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Free TWT MAGAZINE . Texas' Leaqing Goy Publication Volume 6, Number 49 February 27 - March 5, 1981 OSCAR NOMINATIONS ABOUT "KAGEMUSHA"
WELCOMING ALL RODEO FANS TO THE SUNDAY SHOW FREE BEER 8·1 Q1PM t, BEF.ORE SHOW 2631 Richmond WELCOMING Houston NEW MANAGER 911 West Drew (comer of Jackson Blvd. and Grant) Houston 528-9261 528-2259 MARK WILLIAMSON TWT FEORUAIW27 -MARCH 5,1981 1WT FEORUARY27 - MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE 5 PAGE 4
\WI l CONTENTS __ Volume 6, Number 49 Februory 27 - Morch 5, 1981 9 TWT NEWS 17 COMMENT 21 PERSPECTIVE The Moral Majority Minority by Gory W. Duncan 23 SHOWBIZ by Robert Dean 26 OSCAR NOMINATIONS 29 MOVIES "Kagemusha" Reviewed by Wayne Hoefgen 35 IT'SONLY ROCK & ROLL by Christopher Hart INTERVIEW !3elinda West by Rob Clerk FICTION: WHAT'S NEXT? by Christopher Hart FICTION: WHY DO YOU THINK THEY CALL IT HIGH? by Tyson 59 HOT TEA 66 PHOTO ESSAY Kent Collier by AI Macareno 75 HIGHLIGHT The Montrose Patrol 77 MARDI GRAS Parade Schedule and New Orleans Mop 79 STARSCOPE Jupiter & Saturn Come Together 83 SPORTS 86 CALENDAR 89 CLASSIFIED 95 THE GUIDE ON OUR COVER: .••• Forth Worth's Kent Collier Photo by AI Mocoreno TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Montrose Ventures. Incorporated, at 3223 Smith Street. Suite 103. Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT orof its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication o:f the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 540 per year; S25 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1981 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. 1WTFEORUAIW27 - MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE 7
\\tit TWT MAGAZINE, a division of __ NEWS~_ Montrose Ventures, Incorporated SPECIAL REPORT: This move, labeled "the four-fifths 3223 Smith Street, Suite 103 fight" and instigated by some of the Houston, Texas 77006 (713) 527·9111 Dallas Office: 3819 Bowser LEGISLATIVE principal opponents of House Speaker Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 521·0622 WATCH '81 Clayton, was seen initially as a "negoti- ating tool" to be used with the Speaker. Editor/Publisher Chuck Patrick AUSTIN - If you have found it dlf- Ironically, the move appears to have Executive Sales Manager ficult to follow the month-old 1981 leg- pushed the advantage to Clayton and Jim Veteto islature, you are not alone, says TWT'S Clements and they appear an even Regional Sales Director Richard Rogers Capitol Hill reporter, Bettie Naylor. It closer team, as evidenced recently Managing Editor seems that all the confusion and fret- when the governor gave several of Clay- Blase DiStefano Associate Art Directors ting began the second day of the ses- ton's "pet· bills" emergency status, Steven Douglas Fritz & Dennis Walker sion when a small group of Democratic reports Naylor. Assistant Art Director and Republican House members voted Rob Clark To be expected is a bigger than ever Graphics Artists together to refuse to suspend a consti- logjam of legislation at the end of Thom Bisping, Steven McKay, Frank White tutional rule. The result of their action March. Still looming is the overriding Typographers is that, for the first time in many years, William J. Quigley & Richard Hebert question of redistricting, to be decided Contributing Editors the normal flow of legislation onto the when the census figures become avail- Rob Clark, Johnathan asko, Robert Dean, Blase DiStefano, David Fields, Christopher Hart, House floor, as well as consideration of able the first of April. Of course, the Wayne Hoefgen, Chuck Patrick, bills by committees, has been blocked. logjam could result in fewer than ever W. J. Quigley, Ruth Ravas The only exceptions are emergency bills seeing passage this session, Staff Photographers Ell Gukich & Jeff Edwards of pHOTography, matters designated by the governor, which could benefit all of us in the long Graham the Photographer, Woody Keas, Scott Taylor, Blase DiStefano, And, as one might guess, the governor run. However, if the governor is not hap- Richard Rogers, AI Macareno has taken full advantage and desig- py at the end of the session, that is, if Office Comptroller/Notary Jim Crochet nated some 57 bills as emergency mat- his legislation is not passed, he might Corporate Secretary/Administrative Manager ters. As things appear now these will call a Special Session, in which case SPECIAL- CLIMAX Monika Miura be the only bills the House can work on both houses are limited to considering Distribution Manager & BOLT 2 for $5 Philip Beier until March 13. items he says they should. Generally, the emergency matters in- "As one can see, the old warning Advertising rates are available on request clude: that there are two things you never 2 for 57 or by telephoning the salesperson in your -The well-publicized crime package nearest city, from toam-sprn, weekdays. want to see being made-sausage and 1for 54 Deadline for ALL ads: Friday, one week (e.g., wiretap, crimes against children, legislation, Texas style-is surely true prior to publication. HEAD distribution of pornographic material to once again, for the 67th time," reports Austin minors) HARDWARE Seles- Chuck Patrick (713) 527·9111 Bettie Naylor of TWT'S Austin bureau. DISCORAMA Distribution- Allen Sanders .. (512) 472·4311 -A regional primary with four sur- Naylor's next Capitol Hill report will Dallas rounding states be on the pornography distribution RUSH Sales and Distribution· -Creation of a committee to study harmful to minors bill we have been QUICKSILVER Richard Rogers (214) 521·0622 Fort Worth laws about the conduct of public em- lobbying so heavily the last ten days; it LOCKER ROOM Sales and Distribution- ployees is comfortably sitting in sub-committee introducing Jerry Cassidy (817)335·0742 -Initiative and referendum Galveston now. SOLID HEAD, HIT SOLID Sales· Chuck Patrick (713) 527·9111 -Low level nuclear waste storage and BOLT POPPERS Distribution· Robert Gogen (713)763·9435 authorization FAVORABLE TABC Houston -Several public education bills, in- OPEN: 1OAM-11 PM MONDAY-SATURDAY Sales and Dlstttbution- Jim Veteto (713) 527·9111 Cluding teacher competency testing BADLANDS RULING New Orleans and curriculum revision HOUSTON - That TABC in Austin NDDN-7PM SUNDAYS Sales and Distribution (713) 527·9111 San Antonio -"War on Drugs" bills (the Ross has decided in a Friday, February 20 • I 10M"'" 4435 mapla Sales and Distrtbution- Perot package), one of which includes ruling in favor of Badlands Bar, 302-304 526-59S2 Alan Gellman (512)654·9472 putting head shops out of business Avondale in Houston. The bar's liquor -Several anti-pornography bills license, notes TWT NEWS, had been PAGE 8 rwr FEORUAIW27 . MARCH 5. 1981 lWT FEORUARY27 . MARCH 5. 1981 PAGE9 ---------- Jb _
vigorously protested by the neighbor- who chose not to run again. Eric hood Avondale Association. Chiarizio ran unopposed for legal coun- The issuance of the liquor license, cil, and assumes the 1981 post. however, is pending the possible ap- Five new board members were peal which the Avondale Association elected. Larry Bagneris, Barbara has the right to pursue, provided the AA Cigainero and Steve Henley were HAPPY HOUR appeals in the 15 days alloted. elected to the 3-year post. Richard If the Association appeals the case Hilton was elected to the 2-year post, 4-7PM in their alloted 15-day period, then the and Linda Jones was elected to the Monday thru opening of Badlands would be delayed 1-year post. Saturday about 40 days. The chances of winning Returning board members who were [including 25(: Draft) an appeal, however, are slim, a spokes- not up for election this year include person of the TABC told TWT NEWS. Johnny Peden, Darrell Young, Norman If the Avondale Association does not Guttman and Chuck Hickman. register an appeal, "We would open TWT NEWS was informed that HGPC Badlands in about ten days," said membership is now at an all-time high , Badlands owner, Barry Pierson. TWT of 8980 members. EYE-OPENERS NEWS interprets this time frame as mid- March. NEW MOVIES AND TV Sunday Meanwhile, the Tavern Guild Noon-4PM boycotts remain pending the outcome SHOWS ON GAYS of a possible appeal. Jim Pruitt of HOUSTON - The homosexual S1 SCREWS/BLOODIES Badlands explained that the battle is theme is to be threaded through the [25(: Draft Noon-9PM) still not over. "We have simply won a plots of several new motion pictures skirmish, and continued support of the and television programs, reports gay community in our time of struggle Charlie Jackson of the Lesbian and is appreciated." Gay Media Advocates of Houston to TWT NEWS. ALL THE TIME HGPC ELECTION According to information provided by Tom Burrows of NGTF, six new pro- 75
Chuck Silverstein about his book, Man torium, Blvd. Louis II, Principality of English urged NCTE to endorse the To Man, the story of gay couples. Sil- Monaco. (Country code is 33, City code boycott, and NCTE subsequently urged verstein also co-authored Joy of Gay Sex. Watch local TV listings for local is 93, telephone is 304-227). its affiliates to take similar actions. A second resolution, encouraging the ATTORNEY retelecast. TEACHERS BOYCOTT passage of laws banning discrimina- AT LAW !p Former RKO programming vice-pres- tion against homosexuals, was intro- ident Paul Drew reports that the emer- HOLIDAY INNS duced to the NCTE meeting by Richard gence of an all-gay radio station with CINCINNATI - In a report by Gaze, Follett, co-chair of the committee and an all-gay format will be successful from Memphis, TN, the National Coun- Lesbian linguist Susan J: Wolfe. with both listeners and advertisers and cil of Teachers of English (NCTA) en- The motions included concern state- can be expected to be launched this dorsed at its annual convention re- ments about the Greenwich Village decade. cently a boycott of Holiday Inns Inter- slayings which occurred the weekend NGTF informed TWT NEWS last week national until the corporation issues of the convention, saying, "Sadly, homophobia is alive, well, and increas- • HAVING LEGAL PROBLEMS? that the producers of the CBS-TV Gay "an express guarantee of non-dlscnrnl- Power, Gay Politics had entered the nation against Lesbians and Gay ing." .,N TROUBLE WITH THE LAW? film as a documentary in the 21st males as consistent policy." The Conference '80 Planning Com- Monte Carlo Film Festival which began NCTE cited as reasons for endorsing mittee of the 5th Southeastern Confer- ence of Lesbians and Gay Men called FREE last February 14, 1981. NGTF tele- the boycott the attempt to cancel the phoned Princess Grace's press secre- Fifth Annual Southeastern Conference for an international boycott of Holiday CONSULTATION tary and telegrammed a newspaper in of Lesbians and Gay Men in Memphis Inns in August following the confer- TERMS AVAILABLE Nice, France. and an order by Holiday Inns to its Ft. ence after noting that Holiday Inns had CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT You, too, can send a telegram of pro- Meyers, Florida innkeeper to cease "used every possible means" to have test to: Nadia LaCoste, Secretariat Ge- nerale du Comite d'Organisation Festi- renting facilities to the Metropolitan Community Church. the conference cancelled during the week prior to the event. The Committee 559·4760 DALLAS val International de Television de The Committee of the Concerns of noted also that numerous "harass- ment" factors by H.1.entered into the COMPLETE DISCRETION GUARANTEED Monte Carlo, Centre de Congres Audi- Lesbians and Gays in the Teaching of • MOST MOVIE STARS GET THEIR TAN IN OUR TANNING STUDIO ~~1l~ IN HOllYWOOD C~ .",t.o1' ~,\",eo \"tee'- \"tt*"'t. In Houston only 44 out of over ~\'~tl ..,." ~"\-~":~~:'~""-:'~;~'"'''' 1'\t*'" ~ \ Gt*e"'t, ~1'ee\. ~ ~ .e't..~~", t* 2,000,000 people per day are able to get that healthy look from Eurotan. I No Booth - No Burn - I .r ••.t*~t..'-. ,..,~ CO~ "o~"- ~-(. """ Ii'•••• •.• ~~ • •••Ii\•••• ~. ~tJl.t.e~~~8~. ~.,.".-" 'pt,\"t .d\tot. " the sun will tan you, so will a few half·hour sessions at the EuroTan Studio - without the risk 01 burning or aging your skin. We offer the world's most advanced tanning technique: "UV·A Tanning Spectrum". Perfected alter years of research In Europe, gentle UV-A light Is lar safer than any other process - even safer than the sun Itself. 't~~~o" . 1lO" ".- ~-(. ~~ !"•• "•.••••• ~ .,. ~ •. 'iJ "•• It GUARANTEED TAN Call today for the next appointment available and display a beautiful, dark healthy tan all year round. It is ,,~oli~:"'t' ;lO""" ~~ like returning from a Carribean cruise or Acapulco. It takes only 30 minutes to start that attractive tan. If you look better, you feel better. The Eurotan System is totally safe, and guarantees results. ~~\'~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ () ;:"t t.\\>,,~t~ Call 529-5100 today; look, feel better tomorrow. . ~Olt O~\::t.."'t.06 [§M~ 5215 Yoakum Houston, Texas © ROTHEUDT ENTERPRISES, INC. 1980 PAGE 12 1Wf FEOr.U,o.rW 27 - MAr.CH 5. 1981 1Wf FEOr.UAr.y27 - MAr.CH 5. 1981 PAGE 13
decision to call for the boycott. It has been reported, though no offi- plain_ selves into the four clubs, breaking into cial statement has been released by Lalor told the Houston Post that the private cubicles which patrons had the organizers, that similar discrimina- some people, allegedly police brutality rented, tion occurred at the Pennsylvania Les- victims, are scared to death to walk in- UP/ reported that most of the men bian/Gay Conference held last year at a to the police station, and witnesses are were charged and released; but, a few Holiday Inn in Harrisburg_ not allowed to file a complaint. were charged with possession of HPD Captain S_M_Nuchia responded drugs. They were taken away in paddy CITY COUNCIL TO by saying, "We couldn't operate if we let everyone come in and complain wagons. The operators of the steam- baths were all charged with running a THE RESCUE about something they saw" a "bawdy house." HOUSTON - In light of recent club policeman do. The protest, TWT NEWS was told, dis- raids in Montrose, City Councilperson rupted traffic in downtown Toronto as Lance Lalor has stepped forward to ask 253 ARRESTED protesters marched. Police had formed the Houston Police Department Inter- a phalanx outside the headquarters of nal Affairs Department to review the IN TUBS' RAIDS 52 Division, which is Toronto's well- guidelines which have been set forth TORONTO - A series of Thursday known tough division. on police brutality cases. night raids at four steam baths has stir- The marchers then moved on to Presently, only those victims of ac- red this city's gay population to pro- Queen's Park, which is the seat of the tual physical police brutality can file a test. An estimated 1,000 gay demon- provincial legislature, where they ham- complaint. Lalor feels that ruling is too strators marched down Main Street, mered on doors and windows of the limited. He would rather allow the rul- Valentine's Night, shouting slogans closed building. ing to be broadened so that persons such as "We Shall Overcome" and In Quebec, sympathetic gays scuf- who have merely observed police "Gay Rights Now." fled with local police outside the On- brutality could come forward; i.e., you The protest march followed Lincoln tario Legislature. One gay was photo- wouldn't have to be a victim to com- Day raids when 100 police armed with graphed with blood streaming down his crowbars and hammers, forced them- face, UP/ reported. 'OW •• _-A sA S& •• = aaitHI-TECHSAN_ .P· iIIIIIWJ'" ••• Cocktail Hour at ATMOSPHERE Supporting Badlands right to open ut@~N "YOUR BRAND OF BAR" HAPPY HOURS 7AM-NOON AND '4-8PM PLUS SUNDAYS NOON-2PM WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING WEEKEND CELEBRATION WITH THE MECHANICAL BULL DAYTIME PARKING AT FIRE STATION ACROSS THE STREET 1504 WESTHEIMER HOUSTON 528-9040 PAGE 14 lWTFEORUAIW27 -MAIKH 5,1981 lWTFEORUARY27-MARCH5,1981 PAGE 15
~ _-:COMME NT__ In this column, readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Address all letters to: Comment, TWT, Vieux Carre Building, 3223 Smith Street, Suite 103, Houston, Texas 77006.All letters become the property of TWT and must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify). And PLEASE keep your letters short. pedestrians will be greatly reduced. UT Gays Form Yet the Westheimer Art Colony's DearTWT: obvious concern extends beyond the At last, at UT Austin, there has been festival participants to the Westheimer formed the University Gay Students' neighborhood. Part of the entrance fees Organization. It is designed for the gay collected through the festival are students, faculty and staff of UT to meet earmarked for continuing beautification in the college environment on a social projects throughout the area. Certainly this basis. spirited group that not only brings At the monthly meetings, there will be economic rewards and cultural enrichment speakers discussing topics such as gay to our city but sponsors community Can any self-respecting gay man or woman support a so-called politics, history, sex roles and other betterment projects as well, deserves our interesting and informative subjects. whole-hearted support and cooperation. "philanthropic foundation" whose members also belong to and Besides this monthly meeting, other social Sincerely, support an organization that is attempting to set itself up as the functions and acitivities will be scheduled Mickey Leland arbiter who will decide which gay businesses mayor may not open throughout the semester. Initially, UGSO Member of Congress hopes to offer physical and emotional in their neighborhood? Perhaps an over-priced grocery store would be preferable to a bar whose clientele would bring an "undesirable health information and gay services referrals. HPD "Quota of Fags" DearTWT: element" to the neighborhood. ... Thank you so much for your time One of those "I never thought it could and help. happen to me" situations has happened to Chuck Hickerson They're tolkinq about YOU. me ... Treasurer, UGSO On Tuesday, February 17, at Austin, Texas Support !3adlands right to open, and your favorite bars' right to approximately 5:30, I and an aquaintance were talking on the corner opposite the stay open. On Closing Westheimer Wildwood Saloon. As our conversation Editor- The following letter was sent to drew to a close, we kissed. Mind you, not The Guilty always scream Loudest. Watch them. City Hall on February 11, regarding the clos- a deep sensual French kiss, but a friendly ing of Westheimer Road during this Spring's peck on the lips. As I turned to go back Westheimer Art Festival in Houston. into the Wildwood Saloon, one car To: Mayor McConn and City containing two of Houston's finest dressed Council members: in blue, pulled over. It is my understanding the Westheimer Both officers got out of the car and Art Colony is seeking permission from the called me and my friend over to the car, City of Houston to close parts of made us spread and searched us, Westheimer for the Spring and Fall removing all belongings from our persons. THe- Westheimer Art Festivals. I enthusiastically support their proposal. Then we were both ordered into the car, our wallets and IDs being kept. They called O_FFe-~e-NT The Westheimer Art Colony has a strong tradition of encouraging the community's finest artists and craftsmen to display in our identification over the radio for arrests and warrants. Both my friend and I had no outstanding arrests or warrants in O~U~ their work in Houston. The community support the Westheimer Art Festival enjoys Houston. My friend and I asked whether we were being arrested, and if so, what is indicative of its broad appeal. This charge. There was no response from the spring one million plus people are officers. expected to attend the festival. Of The car was started and we headed tantamount importance is the safety of towards jail. While driving towards those attending. By eliminating all motor Cherryhurst Park, the officer behind the vehicles from the Westheimer Festival steering wheel stated, "I know you're both environs the hazard of injuries to sick, but I don't like to see that queer stuff. TWTFmRUARY27 . MARCH 5,1961 PAGE17 PAGE 16 TWTFmRUAIW27 • MARCH 5,1961
overheard the following statement being made by an officer, "Well, we got our Next time you want to smooch, don't do it quota of fags for the week." I was the victim of police harassment in continue to have the financial means to on the street." The car was stopped We were taken upstairs and asked if we Houston. I wanted this on file and wanted operate and to be of service to our entire unexplainably near Cherryhurst Park, then wanted to make a phone call to secure my brothers and sisters to know that it community. continued on the way to the police station. bail of $55 apiece .... I was then led to my can happen to you at any time, any place, This event was our first celebration Upon arriving at the police station, we cell, a small area with 4 bunks and a toilet. for any reason, and your experience could during 1981 of our Sixth Anniversary. In it, were spread on the car, then searched I was given a blanket and waited for my be worse. Also, anyone who saw the arrest we were also kicking off our drive to raise again .... The procedure for removal of bail to be posted. or the gentleman I was arrested with, $6,000 to pay our bills and to get ready for property and picture taking was very My bail was paid and I was taken back please contact me through TWT offices; you next fali's Mayoral and City Council confusing, as I had two police officers downstairs. I waited on a bench for about may be able to help. elections. telling me to do two different things at the 10 minutes, when my name was called .... Ronald M. Moss Special thanks also need to be extended same time. It was quite impossible to My mace was being held by the female The Asylum/Ballpark to the elected officials who appeared in please them both. officer whom I was then dealing with. I Houston, Texas the clubs with us: City Comptroller Kathy I carry a small stuffed teddy bear which Whitmire, who was received with great asked about the return of my mace and hangs from my belt loop by an antique what I was being Charged with. The officer HGPC-6th Anniversary enthusiasm and encouraged by all to run chain. An officer yanked that off, after I Dear TWT: for Mayor of Houston next fall; City looked a bit perplexed, and asked, "You showed him the clasp to unhook it from Thanks to the cooperation of several Council members Lance Lalor and Dale haven't been told what you've been the belt loop. He sarcastically apologized establishments, an exciting time was had Gorczynski; County Attorney Mike Driscoll; charged with?" ... I then asked the female for breaking the chain. When I requested by all who participated in "GPC Nite", last and State Representative Debra Danburg. officer for the badge numbers of the to be allowed to find the broken link on the Saturday, February 21. The event even At the writing of this letter, it is not arresting officers, at which point the male floor, I was "baby" talked to by the officer spread into Sunday, as the Barn hosted a known how much of our $6,000 goal was officer who accused me of harassing the in the following manner, "Oh, really. Well, buffet and Mary's extended their happy reached, but through the cooperation of female officer, said, "What the hell do you we'll look for it in a while." I was told to sit hour, with proceeds going to GPC. these elected officials, the clubs and the need the badge numbers for-going to down, to remove my socks and shoes for Clubs participating in "GPC Nite" patrons, much was accomplished in the cause some shit? I ought to send you back possible concealment of weapons .... I Saturday were: Brazos River Bottom, name of human rights. To all we say thank up to five-you want to get sent back up was told to sign for my personal property, Twins, Copa, Venture-N, Parade, Babylon, you and reaffirm our pledge of service to to five?" I said no. which I did. I then was taken to a bench Kindred Spirits, Dirty Sally's, Wildwood our community. I was then allowed to leave jail and go and told to wait with my friend. I was home, my mace still not being returned to Saloon, Galleon and Different Drum. To Johnny Peden waiting for the elevator, to be taken "up to each of you, the GPC is most appreciative. GPC Board Member me. five". While waiting for the elevator, I Only with such cooperation can we Houston, Texas.w WEDNESDAY Wm. R. DeBrucque, DDS DENTISTRY JOCKEY Dedicated to Redken Studio ~ SHORTS Excellence in a Relaxed 11 SIMPLE! DANCE CONTEST Atmosphere Now Accepting c( that's w hat a hairstyle is iOPM New Patients Insurance assignment II supposed to be accepted after U with our help, - II THURS. FRI. SAT .SUM deductible your individual 3225 Lemmon Ave. West style/cut can be GO·GO·DOYS iOPM Bldg. 8, Suite 303 2509 N. FITZHUGH.DALLAS. 823-0276 Dallas, Texas 75204 522-2000 c( • just that! ~ Call 526-5472 OPEN ~~AM DAILY, NOON SUNDAY I 2110 Lexlngton-HoustOI1 PAGE 18 TWTFWRUAIW27-MAIl,CH5,1981 lWT FWRUARY 27- MARCH 5,1981 PAGE 19
~ EMPORIUM __ PEr\SPECTIVE_ LTD. PERSPECTIVEpresents an opportunity to express an in-depth personal viewpoint or opinion. TWT encourages submissions from readers on a wide range of subjects and of varying stances and outlooks, All submissions should be moderate in length (3-4 pages typed, double-spaced) and must include the full name and address of the person submitting. All submissions should be made to TWTIPERSPECTIVE, 3223 Smith Street, Suite 103, Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions ex- pressed in PERSPECTIVE are those of the individual writers and not of TWT, its editors or staff. THE ORAL t\ AJOR/TY /NOR/TY this very reactionary way. The civil rights movement meant one thing. It meant freedom to be who we are, and be what we want to be. It gave us the pride to assert our differences, and be creative in our own personal life. It simply loosened our chains so we could advance. Are we going to stand by and let a group of misinformed peo- ple control our lives; tell us what we can do and when we can do it? The Moral Majority is only a minority with a loud mouth. And with a loud mouth and persuasion, things change. A good ex- J ordache Jeans; ample, Joseph Paul Goebbels, pro- the look paganda minister for the German Nazi 3921 Cedar Springs the fit Party of the 30's and 40's, told lies and Hitler rose to power. Are our freedoms the fashion Dallas, Texas for your lifestyle worth it? This question should only be asked as we think of the bar raids in the Montrose area of Houston and other areas of the country. Are those raids the result of this Moral Majority pseudo-philosophy and their pseudo- morals? Is the gay community just going to sit and not fight back, or are we going to fight for our rights? Ask yourself and ask your friends . .w PAGE 20 lWf FEORUARY27· MARCH 5, 1981 rwr FEORUARY27· MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE 21
~ __ SHOW~IZ by Robert Dean Marilyn Monroe once again makes SHOWBIZ, because we know that lots of you guys and girls and in-betweeners are interested in her. Marilyn had a well-kept secret about her origin and the existence of her mother and father. The mystery may have been solved with the recent death of Martin Edward Mortensen, 85, in Riverside, California. Mortensen, who died in an automobile collision, left evidence indicating he was Marilyn's father, thus eliminating the belief that the glamor girl was an il- legitimate child. Discovered in Mortensen's modest home were a cer- tificate of his marriage to Gladys Pearl Monroe Baker, dated October 11, 1924, and a 1927 document attesting to a divorce. Also found was a copy of a birth cer- tification of Norma Jean Mortensen, born June 1, 1926-Miss Monroe's birth date. Her mother is still living in a Florida mental institution. Marilyn once told a close aquain- tance the reason for her discretion about her past, "What would you do if your mother was crazy and you didn't know who your father was?" Well, girls ... Marilyn made it big, so fuck her mother and father, whoever they were. And fuck 'em for disowning her. Needless to say, Faye Dunaway pissed earlier this week in her role as Eva Peron, which aired on NBC, Mon- day and Tuesday. If you're into cuddling up with a warm body, lighting a few candles and watching half-ass horror flicks, then you can do that this Sunday night when Amityville Horror will be shown at 7pm. Well ... James Brolin is hot, anyway. Monday night, March 2, a special starring ... stop in the name of the "boss", Diana Ross, will air at 9pm. All good little fairies should catch this one. TWT FEOfl.UARY27· MARCH 5, 1981 TWT FEORUAIW27 . MARCH 5. 1981 PAGE 23 PAGE 22
THIS'VACATION DALLAS CRUDE ' .~.~. ~ COULD END UP COSTINe; ~.,~'\ ,~ -~)~._'~\ TWICE AS MUCH , BECAUSE YOU'LL Happy Hour Open: 4PM Monday-Friday 4·7PM - /' ~~" 'lll WANT TO DO IT ALL Monday-Friday Noon \~-." >", ,~" > IV" OVER ACAIN Saturday & Sunday IT'S TIME .~ "" "'- for a well earned break, ',< /~ "~. .. '1J1~'r\ "''/n?''F~. -,~ ;('1__ ~~-- , Saturday 3PM Every Tuesday SOUTH FLORII?A SPE~IALTY TOU~Sf//- -' "t" ..,' . ,;Y':{,?,~", :~II':';1. BEER BUST Schnapps 50e has the vacations designed especially ~ \,' ,·....",'"c ,',-
,':~ fidence, Hungary; Kagemusha, Japan; The Last Metro, France; Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, U.S.S.R.; The Nest, Spain. o BEST ORIGINAL SONG- Fame from Fame; Nine to Five from Nine to Five; On the Road Again from Honeysuckle Rose; Out Here On My Own from Fame; People Alone from The Competition. oORIGINAL SCREENPLAY-W.D. Richter, Arthur Ross, Brubaker; Christopher Gore, Fame; Bo Goldman, Melvin and Howard; Jean Gruault, Mon Oncle d'Amerique; Nancy Meyers, Charles Shyer and Harvey Miller, Private Benjamin. oSCREENPLAY ADAPTATlON- Jonathan Hardy, Davi Stevens, Bruce Beresford, Breaker Morant; Tom Rickman, Coal Miner's Daughter; Christopher DeVore, Eric Bergren, David Lynch, The Elephant Man; Alvin Sargent, Ordinary People; Lawrence B. Marcus, Richard Rush, The Stunt Man. oDOCUMENTARY FEATURE-Agee, The Day After Trinity, From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China, Front Line, The Yellow Star- The Persecu- tion of European Jews 1933-45. oDOCUMENTARY SHORT-Don't Mess With Bill, The Eruption of Mount St. Helens, It's the Same World, Karl Hess: Toward Liberty, Luther Metke at 94. oANIMATED SHORT-All Nothing, The Fly, History of the World in Three Minutes Flat. o LIVE SHORT-The Dollar Bottom, Fall Line, A Jury of Her Peers. DART DIRECTION-Coal Miner's Daughter, The Elephant Man, The Em- pire Strikes Back, Kagemusha, Tess. oCINEMATOGRAPHY- The Blue Lagoon, Coal Miner's Daughter, The Formula, Raging Bull, Tess. oCOSTUME DESIGN- The Elephant Man, My Brilliant Career, Somewhere in Gallienne, Resurrection; Cathy Moriar- Time, Tess, When Time Ran Out. o BEST PICTURE-Coal Miner's Benjamin; Mary Tyler Moore, Ordinary ty, Raging Bull; Diana Scarwid, Inside o EDITING-Coal Miner's Daughter, Daughter, The Elephant Man, Ordinary People; Gena Rowlands, Gloria; Sissy Moves; Mary Steenburgen, Melvin and The Competition, The Elephant Man, People, Raging Bull and Tess. Spacek, Coal Miner's Daughter. Howard. Fame, Raging Bull. o BEST ACTOR-Robert De Niro, Rag- oSUPPORTING ACTOR-Judd Hirsch o BEST DIRECTOR-David Lynch, The oORIGINAL SCORE-Altered States, ing Bull; Robert Duvall, The Great San- and Timothy Hutton, Ordinary People; Elephant Man; Robert Redford, Or- The Elephant Man, The Empire Strikes tini; John Hurt, The Elephant Man; Jack Michael O'Keefe, The Great Santini; dinary People; Martin Scorsese, Raging Back, Fame, Tess. Lemmon, Tribute; Peter O'Toole, The Joe Pesci, Raging Bull; Jason Robards, Bull; Richard Rush, The Stunt Man; oSOUND-Altered States, Coal Stunt Man. - Melvin and Howard. Roman Polanski, Tess. Miner's Daughter, The Empire Strikes oBEST ACTRESS-Ellen Burstyn, oSUPPORTING ACTRESS-Eileen o FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM-Con- Back, Fame, Raging Bull. '()JIq Resurrection; Goldie Hawn, Private Brennan, Private Benjamin; Eva Le
Meet DIVINE hlperson! Tjil:lRSDAY :CH 5 6:30-8:00P 'II' Bring your camera and 'lriends. Autographs. ' Divine Cards 'Divine Posters Divine Pink Flamingos 24 x 37 B/W Offset 512 28.5-A FRUTH DEAN GALLERIES AUStIN, nXAS 47-6-5.20 3226 Knox Street Dalltls.7i:X([S (214)S2NWI ~, meet Divine on Thursday, ~h :; at,'r-ot'M at Austin Country FRlDAY-SATURpAY THURSDAY $1 COVER 8PM-I0Pl'I OPEN 24 HOURS $1 BAR 50~ BAR DRINKS AND DRINKS THEALL NEW BEER ~ OPEN: BELL PEPPER THURS-SAT 8Pl'I-2Al'I 3411 McKINNEY, DALLAS $3 DOOR CHARGE 521-9035 NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 510 N. UNIVERSITY, LUBBOCK, If you haven't seen us lately, you haven't seen us at all. TEXAS 747-5456 PAGE,),) 1WT FEORUAIW27 - MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE')2 1WTFEORUARY27 -MARCH 5,1981
(])IS(90 ~ Gvery 'Ylight ~' (# S4j' jI\ .£ ~ I encore 11 s ~ 7 I~ see '\ "A T()tally ~ew •• what we a..-e ~ ~xpe..-ien£e" d()ine f{)..- What happened so far: Kevin was y{)u!! having a streak of bad luck. Not only the had he been beaten up by rock star Larry Mannix' vicious bodyguard, he Atm()sphe..-e" also ran into somebody at The Copa whom he'd rather not be seen by at that place. Kevin, that's me ... Sunday - 25¢ Beer Rick returned after another half hour 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. of acrobatics on the floor. As usual, not a hint of sweat. My skin and hair were monday - 90c 'Weft 0 Can !Bee't , -1
ready to smack the tall one's teeth in. "What? We've got a fruit in our midst?" George from Accounting, three ***** We work in cubicles, open concept, cubicles away, sounded cheerful. WINTER TAKES ALL ... and no one in the large office room has "Incredible what they hire to listen too carefully to understand every word you say. Early Monday mor- ning, Albright made one of his cus- tomary rounds to check if everyone at nowadays," the receptionist tributed. She had been with the com- pany for almost a week. con- "That's ridiculous." I laughed. "I'm SALE SALE SALE least pretended to be busy. He stopped not a fruit." Meanwhile my face was red and pointed at me: "Hartmann ... I like one: about 95 percent of my body's finally know what was wrong with that blood supply made my face look like an disco place on Saturday night where I overripe tomato. Trying hard to plead ran into you. It was a queer hangout! innocent, I went on: "A girlfriend of Only guys dancing with guys, and girls mine had dragged me into that joint." with girls, no normal couples ... " "What a drag," Ellen beamed. "I The way he said it did not demand an can't wait to see that girlfriend of yours answer or a comment from me; to him at our party next Friday. Wouldn't be it was just an observation, the explana- surprised if she has a mustache." tion to one minor curiosity he had stumbled upon. Realizing the logical ***** "It finally happened. I'm all out! You consequence and devastating impact wouldn't believe how hostile they all of his remark, I said, automatically were all of a sudden," I reported to Rick blushing: "Yeah, I noticed, somehow as I got up from the floor. Kraut had the place seemed strange." The words been as enthusiastic as ever and run did not come out easy. Quickly I decid- and licked me over when I made my en- ed to divert the attention Albright's trance. statement had undoubtedly received: I gave Rick a quick run-down on what "How's it going with your wife? had happened at the office. Everything patched up again after your "But you didn't admit a thing, did fight?" Instantly I had the poor old you?" fellow on the defensive. "Everything's "No. Hey, doesn't that sound like I'm fine, just fine, Hartmann," he explained somehow guilty ... ? Holy screw. Guil- and marched on to the palace, his huge ty of what? Those creeps, they finally office that measured about twice the had something nice 'n' nasty to pick size of my apartment. He stayed there on." in hiding for the rest of the day. Natu- We analyzed my situation. I had been rally the whole gang had gotten the on that job for more than three years word. "So you're going to fag bars, and would be up for a promotion, that Kevin," Ellen, my big-boobed co-worker is, if faggots were eligible. The com- concluded with a big grin. "I always pany had actually paid for the transfer SWEATERS 20 TO 60% OFF had my doubts about you." from New York, so there seemed to be JACKETS 20 TO 50% OFF She had her doubts, all right, after some future. WARM UPS 60% OFF endless attempts to get me interested Suddenly Rick's face lighted up and ALL SHORTS 20% OFF in her. First, my explanation of my very he looked as optimistic as only he PAINTER'S PANTS 20% OFF own house rule #1 seemed to work: could. "I've got it. We must find you a DRESSSHIRTS 30% OFF "Never mess around with company hot chick for that office party. HAWAIIANSHIRTS 20% OFF people!" But her dresses got more and Preferably a gorgeous black beauty. FLANNELSHIRTS __ 20% OFF more explicit, and often enough any in- That should be something new for SALE ENDS 2/28/81 terested bystander could see almost all those bigots to go nuts about. And kill the way to her belly-button. Apparently all stupid rumors!" I had never been too eager to take a glimpse. And now she punished me for it. ''Tell me, what's the sissy scene like in Montrose?" "A black girl?" I hesitated. "You're not talking about Donna Day???" SPORTS LOCKER SAN FRANCISCO • W. HOllYWOOD • HOUSTON, 011 WESTHEIMER 520-6555 To Be Continued PAGE 37 PAGE 36 rwr FEDRUAIW27 - MARCH 5, 1981 lWl'FfDRUARY27 -MARCH 5,1981
INTERVIEW WITH OY ROO CLARK TWT SHOWBIZ reporter Rob Clark met Biscuit in the Fifth ... and what does it Almost three years. encore. with recording artist, Belinda West, in mean? 00 you prefer to play gay clubs, and How long do you expect your show her hotel room the day of her perfor- My producer, Rob Galvridge, wrote how long have you been playing the to last? mance at Houston's Copa disco. She that song, and the song is about giving gay circuit? That really depends on the crowd also performed at Village Station in this person advice as to what to do with and the energy level. It depends. Dallas. Due to her fabulous charisma their love life and their money. And, as Well, actually, as far as the profes- sion goes, I've mainly played gay clubs, Has your singing career just now and her dynamic voice, you can be far as their money is concerned, I'm started paying off? assured that we will be hearing much telling them to "put it on Sea Biscuit in because I find that the reception of the gay clubs on a scale from 1 to 10 is No, actually I had been doing na- more from this talented lady in the very the fifth, or Secretariat in the Derby, about 9%, compared to the straight tional commercials; that was pretty ex- near future. TWT also wishes to extend a Notre Dame plus six ... " And as far as clubs. The gays seem to appreciate the citing, but this is the ultimate for me. thank you to Belinda's manager (pic- their love life goes, I'm saying, "Take artist more. Y'all know how to party And I'm meeting such fine people. tured), Robb Cooper, for his assistance. you and me plus two hours alone in my more. Going to a straight club is like The first time we heard you we were Buick or you and I plus 5 days in my pulling needles. First of all, you've got wondering who you were, because we Hi Belinda. Have you ever been to home oughta do it." A lot of people ask to contend with women staring at you were very Impressed with your voice. Houston before? me about the second verse, because I and making sure that you're not staring 50 we went up to the OJ and asked who Well, I've been through Texas, but, so say, "OJT", which means "on the job at their man while you're singing your you were and what the name of your far so good, I'm enjoying myself. It's training." It's a crazy song. song. The gay people are more con- song was. He told us your name and nice. Are you going to stay with disco? cerned about how you're presenting the song was Sea Biscuit. We sort of- Have you been through a "tech" Pretty much so, funk dance music your song, how you sound, and that looked at one another and asked "Sea rehearsal at the club where you'll be you can dance to. you're working the song. Also, what Biscuit who?" performing? Have you ever sung gospel? you're wearing! (laughter) (Lots of giggles) Robb (her manager) Yes-I love the Copa; it's great. Oh, yes. Since I could talk. My told his dad that he had an artist who How long have you been singing? brother and sister used to have a What other songs will you be doing had recorded a song Sea Bisuit in the Oh, about 13 years. gospel trio. tonight? Fifth. His father thought that it was a Where did you get your start? What religion? That Didn't Hurt Too Bad, which is a classical song. Beethoven in the Fifth. From Augusta, Georgia-the Southern Baptist, honey. Holy Roller very suggestive ballad, and a couple (laughter) Celestial Lounge, the Whiskey A-Go- style. more that I haven't decided on yet. Have you gotten to meet any other Go, the Head Hunters Hut, and a few (At this point, her husband and You'll more than likely do Sea Biscuit performers? others. r-montn-oki son came into the room.) more than once tonight. Yes, Patti Brooks, Edwin Starr (Ed- Where did you get the song Sea How long have you been married? Oh, yeah-that will definitely be my win performed at the Parade about 6 PAGEJ8 NlTFml'.UAIW27-MAI'.CH5,1981 NIT Fml'.UAI'.Y 27 -MAI'.CH 5, 1981 PAGEJ9
Her manager- She better say Texas, dance music will never go out. Folks months ago) and many other fine per- or 1'/1kill her. will always dance. formers. No, I'm going to be honest, dear. I What do you wear for your perfor· Are you finding that the bigger you think Virginia was my favorite so far, mances? become in the business, that it's more but then again-I've never played It depends on the club. This club is ~ competitive, or easier for you? Texas. But, as far as partying goes, definitely "funky", so I'll probably wear It's a little easier, I believe. But don't they don't in Virginia. But they're ex· glitter with spandex pants. And yes, I misunderstand me. It's still corn- tremely nice. do my own hair and makeup. petitive. There are a lot of talented peo- Have you ever played San Fran- Does it get lonely on the road? ple out there, and the economy being cisco? Oh, yeah. I have my husband and my as bad as it is right now, people are Oh, yes. If you ask me, Dreamland is son. My phone bill proves how lonely it ~ 600f.S10:~US'f\tI having to scratch and save. So, you really need to be good, and give every- the best club stagewise I've ever gets. It does, it gets lonely and you 2013 E 6tpEEP st\o'llS played. miss them. one their money's worth. Have you been to any of the clubs in But wouldn't you rather be doing Have you ever sung backup for Houston? what you are doing instead of working 1t\E eEs1 'L~ another artist? s1'\.\. e001t'\S Sure, everyone has. But most of them won't admit it, and you should ad- I haven't had time. We did go to Cronies for dinner last night. I really lik- a nine to five job? Of course. The loneliness is the price ed the atmosphere. you have to pay in this line of work. It's Z9,",O'lIE E'lE'-S mit it ... it's part of your roots. Yes, I Robb-I'm taking her out to party just something you must adapt to. 014 1'110 '- sang backup when I was in Nashville tonight. Do you find that most entertainers with T.G. Shepherd and a few other No, darlin'. I'm gonna party, but not get along well with each other, or is people. ~US1\tl Will you sing a Country song to- with the guys tonight. If you get my drift. (Her husband had flown down to there some "professional" jealousy? I have been in situations before night? be with her. We got her drift.) where, especially with female enter- SE~'1fl~:E"E~f\S Really ... "Say Biscuit in the fiafth, Have you ever had women put the tainers, I would feel a sort of resent- secretarrry in the darby" (she camped make on you? ment or whatever. It's kind of pathetic fO~ her song with as strong a Texas accent Oh, sure. It doesn't offend me. It's because I love to watch other entertain- as possible.) I should have thought of just as flattering as when a guy puts ers and perhaps pick up hints from that ... being in Texas. the make on me. Once in Atlanta, a girl them. But, yeah, some of them-no With your voice, I'm sure we'll like asked me to dance with her and I did. names-do have a bad attitude. whatever you sing. No problem. It's kind of funny, two girls Do you have a favorite entertainer? Robb, her manager (who is a hot can dance together and it's alright. But Gladys Knight, she's a star, yet she's man, and gay) suggested, "Well, Belin- not at Disneyland. (laughter) still such a lady. I was fortunate da, why don't you play "Gilley's" (which How do you psyche yourself before a enough to meet her. is a Country club of Urban Cowbowy show? When Is your new album coming . 10 fame). Just from the energy of the people. I out? No, thanks. don't do drugs and things like that. (At Hopefully around March 8 ... I said CO"''1E'''\ES~ ... You would have to work that crowd 01 C~tJlP011ES1 this point, I turned my recorder off and hopefully. You know how that goes. real hard. asked her if she honestly, off the When is your birthday? ~OS1\""S "" eOOt($4 S Yeah, plus you have to contend with record, did any drugs. She honestly November 4. ~f'C~OE . .. f\\-tJl , all that jealousy bullshit we were talk- doesn't.) I can't stand the smell of pop- Scorpio, huh? ing about. In Hollywood, two girls gave Don't believe everything you hear ~"G,.t\tI"~OtIIO~'" me a hard time, their attitude pers. I think what turned me off was once I was danclnq with this guy, and I about us. Well, you can believe some of pOpPEf'S ~ was-well, what can she do that I can't swear he must have bathed in the stuff. it. do?-but what was funny was ... one I almost threw up. He was so spaced, (The tape recorder was turned off, so, of them was a drag queen. I think though, that he eventually wandered Belinda, when you read this, please helshe wanted my dress. (laughter of off and danced with himself. don't be pissed.) course) Have you ever noticed that per- Well, Scorpios are wonderful sex, but fJExail Have you ever met Millie Jackson? No, but I'm familiar with her. She's just trash. I mean, she does it on pur- formers such as Donna Summer and Grace Jones are going away from they can be the bitches of death. You're right! 1910 NEWS disco? Thank you, Belinda. We'll see you GUADALUPE # STAND pose and she always holds an au- dience-they love her. Well, Donna is trying to get away from being labeled "The Disco Queen". tonight and welcome again to Houston. Thank you! I'm looking forward to AUSTIN Which is your favorite state that you've played? I wouldn't want to do all disco, no-but seeing y'all at the show tonight. '*f 1Wf FEORUARY27 . MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE41 PAGE40 1Wf FEORUARY27· MARCH 5,1981
How can I describe Mark? What from this astonishing and somewhat Still very confused and insecure to a minimum. So you may say, it was comes to mind first ... hm ... Well, shocking physical feature, Mark was about himself; the sort of kid who me who broke little big Mark in. let me use this joke, so you'll get the a highly regular character, not a big would blush if he looked at his own We bumped into each other every picture: An elephant meets a naked guy at all, a little bit slow maybe, and you-know-what when peeing. I cer- so often and played our semi- man. Looking him over, the elephant definitely not one of the smartest, but tainly blushed as I got a glimpse of innocent games a handful of times. says: "How in the world do you eat sweet, friendly and warm. that incredible thing and scrambled Soon I lost track of Mark and rumor with that thing?" I met him through a friend when he for the phone book to look up the had it that he had moved to L.A., You see, if that heavy, gray-skinned was eighteen. We went home and it Guinness people. It was a nice, cau- Hollywood, that is, to get his movie brother had run into Mark, he would immediately became evident that he tious experience that lay ahead that career going. This had been Mark's not have asked that question. Apart was a virgin, if ever there was one. night. I tried hard to keep my choking lifetime dream all along. His number PAGE 42 TWT FEORUARY27 - MARCH 5, 1981 TWT FEORUAIW27 . MARCH 5, 1981 PAGE4J
one ambition was to become the new minutes." Sly Stallone. But, as I mentioned, his "Was it that bad, huh?" I- brain capacities were not tremen- dous, so the two or three off-off-off "Yeah. It was a piece of garbage." "What do you know ... ?" ~~ ~ c4 ::z:::~' Broadway productions he had man- aged to be a part of, usually didn't "I'm not an S&M freak, that's all." "Don't knock it till you've tried it." « U~ Q. burden him with more than three or four lines to remember. Anything "No, thanks." "This place makes me sick," Mark u ~~ ell :J I- /' beyond that-as one experimental said and finished his beer. "Gotta go to ~ Q. " piece which closed after two pre- the Mineshaft!" ell:: i views proved-would force him to "So you're actually into this crap on Co Z u / Ii,~ alter the script live on stage, ad-lib a and off screen?" few lines and give the playa whole "You bet." ~ 0 new direction. "Hey, man, what's next? Now you ~ I-~~. After his move out west I didn't need to get tortured to get your thrill. L.\.I ~ l'}J ~ ..\-r~\\ hear from Mark for many months. But Tell me, what's next?" L.\.I - then, the hot tea was that he had ac- "I need more, always more. My very tually made it. He had been chosen to own big bang? A hot final showdown? ~ star in a major Tinseltown produc- Who knows? Who cares! Away from tion, some sort of disaster movie, was this bullshit! That's all that counts." CI:: all I could find out. Two weeks later, "Whatever happened to you, man?" ::J further details made it to my usual hangout in the Big Apple. The movie He looked at me, his eyes suddenly showed some real emotion. "Things o z ~o 0" project, it turned out, would not be haven't turned out the way I wanted it. > 1-0 ~~z ~.! ~~ quite as legitimate as originally antic- My mother died of cancer two years z< ipated. It was simply titled Chain ago, my old man bought a gun so he 0< 1-'" • Reaction and my friend's stage name can shoot me, if I ever dare to set foot would be Mark Fourteen. Another on his property again. My one lover month later, the picture was shown in jumped from the terrace of his condo in one of the sleazy cinemas on 8th L.A., 14th floor. He had been on a real IT'S THE CHINESE NEW YEARI Avenue which I had never been in- heavy trip and thought he could fly. clined to go to. This time I couldn't re- fuse. The film was a true disaster, liv- Turned out he couldn't. They want me to make Chain Reaction, Part II, this "THE YEAR OF THE COCK" ing up to its initial word of mouth 100 time using real razor blades and show- TUESDAY MARCH 3 CELEBRATION percent. Chains, leather, bondage, ing real blood. I don't know what's next. 75¢ KAMAKAZIS ~ 50¢ SAKE beatings-the movie Cruising couldn't have been any worse. I gave All I know is, I'm fed up." "Come with me, I'm living in Houston ALL DAY s, ALL NIGHT LONG up after half an hour, before my stom- now. Get away from all this ... " ach had a chance to react the proper "I can't. It's too late. I'd have you way. where I am now in six weeks' time. Got- WEDNESDAY 6-9PM $ 5 LIQUOR BUST It was two weeks when I saw the ta go now, the Mineshaft's waiting." He screen star again, live and in person, turned around and walked out the door. 75¢ SCHNAPPS SAT. &. SUN. during a vacation in New York at our "Scotch on the rocks," I told the bar- former favorite joint in the Village. He recognized me right away, was friendly, however, with clear traces of ar- rogance-or was it bitterness? His tender. "Make it a double." "Wasn't that Mark Fourteen?" an older guy leaning against the bar ask- ed. "Wow, he's quite a hunk. Really a U(~ey ... Y HAPr)' HOUR DAILY 11-7''1 AM warmth and sweetness had vanished. "I have seen your movie," I said. "How did you like me?" "I don't know. I guess it won't turn you into another Rocky ... " "How did you like the plot?" "Dunno. I survived for only thirty tremendous fellow." "A tremendous fellow," I repeated and took a big sip of my Scotch. "Gee, you actually know Mark Four- teen ... ?" The old man sounded very impressed. "I'm not sure," I said. 'GIU CHleiiiif 535 WESTHJMEROHO!lJroN 0 526!1240 OQQ~ PAGE44 TWTFEORUAIW27 - MAIKH 5, 1981 PAGE45 TWTF~ORUARY27 - MARCH 5, 1981
I WIlY DO YOU THINK THEY CALL IT • d B y • T "Sometimes I listen to my good y s o stoned and went to bed, only to N self and sometimes I listen to my bad awake at 5 this morning to find the self," says Parrot. eggs he'd left boiling on the stove He passes the bong and I load splattered allover the kitchen. another hit. He leans back and trips During the night, he thought he out on just why we smoke pot. To heard something rustling outside. "I escape from everyday problems? was going to get up and Check, but I "Could be," he says. "But sometimes was too stoned and too tired." getting high brings on more shit." He shakes his head. This morning Last night, for instance. He got someone had stolen the pot plants he -i§ PAGE 46 Photos! Collage by Blase DiStefano lWT FEORUAIW 27 - Mt>.RCH 5. 1 981
left on the patio overnight. Hood, prodigal sons in college dorms "Sometimes I want to kick myself and faggots who change addresses A chain, for smoking dope," he says. "I ask myself, 'Why are you doing this to three times before a baths card ex- pires. is a chain, yourself?' Then my bad voice says, 'Fuck that. Don't listen to him.' "Both the survey and the drug retrospective underestimate true isachain ... "And I pull out the dope and get crazy." use," said HSS Secretary Patricia Harris. Sounds good. I take a hit. Even with that footnote, the survey Our vice is the "third most fre- says a staggering 17 percent of high quently used drug in the United school students are regular users I~~e/1. States following alcohol and ciga- (That's your kids, Phyllis Schlafly.). rettes," according to a just-released The reasons are varied: __ M?OTEL government survey. (You know the Everybody's doing it. Teachers (and * type: those meaningless studies that preachers) take things too seriously. -- ' ••• If,... always fail to get to the meat of the Parents (and bosses) expect too -.....:..... matter.) much. to link you to a home of your own This one-produced by the federal "It feels good," says Parrott. "It or land in the country or soaring LOWER OFF-SEASON Department of Health and Human gives you a whole different perspec- buildings that challenge the Sky. AND WEEKLY' RATES tive-and it's always a surprise." The working relationship you have with your Services-shows current use among Realtor is a chain formed of trust, competenc- IN EFFECT young adults up from 27 percent in Then his smile fades. and ethics. Let your Realtor work for you. 1977 to 40 percent today. "I smoked pot all through high I~--ilt th,~,~h,::::,d::"K 2027 Rosenberg Galveston But with typical government men- school," he says, carefully loading ~. MI.S DALLAS. TEXAS .,'D. IIIIIIII 7J2U 1 block from Mary's II 765-5401 tality, interviews were limited to the bong. "I remember the day my dad _ •• (214) 522-1000 households, thus excluding dope ad- found out. The day I graduated he YOUR HOSTS: ADRIAN AND PAUL dicts in prison, horny soldiers at Fort found me with a joint in my hand. •• Friday, February 27 6PM-3AM ctu~ SPECIAL MARDI GRAS CELEBRATION Featuring a Complete New Orleans Style Dinner Package for $7.95 au•••n STUDENT RATES 2 VISITS FOR $8 Including Gumbo or Salad, Spicy Shrimp Creole and Choice of Desserts WEEKDAY Beniets and Cafe Au Lait served all evening, LOCKER RATES featuring 5 VISITS FOR $10 Eggs "New Orleans" after 12 Midnight. between (Costumed waiters, French Quarter atmosphere, jazz, experience 7AM-3PM Mon-Fri Mardi Gras with us) 308 W. 16th St. (512) 476-7986 A Sidewalk Cafe 3911 CEDAR SPRINGS "We're not the biggest; but We're the BEST!" DALLAS 526-5590 TWf FEORUAIW 27 . MARCH 5. 1981 PAGE 49 PAGE 48 TWf FEORUARY 27 - MARCH 5. 1981
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