TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town

Page created by Andy Blake
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
 FREE                                                  August 5-18, 2021
                                                       Volume 63, Issue 8

Serving the South Coast of Maine Since 1958 | Voted Best Local Publication 2020
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
PAGE 2                                                Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                      AUGUST 5-18, 2021

              In This Issue                                        Publisher's Note
                                                                   It’s an interesting thing, this newspaper you hold in your hands.
         Flower Friends, page 3                                    Let's face it, it’s a bit of an enigma in this day and age. It’s clunky and crinkly and some-
      Horses Over America, page 3                               what cumbersome. It's a bit unruly – and increasingly messy the more you read it. And it
                                                                takes up space, especially if its contents make it something you’d like to hold onto. It just
      Stained-Glass Artist, page 4                              seems wildly impractical, doesn't it?
  Curated Retail Cottages, pages 6 & 7                             Wouldn’t a quick perusal of local news on an electronic device be far more prudent? You
                                                                get that quick infusion of information and off you go. (And, if what you're reading is espe-
        Dr. Terri Cooper, page 8
                                                                cially interesting, fear not, you can always track it down again in cyberspace somewhere.)
        Marjory Lyons, page 10                                     Actually, what you’re holding in your hands is something pretty darn special. (But you
Writing in the Time of COVID, page 11                           already knew this, otherwise you’d be on your device right now.) There’s a commitment
                                                                you’re making here, one that starts when you pick up the latest issue of T&T at your pre-
     Summer Nights, pages 12 & 13                               ferred pickup spot. You're dedicating time and attention to the task – and slowing down
Local Talent/Local Heroes, pages 14 & 15                        long enough to see what’s inside.
        Favorite Things, page 16                                   Truth is, we connect with a newspaper – and the personalities on its pages – in a way
                                                                that’s truly unique. In an increasingly disconnected world, this is a beautiful thing.
        DIY on the Fly, page 17                                    I believe there will always be a place for the newspaper. And there will always be a place
        Fishing Report, page 19                                 for the joy-filled contents you find in our particular brand of newspaper. The fact that you’re
                                                                holding what you're holding right now says as much.
        Calendar, pages 20 & 21                                    Thank you for your loyalty to this special, timeless medium.
          Live Music, page 22                                      Now, please sit back and enjoy the read.
       Through the Lens, page 23
                                                                   					Kingsley Gallup, Publisher
                                                                   					      O'Rourke's                  Tourist & Town
                                                                            cover art is the
                                                                         inspiration behind
Cover Artist: Page O'Rourke                                                   our special
Page is often asked about her unique style of art.
While visiting the Philadelphia Museum of Art
                                                                          "Summer Nights"
                                                                            center spread.
                                                                                              Gettin' to know our feature writers
as a teenager, Page walked into a Pop Art exhibit
and was instantly mesmerized by the bright col-
                                                                             Check it out!            – a litle bit more each edition –
ors and bold imagery. Growing up on a farm in
Bucks County, Pennsylvania, her creativity was                                                       What's new with Faith Gillman? She is now working her way
fed by her parents' ever-expanding collection of                                                     through the tribulations of parasitic drain on her Caddy’s
folk art from Haiti and Mexico, local primitive                                                      battery.
landscapes and early American portraits. Page
keeps sketchbooks full of inspiring Maine places
and uses them along with her imagination to cre-                                                     When Steve Hrehovcik isn’t writing, he thinks about writing.
ate. She takes a complex landscape and simplifies                                                    When he’s not thinking about writing, he plans to think about
the scene to an essence of color, form and shape.                                                    writing. It’s the write thing to do.
Influenced by color theorist Josef Albers, Page
works with the visual effects of color relation-
ships to achieve space and depth. She paints in
                                                                                                     Dean Johnson grew up in Ogunquit's original Bessie's Restaurant
acrylics on birch panels and adds 3D elements by
                                                             Starry Harbor                           and was once in a production of the town's famed Colony The-
designing, sawing and judiciously incorporating
                                                                                                     ater. His family also spent time on Drake's Island, and now he
wood, rope and burlap into her paintings. She
                                                                                                     has a home in Cape Porpoise and tries to hustle people playing
graduated from George School, a Quaker School
                                                                                                     bocce on Goose Rocks Beach.
in Newtown, PA, band majored in Fine Arts at
Trinity College, Hartford, CT. She also studied il-
lustration at Parsons School of Design. Page lives                                                   Val Marier looks forward to an August “roll” on the golf course
in Yarmouth, Maine, with her husband Kevin                                                           and gazpacho galore from her homegrown Jersey big-boys
and their two sons, Griffin and Duncan. They                                                         while she takes a midsummer break Friday meriting her blog,
live in a home filled with colorful, local art. It’s                                                 Wandering With Val.
said that art carries the energy of the artist who
painted it and Page feels especially grateful to
know the many artists in their collection.                                                            The Olympics are here and I am happy. I've been a jock my
Page is represented by The Portland Art Gallery, 154                                                  whole life -- a state of Maine ranked high school tennis player
Middle Street, Portland, Maine. Her September Show                                                    (love all racquet sports including ping pong), I have been teach-
at the gallery will feature many new works.            Cover Artist Page O'Rourke                     ing Aqua Bootcamp for eight years at Quest Fitness and also
                                                                                                      a certified Zumba instructor locally for 11 years (no comments
                                                                                                      please!). ~ Jo O'Connor

                                                                                                      Dana Pearson, in lieu of applying copious amounts of product
                                                                                                      to his hair, recently went on a motorboat ride on Lake Winni-
                                                                                                      pesaukee. His books, stories, and humor columns can be found

        ISSUE DATE		                         DEADLINE FOR ADS & PR
        Summer 2021 magazine                 On newsstands all summer!
                                                                                                              Swing by the Depot in Kennebunk
        Thursday, August 19		                Wednesday, August 11                                                    – our new home base –
        Thursday, September 2                Wednesday, August 25                                           for the latest issue of Tourist & Town.
        Thursday, September 16               Wednesday, September 8                                          The newspaper box is fully stocked!
        Fall 2021 magazine		                 Release date TBD
        Thursday, September 30               Wednesday, September 22                                               Tourist & Town
        Thursday, October 14		               Wednesday, October 6                                        Kingsley Gallup, Gallup Publishing, LLC
        Thursday, October 28		               Wednesday, October 20                                                        Writers
        Winter 2021 magazine		               Release date TBD                            Rob Coburn, Faith Gillman, Steve Hrehovcik, Dean Johnson, Valerie Marier,
                                                                                                         Greg Metcalf, Jo O'Connor, Dana Pearson
        Thursday, November 11                Wednesday, November 3                              Lead Sales Sandy Janes Graphics Editor Geraldine Aikman
        Thursday, November 25                Wednesday, November 17                      Marketing/Special Editions Jo O'Connor Social Media Mainely Social Media
        Thursday, December 9		               Wednesday, December 1                                                  Music Susan Colinet
                                                                                                    Tourist & Town P.O. Box 647 Kennebunkport 04046
        Thursday, December 23                Wednesday, December 15
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                         Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                              PAGE 3

Flower friends brighten the view
by Faith Gillman                                                   ange and yellow. I am
   It must be love. My                                             fortunate to have the
two Thunbergia vines                                               Arizona Glow and Lem-
have reached out to                                                on Star varieties which
each other and are now                                             – when we have more
holding hands. Their                                               than two hours of sun a
union has formed a                                                 day – bloom like mad. I
lovely heart of lush                                               am told that in warmer
greenery and beautiful                                             climates the vines can        Summer yoga. Count the ways.
orange and yellow flow-                                            be grown as perennials,
ers against my carriage                                            reaching upwards of 20        •    Daily all-level classes + private instruction in studio.
house that makes me                                                feet.
smile every time I look                                               My two lovebirds
out the window.                                                    are potted in hanging         •    Weekly workshops + classes at Musette, KBK Outfitters,
   An Eastern Africa na-                                           containers but Thunber-            Live Cafe + at the beach.
tive, Thunbergia is also                                           gia also grows beauti-
known as the Black-Eyed Susan                               fully on a trellis, a lamppost or
                                                            along a fence. Stop by a local
                                                                                                 •    Yoga for weddings, girls’ getaways, events + retreats.
Vine or Clock Vine. An active
climber, the plant has become                               garden center and check out
naturalized all over the world,                             this beautiful vine – it’s not       •    Gift cards + yoga gear at
producing an abundance of                                   too late to bring a little love to        Way to Be Goods.
fanciful flowers in white, or-                              your own backyard!
                                                                                                 •    Convenient location +
Art in the Park – a celebration of local art                                                          plenty of parking.
   The Sanford Art As-
sociation will be hosting
“Art in the Park” at Gate-                                                                                      149 PORT ROAD, KENNEBUNK LOWER VILLAGE
way Park in Sanford on                                                                               S C H E D U L E : W AY T O B E Y O G A . C O M • T E X T: 6 1 7 - 9 1 3 - 9 0 0 0
Saturday, August 14 (with
a rain date of August 21),
8:30 AM to 3 PM.
   Local artists will be
selling a variety of origi-
                                                                                                         Tourist & Town's
nal artwork including                                                                                Summer 2021 Magazine
paintings, photographs,
pottery and craft items.    Richard Winslow pottery                                                   Circulating all Summer
   For more information,
find the Sanford Art As- contact Doris Porell at
                                                                                                      Pick up a copy today!
sociation on facebook or      Bob Mongue painting

           Horses Over America
   – healing hearts from Maine westward
    They are more than just a beautiful sight. health betterment initiative of this decade,"
Gerry Scott, his horse Hercules and dog says Scott on the organization's website.
Molly are change-makers.                       Horses Over America, a registered 501C-3
    Scott, a retired U.S. Army Reserve lieu- non-profit, is scheduled to roll out nation-
tenant colonel and former chief executive wide in 2021/2022.
officer in the investment industry, founded       "Our ambitious initiative," Scott writes
Horses Over America here in Maine in 2020. on the website, "is to harness (no pun in-
Motivated by a desire to make a difference tended) up to 40,000 of our nation’s almost
in our nation's mental                                           10,000,000 horses to be
health crisis, especially “The best thing for the used during and after
given the impact of CO- inside of a person is the COVID-19 for visiting
VID, Scott drew from                                             nursing homes, veter-
past experience leading          outside of a horse.”            ans homes, hospitals,
one of the Army's horse ~ Horses Over America's rehab centers, town/
units – and a deep love                                          city merchants, cancer
of horses which resulted mission statement includes patients/survivors, Boys
– in creating this unique these famous words from and Girls Clubs, assisted
program, with horses as                 Roy Rogers               living centers, town rec-
its agents of change.                                            reation centers, homeless
    Horses Over America                                          shelters, military bases,
is a creative partnership between local po- schools and neighborhoods, especially
lice and horse owners seeking to improve disadvantaged neighborhoods."
wellbeing and foster connectedness among          Horses Over America not only serves
a disconnected nation. To initiate these mental health purposes, it also raises the
partnerships, Scott reaches out to chiefs of profile of the horse community and con-
police and offers to adopt their cities and nects police in a meaningful way with the
towns by providing mental health days communities they serve.
in which he, Hercules and Molly visit             Scott has been a Horses Over America
locations selected by the police. The trio team leader in 10 towns and cities in Maine
maintains a presence on other days, riding to date, including Portland, Saco, Ken-
through local communities and generating nebunk and Scarborough (so be on the
goodwill.                                      lookout for this special trio). Scott's goal is
    "We believe that Horses Over America is to continue expanding across the nation.                                                                             Courtesy photo
the highest impact and lowest cost mental         FMI visit

                               OPEN DAILY                                                                          TAKE OUT AND
                                        967-1150                                                                     CURBSIDE
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
PAGE 4                                                                     Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                          AUGUST 5-18, 2021

Creativity, color and a new career – stained-glass artist pursues her passion
by Jo O’Connor                          midity please. I randomly                 sold, but Nolan said she was  in 1987 they threw caution
    Imagine having several              came across her while I was               constructing a similar but    to the wind, quit their jobs,
creative careers during your            looking for something else                larger piece. “Count me in,”  packed up their two young
lifetime – stained-glass art-           on Facebook’s Marketplace                 I said. More on that later.   daughters and moved to
ist, professor, choreogra-              – and there it was: a Mon-                    Nolan’s career has been   Kennebunk. They contin-
pher, author, photographer,             drian-style, stained glass                woven in creativity. She has  ued their world travels.
tap dance instructor. Meet              art piece carefully curated               an undergraduate degree       When queried about favor-
Kathleen Carr Nolan.                    in varying colors of blue.                from Northwestern Uni-        ite destinations, Nolan ex-
    To speak with Nolan is              Aaaaaaaahhh. I couldn’t                   versity in theater/dance      pressed that it was difficult
like a (mask-free) breath               stop thinking about it. By                and went on to earn a mas-    to answer. In the end, her
of fresh air – hold the hu-             the time I posted, it was                 ter’s degree in dance from    top five journeys have been
                                                                                  Temple University.            to Mongolia, Antarctica,
                                                                                      For 17 years, Nolan was   Poland, the Azores and
                                                                                  an associate professor of     Norway, with, of course,
                                    Native American jewelry and                   dance at SUNY/Bingham-        more to come.
                                          arts marketplace                        ton (now Binghamton Uni-          In 2020, Nolan created a
                                           24 Ocean Avenue,                       versity) in upstate New       book with incredible pho-        Stained-glass artist Katheleen Nolan. Photo by Sandy
                                            Kennebunkport                         York. During her academic     tography about her travels       Gnidziejko
                                                                                  career, she taught countless  called Mediations & Re-
              Please call for hours: 207 423-8473                                 dancers who would go on to    flections, a tome that takes
                                                                                  become professional danc-     readers on a meditative          copper foiling and
                                                                                  ers/teachers, including the   journey through pictures         soldering (finish
                                                                                  famous Bill T. Jones, (a PBS  and writings.                    work). Her careful
                                                                                  documentary called him            Not one to sit still, No-    detail to this work,
                                                                                  “one of the most notable,     lan created a 4-year dance       coupled with her
                                                                                  recognized modern-dance       curriculum-based program         selection of texture
                                                                                  choreographers and direc-     (the only such program in        and color choices
                                                                                  tors of our time”).           Maine), and taught dance,        make these, dare I
                                                                                      Having a love for Maine   performance and choreog-         say, unique. Picture
                                                                                  (summer vacations here),      raphy at Thornton Academy        this: The deep hues
                                                                                                                      in Saco for 17 years. In   of cobalt blue, Ca-
                                                                                                                      the early ‘90s, she was    ribbean blue, rose-
                                                      Earl Plummer
                                                   Navajo (New Mexico)

                                                                                                                      the executive director     magenta, blood
                                                                                                                      of the Maine Alliance      red antique deep
                                                                                                                      for Arts Education for     purple, fiery red-
                 Jeremy Frey
                                                                                                                      four years. For the past   orange, and rippled
            Passamaquoddy (Maine)                                                                                     three years, she has       and wave-like tex-
                                                                                                                      taught tap dancing         tures, all pieced to-
                                                                                                                      for the Town of Ken-       gether with passion.
                                                                                                                      nebunk.                    The light in your
                                                                                                                          A lifelong lover of    window will make
                                                              Depression Era
                                                           Thunderbird Necklace                                       art, in the late ‘80s,     these pieces sing.
                                                            Zuni (New Mexico)
                                                                                                                      she took stained-glass         Do you know
                                                                                  Nolan carefully attends to every
                                                                                                                      class and decided to       the feeling you get
                                                                                  detail. Photo by Sandy Gnidziejko
          Jewelry | Baskets | Beadwork | Sculpture                                                                    pick it back up during     when you stare at an
                                                                                                                the pandemic. Recently,          aquarium of tropical
                                                                                                                she decided to sell some of      fish swimming? Her
                                                                                                                her pieces. This has become      art has a calming
                                                                                                                more than a side hustle. Her     effect.
                                                                                                                pieces are dreamy and the            Folks might have
                                                                                                                orders are coming in.            to wait a bit for a
                                                                                                                    “I love devouring the joy    custom piece by No-
                                                                                                                of creating fun and artistic     lan, or if a piece they
                                                                                                                pieces. I started back dur-      liked has sold, but
                                                                                                                ing the pandemic and have        it’s worth the wait.
                                                                                                                been obsessed since then,”           FMI: Contact
                                                                                                                said Nolan.                      Kathleen Nolan at Nolan's work is both colorful and
                                                                                                                    She follows a four-step      kathleenolan616@ calming. Photographs by Sandy
                                                                                                                process of cutting, grinding,               Gnidziejko

                                                                                                                                  Mother ’s Day
                                                                                                                               The Man I Knew:
                                                                                                                                  Cards & Gifts
                                                                                                                             The Amazing Story of
                                                                                                                    We    haveGeorge
                                                                                                                                          ideas for                        every budget!
                                                                                                                                         by Jean Becker

                                                                                                                                   A heartfelt portrait of
                                                                    Come celebrate                                             President George H.W. Bush
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                                                                                                                            by a confidante who knew him well.
                                                                      in business!                                 We carry Inis Lotions, Cologne, Body Wash, Gift Sets and More.
                                                                                                                     Free Sling Bag with a purchase of $75 of Inis products.
                                                                                                                                  $12.95 Value. Good thru May 9th
 Voted Best Antiques Shop in Wells/Ogunquit 2 years in a row
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        BoMar Hall Antiques & Collectibles
             100+ dealers • Wide range of inventory
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            1622 Post Rd, Route One, Wells, Maine
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                      Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                   PAGE 5

rm Main House & 1 Bdrm Accessory Apartment | Wonderful Year Round or Summer Rental

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                     KENNEBUNK | Create Your Own Dream Property on 1.2 Acres               KENNEBUNKPORT | 4 Brdm, 4 Bath Year Round Home on Private Lands End Road
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                    KENNEBUNKPORT | In-Town 2 Bdrm Condo | Updated Kitchen                          KENNEBUNKPORT | Newly Remodeled | 3 Bdrm, 2.5 Bath
                 Open Concept Living Area | Walk to Shops & Restaurants | $669,000              2+ Acres | Potential Buildable Lot or Carriage House | $1,475,000

                                          Follow us!
      165 Port Road, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 | 207-967-3883 |
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
PAGE 6                                                  Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                 AUGUST 5-18, 2021

Morning Walk . . . Curated Retail Cottages: great finds in a serene corner of Kennebunk
by Valerie Marier              stroll from bustling Dock        in Kennebunk, says, “At            Last November Michele        ers along with the unique       ways offices in Phoenix and
   Seven sweet cottages        Square. Michele McNelis-         Morning Walk … Curated          purchased the property,         variety they offer.”            Nashville. By her mid-40’s,
offering distinctly differ-    McGrady, owner of the            Retail Cottages, we feature     which once featured in-             Michele’s business acu-     however, she admits, “I
ent shopping experiences       three-quarter acre com-          individual stores selling       dividual art studios and        men and talent were no-         was exhausted and done!”
are an easy five-minute        plex hugging Route 35            children’s and adult cloth-     Mainely Custard, and then       ticed shortly after gradua-        She adds, “My parents
                                                                ing, skin-care products,        began selecting (“curat-        tion from Mercyhurst Uni-       had retired here in Ken-
                                                                nautical treasures, one-of-     ing” is her preferred verb)     versity in Pennsylvania.        nebunkport. Home for me
                                                                a-kind gifts, entertaining      like-minded talented busi-      She was tapped to manage        is where they are, so my
                                                                needs, bakery goodies and       ness owners to occupy the       several Marriott Courtyard      husband and I settled here
                                                                take-and-bake meals. Our        shops. Today, she says,         properties on the west coast    several years ago. But I
                                                                customers, both locals and      “Each cottage is open and       for a decade, after which       soon started realizing I tru-
                                                                visitors, also appreciate the   I’m thrilled with the profes-   she launched Curves for         ly ‘wasn’t done.’ Frankly,
                                                                ample parking.”                 sionalism of our shopkeep-      Women franchises and            I was bored and I missed
                                                                                                                                then opened several Silver      the action. I also wanted to
                                                                                                                                Sneakers fitness programs.
                                                                                                                                Later, she managed Health-          – continued on next page

Above and below: Owner Michele McNelis-McGrady hand-            Above: Seacraft specializes in nautical items and artifacts     Above: Inside Maine Cottage Apothecary, customers discover
picked like-minded business owners with well-rounded retail     that the owners describe as “quintessentially New England."     a vast array of lotions and potions for the body. Additionally,
experience. Her own shop Talula's features take-and-bake        Below: Nautical artifacts and antiques fill the shelves of      owner Lynn Harrington is a fountain of knowledge about
items, including appetizers, dinners and desserts. Val Marier   Seacraft. Photos by Val Marier                                  her handcrafted plant-based bath and beauty products.
photo above, courtesy photo below.                                                                                              Below: Candles and soaps scented in lavender, lemon, orange
                                                                                                                                and seaweed tempt customers perusing Maine Cottage
                                                                                                                                Apothecary. Photos by Val Marier

        Oceanfront Lodging, Dining & Gatherings

        207-967-3331                                                140 Ocean Ave, Kennebunkport,t,ME
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                       Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                                             PAGE 7
give back to this wonder-          “What I want people         of straw hats and bags,       ing her vast knowledge of
ful community. When the         to know about Talula’s is      beach clothing, fleece        handcrafted plant-based
opportunity arose to buy        that we will entertain their   tops by Dudley Stephens,      bath and body products
Morning Walk, I knew I          every need and we are          funky jewelry and sea-        and customers leave her
had the vision, experience      available to assist them,      side-themed hostess gifts.    shop feeling like they’ve
and constitution to make        even when our doors are        Owner/founder Stephanie       spoken with an expert.
these Curated Cottages a        closed,” Michele says. She     Stellwagen, who moved to         The setting for Morning
success.”                       adds that there are “lots      Kennebunkport a year ago,     Walk … Curated Retail
   The first shop Michele       of fun future plans for Ta-    says, “I wanted Après Sea     Cottages is delightfully
opened in the complex           lula’s, such as catering,      to encompass everything       serene. Paths of crushed
was hers. She named it          cooking classes and Octo-      from beach to dinner ac-      white shells wind past tiny
Talula’s Take-Bake-Sip          berfests.”                     cessories and styles along    shops painted pale blue,
Market which offers every          Adjacent to Talula’s is     with must-have home           brick red and light green.
culinary delicacy from soup     Seacraft, owned by Paul        and seasonal entertaining     Hydrangea trees line the
to nuts and vintage wine.       Havel and Jackie Greaney,      accessories.” Mission ac-     walkway, ceramic pots
(Talula, incidentally, is the   who scour estate sales in      complished in this colorful   brimming with daisies and
pet name her mother had         New England and beyond         shop.                         portulaca sit next to cottage
given Michele as a tiny tot.)   to curate their collection        Immediately next door      doorways, and visitors can
   Top sellers on Talula’s      of “coastal curiosities.”      is Maine Cottage Apoth-       relax at small wooden and
2021 Summer Take-and-           Within the walls of the        ecary, the brainchild and     wrought-iron tables. You’ll
Bake appetizer menu (15         shingled light blue shop are   passion of owner Lynn         even hear birds chirping
items!) are Crab Cake           salvaged maritime goods,       Harrington. This savvy        from nearby trees and
Bites, Steak and Cheese         vintage clothing, framed       and clever merchandiser       bushes. Owner Michele
Spring Rolls, and Scallops      oils, prints and postcards     stocks the shelves of her     McNelis-McGrady adds,
wrapped in Bacon. “Bring        from the past — all nautical   two side-by-side boutiques    “It’s truly a pleasurable
them home, pop in the           and quite nice.                with nature-inspired home     shopping experience.”         This charming boutique showcases beach and dinner
oven, instant party,” she          Further along the           decor items and fine gifts,                                       accessories along with must-have items for home and
says. “Equally popular,         crushed-shell path stands      along with delectable po-                                         seasonal entertaining. Courtesy photo
especially during the sum-      Aprés Sea which features       tions and lotions for the
mer months when people          an irresistible collection     body. Lynn enjoys shar-
want to take it easy, are
our clam and fish chowders
and Take-and-Bake en-
trees, including Beef Stro-
ganoff, Chicken Marsala
and Stuffed Pork Chops.”
   When it comes to birth-
days and anniversaries,
Talula’s takes the cake.
Michele says, “Our best-
selling custom cake is a
lemon-lavender flavor but
we have a delicious vari-
ety to choose from.” Cus-
tomers decide on a flavor
(chocolate, lemon, red vel-                                                                                                Wade Zahares Studio/Gallery
vet, strawberry or vanilla),                                                                  Award-Winning Fine Art, Plein Air Pastels of Local Scenes, Commissions, Children’s Books and Giclee Prints
then select a filling (choco-                                                                   by Appointment • 207-604-9537 • 314 Alewive Rd, Lyman • •
late ganache, lemon curd,       Aprés Sea owner/founder Stephanie Stellwagen stands
strawberry or blueberry         amidst her colorful collection of beachware and homegoods.
jam), and top it off with a     Courtesy photo.
frosting (vanilla or mocha
buttercream, perhaps, or           Morning Walk … Curated Retail Cottages
lemon cream cheese). Ironi-        is located at 2 Morning Walk Lane off Route
cally, Michele doesn’t eat         35, Kennebunk; Talula’s open 9-6, Thursday-
dessert but recognizes the
popularity of these custom
                                   Monday; Seacraft open 10-5, Thursday-
cakes by the raves she hears       Sunday; Aprés Sea and Maine Cottage
from returning customers.          Apothecary open Thursday-Monday, 10-5.

                                                                                                                                        Local Artist

                                                                                                             Fine Art Photography by
                                                                                                                 Donna M. Kabay
                                                                                                                 ART CARDS. PRINTS. CANVAS.

    ALSO BOOKING PRIVATE PARTIES | CORPORATE EVENTS                                                        28 Dock Square                                    207-967-0493
                                                                                                       Kennebunkport, ME 04046               
           4 Western Avenue | Kennebunk |                                             
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
PAGE 8                                                       Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                      AUGUST 5-18, 2021

New superintendent reflects on an extraordinary year…and looks ahead
by Dana Pearson                    ing on my year, counting         on-the-beach part, she’s          instrumental in acclimating
    If she didn’t have to be at    my successes, identifying        doing everything else here        Cooper to the district, be-
work on this idyllic blue-sky      what I’d like the new year       in her office housed inside       ginning with the arranging
nearly-summer day, Dr. Ter-        to look like, and enjoying the   Kennebunk Elementary              of a series of one-on-one
ri Cooper says she would be        environment I’m in.”             School – a comfortable site       meetings with community
“walking the beach, reflect-           Except for the walking-      for the former elementary         members – business, faith-
                                                                    school principal coming off       based, teachers, etc. – with
                                                                    her first year as RSU 21’s        about half in person, half
                                                                    superintendent of schools.        via Zoom. The take-away for
                                                                        She arrived in Maine          Cooper was that there was
                                                                    from North Carolina last          need for better communica-
                                                                    August with her husband           tion and transparency, and
                                                                    Ken, a retired police ser-        that the district was blessed
                                                                    geant. With the Covid-19          with a strong sense of com-
                                                                    pandemic wreaking havoc           munity.
                                                                    across the entire spectrum of         The community was
                                                                    our existence, Cooper could       certainly tested during an
                                                                    have bemoaned the timing          academic year dominated
                                                                    of the beginning of her new       by Covid-19 and all that it
                                                                    gig. But that’s not the stuff     entails. Cooper was pleased
                                                                    she’s made of.                    with the results, saying that
                                                                        “There are two paths,”        faculty, secretaries, cafete-
                                                                    she says, sitting at her desk.    ria workers, transportation
                                                                    “There’s the ‘Woe is me,’         workers, and custodial staff
                                                                    and there’s the ‘Oh, I can        “all went beyond the call
                                                                    grow with this.’ I’m resilient,   of duty. That’s because of
                                                                    and I’m a problem-solver.         their commitment to this
                                                                    In all we do, there’s a lesson    job – though it’s not really a
                                                                    to learn.” Clearly the RSU        job, it’s a passion.”
                                                                    21 school board saw such              Classes had to go full       RSU21 Superintendent Dr. Terri Cooper. Courtesy photo
                                                                    promising attributes in Coo-      remote at Kennebunk High
                                                                    per when they unanimously         School for one week this past
                                                                    voted for her last year out       year, with the middle school     throughout the year), hire        North Carolina for most of
                                                                    of a pool of 18 candidates.       needing to do so for two         in-house substitute teachers      her career, Cooper has had
                                                                    Likewise, Cooper has found        weeks, with more Covid-19        at each of the schools (since     to make a few adjustments
                                                                    plenty on the board to like,      cases having been reported       regular subs were nearly im-      to living in Maine. While
                                                                    saying, “There’s not one          there. It was at the elemen-     possible to secure last year),    the community has been
                                                                    of the 12 who doesn’t con-        tary school where students       provide additional bus-           “consistently kind,” she
                                                                    sider the students first. Ev-     were quickest to adapt to        ses, and purchase PPE and         does miss her family – her
                                                                    eryone has a sound heart          social distancing and wear-      outside cameras to monitor        parents, sons, and siblings
                                                                    and mind to do that. There        ing masks. However, all          students’ safety.                 – as well as her church com-
                                                                    are different opinions on         students were negatively             One of the results of a       munity. On the positive side,
                                                                    how to achieve those goals,       impacted socially and emo-       survey taken last year was        she prefers southern Maine
     123 OCEAN AVE KENNEBUNKPORT, MAINE                             though.”                          tionally, “and that was all      that teachers want more           beaches to those in the Caro-
                                                                        The school board was          across the country and the       professional development.         linas, which she describes                     207.967.8640                                                  world,” says Cooper. “Our        To that end, Cooper prom-         as being “more people than
                                                                                                      goal is to get them to be kids   ises “a robust calendar of        beach,” and has taken ad-
                                                                                                      again.”                          PD for next year, cover-          vantage of her office’s prox-
                                                                                                          Such is the plan for next    ing pedagogical content           imity to the Eastern Trail,

                                                                                                      year, which Cooper aims          knowledge, best practices,        which she walks regularly.
                                                                                                      to make “as pre-2020 as          leadership abilities, and             And while she enjoyed
                                                                                                      possible. They’ll be in the      technology.” To further sup-      her first winter in the north,
                                                                                                      classroom five days a week.      port her faculty, Cooper is       saying “there’s something

     Port & Shore
                                                                                                      It’ll be relaxed, with no        bringing on additional staff      magical about snow,” she
                                                                                                      three-foot rule. Outside,        so that there will be five days   was jarred by how long the
                                                                                                      there’ll be no masks. We’re      of common planning time           season lasted. “I called my
                                                                                                      having conversations now         each week for teachers. “We       mother, and I said, ‘It’s now
                                                                                                                                       want to make it so there’s a

                                                                                                      about what inside will look                                        February 12th, and the same
                                                                                                      like [for mask-wearing].”        maximum amount of work            snow is on the ground from
                                                                                                          Teachers did the best        done at school so they can        November!’”
                                                                                                      they could with their vir-       spend more time with their            She doesn’t miss Char-
                                                                                                      tual classrooms, and then        families at home.”                lotte’s traffic. So accustomed
                                                                                                      with hybrid learning, but            Despite the pandemic,         she was to it, that on her first
                                                                                                      it’s generally agreed that       progress was made on the          day of school here in York
                                                                                                      education took a hit during      DEI front (diversity, equity,     County, she got up early
                                                                                                      the pandemic, as an actual       inclusion). An ad hoc com-        and gave herself plenty
                                                                                                      classroom is the ideal learn-    mittee of 50 members com-         of time to drive from her
                                                                                                      ing environment. To help         prised sub-groups assigned        rental home in Arundel to
                                                                                                      make up for lost ground,         to look at different areas, in-   Kennebunk. Of course, there
                                                                                                      the district is using some of    cluding policy, curriculum,       was no traffic, she “arrived
                                                                                                      its federal Covid-19 funds to    attendance, and disciplinary      way too early,” and was
                                                                                                      establish Summer Boost, a        infractions. “They presented      momentarily convinced she
                                                                                                      summer school program for        a recommendation to the           had gotten the date wrong.
                    Kathy           Cyndy      Debra        Mark             Rick                     elementary students.             school board for the fall of          That won’t happen when
                   Roberts        Thompson     Finn      Birmingham         Roberts                       “Looking ahead, Sum-         2021,” says Cooper. “We’ll        students return to the class-
                  - Owner -                                                                           mer Boost will become a          look at that for next year.”      room late this summer, as
                                                                                                      regular thing,” says Cooper          Cooper has a Summer           Cooper enters Year 2 of her
              LOCAL, EXPERIENCED                                                                      of her plan to continue the
                                                                                                      program beyond this year.
                                                                                                                                       Boost of her own this year.
                                                                                                                                       When asked what she’s been
                                                                                                                                                                         three-year contract (which
                                                                                                                                                                         she has every intention to

              HOMETOWN BROKERS                                                                        “Because not only has there
                                                                                                      been a Covid loss, there’s
                                                                                                      always a summer loss in
                                                                                                                                       reading lately, she smiles,
                                                                                                                                       gets up from her desk, walks
                                                                                                                                       over to a cabinet, and hoists
                                                                                                                                                                         extend). The plan is to accli-
                                                                                                                                                                         mate back to pre-pandemic
                                                                                                                                                                         times, but if Covid-19 or any
                                                                                                      learning.”                       the cinder block that is the      variant comes knocking on
                                                                                                          Federal Covid-19 funds       Maine Education and School        the district’s door, Cooper
                                                                                                      were also used to create         Statutes, saying, “This really    will be prepared.
                                                                                                      an HRMS site (one of its         consumes most of my time.”            “I’m a positive person,”
                                                                                                      features being to provide        As if that isn’t enough clas-     she says. “I don’t care how
                                                                                                      professional development         sic beach reading material,       bleak the outlook, what-
                           Kennebunk Port & Shore Realty                                              support for teachers), up-       consider she’s also leafing       ever’s on the horizon, it’ll
                         2 Storer Street, Suite 112, Kennebunk, ME. 04043                             date the district’s website,     through Robert’s Rules of         be great.”
                                                                                                      hire a communications con-       Orders.                               Dana Pearson can be
                                                         sultant (greatly needed to           Having been an educator       reached at dana@touristand-
                                                                                                      provide updates to families      in and around Charlotte,

                   2 Storer Street, Suite 112, Kennebunk, ME. 04043
TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                       Be the reason someone smiles today.                                             PAGE 9

      Past meets future at Brick Store's
        7th Annual Steampunk Fair
    On Saturday, August 14, the Brick        fessor Elizabeth DeWolfe of UNE. Live
Store Museum in Kennebunk will host          music will be performed by the Bellamy
its 7th annual Southern Maine Steam-         Jazz Band from Portland. In between,
punk Fair from                                                       the silent film
11 AM to 4 PM.                                                       20,000 Leagues Un-
The event will ex-                                                   der the Sea (1916)
plore the theme of                                                   will be shown.
Steampunk and                                                        The full sched-
how history is                                                       ule and times for
used creatively.                                                     each lecture and
St eampunk -in -
spired crafts and
                                                                     performance can
                                                                     be found on the
                                                                                                     Make #2 Feel
artwork will be
on display; pre-
                                                                     museum’s web-
                                                                     site. Steampunk
                                                                                                     Like a Win!
sentations, how-                                                     vendors and art-
tos and lectures                                                     ists will also be on
will be scheduled                                                    hand to show off                The Original Dooloop
throughout the                                                       creative endeav-
day; and entry to                                                    ors for sale.                   Made right here in Kennebunk, ME!
the museum’s ex-                                                          The museum                 Find dooloops at Scalawags or at
hibitions are all                                                    is still seeking art-
included in the                                                      ists, performers,
Fair. The $5 ticket                                                  and crafters to
is a fundraiser for                                                  take part in the                   Easy to Use
the Museum’s                                                         event. If you cre-
year-round pro-                                                      ate Steampunk-                     Woman-Owned
gramming.                                                            style art or re-                   Eco-Conscious
      Steampunk                                                      search Victorian
is a blend of his-                                                   history, please
tory and future; a                                                   contact the mu-
view of the world                                                    seum.
if Victorian aes-                    Courtesy photos                     More informa-
thetics and steam                                                    tion, including a
power existed in modern day. Novels          list of vendors, a performance schedule,
like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea or Sher-   and food and beverage offerings, is avail-
lock Holmes featured the Steampunk           able on the museum’s website, www.
theme. During the fair, visitors will Those interested
hear scheduled lectures from historic        in being a vendor or performer are wel-
costume designer Paula Gallucci; Pro-        come to contact the museum at info@
fessor Libby Bischof of USM; and Pro-

   Grand Opening - Final Phase!                                                                    H.B. Provisions
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TOURIST & TOWN FREE August 5-18, 2021 Volume 63, Issue 8 - Tourist & Town
PAGE 10                                        Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                                         AUGUST 5-18, 2021

                                                            Marjory Lyons roars into nine decades
                                                                   with a successful writing career
                                  Call Store
                                for Updated
                                                by Steve Hrehovcik
                                      Hours         As she looks forward to her 92nd birthday on August          her doctoral degree in 1986 and became a college professor
                                                10th, Marjory Lyons also looks back on an inspirational ca-      of English and Doctoral Studies for 22 years.
                                                reer as an author, writing teacher and coach,                                        Lyons said, “During that time, one of
                                                along with celebrating a loving extended                                         my colleagues asked me to help write his
                                                family of 4 children, 5 grandchildren and 4                                      memoir. This inspired me to establish my
                                                great grandchildren.                                                             writing business, Telling Your Story, in
                                                    Lyons started telling stories at age seven                                   2001. Since then, people have contacted me
                                                when she discovered her aunt’s Oliver type-                                      to help them write, edit and publish their
                                                writer while living at Miller Place on Long                                      memoirs. I also work on business histories
                                                Island. With two fingers she typed out a fam-                                    for private clients.”
                                                ily newspaper about the latest development                                           Since she retired from college teaching,
                                                of their cat and new kittens.                                                    in addition to given book talks and teaching
            Best Sellers                            More stories followed as she wrote take-                                     writing, Lyons has written Think You Can’t
                                                offs and performed at school while listening                                     Write with co-author Beverly Johns. Her
           Maine Authors                        to radio programs like Fred Allen’s “Allen’s                                     story Good-bye, Volvo about donating her
                                                Alley.”                                                                          husband’s car to charity, won Florida First
          Children’s Books                          Lyons said, “I just loved writing and I                                      Place Award in memoir writing by the Na-
                                                got a lot of encouragement from my family                                        tional League of American Pen Women. The
  Port Walk, Dock Square, Kennebunkport                                                                                          working title of her next memoir is Beginning
                                                and friends. One of my early favorites was
                                                an Irish play I wrote at age nine, which my                                      in Miller Place – Where I Grew Up, which
                                                father inspired with his playful Irish accent.” Memoir writing teacher includes her earliest memory at 2 years and
                                                    Her passion for writing set her on a path Marjory D Lyons celebrates 4 months, when her baby sister was born.
                                                of study and instruction. For the last eight her 92nd birthday on August             Among her other writings are disserta-
                                                years Lyons has returned to Maine from her 10. She returns to the York tions on Career Development of Executive
                                                home in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to teach L i b r a r y t o p r e s e n t h e r Women and Organizational Leadership.
                                                writing classes at the York Library. This writing workshop for the                   In early 2022 Lyons will hold a reading
                                                year’s classes take place on Wednesdays,        eighth time on Wednesday,        of her  play Revisiting To Kill a Mockingbird
                                                August 11, 18 and 25 at 10:30 AM to 12:30 August 11, 18 and 25 at 10:30 which will be performed in various Fort
                                                PM. She also gives writing workshops in                                          Lauderdale locations.
                                                Florida, Arizona and Vermont. Her Florida workshop                    Lyons loves to coach people to write their story. She
                         From the recent        has met for 15 years. In March 2020 they started to meet         said, “If there’s a story in your heart, it doesn’t matter how
     OPEN              to the hard-to-find,
                                                on Zoom.
                                                    Lyons earned a BA in English from New York State
                                                                                                                 you write it. Begin by writing words down. If it’s burning
                                                                                                                 inside you, don’t wait.”
   Wed.-Sat            1000s of mysteries.
                        From classics and
                                                University (SUNY) at Albany in 1950 and a Masters from
                                                Butler University in Indianapolis in 1964. She completed         For
                                                                                                                      York Library is located at 15 Long Sands Road, York.
                                                                                                                       more information call 207-363-2828.
           0    PM
 10 AM–3:3             cozies to tough guys
                           and thrillers.
                                                                  Bohemian Sunday Poetry Reading at the Brick Store Museum
1 Bourne St. • Downtown Kennebunk • 985-8706         Save                      Sunday, August 22, 1:30-3:30
          (Just steps off Main Street)             the date!                             Hosted by WePoets & Verse
                                       FMI be on the lookout for the August 19 issue of Tourist & Town
                                                                                        or visit

                                                                                                                                                         Clothing for Women & Men
                                                                                                                                                         Jewelry • Household Goods

                                  OPEN FOR
                                                                                                                                                       Open again for shopping as of
                                                                                                                                                          1 PM Tuesday, May 4

                                   LUNCH                                                                         Donations & Consignments Accepted Mondays & Tuesdays 10-1
                                                                                                                         - Store not open for shopping at these times -
                                                                                                                     Shopping hours: Tues, 1-4 PM; Wed-Sat, 10 AM-4 PM
                                      THUR–SUN                                                                            207-985-3544
                                      11AM–3PM                                                                     2 Bragdon Lane, Kennebunk
                                                                                                                      (Next to Anchor Fence)
                                                                                                                                                                 Adopt a cat here!

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                                                                                                                    Outta the Box
                                                                                                                     8 York St., Kennebunk
                                                                                                                  Open Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10-4
                                                                                                                          & Sundays 11-4
                                                                                                                                                                  Voted #1
                                                                                                                        Donations Sat & Sun                      Thrift Store
                                                                                                                   by appointment; call 604-5050
                                                                                                                         Our wonderful thrift shop is a recycling creation of
                                                                                                                         The New School. To learn more about our amazing high
                                                                                                                         school visit our website or call for a visit or virtual tour.
                The Kennebunkport Inn                                                                                    207-985-3745
                                                                                                                         38 York St., Kennebunk 04043
           One Dock Square | (207) 967-2621
                                                                        207-604-5050 • 8 York St., Kennebunk • Proceeds benefit The New School

                                                                                                                   * HOUSEHOLD * LINENS * FABRIC * HOME DECOR *
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                        Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                                            PAGE 11

        Writing in the times of COVID:
Author Elizabeth Bodner refects on the pandemic
by KristenKuehnle              Stay Safe.” The polariza-     ates, which my husband has
    Local author Elizabeth     tion that occurred made me    used to publish technical
Bodner has written and pub-    introspective, giving me the  papers.
lished three novels and one    impetus to put it in words.      What are some ways to
work of nonfiction. This           Where do you like to      reach out your readers who
interview will focus upon      write? Has that changed       want to know when the next
how the pandemic has af-
fected her in the writing
                               with the pandemic?
                                   I have always written in
                                                             novel is coming?
                                                                When totally completed
process and in the publish-    solitude so it really has not with cover artwork, I will
ing process.                   changed.                      put on my “marketing hat”
    When was your last nov-        For your unpublished      and send out picture post-
el published?                  novel, are you working with   cards and letters to libraries,
    In 2013, I wrote Seven     a publisher?                  bookstores and faithful con-
Women in Maine. It took            I am sending the manu-    tacts I have made in my 20
a few years to contact and     script to all major publishersyears of writing, which be-
interview these promising      and agents. If they are slow  gan as a PR Agent in Boston.
women in our times. The        in replying, we will publish     What advice would you
interviews were quite te-      with our own EBW Associ-      give an author who is trying
dious because of their                                               to publish their first
schedules and life-                                                  work?
styles. Though getting                                                   If you think you
to know them along                                                   have a book to share
the way was prob-                                                    within you, perse-
ably the reason I was                                                verance is the best
compelled to write                                                   objective. One page
about them.                                                          a day is all it takes
    What are you                                                     to eventually have
working on now?                                                      a hundred in three
    UNFORGET-                                                        months.
TABLE: Years On                                                          What was it like
End. The novel fol-                                                  writing during a                  Margaret Gerding I Craig Mooney
lows paths of histori-                                               pandemic?
cal trauma and how                                                       Writing during                                August 14 - September 2
some of those years                                                  a pandemic brings
affected two families’                                               out the sympathet-                            Shows on Maine Art Hill
personal lives, as pan-                                              ic core of one’s in-              Show opens at 10 AM or take the Virtual Tour online!
demics do.                                                           stincts. And it seems
    When did you                                                     that when there are                       
begin writing this                                                   restraints, we are
work?                                                                forced to take anoth-                   OTHER HIGHLIGHTS ON MAINE ART HILL
    I began writing                                                  er look at ourselves.
soon after we moved                                                  We become more in-
into “Stay Home and           Bodner's Sevenx Women in Maine         trospective.

                                                                                                                                                                Lynn Ericson
     Model of Positive Living Award - Nominate Today!                                                                                                            August 5-11
  The Center in Kennebunk is seeking nominations for its 7th annual Model of Posi-
  tive Living Award, which is given to a community member who is 50 or older who
  makes a difference in the lives of others through kind gestures, volunteerism and a
  can-do attitude – folks who live their lives with vitality and compassion. The Center
  is confident you know someone who has demonstrated these inspiring traits in spite
  of challenges this past year. Visit by August 11
  to nominate. The award will be announced by the Center in September.

                                                                                                        Bethany Harper Williams
                                                                                                             David Witbeck
                                                                                                           July 24 - August 12

  Spectacular blooms and
 creative arrangements for
   special occasions and
                              Calluna                              Extraordinary jewelry,
                                                                luscious bath and body care,
                                                                 unique clothing pieces and
                                                                                                                                                                 Gary Koeppel
                                                                                                                                                                 August 12-18

                              fine flowers and gifts
                                                                     one-of-a-kind finds
                   193 Shore Road, Ogunquit, Maine 207.641.0867

                                                                                               RUSTY FLY GALLERY
                                                                                                  Peter Sheppard Studio

                                                                                               1 4 W E S T E R N A V E . | K E N N E B U N K , M E | 2 0 7. 9 6 7. 2 8 0 3 | M A I N E - A R T . C O M
PAGE 12                                                 Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                         AUGUST 5-18, 2021

                  Wells Harbor Summer Concert Series                                                                                           Star Gaze with the
              Next up: The Visitors • Saturday, July 31, 6:30 PM                                                                             Astronomical Society of
    The Visitors play classic rock ’n' roll hits from the                                                                                    Northern New England
 60s through the 80s with some country hits mixed in.                                                                                      Tuesday, August 10, 7:30 PM
 This is the kind of music that gets you out of your
 seats and dancing.                                                                                                                   See constellations like Leo the Lion, Draco the
    This free concert is held at the Hope Hobbs Ga-                                                                                  Dragon, and Cygnus the Swan. Enjoy the chance
 zebo at Wells Harbor Community Park, 331 Harbor                                                                                     to see what constellations are visible in the
 Road, Wells. There is plenty of free parking or take                                                                                Northern Hemisphere during the summer and
 the Wells Trolley directly to the park. Come every                                                                                  without too much light from the moon. Regis-
 week for a fun, relaxed evening with great music.                                                                                   tration is required. This program will be held
    FMI                                                                                        at the ASNNE Observatory in Kennebunk. FMI
 Series or 207-646-5113.                                                                                                    or 646-8181.

                                                                      Portside Readers                                                                               Join us!
                                                                     Wednesdays at 7 PM
                                                             Who doesn't like being read a story? Listen to
                                                             poems, tales, essays, drama, songs, stories and                                                       August 6
       53 Old Post Road, Arundel, ME                         more by the Portside Readers, a small group of                                                          5-7 PM
                                                             local actors, writers, book club members and a
                                                             musician who love the written word and want                                                          Colony Hotel
      8/5     KIDS TAKE OVER THE BARN:                       to share the joys of reading and listening.                                                         Kennebunkport
              THE ADDAMS FAMILY                              Tune in Wednesday evenings at 7pm on the
                                                             Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library’s
      8/6     EDMUND BAGNELL                                 Facebook page or YouTube channel, or watch                                                             Saturday,
      8/7     DAR WILLIAMS                                   them on the Town of Kennebunkport’s cable                                                              August 7
                                                             channel 1301. Please call the Library for more
     8/11     WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER                        information on this creative collaboration of                                                            1-4 PM
     8/12     ALLAN HARRIS:                                  friends and neighbors!                                                                                Pilot House
              KATE’S SOUL FOOD                                                                                                                                     Kennebunk
     8/13     RUSTIC OVERTONES
     8/19     DEEP BLUE “C” STUDIO
              ORCHESTRA                                        VentiCordi Chamber Music Concert
                                                                     Thursday, August 12
     Visit                                           "Influences"                                                                                             atr
   for tickets and our full schedule!                       Saint David’s Episcopal Church, 138 York St., Ken-                                                                     T&
                                                            nebunk, 7 PM. Tickets $25, Seniors, $20, 18 and under
                                                            $5. FMI or 286-6688                                                                                 ww

                 JUL 14 - AUG 28                                         What’s Your Story? – Mondays at 7 PM
                                                            Each week, Graves Memorial Public Library director Mary-Lou Boucouvalas
                                                            sits down with a community member and talks to them about where they came
                                                            from, what they do, their interests, etc. It's a great way to get to know who
                                                            lives in your neighborhood, attends your church, or waits on you at a local
                                                            business. Tune in Monday evenings at 7 PM on the Louis T. Graves Memorial
                                                            Public Library’s Facebook page or YouTube channel, or watch on the Town of
                                                            Kennebunkport’s cable channel 1301.

                                                                  comedy night
                                                                 w/tttom clark
                                                                    Comic/Actor TTTom Clark
                                                                  Presents his Maine Character
                                                                    Comic TTTom Clark Presents              Season!

                                                                   "Things that Aint Right"
                                                                      Starring Clark's character
                                                                 with an even more interactive
                                                                     show   this Thomas"
                                                                        "C.L.    year titled:
                                                                    “           teenagers,                            Longest running
                                                                techn ology  and  other things                       weekly summer one
                                                                      Ain’t Right
                                                                 thatEmerging      Chap
                                                                              from the   ter 2”
                                                                                       COVID chaos                   man Comedy Show
                                                                     is laughter    ry t  actor TTTom
                                                                                             hUrSday                   in the state of
                                                                                                                 night Maine!
                                                                     Clark t 8pm  to the Colony Hotel!
                                                                                       through            the Summ
                                                                         ny Hotel • Oc8eaPM     n AvTHROUGH
            207.646.5511                                                                             e. • KennebLABOR
                                                                                                                    un kp
                                                                                                                          ort - 967-3331
 MASKS                                      $15 at doorti cKetsavailable
                                                                                   • Discount   $15 At online at
REQUIRED    Rte 1 Ogunquit, ME                                     AvailableColony                        th  e   dO  O r
                                                                              for pr ivate
                                                                                   Hotel • Ocean Ave • Kennebunkport • 967-3331
                                                                                            parties. Comedy available
                                                                                                                             on iTunes.
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                       Be the reason someone smiles today.                                          PAGE 13

r Nights                                                                     Check out
                                                                            Live Music
       Visit our calendar on pages 20-21 for                                listings on
     many more upcoming events and activities.                                page 22

               Kennebunkport Historical Society
          presents concert series at Town House School
           The Kennebunkport Historical Society, in partnership with local musicians
        Dana Pearson and Mark Gunter, is presenting an acoustic concert series this year
        called Mid-Week Music. Singers Pearson and Gunter will perform a themed                 Every Thursday at 8 PM, June through October!
        show every month, covering multiple music genres, with Pearson on guitar
        and Gunter on keyboards.
           Concerts will be held in the Society’s Town House School located at 135 North
        Street in Kennebunkport one Wednesday every month at 7 PM from August                    Live Music & Comedy & Movies & More
        through December. Tickets are $15 in advance and at the door for the general
        public, and $12 for Kennebunkport Historical Society members.                                   throughout the summer!
                                                      The first concert on Wednesday,
                                                   August 11, is “Songs from the ‘70s,”
                                                                                                       259 Main Street, Ogunquit
                                                   including tunes from Elvis Costello,
                                                   Elton John, Paul Simon, Bruce Spring-            See for listings!
                                                   steen, the Rolling Stones, Billy Preston,
                                                   and the Who.
                                                      The full concert schedule includes:
                                                   September 29: Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!
                                                                                                   BIDDEFORD MAINE’S HISTORIC OPERA HOUSE
                                                   October 20: Songs Sinatra Sang
                                                   November 17: Original Compositions
                                                   December 8: Christmas Concert
                                                      Mark Gunter and Dana Pearson,
                                                   both of Kennebunk, have played to-
                                                   gether in a couple of bands since 2014.
                                                   Gunter has been playing locally since
                                                   the ‘70s, and Pearson started playing
                                                   out 15 years ago.
                                                                                                                         July 23 –
                                                      For more information and tickets,
                                                   visit,                                    August 7
        Mark Gunter (foreground) and Dana email, or call (207)
        Pearson                                    967-2751.                                                          Evening performances:
                                                                                                                     Friday & Saturday at 7:30
                                                                                                                       Matinee performance:
  you missed our special                                                                                                    Sunday at 2:00
ection on community the-                                                                           Tickets Available for Online Purchase
 re in the July 22 issue of
 & T, check it out online at
                                                                                               at or Call (207)282-0849!                                                                         Tickets Available for Online Purchase at
                                                                                      or Call (207)282-0849

                                           Great tunes and great atmosphere
                                                at Old Vines Wine Bar
                                                    in Kennebunk.
                                               for updated information.
PAGE 14                                                      Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                              AUGUST 5-18, 2021

Kennebunkport library launches annual program to honor "Local Talent/Local Heroes"
by Valerie Marier                the half-mile strip of sand      as he peered into their five-   honor “these two gentle-           Kennebunk Beach Re-   Holly is known for her line
   The two “trash guys”          knows their names, in-           gallon buckets.                 men for their devotion to      alty is underwriting the  of work called Fish House
who scour Gooch’s Beach          cluding George W. Bush               Even more proof that        the local environment,”        reception and photogra-   Designs and as co-owner of
each morning for rubbish         who chats with them daily.       they “put trash in its place”   along with the installation    phy exhibition. Owner/    the Seaside Gallery in Ken-
have been featured on            “Find anything interest-         is the recognition of Dave      of a year-long exhibit of      broker Gail Arnold said,  nebunk. Holly and Roscoe
Maine television. Every          ing, boys?” the former           Ogden and Steve “Ros-           Roscoe’s photography in        “I jumped at the chance tolive in Kennebunkport and
sunrise beach-walker on          President asked last week        coe” Ross, affectionately       the Mother’s Wing.             sponsor the Steve ‘Roscoe’have two children, Ella and
                                                                               dubbed the             “For nearly a decade,      Ross exhibit and showcase James, both of whom are
                                                                               “trash guys,”      Dave and Roscoe have           his abundant local talent.currently immersed in the
                                                                               as local heroes    walked the beach in the                                  Canadian art world.
                                                                                                                                 It’s a bonus for all artists
                                                                               by the Louis T.    early morning, picking up      in our areas and Graves       Norton, a former edi-
                                                                               Graves Memo-       what others leave behind,”                               tor of Harper's Bazaar and
                                                                                                                                 Library is the ideal spot for
                                                                               rial Public Li-    Boucouvalas says. “They        this innovative program.” fashion director for Town
                                                                               brary in Ken-      are committed to making            Curating and organiz- & Country, admits she
                                                                               nebunkport.        our community healthier        ing the exhibit are noted was “bowled over” when
                                                                               Library Direc-     and cleaner. They do it                                  she saw Roscoe’s photos.
                                                                                                                                 local artist ML Norton, and
                                                                               tor Mary-Lou       unselfishly and with hu-       summer resident and mu-   “We will be hanging ap-
                                                                               Boucouvalas        mor, all year long in every    seum professional Andrea  proximately 60, including
                                                                               recently an-       kind of weather, and the       Sahin. During the past fewgroupings of surfers, sun-
                                                                               nounced an         library is justifiably proud   months, they worked close-rises and other categories
                                                                               August 14          to recognize them as our       ly, selecting photos with we designate as ‘Red’ and
                                                                               reception to       first Local Heroes.”                                     ‘Organic’ and ‘Blue,’” she
                                                                                                                                 Roscoe, and his wife Holly.
                                                                                                                                                           said. “It’s an eclectic and
                                                                                                                                                           wonderful mix, and every
                                                                                                                                                           one was taken locally.”
                                                                                                                                                               “There is so much tal-
                                                                                                                                                           ent throughout this town
                                                                                                                                                           and there are many people
                                                                                                                                                           who quietly but efficiently
                                                                                                                                                           make our community a
                                                                                                                                                           better place,” Norton said.
                                                                                                                                                           “To me, Roscoe and Dave
                                                                                                                                                           exemplify words written
                                                                                                                                                           by Brazilian novelist Paulo
                                                                                                                                                           Coelho, who said, ‘It’s the
                                                                                                                                                           simple things in life that
                                                                                                                                                           are the most extraordi-
                                                                                                                                                           nary.’ They are worthy
                                                                                                                                                           recipients of this honor.”
                                                                                                                                                               So who exactly are these
                                                                                                                                                           bantering beach boys who
                                                                                                                                                           walk barefoot along the
                                                                                                                                                           edge of the Atlantic every
                                                                                                                                                           day, toting five gallon plas-
                                                                                                                                                           tic buckets while wielding
“I call this Lion’s Bow,” says Steve "Roscoe" Ross. It is a one of 60 other    Whenever possible, Roscoe Ross escapes to his Surf Shack in the backyard of three-feet-long grabbers
photos that comprise the year-long exhibit of Ross' work at Graves             his Kennebunkport home. The shack features comfy couches for watching his
Library, Kennebunkport. The exhibit kicks off on Saturday, August 14.          beloved Montreal Canadiens on a 55” television. His buddy Dave rarely misses         – continued on next page
                                                                               a game but he cheers for the Bruins. Photo by Val Marier

                                                                                                                                 Walk through the doors
                                                                                                                                  and step back in time.
                                                                                                                                 Surround yourself with
                                                                                                                                    rich, local history.
                                                                                                                                   Take coffee breaks
                                                                                                                                  when the Downeaster
                                                                                                                                        rumbles by.

                This can be your every day,
        as you set up shop in this iconic train depot.
             Limited number of private suites
                 and retail spaces available.
                12 Depot Street, Kennebunk
AUGUST 5-18, 2021                                        Be the reason someone smiles today.                                                                      PAGE 15
to pick up discarded beer       shire for 43 years, but three   as an artist,” he says. “The
cans and mustard-slath-         decades vacationing in the      first time someone called
ered paper plates? What         Pine Tree State ultimately      me that, I went WHOA.
inspires two middle-age         lured him to Kennebunk-         But I am curious to try new
men to leave their cozy         port. He’s been a resident      things and I’m fascinated
beds at dawn and pick up        for six years.                  by photography.”
other people’s garbage?             Roscoe grew up in Mon-          Roscoe’s buddy and
    Simply put: their fervent   treal and enjoyed summer        fellow concert-goer Matt
hope is to remind locals        vacations with his family in    Janes describes him as “a
and visitors to respect our     Old Orchard Beach where         hockey nut who loves ‘80s
beaches and community.          he learned to surf. He ad-      punk.” Pal Mark Gunter
    The duo met eight years     mits he’s “bounced around       admires “his good spirit –
ago when a feisty female        a lot – you know, a moving      and he’s a helluva storytell-
Australian cattle dog           target is hard to hit!”         er!” Roscoe admits, “I re-
named Nellie “introduced”           His curriculum vitae        ally don’t like the spotlight
them at Kennebunk Beach.        includes stints at Mon-         on me but I am touched by
Dave recalls, “I was sit-       treal warehouses where he       this award.”
ting on the sea wall think-     unloaded trains, waiting            The Saturday, August
ing about going surfing         on tables and prep cook-        14 reception begins at 5
later that day when Roscoe      ing aboard cross-Canada         PM at Graves Library in
walked by collecting trash.     trains, coaching hockey         Kennebunkport. There will
I asked him what breed his      teams in Biddeford and          be wine and hors d’oeuvres
dog was and we started          Kennebunk, and teaching         but no entrance fee. Ross’
talking about hockey, surf-     woodworking and surfing         photos can be purchased
ing, the Red Sox, you name      (“my passion!”) locally.        with 50% of the sales ben-
it. Something clicked. We       When he’s not fishing for       efitting the library. To re-
hit it off and I decided to     bass on the jetty with Dave,    serve your spot, RSVP to
join him. Other than when       his self-employed days in-      the library (967-2778) or
I head to Florida for a few     clude carpentry and paint- no
months each winter, we’ve       ing. Dave refers to him         later than August 6.
been picking up garbage         as “the Picasso of house            It’s a great way to con-
and laughing ever since.”       painters.”                      gratulate two local guys
    Before retiring to Maine,       But whenever he leaves      (no, let’s be honest: lo-
Dave served as a log and        home, Roscoe always car-        cal heroes) who volunteer
timber procurement man-         ries a camera to snap pho-      daily and unselfishly to
ager for a hardwood ve-         tos of objects and scenes       save our beaches.
neer company. He had            that catch his eye. “I’ve           The Louis T. Graves Me-
attended forestry school        admired Ernst Haas’ pho-        morial Library is located
in upstate New York and         tography for years but I        at 18 Maine Street in Ken-
then settled in New Hamp-       never thought of myself         nebunkport.                   “Trash Guys” Roscoe Ross and Dave Ogden get encouragement in their daily cleanup by
                                                                                            fellow dawn beach-walker and former president George W. Bush. Photo by Val Marier

 A reception at the Graves Library in Kennebunkport on Saturday, August 14,
             will feature the photography of Steve “Roscoe” Ross
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