TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors

TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors

                        TOURNAMENT GUIDE


                             Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors
TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors
WELCOME TO THE FIFA21 CUP                                                                                         KEY INFORMATION
                                                                                                                   AoC Sport Colleges can hold trials to find their top three players for Xbox and for
 The British Esports Association helps to educate parents, teachers, media, policy
 makers and government around what esports is and what its benefits are. We’re                                     Colleges must be a member of AoC Sport.
 working with schools, colleges and other educational establishments to embrace
 esports and create some inspiring events and activities.                                                          Students must have a valid Gamertag or PSN ID and that it is visible as your nickname
                                                                                                                   on the tournament roster.
 The AoC Sport FIFA21 Cup will be for teams of three on both Xbox One and PlayStation
 4 to compete nationally every week from March.                                                                    College students will form teams of three per tournament (Xbox/PS4), each playing
                                                                                                                   a 12-minute (six minutes per half) 1v1 match in in the Kick Off online friendlies
                                                                                                                   mode against opposing team in classic match.
 With students across the country learning from home as well as potentially caring
 for family members, self-isolating, volunteering and wanting to socialise throughout
                                                                                                                   Each player must submit screenshots and scores to their staff team leader once
 lockdown, British Esports and AoC Sport see this competition as an ideal activity
                                                                                                                   all matches are played for the whole fixture. The staff team leader will submit all
 for students to get involved in. At a time when students are not able to develop
                                                                                                                   scores on the tournament site.
 skills through playing sport physically, esports competitions can have a vital role in
 improving the same aspects such as teamwork, communication and sportsmanship.                                     Default match time is 3pm each Wednesday. Fixtures will be on the website.

 The tournament will be run under a dedicated code of conduct to ensure the values                                 Full ruleset on the tournament page.
 of fair play and respect are adhered to throughout.
                                                                                                                   The format of the tournament will be a group stage and playoffs.
 Good luck and have fun!
 British Esports Association & AoC Sport                                                                           For all fixtures (e.g. College A vs College B) there will be 3 rounds with 9 overall
                                                                                                                   games being played by each college every week. All players will play 3 1v1 games
                                                                                                                   per fixture.
 (Please note this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors).
                                                                                                                   For example:
                                                                                                                   Order of play: College A v College B - 3 points for a win and 1 point for a draw.
                                                                                                                   Round 1: A Player 1 v B Player 3, A Player 2 v B Player 1 & A Player 3 v B Player 2
                                                                                                                   Round 2: A Player 1 v B Player 2, A Player 2 v B Player 3 & A Player 3 v B Player 1
                                                                                                                   Round 3: A Player 1 v B Player 1, A Player 2 v B Player 2 & A Player 3 v B Player 3
     Parents Guide
     Benefits of Esports
2    Guide to participating from home                                                                          4                                                                                           3
TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors

                                                                          FIFA 21
                                                                                    1    Register your college on the tournament website.

                                                                                    2    You will then receive a confirmation email.

                                                                                    3    Login to your account on the website.

                                                                                    4    Head to “tournaments” on the header and select “AoC Sport FIFA21 Cup”.

                                                                                         Click the “sign up” button to add your rosters for your selected tournament
                                                                                    5    (Xbox / PS4). We only require the Xbox gamertag/ PSN ID so other players can
                                                                                         find them easily for matches. Only full rosters (with 3 players) will be complete.
                                                                                         Subs can be added if required.

Dean Hardman, AoC Director of Sport and Student Experience said:                    6    Once added your players details, press submit. You can later edit your rosters
                                                                                         within your college profile: “my account” > “view profile” > click on the cog to
“We are really pleased to be offering member colleges this compet-
        itive esports opportunity over the next few weeks.                               “edit profile”.

“Many colleges have participated in esports over the past two years
as part of our valued partnership with the British Esports Association
 and this FIFA lockdown tournament presents a further opportunity
for even more colleges and students to get involved, playing one of
        the most popular video game titles among students.”                                        Full fixtures will be available on the tournament website.
                                                                                        You can see your own upcoming fixtures by logging in > “My Account” > “View
                                                                                                                  profile” > “Private Content”.
                             TEAMS OF 3               MATCHES
        1v1                       -                   LAST 12                                   Monday 8th – 24th February:            Registration period
                             Xbox One &               MINUTES                                                                    Fill out rosters with your top 3
                                PS4                                                                                                    players per platform
                                                                                                Wednesday 3rd March – 14th             Fixtures - Group Stage
                CHOOSING YOUR TOP 3 PLAYERS                                                              April:
 For the AoC Sport FIFA 21 Cup we are running tournaments on
                                                                                                 Wednesday 21st April – 5th              Fixtures - Playoffs
 both platforms: Xbox One and PS4. You can enter teams for both
 platforms, or one or the other.

 You will need to find your top 3 players to make your team. You can
 do this by hosting trials online. If you need any help with how to run
 an internal competition to find your top 3 players, please contact                                                TIMINGS OF MATCHES:
 us, and we can provide guidance and support.                                       Fixtures will take place by default on a Wednesday afternoon at 3pm. For all fixtures
                                                                                    there will be 3 rounds with 9 overall games being played by each college every week.
  You will need to enter full rosters for the teams by end of day on
  Wednesday 24th February in order to be generated into fixtures.                   Each game will last approx 12-minutes (six minutes per half). If you mutually agree to
4 Only full teams of 3 are accepted.                                                a new time/date within the week, you MUST change this on the website.                5
TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors
SETTING UP THE MATCH                                                                        REFEREEING AND REPORTING
                                                                                            The member of staff responsible for your teams will be referred to as Leader.
                                                                                            The student representative, chosen by the Leader, will be referred to as Captains
    The fixture list will determine which is the “home team”. The home team is the
    ‘host’ and is responsible for setting up the match and the ‘lobby’ where players
    register and ‘meet’ before the match starts.
                                                                                            LEADERS/CAPTAINS ARE EXPECTED TO:
    FIXTURES                                                                                          •   Ensure their team adheres to the Rules and the Code of Conduct. Supervise/
                                                                                                          monitor students’ online interaction in the Championships (as much as possi-
    For all fixtures (e.g. College A vs Col-           online friendlies (or players can                  ble when remote).
    lege B) there will be 3 rounds with 9              mutually agree / use a coin flip).             •   Check in for each week’s matches
    overall games being played by each            3.   Player sets up Kick Off mode                   •   Enter results on the tournament website.
                                                                                                      •   Act as front-facing representatives of that college, as a point of contact for
    college every week. All players will play          Classic Match lobby in Online
    3 1v1 games per fixture.                           Friendlies with correct match                  •   Staff team leaders must report any issues to Admins via support ticket e.g.
                                                       settings and invites their first                   if a player on the team accuses an opponent of ‘hacking’, the Leader must
    Each match will be set up in online                opponent.                                          collect evidence and send it to an admin.
    friendlies in the Kick Off game mode in       4.   The first Bo1 match is played.                 •   Players can contact Admins, but they themselves cannot submit reports to
    classic match.                                5.   At the end of the match, players                   Admins. Only the Leader/Captain is able to submit reports.
                                                       must take a screenshot of the fi-
                                                       nal score on their phone or other
    No mirrored teams to be used in a
    fixture.                                           device.
                                                                                            REPORTING PROCESS:
                                                  6.   Repeat for each player’s second                If a player on your team thinks someone is breaking the rules or code of conduct,
    MATCH SETTINGS:                                    and third game, until all players              in the first instance you should collect evidence e.g. screenshots of conversations,
    • Half Length: 6 minutes                           have played their 3 1v1 matches                video clips of cheating, recordings of verbal abuse. Wait until after the game to
    • Controls: Any                                    against the opposing college.                  evaluate the situation. Any form of cheating (unofficial / modified versions / as-
    • Game Speed: Normal                          7.   Each player must submit screen-                sisting tools) will lead to disqualification and/or penalties.
    • Squad Type: 90 Overall                           shots and scores to their staff
                                                                                                      The college Leader/team captain should then contact an admin in private by rais-
                                                       team leader once all matches are
                                                                                                      ing a support ticket on the tournament website with the following information:
    MATCH PROCESS:                                     played for the whole fixture. The              • In-game name
    1. Players will have to add each other             staff team leader will submit all              • Team name
       as Friends on PSN/XBOX in ad-                   scores on the tournament site.                 • Game & Match ID
       vance of the match.                                                                            • Description
    2. Home team sets up the lobby in                                                                 • Evidence

SUBMITTING RESULTS                                                                          SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                                                                  We would love to see photos and hear stories from you and your stu-
    After each match has finished, each team captain/teacher should submit the                    dents during the AoC Sport FIFA21 Cup. We would like to use them to
    result via the tournament website.                                                            help publicise the project through our social media channels and weekly
    AND UPLOAD THIS VIA THE INDIVDIVUAL MATCH PAGE.                                               If you would like to share with us, please send them to:
    If the opponent does not turn up after 10 mins a default win can be claimed.
    Speak to an admin.
8                                                                                                                                                                                            9
TOURNAMENT GUIDE Please note: this tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors Teams may only pause the
                                                                                      2.1.3. If it is a tie/draw in a match, the   game for up to 10 minutes. If after
                                                                                      match must continue with extra time          10 minutes technical issues cannot

                                                                                      and if necessary, penalties in order to      be solved the game should not be
                                                                                      achieve a winner. In special circum-         resumed. If the game cannot be re-
                                                                                      stances we will use goal differential        sumed then Admins should be con-
                                                                                      to determine seeding.                        tacted and an automatic win will be
                                                                                                                                   awarded to the opposing team.
                                                                                      2.2. Pauses and Rematches
                                                                                                                                   2.2.3. Players can agree to a rematch,
                                                                                      2.2.1. If a player fails to connect to       if they think it’s needed to play a fair
THE FULL RULESET WILL BE AVAILABLE ONLINE ON THE TOURNA-                              game the game should be paused               and balanced match or to solve tech-
MENT PAGE.                                                                            immediately. If this player fails to         nical problems.
                                                                                      connect the game may be restarted.
                                                                                      The new game must follow rules for a A rematch has to be played
1. PLAYER AND TEAM ELIGIBILITY              1.4.4. A team may request a name          rematch found in section 2.2.3.              with the same team.
                                            change at any point during a season.
1.4. Team eligibility                       To change a team’s name an admin          2.2.2. Teams may use the pause com-          2.3. No show
                                            must be contacted with desired            mand as follows:
1.4.1. Each team must have a                change.                                                                                2.3.1. Teams are expected to arrive
designated Leader that satisfies the                                         It is forbidden to use the          promptly to all games at the mutually
following conditions:                       1.4.5. A Teams name must not be           pause without an obvious reason like         agreed start time over a Wednesday.
                                            explicitly offensive and if the BEA       a player disconnect. A registered staff member at       considers this to be the case that team                                                2.3.2. If a team hasn’t joined the lob-
the Institution that the team represents.   will be required to change their name. In the case a player discon-        by 10 minutes after the stated start
The Leader is encouraged to nominate                                                  nects or is having connectivity issues,      time, the team that did show should
a student Captain for each team, who        2.MATCH RULES                             it is allowed to use the pause.              report a win on the tournament web-
will assist with fixtures.                                                                                                         site and submit a support ticket.
                                            2.1. Match Setup                 In the case of hardware or Able to act as representative                                                software issues it is allowed to use         2.3.3. If neither team has created or
and point of contact for BEA                2.1.1. Each match will be played in       the pause.                                   joined a custom game within 10 min-
                                            FIFA 21 online friendlies Kick Off                                                     utes, both teams will receive a loss. Able to supervise all online       mode in classic match.           In the event of a pause,            For calculating pairing, the higher
interaction between Players at that                                                   the other team should be informed            team will be considered the winner
Institution. This can include before GAMEPLAY SETTINGS:               immediately why the pause has oc-            but the game will still count as a loss
and after matches as well as during.        • Half Length: 6 minutes                  curred and should be informed of             for calculating final standings.
                                            • Controls: Any                           any progress towards fixing the issue
1.4.2. A team must consist of 3 players                                               causing pause.                               2.4. Submitting results
                                            • Game speed: Normal
and must be from the same Institution.
                                            • Squad type: 90 Overall
                                                                             Before resuming games both          2.4.1. After each game, both team
1.4.3. A player must be only on one                                                   teams should state they are ready to         Leaders should report results. Good
                                            2.1.2. Once both teams have joined
team at once, however players may                                                     continue.                                    practise is to take screenshots of the
                                            the lobby and stated they are ready,
change teams throughout the season.                                                                                                final scoreboard in case of dispute. 9
8                                           the lobby leader must click Start.
any kind of cheating device and/or          to penalty. The nature and extent of
  2.4.2. Results should be submitted       cheat programme.                            the penalties imposed due to such         4. SPIRIT OF THE RULES
  using the tournament site. You must                                                  acts shall be in the sole and abso-
  be logged in to submit a result. Intentional Disconnection. An      lute discretion of the British Esports    4.1. These Rules may be amended,
  If team leaders have any issues in       intentional disconnection without a         Championships.                            modified or supplemented by the
  doing this, then please email us at      proper and explicitly-stated reason.                                                  British Esports Association from time                                                           3.2.2. If any team or player is sus-      to time, in order to ensure fair play
                                  Championships Discretion.          pected of breaking any rules, admins      and the integrity of the Champion-
  2.4.3. If both team Leaders do not       Any other further act, failure to act, or   should be informed by the Leader. At      ships.
  enter the same score, an admin will      behavior which, in the sole judgment        this point admins may ask for screen-
  be alerted automatically. Please have    of Championships officials, violates        shots or other evidence of miscon-        4.2. All decisions regarding the inter-
  match scoreboard screenshots ready       these Rules and/or the standards of         duct.                                     pretation of these rules lie solely with
  to upload on request.                    integrity established by Champion-                                                    the British Esports Association, the
                                           ships for competitive game play.            3.2.3. Upon discovery of any team         decisions of which are final.
  3. SPIRIT OF THE GAME                                                                member committing any violations of
                                           3.1.3. The following actions will be        the rules listed above, the Champion-
  3.1. Sportsmanship                       considered poor sportsmanship play          ships may, without limitation issue the
                                           and will be subject to penalties at         following penalties:
  3.1.1. Teams are expected to play at     the discretion of the British Esports
  their best at all times within any AoC   Championships.                     Loss of choice of starting
  Sport FIFA 21 Cup match, and to                                                      side.
  avoid any behavior inconsistent with Flaming/toxicity. This shall be
  the principles of good sportsman-        defined as any comments in all chat Issue of a warning on the re-
  ship, honesty, or fair play.             or game lobby that may be consid-           cord of that team.
                                           ered negative or hurtful.
  3.1.2. The following actions will be                                        Forfeit of a match.
  considered unfair play and will be Use of discriminatory lan-
  subject to penalties at the discretion   guage including, but not limited to, Temporary suspension of a
  of the admins.                           comments about a person’s gender,           player.
                                           race, sexual orientation, age, hate Hacking. Hacking is de-         speech or calls to harmful action. Permanent ban of a player.
  fined as any modification of the pro-
  gramme by any player, team or per- Intentional disconnects. This Deduction of points or seed-
  son acting on behalf of a player or a    does not include restarting client in       ing for the current or next tourna-
  team.                                    order to bug fix.                           ment. Penalties are carried over with
                                                                                       the majority of the offending team for Ringing. Playing under an-      3.2. Penalties                              the full academic year.
  other player’s account or soliciting,
  inducing, encouraging or directing       3.2.1. Any person found to have en- Disqualification of team from
  someone else to play under another       gaged in or attempted to engage in          a tournament.
  player’s account.                        any act that British Esports’ believes,
                                           in its sole and absolute discretion, Disqualification of team from
10           Cheating Device. The use of   constitutes unfair play, will be subject    the AoC Sport FIFA 21 Cup.
                                                                                                           The British Esports Association takes safety of players very

                                                                                         CODE OF CONDUCT
                                                                                                           seriously. As such, we have implemented several measures to
                                                                                                           protect the wellbeing and identities of those who take part in
                                                                                                           our tournaments.

                                                                                                           PLAYING OF MATCHES
 5.1. INSTITUTION.                           Lobbies are menu screens where players                        Only those rostered can play - emergency subs can be added ac-
 A school or college as defined in sec-      can set up the upcoming game session,                         cording to rule 1.5.3. Teams must play together from same college.
 tions 1.1 And 1.2.                          change their settings, and talk to each
                                             other. In many games, players return to
 5.2. PLAYER                                 the lobby at the end of each session. In                      UNSPORTING BEHAVIOUR
 A student who plays esports in the Brit-    some, players joining a session that has
 ish Esports Championships.                  already started are placed in the lobby                       (“flaming”, “toxicity”, “bm”, “hacking”, “aimbotting”)
                                             until the start of the next. As lobbies
 5.3. ADMINS                                 consume very few resources they are                           Any unsporting behaviour is a punishable offence and harms enjoy-
 Also known as tournament admins, ref-       sometimes additionally used as a “hold-                       ment of the game. When dealing with unsportsmanlike conduct, it’s
 erees, umpires. Admins will create fix-     ing pen” for players while waiting for                        important that admins have proof of exactly what happened.
 tures, calculate results, make sure that    the next match. Opposing teams must
 players adhere to the Rules and Code of     be invited to the lobby for the match to                      If an opposing player verbally abuses a member of your team or
 Conduct, hand out penalties.                proceed.                                                      deliberately behaves in an unsporting manner you must take screen-
                                                                                                           shots and report directly to an admin. Depending on circumstance a
 5.4. LEADER                                 5.9. DISCONNECT                                               player can be punished instantly or if the issue requires more investi-
 A Leader is an adult member of staff        Also known as DC. Disconnect can re-                          gation, this will be done after the tournament.
 that represents an Institution. A Lead-     fer to an Internet shortage that removes
 er is responsible for supervising online    a player from a game or a player inten-
 interactions between players (as much       tionally leaving a game.
 as possible when remote), checking-in                                                                     SAFEGUARDING
 an Institutions teams, reporting match      5.10. CASTING
 results to the tournament system. One       Commentating an esports match. Com-                           British Esports considers the three areas of risk in online safety, as
 Leader can be responsible for multiple      mentators are known as casters. This is                       outlined by the Department for Education.
 teams.                                      short for shoutcasters, the original term
                                             used to refer to esports commentators                         CONTENT: all esports titles used by the British Esports Association
 5.5. TEAM                                   which has been shortened over time.                           will be age appropriate. Fifa 21 is 3+.
 A team is a group of players. A team
 represents its Institution in the British   5.11. SEEDING                                                 CONTACT: each fixture in the Fifa 21 tournament will be played via
 Esports Championships.                      The process of preliminarily ranking                          a closed community platform. Only students registered by their col-
                                             teams in a tournament bracket to en-                          lege will be able to access the platform. Professional Tournament
 5.6. CHECK-IN                               sure the most fair outcome. Each team                         Admins will be monitoring all online interactions and fixtures.
 The process of reporting a team’s arrival   is a seed.
 and commitment to play in that week’s                                                                     CONDUCT: every college will submit the names of each player rep-
 matches. Check-in takes place the day       5.12. GAME                                                    resenting their institution as well as their in-game name (full names of
 before fixtures on the tournament web-      The application, programme, or .exe file,                     players will not be shared without strict permission). Therefore, in the
 site. Only a Leader can check a team in.    of a game. For example, RocketLeague.                         event of misconduct, that player can be held responsible and penal-
                                             exe is the game Rocket League.                                ties will be imposed. Admins, and every college Leader, are respon-
 5.7. ARENA                                                                                                sible for ensuring all rules are followed and standards of fair play are
 Arenas are the main areas where the                                                                       maintaining throughout.
 game takes place. They feature boost
 pads dotted around the field.
12 5.8. LOBBY                                                                                                          School/college Leaders can request to have data erased. More    1313
                                                                                                                      information on data protection can be found in the T&Cs on the
                                                                                                                                           tournament website.
     If you need any further assistance or guidance throughout the AoC Sport
                                              FIFA21 Cup, please get in touch.

      If you would like assistance in taking part in esports competitions or the
     Championships, please let us know and we can aim to put you in contact
                                 with one of our current Champs team leaders.

                                                  Raise a support ticket
                                Phone: 01753 656 802 or Schedule a Call

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