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1 • Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - The Independent-Register **ecrwss Postal Customer Brodhead Independent- U.S. Postage PRSRT STD Independent Register DNR announces Register Paid The CWD approach ............................... 3 • Footville and Orfordville local government coverage ................... 5 608•897•2193 SHOPPING NEWS The WCIJ investigates GPS 922 W. EXCHANGE STREET, BRODHEAD, WI 53520 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2018 monitoring of Wis. parolees .......6 309362
2 • Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - The Independent-Register Brodhead sewer payment change Huntington National Bank of Brodhead will no longer be accepting Brodhead Sewer Payments. This is effective immediately and is a decision made by them. You can still make payments at City Hall (there is a drop box outside if we’re closed), online with credit card at the City of Brodhead website (fees apply), Bank of Brodhead and Sugar River Bank, Brodhead. Please call with any questions 897-4018. COURTESY PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register Rufus awaits his forever home at the Green County Humane Soci- ety. GCHS Pet of the Week Rufus is five years old, male/al- Check our website at www. tered, an altered male This large, for new lovely feline is slowly breaking arrivals of cats and dogs, adoption out of his shell and showing his fees, and upcoming events, etc. curious, loving nature. Preferring to stay in his kitty-condo, this Material Needs BRI LARSEN PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register ginger-tabby likes to examine the For the Dogs: hot dogs, canned Raelyn Mane Menehan. world from a distance. dog food, Mounds Dog Power, Shy, and rather timid, Rufus will let people know if he doesn’t want to be bothered. He does quite enjoy rawhide retriever sticks, Kongs, Frisbees, tennis balls, peanut butter For the Cats: Kitten Milk (formu- Birth Announcement being scratched around the ears and la), Mounds Purrfect Cat, canned Adam Menehan and Kendra Lenz, Brodhead, announce the birth of their daughter, Raelyn Mane under his chin, though. Rufus is cat food Menehan born Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018, at 2:34 a.m. at St. Mary’s Hospital, Janesville. She weighted 8 fond of his peace and solitude, but Miscellaneous Supplies: laundry pounds, 4 ounches, and was 20 inches long. Raelyn joins three proud big brothers: Dayton, Braxtyn and is quite interested in meeting other detergent, Dawn Dish Soap, Clorox Mayson Menehan. cats, as long as they are polite and Bleach, paper towels, stamps, copy Maternal grandparents are Rebecca (Shawn) and Terry and Donette Simonson. Paternal grandparents don’t invade his space. paper, hand sanitizer, hand soap are Charles and Sandra Menehan. Great grandparents are Thomas and Patricia Simonson, of Orfordville, With the help of a patient, gentle Aluminum Cans are a good Deanne and Gordy Smukowski, Wautoma, and Mary Wiesenberg of Brodhead. adopter, this green-eyed cutie will source of income Remembering our loved ones, Ruth and Donald Coplien, Charles Lenz, Harvey Pribble, Darwin Me- truly become the cuddly cat every- Thanks so much for donating nehan and Richard Wiesenberg. one knows he is. from the above list. Brodhead Cub Scout Pack 108 All You CAn EAt SpAghEtti DinnEr SAt., MArCh 10th • SErving 4-7 pM Dinner Prices: Adult $8, Children 3-12 $5, Children under 3 eat free BroDhEAD unitED MEthoDiSt ChurCh 501 1St CEntEr AvEnuE • BroDhEAD, Wi 53520 Carry-outs will be available – limited to 1 to-go container Tickets can be purchased from any local Cub Scout or at the door the day of the event 309337 Am I up to date? Adults need vaccines too! Thank you from the family of Patricia Braun Join us for a Q&A session with a doctor from Monroe Clinic to dis- to everyone for their condolences, beautiful cards, kind words, monetary gifts and attendance at cuss what vaccines you need, why they are important and where you Patricia’s visitation/funeral. Her memory will long can get them. be remembered by those whose lives she touched. A special thank you to Cal Schaver for his comforting message, to Dan and Blake at the D. L. Newcomer Thursday, March 15th 1:00 pm—2:00 pm Funeral Home for their kindness and preparation for Behring Senior Center, Monroe WI the visitation and funeral, to Randy Menzel and his staff at Ist Center Floral and Garden Center Call the ADRC to register today! for the gorgeous floral arrangements and to the 608.328.9385 women of Bethlehem Lutheran Church for the 308197 lunch they prepared and served at the church. 308848
The Independent-Register - Wednesday, March 7, 2018 • 3 DNR announces updated CWD response plan Increased surveillance, increased be the guide for CWD response and “We can’t emphasize enough the of CWD, share the information wide- for their own piece of mind but to sampling, carcass movement restric- management over the next five years. importance of the work carried out by ly, and collectively determine the ap- help us track the disease. tions and local community involve- Implementation of the plan as part of the County Deer Advisory Councils, propriate response. Realizing that deer carcass move- ment are just some the goals outlined Gov. Scott Walker’s Chronic Wasting hunters and citizens,” said DNR Sec- Team members will host citi- ment around the state and carcass in the recently updated Wisconsin Disease Initiative has already begun. retary Dan Meyer. “They know more zen-based informational meetings in disposal practices may play a role Department of Natural Resources Among the key points in the plan about the deer herd in their counties several locations in the county. They in the spread of CWD, there will be CWD Response Plan. is the work of County Deer Adviso- than anyone and their contribution is will go “door-to-door” visiting land- increased efforts to make hunters The updated plan, the result of a ry Councils and local communities. a valuable tool in addressing CWD.” owners within a 2-mile radius of the aware of the risks of moving car- collaborative effort between DNR, The citizen based CDACs set the When a detection is found in a new positive detection to help develop casses from CWD positive counties Wisconsin Department of Agricul- deer population goals for their coun- area, DNR in collaboration with the and promote voluntary landowner to other counties where CWD has ture Trade and Consumer Protec- ties, which is an important factor in CDAC and local landowners will surveillance testing permits, encour- not been reported. Proper carcass tion, the Wisconsin Conservation those counties where CWD has been launch a rapid response Citizen Ad- age the reporting of “sick deer” at the disposal will also be stressed. New Congress and key stakeholders, will detected. visory Team to determine the extent local level, and educate landowners information on proper disposal can on the current feeding and baiting be found on the DNR website, dnr. Wisconsin libraries checked regulations., by searching for “deer car- This approach was first used after cass disposal sites.” the 2011 CWD discovery in Wash- DATCP, which has authority over burn County where there hasn’t been deer farms, is working closely with out 4.5 million titles in 2017 a positive CWD detection since. The stakeholders to address biosecuri- same idea is now being deployed in ty measures through rule language Lincoln County where the first case that will result in enhanced fencing of CWD was announced in January. requirements at game farms where a The Wisconsin Public Library Consortium announced apps.html or speak to a librarian about scheduling a one- Hunters play a vital role in track- CWD positive has been found. that readers borrowed over 4.25 million digital books on-one or group help session–various opportunities are ing and managing the disease. The There is no single solution to erad- through its OverDrive-powered Wisconsin’s Digital Li- available around the county. updated plan calls for making more icating CWD but it will take a collab- brary in 2017, a new record. With an ever-expanding dig- The top 5 titles readers borrowed through Wisconsin CWD sampling opportunities avail- orative effort of state agencies, Con- ital collection of eBooks and audiobooks, Wisconsin’s Public Library Consortium’s OverDrive-powered digital able to hunters through sampling servation Congress, CDACs, hunters Digital Library experienced year-over-year growth of 6.9 collection in 2017 were: kiosks around the state and making and the public to better manage it. percent from 2016 as they joined the “Million Checkout 1. The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins more hunters aware of self-sampling Find out more about this updated Club” of 58 libraries worldwide. 2. The Whistler, John Grisham testing kits. The department will CWD Response plan by going to the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium launched Wis- 3. Turbo Twenty-Three, Janet Evanovich continue to encourage hunters to get DNR website,, and search consin’s Digital Library in 2005, providing readers 24/7 4. Small Great Things, Jodi Picoult their harvested deer tested not only keywords “CWD Response Plan.” access to eBooks and audiobooks. Reader interest and 5. Truly Madly Guilty, Liane Moriarty usage has grown every year since. Readers just need a valid library card to access digital Rock County Public Libraries proudly promote the books from Wisconsin’s Digital Library. Readers may use of Wisconsin’s Digital Library (WDL) and offer help use any major device, including Apple(R), Android™, for patrons wishing to use either the Libby app or Over- Chromebook™ and Kindle(R) (U.S. only). Visit https:// 17th Annual Drive app to access the eBooks and eAudiobooks avail- or download the Libby app to get Sunday, March 11, 2018 able through Wisconsin’s Digital Library. Information started and borrow eBooks and audiobooks anytime, on these apps is available online at anywhere. Jane Addams Community Center Green County herds recognized for milk quality 430 W. Washington, Cedarville, IL 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. • MODEL CONTEST Green County dairy producers are are used by the cow’s immune system sign sponsored by the Green County well recognized for producing the high to fight infections, a low number of Milk Quality Council. • 20 CLASSES • DOOR PRIZES quality milk that results in the produc- these cells in the cow’s milk are an Top honors in the small herd catego- Contest Judging starts at noon tion of some of the finest cheese in the indicator of healthy and infection free ry (115 cows or less) went to Shantell Admission $2.00 308494 world. Dairy farms are unique be- udders and higher quality milk. Con- Holsteins operated by Larry and Linda For more info call Scott 815-238-0634 cause efforts to produce a high quality versely, a high SCC number indicates Disch of New Glarus. They milk 42 product must occur every day. The that at least one or more quarters in cows and had a weighted somatic cell success of our dairy industry has been the udder has an infection. Dairy op- count (SCC) of 56,000/ml. and a lin- built on the consumers’ confidence in erations must be able to meet the task ear score of 1.3. Second place in the the quality of our dairy products. The every day of producing a high quality small herd division went to High Road top Green County dairy herds will be product. The Green County average Dairy, Monroe, and third place to Jeff recognized at the upcoming Annu- SCC for all DHI herds on test in 2017 and Kate Hendrickson, Belleville. THURSDAY, MARCH 8 al Green County DHI Membership was 215,000 cells per milliliter. Gaining top honors in the large Luncheon for producing high quality The top three DHI herds in both herd division (100 cows or more) was -Blood Drive noon to 5 p.m. milk based on their somatic cell count the small herd category and the large Binders Holstein and Brown Swiss *MS Boys basketball v Barneveld 5 p.m. (SCC) levels. herd category are being recognized of Monticello. Their herd of 134 *H.S. Softball parent/player meeting 7 p.m. Production of high quality milk is for having the lowest herd linear score cows had a weighted average SCC of FRIDAY, MARCH 9 dependent upon maintaining excel- somatic cells counts for Green County 55,000/ml. and a linear score of 1.3 for -PTO open gym 6 to 7:30 p.m. lent hygienic standards. Somatic cell dairy herds in 2017. The top 3 herds 2017. Second place in the large herd counts are actually a count of the num- are presented with certificates and the division went to went to Rollin Green SATURDAY, MARCH 10 ber of white blood cells present in a top herd in each size category also re- Dairy, Brooklyn, and third place went No events scheduled cow’s udder. Since white blood cells ceives a large aluminum milk house to Valley Mead, Monticello. SUNDAY, MARCH 11 *H.S. Softball Open Gym 1 to 3 p.m. Brodhead Historical Society searching MONDAY, MARCH 12 *HS Softball practice begins *MS Boys basketball v Argyle 5 p.m. for oral history interview subjects *School Board meeting 7 to 9 p.m. TUESDAY, MARCH 13 Through recent generous dona- erations. To help think of topics, here Places Lived, Homes -ASVAB tions from our members and commu- are a few ideas for subject matter: Cars and Vehicles *MS Boys Basketball at Black Hawk 5 p.m. nity residents, the Brodhead Histori- Early Memories Sports and Outdoor Activities cal Society has been able to purchase Family Matters Arts and Creativity *PTO meeting high quality video and audio equip- Siblings Music and Dancing WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 ment. Play Health *Early Release for students 2:29 p.m. These will be used to record peo- Elementary and Middle School Food -Big Brothers/Big Sisters ple’s talks on reflections of the past, Family Vacations Movies and TV -Adult Open Gym 7 to 9 p.m. including personal experiences and Clubs Books anecdotes, recollections of events, High School Ancestry and Lineage Brodhead area culture, and local and College Life Records and Other Docu- * Denotes Albany School program. For more information, please family traditions. First Job ments call 608-862-3225. Having these documented mem- Career Choices & Jobs Special Things & Family Heir- - Denotes an Albany Community Center event. For more ories and stories will bring the past Community looms information, please visit the Albany Community Center page on 309226 to life in the present, and give vivid Children & Parenthood Military Service images and more details of people, Weekends Collections Facebook or call 608-862-2488. places, and events. Turning Points If someone from Brodhead His- In addition, these recollections can Retirement torical Society contacts you to see help us all learn about the living tra- Grandchildren if you’d like to share your recollec- SPONSORED BY: ditions — the foods and their prepa- ration, celebrations, customs, music, occupations, and skills — that are a Holidays, Parties, Gifts Sweet Memories Clothes tions for an Oral History recording, we sincerely hope you’ll consider helping us gather and save these trea- AlbAny Mini MArt vital part of daily experience. These Travel sured memories and information. stories, memories, and traditions are powerful expressions of community life and values. We are ready to begin capturing these stories. Holly Everson and Jaine Winters are among the vol- Farmers Brothers Coffee and Tea • Piccadilly Pizza unteers to who could come to your Maple Leaf Cheese • Charley Biggs Chicken home, or meet you at the library in a small room for a recording session. Fosdal Home Bakery - Fresh Daily There will be a minimum of fuss and Summer Shoes and Sandals bother with the equipment, allowing ATM • Car Wash • Liquor Store 8 a.m.-9 p.m. the experience to be more like a visit Arriving Daily! than a performance or scripted talk. 1013 16th Avenue 608-325-4464 Hwy. 59 (next to Sugar River Bike Trail) Begin by thinking of what stories you’d like to share with future gen- Monroe, WI Hours: M-T 10-5; F 10-6, Sat 10-4 608-862-3303 235634 301767
4 • Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - The Independent-Register Behring Senior Center activities for March Veteran’s Monthly Breakfast to sign up for classes. Date: April 23 Scene.” your fee before March 23. Date: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Lincoln And The Civil War Time: 1:00 to 3:00 2nd class Date: Monday, April 9th You have 2 designs and 4 colors to Times: 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Date: Tuesday, March 13 Cost: $12.00 Time: 9:00 to Noon choose from, if your interested stop at Cost: $2 donation Time: 1:30 pm This class is for iPad only. We are go- Cost: $25.00 our reception desk to see the colors and Breakfast is for all Veterans and spous- Dave Ehlert portrays Lincoln in this ing to view several different fee apps in The project will be “The old barn by designs. es ages 55 and over. theatrical production. Learn how the the Apple Store that can be used with your the tree.” Bath In A Bottle The next breakfast will be the First Union President fought against slavery. iPad. Vitamins and Minerals Date: April 10 Wednesday April 4, 2018 If you would like to hear about Lincoln, Craig Siemsen Performs “Route Date: March 23 Time: 1 to 3 p.m. Stop Medicare Fraud Seminar and please call 325-3173 to reserve you seat. 66” Time: 10.00 am Cost: $20.00 Waffle Lunch It’s All About The iPad Date: Tuesday March 20th Learn all about the health benefits, pros Join Liz in a class about natural bath Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Don’t forget to call 325-3173 at The Time: 1:30pm and cons of taking vitamins and minerals. and beauty products you can make your- Time: Noon Behring Senior Center to make arrange- Call 325-3173 to reserve a seat. Call 325-3173 to sign up. self! Cost: $6 for the lunch ments for the class you want to take. Rob- Featuring mostly popular songs and Three-Part Health Series Lunch Call 325-3173 to make a reservation, Don’t let the scam artist steal your in will be the instructor. stories from the 1930’s through the 1960’s. And Learn class fills fast. healthcare dollars. Also learn how to re- Class #1- iPad Basics Do I Matter - By Speaker Mary Dr. Pete Schmitt will be here for a Checkers Tournament port Medicare errors. Date: March 14th Helen Conroy 3-part series to cover health issues that af- Date: Monday April 16 Don’t forget to call 325-3173 to save a Time: 1:00 to 3:00pm Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 fect our senior population. Time: 1 p.m. seat for you. Cost: $12. Time: 1:30pm Please call 325-3173 and make your Sign up at the front desk or call 325- Quilting Class This class is for beginners who want to She shares her experiences and reservation for 1 or all three sessions. 3173 to play and try to win “the top dog” Date: Tuesdays March 6th, 13th, 20th learn how to use the iPad. thoughts about what it means to grow old. First Class: Sleep Problems trophy. We also have 2nd and 3rd place and 27th Class #2- iPad Plus Join us for this warm and insightful pro- Date: March 27th prizes. Time: 1:00 to 4:00pm Date: April 6 gram. Please call to sign up at 325-3173. Time: 11:30am Human Growth and Development Instructor: Tereesa Schroeder Cost: Time: 9:00 to 11:00am Facebook for Beginners Cost: $6.00 for soup and salad Date: April 17 to June 7 $18. Cost: $12. Date: March 22nd and 23rd (Thursday Second class: How To Reduce 8 weeks held on Tuesdays and Thurs- Learn what to do with the leftover ma- Looking for more info? This is the class & Friday) Stress days terials and learn 2 quilt patterns. for you. Time: 1:00 to 2:30 pm Date: April 10 Time: 10-11:30 am Call 325-3173 or stop at our front desk Class #3 - Exploring Apple Apps Cost: $12 Time: 11:30am Cost: $25. First day we will learn basic functions, Cost: $6.00 for Subway lunch Class will be limited to 15 people. call and the 2nd day we will be learning about Third Class: Digestive Problems 325-3173 to make your reservation. Juda wins conference privacy settings and adding photos. Class Date: May 8 Learn how to invigorate yourself, but limit is 8 people. Call 325-3173 to sign up. Time: 11:30am also inspire the community around you. Oil Painting With Nina Cost: $6.00 for Baked Potato Bar Twa Dogs Music Group math competition Two great opportunities to create your Lunch Date: Tuesday April 17 own works of art. Just call 325-3173 to Sign Painting Class – By The Time: 1:30 pm reserve your seat. Purple Vessel Daryl and Cynthia Cameron-Fix will The Juda School District Math Team is pleased to announce the results 1st class Date: March 26 Class date: Monday April 2 perform Celtic Scottish and Irish reels, jigs of the 10th Annual Six Rivers East Conference Math Meet held Feb. 21 at Time: 9:00 to Noon Time: 1:30 – 4 p.m. and many other tunes. Juda High School. Cost: $25.00 Cost: $25.00 To enjoy this music program, stop in or Albany, Barneveld, Black Hawk, Monticello, Pecatonica and host You will be painting a “Grist Mill You must make your selection and pay call 325-3173 to save your seat. school Juda, competed that afternoon representing the Six Rivers East Letter to the Editor conference. Approximately 220 students competed, attempting over 5,000 math problems. “The meet went great. The volunteers, the teachers at Juda, the teachers Y2Y students doing laudable One of the groups I’d like to high- GUPPY representatives have re- from the Six River’s schools just work hard to make the event a success work at BHS light is the Youth to Youth (Y2Y) quested a video so they can start oth- and so do the mathletes,” said Juda math instructor and event organizer To the Editor: group of teens. With a membership er Green County District Y2Y groups Scott Anderson. “Every year, I am impressed with the quality of students.” Often we hear people say, “These of approximately 65 students, Y2Y in their schools. The math meet was organized into two Levels, Freshmen and Sopho- kids today don’t care about anything is focused on coming alongside oth- Please join us Monday, March 19, mores were Level I and Junior & Seniors were Level II. Top scorers were but texting on their phones.” This is er students to stop bullying, address when the Y2Y group will be shar- recognized as 1st team and 2nd team All-Conference at both levels. not only untrue everywhere, but par- drug problems, and uplift others to ing this information with the entire There was a tie for the meet’s top performer between Hunter Overland ticularly at Brodhead High School. let them know they are valued. community. There will also be a free of Albany and Taylor Adkins of Juda. Juda led the way placing 17 stu- We can be proud of the many activ- Y2Y students did a presentation community supper sponsored by Bet- dents in Level I and Level II All-Conference. ities our students are involved into for the Green County United Preven- ter Brodhead. Our students do care. Juda placed first, Black Hawk second, and Albany third. help in the schools and in the com- tion Professionals for Youth (GUP- Debbie Williams munity. PY), showing how Y2Y started. The Brodhead Written by Nickole Becker, Dakota Davis, Trent Davis, Victoria Euclide-Petig, Almanzo Friedly, Keagen Haffele, Jenna Jordan, Hailey Kammerer, Zoe Rathsack, Mariah Riese, Sharlene Swedlund, and Kyle Walters WAX MUSEUM gratulations to those wrestlers. this concert. Your dedication and lead- BREWERS GAME The elementary Wax Museum was BASKETBALL ership to the program will be missed. The Juda Recreation District is spon- held yesterday, Tuesday, March 6. The The boys lost their regional game on ART DEPARTMENT soring a trip to a Brewers game. The students had a lot of fun getting into February 27 against Fall River. The fi- Last week the kindergarten class cre- game will be on Sunday, April 8, against EARLY CHILHOOD their character. They also learned a lot nal score was 37-59. Cole Fortney led ated stamps, and the first graders started the Cubs. Tickets are available at the AND 4K SCREENING by doing this project. Thank you to all all scorers with 13 points, followed by working with clay. The second graders Juda School Office and cost $25 per Early childhood and 4k screening who came to learn about their character. Keagen Haffele with 10. The Panthers made coils, and the third graders paint- person. Call (608)934-5251 to reserve for children who will be 3 or 4 years ELEMENTARY NEWS went 6-17 overall and 4-8 in conference ed. The fourth graders worked with silk, your tickets. Seats are located in Sec- old by September 1, 2018, will be held The 4th graders have been learning for the season. and the fifth graders had a clay day. The tion 201 and are Right Field Bleacher on Wednesday, March 21, at the Juda about lumberjacks in reading. As a con- BASEBALL sixth graders worked with balsa wood, seats. Transportation will be provided School District. It will be held from clusion to this unit, they will be having The first baseball practice is Monday, and the Odyssey of the Mind teams had as well as a sack lunch. The bus will 2 to 6 p.m. To keep the day running a Lumberjack Breakfast on Friday, March 19. Come support the boys this work days. The high schoolers contin- leave soon after 9 a.m., so be there early. smoothly, call the Juda School Office at March 9. They will be eating traditional spring. ued working on their furniture projects. Hope to see you there. NHS 608-934-5251 to make an appointment. lumberjack “grub,” and they must fol- SPANISH CLUB The furniture auction is currently going The Induction Ceremony for the new Appointments will last from 30 to 60 low the mess hall rules, “No talking at National Foreign Language Week on and will run until March 23. National Honors Society Members will minutes. If your child has been previ- the mess hall!” This is always a favorite is in progress this week. Yesterday, FFA be held on Wednesday, March 7, at 7 ously screened by the Juda School Dis- unit in the 4th grade. the middle school and high school had The Sectional LDE’s (speaking con- p.m. All family members are welcome trict, you will not need to attend again TRACK games such as speed skating, chariot test) will be held tomorrow in Oregon. to come. A meal will be served follow- unless you feel the need to do so. The first track meet will be held on races, and tricycle races. Each game The FFA would like to wish Rachel Mc- ing the ceremony. Congratulations to SENIOR OF THE WEEK Saturday, March 17, in Platteville. represented a country. Tomorrow the Cullough and Jacob Mahlkuch the best the new members being inducted into Dominik Hoppe was born to Michael RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE dress-up theme is South Korean flag of luck. Rachel will be competing in Job the chapter: Lydia Bouc, Taylor Go- and Gabriela Hoppe on February 17, The next blood drive will be held colors, and Friday the theme is Italian Interview, and Jacob will be competing lackson, Annabell Niedermeier, and 2001. Dominik is a foreign exchange Tuesday, March 27. flag colors. Also, there will be the coun- in Discussion Meet. There are CDE Montana Steinmann. student from Germany who is half Ger- FEBRUARY PBIS tries’ flags hidden around the school for (Career Development Events) sign-ups FORENSICS man and half Peruvian. His favorite Last week the elementary students the students to find. If they do, they are in Mr. Johnson’s room for FFA mem- The Sub-District Competition for Fo- class is gym with Mr. Mansfield, and he had their February PBIS incentive. The to take the flag to Mrs. Williams’ room bers interested in competing. There are rensics took place on March 5. Sub-Dis- enjoys playing basketball and soccer af- students viewed the story of “The Three for a prize. several different categories that they can trict was held at Janesville-Craig this ter school. After high school, Dominik Little Pigs” and then were put into MATH DEPARTMENT compete in such as Floriculture and Ag year, and results from that competition plans to go to college either in Germany groups. The main goal of this project The precalculus class is doing sta- Mechanics. Attention all swine exhibi- will be posted in next week’s paper. or the US. was to not get your house blown over. tistics with real-life probabilities and tors at the county fair level and all state LUNCH SOFTBALL The children who did not earn enough working on bell curves and standard fair exhibitors: There is a class that you Thursday, March 8, breakfast will be There will be a mandatory parent/ dojo points to participate stayed in the deviations. This is the first time Mr. are required to take through the YQCA breakfast pizza; lunch will be spaghet- player meeting on March 8 in the caf- classrooms and worked with teachers Anderson has done any statistics in his (Youth for the Quality Care of Ani- ti and sauce, meatballs, garlic bread, eteria at Juda school. In this meeting, WRESTLING precalculus class since he started teach- mals). There are two different classes: green beans, and pears. Friday, March practice times and the schedule will Two Brodhead-Juda Wrestlers com- ing in Juda. One can be taken online, and the cost 9, breakfast will be long johns; lunch be discussed. The first softball practice peted in the WIAA Wrestling State STEAM for that is $12 per person; the other op- will be french toast sticks, sausage links, will be March 12 after school. The soft- Tournament on February 22-24. Senior The STEAM competition was March tion is Face-to-Face, which is at a cost baked beans, and applesauce. Monday, ball apparel will be delivered in 2 to 3 Trent Davis, at the 220-pound weight 2. The winner will be posted in next of $3 per person. Please contact the March 12, breakfast will be breakfast weeks. Thank you for supporting Ju- class, lost his first match in a decision week’s paper. The winner does not have UW-Extension Office or Mr. Johnson if bar; lunch will be pizza, breadsticks, da-Albany softball. of 1-5 and his consolation match in a to take their Science and Mathematics you have any further questions. marinara sauce, peas, and pears. Tues- READ ACROSS AMERICA decision of 1-5 as well. Jackson Hau- finals. FFA SPRING FRUIT day, March 13, breakfast will be fru- Read Across America Day was a suc- ri, at the 152-pound weight class, won MUSIC DEPARTMENT AND MEAT SALE dels; lunch will be tacos, soft or hard cessful day. They enjoyed their pizza his first match and his semifinals match The Last Blast Concert was held The FFA would just like to give ev- shell, corn, and mixed fruit. Wednesday, while they listened to guest readers. The and competed for first place. He lost in the pit gym on Monday, March 5. eryone a friendly reminder that the fruit March 14, breakfast will be pop tarts; elementary students had a blast reading that match in a decision of 2-10 but still Thank you to all of the seniors for all and meat from the Spring Fruit and lunch will be chicken nuggets, mashed all day. placed second overall in the state. Con- of the hard work and effort they put into Meat Sale will be here on March 13. potatoes, peaches, and fresh bread.
The Independent-Register - Wednesday, March 7, 2018 • 5 Footville exploring options for new public works building By Ryan Broege The plans were generally well-re- out how the village will pay for the property at 118 Commercial Drive, age facilities where the playground EDITOR ceived, although board members project. Board members seemed owned by Jeff Keehn. The law al- formerly sat, and hopes to “actual- The Footville Village Board had questions about window place- generally in favor of the proposed lows the village to recapture land ly turn dirt and start building,” the heard a pitch from Chad Olson of ment and options on how to heat plans, but did not take any action sold to a developer if it was not de- first storage building around May an Elkhorn, Wis., affiliate of Wal- the shop floors. on the project at the meeting. veloped within 12 months, and the 1, 2018. ters Building at their meeting on Olson said the plans were “pret- The village continues to work project completed within two years. McMahon said work in the Feb. 1. ty close to turnkey,” and said if with a few different developers to The action would incur “minimal school will begin once the storage Olson provided preliminary the board were to sign a contract see agreed-upon projects through cost” to the village, said Footville facilities are built, and he is look- drawings of the building, which the next day, work could begin in to completion. The board tabled village clerk Randi Mielke. ing to complete the entire project in would be located on C St., and mid-May. The board, however, still a resolution to initiate “recapture Board member Rich Woodstock about 18 months. whose cost is not to top $200,000. has to acquire the land and figure and resale” proceedings with the expressed his concerns as the body Selck said work is continuing at prepared to vote on tabling the res- the Kaufman Trailers site, and he Orfordville officials hear from olution to allow Keehn more time, was told the site would be opera- and perhaps tally enough time at tional by the summer. the site to earn a bank loan. “It’s the The village is continuing its pur- resident with poor home sale same thing with Kaufman, we keep suit of a vandal who broke both giving extensions,” he said. toilets in the women’s bathroom “I would much rather have him on the afternoon of Jan. 27. Village prospects due to improper zoning build on it as planned,” said Village clerk Randi Mielke said the village Board President Gary Selck. has a case number with the Rock Jeb McMahon was present at the County Sheriff’s department, along meeting, presumably to respond to with video footage of the incident. Ryan Broege lending money to such properties. erence point. a form letter sent by the village ex- Chuck Hagmann inquired about EDITOR “I don’t think it’s as big of a deal The commission, and the village pressing concerns about the prog- the cost and potential tax impli- Kim Leuchtenberg had planned as the banks are making it,” Village board, tabled the matter until Mon- ress at the former Footville Prima- cations of purchasing a piece of to sell his home in the next few Attorney Tim Lindeau said. “It’s a day, March 19, while Village Clerk ry School. McMahon took a phone property owned by the city that is weeks, but that process might be big deal because banks are making Sherri Waege researches what was call early on in the meeting, and did adjacent to his home. Hagmann stalled, since his home was zoned a big deal of it.” done, and when. not return. McMahon did speak to said his neighbors and him have commercial. When Leuchtenberg bought the The board voted unanimously to the Independent-Register last Fri- been tending to the plot – mowing, Leuchtenberg approached the property in 2004, it was zoned both designate no parking on both sides day. weeding and so forth – for years, Orfordville Planning Commis- commercial and residential. The of the north end of S. Maple St., up I’m going to move forward on and he wanted to know if the piece sion about his property on 104 N. village zoning map was amended in to the first residential driveways, the school,” McMahon said. “We could be up for sale. Hagmann’s Richards Street in Orfordville, one 2007, and apparently undue modi- from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. haven’t stopped moving forward proposal was rather quickly shot of seven properties on Richards, fications were made to bring the The reason for the change was the on the school.” down by Selck, who said even an Brodhead and Beloit Streets, which village’s current zoning map into narrow corridor created by students McMahon said he has completed appearance of a conflict of interest are zoned commercial, but housing alignment with the village’s com- parking their cars on the street. Po- the demolition stage of the project, would preclude such a transaction residential buildings. prehensive plan, which may prove lice Chief Brian Raupp said bus- cleared DNR permits for self-stor- from occurring. Leuchtenberg said multiple ill-advised, since the comprehen- es and emergency vehicles were banks have told him that the sale sive plan is an optimistic planning having difficulties making the turn would be forestalled because of document, not a realistic assess- down the street. his property’s commercial zoning distinction. He said from what he understood, the problems arise out ment of current conditions. Village Attorney Michael Oell- erich said the village is investigat- The board also voted to spend $27,400 on new signs for the vil- lage, using $10,000 allocated for Child Development of changes made in the wake of the 2008 housing crisis that swept the country. ing whether the changes were even made permanent, and the proper le- gal notices were filed. Commission the expense last year, along with 2017 unused funds. The board chartered a personnel Days and 4K registration The issue is that banks are now Child development days and 4K registration will be held Thursday, member Terry Morris was adamant committee, as well. Dan Bartelt, reluctant to issue loans for proper- March 8 and Friday, March 9 at Parkview Elementary School. Ap- that he never received notice of Beth Schmidt, and Village Pres- ties zoned commercial but used for pointments will be available from 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 2:00 – the changes, and so suspected the ident David Olsen were named residential purposes, even allow- 4:45 p.m. on Thursday and from 8:0 – 11:15 a.m. on Friday. changes would not hold up to legal members of the personnel commit- able ones. No appointment is needed to register your child for 4 year-old kin- challenge. tee. Larger banks, headquartered in dergarten. Oellerich said the village will re- The next village board meeting Chicago or out east, usually can- This event is for children from the ages of birth to 4½ and their fer to the last legal zoning map be- is Monday, March 12 at 7 p.m. at not lay eyes on the property itself, families living in the Parkview School District. The event includes fore the changes, which were likely Orfordville Village Hall, 303 E. and so are exceedingly cautious in the opportunity to take part in developmental skills screenings, collect made in 2007, and use that as a ref- Beloit St. developmental information and parenting tips and the opportunity to gather community resource information from the following sources: Six Destination Imagination teams heading to state Nine Parkview Destination teams Stevens Point. Davis Borntreger, Athena Condon Exchange Family Resource Center, Local Daycare Providers, Rock County Birth-3, Rock County Health Department and the Orfordville & Janesville Public Libraries. Appointments may be made by calling 6o8-879-2956. participated in the regional Desti- The teams gong to state and their and Michael Sanders coached by nation Imagination competition at members and coaches are: Neon Agnes Jackson. Galactic Improvi- Fran Fruzen Intermediate School Pickel Warriors (Cassius McMa- dogs (Cole McMahon, Justin Gran- in Beloit on Saturday, February 24. hon, Kelon Wendt, Belden Moran, berg, Lily Gestrich, Savanna Warth- All of the Parkview teams medaled. Amelia Luttig, Milo Jackson, Cat- en, Ian Soderstrom, Sam Schwen- Six of the teams placed first or sec- ie Treinen and Sheri Montgomery, gels and Hannah Cox coached by ond and will be participating in the coached by Nikki Lutzke). The 6 Nikki Lutzke). Parkview Tide Pods State Destination Imagination Com- Hungry Magical Doritos (Chloe (Olivia Marcellus, Jenna Hume, petition on Saturday, March 24 in Cleasby, Lacy Blazier, Alex John- Sarah Task, Bryson Kjelland Emily son, Sophie Valley, Grace Krajeck Kjelland and Brooke Boyd coached Introducing the and Mathias Treinen, coached by by Andrea Marcellus). The Circu- Playtime at Robin Nelson). The Skull Kids lar Danger Squids (Benjamin Jack- HE. (Milo Jackson, Trevor Haugen, Ayla son, Owen Knox and Gypsy Byrns Myhre, Sahara Boers-Augustine, coached by Zach Bloom). So smart it can cut water, Albertson v salt and energy usage up to 46%. 608-328-4251 Memorial 60406 60406 Library George Auction Service & Real Estate Auctions Albertson Memorial Library will provide space for a bi-monthly play- THURSDAY, MARCH 8 WIAA Sectional Recently Sold Real Estate by Auction time for young children and their caregivers on the second and fourth • Basketball: Boys Varsity SUNDAY, MARCH 11 • 46 Acre Farm, Center Twp., Evansville • 2210 Hawthorne Ave., Janesville WIAA Sectional • No events scheduled • 79 Acres, Newark Twp., Beloit • 1421 Hawthorne Ave., Janesville Wednesday mornings of the month • Child Dev. Day & 4K MONDAY, MARCH 12 • 11 Acre Farmette, Milton Twp., Milton • 735 Thomas Street, Janesville starting January 24. Registration - No 4K & EC • Zumba 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. • 10 Acre Farmette, Newark Twp., Beloit • 1225 North Sumac Dr., Janesville Playtime provides an opportunity classes • Music Department Parents • 4 Acre Farmette, Rock Twp., Janesville • 422 South Jackson Street, Janesville for children to socialize and use li- FRIDAY, MARCH 9 Meeting 6 p.m. • 2 Acre Farmette, Turtle Twp., Clinton • 38 West Elizabeth Street, Milton brary books, games, and toys; care- • Child Dev. Day & 4K TUESDAY, MARCH 13 • Commercial Building, Evansville • 1042 Wisconsin Ave., Beloit givers can meet other caregivers and Registration - No 4K & EC • PTO meeting at PES 4:30 p.m. • 133 South Madison Street, Evansville • 8217 West Front Street, Orfordville have a free place for children in their classes WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 • 124 South 2nd Street, Evansville • N6151 Cobb Rd., Elkhorn care to play in winter months. SATURDAY, MARCH 10 • Curriculum Committee • 112 Henderson Street, Edgerton • 3.15 Acres, Mauston The library already hosts storytime • Basketball: Boys Varsity Meeting at PES 3:30 p.m. on first and third Wednesdays. Play- Real Estate Listings SOLD time would be an unstructured pro- • 146 Acres, Sharon Twp., Walworth County HUGE Kids’ Sale! gram on Wednesday mornings when • 80 Acre Farm, Dunn Twp., Dane County storytime is not scheduled. The pro- • 936 Walker Street, Janesville gram will rely on parent volunteers Shop North America’s Leading Children’s • 842 South Main Street, Oregon to rotate responsibility for the play and Maternity Consignment Sales Event!™ group. George Auction Service & Real Estate is a 2nd & 3rd generation father and son auction Dates for playtime are as follows: Dane County West, WI service specializing in auction management & auctioneering of real estate, farms, March 14, March 28, April 11, and April 25 at 9:30 a.m. March 23-25, 2018 Alliant's New Holland Pavilion #1 machinery, cattle, business liquidations, antiques, estates, benefits and fundraisers. Contact us to discuss your Real Estate or Personal Property needs. Let our Experience 1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, WI Work for You! This is a drop-in program with Kids & strollers welcome - Alliant charges for parking - Auctioneers & Realtors Dean & Kale George no required registration. Questions? Call the library at 608-862-3491 or 309273 Registered WI Auctioneers: Dean George #486 (cell 608-751-5703), Kale George #2811 (office 608-882-6123) email Registered IL Auctioneer: Kale George #441002280 Albertson Memorial Library is lo- This sale benefits, in part, WE Care - a part of SW CAP. 11211 N. Union Road, Evansville, WI 53536 • • shop. sell. save. smart!™ Realtors: Dairyland Real Estate, LLC cated at 200 N. Water St. in Albany. Cash, Visa, MC, Discover & Amex accepted. FREE Entry with this ad! 309287
6 • Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - The Independent-Register Wisconsin doubles GPS monitoring despite five years of malfunctions, unnecessary jailings Offenders, many in rural areas, say they have been jailed due to technical problems with bracelets; some experts question value of lifetime monitoring By Riley Vetterkind cause of technical problems; Mas- WISCONSIN CENTER FOR sachusetts replaced all 3,000 of its INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM GPS bracelets in 2016, citing poor Cody McCormick spent much of cell coverage. the past seven years incarcerated or Wisconsin DOC officials said on probation after being convicted the benefits of the program out- of fourth-degree criminal sexual weigh any technical drawbacks. conduct in Minnesota. Spokesman Tristan Cook said the Since he had his supervision bracelets provide a “deterrent effect transferred to his home state of Wis- since offenders know they are being consin in late 2016, McCormick tracked.” has been repeatedly thrown in jail. BI Inc., which supplies the an- He lost a job. And he continues to kle bracelets and other monitoring be disturbed by corrections officials equipment, declined to answer ques- calling him — sometimes in the tions about reported problems with middle of the night. the technology. McCormick says these barriers Ranks of monitored to reintegrating into the communi- offenders swells ty stem from a GPS ankle bracelet, According to the Pew Charita- which he was not required to wear ble Trusts, 88,000 offenders were in Minnesota but is required by Wis- strapped with GPS bracelets in 2015 consin to wear for life. As of Janu- — 30 times more than the 2,900 of- ary, Wisconsin monitored 1,258 of- fenders who were tracked a decade fenders on GPS devices at an annual earlier. Wisconsin had a daily av- cost of about $9.7 million. erage of about 1,500 offenders on Five years after the Wisconsin tracking in 2017-18 — a nearly 10- Center for Investigative Journalism fold increase from 158 offenders in documented serious problems with 2008-09. the state’s GPS monitoring pro- Some experts say GPS monitor- gram for offenders — false alerts COBURN DUKEHART/WISCONSIN CENTER FOR INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM PHOTO Brodhead Independent-Register ing can be a useful tool in providing that have landed offenders in jail, Cody McCormick, 29, shows the GPS monitoring device he is required to wear as a result of a sex-re- structure, reducing recidivism, al- disrupting family lives and causing lated conviction while living in Minnesota. He says the device has severely impacted his life, banging up lowing offenders to work and lower- them to lose jobs — inefficiencies his ankle, prohibiting him from wearing shorts or swimming, tearing holes in three pairs of pants and is ing costs compared to incarceration. and inaccuracies with the system socially embarrassing. But technological problems can get remain, according to state and coun- in the way of those benefits. ty records and 16 offenders inter- a bipartisan group of lawmakers in- for about three days. As a result, he sin’s monitored offenders. In all, Mike Nellis, editor of the Jour- viewed for this story. troduced a bill that would make it a lost his job at his family’s restaurant. Wisconsin offenders in May gener- nal of Offender Monitoring, which Such problems have led some law felony for anyone on GPS monitor- Ten months later, McCormick ated more than 260,000 GPS alerts, focuses on the use of monitoring enforcement and other officials to ing to intentionally fail to charge his was incarcerated again, this time for 81,000 of which corrections offi- technology to enhance public safety, doubt the program’s ability to en- or her bracelet. five days. Records from the Sparta cials sorted through manually. said such problems can undercut the sure public safety and assist offend- Offender: Problems Police Department show the arrest The review found: program. ers in reintegrating into their com- from the start stemmed from McCormick alleged- • The state monitoring center lost “To suddenly find yourself carted munities. McCormick, 29, said his troubles ly being located next to a library cell connection 56,853 times with back to prison for something that is Since the Center’s 2013 report, with GPS monitoring began soon af- — a zone off-limits for him — for 895 offenders that month — or an in no way your fault seems to me to the cost of the program and the ter being fitted with an ankle brace- an hour. McCormick said he only average of about 64 times per of- be quite an unnecessary disruption number of offenders under monitor- let in February 2017. Records show drove past it; his roommate, who fender, according to DOC records. in the life of an offender — and ing have roughly doubled. Lawmak- the tracker made by Boulder, Col- was driving with him, affirmed this • Most offenders on monitoring quite at odds with good practice in ers never followed through on calls orado-based BI Inc. was not com- version of the incident. across the state experienced loss of reintegrating them,” Nellis said. to study the system in the wake of municating with the Department of McCormick’s difficulties per- satellite signal, generating 32,766 Cecelia Klingele, a University the Center’s report. State officials Corrections’ Electronic Monitoring sisted. This January, McCormick alerts — half of which were serious of Wisconsin-Madison associate have been unable to produce records Center in Madison because of poor was briefly jailed on a warrant for enough to be investigated. law professor who specializes in of any evaluation of the system’s re- cellular reception at his grand- allegedly tampering with the brace- • Of the 52 arrest warrants issued correctional policy, said DOC is in liability or effectiveness. mother’s house where he lived in let. A police report said McCormick by the DOC monitoring center, ser- a difficult position when it knows In this current report, the Center rural Monroe County. showed them he had not tampered vice request records indicate 13 in- some, or even many, of the alerts it found numerous service requests And even though police found with it. He was later fitted with volved offenders whose equipment receives are caused by equipment and complaints related to bracelets him exactly where he was supposed a new bracelet. Officials did not was having technical problems malfunctions. failing to hold a charge. In February, to be, McCormick was taken to jail charge him with a crime — although around the same time. “Even short periods of jail are tampering is a felony offense. • DOC employees submitted 135 highly disruptive and can cause a “It’s not just the people who are requests for technical problems person to lose his job, be unable to on monitoring devices (who are with GPS tracking devices— 93 for care for children, or even lose stable I am the current Mayor of the City of Brodhead and I affected),” McCormick said. “It’s charging or battery issues with ankle housing,” Klingele said. their family, their jobs, their social bracelets, 12 for signals lost, 14 for Local officials am seeking re-election at the April 3, 2018 election. life.” false tamper alerts. uncertain over GPS I am and will continue to be dedicated to the City of Brodhead. I grew up here, McCormick’s story illustrates Wisconsin’s problems are not Some officials in law enforcement graduated from Brodhead High School, raised three children and now six broader flaws with Wisconsin’s GPS unique. A 2017 examination by the who deal with Wisconsin’s GPS grandchildren, owned and operated my own business, and have been active monitoring program, which relies University College London and program have seen false alerts first- in civic and government organizations. I am committed to the present and on both cell phone and satellite ser- Australian National University of hand and have reservations about future success of Brodhead for generations to come. vice to track offenders. 33 studies of electronic monitoring the program. The Center reviewed data from worldwide found widespread tech- Price County Sheriff Bri- During this campaign there has been criticism of the things done by city a single month, May 2017, to more nological problems. an Schmidt recalled an incident government under my leadership. Much of the criticism has come from people deeply explore the large volume of In 2012, California replaced half in which he refused to detain a that have never been involved in city government, or were involved and alerts being triggered by Wiscon- of the state’s ankle bracelets be- GPS-monitored offender with a decided that it was not something that they wanted to continue doing. It takes warrant because it appeared to stem work to be involved - you do your best to accomplish your goals, but in the from a device malfunction. end majority rules and you need to support that. Criticism is expected, but it “If … you find a gentleman in should come from knowing the issues, attending meetings, and knowing the bed, and the monitor is failing, even facts. There are a number of citizens that are involved in city committees. They though I have the (apprehension) spend countless hours at meetings, volunteering their time and talents, and request, I’m less likely to put that working at various events. All decisions are made with information available person in jail,” Schmidt said. at that time. I feel people should be part of the solution, not the problem. The DOC sees it another way. “There time to be involved is during the decision process, not wait until the decision is no such thing as a ‘false alert,’ ” is made and then criticize. It is difficult to fill some committee positions, but it Cook said. He said the law requires will get more difficult if more work goes into making a decision to only to be offenders to be taken into custody changed at a later time. I am not saying that all decisions have been right and until such alerts can be resolved; cannot be changed, but know the history and facts of the issue. DOC can have them jailed for up to three days to determine whether a I know that 14 years is a long time for one person to be Mayor. I know that the violation occurred. City of Brodhead just completed their Comprehensive Plan that is “the living DOC records show it can take guide for growth and change in the City of Brodhead.” I feel that is the direction days or even weeks to locate er- that the city should follow. The city should be moving forward and supporting rant offenders, especially if they what has already been put in place. I feel it is nonproductive to be challenging are homeless or have removed their every decision that has been made. bracelets. ‘Tail wagging the dog’ I know that I have the experience to help the city move forward. I can offer my Recent studies show that electron- opinion to the committees and the City Council, but I cannot make a motion or ic monitoring combined with tradi- vote, unless there is a tie vote. tional parole methods and treatment I know that change is good. But with a change, will the city be moving could lower rates of arrests, convic- forward, or ______? tions and returns to custody. But a University College London study Thank you for your support — Mayor Doug Pinnow speculates that any positive effects 309382 Paid for by Doug Pinnow. 308724 See JAILINGS, Page 7
The Independent-Register - Wednesday, March 7, 2018 • 7 Losing track: Electronic monitoring pioneer wants less punishment, more reward Robert S. Gable and his twin brother invented one of the first monitoring systems for criminal offenders; he is dismayed by how they are used today By Riley Vetterkind as an alternative to prison that can program that rewards offenders perception of sex offenders, Gable “What you’re doing is develop- WISCONSIN CENTER FOR save states money, Gable views it for good behavior. He likens it to believes his system of positive re- ing an electronically based commu- INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM as chiefly a punishment driven by gambling, which is fueled by the inforcement coupled with “swift, nity support and guidance system,” Robert S. Gable and his late twin public animosity toward sex of- anticipation of unpredictable, and certain and yet moderate” punish- Gable said. brother Kirkland invented the first fenders. sometimes large, rewards. ment for violations could work. He Smartphones could remind of- electronic monitoring system for “You can start simply by the leg- “Turn the corrections system into proposes using today’s technology fenders of upcoming appointments criminal offenders, tracking the lo- islation that’s done,” Gable told a a Las Vegas,” Gable said. — the smartphone. and job-related assignments, keep- cation of at-risk teenagers and pro- reporter. “You know it’s not reha- But such a system, Gable argues, Corrections agencies could track ing necessary structure in their bationers in Massachusetts in the bilitation, it’s a matter of punish- will be a tough sell to the public. offenders through their phones. To lives. And like most people today, 1960s. Electronic monitoring has ment. If you had a public whipping “The public’s perception of sex assure the device is on them, the Gable guesses offenders will want come a long way since then, but not of sex offenders, then you could put offenders — the need for punish- system could use voice verification to keep their cell phones close to necessarily to the liking of Gable, them on probation afterwards, the ment, the lack of rehabilitation — or a thin electronically tethered, them. a professor emeritus of psychology public would feel now the offender they don’t like rewards being giv- tamperproof bracelet worn on the “We will know when monitoring at Claremont Graduate University has been appropriately punished.” en,” said Gable, who along with his ankle or wrist, Gable said. The is a success when offenders want to in California. Instead, Gable, who taught be- brother shortened their last name smartphone would allow probation stay on the system,” he said. While many view the current havioral psychology for 30 years, from Schwitzgebel. officers to more easily dole out The nonprofit Wisconsin Center model for electronic monitoring envisions an electronic monitoring If the public were to soften its positive reinforcement of desired for Investigative Journalism (www. behaviors, he said. collaborates For example, a probation officer with Wisconsin Public Radio, Wis- • Jailings (Continued from page 6) could send a text message acknowl- edging that the offender made it to his treatment group, or telling him consin Public Television, other news media and the UW-Madison School of Journalism and Mass may be due to increased compliance Drake said. Cook said DOC submits service he has received a free pizza coupon Communication. All works created, with treatment programs, not the GPS coverage requests when any potential tech- for arriving at a court date on time. published, posted or disseminated monitoring itself. poor in rural areas nical issue is identified with equip- Asking the public to contribute by the Center do not necessari- Susan Turner, a professor of crim- The system’s ability to accurate- ment. Drake said the DOC should could generate even more rewards ly reflect the views or opinions of inology, law and society at Uni- ly locate offenders in rural areas, regularly replace the batteries; let- for offenders, he said. UW-Madison or any of its affiliates. versity of California-Irvine, argues where cell service is poor, also can ting them go dead is “poor manage- such systems do not provide much be spotty. ment.” benefit for the cost. Several offenders told the Center A life still interrupted In a 2015 study on California’s GPS program that she co-authored, they have received repeated phone calls from the monitoring center or On an early August evening with the summer sun setting behind them, Close To The Red Vest Turner found the system does re- their probation agents asking them McCormick, his fiance Breanna By Tim Stocks, Candidate for Mayor duce recidivism, but only for admin- to regain a signal or informing them Kerssen and a friend packed boxes Issue 16 • March 6, 2018 istrative violations such as failure to they are located in places where of- of belongings into two aging Acura City Budgets for Dummies register as a sex offender, not for fenders claim not to be. sedans and drove down a winding “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand criminal sex and assault violations, David Bay, a sex offender on GPS country road away from his grand- it yourself.” — A. Einstein where recidivism is already “very from Ashland County, has been ar- mother’s house to an apartment in Last week we saw a Pie Chart used to help in understanding the Top Nine low.” rested three times on probation vi- Sparta where McCormick hoped City Budget Expenditures for Brodhead. That information made many ask for “I think they (lawmakers) had the olations since 2013. He claimed the better cell reception would give him more particulars. There is no doubt “the devil is in the details.” So here goes... tail wagging the dog,” Turner said. problem was with his monitoring a life less interrupted by the correc- Per Capita Policing Costs “They hadn’t really thought through bracelet. Bay, 69, of Glidden, said tions system. 2017 Budgets & Census Bureau what exactly they hoped to accom- he faces days in jail if he strays too “I was tired about getting phone 400 plish by putting it on, other than just far from the beacon at his home. calls (from the monitoring center),” 34 4 .4 4 saying we got the GPS on the sex Battery malfunctions are widely McCormick said as he surveyed his offender.” reported, according to DOC records. new yard. “Here, I don’t have to 300 34 4 .4 4 302.88 Technical malfunctions Of the 93 service requests submitted worry about that as much.” 302.88 lead to jailings in May for battery problems, some McCormick’s optimism, it turns 225.5 Offenders interviewed by the were for batteries that failed to take out, was misplaced. Dollars 201.13 195.13 Center say they generally have ex- a charge or drained within a few In addition to two more arrests 200 225.5 166.98 perienced fewer malfunctions as hours. BI Inc., the device manufac- since moving to Sparta, the moni- 201.13 195.13 time passes. Jessa Nicholson Goetz, turer, advertises that its devices can toring center called McCormick in 99.68 166.98 a Madison-based criminal defense hold a charge for up to 80 hours. October when he came within half 100 attorney, said that technological im- When GPS bracelets lose their a block of a liquor store, which is 99.68 provements have largely resolved charge prematurely, offenders who one of his exclusion zones. Anoth- the malfunctions her clients experi- are outside of their homes must race er time, he had to return home early 0 enced. to find a place to gain a charge, or from helping with his grandmother’s Brodhead Evansville Monroe Belleville Brooklyn Monticello New Glarus Still, problems do remain. face jail time. fall yard cleanup. Municipality James Morgan, a sex offender “When they go dead, they go dead The monitoring center said it profiled in the Center’s original fast,” said Steven Nichols, 48, of could not gain a signal. report who was jailed for alleged Whitehall. “I once charged it fully The nonprofit Wisconsin Center Policing is Brodhead’s single largest budget expenditure. This graph depicts the cost of policing for every man, woman, and child (per capita) in Brodhead GPS violations at least eight times and drove to Eau Claire (a 50-min- for Investigative Journalism (www. as compared to nearby communities. I’m sure there are many reasons why between 2011 and March 2013, has ute drive), and it was beeping that collaborates Brodhead bears such a heavy cost for policing. It should be said, however, been arrested three times since then the battery was dead.” with Wisconsin Public Radio, Wis- Brodhead and Monroe do not rely on county dispatching. They have elected for alleged GPS violations. DOC re- Jason Wolford, a 37-year-old of- consin Public Television, other news to maintain their own. cords show that one time was for a fender on lifetime GPS, said he has media and the UW-Madison School Second, Public Works: Last week’s chart showed PW as the second largest lost signal, which was not Morgan’s spent up to five hours sitting in one of Journalism and Mass Commu- budget expenditure for the city. Further breakdown may help to understand fault. In another case, Morgan said, place to charge an older unit. GPS nication. All works created, pub- where all that money goes. Note that 17.7% goes to fixing those pot holes and his bracelet malfunctioned. service requests show reports of lished, posted or disseminated by plugged storm sewers you’ve recently noticed. If found guilty of violating the charging taking up to seven hours. the Center do not necessarily reflect Public Works Expeditures by Entity terms of his monitoring, Morgan, Offenders say new units charge in the views or opinions of UW-Madi- 2017 Budget City of Brodhead 58, could be returned to prison for about 30 minutes. son or any of its affiliates. All Othe rs : 50220 Dollars years. That prospect keeps him up at night. Snow Re movalAll : 2637 2 rs Othe Dollars : 50220 Dollars T rash PU & Disposal : 1184 7 0 Dollars “I could potentially never walk Snow Re moval : 2637 2 Dollars T rash PU & Disposal : 1184 7 0 Dollars out,” Morgan said as his daughter, PW Garage : 31637 Dollars Angela, and new wife, Rachel, lis- PW Garage : 31637 Dollars tened beside him. PW Equip. : 4 04 92 Dollars George Drake, president of Correct Tech LLC, an Albuquer- PW Equip. : 4 04 92 Dollars que-based corrections technology Re cycling : 91629 Dollars consulting company, said agencies Stre e t Lighting : 637 00 Dollars should use more discretion. Re cycling : 91629 Dollars “If I take this guy into custody, for Stre e t Lighting : 637 00 Dollars this two-minute curfew violation, Stre e t De pt. : 907 88 Dollars it’s going cost (the offender) his Trash PU & Disposal Recycling Stre eStreet t De pt.Dept. : 907 88 Dollars Street Lighting job, and he won’t be able to pay the PW Equip. PW Garage Snow Removal All Others victim his restitution, and it’s going to create an awful lot of hardships,” And finally “Fire Hydrant Rental”. Water used for putting out fires isn’t free. The rural folks must pay the Fire District for water hauled and used to fight their fires. City folks have hydrants strategically located for fire fighters to use. These, too, are not for free. Since a meter would be impractical on each and LOCAL NEWS ON-LINE every hydrant the Wisconsin PSC decided to require cities to pay a fee for indreg each hydrant. They also annually set the amount of that fee. Our annual rent for 2017 was $202,212. .com I hope these charts helped to answer some of your city budget questions, but more importantly I hope they made you ask yourself a great many more. So what does all of this have to do with electing a mayor? It’s the type of transparency you can expect from me if I’m elected your mayor. An informed public will help you to help your city make better decisions. My name is Tim Stocks and I want to be your mayor. 309271 Paid for by the Committee to Elect Tim Stocks Mayor. 309383
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