Computing for net zero: how digital technology can create a 'control loop for the protection of the planet' - Royal Society

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Computing for net zero:
how digital technology can create a ‘control loop
for the protection of the planet’
In brief
Digital technology could play an important role in the                             industry and the third sector to create a ‘planetary digital
transition to a low carbon world by enabling emissions                             twin’ or operational ‘control loop for the protection of the
reductions across the global economy and limiting the                              planet’. Used responsibly, this could simulate, optimise and
emissions created by computing itself*. In particular, there                       transform economic activity to minimise emissions and
is an opportunity to bring together governments, academia,                         maximise efficiency.


 • ‘Computing for net zero’ could play an important role in                      • Global collaboration is critical to create a trusted
   global, regional and national net zero strategies.                              governance framework for computing and data
                                                                                   infrastructures for net zero systems. This includes
 • The digital technology sector’s power use and carbon
                                                                                   the ability to inspect such systems, supported by
   footprint, including embodied emissions, should be
                                                                                   transparency in reporting of emissions; stakeholder
   proportionate to its benefits.
                                                                                   participation, with applications that work for everyone;
 • Greater coordination globally on data standards, quality                        and resilience of critical digital infrastructure.
   and regulation will enable relevant data to be collected,
                                                                                 • The tech sector should lead by example, with tech
   shared and used with confidence, supporting better
                                                                                   companies publicly reporting their energy use and
   quantification of greenhouse gas emissions as well as
                                                                                   direct and indirect emissions, as well as optimising their
   applications to reduce them.
                                                                                   use of renewable energy.
 • Collaborations between governments, academia,
                                                                                 • Progress can be underpinned by an improved global
   industry and the third sector can create ‘digital twins’
                                                                                   research and innovation ecosystem, using a ‘digital
   of natural and economic systems at city, regional,
                                                                                   commons’ of free or low-cost technology components,
   national and ultimately global levels to minimise
                                                                                   facilitated by governments.
   emissions, inform trade-offs and promote sustainable
   development. Such digital twins would also allow                              • Wide availability of technology and data will underpin
   governments to explore ‘what-if’ scenarios and impacts                          global coverage, and capacity building will be essential
   of interventions.                                                               to ensure no one is left behind.

* This briefing is based on the Royal Society’s report Digital technology and the planet: harnessing computing for net zero (see:
   media/policy/projects/digital-technology-and-the-planet/digital-technology-and-the-planet-report.pdf, accessed 23 March 2021), as well as input from
   international experts.

CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                        1
1. Context                                                                                                 2. Green computing
    Digital technology has revolutionised the            There is increasing recognition of the                The digital technology sector’s carbon footprint      As a larger fraction of global population is set
    way we live and work, with more than half            potential of digital technology to make a             should be proportionate to its benefits. As           to connect to the internet, demands on the
    of the world’s population now online and             wider contribution to the international effort        an example, the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is             tech sector are set to grow. Driving energy
    using mobile phones, and this is projected to        to address climate change. This starts with           estimated to consume around 80 – 100                  efficiency further will be important and require
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the sector's
    grow to two-thirds by 20231. Modern Artificial       ‘green computing’, or making the sector’s own         TWh as of March 2021, as much power as                research and innovation, for example on ways         progress towards
    Intelligence (AI) algorithms enable computers        footprint proportional to its usefulness, and         Norway3 ,4. Regulators around the world could         to reduce energy requirements of algorithms,         decarbonisation
    to learn patterns from vast volumes of data,         goes on to the much larger contribution digital       act to prevent disproportionate energy use by         and new forms of hardware. It will also be           requires access
    helping drivers plot delivery routes and doctors     technology can make in supporting and driving         requiring environmental impact analyses for           critical for the transition to green energy to       to data about its
    diagnose diseases. Simulations of physical           emissions reduction, or ‘computing for net            digital activities, as is now common practice for     happen worldwide.                                    emissions and
    assets, known as ‘digital twins’, already improve    zero’. This will require establishing confidence      major infrastructure investments.
                                                                                                                                                                     Large technology companies are major users           energy use.
    productivity and efficiency in factories.            in the systems, ‘trustworthy computing for
                                                         net zero’; and supporting the research,               Building new systems to optimise emissions            of renewable energy (see Box 1), which lowers
    In terms of climate change, the digital              development and deployment required,                  will entail new components, sensors, networks,        the carbon footprint from their data centres.
    technology sector has been the subject               ‘innovation for computing for net zero’.              computing and storage facilities, all of which        Some are even starting to use intelligent
    of mixed headlines. The industry’s carbon                                                                  generate emissions. However, if the net impact        computing platforms that enable them to
    emissions have attracted attention as internet                                                             is to help reduce overall emissions to net            schedule energy intensive tasks to run at
    traffic has grown rapidly. On the positive side,                                                           zero, this would constitute proportionate use         times of peak renewable energy generation,
    there are applications of digital technologies                                                             of data and digital technology. Industry-led          a development that promises to maximise the
    that support emissions reductions, such as AI                                                              studies suggest that applying existing digital        use of clean energy15, 16. To enable progress
    consolidating routes in logistics and avoiding                                                             technology ambitiously5 across sectors could          monitoring and maintain trust, all companies
    empty delivery vans. Tackling climate change                                                               help deliver around one-third of the reductions       should provide transparency about the details
    is a complex issue that calls for a systems                                                                required by 2030 for a pathway to a global            of their renewable energy use.
    approach. Already, climate models that                                                                     average temperature of well below 2°C6, 7,
    simulate Earth’s natural systems running on                                                                estimates that merit further investigation.            BOX 1
    supercomputers, have been central to the
    growing understanding of climate change2.                                                                  The carbon footprint of the tech sector is              Big tech pledges small footprint
                                                                                                               difficult to quantify. Estimates vary from around
                                                                                                                                                                       With technology businesses now among
                                                                                                               1.5% to 6.0% of annual global greenhouse
                                                                                                                                                                       the world’s largest, their commitments to
                                                                                                               gas (GHG) emissions, depending on how
                                                                                                                                                                       carbon neutrality are significant, as will be
                                                                                                               the sector’s boundaries are defined8, 9, 10, 11.
                                                                                                                                                                       measures to monitor their performance
                                                                                                               Emissions from devices, networks and data
                                                                                                                                                                       against the commitments. Microsoft plans to
                                                                                                               centres arise from manufacturing and power
                                                                                                                                                                       be carbon negative by 2030 and remove all
                                                                                                               use – with a roughly equal split between the
                                                                                                                                                                       the carbon the company has emitted from
                                                                                                               two for user devices10.
                                                                                                                                                                       the environment by 205037. Apple reports
                                                                                                               Recent analysis shows that the energy demand            that it uses 100% renewable energy at its
                                                                                                               of data centres has hardly increased over               facilities and has a programme to transition
                                                                                                               the past decade although global internet                its suppliers to renewable electricity and
                                                                                                               traffic increased on average 30% a year, and            reach carbon neutrality for its entire footprint
                                                                                                               compute power rose considerably12. This                 by 203038. Google claims to have become
                                                                                                               is in large part explained by improvements              carbon neutral in 2007, that it uses 100%
                                                                                                               in computing efficiency and in data centre              renewable energy and aims to be carbon-
                                                                                                               management practice. Migrating tasks and                free by 203039. Amazon has pledged to
                                                                                                               storage to ‘cloud’ computing is a potential             be climate-neutral by 2040 and power
                                                                                                               emissions-saver. Improved transparency of               all operations with renewable energy by
                                                                                                               emissions data is needed to fully evaluate the          202540. However, assessing the progress of
                                                                                                               benefits13, 14.                                         the sector towards these targets will require
                                                                                                                                                                       transparent access to good quality, reliable
                                                                                                                                                                       data about its emissions and energy use.

2                                                  CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY   CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                                      3
3. Computing for net zero
                   3.1 Data and digital technologies are              3.2 Digital twins can support a systems                FIGURE 1
                   increasingly applied to tackle climate change      approach for the planet
                   Beyond the tech sector itself, computers           One of the key challenges in tackling climate
technologies                                                                                                                Turbine twins
                   are increasingly being used in a range of          change is that there are interdependencies
offer tools        applications that help reduce emissions.           in the Earth system, with co-benefits and             Wind farms are becoming test-beds for digital twins as operators investigate ways to maximise efficiency in a sector
to support a                                                          trade-offs in pursuing different SDGs. Data           growing at around 20% per year41. For example, GE Renewable Energy has built several digitally twinned projects to show
better-connected   For example, accurate weather forecasting,         and digital technologies offer tools to support       how the technology can be used. The farms begin as computer models that simulate local wind conditions and enable
                   data from local and remote sensors, including      a better-connected system, and to yield
system, and to                                                                                                              engineers to configure the most efficient pole height, rotor diameter and turbine output. Once the turbines are spinning,
                   satellites, plus connectivity and interfaces on    overall solutions that are better than the            sensors inside each turbine monitor parameters from the yaw of the nacelle to the torque of the generator and the speed
yield overall
                   mobile phones provide tools for precision          sum of its parts.                                     of the blade tips. Digital twins use physics models built into their software to process data, simulate options and suggest
solutions that     agriculture. If given the means to use these                                                             improvements42, 43. Improved maintenance means the infrastructure can last for longer.
are better than    tools, farmers around the world could make         Systems providing adaptive controls have been
the sum of its     decisions about crop choice, irrigation,           used in flights for decades, demonstrating
parts.             application of fertilisers and harvest timings.    the benefits from equipping physical objects
                   The Global Partnership for Sustainable             with models that can adapt their behaviours.
                   Development Data is exploring how digital          Similarly, one of the digital capabilities with                                                                       TE
                                                                                                                                                                                   I   CA                  AG
                   tools can support sustainable development          promising applications for the planet is ‘digital                                                     M   UN                               GR
                                                                                                                                                                        M                                              EG
                   goals (SDGs) more widely. One example of           twinning’19. In twinning, data from multiple                                                 CO                                                            E
                   its work has been the Africa Regional Data         aspects of a process are gathered, typically                                                                                               TA
                   Cube, using 17 years’ worth of satellite imagery   from sensors, and used to create a computer
                   to monitor water extent, land use and land         simulation of the activity. Such simulations can                                           SENSORS

                   degradation17.                                     help calculate the optimal solution subject to
                                                                      given goals and constraints. This information
                   In energy, modern AI methods can be used           is then used to control the actual operation.
                   to predict peak of power consumption

                                                                      Hence an operational ‘control loop’ is created,
                   demands, as well as predict peaks of solar

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    D I G I TA L
                                                                      with data fed from the real-world activity to the

                                                                                                                                                    C R E AT E

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A N A LY S E
                   and wind energy generation based on                simulation and the outcome of the simulation
                   accurate forecasts of weather patterns18.          used to adapt and improve the real-world
                                                                      process (see Figure 1).



                                                                                                                                                                            T                                          HT
                                                                                                                                                                                                           I   NS

4                                                               CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY   CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                                              5
Digital twins make it possible to establish           On a global scale, and provided adequate              3.3 Data infrastructure for net zero                  • Combining multiple sources of data.
                   feedback loops to monitor, understand,                coordination, such local, national and sectoral       A planet-level digital twin requires data on an         Common standards are needed to enable
There are huge
                   optimise and reduce GHG emissions in                  digital twins could be progressively integrated       unprecedented scale from across economic                data to be merged. For example, satellite
challenges in
                   many sectors:                                         into a ‘planetary digital twin’, or ‘a control loop   sectors in order to optimise activity to reduce         data combined with on-the-ground
accessing the      • In electricity grids, digital twinning              for the protection of the planet’ (see Figure 2).     emissions. A roadmap to make such data                  measurements can help track emissions
data necessary        can support power grids increasingly               This would help monitor, simulate, understand,        available might include the following initial           from power plants or urban areas.
to create a           dominated by renewable energy, by                  optimise and transform economic activity and          steps:
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Building capacity in existing data
comprehensive         managing numerous decentralised                    complement the models that simulate the               • Supporting more effective use of existing
control loop for      sources (see Figure 1) and switching               response of the climate.                                data.
                                                                                                                                                                                       High-quality repositories are required
                      on back-up power when needed.                                                                              Existing datasets can be repurposed, and
the protection                                                           Such initiatives are already starting to take                                                                 worldwide to replicate the role of data stores
                                                                                                                                 made more accessible, with public and
of the planet.     • In planning and development, twins
                                                                         shape. Over the past two decades, the concept                                                                 such as the UK Met Office Informatics Lab
                     can help in siting assets. For example,                                                                     independent institutions taking a lead.
                                                                         of Digital Earth, ‘a multi-resolution, three-                                                                 or Japan’s Space Weather Forecast Center.
                     Google’s project Sunroof20 uses Google                                                                      National statistics bodies can assume a
                                                                         dimensional representation of the planet’ has                                                                 Different forms of data institutions could be
                     Earth and machine learning to provide free                                                                  major role. For example, Tanzania’s National
                                                                         inspired research and collaboration in support                                                                explored29.
                     solar energy mapping, helping guide the                                                                     Bureau of Statistics has developed reports
                                                                         of global sustainable development22,23. The             on e-waste26 and climate change statistics27.       • Ensuring data ‘readiness’ is essential30, 31.
                     installation of solar panels.
                                                                         European Union recently announced it would              There is also a need to enable access to              The GO FAIR initiative32 to encourage data
                   • In cities, digital twins are demonstrating          implement by 2030 a high precision digital              proprietary data that is valuable to tackle the       that is actionable using machine learning
                     their value in pursuing net zero, and serving       model of Earth, DestinE, to model both human            climate emergency (see Box 2)28.                      says that data should be: findable, for
                     as pilots for national and supranational            and natural activity24. By 2025, the platform                                                                 humans and communities; accessible,
                     digital twins. Digital twins such as the            could integrate 4 – 5 digital twins helping           • Characterising the need for further data.
                                                                                                                                                                                       including via authentication and authorisation;
                     London Building Stock Model can be used             public sector users develop, monitor and                Gaps in data need to be identified and
                                                                                                                                                                                       interoperable, capable of being integrated
                     to identify needs for improvement, taking           assess the impact of proposed environmental             processes designed to fill them. Aggregated
                                                                                                                                                                                       with other data; and reusable, or able to be
                     into account a range of data from built             and climate policies.                                   data or proxy data might be sufficient, and
                                                                                                                                                                                       combined in different settings.
                     form to the socio-economic background                                                                       the benefits and costs of new data collection
                     of occupants21. Similarly, digital twins of         Creating such a digital ecosystem at scale is           need to be analysed on a case by case
                     Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Amaravati             a technical challenge, requiring an effective           basis. The generation of reliable synthetic
                     (India) and Dubai have been created to              architecture and systems for managing                   data could present another alternative.
                     help improve urban design and city life.            interfaces25. And in terms of access to data,
                     Several countries are developing their              while rich data streams are being created
                                                                                                                                BOX 2
                     digital twinning capability. The UK’s National      by satellites, for example, there are huge
                     Digital Twin programme aims to improve              challenges in accessing the data necessary
                                                                                                                                 Lockdown data reveals net-zero challenge
                     how infrastructure is built, operated and           to create a comprehensive control loop for
                     decommissioned.                                     the protection of the planet. Building a multi-         The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic provided                 needed over the next three decades to limit
                                                                         sectoral, planetary digital twin will also require      a unique opportunity for climate scientists         the global average temperature rise to well
                   • In transport, virtual replicas of transport
                                                                         burden-sharing arrangements to ensure that all          working with data to demonstrate the scale          below 2°C. The project demonstrated what
                     networks can enable public authorities
                                                                         countries in both Global North and South can            of the effort required to achieve net-zero.         could be achieved by using multiple sources
                     and fleet operators to optimise flows18.
                                                                         participate and benefit.                                Combining real-time data on economic                of publicly available data, from US steel
                   • In climate monitoring, digital twins,                                                                       activity related to 97% of global carbon            output to Chinese coal production and UK
                     combining satellites and ground-based                                                                       emissions, they found a 26% average                 smart meter statistics44. However, researchers
                     observation, can play an increasing role                                                                    decrease in national emissions in the first         also faced challenges in identifying and
                     in providing more accurate, dynamic                                                                         few weeks of widespread lockdown. The               accessing some of the datasets. A future
                     information on actual GHG emissions,                                                                        researchers estimated the overall annual            in which these data types are made more
                     as opposed to those extrapolated from                                                                       decrease in global emissions to likely be           widely available offers new opportunities to
                     energy generation or consumption.                                                                           4.2 – 7.5%, comparable to the annual rate           monitor global emissions.

6                                                                  CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY   CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                 7

A control loop for the protection of the planet
Virtual representations of physical assets – digital twins – can be created to run simulations and improve the planning and
operations of these assets. Linked together to establish a 'control loop for the protection of the planet', they could help find
global solutions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and other 21st century challenges.

                                                        CONTROL LOOP

                           + Emission reduction                                           + Wellbeing                                                       + Resilience                         + Biodiversity

                                           Digital                                                           Digital                                                           Digital                                   Digital
                 Data                                                             Data                                                             Data                                          Data
                                            twin                                                              twin                                                              twin                                      twin

                          POWER SUPPLY                                                      BUILDINGS                                                       TRANSPORT                                     AGRICULTURE

                 Assets                  Feedback                               Assets                     Feedback                               Assets                     Feedback            Assets                 Feedback

8                                                                        CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY   CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                     9
4. Trustworthy computing for net zero                                                                         5. Innovation for computing for net zero
     Several factors must be considered to build              • Contestation                                       Creating a planetary digital twin is an ambitious               Such a platform could be facilitated through a
     trust as data is gathered for computing for net            People should be able to challenge                 global research and innovation mission. A                       network of community interest laboratories run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A collective
     zero:                                                      outputs from digital systems, for example          collective effort across governments, academia,                 through collaboration between governments,
                                                                by interrogating data logs. ‘Explainability’       industry, public sector and civil society –                     tech companies, wider industry, small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  effort across
     • Resilience and cybersecurity
                                                                is important on multiple levels, be it in          committing funding, data, skills and computing                  innovation enterprises and researchers in                      governments,
       Computing for net zero forms part of
                                                                verifying outcomes, meeting regulatory             facilities – is required for rapid progress.                    academia and institutes. Such a community                      academia,
       critical infrastructure and needs to be fully
       cybersecure to retain public confidence.
                                                                standards or safeguarding against bias36.                                                                          would need to be encouraged to develop its                     industry, public
                                                                                                                   Governments can use their procurement                           own culture and mission, potentially with its
       Interoperability, longevity and security                                                                                                                                                                                                   sector and
                                                                                                                   power to commission technologists to create                     own charter and legal status, independent
       will need to be built in from the start. The                                                                                                                                                                                               civil society
                                                                                                                   a ‘logical infrastructure’ of components to                     of the countries and companies that
       internet has demonstrated the importance
                                                                                                                   create multiple applications. This infrastructure                                                                              – committing
                                                                                                                                                                                   support it. Challenge-based funding and
       of redundancy for resilience, with multiple                                                                                                                                                                                                funding, data,
                                                                                                                   would comprise a ‘digital commons’ of                           aspirational targets could be set to incentivise
       options that avoid dependence on single
                                                                                                                   building blocks available free or at low cost                   breakthrough innovation and attract talent into                skills and
       routes or hubs.
                                                                                                                   for developers. Financial incentives, such as                   public sector research programmes.                             computing
     • Participation                                                                                               a royalty for user uptake, could encourage                                                                                     facilities – is
       Digital technologies, in this and other                                                                     innovators to develop solutions. Experimental                   There is now an opportunity to take the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  required for
       contexts, can raise public concerns over                                                                    packages could be trialled, with successful                     steps towards building such an international
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  rapid progress.
       privacy. This is the subject of ongoing work                                                                ones being scaled up incrementally.                             research and innovation ecosystem as part of
       by the Global Partnership on AI33. Data                                                                                                                                     a wider programme to create a trusted control
       may also be sensitive due to its strategic                                                                                                                                  loop for the protection of the planet.
       value, and adequate technical and legal
       safeguards, together with governance
       arrangements such as codes of conduct34,
       will need to be developed. Involving all
       stakeholders in the design of computing
       for net-zero systems, as well as associated
       policies, will help build the trust required35.

                                                                                                                     This briefing is one of a series looking at how science and technology can support the global effort to achieve net zero
                                                                                                                     emissions and adapt to climate change. The series aims to inform policymakers around the world on 12 issues where
                                                                                                                     science can inform understanding and action as each country creates its own road map to net zero by 2050.
                                                                                                                     To view the whole series, visit
                                                                                                                     To view contributors to the briefings, visit

                                                                                                                     The text of this work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
                                                                                                                     author and source are credited. The license is available at:
                                                                                                                     Issued: June 2021 DES7639_2 © The Royal Society

10                                                     CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY   CLIMATE CHANGE : SCIENCE AND SOLUTIONS DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY                                                                                               11
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