Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo -
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MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000) Preprint 16 April 2021 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo V.N. Obridko1 , ? , V. Pipin4 †, D. Sokoloff1,2,3 ‡, A.S. Shibalova2,3 ,§ 1 IZMIRAN, 4 Kaluzhskoe Shosse, Troitsk, Moscow, 108840 2 Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow,119992, Russia 3 Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Moscow, 119991, Russia 4 Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, 664033, Russia arXiv:2104.06808v2 [astro-ph.SR] 15 Apr 2021 16 April 2021 ABSTRACT We compare spectra of the zonal harmonics of the large-scale magnetic field of the Sun using observation results and solar dynamo models. The main solar activity cycle as recorded in these tracers is a much more complicated phenomenon than the eigen solution of solar dynamo equations with the growth saturated by a back reaction of the dynamo-driven magnetic field on solar hydrodynamics. The nominal 11(22)-year cycle as recorded in each mode has a specific phase shift varying from cycle to cycle; the actual length of the cycle varies from one cycle to another and from tracer to tracer. Both the observation and the dynamo model show an exceptional role of the axisymmetric `5 mode. Its origin seems to be readily connected with the formation and evolution of sunspots on the solar surface. The results of observations and dynamo models show a good agreement for the low `1 and `3 modes. The results for these modes do not differ significantly for the axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric models. Our findings support the idea that the sources of the solar dynamo arise as a result of both the distributed dynamo processes in the bulk of the convection zone and the surface magnetic activity. Key words: Sun: magnetic fields; Sun: oscillations; sunspots 1 INTRODUCTION activity (sunspots, flares, filaments, corona, solar wind, etc.) are addressed in many papers (see for review, e.g., Hathaway Until the middle of the past century, the solar activity was 2015, Usoskin 2017). considered mainly as a periodic modulation of sunspot num- Here, we concentrate our analysis on the structure of the bers. This viewpoint survives even now among people not large-scale global magnetic field presented as a combination closely related to solar astronomy. In fact, however, the so- of multi-poles of various order. We are interested in the time lar activity is a complex of interconnected physical processes evolution of individual multi-poles as well as their correla- mainly underlied by magnetic field variations. The variety of tions. The amplitudes and phases of the lowest multipoles and physical processes included in solar activity is determined by their correlations with the solar photospheric magnetic field the fact that the solar magnetic field contains various compo- have been investigated in various papers (e.g., Levine 1977; nents and is produced by several drivers, such as, e.g., the dif- Hoeksema 1984; Stenflo & Vogel 1986; Stenflo & Weisen- ferential rotation, meridional circulation, and the turbulent horn 1987; Hoeksema 1991; Levine 1977; Gokhale et al. 1992; dynamo effects. The differential rotation of the Sun is well Gokhale & Javaraiah 1992; Stenflo 1994; Knaack & Stenflo known thanks to the helioseismology results (see, e.g. Howe 2005) on the basis of Kitt Peak and WSO (John Wilcox Ob- et al. 2011). The parameters of meridional circulation are de- servatory, Stanford) data. batable (see, e.g, the recent discussion in Gizon et al. 2020 and Stejko et al. 2021 and references therein). Our knowl- We will focus on higher-order axisymmetric multipoles in edge of the turbulent dynamo effects is even more uncertain order to determine the number l, which gives the main con- Brandenburg (2018). The spacial and temporal magnetic field tribution to the spectrum of the large-scale magnetic field. variations are important to understand the very origin of the We believe that such a research is interesting in itself, as well solar magnetic field as well as its relation to the solar activ- as in the context of comparison with solar dynamo models. ity manifestations. Magnetic fields in various objects of solar Now the most popular kind of the solar dynamo, which suc- cessfully reproduces many observational facts concerning the solar activity is the Babcock-Leighton scheme (e.g., Char- bonneau 2020). The polar magnetic field remaining from the ? † email: previous cycle changes its sing during the sunspot number ‡ email: growth phase (Wang et al. 1989, Benevolenskaya 2004, Dasi- § Espuig et al. 2010). © 0000 The Authors
2 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova Earlier, DeRosa et al. (2012) found that the coupling be- ingly; Plm are the associated Legendre polynomials; glm and tween the odd and even (anti-symmetric & symmetric about hlm are the Gauss coefficients calculated under the assump- the equator) modes shows a correlation with the large-scale tion that the magnetic field is potential between the photo- polarity reversals both in observations and in the Babcock- sphere and the source surface, while the magnetic field is pre- Leighton type dynamo models. The results obtained by Pas- sumed to be exactly radial at the source surface. We do not sos et al. (2014) and Hazra et al. (2014), as well as the up- include the correction coefficient 1.8 suggested by Svalgaard dated version of the Babcock-Leighton dynamo model pre- et al. (1978); however, it is more than possible to re-scale the sented in Cameron & Schüssler (2017) show that the poloidal results below including this coefficient. The harmonic coeffi- magnetic field can be generated in the solar dynamo by two cients are generated on the base of the summary year-long different sources. One is related to the surface evolution of synoptic map for every rotation with the cadence equal to the tilted bipolar regions and the other comes from turbu- half a Carrington rotation. lent generation of the poloidal magnetic field from the large- Following Obridko et al. (2020), we obtain the Gauss coef- scale toroidal field by the α-effect in the bulk of the con- ficients glm and hlm independently rather than just defining vection zone. The latter source is a usual component in the their ratio. Then, following Obridko & Yermakov (1989), we distributed mean-field dynamo models. Note that the dis- average Eqs. 1 over the photosphere and the source surface, tributed dynamo paradigm is supported by a number of the respectively to yield global convection simulation models (see, e.g., Käpylä et al. X (l + 1 + lζ 2l+1 ) 2 2016; Warnecke et al. 2018). A comparison of the distributed < Br2 >|R0 = (glm + h2lm ), (4) dynamo model and the Babcock-Leghton scenario can be 2l + 1 lm found in (Brandenburg 2005; Kosovichev et al. 2013). X < Br2 >|Rs = (2l + 1)ζ 2l+4 (glm 2 + h2lm ), (5) In this paper, we aim to investigate the relative contribu- lm tion of the dynamo in the depth of the convection zone and the surface sunspot activity to the evolution of the axisym- where ζ = R0 /Rs and < ... > stands for averaging. < Br2 > is metric modes. The main idea is to study the phase relation the mean square radial component of the magnetic field cal- between the evolution of different ` modes at the surface and culated by formula (1). Since the polynomials are orthonor- to compare the results of observations with the results of the mal, the integration can be done analytically. Integration can dynamo models. The phase relation between the mode evo- be performed over any spherical surface by substituting the lution was previously studied by Stenflo (1994) and Knaack required value of R. In this case, the formulas are given for & Stenflo (2005). They found an exceptional role of the ax- the photosphere surface (4) and the source surface (5). This isymmetric harmonic ` = 5. DeRosa et al. (2012) analyzed the means that the contribution of the lth mode to the average phase relations between the low ` harmonics in the Babcock- magnetic field contains an l-dependent coefficient. Compar- Leighton type dynamo and revealed nearly synchronous evo- ing the relative contributions of modes with various l we plot lution of the ` = 1, 3 and ` = 5 (see Fig. 15 in DeRosa square roots of contribution with given l in Eqs. (4 - 5). et al. (2012)). This seems to contradict the results by Stenflo Of course, we use for comparison more traditional solar (1994). Here, we intend to repeat the analysis using observa- activity data like sunspots where required. tional data from the Wilcox Solar Observatory. . 3 OBSERVATIONAL RESULTS: AXIAL SYMMETRY AND PARITY OF THE 2 OBSERVATIONAL BASIS AND BASIC L-HARMONICS EQUATIONS 3.1 l-parity We have been working with the WSO (Stanford University) The solar magnetic field is traditionally claimed as a magnetic synoptic maps of the light-of-sight photospheric magnetic field of dipole symmetry, i.e., antisymmetric in respect to field component (Scherrer et al. 1977) for the period from the solar equator. The most straightforward representation of Carrington rotation 1642 (beginning on 27 May 1976) till ro- such view is the famous Hale polarity law of sunspot groups. tation 2227 (beginning on 2 February 2020) converted into Of course, the dipole symmetry is not perfect and various Gaussian coefficients using the standard expressions deviations are known. X m Fig.1 (top panel) represents the contribution of various l- Br = Pl (cos θ)(glm cos mφ + hlm sin mφ) × (1) harmonics to the mean surface magnetic field versus time. l,m Some prevalence of the even harmonics is visible. The integral ×((l + 1)(R0 /R)l+2 − l(R/Rs )l−1 cl ), parameter, which characterizes the equatorial symmetry of X ∂P m (cos θ) the large-scale magnetic field, is given by the parity index, l Bθ = − (glm cos mφ + (2) ∂θ 2 2 2 2 l,m P = (Beven − Bodd )/(Beven + Bodd ). (6) l+2 l−1 +hlm sin mφ)((R0 /R) + (R/Rs ) cl ), It reflects the relative power of the odd and even harmonics X m m Bφ = − Pl (cos θ)(hlm cos mφ − (3) in the energy of the large-scale magnetic field. The negative sin θ values correspond to the equatorial anti-symmetry (−1 - the l,m dipole parity) and the positive values, to the symmetry (+1 −glm sin mφ)((R0 /r)l+2 + (R/Rs )l−1 cl ). - the quadrupole parity). This parameter is commonly used Here, 0 ≤ m ≤ l < N , cl = −(R0 /Rs )l+2 , R0 , and Rs are the in solar dynamo models (Brandenburg et al. 1989; Knobloch radii of the solar surface and the sours surface, correspond- et al. 1998; Weiss & Tobias 2016). From Fig.1 (middle), we MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo 3 Figure 1. Top panel – contribution of each of the first 20 har- monics (l = 0, 1, 2, ..., 19) on the photosphere surface to the mean Figure 2. Contribution of each of the first 20 axisymmetric har- magnetic field versus time. The middle shows the parity index, P, monics (l = 0, 1, 2, ..., 19) to the mean magnetic field on the pho- where the black curves show the raw data; each dot corresponds tosphere surface versus time, m = 0 (top); relative contribution to half a Carrington rotation, and the red curve represent 13-point of nonaxisymmetric harmonics (m 6= 0) to the mean square mag- smoothing. The bottom shows the solar cycle according to sunspot netic field on the photosphere surface versus time (middle); and data. total contribution of nonaxisymmetric harmonics to the mean so- lar magnetic field (bottom). The blue curve on the lower panel shows the solar cycle according to sunspot data. see that the solar dynamo shows the dipole-type symmetry during the solar minimum. The solar maximum is charac- 0,6 terized by the magnetic field distribution highly asymmetric about the equator. Later, we shall discuss the origin of this 0,4 phenomenon in more detail. 0,2 [G] 0,0 3.2 Axisymmetric versus non-axisymmetric harmonics -0,2 It is interesting that the evolution of the ` parity of the solar g10 magnetic field seems to be related to the parameters of the ax- -0,4 ial symmetry. Fig. 2 (top) shows the evolution of the ` power g30 g70 for the axisymmetric modes of the solar magnetic field during -0,6 g50 g20 the past four solar cycles. We see its substantial decreases at the end of the observational epoch. This indicates that so- 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 lar activity has declined substantially in the past two cycles t, years as compared to the end of the XX century. The integral pa- rameter characterizing the relative power of nonaxisymmet- Figure 3. The smoothed series of the first 4 odd axisymmetric ric harmonics follows the evolution of the sunspot activity. harmonics together with he lowest even axisymmetric harmonic. This parameter is close to unity during the maximum of the The data averaged by convolution with the Gaussian function (pa- sunspot activity (cf, Vidotto et al. 2018). The solar minima rameter σ = 0.75). show a predominance of the axisymmetric harmonics. MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
4 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova Table 1. Phase shifts of the first axisymmetric harmonics with 0,5 SN the odd numbers juxtaposed with the phase of the solar cycle as inferred from the polar magnetic field and sunspot data. We have Bpol chosen the phase of g50 = 0. The correlation functions (except 0,4 1 the one for sunspots) have two maxima and, correspondingly, two estimates of the phase shift. The estimate corresponding to the 3 main maximum of the correlation function is given as the basic 0,3 value and the other value is added in brackets. The discrepancy 5 S between the main quantities and the estimates given in brackets provide us with additional option for measuring the accuracy of 0,2 7 the estimates. ∆t, years φ 0,1 g10 −2.28 (−2.03) 0.23π (0.20π) 0,0 g30 −2.69 (−2.29) 0.27π (0.23π) a) g50 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 ∆t, Yr g70 −3.69 (−3.11) 0.37π (0.31π) -8 -4 0 4 8 r Bpolar −1.91 (−0.97) 0.19π (0.10π) 1,0 5,Bpol Sunspot number 3.29 −0.33π 5,SN 0,5 4 CYCLICITY IN AXISYMMETRIC HARMONICS 0,0 The analysis of the cyclic behavior of axisymmetric modes has run into some difficulties. As seen from Fig. 2, not only the even axisymmetric harmonics, but also the higher-order odd -0,5 5,1 ones yield a chaotic, unrealistic picture. Apparently, taking 5,3 into account any harmonics of the order higher than l = -1,0 5,5 7 results in violation of the regular cyclic dependence (see, Hoeksema 1995, 5,7 b) Then, we search for harmonics with a pronounced cyclic be- /2 0 - /2 - havior and select four such harmonics, namely, g10 , g30 , g50 , and g70 , Fig. 3. We do not see pronounced cyclicity in ax- Figure 4. a) Integral wavelet spectra for several odd harmonics, the strength of the polar magnetic field and the SN index; b) Cor- isymmetric harmonics with the even numbers; however, they relation coefficients r between g50 and the other tracers of solar are interesting as indicators of the North-South asymmetry activity under discussion (g10 - red, g30 - blue, g50 - black, and DeRosa et al. 2012. To be specific, the red dashed line in Fig. 3 g70 - light green) in comparison with the polar field Bpolar (purple show the lowest harmonic g20 . Despite the activity of g20 is dashed) and sunspots (dark green). The phase of the cycle is given irregular it shows a correlation with the polar field reversals in years (upper horizontal scale) in phase φ of the whole cycle, (DeRosa et al. 2012). Fig. 3 shows a phase difference in the which is 2π. evolution of the odd axisymmetric harmonics. This difference was analyzed by Stenflo (1994). He found, in particular, that an extended solar cycle in the evolution of the radial mag- quite arbitrarily the harmonic g50 as the basic one. More netic field can inherently result from the evolution of modes, specifically, we consider two signals, say, f (t) and g(t), shift which follows some phase relations. Therefore, the phase re- signal g in time by ∆t, and calculate the correlation function lations can shed light on the origin of the solar dynamo. The r. The result is plotted in Fig. 4b as a function of ∆t. For analysis of Stenflo (1994) was based on the assumption of a comparison with Stenflo (1994), we have chosen the phase of unique period for the axisymmetric modes. Here we consider g50 equal to 0. Therefore, the mode g50 in Fig 4b is shown a more general situation. by the auto-correlation coefficient. In order to compare with Fig. 4a shows the integral wavelet spectra for the low odd the above-cited paper, we have to take into account that the harmonics, the strength of the polar magnetic field and the highest correlation is attained by shifting the advance har- SN index. The cycle lengths of the modes, as well as the monic backward or by shifting the lagged harmonic forward. corresponding quantities for the polar filed and the sunspot Therefore, the signs for the time and phase are opposite. Sim- numbers determined as the location of the maxims in the ilarly to Stenflo (1994) we find the positive sign for the phase integral wavelet spectra. They are given in Table 2. One can shifts of the all harmonics. Though the magnitude of the shift see, that the different parameters show the different cycle is about factor twice less than in his study. Recall that r is length. Notably, The parameter g50 shows the smallest period a dimensionless quantity and |r| ≤ 1. The location of maxi- of about 10 years. mum r for the particular tracer of the solar activity is used as In order to obtain the phase shift between the axisymmet- the phase shift of the tracer in respect to the mode g50 . The ric harmonics and some other tracers of solar activity, we autocorrelation coefficient for g50 is also shown in the figure calculate the corresponding correlation coefficients choosing for comparison. MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo 5 Table 2. Cycle lengths of the modes under discussion, polar mag- 5 RESULTS FROM MEAN-FIELD DYNAMO netic field, and sunspot numbers: T is the cycle length for the MODELS absolute value, Ts is the cycle length for the signed quantities. In a preliminary study we considered the results of the run C2 T (years) Ts (years) from the axisymmetric dynamo model of Pipin & Kosovichev (2020). A detailed description of the model is given in the g10 11.5 23.0 above-cited paper. Note that the model explains successfully g30 11.75 23.5 the so-called “extended” solar cycle (Altrock (1997)) and, be- sides that, it shows a satisfactory agreement with many as- g50 9.75 19.5 pects of solar observations. However, that model does not g70 11.625 23.25 take into account the effect of the sunspot activity on the evolution of the radial magnetic field. Despite this, it shows Bpolar 10.5 21.0 a satisfactory agreement of evolution of the low ` modes with Sunspot number 11.0 22.0 observations. We provide these results in Appendix B. This model will be a reference in our study of the relative con- tributions of the deep and surface dynamo processes to the whole magnetic variability of the Sun. To study the possible effects of the sunspot activity on the dynamo evolution, we Note that the maximum values of r are quite high exceed- consider the nonaxisymmetric dynamo model. ing 0.9 for g10 and g30 , and even the lowest value (obtained for We assume that the toroidal magnetic field in the subsur- sunspots) exceeds 0.7. The fact that correlations between the face layer of the convection zone is responsible for the forma- harmonics of the large-scale poloidal magnetic field are larger tion of solar bipolar regions in the photosphere. The effect than their correlations with the polar magnetic field and the of inclination of the bipolar regions can be parametrized by correlations with sunspots are even lower looks reasonable be- means of an additional α-effect acting on the emerging part of cause it agrees with the degree of connections between these the toroidal magnetic field. This idea follows the phenomeno- quantities as expected from the solar dynamo mechanism. logical approach of the Babcock-Leighton dynamo scenario. Based on the Fig. 4b, we calculate the corresponding phase The mean-field formulation of this scenario was suggested by shifts as location of the maxima in ∆t (presented in Table 1). Nandy & Choudhuri (2001). Here, we follow the same ideas The width of the plot for a particular correlation coefficient (in particular, see Kumar et al. (2019)). In this scenario, the allows us to decide how the main phase of the solar cycle is individual magnetic flux-tubes that rise from the bottom of localized for the particular harmonics. In particular, it looks the convection zone are subject to the effect of the Cori- difficult to insist that the phase shifts between g10 , g30 , and olis force (cf, Cameron & Schüssler 2017). In the dynamo Bpolar are significant; however, the phase shifts between them equations, the averaged effect of this process is described by and, perhaps, g70 , g50 and sunspots number seem to be signif- means of the α-effect acting on the axisymmetric magnetic icant. It follows from Figure 5b and Table 1 that the sunspot field. Unlike the other parts of the mean electromotive force, cycle is ahead of the polar field cycle by π/2, and the g50 the analytical expression of this effect was never obtained mode, by π/3. from the first principles. In our model we do not apply this The analysis of observations can be summarized as follows. ansatz and consider the α-effect acting on the buoyant non- The actual phase and length of a nominal 11-year cycle as axisymmetric parts of the large-scale toroidal magnetic field. recorded in such tracers are specific for each harmonic. This The description of this α-effect in our model remains spec- was already demonstrated in Stenflo & Vogel (1986), Sten- ulative and has a phenomenological character. We simulate flo (1994) and Knaack & Stenflo (2005). Compared to their the emergence process by means of the magnetic buoyancy work, our analysis covers the period of two full magnetic cy- of the randomly chosen parts of the axisymmetric toroidal cles. Therefore, our conclusions concerning the phases and magnetic field in the upper part of the convection zone. frequencies of the large-scale magnetic field spherical harmon- The general consideration shows that the large-scale ics are more robust. The low ` axisymmetric harmonics show toroidal magnetic field can be unstable if its strength de- a phase shift relative to each other and relative to the proxy creases outward faster than the mean density stratification of the polar magnetic field strength and the sunspot number does (Gilman 1970). The instability is subjected to effects index. We have to note that the phase shifts mostly exceed of the global rotation and turbulent diffusion (Gilman 1970; the difference between the mode oscillation periods at least by Acheson & Gibbons 1978; Davies & Hughes 2011; Gilman factor of two. This observation may tell us about the spatial 2018). In our model, these effects are not taken into account. distribution of turbulent sources in the solar dynamo. Indeed, The nonaxisymmetric magnetic buoyancy and the related the results of DeRosa et al. (2012) regarding the phase rela- α-effect are used in a phenomenological way to generate a tions between the low ` harmonics in the Babcock-Leighton solar-like large-scale nonaxisymmetric magnetic field at the type dynamo model show a nearly synchronous evolution of dynamo surface. The current knowledge shows that the mag- ` = 1, 3 and ` = 5 (see Fig. 15 in DeRosa et al. (2012)). This netic buoyancy is unlikely to be the only process responsi- doesn’t seem surprising, because in their model, the sources ble for the sunspot formation. All complicated phenomena, of generation of the radial magnetic field are in one place, such as the effects of convective flows, instabilities due to near the solar surface. Below, we consider the results of the interaction of the magnetic field and turbulent plasma, and distributed dynamo model that include the effects of emer- magnetic buoyancy instability, should be taken into account gence of a bipolar region in order to mimic the effects of the (Kitiashvili et al. 2010; Stein & Nordlund 2012; Losada et al. sunspot activity on the evolution of the radial magnetic field. 2017). In our model we keep the consideration as simple as MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
6 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova latitude Br,[G] [G] [G] r/R r/R c) e) a) Br,[G] [G] [G] r/R r/R r/R b) d) f) yr yr yr Figure 5. a) The time-latitude diagrams of the toroidal magnetic field (contours in the range of ±1kG) in the subsurface shear layer, r=0.9R and the radial magnetic field on the surface (background image); b) the time-radius diagram for the large-scale magnetic field at the latitude of 30◦ ; c) the time-radius evolution of the axisymmetric mode of the radial magnetic field `1 ; d), e), and f) show the same for `3 , `5 , and `7 . t=32.1yr t=35.5yr t=39yr t=42.4yr Br, [G] Br, [G] Figure 6. Snapshots of the surface magnetic field distributions in a dynamo cycle. The radial magnetic field is shown by color and the toroidal magnetic field, by contours in the same range of ±20G. possible. Also, we do not try to resolve the real spatial scale of Figure 6 illustrates the snapshots of the surface magnetic the sunspots active regions. This is rather expensive compu- field distributions during a dynamo cycle starting from the tationally. The 2D analog of the model was recently discussed minimum of the magnetic activity. The model shows solar-like by Pipin (2021). The model should be considered as a numer- patterns of the magnetic field distribution during the grow- ical experiment. It does not pretend to explain the emergence ing and maximum phases of the magnetic activity. Comparing of the solar active regions. The further details concerning the these results with Vidotto et al. (2018), we find that the mag- nonaxisymmetric dynamo model are given in the Appendix netic field distribution patterns agree with the low-resolution A. patterns of the magnetic activity found in observations. Figure 5 shows the time-latitude and the time-radius di- The magnitude of the nonaxisymmetric magnetic field in agrams of the large-scale magnetic field evolution, as well these snapshots is rather small compared to the sunspot the time-radius evolution of the first four odd axisymmetric magnetic field. This is due to our model restrictions on the spherical harmonics in the nonaxisymmetric dynamo model. strength and size of the bipolar region. However, the ampli- The results for the axisymmetric modes `1−7 are qualitatively tude of the generated radial magnetic field flux agrees with similar to the results of the axisymmetric model. However, observations to the order of magnitude. The total flux of the the time-radius evolution of the radial magnetic field at the radial magnetic field in the model is about 6 1023 Mx (see latitude of 30◦ shows the difference. The radial magnetic field Figure7a). This is lower than the value reported by Schrijver generated in the subsurface shear layer drifts downward from & Harvey (1994) (1024 Mx) and higher than the flux obtained the surface and has the opposite sign to the magnetic field in the WSO low-resolution observations. The total magnetic propagating from the depth of the convection zone. The pole- flux of the radial magnetic field in the model evolves in phase ward surges in the time-latitude diagram of the large-scale ra- with the toroidal magnetic field activity in the subsurface dial magnetic field are due to the formation of bipolar regions. shear layer. The magnetic flux of the axisymmetric magnetic There are similar radial surges in the time-radius diagrams. field is shifted by π/2 relative to the evolution of the axisym- MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo 7 [Mx] a) a) b) Figure 7. a) FS is the total unsigned flux of the radial magnetic (ax) field and FS is the same for the contribution of the axisym- metric magnetic field; b) Pnx is the parameter characterizing the nonaxisymmetry of the surface radial magnetic field, PBr is the equatorial parity parameter of the surface radial magnetic field, and PBrf is the same for the nonaxisymmetric radial magnetic field. metric toroidal magnetic field. Using decomposition of the b) radial magnetic field into the partial dynamo modes: X (m) Figure 8. The same as Figures 4 for the nonaxisymmetric dynamo hBr i = Br (µ) eimφ , model. where the case m = 0 corresponds to the axisymmetric mag- netic field, we compute the degree of nonaxisymmetry of the The model shows substantial variations in the parity pa- magnetic field: rameters of the axisymmetric, PBr , and non-axisymmetric, (m) PBr f , radial magnetic field. In the model, the emergence of Ẽr Pnx = (m) , (7) the bipolar region is random in longitude and hemisphere. Er This induces the hemispheric asymmetry of the sources of where the radial magnetic field. In our model the parity varies from 1 X Z -1 to the values which are slightly above zero level. The zero Ẽr(m) = Br(m) Br(m)∗ dµ, (8) parity means a strong hemispheric asymmetry of the mag- 8π m≥1 netic activity. The obtained parity variations agree with the (m) results of observations shown in Fig.1. The results of our and Er is the total energy of the radial component of the model are qualitatively similar to those demonstrated by the magnetic field. Using decomposition of the radial magnetic 3D Babcock-Leighton type model of Hazra & Nandy (2019). field into spherical harmonics, we compute the two parity When comparing the results of the two dynamo models, we indices: have to take into account the difference in the parity parame- P (`even )2 P (`odd )2 Br − Br ter definitions. Our definition of the parity parameter reflects PBr = , (9) P (`)2 Br the difference between the energy of a symmetric and anti- symmetric magnetic field about the equator (see, Branden- where summation is done for all modes, and a similar one for burg et al. 1989; Knobloch et al. 1998). Also, our model covers the nonaxisymmetric modes: the period of only a few magnetic cycles. The dynamo simu- lations of (Moss et al. 2008; Weiss & Tobias 2016; Kitchati- Pm>0 Br (`even )2 (` − m>0 Br odd P )2 nov et al. 2018; Hazra & Nandy 2019) display much stronger PBr f = Pm>0 (`)2 . (10) long-term parity variations. The above cited papers show that Br these variations can result both from fluctuations of the α ef- Figure 7b shows the evolution of these parameters in the fect and from hemispheric randomness in the formation of nonaxisymmetric dynamo model. In general we see a qual- a bipolar region. Such long-term variations are beyond the itative agreement of our results with the observation data scope of this paper. represented in Figure 2. In this phase of the magnetic cy- Figure 8 shows the integral wavelets of the low axisymmet- cle, the parameter Pnx is minimum, i.e., the energy of the ric modes and their cross-correlations with the `5 mode for nonaxisymmetric magnetic field reaches the lowest value. the nonaxisymmetric dynamo model. The obtained results MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
8 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova Table 3. Phase shifts (years) for the run C2 (see, sources and by nonlinearities involved in the dynamo pro- Pipin&Kosovichev, 2020) and the nonaxisymmetric dynamo model cesses. (NXDY). In our model, the surface poloidal magnetic field originates from two sources: the poloidal magnetic field, which propa- C2 Period NXDY, Period gates with the dynamo wave from the depth of the convection -2. -2.5 zone, and the solar active regions that, in turn, are associated g10 11.3 10.8 0.17π 0.23π with the dynamo driven toroidal magnetic field in the sub- surface shear layer. This is similar to studies of Passos et al. -3.45 -3.9 g30 10.7 11.3 (2014), Hazra et al. (2014) and Hazra & Nandy (2019). Their 0.3π 0.37π models employed the Babcock-Leighton type scenario as the g50 11.3 0 10.6 main dynamo process. The need for a weak background dis- tributed dynamo was justified by the temporal parameters 1.1 1.81 g70 11.3 10.7 of the magnetic activity during the Maunder minimum. The 0.08π 0.18π relative contribution of both sources is not known in advance -1.8 -2.1 and may be specific for each harmonic. The polar magnetic Bpol 11.3 10.8 0.15π 0.21π field seems to be most directly connected with the propa- 3.95 3.1 gation of the poloidal magnetic field from the domain of the Bφ 10.6 10.8 solar dynamo action, just because sunspots and active regions -0.35π -0.29π are located at middle solar latitudes. Another interesting observational phenomenon is the ex- agree with observations illustrated in Figures 4, except for citation of even modes during the maximum phases of the the phase shift between the modes `5 and `7 . We find that sunspot activity. This results in variation of the parity index the effect of nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields brings the cor- PBr around zero (see, Figs.1 and 4). This effect is readily relation between `5 and the strength of the toroidal magnetic connected with the hemispheric asymmetry of the magnetic field in agreement with observations. activity. It was extensively discussed by DeRosa et al. (2012) The Table 3 provides the phase shifts and the dynamo pe- and Hazra & Nandy (2019) as the source of long-term vari- riods of the low axisymmetric modes and the integral param- ations of the magnetic activity. The models of the Babcock- eters for our dynamo models. Leighton type show that the stochastic emergence of active regions and the induced stochastic variations of the α-effect can explain both the long-term variations of the solar activity and variations in the hemispheric asymmetry of the activity 6 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION (Kitchatinov et al. 2018; Bhowmik & Nandy 2018; Nepom- Let us summarize the main results of our study. Observations nyashchikh et al. 2019; Hazra & Nandy 2019). Note, that show the difference in the oscillation frequencies of the large- beating between the modes, when they have close but differ- scale magnetic field spherical harmonics. Also, the low ` ax- ent periods, is often considered as a source of long-term vari- isymmetric harmonics display a phase shift relative to each ation of the solar magnetic activity (Brandenburg et al. 1989; other and relative to the proxy of the polar magnetic field Sokoloff & Nesme-Ribes 1994; Knobloch et al. 1998; Feynman strength and the sunspot number index. Earlier this phase & Ruzmaikin 2014; Weiss & Tobias 2016; Beer et al. 2018). shift was discussed by Stenflo (1994). Our findings show a a The random fluctuations of the dynamo governing parame- factor twice less shift’s magnitudes. This is likely due to the ters are usually considered as the main drivers of long-term difference of the time-series interval and the method of anal- variations of the sunspot activity (see the above cited papers). ysis. Indeed, the time-series in Fig3 seems to show a twice The long-term parity variations cause a phase-shift between larger shifts which is in agreement with results of Stenflo the magnetic activity in the North and South solar hemi- (1994) for period before 1990 year. Therefore the times shifts spheres (e.g., Shibalova et al. 2016; Beer et al. 2018; Hazra between the ` harmonics are not constant. & Nandy 2019). These long-term variations are accompanied Combining results of this and previous study of DeRosa by variations in the magnitude and period of a sunspot cycle et al. (2012) we see that the phase shift between the modes (Hathaway 2015). It is likely, that stochastic fluctuations of depends on the spatial sources of the dynamo processes. For the dynamo parameters can drive the phase shifts and fre- example, the dynamo model by DeRosa et al. (2012) shows quencies of the individual ` harmonics as well. nearly synchronous oscillations with the zero phase shift. Our Acknowledgements models are based on the distributed dynamo, and they show The authors are grateful to the WSO teams for a free ac- different phases for the low ` modes. Both observations and cess to their data. The work was supported by RFBR grants the dynamo model show an exceptional role of the axisym- No. 20-02-00150,19-52-53045. DS was supported by BASIS metric `5 mode. Its origin seems to be readily connected with found number 18-1-1-77-3. VVP thanks the financial support the formation and evolution of sunspots on the solar surface. of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Rus- The fluctuating nature of this process can result in a disper- sian Federation (Subsidy No.075-GZ/C3569/278). sion of the dynamo periods. We find that the cycle periods and the phase shifts of the low ` modes are different in the Data Availability Statements. The data underlying this ar- axisymmetric and nonaxisymmetric models. Thus, the asyn- ticle are available at SIDC (2019). The data of the nonaxisym- chronous and shifted cycles of the mode can be accounted metric dynamo model are available at zenodo, Pipin,V.V. for both by the specific spatial distribution of the dynamo (2021). MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
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10 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova 1.00 449 1013 a) b) 0.75 431 413 1012 396 CM2/S 0.50 378 1011 νT 360 ηT+η|| 0.25 10 η|| 10 342 I 0.0 324 b) a) 0.0 r/ R 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.8 r/ R 0.9 4 2 αφφ Figure 10. a) Snapshot of the axisymmetric magnetic field distri- M/ S αrr bution in the convection zone in the growing phase of the magnetic αθθ M/ S cycle, color shows the toroidal magnetic field strength and contours 0 αrθ show streamlines of the poloidal magnetic field (solid lines - clock- wise direction); b) color image shows the instability parameter I −2 (see, Eq19), contour line shows the toroidal magnetic field strength c) 0.7 0.8 r/ R 0.9 d) of 500G. Figure 9. a) The basic angular velocity profile and the stream- & Kosovichev (2018) we put lines of the meridional circulation with the maximum circulation velocity of 13 m/s on the surface at the latitude of 45◦ ; b) radial αM LT u0 2 Vβ = − β K (β) (1 + ξβ (t, r, φ, θ)) , (18) profiles of the total, ηT + η|| , and the rotationally induced part, γ η|| , of the eddy magnetic diffusivity and the eddy viscosity profile; c) radial profiles of the α-effect tensor at the latitude of 45◦ ; and where αMLT = 1.9 is the mixing-length theory parameter, d) the effective drift velocity due to the meridional circulation and γ is the adiabatic law constant, Λ(ρ) = ∇ log ρ; functions (a) the turbulent pumping effect. f1,3 and K (β) are given in Kitchatinov & Pipin (1993). The parameter ξβ determines the magnetic buoyancy velocity per- turbations. The position of the unstable layer was computed gauge transformation for potentials T and S is a sum with following the consideration of Parker (1979). It is assumed the arbitrary r-dependent function. To fix this arbitrariness that the large-scale toroidal magnetic field becomes unstable they suggested the following normalization: when its strength decreases outward faster than the mean Z 2π Z 1 Z 2π Z 1 density does. In particular, we compute the parameter Sdµdφ = T dµdφ = 0. (15) 0 −1 0 −1 ∂ B I = −r log , (19) We are using the same formulation for the mean electro- ∂r ρ motive force as in the recent paper by Pipin & Kosovichev (2019): where B is the strength of the toroidal magnetic field and ρ is the density profile. For the unstable part of the toroidal (A) (P ) Ei = Ei + Ei , (16) magnetic field I > 0. Note, that the magnetic buoyancy insta- (A) Ei = (αij + γij ) hBij − ηijk ∇j hBik , bility can be affected by the stellar turbulence and the global rotation (Gilman 1970; Acheson & Gibbons 1978; Davies & (P ) Ei = αβ δiφ hBiφ − Vβ (r̂ × hBi)i , (17) Hughes 2011; Gilman 2018). We do not consider these effects where we divide the expression of the mean electromotive in our simple model. Figure 10 shows snapshots of the mag- force into the “standard” and phenomenological parts. The netic field and the instability parameter distributions during standard part of Ei (A) contains contributions of the α-effect the growing phase of the magnetic cycle. We see, that in our tensor, αij , the antisymmetric tensor γij accounts for the tur- model the unstable layers of the toroidal magnetic field are bulent pumping of the large-scale magnetic fields due to the connected with the bottom of the convection zone and the effects of the global rotation and density stratification, and subsurface shear layer. ηijk is the eddy magnetic diffusivity tensor. This corresponds The ξβ perturbations are initiated within the upper layer to the expression of the mean electromotive force employed in I > 0; initiations are random in time. They go as a Gaus- the mean-field dynamo models of Pipin & Kosovichev (2019, sian sequence with the mean cadence equal to a month. The (A) Gaussian sequences of ξβ in the north and south hemispheres 2020). The further details concerning Ei can be found in are independent. Similar to Pipin & Kosovichev (2018), we the above-cited papers. Figure 9 shows the large-scale flow define ξβ as follows, distribution, the radial profiles of the eddy magnetic diffu- sivity, the α-effect, and the effective drift velocity due to the φ − φ0 θ − θm ξβ = Cβψexp −mβ sin2 +sin2 , (20) meridional circulation and the turbulent pumping effect. 2 2 The phenomenological part of the mean-electromotive force where ψ is a kink-type function in radius and time, is introduced to account for the surface effects of the emerg- 2 ing magnetic active region on the large-scale dynamo. It is τ0 − t assumed that the toroidal magnetic field in the upper part 1 − ψ = 1−erf (50 (r − rm ))2 e 2τ0 , t < δt (21) of the convection zone can be buoyantly unstable and forms 2 magnetic bipolar regions on the solar surface. Following Pipin = 0, t > δt , MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
Solar large-scale magnetic field and cycle patterns in solar dynamo 11 metric modes of the magnetic field. For example, we have α hBiφ = αB + α̃B̃φ and the same is true for other sim- ilar terms. Note that the second part of this formula, the term α̃B̃φ , as well as the terms like αβ hBiφ and similar ones that are related to the magnetic buoyancy, are usually ig- nored in standard mean-field dynamo models. In general, we can see some similarity between the effect due to α̃B̃φ and the non-local α-effect employed in the flux-transport mod- els (Cameron & Schüssler 2017). In our approach, we explic- a) YR itly take into account the dynamics of the nonaxisymmetric magnetic field and its averaged effect on the evolution of the large-scale magnetic field. To get the evolution equation for the nonaxisymmetric potential S we substitute Eq(14) into Eq(11) and, then, calculate the scalar product with vector r̂. Similarly, the equation for T is obtained by taking curl of Eq(11) and, then, the scalar product with vector r̂. The pro- cedure was described in detail by Krause & Rädler (1980). See also Bigazzi & Ruzmaikin (2004) and Pipin & Kosovichev b) (2015). The equations for the potentials T and S are ∂t ∆Ω S = ∆Ω U (U ) + ∆Ω U (EA) + ∆Ω U (EP ) , (25) Figure 11. The same as Fig.8 for axisymmetric dynamo model. ∂t ∆Ω T = ∆Ω V (U ) + ∆Ω V (EA) + ∆Ω V (EP) , (26) where we introduce new notations the longitude φ0 is random; θm and rm are the latitude and radius of the extreme points of the toroidal magnetic field in ∆Ω V (U ) = −r̂ · ∇ × ∇ × U × B̃ , (27) the upper part of the convection zone, where the instability ∆Ω V (E) = −r̂ · ∇ × ∇ × E, (28) parameter I > 0. We restrict the active phase time, δt, of the (U ) bipolar region evolution to one week. The emergence interval ∆Ω U = −r̂ · ∇ × U × B̃ , (29) of the bipolar region is controlled by the parameter τ0 . In our simulations we put it to 3 days, which corresponds to the ∆Ω U (E) = −r̂ · ∇ × E. (30) observation results (see, Stenflo & Kosovichev (2012)). The (U ) We do not show details of ∆Ω U, V as well as the standard parameter Cβ = 200 is chosen in such a way that the un- parts of the ∆Ω U, V (E) terms. Their derivation is described stable part of the axisymmetric magnetic field could emerge in detail in the above-cited papers. For the nonaxisymmetric on the surface after time τ0 starting from the level r=0.9R, parts related to the magnetic buoyancy and αβ the effect which corresponds to the mean level of the magnetic buoy- reads as follows ancy instability of the large-scale toroidal magnetic field in 1 ∂ ∂ the upper part of the convection zone. In this model we do ∆Ω V (EP ) = − (r hBθ i Vβ ) r sin θ ∂φ ∂r not intend to reproduce the spatial parameters of the sunspot bipolar regions. For the sake of numerical efficiency we put ∂ sin θ ∂ − (r hBφ i Vβ ) (31) mβ = 20, which results in large-scale bipolar regions, (see, ∂µ r ∂r Figure 6). The α-effect will be given as follows 1 ∂ 1 ∂ − r αβ hBφ i , αβ = 0.3 cos θVβ , (22) r ∂r sin θ ∂φ where Vβ is determined by Eq(18), and the coefficient 0.3 was 1 ∂ ∂ chosen from numerical experiments. With our representation ∆Ω U (EP ) = − (hBφ i Vβ ) + (sin θ hBθ i Vβ ) sin θ ∂φ ∂µ of the mean electromotive force in the form of Eq(16), the ∂ full version of the dynamo equations for the axisymmetric + αβ hBφ i . ∂µ magnetic field reads as follows, (A) Vβ ∂ (rA) ∂t A = Eφ + αβ hBφ i + + Vβ B̃θ , (23) B. Results of axisymmetric dynamo model r ∂r sin θ ∂ (r sin θA, Ω) 1 ∂ 2 Here we reproduce some results of the run C2 from Pipin ∂t B = − r Vβ B + Vβ B̃φ r ∂ (r, µ) r ∂r & Kosovichev (2020). See the above-cited paper for details (A) of the model. Figure 11a shows variations in the first four (1 − µ ) ∂Er(A) p 2 1 ∂rEθ + + , (24) odd axisymmetric spherical harmonics on the surface, as well r ∂r r ∂µ as the evolution of the mean polar magnetic field and the where, the contribution of E (A) stands for the standard part mean density of the toroidal field in the subsurface layer, of the mean-electromotive force, its details are omitted. For r = 0.9 − 0.99R. The parameter Bφ is considered a proxy the sake of brevity, the αβ -effect and magnetic buoyancy for the sunspot number. The integral wavelets of the low ax- terms are written explicitly via the magnetic field compo- isymmetric modes and their cross-correlations with `5 mode nents. Besides, these contributions bear the effect of the non- are shown in Figure11b. The toroidal magnetic field and the linear coupling between the axisymmetric and nonaxisym- `3 harmonic show periods of about 10.6 years. The polar MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
12 V.N. Obridko, V.V. Pipin, D.D. Sokoloff, A.S. Shibalova Br,[G] latitude [G] [G] r/R c) e) a) [G] Br,[G] [G] r/R r/R b) d) f) yr yr yr Figure 12. The same as Fig.5 for axisymmetric dynamo model. magnetic field, as well as the `1,5,7 axisymmetric harmonics show a period of about 11.3 years. The axisymmetric modes show an auxiliary peak around 5 years. In the axisymmetric model, the correlation of the mode `5 with other axisymmet- ric modes, as well as with the integral parameters Bpol and the sunspot proxy Bφ agrees qualitatively with observations (see, Figure11b). The correlation between `5 and `7 shows the largest difference compared to the observation results. The time-latitude and time-radius diagrams of the large-scale magnetic field evolution, as well as the time-radius evolution of the first four odd axisymmetric spherical harmonics are shown in Figure 12. The butterfly diagram of the model qual- itatively agrees with observations. At the latitude of 30◦ , the diagram of the time-radius evolution of the toroidal and ra- dial magnetic field shows a drift of the magnetic field activity toward the surface. The duration of the drift is about half a magnetic cycle. It is interesting to note that the axisymmet- ric harmonics `1 and `7 follow the same direction of the drift. The `3 harmonic shows a steady wave with two maxima: one near the bottom and the other at the top of the convection zone. The `5 harmonic shows a similar tendency. However its maximum at the top of the convection zone is less pronounced than for the `3 . In the upper part of the convection zone, `5 displays an inward drift. Therefore, the model evolution of the radial magnetic field of `3 and `5 harmonics can be connected with the toroidal magnetic field in the subsurface shear layer. Naturally, the `5 maxima at the surface corre- spond to the maxima of the toroidal magnetic field butterfly diagrams. The above consideration reveals the peculiarities in the evo- lution of the `3 and `5 axisymmetric harmonics of the radial magnetic field. The harmonic `3 displays a dynamo period close to the period of the toroidal magnetic field parameter Bφ in the subsurface layer. This harmonic is shifted ahead by about π/2 of the toroidal magnetic field evolution and has its maximum at the surface. Therefore, the surface evolution of `3 is determined by generation of the radial magnetic field from the toroidal magnetic field by means of the α-effect. While the generation of `3 is connected with the rising branch of the toroidal magnetic field in the subsurface shear layer, the near-surface generation of `5 is connected with the decay- ing Bφ there. Observations show that the periods of `5 and Bφ are close. This means that there may be an additional near-surface source of the α-effect that produces `5 . We as- sume that it can be due to the emerging bipolar regions. MNRAS 000, 000–000 (0000)
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