern- target domain). We leverage the KBP 2016 and ment. The U.S. Government is authorized to re- KBP 2017 datasets for this experiment. In particu- produce and distribute reprints for governmental lar, KBP 2016 annotates ECR data for 85 newswire purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation and 84 discussion forum documents (i.e., two do- therein. This document does not contain technol- mains/genres) while KBP 2017 provides annotated ogy or technical data controlled under either the data for ECR on 83 news articles and 84 discus- U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations or sion forum documents. As such, for each dataset, the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. we consider two setups where documents in one domain (i.e., newswire or discussion forum) are used for the source domain, leaving documents in References the other domain for the target domain data. We Cosmin Adrian Bejan and Sanda Harabagiu. 2014. Un- use the same hyper-parameters that are tuned on supervised event coreference resolution. In Compu- the development set of KBP 2015 for the models tational Linguistics (CL). in this experiment. Table 3 presents the perfor- David Ahn. 2006. The stages of event extraction. In mance of the models. It is clear from the table that Proceedings of the Workshop on Annotating and StructECR are significantly and substantially better Reasoning about Time and Events. than the baseline models (p < 0.01) over differ- Jun Araki and Teruko Mitamura. 2015. Joint event trig- ent datasets and settings for the source and target ger identification and event coreference resolution domains, thereby confirming the domain general- with structured perceptron. In Proceedings of the ization advantages of StructECR for ECR. 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 5 Conclusion Amit Bagga and Breck Baldwin. 1998. Entity- We present a novel end-to-end coreference resolu- based cross-document coreferencing using the vec- tion framework for event mentions based on deep tor space model. In Proceedings of the Inter- national Conference on Computational Linguistics learning. The novelty in our model is twofold. First, (COLING). document structures are introduced to explicitly capture relevant objects and their interactions in Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael documents to aid representation learning. Second, Bugert, Nils Reimers, and Ido Dagan. 2019. Re- visiting joint modeling of cross-document entity and several regularization techniques are proposed to event coreference resolution. In Proceedings of the exploit the consistencies between human-provided 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu- and machine-generated clusters of event mentions tational Linguistics (ACL). in documents. We perform extensive experiments Terra Blevins and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2020. Moving on two benchmark datasets for ECR to demonstrate down the long tail of word sense disambiguation the advantages of the proposed model. In the future, with gloss informed bi-encoders. In Proceedings of we plan to extend our models to related problems the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Com- in information extraction, e.g., event extraction. putational Linguistics (ACL). Arie Cattan, Alon Eirew, Gabriel Stanovsky, Mandar Acknowledgments Joshi, and Ido Dagan. 2020. Streamlining cross- document coreference resolution: Evaluation and This research has been supported by the Army Re- modeling. arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.11032. search Office (ARO) grant W911NF-21-1-0112. This research is also based upon work supported by Chen Chen and Vincent Ng. 2016. Joint inference over the Office of the Director of National Intelligence a lightly supervised information extraction pipeline: Towards event coreference resolution for resource- (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects scarce languages. In Proceedings of the Associa- Activity (IARPA), via IARPA Contract No. 2019- tion for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 19051600006 under the Better Extraction from Text (AAAI). Towards Enhanced Retrieval (BETTER) Program. Zheng Chen and Heng Ji. 2009. Graph-based event The views and conclusions contained herein are coreference resolution. In Proceedings of the Work- those of the authors and should not be interpreted shop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Lan- as necessarily representing the official policies, ei- guage Processing. 4848
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