TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

Page created by Ben Lane
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle




        The world’s
     greatest getaways
     Ranking and rating the 100 best places to stay and play
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle
               ever have I wanted to have             We have produced a GB&I £60 and           recognised. 40 marks
               more pages for a Top 100             Under ranking already and an Under          n ACCOMMODATION
               ranking than this month. It is       £35 will follow in 2022. Believe me,        The range, quality and quantity of
        nearly 40 pages in size and dominates       we are very conscious of the cost of        the accommodation. 20 marks
        the magazine – I don’t think anyone can
        suggest we aren’t taking these Top
        100s seriously! But there are so many
        more resorts I would love to have
                                                    the top-end destinations.
                                                      And finally on this, we also hope
                                                    there is some escapism, as we plough
                                                    through a British winter, in looking at
                                                                                                n NON-GOLF AMENITIES
                                                                                                Additional facilities that can make
                                                                                                a resort a family and couples
                                                                                                attraction. 20 marks
                                                                                                                                          MORE THAN JUST GOLF
        showcased with bigger pictures.             pictures of and reading about so many       n SETTING
          I’ve tried to pick out resorts from       sun-kissed foreign fields.                  Lots of 14s and 15s for standard
        different parts of the world and with a                                                 countryside locations, but those that        TOP
        different look in a bid to illustrate the   HOW DID WE DO IT                            drop jaws get a boost with 18 and 19s
        fact there is something for everyone.       Firstly, what is a golf resort? It’s an     – occasionally even higher. 20 marks      CONTINENTAL EUROPE

          There are resorts from 33 countries       important point to clarify as it explains                                                COURSES 2022
                                                                                                                                              GOLF DU MEDOC

        and with so much variety – some are         why Resort X made it in yet Resort Y           Golf is clearly still the key
        very golf-centric, others have especially   didn’t. We define a resort like this: the   category in all of this, but we take
        amazing accommodation, plenty have          course and accommodation have to            accommodation and non-golf
        so much to do away from the course.         be owned by the same company and            amenities into account fairly strongly,
        Among this diversity, there are two         the accommodation has to be on-site.        because we didn’t want a list of
        themes: many are spectacular seaside        Any time there is a short transfer time     ‘courses with rooms’ and to end up
        entries; and many are expensive.            involved, the resort loses a mark in the    with a list of Top 100-ranked courses
          I do realise that precludes many from     ‘setting’ category.                         with a dormy house. We wanted to
        ever going to them, and we are very            Led by myself (I’ve been to 59 of the    include rounded resorts that could
        conscious of that; we want these Top        100), well-travelled figures from the       appeal to couples and families as well
        100s to be relevant and to be used as a     golf travel industry, in addition to our    as those for absolute golf nuts.
        guide to plan your trips. But adding a      GB&I and continental Europe panels,
        value element would have been so            assessed all 100 in these categories:         I hope you enjoy these next 30-
        hard, given there are so many packages                                                  plus pages – just be prepared to start
        for so many resorts. Tracking all the       n GOLF COURSE/S                             feeling the travel itch very strongly.
        deals available via third parties would     The quality of the course/s – with
        have made this ranking impossible!          second or third courses duly                Chris Bertram, Top 100 Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CH¬TEAUX COURSE


                                                                                                                                          CONTINENTAL EUROPE
                                                                                                                                             COURSES 2022
                                                                                                                                              GOLF DU MEDOC


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   Dominican Republic                                                                                                                                                                                                               VIGNES COURSE

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TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

                                                       THE SCOTSMAN WHO
                                                       STARTED A DYNASTY
                                                       David McLay Kidd on his big Bandon break
                                                       My father was a greenkeeper and eventually estates
                                                       manager at Gleneagles, so I was around golf all my
                                                       life. I took a landscape architecture degree and
                                                       worked a little in the industry before joining
                                                       Gleneagles myself. They had been bought by
                                                       Guinness, who decided they were going to spread the
                                                       Gleneagles brand by creating more Gleneagles-
                                                       inspired resorts all over the world; Gleneagles New
                                                       York or Gleneagles Caribbean. They created a small

                                                       team to start that process and I spent the next few
                                                       years travelling the world, looking at different sites
                                                       Guinness were buying or thinking of buying.
                                                       Gleneagles then decided not to build the 10 resorts
                                                       they were planning and, towards the end of my time
                                                       with Gleneagles Golf Development, through necessity
                                                       we started to sell our services to third parties.
                                                          One of those services was me, as a course designer.
                                                       And along came Mike Keiser who, strictly speaking,
                                                       hired Gleneagles Golf Development to build Bandon
                                                       Dunes. Every major design firm had looked at the
                                                       land, but a friend of his, Rick Summers, who is a golf
                                                       publisher on the East Coast and who also knew Ian
                                                       Ferrier at Gleneagles, said, “Why don’t you hire a
                                                       Scotsman to do this project?” He said, “I would if I
                                                       could find any”. So that’s how we came to be in touch.

  BANDON DUNES                                            I went over to Bandon Dunes with my father for a
                                                       week and then met Mike and I thought, he’s probably
        PORTLAND, USA                                  not going to hire me, so I was as blunt as a Scotsman
                                                       can be. I said, “You’re going to build a pastiche,
  Courses 40 (+10) Accommodation 16                    American-style course with cart paths and crass
  Amenities 12 Setting 19 TOTAL 97                     things. However, if you weren’t going to do that and
                                                       were serious about building a links, these would be
  It had to be Bandon Dunes. With a staggering         the fundamental things you would have to do. You’d
  FOUR courses in our World Top 100 and the            have to make people walk, and keep the clubhouse
  fifth a contender for that list, this golf Mecca     away from the beach because the way the land is, the
  in Oregon simply had to be our No.1 resort.          only way to get to the clubhouse would be to drive the
  As our marking system indicates, we want             access road through the course. No Scottish or Irish
  resorts that offer more than just great golf, and    links would have that. Anyway, Mike liked what he
  while Bandon’s accommodation and especially          heard and must’ve thought I had something about
  non-golf amenities are limited compared to           me, so invited me back again. In the autumn of 1997
  many in this list, four World Top 100 courses        I started building it and was there every single day
  is simply bewildering. So much so that Mike          until it was finished. I had been indoctrinated with
  Keiser’s resort broke our marking system.            this Scottish golfing sensibility my entire life and,
  Scoring Bandon 40/40 for its courses would           aged 27, I found myself building a links in America.
  have meant scoring other resorts unflatteringly      So I was spewing forth that fairways had to be wide,
  low to compensate. We’ve thus adapted                bunkers had to be strategic not penal, greens had to
  Bandon’s marks, so the rest can look sensible.       look like they were seamless in the landscape.
  The five 18-holers – by David McLay Kidd, Tom           Did I think it would become the Mecca it is today?
  Doak (2), Bill Coore-Ben Crenshaw (2) – plus a       When we were building Bandon Dunes, Mike mused
  brilliant 13-hole Par 3 are the reasons you fly to   as to whether to offer only Bud or include Bud Light,
  Oregon. There are two inns, 44 cottages, a           and whether there would only be cheeseburgers on
  massage centre, fishing and hiking. But this is      the menu. The expectation was that there would be
  all about the golf – and it is, in no uncertain      fewer than 10,000 rounds a year, so the amenities
  terms, the greatest show on earth.                   would be minimal. So I guess the answer is a ‘No’!

94 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                    TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 95
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

   Courses 36 Accommodation 20
                                  A TOUCH
                                  OF CLASS

   Amenities 20 Setting 18 TOTAL 94

   Just three marks between Gleneagles and
   Bandon Dunes, yet they are so different in
   terms of what they offer. Of course
   Gleneagles has world-class golf of its own,
   with a World Top 100 entry (King’s), a
   GB&I Top 100 entry (Queen’s) and a
   Scottish Top 100 entry (PGA Centenary),
   but it can’t compete with Bandon for quality
   and quantity of course. Nowhere can.
   Where Gleneagles becomes a much more
   attractive resort for many is in terms of its
   accommodation and non-golf amenities.
      There was never any doubt Gleneagles
   would earn top marks in both categories.
   The bedrooms and public rooms of the grand
   hotel are exquisite, mixing old-world
   character with new-age luxury and
   amenities. The bathrooms alone are an
   experience in themselves; even those of us
   who dwell only briefly on pampering will
   linger longer among the opulence of the retro
   bath, sleek shower, high-end toiletries and
   fluffiest of towels.
      The food has no peer, and regular readers
   will know we consider the breakfast at
   Gleneagles to be a bucket-list experience.
   Take your pick from the various watering
   holes, but take our advice and find time for at
   least one cocktail in The American Bar.
      No resort in this ranking has more to do
   away from the course. There is gundog
   handling, archery, air rifle shooting, tennis,
   survival training, a spa and fitness centre,
   indoor and outdoor heated pools, off-road
                                                       Above The
   driving, horse riding, bike riding, fishing and     Gleneagles Estate
   many more we have forgotten.                        is home to three
      But let’s not overlook the golf. In the James    championship
   Braid-designed King’s and Queen’s it has two        courses, an elite
                                                       practice facility
   of Britain’s finest inland courses, courses that    and a nine-hole
   ooze enduring class and atmosphere. The             par 3 course.
   King’s is the star, a World Top 100 course that
   has a perfect balance between challenge and         Far left You may
                                                       never want to
   enjoyment for club golfers. The Queen’s is a        leave the opulence
   delight; playable and cute, a course you’d like     of your bathroom.
   to play time and again. And while the PGA
   Centenary is regarded as the No.3 here, that        Left The
                                                       luxury hotel is
   is very relative; it is a fixture in our Scottish   surrounded by
   Top 100 and a Ryder Cup host.                       more than 850
      So, not the wealth of golf riches of Bandon,     acres of hill,
   but for families and couples in particular,         field, stream and
                                                       green. A ‘glorious
   there is not a finer golf resort in the world.      playground’ for all.
   Very possibly the greatest No.2 we have had
   in all of our Top 100s. What a place.

TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle
                                      Pinehurst has NINE courses and scores 93         masterclass in course architecture.
                                      yet isn’t even second on the list – that’s the      But it’s not just about No.2 – far from it. In
                                      mind-blowing quality at the top of this          fact some even think it might not even be the
                                      ranking. It’s a list of one resort after         best course on the property. No.4, by Hanse,
                                      another you’d give anything to visit.            has its fans, as does No.1, where it all started
                     171 HOLES           Its golf offering is akin to adding all the   in 1898. No.3, created by Donald Ross in 1910,
                      ON SITE!        courses at Carnoustie to all those at Woburn     is a fun, sporty course that has all of the
                                      to all those at Rosapenna. And they also have    great Scot’s design characteristics.

                                      a fabulous nine-hole par 3 designed by Gil          Away from the 171 holes, there are three
                                      Hanse, The Cradle, which has quickly             hotels, condominiums, villas, six
                                      become a ‘must play’ part of any trip here.      restaurants, spa, lawn sports, tennis, hiking/
         NORTH CAROLINA, USA          Like Bandon, it ‘broke’ our golf mark system.    biking trails, fishing, fitness – as if you’ll
                                         Among the 18-holers, No.2 is in our World     have time for anything but golf!
   Courses 40+2 Accommodation 18
   Amenities 17 Setting 16 TOTAL 93   Top 100 at No.8, a Donald Ross design that          And the hotels are top class. The Carolina
                                      was renovated by Coore-Crenshaw before           has been dubbed the ‘Queen of the South’
                                      the US Open won by Martin Kaymer. The            and is a grand, century-old building with 230
                                      anchor site for the US Open, it is simply a      rooms. A touch of class.

TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

                                                                                                                                                                                                           7            EPIC

                                                                                                                                                                                                           BARNBOUGLE DUNES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Courses 38 Accommodation 17 Amenities 14 Setting 20 Total 89

                                                                                                                                                                                                           There are two bucket-list courses      and three four-bedroom,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           here – Barnbougle Dunes by Tom         four-bathroom villas, each with
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Doak and Mike Clayton, and             its own large living room and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lost Farm by Coore-Crenshaw            kitchenette. There are also
                                                                                                                                                                                                           – which are No.19 and 28               two-bedroom ocean villas. A Spa
                                                                                                                                                                                                           respectively in our World Top 100      at Lost Farm and good dining
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ranking. Then there’s a fabulous       lead the relatively limited
                                                                                                                                                                                                           new short course as well as a          amenities. This is mainly
                                                                                                                                                                                                           50-room Lodge, located at Lost         awesome golf, but worth every
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Farm, 22 two-bedroom cottages,         mile of the journey to Tasmania.

  4 TURNBERRY                                     5 PEBBLE BEACH                                   6 STREAMSONG                                      8 KIAWAH ISLAND                                   9 CABOT CLIFFS                                    10 TERRE BLANCHE
      AYRSHIRE, SCOTLAND                             PEBBLE BEACH, USA                                FLORIDA, USA                                      SOUTH CAROLINA, USA                               NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA                                NICE, FRANCE
  Courses 36 Accommodation 18                     Courses 37 Accommodation 19                      Courses 39 Accommodation 17                       Courses 36 Accommodation 18                       Courses 38 Accommodation 18                       Courses 30 Accommodation 20
  Amenities 18 Setting 20 Total 92                Amenities 15 Setting 20 Total 91                 Amenities 17 Setting 17 Total 90                  Amenities 16 Setting 19 Total 89                  Amenities 12 Setting 20 Total 88                  Amenities 20 Setting 18 Total 88
  An entry that frankly needs little              You think it is all about that course, but it    It would have been a very worthy No.1,            We think you’ll agree the strength in depth       Canada’s top resort is in the top 10 on the       The only entry in the top 10 without a
  description, other than to say the              isn’t. Pebble Beach has under its umbrella       because its golf offering is sensational and it   of this top 10 is crazy. Another South Carolina   back of two World Top 100 courses. Cabot          World Top 100 course among its attractions.
  overhauled Ailsa (by Martin Ebert) is           three hotels, with 492 rooms and suites in       has at least as good accommodation and            entry, this time the 1991 Ryder Cup and 2021      Cliffs by Coore-Crenshaw is No. 22 and            Continental Europe’s No.1 resort has two
  a masterpiece and the King Robert the           total, five courses (Pebble, Spanish Bay,        better amenities than Bandon. Streamsong          US PGA host. It boasts 242 rooms and 13           Cabot Links by Rod Whitman, Coore’s               terrific courses though, and they are backed
  Bruce is also much improved. We gave it         Spyglass Hill, Del Monte and a nine-hole         comprises one hotel, three World Top 100          suites, 400 villas, five courses headlined by     right-hand man, is No.45. Both enjoy a            up by high-class accommodation, a wealth
  one of the highest golf marks, the setting is   par 3), 10 restaurants, a spa, hiking/biking     courses, four restaurants, spa, fishing, clay-    World Top 100 entry the Ocean, fitness, spa,      breathtaking Cape Breton setting. Chic Golf       of amenities and a delightfully tranquil
  epic and the hotel is also hugely improved.     trails, and equestrian centre. No.5 feels low.   shooting, archery, pool. Tempting, isn’t it?      pool, tennis, and 15 restaurants and bars.        Villas and Lodge Rooms. Limited amenities.        setting. Terre Blanche ticks all the boxes.

100 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 101
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

                                                                                          This super-resort lies on      rooms and suites while the
                                                                                          613 hectares of lush           Spa boasts an indoor
                                                                                          countryside, sheltered by
                                                                                          the Outeniqua Mountains.
                                                                                                                         heated Roman Bath and
                                                                                                                         wellness treatments. The
                                                                                                                                                                       « Come as a guest,
                                                                                          There are three Gary
                                                                                          Player-designed courses
                                                                                          including one in our
                                                                                                                         Leisure Centre has an
                                                                                                                         array of facilities, while
                                                                                                                         there is a Kidz Club, teen
                                                                                                                                                                     leave as a storyteller »
                                      FANCOURT                                            World Top 100, The Links,
                                                                                          which is backed up by
                                                                                                                         lounge, gym, cinema,
                                                                                                                         indoor heated and outdoor
                                           GEORGE, SOUTH AFRICA                           Outeniqua and Montagu
                                                                                          as well as the six-hole
                                                                                                                         swimming pool. Tennis,
                                                                                                                         running and walking
                                      Courses 34 Accommodation 18 Amenities 18            Bramble. The Fancourt          trails, bird watching and
                                      Setting 18 TOTAL 88                                 Hotel offers 115 luxurious     fishing complete the scene.

   11 COSTA NAVARINO                                   12 CASA DE CAMPO                                14 ADARE MANOR
      KALAMATA, GREECE                                     PUNTA CANA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC                 LIMERICK, IRELAND
   Courses 32 Accommodation 19                         Courses 34 Accommodation 18                     Course 32 Accommodation 20
   Amenities 19 Setting 18 Total 88                    Amenities 18 Setting 18 Total 88                Amenities 19 Setting 17 Total 88
   Another entry from Continental Europe,              Three brilliant courses – Teeth of the Dog      Adare can celebrate being the World’s No.1
   this one with two courses in our Top 100            (World Top 100 entry), Dye Fore and The         single-course golf resort. It’s a serious
   mainland Europe ranking – the technical             Links – all by Pete Dye. A Caribbean setting    honour... just look at the awesome multi-
   Dunes by Bernhard Langer/Ross                       that is medicine for the eyes. A variety of     course resorts beneath it. A hugely
   McMurray, and the scenic Bay by Robert              rooms and suites as well as luxury villas –     improved course is allied to accommodation
   Trent Jones Jnr. Two wonderful hotels and           some oceanfront. A spa, pools, and a wealth     that has no peer in this list – that’s saying               TERRE BLANCHE HOTEL SPA GOLF RESORT *****
   amenities that include a mini water park.           of sports such as tennis and water sports.      something. Just an incredibly special place.    3100 Route de Bagnols-en-ForÍt 83440 Tourrettes | Provence-Alpes-CÙte díAzur | France
                                                                                                                                                                       T : + 33 (0)4 94 39 90 00 |
                                                                                                                                                          35 minutes away from Cannes | 45 minutes away from Nice International Airport
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

                                                                                                                                         15 SUN CITY                                       16 DIAMANTE                                       17 SANDY LANE
                                                                                                                                            JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA                        CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO                            ST JAMES, BARBADOS
                                                                                                                                         Courses 32 Accommodation 19                       Courses 33 Accommodation 18                       Courses 32 Accommodation 19
                                                                                                                                         Amenities 20 Setting 17 Total 88                  Amenities 17 Setting 19 Total 87                  Amenities 18 Setting 18 Total 87
                                                                                                                                         Home to two 18-hole courses designed by           Headlined by Davis Love’s The Dunes, a            The famous Green Monkey – the Tom Fazio
                                                                                                                                         Gary Player – Lost City and Gary Player –         World Top 100 course that weaves through          layout carved from an old stone quarry
                                                                                                                                         complemented by an incredible array of            Pacific dunes with views of beach and ocean       which is exclusive to Sandy Lane guests –
                                                                                                                                         five-star accommodation, from the                 from nearly every hole. There’s also Tiger        plus The Old Nine and The Country Club
                                                                                                                                         exquisitely designed The Palace to the chic       Woods’ El Cardonal design, luxury studios         are lush, immaculate parklands. The high-
                                                                                                                                         Cabanas. Amenities range from a world-            and villas, a 10-acre saltwater lagoon for        end villas and suites make you feel like you
                                                                                                                                         class water park and nightlife to Big 5 safari.   water sports, plus a spa and fitness centre.      have the resort to yourself. Exceptional spa.

                                                                                                                                         18 PGA CATALUNYA                                  20 THE AMERICAN CLUB                              21 CARYA
                                                                                                                                            GIRONA, SPAIN                                     WISCONSIN, USA                                    BELEK, TURKEY
                                                                                                                                         Courses 32 Accommodation 19                       Courses 36 Accommodation 18                       Courses 33 Accommodation 19
                                                                                                                                         Amenities 19 Setting 17 Total 87                  Amenities 15 Setting 18 Total 87                  Amenities 19 Setting 16 TOTAL 87
                                                                                                                                         A top-20 continental European course, the         All under the Kohler umbrella, the AC has         Two continental European Top 100 courses
                                                                                                                                         Stadium, that is complemented by a very           2021 Ryder Cup course Whistling Straits, its      (Carya and The National) are backed up by
                                                                                                                                         good No.2, the Tour. Both are beautifully         sister Irish, as well as Blackwolf Run’s River    the wonderful Regnum Carya hotel, which
                                                                                                                                         presented. There are two hotels, the              and Meadow Valleys and a par 3 course.            is luxurious, stylish and is beaten by very
                                                                                                                                         Camiral and the Lavida, plus villas to rent.      Two hotels, four cabins, seven restaurants,       few in this ranking in terms of non-golf
                                                                                                                                         The Camiral is absolutely gorgeous with           pools, tennis, fitness, hiking/biking... but it   amenities – everything from a water park
                                                                                                                                         plenty of facilities. A terrific all-rounder.     loses a Setting mark for a 10-minute transfer.    to bowling alley. Amazing for families.

                                        Kyle Phillips-designed golf courses and            The hotel more than matches the
                                        a Rocco Forte hotel sounds like it should       golf, with accommodation set down in a
                                        be pretty impressive – and the reality truly    succession of low-rise apartments, all with

                                        is. Add in a cliff-edge and beachside setting
                                        and Verdura’s allure is pretty obvious.
                                                                                        course or sea views. It is all done incredibly
                                                                                        tastefully, as luxury meets elegance and         22 ROSAPENNA                                      23 BELLE MARE PLAGE                               24 FAIRMONTBANFFSPRINGS
                              SETTING      The two courses have actually changed        comfort at every turn.                              DOWNINGS, IRELAND                                 POINTE DE FLACQ, MAURITIUS                        BANFF, CANADA
                                        significantly in the past year after a freak       The amenities start with an infinity pool
                                                                                                                                         Courses 37 Accommodation 17                       Courses 31 Accommodation 18                       Course 32 Accommodation 18

                                        storm required redesign work by Phillips.       that is just yards from the gorgeous white
                                                                                                                                         Amenities 14 Setting 18 Total 86                  Amenities 18 Setting 19 Total 86                  Amenities 17 Setting 18 Total 85
                                        Once very equal in status as far as we were     sand beach and continue with the water
                                        concerned, the West just pipping the East,      sports available in the azure Med. There is      The brand-new St Patrick’s Links by Tom           Two courses and a five-star hotel located         Located in Banff National Park, a UNESCO
         SICILY, ITALY                  now the latter is clearly superior. And it is
                                        really, really good.
                                                                                        also a superb gym and spa, plus a kids’ club.
                                                                                           There is an appealing, relaxed vibe to
                                                                                                                                         Doak is a game changer for Rosapenna.
                                                                                                                                         Certain to be in our next World Top 100
                                                                                                                                                                                           on the edge of the Indian Ocean. The Links,
                                                                                                                                                                                           by Peter Alliss and Rodney Wright, opened
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             World Heritage Site, the 757-room Banff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Springs hotel – Canada’s ‘Castle in the
   Courses 33 Accommodation 19             Phillips is one of the world’s great         Verdura, illustrated by the fact you get         Courses, combined with the existing Sandy         in 2002 while the Legend was designed by          Rockies – is a landmark in the eponymous
   Amenities 16 Setting 19 TOTAL 87     architects and he has made the most of the      about the resort on vintage cycles. And          Hills and Old Tom Morris, it makes it one         former European Tour player Hugh                  alpine town. The Stanley Thompson course,
                                        cliff-edge stretch while creating memorable     guess what, it’s Italy, so the restaurants       of the strongest golf offerings in the world.     Baiocchi in 1994. The hotel is a delight, and     No.78 in our World Top 100, is complemented
                                        holes on the less dramatic ground inland.       serve food to die for.                           Limited amenities, but a large hotel.             packed with amenities, the setting dreamy.        by a spa, bowling, fitness and a kids’ club.

106 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 107
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle


        MANAGUA, NICARAGUA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       FOR 2022
   Course 26 Accommodation 20 Amenities 18 Setting 20 Total 84                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cabot St Lucia is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           guaranteed entry next time,
   Yes, Nicaragua. And yes, it really is good        private pool are simply out of this world                                                                                                                                                                               with a Coore-Crenshaw
   enough for the top 30. A David McLay              and just yards from a pristine beach that                                                                                                                                                                               design in a spectacular
   Kidd course – called Guacalito de la Isla –       is a dream for kids, surfers and runners.                                                                                                                                                                               setting, plus high-end
   is just the start. It has a tropical feel as it   The spa is exceptional – and one of the                                                                                                                                                                                    lodging. It looks
   winds among native vegetation in an area          very best in this ranking. There is tennis,                                                                                                                                                                                     special.
   known as the Emerald Coast, and, as our           a kids’ club, yoga and hiking. Yet perhaps
   picture shows, pops its head out onto the         Mukul’s USP is its atmosphere, it has an
   Pacific shore. The individual villas with         uncommon magic about it.

   25 SAND VALLEY                                       26 QUINTA DO LAGO                                 28 PRAIA D’EL REY                                29 FAIRMONT JASPER PARK                         30 LE TOUESSROK                                 31 THE BROADMOOR
      WISCONSIN, USA                                       ALGARVE, PORTUGAL                                 OBIDOS, PORTUGAL                                 ALBERTA, CANADA                                 TROU D’EAU DOUCE , MAURITIUS                    COLORADO SPRINGS, USA
   Courses 37 Accommodation 16                          Courses 33 Accommodation 17                       Courses 34 Accommodation 16                      Course 32 Accommodation 18                      Course 26 Accommodation 19                      Courses 31 Accommodation 19
   Amenities 14 Setting 17 Total 84                     Amenities 17 Setting 17 Total 84                  Amenities 15 Setting 19 Total 84                 Amenities 15 Setting 19 Total 84                Amenities 19 Setting 20 TOTAL 84                Amenities 18 Setting 16 TOTAL 84
   Two courses in our World Top 100 – Sand              Part of what is a large village in the Algarve,   Two courses in the top 30 of our continental     It took 50 teams of horses and 200 men a        One of the world’s great locations for golf,    Has two courses, the East and West, both
   Valley by Coore-Crenshaw (2017) and                  there wasn’t a hotel attached to the courses      European list, plus a Marriott hotel quietly     year to clear boulders and debris on land for   Le Touessrok sits picture-perfectly on Ile      influenced by Donald Ross and Robert
   Mammoth Dunes by David McLay Kidd                    until they acquired the enjoyably quirky          at least as good as many more vaunted spots.     the No.71 in our World Top 100 Courses.         aux Cerfs (island of deer), made all the more   Trent Jones Snr. The former has staged the
   (2018), plus The Sandbox, a 17-hole short            Magnolia. Add it to the courses – the South       West Cliffs is one of Europe’s new               A Stanley Thompson design, it sits between      memorable by the boat trip to get there from    US Women’s Open and Jack Nicklaus’ first
   course. There are stylish Lodge rooms and            is a Top 100 fixture, the revamped North has      superstars, epic in scale and aesthetics,        the Rockies and glistening lakes. There are     the hotel jetty. The Shangri-La hotel is set    US Amateur win. Enjoyed by presidents and
   cottages, two restaurants, porch dining, food        been one and Laranjal easily could be – plus      while Praia D’el Rey is an old favourite that    442 delightful bedrooms and luxury cabins.      down on fingers of land stretching into the     celebrities, there are 84 rooms, a spa, pools,
   truck and tennis. One for the connoisseur.           fantastic sports, and QdL has much to enjoy.      still inspires. Superb Atlantic Ocean setting.   The spa headlines the non-golf appeal.          Indian Ocean. Just an amazing place.            10 restaurants, fitness centre and tennis.

108 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 109
TOP - The world's greatest getaways - WORLD RESORTS - Barnbougle

                                                                                                                                                                                                 36 EDEN ROC                                     37 GLORIA
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CAP CANA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC                    BELEK, TURKEY
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Course 30 Accommodation 19                      Courses 30 Accommodation 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Amenities 16 Setting 18 Total 83                Amenities 19 Setting 16 TOTAL 83
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jack Nicklaus’ Punta Espada design is           Three courses and three hotels all within a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 routed along cliffs and next to beaches         drive and a mid-iron from each other make
                                                                                                                                                                                                 and waterfalls. Opulent accommodation           this one of Europe’s great resorts. The golf
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ranging from boutique villas with private       is consistently good across all courses and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 pools to beachfront suites. Amenities range     the hotels offer something a little different
                                                                                                                                                                                                 from mountain bikes to scuba. A high-end        to cater for all tastes. The common theme is

                                                                                                                                                                                                 resort done exceptionally tastefully.           luxury, with an incredible array of amenities.


  Course 25 Accommodation 19                                                                                                                                                                     38 THE GREENBRIER                               39 THE K CLUB
  Amenities 19 Setting 20 TOTAL 83
                                                                                                                                                                                                    CHARLESTON, USA                                 DUBLIN, IRELAND
  A beach recognised as one of the world’s       that is just one small part of the awesome
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Courses 33 Accommodation 18                     Courses 29 Accommodation 19
  most beautiful is a good start to a resort.    Lemuria experience. This picture gives
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Amenities 16 Setting 16 Total 83                Amenities 18 Setting 17 Total 83
  Anse Georgette (top left on this picture),     you a good taste of what to expect, but also
  really is that good, too. It is the achingly   add in the cute little white-wood villas                                                                                                        The Old White by icons Seth Raynor and          Enjoying a real renaissance at the
  beautiful backdrop to the all-world 15th,      just yards from the lapping waves of the                                                                                                        Charles Blair Macdonald opened in 1914.         moment, with investment on and off
  a drop par 3 that takes some beating as        Indian Ocean. Watersports, tennis, a spa,                                                                                                       Raynor then added The Greenbrier,               the course, the 2006 Ryder Cup host is a
  an Insta brag or screensaver. That is the      yoga, a gym and terrific food complement                                                                                                        which has hosted the Ryder and Solheim          brilliant all-rounder. The courses are two
  outstanding highlight of a lovely course       the peerless setting and accommodation.                                                                                                         Cups, and The Meadows. Plus a wealth            of Ireland’s finest, with the Palmer (now
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of rooms, restaurants and bars plus spa,        the Palmer North) offering a thrilling finale,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 pool, fitness.                                  while the rooms are absolutely fabulous.

  33 ONE&ONLY PALMILLA                              34 SANDALS EMERALD BAY                      35 SEA ISLAND                                   40 FOUR SEASONS LANAI                            41 HERITAGE AWALI                               42 ARDFIN
      LOS CABOS, MEXICO                                GREAT EXUMA, BAHAMAS                        SEA ISLAND, USA                                 HAWAII, USA                                      BEL OMBRE , MAURITIUS                           JURA, SCOTLAND
  Course 26 Accommodation 20                        Course 28 Accommodation 18                  Courses 32 Accommodation 18                     Course 27 Accommodation 18                       Course 27 Accommodation 19                      Course 33 Accommodation 20
  Amenities 19 Setting 18 Total 83                  Amenities 18 Setting 19 Total 83            Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 83                Amenities 19 Setting 18 Total 82                 Amenities 18 Setting 18 TOTAL 82                Amenities 9 Setting 20 TOTAL 82
  Opened in 1992, this was Jack Nicklaus’           This oceanfront resort in Great Exuma       Three courses – the Seaside, which looks like   This adults-only, luxury retreat is famed for    Stay at Heritage Awali or nearby sister hotel   The marks tell the story; a wonderful
  first signature course in Latin America. It       boasts a Greg Norman design with six        a links and is characterised by tidal creeks,   its wellness consultations, spa treatments,      Le Telfair and play at Heritage Golf Club,      course in a breathtaking setting with world-
  has three nines with four lakes and notable       holes hugging the coastline of a gorgeous   dunes, salt marshes and the Atlantic – the      fitness and wellbeing classes. A Jack            a couple of minutes away by transfer.           class accommodation... but it is very much
  elevation changes. The range and quality of       peninsula. Host of the Bahamas Great        Plantation, where Davis Love grew up and        Nicklaus course on lava outcrops hugs the        The Peter Matkovich design is technically       a break for golfers because if you want non-
  accommodation has few peers in this list.         Exuma Classic on the Korn Ferry Tour.       has been remodelled – and the fun Retreat.      Pacific on three holes. Accommodation is         excellent and tranquil. Beachside Awali has     golf amenities, it’s not for you. The Bob
  There are non-golf experiences for families       There is a huge spa, a deepwater marina,    Three hotels, cottages, hunting lodge, 13       achingly chic. Five restaurants, tennis, pool,   an Africa-themed design; a wonderful hotel      Harrison course is already one of Scotland’s
  and couples. Simply a stay in paradise.           11 restaurants and stylish accommodation.   restaurants and a host of outdoor activities.   cultural tours, fishing, and fabulous setting.   with a peerless spa and superb dining.          finest, and the bedrooms simply exquisite.

110 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 111

                   Paradise Found on                                                                                        VERDURA RESORT UNVEILS NEW-LOOK EAST COURSE
                                                                                                                            Verdura Resort has returned to 45 holes

                   Sicily’s South Coast
                                                                                                                            with the reopening this autumn of the
                                                                                                                            spectacular, new-look East Course
                                                                                                                            following a major redesign at the award-
                                                                                                                            winning Sicilian venue.
                                                                                                                               Globally acclaimed golf architect Kyle
                                                                                                                            Phillips returned to the site of his original
                   Welcome to Verdura Resort: 230 hectares of sun-kissed Mediterranean                                      creation to upgrade the 18-hole
                                                                                                                            championship layout and has spent the
                                  coastline, countryside, spa and golf.                                                     last three years reworking his magic at
                                                                                                                            the resort, a Rocco Forte Hotel.

                    live trees, orange groves and    Verdura Resort is an oasis, a centre                                      The extensive renovation has seen
                    white-sand beaches. Tennis       of wellbeing, escapism and indulgence                                  a number of new features added and
                    courts, water sports,            set against the backdrop of charming                                   modifications made to the routing of the        layout added definition.                       Forte Sicilian Open, Verdura Resort
           championship golf and kids’ clubs.        Sicilian villages, ancient Greek and                                   East Course and the neighbouring West              Phillips said: “We have certainly made      is nestled in 230 hectares of stunning
           Infinity pools, thalassotherapy and the   Roman sites and the beautiful, blue                                    Course. The reordering of hole numbers          the most of the terrain available to us. The   Mediterranean landscape on Sicily’s
           flagship Rocco Forte Spa. Fine dining,    Mediterranean Sea.                                                     has allowed for the restoration of former       course is new and fresh and I think it will    southern coast. The courses and
           healthy eating and world-famous local       Luxury accommodation comes in the                                    favourite holes and brings exciting new         be really well received. It has definitely     facilities combined have established
           wine. Luxurious eco-architecture and      form of suites and family rooms, to the                                additions, while the planting of fescue         reached the level we were striving for.”       Verdura as one of the world’s elite golf
           organic ingredients, grown on our land.   brand-new Rocco Forte Private Villas.     Rocco Forte Private Villas   grasses throughout the course gives the            Home of the European Tour’s Rocco           and lifestyle destinations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Phone +39 0925 9980 01

112 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 113

  43 HALF MOON JAMAICA                              44 LAUCALA                                      45 CARTON HOUSE
      MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA                             LAUCALA ISLAND, FIJI                            DUBLIN, IRELAND
  Course 27 Accommodation 19                        Course 27 Accommodation 19                      Courses 31 Accommodation 18
  Amenities 18 Setting 18 Total 82                  Amenities 17 Setting 19 Total 82                Amenities 17 Setting 16 Total 82
  A course by Robert Trent Jones Snr from           Owned by Red Bull magnate Dietrich              Would not have looked out of place 15 places
  1962 that’s routed through an old sugar cane      Mateschitz, this tropical hideaway has ‘just’   higher – that’s how good it is, but also how
  estate, hugging the slopes of hills overlooking   25 villas or it would be higher. They are all   high the quality is. Two courses of even
  Half Moon. There are 210 elegant rooms            luxury versions of traditional Fijian houses,   standard – the Montgomerie and O’Meara –
  and 27 villas. Resort amenities start with        with pool and mod cons. David McLay Kidd        are beautifully presented, while the hotel is
  two miles of beach plus gym, tennis, scuba,       course is predictably spectacular. There are    five star and then some. Can charm couples,
  water sports, squash and horse riding.            five bars and restaurants, a spa and stable.    groups and families very, very easily.

  46 LE PARADIS                                     47 DOONBEG                                      48 CAPE KIDNAPPERS
      BEL OMBRE, MAURITIUS                             KILKEE, IRELAND                                 HAWKE’S BAY, NEW ZEALAND
  Course 27 Accommodation 18                        Course 31 Accommodation 19                      Course 33 Accommodation 16
  Amenities 18 Setting 19 Total 82                  Amenities 12 Setting 19 TOTAL 81                Amenities 12 Setting 20 TOTAL 81
  Spread out between the mountains and              What it lacks in quantity it makes up for in    Runs a little contrary to our mantra of
  white sand of Le Morne peninsula, the             quality. Just one course, a relatively small    eschewing ‘courses with rooms’ as only a
  course offers Insta-worthy moments on             amount of accommodation and limited             handful of guests can stay at one time. The
  more or less every hole. There are 299            non-golf amenities, but the golf and rooms      accommodation is exquisite, though. And
  stylish rooms, suites or villas. Sister hotel     are indubitably world-class. The setting for    there is a gorgeous spa and farm to explore.
  Dinarobin next door gives it a total of eight     both, perched on the edge of the Atlantic,      And did we mention the Tom Doak-
  restaurants. A wide range of activities.          is magnificent. Oozes effortless class.         designed clifftop, World Top 100 course?

  49 GOLF DU MEDOC                                  50 FINCA CORTESIN                               51 ATLANTIS BAHAMAS
      BORDEAUX, FRANCE                                 MALAGA, SPAIN                                   PARADISE ISLAND, BAHAMAS
  Courses 33 Accommodation 16                       Course 27 Accommodation 20                      Course 26 Accommodation 19
  Amenities 14 Setting 17 Total 80                  Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 80                Amenities 17 Setting 18 Total 80
  A Bill Coore-designed course – with echoes        The top-ranked single-course resort in          Ocean Club is a part of the Atlantis Resort
  of Walton Heath – when he wasn’t the huge         continental Europe has a Cabell Robinson-       on Paradise Island, and you have a choice
  name he is now is the big attraction here,        designed layout on an adventurous               of several excellent hotels, each offering high-
  but there’s a second entry in our continental     landscape. Immaculately manicured, with         end accommodation and amenities. The
  Top 100 too (by Coore’s right-hand man, Rod       flawless brand-new greens. A hotel of class     Tom Weiskopf-designed course has seven
  Whitman). Neat hotel, nice spa, food and the      and opulence with very few peers, even          holes that border the ocean and all but one
  wine (note the location) is naturally divine.     among this most illustrious company.            have views of the Bahamas’ blue waters.


                                                                                                                                                                                                  Course 28 Accommodation 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 78
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Let’s start with the setting. Michlifen sits
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in the heart of the Atlas Mountains at an altitude
                                                                                                                                                                                       AFRICAN    of 1,650m. This Alpine-esque twist in North Africa
                                                                                                                                                                                                  gives the Jack Nicklaus course constantly changing
                                                                                                                                                                                                  elevation and character as it traverses craggy

                                                                                                                                                                                                  ravines, winds through forests and follows the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  edge of bluffs. The Alpine theme continues in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  gorgeous accommodation. Fewer amenities than
  52 SANDALS ST LUCIA                              53 LA QUINTA RESORT                            54 ANAHITA                                             IFRANE, MOROCCO                          some, but a truly world-class destination.

      GROS ISLET, ST LUCIA                            PALM SPRINGS, USA                              BEAU CHAMP, MAURITIUS
  Course 26 Accommodation 18                       Courses 33 Accommodation 16                    Course 25 Accommodation 19
  Amenities 18 Setting 18 Total 80                 Amenities 15 Setting 16 Total 80               Amenities 17 Setting 18 Total 79
  Sandals St Lucia is a Greg Norman-               The well-regarded Stadium at PGA West,         Set among 213 hectares of tropical gardens,
  designed course featuring dramatic               the Mountain (nestled at the base of the       this five-star resort features an Ernie Els-
  elevation changes as it travels between lush     Santa Rosa Mountains) and the faux links       designed course with six ocean-front holes
  Caribbean vegetation. Luxury hotels at La        Dunes – all by Pete Dye – plus designs by      and a high-octane climax. Also add in
  Toc (has nine holes on site) and Halcyon,        Jack Nicklaus and Greg Norman in a five-       gorgeous accommodation, two beaches,
  but Grande St Lucian is far the best option      course offering. More than 1,000 rooms,        spa, boutiques, fitness centre, tennis courts,
  as it is five minutes away. A gorgeous spot.     seven restaurants, a spa, pool and tennis.     kids’ & teens’ club and a water sports centre.

  55 WESTIN ABU DHABI                              56 SANDALS OCHI                                58 DOM PEDRO VILAMOURA
      ABU DHABI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                 OCHO RIOS, JAMAICA                             ALGARVE, PORTUGAL
  Course 27 Accommodation 18                       Course 26 Accommodation 18                     Courses 31 Accommodation 16
  Amenities 18 Setting 16 Total 79                 Amenities 18 Setting 17 Total 79               Amenities 15 Setting 16 Total 78
  A course of impressive technical merit that      Formerly known as Upton, Sandals               Surpassed by few in this ranking in terms
  has hosted one of the European Tour’s            renovated the course they acquired in 1992     of quantity; the Dom Pedro group have five
  flagship events for many years and which is      and turned it into one of the finest in the    courses and three hotels to choose from.
  always in fabulous condition. The 1st tee is     Caribbean. Rolling fairways in lush hills of   The Old (a continental Top 100 fixture) and
  a gap wedge from the Westin hotel, with          Ocho Rios offer sea and mountain views,        European Tour venue Victoria are joined by
  many bedrooms overlooking the course.            but Sandals Ochi Beach and Royal Plantation    Laguna, Millennium and Pinhal. Three tidy
  Facilities led by a super spa. Epic breakfast.   are 15 minutes away, hence a lost mark.        hotels near the beach/Vilamoura marina.

  59 FOUR SEASONS HUALALAI                         60 PGA NATIONAL TURKEY                         61 REYNOLDS LAKE OCONEE                           62 PUEBLO BONITO                                   63 KAURI CLIFFS                                 64 MAZAGAN BEACH
      KAILUA-KONA, HAWAII                             BELEK, TURKEY                                  ATLANTA, USA                                      CABO SAN LUCAS, MEXICO                             MATAURI BAY, NEW ZEALAND                        EL JADIDA, MOROCCO
  Course 28 Accommodation 17                       Courses 30 Accommodation 16                    Courses 32 Accommodation 16                       Courses 28 Accommodation 16                        Course 31 Accommodation 16                      Courses 30 Accommodation 17
  Amenities 15 Setting 18 Total 78                 Amenities 17 Setting 15 Total 78               Amenities 14 Setting 16 Total 78                  Amenities 15 Setting 19 Total 78                   Amenities 12 Setting 19 Total 78                Amenities 15 Setting 16 Total 78
  A sleek hotel with 25 villas, suites and         Two courses of very balanced quality, with     This American super-resort halfway                “I’ve never seen any place that has three          A World Top 100 course in a breathtaking        In a location that takes in 7km of beach, add
  rooms, six restaurants, fishing, spa and         the Sultan a European Tour host that is a      between Atlanta and Augusta has 251               holes hanging out over the ocean like this.        setting is the main allure of this resort.      492 rooms and suites to 13 restaurants and
  triathlon clinic among its amenities. The        fixture in our continental Top 100, and the    rooms, five restaurants, a spa, fitness centre,   They are unbelievable.” So says Quivira’s          Like sister property Cape Kidnappers, it        bars, plus myriad non-golf activities, and
  Jack Nicklaus course begins in a lush oasis      Pasha an entertaining and high-class No.2.     tennis and swimming pools. But the golf is        designer Jack Nicklaus. The course is              is close to a ‘course with rooms’. But if you   you have a very attractive proposition. Into
  before flowing across green fairways set         There are two hotels, the Kempinski and        the main attraction, with five courses by the     only open to guests of Pueblo Bonito, an           aren’t seeking lots of amenities, you will      that mix also add a Gary Player-design golf
  against black lava, then returning to the        the Sirene, both packed with amenities.        likes of Jack Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf set       adults-only luxury resort with facilities          love the spectacular course and the limited     course in immaculate condition and with
  ocean for the finale. All-round class.           A brilliant option for groups and families.    in tranquil lake and woodland locations.          and accommodation of a dreamy level.               (in number) but opulent accommodation.          sea views for another Moroccan superstar.

116 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 117

The Palace in the Glen
                                                                                                                                                short-game skill. For many guests, there is
                                                                                                                                                no better course for a late-afternoon stroll,
                                                                                                                                                as the sun slowly sets on the estate.
                                                                                                                                                   Finally, for those wishing to follow in the
Gleneagles, the iconic Scottish hotel and sporting estate, is the World’s                                                                       footsteps of Ryder Cup and Solheim Cup
                                                                                                                                                heroes, The PGA Centenary Course awaits.
#1 Golf Resort outside of the USA. Guests visiting this spectacular                                                                             Designed by Jack Nicklaus, it has been the
850-acre ‘Glorious Playground’ can expect an indulgence of history-                                                                             setting for some of the most dramatic
                                                                                                                                                scenes in professional team golf.
laden golf, a wealth of leisure pursuits and the finest hospitality.                                                                               Its modern layout, with large greens,
                                                                                                                                                accommodating fairways and lush, all-
                                                                                                                                                year-round conditioning make it a perfect

I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          WATCH THE
   nspired by Gleneagles’ roaring 1920s                                                                                                         setting for a competitive match among
   heritage, this quintessentially British                                                                                                      friends. You’ll need to be strong and
   hotel and sporting estate continues to                                                                                                       straight off the tee to master what has                                                                  GOLFING GREATS
reaffirm its position as a leading, one-                                                                                                        become one of Scotland’s finest                    The King’s – Hole 1                                   AT GLENEAGLES
of-a-kind luxury destination.                                                                                                                   contemporary inland layouts, and a perfect                                                               Following on from the huge success
   Set beneath the Ochil Hills, in the heart                                                                                                    partner to Braid’s more intricate classics.        FOOD AND BEVERAGE                                  of The Ryder Cup (2014) and The Solheim
of Perthshire, it has been a must-go                                                                                                                                                               Nowhere exemplifies the hotel’s style                 Cup (2019), Gleneagles will host The
destination for nearly a century, beginning                                                                                                     BEDROOMS                                           better than its restaurants and bars.                  Senior Open Presented by Rolex in
its life in the glamorous age of travel when                                                                                                    As glorious as the landscape that frames           There is something for everyone, from                           2022 (July 21-24).
guests arrived in great style at Gleneagles’                                                                                                    them, every bedroom at Gleneagles offers           relaxed clubhouse lunches in The Dormy               Played on The King’s Course, the 35th
own railway station, still in use today.                                                                                                        a luxury 5-star hotel feel.                        to fine dining at Andrew Fairlie,                  edition of the tournament will welcome a
   The 850-acre estate showcases the                                                                                                               All are individually inspired by the            Scotland’s only two Michelin-starred                host of golfing stars, including some of
natural beauty for which Scotland is famed                                                                                                      mountains and moorlands, rivers and                restaurant experience.                               golf’s most decorated players, among
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            them a host of Major winners.
and offers guests a playground of country                                                                                                       lochs of the Perthshire countryside and               The Dormy’s laid-back charm makes
pursuits and activities, with golf sitting                                                                                                      epitomise country house elegance, each             it a firm favourite with golfers, families
proudly at its core.                                                                                                                            carefully designed to offer warm, home-            and their friends. With an open fire and
                                               The Queen’s – Hole 10                                                                            from-home comforts.                                inspiring views across The King’s and
GOLF                                                                                                                                               Eight different categories of rooms and         The Queen’s courses, it creates the perfect
You are spoiled for choice when you arrive     National Golf Academy and a pitch & putt       greenside run-offs, marrying perfectly with       suites are available, either from within the       place for post-round relaxation.
at the world-famous Gleneagles hotel. With     course, makes Gleneagles a perfect solution    intricate green complexes and a host of           sweeping staircases and historic nooks of             A hearty menu of grill classics, and
three 18-hole championship golf courses –      for beginners, social groups and families.     testing drives.                                   the main house, or the more modern, Braid          specialities from the tandoor ovens, will
all featuring in the Golf World Top 100          For aficionados, the two classics designed     Its sister course, The Queen’s, is a slightly   House, which offers guests convenient              appeal to all tastes and appetites.
rankings – the wealth of golf on offer is      by James Braid – The King’s and The            more relaxed affair, but no less challenging.     access to the wellness facilities including a
staggering. The courses each offer very        Queen’s – have been welcoming golfers for        Often referred to as one of the finest par      gym, pool and spectacular spa.                     PURSUITS
different experiences, so there is something   more than 100 years.                           68 layouts in the UK, it requires precision                                                          Gleneagles offers the perfect retreat for       Spa
for everyone, and every ability.                 The King’s brings links-style golf to        and patience to master its pristine fairways                                                         those looking for authentic relaxation, fun
   The addition of the Wee Course, a 9-hole    the heather-dotted Perthshire heathland,       and greens. It’s a course that requires                                                              and adventure. It has an unrivalled range       SPA
par three course, a state-of-the-art PGA       with a mix of rolling fairways and             thought, ingenuity and copious amounts of
                                                                                                                                                      TEE IT UP IN 2022                            of pursuits including over 50 outdoor           2021 saw the opening of a newly refurbished
                                                                                                                                                    From March 2022, enjoy one night in the        activities, led by passionate experts who are   spa at Gleneagles, a soothing haven from
                                                                                                                                                    hotel and one round of golf on any of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   all leaders in their field.                     everyday stresses where spirits are lifted
                                                                                                                                                    three championship courses from £435
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Among the many experiences offered,          and your body can rest, recover and restore.
                                                                                                                                                   per room, based on two people sharing a
                                                                                                                                                         room and a round of golf each.            you can try your hand at falconry with            With beautiful new spaces for restoration
                                                                                                                                                      Including breakfast, you’ll also have        Harris Hawks, archery, clay target and          and rejuvenation, spa treatments and
                                                                                                                                                      complimentary access to the Health           air rifle shooting, horse riding at the         experiences have been designed in
                                                                                                                                                   Club facilities, pitch & putt, outdoor tennis   equestrian centre, indoor and outdoor           collaboration with some of the world’s
                                                                                                                                                                and Pashley bikes.                 tennis, off-roading, cycling, gundog            leading wellness brands including Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   training and fly fishing.                       Barbara Sturm and Tata Harper.

    n 233 luxury bedrooms, including
    27 suites
    n 9 restaurants and bars
    n Over 50 outdoor activities
    n Three 18-hole championship
    golf courses
    n An award-winning destination spa
    n Complimentary access to indoor
    and outdoor swimming pool, gym,
    tennis courts, croquet, Pashley bikes
    and pitch & putt                                                                                                                            Manor Room                                         The Century Bar                                 Clay Shooting
    n Direct train access from London,
                                                                                                                               PGA Centenary
    and flights to/from Edinburgh and                                                                                               – Hole 18                                                   MAKE YOUR RESERVATION
    Glasgow airports                                                                                                                                           Call Resort Sales on 0800 704 705 to check availability and make a booking.

  65 HAMBANTOTA                                    66 BANYAN TREE, PHUKET                           67 GRAND WAILEA                                     68 OMNI HOMESTEAD                               69 CELTIC MANOR                                   70 FRENCH LICK
      AMBALANTOTA, SRI LANKA                           PHUKET, THAILAND                                 MAUI, HAWAII                                       VIRGINIA, USA                                   NEWPORT, WALES                                    LOUISVILLE, USA
  Course 24 Accommodation 19                       Course 26 Accommodation 18                       Courses 30 Accommodation 17                         Courses 28 Accommodation 17                     Courses 29 Accommodation 17                       Courses 30 Accommodation 16
  Amenities 17 Setting 18 Total 78                 Amenities 17 Setting 17 Total 78                 Amenities 14 Setting 17 Total 78                    Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 78                Amenities 17 Setting 15 Total 78                  Amenities 16 Setting 16 Total 78
  Designed by Rodney Wright, the course at         Luxury, all-pool villas nestled around a         Three courses with awesome views of                 Sitting in the natural beauty of the            A course that has been in our GB&I Top 100        Nestled in Hoosier National Forest, this is an
  Shangri-La’s Hambantota on the south-east        lagoon, surrounded by lush greenery and          Mount Haleakala and the Pacific. The Blue           Allegheny Mountains, the two                    and has the ‘experience’ factor of having         American resort oozing pedigree. It is home
  coast of Sri Lanka is a delight. Set among a     edged by the sweeping white sands of Bang        is on the lush lower slopes, the Trent Jones        championship courses – Cascades and the         hosted a Ryder Cup is backed up by two            to two historic hotels, two spas, and even a
  coconut plantation and framed by lakes and       Tao Beach. Laguna Golf Phuket was                Gold is a real test, the Emerald a fun round.       Old – have entertained Presidents Taft,         other 18-holers – a good start. Add to that a     casino in addition to 45 holes of golf. The
  the Indian Ocean. Its exquisite, effortlessly    renovated by Paul Jansen in 2014 and offers      There are 383 rooms, four restaurants, a spa,       Eisenhower and Bush. There are 423 rooms,       five-star hotel – with extensive amenities –      great Donald Ross’ 1917 creation hosted the
  good beachfront hotel has many amenities.        an enjoyable test. Kids’ club, fitness, pools,   tennis, pool, and fitness in 40 acres of tropical   five restaurants, a spa, pool, hiking/biking,   and other accommodation options and you           1924 US PGA and was later joined by Pete
  For the connoisseur, quietly magnificent.        tennis and yoga make it a complete package.      gardens just a few steps from Wailea Beach.         zipline, fishing, pools and equestrian.         have an exceptionally rounded offering.           Dye’s 18 and nine by Tom Bendelow.

                                       Courses 30 Accommodation 16
                                       Amenities 16 Setting 16 Total 78

                                       La Cala’s cosy hotel is perfect for a relaxing
    THREE                              afternoon by the pool, enjoying a world-
                                       class spa and indulging in La Bodega’s to-
                                       die-for tapas. But all that is topped by its

           LA CALA
                                       golf offering. It has 54 holes and good luck
                                       trying to do a 1-2-3 of the courses, they’re
                                       so evenly balanced. The common theme?                                                                            71 THE BELFRY                                   72 MOUNT JULIET                                   74 FAIRMONT ST ANDREWS
        MALAGA, SPAIN                  They’ve just been impressively renovated.                                                                           SUTTON COLDFIELD, ENGLAND                       KILKENNY, IRELAND                                 ST ANDREWS, SCOTLAND
                                                                                                                                                        Courses 30 Accommodation 15                     Course 28 Accommodation 18                        Courses 27 Accommodation 17
                                                                                                                                                        Amenities 18 Setting 15 Total 78                Amenities 17 Setting 15 Total 78                  Amenities 16 Setting 18 Total 78
                                                                                                                                                        A three-course resort, a refurbished hotel      A course by Jack Nicklaus that has hosted         Lacks for absolutely nothing. Want an
                                                                                                                                                        and a definite feeling of an ‘experience’       the European Tour and a WGC. It is a              Insta-worthy setting? Feast your phone
                                                                                                                                                        given its Ryder Cup history. The Brabazon       beautifully manicured parkland that’s             camera on its cliff-edge holes. Want more
                                                                                                                                                        is in truth by far the best of the trio, but    regarded as one of the top three inland           than one course on site? Try its two Scottish
                                                                                                                                                        expect all three to be in perfect condition     courses in Ireland. A luxury hotel that is        Top 100 fixtures. Want a stylish hotel with
                                                                                                                                                        year round. Lots for the family to do away      a wonderful retreat and will leave even the       amenities to keep everyone happy? The
                                                                                                                                                        from the course, inside and out.                most discerning traveller satisfied.              Fairmont effortlessly obliges.

                                                                                                                                                        75 LOUGH ERNE                                   76 THE GROVE                                      77 FOUR SEASONS
                                                                                                                                                           ENNISKILLEN, NORTHERN IRELAND                   WATFORD, ENGLAND                               TROON NORTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SCOTTSDALE, USA
                                                                                                                                                        Courses 29 Accommodation 16                     Course 27 Accommodation 17
                                                                                                                                                        Amenities 15 Setting 18 Total 78                Amenities 18 Setting 16 Total 78                  Courses 29 Accommodation 15
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 77
                                                                                                                                                        The Nick Faldo design has been in our           A country estate on the outskirts of
                                                                                                                                                        GB&I Top 100 and makes the most of its          London, The Grove is a true all-rounder.          This Scottsdale resort has more than 200
                                                                                                                                                        setting among lakes. Sprinkled with             The Kyle Phillips course has been a GB&I          rooms, four restaurants, a spa, tennis,
                                                                                                                                                        memorable holes, this excellent parkland        Top 100 entry and is in sensational nick all      hiking and biking, all in an exhilarating desert
                                                                                                                                                        is backed up by the Castle Hume layout.         year round. The hotel hosts the England           setting. The golf is a short transfer away at the
                                                                                                                                                        There is a wonderful hotel offering a luxury    football team, as an indication of its quality.   celebrated Pinnacle and Monument courses,
                                                                                                                                                        stay in a very characterful building.           Loads of amenities for all the family.            the latter by Weiskopf and Morrish.

120 ISSUE 421 TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TODAYSGOLFER.CO.UK ISSUE 421 121

                                                     79 ADDRESS
                                                         DUBAI, UAE
                                                     Course 25 Accommodation 19
                                                     Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 77

  78 OLD COURSE HOTEL                                Sits very close to the centre
      ST ANDREWS, SCOTLAND                           of Dubai’s buzz, yet in its
  Course 25 Accommodation 19                         own little tranquil, green
  Amenities 17 Setting 16 Total 77                   setting. The course is very
  A five-star hotel with opulent rooms and           playable and has the
  a wealth of facilities that has a mystical         famous skyline to line up
  setting, given it overlooks 17 and 18 of the       against. Limited rooms but
  Old Course. The golf is the heathland              they are wonderful. Pool
  Duke’s, however, a short drive away (which         and gym head the facilities.
  loses it a point). Otherwise majestic.

  80 THE MACHRIE                                   81 LA MANGA                                   82 TROIA
      ISLAY, SCOTLAND                                 MURCIA, SPAIN                                 LISBON, PORTUGAL
  Course 31 Accommodation 16                       Courses 29 Accommodation 14                   Course 29 Accommodation 16
  Amenities 13 Setting 17 Total 77                 Amenities 19 Setting 15 Total 77              Amenities 15 Setting 17 Total 77
  Probably the oldest resort in the ranking,       Don’t dismiss La Manga. It has echoes         A course by Robert Trent Jones Snr that
  but it’s had the most wonderful and              of tabloid tales of football teams in the     has an enviable seaside location just
  comprehensive makeover in every sense.           ’90s, but the courses are all good – the      south of Portugal’s capital, plus a few
  DJ Russell has made the links playable yet       West the pick – and the facilities are so     hotel options to choose from that offer
  still super fun and the hotel is high end.       comprehensive. The hotel lets it down a       non-golf entertainment too. The course
  For the links lover, absolute perfection.        little, but the townhouses are excellent.     is continental top-10 standard.

  83 LE TOUQUET                                    84 DOVE MOUNTAIN                              85 MONTGOMERIE MAXX
      LE TOUQUET, FRANCE                              TUCSON, USA                                   BELEK, TURKEY
  Courses 31 Accommodation 16                      Courses 28 Accommodation 17                   Course 25 Accommodation 19
  Amenities 12 Setting 17 Total 76                 Amenities 15 Setting 16 Total 76              Amenities 17 Setting 15 Total 76
  A tale of refurbishment on and off the           Surrounded by the canyons of the              When we say the hotel is probably the
  course. La Mer has been renovated by             Tortolita Mountains, this Ritz-Carlton        most glitzy and opulent in Belek, you
  Frank Pont and is just brilliant. There are      desert retreat has 253 rooms, five            know it’s pretty flashy – it rivals the UAE
  two more courses, too. The hotel, which          restaurants, high-class spa, tennis, pool     for sparkle! Lots of amenities (standard
  used to feel a little tired, is now fresh,       and fitness. Two of the three Jack Nicklaus   Belek) and a course that has been in our
  characterful and an ideal base for a break.      nines are the host of the WGC Match Play.     continental Europe Top 100.

  86 BOYNE HIGHLANDS                               87 EL SALER                                   88 BANYAN TREE LANG CO
      HARBOR SPRINGS, USA                             VALENCIA, SPAIN                               DA NANG CITY, VIETNAM
  Courses 30 Accommodation 16                      Course 31 Accommodation 15                    Course 26 Accommodation 17
  Amenities 15 Setting 15 Total 76                 Amenities 13 Setting 17 Total 76              Amenities 16 Setting 17 Total 76
  Boyne has three resorts close to each other,     Arguaby the best-designed course in           Luxurious all-pool villas between the
  but too far apart for us to deem it one entry.   Spain and one of the best on the whole        azure waters of Vietnam’s East Sea and
  Mountain and Inn Harbour are terrific but        continent. The Javier Arana masterpiece       the Truong Son mountains. All very chic.
  Highlands is the No.1, with four 18-holers       has an exhilarating seaside setting and       The course at Laguna Lang Co is a Sir
  and lots of accommodation intended to feel       is backed up by a pleasant hotel with         Nick Faldo design with stunning views.
  like an English country estate.                  views of the course and Mediterranean.        A gym and yoga head the amenities.


      Eat, Play, Stay Well…                                                                                                                      Signature dishes that focus on seasonal, high-
                    …at PGA Catalunya Golf and Wellness, Spain’s No.1 Golf Resort                                                                quality ingredients, sourced locally

                                 and a World Top 100 destination.

          new age of golf has dawned with                                                        WORLD-CLASS WELLNESS
          the sport becoming the wellness                                                        The new Wellness Centre is the first facility
          solution many are seeking for a                                                        in Spain to implement a MECOTEC double
healthy and happy lifestyle.                                                                     cryotherapy chamber and provide
   Spain’s #1 Golf Resort perfectly positions                                                    photobiomodulation treatments. It is also
itself to attract this emerging golf traveller                                                   the only one to collaborate with NADClinic,
and their families, offering guests a host of                                                    a pioneering IV infusions clinic in
sporting, leisure and wellness amenities,                                                        London, to provide guests with
enhanced by the opening of a new €5 million                                                      cutting-edge therapies.
                                                                                                                                                 A multitude of outdoor activities to enjoy PGA
                                                                                                                                                 Catalunya’s natural environment                                                                     EXPERIENCE GOLF
Wellness Centre.                                 The Stadium Course’s signature 13th                Visitors can now benefit from                                                                 The Wellness Centre’s relaxing Thermal Pavilion     AND WELLNESS
   Perfectly located just an hour from the                                                       personalised healing and high-tech              and natural environment.                                                                                 SPECIAL PACKAGE
vibrant city of Barcelona, 20 minutes from                                                       treatments, akin to those found at specialist      The weaving cycle routes enable families      create the famed local gastronomic scene                FROM €343 PPPN
the beaches of the Costa Brava, and 15                                                           clinics and elite athletic facilities, which    to discover the estate’s 500 hectares of         of Catalunya.
minutes from the historic city of Girona,                                                        include specifically tailored immune            unspoiled landscape, while the on-site forest       With five different dining options, all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Overnight stay includes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          n Green Fee on Tour Course
PGA Catalunya Golf and Wellness – a                                                              booster, DETOX, anti-ageing and sports          adventure park offers thrilling zip-wire         overseen by Executive Chef, David Vives,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              n Toptracer session
European Tour Destination – has built its                                                        recovery programmes.                            experiences through majestic pines. The          who hails from the famous El Celler de                n Choice of therapy treatment
reputation on an exceptional golf experience.                                                       The Centre’s Thermal Pavilion is the         forest trails, with the in-house biologist,      Can Roca, a triple winner of the prestigious         (Cryotherapy, Oxygen Chamber
   The spectacular and imposing Stadium                                                          perfect place to relax and fully unwind,        never fail to captivate young guests, while      Best Restaurant in the World accolade,                    or Photobiomodulation)
Course, home to three Spanish Open events                                                        offering unobstructed views of the resort       older generations can opt for calming yoga       guests can sample diverse menus, all              n Personal training session or signature
and a regular venue for European Tour              But while the lure of its golf courses, and   and the Montseny massif as its backdrop.        classes at sunset or indulgent wine tasting      featuring seasonal high-quality ingredients,          60-minute Bodywork massage
tournaments, has been consistently ranked as     best-in-class Golf Hub practice facilities,                                                     sessions within PGA Catalunya’s vineyards.       sourced locally.                                     n Access to the Wellness Centre’s
one of Europe’s finest since opening in 1999.    continue to attract families and aficionados    FAMILY TIME AND FRESH AIR                                                                           From a mouth-watering selection for                        Thermal Pavilion
   Its sister layout, the Tour Course, is        from across Europe and beyond, a major          PGA Catalunya Golf and Wellness                 RE-ENERGISE IN LUXURY                            breakfast to nutritious lunches and               n Full buffet breakfast + nutritious lunch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             n Flexible Cancellation
nestled among pine forests and lakes,            programme of investment has seen the            also offers a myriad of outdoor                 A stay at five-star Hotel Camiral affords the    indulgent dinners, guests soon realise why
offering a different challenge, suitable for     introduction of a host of new leisure           activities designed to encourage guests         opportunity to enjoy some of the region’s        this area of Spain is one of the most                      QUOTE TGT100
all levels of experience.                        amenities to enhance the visitor experience.    to enjoy its picturesque surroundings           freshest and finest produce that combine to      extraordinary dining destinations in Europe.      For free bottle of cava, 100 range
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      balls per person per day, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       essential aromatherapy oil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             +34 972 472 249
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