Computational Science Laboratory Report - CSL-TR-21-7 - arXiv
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Computational Science Laboratory Report CSL-TR-21-7 November 17, 2021 Austin Chennault, Andrey A. Popov, Amit N. Subrahmanya, arXiv:2111.08626v1 [cs.LG] 16 Nov 2021 Rachel Cooper, Anuj Karpatne, Adrian Sandu “Adjoint-Matching Neural Network Surrogates for Fast 4D-Var Data Assimilation” Computational Science Laboratory “Compute the Future!” Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: (540) 231-2193 Fax: (540) 231-6075 Email:,,,,, Web: .
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 1 Adjoint-Matching Neural Network Surrogates for Fast 4D-Var Data Assimilation Austin Chennault, Member, IEEE, Andrey A. Popov, Amit N. Subrahmanya, Rachel Cooper, Anuj Karpatne, Adrian Sandu Abstract—The data assimilation procedures used in many oper- where the underlying models M are dynamical systems that ational numerical weather forecasting systems are based around evolve in time. Surrogate models have a long history within variants of the 4D-Var algorithm. The cost of solving the 4D-Var data assimilation. Previously studied approaches have included problem is dominated by the cost of forward and adjoint eval- uations of the physical model. This motivates their substitution proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) and variants [34], and by fast, approximate surrogate models. Neural networks offer various neural network approaches [13], [20], [37]. a promising approach for the data-driven creation of surrogate This work proposes the construction of specialized neural- models. The accuracy of the surrogate 4D-Var problem’s solution has been shown to depend explicitly on accurate modeling of the network based surrogates for accelerating the four dimensional forward and adjoint for other surrogate modeling approaches variational (4D-Var) solution of data assimilation problems. and in the general nonlinear setting. We formulate and analyze The 4D-Var approach calculates a maximum aposteriori es- several approaches to incorporating derivative information into timate of the model parameters θ by solving a constrained the construction of neural network surrogates. The resulting optimization problem; the cost function includes the prior networks are tested on out of training set data and in a sequential data assimilation setting on the Lorenz-63 system. information and the mismatch between model predictions and Two methods demonstrate superior performance when compared observations, and the constraints are the high fidelity model with a surrogate network trained without adjoint information, equations. Our proposed approach is to replace the high showing the benefit of incorporating adjoint information into the fidelity model constraints with the surrogate model equations, training process. thereby considerably reducing the cost of solving the opti- Index Terms—Data assimilation, neural networks, optimiza- mization problem. As shown in [24], [34], the quality of the tion, meteorology, machine learning. reduced order 4D-Var problem’s solution depends not only on the accuracy of the surrogate model on forward dynamics, but also on the accurate modeling of the adjoint dynamics. I. I NTRODUCTION As the model (M) encapsulates what one knows about M ANY areas in science and engineering rely on complex computational models for the simulation of physical systems. A generic model has the form x = M(θ), dependents the physics of the process at hand, the exact model deriva- tive (dM/dθ) can also be interpreted as known physical information. We incorporate this information into the neural on a set of parameters θ, and produces approximations of the network surrogate training by appending an adjoint mismatch physical quantities x. The inverse problem consists of using term to the loss function. Training neural networks using loss noisy measurements of the physical quantities x, together with functions incorporating the derivative of the network itself has the model operator M, to obtain improved estimates of the been applied for the solution of partial differential equations parameter value θ. The model operator of interest and its cor- [23], but, to our knowledge, this is the first work to use responding adjoint may be expensive to evaluate. An example derivative information in the solution of a variational inverse from operational numerical weather prediction platforms is a problem. nonlinear transformation of a trajectory of partial differential We formulate several training methods that incorporate equation solutions computed by finite element discretization derivative information, and demonstrate that the resulting at upwards of 109 mesh points [10], [35]. Solution of an surrogates have superior generalization performance over the inverse problem may require thousands of forward model traditional approach where training uses only forward model evaluations in the statistical setting or several hundred in the information. variational setting [15], [30], with solution cost depending primarily on the expense of the forward model M. Inexpensive The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section surrogate models can then be used in place of the high fidelity II introduces the 4D-Var problem, solution strategies, and the model operator M for fast, approximate inversion. In this use of surrogates in its solution. Several forms of neural net- paper we focus on data assimilation, i.e., inverse problems works and the solution of the training problem are discussed. Section III provides a short theoretical analysis of the solution A. Chennault, A. A. Popov, Amit N. Subrahmanya, and Adrian Sandu of 4D-Var with surrogate models, and show the dependence of are with the Computational Science Laboratory in the Computer Science the 4D-Var solution quality on the accuracy of the surrogate department at Virginia Tech. R. Cooper is with MITRE. model and its adjoint. Section IV introduces the science-guided A. Karpatne is with the Computer Science department at Virginia Tech. machine learning framework, and formulates the science- Manuscript received ...; revised .... guided approach to the 4D-Var problem. Numerical results are 0000–0000/00$00.00 © given in Section V and closing remarks in Section VI. 2021 IEEE
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 2 II. BACKGROUND C. 4D-Var Problem Formulation A. Data Assimilation 4D-Var seeks the maximum a posteriori estimate of the state xa0 at t0 subject to the constraints imposed by the high fidelity Data assimilation [3], [11], [25] is the process of combining model equations: imperfect forecasts of a dynamical system from a physics- based model with noisy, typically sparse observations to obtain xa0 = arg min Ψ(x0 ) an improved estimate of the system state. The data assimilation subject to xi = Mi−1,i (xi−1 ), i = 1, . . . , n, problem is generally solved with statistical or variational n approaches [3]. A data assimilation algorithm combines in- 1 2 1X 2 Ψ(x0 ) ..= x0 − xb0 B0 −1 + kHi (xi ) − yi kR−1 , formation from a background estimate of the system state and 2 2 i i=1 observation information to obtain a more accurate estimate of (2) the system state, known as the analysis. The data assimilation √ where kxkA ..= xT Ax, with A a symmetric and positive- problem is fundamentally Bayesian in nature. The problem definite matrix [30]. assumes a likelihood distribution of the observations given a system state and prior distribution of possible background states. The data assimilation algorithm then aims to produce D. Solving the 4D-Var Optimization Problem a sample from the posterior distribution of system states (also In practice, the constrained minimization problem (2) is called the analysis [3], [29]). solved with gradient-based optimization algorithms. Denote The two main settings for the data assimilation problem are the Jacobian of the model solution operator with respect filtering and smoothing. In the filtering setting, observation to model state (called the “tangent linear model”), and the information from the current time t0 is used to improve Jacobian of the observation operator, by: an estimate of the system’s current state at time t0 . In the ∂Mi,i+1 (x) smoothing setting, current and future observation information Mi,i+1 (xi ) ..= ∈ RNstate ×Nstate , (3) ∂x x=xi from times t0 , . . . , tn is used to produce an improved estimate ∂Hi (x) of the system state at time t0 . Hi (xi ) ..= ∈ RNobs ×Nstate , (4) ∂x x=xi We now outline the formal setting for the smoothing prob- respectively. The gradient of the 4D-Var cost function (2) takes lem. Consider a finite dimensional representation xi of the the form: state of some physical system at time ti , i ≥ 0, a background (prior) estimate xb0 of the true system state xtrue 0 state at time ∇x0 Ψ(x0 ) = B−1 b 0 (x0 − x0 ) + (5) t0 , noisy observations (measurements) yi = H(xi ) of the state n X Y i ! at times ti , i ≥ 0, the covariance matrices B0 , Ri , and Qi MTi−k,i−k+1 (xi−k ) HTi R−1 i (Hi (xi ) − yi ). associated with each noise variable, and a high fidelity model i=1 k=1 operator Mi−1,i (x) which transforms the system state at time This motivates the need for an efficient evaluation of the ti−1 to one at time ti : “adjoint model” MTk,k+1 . For our purposes the adjoint model is x0 = xb0 = xtrue 0 + η0 , η0 ∼ N (0, B0 ), the transpose of the tangent linear model, although the method xi = Mi−1,i (xi−1 ) + ηi , ηi ∼ N (0, Qi ), of adjoints is typically derived in a more general setting [3]. (1) The cost of solving the 4D-Var problem (2) is dominated yi = Hi (xtrue i ) + εobs i , εobs i ∼ N (0, Ri ), i = 1, . . . , n. by the computational cost of evaluating Ψ and its gradient (5). Evaluating Ψ requires integrating the model M forward in This information will be combined in some optimal setting time. Evaluating ∇x0 Ψ(x0 ) requires evaluating Ψ and running to produce an improved estimate xa0 of the true system state the adjoint model MT backward in time, both runs being xtrue 0 at time t0 . performed over the entire simulation interval [t0 , tn ]. Tech- niques for efficient computation of the sum in (5) are based B. 4D-Var on computing only adjoint model-times-vector operations [28], [31], [38]. Each full gradient computation requires a single A solution to the variational data assimilation problem adjoint run over the simulation interval. is defined as the numerical solution to some appropriately formulated optimization problem [3]. 4D-Var can be thought of as a variational approach to the smoothing problem. The E. 4D-Var with Surrogate Models 4D-Var methodology is an example of a variational inverse Surrogate models for fast, approximate inference have en- problem. In this context, the variable of interest is the state joyed great popularity in data assimilation research [5], [21], of a dynamical system. We additionally have the notion of [22], [32]–[34]. Surrogate models are most often applied in successive transformations of the state provided through the one of two ways: to replace the high fidelity model dynamics model operator and time-distributed observations. The goal of constraints in (2), or to supplement the model by estimating the 4D-Var is to find an initial value for our dynamical system the model error term ηi in (1) [13]. In the former approach that shadows the true trajectory by weakly matching sparse, the derivatives of the surrogate model replace the derivatives noisy observations and prior information about the system’s of the high fidelity model in (3) and in the 4D-Var gradi- state [16]. ent calculation in (5). The universal approximation property
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 3 of neural networks and their relatively inexpensive forward application of the model operator by recurrent neural network and derivative evaluations make them a promising candidate for use in 4D-Var [20], approaches based on learning the architecture for surrogate construction [1], [13], [20]. results of the data assimilation process [2], and online and offline approaches for model error correction [12]. While to the F. Neural Networks authors’ knowledge, deep-learning based models have failed to match operational weather-prediction models in prediction Neural networks are parametrized function approximation skill [9], [12], [36] they nonetheless have offered compar- architectures loosely inspired by the biological structure of atively inexpensive approximations of operational operators brains [1]. The canonical example of an artificial neural which can be applied to specific areas of interest and have thus network is the feedforward network, or multilayer perceptron. been identified as an area of application for machine learning Given an element-wise nonlinear activation function φ, weight by organizations such as the European Centre for Medium- matrices {Wi }i=1,...,k and bias vectors {bi }i=1,...,k−1 , the Range Weather Forecasts [14]. action uout of a feedforward network on an input vector uin is given by the sequence of operations: z1 = φ(W1 uin + b1 ), III. T HEORETICAL M OTIVATION zi = φ(Wi zi−1 + bi ), i = 2, . . . , k − 1, (6) uout = Wk zk−1 + bk . It has been shown in [24], [32], [34] that, when the optimization (2) is performed with a surrogate model N in Popular choices of activation function include hyperbolic place of the inner loop model operator M, the accuracy of the tangent and the rectified linear unit (ReLU) [1]. In general, resulting solution depends on accuracy of the forward model the dimension of each layer’s output may vary. The final bias as well as its adjoint. A rigorous derivation of error estimates vector may be omitted to suggest more clearly the idea of in the resulting 4D-Var solution upon the forward and adjoint linear regression on a learned nonlinear transformation of the surrogate solutions has developed in [24]. We will follow data, but we retain it in our implementation. Let zi , bi ∈ RNi simplified analysis in the same setting to demonstrate the for i = 1, . . . , k − 1, bk ∈ RNk and Wi ∈ RNi ×Ni−1 , requirement for accurate adjoint model dynamics. We note that i = 2, . . . , k. The input dimension uin ∈ RNin and the output the theory based on first-order necessary conditions predicts dimension uout ∈ RNout are specified by the problem at hand. an increase in solution accuracy regardless of the optimization algorith used to solve (2). The constrained optimization problem (2) can be solved G. Training Neural Networks analytically by the method of Lagrange multipliers. The La- In the supervised setting, networks are trained on loss grangian for (2) is: functions which are additive on a provided set of input/output n pairs {(u`in , u`out )}`=1,...,Ndata , called the training data. The 1 2 1 X 2 L(x0 ; λ) = xb0 − x0 B−1 + kHi (xi ) − yi kR−1 output and optionally the input may be replaced by a sequence 2 0 2 i i=1 in the typical RNN setting. The superscript here is the index n−1 X variable and does not denote exponentiation. The structure of + λTi+1 (xi+1 − Mi,i+1 (xi )), (7) neural networks and additive loss function allows use of the i=0 backpropagation algorithm for efficient gradient computation where λ is the vector containing all Lagrange multipliers λ1 , [1]. In addition, it provides motivation for the typical method λ2 , . . . , λn . A local optimum to the constrained of training neural networks, stochastic gradient descent, where optimization problem (2) is stationary point of (7) and an estimate of the loss function across the entire dataset and its fulfills the first order optimality necessary conditions: gradient with respect to the network weights is computed using only a sample of training data. Stochastic gradient descent is High fidelity forward model: often combined with an acceleration method such as Adam, xi+1 = Mi,i+1 (xi ), i = 0, . . . , n − 1; (8a) which makes use of estimates of the stochastic gradient’s first x0 = xa0 ; and second order moments to accelerate convergence [17]. High fidelity adjoint model: Constraints can be enforced in the neural network training process through incorporation of a penalty term or the more λn = HTn R−1 n (yn − Hn (xn )); (8b) elaborate process of modifying a traditional constrained opti- λi = MTi+1,i λi+1 + HTi R−1 i (yi − Hi (xi )), mization algorithm for the stochastic gradient descent setting i = n − 1, . . . , 0; [7]. High fidelity gradient: (8c) H. Neural Networks in Numerical Weather Prediction ∇x0 Ψ(xa0 ) = −B−1 b a 0 (x0 − x0 ) − λ0 = 0. Approximate models based on neural networks in the Suppose we have some differentiable approximation N to context of numerical weather prediction have been explored. our high fidelity model operator M. We have Ni,i+1 (x) = Previously studied approaches include learning of the model Mi,i+1 (x) + ei,i+1 (x), where the surrogate model approxi- operator by feedforward networks [9] and learning repeated mation error is ei,i+1 (x) = Ni,i+1 (x)−Mi,i+1 (x). Replacing
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 4 M by N = M + e leads to the perturbed 4D-Var problem: IV. S CIENCE -G UIDED ML F RAMEWORK A. Traditional Neural Network Approach xa∗ 0 = arg min Ψ(x0 ) Neural networks offer one approach to building computa- subject to xi = Mi,i+1 (xi ) + ei,i+1 (xi ), tionally inexpensive surrogate models for the model solution i = 0, . . . , n − 1, (9) operator M in eq. (2), which can be used in place of the and its corresponding optimality conditions: high fidelity model in the inversion procedure [20], [37]. The neural network surrogate N takes as input the system state Surrogate forward model: xi and outputs an approximation of the state advanced by a x∗i+1 = Mi,i+1 (x∗i ) + ei,i+1 (x∗i ), (10a) traditional time stepping method, i.e. N (xi ; θ) ≈ Mi,i+1 (xi ), i = 0, . . . , n − 1, x∗0 = xa∗ where θ denote the parameters of the neural network. In our 0 ; methodology, the surrogate N is fixed does not vary between Surrogate adjoint model: time steps, therefore we do not use time subscripts. Moreover, λ∗n = HTn R−1 ∗ n (yn − Hi (xn )), the same set of parameters θ is used for all time steps i. λ∗i = (Mi,i+1 + e0i,i+1 (x∗i ))T λ∗i+1 (10b) The standard approach is to train the surrogate model N on + HTi R−1 − Hi (x∗i )), input-output pairs {(xti , Mti ,ti+1 (xti ))}N data resulting from i (yi i=1 the full scientific model. We have replaced the subscript i i = n − 1, . . . , 0; priorly used with a double subscript ti to indicate that the Surrogate gradient: data used in the training process need not consist of all ∗ (10c) ∇x0 Ψ(x0 ) = −B−1 b a∗ 0 (x0 − x0 ) − λ0 = 0. snapshots collected from a single model trajectory. Training is accomplished by minimizing squared two-norm mismatch summed across the training data set: Let xa∗ 0 be a solution to the reduced 4D-Var problem (9) NX data 2 satisfying its corresponding optimality conditions and xa a LStandard (θ) ..= kN (xti ; θ) − Mti ,ti +1 (xti )k2 . (12) solution to the full 4D-Var problem (2). We can examine the i=1 quality of xa∗ 0 as a solution to the original 4D-Var problem (2) by examining the difference of two solutions satisfying their B. Adjoint-Match Training respective first-order optimality conditions: Incorporating known physical quantities into the training of Forward model error: a neural network by an additional term in the loss function is one of the basic methods of increasing model performance x∗1 − x1 = M0,1 (xa∗ a 0 ) − M0,1 (x0 ) on complex scientific data [37]. In the variational data assim- + e0,1 (xa∗ 0 ), ilation context, we assume access to the high fidelity model (11a) x∗i − xi = Mi−1,i (x∗i−1 ) − Mi−1,i (xi−1 ) operator’s adjoint. Our goal is to devise a training method + ei−1,i (x∗i−1 ), that incorporates this adjoint information and produces more accurate solutions to the 4D-Var problem when the trained i = 2, . . . , n. network is used as a surrogate. To this end, we denote the Adjoint model error: Jacobian of the neural network surrogate by λ∗n − λn = HTn R−1 ∗ n (Hn (xn ) − Hn (xn )), ∂N (x; θ) λ∗i − λi = MTi+1,i (λ∗i+1 − λi+1 ), N(xi ; θ) ..= ∈ RNstate ×Nstate . (13) ∂x x=xi (11b) + HTi R−1i (Hi (xi ) − Hi (x∗i )) A natural means of incorporating adjoint information into the + ei,i+1 (x∗i )T λ∗i+1 , 0 training process is via the cost function i = n − 1, . . . , 0. LAdj (θ) ..= LStandard (θ) Solution error: NX data (11c) 2 xa∗ 0 − xa0 = B0 (λ∗0 − λ0 ). +λ NT (xti ; θ) − MTti ,ti +1 (xti ) F i=1 (14) ≡ LStandard (θ) We see that the additional error at each step of the forward NX data 2 evaluation depends on the difference of the model operator +λ kN(xti ; θ) − Mti ,ti +1 (xti )kF , applied to xi , the accumulated error, and the mismatch func- i=1 tion e itself. The error in the adjoint variables depends on where the regularization parameter λ determines how heavily the forward error as transformed by the observation operator the adjoint mismatch term is weighted. Training neural net- and the adjoint of the mismatch function applied to specific works using loss functions incorporating the derivative of the vectors, namely the perturbed adjoint variables λ∗i . Since the network itself has been applied for approximate solution of error of the solution the mismatch in final adjoint variables, partial differential equations [23], but, to our knowledge, this we see that the quality of the solution depends directly on both paper represents the first attempt to use of this information in the mismatch function e and its derivative. the solution of a variational inverse problem. In addition to
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 5 Fig. 1. Diagram of the neural network surrogate approach. A time stepping method advances the system state according to a scientifically derived formula. The neural network learns to provide a cheap imitation of the timestepping method through the training process. the motivation for incorporating adjoint information into N model on a given set of vectors {vi }N data i=1 , which results in derived above, we may hope that in ensuring that N linearly the following loss function: responds to perturbations in the input similarly to M, we will LAdjVec (θ) ..= LStandard (θ) obtain improved performance when the network is tested on NX data out of training set data. 2 (15) 2 +λ N(xti ; θ)T vi − MTti ,ti +1 vi . We note that the term NT (xti ; θ) − MTti ,ti +1 (xti ) F in i=1 2 2 (14) is exactly equal to kN(xti ; θ) − Mti ,ti +1 (xti )kF , and T In operational settings, the most readily available adjoint- that computation of the model adjoint Mti ,ti +1 (xti ) requires vector products will be those calculated in computation of the considerably more computational complexity than computa- term tion of the model tangent linear model (TLM) Mti ,ti +1 (xti ) ! n i due in part to the additional memory requirements [27]. In the X Y Mi−k,i−k+1 HTi R−1 T i (H(xi ) − yi ) sequel we will explore training with adjoint-vector products i=1 k=1 rather than the full adjoint matrix itself. Accurate adjoint- vector products at the solution (along with accuracy of the from the 4D-Var gradient (5). forward model) is the sufficient condition for accurate solution We note that like the adjoint training procedure above, eval- to the surrogate-optimized problem derived in [24]. Therefore uation of (15) requires evaluation of neural network adjoint- we retain the formulation (14). Although we do not consider vector products, and thus should increase computational ex- the time of the training process in this paper, we note that pense of the training procedure over the standard network. The evaluation of (14) requires evaluation of the neural network’s cost of neural network and neural network adjoint evaluation adjoint, and should thus increase the computational expense after the training process is not affected. of the training problem. We note that the cost evaluating the network and it’s derivative after the training process is not affected by the choice of training cost function. D. Independent Forward/Adjoint Surrogate Training C. Training with Adjoint-Vector Products Another machine learning-based approach to model reduc- In operational settings adjoint-vector products MT v are tion is the construction of separate models of the forward more readily available than high fidelity model adjoint opera- and adjoint dynamics. Use of a regularized cost function tor. Using the figure from the Introduction section I, one dense as in our original formulation (14) results in an inherent Jacobian matrix of the full model operator represented in dou- trade-off between minimizing the data mismatch term and the ble precision floating point format would require 109 · 109 · 64 weighted penalty term. In principle separate models may allow bits, or 8 exabytes of memory to store. Instead of training our a more accurate modeling of the forward and adjoint dynamics. network in terms using adjoint operator mismatch, the network We construct two neural networks: one, NIndepFwd (x; θFwd ), can be trained to match adjoint-vector products of the physical modeling only the forward dynamics and trained with loss
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 6 function: method is done by the corresponding model itself, meaning NX data that a solution xa to the 4D-Var optimization procedure at 2 LIndepFwd (θ) ..= kNIndepFwd (xti ; θ) − Mti ,ti +1 (xti )k2 step ti solved with surrogate model N in place of M sets i=1 xb = N (xa ) at step ti+1 . These runs of 550 steps of length (16) ∆T (with the first 50 steps discarded in error calculations) and another model, NIndepAdj (x; θAdj ) which mimics the are used for all 4D-Var solution accuracy tests. This problem adjoint of the scientific model with respect to the system state. setting is indendent of the data used in the neural network Although the adjoint MTti (xti ) is itself a linear operator, the training process, described in Section V-C. function xti 7→ MTti (xti ) in general is not, justifying use of The 4D-Var optimization problem (2) is solved using BFGS a nonlinear approximation. The network is trained with loss and strong Wolfe condition line search [8], [19]. Gradients function: for the 4D-Var problem are computed using the integration NX data method’s discrete adjoint [27]. The data assimilation setting is 2 LIndepAdj (θ) ..= NIndepAdj (xti ; θ) − MTti ,ti +1 (xti ) F . the same for each trained model. Each trained model is used in i=1 place of the time integration procedure as illustrated in Figure (17) 1. Exact refers to the solution of the 4D-Var problem (2) The input to the trained network NIndepAdj is a state vector solved with the time integration and discrete adjoints described xti and its output a Nstate ×Nstate matrix which approximates above. Results for Adj, AdjVec, Standard, and Indep MTti ,ti +1 (xti ). Although not explored in our paper, the adjoint are computed using surrogate 4D-Var and gradient equations network could also be constructed by training on the loss where where the full model operator M in (2) has been function formulated in terms of adjoint-vector products: replaced by N and the full model adjoint MT by NT when its LIndepAdjVec (θ) ..= gradient is computed. Explicitly, the surrogate 4D-Var problem NX data and gradient are given by 2 NIndepAdj (xti ; θ)vi − MTti ,ti +1 (xti )vi . (18) 2 xa0 = arg min Ψ(x0 ) i=1 subject to xi = N (xi−1 ), i = 1, . . . , n, V. N UMERICAL E XPERIMENTS n 1 2 1X 2 Ψ(x0 ) ..= x0 − xb0 B0 −1 + kHi (xi ) − yi kR−1 , A. Lorenz-63 System and 4D-Var Problem 2 2 i i=1 In [18], Edward N. Lorenz introduced the first formally (21) identified continuous chaotic dynamical system and common and data assimilation test problem ∇x0 Ψ(x0 ) = B−1 b 0 (x0 − x0 ) + (22) x0 = σ(y − x), n i ! y 0 = x(ρ − z) − y, X Y NTi−k,i−k+1 (xi−k ) HTi R−1 i (Hi (xi ) − yi ). (19) z 0 = xy − βz, i=1 k=1 T with σ = 10, ρ = 28, β = 8/3. N in (22) is the adjoint of the neural network itself for Adj, AdjVec, and Standard, and is provided by the separate We use (19) as our test problem as implemented in the ODE adjoint network for Indep. The trained surrogate model does Test Problems software package [6], [26]. Time integration not vary between timesteps and only depends on the input uin . is accomplished with fourth order explicit Runge Kutta, over This is our primary validation of the trained model’s accuracy, integration intervals ∆T = 0.12 (model time units) with a since it is constructed specifically to provide cheap solutions fixed step size ∆t = ∆T /50. Adjoints are obtained from the to the 4D-Var problem. corresponding discrete adjoint method [27]. In the 4D-Var problem, we observe all variables and use observation noise covariance matrix R = I3 , the 3×3 identity B. Network Architectures and Training matrix. We use a scaled version of the estimated climatological All neural networks except the Indep’s NIndepAdj model covariance matrix (17) are two layer hidden feedforward networks with fixed 62.1471 62.1614 −1.0693 hidden dimension and hyberbolic tangent activation functions: 1 B0 = 62.1614 80.4184 −0.2497 . (20) 5 N (uin ; θ) = W2 tanh(W1 uin + b1 ) + b2 , (23) −1.0693 −0.2497 73.8169 The 4D-Var window is set to n = 2. The 4D-Var cost function where θ is the network’s parameter vector which specifies (2) looks forward two intervals of length ∆T . W1 , W2 , b1 , and b2 . The Standard network is trained All models are used to solve the data assimilation problem using the loss function (12) and the Adj network with loss sequentially, where the analysis at time ti is used as the function (14). AdjVec is trained with loss function (15) with background state for time ti+1 = ti + ∆T . Runs of length the adjoint applied to vectors derived from 4D-Var gradient Ntime = 550 are computed using by solving the 4D-Var calculations (5). Indep’s forward model NIndepFwd is trained problem with analysis window n = 2 using each model to using loss function (16). In training Adj, the value of the obtain an analysis estimate. Analysis propagation for each regularization parameter λ in (14) is set to 1.1785. The value
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 7 of λ in (15) used to train AdjVec is set to 1.0526. The value 10 0 (1) Exact of the regularization parameter for AdjVec was determined Adj by a parameter sweep over values for the value resulting in / AdjVec the optimal forward model in terms of performance on out Standard 10 -5 Indep of training set test data. The same procedure applied to Adj First Order Optimality resulted in very large values of λ which produced bad solutions to the sequential 4D-Var problem. The chosen value for Adj was chosen by experimentation by the authors. 10 -10 In our experiments, the dimensions specified by our test problem are Nin = Nout = 3. In this work we use two layers (k = 2), a hidden dimension Nhidden = 25, and 10 -15 0 5 10 15 20 Nhidden ×Nstate Nstate ×Nhidden W1 ∈ R , W2 ∈ R , (24a) 4D-Var Optimization Iteration (BFGS) b1 ∈ RNhidden , b2 ∈ RNstate , (24b) z∈R Nstate φ(x) = tanh(x). (24c) Fig. 2. First order optimality, computed as 2-norm of the surrogate cost function gradients (22) during minimization of the surrogate 4D-Var cost function (21) from a fixed starting point with different surrogate models. The Because the neural network is used as part of an optimization two-norm of the approximate gradient is divided by its initial value. Values procedure which estimates the function’s second derivative for Exact are computed during minimization of the full cost function (2) and (BFGS) during offline inference, the authors speculate that the gradient (5). Optimization is stopped when the surrogate 4D-Var cost function meets first order two-norm optimality tolerance 1e − 9 or 200 iterations. choice of tanh or activation such as sine [4] may be preferable Indep fails to converge after 200 iterations. Remaining iterations are omitted to ReLU, which has zero second derivative everywhere that the from the plot for clarity. second derivative is defined. For the forward independent model NIndepFwd we use the architecture (23). The Jacobian of our feedforward network distributed random noise having mean zero and covariance architecture (23) with regard to its input uin is B0 (20) every five time intervals of length ∆T . Forward data {(xti , Mti ,ti+1 (xti ))}N data i=1 and adjoint data {MTti ,ti +1 }N data i=1 N(uin ; θ) = W2 diag sech2 (W1 uin + b1 ) W1 . (25) is shared across all model training procedures. Adjoint-vector To analyze the benefits of training the network and its deriva- data is generated as follows. Vectors {vi }N data i=1 are chosen to tive independently, we introduce a nonstandard network archi- be of the form tecture for our adjoint model. Specifically, we use the structure vi = HTi R−1 i (H(xi ) − yi ). (26) specified by (25) for Indep’s adjoint model NIndepAdj , but with independently selected weights. The model is trained These are saved from an independent sequential 4D-Var run with loss function (17). The architecture of the forward and using Exact on the same Lorenz-63 system described in adjoint models exactly matches those resulting from the single Section V-A with independent noise realizations. At each model, but retains independent weights for forward and adjoint timestep ti of the sequential run, multiple gradient evaluations calculations. In addition, the special structure allows for direct are processed to solve the 4D-Var optimization problem. At comparability of the weights θAdj and θFwd . the first iteration of the optimization algorithm with the back- Training for all models is done with Adam, 100 batches of ground state used as initial optimization condition, the vector size 5 per epoch, and 200 epochs. Learning rate is scheduled (26) is saved. Adjoint vector product data {MTti ,ti +1 vi }N data i=1 over training epochs from a maximum of 1e−2 to a minimum is generated by multiplying each saved vi by the previously of 1e − 5 saved adjoint MTti ,ti +1 . Data used for the generalization test is generated the same C. Training and Test Data manner. We collect 10000 data generated independently from the training data generation process are collected in one ex- To train all networks, three groups of data are collected. tended run of 10000 time steps of length ∆T , with system state Forward model data {(xti , Mti ,ti+1 (xti ))}N data i=1 is used in perturbed by mean zero normally distributed random noise training Standard, Adj, AdjVec, and IndepFwd. The with covariance B0 every five steps. This amounts to the same adjoint data {MTti ,ti +1 }N data i=1 corresponding to the same model generation procedure as the training data with independent runs for each i is required for training Adj and IndepAdj. noise realizations. Forward and adjoint information is collected We forward data and adjoint vector product data of the form for forward and adjoint model generalization tests. {MTti ,ti +1 vi }N data i=1 for training AdjVec. We use explicit fourth order Runge-Kutta to collect forward model data, and its corresponding discrete adjoint method D. Results and Discussion to generate adjoint data. Integration window and time in- 1) First Order Optimality: The theoretical analysis in Sec- tegration step lengths are are kept the same as in Section tion III indicates that the gradient of the 4D-Var cost function V-A, namely integration interval ∆T = 0.12 and fixed step (2) depends both on the accuracy of the forward model and the length ∆t = ∆T /50 for the integration method. Data is accuracy of the adjoint model applied to certain vectors. This is generated by one extended integration of Ndata = 500 in- seen clearly by examining the first-order optimality condition tervals of length ∆T with system state perturbed by normally in (8c). We compute the norm of the high fidelity gradient
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 8 TABLE I N ORM OF THE HIGH FIDELITY GRADIENT (8c) EVALUATED AT THE OPTIMUM 4D-VAR INITIAL CONDITIONS xa∗ 0 OBTAINED BY EACH ALGORITHMS . M EAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF 1, 000 OPTIMIZATIONS FROM RANDOMLY CHOSEN STARTING POINTS . Method Exact Adj AdjVec Standard Indep k∇x0 Ψ(xa∗ 0 )k2 3.42e-10 ± 7.18e-10 1.20 ± 0.66 5.14 ± 4.01 5.65 ± 4.40 5.50 ± 3.53 TABLE II S PATIOTEMPORAL RMSE AND OF 4D-VAR ANALYSES OBTAINED WITH DIFFERENT SURROGATE MODELS . N EURAL NETWORKS WITH A HIDDEN DIMENSION Nhidden = 25 AND Ndata = 500 DATA POINTS ARE USED IN TRAINING FOR ALL MODELS . W E REPORT THE MEAN RMSE AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS OF FIVE RUNS OF 550 INTERVALS OF LENGTH ∆T = 0.12, WITH THE FIRST 50 SOLUTIONS DISREGARDED FOR ERROR CALCULATIONS . Method Exact Adj AdjVec Standard Indep Analysis RMSE 0.73 ± 0.01 1.29 ± 0.04 1.50 ± 0.02 2.10 ± 0.16 6.91 ± 0.43 10 0 (1) TABLE IV Exact M ODEL ADJOINT GENERALIZATION PERFORMANCE ON 10, 000 OUT OF Adj DATASET ADJOINT TEST POINTS . N EURAL NETWORK WITH Nhidden = 25, / AdjVec Ndata = 500. G ENERALIZATION PERFORMANCE OF THE MODELS Standard INCREASES WITH THE INCORPORATION OF ADJOINT INFORMATION INTO 10 -5 Indep THE TRAINING DATA . M EAN TOTAL RMSE AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS First Order Optimality OF FIVE TEST DATA REALIZATIONS . Indep’ S ADJOINT MODEL SHOWS GREATLY INPROVED ACCURACY OVER Standard, Adj, AND AdjVec, BUT PERFORMS WORSE IN THE CONTEXT OF SOLVING THE 4D-VAR 10 -10 OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM . Method Standard Adj AdjVec Indep RMSE 0.60 ± 0.01 0.22 ± 0.03 0.27 ± 0.01 0.07 ± 0.00 10 -15 -4 10 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 CPU Time (s) 10 0 Exact Adj / (1) Fig. 3. First order optimality, computed as 2-norm of the cost function AdjVec gradients (22) during minimization of approximate 4D-Var cost function (21) from a fixed starting point with different surrogate models. The two-norm of Standard the approximate gradient is divided by its initial value. Values for Exact are Indep 10 -1 Normalized Cost computed during minimization of the full cost function (2) and gradient (5). Optimization is stopped when the surrogate 4D-Var cost function meets first order two-norm optimality tolerance 1e − 9 or 200 iterations. For legibility the first value of each method (normalized high resolution gradient two-norm of 1 at time 0) is omitted from plotting. 10 -2 TABLE III G ENERALIZATION PERFORMANCE ON 10, 000 OUT OF DATASET TEST 0 5 10 15 20 25 POINTS . N EURAL NETWORK WITH Nhidden = 25, Ndata = 500. G ENERALIZATION PERFORMANCE OF THE MODELS INCREASES WITH THE 4D-Var Optimization Iteration (BFGS) INCORPORATION OF ADJOINT INFORMATION INTO THE TRAINING DATA . M EAN TOTAL RMSE AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS OF FIVE TEST DATA Fig. 4. Cost values of the full 4D-Var cost function (2) from a fixed starting REALIZATIONS . Indep’ S FORWARD MODEL IS SIMPLY A SECOND point during optimization of the surrogate 4D-Var problem (21) with different TRAINING REALIZATION OF Standard’ S AND THUS IS NOT CONSIDERED . surrogate models. The cost is calculated by calculating (2)’s value when applied to the intermediate values computed during the optimization of (21). Method Standard Adj AdjVec Indep The cost is divided by its initial value. Values for Exact are computed during RMSE 1.85 ± 0.05 1.01 ± 0.01 1.15 ± 0.08 ——— minimization of the cost function (2) and full gradient (5). Optimization ceases when the surrogate 4D-Var cost function meets first order two-norm optimality tolerance 1e−9 or 200 iterations. Indep fails to converge after 200 iterations. Iterations after 25 are omitted for clarity. (8c) evaluated at the optimum 4D-Var initial conditions xa∗ 0 obtained by each algorithm. The two-norm of the gradient at each algorithm’s solution gives some measure of its suitability trajectory, as follows. Given a sequence of analysis vectors as an approximate local minimum of the original problem. xa1 , . . . , xaNtime , and state vectors from the reference trajectory Table I confirms that Adj and AdjVec solutions achieve xtrue 1 , . . . , xtrue Ntime , the RMSE is: better first order optimality with respect to the full 4D-Var v uNtime cost function than the standard approach by this measure. u X kxa − xtrue k2 i i 2 2) Accuracy of 4D-Var Solutions Using Different Surro- RMSE = t . (27) i=1 N time · N state gates: As a measure of analysis accuracy we compute the spatiotemporal root mean square error (RMSE) between the Table II illustrates the accuracy of the solution to the 4D- 4D-Var analyses using different surrogates and the reference Var problem for each method of surrogate model construction.
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 9 Exact We see from the theoretical analysis (11c) that the difference / (1) 10 0 Adj between the surrogate-derived and the exact analysis solutions AdjVec depends on the accuracy of both the surrogate model and Standard Indep its adjoint model. This is confirmed in Table II. Both Adj Normalized Cost and AdjVec demonstrate better approximate solutions than 10 -1 the standard approach. This indicates that the incorporation of derivative information into the training of the model surrogate improves performance when the surrogate is used for approximate solution of the variational inverse problem. 10 -2 Indep provides the least accurate solution to sequential 4D- Var problem. In the authors’ experimentation, Indep only 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 CPU Time (s) occasionally arrives at catastrophically bad solutions. These sporadic failures seem to have been sufficient to cause failure in the sequential setting. Fig. 5. Cost values of the full 4D-Var cost function (2) from a fixed starting point during optimization of the surrogate 4D-Var problem (21) with different 3) Generalization Performance: Table III shows general- surrogate models. The cost is calculated by calculating (2)’s value when ization performance compared between the Standard, Adj, applied to the intermediate values computed during the optimization of (21). The cost is divided by its initial value. Values for Exact are computed during and AdjVec on out-of-training-set data. Out-of-training-set minimization of the cost function (2) and full gradient (5). Optimization ceases test data is generated as described in Section V-C. RMSE is when the surrogate 4D-Var cost function meets first order two-norm optimality calculated using the formula (27). The table reports average tolerance 1e−9 or 200 iterations. Indep fails to converge after 200 iterations. Iterations after 25 are omitted for clarity. RMSE from five independent test data set generations. The incorporation of adjoint information into the training process appears to improve the accuracy of the forward model. In- Standard corporation of full adjoint matrices as in Adj’s loss function Adj AdjVec (14) provides more benefit than incorporation only of adjoint- 10 2 vector products in AdjVec’s loss function (15), but improved Forward Loss accuracy is obtained in both cases. 4) Adjoint Model Generalization Performance: Table IV shows generalization performance compared between the Standard, Adj, AdjVec, and Indep on out-of-training- set data. Out-of-training-set test data is generated as described 10 0 in Section V-C. RMSE is calculated using the formula v u X NT (xti ; θ) − MTt ,t +1 (xti ) 2 uNtime 0 50 100 150 200 i i F Training Epoch RMSE = t 2 . i=1 N time · N state Fig. 6. Forward loss of each network during the training process. Forward The table reports average RMSE from five independent test loss is calculated using equation (12), where the summation is over a random data set generations. The incorporation of adjoint information batch of size 5 of training data per epoch. into the training process appears to improve the accuracy of the neural network adjoint model. As is intuitive, incorporation 10 2 of full adjoint matrices as in Adj’s loss function (14) provides Standard Adj more benefit than incorporation only of adjoint-vector products AdjVec in AdjVec’s loss function (15), but benefit is obtained in 10 1 both cases. Indep shows significantly improved accuracy in Adjoint Loss matching the full model’s adjoint dynamics. 5) 4D-Var Optimization Convergence and Timing: We now assess the impact of different surrogates on the convergence of 10 0 the 4D-Var optimization process. For this we plot the decrease in the cost function, and in the gradient norm, with the number of optimization iterations and optimization CPU time in figures 10 -1 2, 3, 4, and 5. In figures 2, 3, 4, and 5, cost values are computed 0 50 100 150 200 using the full cost function (2). Gradients used to compute Training Epoch first-order optimality are computed using the gradients (22) of the surrogate cost function (21). Fig. 7. Adjoint loss of each network during the training process. Adjoint Figures 2 and 3 show the reduction in two-norm of the loss is calculated using equation (17), where the summation is over a random batch of size 5 of training data per epoch. approximate gradient (22) derived from each surrogate model versus BFGS iteration and time, respectively, during the opti- mization of (5). All of the neural networks show speedup in time to solution over Exact, including Indep.
JOURNAL OF LATEX CLASS FILES, VOL. 14, NO. 8, AUGUST 2021 10 Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate the behavior of the optimizer model surrogates need to be coupled. The unique architecture using various surrogates on a single minimization of the (25) and the comparability of the respective weights suggests 4D-Var cost function from a common starting point. While that a natural way to weakly couple the two models during AdjVec’s adjoints should not match Exact’s as closely training is by applying the constraint as Adj’s, it eventually arrives at a better solution than kθFwd − θAdj k2 < Standard, providing some confirmation for the theoretical result derived in Section III. Although Indep does not arrive to the training process. This constraint can be enforced either at a catastrophically bad solution, the optimization does fail through a penalty term or by employing a constrained opti- to converge after 200 iterations. All neural network methods mization algorithm. show speedup in time to solution over Exact. Future work will consider a nested approach to 4D-Var 6) Loss During the Training Process: Figures 6 and 7 show optimization, involving an outer loop and an inner loop [34]. decrease in the data mismatch and adjoint mismatch during After each inner optimization loop completes the full model the training process for Standard, Adj, and AdjVec. is run again, and the neural surrogate is retrained to reflect the Forward mismatch is calculated by modifying (12) to sum current high fidelity solution; the outer loop then repeats the over one random batch 5 of training data per epoch. Adjoint inner optimization with the new surrogate model, and so on. mismatch is calculated by modifying (17) to sum over one random batch 5 of training data per epoch. All methods show VII. 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